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I.Phonetics(5 points)

Directions:In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A ,B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation . Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. A. season B. neat C. reason D. measure

2. A. stone B. stove C. nole D. prove

3. A. nearly B. bear C. dear D. near

4. A. rubber B. curious C. gun D. public

5. A. suggestion B. liberation C. operation D. indication

II.Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,Cand D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

6. Your coat will lose its color it is washed.

A. after

B. until

C. though

D. not until

7. Scarcely such an exciting movie.

A. have I ever seen

B. I have ever seen

C. saw I

D. I saw

8. The number of the students who can attend this course fifteen.

A. have


C. are

D. is

9. The event took place during .

A. First World War

B. the First World War

C. World War the One

D. the World War One

10. The man who came to help us is a friend of .

A. me

B. I

C. my

D. mine

11. We need to import from abroad.

A. a great deal of equipment

B. many equipments

C. an equipment

D. many pieces of equipments

12. Have you finished your homework? The lesson is than the last one.

A. easy

B. much easier

C.very easier

D. more easier

13. The football match was televised from the Workers‟Stadium.

A. alive

B. life

C. live

D. lively

14. The new medicine the doctor for the pain in my stomach is imported and quite expensive.

A. bought

B. prescribed

C. described

D. discovered

15. Does it much to have the bicycle repaired?

A. pay

B. spend

C. cost

D. ask

16. is well known, light ,like heat,is a form of energy.

A. It

B. what

C.Just us

D. As

17. When he opened the tin, it a bad smell.

A. gave away

B. gave in

C. gave up

D. gave off

18. On Sunday, I got to to hear mass.

A. church

B. the church

C. a church

D. some church

19. “What are you busy?”

“I am busy the plan for the sports meeting.”

A. in ;to make

B. about;to make

C. in; making

D. about;making

20. There some mistakes in your composition.

A. have

B. has

C. seems to be

D. seem to be

III.Cloze(30 points)

Directions : For each blank in the following passage ,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

One evening,long after most people had gone to bed,a friend of mine and I were 21 our way happily home through the silent street.We had been to a 22and were talking about the people we 23and heard in it.

“the show made him a star overnight,”said my friend about one of them. “He was completely 24before .And now thousands of people send 25 gifts and letters.” “I thought him quite good,”I said.“But not 26 thousands of letters. As a matter of 27one of his songs 28 me a shock .It was too 29.” “What was that?”my friend asked me . “Sing it to me .”I began to sing . “Do be 30,you‟ll give everybody a shock and wake them up for miles 31,besides there will be a policeman after us.”My friend gave a surprised look.

“Never min d ,I won‟t care, What is the matter?”I said and went on 32 at the top of my voice.

Presently there came a policeman ,standing in front of me,his note-book open.

“Excuse me ,sir”he said, “You have a very good 33if I may say so. Who taught you singing? I‟d very much 34to find someone who can give my daughter singing lessons, Would you be 35to tell me your name and address?Then my wife and I would come to your house to discuss it.”

21. A. looking B. making C. worrying D. going

22. A. concert B. movie C. game D. party

23. A. had talked to B. had seen C. had been


D. had visited

24. A. famous B. forgotten C. strange D. unknown

25. A. he B. him C. them D. their

26. A. be B. receive C. write D. worth

27. A. fact B. the concert C. music D. the gifts

28. A. gave B. made C. surprised D. got
