《大学英语》精读 第四册 Test Yourself 1-2选择题

2013-2014大二(下)英语期末复习范围大学英语精读第四册Test Yourself 1--------vocabulary and structureP 129I nside, in the warm living room, with a glass of wine to drink and Mozart to listen to on the CD, she was far from the tiredness she had ___C___earlier.A advocatedB conceivedC claimed v.声称;断言;需要;索取;认领n. 要求;索赔;值得;声称;断言 D accumulated1. If you've worked for one employer for two years or more before leavingto have your baby,you may be __B___maternity pay(产妇薪酬)A drawn onB entitled to (有权益)C settled for (满足于)D rested on (依靠)2. Tons of food was laid out on the big table and crates of beer were______ready for consumption消费.A reserved(保留)B expended(花费)C generated(产生)D stacked(一堆)3. You'd better keep your leaders_______of your activities so that they canensure you are adequately supported.A informed(告知)B amused(有趣的)C outlined(概括)D swallowed(吞咽)4. According to the latest poll,the president's 43 percent support has_____to 32percent.A minimized(最小化)B shrunk(减少)C cited(引证)D predicted(预言)5. Managers might not borrow借入as much as they should,if they want toretain a large______of borrowing power in case of problems.A delivery(递交)B burden (负担)C reserve储备(物);储藏量;储备金;自然保护区;替补队员;内敛;后备军D deposit(沉淀)6. It is said that one______a work of art and brings it forth as a child is_____and brought forth into the world.A reproduces, reproduced(繁殖)B safeguards, safeguarded (防护措施)C tolerates,tolerated (忍受)D conceives,conceived (构思、怀孕)7. Our case against piracy was won,but over $75000 had been ______inlegal costs in the proceedings ,far more than the compensation awarded by the court.A advanced (提高)B expended(花费)C attained(获得)D blasted(爆炸)8. If the environment is to be properly_______policies must be formulatedwhich will encourage the green industry.A bluffed(吓唬)B promoted(促进)C safeguarded(保障)D varnished (装饰)9. Although we are often successful in securing accommodation for peoplewith AIDS, it is a problem which stretches our ______to the full and needs taken care of immediately.A bonuses (奖金)B dilemmas (窘境)C resource (资源)D limitations (限制)10. Mark's latest work ______the learning theories of the 1980s as well ashis own experience in teaching English to foreigners.A built on(建立。

大学英语精读第三版第四册答案Unit1翻译1 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们;We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day.2 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日;I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.3 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展;Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far.4 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受;painIt pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking.5 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式;Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash asa way for people to settle their accounts.6 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的;The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.Unit2翻译1 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主;Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions.2 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺;There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce.3 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高;Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity.4 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望;He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B.5 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭;We have ample time for a leisurely lunch.6 地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机;The local government had to draw on its grain reserves and take other emergency measures so as to pull through the food crisis.Unit3翻译1 萧伯纳在他一个剧本的前言中提出这样的看法:今天人们比在中世纪时更加迷信;In the preface to one of his plays, Bernard Shaw advances the idea that people are more superstitious today than they were in the Middle Ages.2 丈夫死后,她只好独自挑起抚养五个孩子的经济重担;After her husband died, she had to bear the severe financial burden of raising five children by herself.3 证明或驳斥某个论点的最好办法之一是从亲身经历中举出例子;One of the best ways to prove or refute a point is to cite examples from your own experience.4 亨特说贝蒂老是夸大他的缺点,这话很可能会引起一场争吵;Hunt's statement that Betty always exaggerates his faults may well lead to a quarrel.5 我当时对她绝对信任,无论她告诉我什么,我都会相信;I trusted her so much that I would have swallowed any story she told me.6 一家人聚拢来讨论经济问题时,父亲一开头就说,每月存点钱是绝对必要的,遇到紧急情况,我们可以依靠积蓄;When the family gathered to discuss matters of finance, Father started off by saying that it was absolutely necessary to set aside some money each month, for in an emergency we could fall back on our savings.Unit4;翻译有时,倒霉的事儿似乎会到处跟随着你;就举不久前我所遭遇到的事为例吧;一天我开车去附近一座城市出差,在一个十字路口,见到红灯亮起我便将车停了下来;可是,突然一辆黑色的别克车从后面向我的车子撞过来;我受了点伤;万分忿怒之下我咒骂着下了车,可却发现那车的女驾驶员像是被撞得不省人事了,她那坐在车后的小孩也受伤了;我只好在口袋中摸找报了警;几分钟后一辆警车开来,急忙将女士和小孩送往医院;而我却被告知要待在原处;事实上,尽管我对这事毫无责任,我在两小时后方得以离开现场;回到家,精神力气好像一点儿都没有了;至于出差的事么,我只好取消了;为此,我的工作也受到很大损失;至今,我仍搞不明白这车祸到底是怎么回事;Sometimes bad luck seems to follow you everywhere. Take, for instance, what happened to me not long ago. One day I drove to a nearby city on business. At a junction I pulled the car to a halt as the red light was on; however, a black Buick suddenly collided into my car from behind.I was slightly injured. Wild with anger I cursed and got out only to find that the woman driver of the other car appeared to have been knocked unconscious and her young child, who was sitting in the rear of the car,was hurt, too. I had to fumble in my pockets for my mobile phone and call the police. In a few minutes a police car came and rushed the lady and her child to hospital. I was, however, asked to stay where I was. In fact, I didn't leave the scene until two hours later although I was not to blame at all. By the time I got home all my energy seemed to have deserted me. As to the business trip, I had to cancel it. As a result, my work suffered enormously. Up to now, I still can't make sense of the accident.Unit5翻译1 我确信这项所谓 so-called 明智的决定,与期望相反,会带来极其严重的后果;I am convinced that, contrary to expectations, the so-called informed decision will bring very grave consequences.2 诚然,他曾欺骗你,但他已经承认自己做错了,并道了歉;所以你不应该老是以怀疑的态度对待他;It's true he once deceived you, but he has admitted he has done wrong and apologized. So you shouldn't always treat him with suspicion.3 他在这个问题公开进行辩论之前就已表明了自己的立场;He had taken a stand on the issue before it was openly debated.4 在调查过程中,他们发现了种种形式的政治腐败,并揭露了许多贪官污吏corrupt officials;In the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of political corruption and exposed a number of corrupt officials.5 玛丽的两难处境是:把真相告诉老板从而失信于她的同事,还是让老板蒙在鼓里从而辜负他的信任;Mary's dilemma was whether to betray her colleagues by telling her boss the truth or to betray his trust by keeping him in the dark about it.6 首先,是什么使你认为这项规划会促进改革其次,你怎么知道这些改革会让全县得到好处Now, in the first place, what has made you think led you to think this program will promote reforms, and in the second, how do you know these reforms will benefit the whole county;Unit6翻译1 那位卫生部副部长一再强调把中西医结合起来是多么重要;The vice minister of health has emphasized time and again how important it is to integrate traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine.2 热天很难保藏食品,使之保持新鲜与食用安全;很自然,许多人觉得在夏季还是不上饭店为好;In hot weather it is rather difficult to preserve food and keep it fresh and safe to eat. Naturally, many people prefer not to eat in restaurants during the summer months.</3 阅读时在作者强调的论点底下划线,对我们会有所裨益;It will do us good to underline the points that the author emphasizes in his book.4 经过好几天侦查,警方终于弄清这起谋杀案和新近发生的越狱事件有关;After days of inquiry the police finally tied up the murder with the case of the recent escape from prison.5 我想劝说他们采纳我们的计划,首先因为这一计划所需资金较少,其次,不会造成环境污染;I want to persuade them to adopt our plan, because, in the first place, it calls for less funds and, in the second place, it will not cause environmental pollution.6 父亲用绳子把芹菜 celery 扎在一起,放在河里浸了浸,然后拿到菜场去卖;Father bound the celery together with a rope and dipped it in the stream for a while before he took it to the market for sale.Unit7翻译1 法庭的判决引起史密斯先生的朋友们的气愤,他们相信他是无辜的;The court's judgment aroused anger among Mr. Smith's friends, who believed that he was innocent.2 当我们经过那家价格昂贵的餐馆时,父亲催我们快走,他说在这样高档的fancy 地方用餐是大大超过我们的经济能力的;As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it was well beyond our means to have dinner at such a fancy place.3 老师在评价一篇文章并给它打分 grade vt. 时,可能是根据总的印象而不是根据仔细的分析 analysis;A teacher may evaluate and grade an essay on the basis of his general impression rather than on a detailed analysis.4 小狗 puppy 将我的一张画搞坏了,我真想对它发火,可它那十分可爱cute 的样子使我不禁笑着把它从地上抱了起来;be inclined to, ruinI was inclined to get angry at the puppy for ruining my painting but he was so cute that I could not help but laugh and pick him up.5 爱德华 Edward 常常喜爱在那间可以眺望大海的房间里朗诵诗歌;Edward was in the habit of reciting poems in the room overlooking the sea.6 安东尼 Anthony 彻夜未眠,因为他对于是否得插手此事举棋不定;Anthony stayed up all night because he just could not make up his mind whether or not to take a hand in the matter.。

大学英语精读第三版第四册答案Unit11) thoughtful2) might as well/may as well/could as well3) draw your attention to4) marvelous5) settle for6) done with7) Competitive competitive8) pains/pained9) bonus10) shrink11) delivery12) overheard13) sour14) for rent15) stack16) reproduce1) inquired2) informed3) awful4) settle for5) trash6) claimed7) Normally8) a piece of cake9) be done with10) enable11) am entitled12) quite a while1) ask for2) was set up/has been set up3) pulled up4) gives off5) was held up6) keep up7) ran over8) made up9) be left out10) cut off1) It pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation.2) The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time.3) We'd been at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it.4) You have no business saying those nasty things about Dick.5) We might as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything interesting on television.1) standee2) payee3) grantee4) addressee5) a person who is absent6) a person who is being trained7) a divorced person8) a person who is appointed1) output2) breakdown3) setup4) Takeoff5) drawbacks6) breakthrough7) cutback8) takeover1) paper, store, shop, case, cream2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground4) pill, water, material, point, machine5) pour, look/put/come, come,6) out, back/up, through/down/out1) a dozen years2) dozens of times3) two dozen passengers4) dozens of phone calls5) three dozen boxes6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine1) a great deal of pain "has been caused by evils which have never happened"2) the elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-in-law3) this essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes4) I just caught the train in time5) You can't eat your cake and have it too1) You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.2) Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his.3) Sally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods.4) Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone.5) His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm.6) You ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get frozen.1) delivery2) a piece of cake3) inquire4) pulling up5) stacks6) deadline7) marvelous8) enable9) cut into10) settle for11) settled our accounts12) minimum13) known better than1) advertisement/ad2) read3) No4) like5) words6) towards7) which8) sizes9) sitting10) water11) bottle12) one13) started14) passed15) run/pass16) into17) coming18) if19) quit20) hour21) wrote翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。

大学英语精读第三版第四册课后习题答案Unit 1 prehension 1.c 2.b 3. d 4.c 5. b 6. c 7. a 8.d III. V ocabulary 1. 3) draw your attention to 1) thoughtful 2) might as well/may as well/could as well 4) marvelous 5) settle for 6) done with 7) Competitive competitive 8) pains/pained 9) bonus 10) shrink 11) delivery 12) overheard 13) sour 14) for rent 15) stack 16) reproduce 2. 1) inquired 2) informed 3) awful 4) settle for 5) trash 6) claimed 7) Normally 8) a piece of cake 9) be done with 10) enable 11) am entitled 12) quite a while 3. 1) ask for 2) was set up/has been set up 3) pulled up 4) gives off 5) was held up 6) keep up 7) ran over 8) made up 9) be left out 10) cut off 4. 1) It pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation. 2) The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time. 3) We'd been at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it. 4) You have no business saying those nasty things about Dick. 5) We might as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything interesting on television. IV IV. . 1. 1) standee 2) payee 3) grantee 4) addressee 5) a person who is absent 6) a person who is being trained 7) a divorced person 8) a person who is appointed 2. 1) output 2) breakdown 3) setup 4) Takeoff 5) drawbacks 6) breakthrough 7) cutback 8) takeover 3. 1) paper, store, shop, case, cream 2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking 3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground 4) pill, water, material, point, machine 5) pour, look/put/come, come, 6) out, back/up, through/down/out V. 1) a dozen years 2) dozens of times 3) two dozen passengers 4) dozens of phone calls 5) three dozen boxes 6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine VI. 1. 1) a great deal of pain "has been caused by evils which have never happened" 2) the elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-in-law 3) this essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes 4) I just caught the train in time 5) You can't eat your cake and have it too 2. 1) You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal. 2) Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his. 3) Sally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods. 4) Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone. 5) His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm. 6) You ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get frozen. VII. Cloze 1. 1) delivery 2) a piece of cake 3) inquire 4) pulling up 5) stacks 6) deadline 7) marvelous 8) enable 9) cut into 10) settle for 11) settled our accounts 12) minimum 13) known better than 2. 1) advertisement/ad 2) read 3) No 4) like 5) words 6) towards 7) which 8) sizes 9) sitting 10) water 11) bottle 12) one 13) started 14) passed 15) run/pass 16) into 17) coming 18) if 19) quit 20) hour 21) wrote VIII.翻译翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。

⼤学英语精读第三版第四册课后习题答案⼤学英语精读第三版第四册Unit11)A thoughtful person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others.2)The library is closing,We might as well/may as well/could as well go home.3)I don’t like to draw your attention to the fact that there is some Sense after all in the speaker's nonsense.4)Harry has a vivid imagination;he can make up marvelous stories.5)Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to settle for the second.6)I'm quite determined to have the thing finished and done with before leaving the office.7)Competitive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competitive world of college and business.8)It pains/pained me to admit that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake.9)My boss paid me and added a bonus for the new customers I had signedup.10)A soldier should never shrink from the duty of defending his country even in the face of certain death.11)Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late and thedelivery goods was not on time.12)My wife was rather embarrassed when she overheard some of our guestssay they didn't like the meal she’d cooked for them.13)People in my hometown tend to eat more sour food on hot summer dayspresumably because it could help quench their thirst(解渴).14)In the United States it is quite easy to find a place for rent butthe high cost keeps many young people away.15)The professor was reluctant to stop grading the stack of papers onher desk,but she was really too tired to read on.16)Bacteria reproduce themselves by splitting into two.Unit21)The changes in the firm's policy will have to be fundamental if they are to have any effect on its future.2)Last month I deposited 50 yuan in my savings account,but this monthI had to draw 200 to pay for he mp3 player.3)State financial support given in the form of scholarships hasstimulated the students to greater efforts.4)If you spare half an hour for exercises every day you’ll soon be backin good condition/in condition.5)The U.S. dollar fell yesterday against most foreign currencies.6)A country should its natural resources by fighting against waste.7)You can increase a tyre’s grip in winter by slightly lowering itspressure.8)Scientists conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.9)Rhythm is a basic component of music and language.10)Large amounts of food imports placed a great strain(沉重负担) on thecountry's gold reserve.11)When we’re together all he talks about is business.I wish he weremore romantic.12)The first quarter results reflect continued improvements inproductivity.13)The teacher tried to encourage her students to become less dependenton her because she knew they would sooner or late have to take care of themselves.14)Every country considers its internal affairs to be its ownResponsibility.unit31)To support his argument the diplomat cited an article of the Charter(宪章) of the United Nations.2)Credulous people might accept that theory,but as for me,I don’t believe one halt of it.3)Some people tend to,exaggerate when they talk about their own achievements.4)Statements made in anger We often regrettable but difficult to take back.5)Sometimes the preface to a novel or a play is more interesting than the work itself.6)My father always justified his behavior by felling us what his father had taught him to do when he was a child.7)The sun had sunk below the horizon When we arrived at the village.8)accept the authority of our parents when we are young,but mature we may begin to question their advice.9)Since she didn't reply yet you should follow up your letter witha phone call.10)This principle advanced by Lenin remains an incontrovertible(颠扑不破的)truth.11)The meeting was late because the speaker talked on and on about hisfamily,his travels,his publications and so forth.12)No one could say how the magician was able to pull a rabbit out of his hat until he later threw light on/shed light on his tricks.13)It's no good pressing her;sh doesn’t like to be hurried.14)Asian children usually shoulder the burden of caring for their parents when they grow old and not look after themselves. unit41)It took quite a while for the tour guide to herd the scattering of tourists into a minibus.2)Henry was a poor dancer; he kept treading on the toes of his partner.3)Not only passengers sitting at the font of taxis but also those traveling in the rear must be restrained where a seat belt isavailable.4)I thought he was joking must be when he said Helen was pregnant,but she really is.5)The committee needs to be in communication with the program designer,especially at the very beginning of the development.6)Even though he couldn't swim,he managed to make it to the river bank.7)We turned one last time to wave to Mr. And Mrs.Johnson when the train began to pull out of the station.8)Standing before the door he was fumbling/fumbled in his pocket for the key.9)It is not easy to make sense of the maze(错综复杂的)of facts and figures concerning the project.10)Fortunately our town is blessed with an excellent location,a busy highway intersection.11)The plane had already started its descent when the pilot received orders to abort his landing.12)Nowadays countries vary enormously in their supply of early education programs.Unit51)Her suggestion may sound reasonable to in you,but everybody else 's eyes I’m afraid it may seem ridiculous.2)Some doctors believe it is brutal to tell dying patients the truth abouttheir condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.3)We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped topromote mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries.4)Contrary to the belief of some doctors,even very old and sick peoplewant to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way.5)Corruption in government is not tolerated in any country that wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens.6)Mary betrays her friends by going back on her words.7)The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close by givinga brie account of the advances science has made since liberation.8)In that accident Julian risked her own life to help a disabled woman.9)It pays in the long to introduce new techniques.10)Mrs.Queen gave us a distorted account of what had happened;that’s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances.11)In every country parents always remember the first time their child utters the word "Mama"or"Dad".12)At times the oral English class was noisy, with everyone participating in an activity at the same time,but at others,the class just sat there and didn't say anything.Unit61)Months of training were a necessary prelude to the championship bout(拳击竞标赛).2)It’s important that everyone on the project keeps to the schedule.3)Seeing that they were very busy then,we took our leave very quicklylest we should be in the way/get in the way.4)Applications should be addressed to the committee and not to individuals.5)The teacher singled out Jennifer for special praise,for she was good at writing short,clear sentences arranged in logical sequence.6)A special commission will be set up within three months to study the question of how to preserve historical houses in the city.7)Her appearance isn’t relevant to whether she can be a good teacher.8)It is not very easy to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.9)So graceful was the dancer that she just seemed to glide over the floor. l0)The ultimate object of scientific inquiry is to discover the laws of nature.11)The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident.12)Despite continual pain,he refused all drugs.13)Reading between the lines,her husband figured out that she was still bitter about his recent behaviour in spite of the apparently cheerful tone of the letter.14)Owning sets of books is useless unless you read them.15)My aunt almost fainted when she was told that what she bought at a very high price was not the original drawing,but just a copy of it.Unit71)The nurse on duty hurried to Mr.Spenser's ward in answer to his bell.2)Catching sight of its mother,the little child stopped crying and toddled to meet her.3)The football players were trying to make an impression on the national coach.4)Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savings more attractive individuals and businesses.5)Though he had done a day s hard work,he said he wasn’t in the least tired.6)Mr.David in the habit of knitting his brows whenever he concentrates on a difficult problem.7)Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live beyond my means8)Fruit is best and cheapest when it is in season9)All of a sudden the train jerked to a stop and in the same instant Everyone on the train knew that something must have gone wrong.10)We would have succeeded in fulfilling the task ahead of schedule if the weather had not taken a hand in/a hand in our plan.11)The two kidnappers him into the back of a jeep and then drove off at full speed.12)The night was very dark,and suddenly a of lightning lit the sky.l3)The Browns were very hospitable to us when we visited Chicago in the summer of 1995.They showed us around most of the city.14)Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life. l5)In some countries,the constitution forbid the military use of nuclear energy.Unit81)Some teachers claim that recreation is necessary for children to be able to earn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that imporat.2)In order to stabilize the economy,the government has worked hard to lower the rate of inflation.3)At first thought the problem may seem far too involved but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt with.4)There is no commercial excuse for hunting an endangered species,such as the whale,out of existence.5)Manmade or artificial fibers(纤维)such as nylon(尼龙)are not as popular nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton.6)The book is too difficult for the children.We are trying to simplify it.7)The film has been exposed light.How can you expect the photographs to develop?8)It seems to me that the Americans are a highly mobile people.Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance.9)The convenience of living underground may not be attractive to people who cannot stand being away from natural sunlight.10)“Did you say you agreed with him?”“Yes,but mind you,I didn’t make any commitment.”11)As these vases are handmade,each one varies slightly.12)After such a long delay the house was finally ready for occupation.Unit91)Throughout history people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.2)The stream was quite shallow so we were able to wade(涉⽔)across sit.3)The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the highly infectious disease.4)Western culture has been greatly enriched by contact with the civilizations of Asia and Africa.5)I’ve read very little about your work,so I hope you’ll forgive my ignorance.6)Since the war that country has been divided;it is no one political entity.7)Can you specify longer the dimensions of the room?"a Well,it is 10 feet wide,l6 feet long and 12 feet high.8)The gambler had fled to Canada and was beyond the grasp of his creditors.9)When we had the extension to our house built,the concept for it was ours,but we employed an architect to realize it for us.10)How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains a mystery.11)In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson said that human rights included the preservation of life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.12)If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.l3)He has an inquiring mind and he's never satisfied until he gets to the root of things.l4)The plate fell to the floor,sending bits of china flying in all directions.15)Jane spent the five-minute break between games collecting her wits /gathering her wits and rethinking her strategy for the second half of the match.l6)The pilot and several passengers were held prisoner by the gunmen for 57 hours.。

大学英语精读第三版第四册答案Unit1翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。
We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day.2) 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。
I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。
Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far.4) 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。
(pain)It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking.5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。
Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts.6) 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。
The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.Unit2翻译1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。

大学英语精读第四册第三版课后习题答案Unitl1) thoughtful.2) might as well/may as well/could as well.3) draw your atte nti on to4) marvelous5) settle for6) done with7) Competitive competitive8) pain s/pa ined9) bonus10) shri nk11) delivery12) overheard13) sour14) for rent15) stack16) reproduce1) inqu ired2) in formed3) awful4) settle for5) trash6) claimed7) Normally8) a piece of cake9) be done with10) en able11) am en titled12) quite a while1) ask for2) was set up/has bee n set up3) pulled up4) gives off5) was held up6) keep up7) ran over8) made up9) be left out10) cut off1) It pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation.2) The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time.3) We'd bee n at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it.4) You have no bus in ess say ing those n asty things about Dick.in teresti ng 5) Wemight as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything on television.1) sta ndee2) payee3) gran tee4) addressee5) a pers on who is abse nt6) a pers on who is being trained7) a divorced pers on8) a pers on who is appo in ted1) output2) breakdow n3) setup4) Takeoff5) drawbacks6) breakthrough7) cutback8) takeover1) paper, store, shop, case, cream2) making, keep ing, bath ing, con diti oning, walk ing3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground4) pill, water, material, point, machine5) pour, look/put/come, come,6) out, back/up, through/dow n/out1) a doze n years2) doze ns of times3) two doze n passe ngers4) doze ns of phone calls5) three doze n boxes6) a doze n bottles/a doze n bottles of wine1) a great deal of pain "has bee n caused by evils which have n ever happe ned"2) the elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-i n-law3) this essay is well-writte n except for a few grammatical mistakes4) I just caught the train in time5) You can't eat your cake and have it too1) You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.2) Uncle Rob should have known better tha n to trust that treacherous son of his.3) Sally is old eno ugh to know better tha n to spe nd all her money on fancy goods.4) Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone.5) His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threate ning them with bodily harm.6) You ought to know better tha n to go out in this freez ing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get froze n.1) delivery2) a piece of cake3) inquire4) pulli ng up5) stacks6) deadli ne7) marvelous8) en able9) cut into10) settle for11) settled our acco unts12) minimum13) known better tha n1) advertiseme nt/ad2) read3) No4) like5) words6) towards7) which8) sizes9) sitti ng10) water11) bottle12) one13) started14) passed15) run/pass16) into17) coming18) if19) quit20) hour21) wrote翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。

Lesson One Thinking as a HobbyAnswers:I. I have concluded that there were three grades of thinking since I was a child, while myself could not think at all. The subject of thinking was first brought up to me by my headmaster, in whose study I was shown the statuettes of Venus, leopard and the Thinker, which stands for love, nature and pure thought respectively. I was demanded to learn thinking there. People like Mr. Houghten provided me the image of Grade-three thinking, which is often full of unconscious prejudice, ignorance and hypocrisy. The grade-two thinker tends to find the deficiencies of the others, and may enjoy moments of delight, but it does not make for personal security. A still higher grade of thought demands people set out to find the truth and get it .Though these grade-one thinkers were few, I aspired to become one of them and devised a coherent moral and logical system for living. I stood to lose a great deal for my determination, but finally I dropped my hobby and turned professional in that.II.1 . C2 . C3 . D4 . D5 . C6 .B7 .C 8. D 9 .D 10. D 11. B 12 .D 13 .D 14 .B 15 . C 16 .D 17 .B 18 .D 19 . D 20 .CIII. OmittedLesson Two Waiting for the PoliceAnswers:Ⅰ.Oral workⅡ.Vocabulary⒈Choose the right word and put it in the proper form1)earnest/serious serious serious earnest/serious earnest/serious2)make full use of took advantage of take advantage ofmake full use of take advantage of make some use of3)advise advised suggest proposed suggest propose suggest⒉Put the missing word2)will work is are reproduces deplete add3)can move don’t tear skin will never take areⅢ.Grammar workChoose the right expression1)in fact 2)especially at an advanced level2)it was that long ,I am sure 4)of course5)however 6)on the other hand7)I suppose 8)whether invited or notⅣ.Written work (omitted)Ⅴ.Translation1)It is miracle how our company has developed into a multinational insuch a short span of time2)The average life span of that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in matter of two decades.3)The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than halfA century4)There are four bridges spanning the river.5)I’m much obliged to you .Without your help, I would never have finished the book.6)No,you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if youdon’t want to.7)She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her help.8)In the valley is a small lack right between a meadow and a hill. It is aperfect spot for picnic.9)Sitting in that shady spot he soon dozed off.10)He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bag by the roadside.Lesson Three Why Historians DisagreeAnswersI. Oral workII. Vocabulary Test1. Choose the right word and put it in the proper form1) Historic historical2) Limited restricted3) Sensitive sensible2. Reading Comprehension1. P phenomenon2. B strength3. E tropical4. L bringing5. K starvation6. J destructive7. N worth 8. An estimate 9. O strikeIII. Grammar workComplete the following sentences with the most likely answer.1. C2.C3.A4.C5.CLesson Four A Drink in the PassageI. Oral work (omitted)II. Vocabulary Test:1 Translate1) into Chinese.(1)难以解决的两难困境(2)一本难以看懂的书(3)一个爱交际的女人(4)黑市(5)黑色幽默(6)害群之马2) into English(1)to celebrate its Golden Jubilee(2)to excite admiration(3)to touch the conscience(4)to win the prize(5)to receive a reprimand(6)to omit the words2. Study the difference between the following pairs or groups of words.1)(1)renounce (2)announce (3)renounce (4)denounced2)(1)avoid; prevent (2)prevent (3)avoid (4)averted/ avoided/ preventedIII. Grammar work1. Complete the following sentences with the right from of the verb in the brackets.(1) is (2) are (3)was (4)frightens2. Translate the sentences into English.1) Using “It is/ was said/ believed, etc.” to express general beliefs.(1)It’s widely rumored that Linda’s getting promoted.(2)It is estimated that the project will cost RMB three billion.(3)It is assumed that the Labor Party will remain in power.(4)It was proposed a few years ago that the president be elected for one term only.2) Paying special attention to subject-verb agreement.(1)The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict.(2)Whenever either of us is in a tight corner, we always come to each other’s help.(3)Statistics are facts obtained from analyzing information given in numbers.(4)Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers.3. Put in appropriate connectives.(1)as , where , that/which, if/ whether, but , if.4. Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(1) B (2)A (3)ALesson Five Man of the MomentAnswersI. Oral workII. Vocabulary1)into Chinesea.假日别墅 b.著名的电视明星 C.下流语言 d.黄色故事e.银行抢劫 f.生产双沉玻璃的公司2) Into EnglishA .to trickle down her legsB .to puff like a whaleC .to melt down like snowD .to sum up the sceneE .to do their interviewF . to bear resentment3) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbsa.down; up .b. inC. to; by; for d. back; to4)Tell the difference between the following pairs or groups of words.a.tormented/torturedb. torturec. tormenting/torturing2.a.murmuringb. mutterc. murmuringd. mutteringIII. Translatea. We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growingDemand for energyb. Our profit has increased by 20% in the past two years.c. The number of privately-owned cars has increased five times (fivefold ) in five years.d. The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increased from 20 thousandto about half a million in less than 5 years.e. S he propped her bike against a tree.Lesson Six Groundless BeliefsAnswersI. Oral Work:(1)T hey are based on mere tradition, or on somebody’s strong statement without the support of proof unsupported by even the slightest trace of proof.(2)B ut if they were exchanged when they were infants and brought up indifferent homes and under different influences, then the staunchest Roman Catholic would be the staunchest Presbyterian, and vice versa. This shows that our beliefs are largely influenced by our surroundings.Ⅱ.Vocabulary1.Translate1) into Chinese(1)非理性因素 (2)过去的好日子 (3)思想模式 (4)陈旧的故事(5)思路 (6)鲜明的对比 (7)强烈发满足感 (8)感情上的联想(9)一场恶吵 (10)酸葡萄2) into English(1)to classify propositions (2) to hold an opinion (3) to establish convictions(4) to reverse the process (5) to question the truth (6) to adopt a new belief(7) to demonstrate the contrary (8)to credit the fact (9) to entertain an opinion(10) to acquire wealth2.Put appropriate prepositions or adverbs in the blanks1) out/over 2)on/upon 3)at; about 4)off 5)on; off3.Translate1) We will achieve this result at any cost.2)Our economy began to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the reform and open policy.3)His repressive policies only resulted in his quick fall.4) Many of our present problems in a way to dispose of nuclear waste.5) The fact that you like somebody may dispose you to like his ideas also.4.Complete the following sentences.1) were brought up in a different country; think and behave like a native of that country.2) will produce ten million kilowatts of power annually.3) that she did not care for office work4)the boy stabbing his own father5) postpone my retirement for another yearⅢ.GrammarComplete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets1) When young 2)unless forbidden 3)If cooked in tomato sauce 4) Once out of trouble 5) When urged2. Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.1)A 2)A 3)C 4)C/D 5)BLesson Seven Spring SowingAnswersⅠOral WorkⅡVocabulary test1 Show the difference between the following pairs or groups of words1)(1)bosom (2)chest (3)breast (4)breast(5)bosom (6)bosom (7)chest2)(1)scattered (2)spread (3)spread (4)scatterⅢGrammar1)Reading, called, printed, used, refers, presented, be downloaded, used2)Had not passed ,was, was hidden, hung, suspended, walked, holding, worked, leading,came, be seenⅣWritten WorkWrite a short essay of 150-200words commending on the hardships and joys of farmers as described in the story.Hardships and Joys of FarmersThe farmers love the land appreciate and joys of agrarian living and they also have toEndure the hardships the agrarian living. They have strong wistfulness and ardor of the spring,because they are looking forward to the good results achieved from a spring sowing. In thespring, they are experiencing the hardworking, however, on to prove summer, in the autumn, thewill get a big harvest. Full of hope, the man try to prove their manhood by plowing the field 10hours a day to conquer the land . They feel afraid of the earth, the peasant’s slave master that would keep them chained to hard work and poverty all her life until they died and buried in the earth. Once in a while, they want to break the chains on them as peasants. But because of the developing conditions and background of the society then, they can’t choose their own destiny .In order to survive the society, they can but to work in the field day after day, year after year.ⅤTranslation1)Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yiwho did not know that the city was really unguarded.2)If you compare American students with Chinese students, you’ll find some interesting similarities and differences.3)You can see that the students are bursting with question.4)Zhan Tianyou was a man of many talents. But he is best remembered as the man who has helped to design and build China’s first railway line.Lesson Eight Globalization’s Dual PowerAnswers1 . Translateinto Chinese(1). 时髦字眼 (2) 债券融资(3)跨境兼并与收购额 (4)国际收支(盈余)(5)规模经济 (6)可怕的前景(7)民众强烈的反应 (8)缺少共同的议事日程(9)申请加入 (10)推广技术into English(1)national sovereignty (2)trade negotiations(3) ever-declining coasts (4) economic forecasts(5) in one critical respect (6) financial markets(7) an ensuing financial crisis (8) after adjusting for inflation(9) the Institute of International Finance(10) office buildingsII. Note the difference between the following pairs or groups of words:1)(1) surpass (2) exceeded (3) surpassed (4) exceeding (5) surpass (6) exceeding2)(1) threat (2) menace /thereat (3) threats (4) menace /thereat (5) threatIII. Grammar in the ContextComplete with the most likely answer1.D2.B3.C4.A5.CIV. Written worksWrite an essay of about 200words on the topic.What is your understanding of globalization? In what way do you think it will affect your career?In my opinion, Globalization describes the growth in international exchange and interdependence. With growing flows of trade and capital investment there is the possibility of moving beyond an inter-national economy. Each member of the world community becomes more and more integrated and inter-dependent. Globalization also refers to a process of removing government-imposed restrictions on movements between countries in order to create an open, borderless world economy.Of course, Globalization, to a large extent, ensured that China’s economy would develop in a balanced way by keeping pace with the world economy. Increased globalization has brought the world vast investment space in China and thus boosted China’s economic growth. What the globalization brought to us isboth opportunity and challenge.will affect my future career too. With the development of economic globalization and international communication, English becomes more and more important .The fast pace of globalization presents huge opportunities for those who participate proactively in this internationalization process. As a English major, I want to take par in this process. I want to be a qualified and excellent interpreter after graduation. Interpreters, like translators are bridges between different cultures. In the context of today’s globalization, their roles are particularly important. Whether a business will succeed or how successful a business will be depends on them to a certain extent. I will do my best to matter English in order to help international businessman work more efficiently. I will be devoted to my study and future career. So globalization will have great effects on my career.V. Translate(1)Our company projected an 8% growth rate next year.(2)China is projected to be the world’s workshop in 10 years. But that should not make us smug.(3)You can project your slides on the wall.(4)He tried to project himself as a strong man in the election campaign.(5)I sometimes try to project myself into the future when I shall become a mother myself.(6)The building of the dam is a multibillion-dollar project.(7)We have a strong team of six people working on this project.(8)I’m greatly relieved to hear the news.(9)One way to relieve your distress is to keep yourself busy.(10)Diogenes would relieve himself by the roadside just like a dog.Lesson Nine The Most Dangerous GameAnswersI. Oral work.II. Vocabulary Test.Put the most appropriate words in the blanks.1)at bay/in check 2)away 3)out4)gave way 5)rolled; on 6)intent7)on; pressed/plunged/forced himself 8)rests9)struck; ran 10)stock 11)straightened12)froze; trigger 13)slid/climbed/tumbled14)replace 15)winding/leadingIII. Grammar workComplete the sentences using a where-clause.1) where you are2) where I can not agree with you3) where there is enough light4)where he came from; where two big rivers joined5)where his house had been/used to be6)where survival of many of its institutions of higher learning depends much on overseas students7)where we could find the type of person our boss wants8)toward where her children are playing9)where he had gone10)the shop where he bought the medicineIV. Written work“The Most Dangerous Game” was written in 1924. The incidents described in the story take place shortly after World War I and the Russian October Revolution. Zaroff was a Cossack general under the Czarist regime, which had been overthrown. After he flees his country, he spends all of his time hunting.Sanger Rainsford is a well-known American big-game hunter who fought in France during the war and has published works on hunting. Despite the dissimilarities in the backgrounds and personalities of these two men, their conception of hunting is alike. Rainsford thinks that “the world is made up of hunters(and the hunted. Zaroff believes “life is for the strong”.Lesson Ten The TelephoneAnswers:I. Omitted.II. OmittedIV. Quiz1.D2.C3.D4.D5.AV. Written workThe InternetWhen I was a little child in a small village, I never knew what telephone was and what electricity was. At that time, when I wanted to contact with someone I just went to his family or cried out his name to make me heard. Then I went to a small town to study in a middle school a couple years later. In the text book and in the office of my teachers I saw a machine by which talked with somebody. At first I was amazed to see that and I wondered what it was. Through physics textbook, I know it was telephone. Maybe when I was in senior school, about in 1996, I first see computer with my own eyes but not in the picture.After 3 years, I went to a modern city to go to college. There I learned how to operate computer, how to store my own materials in a computer and how to use computer to do something that was difficult for human brain. We can also talked with a friend across oceans and we can search anything that we need, my classmates were crazy about it . That is Internet. But we can not spent too much time on it ,we should use it correctly.。

大学英语精读第三版第四册答案Unit1翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。
We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day、2) 我觉得很奇怪,她似乎不记得自己得生日。
I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday、3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可就是至今大部分学生却几无进展。
Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far、4) 瞧到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。
(pain)It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking、5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账得一种方式。
Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash asa way for people to settle their accounts、6) 该公司声称,这条河流得污染不就是它造成得。
The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river、Unit2翻译1) 比尔已就是个成熟得小伙子,不再依赖父母替她做主。

大学英语精读4第三版课后阅读答案U1 Big Bucks Easy Way一、c b a c a d c b二、1、我真想一股脑儿不干了,即使付出大的代价也行。
U2 Deer and the Energy Clycle一、F T T T F T T F二、1、一对美洲知更鸟在一家后院筑巢孵下两窝雏鸟,一窝四只。
U3 Why Do We Believe That the Earth Is Round一、F F T F F二、b d a a d c d b a b三、1、如今科学备受尊重,原因之一在于,人们心目中科学家的形象是一个认真收集数据资料、不带偏见地寻找真理的人。

大学英语精读4汉译英练习答案UNIT 11. 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。
2. 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。
3. 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。
4. 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。
(pain)5. 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。
6. 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。
1. We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us anaudience /receive us the next day.2. I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.3. Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, butmost students have hardly made a dent in the work so far.4. It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking.5. Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checksare becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cashas a way for people to settle their accounts.6. The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution inthe river.UNIT 21. 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。

Unit1 Never Give In, Never, Never, Never Text comprehensionI. BII. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. TVocabularyI. 1. gladden my heart2. situation; circumstances3. threat4. splendid; heroic5. sudden small movement because of pain or fearII. 1. put through2. addressed himself to3. was going through4. Throwing our minds back to5. yielded to6. close our account7. ups and downs8. misfortunesIII. 1. catastrophically2. deceptive3. convictions4. apparently5. Perseverance6. desperation7. unflinchingly8. courageousIV. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. AV. 1. threat (danger)2. happy(successful)3. position4. seemingly5. defeat(failure)6. retreat (shrink, withdraw)7. praise (commend, laud)8. destroyVI. 1. current2. shown3. frequently4. depressed5. try harder6. takes inGrammarI. 1. The school teaches shorthand, bookkeeping and the use of business machines.2. The sentence is difficult to understand not because of the technical vocabulary but because of the faulty syntax.3. Marian could not decide whether to start college right after high school or to get a job first.4. The Allies decided to invade Italy and then to launch a massive assault on the Normandy coast.5. The actor was stunned not only by the noise of booing but also by the sight of flying tomatoes.6. Smoking cigarettes can be as dangerous as playing Russian roulette.7. The trip to the city is neither long nor expensive.8. You must either stay home or go with us.9. The course consists of several lectures, three written reports, and two impromptu oral presentations.10. The requirements for a chemistry degree are not as strict as the requirements/those for a medical degree.II. 1. Heidi Ross was both rich and powerful.2. Most of the floggings and lynchings occur at harvest time, when first hangs heavy and ripe, when the leaves are red and gold, when nuts fall from the trees, when the earth offers its best.3. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.4. Black people in America have been neglected and underestimated for years, but their recent accomplishments in a variety of fields have made “black power” real and black pride possible.5. New students will register on Monday; second-year students will register on Tuesday, and senior students will register on Wednesday.6. The actor taught his students how to read, how to stand, how to cry and how to talk with fans.7. We cannot be worried about or terrified of the difficulties in life.8. The factory workers were ready, able, and determined to do a great job.III. 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. BIV. 1. Secretaries do not want flowers but the recognition of their abilities to help management to get more done at less cost, thus contributing to profitability. They would, therefore, like to be recognized as professional coworkers.2. In Medieval times intelligent men frequently became priests. They did so to gain influential positions, for, in spite of the number of bishops from royal families, the Church was a democratic institution in which ability could make its way.3. I miss the open fire now that most houses have central heating. Central heating provides warmth but it does not provide a focal point in a room, which depresses me.V. have run/have been running; began; has taken; takes; returned; was; became; screamed; left/were leaving; have never seenTranslationI. 1. 但我们必须学会同样善于应付短暂而干脆与漫长而艰难的局面。

大学英语精读4课后答案IV Key to the Exercises of Lesson FourPre-classII.Listen to the recording of the text, read it through, and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences to see whether you have grasped the main ideas of the article.1. fairy tale; Oscar Wilde; Irish; nightingale; reddest rose; life-blood2. a red rose; his love would not dance with him; it was winter; desperate3. help the student; would not have any red rose; agree to sing to it by moonlight with her breastagainst a thorn; it pierced her heart; her heart’s blood 4. true love was better even than life; sacrifice her life 5. died; his love; had agreed to dance; red jewels 6. stupid; practical; to his booksMore Work on the Text II Vocabulary1. Practice using the rules of word formation1) Examine how the compound nouns from the text are formed. Work out their meanings. Add more words that are formed in the same way. These compound nouns are formed by noun +noun2) Examine how the word “sincerity ” is formed. Find out the meaning of the noun suffix “-ty ” with the help of a dictionary. sincerity: sincere + -tyThe suffix “-ty ”, from French, is used to form abstract nouns thatrefer to the state of having aparticular quality or sth. that has that quality. e.g. certain+ -ty certaintyNote: “-ity ” is an variant form of “-ty ”3) Turn the following adjectives into nouns ending with “-ty ” or “-ity ” and thenvice versa. Add more words to the list. Adjective able available certain cruel curious relativeNoun abilityAdjective absurd capable human responsible original possible probalbe specialNoun absurdity capability humanity responsibility originality possibility probability specialtyavailability certainty cruelty curiousity relativityvisible visibility4) Complete the sentence with the words in the brackets in their noun froms.(1) construction (2) Creativity (3) motivation (4) difference(5) investment (6) capabilities (7) activity (8) humanity(9) Poverty (12) Politeness(10) ignorance (13) Curiosity (11) sincerity (14) shortness2. Give words or expressions with similar meanings.1) to freeze 2) precious 3) soft4) low/soft/weak 5) to throw/ to toss/to cast6) big/gigantic/huge/large7) to cut/to cut short/to cut off/to destroy 8) ache/plain9) area/field/patch/space/section/lot 10) to pick/to pull off11) exactly12) true/genuine/actual13) foolish/stupid/unwise/dumb/brainless 14) to watch over/to lookafter/to control/to preside over/to manage/to direct/to guide15) to shake/to shiver/to quiver16) to sob/to cry17) miserable/unhappy/pitiful/unfortunate/sorrowful/broken-hearted3. List words from the text that are related to flowers, trees, wild life and precious stones.Words related to flowers and trees: petal, bud, rose, daisy, grass, meadow, grove, oak, thron, daffodil, spray, bloomWords related to wild lofe: butterfly, dove, lizard, nightingale, nest, mermaiden Words related to precious stones: coral, crystal, emerald, opal,ruby4. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in theirproper form.To look out to sail acorss/through a place (a garden) for want of sth. tofly over to a place Night after night to build sth. out of sth.to sing of sb./sth to give a ballto hold sb,. in one’s arms to lean uponto dance to the sound of music to fling oneself down to flutter about something of a (cynic) to soar into the airto pass through a placeto set sb. against sb. else/sth. to lean downto ebb awayto press close against sth. to shoot through sb./(said of pain)5. Comoplete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms.1) of his own wil 4) For want of 7) compared tol2) blind with 3) pressed, against 5) in return 6) lingered on 8) was fond of, something of 9) Compared toto stain sth. with sth. else to be dear to sb. to be compared to to sweep over a place to ask of sb. in return to look up to be fond of to lie down of one’s own will a burst of music to linger onto go with (said of color) upon one’s words10) For want of 11) compared to 12) blue with6. Put the following into Enghlish1) to give/hold/have a ball2) to give/hold/have/throw a party 3) to give a press conference4) to bury the treasures5) to bury/cover one;s face in one’s hands 6) to pluck/pick the flowers 7) to pay the price 1) go ahead 5) going on2) go by 6) went on with8) to press the doorbell9) to sacrifice/give/lay down one’s life 10) to nip the buds 11) topierce the heart 12) to deny the fact 13) to deny the charge 14) to fill upthe bottle 3) went off 7) gone over4) going up8) going through7. Complete the sentences with the following phrasal verbs of “go ” in their proper forms.9) gon into 10) go with, go together 8. Give the figures in English.1) ten thousand2) twenty-three thousand3) one hundred thousand4) one hundred and eighty thousand 5) five hundred thousand/half a million 6) two hundred and fifty thousand/a quarter of a millionand a half million 9) fifteen million10) seventy million11) three hundred million12) one billion and three hundred million/one point three billion 13) thirty-two billion7) two million 14) five hundred billion/half a billion 8) three million and five hundred 15) seven trillion thousand/three point five milliion/three9. Give the meaning of the underlined parts in the senteices below. Note how the meaningare different in a different context. (1) 清了清(嗓子) (2) 放晴了(3) 清醒清醒(头脑) (4) 还清(债务) (5) 清楚的 (6) 牢房(7) 细胞(8) 登机(9) 董事(委员)会 (10) 伙食 (11) 木板10. Examine the uses of “see ” and “go ” in the sentences below . List possible uses of thesewords and then make sentences after the models.Other posible uses of “see ” and “go ”see: to see sb./sth. + adj.to see sb. do sth. to see sb.doing sth. to see sth.doneto see + why/if/that-clause to see to sth.to see to it + that-clasue go: to go + adj/adv.to go + present participle (phrase)11. Give the sentence patterns of the underlined part in the sentences below, and then usingthe patterns, rewrite the sentences that follow. Sentence pattern: imperative +and + clause Imperative + or +clause One possibility of the sentences:1) Read Lu Xun and your mind will include a piece of his.2) Drink tomato juice for some time and you will not be afarid of seeing blood. 3) Rest for a while and your headache will be gone.4) Give Jimmy less money, or he will develop some bad habit. 5) Improve the quality of your product, or you will lose your market. 6) Punish these people severely, or illegal tradein wild life will never stop. 7) Take this opportunity, our you will live to regret it.8) Stop polluting our rivers and lakes immediately, or we will be in deep trouble. 12. Put in the missing words.(1) lives (5) heard (9) calmed (13) slower (17) create(2) noticed (6) to(3) but (7) plant(4) or (8) by (12) seems (16) be(10) used (14) shopping (18) to(11) dollars (15) weekendsIII Grammar1. Understand how grammar helps to create meaning in context.1) Observe these inverted sentences and learn why inversion is used.Inverted is used(1) with the introductory word here(2) fo rrhetorical purpose –-for emphrasis(3) after an adverbial of place(4) with the introductory word there (5) same as (2) (6) same as (2) (7) same as (2) (8) same as (2) (9) same as (4)(10) because the subject is too long while the verb too short (11) same as (3)(12) because the subject has a modifier and also for emphasis (13) same as (3), (10) and (12) (14) same as (12)Note: Inversion for rhetorical purposes chiefly occurs in works of literature. Most of the inverted sentences in this text are highly rhetorical and a little old-fashioned. This type of inversion should avoidedin everyday speech and informal writing.2) Observe the relative clauses in these sentences and find out in whatway theyare special. The relative clauses in the 10 sentences fall into twotypes:a. Those that modify pronouns insteadof nouns. In such relative clauses that, not which, isused for things, and when it functions as the object of the clause, it is often omitted. But when it is the subject, it cannot be left out. (This isalso true when the relative clause modifies a noun.) all the sentences except (4) belong to this type.b. Those that modify nouns with a superlative adjective. The rules forsuch clauses are thesame as those mentioned in a.2. Combine each pair of the sentences as shown in the example.1) Xiao Fang is the smartest girl I’ve ever known.2) This is the most fantastic story I’ve ever heard.3) 15,000 yuan is the lowest price we can offer for this laptop. 4) Pearl Harbor is the best American film I’ve seen for quite a while. 5) Lin is the most easy-going professor I’ve ever met. 6) The storm last night was theworst I can remember.7) I think Dialogue is the most thought-provoking takk show CCTV offers. 8)I think Mr. Cui is the wittiest talk show host you can find at the moment.9) In the 1930s, nursing and teaching were the best jobs capable womencould dream of. 10) These are the most delious noodles we’ve had since a long time ago.3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, using“all/everything,etc + a relative clause”. 1) The doctors did all they could2) I don’t always agree with everyting he says 3) anything they ask for4) All he got from a week of hard work 5) All that is written in his wife’s letter 6) Nothing the doctors said 7) anything you suggest8) Something he read in a popular magazine 9) All that can be done is done 10) anything the artist painted11) something that never existed before 4. Learn how to use modals.1) Find out what notion eachof the modals expresses.(1) possibility (2) belief (3) negative possibility(4) ability (7) negative possibility(5) possibility, ability (8 possibility)(6) possibility(9) possibility, possible necessity(10) necessity (11) subjective certainty (12) subject certainty (13) necessity (because of importance)2) Put in the blanks proper modals listed below.(1) can ’t (ability) (2) must (obligation) (3) mustn ’t (obl igation)(4) must (obligation, had to (necessity)(5) cannot (possibility), can (possibility)(6) May (permission, can’t (permission, might (possibility) (7) can (possibility, must (obligation)(8) can/may (possibility, must (subject certainty)(9) might (possibility), hav to (necessity), can’t (possibility) (10) could (possibility), could (possibility), might (possibility) (11) must (necessity), can’t (possibility), have to (necessity)Note: According to the Oxford Advanced Learner ’s Dictionary, the 2000 edition, there isn ’t much difference between “must ” and “have to” inAmerican Englsih. The latter is more common, espically in speech. In British English there is a difference betw een them. “Must ” is use to talk aboutwhat the speaker or listener wants, and “have (got) to” about the rules,laws and other people’s wishes. There are no past or future form of “must ”.5. Put in proper prepositions.1) through 5) through As2) over 6) Over/In/During, into3) like 7) through4) As, like 8) over9) as, from, without, around, As, with, with, to10) with, for, Besides/Apart form, at, at, between, of, on, round/around 6. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences.1) Something (that) a witness asid dduring the trial has been bothering me.2) Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, the more creative they will be.3) A house without a book is like a room without a window. 4) He was soglad to see his old friend that tears ran down his cheeks.5) People believe that tomorrow’s car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than before. 6) Both on land and at sea, helicopters have rescued many people. 7) Jim is intelligent, but not as hard-working as his sister.8) The most humorous person (that) I’ve ever met is my teacher of Chinese.9) I don’t believe an old man of 80 could be so strong as thoknock down a door. 10) All that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.IV Written WorkDescribe the plane crash briefly in about 130 words, with emphasis on the behavior of “th eman in the water”. Sample:。

Unit 11. person thinks before speaking and considers thefeelings of others.2. The library is closing. home.some sense after all in the speaker’s non sense.stories.5. Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win thesports are recommended to young adults toprepare them for of college and business.8. me to admit that I was such a fool as to repeatthe mistake.had signed up.his country even in the face of certain death.11. Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late andour guests say they didn’t like the meal she’d cooked for them.summer days presumably because it could help quench their thirst.papers on her desk, but she was really too tired to read on.Unit 21. The changes in the firm’s policy will have toif they are to have any effect on its future.this month I had to draw 200 to pay for the mp3 player.has stimulated the students to greater efforts.4. If you spare half an hour for exercises every day you’ll5. The US dollar fell yesterday against most foreignagainst waste.7. You can increase a tyre’s grip in winter by slightlythe 1930s.10. Large amounts of food imports placed a great strain on the11. When we’re together all he talks about is business. I wish12. The first quarter results reflect continued improvements13. The teacher tried to encourage her students to become lesson her because she knew they would sooner or later have to take care of themselves.14. Every country considers to be its ownresponsibility.Unit 51. Her suggestion may sound reasonable to you,everybody else’s I’m afraid it may seem ridiculous.2. Some doctors believe it to tell dying patients thetruth about their condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.3. We note with satisfaction that all these activities havehelped to mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries.sick people want to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way.in government is not tolerated in any country that wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens.by giving a brief account of the advances science has made since liberation.disabled woman.10. Mrs. Queen gave us account of what had happened;that’s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances.11. In every country parents always remember the first timethe word “Mama” or “Dad.”participating in an activity at the same time, but at other, the class just sat there and didn’t say anything.Unit 61. Months of training were a to thechampionship bout.2. It’s important that everyone on the project keeps to the3. Seeing that they were very busy then, we took our leave very4. Applications should be addressed to the committee and not5. The teacher singled out Jennifer for special praise, for shewas good at writing short, clear sentences arranged in6. A special commission will be set up within three months tothe city.7. Her appearance to whether she can be a goodteacher.8. It is not very easy yourself into a society whoseculture is so different from your own.9. So graceful was the dancer that she just seemed overthe floor.the laws of nature.at the scene of the accident.her husband figured out that she was still bitter about his recent behaviour in spite of the apparently cheerful tone of the letter.15. My aunt almost fainted when she was told that what she boughtat a very high price was not drawing, but justa copy of it.Unit 7its mother, the little child stopped crying and toddled to meet her.the national coach.4. Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savings more5. Though he had done a day’s hard work, he said he wasn’tknitting his brows whenever he concentrates on a difficult problem.7. Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to9. All if a sudden the train jerked to a stop and in the sameon the train knew that something must have gone wrong.10. We would have succeeded in fulfilling the task ahead ofplan.then drove off at full speed.12. The night was very dark, and suddenly of lightninglit the sky.13. The Browns were visitedChicago in the summer of 1995. They showed us around most of the city.in life.use of nuclear energy.Unit 81. Some teachers claim that is necessary forchildren to be able to learn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that important.2. In order economy, the government has workedhard to lower the rate of inflation.the problem may seem far too involved but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt with.4. There is no commercial excuse for hunting an endangeredor artificial fibers such as nylon are not as popular nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton.6. The book is too difficult for the children. We are tryingphotographs to develop8. It seems to me that the Americans are a people.Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance.9. of living underground may not be attractiveto people who can not stand being away from natural sunlight.10. “Did you say you agreed with him” “Yes,I didn’t make any commitment.”12. After such a long delay the house was finally ready forUnit 10decided to go on with the experiment.2. Mary is as vain as a peacock and always wants to beof attention.3. Timothy’s letters indicate that he loved his daughter andout of the river.career to get married,7. The speaker talked about law in general and about8. In a sense, the goal of education is to help every student9. Our organization seeks to improve the social ofdisabled people by providing them with better employment opportunities.of people so we had to look for a larger auditorium.11. Thomas Jefferson argued that the youcan make to your country is to preserve freedom by continuingyour education and taking care that your children receive the highest level of education possible.12. When Albert got a position in London all of his friendsto go abroad.service you can call the head office of the company.14. In of any substantial evidence, the suspect wasfound not guilty.15. Therapies like acupuncture do work and many patients have。
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Test Yourself 11.Inside,in the warm living room, with a glass of wine to drink and Mozart to listen to on the CD, she was far from the tiredness she had ___C___earlier.A advocatedB conceivedC claimedD accumulated2.If you've worked for one employer for two years or more before leaving to have your baby,you may be __B___maternity pay(产妇薪酬)A drawn onB entitled to (有权益)C settled for (满足于)D rested on (依靠)3.Tons of food was laid out on the big table and crates of beer were ____D__ready for consumption.A reserved(保留)B expended(花费)C generated(产生)D stacked(一堆)4.You'd better keep your leaders___A____of your activities so that they can ensure you are adequately supported.A informed(告知)B amused(有趣的)C outlined(概括)D swallowed(吞咽)5.According to the latest poll,the president's 43 percent support has _B____to 32percent.A minimized(最小化)B shrunk(减少)C cited(引证)D predicted(预言)6.Managers might not borrow as much as they should,if they want to retain a large____C__of borrowing power in case of problems.A delivery(递交)B burden (负担)C reserve (D deposit(沉淀)7.It is said that one____D__a work of art and brings it forth as a child is _____and brought forth into the world.A reproduces, reproduced(繁殖)B safeguards, safeguarded (防护措施)C tolerates,tolerated (忍受)D conceives,conceived (构思、怀孕)8.Our case against piracy was won,but over $75000 had been _B_____in legal costs in the proceedings ,far more than the compensation awarded by the court.A advanced (提高)B expended(花费)C attained(获得)D blasted(爆炸)9.If the environment is to be properly____C___policies must be formulated which will encourage the green industry.A bluffed(吓唬)B promoted(促进)C safeguarded(保障)D varnished (装饰)10.Although we are often successful in securing accommodation for people with AIDS, it is a problem which stretches our _C_____to the full and needs taken care of immediately.A bonuses (奖金)B dilemmas (窘境)C resource (资源)D limitations (限制)11.Mark's latest work ___D___the learning theories of the 1980s as well as his own experience in teaching English to foreigners.A built on(建立。
)B left out(漏掉)C brought upD drew on(运用)12.____D___the pros and cons of being the son of one of the famous,Rock replies:"I think I'm among the most blessed of people who ever lived."A Fed on(靠。
生存)B Headed for(朝。
走)C Brought downD pressed for13.Painting is the art of reaching the soul through the eyes, but if the picture___A___the eyes and never reaches the soul, the painter has fallen far short of his aim.to (吸引) B settle for(。
定下来) C fumbles with(摸索) D aims at(瞄准)14.A commission was appointed to __A____into the alleged illegal payments by the football club.(调查) B bounce (弹跳) C render(使) D deceive(欺骗)15.Under the norms of international law, countries are _A_____in using military force abroad to defend their citizens from hostile military action.A justified (正义的)B refutedC shelteredD identified(证明身份)16.Statistics are __C____to prove the depth of popular misery: falling real wages, rising unemployment ,and a general collapse of living standards.A concealed(隐瞒)B grabbed(抓)C cited(引证)D projected(突出)17.The claim that women can never be in positions of public responsibility because of their"raging hormonal(荷尔蒙的)imbalances" is thoroughly__C______in this article.A poked(戳)B injuredC refuted (驳斥)D pleaded18.Once the problem has been identified, the couple can start appropriate treatment, and with the right treatment, Mr Goswamy_D______,many more infertile (不育的)couples will conceive.A exaggerates(夸大)B curses (诅咒)C betraysD predicts(预言)19.Every few miles his suitcase _B_____out the back of the cart and Tock became annoyed at having to stop and collect it all the time.A arose (引起)B bounced(蹦)C collided(撞)D strayed(偏离)20.While I am waiting on platform,a railway employee shouts across the track that the is ___A____,and that the next train will be at .B abridged21.The daughter of an Indian laborer,Mrs Swami was _B___by her husband and had to support four children on her own.22.Peter read the letter twice before its meaning _B_______up in on D. turned up23."I might just as well __C_____and go if you can't even listen to things reasonably.!"A. mean business concessions up up24.Mary___D____herself for making the silly mistake and letting the golden opportunity slip through her fingers.A. Amused C. Blessed D. cursed25.Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to protect the birds and_A_____the impact of the oil spill.A. minimize D. abridge26.But what really __B_____the official statistics is that they are based almost entirely on the state economy.A. BurdensB. DistortsC. ConfirmsD. Maintains27.The ___D___truth is that some youngsters are so out of control they have to be detained .A. Thoughtful C mature D brutal28.Mary admired Max for his wit, although she could not A_______his philosophy of life.A. Tolerate B invade C refute D interpret29.This is a matter which cannot be too carefully watched since failure to comply _B______you liable to heavy penalties.A. Enables B renders C injures D flushes30.Their organization neither used nor___D_____the use of violence in its struggle for equality.B. enrolled C overheard D advocatedTest Yourself 231.It may be possible to claim damages against a local authority for negligently failing to ensure that construction work complied with the ___B_____ building regulations.A magnificentB relevantC artificialD delicate32.A substantial proportion of educational costs was __A____ to local authorities , although the latter had neither sufficient financial nor administrative means to carry out their new assignments.A transferredB withdrawnC hurledD adjusted33.These fads for physical fitness____A_____lead to two things: a great deal of unnecessary injury and a lot of profit to the people behind the scheme.A invariablyB virtuallyC originallyD literally34.Each product ___B______ by our company is quality tested at least three times , depending upon the requirements.A derivedB manufacturedC demonstratedD constructed35.Technological innovation is __C_____ to the modernization of the economy.A uniqueB alienC indispensableD continual36.The essence of being human _D______ the values we place on ourselves we place on ourselves in being human beings.A reaches forB associates withC rests onD consists in37.If they are A_______ they have nothing to fear , that's what they always say.A innocentB inherentC attractiveD notable38.If is to be expected that homebuyers will be less___B_____ to borrow at today's high rates.A restrainedB inclinedC obligedD exposed39.On 6 March be was suffering from skin problems and an___C____ fall in his blood sugar level resulting from the earlier hunger-strike.A acuteB intenseC dramaticD tender40.Both girls quickly turned their faces away, just in case he would want to take_C_____ on them later for having witnessed his humiliation.A sequenceB occupationC revengeD complaint41.I had no experience of teaching art to anyone, but the headmaster __B____me that it simply involved giving the boys some paints to play with and then telling them to get on with it.A exertedB assuredC graspedD addressed42.The hotel's restaurant enjoys a good reputation, with a lovely first-floor terrace where on fine days you dine __D____the lake.A visualizingB picturingC dippingD overlooking43.In Diana's words the new invention can provide "disabled people with freedom from the wheelchair they spend so much of their life in , making them as ___A___as the next gust of wind."A mobileB attractiveC hospitableD marvelous44.Materialism has until recently been_B_____ unknown in Confucian societies.A normallyB virtuallyC invariablyD increasingly45.Some lawyers say the law of deception must be __C_____ to include deception of machines rather than just people.A reflectedB unifiedC adjustedD loosened46.The building materials industry___C____ itself to meet the steady predictable demand of the house-building industry, thus eliminating one of the chief obstacles to the output of houses.A boundB integratedC gearedD lowered47.As a general rule vegetable oils are much better for you than fats that are__A_____from animals.A derivedB enrichedC curledD detached48.The critical moment for harvest___D_____from year to year and from one plant to the next.A renewsB enviesC bafflesD varies49.If left to reach their natural__D____,many plant species will eventually take over a wide area of ground and should be avoided in small gardens.A capacitiesB occupationsC suspicionsD dimensions50.Fame is the most _B____subject in the world and I'm keenly interested in speaking to certain people who've had fame and then lost if.A overwhelmingB fascinatingC rewardingD misleading51.Interestingly enough, having once entered the profession itself, age ceases to be a ____C___, for actors of any age may easily teach each other something and share emotions honestly.A necessityB pursuitC barrierD concession52.Another _C_____ is how the yacht drifted north-west when prevailing conditions would normally have sent it towards South America.A inquiryB dilemmaC mysteryD risk53.The company is based on a novel_D___ of direct selling, which involves representatives knocking on doors selling household goods.A extentB aspectC symptomD concept54.It is my experience that many students of English Literature with good A-level results dislike poetry, or at least feel __A___ by if , and can go through a three-year degree course without this attitude being radically changed.A baffledB overlookedC deceivedD restrained55._B_______the technological requirements of the new system , other important issues have to be resolvedA Next toB Aside fromC Rather thanD Contrary to56.By the end of this month manufacturing__C____ is expected to increase three-fold, according to sales and marketing director Joe Weston.A dimensionB endeavorC capacityD schedule57.You may find it surprising that in this country__B___labor shortage coexists with .A crucialB acuteC artificialD instant58.Those present at the meeting expressed interest in all of the organizational ___D___of home care, including nursing,equipment loans and the volunteer program.A conceptsB sequencesC consequencesD aspects59.In this and succeeding meetings the__A_____ of attention was primarily on the manpower involved with some discussion of the public expenditure costs.A focusB absenceC minimumD authority60.Other types of skin cancer are D_____continued exposure to the sun over a long period..A dedicated toB inclined toC derived fromD associated。