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Dear mike,i'm sorry for not being there.my wife suddenly fell ill,
so i'll have to stay with her in the hospital.if you need anything,just ask jane.i'll see you tomorrow morning.yours jung.
2.Dear Mom and Dad,thanks for your letter.it was nice to get news from home.i was so pleased to hear that you are both well and that things are alright at work.my life in london is certainly very different from that in Singapore.for astart,Fileco is amuch smaller company and ihave alot more responsibility for my own work.there are six of us in the office,though the sales manager David Hamilton is often away.the people iwork with seem quite nice.i've become quite friendly with one of them in particular.her name is Jane Wilson.let me tell yu alittle about her.Jane works as abuyer.she's been with the company for about five years,since she graduated.she comes from asmall town called Milford,but now she lives by herself in aflat near Euston Station,here in London.we're almost th esame age,as her birthday is just four days after mine.we've already decided that
we'll have ajoint birthday party.we'll use her flat as it's alittle bigger than mine.i'm really looking forward to it.another thing Jane and ihave in common is that her father is also the headmaster of aschool.her mother works in ahospital,and her older brother teaches English in Thailand.she also has ayounger sister,Helen,who is studying to be an architect.both Jane and Helen are mad about computers.Jane seems very easy-going.we find lots of things to talk about.she's interested in books and is quite well read.but ihaven't read most of the books she talks about:they're mostly by modern western authors.Jane's also interested in music.she has agreat
collection of CDs and i've been borrowing some of them.she plays the piano herself,and she won several music competitions when she was at school.her other main hobby is photography.at the weekend she often drives out into the countryside to take photo s.she's promised to take me with her the next time she goes.finally,she lides to keep
fit.like me,she plays tennis.we also plan to go jogging
together.altogether,Jane seems avery lively person.i'm glad to have made friends with her.as you can imagine,my life is very busy these days.i'm setting in.i have so many colleagues to get to know,and so much to learn about my new job.i don't seem to have much time to myself.but things have been going well so far.anyway,i'll have to sign off,as ihave to get up early for work tomorrow.i'm missing you both very much.wri8te soon!love,[signature]
Dear Mom and Dad,
How are you both?i hope you are well.
i'm getting on well here in Britain.Do you remember my friend Jane?i think imentioned her in an earlier letter.well,she invited me to spend this weekend at her parents'home in Milford.we came down here on Friday evening after work.it's Sunday morning.right now i'm sitting in the conservatory,where there are lots of plants and flowers.although it's quite cold outside,it's warm in here and the sun is shining through the windows.only Jane and iare at home.her parents have gone to church.Jane's parents are very nice…
well,i had better finish this letter.i can hear Mr and Mrs Wilson getting back from church.i'd better see if there is anything ican do to help with lunch.look after yourselves.write soom.
Your loving daughter,()
Ambassador Hotel,Waverly Sq.,Birmingham,BU5 1SJ,Telephone:026-781-3249 Fax:026-547-4776 21 October,1998 Our ref:MB/07/26114/R Ypur ref:
Sales Department,Fileco Ltd.,26,Portman St.,London SW1 3BA Dear Sirs,
We are writing to you following arecent meeting with your Sles Representative,Ms.Mary Wong,who informs us that you are able to supply us with arange of furniture and fittings for the offices of our hotel.
we would be grateful if you could send us your latest catalogue and price list.we are also interested in your terms of payment,the discounts offered for bulk orders and details of about delivery times.we look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,()Satwant Singh(Ms)Purchasing Manager 5.Fileco Ltd.,26,Portman St.,London SW1 3BA Tel:071-563-2228 Fax:071-563-2449 _---Date:October 27,1998 Our ref:DH/15 yOUR REF:MB/07/26114/R Purchasing Department,Ambassador Hotel,Waverly Sq.,Birmin gham,BU5
Re Enquiry concerning furniture and fittings Dear Ms Singh,
We thank you for your letter of 21 October and appreciate your interest in our products.please find enclosed our catalogue and price list,as well as details of our trade discounts and special terms for large orders.
since your enquiry does not specify the kind of goods nor the quantities you require,we are not able to give you information about the current availability of the goods.however,we can assure you that
on receipt of confirmation we normally require only two weeks before despatch.
we hope that you will find our terms satisfactory and we look forward to receiving your order.
Yours faithfully,()David Hamilton Sales Manager
encl.Catalogue,price list,details of trade discounts 6.MEMORANDUM To:Edward Woods,Manager From:Jane Wilson,
Chief Buyer Date:26 Oct.1998 Subject:Proposed meeting with
Ms.Li,Beijing Furniture Factory our Sales Manager,Dvid Hamilton has recently made contact with Ms Li,who is the Sales Manager of
afurniture factory in Beijing.i have been looking at the brochure
that the factory produce and have discussed this with Mary Wong and David.we feel that the Beijing Furniture Factory may be able to
supply us with various items of office furniture.i have contacted Ms
Li and suggested that we meet this Friday afternoon at 2o'clock.i would be grateful if you could spare the time to meet with Ms
Li,David Hamilton,Mary Wong and myself,in order to discuss the possibility of apurchasing contract.the company make aselection of desks,which would be very suitable for our purposes,though both Mary and me think there would have to be certain changes made to them in order to satisfy our customer's needs.we also think that the company would be able to make some other furniture according to our own requirements,such as reception area seating and low coffee tables.the prices of the Beijing Furniture Factory are extremely competitive.we reall ythink it might be worthwhile developing contacts with the company,so,do you think you will be able to attend the meeting with
us on Friday?
7.#1 10-DEC-1998 14:46:25.12 TO MR ARUSSELL,IMPORT MANAGER Dear Mr Russell Please confirm order of porcelian ref.234AQ,giving details
of:quantity,type,remarks.Also plse confm method of payment and shipping arrangements.Many thanks.Yang Dazhi,Export Manager 8.
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