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Writing a Summary

The goal of this exercise is to be able to write a summary of the following article using around130words.

Of all the games held throughout Greece,those staged at Olympia in honor of Zeus are the most famous.The Games,like all Greek games,were an intrinsic part of a religious festival.Held every four years between August6and September19,they occupied such an important place in Greek life that time was measured by the interval between them---an Olympiad.Although the first Olympic champion listed in the records was one Coroebus of Elis,a cook,who won the sprint race in776BC,it is generally accepted that the Games were probably at least500years old at that time.According to one legend they were founded by Heracles,son of Alcmene.

The Games were held at Olympia in the city-state of Elis,on a track about32metres(35yards) wide.The racing length was one stade,a distance of about192metres(210yards)which was one length of the track.At the meeting in776BC,there was apparently only one event,the stade,but other events were added over the ensuing decades.In724BC a two-length race,diaulos,roughly similar to the400-metre race,was included and four years later the dolichos,a long-distance race possibly to be compared to the modern1500-or even5000-metre event,was added.Wrestling and the pentathlon were introduced in708BC.The latter was an all-around competition consisting of five events---the long jump,javelin throw,discus throw,foot race,and wrestling.

Boxing was introducing in688BC,and in680a chariot race.In648the pancratium,a kind of all-strength,or no-holds-barred,wrestling was included.Kicking and hitting were allowed;only biting and gouging(thrusting a finger or thumb into an opponent's eye)were forbidden.Between632and616BC events for boys were introduced.And from time to time further events were added including contests for fully armed soldiers,for heralds,and for trumpeters.The program must have been as varied as that of the modem Olympics,although the athletics(track and field)events were limited:there was no high jumping in any form and no individual field event,except in the pentathlon.

Until the77th Olympiad(472BC)all of the contests took place on one day;later they were spread,with,perhaps,some fluctuation,over four days,with a fifth devoted to the closing ceremony presentation of prizes and a banquet for the champions.Sources generally agree that women were not allowed as competitors or,except for the priestess of Demeter,as spectators.In most events,the athletes participated in the nude.

The Olympic Games were originally restricted to free-born Greeks.The competitors,including those who came from the Greek colonies,were amateur in the sense that the only prize was a wreath or garland.The athletes underwent a most rigorous period of supervised training,however,and eventually the contestants were true professionals.Not only were there substantial prizes for winning,but the Olympic champion also received adulation and unlimited benefits from his city.Athletes became fulltime specialists---a trend that in the modem games has caused a long and bitter controversy over amateurism.
