Android RIL Radio Layer Interface




介绍本文档对Android RIL部分的内容进行了介绍,其重点放在了Android RIL的原生代码部分。

包括四个主题:RIL框架介绍RIL与WindowsMobile RILRIL portingRIL的java框架在本文档中将Android代码中的重要模块列出进行分析,并给出了相关的程序执行流程介绍,以加深对模块间交互方式的理解。



本文档中还对Android RIL的Porting部分内容进行了描述和分析。

针对对unix操作系统环境并不熟悉的读者,本文档中所涉及到的相关知识包括: Unix file systemUnix socketUnix threadUnix 下I/O多路转接以上信息可以在任意一份描述Unix系统调用的文档中找到。

RIL框架介绍术语:fd Linux文件描述符pipe Linux管道cond 一般是conditionvariable的缩写tty 通常使用tty来简称各种类型的终端设备unsolicited response 被动请求命令来自basebandevent loop android的消息队列机制,由Linux 的系统调用select()实现init守护进程启动后被执行的启动脚本。

HAL 硬件抽象层(Hardware Abstraction Layer,HAL)Android RIL概况Android RIL提供了无线硬件设备与电话服务之间的抽象层。

下图展示了RIL在Android 体系中的位置。


另外一个部分是Vendor RIL,这个部分负责向下是通过两种方式与radio进行通信,它们是直接与radio通信的AT指令通道和用于传输包数据的通道,数据通道用于手机的上网功能。



Android软件流程之App&&Framework&&Ril(待续)前言本人主要负责Android的Phone模块的bug修改,经过几个月的学习,熟悉了Phone 模块ARM11(App、Framework与Ril)的整体框架。




➢面向对象编程思想➢设计模式➢Android的Handle ,Message ,Looper 机制第一部分Android软件流程之App&&Framework一. 简述1.Ril概述RIL(Radio Interface Layer)工作在Android的Framework层之下,主要有c语言编写,还有一部分c++,它主要负责数据的可靠传输、上层命令的发送以及response的解析。



2.Ril和上层进行交互的“信息”这里我所谓的“消息”,其实可以概括为二种:✓Request:上层,也就是App层和Framework层下发给Ril层的一些请求(如打电话RIL_REQUEST_DIAL, 获取SIM卡的状态RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS等),最终由Ril层把这些请求下发给ARM9侧。




Android电话部分主要分为:Modem驱动、RIL(Radio Interface Layer)、电话服务框架、应用4层结构。







HIDL是用于指定HAL与其用户之间接口的一个接口描述语言(Interface Description Language),它允许将指定的类型与函数调用收集到接口(Interface)和包(Package)中。

更广泛地说,HIDL 是一个可以让那些独立编译的代码库(Libraries)之间进行通信的系统。


Android RIL 分析

Android RIL 分析

request×××()方法,该方法则负责组装AT指令并下 发给at_send_command()方法集合中的一个,这个方 法集合提供了针对不同类型AT指令的实现,如单行AT 指令at_send_command_singleline(),短信息指令 at_send_command_sms()等。 最后,执行at_send_command_full(),再通过一个互斥 的at_send_command_full_nolock()调用,完成最终的 写出操作,在writeline()中,写出到初始化时打开的设备 中。
sendTextMessage()方法发送sms smsManager类通过AIDL接口(注1)与Java Framework 中的 ger通信 IccSmsInterfaceManager最终通过,将sms数据与 RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS消息,通过JNI接口(注2) 下发到RIL的C/C++实现部份中去。


Android RIL& STK Sharing
( Radio Interface Layer &SIM Tool Kit)
Android 系统框架
Android 电话模块框架
• RIL(Radio Interface Layer,无线通信接口层),在Android中的 实现源代码可以分为两大部分 *Framework框架层中的Java相关程序,简称RILJ。 *HAL层中的C/C++程序,简称RILC (包括RILD) • RIL层做两件事情: 向串口发送AT命令, 接收串口对AT命令的 处理结果. AT为Attention简写. At命令可理解为向底层发送 的特定目的的命令. • 手机框架需要适应多类型的Modem接入到系统中,而对于 不同的Modem有不同的特性,AT指令的格式或者回应有所 不同,但是这种特性在设计应用时不可能完全考虑和兼容。 所以设计者在设计电话系统时,建立了一个虚拟电话系统, 为该虚拟电话系统规定了标准的功能,上层的电话管理都 是建立在这些标准的功能基础之上。而RIL则是将虚拟电话 系统的标准功能转换成实际的所使用的Modem的AT指令
• AppInterface 是一个 接口,主要用于 Stk应用和 stk telephony 之间的通 信。 • AppInterface 定义了stk应用里的命令。 public static enum CommandType{ DISPLAY_TEXT(0x21), GET_INKEY(0x22), GET_INPUT(0x23), LAUNCH_BROWSER(0x15), PLAY_TONE(0x20), REFRESH(0x01), SELECT_ITEM(0x24), SEND_SS(0x11), SEND_USSD(0x12), SEND_SMS(0x13), SEND_DTMF(0x14), SET_UP_EVENT_LIST(0x05), SET_UP_MENU(0x25), SET_UP_IDLE_MODE_TEXT(0x28), SET_UP_CALL(0x10), PROVIDE_LOCAL_INFORMATION(0x26), OPEN_CHANNEL(0x40), LANGUAGE_NOTIFICATION(0x35), CLOSE_CHANNEL(0x41), RECEIVE_DATA(0x42), SEND_DATA(0x43), GET_CHANNEL_STATUS(0x44), ACTIVATE(0x70);

单编qcril的指令 -回复

单编qcril的指令 -回复

单编qcril的指令-回复QCRIL (Qualcomm Cellular Radio Interface Layer) 是Qualcomm公司开发的一套用于通信模块的指令集。



第一步:了解QCRIL指令的概念和功能QCRIL指令是指使用QMI (Qualcomm Modem Interface) 协议进行通信的指令集。





QCRIL指令的优势包括:1. 灵活性:QCRIL指令可以根据不同的需求进行定制和扩展,满足不同设备和应用场景的要求。

2. 高可靠性:QCRIL指令在与基带芯片之间的通信中采用了可靠的QMI 协议,确保数据的可靠传输和处理。

3. 良好的兼容性:QCRIL指令可以与不同版本的Android系统以及Qualcomm芯片进行兼容,为开发人员提供更大的灵活性和选择性。

第三步:QCRIL指令的基本用法和常见指令QCRIL指令可以通过Android平台上的RIL (Radio Interface Layer)来调用和执行。








/android_pdk/telephony.html这个上的是文还有英文Android 无线接口层(Radio Layer Interface)目录:1、介绍2、RIL 初始化3、RIL 交互----3.1 主动请求----3.2 被动请求4、实现RIL-----RIL初始化5、RIL函数----5.1 RIL 主动命令请求----5.2 RIL 被动请求的命令1 介绍Android的无线接口层(RIL)提供了Android服务(android.telephony)与无线电硬件之间的抽象层。




RIL包含两个基本部件:RIL守护进程(RIL Daemon):RIL守护进程初始化Vendor RIL,管理所有来自Android通讯服务的通讯,将其作为被请求的命令(solicited commands)调度给Vendor RIL。

Vendor RIL:ril.h文件中的无线电专用Vendor RIL掌管着所有和无线电硬件的通讯,并且通过未被请求的命令(unsolicited commands)分发给RIL 守护进程。

2 RIL 初始化Android在启动时初始化通讯栈和Vendor RIL,描述如下:1. RIL守护进程读取rild.lib路径和rild.libargs系统参数,决定应该使用的Vendor RIL库和向Vendor RIL提供的初始化参数2. RIL守护进程加载Vendor RIL库,执行RIL_Init初始化RIL并为RIL函数获取参数。

3. RIL守护进程调用Android通讯栈中RIL_register,为Vendor RIL函数提供参考。

RIL守护进程源码请参考//device/commands/rild/rild.c3 RIL 交互RIL句柄提供了两种交互方式:主动请求命令(Solicited commands):主动请求命令来自RIL lib,比如DIAL 和HANGUP。

Android 无线接口层(RIL) 概述

Android 无线接口层(RIL) 概述

read loop
Read loop是解决的问题是:解析从Modem发 过来的回应。 如果遇到URC则通过handleUnsolicited上报的 RIL_JAVA。 如果是命令的应答,则通过 handleFinalResponse通知send_at_command 有应答结果。
RIL 交互
void OnUnsolicitedResponse (int unsolResponse, void *data, size_t datalen); 有超过10条被动请求命令: * 网络状态改变(4) * 新短信通知(3) * 新USSD通知(2) * 信号强度和时间改变(2)
loop示意图 read loop示意图
struct ril_event { struct ril_event *next; struct ril_event *prev; int fd;(事件相关设备句柄。例如对于串口数据事件, fd就是相关串口的设备句柄) int index; bool persist;(如果是保持的,则不从watch_list中删 除) struct timeval timeout; ril_event_cb func;(回调事件处理函数) void *param;(回调时参数) };
异步应答来讲,命令的发起者发送后,并不等 待应答就返回,应答的回应是异步的,处理结 果通过消息的方式返回 在源代码中RILRequest的mSerail就用作了 Token。Token用来唯一标识每次发送的请求, 并且Token将被传递到RILD,RILD在组装应答 是将Token写入,并传回到ril-java,ril-java根据 该Token找到相应的Request对象。



实例: 现在MIUI中国测试版本的RIL 是匹配最早期218基带,但是刷它的用户可能是使用欧版本最新的622基带。这样就会做成问题。
因此,我介绍一个很小的应用程序,它会显示您目前已安装 的个版本
请检查你目前使用的基带: 设置-关于手机-基带版本。
手机软件结构分为两个基本层面:基带(baseband)和应用(application)。在其中间的主要连接桥梁就是RIL。 为了连接基带的应用,并允许蜂窝手机网络和用户界面之间的通信,就是RIL的一个逻辑层使用。 这一层中存在的最现代化的移动操作系统架构,需要操作系统和使用的基带芯片之间的紧密集成。在Android的管理是使用RIL守护进程,来连接到供应商的基带。基带的开发和修改是由供应商或手机厂商本身。
对于android手机来说,在刷机这个问题上所指的ROM,即是操作系统,XX版本的ROM,就是XX版本的系统。比如Windows XP系统,微软官方的称呼就是XP,如果该XP是卖到某某地区的定制XP,就被称呼为XX版XP。我们的ROM,也是类似这个概念的。
因为RIL提供了语音、数据、SMS短信、SIM卡管理以及STK应用的功能,所以不适当的RIL,可以做成“漏接”和“假死”。 (当然“漏接”和“假死”,不单是因为不适当的RIL。)
因为很多实践证明目前大多数RIL驱动“假死”问题,都是由于软件问题而非硬件问题造成的。实际上,系统上出现这种问题也不是很奇怪的,因为出现“假死”的原因主要是因为RIL驱动程序的入口点函数、注册键和GSM模块没有进行适当的交互。因为RIL驱动程序写得是否很好是因人而异的, 毕竟RIL驱动层是用户自己定制的, 而非由Andorid实现的。

Android - Porting Guide_RIL

Android - Porting Guide_RIL

Radio Layer InterfaceIntroductionRIL InitializationRIL InteractionSolicitedUnsolicitedImplementing the RILRIL_InitRIL FunctionsRIL Solicited Command RequestsRIL Unsolicited CommandsIntroductionAndroid's Radio Interface Layer (RIL) provides an abstraction layer between Android telephony services (android.telephony) and radio hardware. The RIL is radio agnostic, and includes support for Global System for Mobile communication (GSM)-based radios.The diagram below illustrates the RIL in the context of Android's Telephony system architecture.Solid elements represent Android blocks and dashed elements represent partner-specific proprietary blocks.The RIL consists of two primary components:•RIL Daemon: The RIL daemon initializes the Vendor RIL, processes all communication from Android telephony services, and dispatches calls to the Vendor RIL as solicited commands.•Vendor RIL: The radio-specific Vendor RIL of ril.h that processes all communication with radio hardware and dispatches calls to the RILDaemon (rild) through unsolicited commands.RIL InitializationAndroid initializes the telephony stack and the Vendor RIL at startup as described in the sequence below:1. RIL daemon reads rild.lib path and rild.libargs system propertiesto determine the Vendor RIL library to use and any initializationarguments to provide to the Vendor RIL2. RIL daemon loads the Vendor RIL library and calls RIL_Init to initializethe RIL and obtain a reference to RIL functions3. RIL daemon calls RIL_register on the Android telephony stack,providing a reference to the Vendor RIL functionsSee the RIL Daemon source code at //device/commands/rild/rild.c for details.RIL InteractionThere are two forms of communication that the RIL handles:•Solicited commands: Solicited commands originated by RIL lib, such as DIAL and HANGUP.•Unsolicited responses: Unsolicited responses that originate from the baseband, such as CALL_STATE_CHANGED and NEW_SMS.SolicitedThe following snippet illustrates the interface for solicited commands:void OnRequest (int request_id, void *data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t);void OnRequestComplete (RIL_Token t, RIL_Error e, void *response, size_t responselen);There are over sixty solicited commands grouped by the following families: •SIM PIN, IO, and IMSI/IMEI (11)•Call status and handling (dial, answer, mute…) (16)•Network status query (4)•Network setting (barring, forwarding, selection…) (12)•SMS (3)•PDP connection (4)•Power and reset (2)•Supplementary Services (5)•Vendor defined and support (4)The following diagram illustrates a solicited call in Android.UnsolicitedThe following snippet illustrates the interface for unsolicited commands:void OnUnsolicitedResponse (int unsolResponse, void *data, size_t datalen);There are over ten unsolicited commands grouped by the following families: •Network status changed (4)•New SMS notify (3)•New USSD notify (2)•Signal strength or time changed (2)The following diagram illustrates an unsolicited call in Android.Implementing the RILTo implement a radio-specific RIL, create a shared library that implements a set of functions required by Android to process radio requests. The required functions are defined in the RIL header (/include/telephony/ril.h).The Android radio interface is radio-agnostic and the Vendor RIL can use any protocol to communicate with the radio. Android provides a reference Vendor RIL, using the Hayes AT command set, that you can use as a quick start for telephony testing and a guide for commercial vendor RILs. The source code for the reference RIL is found at /commands/reference-ril/.Compile your Vendor RIL as a shared library using theconvention libril-<companyname>-<RIL version>.so, for example,, where:•libril: all vendor RIL implementations start with 'libril'•<companyname>: a company-specific abbreviation•<RIL version>: RIL version number•so: file extensionRIL_InitYour Vendor RIL must define a RIL_Init function that provides a handle to the functions which will process all radio requests. RIL_Init will be called by the Android RIL Daemon at boot time to initialize the RIL.RIL_RadioFunctions *RIL_Init (RIL_Env* env, int argc, char **argv);RIL_Init should return a RIL_RadioFunctions structure containing the handles to the radio functions:type structure {intRIL_version;RIL_RequestFunconRequest;RIL_RadioStateRequest onStateRequest;RIL_Supportssupports;RIL_CancelonCancel;RIL_GetVersiongetVersion;}RIL_RadioFunctions;RIL Functionsril.h defines RIL states and variables, suchas RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_SETUP, RIL_SIM_READY, RIL_SIM_NOT_READY, as well as the functions described in the tables below. Skim the header file(/device/include/telephony/ril.h) for details.RIL Solicited Command RequestsThe vendor RIL must provide the functions described in the table below to handle solicited commands. The RIL solicited command request types are defined in ril.h with the RIL_REQUEST_ prefix. Check the header file for details.Name Descriptionvoid(*RIL_RequestFunc) (int request, void*data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t);This is the RIL entry point for solicited commands and must be able to handle the various RIL solicited request types definedin ril.h with the RIL_REQUEST_ prefix.•request is one of RIL_REQUEST_*•data is pointer to data defined for that RIL_REQUEST_*•t should be used in subsequent call to RIL_onResponse•datalen is owned by caller, and should not be modified or freed by calleeMust be completed with a callto RIL_onRequestComplete(). RIL_onRequestCom plete() may be called from any thread before or after this function returns. This will always be called from the same thread, so returning here implies that the radio is ready to process another command (whether or not the previous command has completed).RIL_RadioState(*RIL_RadioStateReque st)();This function should return the current radio state*RIL_Supports)(int requestCode);This function returns "1" if thespecified RIL_REQUEST code is supported and 0 if it is not.void(*RIL_Cancel)(RIL_Tok en t);This function is used to indicate that a pending request should be canceled. This function is called from a separate thread--not the thread that calls RIL_RequestFunc.On cancel, the callee should do its best to abandon the request andcall RIL_onRequestComplete with RIL_Errno CANCELLED at some later point.Subsequent calls to RIL_onRequestComplete for this request with other results will be tolerated but ignored (that is, it is valid to ignore the cancellation request).RIL_Cancel calls should return immediately and not wait for cancellation.const char *(*RIL_GetVersion)(void);Return a version string for your Vendor RILThe vendor RIL uses the following callback methods to communicate back to the Android RIL daemon.Name DescriptionvoidRIL_onRequestComplete(RIL_Token t, RIL_Errno e, void *response, •t is parameter passed in on previous callto RIL_Notification routine.size_t responselen);•If e != SUCCESS, then responsecan be null and is ignored•response is owned by caller,and should not be modified orfreed by callee•RIL_onRequestComplete willreturn as soon as possiblevoid RIL_requestTimedCallback (RIL_TimedCallback callback, void *param, const struct timeval*relativeTime);Call user-specified callback function on the same threadthat RIL_RequestFunc is called.If relativeTime is specified, then it specifies a relative time value at which the callback is invoked.If relativeTime is NULL or points to a 0-filled structure, the callback will be invoked as soon as possible.RIL Unsolicited CommandsThe functions listed in the table below are call-back functions used by the Vendor RIL to invoke unsolicited commands on the Android platform. See ril.h for details.Name Descriptionvoid RIL_onUnsolicitedResponse(int unsolResponse, const void *data, size_t datalen);•unsolResponse is oneof RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_*•data is pointer to data defined forthat RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_*•data is owned by caller, and should not be modified or freed by callee。



RIL(Radio Interface Layer)是指手机通信模块与Android



件的交互,包括发送AT指令(AT commands)来控制基带处理器的


RIL模块在Android系统中作为一个系统服务运行,它通过Socket或者Vendor HAL(硬件抽象层)与手机通信模块进行通信,包括发送与接收数据、处理通话、短信、数据连接等功能。








下面我们来具体了解下:第一部分 Android电话功能概述Android的Radio Interface Layer (RIL)提供了电话服务和的radio硬件之间的抽象层。

Radio Interface Layer RIL(Radio Interface Layer)负责数据的可靠传输、AT命令的发送以及response的解析。


AT command由Hayes公司发明,是一个调制解调器制造商采用的一个调制解调器命令语言,每条命令以字母"AT"开头。

JAVA Framework代码的路径为:1.frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/以及android.telephony.gsm复制代码Core native:在hardware/ril目录中,提供了对RIL支持的本地代码,包括4个文件夹:1.hardware/ril/include2.hardware/ril/libril3.hardware/ril/reference-ril4.hardware/ril/rild复制代码kernel Driver在Linux内核的驱动中,提供了相关的驱动程序的支持,可以建立在UART或者SDIO,USB等高速的串行总线上。

第二部分 Android电话功能各个部分hardware/ril/include/telephony/目录中的ril.h文件是ril部分的基础头文件。

其中定义的结构体RIL_RadioFunctions如下所示:1.typedef struct { version;3.RIL_RequestFunc onRequest;4.RIL_RadioStateRequest onStateRequest;5.RIL_Supports supports;6.RIL_Cancel onCancel;7.RIL_GetVersion getVersion;8.} RIL_RadioFunctions;复制代码RIL_RadioFunctions中包含了几个函数指针的结构体,这实际上是一个移植层的接口,下层的库实现后,由rild守护进程得到这些函数指针,执行对应的函数。

Android学习总结 --- RILD概述

Android学习总结 --- RILD概述

Android学习总结 --- RILD概述管世波2009-01-21摘要:本文是对Android中RILD相关内容的学习总结,简要描述了RILD的框架和实现方式。

关键词:Linux;Android;RIL一、RIL简介:RIL(Radio Interface Layer)是android中的一个抽象层,位于电信应用与基带之间,RIL层为上层提供统一的接口,使上层开发不需要关注基带的类型,关于电话业务中需要用到的AT命令都封装在这一层中。


Android的RIL主要由三个部分组成:RILD守护进程、libril静态库、用户自己实现的 vendor lib 动态库。


下面将对RIL的各个组成部分分别进行介绍,由于libril被rild和vendor lib引用,相关内容在rild和vendor lib中介绍,不单独对其进行描述。

二、RILD守护进程1. RILD的启动和框架:Rild 是系统的守护进程,由init进程在系统初始化的时候来运行,具体定制在init.rc 脚本文件中,内容如下:service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/ -- -d /dev/ttyS0 socket rild stream 660 root radiosocket rild-debug stream 660 radio systemuser rootgroup radio cache inet misc上面的脚本中,服务的名字为ril-daemon,在这个服务中,linux会运行rild这个守护进程,并且使用动态链接库,这个so就是用户自己实现的vendor lib动态库,并且指明设备 ttyS0给该动态库使用。



Android's Radio Interface Layer (RIL) provides an abstraction layer between Android telephony services (android.telephony) and radio hardware. The RIL is radio agnostic, and includes support for Global System for Mobile communication (GSM)-based radios.The diagram below illustrates the RIL in the context of Android's Telephony system architecture.Solid elements represent Android blocks and dashed elements represent partner-specific proprietary blocks.The RIL consists of two primary components:∙RIL Daemon: The RIL daemon initializes the V endor RIL, processes all communication from Android telephony services, and dispatches calls to the V endor RIL as solicited commands.∙Vendor RIL: The radio-specific V endor RIL of ril.h that processes all communication with radio hardware and dispatches calls to the RIL Daemon (rild) through unsolicited commands.RIL InitializationAndroid initializes the telephony stack and the V endor RIL at startup as described in the sequence below:1.RIL daemon reads rild.lib path and rild.libargs system properties to determine the V endorRIL library to use and any initialization arguments to provide to the V endor RIL2.RIL daemon loads the V endor RIL library and calls RIL_Init to initialize the RIL andobtain a reference to RIL functions3.RIL daemon calls RIL_register on the Android telephony stack, providing a reference tothe V endor RIL functionsSee the RIL Daemon source code at //device/commands/rild/rild.c for details.RIL InteractionThere are two forms of communication that the RIL handles:∙Solicited commands: Solicited commands originated by RIL lib, such as DIAL and HANGUP.∙Unsolicited responses: Unsolic ited responses that originate from the baseband, such as CALL_STA TE_CHANGED and NEW_SMS.SolicitedThe following snippet illustrates the interface for solicited commands:void OnRequest (int request_id, void *data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t);void OnRequestComplete (RIL_Token t, RIL_Error e, void *response, size_t responselen);There are over sixty solicited commands grouped by the following families:∙SIM PIN, IO, and IMSI/IMEI (11)∙Call statu s and handling (dial, answer, mute…) (16)∙Network status query (4)∙Network setting (barring, forwarding, selection…) (12)∙SMS (3)∙PDP connection (4)∙Power and reset (2)∙Supplementary Services (5)∙V endor defined and support (4)The following diagram illustrates a solicited call in Android.UnsolicitedThe following snippet illustrates the interface for unsolicited commands: void OnUnsolicitedResponse (int unsolResponse, void *data, size_t datalen); There are over ten unsolicited commands grouped by the following families: ∙Network status changed (4)∙New SMS notify (3)∙New USSD notify (2)∙Signal strength or time changed (2)The following diagram illustrates an unsolicited call in Android.Implementing the RILTo implement a radio-specific RIL, create a shared library that implements a set of functions required by Android to process radio requests. The required functions are defined in the RIL header (/include/telephony/ril.h).The Android radio interface is radio-agnostic and the V endor RIL can use any protocol to communicate with the radio. Android provides a reference V endor RIL, using the Hayes A T command set, that you can use as a quick start for telephony testing and a guide for commercial vendor RILs. The source code for the reference RIL is found at /commands/reference-ril/. Compile your V endor RIL as a shared library using the convention libril-<companyname>-<RIL version>.so, for example,, where:∙libril: all vendor RIL implementations start with 'libril'∙<companyname>: a company-specific abbreviation∙<RIL version>: RIL version number∙so: file extensionRIL_InitY our V endor RIL must define a RIL_Init function that provides a handle to the functions which will process all radio requests. RIL_Init will be called by the Android RIL Daemon at boot time to initialize the RIL.RIL_RadioFunctions *RIL_Init (RIL_Env* env, int argc, char **argv);RIL_Init should return a RIL_RadioFunctions structure containing the handles to the radio functions:type structure {int RIL_version;RIL_RequestFunc onRequest;RIL_RadioStateRequest onStateRequest;RIL_Supports supports;RIL_Cancel onCancel;RIL_GetV ersion getV ersion;}RIL_RadioFunctions;RIL Functionsril.h defines RIL states and variables, such as RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_SETUP, RIL_SIM_READY, RIL_SIM_NOT_READY, as well as the functions described in the tables below. Skim the header file (/device/include/telephony/ril.h) for details.RIL Solicited Command RequestsThe vendor RIL must provide the functions described in the table below to handle solicited commands. The RIL solicited command request types are defined in ril.h with theThe vendor RIL uses the following callback methods to communicate back to the Android RILRIL Unsolicited CommandsThe functions listed in the table below are call-back functions used by the V endor RIL to invokeInternals of T elephony subsystemPart I, the key itemsAssumption: We are in the top level of Android source code repository∙Filesframeworks\base\telephony the core of the telephony subsystem implementation, GSM phone and so onpackages\apps\Phone Phone application implementation, UI related stuffs residehardware\ril Radio reference implementation∙The big picture∙The key interfaces and classes1.Phone abstract class which extends Phone interface and Radio interface library implementation, responsible for sending request7.8.Reference implementation of Radio library:communicates with Radio hardware9.10.RIL request and response1, Solicited and Unsolicited responseSolicited response response to the upper layer request, this is a kind of passive response,for instance, response the request of Singal strength requestUnsolicited response a response triggered by the underlying hardware, for instance, the state changeRadio will trigger an RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STA TE_CHANGED response to notify the upper layer11.Request sending and handlingRIL_Sender threadgets the reqeust from mRequestsList and send it to Radio reference library through local socketRIL Receiver threadreceives the response from Radio reference library and process it with processUnsolicited()/processSolicited()according to response type RESPONSE_UNSOLICITED/RESPONSE_SOLICITEDprocessUnsolicited() is responsible for processing active event from Radio layer processSolicited() is responsible for processing passive response to upper layer request12.Message identity localization and ParcelThe mechanism used here is localize the identity of message and put it into a Parcel, send it to the target,the target receives the Parcel, put the wanted stuffs into Parcel and return back it to the sender, it isthe sender's responsibility to classify and handle the response corresponds to theAndroid的Radio Interface Layer (RIL)提供了电话服务和的radio硬件之间的抽象层。



这个网站上的是韩文还有英文Android无线接口层(Radio Layer Interface)目录:1、介绍2、RIL 初始化3、RIL 交互主动恳求被动恳求4、实现 RIL-----RIL初始化5、RIL 函数RIL主动命令恳求RIL被动恳求的命令1介绍Android 的无线接口层( RIL)供给了 Android 电话服务()与无线电硬件之间的抽象层。

RIL 是通信没关的,供给鉴于 GSM的网络支持。

下列图显示了 RIL 位于 Android 电话系统架构中的地点。

图1实线框表示 Android 部分,虚线框表示合作伙伴所专用的部分。

RIL 包括两个基本零件:RIL 守卫进度( RIL Daemon):RIL 守卫进度初始化来自 Android 通信服务的通信,将其作为被恳求的命令(调动给 Vendor RIL 。

Vendor RIL ,管理全部solicited commands)Vendor RIL:文件中的无线电专用Vendor RIL掌管着全部和无线电硬件的通信,而且经过未被恳求的命令(unsolicited commands)散发给RIL守卫进程。

2 RIL初始化Android 在启动时初始化通信栈和Vendor RIL ,描绘以下:1. RIL 守卫进度读取路径和系统参数,决定应当使用的Vendor RIL 库和向Vendor RIL 供给的初始化参数2. RIL守卫进度加载Vendor RIL库,履行RIL_Init初始化RIL并为RIL函数获得参数。

3.RIL 守卫进度调用 Android 通信栈中 RIL_register ,为 Vendor RIL 函数供给参照。

RIL守护进程源码请参考o比方:此中:libril:全部 vendor RIL的开头;<companyname>:专用企业缩写<RIL version>:RIL版本numberso:文件扩展RIL 初始化特定的 Vendor RIL 一定定义一个初始化函数,供给一系列句柄函数以办理每一个通信恳求。



第一部分電話功能概述Android的Radio Interface Layer (RIL)提供了電話服務和的radio硬件之間的抽象層。

Radio Interface Layer RIL(Radio Interface Layer)負責數據的可靠傳輸、AT命令的發送以及response的解析。


AT command由Hayes公司發明,是一個調制解調器製造商採用的一個調制解調器命令語言,每條命令以字母"AT"開頭。

JAVA Framework代碼的路徑為:frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephonyandroid.telephony以及android.telephony.gsmCore native:在hardware/ril目錄中,提供了對RIL支持的本地代碼,包括4個文件夾:hardware/ril/includehardware/ril/librilhardware/ril/reference-rilhardware/ril/rildkernel Driver在Linux內核的驅動中,提供了相關的驅動程序的支持,可以建立在UART或者SDIO,USB等高速的串行總線上。


其中定義的結構體RIL_RadioFunctions如下所示:typedef struct {int version;RIL_RequestFunc onRequest;RIL_RadioStateRequest onStateRequest;RIL_Supports supports;RIL_Cancel onCancel;RIL_GetVersion getVersion;} RIL_RadioFunctions;RIL_RadioFunctions中包含了幾個函數指針的結構體,這實際上是一個移植層的接口,下層的庫實現後,由rild守護進程得到這些函數指針,執行對應的函數。

Android RIL&Call学习总结

Android RIL&Call学习总结

Android RIL与Call代码学习总结前言本文分五部分:Android电信业务系统、RIL、Telephony APP Framework、Phone APP、Android 通话简单流程。


2、RIL主要叙述Android Radio Interface Layer相关要点,涉及的代码主要放在\hardware\ril目录下。

3、Telephony APP Framework主要简述电信业务系统Framework部分代码相关要点,涉及的代码主要放在\frameworks\base\telephony目录下。

4、Phone APP主要叙述Android的电话业务模块,涉及的代码主要放在\packages\apps\Phone目录下。

5、Android通话简单流程主要叙述从上层Phone APP发起电话的函数调用流程。

一、Android电话业务系统简单的说由三部分组成:Telephony Application(Java) + Telephony Frameworks(Java) + RIL(C/C++)二、RILRIL(Radio Interface Layer),是Android电信业务系统和底层硬件之间的抽象层,Android提供该层方便用户移植。



1、RIL移植层的三个组成部分1)Vendor RIL提供AT指令发送接口2)RIL Daemon加载RIL相关的库同时初始化RIL,注册RIL相关函数接口。

Android RIL详细总结及流程图

Android RIL详细总结及流程图

在processCommandsCallback中会调用 record_stream_get_next将发过来的数据完全的 读取出来。 ret = record_stream_get_next(p_rs, &p_record, &recordlen);
然后调用processCommandBuffer进入真正的命 令解析。 processCommandBuffer (p_record, recordlen);
当select监听到readFds中的某个文件描述符可读或者超 时时,就会解除阻塞,执行 processTimeouts(); processReadReadies(&rfds, n); firePending();
这三个函数,首先检查是不是有时间超时,如果有就将 事件放入firePending();中,然后检查有哪些事件可读, 也将这些事件放入firePending();中,然后执行 firePending();,执 0, ev->param);
rild通过dlopen方式加载 , 这是因为librefrence.so主要负责跟Modem硬件通信。 这样做方便替换或修改以适配更多的Modem种类。 它转换来自libril.so的请求为AT命令,同时监控 Modem的反馈信息,并传递回。在初始化时, rild通过符号RIL_Init获取一组函数指针并以此与之建 立联系。
• 进入RIL_startEventLoop后首先创建一个eventloop线程。 建立起消息队列机制。 ril_event_init完成后,通过 ril_event_set来设置一个新ril_event,并通过 ril_event_add加入队列之中,add会把队列里所有 ril_event的fd,放入一个fd集合readFds中。然后进入 ril_event_loop()执行select(),这样 ril_event_loop能 通过一个多路复用I/O的机制(select)来等待这些fd,如 果任何一个fd有数据写入,则进入分析流程 processTimeouts(),processReadReadies(&rfds, n), firePending()。
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