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1.经济全球化economic globalization
2.产生广泛深远的影响exert widespread and far-reaching impact
3.遵守规则abide by the roles
4.发挥积极和建设性的作用play a positive and constructive role
5.得出三点基本结论draw the following three basic conclusions
6.公平、公正和合理的国际经济新秩序 a fair, just and reasonable international economic new order
7.切实有效地措施pragmatic and effective measure
8.热情洋溢的欢迎词warm welcome remarks
9.连续3年for 3 straight years
10.在快增长、高效益、低通胀的良性循环轨道上on sound track of rapid growth, high efficiency and low inflation 11.进一步深化改革、扩大开放further the reform and opening
12.有步骤地开放服务领域progressively liberalize the service sector
13.清理和取消clear up and eliminate
14.把握这难得的机遇seize this rare opportunity
15.朝阳产业sunrise industries
16.日新月异change with each passing day
17.世界市场的一体化world market integration
18.确保利润最大化ensure the maximization of profit
19.实现企业的全球经营战略realize corporate global strategy
21.相互依存相互影响interdependence and interaction
22.发挥自身优势bring our own advantages into play
23.扬长避短、趋利避害foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses
24.本着平等互利、友好协商、共同发展的原则under the principle of equality and mutual benefit, friendly consultation and common development
25.备受重视enjoy much attention
26.扩大共识、加强合作、促进发展expand common ground,strengthen cooperation,promote development
27.抵御风险withstand risks
28.重新步入发展轨道return to the track of development
29.理念philosophy 深化deepen 扩大expand 执行/贯彻implement 调整adjust 推进promote 加快accelerate 完善perfect 做出贡献make contribution 倡导advocate 实施carry out 加强strengthen 完成fulfill 强化intensify 宣传publicize
30.一系列优惠政策 a series of preferential policies
31.同期增长7.9% increased by 7.9% as compared to the same period of last year
32.扩大内需stimulate domestic demand
33.开拓市场explore market
34.改造提升传统产业remolding and upgrading traditional industries
35.重视attach great importance to
36.调动一切积极因素mobilize all positive factors
37.平等、团结、互助equality solidarity and mutual assistance
38.矛盾和冲突conflicts and clashes
39.积极性、主动性、创造性initiative enthusiasm and creativity
40.息息相关closely related to
41.互利、互补、互助mutual benefit mutual complement and mutual assistance
42.取得举世瞩目的成就score remarkable achievements
43.重要标志an important landmark
45.焕发新的活力与生机bring new energy and vitality to
46.注入新的活力instill new vitality into。