



<天使> Paly 1=C 4/4 Capo 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------前奏|C- - G- -|Am- - F- -|C- -G- -| C- - -C Am F |G C Am F |G-你就是我的天使 -保护著我的天使 -从此我再没有忧伤- - -你就是我的天使 -给我快乐的天使 -甚至我学会了飞翔|Am Em |F C |F |G |C G |Am Em飞过人间的无常才懂爱才是宝藏不管世界变得怎么样只要有你就会是天堂【-像孩子依赖著肩膀 -像眼泪依赖著脸庞|F C |F G |C G |Am Em |F C |F G-你就像天使一样给我依赖给我力量 -像诗人依赖著月亮 -像海豚依赖海洋你是天使你是天使你是我最初和最后天|C G间奏 (尾奏) ︱----2--︱F C G|堂 - - -|Am- - F- -|C- -G- -| C- - -(你就是) 堂- - -| Em- - -|Dm- - -|G- - -|-像孩子依赖 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<天使的翅膀> Paly 1=G 4/4 Capo 2-----前奏|Em - - -|Em - - - |-------间奏|C- -D- -|Bm- - Em- - |Cmaj7- -D- -|Em- - -Em D C C D Bm C D D Em C D Em C D 落叶随风将要去何方只留给天空美丽一场曾飞舞的声音像天使的翅膀划过我幸福的过往相信你还在这里爱曾经来到过的地方依昔留着昨天的芬芳那熟悉的温暖像天使的翅膀划过我无边的心上Bm Em Cmaj7 D G C D Bm Em Cmaj7 D Em |C- -D- -|从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你若生命直到这里从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你(间奏)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<有没有人告诉你> Paly 1=C 4/4 Capo 2 (End)----前奏(间奏)尾奏Em- - - Am- - - D- - - G- - - Em- - - Am- - - D- - - Em(Bm)----------------------Em Am D G Em Am D B7当火车开入这座陌生的城市那是从来就没有见过的霓虹我打开离别时你送我的信件 -忽然感到无比的思念文案大全Em Am D G Em Am D Em 看不见雪的冬天不夜的城市我听见有人欢呼有人在哭泣早习惯穿梭充满诱惑的黑夜 --但却无法忘记你的脸Em Am D G Em Am D Em 有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你有没有人曾在你日记里哭泣有没有人曾告诉你我很在意 -在意这座城市的距离------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<命中注定> Paly 1=G 4/4 Capo 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C - - - D-忽然大雨-我们有缘相遇 -你也在这里-被雨淋湿 -小小的屋檐-就这样变成| -你--我的|伞 - - -|G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C D G Am-萍水相逢 -我们还很陌生 -你说人和人 -有一种缘份 -很像晚风轻轻吹拂街上人们面容 -那么轻松- - - -|C Bm AmD G Am C Bm Em Am C D-你让我相信有命中注定你问我雨后可有彩虹- - - | -这样的大雨这样的相遇你很纯真我被打动- -| /----------------------------------2-------------------/-人的一生中机遇常常有并非每段都有感动- -|G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C D G Em Am D-人的心中 -都有个孩子 -特别容易-和纯真接近 -奇怪的是地球几亿几千万个人我特别想你- YE-- - - -间奏/G- - Em - -/Am- -D /(DS3)--/C- -D- -/G- -Am/-(你让我相信)尾奏(DS4) /G- - Em - -/Am- -D / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<诺言> Paly 1=D 4/4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 前奏(间奏) DS3 /Bm- -Em- - / A- -Bm- - / Em- - A- - /Bm- - -主音二弦②5-s-7-7-5G A |D |G A |D |Bm Em |A Bm |Em A |Bm- - -|-慢慢地睁开双眼|④|-时针指在午夜两点|④|我的心有些孤单|-想起有你的夜晚|④|Em A |Bm 文案大全-为何我整夜难眠||-多希望你在身边||我的梦还很遥远|-我只有继续向前||-我相信会有一天|④-为何你视而不见||-每一天都在改变||我的梦总会实现|-再给我一点时间||-再把我抱紧一点|G D #F Bm G D A A-我要你重新走进我的世界 -我要你再次回到我身边 -给你听我的音乐 -让歌声伴你入眠|- - - ba-by give me one more chance G D #F Bm G A |Bm-别忘了世纪末的那个夜晚 -你我用小指勾下的诺言 -不管前路多遥远 -我们都坚持到那一|天- - - |间奏Bm- -EmG A |D |G Am |D |Bm Em |A Bm |Em A |Bm |Em A |Bm |Em A |Bm -慢慢地睁开双眼|④|-你还是没有出现|④|我的心在|轻轻呼唤|-快回到我的身边|④|-快回到我的身边|④|-让我再爱你一|遍------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<还有我> Paly 1=G 4/4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----<前奏> 主音吉他一弦①7---10—s—12 间奏|C- - D- - |G- - Em- -|C- - D- -|G- - (你装做-)G Em C D G Em C D G Em C D看着你有些累想要一个人静一会你的眼含着泪我的心也跟着碎你为那个人憔悴为他扛下所以罪你装做无所谓其实你痛撤心扉没想象中的坚强坚强的面对是与非想要给你的安慰你淡淡笑着拒绝G Em C D C D G Em C D G我为你执迷不悔整夜无法入睡DS就算全世界离开你还有一个我来陪怎么舍得让你受尽冷风吹满身伤痕的爱情不值得你付出一切Chorus就算全世界在下雪就算候鸟已南飞还有我在这里痴痴等你归(间奏)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<二月十四> Paly 1=C 4/4C Am Dm G C Am Dm G-我看见鲜艳的玫瑰芬芳遍地 -我感觉这些情景是那么熟悉 -我惊异满街的情人如此甜蜜 -我记得这一天你是那么美丽-我想可以抽完这支烟就忘记 -我想可以喝完这杯酒就忘记 -我想可以听完这首歌就忘记 -我想可以不闭上眼就不想起-我会去那棵榕树下等着你 -我会去那唱片店里等候你 -我会在今夜梦中等候你 -2月14夜晚你会在哪里?C Am Dm G C Am Dm G红玫瑰黄玫瑰盛开|在2月14 DS2也许你|还记得也许你|已忘记|我的情歌曾为你|夜夜唱起文案大全红玫瑰黄玫瑰哪一|束不会枯萎Chorus也许你|还记得也许你|已忘记|爱情是生命的|一道痕迹C Am Dm G也许会|遇见你让一切|再继续|我的心在原地|等待奇迹。











下面是《宿敌》中使用到的和弦:1. C和弦:指法为332010。

2. G和弦:指法为320003。

3. Am和弦:指法为X02210。

4. Em和弦:指法为022000。

5. F和弦:指法为133211。

第三部分:曲谱下面是《宿敌》的吉他谱,按照歌曲的结构分为几个部分:前奏:C | G | Am | Em副歌 1:C | G | Am | F副歌 2:C | G | Am副歌 3:F |G | C副歌 4:C | G | Am | F副歌 5:C | G | Am副歌 6:F | G副歌 7:C | G | Am | F副歌 8:C | G | Am副歌 9:F |G | C副歌 10:Am | G副歌 11:F | C | Am | G过渡部分:F | C | G副歌 12:C | G | Am | F第四部分:演奏技巧除了掌握和弦和曲谱之外,掌握一些演奏技巧也是必不可少的。

以下是一些在弹奏《宿敌》时可以使用的演奏技巧:1. 吉他扫弦:将手指呈椎向吉他弦平直轻扫,产生连续音效。

2. 节奏弹奏:以节奏为基础,按照曲子的拍子弹奏。

3. 轻拍:手指轻轻拍打吉他琴面,产生特殊的音效。

4. 乐句演奏:捏按和弦时,用拇指握住后背板,将握拍移至音符上,形成短暂的音符。




<天使> Paly 1=C 4/4 Capo 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------前奏|C- - G- -|Am- - F- -|C- -G- -| C- - -C Am F |G C Am F |G -你就是我的天使-保护著我的天使-从此我再没有忧伤- - -你就是我的天使-给我快乐的天使-甚至我学会了飞翔|Am Em |F C |F |G |C G |Am Em飞过人间的无常才懂爱才是宝藏不管世界变得怎么样只要有你就会是天堂【-像孩子依赖著肩膀-像眼泪依赖著脸庞|F C |F G |C G |Am Em |F C |F G-你就像天使一样给我依赖给我力量-像诗人依赖著月亮-像海豚依赖海洋你是天使你是天使你是我最初和最后天|C G间奏(尾奏) ︱----2--︱F C G|堂- - -|Am- - F- -|C- -G- -| C- - -(你就是) 堂- - -| Em- - -|Dm- - -|G- - -|-像孩子依赖--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<天使的翅膀>Paly 1=G 4/4 Capo 2-----前奏|Em - - -|Em - - - |-------间奏|C- -D- -|Bm- - Em- - |Cmaj7- -D- -|Em- - -Em D C C D Bm C D D Em C D Em CD落叶随风将要去何方只留给天空美丽一场曾飞舞的声音像天使的翅膀划过我幸福的过往相信你还在这里爱曾经来到过的地方依昔留着昨天的芬芳那熟悉的温暖像天使的翅膀划过我无边的心上Bm Em Cmaj7 D G C D Bm Em Cmaj7 D Em |C- -D- -|从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你若生命直到这里从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你(间奏)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<有没有人告诉你>Paly 1=C 4/4 Capo 2 (End)----前奏(间奏)尾奏Em- - - Am- - - D- - - G- - - Em- - - Am- - - D- - - Em(Bm)----------------------Em Am D G Em Am D B7 当火车开入这座陌生的城市那是从来就没有见过的霓虹我打开离别时你送我的信件-忽然感到无比的思念Em Am D G Em Am D Em 看不见雪的冬天不夜的城市我听见有人欢呼有人在哭泣早习惯穿梭充满诱惑的黑夜--但却无法忘记你的脸Em Am D G Em Am D Em 有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你有没有人曾在你日记里哭泣有没有人曾告诉你我很在意-在意这座城市的距离------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<命中注定> Paly 1=G 4/4 Capo 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C - - - D-忽然大雨-我们有缘相遇-你也在这里-被雨淋湿-小小的屋檐-就这样变成| -你--我的|伞- - -|G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C D G Am -萍水相逢-我们还很陌生-你说人和人-有一种缘份-很像晚风轻轻吹拂街上人们面容-那么轻松- - - -|C Bm AmD G Am C Bm Em Am C D-你让我相信有命中注定你问我雨后可有彩虹- - - | -这样的大雨这样的相遇你很纯真我被打动- -|/----------------------------------2-------------------/-人的一生中机遇常常有并非每段都有感动- -|G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C D G Em AmD-人的心中-都有个孩子-特别容易-和纯真接近-奇怪的是地球几亿几千万个人我特别想你- YE-- - - -间奏/G- - Em - -/Am- -D /(DS3)--/C- -D- -/G- -Am/-(你让我相信)尾奏(DS4) /G- - Em - -/Am- -D /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<诺言> Paly 1=D 4/4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------前奏(间奏) DS3 /Bm- -Em- - / A- -Bm- - / Em- - A- - /Bm- - -主音二弦②5-s-7-7-5G A |D |G A |D |Bm Em |A Bm |Em A |Bm- - -|-慢慢地睁开双眼|④|-时针指在午夜两点|④|我的心有些孤单|-想起有你的夜晚|④|Em A |Bm-为何我整夜难眠||-多希望你在身边||我的梦还很遥远|-我只有继续向前||-我相信会有一天|④-为何你视而不见||-每一天都在改变||我的梦总会实现|-再给我一点时间||-再把我抱紧一点|G D #F Bm G D A A-我要你重新走进我的世界-我要你再次回到我身边-给你听我的音乐-让歌声伴你入眠|- - - ba-by give me one more chanceG D #F Bm G A |Bm-别忘了世纪末的那个夜晚-你我用小指勾下的诺言-不管前路多遥远-我们都坚持到那一|天- - - |间奏Bm- -EmG A |D |G Am |D |Bm Em |A Bm |Em A |Bm |Em A |Bm |Em A |Bm -慢慢地睁开双眼|④|-你还是没有出现|④|我的心在|轻轻呼唤|-快回到我的身边|④|-快回到我的身边|④|-让我再爱你一|遍------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<还有我> Paly 1=G 4/4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<前奏> 主音吉他一弦①7---10—s—12 间奏|C- - D- - |G- - Em- -|C- - D- -|G- - (你装做-)G Em C D G Em C D G Em C D看着你有些累想要一个人静一会你的眼含着泪我的心也跟着碎你为那个人憔悴为他扛下所以罪你装做无所谓其实你痛撤心扉没想象中的坚强坚强的面对是与非想要给你的安慰你淡淡笑着拒绝G Em C D C D G Em C D G我为你执迷不悔整夜无法入睡DS就算全世界离开你还有一个我来陪怎么舍得让你受尽冷风吹满身伤痕的爱情不值得你付出一切Chorus就算全世界在下雪就算候鸟已南飞还有我在这里痴痴等你归(间奏)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<二月十四>Paly 1=C 4/4C Am Dm G C Am Dm G-我看见鲜艳的玫瑰芬芳遍地-我感觉这些情景是那么熟悉-我惊异满街的情人如此甜蜜-我记得这一天你是那么美丽-我想可以抽完这支烟就忘记-我想可以喝完这杯酒就忘记-我想可以听完这首歌就忘记-我想可以不闭上眼就不想起-我会去那棵榕树下等着你-我会去那唱片店里等候你-我会在今夜梦中等候你-2月14夜晚你会在哪里?C Am Dm G C Am Dm G红玫瑰黄玫瑰盛开|在2月14 DS2也许你|还记得也许你|已忘记|我的情歌曾为你|夜夜唱起红玫瑰黄玫瑰哪一|束不会枯萎Chorus也许你|还记得也许你|已忘记|爱情是生命的|一道痕迹C Am Dm G也许会|遇见你让一切|再继续|我的心在原地|等待奇迹。








它的旋律简单易懂,每一个和弦都是由C 调的和弦组成,比如C、F、G、Am等,这些和弦的使用能够更好地表达歌曲的情感。


2019年《光芒》吉他谱C调——张靓颖word版本 (1页)

2019年《光芒》吉他谱C调——张靓颖word版本 (1页)

== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==






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Dm A# F C
When it’s not worth dying for?
Dm A# F C
Does it take your breath away
A# C
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Dm A# F C
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
Dm A# F C
And you look for a place to hide?
Dm A# F C
Chords used:
Dm F A#m C A C5 C5* F5 D5 A#5 E5
Dm A# F C
When you’re at the end of the road
Dm A# F C
And you lost all sense of control
Dm A# F C
Intro: Dm - A# - F - C (x2)
Dm A# F C
Do you know what’s worth fighting for,
Did someone break your heart inside?

Taylor Swift- 'Fearless' album chords 吉他谱 歌词

Taylor Swift- 'Fearless' album chords 吉他谱 歌词

FearlessFifteenLove StoryHey StephenWhite HorseY ou Belong With MeBreathTell Me WhyY ou're Not Sorry The Way I Loved Y ou Forever And Always The Best DayChangeFearlessTuning: Capo 3intro-D A Em G x2D A Em G There's something 'bout the way The street looks when it's just me There's a glow off the pavementWalk me to the car And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there In the middle of the parking lotD A Em GYeah Oh YeahD A Em G We're drivin' down the road I wonder if you know I'm trying so hard not to get caught up nowBut you're just so cool Run your hands through your hair Absent-mindedly making me want youD A Em G A And I don't know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me head first, fearlessAnd I don't know why but with you I'd dance In a storm in my best dress, fearlessD A Em GD A Em G So baby drive slow till we run out of road In this one horse townI wanna stay right here in this passenger seatD A Em G A you put your eyes on me In this moment now capture it remember itD A Em G A Cause I don't know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me head first, fearlessAnd I don't know why but with you I'd dance In a storm in my best dress, fearlessCadd9 D Em Em7 GAYea you stood there with me in the doorway my hands shake & im not usually this wayBut you pull me in & im a little more brave It's a first kiss, it's flawless, really somethingA D D A Em GIt's fearless Ohh.. YeahD A Em G A And I don't know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me head first, fearlessAnd I don't know why but with you I'd dance In a storm in my best dress, fearlessD A Em G D AYeah I don't know how Oh.. oh, yeah, yeahOutro:Em, G(hold)FifteenG Cadd9 Em7 Cadd9G Cadd9 Em7Cadd9You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors Its the morning of your very first dayYou say hi to your friends you aint seen in a while Try and stay out of everybodys wayIt's your freshman year and you're gonna be here For the next four years in this townHoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say You know I haven't seen you around, beforeG Em7 D Cadd9'Cause when you're fifteen and Somebody tells you they love you You're gonna believe themG D/F# Em7 Cadd9 And when you're fifteen Feeling like there's nothing to figure outEm7 D G D/F# Cadd9 Well count to ten, take it in This is life before you know who you're gonna beDAt fifteenG Cadd9 Em7 Cadd9G Cadd9 Em7Cadd9You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail And soon enough you're best friendsLaughing at the other girls who think they're so cool We'll be out of here as soon as we canAnd then you're on your very first date And he's got a car and you're feeling like flyingAnd you're momma's waiting up and you're thinking he's the one And you're dancing round your room when the night ends When the night endsG Em7 D'Cause when you're fifteen and Somebody tells you they love youCadd9 GYou're gonna believe them And when you're fifteenD/F# Em7 Cadd9And your first kiss makes your head spin 'roundEm7 DBut in your life you'll do things greater thanG D/F# Cadd9Dating the boy on the football teamDBut I didnt know it at fifteenG Cadd9 Em7 Cadd9 DCadd9 Em7 DWhen all you wanted was to be wantedG D/F# Cadd9 D Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know nowG Cadd9 Em7Cadd9Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday But I realized some bigger dreams of mineAnd Abigail gave everything she had to a boy Who changed his mind and we both criedG Em7 D Cadd9'Cause when you're fifteen and Somebody tells you they love you You're gonna believe themG D/F# Em7 Cadd9 And when you're fifteen Feeling like there's nothing to figure outEm7 D G D/F# Cadd9 Well count to ten, take it in This is life before you know who you're gonna beDAt fifteenG Cadd9 Em7 Cadd9La la la la laG Cadd9 Em7La la la la laCadd9 G Cadd8Your very first day, take a deep breath girlEm7 Cadd9Take a deep breath as you walk through the doorsLove StoryTuning:Capo 2Intro: C G Am FC FWe were both young when i first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback startsAm FIm standing there on a balcony of summer airC FSee the lights, See the party the ball gowns I see you make your way through the crowdAm GYou say hello Little did i knowF GThat you were romeo you were throwing pebblesAm CAnd my daddy said stay away from JulietF GAnd i was crying on the staircaseAm CBegging you please don't go, and i saidC GRomeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all theres left to do is runAm F G C You'll be the prince and i'll be the princess Its a love story baby just say yes CSo i sneak out to the garden to see youFWe keep quite cause we're dead if they knowAm GSo close your eyes Escape this down for a little whileF GCause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letterAm Cand my daddy said stay away from JulietF G Am CBut you were everything to me and i was begging you please don't go and i saidC GRomeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all theres left to do is runAm F G C You be the prince i'll be the princess Its a love story baby just say yesC GRomeo save me, try to tell me how it is This love is difficult, but its real,Am F G C Save me from the breakdown, make it out of looseness Its a love story baby just say yes, ohSolo: C G Am FAm F C GI got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming aroundAm F C GMy faith in you was fading Then i met you on the outskirts of town and i saidC GRomeo save me i've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never comeAm F GIs this in my head, i don't know what to think He kneels to the ground and pulled out a ring and saidDMarry me Juliet you'll never have to be aloneAI love you and thats all I really knowBmI talked to your dad go pick out a white dressG A DIts a love story baby just say yesD A BmOh, oh, yesG DWe were both young when i first saw youHey StephenTuning: Down 1/2 step (ebBbGbDbAbEb)G Cadd9 x4(mm mm mm)G Cadd9Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceivin'But I know I saw a light in youAnd as we walked we were talkingI didn't say half the things I wanted toOf all the girls tossing rocks at your windowI'll be the one waiting there even when it's coldHey Stephen, boy you might have me believin'I don't always have to be aloneG Cadd9 DCause I can't help it if you look like an angelG Cadd9 (D)Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soEm7 DCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youG Cadd9 DCan't help it if there's no one else Mm I can't help myselfG Cadd9 x2(mm mm mm)G Cadd9Hey Stephen, I've been holding back this feelin'So I've got some things to say to youI've seen it all, so I thoughtBut I've never seen no body shine the way you doThe way you walk, way you talk, way you say my nameIt's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever changeHey Stephen, why are people always leavin'I think you and I should stay the sameG Cadd9 DCause I can't help it if you look like an angelIf you don't want to downtune your guitar, put a capo on 2nd, Play E A B Cm instead of G Cadd9 D Em7.G Cadd9 (D)Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soEm7 DCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youG Cadd9 DCan't help it if there's no one else Mm I can't help myselfG Cadd9 x2(mm mm mm)Em7 D G Cadd9They're dimming the street lights, you're perfect for me Why aren't you here tonight?Em7 D G Cadd9 DI'm waiting alone now so come on and come out And pull me near and shine, shine, shineG Cadd9Hey Stephen, I could give you fifty reasonsWhy I should be the one you chooseAll those other girls, well they're beautifulG D Cadd9But would they write a song for you? HahaG Cadd9 DCause I can't help it if you look like an angelG Cadd9 (D)Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soEm7 DCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youG Cadd9 DCan't help it if there's no one else Mm I can't help myselfCadd9 DIf you look like an angelG Cadd9 (D)Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soEm7 DCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youG Cadd9 DCan't help it if there's no one else Mm I can't help myselfG Cadd9 G Cadd9 G Cadd9 x4mm mm I can't help myself, I can't help myself, oh oh oh (mm mm mm)White HorseTuning: Standard C F Am G G G Bb G* Gsus4 e|-3---3---3---3---3---3---1---3---3-| B|-1---1---1---0---1---3---3---3---3-| G|-0---2---2---0---0---0---3---4---5-| D|-2---3---2---0---0---0---3---5---5-| A|-3---x---0---2---2---2---1---5---5-| E|-x---x---x---3---3---3---1---3---3-|C F Am F x2C F Am FSay you're sorry That face of an angel Comes out just when you need it toAs I paced back and forth all this time 'Cause I honestly believed in you Am FHolding on The days drag onGsus4 (or 320033) G* (or 320003)Stupid girl, I should have known, I should have knownC AmThat I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytaleF GI'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet Lead her up the stairwellC AmThis ain't Hollywood, this is a small townF GI was a dreamer before you went and let me downAm GNow it's too late for youF C (C)And your white horse, to come aroundC F Am F Maybe I was naive, Got lost in your eyes And never really had a chance My mistake I didn't know to be in love You had to fight to have the upper handThe chords aren't really C F Am, but it's easier with short names. I think they're Fmaj7, Am7, and I'm not sure about C.I hear G played a few different ways, play whichever sounds good to you!READ THE CHORD CHARTS. THISIS ACCURATE. If you rate it poorly, at least post acorrection so I know why.Don't tell me the second verse lyrics are wrong, they're not. Buy the CD.Am F GI had so many dreams About you and me Happy endings, now I knowC AmThat I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytaleF GI'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet Lead her up the stairwellC AmThis ain't Hollywood, this is a small townF GI was a dreamer before you went and let me downAm GNow it's too late for youF C Am F GAnd your white horse, to come aroundAm G FAnd there you are on your kneesC G FBegging for forgiveness, begging for meC G F BbJust like I always wanted but I'm so sorryC Am'Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytaleF GI'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me wellC AmThis is a big world, that was a small townF GThere in my rearview mirror disappearing nowAm G FAnd it's too late for you and your white horseAm G F CNow it's too late for you and your white horse, to catch me nowF Am F COh, whoa, whoa, whoa Try and catch me nowF Am F COh, it's too late To catch me nowYou Belong With MeTuning:Capo 4 or the G tune down thingDD A Em G You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I doI'm in the room it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I doEm G D ABut she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachersEm G ADreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole timeDIf you could see that I'm the one who understands youA Em GDBeen here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with meD A Em G Walkin' the streets with you and your worn out jeansI can't help thinking this is how it ought to beLaughing on a park bench, thinking to myself Hey isn't this easyD A Em G And you've got a smile that could light up this whole townI haven't seen it in a while since she brought you downYou say you're fine, I know you better then thatHey whatcha doing with a girl like thatEm G D ABut she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachersEm G ADreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole timeDIf you could see that I'm the one who understands youA Em GDBeen here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with meD A Em G Standing by and waiting at your back doorAll this time how could you not know, babyYou belong with me, you belong with meD A Em GEm G D AOh I remember you drivin' to my house In the middle of the nightI'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're about to cry And I know your favorite songs And you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with meD A Em G Can't you see that I'm the one who understands youBeen here all along, so why can't you see?You belong with meDStanding by and waiting at your back doorA EmAll this time how could you not know, babyG DYou belong with me, you belong with meAYou belong with meEmHave you ever thought just maybeG DYou belong with me, you belong with meBreathTuning:Capo 6 D5 = xx0235VERSE1G Dsus4 Cadd9I see your face in my mind as I drive away'Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that wayPeople are people and sometimes we change our mindsBut it's killing me to see you go after all this timeG Dsus4 Cadd9Mm mm mm, mm mm mm mmm mmmMm mm mm, mm mm mm mmm mmmVERSE2G Dsus4 Cadd9Music starts playin' like the end of a sad movieIt's the kinda ending you don't really wanna see'Cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you downG Dsus4 Cadd9 D Dsus4 Now I don't know what to be without you aroundC GAnd we know it's never simple, never easyD Em7Never a clean break, no one here to save meC G D5You're the only thing I know, like the back of my handAnd I can'tC GD Em7Breathe without you, but I have toBreathe without you, but I have toC G DG Dsus4 Cadd9Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurtEvery little bump in the road I try to swervePeople are people and sometimes it doesn't work outG Dsus4 Cadd9 D Dsus4 Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall outC GAnd we know it's never simple, never easyD Em7Never a clean break, no one here to save meC G D5 You're the only thing I know, like the back of my handAnd I can'tC GD Em7Breathe without you, but I have toBreathe without you, but I have toC GD Em7C G DEm CIt's 2 am, feeling like I just lost a friendG DHope you know it's not easy, easy for meEm CIt's 2 am, feeling like I just lost a friendG DHope you know this ain't easy, easy for mePRE-CHORUSC GAnd we know it's never simple, never easyD Em7 CNever a clean break, no one here to save meG DOh, I can’t...CHORUSC GD Em7Breathe without you, but I have toBreathe without you, but I have toC GD Em7 C G D Breathe without you, but I have toC GD Em7Sorry, sorry, sorry, yeah, sorryC GD CSorry, sorry, sorry.Tell Me WhyTuning: StandardCadd9 G Dsus4 Em7I took a chance, I took a shot And you might think I'm bulletproof, but I'm not You took a swing, I took it hard And down here from the ground I see who you areCadd9 GI'm sick and tired of your attitudeD Em7 I'm feeling like I don't know you You tell me that you love me then cut me downCadd9 GAnd I need you like a heartbeatD Em7 D/F# G Em7Cadd9But you know you got a mean streak Makes me run for cover when you're aroundCadd9 DAnd here's to you and your temperG D/F# Em7Yes, I remember what you said last nightCadd9 D GAnd I know that you see what you're doing to me Tell me whyCadd9 G D Em7You could write a book on How to ruin someones perfect dayWell I get so confused and frustrated Forget what I'm trying to say, oh Cadd9 GI'm sick and tired of your attitudeD Em7 I'm feeling like I don't know you You tell me that you love me then cut me downCadd9 GAnd I need you like a heartbeatD Em7 D/F# G Em7 Cadd9But you know you got a mean streak Makes me run for cover when you're aroundCadd9 DAnd here's to you and your temperG D/F# Em7Yes, I remember what you said last nightCadd9 D GAnd I know that you see what you're doing to me Tell me whyEm C G D Why... do you have to make me feel small So you can feel whole inside Em CWhy... do you have to put down my dreamsA C DSo you're the only thing on my mindCadd9 GI'm sick and tired of your attitudeD Em7 I'm feeling like I don't know you You tell me that you love me then cut me downCadd9 GAnd I need you like a heartbeatD Em7 D/F# G Em7 Cadd9But you know you got a mean streak Makes me run for cover when you're aroundCadd9 DAnd here's to you and your temperG D/F# Em7Yes, I remember what you said last nightCadd9 D GAnd I know that you see what you're doing to me Tell me whyEm7 Cadd9 Dwhy, tell me why, ohhCadd9 GI take a step back, let you goD Em G I told you I'm not bulletproof, now you knowYou're Not Sorry Tuning: Capo on 4thBm G D A x2Bm GAll this time I was wasting,D A Hoping you would come aroundBm G I've been giving out chances every timeD A And all you do is let me downBmAnd it's taking me this longG D A Baby but I figured you outBmAnd you're thinking we'll be fine again,G DBut not this time aroundA Bm G You don't have to call anymoreD AI won't pick up the phoneBm GThis is the last strawD ADon't wanna hurt anymoreBmAnd you can tell me that you're sorry GBut I don't believe you babyD ALike I did - beforeBm G D A You're not sorry, no noo no noo Bm G D ABmLooking so innocent,G D AI might believe you if I didn't knowBmCould've loved you all my lifeG D A If you hadn't left me waiting in the coldBmAnd you got your share of secretsG D A And I'm tired of being last to knowBmAnd now you're asking me to listenG D Cause it's worked each time beforeBut *repeat*Bm G D A x2BmYou had me falling for you honeyG D AAnd it never would've gone away, noBmYou used to shine so brightG DBut I watched all of it fadeSo *repeat*Bm G D A x6 (D)The Way I Loved You Tuning: Capo on 3rdD A Em G x2 AD AHe is sensible and so incredibleEm GAnd all my single friends are jealousD AHe says everything I need to hear and it's likeEm GI couldn't ask for anything betterD AHe opens up my door and I get into his carEm G(m)And he says you look beautiful tonightGmAnd I feel perfectly fineDBut I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain AAnd it's 2am and I'm cursing your nameEmYou're so in love that you act insaneG AAnd that's the way I loved youDBreakin' down and coming undoneAIt's a roller coaster kinda rushEmAnd I never knew I could feel that muchG Gm D A Em G AAnd that's the way I loved youDHe respects my spaceAAnd never makes me waitEm GAnd he calls exactly when he says he will DHe's close to my motherATalks business with my fatherEmHe's charming and endearingGmAnd I'm comfortable*repeat*Em GHe can't see the smile I'm fakingDAnd my heart's not breakingA'Cause I'm not feeling anything at allEmAnd you were wild and crazyG DJust so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated A GGot away by some mistake and now*repeat*Forever And AlwaysStandard Tuning. No need for a capo.Eadd9 Bb FOnce upon a time, I believe it was a TuesdayWhen I caught your eye, we caught onto somethingI hold onto the night, you looked me in the eyeEadd9 FAnd told me you loved me, were you just kidding?Eadd9 Bb F'Cause it seems to me his thing is breaking downWe almost never speak, I don't feel welcome anymoreEadd9Baby what happened Bb Please tell me cause one second it was perfect F Now you're halfway out the door Eadd9 Bb And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called F Gm7And then you feel so low you can't feel, nothing at allEadd9 Bb FAnd you flashback to when he said forever and alwaysEadd9 BbOh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrongF Gm7It rains when you're here and it rains when you're goneEadd9 Bb F'Cause I was there when you said forever and alwaysEadd9 Bb FWas I out of line? Did I say something way to honest?Made you run and hide like a scared little boyI looked into your eyes, thought I knew you for a minuteEadd9 F Now I'm not so sureEadd9 Bb F Gm7 Eb E|--x----x----x----3----x-| B|--x----3----x----3----x-| G|--x----3----x----0----3-| D|--4----3----3----0----1-| A|--2----1----3----2----1-| E|--0----x----1----3----x-|Eadd9 (Bb) (F)So here's to everything coming down to nothingEadd9 Bb FHere's to silence that cuts me to the coreEadd9 Bb F Eadd9 F Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute but I don't anymore*repeat*Gm F Eb Gm F Eb FDid you mean it baby? I don't think soSolo:E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------15-15-16-15--18~18~18~18~18-18-18-18-| G|---3-3h5/7-7-8-7\3-3h5p3------15-15h17-----------15------------------------| D|3h5---------------7------15h17---------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Eadd9 Bb F Gm7 Eadd9 Bb F (solo chords)Gm7 Eadd9 FOh back up, baby back up Did you forget everything?Gm7 Eadd9 F B FBack up, baby back up Did you forget everything?Eadd9 Bb'Cause it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrongF Gm7It rains when you're here and it rains when you're goneEadd9 Bb F'Cause I was there when you said forever and alwaysOh *repeat*Gm F Eb Gm F EbYou didn't mean it baby You said forever and alwaysThe Best DayTuning: Capo on 6thAgain, I couldn't always hear the difference between Em/Em7and C/Cadd9 etc. but I think I got it pretty close. Enjoy!G Em C D x2G Em7 C DI’m five years old It’s getting cold I’ve got my big coat onI hear your laugh And look up smiling at you I run and runPast the pumpkin patch And the tractor rides up now The sky is gold I hug your legs and fall asleep On the way homeC D G D/F# EmI don’t know why all the trees change in the fallI know you’r e not scared of anything at allDon’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far awayC D G Em7 C DBut I know I had the best day with you todayG Em7 C DI’m thirteen now A nd don’t know how my friends Could be so mean I come home crying And you hold me tight And grab the keysAnd we drive and drive Until we’ve found a town Far enough awayAnd we talk and window-shop Until I’ve forgotten all their namesC D G D/F# EmI don’t know who I’m gonna talk to now at schoolI know I’m laughing on the car ride home with youDon’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel okayC D GBut I know I had the best day with you todayCI have an excellent fatherEmHis strength is making me strongerCGod smiles on my little brotherEm DInside and out he’s better than I amC GI grew up in a pretty houseD/F#And I had space to runC DAnd I had the best days with youG Em7 C DThere is a video I found from back when I was threeYou set up a paint set in the kitchen And you’re talking to meIt’s the edge of princesse s and pirate ships And the seven dwarves Daddy’s smart and you're the prettiest lady In the whole wide worldC D G D/F# EmNow I know why all the trees change in the fallI know you were on my side even when I was wrongAnd I love you for giving me your eyes Staying back and watching me shine And I didn’t know if you knew So I’m taking this chance to sayC D GThat I had the best day with you todayChangeTuning: Capo on 1st E B/Eb C#m A x2 E B/Eb It's just a sad picture, The final blow hits you C#m A Somebody else gets what you wanted again E B/Eb You know it's all the same Another time and place C#m A Repeating history, and your getting sick of it C#m A B But I believe in whatever you do A BAnd I'll do anything to see it throughE B/EbBecause these things will change Can you feel it now?C#m A These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall downE B/Eb C#m AIt's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally winE B/Eb C#m A EWe'll sing hallelujah We'll sing hallelujah, ohE B/EbSo we've been outnumbered Raided and now corneredC#m AIt's hard to fight when the fight ain't fairE B/EbWe're getting stronger now From things they never foundC#m A BThey might be bigger, but we're faster and never scaredC#m A BYou can walk away and say we don't need thisA BBut there's something in your eyes, says we can beat thisE B/Eb C#m A B e|-0---0---0---0---0-| B|-0---0---0---0---0-| G|-9---8---6---2---4-| D|-9---9---6---2---2-| A|-7---6---4---0---2-| E|-0---0---0---0---0-| OR E B/Eb C#m A B e|-x---x---x---x---x-| B|-x---x---x---x---x-| G|-9---8---6---2---4-| D|-9---9---6---2---2-| A|-7---6---4---0---2-| E|-0---x---x---x---x-|ECause these things will changeB/EbCan you feel it now?C#m AThese walls that they put up to hold us back will fall downE B/Eb C#m A It's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally winE B/Eb C#m AWe'll sing hallelujah We'll sing hallelujahC#m A E B x2OhE A C#mTonight we're standing on our kneesA ETo fight for what we worked for all these yearsA C#mThe battle was long, it's the fight of our livesAWill we stand up champions tonight?EIt was the night things changedE/BbCan you see it now?C#m AThese walls that they put up to hold us back fell downE E/Bb C#m AIt's a revolution, throw your hands up, cause we never gave inE B/EbWe'll sing hallelujahC#m AWe'll sing hallelujahE B/Eb C#m AHallelujahE B/Eb C#m A x3 B B C#m A (single strum, let ring)。












【优质文档】林俊杰和陈信宏演唱黑暗骑士吉他谱-推荐word版 (3页)

【优质文档】林俊杰和陈信宏演唱黑暗骑士吉他谱-推荐word版 (3页)

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呼唤黎明的出现 yeah yeah yeah yeah
呼唤黎明的出现 yeah yeah yeah yeah 呼唤黎明的出现
呼唤黎明的出现 yeah yeah yeah yeah 呼唤黎明的出现 yeah yeah yeah yeah 呼唤黎明的出现

i believe吉他谱

i believe吉他谱

i believe吉他谱"I Believe" 吉他谱:Verse 1:G DEvery time I hear a new born baby cryC GOr touch a leaf or see the skyG DThen I know why, I believeVerse 2:G DEvery time I hear a new bird singC GOr watch the early morning dewG DThen I know why, I believeChorus:G C GI believe, I believe, I believeD GThat someday we'll all be freeG C GI believe, I believe, I believeD GThat someday we'll live in peaceVerse 3:Every time I hear a church bell ring C GOr hear a choir start to singG DThen I know why, I believe Verse 4:G DEvery time I see a mother's loveC GOr see a father's strength and faith G DThen I know why, I believe Chorus:G C GI believe, I believe, I believeD GThat someday we'll all be freeG C GI believe, I believe, I believeD GThat someday we'll live in peace Verse 5:G DEvery time I see a soldier fightC GOr see a nation's flag held highThen I know why, I believe Verse 6:G DEvery time I hear a preacher preach C GOr see a stranger offer a seatG DThen I know why, I believe Chorus:G C GI believe, I believe, I believeD GThat someday we'll all be freeG C GI believe, I believe, I believeD GThat someday we'll live in peace Outro:G DAnd when it's time for me to goC GI'll know that I had faith and hope G DThat's why I know, I believe.。



1. 吉他和弦谱
Am Em
Am Em
Dm Am
C G Am G
F G Am G
蹲在池塘边上狠狠给了自己两拳 2. 副歌和弦谱
Am G F Em
Am G F Em Am G 这是他的青春留下留下来的散文诗 Am G F Em Am G 几十年后我看着泪流不止
Am G F Em Am G 可我的父亲已经老得像一个影子 3. 副歌和弦谱(重复)
Am G F Em
Am G F Em Am G 这是他的生命留下留下来的散文诗 Am G F Em Am G 几十年后我看着泪流不止
Am G F Em Am G 可我的父亲已经老得像一个影子
4. 副歌和弦谱(再重复)
Am G F Em
Am G F Em Am G 这是他的青春留下留下来的散文诗
Am G F Em Am G 几十年后我看着泪流不止
Am G F Em Am G 可我的父亲已经老得像一个影子。

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