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Childhood Friends
Decide the sentences are true or false:
1)The first time he lost his best friend, he thought it was the end of the world because
his friend was dead.( F) 2th)eWviellawgeer.e(oTn )good terms with everyone in
1. The first time I lost my best friend, I thought it was the end of the world. 2.go away 3. I was blessed with a happy childhood ,one that most people would want to have. 4.we were a very close family 5.our neighbors next door 6.we grew up together 7.dig up worms 8.collect feathers left by the birds in the cages 9. It was here that I discovered that I was allergic to the tiny flies which bit me and made my face swell.10. We would chase the squirrels away11.On windy days we’d slide down the stony slopes to the loch 12feel the spray of the sea in one’s face 13.make brooms out of branches 13
3)When we smoked our first cigar, I felt
very comfortable.( F )
4)We gave the local policeman a salute, but
we imagined he was an enemy soldier.( T )
5)Since Danny moved to London, we have been out of touch with each other forever.
4.I was so surprised __th_a_t_ I just stood there, _h_o_ld_i_n_g_ the notes in my hands.
A. it
B. one C. that D. which
Paragraph 3-4 1.What did they do together on summer evenings and on windy days?
2.Why did the author think Danny was a considerate boy?
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
6. talk about personal matters
7.就在不到一年前 7.just under a year ago
8.遭遇车祸 knocked over by a car
9.变得沉默寡言、喜怒9无.b常ecome silent and moody
10.对学习失去兴趣 10.lose all interest in his work
Paragraph 7-9 How did the author feel when Danny left?
They are in touch with each other now, how does the author feel?
1 享有…的福气 2 隔壁的邻居 3 挖钓鱼用的蚯蚓 4 对…敏感 5 小苍蝇 6 赶跑松鼠 7在有风的日子 里 8 用树枝作笤帚 9 擦伤胳膊 10 割破脚踝 11 一 个非常体贴的男孩 12因为撕碎了内衣而责备我 13 与…关系很好 14 向当地的警察致敬 15因为他离 开我而原谅他 16 重新联系 17 把他称作我的朋友 是一件荣幸的事情 18 对…怀念 19 对…感到羞耻 20 倒回生活的记录
How did we get along with the villagers?
We were __o_n_g__o_o_d_t_e_r_m_s__w_i_th__everyone in the village, and we even __g_a_v_e__a_s_a_l_u_te__to the local policeman as he passed on his bicycle. However, _i_n__o_u_r_im__a_g_i_n_a_ti_o_n____he was an enemy soldier and we were spies _lo_o_k_i_n_g__fo_r_s_e_c_r_e_t_s.
16.把手伸进了口袋 16.put the hands in the pockets
17.hold the notes in my hands
18.The door swung open
Sentences to learn:
1.I was twelve and , _h__a_v_in_g__lo_s_t__ all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school.
on good /bad terms with与某人关系很好/不好 我希望自己能和班里的每个人关系很好.
I hope I can be on good terms with everyone in the class.
My feeling:
It was the finest friendship anyone could have, and life seemed perfect.
小时候,我们一起做很多的事情:挖蚯蚓钓鱼, 赶松鼠,用树枝做扫帚,在树上建房子等等。而 且,我们跟村子里的人关系都很好。然而,14岁 的时候,他随他的父母搬去了伦敦,我非常伤心, 认为他背叛了我。
现在我们又联系上了,能把他称为我的朋友真 是一种荣幸。
I was blessed with a happy childhood, one that most people would want to have. I have a close friend named Danny, and we grew up together. As a child, we did everything together: digging up worms for fishing, chasing the squirrels away, making brooms out of branches and so on. What’s more, we were on good terms with everyone in the village. However, at the age of 14,he and his parents moved to London. I felt very sad, thinking he had betrayed me. Now I’m back in touch with him again, and it’s a privilege to call him my friend.
11.from time to time
12.翻别人的口袋 12.go through the pockets of people’s coat
13.go bright red
14.My mouth fell open
15.raise money
20. be back in touch with Sb 21. be nostalgic for the happy times ashamed of 23. rewind the recording of my life
5.就是在那里我发现我对那些咬我并使我的脸肿胀的飞虫 过敏。
6.对于一个还那么小的孩子来说,他非常会照顾人。母亲 仅仅因为我撕裂了内衣而责备我。
Let’s retell the passage.
我非常幸运的拥有一个幸福的童年,一个大多 数人都想拥有的童年。我有一个亲密的朋友名叫 Danny, 我们一起长大。
1. reach the final line
2. burst out laughing
3. I thought to myself
4.失去我所有的老朋友4. lose all my old friends
5.开始认识其他人 5. start getting to know people
Beginning (para 2)
We lived in a tiny village and our neighbors next door had a son n_a_m__e_dDanny _w_i_th__w_h_o_m___I grew up together. Thus I __w_a_s__b_le_s_s_e_d__w_i_tha happy childhood ,__o_n_e__that most people would want to have.
2.我并不是说他死了,他只是离开了,但是我仍然以当丹 尼离开时我是多么伤心来衡量所有的痛苦。
3.我非常幸运的拥有一个幸福的童年,一个大多数人都想 拥有的童年。
4.我们在松树林渡过漫长的夏日黄昏,要么挖钓鱼用的蚯 蚓,要么是捡鸟儿掉的羽毛,那些鸟儿曾被关养在笼中, 以供打猎之用。
2.__H_a_v_i_n_g__le_f_t __ something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it, and found Roy g_o_i_n_g__th_r_o_u_ghthe pockets of people’s coats.
having thought 3.This weekend, _________about the situation for a while, I decided to ask Roy about the theft, and this morning I went to see him.
14. fall out(发生;解散;与…争吵fall out with sb) 15. a very considerate boy for someone so young 16.scold me for tearing my underwear 17. be on good terms with 18.give a salute to sb 19. forgive Danny for leaving me.
He is a good teacher, one who is strict and kind.
Meeting my friends after so many years is an
unforgettable moment, _____ that I’ll treasure all my