



考研英语词汇-------来自古罗马神话的单词1. 大地女神忒勒斯在罗马神话中,大地女神被称为Tellus(忒勒斯)或Terra(特拉)。


在拉丁语中,tellus 或terra 的意思就是“陆地”、“干地”(与“海洋”相对),源自原始印欧语词根ters-(干),等于英语单词land(陆地)。


在天文学专业领域中,人们一般用专业单词Tellus 来表示“地球”,而非通俗单词earth。

terr/-tellu-/tellur-:陆地,大地,干地territory:['terɪt(ə)rɪ] n.领土、领地terrain:[təˈreɪn] n.地形、地势terrace:[ˈterəs] n. 平台;梯田;阳台terrestrial:[tə'restrɪəl] adj.地球的,陆地的,人间的n.陆地生物,地球上的人subterranean:[,sʌbtə'renɪən] adj. 地下的;秘密的;隐蔽的n. 地下工作者Mediterranean:[,mɛdətə'renɪən] n. 地中海adj. 地中海的inter:[ɪn'tə] vt. 埋;葬(入土)tellurian:[te'ljʊərɪən] adj.地球上的n.地球人Tellurium:[te'ljʊərɪəm] [化学] 碲(元素符号Te)2. 农神萨图恩在罗马神话中,萨图恩(Saturn)原本是农神。







1. Pirouette(皮鲁埃特)Pirouette是芭蕾舞中的一种旋转动作,它是以一个脚为支点,身体快速旋转一周或多圈。



2. Pas de Deux(帕德杜)Pas de Deux是指由两个舞者共同表演的一种舞蹈。


Pas de Deux是芭蕾舞中最具挑战性的舞蹈之一,要求舞者通过高难度的动作和配合来展示技术和互相信任。

3. Arabesque(阿拉贝斯克)Arabesque是芭蕾舞中一种姿势,其中舞者站在一只脚尖上,另一只腿向后延伸,与上半身平行。



4. Grand Jeté(朗·热特)Grand Jeté是一种非常壮观的动作,通常被用于展示舞者的跳跃能力。


Grand Jeté要求舞者在空中保持优美的姿势和身体的控制力。

5. Plié(皮利埃)Plié是芭蕾舞中一种基本的动作,它用于调整身体的平衡和准备其他动作。



6. Pointe(穿特)Pointe是指芭蕾舞者站在足尖上的技巧和动作。




常用音乐术语全集1、套曲 Cycle 一种由多乐章组合而成的大型器乐曲或声乐器2、组曲 Suite由几个具有相对独立性的器乐曲组成的乐曲3、奏鸣曲Sonata指类似组曲的器乐合奏套曲.自海顿.莫扎特以后,其指由3-4个乐章组成的器乐独奏套曲(钢琴奏鸣曲)或独奏乐器与钢琴合奏的器乐曲(小提琴奏鸣曲)4、交响曲 symphony大型管弦乐套曲,通常含四个乐章.其乐章结构与独奏的奏鸣曲相同5、协奏曲concerto由一件或多件独奏乐器与管弦乐团相互竞奏,并显示其个性及技巧的大型器乐套曲.分独奏协奏曲、大协奏曲、小协奏曲等6、交响诗 symphonic poem单乐章的标题****响音乐7、音诗 poeme单乐章管弦乐曲,与交响诗相类似8、序曲 overture歌剧、清唱剧、舞剧、其他戏剧作品和声乐、器乐套曲的开始曲。


10、托卡塔 toccata 节奏紧凑、快速触键的富有自由即兴性的键盘乐曲cantabile 一如歌地 con spirito 一有精神地deciso 一坚定地doice 一柔和地dolente 一怨诉地energico—精力充沛地fantastico 一幻想地grave 一沉重地grazioso ―优雅地giocoso—嬉戏地leggiero一轻巧地largamente一宽广地maestoso一庄严地marcato 一强调mesto 一忧伤地nobilmente —高雅地pathetic 一悲怆地passionate 一热情洋溢地pastoral 一田园地risoluto 一果断地Rubato 一节奏自由sempl ice 一朴素地sempre -继续地 sentimento 一多愁善感地sostenuto -持续地 vivace 一活泼地vivo 一活跃地scherzando 一幽默地spirito 一精神饱满地tranquillo一安静地触键术语glissando 滑奏legato连音legato assai 很连贯legatissimo 最连音non legato非连音portato次断音staccatostaccatissimo▲断音sempre slacc一直用断音tenuto保持Aart achievement [9? tfi:vmsnt]艺术成就1.artistic [a / tistik] appeal [a'pi: 1]艺术感染力artistic image 艺术形象2.amateur ['kmat。


Problem M.4 (150 points). Find the fixed point of the following system of equations:
x 4 y, x y x. y Analyze the point’s stability. What type of the fixed point is it? (node? saddle? focus? center?) Sketch the phase plane [x,y] in as much detail as you can. Solution: This system of equations is linear, so it has only one (trivial) fixed point x = y = 0, and no linearization is necessary. Solving the characteristic equation of the system, 1 1 4 0, 1
(see Fig. on the right). With account of Eq. (3.66) of the lecture notes, this formula turns into Eb 2 U ef (r ) n 2 . (*) r r It is evident that rmin may be found from equation dUef/dr = 0. Differentiating Eq. (*), we find that
U (r )

with n 2, 0.



精心整理A accelerando(accel.)漸快的action 弦高,即弦距离指板的高度 adagietto 小柔板(66拍/分鐘) adagio 柔板(56拍/分鐘)allegretto 小快板(108拍/分鐘) allegro 快板(132拍/分鐘)Andalusia 安達露西亞(西班牙地名) andante 行板(72拍/分鐘) animato Aranjuez artist assai Asturias B[德國] back bass Brazilian Ccanon caprice cedar classical C órdoba cutaway 被切去的部分 Ddisc 唱片,唱碟 duet 二重奏duo 二部曲,二重奏 Eebony 烏木,烏檀 echo 回音,回聲 equalizer 均衡器 estudio,etude 練習曲 Ffingerboard 指板 flat 降調 GGallagher,KevinR.凱文·蓋拉格[美國] Goni,Antigoni 安提戈尼·戈尼[希腊] Granada 格拉納達(西班牙地名) grave 极慢板(40拍/分鐘) Hhead ,headstock 琴頭 Llacquer 硝基漆,日本漆 ] ] ] [美國] ] purfling 鑲邊,環飾 Qquarter-sawn 將(原木)縱向鋸成四塊再鋸成木板的 RRecuerdosdelaAlhambra 《阿爾罕布拉宮的回憶》 repertoire 保留曲目,全部曲目Rodrigo,Joaquin 胡埃金·羅德里戈[西班牙] Romero,Angel 安杰爾·羅梅羅[西班牙]Romero,Celedonio 塞拉多尼奧·羅梅羅[西班牙] Romero,Celin 塞林·羅梅羅[西班牙]Romero,Pepe佩佩·羅梅羅[西班牙]rosette音孔環飾,玫瑰花飾rosewood玫瑰木,青龍木,黑黃檀Russel,David大衛·羅素[英國]Sscore樂譜Segovia,Andrés安德列斯·塞戈維亞[西班牙] serenade小夜曲,月下情歌Seville塞維利亞(西班牙地名)sharp升調S?llscher,G?ran戈蘭·索舍爾[瑞典]SpanishsprucestringsuiteTthemeVvariationvivacevivoWYFretwire此类推nob:旋钮tunenob:音色旋钮volumenob:音量旋钮Bridge:琴桥Whammybar,tremolo:摇把基本乐理:Bar:小节12-bar:12小节。



一、速度1.慢速类Lento约=52慢板Adagio约=56柔板多用于奏鸣曲中段乐章和浪漫派乐曲抒情乐章2.中速类Andante约=66行板Moderato约=88中速多用于奏鸣曲中段乐章和浪漫派乐曲抒情乐章3.快速类Allegretto约=108小快板Allegro约=132快板Presto约=184急板多用于奏鸣曲1.3乐章和练习曲等4.速度变化类rit渐慢temporubato自由速度,但总时值符合基本速度(这就是肖邦作品中最难的东西)atempo回原速piumosso稍快menomosso稍慢二、力度1.强和弱pp很弱p弱mp中弱mf中强f强ff很强sf突强(贝多芬的典型标记)2.力度变化dim渐弱morendo逐渐消失cresc.渐强sempre始终,一直保持三、表情dolce柔和地espress.有表情地cantabile歌唱地grazioso优美典雅地mesto忧郁地.悲伤地dolendobrillante辉煌地,炫耀地appass.热情地,激情地scerzando诙谐,风趣地leggiero轻巧地四、奏法legato连奏nonlegato非连奏stace.断奏,跳音gliss刮奏五、踏板ped踏板senzaped不用踏板u.c.左踏板trec.中踏板(只有三角钢琴的中踏板在演奏中才有用处)六、其他major大调minor小调tema主题m.d.右手m.s.左手tr.颤音tremolo震音D.C.从头反复(李查德的比较多)solo独奏cadenza华彩accelerando(accel.)渐快的acappella无伴奏合唱absolutemusic纯音乐,非标题音乐absolutepitch绝对音高(听觉)abstractmusic抽象音乐accent重音accidental(s)变音记号accordion手风琴acoustics声学action弦高,即弦距离指板的高度adagietto小柔板(66拍/分钟) adagio柔板(56拍/分钟)Added-sixthchord加六度和弦allegretto小快板(108拍/分钟) allegro快板(132拍/分钟) allemande阿勒曼德alteredchord变和弦Andalusia安达露西亚(西班牙地名) andante行板(72拍/分钟) andantino小行板(80拍/分钟) animato活泼的快板(120拍/分钟) Anti-impressionism反印象主义anticipation先现音anvil乐砧Aranjuez阿兰胡埃斯(吉他协奏曲)aria咏叹调arpeggio琶音artist艺术家ascending上行assai非常快的快板(144拍/分钟),很Asturias阿斯图里亚斯(西班牙地名)atonality无调性augmentation展开augmentedsixthchord增六和弦augmentedtriad增三和弦augmented增(音程)authenticcadence正格终止Bach,JohannSebastian约翰?塞巴斯第安?巴赫[德国]back背板ballata叙事曲ballet芭蕾bandmusic军乐band军乐队bar小节(barline小节线,measure)bariton男中音Baroque巴洛克Barrueco,Manuel马努埃?巴鲁埃科[古巴]bass低音bassclarinet低音单簧管bassclef低音谱号bassdrum大鼓bass tuba低音大号bass低音号bass男低音bassoon大管(巴松)belcanto美声binaryform二段式,二部曲式(AB) bitonality双重调性blues布鲁斯bongo邦戈鼓bourree布列brasswindinstruments铜管乐器Brazilian巴西的Bream,Julian朱里安?布里姆[英国] breve二全音符brokenchord分解和弦Brouwer,Leo里奥?布劳威尔[古巴]cadanza华彩乐段musicalform体裁cadence终止canon卡农cantata康塔塔capriccio随想曲caprice随想曲castanets响板cedar雪松cello大提琴chaconne恰空舞曲chaconne恰空chimes排钟choir合唱团choralmusic合唱音乐choral众赞歌chord和弦,和声chord和弦chorus合唱chromatichalf-tone变化半音chromaticinterval变化(音程)chromaticscale半音阶chromatictone变化全音chromatic半音的clarinet单簧管(黑管)classical古典的Classicism古典主义clavier(18世纪)键盘乐器clef谱号(Gclef,Fclef,Cclef)climax高潮coda尾声coloraturasoprano花腔女高音commonmeter普通拍子(4/4) comparison对比complextone复音(compositetone) compoundduplemeter(s)复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8)compoundinterval复音程compoundmeter(s)复拍子compoundquadruplemeter(s)复四拍子(12/4,12/8,12/16) compoundtriplemeter(s)复三拍子(9/4,9/8)concertmaster首席concerto协奏曲concerto,concierto协奏曲ConcreteMusic具体音乐Accidentalism偶然主义conductor指挥consonant协和(音程、和弦)contraC大字二组Ccontrabassoon低音大管Córdoba科尔多巴(西班牙地名)cornet短号Coste,Napoléon拿破仑?科斯特[法国]counterpoint对位courante库朗特crotchet四分音符(quarternote,美)cutaway被切去的部分cymbal钹deceptivecadence伪终止demisemiquaver三十二分音符descending下行development发展development展开部diatonicinterval自然(音程)diatonicscale自然音阶passingtone经过音diminishedseventhchord减七和弦diminishedtriad减三和弦diminished减(音程)disc唱片,唱碟disco迪斯科suite组曲dissonant不协和(音程、和弦)dominantseventhchord属七和弦dominant(V)属音,属和弦dot附点dottednote附点音符dottedrest附点休止符doublebasstuba倍低音大号doublebass低音提琴guitar吉他doubledot复附点doublemordent复波音double-augmented倍增(音程) double-diminished倍减(音程) double-flat重降号double-sharp重升号dramaticsoprano戏剧女高音dramatictenor戏剧男高音duet二重奏duet二重奏duoduplemeter(s)二拍子(2/2,2/4,2/8)duplet二连音duration时值dynamicmark(s)力度标记dynamics力度ebony乌木,乌檀echo回音,回声eleventh十一度Englishhorn英国管enharmonicintervals等音程enharmonicnotes等音ensemble合奏(团体)equalizer均衡器estudio,etude练习曲etude练习曲euphonium尤风宁号exposition呈示部Expressionism表现主义falsechord假和弦resolution解决fantasia幻想曲fifth五度fingerboard指板firstinversion第一转位five-partform五段式fixed-do固定唱名法movable-do音调唱名法flat降调flat降号flute长笛four-lineoctave小字四组(four-line) four-partform四段式fourthchord四度和弦fourth四度foxtrot狐步舞Frenchhorn圆号,法国号frequency频率fret品格fugue赋格functionalharmony功能和声fundamental(tone)基音(firstpartial) Gallagher,KevinR.凯文?盖拉格[美国] gigue吉格glissando滑音glockenspiel钟琴gong锣Goni,Antigoni安提戈尼?戈尼[希腊]govotte加沃特Granada格拉纳达(西班牙地名)grave极慢板(40拍/分钟)greatC大字组Cguitar吉他guitarist吉他演奏家,吉他手guitarra吉他,吉他拉habanera哈巴涅拉halfcadence半终止half-tone半音harmonicanalysis和声分析harmonicinterval和声音程harmonicsequence和声模进harmonic和声的harmony和声学harp竖琴harpsichord拨弦古钢琴head符头head,headstock琴头hemidemisemiquaver六十四分音符(sixty-fourthnote,美)homophonicmusic主调音乐homophony主调hook符尾(tail)imperfectcadence不完全终止Impressionism印象主义instrumentalmusic器乐instrumentation乐器法intensity强度intermezzo间奏曲interlude间奏(曲) interruptedcadence阻碍终止interval音程invention创意曲inversion转位(complement) invertedmordent逆波音(lowermordent;invertedturn回音irregularmeter(不规则)混合拍子(7/4,11/7)jazz爵士乐justintonation纯律kettledrum定音鼓keysignature调号key调keyboard键盘(乐)lacquer硝基漆,日本漆larghetto小广板(60拍/分钟)largo广板(46拍/分钟)leadingtone(VII)导音,导和弦(subtonic)legato连音,连奏legerline(s)加线(ledgerline(s))lento慢板(52拍/分钟)line线loudness响度lullaby摇篮曲lute疏特琴lyra乐徽lyricsoprano抒情女高音madrigal牧歌maestoso庄板(88拍/分钟)magicflute魔笛mahogany桃花心木,红木major大调majortriad大三和弦major大(音程)major大调march进行曲marimba玛林巴mass弥撒mazurka玛祖卡McFadden,Jeffrey杰夫瑞?麦克法登[加拿大]mediant(III)中音,中音和弦melodiccontour旋律轮廓melodicinterval旋律音程melodicprogression旋律进行melodicsequence旋律模进melodic旋律的melody旋律meter拍子(time)metronome节拍器Metronome节拍机(M.M.=Malzel';s~) mezzosoprano次女高音,女中音Microtonalism微分音主义minim二分音符(halfnote,美)Minimalism省略(简约)主义minor小调minortriad小三和弦minor小(音程)minor小调minuet小步舞曲mode调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式)moderato中板(96拍/分钟)modulation转调monophonicmusic单声部音乐mordent波音(uppermordent)motive动机movement乐章movement乐章multi-meter变化拍子musicalform曲式musicalinstrument乐器musicaltone乐音Nationalisminmusic民族乐派naturalhalf-tone自然半音naturaltone自然全音natural自然的nature还原号intonation音准neck琴颈neighboringtone辅助音(auxiliarytone,upperorlower)Neoclassicism新古典主义ninthchord九和弦ninth九度nocturn夜曲noise噪音notation记谱法note(s)音符nut琴马oboe双簧管octave八度octave八度one-linedoctave小字一组(one-line) one-partform一段式,一部曲式opera歌剧opus(Op.)作品oratorio清唱剧orchestra管弦乐队orchestra管弦乐队orchestration配器法organ风琴ornament(s)装饰音overtoneseries泛音列overtone(s)泛音overture序曲Paganini,Niccolo尼古罗?帕格尼尼[意大利]Papandreou,Elena艾琳娜?帕潘德里欧[希腊]parallelkeys同主音调Parkening,Christopher克里斯托弗?帕肯宁[美国]partial(s)分音(partialtone)passacaglia帕萨卡利亚passion受难曲pause延长号(hold,fermata)pedal踏板peg弦轴pentatonic五声的percussion(s)打击乐perfectcadence完全终止perfect完全,纯(音程)period乐段phrase乐句phrasing分句piano钢琴piccolo短笛pick拾音器pipeorgan管风琴pitchname音名pitch音高plagalcadence变格终止Platino,Franco富兰科?普拉提诺[意大利]podium指挥台Pointillism点描派polka波尔卡polonaise波洛涅兹polyphonicmusic复调音乐polyphony复调polytonality多调性Ponce,Manuel马努埃?庞塞[墨西哥] prelude前奏曲prelude前奏(曲)presto急板(184拍/分钟)Primitivism原始主义programmusic标题音乐psychoacoustics心理声学puretone纯音purfling镶边,环饰quadruplemeter(s)四拍子(4/2,4/4,4/8)quadruplet四连音quarter-sawn将(原木)纵向锯成四块再锯成木板的quartet四重奏quaver八分音符(eighthnote,美)quintet五重奏quintuplemeter五拍子quintuplet五连音range音域(compass)rattle摇响器Realism现实主义recapitulation再现部recitative宣叙调RecuerdosdelaAlhambra《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》reduction改编(缩编)register音区reguiem安魂曲relativekeys关系大小调relativepitch相对音高(听觉)Renaissance文艺复兴repertoire保留曲目,全部曲目repetition重复rest(s)休止符rhapsody狂想曲rhythm节奏rhythmicpattern节奏型Rococo洛可可Rodrigo,Joaquin胡埃金?罗德里戈[西班牙]Romanticism浪漫主义Romero,Angel安杰尔?罗梅罗[西班牙]Romero,Celedonio塞拉多尼奥?罗梅罗[西班牙]Romero,Celin塞林?罗梅罗[西班牙]Romero,Pepe佩佩?罗梅罗[西班牙]rondoform回旋曲式(ABACA)rondosonataform回旋奏鸣曲式rootposition原位root根音(fundamental)rosette音孔环饰,玫瑰花饰rosewood玫瑰木,青龙木,黑黄檀roundedbinaryform(有再现的)二段式rumba伦巴Russel,David大卫?罗素[英国]sarabande萨拉班德saxophone萨克斯管scaledegree(调式)音级scalestep音级(音级数:numberofscalestep)scale音阶scherzo谐谑曲score乐谱score总谱secondinversion第二转位second二度Segovia,Andrés安德列斯?塞戈维亚[西班牙]semibreve全音符(wholenote,美)semiquaver十六分音符(sixteenthnote,美)septuplet七连音sequence模进serenade小夜曲,月下情歌serenade小夜曲Serialism序列主义seventhchord七和弦seventh七度Seville塞维利亚(西班牙地名) sextuplet六连音sharp升调sharp升号side侧板sidedrum小鼓sight-singing视唱simpleinterval单音程simplemeter(s)单拍子sixthchord六和弦sixth六度sixth-fourchord四六和弦smallc小字组cS?llscher,G?ran戈兰?索舍尔[瑞典]solo独奏solo独奏(唱)sonataform奏鸣曲式sonata奏鸣曲sonatina小奏鸣曲songswithoutword无词歌soprano女高音Sor,Fernando费尔南多?索尔[西班牙]sostenuto持音sound音space间Spanish西班牙的spruce云杉staccato断音,断奏staff五线谱staff乐谱stage舞台stem符干step音级(scalestep,degree)string琴弦stringedinstruments弦乐器Structuralism结构主义subdominant(IV)下属音,下属和弦submediant(VI)下中音,下中音和弦(super-dominant)suite组曲supertonic(II)上主音,上主和弦suspension延留音symphonicpoem交响诗symphony交响曲syncopation切分音tabor塔波鼓Takemitsu,Toru武满彻[日本] tambourine铃鼓tango探戈tarantella塔兰台拉temperament乐律temperedscale平均律(equaltemperament)templeblock木鱼tempomark(s)速度标记tempo速度tenordrum中鼓tenortuba次中音大号tenor男高音tenth十度ternaryform三段式,三部曲式(ABA)theater剧场,戏剧thematicmaterial主题材料theme主题themewithvariation主题与变奏thirdinversion第三转位third三度three-linedoctave小字三组(three-line)tie延音线timbre音色(tonecolororquality)timesignature拍号time时间toccata托卡塔tonality调性tone音(乐音)tone-cluster音簇tonic(I)主音,主和弦top面板transposition移调trebleclef高音谱号trembolo震音triad三和弦triangle三角铁trill颤音trio三声中部trio三重奏triplemeter(s)三拍子(3/2,3/4,3/8) triplet三连音tri-tone三全音trombone长号trumpet小号tuba大号tubularbells管钟tuningfork音叉twelfth十二度two-linedoctave小字二组(two-line) unaccentedoctave小字组unison齐奏(唱)unison同度,一度(prime)unity统一variation变奏variationform变奏曲式(A,A1,A2,A3…)strophicform分节歌(a,a,a,a…)variation变奏variety变化vibraphone颤音琴vibration振动viola中提琴violin小提琴vivace有生气的快板(160拍/分钟)vivo活泼的,有生气的vocalmusic声乐voice人声,声部waltz圆舞曲,华尔兹waveform波形whip鞭响器wholetone全音whole-tone全音的Williams,John约翰?威廉斯[澳大利亚]woodblock南梆子,盒梆woodwindinstruments木管乐器xylophone木琴。



史上最全的音乐术语大全!!文章下方有教程一速度术语慢速类Lento 约=52 慢板;Adagio 约=56 柔板;adagio 柔板(56拍/分钟);largo 广板(46拍/分钟);grave 极慢板(40拍/分钟);lento 慢板(52拍/分钟);多用于奏鸣曲中段乐章和浪漫派乐曲抒情乐章中速类Andante 约=66 行板;Moderato 约=88 中速;adagietto 小柔板(66拍/分钟);andante 行板 (72拍/分钟);andantino 小行板(80拍/分钟);larghetto 小广板 (60拍/分钟);maestoso 庄板 (88拍/分钟)多用于奏鸣曲中段乐章和浪漫派乐曲抒情乐章快速类Allegretto 约=108 小快板;Allegro 约=132 快板;Presto 约=184 急板;allegretto 小快板(108拍/分钟);allegro 快板 (132拍/分钟);animato 活泼的快板 (120拍/分钟);assai 非常快的快板(144拍/分钟);presto 急板 (184拍/分钟);vivace 有生气的快板 (160拍/分钟)多用于奏鸣曲1.3乐章和练习曲等速度变化类tempo rubato 自由速度,但总时值符合基本速度(这就是肖邦作品中最难的东西)a tempo 回原速;rit 渐慢;piu mosso稍快;meno mosso 稍慢accelerando (accel.) 渐快的二力度术语强和弱pp 很弱;p 弱;mp 中弱;mf 中强;f 强;ff 很强;sf 突强(贝多芬的典型标记)力度变化dim 渐弱;morendo 逐渐消失;cresc.渐强;sempre 始终,一直保持三表情术语dolce 柔和地;espress. 有表情地;cantabile 歌唱地;grazioso 优美典雅地;mesto 忧郁地.悲伤地;dolendo;brillante 辉煌地,炫耀地;;appass. 热情地,激情地;scerzando 诙谐,风趣地;leggiero 轻巧地四奏法术语legato 连奏;nonlegato 非连奏;stace.断奏,跳音;gliss 刮奏;tr. 颤音;tremolo震音;arpeggio 琶音;legato 连音,连奏五踏板术语ped 踏板;senza ped 不用踏板;u.c. 左踏板;trec. 中踏板(只有三角钢琴的中踏板在演奏中才有用处)六其他术语major 大调minor 小调tema 主题m.d. 右手m.s. 左手D.C. 从头反复(李查德的比较多)solo 独奏cadenza 华彩a cappella 无伴奏合唱absolute music 纯音乐,非标题音乐absolute pitch 绝对音高(听觉)abstract music 抽象音乐accent 重音accidental(s) 变音记号accordion 手风琴acoustics 声学action 弦高,即弦距离指板的高度Added-sixth chord 加六度和弦allemande 阿勒曼德altered chord 变和弦Andalusia 安达露西亚 (西班牙地名)Anti- impressionism 反印象主义anticipation 先现音anvil 乐砧Aranjuez 阿兰胡埃斯 (吉他协奏曲)aria 咏叹调artist 艺术家ascending 上行Asturias 阿斯图里亚斯 (西班牙地名)atonality 无调性augmentation 展开augmented sixth chord 增六和弦augmented triad 增三和弦augmented 增(音程)authentic cadence 正格终止Bach, Johann Sebastian 约翰?塞巴斯第安?巴赫 [德国]back 背板ballata 叙事曲ballet 芭蕾band music 军乐band 军乐队bar 小节 (bar line小节线,measure)bariton 男中音Baroque 巴洛克Barrueco, Manuel 马努埃?巴鲁埃科 [古巴]bass 低音bass clarinet 低音单簧管bass clef 低音谱号bass drum 大鼓bass tuba 低音大号bass 低音号bass 男低音bassoon 大管(巴松)bel canto 美声binary form 二段式,二部曲式(AB) bitonality 双重调性blues 布鲁斯bongo 邦戈鼓bourree 布列brass wind instruments 铜管乐器Brazilian 巴西的Bream, Julian 朱里安?布里姆 [英国] breve 二全音符broken chord 分解和弦Brouwer, Leo 里奥?布劳威尔 [古巴] cadanza 华彩乐段 musical form 体裁cadence 终止canon 卡农cantata 康塔塔capriccio 随想曲caprice 随想曲castanets 响板cedar 雪松cello 大提琴chaconne 恰空舞曲chaconne 恰空chimes 排钟choir 合唱团choral music 合唱音乐choral 众赞歌chord 和弦,和声chord 和弦chorus 合唱chromatic half-tone 变化半音chromatic interval 变化(音程)chromatic scale 半音阶chromatic tone 变化全音chromatic 半音的clarinet 单簧管(黑管)classical 古典的Classicism 古典主义clavier (18世纪)键盘乐器clef 谱号 (G clef, F clef, Cclef)climax 高潮coda 尾声coloratura soprano 花腔女高音common meter 普通拍子 (4/4)comparison 对比complex tone 复音(composite tone)compound duple meter(s) 复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8)compound interval 复音程compound meter(s) 复拍子compound quadruple meter(s) 复四拍子 (12/4,12/8,12/16)compound triple meter(s) 复三拍子(9/4,9/8)concert master 首席concerto 协奏曲concerto, concierto 协奏曲Concrete Music 具体音乐Accidentalism 偶然主义conductor 指挥consonant 协和(音程、和弦)contra C 大字二组Ccontrabassoon 低音大管Córdoba 科尔多巴 (西班牙地名)cornet 短号Coste, Napoléon 拿破仑?科斯特 [法国]counterpoint 对位courante 库朗特crotchet 四分音符(quarternote,美)cutaway 被切去的部分cymbal 钹deceptive cadence 伪终止demisemiquaver 三十二分音符descending 下行development 发展development 展开部diatonic interval 自然(音程)diatonic scale 自然音阶passing tone 经过音diminished seventh chord 减七和弦diminished triad 减三和弦diminished 减(音程)disc 唱片,唱碟disco 迪斯科 suite 组曲dissonant 不协和(音程、和弦)dominant seventh chord 属七和弦dominant(V) 属音,属和弦dot 附点dotted note 附点音符dotted rest 附点休止符double bass tuba 倍低音大号double bass 低音提琴 guitar 吉他double dot 复附点double mordent 复波音double-augmented 倍增(音程) double-diminished 倍减(音程) double-flat 重降号double-sharp 重升号dramatic soprano 戏剧女高音dramatic tenor 戏剧男高音duet 二重奏duet 二重奏duple meter(s) 二拍子 (2/2,2/4,2/8) duplet 二连音duration 时值dynamic mark(s) 力度标记dynamics 力度ebony 乌木,乌檀echo 回音,回声eleventh 十一度English horn 英国管enharmonic intervals 等音程enharmonic notes 等音ensemble 合奏(团体)equalizer 均衡器estudio, etude 练习曲etude 练习曲euphonium 尤风宁号exposition 呈示部Expressionism 表现主义false chord 假和弦resolution 解决fantasia 幻想曲fifth 五度fingerboard 指板first inversion 第一转位five-part form 五段式fixed-do 固定唱名法movable-do 音调唱名法flat 降调flat 降号flute 长笛four-line octave 小字四组 (four-line)four-part form 四段式fourth chord 四度和弦fourth 四度fox trot 狐步舞French horn 圆号,法国号frequency 频率fret 品格fugue 赋格functional harmony 功能和声fundamental(tone) 基音 (first partial)Gallagher, Kevin R. 凯文?盖拉格 [美国]gigue 吉格glissando 滑音glockenspiel 钟琴gong 锣Goni, Antigoni 安提戈尼?戈尼 [希腊]govotte 加沃特Granada 格拉纳达 (西班牙地名)great C 大字组Cguitar 吉他guitarist 吉他演奏家,吉他手guitarra 吉他,吉他拉habanera 哈巴涅拉half cadence 半终止half-tone 半音harmonic analysis 和声分析harmonic interval 和声音程harmonic sequence 和声模进harmonic 和声的harmony 和声学harp 竖琴harpsichord 拨弦古钢琴head 符头head,headstock 琴头hemidemisemi quaver 六十四分音符(sixty-fourth note,美)homophonic music 主调音乐homophony 主调hook 符尾(tail)imperfect cadence 不完全终止Impressionism 印象主义instrumental music 器乐instrumentation 乐器法intensity 强度inter mezzo 间奏曲interlude 间奏(曲)interrupted cadence 阻碍终止interval 音程invention 创意曲inversion 转位(complement)inverted mordent 逆波音(lower mordent;inverted turn 回音irregular meter (不规则)混合拍子(7/4,11/7)jazz 爵士乐just intonation 纯律kettle drum 定音鼓key signature 调号key 调keyboard 键盘(乐)lacquer 硝基漆,日本漆leading tone(VII) 导音,导和弦(subtonic)leger line(s) 加线 (ledger line(s))line 线loudness 响度lullaby 摇篮曲lute 疏特琴lyra 乐徽lyric soprano 抒情女高音madrigal 牧歌magic flute 魔笛mahogany 桃花心木,红木major 大调major triad 大三和弦major 大(音程)major 大调march 进行曲marimba 玛林巴mass 弥撒mazurka 玛祖卡McFadden, Jeffrey 杰夫瑞?麦克法登 [加拿大]mediant (III) 中音,中音和弦melodic contour 旋律轮廓melodic interval 旋律音程melodic progression 旋律进行melodic sequence 旋律模进melodic 旋律的melody 旋律meter 拍子 (time)metronome 节拍器Metronome 节拍机(M.M.=Malzel';s ~)mezzo soprano 次女高音,女中音Microtonalism 微分音主义minim 二分音符 (half note,美)Minimalism 省略(简约)主义minor 小调minor triad 小三和弦minor 小(音程)minor 小调minuet 小步舞曲mode 调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式)moderato 中板 (96拍/分钟)modulation 转调monophonic music 单声部音乐mordent 波音(upper mordent)motive 动机movement 乐章movement 乐章multi-meter 变化拍子musical form 曲式musical instrument 乐器musical tone 乐音Nationalism in music 民族乐派natural half-tone 自然半音natural tone 自然全音natural 自然的nature 还原号 intonation 音准neck 琴颈neighboring tone 辅助音(auxiliary tone,upper or lower)Neoclassicism 新古典主义ninth chord 九和弦ninth 九度nocturn 夜曲noise 噪音notation 记谱法note(s) 音符nut 琴马oboe 双簧管octave 八度octave 八度one-lined octave 小字一组 (one-line)one-part form 一段式,一部曲式opera 歌剧opus (Op.) 作品oratorio 清唱剧orchestra 管弦乐队orchestra 管弦乐队orchestration 配器法organ 风琴ornament(s) 装饰音overtone series 泛音列overtone(s) 泛音overture 序曲Paganini, Niccolo 尼古罗?帕格尼尼[意大利]Papandreou, Elena 艾琳娜?帕潘德里欧[希腊]parallel keys 同主音调Parkening, Christopher 克里斯托弗?帕肯宁 [美国]partial(s) 分音(partialtone)passacaglia 帕萨卡利亚passion 受难曲pause 延长号(hold, fermata)pedal 踏板peg 弦轴pentatonic 五声的percussion(s) 打击乐perfect cadence 完全终止perfect 完全,纯(音程)period 乐段phrase 乐句phrasing 分句piano 钢琴piccolo 短笛pick 拾音器pipe organ 管风琴pitch name 音名pitch 音高plagal cadence 变格终止Platino, Franco 富兰科?普拉提诺[意大利]podium 指挥台Pointillism 点描派polka 波尔卡polonaise 波洛涅兹polyphonic music 复调音乐polyphony 复调polytonality 多调性Ponce, Manuel 马努埃?庞塞 [墨西哥]prelude 前奏曲prelude 前奏(曲)Primitivism 原始主义program music 标题音乐psychoacoustics 心理声学pure tone 纯音purfling 镶边,环饰quadruple meter(s) 四拍子(4/2,4/4,4/8)quadruplet 四连音quarter-sawn 将(原木)纵向锯成四块再锯成木板的quartet 四重奏quaver 八分音符 (eighth note,美)quintet 五重奏quintuple meter 五拍子quintuplet 五连音range 音域(compass)rattle 摇响器Realism 现实主义recapitulation 再现部recitative 宣叙调Recuerdos de la Alhambra 《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》reduction 改编(缩编)register 音区reguiem 安魂曲relative keys 关系大小调relative pitch 相对音高(听觉)Renaissance 文艺复兴repertoire 保留曲目,全部曲目repetition 重复rest(s) 休止符rhapsody 狂想曲rhythm 节奏rhythmic pattern 节奏型Rococo 洛可可Rodrigo, Joaquin 胡埃金?罗德里戈[西班牙]Romanticism 浪漫主义Romero, Angel 安杰尔?罗梅罗 [西班牙]Romero, Celedonio 塞拉多尼奥?罗梅罗[西班牙]Romero, Celin 塞林?罗梅罗 [西班牙]Romero, Pepe 佩佩?罗梅罗 [西班牙]rondo form 回旋曲式(ABACA)rondo sonata form 回旋奏鸣曲式root position 原位root 根音(fundamental)rosette 音孔环饰,玫瑰花饰rosewood 玫瑰木,青龙木,黑黄檀rounded binary form (有再现的)二段式rumba 伦巴Russel, David 大卫?罗素 [英国]sarabande 萨拉班德saxophone 萨克斯管scale degree (调式)音级scale step 音级(音级数:numberof scale step)scale 音阶scherzo 谐谑曲score 乐谱score 总谱second inversion 第二转位second 二度Segovia, Andrés 安德列斯?塞戈维亚 [西班牙]semibreve 全音符 (wholenote,美)semiquaver 十六分音符(sixteenthnote,美)septuplet 七连音sequence 模进serenade 小夜曲,月下情歌serenade 小夜曲Serialism 序列主义seventh chord 七和弦seventh 七度Seville 塞维利亚 (西班牙地名) sextuplet 六连音sharp 升调sharp 升号side 侧板side drum 小鼓sight-singing 视唱simple interval 单音程simple meter(s) 单拍子sixth chord 六和弦sixth 六度sixth-four chord 四六和弦small c 小字组cS?llscher, G?ran 戈兰?索舍尔 [瑞典] solo 独奏solo 独奏(唱)sonata form 奏鸣曲式sonata 奏鸣曲sonatina 小奏鸣曲songs without word 无词歌soprano 女高音Sor, Fernando 费尔南多?索尔 [西班牙] sostenuto 持音sound 音space 间Spanish 西班牙的spruce 云杉staccato 断音,断奏staff 五线谱staff 乐谱stage 舞台stem 符干step 音级(scale step, degree)string 琴弦stringed instruments 弦乐器Structuralism 结构主义subdominant(IV) 下属音,下属和弦submediant(VI) 下中音,下中音和弦(super-dominant)suite 组曲supertonic(II) 上主音,上主和弦suspension 延留音symphonic poem 交响诗symphony 交响曲syncopation 切分音tabor 塔波鼓Takemitsu, Toru 武满彻 [日本]tambourine 铃鼓tango 探戈tarantella 塔兰台拉temperament 乐律tempered scale 平均律(equal temperament)temple block 木鱼tempo mark(s) 速度标记tempo 速度tenor drum 中鼓tenor tuba 次中音大号tenor 男高音tenth 十度ternary form 三段式,三部曲式(ABA) theater 剧场,戏剧thematic material 主题材料theme 主题theme with variation 主题与变奏third inversion 第三转位third 三度three -lined octave 小字三组(three-line) tie 延音线timbre 音色 (tone color or quality) time signature 拍号time 时间toccata 托卡塔tonality 调性tone 音(乐音)tone-cluster 音簇tonic(I) 主音,主和弦top 面板transposition 移调treble clef 高音谱号trembolo 震音triad 三和弦triangle 三角铁trill 颤音trio 三声中部trio 三重奏triple meter(s) 三拍子 (3/2,3/4,3/8)triplet 三连音tri-tone 三全音trombone 长号trumpet 小号tuba 大号tubular bells 管钟tuning fork 音叉twelfth 十二度two-lined octave 小字二组 (two-line)unaccented octave 小字组unison 齐奏(唱)unison 同度,一度(prime)unity 统一variation 变奏variation form 变奏曲式(A,A1,A2,A3…)strophic form分节歌(a,a,a,a …) variation 变奏variety 变化vibraphone 颤音琴vibration 振动viola 中提琴violin 小提琴vivo 活泼的,有生气的vocal music 声乐voice 人声,声部waltz 圆舞曲,华尔兹wave form 波形whip 鞭响器whole tone 全音whole-tone 全音的Williams, John 约翰?威廉斯 [澳大利亚] wood block 南梆子,盒梆wood wind instruments 木管乐器xylophone 木琴。



1. Son Clave:这是一种古巴音乐中常见的伴奏音型,由两小节组成,强调了第四拍和第八拍。

2. Bombo:这是一种阿根廷探戈音乐中常用的伴奏音型,通常由贝斯鼓或低音鼓演奏,强调了第一拍。

3. Guiro:这是一种拉丁美洲音乐中常见的伴奏音型,由专用的孔状乐器“横奏”而成,产生了独特的刮擦声音。

4. Timbales:这是一种古巴音乐中常见的伴奏音型,由一对高音鼓和低音鼓组成,通常用来强调第一和第三拍。

音乐表演专业技术词汇对照表 (19)

音乐表演专业技术词汇对照表 (19)








durch die Nase〔德〕鼻音。




durchweg leise zu halten〔德〕全部保持轻柔地。




du son〔法〕要响亮。


du talon〔法〕用弓根(Frosch)。


dying away〔英〕渐弱至消失。




eben so 〔德〕正好那么……,恰好那么……,同样地。

eben so schnell〔德〕正好那么快,恰好那么快,同样地快。









ecclesiastico stilo〔意〕教堂风格。





关于音乐的常用英语单词(艺术类英语必备)pop music 流行音乐jazz music 爵士乐rock music 摇滚乐rhythm 节奏theme 主题tempo 速度symphony 交响乐melody 旋律variation 变奏composition 乐曲composer 作曲家tone 音色keyboard 琴键key 调major 大调minor 小调solo 独奏duets 二重奏instrument 乐器movement 乐章accelerando (accel.) 渐快的acappella 无伴奏合唱absolute music 纯音乐,非标题音乐absolute pitch 绝对音高(听觉)abstract music 抽象音乐accent 重音accidental(s) 变音记号accordion 手风琴acoustics 声学action 弦高,即弦距离指板的高度adagietto 小柔板(66拍/分钟) adagio 柔板(56拍/分钟)Added-sixth chord 加六度和弦allegretto 小快板(108拍/分钟) allegro 快板(132拍/分钟) allemande 阿勒曼德alt高音altered chord 变和弦Andalusia 安达露西亚(西班牙地名)andante 行板(72拍/分钟) andantino 小行板(80拍/分钟) animato 活泼的快板(120拍/分钟) Anti- impressionism 反印象主义anticipation 先现音anvil 乐砧Aranjuez 阿兰胡埃斯(吉他协奏曲) aria 咏叹调arpeggio 琶音artist 艺术家ascending 上行assai 非常快的快板(144拍/分钟),很Asturias 阿斯图里亚斯(西班牙地名)atonality 无调性augmentation 展开augmented sixth chord 增六和弦augmented triad 增三和弦augmented 增(音程)authentic cadence 正格终止Bach, Johann Sebastian 约翰·塞巴斯第安·巴赫[德国]back 背板ballad叙事曲ballet 芭蕾band music 军乐band 军乐队bar 小节(bar line小节线,measure) baritone 男中音Baroque 巴洛克Barrueco, Manuel 马努埃·巴鲁埃科[古巴]bass 低音bass clarinet 低音单簧管bass clef 低音谱号bass drum 大鼓bass tuba 低音大号bass 低音号bass 男低音bassoon 大管(巴松)bel canto 美声binary form 二段式,二部曲式(AB)bitonality 双重调性blues 布鲁斯bongo 邦戈鼓bourree 布列brass wind instruments 铜管乐器Bream, Julian 朱里安·布里姆[英国] breve 二全音符broken chord 分解和弦Brouwer, Leo 里奥·布劳威尔[古巴]cadenza 华彩乐段,装饰乐段musical form 体裁cadence 终止canon 卡农cantata 康塔塔capriccio 随想曲caprice 随想曲castanets 响板cedar 雪松cello 大提琴chaconne 恰空舞曲chaconne 恰空chimes 排钟choir 合唱团choral music 合唱音乐choral 众赞歌chord 和弦,和声chord 和弦chorus 合唱chromatic half-tone 变化半音chromatic interval 变化(音程)chromatic scale 半音阶chromatic tone 变化全音chromatic 半音的clarinet 单簧管(黑管,竖笛)Classicism 古典主义clavier (18世纪)键盘乐器clef 谱号(G clef, F clef, C clef) climax 高潮coda 尾声coloratura soprano 花腔女高音common meter 普通拍子(4/4) comparison 对比complex tone 复音(composite tone) compound duple meter(s) 复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8)compound interval 复音程compound meter(s) 复拍子compound quadruple meter(s) 复四拍子(12/4,12/8,12/16) compound triple meter(s) 复三拍子(9/4,9/8)concert master 首席concerto 协奏曲Concrete Music 具体音乐Accidentalism 偶然主义conductor 指挥consonant 协和(音程、和弦)contra C 大字二组C contrabassoon 低音大管Córdoba 科尔多巴(西班牙地名) cornet 短号Coste, Napoléon 拿破仑·科斯特[法国]counterpoint 对位courante 库朗特舞crotchet 四分音符(quarter note,美) cutaway 被切去的部分cymbal 钹deceptive cadence 伪终止demisemiquaver 三十二分音符descending 下行development 发展/ 展开部diatonic interval 自然(音程)diatonic scale 自然音阶passing tone 经过音diminished seventh chord 减七和弦diminished triad 减三和弦diminished 减(音程)suite 组曲dissonant 不协和(音程、和弦)dominant seventh chord 属七和弦dominant(V) 属音,属和弦dot 附点dotted note 附点音符dotted rest 附点休止符double bass tuba 倍低音大号double bass 低音提琴double dot 复附点double mordent 复波音double-augmented 倍增(音程)double-diminished 倍减(音程)double-flat 重降号double-sharp 重升号dramatic soprano 戏剧女高音dramatic tenor 戏剧男高音duet 二重奏duo 二重唱duple meter(s) 二拍子(2/2,2/4,2/8) duplet 二连音duration 时值dynamic mark(s) 力度标记dynamics 力度ebony 乌木,乌檀echo 回音,回声eleventh 十一度English horn 英国管enharmonic intervals 等音程enharmonic notes 等音ensemble 合奏(团体)equalizer 均衡器estudio, etude 练习曲euphonium 尤风宁号exposition 呈示部Expressionism 表现主义false chord 假和弦fantasia 幻想曲fifth 五度fingerboard 指板first inversion 第一转位five-part form 五段式fixed-do 固定唱名法movable-do 音调唱名法flat 降调flute 长笛four-line octave 小字四组(four-line)four-part form 四段式fourth chord 四度和弦fourth 四度fox trot 狐步舞French horn 圆号,法国号frequency 频率fret 品格fugue 赋格functional harmony 功能和声fundamental(tone) 基音(first partial)Gallagher, Kevin R. 凯文·盖拉格[美国]gigue 吉格glissando 滑音glockenspiel 钟琴gong 锣Goni, Antigoni 安提戈尼·戈尼[希腊]govotte 加沃特Granada 格拉纳达(西班牙地名) grave 极慢板(40拍/分钟)great C 大字组Cguitar 吉他guitarist 吉他演奏家,吉他手guitarra 吉他,吉他拉habanera 哈巴涅拉half cadence 半终止half-tone 半音harmonic analysis 和声分析harmonic interval 和声音程harmonic sequence 和声模进harmonic 和声的harmony 和声学harp 竖琴harpsichord 拨弦古钢琴head 符头head,headstock 琴头hemidemisemi quaver 六十四分音符(sixty-fourth note,美) homophonic music 主调音乐homophony 主调hook 符尾(tail)imperfect cadence 不完全终止Impressionism 印象主义instrumental music 器乐instrumentation 乐器法intensity 强度inter mezzo 间奏曲interlude 间奏(曲)interrupted cadence 阻碍终止interval 音程invention 创意曲inversion 转位(complement)inverted mordent 逆波音(lower mordent;inverted turn 回音irregular meter (不规则)混合拍子(7/4,11/7)just intonation 纯律kettle drum 定音鼓key signature 调号key 调lacquer 硝基漆,日本漆larghetto 小广板(60拍/分钟) largo 广板(46拍/分钟)leading tone(VII) 导音,导和弦(subtonic)legato 连音,连奏leger line(s) 加线(ledger line(s)) lento 慢板(52拍/分钟) loudness 响度lullaby 摇篮曲lute 疏特琴lyra 乐徽lyric soprano 抒情女高音madrigal 牧歌maestoso 庄板(88拍/分钟) magic flute 魔笛mahogany 桃花心木,红木major 大调major triad 大三和弦major 大(音程)大调marimba 玛林巴mass 弥撒mazurka 玛祖卡McFadden, Jeffrey 杰夫瑞·麦克法登[加拿大]mediant (III) 中音,中音和弦melodic contour 旋律轮廓melodic interval 旋律音程melodic progression 旋律进行melodic sequence 旋律模进melodic 旋律的meter 拍子(time)metronome 节拍器Metronome 节拍机(M.M.=Malzel's ~)mezzo soprano 次女高音,女中音Microtonalism 微分音主义minim 二分音符(half note,美) Minimalism 省略(简约)主义minor 小调minor triad 小三和弦minor 小(音程)minor 小调minuet 小步舞曲mode 调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式)moderato 中板(96拍/分钟) modulation 转调monophonic music 单声部音乐mordent 波音(upper mordent)motive 动机movement 乐章movement 乐章multi-meter 变化拍子musical form 曲式musical instrument 乐器musical tone 乐音Nationalism in music 民族乐派natural half-tone 自然半音natural tone 自然全音nature 还原号intonation 音准neck 琴颈neighboring tone 辅助音(auxiliary tone,upper or lower)Neoclassicism 新古典主义ninth chord 九和弦ninth 九度nocturn 夜曲noise 噪音notation 记谱法nut 琴马oboe 双簧管octave 八度one-lined octave 小字一组(one-line)one-part form 一段式,一部曲式opus (Op.) 作品oratorio 清唱剧orchestra 管弦乐队orchestra 管弦乐队orchestration 配器法organ 风琴ornament(s)装饰音overtone series 泛音列overtone(s) 泛音overture 序曲Paganini, Niccolo 尼古罗·帕格尼尼[意大利]Papandreou, Elena 艾琳娜·帕潘德里欧[希腊]parallel keys 同主音调Parkening, Christopher 克里斯托弗·帕肯宁[美国]partial(s) 分音(partial tone) passacaglia 帕萨卡利亚passion 受难曲pause 延长号(hold, fermata) pedal 踏板peg 弦轴pentatonic 五声的percussion(s)打击乐perfect cadence 完全终止perfect 完全,纯(音程)period 乐段phrase 乐句phrasing 分句piano 钢琴piccolo 短笛pick 拾音器pipe organ 管风琴pitch name 音名pitch 音高plagal cadence 变格终止Platino, Franco 富兰科·普拉提诺[意大利]podium 指挥台Pointillism 点描派polka 波尔卡polonaise 波洛涅兹polyphonic music 复调音乐polyphony 复调polytonality 多调性Ponce, Manuel 马努埃·庞塞[墨西哥] prelude 前奏曲prelude 前奏(曲)presto 急板(184拍/分钟) Primitivism 原始主义program music 标题音乐psychoacoustics 心理声学pure tone 纯音purfling 镶边,环饰quadruple meter(s) 四拍子(4/2,4/4,4/8)quadruplet 四连音quarter-sawn 将(原木)纵向锯成四块再锯成木板的quartet 四重奏quaver 八分音符(eighth note,美) quintet 五重奏quintuple meter 五拍子quintuplet 五连音range 音域(compass)rattle 摇响器Realism 现实主义recapitulation 再现部recitative 宣叙调Recuerdos de la Alhambra 《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》reduction 改编(缩编)register 音区requiem 安魂曲relative keys 关系大小调relative pitch 相对音高(听觉)Renaissance 文艺复兴repertoire 保留曲目,全部曲目repetition 重复rest(s) 休止符rhapsody 狂想曲rhythm 节奏rhythmic pattern 节奏型Rococo 洛可可Rodrigo, Joaquin 胡埃金·罗德里戈[西班牙]Romanticism 浪漫主义Romero, Angel 安杰尔·罗梅罗[西班牙]Romero, Celedonio 塞拉多尼奥·罗梅罗[西班牙]Romero, Celin 塞林·罗梅罗[西班牙]Romero, Pepe 佩佩·罗梅罗[西班牙]rondo form 回旋曲式(ABACA)rondo sonata form 回旋奏鸣曲式root position 原位root 根音(fundamental)rosette 音孔环饰,玫瑰花饰rosewood 玫瑰木,青龙木,黑黄檀rounded binary form (有再现的)二段式rumba 伦巴Russel, David 大卫·罗素[英国] sarabande 萨拉班德saxophone 萨克斯管scale degree (调式)音级scale step 音级(音级数:number of scale step)scale 音阶scherzo 谐谑曲score 乐谱score 总谱second inversion 第二转位second 二度Segovia, Andrés 安德列斯·塞戈维亚[西班牙]semibreve 全音符(whole note,美) semiquaver 十六分音符(sixteenth note,美)septuplet 七连音sequence 模进serenade 小夜曲,月下情歌serenade 小夜曲Serialism 序列主义seventh chord 七和弦seventh 七度Seville 塞维利亚(西班牙地名) sextuplet 六连音sharp 升调升号side 侧板side drum 小鼓sight-singing 视唱simple interval 单音程simple meter(s) 单拍子sixth chord 六和弦sixth-four chord 四六和弦small c 小字组cSöllscher, Göran 戈兰·索舍尔[瑞典]solo 独奏(唱)sonata form 奏鸣曲式sonata 奏鸣曲sonatina 小奏鸣曲songs without word 无词歌soprano 女高音Sor, Fernando 费尔南多·索尔[西班牙]sostenuto 持音sound 音space 间Spanish 西班牙的spruce 云杉staccato 断音,断奏staff 五线谱staff 乐谱stage 舞台stem 符干step 音级(scale step, degree) string 琴弦stringed instruments 弦乐器Structuralism 结构主义subdominant(IV) 下属音,下属和弦submediant(VI) 下中音,下中音和弦(super-dominant)suite 组曲supertonic(II) 上主音,上主和弦suspension 延留音symphonic poem 交响诗symphony 交响曲syncopation 切分音tabor 塔波鼓Takemitsu, Toru 武满彻[日本] tambourine 铃鼓tango 探戈tarantella 塔兰台拉temperament 乐律tempered scale 平均律(equal temperament)temple block 木鱼tempo mark(s) 速度标记tempo 速度tenor drum 中鼓tenor tuba 次中音大号tenor 男高音ternary form 三段式,三部曲式(ABA)theater 剧场,戏剧thematic material 主题材料theme 主题theme with variation 主题与变奏third inversion 第三转位three -lined octave 小字三组(three-line)tie 延音线timbre 音色(tone color or quality) time signature 拍号toccata 托卡塔tonality 调性tone 音(乐音)tone-cluster 音簇tonic(I) 主音,主和弦top 面板transposition 移调treble clef 高音谱号tremolo 震音triad 三和弦triangle 三角铁trill 颤音trio 三声中部trio 三重奏triple meter(s) 三拍子(3/2,3/4,3/8) triplet 三连音tri-tone 三全音trombone 长号trumpet 小号tuba 大号tubular bells 管钟tuning fork 音叉twelfth 十二度two-lined octave 小字二组(two-line)unaccented octave 小字组unison 齐奏(唱)unison 同度,一度(prime)variation 变奏variation form 变奏曲式(A,A1,A2,A3…)strophic form 分节歌(a,a,a,a …)variation 变奏variety 变化vibraphone 颤音琴vibration 振动viola 中提琴violin 小提琴vivace 有生气的快板(160拍/分钟) vivo 活泼的,有生气的vocal music 声乐voice 人声,声部waltz 圆舞曲,华尔兹wave form 波形whip 鞭响器whole tone 全音whole-tone 全音的Williams, John 约翰·威廉斯[澳大利亚]wood block 南梆子,盒梆wood wind instruments 木管乐器xylophone 木琴Yepes, Narciso 纳西索·耶佩斯[西班牙]Life is merely a fraction of a second. An infinitely small amount of time to fulfill our desires, our dreams, our passions. —Paul Gauguin.。








1. TitleConcerto in D minor, Op. 47, movement 12. ComposerJean Sibelius (1865-1957), a Finnishposer and violinist of the late Romantic and early-modern periods.3. Composition TimeThe concerto wasposed in 1903 and revised in 1905.4. PremieredThe concerto was premiered on October 19, 1903, with theposerhimself conducting and Victor Novàček as the soloist.5. InstrumentationThe concerto is written for solo violin and an orchestra consisting of 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, timpani, and strings.6. Style and InfluencesThe concerto is a testament to Sibelius's mastery of orchestration and his talent for crafting evocative melodies. It reflects theposer's admiration for the German Romantic tradition, particularly the concertos by Beethoven and Brahms, while also incorporating elements of the Finnish folk music that were so integral to Sibelius's identity as aposer.7. StructureThe first movement of the concerto is marked Allegro moderato and is in sonata-allegro form, with the soloist introducing the m 本人n thematic material. The movement is characterized by its sweeping, majestic melodies and its rich orchestral texture.8. Musical AnalysisThe first movement opens with a solo cadenza for the violin,which sets the stage for the entry of the orchestra with the m本人n theme. This theme undergoes a series of variations, showcasing the soloist's virtuosity and the orchestra's ability to support andplement the solo part. The movement reaches a powerful climax before subsiding into a quiet, introspective passage that leads directly into the second movement.9. Reception and LegacyThe concerto has rem本人ned a staple of the violin repertoire since its premiere, admired for its lush orchestration, lyrical melodies, and technical demands. It continues to be performed regularly in concert halls around the world and has been recorded by numerous celebrated violinists.10. ConclusionThe first movement of Sibelius's Concerto in D minor stands as a testament to theposer's ability to meld traditional Romantic forms with the distinctive melodic and harmonic language of his Finnish heritage. Its enduring popularity and frequent performance attest to its status as a beloved work in the violin concerto repertoire.。



科技英语写作之词汇 1.科技英语词汇及其构成科技英语(EST ,即English for science and technology ),包括科学和技术两个大的门类,每一门类又各有分支,科学中有生命科学和物理科学,技术领域包括机械、电子、信息技术,以及航空和航天技术,其结构关系如图1所示。

科技英语词汇是科技英语交际的基础,而科技英语语篇的准确(precise)、简洁(concise)、清晰(clear )首先依赖于科技英语词汇。




以《英汉技术词典》为例, 以“anti- ”构成的词有 360 个, 以“auto- ”构成的词有 264 个, 以“inter- ”构成的词有 311 个, 以“multi- ”构成的词就有 415 个,而以semi-和auto-构成了科技词汇有近500个之多。

虽然派生词数量巨大, 但构成这些词的词根、词缀的数量却相对较少。

在科技英语中,词根词素主要来源于希腊语和拉丁语,如下表所示, 表1:词根词素表前缀(prefix)通常不改变词干的词类,只改变其词义,从意义上,前缀可以分成8个类型。

一、前缀4 表示“程度、大小或差别关系”(注) col- com- 和cor为con- 的变体形式。

col- 用在1前,com- 用在b、m和p前,而cor- 则用在r前。

(注) be- ,en- 和em-均可加在名词或形容词前,使其变为动词。

be- 表示“使(显得)”、“视作”等意思;en-和em-(用在b、m和p前)表示“使(成为)”“使处于…状态” 等意思。




世界钢琴名曲MIDI文件215首【File】【Title】【Composer】001.MID Fuer Elise Beethoven002.MID Rustles of Spring, Op. 32, No. 3 Sinding003.MID Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring Bach, J.S.004.MID Clair de lune Debussy005.MID The Girl With The Flaxen Hair Debussy006.MID Arabesque No. 1 in E Debussy007.MID Arabesque No. 2 in G Debussy008.MID Barcarolle, Op. 60 Chopin009.MID Etude in G-flat, Op. 10, No. 5 (Black Key) Chopin 010.MID Ballade No. 1 in g, Op. 23 Chopin011.MID Waltz in D-flat, Op. 64, No. 1 (Minute) Chopin012.MID Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3 Chopin013.MID Nocturne in F-sharp, Op. 15, No. 2 Chopin014.MID To the Spring, Op. 43, No. 6 Grieg015.MID March of the Dwarfs, Op. 54, No. 3 Grieg016.MID Wedding Day at Troldhaugen, Op. 65, No. 6 Grieg017.MID Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9, No. 2 Chopin018.MID Nocturne in D-flat, Op. 27, No. 2 Chopin019.MID Waltz in c-sharp, Op. 64, No. 2 Chopin020.MID Waltz in e, Op. Posth. Chopin021.MID Fantaisie-Impromptu in c-sharp, Op. 66 Chopin 022.MID Prelude (WTC Bk. 1, No.21) Bach, J.S.023.MID Fugue (WTC Bk. 1, No.21) Bach, J.S.024.MID Nocturne in B, Op. 32, No. 1 Chopin025.MID Nocturne in g, Op. 37, No. 1 Chopin026.MID Nocturne in E, Op. 62, No. 2 Chopin027.MID Etude in A-flat, Op. 25, No. 1 Chopin028.MID Etude in g-sharp, Op. 25, No. 6 Chopin029.MID Etude in c, Op. 10, No. 12 (Revolutionary) Chopin030.MID Etude in c-sharp, Op. 25, No. 7 (Cello) Chopin031.MID Intermezzo in A, Op. 118, No. 2 Brahms032.MID Ballade in g, Op. 118, No. 3 Brahms033.MID Intermezzo in e-flat, Op. 118, No. 6 Brahms034.MID Andante & Rondo Capriciosso, Op. 14 Mendelssohn035.MID Gymnopedie No. 1 Satie, Eric036.MID Gymnopedie No. 2 Satie, Eric037.MID Gymnopedie No. 3 Satie, Eric038.MID Waltz, Op. 39, No. 8 Tchaikovsky039.MID Song of the Lark, Op. 39, No. 22 Tchaikovsky040.MID Sweet Dream, Op. 39, No. 21 Tchaikovsky041.MID Neapolitan Song, Op. 39, No. 18 Tchaikovsky042.MID Old French Song, Op. 39, No. 16 Tchaikovsky043.MID Mazurka, Op. 39, No. 10 Tchaikovsky044.MID Prelude in c-sharp, Op. 3, No. 2 Rachmaninov045.MID Waltz in A-flat, Op. 39, No. 15 Brahms046.MID The Engulfed Cathedral Debussy047.MID Reverie Debussy048.MID To a Wild Rose, Op. 51 MacDowell, E049.MID Prelude in A, Op. 28, No. 7 Chopin050.MID Prelude in D-flat, Op. 28, No. 15 (Raindrop) Chopin051.MID Fantasy in d, K. 397 Mozart052.MID Flight of the Bumblebee Rachmaninov053.MID Liebestraume No. 1 Liszt054.MID Liebestraume No. 3 Liszt055.MID Arabeske, Op. 18 Schumann056.MID Concert Etude No. 3 in D-flat (Un Sospiro) Liszt 057.MID Valse-Impromptu Liszt058.MID On the Edge Of a Spring Liszt059.MID Valse Oubliee Liszt060.MID Jeux d'eau (Fountains) Ravel061.MID Minuet in G Bach, J.S.062.MID Minuet in G (2) Bach, J.S.063.MID March in D Bach, J.S.064.MID Musette in D Bach, J.S.065.MID Romance in D-flat Sibelius066.MID Pavane For A Dead Princess Ravel067.MID Song without Words, Op. 19, No. 1 Mendelssohn068.MID Song without Words, Op. 38, No. 2 Mendelssohn069.MID Spinner's Song, Op. 67, No. 4 Mendelssohn070.MID Song of Spring, Op. 62, No. 6 Mendelssohn071.MID Song without Words, Op. 85, No. 1 Mendelssohn072.MID Solvejg's Song, Op. 52, No. 4 Grieg073.MID Nocturne, Op. 54, No. 4 Grieg074.MID Romanze in F-sharp, Op. 28, No. 2 Schumann075.MID The Bird, Op. 43, No. 4 Grieg076.MID I Love Thee Grieg077.MID Minuet Boccherini078.MID Tango Albeniz, I.079.MID The Entertainer Joplin, S.080.MID Menuet on the Name of Haydn (Sonatina) Ravel 081.MID Prelude in g, Op. 23, No. 5 Rachmaninov082.MID Reflections in the Water Debussy083.MID The Butterfly, Op. 43, No. 1 Grieg084.MID Arietta, Op. 12, No. 1 Grieg085.MID Elfin Dance, Op. 12 Grieg086.MID Impromptu in F minor, Op. 31, No. 2 Faure087.MID June (Barcarolle), Op. 37, No. 6 Tchaikovsky088.MID Danse Debussy089.MID Mazurka in f-sharp, Op. 6, No. 1 Chopin090.MID Mazurka in B-flat, Op. 7, No. 1 Chopin091.MID Mazurka in c-sharp, Op. 63, No. 3 Chopin092.MID Mazurka in b, Op. 33, No. 4 Chopin093.MID Polonaise in A-flat, Op. 53 Chopin094.MID Rhapsody in g, Op. 79, No. 2 Brahms095.MID Intermezzo in E-flat, Op. 117, No. 1 Brahms096.MID Intermezzo in B-flat, Op. 117, No. 2 Brahms097.MID Intermezzo in c-sharp, Op. 117, No. 3 Brahms098.MID Sonata in C, L.104, K.159 Scarlatti099.MID Sonata in F Scarlatti100.MID Sonata in d Scarlatti101.MID Irish tune from County Derry Grainger102.MID Shepherd's Hey Grainger103.MID Impromptu in E-flat, Op. 90, No. 2 Schubert104.MID Impromptu in G-flat, Op. 90, No. 3 Schubert105.MID Impromptu in A-flat minor, Op. 90, No. 4 Schubert106.MID Polonaise in A, Op. 40, No. 1 (Military) Chopin 107.MID Ballade in d, Op. 10, No. 1 Brahms108.MID Prelude (WTC Bk. 1, No. 3) Bach, J.S.109.MID Fugue (WTC Bk. 1, No. 3) Bach, J.S.110.MID Prelude (WTC Bk. 1, No. 5) Bach, J.S.111.MID Fugue (WTC Bk. 1, No. 5) Bach, J.S.112.MID Prelude (WTC Bk. 1, No. 7) Bach, J.S.113.MID Fugue (WTC Bk. 1, No. 7) Bach, J.S.114.MID The Song's End, Op. 12, No. 8 Schumann115.MID The Happy Farmer Schumann116.MID Claire de lune, Op. 46, No. 2 Faure117.MID Prelude, Op. 12, No. 7 Prokofiev118.MID Waltz in E-flat, Op. 18 Chopin119.MID Wedding March Mendelssohn120.MID Automne (Etude de concert), Op. 35, No. 2 Chaminade121.MID In a Monastery Garden Ketelbey122.MID Ave Maria Liszt123.MID Mephisto Waltz Liszt124.MID Scherzo in c-sharp Chopin125.MID Pomp & Circumstance No. 1 Elgar126.MID Oriental Granados127.MID Paganini Etude No. 3 (La Campanella) Liszt128.MID Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Liszt129.MID Punch (Le Polichinelle) Villa-Lobos130.MID Islamey Balakirev131.MID Italian Concerto, Mvt. 1 Bach, J.S.132.MID Italian Concerto, Mvt. 2 Bach, J.S.133.MID Italian Concerto, Mvt. 3 Bach, J.S.134.MID Pathetique Sonata, Op. 13, Mvt. 1 Beethoven135.MID Pathetique Sonata, Op. 13, Mvt. 2 Beethoven136.MID Pathetique Sonata, Op. 13, Mvt. 3 Beethoven137.MID Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2, Mvt. 1Beethoven138.MID Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2, Mvt. 2 Beethoven139.MID Doctor Gradys ad Parnassum (Children's Corner) Debussy140.MID Jimbo's Lullaby (Children's Corner) Debussy141.MID Serenade for the Doll (Children's Corner) Debussy142.MID Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2, Mvt. 3 Beethoven143.MID The Snow is Dancing (Children's Corner) Debussy144.MID The Little Shepherd (Children's Corner) Debussy 145.MID Golliwog's Cake Walk (Children's Corner) Debussy146.MID Preludium (Holberg) Grieg147.MID Sarabande (Holberg) Grieg148.MID Gavotte (Holberg) Grieg149.MID Air (Holberg) Grieg150.MID Rigaudon (Holberg) Grieg151.MID Morning Mood (Peer Gynt) Grieg152.MID Ase's Death (Peer Gynt) Grieg153.MID Anitra's Dance (Peer Gynt) Grieg154.MID In the Hall of the Mountain King (Peer Gynt) Grieg155.MID Sonata in E-flat, Mvt. 1 (Hob.XVI/52) Haydn156.MID Sonata in E-flat, Mvt. 2 (Hob.XVI/52) Haydn157.MID Sonata in E-flat, Mvt. 3 (Hob.XVI/52) Haydn158.MID Sonata in A, 1st Mvt., K.331 Mozart159.MID Sonata in A, 2nd Mvt., K. 331 Mozart160.MID Sonata in A, 3rd Mvt. (Alla Turca), K.331 Mozart 161.MID Sonata in C, Allegro, K.545 Mozart162.MID Sonata in C, Andante, K.545 Mozart163.MID Sonata in C, Rondo, K.545 Mozart164.MID Promenade (Pictures) Mussorgsky165.MID The Old Castle (Pictures) Mussorgsky166.MID Tuileries (Pictures) Mussorgsky167.MID Bydlo (Pictures) Mussorgsky168.MID Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens (Pictures) Mussorgsky169.MID In the Evening, Op. 12, No. 1 Schumann170.MID Soaring, Op. 12, No. 2 Schumann171.MID Why?, Op. 12, No. 3 Schumann172.MID Whims, Op. 12, No. 4 Schumann173.MID In the Night, Op. 12, No. 5 Schumann174.MID Restless Dreams, Op. 12, No. 7 Schumann175.MID About Foreign Lands & People, Op. 15, No. 1 Schumann176.MID Overture (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky177.MID Curious Story, Op. 15, No. 2 Schumann178.MID Russian Dance (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky179.MID Catch Me!, Op. 15, No. 3 Schumann180.MID Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky181.MID March (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky182.MID Pleading Child, Op. 15, No. 4 Schumann183.MID Perfect Happiness, Op. 15, No. 5 Schumann184.MID Arabian Dance (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky185.MID Chinese Dance (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky186.MID Important Event, Op. 15, No. 6 Schumann187.MID Reverie, Op. 15, No. 7 Schumann188.MID Dance of the Reed Flutes (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky189.MID By the Fireside, Op. 15, No. 8 Schumann190.MID Waltz of the Flowers (Nutcracker) Tchaikovsky 191.MID King of the Rocking-Horse, Op. 15, No. 9 Schumann192.MID Almost Too Serious, Op. 15, No. 10 Schumann 193.MID Frightening, Op. 15, No. 11 Schumann194.MID Child Falling Asleep, Op. 15, No. 12 Schumann 195.MID The Poet Speaks, Op. 15, No. 13 Schumann196.MID Gavotte (French Suite No. 5) Bach, J.S.197.MID Bagatelle, op. 33, no. 1 Beethoven198.MID Bagatelle, op. 33, no. 4 Beethoven199.MID Capriccio in b,op. 76 no. 2 Brahms200.MID Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 Beethoven201.MID Prelude in e, op. 28, no. 4 Chopin202.MID Prelude in b, op. 28, no. 5 Chopin203.MID Toccata and Fugue in d Bach, J.S.204.MID Prelude in f-sharp, op. 28, no. 8 Chopin205.MID Variations on "Ah, vous dirais-je, maman" Mozart206.MID Valse - La plus que lente Debussy207.MID Aria (Goldberg Variations) Bach, J.S.208.MID Country Gardens Grainger209.MID Fantasy in c, K. 475 Mozart210.MID Mouvement perpetuels Poulenc211.MID Valse Triste Sibelius212.MID Prelude in C (WTC) Bk.1) Bach, J.S.213.MID Etude in c-sharp,op.2,no 11 Scriabin214.MID Etude in a, op.25, no.11 Chopin215.MID Rondo Brilliant in E-flat, op 62 Von Weber。



焦尾琴英语介绍The Guqin, also known as the Chinese zither, is a traditional Chinese musical instrument that has a history of over 3,000 years. It is often referred to as the "instrument of the sages" and is revered for its elegant and serene sound. The Guqin has a long and rich history in Chinese culture and has been regarded as a symbol of Chinese traditional music.The Guqin has a distinctive shape and structure. It is a long, narrow instrument with seven strings stretched over a flat, resonant wooden body. The body of the instrument is traditionally made from Chinese parasol tree wood, which is known for its excellent acoustic properties. The strings are made from twisted silk and are attached to tuning pegs at the end of the instrument. The Guqin is played using the fingers of the right hand to pluck the strings and the left hand to press the strings against the frets to change the pitch.Playing the Guqin requires a high level of skill and precision. The instrument has a wide range of expressive techniques, including harmonics, vibrato, and glissando,which allow the player to create a rich and nuanced sound. The Guqin is often played in a seated position, with the instrument resting on a special stand. The player uses a variety of hand positions and techniques to produce a wide range of tones and dynamics, from delicate and ethereal to powerful and resonant.The repertoire of the Guqin is extensive and diverse, with a wide range of traditional and contemporary pieces. Many of the traditional pieces are based on ancient Chinese poetry and philosophical texts, and are deeply rooted in Chinese cultural and spiritual traditions. The instrumentis also used in contemporary music, with composers and performers exploring new techniques and approaches to the instrument.The Guqin has a special place in Chinese culture and society. It has been associated with the literati and scholars, who have long admired the instrument for its introspective and contemplative qualities. The instrument has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine and meditation practices, and is often associated with the principles of harmony, balance, and mindfulness.In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the Guqin both in China and around the world. The instrument has gained popularity among musicians and music enthusiasts for its unique sound and expressive capabilities. There are now many schools and organizations dedicated to the study and promotion of the Guqin, and the instrument is increasingly being featured in concerts, recordings, and other cultural events.总之,古琴作为中国传统乐器,具有悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。



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After sampling
0.4 0.6 After Reconstruction s1 s2
3 Frequency[MHz]
x=πf/fclk s3 s4 1.6 2 s5 2.4 s6 2.6 3 Frequency[MHz]
With the sampling frequency at fs, the lowest frequency which can alias down to the bandwidth of interest is (fs-0.5MHz). Since the attenuation is at 50dB/decade then: fs-0.5MHz should be one decade beyond the filter corner frequency to attain 50dB attenuation. Fs-0.5MHz=10x7.5MHzà fs=8MHz. à fsampling =8MHz
Solution to Problem 4 (10points):: For the system shown below, what is the minimum sampling frequency fs that guarantee 50 dB attenuation of aliasing components in the discrete time signal y(kT)? (T=1/fs)
set Z = e jωT Since fclk > > f signal →Z ≈ 1 + jωT Substituting for Z V0 1 ( jω ) = CI 2π f Vi 1+ j 1+ Cs fc l k 2π f 2π x fc l k = 1 10 f fc l k
Switch closed for only brief period each clock cycle
To Spectrum Analyzer
Solution: There are two functions involved: 1-Sampling- Generates aliases of the signal at nfclk+-fsignal 2- Reconstruction- Shapes the spectrum with sinx/x
Solution to Problem 3 (10points)::
For the circuit shown below, the input is a 400KHz sinusoidal signal. Sketch the output spectrum from 0 to 3MHz showing the amplitude and frequency of each component. Note that the output is not resampled. The clock rate is 1MHz, and the switch and opamp are ideal.
Solution to Problem 1 (20points):
CI=0.9/2π PF
Vo Vi +
Cs=0.1/2π PF
a-There are two approaches to this problem: 1. Either start with deriving the recursive equations: Φ1 à Qs [(n-1)Ts]= Cs Vi [(n-1)Ts] , QI [(n-1)Ts] = QI[(n-3/2)Ts] Φ2 à , (QI+Qs) [(n-1/2) Ts] = QI [(n-3/2) Ts] + Qs [(n-1) Ts] (Cs+CI) Vo[(n-1/2)Ts =Cs Vi [(n-1)Ts +CI Vo [(n-1)Ts] Φ1 _à Qs [nTs ] = Cs Vi [nTs ] , Vo [nTs ] = Vo(n-1/2) Ts ] (Cs+CI) Vo(n)Ts =Cs Vi [(n-1)Ts] +CI Vo [(n-1)Ts] (Cs+CI) Vo= Cs ViZ-1+CI VoZ-1 Cs V0 CI (Z ) = Cs Vi 1 + Z −1 CI
2. Or use the z block diagram derived in the lecture
− 12
z +1
1 − z− 1
V0 Vi
Cs 1 CI (Z ) = = Cs CI CI 1+ Z − 1 1+ Z − Cs CI Cs
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ADC Input Voltage [LSB] 6 7 8
DNL: 0 -0.5 0 -1 +0.5 +0.5 +0.5 0 INL: 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0 The ADC has a missing code at position 3. Since the INL has a quadratic shape (bow shape), this ADC will produce even order harmonics of the input signal.
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA College of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Midterm Exam Solution H. Khorramabadi EECS 247 FALL 2004
2- Also, the output is a staircase signal, depending on the application, it may need a smoothing filter. Solution to Problem 2 (10points):: Find the DNL & INL for the 3bit ADC with the transfer function shown below. ADC Output Code [LSB]
V0 1 ( jω ) = Vi 1 + j (1 + 9 )
1+ j
f → First o r d e r filter with f − 3d B = clk 10 |H(f)| 0dB -3dB 20dB/dec .
Note that if Vo2 is derived instead of Vo then Vo2=V0x Z0.5 . Then there would be one extra zero at high frequencies you can neglect the zero. c-The continuous-time opamp RC filter performing the same function would have the following configuration with the same value integrating capacitance since noise in both filters is proportional to sqrt(KT/Cintg) and thus R=1/(fclkCs)
Cintg R R +
dAdvantages of the continuous-time filter: Does not require an anti-aliasing prefilter Disadvantages for the continuous-time filter: 1-It requires an extremely large resistor and thus large area required for the implementation of two large Rs. 2-Also, since the opamp has to drive a resistive load power dissipation is going to be higher compared to the SC counterpart. 3-Main disadvantage is that the corner frequency is a function of absolute value of R & C and in the monolithic form that can vary drastically. In the case that an accurate corner frequency is required, additional tuning circuitry is needed. Advantages of the switched-capacitor filter is: 1-The frequency response is accurately set by the ratio of capacitors and a clock frequency. 2-The area required to implement the capacitors is much smaller compared to the area required for the R in the continuous-time filter. 3-Since the opamp here drives a capacitive load, the power dissipation is lower. Disadvantages for the SC filter: 1-Since it is a sampled-data circuit, it requires an anti-aliasing prefilter.