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教父英文读后感 Th e Gdf ather is a gang stercapit alist scie ty ab ut th e ent ire U.S. g rundfrcesyste ms dm inate thecntrl grup thestryf ups anddns i n the stry, isveryvivid char acter izati n. Ka Lian g her andhis s n Mic haelfresi ght r esili ent,ultim ately getrid f thei r mrt al en emy f thefamil y bus iness t re ach t heirpeak,even thug h I d isagr ee it h the ir es tabli shedset f s-ca lledunder grund rder, but ut n thechara cteri zatin f th e nve l hea rt fthe K a Lia ng re spect t hi s gru nd fr ces l ed by Ka L iangGrupis ma inlyengag ed in smug gling f im prted live il f rm It aly,penin g cas ins a nd sn. Hi s inf luenc e thr ughut theU.S.Eastand e st th rughu t the cruc ial p int i n the vari us gv ernme nt
de partm entshavehim.He re surce ful a nd ea ger t prte ct an d sup prt t he pe ple r evere ntlydubbe d him gdfa ther. He i s als
resp nsive t th e fll ing,hat i t say s, tin th e pep le'sfear.Anything, aslng a s heuld s ecret ly rpenly a ha nd in thedevel pment andchang es in accr dance ithhis i ll. H e isa tru e all-perf ul fi gurein Am erica n sci ety.In pa rticu lar h is ps itinand h is hu milit y, bi ned i th hi s att itude f di ng th ingsthatreall y aes me cl. Ishat h e had dnet his fami ly bu sines s suc cess.Anth er nv el de picts theher M ichae l inh erite d his fath er'sright, he
has a mazin g sel f-cnf idenc e, be lieve that thei r chi ce is thebest, I be lieve that even if h e islying shul d be, andit is crre ct, s that pepl e can hide them selve s ell evil, eve n ifhe er e t d ie ba d, pe ple s tilladmir e him, and stil l thi nk he is n e f t he be st, h e ill nt d evil thin gs! E ven M ichae l's i fe di d ntbelie ve he uldkill, buthe di d kil l, an d ith his
fathe r's c arefu lly c ultiv atedis ce rtain ly nt live up.In ur real life real ly is themst p erful andsucha ter rible pers n, it h ind mitab le fi ghtin g spi rit,a dee p res ervir f ha tredin
th eir h earts, ait ing f r a s uitab le ti me tcarry ut l ng-pl anned prgr am. B ear i th th e sit uatin that nlypeple cand gre at th ings, thenvelhis f irstife f r his deat h, ev en th ugh h e kns
enem y's h iding plac e, an d the abil ity t kill him, buthe
al ays a it un til t he la st fthe l arge-scale atta ck nthe t ime.He an d his fath er ar e gdmen,at le ast i n the kind f
en virnm ent t hey a re. A lt f infr matin that TheGdfat her i s a n ature f Am erica n sci ety,capit alist scie ty, n fat, t av id ex psing theunder grund acti vitie s f r k, Id ntkn th e aut hr fthe n vel t hereis nsuchmeani ng, a t lea st Ihavent pe rsnal ly se e his n ev aluat in fthe n vel i s s,is nt that they d nt kn t he me aning ut f nthi ng nthe F lurry f apass, even if t he me aning f th is tr ue, t hat s uch a phen mennrefle ctedin th e str y intday's Chi na, t hereis nthing in i t? ur cunt ry is nt c apita listah, t he ju ngle,andcerta inlythere. e a ll ha ve tsee t he ma instr eam!Readi ng th is nv el ma de me real ize t hat n matt er ha t kin d f s ciety cansurvi ve in thepetit in his st rng,thisrld h as nabslu te gd r ba d, in diff erent scie tiesexist nlyt kin ds fpeple is a gd m an in hisn eye s, th e eye s f t he en emy i s bad, bec auseit ha d dif feren t int erest s, an d cnf lictf int erest, the se th ingsnt nl y exi st in a ca pital ist c untry, inany s ciety ther e ill be.