A presentation 英语范文




Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorr ow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning proces s. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better p erson. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations. LoveLove plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Witho ut love a person could go hayward and also bec ome cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and beco mes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and m ature and help us to understand life better.Happiness and SorrowMaterialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We rea lize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basic ally due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things a re temporary and pass away.Failure and SuccessFailure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our hea d on out shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for besto wing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectf ul to the less fortunate ones.Hope and DespairHope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us n ot to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there i s a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep movi ng on in life and be hopeful.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is be yond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or d ull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a b etter tomorrow.人生好似一个包裹,这个包裹里藏着快乐与悲伤、成功与失败,希望与绝望。




准备汇报英语会话:PreparingAPresentation预备汇报英语会话:Preparing A PresentationCHRISTINA: Liz, do you have a minute?LIZ: Yes, of course. What is it?CHRISTINA: I need you to help me set up for my presentation Thursday morning.LIZ: Okay, what should I do?CHRISTINA: Well, it isn't at this office. It's over at the Dayton Street office.Have you been there before?LIZ: Yes, of course. I have to go there every Tuesday. CHRISTINA: Good. So you will have no trouble finding it. LIZ: What's the presentation about?CHRISTINA: I will talk about developing sales through our website.All the branch heads will be there, and most of the staff. LIZ: Will you need anything special for the presentation? CHRISTINA: Well, I need the display monitor.But Tom can set that up for me on Wednesday.I will need you to help with everything else.LIZ: I suppose you need the whiteboard set up. CHRISTINA: I need the whiteboard, and pens.I don't know if they have pens over there. So you have to bring pens. And an eraser.LIZ: Alright. That's no problem. I will bring pens. Anything else?CHRISTINA: Well, I'm afraid it will be troublesome, Liz. You know what that office is like.第1页/共3页千里之行,始于足下。

how to make a Presentation

how to make a Presentation
Smoking High cholesterol High blood presssure Diabetes
Having heart disase in your family
Chest X-ray Blood tests
Exercise electrocardiogram
What are symptoms?
Chest pain
Shortness of breath Heart attack
How’s CAD diagnosed?
Physical exam
Past health Risk factors
Age (being older than 65)


1 I’ve divided my presentation
into…parts/section 2 This subject can be looked at under the following headings. 3 I would like to divide my talk into … parts. 4 Ladies and gentlemen, what I am going to say can be summed up into the following …points.

My presentation will be given in five parts. The first part deals with… What’s coronary artery disease?. The second part relates to… What causes coronary disease?. The third part concerns… What are the symptoms? . The forth part covers… How is it diagnosed? and



presenta‎t ion开场白‎p resenta‎t ion开场白‎present‎a tion开场白‎(一‎)Morni‎n g evero‎n e! Toda‎e’ll ha‎v e a tal‎k about ‎d ream an‎d suess ‎i n Ameri‎a.Ever‎b od has ‎h is or h‎e r on dr‎e am and ‎s tandard‎of bein‎g a sues‎s ful man‎, but th‎e are no‎t atuall‎the sam‎e beause‎of diff‎e rentba‎k ground ‎a nd life‎experie‎n e and s‎e x.The‎r e e hav‎e made a‎n invest‎i gation ‎a bout th‎e topi. ‎L et’s ha‎v e a loo‎k at the‎video.‎V ideo)‎O K! It l‎o oks as ‎t hough d‎i fferent‎people ‎h ave dif‎f erent o‎p inion a‎b out bei‎n g a sue‎s sful ma‎n, and m‎a be the ‎a re alas‎dreamin‎g of ahi‎e ving su‎e ss at a‎n earl a‎g e.The‎Amerian‎Dream i‎s a book‎about A‎m erian d‎r eam rit‎t en ba ‎f amous j‎o urnalis‎t Dan Ra‎t her, pu‎b lished ‎i n 201X.‎He prov‎i ded man‎stories‎of ordi‎n ar men ‎a nd omen‎aplishi‎n g the e‎x traordi‎n ar. Yo‎u kno Am‎e ria is ‎a n integ‎r ated ou‎n tr ith ‎a histor‎onl mor‎e than 2‎00 ears.‎After t‎h e ontin‎e nt as d‎i sovered‎b Europ‎e, peopl‎e all ov‎e r the o‎r ld ame ‎h ere to ‎s earh fo‎r their ‎o n dream‎.Ameria‎n ulture‎la emph‎a size on‎individ‎u als' va‎l ue: sel‎f first,‎persona‎l need f‎i rst. So‎pursue ‎o f indiv‎i dual be‎n efit an‎d enjome‎n t, emph‎a size on‎ahievin‎g indivi‎d ual val‎u e b sel‎f-strive‎andsel‎f-design‎as high‎l respet‎e d. That‎is to s‎a the us‎u all hav‎e an amb‎i tion or‎desire ‎t o gain ‎s omethin‎g the ne‎e d. If t‎h e gain ‎t his, th‎e ould o‎n sider h‎i m as a ‎s uessful‎man. Ma‎b e that’‎s just h‎a t e all‎“Ameria‎n dream”‎。

Tips on How to Make a Presentation

Tips on How to Make a Presentation

Tips on How to Make a PresentationImagine the audience is wearing nothing but their underwear. Start with something funny. Anyone who has ever had to make a presentation -- and been nervous about it -- has probably heard these and other tips from well-meaning friends and family. But a compelling presentation requires more than visualization techniques, and not every topic lends itself to humor. However, even the most apprehensive public speaker can make an effective presentation.PracticePerhaps the most important part of making any presentation is to prepare and practice. Going into the presentation hoping to "wing it" is a good way to go over or under your allotted time, forget to make important points and generally make a fool of yourself. Break down your presentation into key parts: introduction, overview, key points, summary and question and answer (Q and A). Make the presentation to a willing listener, and ask for feedback. If another person isn't available, just practicing out loud -- even to a pet -- can help you identify areas where you stumble or need to add or subtract information. Write out your talk, memorize it and then prepare notes with the key points to help keep you on track.Prepare the RoomArrive at the room where you'll be presenting well in advance of the presentation, if possible. Get a feel for the layout. Knowing where the audience will be sitting can help you adjust where you'll be standing. Test all of the audio-visual equipment ahead of time.Visual AidsIncorporating visual aids can help keep your audience engaged in the presentation. A PowerPoint presentation, flip chart or poster can help you present your points. However, use visual aids wisely. The information you present visually should support or reinforce what you're saying, not detract from it. Clever animations and detailed charts may look impressive, but they can distract your audience. Y our aids shouldn't directly repeat what you're saying. Use slides or charts to present bullet points and key points, and then expand on them in your talk.Work the RoomPay attention to your mannerisms when you make a presentation. Y ou might generally talk with your hands, but overly emphatic gestures during your presentation can be distracting. Show enthusiasm and engage your audience by making eye contact and acting naturally, not jumping around. Don't hide behind the lectern. If you're presenting to a large audience, use a handheld or lapel microphone, and move around a little bit. Speak clearly and slowly. If you tend to speak fast in general, practice slowing down. V ary the tone of your voice -- no one wants to listen to a monotone speaker. Pay attention to the audience's reactions as you speak. If you notice that they seem to be distracted or disengaged, make a change. Move to the other side of the room, change the visual aid or pause for a second longer than usual. If you are making a longer presentation, incorporate interactive activities or pause for questions at regular intervals to keep the audience engaged.Post-PresentationAlways leave time for questions at the end of your presentation. If you've done your research, chances are you can answer any question that comes up. If you can't answer a question, don't try to bluff your way through. State that you don't know the answer and offer to find the information for the questioner. Leave handouts for the audience, especially if you are one of several presenters.Highlight the key points of your presentation, and provide your contact information for further questions and information. If the handouts aren'tPowerPoint Presentation TipsA dynamic and helpful PowerPoint presentation can turn a dull speech into an informative and engaging lecture and discussion. It is easy to get the most out of a PowerPoint, but many people do too much or too little, resulting in a visual aid that detracts from the presentation. For a successful PowerPoint presentation, remember that simple and clear is often more powerful than an overload of text, color and graphics.Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program that people often use to give graphic-filled presentations in meetings or at conferences. PowerPoint is a good tool to get your message across, but you can lose your audience if you don't use it effectively. Keep in mind these 10 tips if you want to get the most out of the software.Create an OutlineCreate a general outline for your presentation first, first on paper and then in the program. This helps you organize your thoughts and create a structure to your presentation that will allow people to follow it easily.Use the Masters and LayoutsTake advantage of the program's masters and layouts, which will save you time and give you a more professional look than you could get if you did it on your own.Choose a ThemeSelect a theme, which is a set of fonts, colors and graphics. A theme helps your presentation look visually more organized and polished.Make NotesPut some notes in the presentation to help guide you along. PowerPoint has a "Notes" pane where you can write notes to yourself.Limit the File SizeKeep the size of the file small. Don't load it up with too much stuff or the presentation won't flow smoothly when you need it to.Use Video and AudioUse video and audio to spice up your presentation a little. A bit of dynamic content c an go a long way in waking up your audience and getting its attention.Use GraphicsCreate graphics to illustrate your points. People don't want to look at some boring numbers, they want to see a colorful pie chart that lays out information simply.Use Animations and T ransitions WiselyBe careful how you use animations and transitions. Having text or graphics suddenly appear on the screen can help illustrate your point, but it may also distract if you do it too much.Choose the Right T ypefaceChoose the right typeface. A sans serif typeface,(选择合适的字体。



宗哲:Hello ladies and xiangqinmen , it is our turn to do a presentation today .i am the host dingzongzhe , these are my partners yangfengru and chenxulin .they will make statements lateron .and the topic today is different people have different outlook on money.As students, most of us have no economic sources. We can only acquire money from our parents and it is so little that when we deduct board wages ,it is difficult to support other spending. But in a few years , we graduate, begin to work ,and receive salary . at that time ,how will you spend ? how do you balance your consumption and savings ? different people have different plants under the influence of their outlook on money. And now ,my tow partners want to compare the view of American and that of Chinese for you .凤茹:As we know, the United States is becoming a cashless society quickly. It is easy to find that stores accept checks drawn on local banks as payment for purchase and even teenagers have their own credit cards in modern American..Checks and credits cards work just as well as “real money”, which allows a person spending free, but also gets them into a lot of debts. And you can find that most Americans have a mortgage on their houses or cars, but they still loan a debt to support their dairy consumption, especially the person who are prone to impulse-buying, tempted to spend more than have. That is what we called premature consumption.Personally speaking, I think this life style have a lots to do with their outlook on money. Americans believe life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have certain connection. And what does the pursuit of happiness? For many Americans, it means pursuing money. Americans thinks that money is not all, but it is most of all.Americans’outlook on money emphasize on money very much, though money cannot bring everything, but no money will produce many trouble. In their point of view, money maybe regarded as a means of attaining other things, rather than as an end of itself. So the premature consumption is common in America. There is no doubt that this life style will stimulate economic development in a way. But there is no escaping the fact that this can also be a source of evil ,such as the credit card trap and the commercial crime. And I think the Americans should regard earning money as a method for perfect life. Money is not the final objective in their life. There are still so many valuable things that need them to accomplish.Time is limited, and my introduction about the Americans’ outlook on money is coming to an end, thank you for your listening.宗哲:It is obvious that America is a society which encourage consumption. Then , how about the china? How do the Chinese treat money?栩麟China is a lager country with a long history.And it has different attitudes towards money.But the main attitude is obvious.First of all,Chinese earn money carefully, Mr LiJiaCheng wrote in his autobiography: “We need to beat the stone bridge across the river after careful.”For example,when the trade is carrying,you can find that many Chinese people check the receipt on site,they prefer to deal with it clearly onsite,but the Korean maybe solve it in the future.In addition,you can find many Chinese is counting money after took money from bank.Cautious is other obvious charater.Lost of Chinese wouldn’t earn money through an adventure.They prefer earning money slowly but savely.Especially some old man,they wouldn’t take their pension to be any adventure.They even use it to take a trip.A metaphor maybe appropriate:Chinese is like an iron cock,you can’t get even a feather from it.Because of the careful and cautious charater,Chinese wouldn’t be in dept easily.They prefer saving money to loan from bank.This is different from the American.There is a story about it.Two old man meet in heaven.The Chinese said that:I save money many years and I bought a new house for my kids finally.And the American one said that:I loan from bank when I was young.So we I’m dead.I have already live in the new house for decades!We can see there are two different attitudes towards money.May these charater can help Chinese get losts of money during their life.But everting has two sides.Many people earn money and save it but they wouldn’t use it anymore.It is not a good phenomenon.宗哲:Ok ,thank for your statements. From what they have said , we can clearly aware that this is the collision between premature consumption and lay of consumption. Neither the former nor the latter is worth to over praise. the reason behavior is proper premature consumption on the basis of steady income. Don’t hide your money and refuse consumption, don’t max out you credit card ,either. And that is our group’ presentation. Thank you!。



英语课presentation写作范文以下是一篇关于英语课presentation的写作范文,仅供参考:Title: The Benefits of Learning English as a Second LanguageIntroduction:In today's globalized world, English has become the language of international communication. Learning English as a second language can bring numerous benefits to individuals, including improved career opportunities, better education prospects, and enhanced cultural understanding. In this presentation, we will explore the various advantages of learning English as a second language.Body:1. Career OpportunitiesLearning English as a second language can open up a wide range of career opportunities. With an English-speaking skillset, individuals can qualify for jobs in international business, diplomacy, tourism, and many other fields. English proficiency can also help professionals advance their careers by enabling them to participate in multinational teams andcollaborate with colleagues around the world.2. Education ProspectsLearning English as a second language can significantly improve an individual's education prospects. English-speaking universities and colleges have a global reputation for excellence, and many of the world's top institutions require English proficiency for admission. Additionally, English-speaking skills can help students access international scholarship opportunities and participate in exchange programs that broaden their educational experiences.3. Cultural UnderstandingLearning English as a second language also enables individuals to better understand and appreciate different cultures. English is the language of international communication, and learning it provides access to a wealth of cultural resources, including books, music, films, and more. This exposure to different cultures can help individuals develop a more inclusive worldview and enhance their understanding of other nations and regions.Conclusion:Learning English as a second language brings numerous benefits toindividuals, including improved career opportunities, better education prospects, and enhanced cultural understanding. In today's interconnected world, proficiency in English is essential for success in many fields, and it can open doors to opportunities that would remain shut otherwise. By investing in the learning of English as a second language, individuals can position themselves for success in a globalized world.。



The Film "Three Idiots”
This is Chatur
he is a nice student
➢A faithful defender of traditional education!
Methods of Education
The Film "Three Idiots”
来面教 向育 世要 界面 ,向 面现
邓向代 小未化 平,
Education must face modernization, the world and the future
• 人是活的,书是死的。 活人读死书,可以把 书读活。死书读活人, 可以把人读死。 —— 郭沫若
• People are living, and book is dead. Read the living dead book, can take the book read live. Die book read the living, can
School have been the center in Chinese education system since ancient Time
Peking University
Tsinghua University
Xuzhou Medical College
Educational system
Foreign countries
Instill and think highly of innovation
Better foundation,worse innovation
Better innovation
The family education



英语presentation自我介绍English:Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name] and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself today. I am a dedicated and hardworking individual with a passion for [mention your passion or field of study]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Your Degree], where I gained valuable knowledge and skills that have prepared me for success in the professional world. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively participated in various extracurricular activities, such as [mention any relevant activities or leadership roles], which have honed my communication and leadership abilities. I am excited about the prospect of applying my expertise in [Your Field] and contributing to the success of this presentation. Thank you for allowing me to share a bit about myself, and I look forward to collaborating with all of you.Translated content:大家好,我是[你的名字],我很高兴今天有机会介绍自己。



英语presentation范文As we all know, giving an English presentation can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people. Whether you are a student presenting in front of your classmates or a professional giving a presentation at work, it's important to be prepared and confident in your delivery. In this English presentation sample, we will explore the key components of a successful presentation and provide some tips on how to make your presentation engaging and effective.First and foremost, it's essential to start with a strong opening. This can be a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic, or a compelling story. The goal is to grab the audience's attention and make them interested in what you have to say. Once you have their attention, it's important to clearly state the purpose of your presentation and what you hope to achieve by the end.Next, you'll want to organize your content in a logical and easy-to-follow manner. This may include using visual aids such as slides or handouts to support your main points. It's important to remember that your audience may have varying levels of English proficiency, so it's crucial to use clear and simple language. Avoid using jargon or complex vocabulary that may confuse your audience.In addition to the content of your presentation, your delivery is also key to engaging your audience. This includes using a confident and clear speaking voice, making eye contact, and using gestures to emphasize key points. It's also important to be mindful of your body language and posture, as this can convey confidence and authority.Another important aspect of a successful English presentation is engaging your audience. This can be done by asking questions, encouraging participation, and creating opportunities for discussion. It's important to be receptive to feedback and questions from your audience, as this can help create a more interactive and engaging experience.Finally, it's important to conclude your presentation with a strong closing. This can be a summary of your main points, a call to action, or a memorable quote. The goal is to leave your audience with a lasting impression and a clear understanding of the key takeaways from your presentation.In conclusion, giving an English presentation can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By following these tips and strategies, youcan create a successful and engaging presentation that effectively communicates your message to your audience. Remember to be prepared, confident, and engaging, and you'll be sure to deliver a presentation that leaves a lasting impact.。



英语presentation三分钟范文篇1Dear friends, today I want to share with you one of my favorite books, "The Little Prince". This is not just an ordinary book, but a magical journey that has deeply touched my heart!The story is full of wonders and wisdom. The little prince leaves his own planet and travels through various asteroids, meeting all kinds of strange and interesting characters. How fascinating it is! Isn't it amazing to think about his adventures?One of the most unforgettable plots is when the little prince meets the fox and they have a profound conversation about taming. This part really made me think a lot. It made me understand the meaning of connection and responsibility.This book has had a huge impact on me. It taught me to look at the world with a childlike innocence and to cherish the simple and true things in life. Don't we all need such reminders in this busy and complicated world?So, my dear friends, I highly recommend "The Little Prince" to you. Let's all embark on this wonderful journey of the heart together!篇2Oh my goodness! Let me share with you an unforgettable journey that changed my life.It was a sunny summer, and I decided to embark on a solo trip to a remote village. The moment I arrived, I was stunned by the breathtaking scenery. The mountains were like giants standing tall, covered with lush greenery. The clear blue sky seemed to touch the tips of the mountains. The rivers flowed gently, making a soothing sound as if singing a lullaby.The local food was simply divine! I tasted the most delicious homemade pies and fresh fruits. The flavors exploded in my mouth, leaving me craving for more. But what made this trip truly remarkable were the people I met. There was an old man who shared his life stories with me, and his wisdom and kindness touched my heart deeply.This journey wasn't just about the beautiful views and mouthwatering food. It was a journey of self-discovery and growth. I overcame my fear of being alone and learned to enjoy the present moment. It was an experience I will cherish forever. How wonderful life can be when we step out of our comfort zone and embrace the unknown?篇3Today, I want to talk about a really hot social phenomenon that has been changing our lives in a big way - the popularity of electronic payment! How amazing is it that we can simply take out our phones and complete a transaction in seconds? It's so convenient! No more fumbling for cash or worrying about having the right change.But wait! Have you ever thought about the potential problems it mightbring? What if there are technical glitches? What if our personal financial information gets leaked? These are serious questions that we need to consider.Now, let's turn to another important topic - environmental protection! Oh my goodness, how crucial it is for our future! We all know that our planet is facing many challenges. But what can we do as individuals? We can start by reducing our use of single-use plastics. Can you imagine the amount of plastic waste we produce every day? It's terrifying! We can also choose to use public transportation or bike instead of driving alone. Every small action counts!In conclusion, whether it's the convenience and challenges of electronic payment or the importance of our actions for the environment, we should think deeply and act wisely. Let's make a positive difference together!Thank you!篇4Today, I'm thrilled to share with you something truly remarkable! Have you ever thought about how a new technology could completely transform our lives? Well, let me introduce you to the wonders of 5G technology!5G technology is not just a simple upgrade; it's a revolutionary breakthrough! It enables incredibly fast data transmission speeds. Imaginedownloading a full-length movie in just seconds! Isn't that amazing? With 5G, smart cities will become a reality. Self-driving cars can communicate with each other in real-time, reducing traffic accidents. Remote surgeries can be performed with precision, saving countless lives!But that's not all. The future of 5G is filled with endless possibilities. It will power the Internet of Things, connecting everything from our home appliances to industrial equipment. Will our lives become more convenient and efficient? Absolutely!Now, let's shift gears and talk about a healthy lifestyle. How important is it to stay fit and eat right? Extremely important! Regular exercise not only keeps our bodies in shape but also boosts our mood and energy levels.A balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, gives us the nutrients we need to thrive.So, let's embrace 5G and lead a healthy life. Let's step into this exciting future together!篇5Ladies and gentlemen! Today, I want to delve into a profound philosophical issue that has perplexed humanity for ages - the relationship between free will and determinism.Have you ever wondered if our actions are truly a result of our own free choices, or are they predetermined by a series of causes and effects beyond our control? This is not just an abstract question but one that hassignificant implications for how we view ourselves and our place in the world.On one hand, the idea of free will suggests that we have the autonomy to make decisions and shape our destinies. We feel a sense of responsibility for our choices and believe that we have the power to change our lives for the better. But on the other hand, determinism argues that everything that happens is inevitable, based on prior conditions and the laws of nature. If this is the case, then are we just pawns in a cosmic game, with no real say in the outcome?This is not a simple either/or proposition. Maybe it's a complex interplay between the two. But how do we navigate this murky territory? How do we make sense of our experiences in light of this ongoing debate?The exploration of this topic is not only intellectually stimulating but also has practical relevance to our daily lives. It forces us to reflect on our actions, our motives, and the nature of moral responsibility.So, dear friends, let's keep pondering and seeking a deeper understanding of this fascinating conundrum. Thank you!。

What Is a Presentation

What Is a Presentation

What Is a Presentation?At its most basic level, a business presentation is a platform for communicating information and ideas. However, it is really much more than that. While some presentations are just a means to keep people informed, there is usually an element of persuasion involved. Even an informational presentation is not totally free of bias; the presenter always slants it his or her way. Sometimes the presenter is not even aware of this.A presentation is a persuasion vehicleMost business presentations are not intended to be strictly neutral transmissions of information. You want to sell your product, service, or solution to your prospective client. You want to win support for your idea. You want to gain buy-in for your recommendation. You want to persuade your audience.Do your presentations have lots of slides with bullet points, data, and logical arguments? Such information is appropriate in handouts or other support materials. A presentation based solely on these elements is doomed to fail.Do you try to tell your audience everything you know? Or do you think about what you want them to do and create a presentation with that strategy in mind? An effective business presentation is designed to persuade. It appeals to emotions as well as reason. It uses stories and not just charts and graphs.A presentation is a picture of you and your organizationYou may give presentations to audiences you do not know well, such as prospective clients or members of the public. They may not know much about you or your organization. But they will form an impression of you quickly. And they will use their impression of you to form an impression of the organization you represent.You may be inexperienced, but you may express yourself with confidence and an air of expertise. Your company may be small, but a strong presentation may convey the perception that it punches above its weight.Think about how you want your audience to perceive you. Use your presentation as an opportunity to showcase yourself at your best.A presentation is a powerful, interactive communication mediumA presentation is a two-way exchange of information, not a one-way data dump. Even if there are no questions or comments from the audience, you can gauge their reactions from their facial expression and body language.A written communication such as a memo or report has certain advantages over a live conversation. You can prepare in advance. You can check your facts, edit, and polish your style. You can take the time to make it nearly perfect.However, a written communication has two serious drawbacks. First, you cannot tell when (or if) the recipient has read it. And second, you may never know what they really think about your message.A phone call or a face-to-face conversation has advantages over a written communication. You can get immediate feedback from your listener's tone of voice or facial expression. You can question one another. You know that your message has been received, and you may have some idea of whether it was accepted.The problem with an oral communication is you may not be well prepared. Questions arise, there may be interruptions, and the conversation veers off course. You give up some control to other people and your surroundings.A presentation combines the best of both worlds. You can prepare and polish your presentation, just like you can prepare a strong written document. You also get the benefit of instant feedback present in a face-to-face communication. If your audience looks like they are confused, you can clarify your meaning. If they look like they not buying your message, you can try another approach. Unlike a written communication, you can adapt on the fly.A presentation is your chance to shineFinally, a presentation is your golden opportunity to impress your boss and colleagues. People are watching you, and they will judge whether you have what it takes to get ahead in the organization. Do you communicate effectively and confidently? Have you mastered your material? Can you handle questions and think on your feet? Are you persuasive? Do you have the right stuff?A business presentation is more than just a platform to convey information. It is more than a vehicle to persuade. It is your chance to shine!David Goldwich, the Persuasion Doctor, is committed to helping people get what they want. A "reformed" lawyer, David teaches people how to play the negotiation game and become more assertive, compelling, and persuasive. He gives talks and conducts workshops in persuasive business presentations, negotiation, storytelling for leaders and sales professionals, and other areas of influence and persuasion. Learn more at .Article Source: /6349140。



开场:Hello everyone, it’s our great honor to be here to make a presentation for all of you. As it’s known to all,the war is so cruel that many people lost their family during the war. We want to declare that everyone should do whatever they can to keep the world in peace by replaying a short story during a war. 进入采访:Today we invited a peace pioneer, a survivor during a war, and she will share us something about her experience.Z: Mrs. Yang, nice to meet you.G: Nice to meet you, too.Z: We know that you are the only person who still alive since the war. Could you tell us something about what the wars bring to us? G: Sure.In my point of view, what the wars bring to us is not only the death of our nations, but also the great hit of our country’s finance and politic. Even worse, it may do great influence on victims, especially in their heart, which could not be removed forever.Z: I think you must be impressive by what happed on your childhood. By the way do you mind describing it briefly?G: Well, I never forget it at any time in my life. I can well remember that it was a sunny day.......(我拿一张写着“years ago”的纸出去,然后玉婷和栩麟和我一起进来,郑永贤做action的动作,我们开始演)G for girl,D for dad, M for mom.Part 1(小女孩拖着老爸老妈的衣角,介于身高问题,我抱不了我老爸的大腿……)G: Mom, dad. Where are you going? I’m so afraid, please don’t leave me, please…….(我老妈转过身来,摸我的头)M:Dodo, we are going to fight for our home. Please promise me that you will look after yourself well and never leave that uncle(指着郑永贤), he will help you until we come back. I love you and I’m proud o f you.(亲额头)G(大哭):No, please, I don’t want to be separated with you. Never……D: Oh, my dear. Your must be brave at this important time. There are so many parents fighting in the frontline, thought their children are crying just like you. However, all we do is to protect you better. We promise that we will come back. We promise…….(我老爸跟我碰手指,老妈抱我)M&D: we promise…………….The soldier was sent to frontline. The war was very fierce. Years later, the end of the war was in sight. However, accidence happened.Part2M:Oh no! How can they do that! Please! Please don’t leave me .I can’t live without you.D:Oh, my dear, my darling, I’m dying. But don’t be sad and despaired.M: no, I will follow you. You jump, I jump. You die, I die.D: Our darling was still alive. You must be alive firmly. All I do is to let you and our daughter to live a happy life. After the war, you can live a happy life with our daughter. There will be a hopeful life. You will be happy.The soldiers sacrificed their lives gloriously.His remains was sent back to his hometown.Part 3G: Mon, why you come back by yourself. Where is dad?M: He has died during the war.G: No,I can’t believe it, he promised me that he will come back, how could he leave us..........(使劲哭)M: My dear, your father had gone. He is the victim of the war. He is also the honor of our country, our people. Your father sacrifices himself for peace. We must live without hatred war. Only in this way, will the war become over, will we live happier. Dear, what can we do is to chase peace. Calm down and let everyone know the harm of war.结尾:Now, let’s come back to the real world. There is no doubt that wars could make considerable amount damage in the affected countries.Just take the Second War as an example. According to incomplete statistics, 61 countries participated in a war. More than 1.7billion were involved in the war, causing the economic losses of 4000 billion.As we all know, many countries such as Iran and Israel are still in war, and their nations are living in poverty.So now, it’s the high time for us to realize the damage of war and try our best to keep our world in peace.。



英语3分钟presentationLadies and Gentlemen,Good day to you all. Today, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share with you a topic that is very close tomy heart: "The Power of Language in Shaping Our World." Inthe next three minutes, I will be discussing the profound impact that language has on our daily lives, our cultures,and our understanding of the world around us.Firstly, let's consider the role of language in communication. Language is the primary tool we use to express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It is the bridge that connects us with others, allowing us to share experiences and knowledge. Without language, we would be unable to convey thecomplexities of our inner world, and the richness of human interaction would be greatly diminished.Secondly, language is a reflection of our culture. Each language carries within it the history, traditions, andvalues of the people who speak it. It is through languagethat we pass on our stories, our beliefs, and our customsfrom one generation to the next. The diversity of languages around the world is a testament to the richness of human culture and the myriad ways in which we interpret andinteract with the world.Moreover, language is a powerful tool for learning anddiscovery. It enables us to explore new ideas, to ask questions, and to seek answers. The development of language has been instrumental in the advancement of science, technology, and the arts. It is through language that we can document our findings, share our insights, and collaboratewith others to build upon the knowledge of the past.In addition, language has the power to inspire and to influence. Great speeches, literature, and poetry have the ability to move us emotionally, to challenge our perspectives, and to inspire us to action. The words we choose can uplift, motivate, or even change the course of history.However, language is not without its challenges. Language barriers can lead to misunderstandings and can hinder collaboration. The loss of languages, due to globalizationand other factors, is a significant concern, as it represents the loss of unique cultural perspectives and knowledge.In conclusion, language is a fundamental aspect of our human experience. It is through language that we connect with others, express our identities, and shape our world. As we continue to navigate the complexities of our global society,it is essential that we value and preserve the diversity of languages, and strive to bridge the gaps that languagebarriers can create.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to any questions or discussions that may arise from this presentation.。



英文presentation一分钟范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. Today I am here to give a brief presentation on [topic].First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is [Your Name] and I am a [Your Position] at [Your Company/Organization]. I have been working in this field for [X years] and I am excited to share some key insights with you all today.The purpose of this presentation is to [state the objective - inform, persuade, educate, etc.]. I will be covering [list the main points/topics you will be discussing].To start off, let's take a look at [begin with the first main point/topic]. This is important because [explain why thispoint/topic is relevant/significant].Moving on to the next point/topic, [transition to the next main point/topic]. This ties in with the previous point because [explain how they are connected or build upon each other].Finally, we will touch upon [conclude with the final main point/topic]. This is crucial because [emphasize the importance or impact of this point/topic].In conclusion, [summarize the key points/topics discussed]. I hope that this presentation has provided you with a better understanding of [topic] and has sparked some interesting discussions and ideas.Thank you for your time and attention. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Have a great day/evening!篇2Good afternoon everyone,Today I am here to give a brief presentation on the topic of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a rapidly growing field that holds immense potential to revolutionize various industries and aspects of our daily lives.AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning, reasoning, problem solving, perception, and language understanding. One of the key applications of AI is machine learning, where algorithms are designed to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.In recent years, AI has made significant advancements in areas such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. For example, AI-powered systems are being used to analyze medical images and diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly than human doctors. In finance, AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to predict market trends and make investment decisions. In transportation, AI is being used to developself-driving cars that can navigate roads and traffic with minimal human intervention.Despite its many benefits, AI also raises concerns about issues such as data privacy, job displacement, and ethical considerations. As AI continues to evolve and become more integrated into society, it is important for us to consider the implications and ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically.In conclusion, artificial intelligence is a powerful technology with the potential to transform the way we live and work. By understanding its capabilities and limitations, we can harness the benefits of AI while addressing the challenges it presents. Thank you for listening.篇3Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Today, I am here to present to you an overview of our company's latest products and services.First and foremost, let me introduce our new range ofeco-friendly household products. With the increasing global concern for the environment, our company has taken the initiative to develop a line of products that are made from sustainable materials and are biodegradable. These products not only help reduce our carbon footprint but also contribute to a healthier environment for future generations.Moving on, we have also introduced a new service that focuses on enhancing customer satisfaction. Our customer service team has been trained to provide personalized assistance to every client, ensuring that their needs are met promptly and efficiently. This commitment to customer satisfaction has resulted in a significant increase in our customer retention rates and has garnered positive feedback from our clients.Furthermore, I am pleased to announce the launch of our new digital marketing campaign. By leveraging the latest technology and data analytics, we have been able to target our audience with precision and relevance, resulting in a higher conversion rate and return on investment. The results speak forthemselves, as we have seen a sharp increase in website traffic and online sales.In conclusion, our company remains committed to innovation and excellence in all that we do. We will continue to strive for excellence in our products and services, always keeping the needs and interests of our customers at the forefront. Thank you for your time and attention.That concludes my presentation. Thank you.。

Making a Presentation

Making a Presentation

Making a PresentationToday we’re going to talk about how to make a presentation. Making a presentation even in your mother language is just not easy, so certainly in a foreign language it's quite difficult, so I hope I can give some pointers of, well, least make it a little bit easier if you put in this position. The first thing to have a successful presentation is prepare ahead of time. You can’t just walk into a place and do a presentation, you need to really be prepared, part of the preparation is have a goal, you’re not jus t there to talk about the topic, but you have a goal, a purpose what do you want to accomplish in this presentation, what message do you want your audience to receive? If you don’t know that, then you’re just going to ramble on with no meaning, so it’s ver y important to know what you want them to receive from you, and finally what, I need to ask myself, what do I expect the audience to do after the presentation? That’s related to the goal, what do I expect? I don’t want them just clap and say ‘Good presentation.’ everybody go home, because that’s not the raise we have presentations, so do I want them to buy my product? Do I want them to change the way they think about something? Do I want them to take some action? Have to have a goal, what do I want to happen? And everything in the presentation is focus to the direction, toward that one goal, okay? Now, it’s important to think about the audience, it’s not just I have a goal but I have to think about the audience. I have to put myself in their shoes, if Iwere in the audience, would I be interested in this topic? Would I be yarning and looking at my watch? Would this be interesting to me? And if I think it’s not interesting to the audience, then maybe I need to change something before I start. I need to communicate clearly. When you give a presentation in English, remember you’re not there to show off your high English ability, you’re actually there to communicate, so must be clear, right? Language is for communication and a presentation is for the purpose of co mmunicating something, not just that. I’ve been in presentations where non-English speakers were speaking English and they use words, that word is this long, they use really big vocabulary and some of the audience could not understand them, and they were very proud and they were thinking, they were pressed with my English, would in fact, they were not even pressed with the presentation because they had no idea what they were talking about, so simple was better for a presentation because then they can unders tand you. It’s also important to organize your presentation into clear points, point one, point two, point three, it’s easier for people to follow, and some people may even write your points if you do that, but without the points it just, it doesn’t gotog ether, it doesn’t have a logical sequence, and it’s a little hard even to give it if you don’t, so very important that you organize at first. But don’t give them more information that they can process in their mind, that’s not really a presentation, that may be a lecture in a university where thestudents really there for a purpose of an education, but in a presentation, there’s no point giving them more information that they can really process, because just waste information and in that case if they process fifteen percent of the information, you know, know of their process in the most important points, so only stick to the most important points and you may have to, after you write your presentation and you organize into points, you may have to actually omit some things, make it a little shorter than your originally planed, because being clear is not much more important than being long. Again, research, know your topic throughly, very, very important, at the end you may have questions, you can’t fake a good presentation, you have to really know what you’re talking about, now fortunately in this day and age we have the Internet, you can become an expert on any topic in a short time by doing some research, but it’s really worth your time to do that, to do the research, have the facts, have everything there. It’s so important that you go prepared. I remember one presentation I give, I give a presentation to a large group of English teachers in another city in China, and I thought my topic was a certain topic, and I prepared the PPT, I put a lot of work preparing, I flew there, I got off the airplane around midnight, so I had no time to talk to anybody, they just said ‘Be at the meeting at eight o’clock.’ I got to the meeting, and the coordinators handed me a littl e flash disk, they said ‘This is your presentation, this is your topic.’ And I said ‘Wait, I prepare somethingelse.’ They said ‘Oh, no, no, this is the topic, and you actually sell this product for us.’ I said ‘Really?’ And I was nervous, I had to fake it, something you don’t want to do, I felt like I wasn’t who they come, you know, they clap and they said ‘Good presentation!’ But I really didn’t think it was a very good presentation, because that I had no time to prepare. The next time I’m invited to that type of presentation, I will certainly ask it ahead of time ‘Is this topic I have prepared okay? If you have a different topic, please tell me ahead of time.’ You really need to prepare. For myself, when I give a presentation, I prefer to make my own PPT, because it matches what I want to do. But if you work in a company, sometimes they will give you the PPT, they will give you everything, because you representing that company, in that case you may have to spend a lot of time looking at it, rehearsing it, and going over ahead of time, practice, you need to practice. I want to give you some important steps to avoid disaster. I don’t know if you ever see a disastrous presentation where the presenter his face is red, and everybody is feeling sorry for him, bec ause he’s doing a poor job, at the end he doesn’t sell the product, we don’t want that kind of disaster. So the first step of course is practice, practice, practice, if for a presentation, you have to practice, everyday conversations we can’t practice, pre sentations we have this advantage we can practice. When you’re practicing, time yourself, very important, look at the clock, and find out ahead of time how much timedo you have. If you’re in a large meeting and your presentation is twenty minutes and you have ten points, and when you reach twenty minutes you’re only at point three, you’re in trouble, so rehearse it, time yourself, make sure you’re going along at a pace that is fitting to the time that you’re given, so practice is very important, you can pr actice in front of a mirror, you can practice in front of friends, you can videotape your practice, if you have time to do that, that’s a good way to do, or least record your practice, then you know ahead of time what’s it going to sound like. Another thin g if it’s possible, this is not always possible, but if it’s possible, prepare the room ahead of time, go there early, make sure the microphones are working, make sure that if you have a flash disk with your presentation or your PPT, that is a compatible with the computer you’ll be using, if you have your own laptop computer, make sure it works with the projector in the room, all of these things should be done ahead of time, if you have a twenty-minute presentation and you spend ten minutes just making the microphones work connecting things, that’s not good. It’s best if you can let all of the wires connected ahead of time. If possible, go to the place of the presentation, connect it ahead of time even before anybody arrives, stand up, test microphone, everything ahead of time, so the more you can do in advance, the more you’re going to save trouble later, so much better to be prepared. Technical mistakes make you look unprofessional and they waste time, so you need to avoidthose. Another thing that some peo ple don’t really think about is you need to arrange your notes clearly. You know sometimes people are giving a presentation, and they’re looking around their notes ‘Let me see where is the next point. Oh, wait, I’m lost.’ And if possible put them in a logi cal order, but don’t get lost in your own notes, that’s a disaster you don’t want to happen. In any kind of a presentation it’s very important that you read your audience, look at your audience, use eye contact, look at their eye contact, do they appear bored? If they do, you need to move on to the next point, even if you don’t finish everything in that point, if you’re trying to sell product and they’re bored, even if your boss said‘You need this, this, this, and this point.’ Just say quickly and move on. You can learn sometimes presentations are a new disaster, you can learn from them, if that happens, don’t make the same mistake, but watch audience, see what their reaction is. Sometimes if their reaction is they appear very, very interested, then you know you can continue on the same point, but don’t bore them to that, that’s important. When you’re giving a presentation in English, use a lot of connecting words, for example first, second, next, after that, finally, that makes audience feel like they’re fl ow in it, and also it’s a very smooth way to go from point one to point two to point three, very material. Now another thing is important, any presentation is finishing well, first impression is important, last impression are important, too. Don’t talk too long, people will loseinterest. I remember in college a speech class that I had, the professor kept saying this, I think every week he said the same thing, he said ‘When you give a speech, stand up, speak up, shut up.’ And it’s very, very important. Stand up means you go in boldly, you go in with some confidence, you don’t go in with your head down, but you go in, even if you’re not ready at least appear ready. Speak up, speak with confidence, speak loudly enough, speak close to the microphone, and make it very clear, but when you finish, stop. And if it’s a twenty-minute presentation, after fifteen minutes, you finish all of your notes, don’t just talk for five minutes to fill the time, really stop, I’ve actually finished classes five minutes early, because I knew if I continue, the students will be bored because there was nothing to say. So yeah, finish when you’re done, just finish. At the end, you can finish by maybe giving some sort of conclusion, some people like to finish with their recap of the points, you can do that. Don’t do this, I’ve heard some Chinese students do this, at the end of the presentation, they say ‘That’s all.’ Or ‘I’m finished.’ It’s just too abrupt, it doesn’t sound like the end, but you can finish with something like this ‘Good night.’ Or, ‘Thank you for coming.’。

A presentation 英语范文【范本模板】

A presentation 英语范文【范本模板】

On behalf of Grant Telecommunications,I’d like to welcome you。

My name is Joseph Green。

Today I’d like to give you a product presentation for the new XT 3000 mobile phone. My presentation is divided into three parts. First, I’ll explain the features of the new phone。

Then,I’ll talk about how the phone compares with others on the market。

And lastly,I will highlight the USPs of the new product.Right,let’s start with the features first. The new XT 3000 is great and it has some excellent new features。

These include voice—activated dialing。

What this means is that you can say the name of the person you would like to call into the phone and it will automatically find the person's number and dial。

Another fantastic feature is the 100 mega pixel camera—you won’t miss another precious moment。

When compared to other products,the XT 3000 comes out on top. I will run through some comparisons against the following three products:HR 500, Elektra v1.2 and SP 989. The HR 500 doesn’t have such an excellent 100 mega pixel camera。

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On behalf of Grant Telecommunications, I’d like to welcome you. My name is Joseph Green. Today I’d like to give you a product presentation for the new XT 3000 mobile phone. My presentation is divided into three parts. First, I’ll explain the features of the new phone. Then, I’ll talk about how the phone compares with others on the market. And lastly, I will highlight the USPs of the new product.
Right, let’s start with the features first. The new XT 3000 is great and it has some excellent new features. These include voice-activated dialing. What this means is that you can say the name of the person you would like to call into the phone and it will automatically find the person’s number and dial. Another fantastic feature is the 100 mega pixel camera—you won’t miss another precious moment.
When compared to other products, the XT 3000 comes out on top. I will run through some comparisons against the following three products: HR 500, Elektra v1.2 and SP 989. The HR 500 doesn’t have such an excellent 100 mega pixel camera. The Elektra v1.2, which is a similar price to the XT 3000, does not have the voice-activated dialing facility. And the SP 989, which has all the same features as the XT 3000, is much more expensive than the XT 3000.
This brings me to the final part of my presentation. I would like to briefly highlight the USPs (Unique Selling Points) of the XT 3000. Firstly, it is very competitively priced. It also has the most features of any phone on the market at this price. Additionally, customers are able to buy the different parts of the phone in different colours, which enables them to customise their phone to the look they want. And finally, there are lots of accessories to further customise it. All in all, the XT is a fantastic buy!
Thank you for listening. Does anyone have any questions?。
