
相机出现绿色英文提示:please restart your camera,关机相机,再开机就好了。
(例如:5D3要求1.2.3 5D2要求2.1.2
Eudemon 100-02-操作手册-系统管理

目录第1章系统维护管理.............................................................................................................1-11.1 系统维护管理介绍.............................................................................................................1-11.2 配置文件管理.....................................................................................................................1-11.2.1 配置文件内容及格式...............................................................................................1-11.2.2 查看防火墙的当前配置和起始配置.........................................................................1-11.2.3 修改和保存当前配置...............................................................................................1-21.2.4 擦除配置文件..........................................................................................................1-21.2.5 配置文件使用..........................................................................................................1-31.3 维护调试............................................................................................................................1-41.3.1 配置防火墙名称和系统时钟....................................................................................1-41.3.2 正则表达式的使用...................................................................................................1-41.3.3 系统状态信息收集...................................................................................................1-71.3.4 网络连接的测试工具...............................................................................................1-71.3.5 系统调试功能..........................................................................................................1-91.4 补丁软件升级...................................................................................................................1-111.4.1 补丁软件升级........................................................................................................1-111.5 信息中心功能...................................................................................................................1-121.5.1 信息中心简介........................................................................................................1-121.5.2 信息中心配置........................................................................................................1-121.5.3 显示终端的配置....................................................................................................1-171.5.4 信息中心配置举例.................................................................................................1-171.6 日志维护..........................................................................................................................1-191.6.1 日志简介...............................................................................................................1-191.6.2 Syslog日志配置.....................................................................................................1-201.6.3 二进制流日志配置.................................................................................................1-221.6.4 日志显示与调试....................................................................................................1-231.6.5 日志典型配置举例.................................................................................................1-231.7 VPN Manager适配...........................................................................................................1-261.7.1 VPN Manager简介................................................................................................1-261.7.2 Eudemon防火墙上的VPN Manager适配...............................................................1-27第2章文件管理.....................................................................................................................2-12.1 文件系统............................................................................................................................2-12.1.1 文件系统简介..........................................................................................................2-12.1.2 目录操作.................................................................................................................2-12.1.3 文件操作.................................................................................................................2-12.1.4 存储设备操作..........................................................................................................2-22.1.5 文件系统提示方式...................................................................................................2-22.1.6 文件系统使用举例...................................................................................................2-22.2 FTP配置.............................................................................................................................2-32.2.1 FTP简介..................................................................................................................2-32.2.2 FTP服务器配置........................................................................................................2-42.2.3 FTP服务器的显示和调试.........................................................................................2-52.2.4 FTP连接典型举例....................................................................................................2-52.3 TFTP配置...........................................................................................................................2-92.3.1 TFTP简介................................................................................................................2-92.3.2 TFTP协议配置.........................................................................................................2-92.4 XModem协议配置............................................................................................................2-102.4.1 XModem协议简介..................................................................................................2-102.4.2 XModem协议配置..................................................................................................2-11第3章 NTP配置.....................................................................................................................3-13.1 NTP协议简介.....................................................................................................................3-13.2 NTP协议配置.....................................................................................................................3-23.2.1 配置NTP工作模式...................................................................................................3-23.2.2 配置NTP身份验证功能...........................................................................................3-63.2.3 配置NTP验证密钥...................................................................................................3-63.2.4 配置指定密钥是可信的...........................................................................................3-73.2.5 配置本地发送NTP消息的接口.................................................................................3-73.2.6 配置NTP主时钟......................................................................................................3-73.2.7 配置禁止/允许接口接收NTP消息............................................................................3-83.2.8 配置对本地防火墙服务的访问控制权限..................................................................3-83.2.9 配置本地允许建立的sessions数目..........................................................................3-93.3 NTP显示与调试..................................................................................................................3-93.4 NTP典型配置举例............................................................................................................3-103.4.1 配置NTP服务器....................................................................................................3-103.4.2 配置NTP对等体举例.............................................................................................3-123.4.3 配置NTP广播模式.................................................................................................3-133.4.4 配置NTP组播模式.................................................................................................3-153.4.5 配置带身份验证的NTP服务器模式.......................................................................3-16第4章 SNMP配置.................................................................................................................4-14.1 协议简介............................................................................................................................4-14.1.1 SNMP协议介绍........................................................................................................4-14.1.2 SNMP版本及支持的MIB..........................................................................................4-14.2 SNMP配置.........................................................................................................................4-34.2.1 启动或关闭SNMP Agent服务.................................................................................4-34.2.2 使能或禁止SNMP协议的相应版本..........................................................................4-34.2.3 配置团体名(Community Name).........................................................................4-44.2.4 配置/删除SNMP组..................................................................................................4-44.2.5 添加/删除用户.........................................................................................................4-54.2.6 配置管理员的标识及联系方法(sysContact).......................................................4-54.2.7 允许/禁止发送Trap报文..........................................................................................4-64.2.8 配置本地设备的引擎ID...........................................................................................4-64.2.9 配置Trap目标主机的地址........................................................................................4-74.2.10 配置防火墙位置(sysLocation)..........................................................................4-74.2.11 指定发送Trap的源地址.........................................................................................4-74.2.12 视图信息配置........................................................................................................4-84.2.13 配置消息包的最大值.............................................................................................4-84.2.14 配置Trap报文的消息队列的长度...........................................................................4-84.2.15 配置Trap报文的保存时间......................................................................................4-94.3 SNMP显示和调试...............................................................................................................4-94.4 SNMP典型配置举例.........................................................................................................4-10第5章 RMON配置.................................................................................................................5-15.1 RMON简介.........................................................................................................................5-15.2 RMON配置.........................................................................................................................5-35.2.1 使能/禁止RMON接口统计.......................................................................................5-35.2.2 统计表的配置..........................................................................................................5-35.2.3 历史控制表的配置...................................................................................................5-45.2.4 事件表的配置..........................................................................................................5-45.2.5 告警表的配置..........................................................................................................5-55.2.6 扩展告警表的配置...................................................................................................5-55.3 RMON显示和调试..............................................................................................................5-65.4 RMON典型配置举例..........................................................................................................5-75.5 RMON故障诊断与排除.....................................................................................................5-10第6章 RMON2配置..............................................................................................................6-16.1 RMON2简介......................................................................................................................6-16.2 RMON2配置......................................................................................................................6-16.2.1 协议目录表的配置...................................................................................................6-16.2.2 主机控制表的配置...................................................................................................6-36.3 RMON2显示和调试...........................................................................................................6-46.4 RMON2典型配置举例.......................................................................................................6-56.5 RMON2故障诊断与排除....................................................................................................6-7第1章系统维护管理1.1 系统维护管理介绍系统维护管理主要包括以下几项内容:z配置文件管理z系统状态信息的收集和维护调试简单工具的使用z补丁软件升级z系统信息中心的维护管理z日志的维护和管理1.2 配置文件管理1.2.1 配置文件内容及格式配置文件为一文本文件,其格式如下:z以命令格式保存。
Silicon Labs Bluetooth Mesh 灯具示例说明书

QSG148: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Bluetooth® Mesh Lighting Demonstration in SDK 1.xThis document provides step-by-step instructions to demonstratea basic Bluetooth mesh network. In this demo, three Wireless Starter Kit (WSTK)-based devices are provisioned as two Lights and one Switch. The mobile application allows the control of ei-ther the group of Lights or an individual Light. By pressing but-tons on the Switch device, you can control the ON/OFF states and brightness for all lights in the same group. The demo is open-sourced and provides a good demonstration of a basic Bluetooth mesh network.The Bluetooth Mesh mobile app is intended to demonstrate the Silicon Labs Bluetooth Mesh technology together with the Bluetooth Mesh SDK sample apps. The mobile app is a reference app for the Bluetooth Mesh mobile ADK but it should not be taken as a starting point for customers to create their own mobile apps. For guidance on creating mobile apps with the Bluetooth Mesh mobile ADK, refer to AN1200: Bluetooth® Mesh for iOS and Android ADK.KEY POINTS•Prerequisite for the demo•Hardware set-up of WTSKs •Bluetooth mesh SDK installation in Simplicity Studio•Demo firmware installation •Instructions for provisioning, configuring, and controlling network nodes using the Android smartphone applicationPrerequisites 1. PrerequisitesThe Silicon Labs Bluetooth mesh lighting demonstration is designed to illustrate Bluetooth mesh operation without any need to config-ure or compile software. To get started with the Bluetooth mesh demo, obtain the following.1.1 Order Development KitsThe Blue Gecko Bluetooth SoC Wireless Starter Kit is the easiest and fastest way to start the evaluation and development of your own Bluetooth mesh applications. To get started with the Bluetooth mesh demo, you need to have three (3) EFR32™ WSTK main boards and radio boards. These can be obtained by ordering any of the Wireless Starter Kit options below.Option 1:QTY(3) of PN: SLWSTK6020B kits: /products/development-tools/wireless/bluetooth/blue-gecko-bluetooth-low-energy-soc-starter-kitOption 2:QTY(1) of PN: SLWSTK6000B kit: /products/development-tools/wireless/mesh-networking/mighty-gecko-starter-kitOption 3: QTY(1) of PN: SLWSTK6006A kit: /products/development-tools/wireless/efr32xg21-wireless-starter-kitThis demo requires either EFR32MG21, EFR32BG13, EFR32MG13, EFR32BG12, or EFR32MG12 radio boards. If you already have the WSTK Main Boards, you can purchase the required radio boards here.Note: This document references the boards provided in PN: SLWSTK6020B. The radio board provided in SLWSTK6000B and SLWSTK6006A as well as the radio board mentioned above can be substituted for the EFR32BG13 board referenced in this document.1.2 Download Simplicity StudioGo to: /simplicity-studio to download the latest Simplicity Studio version compatible with your computer’s operat-ing system.1.3 Download Bluetooth Mesh by Silicon Labs Mobile App from iTunes or Google PlayiTunes:https:///us/app/bluetooth-mesh-by-silicon-labs/id1411352948?mt=8Google Play:https:///store/apps/details?id=com.siliconlabs.bluetoothmesh&hl=enNote: The minimum requirement for the smartphone is Android 6 (API23).1.4 Obtaining SupportYou can access the Silicon Labs support portal at https:///support through Simplicity Studio Resources. Click the “Email-Support” link and log in with your self-registered credentials. Use the support portal to contact Customer Support for any ques-tions you might have about the demonstration.2. About the Bluetooth Mesh SDKThe Silicon Labs Bluetooth mesh stack is an advanced Bluetooth mesh protocol stack implementing the Bluetooth mesh standard. It can run alongside the Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) stack, using a common link layer, which allows using LE features in parallel. The Silicon Labs Bluetooth mesh stack is meant for Silicon labs Wireless Gecko SoCs and modules.The Silicon Labs Bluetooth mesh stack provides multiple APIs for the developer to access the Bluetooth mesh functionality. Two modes are supported.1.Standalone mode (also referenced as SoC mode), where both the Bluetooth mesh stack and the application run in a WirelessGecko SoC or module. The application can be developed with the C programming language.work Co-Processor (NCP) mode, where the Bluetooth stack runs in a Wireless Gecko and the application runs on a separatehost MCU. For this use case, the Bluetooth stack can be configured into NCP mode where the API is exposed over a serial inter-face such as UART.2.1 Bluetooth Mesh Stack FeaturesThe features of the Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack are listed in the following table. For details on the features of the Bluetooth Low Ener-gy stack, refer to QSG139: Getting Started with Bluetooth® Software Development.Table 2.1. Bluetooth Mesh Stack FeaturesTable 2.2. Supported Models2.2 Bluetooth Mesh Stack Limitations(1) The node belongs to a single network but the network may have multiple network keys to encrypt the traffic.3. Getting Started3.1 Preparing the WSTKThe layout of the Wireless Starter Kit (WSTK) Main Board with attached EFR32BG13 radio board is shown in the following figure:Figure 3.1. WSTK Main Board with Radio Board Attached1.Connect a Blue Gecko Radio Board to the WSTK Main Board.Use radio board SLWRB4104A EFR32BG13 2.4 GHz (+10 dBm) for this demo experience.2.Connect the WSTK to a PC using the "J-Link USB" connector and the cable provided with the starter kit.3.If not already set, turn the Power switch to "AEM" position.4.Repeat the above steps for the other two kits so all three kits are connected to your computer.Verifying the Setup:1.Check that the blue "USB Connection Indicator" LED (next to “J-Link USB”) turns on or starts blinking.2.Check that the Main Board LCD display turns on and displays a Silicon Labs logo.For more detailed information regarding the Starter Kit, refer to UG279: EFR32BG13 Blue Gecko Bluetooth Starter Kit User's Guide.3.2 Open Simplicity Studio and Install Bluetooth Mesh SDKBluetooth mesh SDK is installed using the Simplicity Studio package manager.1.Open Simplicity Studio and log in using your Silicon Labs account.2.Click the Download Update icon (red/green down arrow under the menu bars), and click Package Manager.3.Go to the SDKs tab to install Bluetooth mesh SDK.4.In the Launcher screen, check if the preferred SDK is “Bluetooth mesh SDK + Platform”. If not, click the link provided to change thepreferred SDK to “Bluetooth mesh SDK + Platform”.You can find more detailed instructions for Simplicity Studio in QSG139: Bluetooth Development with Simplicity Studio.3.3 Install the Demonstration FirmwareWhen the devices are connected to your PC with a USB cable, you can see three devices listed in the Device window in Simplicity Studio. Select the J-link for a device to display demonstrations, examples, and documentation associated with the Bluetooth Mesh SDK.For this demo, you need to flash two devices with BT Mesh – Light Example and one device with BT Mesh – Switch Example.To install the firmware, click the demo. In the Mode drop-down in the next dialog, select Run. Click [Start].3.4 Use the Demo with an Android SmartphoneMake sure that all three devices have the status of “unprovisioned” on the device LCD screen before starting with the application. Open the Bluetooth Mesh App by Silicon Labs on your Android phone.Follow the procedures below to set up and use the demonstration.1.Go to provisioning view and search for unprovisioned devices.2.Select the Bluetooth mesh device you want to provision and configure.3.Enter the descriptive name for the device and the network you want to add it to.Note: The Android application has a pre-generated network and group, but you can add more groups to the application if you like. The network and node database can be erased by long-pressing the network in the main view and by pressing the trash icon.To configure the newly provisioned Bluetooth mesh:1.Right after provisioning the Android application connects the proxy service on the node.2.During configuration select the Bluetooth mesh features (proxy, relay, low power, and friend) that you want to enable.a.Notice that if you disable proxy, the node can no longer be directly accessed over GATT.3.Select the functionality (mesh model) that you want to enable.4.Select the group you want to add the device to.Note: The information view shows the Bluetooth mesh node features, such as Unicast address, UUID, and security keys as well as the supported mesh models. It can be used for debug purposes.To control a Bluetooth mesh node with the Android application:1.Select the network and group you want to control .2.The application will show the available nodes in that group.3.You can control the light:a.Pressing the light bulb icon will send an On/Off message.b.Moving the upper slider will send Light Lightness (dimming) messages.c.Moving the medium and lower sliders will send CTL (temperature and delta UV) messages.d.Pressing [STORE] stores the corresponding scene.4.By going to devices view and either swiping or long-pressing a node you can then either delete or reconfigure the node.Once the Android application has been used to provision a light bulb and a light switch to a network and group, the light switch (WSTK) can also be used to control the light bulb (WSTK) with the PB0 and PB1 buttons.PB0 button:•Short press: Decrease Light Lightness by 10%•Medium press: Decrease CTL (temperature) value•Long press: Send Off message•Very long press (5 seconds or more): Recall scene 1PB1 button:•Short press: Increase Light Lightness by 10%•Medium press: Increase CTL (temperature) value•Long press: Send On message•Very long press (5 seconds or more): Recall scene 23.5 Use the Demo with an iOS SmartphoneMake sure that all three devices have the status of “unprovisioned” on the device LCD screen before starting with the Mobile App.Open the Bluetooth Mesh App by Silicon Labs on your iOS phone.Follow the procedures below to set up and use the demonstration.1.Create a Bluetooth mesh network.2.Select the network and create a group.3.Go to the provisioning view and search for unprovisioned devices.4.Select the Bluetooth mesh device you want to provision and configure.The network and node database can be erased by left-swiping the network in the main view and then pressing the trash icon.To provision a Bluetooth mesh device and configure the node:1.During provisioning select the network you want to add the device to.2.During configuration select the Bluetooth mesh features (proxy, relay, low power and friend) that you want to enable.a.Notice that if you disable proxy, the node can no longer be directly accessed over GATT.3.Select the group you want to add the device to.4.Finally select the functionality (mesh model) that you want to enable.Note: The information view shows the Bluetooth mesh node features, such as Unicast address, UUID, and security keys as well as the supported mesh models. It can be used for debug purposes.To control a Bluetooth mesh node with the iOS application:1.Select the network and group you want to control.2.The application will show the available nodes in that group.3.You can control the light:a.Pressing the light bulb icon will send an On/Off message.b.Moving the upper slider will send Light Lightness (dimming) messages.c.Moving the medium and lower sliders will send CTL (temperature and delta UV) messages.d.Pressing [STORE] stores the corresponding scene.4.By going to the Devices view and tapping a node name you can reconfigure the node. To remove the node from the network, left-swipe it and press the trash icon.Once the iOS application has been used to provision a light bulb and a light switch to a network and group, the light switch (WSTK) can also be used to control the light bulb (WSTK) with the PB0 and PB1 buttons.PB0 button:•Short press: Decrease Light Lightness by 10%•Medium press: Decrease CTL (temperature) value•Long press: Send Off message•Very long press (5 seconds or more): Recall scene 1PB1 button:•Short press: Increase Light Lightness by 10%•Medium press: Increase CTL (temperature) value•Long press: Send On message•Very long press (5 seconds or more): Recall scene 24. Next StepsTo understand how the demo works, see AN1098: Understanding the Silicon Labs Bluetooth Mesh Lighting Demonstration .Explore the other documentation provided by Silicon Labs to get started with customizing your own Bluetooth mesh applications. SDK-specific documentation is provided under SDK Documentationon the Getting Started tab of the Launcher perspective.Next StepsIoT Portfolio/IoT SW/HW /simplicity Quality /quality Support & Community /communitySilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USADisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and “Typical” parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required, or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, ormissiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, ClockBuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress®, Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。

魔灯中有不同分类的论坛,针对不同人的不同需求。学习者在论坛中提出的一些疑难很快就会得到解决,或 者针对一个特定的话题展开讨论,在讨论交流的过程中不断学习。这与BBS论坛等交流工具相类似的。
对于教师或者管理者而言,在创建自己的课程网站时,魔灯随时有专用术语的解释与引导,可以使教师对于 课程的安排有一个清晰的思路。无论哪个论坛都需要学生的积极参与,同时还要求老师能够对学生的问题及时地 给与指导和提出建议。因此,如何调动学生的积极性也是老师应该考虑的问题。
有多种类型的论坛供选择,例如教师专用、课程新闻、全面开放和每用户一话题。 每个帖子都带有作者的照片,图片附件内嵌显示 可以以嵌套、列表和树状方式浏览话题,也可以让旧贴在前或新贴在前。 每个人都可以订阅指定论坛,这样帖子会以email方式发送。教师也可以强迫每人订阅 教师可以设定论坛为不可回复(例如只用来发公告的论坛) 教师可以轻松地在论坛间移动话题 如果论坛允许评级,那么可以限制有效时间段
可以指定作业的截止日期和最高分。 学生可以上传作业(文件格式不限)到服务器——上传时间也被记录。 也可以允许迟交作业,但教师可以清晰地看到迟交了多久 可以在一个页面、一个表单内为整个班级的每份作业评分(打分和评价)。 教师的反馈会显示在每个学生的作业页面,并且有email通知。 教师可以选择打分后是否可以重新提交作业,以便重新打分
魔灯平台界面简单、精巧。使用者可以根据需要随时调整界面,增减内容。课程列表显示了服务器上每门课 程的描述,包括是否允许访客使用,访问者可以对课程进行分类和搜索,按自己的需要学习课程。
魔灯平台还具有兼容和易用性。可以几乎在任何支持 PHP的平台上安装,安装过程简单。只需要一个数据库 (并且可以共享)。它具有全面的数据库抽象层,几乎支持所有的主流数据库(除了初始表定义)。利用魔灯, 现今主要的媒体文件都可以进行传送,这使可以利用的资源极大丰富。在对媒体资源进行编辑时,利用的是用所 见即所得的编辑器,这使得使用者无需经过专业培训,就能掌握魔灯的基本操作与编辑。魔灯注重全面的安全性, 所有的表单都被检查,数据都被校验, cookie是被加密的。用户注册时,通过电子邮件进行首次登陆,且同一 个邮件地址不能在同一门课程中进行重复注册,所有这些,都使得魔灯的安全性得到了加强。魔灯项目仍然在不 断的开发与完善中。

Moodle(Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)是“面向对象的模块化动态学习环境”的首字母缩写。
二、魔灯(Moodle)的开源者魔灯(Mood1e)是由澳大利亚Martin.Dougiamas博士主持他的志愿者团队合作开发的具有以下3大功能的系统:(1)网站管理系统(2)课程管理系统(CMS,Course Management System)(3)学习管理系统(LMS,Learning Management System)该系统是一套基于“社会建构主义理论”设计开发的开放源代码的软件,能够帮助教师高质量创建和管理的在线课程。
三、关于建构注意的一些观点1.建构主义主要的教学观点(1)学习是一个建构的过程(2)学习是一个活动的过程(3)学习是一个协作的过程(4)学习必须处于丰富的情景中(5)强调以学生为中心(6)强调情境对意义建构的重要作用(7)强调协作学习对意义建构的关键作用(8)强调对学习环境的设计(9)强调利用各种信息资源来支持学习(10)强调学习的最终目的是完成知识的意义建构2. 建构主义(Constructionism)建构主义断言,当为其他人创造一些事物去体验的时候,学习的效果将显著提高。

Wifi Remote IntelligentTable LampForewordThis manual provides a brief introduction to how to use the product and details for product use and operation. Please be sure to carefully read and completely understand the manual before use and keep it properly. We hope our product can meet your demands and serve you for a long time.Product AssuranceThis product is certified by FCC&CE and other authorities to conform to the recommended indicators. Customer safety is assured in use.Product features1. It has a stylish appearance, and the table lamp body adopts three-dimensional UV treatment.2. Remote talkback.3. Remote and local lamp opening and closing.4. Eyesafe lamp beads.6. Photographing, video recording, night vision, sound recording, motion detection and alarm.7. Point-to-point connection, can work without a network connection.8. APP zoomInstruction for quick operation of network surveillance cameraThis product is a 25-frame HD (1,080P) network camera intelligent table lamp with an external TF card and a multi-functional high-tech product integrating functions of video recording, photographing, night vision, illumination, motion detection alarm, APP real-time monitoring, and storage. It has a function of 5 megapixel HD recording, and supportsup to 32GB TF card, long-time work and APP operation, which makes it more convenient. Moreover, it works as the best anti-theft and evidence-gathering tool with strong concealment.1. Product structure1. Camera2. Night vision lamp3. Eyesafe lamp4. Microphone5. Wifi connection indicator light6. Equipment status indicator light7. Table lamp switch8. Reset key9. Loudspeaker 10. ON/OFF 11. Night vision lamp switch 12. TF card1. APP software download——(Picture 1) (Picture 2)Method 1: Scan the QR (picture 1) code directly to go to thedownload screen (picture 2). Select appropriate download software according to your mobile phone system.(Note: This kind of installation is only available for Chinese Mainland).Method 2: For Android phones, search for APP software named "RMON" in Google Play, download and install it.For IPhone, APP software named "RMON" in AppStore, download and install it.2. Installation1. Plug in the charger, connect the power supply, and turn on the ON/OFF switch of the device. (The device starts up 30 seconds later and the blue light keeps on while the red light flashes quickly).2. Flashes quickly for 30 seconds, it means the device is searching for wifi that is connected before. (In this mode, the device will automatically connect to the network that is connected before after the device is power off).3. If there is no wifi found after searching, the device will restart automatically (it takes 30 seconds). After restart, the blue light keeps on while the red light flashes slowly. (In this mode, the device is transmitting wifi hotspot for search connection of your mobile phone).4. When the red indicator light flashes slowly (2 minutes after starting up), use your mobile phone to search for wifi hotspot (begin with YM) for connection and exit. After that, enter inthe downloaded APP and set the configuration of router network. (Specific operation steps are shown as below).3. Wifi connection 1 (for iphone)1. Search for wifi hotspot for connection2. Open the APP when a wifi icon appears;3. Click to add it.4. Select a path to add;5. Enter in or scan the UID code of QR code of the device.6. Select or enter in the name and passwords of wifi before setting configuration.7. Search 8. Confirm 9. Done3. When it says “Wifi configuration completed”, the device will restart again. Both the blue and red indicator light will keep on for 30 seconds after the device starts up (It means the device is connected to network when the red indicator light keeps on).4. App is ready to add and search for camera by now (under the same network environment).4. Point-to-point connection (without network connection) 1. Search for wifi hotspot for connection on mobile phone-openAPP-click -select-search-confirm-connection completed (the blue light keeps onwhile the red light flashes slowly)5. Connection method 2 (point-to-point connection to router network) 2. Search for wifi hotspot for connection on mobile phone-openAPP-click-select-search-confirm-connectioncompleted-click to set the camera-select advance configuration-select wifi connection-select a wifi-enter in passwords-connect (30 seconds after the camera restarts automatically, both the blue and red indicator light for camera connection will keep on)6. Lamp opening and talkback.1. Click to remotely turn on the illumination lamp, and dragto adjust the brightness.2. Click to remotely turn on the night vision lamp.3. Click the microphone , and then press to talk, and voice will be automatically sent to the device side after release.7. Screen shot, video recording and alarm1. Click the online device to browse videos. There are three options “1080P 720P 480P” on the top of screen, which can be selected according to the current network environment to adjust the image quality and video fluency. In addition to that, thecolor contrast degree and brightness can also be adjustedrespectively represent: monitor, photograph, video recording,left/right rollover, up/down rollover. By clicking“photograph” or “video recording”, the images or videos willbe saved in the phone memory (as shown below).2. Long press the online device to start more settings.device)new passwords to change the passwords.8. Administrator operation guide1. Install the search tool in random disc on the computer.(Note: Administrator setting can only be made within LAN).2. Click to display the devices connected to network (as below)3. Double click the searched IP. Enter in the next page to type in user name (admin) and click to confirm it. (Note: The original user name is admin, with no password) (as shown below)4. Enter in setting page after completing the above steps. Download theplug-in and select a language for first use (click todownload and install) (as shown below).5. Click again to enter in setting page (as shown below).5. Click to start setting (as shown below)6. System management setting: to select the item to be set (as shown below).9. Main function description1. Time settingOpen system management page——click time setting——select timezone——save.2. Administrator password settingOpen “change password”——type in the new password——confirmthe new password——save.3. Change the password of device (original password: 8888)Open “network setting”——P2P setting——type in the new password——save——return to system management to restart the device. (it can also be set remotely by APP).4. Alarm settingOpen “alarm setting”——start alarm setting——click IP Camera built-in——select the required sensitivity. (Option 6 is suggested)5. SD card settingSD card should be formatted for the first time to insert——enter in SD card setting to select the needed function before setting other functions. (Note: The device defaults to automatically and circularly record videos).6. View the content of SD card1. Plug out the card directly and read with a card reader.2. Remote playback on APP.3. Open SD card video recording page, select and save the video file to be viewed.10. Specifications11. Trouble shooting1. Remote control is not enough.Please select the most suitable definition according to the current network environment.2. SD card cannot save files. SD must be formatted for first use.3. The device cannot be connected to network. Long press the reset key for 4 seconds and connect it again.4. The video in SD card cannot be played fluently on APP. It is due to different decoding capacity of mobile phones. You can adjust the definition of recording device to fit your mobile phone.5. The passwords are forgotten. Directly click the reset key of device for 4 seconds to restore factory settings.6. In case the indicator light does not work normally or connection is not smooth after long time use, please restore the factory default setting (press the reset key for above 4 seconds) and connect it again.12. PrecautionsUse occasions: please strictly comply with relevant state decrees and do not use it for any other illegal purposes at your own risks. Software upgrade: to achieve better product performance, the manufacturer will make continuous improvement to the software. This product is designed for convenient software upgrade by customers. Please ask your local distributor for the information and upgrading method of latest version of software.Working temperature: please use it under natural temperature. Do not operate it under a temperature that is not adapted for human body. Working humidity: please use it under an environmental humidity that is suitable for human life. Do not put the product in a moist working environment since the product is not designed with waterproof function. Shooting luminance: please use the product in an environment with adequate light sources. Do not point the camera directly to the sun and other superstring light sources to avoid any damage to the optical elements. Cleaning requirements: please do not use the product in an environment with too much dust to keep the camera lens and other components free of dust that may affect the shooting effect. The camera lens can be cleaned and maintained by wiping with lens wiping paper or glasses cloth. Other matters: the product is a kind of precision electronic product that should be kept safe from strong impact and vibration. Please do not use in high magnetic field and strong electric field.Wifi远程智能台灯前言本用户手册将快速说明如何使用本产品,同时提供给您详细的信息,包括使用、操作。
克罗韦尔 PowerMonitor 1000 单元固件版本更新 说明书

安装指南PowerMonitor 1000 单元固件版本更新产品目录号1408-BC3、1408-TS3、1408-EM3主题页码获取产品固件版本3使用 ControlFLASH 软件工具更新设备固件版本8本出版物提供了 PowerMonitor™ 1000 单元固件版本的更新说明。
重要事项在开始进行操作之前,请先确认已进行了正确的网络连接,并确认已在 RSLinx® Classic 软件中组态了网络驱动程序。
2罗克韦尔自动化出版物 1408-IN003A-ZH-P - 2015 年 年 7 月PowerMonitor 1000 单元固件版本更新用户重要须知在安装、配置、操作或维护设备之前,请仔细阅读本文档及“其它资源”部分列出的文档,了解设备的安装、配置和操作信息。
MAGIC LANTERN(魔灯) V2.3 FOR 600D菜单说明

1.请确保您的600D官方固体版本为1.0.2 ;2.将相机设置全部清除,回到初始状态;3.将拔盘转至“M”档;4.刷机前确保电池有80%以上的电量;5.魔灯V2.3没有为600D开启音频控制功能。
各菜单选项说明一.Expo 曝光1. WhiteBalance 白平衡2. ISO自定ISO感光度3. Shutter 快门4. Aperture 光圈5. PictureStyle 照片风格设定6. REC PicStyle 录影风格设定7. Exp.Override 曝光优先二.Overlay 显示模式1. Global Draw 球形绘制2. Zebras 条纹显示3. Focus Peak 对焦辅助4. Magic Zoom 放大镜(魔术放大)5. Cropmarks 照片裁切构图辅助6. Ghost image 重影显示(要选定一张照片按LV键)7. Defishing 专供三洋8mm鱼眼矫正8. Spotmeter 点测光9. False color 伪色图10. Histogram 录影显示直方图(柱状图)Waveform 录影显示直方图(波形)11. Vectorscope 向量范围图三.Movie 影片1.Bit Rate 自定视频码率2.Time Indicator时间指示器3.Movie Logging影片记录4.Movie Restart 影片重新启动设定5.REC/STBY notif录制或待机自定义通知6.Movie REC key录影热键设置7.Force LiveView录制保持开启显示模式8.Shutter Lock 快门锁定9. FPS override 帧数优先10.HDR video 高动态范围视频11.Image Effects 图像效果四.Shoot 快门1.HDR Bracketing HDR包围2.Intervalometer 延时摄影3.Bulb/Focus Ramping B门曝光/焦距修正4.Bulb Timer 慢速快门5.Motion Detect 移动侦测快门6.Silent Picture 在LV模式下半按快门.自动静音拍摄7.Mirror Lockup 反光镜锁定8.Flash tweaks 闪光灯调整...五.Focus 对焦1.Trap Focus 陷阱对焦2.Focus Patterns 对焦方式3.Follow Focus 跟踪对焦4.Focus Step Size 焦距步长5.Focus Step Delay 对焦延迟6.Focus End Point 对焦结束点7.Rack Delay 聚焦延迟8.Rack Focus变焦9.Stack focus 焦点叠加10.Focus distance and DOF info 焦距和DOF信息六.Display 萤幕显示1.LV contrast LV对比2.LV saturation LV饱和3.LV display gain LV显示增益4.Color scheme 颜色方案5.Clear overlays 清除复盖6. Focus box (LV) 对焦框(LV)7.Force HDMI-VGA8.Screen layout settings 屏幕布局设置9.Audio Meters音频指示器七.Prefs 偏好设置1.Image review settings 图片查看设置2.LiveView zoom settings 实时查看缩放设置3.Arrow/SET shortcuts 箭头/ SET键的快捷方式设置4.Misc key settings 其它键设置5.Powersave in LiveView 实时查看时省电模式设置6. Config file…配置文件7.LV display presets LV显示预设8.Crop Factor Display 裁切系数显示八.Debug调试1.Screenshot – 10s 截图–10秒后2.Don’t click me! 这一项请不要按,否则会花屏!需关机再开才能消除3.Stability tests 稳定性试验4.Show tasks…显示任务…5.Save CPU usage log 保存CPU使用记录6. Free Memory 可用内存7.Shutter Count 快门次数(供参考,不是很准确,我这里后面的2168就不知道是什么意思,实际已使用快门7286次)8.CMOS Temperat CMOS温度九.最后一项是帮助信息, 不做介绍,省略……Magic Lantern 菜单详解按删除按钮显示菜单,使用箭头键导航。
Beam 7R Moving Head LB230摇头灯标准英文说明书

SEVEN STARS Big Dipper Laser Science And Technology Co., Ltd REV: 1.00230W Beam Moving Head LightUser ManualPlease read this manual carefully before operating 230W Beam Moving Head User Manual®®(16 Channel/Mute Type)Model:LB230Attention1、Please read these operating instructions carefully to familiarizeyou with basic operations of this unit BEFORE USE.2、Without permitted, it is prohibited to spread the contents of thismanual to others.3、This manual is only to provide related information, and thecontents of this manual will be changed at any time without notice.Unless the instructions have already stated, please do not freelymodified the unit.All products made from Big Dipper Laser Company have anti - fake identification. please verify the anti-counterfeit label at the bottom of the case to ensure the interests of consumers.Page 1Focus – channel 9Pan– channel 10Pan Fine– channel 11Tilt– channel 12Tilt Fine– channel 13Function- channel 14(No Used)Page 10Page 9“LEFT”、“RIGHT”:To return to the previous interface.“UP”、“DOWN”Button:To slect、edit.“OK”Button:Operating function、go to edit、exit editing mode.How to modify DMX Address:1.Press "LEFT" button one or several times to go back to previousor main page.2.Press "UP"/"DOWN" button to highlight "Setting" button.3.Press "OK" button to modify "Setting".4.Press "UP"/"DOWN" button to highlight "DMX address".5.Press "OK" button to go into "DMX address".6.Press "UP"/"DOWN" button to modify "DMX address".7.Press "OK" button to exit "DMX address" editing mode.Page 2Touch Screen● The 3 buttons on top right corner used for Chinese/English Language shift and Screen Rotation button.●4 buttons at the bottom of screen: Setting 、Information 、Manual control button 、Advanced button.Settings Button:Static Gobo Change - channel 4Page 8Dimmer-channel 3Page 7The password is UP UP DOWN DOWNDetails:Press “UP” button(shows first “*”), press “DOWN” button(showssecond“*”),press “UP” button(shows third“*”),press “DOWN” button(showsfourth“*”),press “OK” button to enter.Page 4Page 5Color Wheel -channel 1。

无线幻彩控制器Wireless Symphony controller产品规格书/ Product specifications GLC-V4本产品质保期为1年(不包括人为或超负荷工作损坏)This product warranty period of 1 year (not including man-made or work overloaddamage)一、概述无线幻彩控制器采用SPI总线控制信号可控制多种LED驱动IC,设计多种模式控制,可通过按键可改变被控制LED驱动芯片,自由组合效果,控灯点多量,运行节目,运行速度等参数设置,支持无线遥控改变显示参数,可广用于广告牌、外露发光字、点光源、灯条、护拦管、灯箱广告、亮化程,家居装饰,舞台布景等。
I. OverviewWireless the Symphony controllers using the SPI bus control signal to control LED driver IC and control to design a variety of modes, keys change control LED driver chip, point large amounts of free combination effect, control lights, running programs, running speed The parameter is set to support the wireless remote control to change the display parameters, can be widely used in billboard, exposed luminous characters, point light sources, light bar, Hulan, advertising light boxes, lighting process, home decoration, stage scenery etc.二、性能指标 / Second, the performance indicators工作温度:-20-60℃ / Working temperature: - and - ℃供电电压:DC12V /The power supply voltage: DC12V外形尺寸:L90×W60×H25mm /Physical size: L90 × W60 × H25mm包装尺寸:L145ΧW95ΧH50 mm /Packing size: L145 Χ W95 Χ H50 mm重量:0.15KG / weight: 0.15KG输出:两组SPI信号或4P端子。
Mellanox Switch-IB Firmware Release Notes说明书

Mellanox Technologies Mellanox Switch-IB Firmware Release NotesRev 11.2000.26262Mellanox Technologies Mellanox Technologies350 Oakmead Parkway Suite 100Sunnyvale, CA 94085U.S.A.Tel: (408) 970-3400Fax: (408) 970-3403© Copyright 2019. Mellanox Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Mellanox®, Mellanox logo, Connect-IB®, ConnectX®, CORE-Direct®, GPUDirect®, LinkX®, Mellanox Multi-Host®, Mellanox Socket Direct®, UFM®, and Virtual Protocol Interconnect® are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.For the complete and most updated list of Mellanox trademarks, visit /page/trademarks.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.NOTE:THIS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR TEST SUITE PRODUCT (“PRODUCT(S)”) AND ITS RELATED DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES “AS-IS” WITH ALL FAULTS OF ANY KIND AND SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AIDING THE CUSTOMER IN TESTING APPLICATIONS THAT USE THE PRODUCTS IN DESIGNATED SOLUTIONS. THE CUSTOMER'S MANUFACTURING TEST ENVIRONMENT HAS NOT MET THE STANDARDS SET BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES TO FULLY QUALIFY THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE SYSTEM USING IT. THEREFORE, MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES CANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL OPERATE WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY. ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MELLANOX BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTIES FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PAYMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT(S) AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGE.Rev 11.2000.26263Mellanox Technologies Table of ContentsChapter 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.1Supported Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.2Firmware Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3Supported Cables and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.4Firmware Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.5 PRM Revision Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Chapter 2 Changes and New Features in Rev 11.2000.2626 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Chapter 3 Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Chapter 4 Bug Fixes History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Chapter 5 Firmware Changes and New Feature History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Rev 11.2000.26264Mellanox Technologies List of TablesTable 1:Release Update History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Table 2:Supported Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Table 3:Firmware Interoperability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Table 4:Firmware Rev 11.2000.2626 Changes and New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Table 5:Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Table 6:Fixed Bugs List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Table 7:History of Major Changes and New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Rev 11.2000.26265Mellanox Technologies Release Update HistoryTable 1 - Release Update History Date DescriptionNovember 27, 2019Initial release of this firmware version.Rev 11.2000.26266Mellanox Technologies 1OverviewThese are the release notes for the Switch-IB™ firmware, Rev 11.2000.2626. This firmware complements the Switch-IB™ silicon architecture with a set of advanced features, allowing easy and remote management of the switch.1.1Supported SystemsThis firmware supports the devices and protocols listed in Table 2. For the most updated list of switches supported, visit the Firmware Download pages on .1.2Firmware InteroperabilityThis FW version has been validated to work against platforms with the following SW versions.1.3Supported Cables and ModulesFor a list of the Mellanox supported cables please visit the LinkX™ Cables and Transceivers page of the Mellanox Website at:/products/interconnect/cables-configurator.phpPlease refer to the LinkX™ Cables and Transceivers webpage for the full list of supported cables and transceivers /products/interconnect/cables-configurator.phpTable 2 - Supported SystemsDevice PartNumberPSID Description MSB7790MT_1880110032Switch-IB™ based EDR InfiniBand switch; 36 QSFP28 ports; externallymanagedTable 3 - Firmware Interoperability HCA/SwitchFirmware VersionSwitch-IB™ 215.2000.2626SwitchX®-29.4.2000ConnectX®-5 (Ex)16.26.1040ConnectX-4 Lx14.26.1040ConnectX-412.26.1040Connect-IB®10.16.1200ConnectX-3 (Pro)2.42.5000MFT 4.13.0When using Mellanox AOC cables longer than 50m use one VL to achieve full wirespeed.Overview Rev 11.2000.26267Mellanox Technologies 1.4Firmware UpgradeFirmware upgrade may be performed directly from any previous version to this version. To upgrade firmware, please refer to the Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT) package at:/page/management_tools1.5PRM Revision CompatibilityFirmware Rev 11.2000.2626 complies with the Mellanox Switches Programmer’s Reference Manual (PRM), Rev 1.45 or later.Rev 11.2000.26268Mellanox Technologies 2Changes and New Features in Rev 11.2000.2626Table 4 - Firmware Rev 11.2000.2626 Changes and New Features CategoryDescription11.2000.2626GeneralAdded support for Error Injection with PTER register.Speed Link SDR link speed on InfiniBand systems is now available for all cables, including cables that donot advertise InfiniBand speed in their memory map.Known Issues Rev 11.2000.26269Mellanox Technologies 3Known IssuesTable 5 describes known issues in this firmware release and possible workarounds.Table 5 - Known Issues Internal Ref.Issue 955641Description : VL_HIGH_LIMIT is not affecting the VL arbiter as expected.Workaround : Arbitration table should be set using the low priority VL arbitration tableonly.Keywords : VL Arbitration1249608Description : Configuring weight “0” for VL, results in unexpected behavior.Workaround : Arbitration table should be configured with weights other than “0”.Keywords : VL Arbitration982005Description : When connecting 6 & 7 meters, link may raise DDR instead of QDR against GD4000/IS5000 switches.Workaround : N/AKeywords : Link-Description : Congestion control 1.3 supports congestion log only.Workaround : N/AKeywords : QoS-Description : Port LEDs do not flash on system boot.Workaround : N/AKeywords : LEDs-Description : Link width reduction is not supported in this release.Workaround : N/AKeywords : Power Management-Description : If QDR is not enabled for the switch’s InfiniBand Port Speed while connected toConnectX-3/Pro or Connect-IB® FDR adapters or to SwitchX® /SwitchX®-2 FDR switches, linkswill rise at SDR or DDR (even if FDR is enabled)Workaround : Enable QDR (in addition to FDR) when connecting to peer ports running at FDRKeywords : Interoperability-Description : Force FDR10 is not supported on EDR products.Workaround : To raise link with an FDR10 device, make sure all speeds, including EDR, areconfigured on Switch-IB.Keywords : Interoperability-Description : Fallback Routing is not supported for DF+ topology. Fallback Routing Notifications andAdaptive Routing notifications are not supported for topologies others then trees.Workaround : N/AKeywords : NetworkRev 11.2000.262610Mellanox Technologies 697149Description : Link rises at DDR speed instead of FDR10 when using 100m QDR/FDR10 opticalcables.Workaround : N/AKeywords : Link-Description : FDR link may rise with symbol errors on optic EDR cable longer than 30M.Workaround : N/AKeywords : Link-Description : Fan LEDs may behave unexpectedly in the first 5 seconds of system boot.Workaround : N/AKeywords : LEDs-Description : Module info page in Diagnostics Data VS-MAD is not supportedWorkaround : N/AKeywords : Diagnostics Data VS-MADTable 5 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.IssueBug Fixes History4Bug Fixes HistoryTable 6 - Fixed Bugs ListInternal Ref.Issue1786686Description: Wrong behavior of ARGroupTableCopy MAD.Keywords: Adaptive RoutingDiscovered in Release: 11.2000.1142Fixed in Release: 11.2000.16001730194Description: In rare cases, when connecting between Switch-IB/Switch-IB 2 andQuantum switch systems, traffic lose might occur.Keywords: Traffic, Switch-IB/Switch-IB 2, QuantumDiscovered in Release: 11.2000.1000Fixed in Release: 11.2000.11421337469Description: in rare cases, when a receiver’s electrical eye is narrow, link might raise with BERhigher (worse) than 10^-12.Keywords: LinkDiscovered in Release: 11.1500.0034Fixed in Release: 11.1630.02061092005Description: Enable SDR speed regardless of cable supported speedsKeywords: LinkDiscovered in Release: 11.1400.0102Fixed in Release: 11.1500.0106-Description: VL arbitration does not distribute traffic as expected in case of multiple VLs.Keywords: GeneralDiscovered in Release: 11.1200.0102Fixed in Release: 11.1300.0100-Description: In rare cases, FDR links may rise with errors. (Improved BER performance.)Keywords: LinkDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002Fixed in Release: 11.1200.0102-Description: Insertion of QDR cables into a Switch-IB™ based switch overwrites non-volatile fields (rx_output_amp/emp).Keywords: System ManagementDiscovered in Release: 11.1100.0072Fixed in Release: 11.1200.0102-Description: Bubbles appear as symbol errors when link raises FDR 1x. Keywords: LinkDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002Fixed in Release: 11.1200.0102-Description: PSU fans set to work with 60% max speed by default. Keywords: Chassis ManagementDiscovered in Release: 11.0350.0394Fixed in Release: 11.1100.0072-Description: The command “show interfaces ib * transceiver” shows no cable is connected while link is up.Keywords: Chassis ManagementDiscovered in Release: 11.0350.0394Fixed in Release: 11.1100.0072690231Description: Fixed MSGI data reading. Keywords: GeneralDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002 Fixed in Release: 11.0350.0394-Description: In rare cases, link may degrade speed from EDR or FDR to a lower speed. In other cases physical errors may increment.Keywords: LinkDiscovered in Release: 11.0350.0372Fixed in Release: 11.0350.0394-Description: Minimum fan speed may drop. Keywords: TemperatureDiscovered in Release: 11.0200.0120 Fixed in Release: 11.0204.0124-Description: Bit error rate is not optimal on QDR links. Keywords: LinkDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002Fixed in Release: 11.0200.0118-Description: Only connections to Switch-IB™, ConnectX®-3, ConnectX-3 Pro, Connect-IB™, and SwitchX® family devices are supported.Keywords: InteroperabilityDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002Fixed in Release: 11.0100.0112-Description: Connecting a cable longer than 30m to ConnectX-3, ConnectX-3 Pro or Connect-IB plat- forms causes interoperability issues.Keywords: InteroperabilityDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002Fixed in Release: 11.0100.0112Table 6 - Fixed Bugs ListInternal Ref.IssueBug Fixes History-Description: Packets are lost on private linear forwarding table (pLFT). Keywords: pLFTDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002Fixed in Release: 11.0100.0112-Description: Port LEDs may continue to blink even after a bad cable is removed. Keywords: Chassis ManagementDiscovered in Release: 11.1.1002Fixed in Release: 11.0100.0112Table 6 - Fixed Bugs ListInternal Ref.Issue5Firmware Changes and New Feature HistoryTable 7 - History of Major Changes and New FeaturesCategory Description11.2000.2046Link up time Link up time stability.11.2000.1600Bug Fixes See Section 4, “Bug Fixes History,” on page 1111.2000.1000Chassis Management Changed the PSU voltage read from “V out” to “Vin”.General System stability improvements.11.1930.0618General Added support for PortStateTable standard SMP MADChassis Management Added support for PSU utilization and consumption of output power monitoringChassis Management Added support for PSU temperature and 12V V out monitoring11.1701.0010General Added support for congestion control log 1.3 as described in IBTA IB specification release 1.3,Annex A10General Added additional information (PDDR pages as described in the Switches PRM, section 8.15.50PDDR - Port Diagnostics Database Register) to diagnostics data VS-MAD as described inMellanox Vendor Specific MAD Specification 1.4 section 3.33 – DiagnosticData Chassis Management Added ability to read part numbers and serial numbers for fans (by using MFNR register) andthe power supply (by using MSPS register)11.1630.0206General Bug fixes11.1610.0196General Added additional information (PDDR pages as described in the Switches PRM, section 8.15.50PDDR - Port Diagnostics Database Register) to diagnostics data VS-MAD as described inMellanox Vendor Specific MAD Specification 1.4 section 3.33 – DiagnosticData General Added support for congestion control log 1.3 as described in IBTA IB specification release 1.3,Annex A1011.1500.0106General Added support for IB telemetry, Top Talkers.See “Congestion Telemetry” section in Mellanox Switches PRM (Programmer's ReferenceManual).Modules Added support for 100GbE PSM4/LR4 modules.11.1430.0160General Added support for Adaptive Routine (AR) optimizations with ConnectX-5 (RC Mode)Link Added support for Force EDR on Switch IB systems As described in Mellanox SwitchesProgrammer's Reference Manual (PRM) under PTYS Register11.1400.0102Firmware Changes and New Feature History General Added support for IB telemetry, Congestion Monitoring-Thresholds (See Mellanox Switches PRM (Programmer's Reference Manual) - section 9.7 - Congestion Telemetry).General Added support for Additional Port Counters Extended (See IB Specification V ol 1-Release-1.3, MgtWG 1.3 Errata).GeneralAdded support for IB Router Port (Port 37) Counters (See IB Specification V ol 1-Release-1.3)11.1300.0126GeneralAdded support for burst/traffic histograms (described in Vendor Specific MAD PRM Rev 1.3, Section 3.33 – Mellanox Performance Histograms)LinkAdded support for Port PHY Link Mode (PLLM) register (For register description, See Switch PRM - PPLM - Port Phy Link Mode)Link Added support for QSFP copper cables which do not publish attenuation in the memory mapTable 7 - History of Major Changes and New FeaturesCategory Description。

Magic Lantern 菜单按删除按钮显示菜单,使用箭头键导航。
要更改值,使用SET,PLAY和Q:对于大多数菜单项,你可以:* 按SET数值向前变化* 按PLAY数值向后变化* 按Q调用专项动作(见帮助文本或屏幕上的提示)复杂的菜单项目按这3个键可能是不同的动作。
各菜单功能简介Audio:1. Audio Meters 音频测量器2. Analog Gain 声音插值模拟增益3. L-DigitalGain 左声道增益4. R-DigitalGain 右声道增益5. AGC ACG自动增益6. Input Source 声音输入源7. Mic Power 麦克风供电8. Output volume 输出音量9. Monitoring-USB USB端口监听LiveV1. Global Draw 全局信息显示2. Zebras 斑马纹曝光不足区域显示3. Focus Peak 对焦峰值4. Magic Zoom MW对焦同步放大器5. Cropmks(0/7) 剪裁比例6. Ghost Image 鬼影显示,要选定一张照片按LV键7. Live Defish8. Spotmeter 点测光9. False Color 伪色图,SET为开关,Q键选种类10. Histo/Wavefm 录像时显示直方图11. ClearScreen 清屏,半按快门时/待机时Expo:1. ISO 自定感光率2. WhiteBalance 自定色温,LV模式下按Q可以检测3. WBShift G/M 自定白平衡偏移4. WBShift B/A 自定白平衡偏移5. Shutter 自定快门速度,LV模式下按Q检测6. Aperture 自定光圈7. Light Adjust 光线调节,高光色调优先/ALO浓度8. PictureStyle 照片风格9. REC PicStyle 录像的画面风格10. Contrast 对比度,LV模式下可实时查看11. Saturation 饱和度,LV模式下可实时查看12. Sharpness 清晰度13. Flash AEcomp 照片曝光补偿Movie:1. Bit Rate(CBR) 自定视频码率12. BuffWarnLevel 缓冲区报警设置3. Time Indicator 时间指示器4. Bitrate Info 比特率信息5. Movie Logging 生成短片文件日志6. Movie Restart 录像中断时(29分29秒)重新录像7. MovieModeRemap 视频模式映射8. REC/STBY notif 录制备用通知9. Movie REC key 录制热键设置10. Force LiveView 强制保持实时显示模式11. Force HDMI-VGA 强制同步输出HDIM或VGA信号Shoot:1. HDR Bracketing HDR档次,Q关闭/SET快门数/PLAY键设置EV值。
HARMAN 800W LED ERA 800 Profile 移动头灯说明书

800 WATT LED LIGHT SOURCEWith an efficient 800 watt light source, the ERA 800 Profile delivers more output than similar-sized fixtures. Fully electronic dimming ensures extremely fast strobing, instant intensity control, and a flat, consistent field that can be maintained down to zero percent.GREAT COLOR PALETTEPrecise color temperature control with variable color temperature correction (CTO). Vibrant CMY color mixing from light and smooth pastels to rich, saturated primaries. The color wheel produces nice color splits, fast color bumps and extends overall color gamut and brightness.1:8 ZOOM RANGEWith 7 to 56 degrees of zoom, the ERA 800 Profile works great even on larger trim heights. Zooming is fast and accurate and maintains a high output throughout the range.COMPACT AND DESIGNED FOR THE ROADThe ERA 800 Profile is a very compact and low weight for its class making it easy to handle and rig. The modular design makes accessing and replacing of effects safe, quick, and easy – modules can be swapped in less than a minute.KEY MESSAGES Designed to fulfill the demand for an ultra-bright, compact, tour-worthy moving head, the Martin ERA 800 Profile combines a feature-loaded and rugged, yet cost-efficient profile for entertainment and rental applications.It features a highly efficient, super-bright 800W white LED engine that produces a bright, sharp 6,500K gobo projection with a flat field. Additional key benefits include 1:8 zoom, electronic dimming and strobe, full CMY color mixing and separate color wheel, variable color temperature control, animation wheel, iris for beam adjustment and fixed and rotating gobo wheels, loaded withuser-favorite gobos from the renowned Martin MAC range that includes a wide variety of effects, especially when combined with the two included rotating prisms and soft and heavy frost filters. Perfect for big, stadium-sized stage and live productions, the Martin ERA 800 Profile is idealfor a long list of scenarios, requiring an extremely bright, yet truly versatile LED profile that offers near limitless design and usage potential.MODELS• ERA 800 Profile in cardboard box .............................P/N 9025123581• ERA 800 Profile White in cardboard box ..................P/N 9025123582• Flightcase, two unit, for 2 x ERA 800Performance / Profile ...................................................P/N 91512255 INCLUDED ITEMS• Two omega brackets with 1/4 turn fastenersfor rigging clamp attachment .................................2 x P/N 91602001 RELATED ITEMS• Martin Companion software suite(incl. firmware uploader) .......Free download from • Martin Companion Cable USB/DMXhardware interface .......................................................P/N 91616091• Martin RDM 5.5 Splitter ................................................P/N 90758150CONVERSION KITS• Framing Module(converts ERA 800 Profile to Performance) ..............P/N 5125961-00• Gobo Wheel 3 Effects Module(converts ERA 800 Performance to Profile) ..............P/N 5131799-00OPTICAL ACCESSORIES• CRI Boost Filter(CRI >80, installs on gobo wheel) ..............................MAR-91614059POWER INPUT CABLES• Power Input Cable, H07RN-F, 2.5 mm 2, 14 AWG, bare ends to TRUE1 NAC3FX-W(female), 1.5 m (4.9 ft.) ..................................................P/N 91611797• Power Input Cable, H07RN-F, 2.5 mm 2, 14 AWG, bare ends to TRUE1 NAC3FX-W(female), 5 m (16.4 ft.) ...................................................P/N 91611786• Power Input Cable, SJOOW, 12 AWG, bare ends to TRUE1 NAC3FX-W(female), 1.5 m (4.9 ft.) ..................................................P/N 91610173• Power Input Cable, SJOOW, 12 AWG, bare ends to TRUE1 NAC3FX-W(female), 5 m (16.4 ft.) ...................................................P/N 91610174POWER RELAY CABLES, 16 A, FOR RELAYING POWER TO A SECOND FIXTURE AT 200 - 230 V MAINS POWER• Power Relay Cable, H07RN-F, 2.5 mm 2,TRUE1 to TRUE1, 0.45 m (1.5 ft.) ..................................P/N 91611784• Power Relay Cable, H07RN-F, 2.5 mm 2,TRUE1 to TRUE1, 1.2 m (3.9 ft.) ....................................P/N 91611785• Power Relay Cable, H07RN-F, 2.5 mm 2,TRUE1 to TRUE1, 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) ....................................P/N 91611796• Power Relay Cable, SJOOW, 12 AWG,TRUE1 to TRUE1, 0.45 m (1.5 ft.) ..................................P/N 91610170• Power Relay Cable, H07RN-F, 2.5 mm 2,TRUE1 to TRUE1, 1.2 m (3.9 ft.) ....................................P/N 91610171• Power Relay Cable, H07RN-F, 2.5 mm 2,TRUE1 to TRUE1, 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) ....................................P/N 91610172POWER CONNECTORS• Cable Connector, Neutrik powerCON TRUE1NAC3FX-W TOP (female) .........................................P/N 91611789HU • Cable Connector, Neutrik powerCON TRUE1NAC3FX-W TOP (male) ............................................P/N 91611788HUINSTALLATION HARDWARE• Hand-coupler Clamp ....................................................P/N 91602005• Safety Cable, SWL 60 kg,BGV C1 / DGUV 17, black ..............................................P/N 91604006• Safety Cable, SWL 60 kg,BGV C1 / DGUV 17, silver ..............................................P/N 91604007DYNAMIC EFFECTSElectronic 'shutter' effect......................S trobe effect, pulse effects, instantopen and blackoutElectronic dimming ...............................0 - 100%, four dimming curve options Color mixing ..........................................CMY, independently variable 0-100% Color temperature control ....................Variable 6500 - 2700 KColor wheel............................................6 color filters plus openRotating gobo whee l ..............................6 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, goborotation, indexing and shakeSecond rotating gobo whee l ..................6 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, goborotation, indexing and shakeStatic gobo wheel ..................................7 gobos plus open, wheel indexing,rotation and shakeGobo animation......................................A nimation wheel, indexing, continuousrotation with variable speed anddirection Iris..........................................................0-100%Zoom ......................................................Motorized Focus......................................................Motorized Prism......................................................2 rotating/indexing prisms(4-facet circular and 6-facet linear) Frost.......................................................Soft frost effect and heavy frost effect Pan .........................................................540°, coarse & fine control and speed Tilt ..........................................................260°, coarse & fine control and speedCONTROL AND PROGRAMMINGControl options ......................................DMX16-bit control .........................................Dimming, CMY, CTO, pan and tilt Setting and addressing .........................Control panel with backlit LCD display DMX channels, ERA 800 Performance..42DMX channels, ERA 800 Profile (36)DMX compliance ITT DMX512/1990RDM compliance....................................ANSI/ESTA E1.20Transceiver ............................................Opto-isolated RS-485OPTICSFront lens diameter...............................160 mm (6.3 in.)Zoom range............................................7° - 56° (1:8)Light source...........................................800 W LED engineMinimum LED lifetime...........................20 000 hours (to >70% luminousoutput)**Figure obtained under manufacturer's test conditionsSpecifications 35PHOTOMETRIC DATALight engine luminous output...............70000lumensFixture luminous output........................34000 lumensCCT (Calibrated Color Temperature) ....6500 K (+/-250K)CRI (Color Rendering Index) .................>70CQS (Color Quality Scale) ......................>67TM-30 Rf(IES TM-30-15 Fidelity Index)................>65TM-30 Rg(IES TM-30-15 Gamut Index).................>93TLCI (Television LightingConsistency Index) ................................>44LED refresh rate ...................................3600 Hz CONSTRUCTIONHousing..................................................H igh-impact flame-retardantthermoplasticColor.......................................................BlackProtection rating....................................IP20GOBOSExternal diameter .................................30.0 mm +0 / -0.2 mm (1.181 in.+0 / -0.008 in.)Maximum image diameter ....................25 mm (0.98 in.)Maximum gobo thickness .....................1.1 mm (0.04 in.)Material..................................................Borofloat 33Coating...................................................Heavy matted aluminum INSTALLATIONMounting points.....................................2 pairs of 1/4-turn points for 106 mm(4.17 in.) center-to-center omegabracketsLocation .................................................D ry location only, must be fastened tosurface or structureOrientation.............................................AnyMinimum distance tocombustible materials .........................0.2 m (8 in.)Minimum distance toilluminated surfaces .............................2.0 m (6.6 ft.)CONNECTIONSAC mains power input ...........................N eutrik TRUE1 socket, accepts TRUE1NAC3FX-W (TOP) connectorAC mains power throughput .................N eutrik TRUE1 socket, accepts TRUE1NAC3MX-W (TOP) connectorDMX and RDM data in/out .....................5-pin locking XLRELECTRICALAC power................................................100-240 VAC (nominal), 50/60 Hz Power supply unit..................................Auto-ranging electronic switch mode Maximum total power consumption .....1397 WPower consumption, all effects static,zero light output ....................................64 WHalf-cycle RMS inrush current at230 V, 50 Hz............................................10.3 ARecommended MCB (MiniatureCircuit Breaker) per IEC60898/UL489/CSA C22.2 No. 5..............Type DTYPICAL POWER AND CURRENT120V, 60Hz .............................................10.8 A, 1270 W, PF 0.99230V, 50Hz .............................................5.5 A, 1240 W, PF 0.97Figures are typical, not maximum. Measurements made at nominal voltage with all LEDs at full intensity. Allow for a deviation of +/- 10%. PF = power factorTHERMALCooling...................................................F orced air (temperature regulated,low noise)Maximum surface temperature,steady state, at Ta 40° C .......................70° C (158° F)Maximum ambient temperature(Ta max.) ................................................40° C (104° F)Minimum ambient temperature(Ta min.) .................................................5° C (41° F)Maximum total heat dissipation(calculated, +/- 10%) .............................4770 BTU/hr.APPROVALSGlobal CB Certification/IECEE ..............IEC 60598-2-17 (IEC 60598-1)EU safety................................................E N 60598-2-17 (EN 60598-1), EN 62471,EN62493EU EMC ..................................................E N 55015; EN 55032; EN 55035;EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3, EN 61547 US safety................................................UL 1573US EMC ..................................................FCC Part 15 Class BCanadian safety .....................................CSA C22.2 No. 166Canadian EMC........................................I CES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B); ICES-5 (B) /NMB-5 (B)Australia/NZ ..........................................RCM36 ERA 800 Performance / Profile Safety and Installation ManualPHYSICALLength (head) .........................................608 mm (24.0 in.)Width (base) ...........................................290 mm (11.4 in.)Length (base) .........................................416 mm (16.4 in.)Width (across yoke) ...............................431 mm (17.0 in.)Height (head straight up) ......................802 mm (31.6 in.)Height (maximum) .................................821 mm (33.5 in.)Minimum center-to-center distancein side-by-side installation ...................730 mm (28.8 in.)Weight ....................................................40.0 kg (88.2 lbs.)。
L60-B LED灯源说明书

QUICK START GUIDEVisit /firmware for firmware information.Included Components & OverviewL60-B COB LED, AC Power Adapter & Cord, 45° Ultra Reflector, Protective Cover, Travel Case, Rapid Box Switch InsertPower Input Light Stand ReceiverYokePower ButtonCCT & FX Control Knob Light Modifier ReleaseComponents may vary depending on the kit purchased.IntroductionThis guide covers setup, controls, and basic operation. Visit /documentation and scroll to the L60-B section to download the complete User Manual.• During operation, the L60-B lamp, and temperatures of select components of the L60-B will increase. Please use caution and avoid direct skin contact with the lamp or surrounding metal components after immediate use to avoid potential injury.• Use only with the Westcott L60-B AC Power Adapter and Cord, NP-F970/750/550 L-Series Batteries, and 14.4/14.8V D-tap Batteries.• Never leave unsecured and unattended equipment around children and/or pets.• Keep away from fire, water, and moisture.• Avoid drastic temperature changes before, during, or after use.• Do not overtighten the yoke or tilter bracket tension knobs.• Ensure the L60-B is securely mounted before use.• Only use compatible modifiers and accessories up to 3 lbs. / 1.4 kg.• Do not attempt to modify any products. Contact Westcott for any assistance.• The operating temperature range is 14-104°F (-10-40°C).AC Power Operation1. Connect the AC cable to the AC power adapter.2. Plug the two-prong connector of the cable into a wall outlet.3. Locate the barrel plug on the AC cable and plug it into the L60-B power port.4. Ensure that the clear protective cover has been removed from the front of the L60-B.5.Turn the L60-B ON by pressing and holding the Power button.DC Power Operation: L-60B Battery Grip1. Completely charge two compatible NP-F batteries (NP-F970/750/550).2. Insert both batteries into the L60-B Battery Grip.3. Loosen the L60-B light stand tension knob.4. Insert the battery mounts silver spigot into the L60-B yoke receptacle.5.Tighten the light stand tension knob.DC Power Operation: 14.4/14.8V D-T ap Battery (Sold Separately)1. Ensure the D-tap battery has been fully charged.2. Plug the L60-B D-T ap to Barrel Cable (sold separately) into the battery’s D-T ap port.3. Plug the barrel plug end of the cable into the L60-B power port.4.Turn the L60-B ON by pressing and holding the Power button.Getting StartedWarningBluetoothIntensityLCD Display & MenusFX Options:FX0 - Constant Brightness FX1 - TVFX2 - Faulty Bulb FX3 - Lightning FX4 - Fire FX5 - PulseFX6 - Paparazzi FX7 - Headlight FX8 - SOSFX9 - EmergencyAdjusting the Light Output1. Ensure that the L60-B is ON .2. Turn the Dim•Bluetooth control knob to adjust the light output.Adjusting the Color T emperature (Kelvin)1. Ensure that the L60-B is ON .2. Turn the CCT•FX control knob to adjust the color temperature.Enabling and Adjusting the Visual FX1. Ensure that the L60-B is ON .2. Quick press the CCT•FX control knob to enable the FX functionality.3. Turn the CCT•FX control knob to select the desired FX.4. Quick press the CCT•FX control knob again to change the frequency of the FX.ControlsMounting to a Light Stand1. Rotate the yoke’s light stand tension knob counterclockwise to loosen.2. Insert the light stand spigot into the L60-B’s 5/8"-16 mm receiver.3. Tighten the tension knob to secure the L60-B to the light stand.Connecting a Modifier1. Ensure the L60-B is turned OFF and has cooled for five minutes.2. Grasp the Switch Insert and align its four square mounting blocks with the openings located on the face of the L60-B.3. Insert the modifier and turn clockwise until it locks into place.Removing a Modifier1. Ensure the L60-B is turned OFF and has cooled for five minutes.2. Grasp the modifier and its Switch Insert.3. Slide the L60-B’s modifier release away from the modifier.4.Rotate the modifier counterclockwise until the four square mounting blocks align with the openings.5. Pull the modifier away from the L60-B to remove.Use caution and do not force entry or removal of modifiers to avoid damage to the L60-B.Future firmware updates will result in performance enhancements and modified menu options. Please visit /firmware . Follow the instructions included with the firmware download to update.MountingAttaching & Removing ModifiersUpdating FirmwareThe L60-B is compatible with various Rapid Box Switch light modifiers up to 3 lbs / 1.4 kg using the included Switch Insert. Also compatible with umbrellas using the L60-B Gel & Umbrella Mount sold separately.WarrantyWestcott’s warranty obligations for this product are limited to the following terms.The F.J. Westcott Co. (“Westcott”) warrants this Westcott branded product against defectsin materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date of retail purchase from Westcott or an authorized retailer by the original end-user purchaser (“Warranty Period”). If a defect arises and a valid claim is received within the Warranty Period, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, Westcott will either (1) repair the defect atno charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts, or (2) exchange the product with a product that is new or which has been manufactured from new or serviceable used parts and is at least functionally equivalent to the original product. This Limited Warranty applies only to products manufactured by or for Westcott that can be identified by the Westcott trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to them.This warranty does not apply to: (a) damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake, mold, or other external causes; (b) damage caused by operating the product outside the permitted or intended uses described by Westcott; (c) a product or part that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of Westcott; or (d) cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents and broken plastic.Disclaimer: By purchasing, borrowing and/or using this product for any event, both publicor private, you, the customer, accepts all responsibility and releases Westcott, and its associates, of any and all liability in the event of manufacturer’s defect, malfunction or misuse of the product which may lead to further injuries or complications unforeseen by the user. Westcott is not responsible for any potential or incurred damage caused by failure to properly mount, hang, or store the product, which includes, but is not limited to damage to cameras, electronics, electrical equipment, buildings, building materials, personal injury, death, or disability, fire damage, or any and all other damage not mentioned previously.Please contact Westcott Customer Support for a Return Authorization Number “RMA” prior to requesting warranty service. This RMA must be clearly written on the outside of the box to the left of the shipping label. Items sent in without pre-authorization or that do not fall under the limited warranty will be returned at the expense of the sender.Phone: 800-886-1689 / 419-243-7311 (International)Email:**********************Shipping: F.J. Westcott Co, 1425-B Holland Rd. Maumee, OH 43537Visit for videos, pro tips, inspiration, and more! Westcott products are made to the company’s traditionally high standards of quality and comply with all applicable government safety regulations and requirements. In an effort to provide the best quality products possible, we periodically make product modifications. Actual products may not be identical to items pictured. Made in China.The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Use of by F.J. Westcott is under license. Westcott is a brand of F.J. Westcott Co. in the U.S.A. © F.J. Westcott Co.All rights reserved. J0822。
Luma 110 Series Dome 产品说明书

110 Series Dome IP Surveillance Camera Quick-StartGuide2Box Contents}Camera}Self-adhesive mounting template}4 × wall anchors with screws}Hex wrench}Weatherproofing kit for PoE cable}DC power plug with screw terminalsYou must provide:}A network connection (and an NVR, if desired)}Admin rights to a computer that can access the network }Mobile device with Luma Surveillance app (recommended) }Power source: PoE or 12V DC}Phillips screwdriverWARNING: This product can expose you to chemicalsincluding cadmium, which is known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer. For more information go to.Read this before you go on site! Install your camera with a connection to the Internet via your NVR or through a network router. This allows you to use OvrC, a powerful remote maintenance tool (see ) and lets you use the Luma Surveillance mobile app to check on the camera from anywhere.For installation using this guide, you must be able to access this camera through a personal computer. If your surveillance system is not on a network, you’ll have to use the NVR’s local interface for installation. See the NVR user’s manual for details.The web UI manual and other materials can be found on the product page at .Additional ResourcesYou can acquire a PDF of the web interface manual and other materials from the camera’s product page at .34Safety Tips}Handle this device with care.}Do not strike or shake this device.}Protect the power cord from being stepped on or pinched, particularly where it connects to the device and the power outlet.}Do not operate this device beyond its specified power ratings. }Do not use this device near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other such heat-generating equipment.}The performance and lifespan of the camera is affected by temperature. For best results, use this device in temperatures ranging from -20–140 °F.}Clean this device with a dry cloth. Do not use strong or abrasive detergents when cleaning the device, especially the lens. If dirt is hard to remove, use a mild detergent and wipe gently.}Save a copy of the configuration settings. This helps when changing the configuration, when upgrading the device, or with recovery if unexpected failure or trouble occurs.PrecautionsBefore you start, ensure that the device is in good condition and all the assembly parts are included. Also ensure that your recorder has the very latest firmware. Use OvrC to update the firmware, or consult your NVR manual.}Ensure that all equipment is powered off during installation. }Ensure the mounting surface is strong enough to hold threetimes the weight of the camera and the mount.}If the mounting surface is cement, use the included expansion screws to install the camera. If mounting to a wood surface, use self-tapping wood screws (not included) to secure the camera.}If the product does not function properly, please contact technical support. Do not disassemble the camera for repair or maintenance.}Do not remove the protective film from the lens until installation is complete.56Your Camera Before installing, familiarize yourself with your camera.LAN Socket Power WiresDomeLensSD Card SlotDC Power WiresReset ButtonFoam RingPreserving Your CameraFoam RingCAUTION: Do not throw away the foam ring around the camera lens! It protects the camera from glare from its infrared lights. Dome TetherWe recommend you do not remove the security tether that holds the dome cover to the camera base. However, if you must get rid of it, please cut it at both ends. Do not unscrew the screws on the dome or the dome cover, or you may damage the camera’s weatherproofing.Protective FilmThe dome cover comes with a protective film. Do not remove this until you are done installing your camera; it is there to prevent the dome from getting scratched if it accidentally hits the wall during installation.7Installation with an NVRIf you are installing with an NVR, follow these instructions. Otherwise, follow the instructions starting on the next page.1. Ensure your NVR has the latest firmware. If it does not, yourNVR may be unable to locate and activate your camera.2. Perform the physical installation of your camera by followingthe instructions given on pages 11–15.3. Plug your camera into your recorder. The NVR autodetectsyour camera, activates it (giving it the same admin password that it has), and assigns it an IP address.4. Complete the installation using the instructions given in yourNVR manual. You do not need to continue using this guide.Where possible, we recommend changing settings using your NVR.89Install and Run the Luma UtilityUse the Luma Utility to locate your camera and set it up.Visit your product page at SnapAV .com and downloadthe Luma Utility installer from the Support tab. Y oumust use v3.0.0.53 build 20170426 or later! Earlier versions of the utility will not work!Run the installer. You can click through and accept the defaults. Pre-Installation Camera ConfigurationY ou’ll find it easiest to connect the camera directly to your PC, making most adjustments to the camera from the convenience of your table (prior to physical installation), rather than from atop a ladder.Connect the camera to your PC and run the L uma Utility. It searches for attached L uma Surveillance devices. If your camera does not appear, check the connection, ensure the camera is powered up, then click the Refreshbutton.Activate the CameraClick on the entry for your camera to view its details. If the camera is inactive, use the text boxes at the lower right of the L uma utility window to activate the camera by creating a new secure password.}Passwords cannot be longer than 16 characters. T o ensure compatibility with the local interface, only use numbers, letters, spaces, and the following special characters: . , : - / }Use a password that is long and easy to remember. A password like parisinthespring is more secure and easier to remember.than a password like D3x-7b10Physical Installation1. Drill pilot holes for your screws using the supplied template.2. CAUTION! Before terminating the cable for an outdoor install, you must weatherproof it! See the following pages for details.3. Remove the protective dome from the camera.4. Attach the cabling to the camera.}If using PoE, attach the cable to the socket.}If using 2-Wire power, attach the hot line to the red wire, and the ground to the black wire.}If using 12V, attach the power plug to the red & black wires.5. Secure the base of the camera to the mounting surface with screws.6. Aim the camera at the target area.7. Once the aim is perfected (see page 15), replace the protective dome.8. Run a silicon bead around the base of the camera.11Weatherproofing the PoE Cable1. Slide the unterminated cable through the lock nut , therubber gasket , and the weatherproof endcap. F ace the notched side of the rubber gasket toward the endcap, as shown.2. T erminate the RJ45 cable with a network plug .3. Place the O-ring onto the end of the camera’s networkinterface socket with the flat side toward the camera. Push it past the locking teeth as far as it easily goes.4. Connect the RJ45 plug to the camera’s network socket .5. Align the teeth on the weatherproof endcap with the gapson the camera’s network socket . Insert the socket into the endcap. T wist until they click into position (the O-ring gives you flexibility while still weatherproofing the connection). 6. Slide the rubber gasket into the weatherproof endcap .Secure it by screwing the lock nut tightly onto the endcap .12Start the Web InterfaceOpen your browser and navigate to the camera’s IP address. Below the login area, you may see: “Please click here to download and install the plug-in. Close the browser when installing the plug-in.” If so, download the plug-in and close all browser windows.Install the LumaWebComponents plug-in,restart your browser and go to your camera’slogin window. L og in as admin using thepassword you created.You might get a pop-up message that askswhether you want to run the L uma WebComponents plug-in. You must allow the plug-in to access your system over the web.Be sure to save your camera’s web page as a favorite in yourbrowser.1314Check the CameraAfter logging in, your screen shows the live page, similar to the illustration below. If it does not appear, check the connection to your NVR or network, and ensure that the camera is powered up. Click the Settings icon to access the web interface and finish setup.SettingsMenuIconAdjust the CameraThis camera can spin 355° around the base. It can be angled up to 75°. In addition, the camera can rotate 355° within its housing.1. Swivel the camera so it faces the desired direction.2. Angle the camera to face the target surveillance area.3. Rotate the camera within its housing so that the resulting image is upright.0°–355°0°–75°0°–355°15。

魔灯固件中英说明魔灯固件使用指南Audio:1. Audio Meters 音频测量器2. Analog Gain 声音插值模拟增益3. L-DigitalGain 左声道增益4. R-DigitalGain 右声道增益5. AGC ACG自动增益6. Input Source 声音输入源7. Mic Power 麦克风供电8. Output volume 输出音量9. Monitoring-USB USB端口监听LiveV1. Global Draw 全局信息显示2. Zebras 斑马纹曝光不足区域显示3. Focus Peak 对焦峰值4. Magic Zoom MW对焦同步放大器5. Cropmks(0/7) 剪裁比例6. Ghost Image 鬼影显示,要选定一张照片按LV键7. Live Defish8. Spotmeter 点测光9. False Color 伪色图,SET为开关,Q键选种类10. Histo/Wavefm 录像时显示直方图11. ClearScreen 清屏,半按快门时/待机时Expo:1. ISO 自定感光率2. WhiteBalance 自定色温,LV模式下按Q可以检测3. WBShift G/M 自定白平衡偏移4. WBShift B/A 自定白平衡偏移5. Shutter 自定快门速度,LV模式下按Q 检测6. Aperture 自定光圈7. Light Adjust 光线调节,高光色调优先/ALO浓度8. PictureStyle 照片风格9. REC PicStyle 录像的画面风格10. Contrast 对比度,LV模式下可实时查看11. Saturation 饱和度,LV模式下可实时查看12. Sharpness 清晰度13. Flash AEcomp 照片曝光补偿Movie:1. Bit Rate(CBR) 自定视频码率2. BuffWarnLevel 缓冲区报警设置3. Time Indicator 时间指示器4. Bitrate Info 比特率信息5. Movie Logging 生成短片文件日志6. Movie Restart 录像中断时(29分29秒)重新录像7. MovieModeRemap 视频模式映射8. REC/STBY notif 录制备用通知9. Movie REC key 录制热键设置10. Force LiveView 强制保持实时显示模式11. Force HDMI-VGA 强制同步输出HDIM或VGA信号Shoot:1. HDR Bracketing HDR档次,Q关闭/SET快门数/PLAY键设置EV值。
MagicRF M100 固件使用说明V1.2

M100固件指令使用说明MagicRFM100固件指令使用说明V1.2无锡旗连电子科技有限公司版权所有MagicRF Co., Ltd. All Right Reserved1.目录 (3)2.M100芯片内部MCU简介 (5)3.固件指令简介 (7)3.1.指令帧格式 (7)3.2.指令帧类型 (7)4.固件指令定义 (8)4.1.单次轮询指令 (8)4.2.多次轮询指令 (9)4.3.停止多次轮询指令 (10)4.4.设置Select参数指令 (11)4.5.设置发送Select指令 (12)4.6.读标签数据存储区 (13)4.7.写标签数据存储区 (15)4.8.锁定Lock标签数据存储区 (17)4.9.灭活Kill标签 (19)4.10.获取Query参数 (21)4.11.设置Query参数 (22)4.12.设置工作地区 (23)4.13.设置工作信道 (24)4.14.获取工作信道 (25)4.15.设置自动跳频 (26)4.16.获取发射功率 (27)4.17.设置发射功率 (28)4.18.设置发射连续载波 (29)4.19.获取接收解调器参数 (30)4.20.设置接收解调器参数 (31)4.21.测试射频输入端阻塞信号 (33)4.22.测试信道RSSI (34)4.23.控制IO端口 (35)5.指令总结 (37)6.命令帧执行失败的响应帧总结 (38)2. M100芯片内部MCU简介M100芯片内置有8位8051 MCU,256Byte内部存储器和16Kbyte程序存储器和3个定时器(Timer2用于波特率发生器,Timer0用于跳频时序控制,Timer1可以供用户使用)。
MCU固件可以通过M100芯片的UART串口或者GPIO(P1.0和P1.1)从外部I2C EEPROM下载。
洛雷技术Night Vision Dome Camera 产品说明书

conditions. • 3.6mm wide-angle lens captures a 80° diagonal field of view. • Vandal resistant aluminum alloy design. Ideal for outdoor &
• Day/Night mode: Picture automatically switches to B&W delivering better clarity in low light conditions.
• 2 SuperPower IR LED’s provide longer night vision range, have a long lifespan, and illuminate the entire viewing area evenly.
conforming power supply can damage this product and voids the warranty. • Periodic cleaning may be required. Use a damp cloth only. Do not use
harsh cleaners or aerosol cleaners. • The supplied extension cable is rated for surface mounting only. • Cables for in-wall / floor-to-floor installations are sold separately.
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1. Audio Meters 音频测量器
2. Analog Gain 声音插值模拟增益
3. L-DigitalGain 左声道增益
4. R-DigitalGain 右声道增益
5. AGC ACG自动增益
6. Input Source 声音输入源
7. Mic Power 麦克风供电
8. Output volume 输出音量
9. Monitoring-USB USB端口监听
1. Global Draw 全局信息显示
2. Zebras 斑马纹曝光不足区域显示
3. Focus Peak 对焦峰值
4. Magic Zoom MW对焦同步放大器
5. Cropmks(0/7) 剪裁比例
6. Ghost Image 鬼影显示,要选定一张照片按LV键
7. Live Defish
8. Spotmeter 点测光
9. False Color 伪色图,SET为开关,Q键选种类
10. Histo/Wavefm 录像时显示直方图
11. ClearScreen 清屏,半按快门时/待机时
1. ISO 自定感光率
2. WhiteBalance 自定色温,LV模式下按Q可以检测
3. WBShift G/M 自定白平衡偏移
4. WBShift B/A 自定白平衡偏移
5. Shutter 自定快门速度,LV模式下按Q 检测
6. Aperture 自定光圈
7. Light Adjust 光线调节,高光色调优先/ALO浓度
8. PictureStyle 照片风格
9. REC PicStyle 录像的画面风格
10. Contrast 对比度,LV模式下可实时查看
11. Saturation 饱和度,LV模式下可实时查看
12. Sharpness 清晰度
13. Flash AEcomp 照片曝光补偿
1. Bit Rate(CBR) 自定视频码率
2. BuffWarnLevel 缓冲区报警设置
3. Time Indicator 时间指示器
4. Bitrate Info 比特率信息
5. Movie Logging 生成短片文件日志
6. Movie Restart 录像中断时(29分29秒)重新录像
7. MovieModeRemap 视频模式映射
8. REC/STBY notif 录制备用通知
9. Movie REC key 录制热键设置
10. Force LiveView 强制保持实时显示模式
11. Force HDMI-VGA 强制同步输出HDIM或VGA信号
1. HDR Bracketing HDR档次,Q关闭/SET快门数/PLAY键设置EV值。
2. Take a pic ever 设定间隔拍摄时间,第三项需激活
3. Intervalometer 间隔拍摄启动,PLAY或MENU件停止
4. Bulb Ramping 曝光斜坡图
5. Bulb Timer 自定义慢速快门
6. LCD Remote Shot 使用LCD感应器拍照
7. Audio RemoteShot 使用话筒感知声音拍照
8. Motion Detect 运动、移位侦测拍照
9. Silent/slit pic 无声图片/分割图片,文件扩展名422
10. Mirror Lockup 反光板锁定,LV模式按第二次快门反光板即可复位
1. Trap Focus 陷阱对焦,MF档,半按快门对焦完成即拍照
2. Focus Patterns 集中对焦
3. Follow Focus 按键跟焦
4. Focus StepSize 焦点选择
5. Focus StepDelay 对焦延迟
6. Focus End Point 对焦后自动结束
7. Rack focus 虚焦,LV模式下MF档调焦距
8. Stack focus 对焦堆积,SET调节,PLAY运行,LV模式下
1. LVGain(NightVision) 添加LV模式
2. Exposure Simulation 模拟曝光
3. DOF Preview 景深预览
4. AF frame display AF帧显示
5. LCD Sensor Shortcuts 手动调整LCD亮度,挡住感应器按上下键
6. Auto BurstPicQuality 自动图片分割质量
7. Show cropmarks in 显示剪裁比例
8. ISO selection ISO选择
9. LV Auto ISO (M mode) LV模式自动ISO
10. Crop Factor Display 系数显示
11. LiveView Zoom LV时放大比例,PLAY键选择
1. SET+MainDial(play)
2. Cropmarks
3. After taking a pic 已使用的照片
4. Zoom in PLAY mode 缩放模式
5. Quick Erase 快速删除
1. Config AutoSave 参数自动保存
2. Save config now 保存参数
3. Delete config file 删除设置文件
4. DISP profiles 设置文件地址设置Debug:此功能调试相机用,非特殊情况严禁使用!
1. Dim display 显示较暗时
2. Turn off LCD and LV 关闭LCD和LV模式时
3. Turn off GlobalDraw
4. Save power when REC 当录制时保存电源信息