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1.The boy plays the ________.
2.What do you call a group of birds?
A. Flock
B. Pack
C. Herd
D. Swarm
3.What do you call a group of stars?
A. Planet
B. Galaxy
C. Universe
D. Solar system
4.I have a collection of _________ (毛绒玩具) from different countries.
5.How do you feel when you are scared?
A. Happy
B. Sad
C. Frightened
D. Excited
6. A parakeet can be blue or ______ (绿色).
7.The ______ (花园设计) can reflect personal style.
8.Which instrument has keys?
A. Guitar
B. Violin
C. Piano
D. DrumsC
9.What is the process of water turning into vapor called?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation
D. FiltrationB
10.What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Greece?
A. Colosseum
B. Parthenon
C. Great Wall
D. PyramidsB
11.What is the common name for a feline pet?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Rabbit
D. Guinea PigB
12.I made a ______ (贺卡) for my friend's birthday. She was very ______ (感动).
13.I think that being curious leads to new __________.
14. A turtle hides in its _______ when it feels threatened or scared.
15.中国的________ (myths) 常常包含教训与智慧。

16.The __________ (历史的挑战) requires courage.
17.The starling can mimic other ______ (鸟) sounds.
18.Lily pads float on the _______ of the pond.
19.Which direction does the sun rise?
A. North
B. South
C. East
D. West
20.The _______ (Peasants’ Revolt) occurred in England in 1381.
21.The teacher always encourages _____ (创造力).
22.What is the name of the toy that can jump and bounce?
A. Doll
B. Ball
C. Car
D. PuzzleB
23. A flashlight uses a _______ to produce light.
24.What is the main language spoken in the United States?
A. French
B. Spanish
C. English
D. Chinese
25.Which animal is known for its wisdom in folklore?
A. Fox
B. Owl
C. Dog
D. BearB
26.The chemical symbol for oxygen is ______.
27.The __________ (历史的推动) inspires change.
28.I want to learn how to ________ (做陶瓷).
29.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)
30. A whale can sing beautiful ______ (歌曲).
31.What do we call a story that is made up?
A. Nonfiction
B. Biography
C. Fiction
D. HistoryC
32.The ______ (触感) of leaves can vary widely.
33.What is the capital city of Turkey?
A. Istanbul
B. Ankara
C. Izmir
D. Antalya
34.Insects can be beneficial for __________ (植物的生长).
35.My parakeet loves to take a ______ (洗澡).
36.The __________ (历史的成就展示) celebrate human ingenuity.
37.What do you call a large body of salt water?
A. River
B. Ocean
C. Lake
D. PondB
38.What is the term for a baby tiger?
A. Cub
B. Pup
C. Kit
D. FawnA
39.Constellations can change depending on the ______.
40.What do you call a person who writes poems?
A. Author
B. Poet
C. Novelist
D. LyricistB
41._____ (宝贵的资源) like trees are crucial for our planet.
42.When I travel, I like to take ______ (照片) to remember the places I’ve been. It’s nice to look back and see those memories.
43.What do we call the act of cultivating personal growth?
A. Self-Improvement
B. Development
C. Growth
D. All of the AboveD
44.The parakeet chirps happily in its _________. (笼子)
45.I love to play outside on sunny ______ (日子). It makes me feel very ______ (快乐).
46.My dad is building a ____ (treehouse) for us.
47.I enjoy playing ________ (乒乓球) in the park. It helps me stay ________ (健康).
48.We saw a _____ (蛇) slithering through the grass.
49. A __________ (长期计划) can support sustainable gardening.
50. A ____ is a small mammal that is very curious and loves to explore.
51.The capital of the Maldives is _______.
52.The ________ (computer) is powerful.
53.My brother is a big __________ of football. (粉丝)
54.My uncle is a ________ (医生).
55.The chemical symbol for cobalt is __________.
56.The Renaissance began in _______.
57.The _______ can help you learn about responsibility.
58.The hummingbird's wings beat incredibly fast, allowing it to hover in
________________ (空中).
59.The sun is ___ (setting) in the evening.
60.What do you call the study of the Earth?
A. Biology
B. Geography
C. Chemistry
D. PhysicsB
61.The _______ is the center of an atom.
62.Rocks can be classified into three types: igneous, ______, and metamorphic.
63. A ______ is a rule that describes a pattern in nature.
64.Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to solve puzzles?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Dolphin
D. Elephant
65.What do we call the tiny particles that make up all matter?
A. Atoms
B. Cells
C. Molecules
D. Electrons
66.Plants need proper ______ (间距) to grow well.
67.What is the name of the sweet food often eaten at birthday parties?
A. Pie
B. Cake
C. Cookies
D. Ice CreamB
68.The _______ (Silk Road) was a trade route that connected the East and West.
69.I want to ___ (go/visit) the zoo.
70.The chemical symbol for lawrencium is _____.
71.What do we call the fluffy white substance that falls from the sky in winter?
A. Rain
B. Hail
C. Snow
D. SleetC
72.She is drawing a ___. (sun)
73. A _____ (猴子) can use tools to get food.
74.My birthday cake is _______ (大大的).
75.My ________ (玩具名称) is a fantastic conversation starter.
76. A saturated solution can hold only a fixed amount of _______.
77.ssance brought a renewed interest in ________ (艺术和科学). The Rena
78.My sister is my best _______ because we tell each other everything.
79.When it’s foggy, I need to be extra __________ on the road. (小心的)
80.The Earth's crust is _____ than the inner core.
81.Dogs love to play _________. (球)
82.I like to _____ (paint) pictures.
83. d chloride combine to make _______. (盐) Solubili
84.I think staying curious helps us learn more about __________.
85.The boy plays the ________.
86. A thermometer measures ______ temperature.
87.The _____ (椅子) is comfortable.
88.The wind makes everything feel ______ (凉爽).
89.What type of tree produces acorns?
A. Pine
B. Maple
C. Oak
D. BirchC Oak
90.We often laugh together and call each other silly names like ______. (我们常常一起笑,称呼对方为像____这样的搞笑名字。

91. A __________ can reveal information about past climates.
92.My friend studies ____ (history) and enjoys it.
93.The _____ (植物学家) studies various plant species.
94.The Earth’s crust is divided into many pieces called ______ plates.
95.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Cocoa
B. Sugar
C. Milk
D. ButterA
96.The classroom is ___ (clean/messy).
97.What do we call a person who studies physics?
A. Physicist
B. Chemist
C. Mathematician
D. Engineer
98. A ____ has a shiny coat and loves to chase after things.
99.The ancient Mesopotamians created one of the first written ______ (语言). 100.The process of changing from solid to gas is called _____.。
