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1.The _____ (海豹) is very playful in the water.
2.The crow is known for its ________________ (智慧).
3.小骆驼) can go for days without water. The ___
4.How many legs do most insects have?
A. Four
B. Six
C. Eight
D. TenB
5.What color do you get by mixing blue and yellow?
A. Green
B. Orange
C. Purple
D. BrownA
6.I saw a _______ (小花猫) napping in the sun.
7.What is the name of the planet we live on?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Jupiter
D. VenusB
8.What is the term for a baby goat?
A. Calf
B. Kid
C. Lamb
D. FoalB
9.My cousin is a ______. She loves to create digital art.
10.Please turn off the ______. (light)
11.An alkali is a type of _______ that dissolves in water.
12.The ________ loves to play in the garden.
13.What is the name of the famous scientist who developed the theory of relativity?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Albert Einstein
C. Galileo Galilei
D. Stephen HawkingB Albert Einstein
14.The ________ (toothbrush) is in the bathroom.
15.The __________ (历史的价值观差异) can lead to conflict.
16.The __________ was so bright, I had to squint my eyes. (阳光)
17.I love the __________ (形容词) colors of my __________ (玩具名).
18.Which fruit is yellow and curved?
A. Apple
B. Banana
C. Orange
D. Grape
19.What do you call a large body of land surrounded by water?
A. Island
B. Peninsula
C. Continent
D. MountainA
20.The sky is ___ (blue/black) today.
21.The spider spins its web to catch ______ (昆虫).
22.What is the name of the famous American author known for his horror stories?
A. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Stephen King
C. H.P. Lovecraft
D. Ray BradburyA Edgar Allan Poe
23.What is the name of the famous festival held in Rio de Janeiro?
A. Oktoberfest
B. Carnival
C. Diwali
D. Midsummer
24.Where do fish live?
A. Forest
B. Sky
C. Water
D. Desert
25. A __________ is a famous music festival location.
26.What do we call the act of making something clean?
A. Cleaning
B. Washing
C. Scrubbing
D. Dusting
27.The movie starts at _______ (七点).
28.What is 15 + 5?
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23
29.ts are _____ (外来物种) that can be invasive. Some pla
30.How many players are on a cricket team?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
31.What do you call a person who flies planes?
A. Pilot
B. Navigator
C. Steward
D. EngineerA
32.What are the two main types of telescopes?
A. Reflecting and refracting
B. Optical and radio
C. Infrared and ultraviolet
D. Manual and digital
33.I call my father _____ (爸爸).
34.My mom loves __________ (烘焙课程).
35.The ________ was a major world conflict from 1939 to 1945.
36.I love to _______ (了解)新事物。
37.What do we call a house made of ice?
A. Igloo
B. Cabin
C. Cottage
D. MansionA
38.Which holiday celebrates the New Year?
A. Christmas
B. Thanksgiving
C. New Year's Day
D. HalloweenC
39.What do you call the fear of heights?
A. Acrophobia
B. Claustrophobia
C. Agoraphobia
D. NyctophobiaA
40.The Hubble Space Telescope orbits the ______.
41.古代的________ (ruins) 在世界各地都能找到,代表着过去的文化。
42.The _______ has a strong trunk and many leaves.
43. A ______ is a type of sea creature with tentacles.
44.What do we call the period of time during which a plant grows?
A. Germination
B. Growth
C. Vegetative stage
D. All of the aboveD
45.The ice cream is _____ melting. (slowly)
46.My sister has a new ______ (玩具). It is a ______ (洋娃娃) with pretty clothes.
47.capital) city is where the government is located. The ____
48.My favorite dish is ______ (香肠).
49.What is the soft, fluffy material used for stuffing pillows and jackets?
A. Cotton
B. Wool
C. Down
D. PolyesterC
50.What do we call the part of the plant that produces flowers?
A. Stem
B. Leaf
C. Root
D. BudD
51.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Milk
B. Cocoa
C. Sugar
D. FlourB Cocoa
52.What is the primary function of leaves?
A. To absorb water
B. To make food
C. To support the plant
D. To store nutrientsB
53.The ________ is a famous waterfall located in the United States.
54.Chemical reactions often require an input of _______ to start.
55.The weather is ________ (晴朗) today.
56.What is the capital city of the United States?
A. Washington, D.C.
B. New York
C. Los Angeles
D. ChicagoA
57.An exothermic reaction feels _____ to the touch.
58.The _____ (电脑) is new.
59. A ____ is a small mammal that often hides in burrows.
60.ssance began in _______ during the 14th century. (意大利) The Rena
61.The chemical formula for potassium thiocyanate is ______.
62.Natural resources like coal and oil are found in ______ rock.
63.Which shape has three sides?
A. Square
B. Circle
C. Triangle
D. Rectangle
64.The bear catches fish in the rushing ____.
65.Many trees lose their _______ in winter.
66. A fuel is a substance that can be burned to produce _____.
67.Saturn is known for its beautiful ______.
68.This ____ is very colorful and fun. (玩具名称)
69.What do we call a picture made by placing pieces of colored paper together?
A. Drawing
B. Painting
C. Collage
D. SculptureC
70. A ________ (植物数据分析) informs research.
71.What do we call the line that separates two countries?
A. Boundary
B. Border
C. Line
D. EdgeB
72.The ________ is a friendly creature that makes everyone smile.
73.The __________ of a substance can change with pressure.
74.The first artificial satellite, Sputnik, was launched by _______.
75.ts have __________ (刺) for protection. Some pla
76.The frog jumps from lily pad to _______.
77.The coldest place in the universe has been found in a ______.
78.My sister loves to watch ______ (鸟) at the park.
79.I like reading books about _______ (我喜欢阅读有关_______的书).
80.What is the main ingredient in mayonnaise?
A. Olive oil
B. Egg yolk
C. Vinegar
D. MustardB
81.The ________ (飞行路线) connects cities.
82.What do you call a young zebra?
A. Foal
B. Calf
C. Kit
D. Cub
83.The stars are ________ at night.
84.What do we call the person who writes books?
A. Actor
B. Artist
C. Author
D. MusicianC
85.My aunt loves __________ (绘画).
86.I enjoy _______ at the beach.
87.The movie is very ________.
88.What is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way?
A. Andromeda
B. Triangulum
C. Whirlpool
D. Sombrero
89.My brother has a toy _____ that he plays with.
90. A cheetah is the fastest _______ in the animal kingdom, running quickly.
91.The chemical formula for naphthenic acid is ______.
92.When I grow up, I want to create my own __________ (玩具名).
93.What is the process by which animals breathe?
A. Photosynthesis
B. Respiration
C. Digestion
D. FermentationB
94.What is the capital of Uganda?
A. Nairobi
B. Kampala
C. Addis Ababa
D. KigaliB
95.What is the name of the famous bird known for its colorful feathers?
A. Parrot
B. Penguin
C. Sparrow
D. CrowA
96.What do you call a group of puppies?
A. Litter
B. Pack
C. Pod
D. Flock
97.Recognizing that plants need varying amounts of ______ can lead to healthier growth. (认识到植物对水分的需求差异可以促进健康生长。
98.The weather is ______ (sunny) today.
99.What do you call a place where you can see animals?
A. Zoo
B. Farm
C. Aquarium
D. CircusA
100.The __________ (历史的启迪) guides our journey.。