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Key Vocabulary
The banking sector (银行业)in the United Kingdom is made up of a variety of institutions supervised by the country‘s central bank(中央 银行). The Bank of England. This bank looks after the government’s finance and monetary policy (货币政策)and acts as banker(贷款人) to other banks. However, for the general public and many businesses(企业), banking services are provided by commercial banks(商业银行), or clearing banks, which have branches throughout the country.
same-day credit 当日的信用
3 Complete the headings in the text with these words.
a Security 安全 b Cost-effectiveness c Financial Control 财务控制、管理 d Flexibility 灵活性 e Convenience 便利;方便 f Priority Payments 优先支付
chequebook (US checkbook) 支票簿
cash machine or cashpoint (US ATM)自动柜员机、 自动取款机
bank notes (US bills) 钞票
bank statement 银行账目表
credit card 信用卡
individual customers Time required:
6 hours
Background Knowledge
Types of banks
(1)中央银行(central banks): 中国人民银行是我国的中央银行,
※Different types of credit cards
信用卡的种类很多,通常可按以下六种标准划分: (1)按照信用卡发行机构划分,可以分为银行卡和非银行卡; (2)按照信用卡信息存储媒介划分,可以分为磁条卡和芯片卡; (3)根据清偿方式的不同,可以划分为:贷记卡、准贷记卡和借记卡; (4)按照信用卡结算货币不同,可以分为外币卡和本币卡; (5)按照流通范围不同,可以分为国际卡和地区卡; (6)按照信用卡帐户币种数目,可以分为单币种信用卡和双币种信用卡; (7)按照信用卡从属关系,可以分为主卡和附属卡; (8)按照信用卡发卡对象不同,可以分为公司卡和个人卡; (9)按照持卡人信誉地位和资信情况,可以分为无限卡、白金卡、金卡、 普通卡。 (10)按照信用卡形状不同,可以分为标准信用卡和异形信用卡。
Word study:
shuttle en-route 往返运行的汽车、飞机、列车
crucial meeting--very important meeting
boot up (laptop)—启动(手提电脑)
group accounts 汇总账户
financial position财务状况
2.Listen to Eleanor Stevens, an HSBC Bank branch manager, describing the bank that she manages. Make notes under these headings on page 58.
3. Match the banking words with the illustrations below.
net position 净资产
present ( a check) 提交/提示支票
access ( information) ---获取信息
up-to-the-minute information -latest information
initiate BACS payment进行银行自动清算服务
转帐卡,是实时扣帐的借记卡。其具有转帐结算、存取现金和消费功能。 专用卡,是具有专门用途、在特定区域使用的借记卡。其具有转帐结算、 存取现金和消费功能。注:专门用途是指在百货、餐饮、饭店及娱乐行业 以外的用途。
直接从卡内扣款的预付钱包式借记卡。 联名/认同卡,是商业银行与盈利性机构/非盈利机构合作发行的银行
international payment 国际支付
sterling 英磅货币
transfer money 汇款
standing orders 长期订单
direct debits直接借记(即从帐户上直接扣款)
specific transactions特定的交易
search criteria 搜索规则、条件
These banks offer a wide range of services which include accepting deposits(吸收存款), making loans(发放贷款) and managing customers‘ accounts(管理客户账户).
Merchant banks(商人银行), on the other hand, do not deal with the public but specialise in services for companies or corporate customers (企业客户, 对公服务). They are particularly active in arranging mergers(合并) and acquisitions(收购) and in advising on aspects of corporate finance(企业融资).
4 Which of the items would you use if you needed to
1 check how much money you had in your bank account several weeks ago? 2 take money with you for a visit to a foreign country? 3 see how much you have to pay for the electricity you used last month? 4 send payment by post? 5 take money out of your account on a Sunday?
Lead in 1. In pairs, make a list of the different services that banks in your country provide for the general public. Tick the services that you use.
贷记卡,是指发卡银行给予持卡人一定的信用额度,持卡人可在信用 额度内先消费,后还款的信用卡。
准贷记卡:是指持卡人须先按发卡银行要求交存一定金额的备用金, 当备用金帐户余额不足支付时,可在发卡银行规定的信用额度内透支的信 用卡。
借记卡,是指先存款后、消费(或取现),没有透支功能的信用卡。 其按功能不同,又同分为转账卡(含储蓄卡)、专用卡及储值卡。
(5)邮政储蓄(postal savings) 只办理储蓄业务。
(6)非银行金融机构(non-bank financial institutions),如金融资产管理
(7)投资银行(investment banks),目前实际上是指基金管理公司,
I 1n pairs, make a list of the services that a company would expert from a bank.
2 Read the text which describes the Bank of Scotland's Home and Office Banking System (HOBS), and see which points in your list are mentioned.
Investment Account 投资账户
surplus funds 富余的资金
routine transactions 日常例行的交易 devote (valuable time to do sth.) –spend time fit A into B--- make A suit B. built-in features内置功能 off-line processing 离线(业务)处理 restrict access to designated users 限制指定的用户进入 dovetail : to fit together perfectly吻合 account report 账户资金报告 payment processing facilities 支付处理设施 smooth transfer of ( account information) 顺畅的发送 distribution of wages 发放工资 template function 模板功能 re-key similar data 重新输入相同的数据 beneficiary 受益人(收款人)
4 Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 You can only use HOBS during normal banking hours.
2 HOBS cannot provide information about accounts in dollars.
Purpose of learning
Aim of learning: In this unit, learners are expected to : --learn the business terms and expressions
concerning banking ; --the business concepts concerning banking ; -- understand basical banking business to
debit card 借记卡
bill (US check) 支票/帐单
traveller‘s cheques (US traveler’s checks)旅行7
※Different kinds of cards issued by banks
信用卡,是银行或其它财务机构签发给那些资信状况良好 的人士,用于在指定的商家购物和消费、或在指定银行机构存 取现金的特制卡片,是一种特殊的信用凭证。
(2)政策性银行(policy banks)。包括农业发展银行、进出口银行、国家 开发银行,只办理政策性的银行业务。
(3)商业银行(commercial banks )。具体又分为国有商业银行
(工农中建)、全国性的股份制银行(有十五六家,如交通、中信、光大、 华夏、招商、兴业、民生等等,最近设的是浙商和恒丰)、城市商业银行 (如上海银行,某某市商业银行等)、农村商业银行、农村合作银行。 (4)信用社(credit cooperatives),有城市信用社和农村信用社。