
中国证券监督管理委员会主席: 尚福林中国人民银行行长: 周小川国家外汇管理局局长:胡晓炼二○○六年八月二十四日合格境外机构投资者境内证券投资管理办法第一章总则第一条为了规范合格境外机构投资者在中国境内证券市场的投资行为,促进中国证券市场的发展,根据有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。

理财丨Wealth Management基金业开放:应对新入局者之策面对外资入局引发的“鲶鱼效应”,境内基金公司积极把握变革窗口期,优化战略布 局、完善公司治理、借鉴外资优势取长补短,具有重要意义文/温聿浄编辑/白琳2019年7月,国务院金融稳定发展委员会办公室公布金融业进一步对外开放的政策措施,宣布将原定于2021年取 消基金公司外资股比限制的时点提前至2020年。
截至2020年11 月底,共有贝菜德、路博迈、富达、范 达、联博五家外资机构递交了公募牌照申请,其中贝莱德已于8月份获批。
千帆 竞渡、百舸争流的时代,带来挑战亦孕育机遇。
首批在华布局公募的外资机构介绍上述五家外资机构,均为美国公司,历史悠久而背景迥异,风格亦呈多元(见表1 )。
贝莱德成立于1988年,于1999年在 美上市,后又以阿拉丁(Aladdin)为业 务基础,成立了B la c k R o c k S o lu tio n s (2000年)。
收购了美林投资管理(2006年)、巴克菜全球投资者(B G I) (2009年)和另类投资管理软件和解决方案提供商e F ro n t ( 2019年),完善了 公司在技术服务、零售及国际业务、被 动投资等方面的业务布局。
截至2020年 三季度末,贝菜德在全球管理的总资产达7.81万亿美元,涵盖股票、固定收益投资、现金管理、另类投资、房地产及咨询策略等,包括零售客户资产规模0.75万亿美元、iShares E T F规模2.32万亿美元、机构客户资产规模4.07万亿美元。

而且在公 司清算后 的债 务偿 还序 列中 , 政府处 于优先地位 ,从而保 障纳税人 的
利 益不 受 损失 。
体在对冲基金或私募股权基金 中的权益 合计 ,不能超过其 自身一级资本 的 3 %。
有序清算程序 对经营失败的系统重要 性金融机构 ,其破产可能对美国金融稳
行不能将 “ 信托优先证券”等混合型资
本 工 具继 续 作 为一 级 资 本 。 三是 规 定 银 行 监 管者 应 建 立顺 周 期 的 资本 金 分 配 机
定带来显著的系统性风险,将根据一个 有序 的清算程序进行清算 。财政部可以 任命美国联邦存款保险公司 (D C F I)作
机构 ) ,及这些 机构 发行 的按 揭贷款 、 信用卡等金融产品,以保证消费者在购
买金融产品时 ,不受隐性 费用 、欺骗性 条款和欺诈行为等侵害 。C P F B还将开 通新 的免费投诉热线 ,以方便消费者投
被 称 为 “ 土机 式 ” 的 金 融 监 管 改 革 。 推 根 据 法 案 具 体 条 款 ,本 文 梳 理 了 美 国
制。在经济扩张时期增加对机构的资本 金水平的要求 ,而在经济紧缩时相应减 少资本金要求 ,从而防止银行 “ 逆周期
性 ”经 营对 金 融稳 定 的 冲击 。 “ 尔克 法 则 ” 对银 行 高 风 险业 务 沃 的 限 制 法 案 吸 收 了美 联 储 前 任 主 席 、
为接收者 ,负责 其清算拆分 。而 F I DC 则必须保证 :所有债权 申请 在公司股东 权益之前得到满足 ;由公司股东和未担 保的债权人承担破产损失 ;破产公司的 管理层 和有过 失 的董 事被撤 销 ;F I DC

而作为中国资本市场开放的重要一环,QFII(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor,合格境外机构投资者)基金引起了众多投资者的关注。
二、QFII基金的特点1. 投资门槛较高:根据CSRC的规定,QFII基金的最低注册资金要求为5亿美元,且管理规模不得低于1亿美元。
2. 投资范围广泛:QFII基金可以投资A股、B股以及中小板、创业板等不同类别的股票,还可以投资债券市场和银行间市场等。
3. 监管严格:作为境外机构投资者,QFII基金需要接受中国监管部门的监管,如CSRC、外汇管理局等。
4. 长期投资:QFII基金的投资期限较长,通常为3年以上。
三、QFII基金的运作机制1. 注册与申请:QFII基金首先需要在CSRC注册,并提交相关材料及财务报告。
2. 投资额度:QFII基金需要根据自身实力和需求,申请相应的投资额度,该额度由中国外汇局核定并下达。
3. 投资操作:QFII基金可以通过交易所或者券商进行股票、债券等市场的交易。
Private equity and venture capital

⏹在欧洲,银行/养老基金/保险是PE重要资金来源⏹在美国,养老基金/个人/捐赠基金是PE重要资金来源6美国PE基金占据了该行业绝大多数的投资在美国之外的国家地区,则收到很少的投资7VC、PE比对分析类型投资行业投资阶段投资规模投资期限风险及收益多投资于新兴初创期的企较小,几百风险高、收VC 及高科技行业业万到几千万4-8年益也高多投资于高成成长期和即较大,几千风险相对低、PE长的传统行业将上市的企业万到数十亿3-7年收益也相应较低VC选择的行业面较窄,所能容纳的资金体量有限,高风险高收益;反之,PE对行业的选择面较广,容纳资金体量巨大,风险与收益都相对比较低。
qdii 制度

QDII(Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors)制度的资格要求主要针对有意愿参与境外投资的内地机构投资者。
1. 股票:全球各地的上市股票,包括新兴市场和发达市场。
2. 债券:企业或政府发行的债券,如国债、企业债等。
3. 基金:包括股票基金、债券基金和混合基金等。
4. 其他投资工具:如房地产投资信托(REITs)、商品期货、金融期货等。
1. 市场风险:境外投资面临的市场风险较大,需对国际市场动态保持敏感,定期进行市场风险评估。
2. 汇率风险:由于投资的外币资产需兑换成人民币,因此面临汇率波动带来的风险。
3. 信用风险:境外投资可能面临借款方违约的信用风险,因此需要对投资对象的信用状况进行充分评估。
4. 流动性风险:境外投资可能面临市场流动性不足的风险,因此需要制定应对流动性风险的策略。

创投基金中的私人投资者在投资5年后可回购基金中的政府投资部分,回购额为成本加5%-7% 的利率。

关健词:外汇风险管理,外贸企业,人民币汇率,金融避险工具目录第1 章. 绪论 (1)1.1 选题背景 (1)1.2 研究现状 (2)1.2.1 国外情况 (2)1.2.2 国内情况 (3)1.3 研究方法与创新之处 (4)第2 章. 外汇风险相关理论概述 (6)2.1 外汇风险概念 (6)2.2 外汇风险的构成及特点 (6)2.3.外汇风险产生的原因 (6)2.4 外汇风险的种类 (7)2.4.1 交易风险 (8)2.4.2 经济风险 (8)2.4.3 会计风险 (8)第3 章. 不同汇率制度下的外汇风险对我国外贸企业的影响 (9)3.1 我国的汇率制度 (9)3.1.1 2005 年汇率改革前人民币汇率制度 (9)3.1.2 我国现行汇率制度 (10)3.2 人民币汇率风险的现状 (10)3.2.1 人民币兑美元汇率风险 (10)3.2.2 人民币兑其他主要货币汇率风险 (11)3.3 汇率变动如何对外贸企业产生影响 (11)3.3.1 对进出口总体的影响 (12)3.3.2 对不同贸易方式的影响 (12)3.3.3 对不同企业类型的影响 (13)3.3.4 对不同产品类型的影响 (14)第4 章. 我国外贸企业外汇风险管理中存在的主要问题 (16)4.1 总体现况 (16)4.2 风险防范意识较薄弱 (17)4.3 外汇风险防范专业人才储备不足 (18)4.4 缺少完善的外汇风险管理战略 (18)4.5 风险管理的机制不明确 (19)4.6 避险金触工具的运用单一 (19)第5 章. 我国外贸企业提高外汇风险管理水平的对策研究 (20)5.1 人民币汇率走势的判断 (20)5.1.1 人民币对美元汇率历史走势 (20)5.1.2 次贷危机对美元汇率走势的影响 (21)5.1.3 人民币汇率的走势预测 (22)5.2 根据外汇风险的不同分类进行管理 (23)5.2.1 交易风险的管理 (23)5.2.2 会计风险的管理 (30)5.2.3 经济风险的管理 (32)5.3 从宏微观角度出发的外汇风险管理 (33)5.3.1 宏观角度 (34)5.3.2 微观角度 (35)5.4 针对现状不足的外汇风险管理 (36)5.4.1 增强外汇风险防范意识 (36)5.4.2 加强外汇风险防范专业人才储备 (37)5.4.3 完善自身的外汇风险管理战略 (38)5.4.4 完善风险防范的监控机制 (38)5.4.5 尝试使用多种避险金融工具 (39)结论与展望 (42)参考文献 (43)1第1 章. 绪论1.1 选题背景伴随着世界经济和金融形势的变化,外汇汇率这一作为国际金融关系乃至是国际经济关系正常发展的纽带,己经渗透到包括经济生活的一切领域,我国各涉外单位尤其是外贸企业,正越来越强烈地感知到外汇风险所带来的巨大影响。

作者: 丛彦国
作者机构: 南开大学法学院,天津300071
出版物刊名: 学术交流
页码: 140-145页
年卷期: 2016年 第4期
主题词: 另类投资基金(AIF);监管;风险;投资基金法


第1题某企业的年销售收入是3000万元,年均总资产是1500万元,那么该企业的总资产周转率是( )。
第2题某公司从银行取得贷款30万元,年利率为6%,贷款期限为3年,到第3年年末一次偿清,公司应付银行本利和为( )万元。
第3题“生产成本”账户的期末借方余额表示( )。
第4题某企业年初存货是3万元,年末存货是5000元,那么年均存货是( )元。
A.16 000B.16 500C.17 500D.18 000上一题下一题(5/100)单选题在以下各题所给出的4个选项中,只有1个选项最符合题意。
第5题某企业有一张带息期票,面额为12 000万元,票面利率为4%,出票日期为4月15日,6月14日到期(共60天),则到期日的利息为( )元。
第6题利息不断资本化的条件下,资金时间价值的计算基础应采用( )。
第7题某基金的年化收益率为r,选取其在10个交易日的收益率作为r的样本,样本值为r1=4.684%,r2=4.597%,r3=4.321%,r4=4.373%,r5=4.280%,r6=4.136%,r7=4.150%,r8=3.982%,r9=4.270%,r10=4.261%,那么该基金预期收益的估计值为( )。

5.股价指数复制方法通常不包括( )。

QDII法律法规本文将介绍QDII(Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor)的相关法律法规。

凡违反上述规定,影响评卷结果或造成无法评卷,后果由考生自负得分评卷人一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分,共计100分)()1、资本市场理论和资本资产定价模型的前提假设包括( )。
()2、根据投资者对风险的不同态度,可以将投资者分为( )。
知识点:理解均值方差模型的基本思想以及有效前沿、无差异曲线和最优组合的概念;()3、下列关于申请QDII资格的机构投资者应当符合的条件的说法中,有误的是( )。

中国证券监督管理委员会主席: 尚福林中国人民银行行长: 周小川国家外汇管理局局长:胡晓炼二○○六年八月二十四日合格境外机构投资者境内证券投资管理办法第一章总则第一条为了规范合格境外机构投资者在中国境内证券市场的投资行为,促进中国证券市场的发展,根据有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
adgm 基金制度

1. 基金类型:ADGM允许多种类型的基金,包括投资公司、特殊目的公司(SPC)、风险投资基金、房地产基金等。
2. 基金注册:在ADGM注册基金需要遵守一定的法律和监管要求。
3. 基金管理公司:基金在ADGM必须有专门的基金管理公司(FMC)负责管理和运营基金。
4. 投资限制:ADGM的基金制度规定了基金的投资限制和风险管理要求,以确保基金的合规性和投资者的保护。
5. 投资者保护:ADGM基金制度强调保护投资者的权益,包括披露要求、冲突管理、估值和定价规定等。
6. 会计和报告:基金需要按照国际会计准则和ADGM的要求编制财务报表,并进行审计。
7. 合规和监管:ADGM金融服务监管局负责监督和监管基金的运营,确保其合规性和稳健性。

近年来,ALFI 与国内基金行业的合作也越来越多。
从小在东西方文化碰撞中长大的蔡庆盈(Ching Yng Choi),正致力于架设中国和卢森堡基金行业的桥梁。
1Q五问蔡庆盈卢森堡作为欧洲的基金中心,对于中国的资产管理者而言,它有哪些方面的优势?卢森堡UCITS(欧盟可转让证券集合投资计划)在多个有哪些中国金融机构已经在卢森堡开展业务?提问金融客Interview42文/本刊记者 舒 瑾亚洲与拉丁美洲国家拥有较大的市场份额。
所谓UCITS,是指一套用以监管欧盟各成员的开放式基金的跨境监管标准,而这套标准是由欧洲议会和欧盟委员会颁布的一系列法律指引所建立的,而欧盟成员国各自以立法形式认可该指引后,本国符合UCITS 要求的基金即可在其他成员国面向个人投资者发售,毋须再申请认可。
2014年12月,首支卢森堡UCITS 获得批准,可以使用沪港通,因此除了现有的投资渠道(例如QFII 与RQFII),还可以取道沪港通投资于上海证交所上市的A 股。
对于A 股ETF (交易型开放式指数基金),卢森堡亦是位于欧洲的重要注册地,在中国大陆以外地区排名第三,仅次于香港地区与美国。
卢森堡为投资沪港通松绑 金融法规亟待国际接轨

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In case of discrepancies between the French and the English text, the French text shall prevail.Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managersChapter 1 – General provisionsArticle 1. DefinitionsFor the purpose of this Law, the following definitions shall apply:(1)"EBA": the European Banking Authority established by Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council;(2)"ESMA": the European Securities and Market Authority established by Regulation (EU) No1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council;(3)"competent authorities": the national authorities of Member States which are empowered bylaw or regulation to supervise AIFMs. In Luxembourg, the CSSF is the competent authority for the supervision of AIFMs subject to this Law;(4)"supervisory authorities" in relation to non-EU AIFMs: the national authorities of a third countrywhich are empowered by law or regulation to supervise AIFMs;(5)"competent authorities of an EU AIF": the national authorities of a Member State which areempowered by law or regulation to supervise the AIFs. The CSSF is the competent authority for the supervision of AIFs established in Luxembourg;(6)"supervisory authorities" in relation to non-EU AIFs: the national authorities of a third countrywhich are empowered by law or regulation to supervise the AIFs;(7)"competent authorities" in relation to a depositary:(a)if the depositary is a credit institution authorised under Directive 2006/48/EC, thecompetent authorities as defined in point (4) of Article 4 thereof;(b)if the depositary is an investment firm authorised under Directive 2004/39/EC, thecompetent authorities as defined in point (22) of Article 4(1) thereof;(c)if the depositary falls within a category of institution referred to in point (c) of the firstsubparagraph of Article 21(3) of Directive 2011/61/EU, the national authorities of itshome Member State which are empowered by law or regulation to supervise suchcategories of institution;(d)if the depositary is an entity referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 21(3) ofDirective 2011/61/EU, the national authorities of the Member State in which that entityhas its registered office and which are empowered by law or regulation to supervise suchentity or the official body competent to register or supervise such entity pursuant to therules of professional conduct applicable thereto;(e)if the depositary is appointed as depositary for a non-EU AIF in accordance with point (b)of Article 21(5) of Directive 2011/61/EU and does not fall within the scope of points (a) to(d) of this point, the relevant national authorities of the third country where the depositaryhas its registered office;(8)"initial capital": the funds which are referred to in points (a) and (b) of the first paragraph ofArticle 57 of Directive 2006/48/EC;(9)"marketing": a direct or indirect offering or placement, at the initiative of the AIFM or on behalfof the AIFM of units or shares of an AIF it manages to or with investors domiciled or with a registered office in the European Union;(10)"control": control as defined in Article 1 of Directive 83/349/EEC;(11)"prime broker": a credit institution, a regulated investment firm or another entity subject toprudential regulation and ongoing supervision, offering services to professional investors primarily to finance or execute transactions in financial instruments as counterparty and which may also provide other services such as clearing and settlement of trades, custodial services, securities lending, customised technology and operational support facilities;(12)"ESRB": the European Systemic Risk Board established by Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 ofthe European Parliament and of the Council;Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the Commission for the (13) "CSSF":theSupervision of the Financial Sector);(14)"Directive 77/91/EEC": Council Directive 77/91/EEC of 13 December 1976 on coordination ofsafeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, in respect of the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent;(15)"Directive 83/349/EEC": Council Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 based on Article 54 (3)(g) of the Treaty on consolidated accounts, as amended;(16)"Directive 95/46/EC": Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;(17)"Directive 97/9/EC": Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3March 1997 on investor-compensation schemes;(18)"Directive 98/26/EC": Directive 98/26/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19May 1998 on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems;(19)"Directive 2002/14/EC": Directive 2002/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 March 2002 establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community;(20)"Directive 2003/41/EC": Directive 2003/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 3 June 2003 on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision;(21)"Directive 2003/71/EC": Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 4 November 2003 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading and amending Directive 2001/34/EC;(22)"Directive 2004/25/EC": Directive 2004/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 21 April 2004 on takeover bids;(23)"Directive 2004/39/EC": Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments;(24)"Directive 2004/109/EC": Directive 2004/109/EC of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 15 December 2004 on the harmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and amending Directive 2001/34/EC;(25)"Directive 2006/48/EC": Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions;(26)"Directive 2006/49/EC": Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 14 June 2006 on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions;(27)"Directive 2006/73/EC": Commission Directive 2006/73/EC of 10 August 2006 implementingDirective 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the purposes of that Directive;(28)"Directive 2009/65/EC": Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 13 July 2009 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS); (29)"Directive 2011/61/EU": Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 8 June 2011 on alternative investment fund managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009 and (EU) No 1095/2010; (30)"leverage": any method by which the AIFM increases the exposure of an AIF it manageswhether through borrowing of cash or transferable securities, or leverage embedded in derivative positions or by any other means;(31)"issuer": an issuer within the meaning of point (d) of Article 2(1) of Directive 2004/109/ECwhere that issuer has its registered office in the European Union, and where its shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market within the meaning of point (14) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2004/39/EC;(32)"parent undertaking": a parent undertaking within the meaning of Articles 1 and 2 of Directive83/349/EEC;(33) "established":(a)for AIFMs, "having its registered office in";(b)for AIFs, "being authorised or registered in" or, if the AIF is not authorised or registered,"having its registered office in";(c)for depositaries, "having its registered office or branch in";(d)for legal representatives that are legal persons, "having its registered office or branch in";(e)for legal representatives that are natural persons, "domiciled in";(34)"Member State": a Member State of the European Union. The States that are contractingparties to the Agreement creating the European Economic Area other than the Member States of the European Union, within the limits set forth by this Agreement and related acts, are considered as equivalent to Member States of the European Union.(35)"home Member State of the AIF":(a)the Member State in which the AIF is authorised or registered under applicable nationallaw, or in case of multiple authorisations or registrations, the Member State in which theAIF has been authorised or registered for the first time; or(b)if the AIF is neither authorised nor registered in a Member State, the Member State inwhich the AIF has its registered office and/or head office;(36)"home Member State of the AIFM": the Member State in which the AIFM has its registeredoffice; for non-EU AIFMs, all references to "home Member State of the AIFM" in this Law shall be read as the "Member State of reference", as provided for in Chapter 7;(37)"host Member State of the AIFM": any of the following:(a) a Member State, other than the home Member State, in which an EU AIFM manages EUAIFs;(b) a Member State, other than the home Member State, in which an EU AIFM markets unitsor shares of an EU AIF;(c) a Member State, other than the home Member State, in which an EU AIFM markets unitsor shares of a non-EU AIF;(d) a Member State, other than the Member State of reference, in which a non-EU AIFMmanages EU AIFs;(e) a Member State, other than the Member State of reference, in which a non-EU AIFMmarkets units or shares of an EU AIF;(f) a Member State, other than the Member State of reference, in which a non-EU AIFMmarkets units or shares of a non-EU AIF;(38)"Member State of reference": the Member State determined in accordance with Article 37(4) ofDirective 2011/61/EU;(39)"Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)": collective investment undertakings, includinginvestment compartments thereof, which:(a)raise capital from a number of investors, with a view to investing it in accordance with adefined investment policy for the benefit of those investors; and(b)do not require authorisation pursuant to Article 5 of Directive 2009/65/EC;AIF":(40) "EU(a)an AIF which is authorised or registered in a Member State under the applicable nationallaw; or(b)an AIF which is not authorised or registered in a Member State, but has its registeredoffice and/or head office in a Member State;(41)"non-EU AIF": an AIF which is not an EU AIF;(42)"feeder AIF": an AIF which:(a)invests at least 85% of its assets in units or shares of another AIF (the "master AIF");(b)invests at least 85% of its assets in more than one master AIF where those master AIFshave identical investment strategies; or(c)has otherwise an exposure of at least 85% of its assets to such a master AIF;(43)"master AIF": an AIF in which another AIF invests or has an exposure in accordance with point(42);(44)"subsidiary": a subsidiary undertaking as defined in Articles 1 and 2 of Directive 83/349/EEC;(45)"own funds": own funds as referred to in Articles 56 to 67 of Directive 2006/48/EC. For thepurposes of applying this definition, Articles 13 to 16 of Directive 2006/49/EC are applied mutatis mutandis;(46)"Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs)": legal persons whose regular business ismanaging one or more AIFs;(47)"EU AIFM": an AIFM which has its registered office in a Member State;(48)"non-EU AIFM": an AIFM which is not an EU AIFM;(49)"external AIFM": an AIFM which is the legal person appointed by the AIF or on behalf of theAIF and which, through this appointment, is responsible for managing the AIF;(50)"managing AIFs": performing at least investment management functions referred to in point1(a) or (b) of Annex I of Directive 2011/61/EU for one or more AIFs;(51)"financial instrument": an instrument as specified in Section C of Annex I to Directive2004/39/EC;(52)"carried interest": a share in the profits of the AIF accrued to the AIFM as compensation forthe management of the AIF and excluding any share in the profits of the AIF accrued to the AIFM as a return on any investment by the AIFM into the AIF;(53)"professional investor": an investor which is considered to be a professional client or may, onrequest, be treated as a professional client within the meaning of Annex II to Directive 2004/39/EC;(54)"retail investor": an investor who is not a professional investor;(55)"close links": a situation in which two or more natural or legal persons are linked by:(a)participation, namely ownership, directly or by way of control, of 20% or more of thevoting rights or capital of an undertaking;(b)control, namely the relationship between a parent undertaking and a subsidiary, asreferred to in Article 1 of the Seventh Council Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 onconsolidated accounts, or a similar relationship between a natural or legal person and anundertaking; for the purposes of this point a subsidiary undertaking of a subsidiaryundertaking shall also be considered to be a subsidiary of the parent undertaking ofthose subsidiaries.A situation in which two or more natural or legal persons are permanently linked to the sameperson by a control relationship shall also be regarded as constituting a "close link" between such persons;(56)"UCITS": an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities authorised inaccordance with Article 5 of Directive 2009/65/EC;(57)"qualifying holding": a direct or indirect holding in an AIFM which represents 10% or more ofthe capital or of the voting rights, in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC, taking into account the conditions regarding aggregation of the holding laid down in Article 12(4) and (5) thereof, or which makes it possible to exercise a significant influence over the management of the AIFM in which that holding subsists;(58)"third country": a State which is not a Member State;(59)"legal representative": a natural person domiciled in the European Union or a legal person withits registered office in the European Union, and which, expressly designated by a non-EU AIFM, acts on behalf of such non-EU AIFM vis-à-vis the authorities, clients, bodies and counterparties to the non-EU AIFM in the European Union with regard to the non-EU AIFM's obligations under Directive 2011/61/EU;(60)"employees' representatives": employees' representatives as defined in point (e) of Article 2 ofDirective 2002/14/EC;(61)"UCITS management company": a management company authorised pursuant to Chapter 15of the amended Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment; (62)"holding company": a company with shareholdings in one or more other companies, thecommercial purpose of which is to carry out a business strategy or strategies through its subsidiaries, associated companies or participations in order to contribute to their long-term value, and which is either a company:(a)operating on its own account and whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulatedmarket in the European Union; or(b)not established for the main purpose of generating returns for its investors by means ofdivestment of its subsidiaries or associated companies, as evidenced in its annual reportor other official documents;(63)"non-listed company": a company which has its registered office in the European Union andthe shares of which are not admitted to trading on a regulated market within the meaning of point (14) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2004/39/EC;(64)"securitisation special purpose entities": entities whose sole purpose is to carry on asecuritisation or securitisations within the meaning of paragraph 2) of Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 24/2009 of the European Central Bank of 19 December 2008 concerning statistics on the assets and liabilities of financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation transactions and other activities which are appropriate to accomplish that purpose; (65)"branch": when relating to an AIFM, a place of business which is a part of an AIFM, which hasno legal personality and which provides the services for which the AIFM has been authorised;all the places of business established in the same Member State by an AIFM with its registered office in another Member State or in a third country shall be regarded as a single branch.Article 2. Subject matter and scope(1)This Law lays down the rules for the authorisation, ongoing operation and the requirements oftransparency of AIFMs established in Luxembourg which manage and/or market AIFs in the European Union.Subject to paragraph (2) of this Article and to Article 3, this Law shall apply to every legal person governed by Luxembourg law, the regular business of which is to manage one or more AIFs irrespective of whether these AIFs are AIFs established in Luxembourg, AIFs established in another Member State of the European Union or AIFs established in third countries, the AIF belongs to the open-ended or closed-ended type and whatever the legal form of the AIF or the legal structure of the AIFM.This Law shall also apply to non-EU AIFMs which manage and/or market one or more AIFs established in the European Union or in a third country, where Luxembourg is defined as the Member State of reference of the AIFM within the meaning of Article 38 of this Law.The AIFMs referred to in this paragraph must comply at all times with the provisions of this Law.(2)This Law shall not apply to:(a) holding companies;(b)institutions for occupational retirement provision which are covered by Directive2003/41/EC, including, where applicable, the authorised entities responsible formanaging such institutions and acting on their behalf referred to in Article 2(1) of thatDirective, or the investment managers appointed pursuant to Article 19(1) of thatDirective, in so far as they do not manage AIFs;(c)supranational institutions, such as the European Central Bank, the European InvestmentBank, the European Investment Fund, the European Financial Stability Facility S.A., theEuropean Stability Mechanism, the European Development Finance Institutions andbilateral development banks, the International Monetary Fund and other supranationalinstitutions and other similar international organisations, in the event that suchinstitutions or organisations manage AIFs and in so far as those AIFs act in the publicinterest;(d)the Central Bank of Luxembourg and other national central banks;(e)national, regional and local governments and bodies or other organisations or institutionswhich manage funds supporting social security and pension systems;and employee savings schemes;schemesparticipation(f) employee(g)securitisation special purpose entities.Article 3. Exemptions(1)This Law shall not apply to AIFMs established in Luxembourg in so far as they manage one ormore AIFs whose only investors are the AIFM or the parent undertakings or the subsidiaries of the AIFM or other subsidiaries of those parent undertakings, provided that none of those investors is itself an AIF.(2)Without prejudice to the application of Article 50, only paragraphs (3) and (4) of this Articleshall apply to the following AIFMs:(a) AIFMs established in Luxembourg which either directly or indirectly, through a companywith which the AIFM is linked by common management or control, or by a substantivedirect or indirect holding, manage portfolios of AIFs whose assets under management,including any assets acquired through use of leverage, in total do not exceed a totalthreshold of EUR 100,000,000; or(b) AIFMs established in Luxembourg which either directly or indirectly, through a companywith which the AIFM is linked by common management or control, or by a substantivedirect or indirect holding, manage portfolios of AIFs whose assets under management intotal do not exceed a threshold of EUR 500,000,000 when the portfolios of AIFs consistof AIFs that are unleveraged and have no redemption rights exercisable during a periodof five years following the date of initial investment in each AIF.(3)The AIFMs referred to in paragraph (2) must:(a) be registered with the CSSF;(b) identify themselves and the AIFs that they manage to the CSSF at the time ofregistration;(c) provide information on the investment strategies of the AIFs that they manage to theCSSF at the time of registration;(d) regularly provide the CSSF with information on the main instruments in which they aretrading and on the principal exposures and most important concentrations of the AIFsthat they manage in order to enable the CSSF to monitor systemic risk effectively; and(e) inform the CSSF in the event that they no longer meet the conditions referred to inparagraph (2).Where the conditions set out in paragraph (2) are no longer met, the AIFM concerned must apply for authorisation within 30 calendar days in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Law.(4)AIFMs referred to in paragraph (2) shall not benefit from any of the rights granted under thisLaw unless they choose to opt in under this Law. Where AIFMs opt in, this Law shall become applicable in its entirety.(5)In the event of failure to comply with the provisions of paragraph (3) of this Article, the CSSFmay impose the fines provided for in Article 51(2) of this Law.Article 4. Determination of the AIFM(1)Each AIF established in Luxembourg managed within the scope of this Law must have asingle AIFM, which shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of this Law. The AIFM shall be:(a) either an external AIFM; the external AIFM may be an AIFM established in Luxembourg,in another Member State or in a third country which is duly authorised pursuant toDirective 2011/61/EU;(b) or, where the legal form of the AIF permits an internal management and where the AIF'sgoverning body chooses not to appoint an external AIFM, the AIF itself, which shall thenbe authorised as AIFM.(2)In cases where an authorised AIFM established in Luxembourg has been designated as theexternal AIFM of an AIF, whether the AIF is an AIF established in Luxembourg, an AIF established in another Member State or an AIF established in a third country, and this AIFM is unable to ensure compliance with requirements of this Law for which this AIF or another entity on its behalf is responsible, it shall immediately inform the CSSF and, if applicable, the competent authorities of the home Member State of the AIF concerned. The CSSF shall require the AIFM to take the necessary steps to remedy the situation.(3)If, despite the steps referred to in paragraph (2), the non-compliance with the requirements ofthis Law persists, the CSSF shall require that the AIFM resign as external AIFM of the AIF concerned. In that case, the AIF shall no longer be marketed in the European Union. If it concerns a non-EU AIFM managing a non-EU AIF, the AIF shall no longer be marketed in the European Union. The CSSF, when it is the competent authority of the home Member State of the AIFM shall immediately inform the competent authorities of the host Member States of the AIFM thereof.Chapter 2 – Authorisation of AIFMsArticle 5. Conditions for taking up activities as AIFMs(1)No person referred to in Article 2(1) may exercise in Luxembourg the activity of AIFMresponsible for the management of AIF unless it is authorised in accordance with this Chapter.The persons referred to in this paragraph shall meet the conditions for authorisation set for in this Law at all times.(2)An external AIFM shall not engage in activities other than those referred to in Annex I to thisLaw and the additional management of UCITS subject to authorisation under Directive 2009/65/EC.(3)An internally managed AIF shall not engage in any activities other than the activities of internalmanagement of that AIF as referred to in Annex I of this Law.(4)By way of derogation from paragraph (2), external AIFMs may, in addition, provide thefollowing services:(a) management of portfolios of investments, including those owned by pension funds andinstitutions for occupational retirement provision in accordance with Article 19(1) ofDirective 2003/41/EC, in accordance with mandates given by investors on adiscretionary, client-by-client basis;(b) non-core services comprising:advice;(i) investment(ii) safe-keeping and administration in relation to shares or units of collective investment undertakings;(iii) reception and transmission of orders in relation to financial instruments.(5)AIFMs shall not be authorised under this Chapter to provide:(a) only the services referred to in paragraph (4);(b) non-core services referred to in point (b) of paragraph (4) without also being authorisedfor the services referred to in point (a) of paragraph (4);(c) only the activities referred to in point 2 of Annex I; or(d) the services referred to in point 1(a) of Annex I of this Law without also providing theservices referred to in point 1(b) of Annex I of this Law or vice versa.(6)Articles 1-1, 37-1 and 37-3 of the amended Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector shallalso apply to the provision of the services referred to in paragraph (4) of this Article by AIFMs.(7)AIFMs must provide the CSSF, on request, with all the information necessary to allow theCSSF to monitor compliance with the conditions referred to in this Law at all times.(8)Credit institutions and investment firms authorised under the amended Law of 5 April 1993 onthe financial sector shall not be required to obtain an authorisation under this Law in order to provide investment services such as individual portfolio management in respect of AIFs.However, investment firms shall, directly or indirectly, offer units or shares of AIFs to investors in the European Union, or place such units or shares with investors in the European Union, only to the extent that the units or shares can be marketed in accordance with Directive 2011/61/EU.Article 6. Application for authorisation(1)The taking up of the activity of AIFMs established in Luxembourg is subject to an authorisationby the CSSF.(2)The application for authorisation shall include the following information:(a) information on the persons effectively conducting the business of the AIFM;(b) information on the identities of the AIFM's shareholders or members, whether direct orindirect, natural or legal persons, that have qualifying holdings and on the amounts ofthose holdings;(c) a programme of activity setting out the organisational structure of the AIFM, includinginformation on how the AIFM intends to comply with its obligations under Chapters 2, 3and 4 and, where applicable, Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Law;(d) information on the remuneration policies and practices pursuant to Article 12;(e) information on arrangements made for the delegation and sub-delegation to third partiesof functions as referred to in Article 18.(3)In addition, the application for authorisation shall include the following information on the AIFsthat the AIFM intends to manage:(a) information about the investment strategies including the types of underlying funds if theAIF is a fund of funds, and the AIFM's policy as regards the use of leverage, and the riskprofiles and other characteristics of the AIFs it manages or intends to manage, includinginformation about the Member States or third countries in which such AIFs areestablished or are expected to be established;(b) information on where the master AIF is established if the AIF is a feeder AIF;(c) the management regulations or instruments of incorporation of each AIF the AIFMintends to manage;(d) information on the arrangements made for the appointment of the depositary inaccordance with Article 19 for each AIF the AIFM intends to manage;(e) any additional information referred to in Article 21(1) for each AIF the AIFM manages orintends to manage.(4)Where a UCITS management company, authorised pursuant to Chapter 15 of the amendedLaw of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment, or a management company authorised pursuant to Article 125-1 of that Law, applies for authorisation as an AIFM under this Law, the management company concerned shall not be required to provide information or documents which it has already provided to the CSSF when applying for authorisation under the amended Law of 17 December 2010, provided that such information or documents remain up-to-date.Article 7. Conditions for granting authorisation(1)The CSSF shall not grant authorisation to the AIFM established in Luxembourg unless thefollowing conditions are met:(a) the CSSF is satisfied that the AIFM will be able to meet the conditions of this Law;。