纯正口语-高频动词口语短句 (1)

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1. Let's get together and catch up. 找时间聚聚叙叙旧。

2. What's the catch?有什么内幕吗?
3. Sorry I didn't catch your name. 没听清你的名字。

4. We have a lot to catch up on. 我们有许多进度要赶。

5. I gotta catch some Z's. 我得小睡会。

6. Catch you later. 回头见。

1. We really hit it off. 我俩很合得来。

2. You hit the nail on the head. 你说的一针见血。

3. We gotta hit the road. 该走啦!
4. This cool drink hits the spot. 这杯冷饮真过瘾。

5. It is time to hit the hay. 该上床睡觉了。

6. Are you hitting on me? 你是在跟我搭讪么?
1. Nice try. 想得美。

2. Try to put yourself in my place. 你站在我的角度想想。

3. Well, it's worth a try. 值得一试。

4. Can I try these on?能试穿一下么?
5. Try me. 你倒是说说看。

6. Don't try to fool me. 别想着糊弄我。

7. Let me try to get this out. 听我把话说完。

1. I feel like I am going to pass out. 我觉得自己要晕过去了。

2. I'm sure you will pass the test. 考试你肯定能过的。

3. I'll pass it on. 我会转达的。

4. That guy made a pass at me. 他调戏我。

5. I lost my boarding pass. 我把登机牌弄丢了。

6. I'll take a pass. 我就不去了。

1. Let's go grab a bite to eat. 我们去找点东西吃。

2. I had to bite my tongue. 我忍着没说出口。

3. It might come back to bite you. 小心反过来害惨你。

4. I couldn't eat another bite. 吃太饱啦。

5. Don't bite my head off! 别对我发脾气!
6. I won't bite. 别怕,我不咬人。

1. Hold your tongue! 别说了。

2. How are you holding up? 你还好吧?
3. Don't hold your breath. 别期望太高了。

4. She can hold her liquor. 她酒量不错。

5. I can't hold it. 我憋不住想上厕所了。

6. I can't hold a candle to her. 我比她差远了。

7. Hold your horses! 别急!
1. Keep the change. 不用找零了。

2. Don't keep everything to yourself. 别什么事都憋心里。

3. Keep your nose out of it. 你别搀和。

4. I'll keep my mouth shut. 我不会说的。

5. Keep an eye on them. 留意下他们。

6. You should keep him at arm's length. 你该跟他保持距离。

1. I nearly jumped out of my skin. 吓了我一大跳。

2. Don't jump to conclusions. 别急于下结论。

3. I am thinking about jumping ship. 我正在考虑跳槽。

4. Let's not jump the gun here. 不要操之过急。

5. You shouldn't jump the queue. 你不应该插队。
