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1.What do you call a baby antelope?
A. Fawn
B. Calf
C. Kid
D. Lamb答案: A
2.We eat breakfast in the ___. (kitchen)
3.The chemical symbol for vanadium is ______.
4.The _____ (浣熊) is known for its masked face.
5.The ancient Greeks believed in many _______.
6.What do we call the act of telling a story?
A. Narration
B. Description
C. Explanation
D. Illustration答案:
A. Narration
7.There are _____ apples in the basket. (three)
8.The __________ (历史的共同记忆) unite communities.
9.My favorite game is ______ (捉迷藏) with my friends. It is so ______ (有趣).
10.The capital city of Suriname is __________.
11.My cousin is a great ____ (swimmer).
12.The boy has a new ________.
13.In a chemical equation, the substances on the left are called ______.
14.I enjoy creating new memories with my toy ________ (玩具名称).
15.The _____ (老师) is teaching us.
16.Did you find a _______ (小蝴蝶) in your garden?
17.My favorite toy is _______ and fun.
18.The sun is ______ in the sky. (high)
19.Which of these animals can fly south for the winter?
A. Squirrel
B. Bear
C. Bird
D. Fish答案:C
20.What do we call the act of making something new?
A. Creation
B. Innovation
C. Invention
D. All of the above答案: D
21.I love to go ______ (钓鱼).
22.I enjoy _____ (watching/playing) sports.
23.My sister is good at __________ (跳舞).
24.The _____ (椅子) is broken.
25.My friend is passionate about _______ (名词). 她总是 _______ (动词).
26.What is the largest mammal in the world?
A. Elephant
B. Blue Whale
C. Giraffe
D. Rhino答案: B
27.The rabbit can be very _______ (友好) with children.
28.The chemical formula for salicylic acid is ______.
29.Chemical reactions can be classified into several types, such as _______ and synthesis. (分解)
30.The _____ (citrus) fruits are refreshing in summer.
31. A ______ is a type of mixture that does not have a uniform composition.
32.The __________ (印刷术) revolutionized communication.
33.In a chemical equation, reactants are on the __________ side.
34.小鸭子) swims in the pond with its friends. The ___
35.The river is ________ (清澈).
36.The ______ helps us learn about economics.
37.I found a _______ (小狗) at the shelter.
38.My brother loves __________ (运动) and practices every day.
39.My mom _____ breakfast every morning. (prepares)
40.I like to ______ my friends on weekends. (meet)
41.The __________ was a movement to end slavery in the United States. (废奴运动)
42.The __________ was a major event in the history of the United States. (美国内战)
43. c region is known for its ________ (极昼和极夜). The Azte
44.The _____ (生物圈) relies on healthy plants.
45.What do we call the scientific study of the universe?
A. Astronomy
B. Astrophysics
C. Cosmology
D. Meteorology答案: A. Astronomy
46.My favorite thing to do is ________ (玩耍) outside.
47.I like to play ______ (basketball) with my friends.
48.In gardening, understanding soil composition is ______. (在园艺中,了解土壤成分是非常重要的。

49.I like to play outside with my ________ (玩具名称).
50.The sun is ___ in the sky. (high)
51.What is the capital city of Hungary?
A. Budapest
B. Prague
C. Vienna
D. Bratislava答案: A
52.The ________ (生态系统服务提升策略) are vital.
53.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?
A. Marco Polo
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Ferdinand Magellan
D. Vasco da Gama答案: B
54.What instrument has keys and is played by pressing?
A. Guitar
B. Violin
C. Piano
D. Flute答案:C
55.The teacher gives us ______ for homework. (assignments)
56.I like to play ______ (纸牌游戏) with my family during holidays.
57.The _______ (Rosa Parks) refused to give up her seat, sparking a movement.
58.I need to ___ (study/nap) for my test.
59.We should _______ (分享) our toys.
60. A __________ is formed by the accumulation of sediment in a river delta.
61.The study of how landscapes evolve is part of ______ science.
62.The ______ (果汁) of some fruits is very refreshing.
63.Light from the sun takes about _______ minutes to reach Earth.
64.An atom consists of protons, neutrons, and _____.
65.The ______ has a strong sense of smell.
66.Granite is commonly used in construction because it is very ______.
67. A mixture is made of two or more ______ substances.
68.I love to ______ (与家人一起) celebrate holidays.
69.What do you call the part of the plant that absorbs sunlight?
A. Root
B. Stem
C. Leaf
D. Flower答案: C
70.The ______ helps plants absorb water.
71.It is ___ in the morning. (cool)
72.They are ______ (happy) at the park.
73.My friend is a ______. He loves to swim.
74.The first successful airplane was built by the ______ (莱特兄弟).
75.The Boston Tea Party was a protest against British _______.
76.We saw many __________ (旅游者) at the famous landmark.
77. A strong acid has a pH closer to _____.
78.What is the capital of Greece?
A. Athens
B. Sparta
C. Crete
D. Rhodes答案:A
79.The ____ hops around and is known for its powerful legs.
80.The _______ (The Age of Imperialism) saw European powers expand their empires globally.
81.My friend is a ______. He enjoys drawing.
82.Parrots love to eat ______ (水果).
83.I have a ______ (cat).
84. A ______ is a type of reptile that can swim well.
85. Wall of China was built to protect against _______ (invaders). The Grea
86.My favorite game involves my toy ____. (玩具名称)
87.What is your favorite __________?
88.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her role in "The Bodyguard"?
A. Mariah Carey
B. Whitney Houston
C. Celine Dion
D. Diana Ross
答案:B.Whitney Houston
89.Chemical bonds hold __________ (原子) together in molecules.
90.The ________ was a significant battle in World War I.
91.The _____ (sun/moon) rises in the east.
92. A hamster is a small ______.
93.I enjoy making ______ (拼图) because it challenges my brain and helps me focus.
94. A compass shows _______.
95.I can experience joy with my ________ (玩具类型).
96.The __________ is a famous mountain range in Asia.
97.The _______ (The Age of Imperialism) saw European powers expand their empires.
98.What is the opposite of "love"?
A. Hate
B. Like
C. Care
D. Enjoy答案: A
99. A bison is often seen in ______ (草原).
100.How many days are there in February during a leap year?
A. 28
B. 29
C. 30
D. 31答案:B.29。
