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The Mid-autumn festival began in the early Tang Dynasty and prevailed in the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had become one of the Chinese traditional festivals as famous as the Spring Festival. Influenced by Chinese culture, the Mid Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival for some countries in East and Southeast Asia.
Families gather under the lamps for fun. Ordinary people set up a flagpole and two lanterns for their own pleasure. The lights all over the city are like the world of colored glass. " Since ancient times, the custom of lighting lanterns in the Mid Autumn Festival seems to be the second only to the Lantern Festival.
The Mid-autumn Festival
Legen Mid Autumn Festival is also known as Moon Eve, Autumn festival, August meeting, Moon chasing Festival, daughter's day or reunion festival.It is a traditional festival popular among many Chinese nationalities and countries. It is on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar.
In ancient times, watching the tide was another important mid autumn festival event. After the Han Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival tide watching wind is more prosperous. There are also records of watching the tide in the Ming and the Song Dynasties.
This tree grows luxuriantly with a height of more than 500 Zhang. Every time it is cut a bit, the cutting place will be closed immediately. So Wu Gang could never complete his mission.
It is said that when Chang'e became lighter and flew to the sky, she picked up the white rabbit she had been feeding in fear. The jade rabbit has a pestle in the Moon Palace. At night, it tamps the elixir of immortality in the medicine mortar. After this myth spread to Japan, it became a Jade Rabbit pounding rice cakes.
Later, Chang'e confided her regret to her husband and said, "It will be full moon tomorrow. You make flour in the shape of a full moon, put them in the northwest of the house, and then call my name continuously. At midnight, I can go home." The next day, according to his wife's instructions, Chang'e flew from the moon and they reunited.
It is said that there was a man named Wu Gang in the Moon Palace. He once followed the immortal to practice Taoism and went to the heaven, but he made a mistake. The immortal relegated him to the Moon Palace and cut down the laurel trees in front of the palace every day as a punishment.
People often enjoy osmanthus fragrans during the Mid Autumn Festival. On the night of the festival, people drink a cup of osmanthus honey wine and celebrate the sweetness with the whole family.
The word moon cake originated in the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, it was only a snack. Later, people gradually combined moon appreciation with moon cakes, implying family reunion and nostalgia. At the same time, moon cakes are also an important gift for friends.
More than ten days before the festival, each family ties lanterns with bamboo strips. They make shapes like fruit, birds, fish and insects. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the internal burning candles of the lanterns are tied to bamboo poles with ropes and erected on tile eaves or terraces.
中庭地白树栖鸦, 冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明人尽望, 不知秋思落谁家。
海上生明月,天涯共此时。 情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思。 灭烛怜光满,披衣觉露滋。 不堪盈手赠,还寝梦佳期。
《水调歌头·明月几时有》 宋 · 苏轼 明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间。转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。
Chang'e stole the immortal medicine from her husband Hou Yi obtained from the queen mother of the West and flew to the Moon Palace. Soon she regretted stealing miraculous medicine because of the loneliness.
三是找准学科增分点 认真研究本省、本市、本校近年来的高考数据,细化到每一个知识点的得失分情况,找准突破点和增分点,有目的进行专项训练和突破提升。英语的阅读理解和小作文、语文的古文分析和作文、理科的做题速度、文科的答题思路等,都要制定详细的训练方案和突破的方法策略,在实践中调整提升,打破制约瓶颈,找到质量提升的突破口。二、课堂教学务必高效课堂是教育教学是主阵地。高三年级教学时间紧,教学任务重,更要切实发挥课堂40分钟的作用。一是上好微专题课。春节前后,一轮复习进入后期,学生不会的知识点逐步浮出水面。这些薄弱知识点如果解决不好,将直接影响到二轮复习的效果。高三年级要围绕浮现出来的问题,上好微专题或微微专题课,针对某一个点或几个点精讲、讲透,触类旁通。微专题课怎么上?可以针对学生不会的问题,每节课重点解决1-2个知识点,专题强调,专点训练,不贪多,顺一个点“追祖宗八代”,剖析透!微微专题,则更精、更准、更小、更有效,可以一节课只讲一道题,但是要把这一道题挖深、挖透,讲透一个会一类,做会一题能举一反三。
高考质量提升是一项系统工程,涉及到多个方面、各个维度,关键是要抓住重点、以点带面、全面突破,收到事半功倍的效果。一、备考策略务必精准 高三备考的不同阶段,目标和任务各不相同,就像打仗一样,攻克不同的山头有不同的打法,只有抓住要领,才能打赢主动仗。一是细化“作战地图” 从现在到一模考试前,主要任务是过课本、串教材,把基础知识再夯实,为专题复习奠定坚实基础。各学科组教师要认真学习新课程、新课标、《中国考试评价体系及说明》和近三年高考原题,把高考考点和试题变化点做成“作战地图”,平时考试、练习要对照“作战地图”进行选题,并在“作战地图”上一一标注,确保考点训练无死角、考点覆盖无遗漏。二是组织集体攻坚 发挥学科组集体备考的优势,学科组内任务分解、责任到人,每次考试变式训练的预测由组长把关。学科组坚持“一课一研”、“一考一研”,新老教师步调一致,节奏有序,充分发挥分工协作的集体教研智慧。
In the Zhou Dynasty, it was necessary to worship the moon God on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. People set up a large incense table and put moon cakes, watermelons, apples, red dates, plums, grapes and other sacrifices. Among them, moon cakes and watermelons are absolutely indispensable, and watermelons should be cut into lotus shapes.
Under the moon, put the statue of the moon in the direction of the moon, and the red candles burn high. The whole family worship the moon in turns, and then the housewife cuts the reunion moon cake. Then the family could share the moon cake together.