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涉及工场 / 维修人员 Involves both shopfloor associates and maintenance associates
支持精益西格玛流程 Supports the LeanSigma Process
保持设备最佳状态 Keeps equipment in optimal condition
•设备清洁与润滑: 10分钟 •Equipment cleaning • & Lubrication
•10 min •10 min
•有效时间 = 7小时40分 Effectiveness = 7 hrs 40min •每班8小时 8 hr shift
量度指标 Metrics
整体设备效率 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) ▪ 可用效率 Availability ▪ 性能效率 Performance ▪ 品质效率 Quality
•Operators become the early warning system •for machine abnormalities
5 Steps to Autonomous Maintenance
1. 进行基本清洁活动 Perform basic cleaning
2. 根除肮脏污染源头 Eliminate sources of dirt and contamination
3. 建立清洁润滑标准 Establish cleaning and lubrication standards
4. 教会设备基本检查, 进行自主设备检查 Teach general inspection of equipment and Perform autonomous equipment inspection
•预防保养 •Preventive •Maintenance
•Manager •Support •Function
•Eng. Equip. •Design
•品质改善 •Quality
•全员生产保养 •T P M
•高级管理层 领导 S M L
5. 培养整齐有序习惯 Instill orderliness and organization
工人作用 Roles
预防污o染f Operators
Prevent deterioration :
维持基本条件 Maintaining basic conditions
正确操作设备 Operating equipment correctly
activity, setting more aggressive goals, or modifying permanent team members.
Autonomous Maintenance
Autonomous 工人要学M习ainAtensyasntceme where equipment operators learn to :
•实现流畅生产, 必须实行TPM
•TPM is essential when flow production is achieved
TPM与传统保养 TPM vs. Traditional Maintenance
•传统生产班次 Traditional Operating Shift :
•本班开始 Shift Start
•生产准备 •2P
•西格玛改善 •Sigma Kaizen
零缺陷 Zero Defects
零事故 Zero Accidents
全员参与 Total employee involvement
提高机器效率, 满足节拍速度 Achieve Takt Rate at the highest machine effectiveness
Establish improvement goal related to the six major losses of OEE. 6. 选定设备改善专职队员
Select permanent equipment improvement team members. 7. 发动工人进行自主保养及计划保养活动
为何要实施 TPM
W忽hy视I设m备ple基m本en状t 况 Basic EquiTpPmMen?t conditions neglected
操作维修技能欠佳 Insufficient operating and maintenance skills
设备设计固有不足 Inherent weakness in equipment design
3. 将单元节拍时间与设备OEE进行比较
Correlate cell takt rate performance to equipment OEE. 4. 选择特定机器作为改善重点
Select specific machine for kaizen focus. 5. 根据OEE六大损失制定改善目标
进行微调 (按本地合约) Making minor adjustments (per local contract)
加入团队 Participate in teams :
工作中心团队 Work center teams
解决问题团队 Problem-solving teams
设备保养 Roles of MaintainMEaquiniptmenenatnce 检验 (拆P卸e)rsonnel
进行每日检查 Perform daily checks 按需润滑设备 Lubricate equipment as needed 更换简单零件 Replace simple components 进行机器小修 Perform minor repairs on machines 帮助解决问题 Assist in problem solving
•生产 •Just •in
•自働化 •Jidoka
•畅顺生产 Production Smoothing
•制程能力 •Process Capability •最佳机况 •Optimal machine conditions •制程重复 •Process Repeatability •防错装置 •Mistake Proofing
判断污染 Measure deterioration :
进行检查 Inspecting
制定标准, 坚持执行 Developing and adhering to standards
纠正污染 Correct deterioration :
报告问题 Reporting problems
协助维修 Assisting in repairs
全员生产保养培训课件目来自 Table ofContents
TPM概略 TPM Overview TPM目的 The Aim of TPM TPM流程 TPM Process
自主保养 Autonomous Maintenance 计划保养 Planned Maintenance 预防工程 Preventive Engineering 教育与行动 Education & Practice 保证质量 Insured Quality
TPM Process
The 5 Pillars of TPM
•自主保养 Autonomous • Maintenance
•计划保养 •Planning •Maintenance
•预防工程 •Preventive •Engineering
•教育与行动 •Education •& Practice
Initiate operator autonomous maintenance and planned maintenance programs. 8. 继续更新检查单, 培训工人, 保证机器最佳状况
Continue to update check lists, train operators, and pursue optimal machine conditions. 9. 为选定设备设立TPM活动之目视表现板
Inspect (disassembly) 计划保养
Planned overhauls 预防保养
Preventive maintenance 教导工人学会特定保养工作
Teach selected maintenance tasks to operators
设备改善 Improve Equipment
改善设备运行状况 To improve the equipment operating condition
维持设备最佳性能与可靠性 To sustain equipment at an optimal level of performance & reliability
延长设备使用寿命 To lengthen the life expectancy of equipment
TPM与精益西格玛流程 TPM and LeanSigma Process
•机器可靠 •Machine Reliability •机器高效 •Machine Effectiveness •联动操作 •Linked Operations •人力利用 •Labor Utilization
•LeanSigma Process
设备恶化无人监督 Overlooked deterioration
没有遵守使用要求 Usage conditions not observed
宏观愿景 Macro
•世界性的公司 •World Wide Company
•工人自主保养 •Operator
•Autonomous •Maintenance
TPM改善活动 TPM Kaizen Activities TPM活动进阶 Advanced TPM Activities
TPM Overview
何谓 TPM What
Total Productive Maintenance is a system that
Establish visual performance boards for TPM activities on selected equipment. 10. 每月将改善目标与实际结果进行比较。评价是否需要进行更多改善活动, 制定更
高的目标, 或需要更换专职队员
Check results to improvement goals monthly. Evaluate need for additional kaizen
•品质 •Quality
TPM 1. 测量工作单元上所有自动设备之OEE 2. IM测me量aps各ulree工mO作EeE单nfo元rtaa的lltai节out拍nom时-at间ic equipment in cells.
10 Steps Measure Takt rate performance for each area.
•暂停 Minor Stoppages
•调整 Adjustment
•品质问题 Quality
•故障停机 Breakdown
•有效时间 = 6小时 Effectiveness = 6 hrs
•每班8小时 8 hr shift
•本班结束 Shift End
•实行TPM的班次 TPM Shift :
•工人开会: 10分钟 •Operator Meeting
• 保养效率 Maintenance Effectiveness
▪ 平均故障时间间隔 MTTF (Mean time to failure) ▪ 平均无故障时间 MTBF (Mean time between failure) ▪ 平均维修时间 MTTR (Mean time to repair)
TPM的目的:The Aim of TPM :