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很久很久以前邪恶的巫后 Once upon a time, an evil queen
把大家熟知的童话人物 banished every storybook character you've ever known
流放到了我们的世界 to our world.
究竟谁知道真相 Who knows the truth?
又是谁能解除她的魔咒 and who can break the spell?
你不能和诅咒作对 You don't play with the curse.
艾玛你抓错人了我没杀凯思琳 Emma, this is a mistake. I didn't kill Kathryn. 她是个被人伤透了心的女人 She is a woman who's had her heart broken.
这能让人做出极其恶毒的事 That can make you do unspeakable things.
你见过这个吗 Ever seen this before?
见过是我的首饰盒 That's my jewelry box.
心脏就是装在这个里面的 That's what we found the heart in.
现在证据越来越多 The evidence is piling up by the hour.
好吧你想说什么 Okay, what are you saying?
我想说你应该考虑雇个律师 You should think about hiring a lawyer.
亨利你在这干什么 Henry. What are you doing here?
我是来祝贺你的 I came to congratulate you.
祝贺什么 For what?
你的计划太棒了 Your genius plan.
什么计划亨利 And what plan's that, Henry?
好吧我走 Right.
抱歉我以为戈登先生也参与了呢 Sorry. I thought Mr. Gold was in on it
毕竟他现在是布兰切特老师的律师了 now that he's Ms. Blanchard's lawyer.
参与什么 In on what?
越狱的计划 The escape plan.
你说什么 The what?
警长能麻烦你过来一下吗 Sheriff, could you join me, please?
她逃跑了 She's gone.
亨利你都干了些什么 Henry, what did you do?
什么都没干我来的时候她就不在了 Nothing. She was gone when I got here.
明天是她传讯出庭的日子如果她不去 Her arraignment's tomorrow. If she's not there--
那她就成了逃犯 She's a fugitive.
不管她是否被判犯有谋杀罪都难逃法律制裁 Doesn't matter if she's convicted for Kathryn or not, she's screwed.
我得在别人发现她逃跑前找到她 I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing.
你是说瑞金娜 Oh, you mean Regina?
传讯是早上八点她肯定会早早赶来 The arraignment's at 8:00 a.m. I'm sure she'll be here
庆贺她奸计得逞 bright and early to celebrate her victory.
那你得赶在八点前找到她 You have until 8:00 a.m. then.
我呢我能帮什么忙 Uh, what about me? How can I help?
回家 Go home.
艾玛 Emma.
如果她离开童话镇 If she leaves Storybrooke--
现在不是说这个的时候快走 Not now, Henry. Come on.
斯旺小姐我知道时间紧迫 Ms. Swan, I know time is of the essence,
可如果布兰切特女士不能按时回来 but if Ms. Blanchard doesn't return,
她将前途堪忧 her future's in jeopardy,
如果有人发现你帮过她 and if you're caught helping her,
你也会受牵连 so is yours.
我不在乎 I don't care.
我宁可丢掉工作也不能失去朋友 I'd rather lose my job than my friend.
太抱歉了你没事吧 I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
-我刚刚没看见你 -应该没事 - I didn't see you there. - Uh, I-I think so.
确定吗 Are you sure?
我没事 I'm fine.
通常这么晚路上都没有车 I'm not used to sharing the road with cars so late.
你不是警长吗 You're the sheriff, aren't you?
正是 Yeah.
你这么晚了出来干什么 What brings you out here in the middle of the night?
没什么大不了的事 Oh, nothing to worry about.
就是来找一只走失的狗 I'm just looking for a lost dog.
希望你能找到它 Well, I hope you find it.
谢谢 Thank you.
你受伤了 Oh, you are hurt.
没事我觉得就是扭了脚 No, I just twisted my ankle, I think.
我家离这才一英里我能走回去 I live just a mile down the road. I'll make it okay. 我开车送你吧 No, let me drive you.
我坚持如此 I insist.
谢谢 Thank you.
我叫杰弗森 I'm Jefferson.
我是艾玛 Emma.
爸爸我找到你了 Papa, I found you.
可不是嘛 You certainly did.
你像猎犬一样机灵亲爱的格蕾丝 You must be part bloodhound, my dear Grace.
现在轮到我藏你找了 Now it's my turn to hide and you seek.
恐怕今天只能玩到这了 I'm afraid playtime's over.
不过你可以用你灵敏的小鼻子 Though you can still use that nose of yours
来找蘑菇多找点明天拿去集市卖 to hunt mushrooms, enough to sell at market tomorrow.
你能办到吗 Do you think you can do that?
准备好了吗我们走吧 Ready or not, here we come.
慢着 Wait.
那是谁的马车 Whose carriage is that?
皇后的 The queen's.
在我们家门前吗 In our house?
你认识她 Do you know her?
当然不认识 Of course not.
仔细听着 Now listen carefully. Hey.
你去躲在树林里 I want you to stay hidden in the woods,
就像捉迷藏一样 like our game.
我去问明她来做什么 I'm gonna find out what she's doing here.
我想说你气色不错杰弗森 I'd like to say you're looking well, Jefferson,
但那无疑是谎话 but I'd be lying.
贫穷并不适合你 Poverty doesn't suit you.
你来这里干什么瑞金娜 What are you doing here, Regina?
我有份工作要给你 I have a job for you.
我不再做那个了 I don't do that anymore.
是的我听说你"挂帽"了为什么 Yes, I heard you hung up your hat. Why?
是因为你那可爱的女儿格蕾丝吗 Is it because of your sweet daughter Grace?
因为我的工作她失去了母亲 Because of my work, she lost her mother.
我不想让她再失去父亲 I don't want her to lose her father, too.
所以现在你以寻菌类为生吗 So now you're foraging for fungus.
和你待在这儿你女儿又会有怎样的未来 What kind of future does your daughter have here with you?
再最后帮我这一次 Do this one last favor for me,
你就能给女儿她应得的生活了 and you can give her the life she deserves.
这就是我待在这里的原因 That's why I'm staying.
对家人不离不弃 You don't abandon family.
那才是她... That's...
应得的 what she deserves.
现在请你离开 Now please leave.
我只需借你特殊的技艺带我去个地方 All I need is your special skills to get me somewhere.
一个你以前就去过的地方 Somewhere you've been before.
只要帮我我就能改变你的生活 Do it, and I can change your life.
你去那里要做什么 What business could you possibly have there?
我有样东西被人夺去流落到了那里 Something of mine was taken and found its way over there.
我想把它找回来 I want it back.
那就找别人去取吧 Then find someone else to get it.
我明白了 I see.
艰难的生活让你意志更为坚定了 Hard living has strengthened your resolve.
真遗憾我没能说服你 Well, I'm sorry I couldn't convince you,
但我理解 but I understand.
没有什么比家庭更重要了 There's nothing more important than family.
这是你家吗 Wow. This is your house?
看上去更像是座旅馆 It looks more like a hotel.
你一定有个大家庭吧 You must have a huge family.
不就我一个人住 No. It's just me.
等一下 Here. Wait.
来 Here we go.
我觉得你会想先暖下身子再去搜寻 I thought you might want to warm up for your search. 外面挺冷的 It's cold out there.
谢谢但我该回去继续找 That is kind of you, but I think I should get back to it. 我知道 I know.
所以我带来了这个 That's why I brought this.
我算是个业余制图师 I'm a bit of an amateur cartographer.
画地图是我的爱好 Mapping the area is a hobby.
带上这个或许能帮你找到小狗 Maybe this will help you track down your dog.
他叫什么名字 What's his name?
点点 Spot.
真可爱 Cute.
六号路沿着森林边界所以... Well, route 6 runs the boundary of the forest, so... 如果我顺这条路走我就... so if I just follow that, I should...
就能... be able to...
怎么了 Is something wrong?
我只是觉得有点... I'm just, uh, feeling a little...
让我来帮你 Oh. Let me help you.
头晕 Dizzy.
你先躺下来吧 Let's just lie you down here.
躺好了 There you go.
我去开窗放点新鲜空气 Let me get you some air.
你的跛脚... Your limp...
这个啊 That.
被你发现了 I guess you caught me.
你是谁 Who are you?
是玩具车 The toy cart!
来看看吧 Come.
爸爸让它做茶话会的客人不是很合适吗 Wouldn't this make the perfect guest for our tea parties, papa?
我能买它吗求你了 Can I have him? Please?
请问这兔子多少钱 Excuse me. How much for the rabbit?
那个1个银币 That costs one silver.
8个铜币行吗 Would you take it for 8 coppers?
我只有这么多 It's all I have.
你真是个好爸爸 Oh, you are a good father.
花尽最后一分钱想让女儿开心 Your last coppers for your little girl's happiness, ah? 谢谢 Thank you.
我可没说我会接受这个价格 Oh, I did not say I accept.
可惜 Alas,
少于1个银币我可不卖 I cannot take less than one silver.
经济不景气啊 The economy.
你懂的 You understand.
-做决定啊 -快走啊 - Make up your mind. - Come on. Let's go.
没事的爸爸 It's okay, papa.
快点他们在等着呢 Come on. People are waiting.
你必须答应我 I will not take "No" for an answer.
爸爸走吧 Papa, please.
我不需要它 I don't need it.
走吧亲爱的 Come on, sweetie.
那真是太残忍了 Well, that was awfully cruel.
你起码也能让小姑娘得到玩具啊 You could've at least let the girl have her toy. 那不就不好玩了 Where's the fun in that? Hmm?
我知道这和你想要的不太一样 I know it's not the same as what you wanted.
我很喜欢它爸爸 I love it, papa.
谢谢 Thank you.
这真好喝啊 This is really good.
你说呢乌龟先生 Don't you think so, Mr. Tortoise?
爸爸 Papa.
你觉得茶好喝吗 Do you like your tea?
格蕾丝 Grace...
一会儿我想让你去邻居家待着 I want you to go to the neighbors' for the rest of the day.
我有工作要做 There's work I have to do.
我不能和你一起去吗 Can't I come with you?
我喜欢和你一起去森林 I like being with you in the forest.
我不去森林里亲爱的 I'm not going to the forest, sweetie.
这和皇后的到访有关是不是 This has to do with the queen's visit, doesn't it? 无论她让你做什么别听她的 Whatever she wants you to do, don't do it.
格蕾丝我必须做 Grace, I have to.
我想让你拥有你想要的 I want you to have what you need.
我只想要你爸爸 All I need is you, papa.
留下来吧 Please stay.
来我知道 Come here. I know.
抱歉我一定要去 I'm sorry, baby. I have to go.
保证你一定会回来 Just promise me you'll come back.
你一定要保证 You have to promise.
当然 Of course.
回来参加茶话会 For our tea party.
你发誓 Promise?
我发誓 I promise.
我绝对不会错过的 I won't miss it for the world.
去吧 Go.
艾玛 Emma.
救我 Help me.
艾玛 Emma.
发生什么了 What is going on?
艾玛谢天谢地 Emma, thank god.
你在这做什么 What are you doing here?
我在树林里想要逃走 I was in the woods, trying to get away.
这个人突然出现抓住了我 This man appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me.
你怎么在这 Why are you here?
我在找你啊你逃走了记得吗 I've been trying to find you. You escaped, remember? 你是怎么逃走的 How did you get out?
在我牢房的枕头底下有把钥匙 There was a key... in my cell, under my pillow.
有人放在那的 Someone put it there.
谁啊 Who?
我不知道我和你一样想知道 I don't know. I'd like to know just as much as you. 看来你找到"点点"了啊 I see you found "Spot."
我已经叫救援了他们随时都会到 I've already called for backup. They'll be here any second.
你谁也没叫 You haven't called anybody...
你瞒着我她的事也是这个原因 For the same reason you didn't tell me about her.
你不想让任何人知道你在这 You don't want anybody to know you're here,
也就是说没人知道你在这 which means nobody does.
现在请你再把她绑回去吧 So now tie her back up.
艾玛 Emma.
没事的 It's gonna be okay.
你的望远镜 Your telescope.
你一直在用它监视我 You've been watching me.
为什么 Why?
我需要你帮我做件事 I need you to do something.
杰弗森 Jefferson.
看见你重现往日的风采真好 So good to see you looking more like yourself.
我想你一定是重新考虑了我的建议才来的吧 I assume you're here because you've reconsidered my offer?
我希望你能向我保证 I want your guarantee
如果我按你说的做了 that if I do what you ask,
我的女儿可以一生衣食无忧 my daughter will want for nothing.
我向你保证 You have my word.
现在把盒子打开吧 Now let's open that box of yours
让我见识见识它的能耐 and see what it can do.
我真欣赏应景打扮的男人 I do so like a man who dresses for the occasion.
退后 Step back.
你先请 After you!
一起吧 Together.
抓紧了 Hold on!
我不知道你要做什么 I don't know what you think you're doing,
但如果你敢伤害我朋友我一定让你后悔 but if you hurt my friend, I swear I'll make you regret it.
伤害她 Hurt her?
我这是在救她 I'm saving her life.
为什么这么说 How do you figure that?
别装傻 Don't play stupid.
我们都清楚想要离开童话镇的人会有什么下场 We both know what happens when people try to leave Storybrooke.
-你在说什么 -那个诅咒 - What are you talking about? - The curse.
什么诅咒 What curse?
那个把我们所有人囚禁于此的诅咒 The one keeping us all trapped.
除了你 All except you.
你是不是读过亨利的书 Have you been reading Henry's book?
亨利 Henry?
你是说巫后的父亲吗 You mean the Queen's father?
亨利啊镇长的养子 Henry, the mayor's adopted kid.
对亨利你的儿子 Oh, Henry. Your Henry.
还有他的童话书 And his book of stories,
里面写着你不肯相信的童话 the ones that you choose to ignore.
或许如果你知道我所了解的事 Maybe if you knew what I know,
你就会相信了 you wouldn't.
为什么监视我 Why have you been spying on me?
因为二十八年来我一直被困在这栋房子里 Because for the last 28 years, I've been stuck in this house,
日复一日 day after day,
一成不变 always the same,
直至有天晚上 until one night, you,
你开着你的黄色甲壳虫来到镇上 in your little yellow bug, roll into town,
然后钟开始走动事情开始改变 and the clock ticks and things start to change.
你瞧 You see...
我知道你不愿承认这一点艾玛 I know what you refuse to acknowledge, Emma.
但你确实与众不同 You're special.
你给童话镇带来一件很珍贵的东西 You brought something precious to Storybrooke-- 那就是魔法 magic.
你疯了 You're insane.
就因为我说出了实话 Because I speak the truth?
因为你居然在说魔法 Because you're talking about magic.
我说的全是我亲眼所见 I'm talking about what I've seen.
也许你才是疯子 Perhaps you're the one that's mad.
是吗 Really?
还有什么比"眼见而不信"更疯狂的呢 What's crazier than seeing and not believing? 因为自打你来的这个小镇 Because that's exactly what you've been doing
你就一直如此 since you got to our little hamlet.
睁大你的眼睛 Open your eyes.
仔细看看周围的人和事 Look around.
醒醒吧 Wake up.
是时候了 Isn't it about time?
你究竟想干什么 What do you want?
你想请你让它显灵 I want you to get it to work.
你想让我让什么显灵 You want me to get what to work?
只有你能做到 You're the only one that can do this.
你得让它显灵 And you're gonna get it to work.
我都忘了你的法力多么强大了 I forgot how magnificent you are.
我不是来回想当年的 I'm not here to relive the past.
我是为我女儿而来 I'm here for my daughter.
这边 Here.
这是入口 This is the entrance.
我们必须待在一起 It's important that we stick together.
进去多少人就必须出来多少人 Same amount of people that go through have to come back.
不能多也不能少 No more, no less.
是帽子的规则不是我的 It's the hat's rule, not mine.
我了解 I understand.
你是谁 Who are you?
谁 Who...
谁 Who...
我讨厌仙境 I hate wonderland.
做个跟它一样的 Make one like that.
你要我做帽子你还嫌帽子少吗 You want me to make a hat? You don't have enough? 可那些不是都没用吗 Well, none of them work, do they?
不然也不用把你请来了 Or else you wouldn't be here.
做一顶帽子并让它显灵 Now make a hat and get it to work.
我不 I don't--
你有魔力你能做到 You have magic. You can do it.
帽子 The hats,
茶 the tea...
你疯疯癫癫的行为 Your psychotic behavior.
你认为自己是疯帽子先生 You think you're the mad hatter.
我叫杰弗森 My name's Jefferson.
好吧 Okay.
显然你完全接受了亨利的理论 You've clearly glommed on to my kid Henry's thing. 那只是童话罢了 They're just stories.
疯帽子先生是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》里的人 The mad hatter is in "Alice in wonderland," 是本书我读过的书 a book. A book I actually read.
童话 Stories.
童话吗 Stories?
童话是什么 What's a story?
你上高中的时候学过南北战争吗 When you were in high school, did you learn about
the Civil War?
当然 Yeah, of course.
怎么学会不会凑巧是在书上看到的 How? Did you read about it, perchance, in a book? 你怎么知道它就比别的书真实呢 How is that any less real than any other book?
历史书是以历史为依据的 History books are based on history.
那么童话书以什么为依据想象吗 And storybooks are based on what, imagination? 想象又从哪儿来的 Where does that come from?
总归有个出处 It has to come from somewhere.
你知道这个世界有什么问题吗 You know what the issue is with this world?
人人都希望有魔法能解决自己的问题 Everyone wants a magical solution for their problem,
但却没有人真正相信魔法 and everyone refuses to believe in magic.
现在快让它显灵 Now get it to work.
问题是杰弗森 Here's the thing, Jefferson,
这就是世界 this is it.
这里是现实世界 This is the real world.
这只是一个现实世界 A real world.
你以为这是唯一的世界吗真是自大 How arrogant are you to think yours is the only one?
还有无数的世界你得开阔眼界 There are infinite more. You have to open your mind. 它们彼此接壤数个世界紧密相连 They touch one another, pressing up in a long line of lands,
每一个都真实存在都有自己的规则 each just as real as the last. All have their own rules.
有些具有魔法有些没有 Some have magic. Some don't.
有些需要魔法 And some need magic...
比如这个世界 Like this one.
这就是需要你出手的地方 And that's where you come in.
你和你的朋友要一直待在这儿 You and your friend are not leaving here
直到你完成了我的帽子 until you make my hat.
直到你能让它显灵 Until you get it to work.
然后呢 And then what?
然后我会回家 Then I go home.
你要进去吗 You want to go in there?
我只想从最近的路穿过 What I want is a short walk through.
最近的路吗 A short walk?
你知道这里属于谁 You know who this belongs to.
红心皇后 The queen of hearts.
她这人张扬得很 She's not one for subtlety.
这不符合我们的交易 This wasn't part of our deal.
你知道触怒她的人有什么下场 You know what she does to anyone that crosses her. 当然 Indeed.
比谁都清楚 Better than most.
没有我你不能离开仙境 You can't leave wonderland without me.
两个进来两个回去 Two go through. Two go back.
你不会让红心皇后 You're not gonna let the queen of hearts
让你不能回到你女儿身边不是吗 keep you from returning to your daughter, are you? 不出所料 That's what I thought.
等等 Wait.
离树墙远点 Stay away from the walls.
我有个更好的办法 I've got a better idea.
这些树墙该离我远点 The walls should stay away from me.
好了吗 Okay?
你拿到想要的东西了可以走了吗 You got what you need. Shall we?
入侵者站住 Trespassers! Halt!
站住 Halt!
不许动 Stop!
别让他们跑了 Don't let them get away!
镜子就在那里 The looking glass. There it is!
快你在干嘛我们现在不能停留 Come...What are you doing? We can't stop now.
我们得逃出去 We gotta get out of here.
有件事我必须要做 There's something I need to do first.
来一点零食 A little snack.
你疯了 Are you mad?
你知道这里的食物有什么功效吗 Do you know what the food here does?
我非常清楚 I'm well aware.
爸爸 Oh, daddy.
这就是红心皇后从你那夺走的东西 This is what she took from you?
你的父亲 Your father?
红心皇后一直视我为眼中钉 The queen of hearts has always seen me as a threat.
所以她想抓住我的把柄 So she wanted some leverage.
现在她落空了 I got it back.
红心皇后的士兵追来了我们得抓紧 The queen's soldiers. We must hurry.
你早就知道帽子只容许两人通过 You knew only two can go through the hat.
所以你没告诉我此行是来救你父亲 Which is why you didn't tell me about your father. 只有这样你才会帮我 It was the only way to make sure you'd help me.
等等等等 Uhh! Wait! Wait!
求你了 Please.
我的女儿 My daughter...
我的小格蕾丝她在 My Grace--she's--
她在等着我 she's waiting for me.
我跟她发誓说我会回家喝茶 I promised her I'd be home for tea.
现在你已经违背这个誓言了 A promise which you now have broken.
要是你真的看重你的女儿 If you truly cared for your daughter,
你一开始就不会离开她 you never would've left her in the first place.
你说的没错杰弗森 You were right, Jefferson.
对家人应该不离不弃 You don't abandon family.
别走 No!
不要 No.
带他去见皇后 Take him to the queen.
皇后陛下说她知道你胁从盗窃 Her majesty says she knows you're responsible
她的物品 for helping to steal from her.
是皇后她骗... The queen. She tricked--
那个女人叫瑞金娜 That woman's name is Regina.
皇后只有一个 There is only one queen--
那就是红心皇后 The queen of hearts.
是的当然我很抱歉 Yes, of course. My apologies.
求您... Now please...
皇后陛下想知道你是怎么进入这个世界的 Her majesty wishes to know how you got to this world.
你是如何进入仙境的 How did you come to wonderland?
如果我告诉了你 If I tell you,
你能否让我回家与女儿团聚 will you let me go home to my daughter?
砍下他的头 Off with his head.
不 No.
我还活着 I'm alive?
我还活着 I'm alive!
若你不想再这样身首异处 If you wish your body back,
就回答问题 then answer.
你是怎么到这来的 How did you get here?
那顶帽子我的帽子 The--the---the hat. My hat.
我们通过帽子来的 We used my hat.
那顶帽子现在在哪 Where's the hat now?
被她拿走了 She took it.
瑞金娜拿走了 Regina.
如果你返回家园所需的仅是这顶魔帽 If all you require to travel to your homeland is this magic hat,
那么你肯定能另做一顶 then surely, you could make another.
我不能 I can't.
未施魔法的帽子就是普通的帽子 A hat without magic is just a hat.
不能显灵 It won't work.
那么这就是你的任务 Then there's your task.
让它显灵 Get it to work.
我没法让它显灵 I can't make it work.
你的要求是不可能实现的 What you're asking me is impossible.
不一定得实现 No! It has to be.
否则我就回不了家了 If it's not, I'm never going home.
我就会不幸地永远困在这房子里 I'll be cursed to live in this house forever.
你的生活怎么不幸了 What is so cursed about your life?
瞧瞧这房子多漂亮 Look at this place. It's beautiful.
依我看是没什么不幸的 It doesn't seem cursed to me.
我不幸因为像这里其他人一样 It's cursed because like everyone else here,
我所爱的被夺走了 what I love has been ripped from me.
看看吧 Take a look.
她叫格蕾丝 Her name is Grace.
在这里她叫佩奇 Here it's Paige.
但她就是格蕾丝 But it's Grace.
我的格蕾丝 My Grace.
你知道天天注视着她 Do you have any idea what it's like
看着她很开心 to watch her day in and day out,
有了个新家 happy,
跟新爸爸住在一起 with a new family,
对我来说是什么感觉吗 with a new father?
你认为她是你女儿 You think she's your daughter?
不是认为 I don't think.
我知道 I know.
我都记得 I remember.
她不记得我是谁 She has no idea who I am,
不记得我们在一起的时光 our life together,
也不知道我们来自何方 where we come from.
但是我记得 I do.
这就是我的不幸 That's my curse.
记得过去 To remember.
如果我不能与她共享 What good is this house, these things,
这房子这些东西又有什么好 if I can't share them with her?
如果你真认为她是你女儿 If you really think she's your daughter,
为什么不去找她为什么不告诉她 why don't you reach out to her? Why don't you tell her?
然后毁了她的现实生活吗 And destroy her reality?
记忆禁锢着我 I'm trapped by knowledge.
你以为我有多残忍 How cruel do you think I am?
我难道会让我女儿也受这种折磨吗 You think I'd inflict that awareness on my daughter? 住在不属于你的世界里已经很痛苦了 It's hard enough to live in a land where you don't belong,
而知道这一点 but knowing it,
感受到两个世界的冲突... holding conflicting realities in your head...
会让人发疯的 will drive you mad.
这就是你想让我令帽子显灵的原因吗 That's why you want me to make the hat work, isn't it?
你只是想带格蕾丝回家 You just wanna take Grace home,
回你们的世界 to your world.
只有在那里我们才能生活在一起 It's the one world where we can be together...
只有在那里她才会记起我 Where she'll remember who I am.
我知道与孩子分离是什么感觉 I know what it's like to be separated from your kid. 对哦你也是这样的对吧 Yeah, you too, don't you?
这感觉会折磨得你发狂 It can make you feel like you're losing your mind.
我没有发狂 I'm not losing my mind.
我没疯 I'm not crazy.
我说的都是真的 This is real.
也许吧 Maybe.
也许是真实的 Maybe it is.
你相信 You believe?
如果你所说的都是真实的 If what you say is true,
那个房间里的女人 that woman in the other room
就是我的母亲 is my mother.
这是我最想相信的事情 And I want to believe that more than anything in the world. 所以也许你是对的 So maybe you're right.
也许我应该开阔眼界 Maybe I need to open myself up more.
如果我想要魔法 Maybe if I want magic,
就得开始相信它 I have to start believing.
那你会帮助我的吧 So you're gonna help me?
你能让它显灵吗 You can get it to work?
可以试试 I can try.
你个疯子 Crazy son of a bitch.
喂现在没事了 Hey. It's all right.
我会救你出去你会没事的 I'm gonna get you out of here. You're gonna be okay. -他不会再伤害你了 -艾玛小心 - He can't hurt you anymore. - Emma, look out! 砍下他的头 Off with his head.
-你还好吗 -还好 - Are you okay? - Yeah.
到处都没发现他的踪迹 There's no sign of him anywhere.
他是谁 Who was he?
一个非常孤独的男人 A very lonely man.
顺便问一句你是不是背着我 By the way, have you been taking kickboxing
偷学跆拳道了 and not telling me about it?
我不知道那一招哪来的 I have no idea where that came from.
艾玛看啊 Emma, look.
好了警长你该抓我回去了吧 So, sheriff, I guess you'll be taking me back now. 拿着你走吧 Here. Go.
你想让我逃跑 You want me to run?
不但既然你这么选了 No, but it's your choice.
但你得知道 Just know something--
逃跑并非易事我也逃过 Running ain't easy. I've done my share of it.
一旦你离开就没有回头路了 And once you go, there's no stopping.
艾玛所有人都认为我杀了凯思琳 Emma, everyone thinks I killed Kathryn.
玛丽·玛格丽特你必须相信我 Mary Margaret, you have to believe me.
你要信任我 You have to trust me.
我知道希望渺茫但我能洗脱你的罪名 I know it seems impossible, but I can get you out of this.
你干嘛这么在意我的处境 Why is it so important to you what happens to me?
因为瑞金娜陷害我时是你为我保释 Because when Regina framed me, and you bailed me。
