商学英语教学课件UNIT 11

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Exercise 11.2 G: Transcript
Extract 1 I am going to try and explain some of the major factors which exert pressure on companies from the outside, that is to say, I shall mainly be looking at some different types of external influences which affect the way business operates. Extract 2 Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t want to imply that there are no internal questions for a company. Extract 3 To some degree, individual companies will be affected differently. Extract 4 But it is fair to say that they will all have to keep an eye on which way inflation or interest rates are going.
Exercise 11.2 E: Notes
Exercise 11.2 F: Transcript
However, some people say that these types of organization are mainly concerned with the interests of big business. The evidence shows that this is especially true with respect to underdeveloped countries. In my view, the World Bank is a case in point. The influence of the World Bank, for example, on the economies of these countries has been very harmful. A very good book by John Perkins called Confessions of an Economic Hit Man published in 2004 gives an interesting explanation of how the World Bank actually benefits big business rather than a country’s own people.
• Vocabulary focus
• Word/phrases used to link ideas • Stress patterns in noun phrases and componds • Fixed phrases from academic English • Words/ phrases related to environmental issues
which greatly influence business decisions. To some degree,
individual companies will be affected differently but it is fair to say that they will all have to keep an eye on which way inflation or interest rates are going, or demand and competition in a particular location. Not only that, but the government policies of the country or countries where they operate. So in an attempt to try and keep the discussion of external pressures on business reasonably simple, I’m going to summarize a few of the more interesting points to do with political and economic factors.
Extract 5 Not only that, but the government policies of the country or countries where they operate. Extract 6 So, in an attempt to try and keep the discussion of external pressures on business reasonably simple, I’m going to … Extract 7 There is a clear overlap here between business and politics, to the extent that it is the government of a country that takes the decision on whether to be a member of an international trading group. Extract 8 The evidence shows that this is especially true with respect to underdeveloped countries.
Exercise 11.1 E: Abbreviations & Proper Nouns
Exercise 11.2 B: Lecture (Transcript)
Part 1
Good morning. My name is Dr William Mitchell and I’m a business consultant. It’s a pleasure to be here today. I am going to try and explain some of the major factors which exert pressure on companies from the outside, that is to say, I shall mainly be looking at some different types of external influences which affect the way business operates. Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t want to imply that there are no internal questions for a company – as we all know, companies have to think about how they manage their operations and their finance and so on. But there are also matters at a national and an international level
English for Business Studies
Unit 11 External Influences
• Topics
• External influences on businesses: national, international,political,economic • Environmental issues
Exercise 11.1 D: Cloze
since the falling numbers of young people mean fewer families, businesses which have built their markets on the basis of the family unit will now have to __re_th_in_k__ their approach. _M_o_re_o_ve_r_, up to now there has been an emphasis on the __y_o_ut_h __ market; from now on, the middle-aged segment is likely to dominate. ___F_in_al_ly___, because the supply of younger workers will __s_hr_in_k__, businesses will have to find new and different ways to attract and retain staff.
Exercise 11.1 A: Name the factors Wifi
Exercise 11.1 B: Linking words and phrases
Exercise 11.1 B: Supporting arguments
Exercise 11.1 C: Categories of words
Exercise 11.1 D: Cloze
According to Peter Drucker (2001), a well-known business thinker, there are many demographic changes which will _a_ff_e_ct___ businesses profoundly over the next 25 years. Firstly, the p_op_u_la_ti_on__ is ageing and _A_s_a_r_es_u_lt, patterns of employment will __di_ve_r_si_fy_. For _e_xa_m_p_le__, provision of pensions for retired people is becoming an ever more serious problem for governments.A_s_a_re_s_ul_t _, So many people will have to continue in their jobs until they are in their 70s. In _ad_d_it_io_n __, these _e_ld_e_rl_y__ employees are not likely to work for companies on a full-time basis but as c_o_ns_u_lt_an_ts_, part-timers or temporary staff. _S_e_c_on_d_ly_, there are the effects of fewer young people in many parts of the world. O_n_e_r_es_u_lt_o_f t_hi_s_is_ that many countries will have to rely increasingly on an _i_m_m_ig_ra_n_t __ labour force. _An_ot_he_r _po_in_t is_ _ _ t h a t m a r k e t s w i l l n e e d t o c h a n g e :
• Skills focus
Listening • recognizing the speaker’s stance • writing up notes in full Speaking • building an argument in a seminar •agreeing/disagreeing