国外工程现场管理规范性文件-现场安全管理Site Security

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Site Security
Table of Contents
3.Site Security
4.Site Security Plan
1. Introduction
Proper site security arrangements are necessary to protect Company's and client's property. Security very much relates to safety and has a degree of overlap with safety.
On construction projects within the fence of an existing plant, usually the client's security and guard arrangements will be applicable also to the construction of the new facilities.
However, security relative to Company's site buildings and the documentation contained there-in on any project requires proper attention and measures.
This section is to be considered a guide to setting up a security program for construction projects where there are no existing facilities and, thus, own all encompassing security arrangements have to be made by Company.
2. Responsibility
As for safety, the ultimate responsibility for security on site rests with the Project Construction Manager.
The organizational structure of the Company site team, project size and client's requirements/involvement relative to security will determine who in the site organization will handle the day to day security matters. Generally, the Company Safety Manager will have functional responsibility with the administrative responsibility resting with the Office Manager. Alternatively the Office Manager may handle all security matters.
3. Site Security
3.1 Guard Service
At the start of site activities arrangements have to be made for guard services at the site gate. Guard services can be obtained either by means of a subcontract to a specialized security firm or by hiring personnel locally on Company's payroll. Using a specialized firm usually has preference over hiring own personnel for a number of reasons e.g. experienced personnel can be expected, replacements during vacations and illnesses can be obtained, standard guard/security instructions will be available. Moreover the specialized firm processes all necessary permits/licences and registrations (to be checked!) as maybe required by authorities. When making arrangements for guard services consider:
∙Facilities required e.g guardhouse, movable gate/boom, communications (telephone/portophone) etc.
∙Hours of service i.e. day-service, night-service, 24-hours coverage, week-ends.
∙Patrols, punchclocks, dogs, etc.
3.1.1 Guard Duties
The duties of the guard(s) usually consist of the following (subject to local or project circumstances specific other duties may be assigned):
∙Control of incoming and outgoing personnel, visitors and traffic and maintaining the necessary administration and records related thereto.
∙Control of incoming and outgoing materials, tools, construction equipment, office furniture and equipment and any other materials or consumables, regardless of ownership.
∙Control of firehazards in the working areas as well as in/around offices and shops, after working house.
∙Control of security relative to Company's, client's and subcontractors' offices, after working hours, with respect to "clean disk"
discipline and the lock-up of desks, filing cabinets and cupboards containing project information and documentation.
3.2 Security Rules and Instructions
As already said, security has a degree of overlap with safety. The following security rules and instructions shall therefore be read in conjunction with the Company Safety Manual, procedure CO-SP-501 "Field Construction Safety Program".
3.2.1 Security Rules
Specifically prohibited on the site, as related to security, are:
∙Bringing and/or carrying of any weapons.
∙Bringing animals (except guard/patrol dogs).
∙Selling or the possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs.
∙Selling, advertisement and distribution of newspapers, illustrated papers, leaflets, tapes, gadgets or promotional campaigns of a political, religious, moral, sexual or subversive nature.
∙Bringing photo and film cameras and audio and video equipment without Company's prior approval.
∙Making or repairing of items for private use/purposes.
3.2.2 Security Instructions
The following are standard security instructions for any project which maybe complemented as required by specific project needs: ∙Security guards will be instructed by Company/client only. They shall have orders to take instructions from no one else.
∙All incoming and outgoing personnel, visitors and traffic shall be controlled in accordance with job specific security instruc-tions.
∙Visitors will be registered as such and receive a visitors pass. The guard at the gate shall warn the person to be visited before granting the visitor entrance to the site. Identification of visitors shall be in accordance with job specific security
∙Erection of sign board on as well as off site requires the prior approval from Company and local authorities as required.
∙All personnel working at the site shall be property identified and be in the possession of an identification card of badge. Type of identification shall be determined in the job safety/security plan. Such identification card/badge shall be returned to
Company upon termination of employment on the site.
∙The guard's authority includes the right to search any person or vehicle before entry or exit and to refuse site entrance to any person not meeting security requirements.
∙Trucks with incoming materials will be checked at the gate and the guard will direct them along the proper roads to the Company warehouse or unloading destination, after consultation with the Company Warehouse Supervisor.
∙All materials, tools and equipment leaving the site require a Company Outshipment Report signed by an authorized person.
This also applies to personal tools.
∙As required, job specific security instruction shall prescribe the guards to make rounds after working hours to control particularly:
∙clean desk and lock-up discipline
∙open doors and windows
∙switched on office equipment
∙lighting switched on or off as required
∙After normal working hours, the guard shall always be informed as to numbers and names of personnel working overtime and the name of the responsible supervisor(s).
∙Modifying, cutting or removing site fencing may only be performed with the written approval from Company.
∙On a regular basis Company's and Client's Safety/Security Officers shall conduct, after office hours, checks in cooperation with the Subcontractor's security representative.
3.3 Security of Information and Documentation
∙The Client may have his own procedure on protection of his proprietary information. In such cases Company should strictly adhere to the Client's procedure. Keep in mind that in the conduct of its business, Company is the custodian of confidential information of many Clients as well as its own, and possesses a substantial amount of proprietary information.
∙All confidential information given to, or acquired by subcontractors and their employees relating to the business of Company and Client must be maintained in strict confidence. Every reasonable effort must be made by all concerned to prevent any
unauthorized disclosure or use of such information.
∙It is vital to our business and in the interest of the Client that the confidentiality of such information be preserved.
∙Specific guidelines:
∙After office hours, all Company and Client's proprietary information shall be secured in steel filing cabinets equipped with cylinder-type security locks.
∙During lunch hours, all access doors to the offices in which proprietary information is maintained be locked when unattended.
∙Company and Client's proprietary documents shall be destroyed either by shredding or a chemical process. Supervision by Company's Safety/Security Officer is recommended whenever documents are destroyed.
∙Duplication of Company's or Client's proprietary information is only permitted with the written approval of the originator.
∙Distribution of proprietary data is on a "need-to-know" basis only.
4. Site Security Plan
∙Prior to the start of field activities a site security plan as part of the site safety plan must be developed.
∙The following is an indicative listing of items that should be considered, and addressed as required, in the development of the security plan:
∙Meeting with client to discuss security and establish requirements.
∙Perimeter fencing arrangements.
∙Number, location and type of entrance gates and parking areas.
∙Establishment of a guard service and determination of coverage (day, night, week-ends, etc.).
∙Security documentations:
∙Guard instructions and duties
∙Gate passes (visitors, cars, etc.)
∙Guard registers and logbooks
∙Security communication facilities.
∙Identification card or badge system and personnel registration requirements.
∙Guard patrol and punchclock requirements.
∙Lines of authority and communication relative to security.
∙Local authorities (addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) in conjunction with safety arrangements.
∙Evacuation procedure (as related to security).。
