浦东新区2017学年度第二学期期末质量抽测初一英语试卷£涡分:100录宅尋时I可:7,命神】'老生注療'本槿和大共肌小題口试题均采用连续编号.语特筲奏写在答題纸上,写在试雀上不得分・)Pari One Linenlitg tSI—佛分靳力》h I jstepjng Com prehen lion (iff 力珅解・【共站廿〉A, Liun and C I K»H the right picturv <>Tf 选择止确的圈比用&臥匕..或卩誓我2估分〉B. U、I FEI tn che dlilu^uc Jind rlmo» the 1>凸1 ansit«r to the question yuu hc»r l悝粥佛;听至11 的龙f 话栩问危.进出最恰半的答秦!付好)6. A) Co]a1. A) J^ehu8. A) Mum9、X、Byunderground.10. A) At IDJOpm.i 1. A) in ihc buoksiore.H) Tea. B) Lakea.Dad. B) ByMubike, B)Al10:20pm B> InIbe library.C) Coffee.C) TnveULng.C} Jittk.f 2. A) To be a scientist. €) To benn EistronauT.J i. Aj She'll ga to ihc picnic-C) Sh<? luvei the schonl.C) By bus, C)Atl0c3Q pm.Q Fn the hojipitfiLB) lb travel amunii the ^orld.Df TodosomeresenivtiD I M LED) Swhnniing,D) Sister. ⑴ 5R MM.门i " i 1 :i-H[binB) She 恥齊rfl like jiicnicx nl ali. Dj Sbcwill be busy with her project.旬子是否:P*"*・gr BDdteU whether the following Matemcnts *« Trotw "IQ 利祈 站 N 口毗何命祢嘴劃的短文内琳符合的弟“T”表肩不特合的用咔”覆示」"妙 I 「I Ls Sight &f papular Chinese uud Frrnrh films1® S UM U T WU students ctm cook by ihemseWw11wiLI piny co^nputcr 凹咖$ u'ith trifhcn on the Fun Night]g Chi W tUs«s only i.ipcTi c» ths 1* bwk AchocL0 . 审hr ifl lhejr niobi extiling «m4 biggest aciivjty of ih« yc«. PKhly ihmkw thejj school life i« gy eojoyabLc."io the p^stute and camplcif tht follnwini : urnt-tnces. ■(听柜支、完战 F 列内容* 邮. 格跟-词)帖分) 20IP1灭诃ng f w uhulk 血验 io paiitl <H1 ______ ________ 凶蔽 **°lc由邛 21Ee *rti 阳 A J fl[X gt 0^1 the painting ___________ _ __ ■伽 the 也血vaL 22. 匚 hulk anises are $ha 胆 ihcir paioiinj^ A nd stores with viwKWJi-Purt 2 Pbnnctics, Vocabulai^ und Gr*mm« 词?T 和解窗IT. Fill In the blanks with proper wofd^ iiccvrdlnn 1i> (be ph noetic R^ntht 血〔欣秦 n 桂-"上•能 的单词)估分)23. \Vhcu ! came back home, mj djughl^f read wc her [avurilc ------------- — I [WIILTH ! 24. No one could find the time ban b«auM Bill kepi it m a ---------------- 卩血仇 l 驯 2.5 People were very ________ of (he Huiwn Rockets, liiough 塚伽 the gan«. [prao 曲 26. The Spans Ctmur in i Jous _____ building [ 27. Finely, her daught^'s ____ ___ tame ditwn in *c siting, [temper ' IHL CbfMJse tb« beM answer (iS 择量怡当的洋案)?;}曙\Vhi 讳of the folding T 剧眄胡 T 钝pwn 皿诩诃圖恤曲 的 VUiiEh of the follDwiiig is Wrong?A) Wlur should we do io save clwlriciry?>fc B) Don't P 嗨血'町囱止曲比吹讪吨叩 产C)W btn waicr boils, it turrs into 如血、”…11、,、” like t[> so to llic touted tan 妙。
每小题只有一个正确选项)二、填空题(共20分,每小题4分)13.光电门; 控制变量14.保护电路; a 15.1︰1; 1︰216.先增后减; =17.212BL ;222B L v R三、综合题(共40分)18.(10分)(1)最低点 (2)下方, 222124LT T π∆- (3)T 2,9.81(或9.82) 19.(14分)解析: (1)(2分)对小环,从A 到B 的过程中,以水平面为零势面,因只有重力做功, 由机械能守恒:212B mv mgH =代入数值解得:/2/B v s m s ===(2)(3分)在斜杆CD 上,小环重力的沿斜面方向分力G 1=mg sin37º=0.6mg 而最大静摩擦力(近似等于滑动摩擦力)f max =μmg cos37º=0.64mg 由于G 1 f max ,可得小环能静止在斜杆上。
(3)(9分)对小环,在BC 段,由牛顿第二定律可得: F -f 1=ma 1 , N 1=mg ,f 1=μN 1, 代入数值解得22120.80.210/2/0.2F mg a m s m s m μ--⨯⨯=== 由2212C B v v a L -= 得/ 4.2/C v s m s ===小环沿斜杆CD 上滑过程中, 由牛顿第二定律可得:mg sin37º+f 2=ma 2,N 2=mg cos37º,f 2=μN 2,代入数值解得222sin 37cos3710( g g m s m s μ=︒+︒=⨯+⨯=由v t =v c -at得2 4.20.3412.4C v t s s a ===20.(16分)(1)(4分)导体棒匀速下滑时,受重力G,方向竖直向下、支持力N,方向垂直于斜面向上、安培力F A,方向沿斜面向上,如图2222222222vvsinAAE B LvB LvEIR RB LF B ILRB Lmg FRB Tα=========电动势感应电流安培力棒匀速(2)(3分)根据右手定则,棒CD的电流方向由C到D,由左手定则,安培力方向向右。
浦东新区2018学年度第一学期期末质量测试高二数学试卷一、填空题(本大题满分36分)1.________ .【答案】【解析】【分析】将的分子和分母同除以,得到,当时,,则可以得到的值。
【详解】由两条平行直线间的距离公式可得:.【点睛】两条平行线Ax+By+C1=0与Ax+By+C2=0间的距离.4.直线的一个方向向量可以是________ .【答案】(2,1)【解析】【分析】由直线,可以知道直线方程为,从而可以得到直线的方向向量。
5.若某线性方程组对应的增广矩阵是,且此方程组有唯一一组解,则实数m的取值范围是________.【答案】m ≠ 2【解析】因为方程组有唯一解,所以,即,所以填.6.正方形中,点为坐标原点,且向量,边所在直线的点法向式方程为______.【答案】【解析】【分析】分别求出直线的法向量和它经过的一个点,即可写出它的点法向式方程。
7.直线与直线互相垂直,则实数=____ .【答案】1或2【解析】【分析】利用两直线垂直的充要条件,列方程求解即可。
浦东新区2018学年第一学期七年级期末考试 数 学 试 卷(考试时间90分钟,满分100分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共15分) 1. 计算:()()1009922-+-= ()A . 992B .-992C .-2D .22. 能用公式法分解因式的是( ) A .2224a ab b -+ B .2240.019m n - C .22a b -- D . 233x y x --3. 下列计算()()()()()02322311111,2,32,4392a x a x ----=-===-中,正确的个数 ( )A .0个B .1个C .2个D . 3个4. 已知:()()2222340a bab ++--=,那么22a b +=()A .-1B .4C .4或-1D .无法计算5. 下列说法正确的有()1)①平移可以得到③① ② ③ ④ 2)③和①成轴对称关系 3)①经过翻折、平移可以得到②4)②和③成中心对称关系 5) ①平移可以得到④ 6)②可以旋转得到④ A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个(1)(2)学校_______________________ 班级__________ 学号_________ 姓名______________ …………………………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………○线…………………………二、填空题(每小题2分,共30分)6. 列代数式:a 、b 两数的绝对值的和除以a 、b 两数积的商 。
7. 如果52m x y -与36n x y 是同类项,那么m n -= .8. 在代数式:2231,1,5,,0,12ax xy x y a b x-+-+中,单项式是 9. 计算:25a a -⋅=10. 因式分解:256x x --= 。
11. 已知:()2451x kx x A +-=+⋅;(A 为多项式) 则,A =____________________ 12. 若22(3)16x m x +-+是一个完全平方式,则m = .13. 化简分式:2222a ba b ab-= 。
最新-2018学年第一学期浦东新区高一地理考试卷2 精品
8.下列关于三大岩石转化示意图中最为合理的是9.具有岩性致密、颗粒定向排列、片理构造的岩石是A.岩浆岩B.火成岩C.沉积岩D.变质岩10.不属常见的20多种“造岩矿物”的是A.石英B.长石C.方解石D.金刚石11.根据海底扩张理论,洋壳新的诞生地是A.海岭(洋脊) B.海沟C.岛弧D.海岸山脉12.6级地震与8级地震相比较,能量约相差A.30倍B.60倍C.180倍D.900倍13.在同一次地震中,影响地震烈度大小的最主要因素是A.震源深浅B.震中距远近C.地质构造D.地面建筑抗震强度14.下列景观图中反映风蚀地貌的是(四)大气圈演变会引起大气运动、气候等的变化。
浦东新区2018学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测 带答案
O x/m y/cm 2 4 6 85-5浦东新区2018学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测高三物理试卷本试卷共4页,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。
2.第一大题的作答必须用2B 铅笔涂在答题纸上相应区域内与试卷题号对应的位置,需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。
每小题只有一个正确选项) 1. 元电荷是A (A )电荷量 (B )点电荷(C )电子(D )质子2. 如图所示,为一列沿x 轴传播的横波,周期为2s ,则该波D(A )波长为2m(B )振幅为10cm(C )频率为2Hz (D )波速为2m/s3. 下图中标出了磁感应强度B 、电流I 和其所受磁场力F 的方向,正确的是B(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )4. 如图所示,一只小甲虫沿着倾斜的树枝向上匀速爬行,则 C (A )甲虫速度越大所受摩擦力越大 (B )树枝对甲虫的摩擦力方向沿树枝向下(C )树枝对甲虫的作用力与甲虫所受的重力是一对平衡力 (D )甲虫匀速向下爬行与匀速向上爬行所受摩擦力方向相反 5. 用国际单位制中基本单位表示的磁通量单位是DIBF FBFI FIB(A ) Wb (B )T ⋅m 2(C )N mA⋅ (D )22kg m A s ⋅⋅6. 一个物体作竖直上抛运动,则C(A )上升到最高点时,加速度为零 (B )上升和下落过程的平均速度相同 (C )任何相等时间内的速度变化量都相同 (D )相等时间内的位移可能相同7. 如图所示,同一水平面内有一金属圆线圈M 和一带正电橡胶圆环N ,当N 绕其圆心在水平面内顺时针加速转动时,可判断出M 环中产生的感应电流方向及M 变化趋势为B(A )逆时针;收缩 (B )逆时针;扩张 (C )顺时针;收缩 (D )顺时针;扩张8. 如图所示,人随自动扶梯加速上行,扶梯对人的作用力为F ,则F C(A )大小等于人的重力,对人做正功 (B )大小等于人的重力,对人做负功(C )大小大于人的重力,对人做正功 (D )大小小于人的重力,对人做负功9. “蹦极”是一种富有刺激性的勇敢者的运动项目。
最新-浦东新区2018学年度第一学期期末考试 精品
浦东新区2018学年度第一学期期末考试高二物理(新教材)试卷一. 填空题(本题32分,每格2分)1.电磁波包括无线电波、红外线、可见光、紫外线、X 射线和γ射线。
电磁波的用途很广,家用电器的遥控器利用了电磁波中的 、验钞机利用了电磁波中的 。
2.带有10-5C 的检验电荷置于电场中,它所受的电场力为10-2N ,现把带有4×10-5C 的检验电荷放在该点,它所受的电场力为__________N ,把检验电荷移去,该点的电场强度为____________N/C 。
3.如图所示,是三个阻值不等的电阻的伏安特性曲线,将它们并联接在某电路中时,功率最大的是__________;串联接在某电路中时,电压最大的是___ ___。
4.如图所示为电场中的一条电场线,电子从A 点运动到B 点电场力对电子做 功,(填“正”或“负”) 电势能_______(填“增大”、“减少”或“不变”)。
5.如图(甲)所示,三个电阻的阻值均为2Ω,额定 功率均为18W 。
在每个电阻消耗电功率均不超过额定 功率的条件下,此电路最大消耗电功率为_________W 。
若仍满足上述条件,改为图(乙)所示所示电路,这个电 路最大消耗功率为__________W 。
6.如图所示,ab ,cd 为同一水平面上平行放置的光滑 金属导轨,ef 为金属棒,长为0.5米,此装置放在磁感 强度为0.1T 且竖直向上的匀强磁场中,当用F=0.015牛 的力拉金属棒向右匀速滑动时,则所受磁场力大小是 N ,电流大小是 A 。
7.如图所示,匀强电场与竖直方向成α角,一带电量为q 、质量为m 的塑料小球,用丝线悬挂在竖直 壁上。
则电场强度应为 ___ ___,丝线上的拉力应为___ ____。
. .(甲) .. (乙)A B→ . .U(V)8.如图所示是一个热水供应系统示意图。
图中关于质点A、B、C、D的振动情况描述正确的是()(A)质点A、B是振动加强点,质点C、D是振动减弱点(B)质点C、D是振动加强点,质点A、B是振动减弱点(C)质点A、B、C、D都是振动加强点(D)质点A、B、C、D都是振动减弱点3.做简谐运动的单摆,其周期()(A)随摆长的增大而增大(B)随振幅的增大而增大(C)随摆球质量的增大而减小(D)随摆球密度的增大而减小4.如图所示是玩具陀螺的示意图,a、b和c是陀螺表面上的三个点,当陀螺绕垂直于地面的轴线OOʹ匀速旋转时()(A)a、c两点的线速度相同(B)b、c两点的周期相同(C)a、b两点的转速不同(D)b、c两点的角速度不同Gab5.“研究感应电流方向”的实验装置如图所示,下列对实验现象描述正确的是( )(A )条形磁铁N 极朝下,插入螺线管的过程中,通过电流计G 的感应电流方向为a →b(B )条形磁铁S 极朝下,插入螺线管的过程中,通过电流计G 的感应电流方向为b →a(C )条形磁铁N 极朝下,拔出螺线管的过程中,通过电流计G 的感应电流方向为a →b (D )条形磁铁S 极朝下,拔出螺线管的过程中,通过电流计G 的感应电流方向为a →b6.如图所示,a 、b 两细绳一端系着质量为m 的小球,另一端系在竖直放置的圆环上,开始时绳b 水平。
浦东新区2021学年度第二学期期末质量调研初二英语(2021.6,)〔总分值100分,测试时间100分钟〕考生注意:本卷有七大题,共72小题.试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必根据规定在做题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分.Part 1 Listening〔第一局部听力〕I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共25分)A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分)A B CD E F1. ________2._________3.________4._________5.___________6.___________B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (6分)7.A) Because they’re nice.B) Because she likes the frame.C) Because they fit her.D) Because they are light.8.A) At 7:15.B) At 8:15.C) At 6:45.D) At 7:45.9.A) Green.B) Grey. C) Yellow. D) Orange.10. A) By bus.B) By underground.C) By plane.D) By train.11.A) He is studying for a test.B) He is practising football.C) He is watching a football match.D) He is driving to the airport.12. A) A pair of glasses.B) A milk bottle. C) A nice picture.D) An empty glass.C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断以下句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T〞表示,不符合的用“F〞表示): (5分)13. Cindy was not a hardworking student, but she did well in all her subjects.14. Cindy finished all the questions on the paper except the last one.15. Cindy didn’t know the name of the cleaner because she never saw her.16.The teacher said the last question would count in the grade(计入总分).17. The last question was to test the students’ memory.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成以下内容.每空格限填一词): (8分)19. People in Europe learned about tea from _________ ________printed in Italy in 1599.20. It took another __________ _________ for the first tea to reach Europe.21. It was a long _________ _________ to bring tea from China to Russia.Part2 Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar〔第二局部语音、词汇和语法〕(共35分)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共15分)22. Happiness is really important in our daily life. Which of the following is correct for theunderlined word?A) ['daili] B) ['diəli] C) ['deili] D) ['deəli]23. We should give ______ blind a hand when they cross the busy road.A) / B) a C) an D) the24. China’s first homegrown large passenger plane C919 took off _____ May 5th,2021.A) onB) in C) at D) by25. After the visitors arrived, the manager showed________ around the product exhibition room.A) theyB) their C) them D) themselves26. Huge amounts of ______ can be stored in the computer.A) materialB) information C) newspaper D) article27. We thought the suggestion sounded ______, yet common sense told us it wouldn’t work.A) goodB) wellC) badD) badly28. We feel proud that our country has developed ______ these years than before.A) quicklyB) more quicklyC) much quicklyD) most quickly29. _________ Sue _____ her parents enjoyreading poems at home. They want to give a show inthe local community.A) Not only…but also B) Either…orC) /…as well as D) Neither… nor30. Clark and his friend didn’t eat up all the food they ordered, _______ they took the rest away.A) for B) or C) so D) as31. -- I didn’t pass the math test. I watch TV series every day.-- You ______ spend too much time on that.A) needn’tB) shouldn’tC) oughtn’tD) wouldn’t32. -- Have you ever been to Shanghai Disneyland?-- Yes, I ______ there twice. I had a lot of fun there.A) wasB) will goC) have beenD) had been33. The new washing machine _____ my mum _____ the washing better and faster.A) lets; to do B) allow; to do C) makes; doing D) enables; to do34._________ wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were proud of him.A) What B) What a C) How D) How a35. -- I like this vase. I’ll just pick it up and ... oops!-- ____! You almost dropped it.A) Go aheadB) Look outC) Keep quietD) Look up36. --They have elected me monitor of Class One, Grade Nine!--______A) What a pity! B) Never mind.C) I’m sor ry to hear that.D) Congratulations! You deserved it!III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once〔将以下单词或词组填入空格.每个单词或词组只能填一次〕:〔共5分〕I’m writing to you about your article in last Sunday’s newspaper, Cell Phones Make Life Easier. You did an excellent job explaining the good points of cell phones. They’re ___37___ and very helpful in business. On the other hand, you didn’t talk about their bad points at all. Thus, I hope you’ll let me give your readers some advice on cell phone etiquette (礼仪).The first point I’d like to address is loudness. When talking face to face___38___, you wouldn’t shout. In fact, the microphones in cell phones are so sensitive that you can be heard even if you speak __39___.Another point that needs to be made is to deal with personal space. I think it is very impolite to make calls in small spaces or ___40___ rooms. This makes others uncomfortable and forces them to listen to your personal business.Lastly, let me draw your readers’ attention to the dangers of doing two things at the same time. For example, cell phones and ___41___ are a bad combination(结合). Pay attention to the road! Besides, cell phones can cause you to neglect good friends. Give friends who are with you your full attention. Turn off your cell phones and enjoy their company!Sincerely,Amber JalaIV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成以下句子):(共5分)42.Wendy is wearing a beautiful skirt and looking at __________ in the mirror. (she)43. I tried to _________ the feeling to my doctor, but she didn’t understand. (description)44. Everyone knows that Big Ben is one of the most well-known __________ in England. (attract)45. Most children are scared of __________ animals such as wolves, tigers and lions. (fiercely)46. ___________, I don’t like this kind of film because i t is full of action. (personal)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写以下句子.每空格限填一词):(共10分)47.Scientists know something about the lives of dolphins. (改为一般疑问句)_________scientists know _________ about the lives of dolphins?48. He felt so sorry because he had made mistakes in his job. (对划线局部提问)_________ _________he feel so sorry?49. Go along the street, and you will find the post office on your right. (保持句意根本不变)________ __________go along the street, you’ll find the post office on your right.50.I left the hotel with my luggage after the rain stopped.〔保持句意根本不变〕I _______ leave the hotel with my luggage _______ the rain stopped.51. can, poems, we, our feelings and ideas, about, write (连词成句)_______________________________________________.Part 3 Reading and Writing 〔第三局部读写〕〔40分〕VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):〔5分〕Kelly Wang Flat B 22/FFlower Mansion Shanghai 200000 China Saturday, March 24Dear KellyHi. We have arrived in the wet, hotcity of Bangkok. This is our first trip toThailand.All the different smells made uswant to try the foods. We are going to eatsomething special for dinner tonight. Thehotel where we are staying is cheap, butvery clean. We plan to stay here for a fewdays to visit some places and then travelto Chiang Mai in the north.Best wishesBennyTuesday, March 27Dear KellyBangkok is wonderful and surprising.The places in Bangkok are interesting. Wevisited the most famous market which ison the water and saw a lot of fruits andvegetables. Everything is so colorful andwe took hundreds of photos already. Laterwe will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take atrain there and stay for two days. Then wewill catch a bus to Chiang Lai.Best wishesBenny Friday, March 30Dear KellyOur trip to Chiang Lai was long and boring.We visited a village in the mountains in ChiangLai today. The people there live a very quietlife---no computers or phones. They are thekindest people I have ever met. They alwayssmile and say “Hello 〞. Wecan only say a fewwords of Thai, so smiling is the best way toshowour kindness. ____55 ______. And wewill go back by air tomorrow.Best wishesKelly Wang Flat B 22/F Flower Mansion Shanghai 200000 ChinaKelly Wang Flat B 22/F Flower Mansion Shanghai 200000 China52. Benny and his family visited Thailand in _________.A)springB)summerC) autumnD)winter53. They went to Chiang Mai _________.A) by airB) by busC) by trainD) by boat54. The most famous market in Bangkok is _________.A)on the roadB) on the waterC) in the countrysideD) in the city centre55. In the third postcard, which of the following sentence is missing ?A) Helping others makes yourself happy and pleased.B) Happiness means showing kindness to others.C) We feel good here and hope to come back again next year.D) We feel sorry here and don’t want to stay here any more.56. Which of the following is NOT true?A) They spent about a week visiting Thailand.B)Chiang Mai is in the north of Thailand.C) They are not good at the Thai language.D) Life in the village in Chiang Lai is poor and noisy.B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):〔10分〕每题两分If you like talking to people and writing stories, being a news reporter may be the job for you. It is 57, though! Reporters work hard and finish their work in time. They follow four steps to complete a new story.1. Do research. When reporters learn about a news event, they gather facts. They interview people in the event and take careful 58. They try to answer the questions who, what, when, where, why and how.2. Write the lead. The lead of the news story is the first sentence or several sentences. The lead tells the most 59 idea of the story and makes the reader want to keep reading.3. Write the body of the story. The body, or main part, of the story, gives 60 that support the lead sentence. Sometimes, the body contains words from the people interviewed by the reporter.4. Write a headline. A headline is the title of a news story. It should cover the main idea of the story and 61 the readers’ attention.Please follow the four steps above,maybe you can be a good news reporter.57. A) excitingB) responsibleC) well-paidD) difficult58. A) stepsB) notesC) plansD) decisions59. A) importantB) puzzlingC)creativeD) powerful60. A) titlesB) sections C) detailsD) suggestions61. A) payB) catchC) turnD) receiveC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(10分) 每题两分What does a certain school in California have that most other schools don’t have? King Middle School has a garden. The garden is part of a cooking and gardening program called the Edible Schoolyard(操场). The i 62 for the program came from Alice Waters. Waters started a restaurant that makes food from fresh ingredients.of ABCs-----asparagus (芦笋), beans, and carrots! They grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Teachers and students w 63 together in the program. Parents and local farmers support the program.In the garden, students take care of the soil and plants. They harvest the crops. Students can explore and sample new foods directly from the garden. They learn firsthand the ways in which fresh food is good for your body. A classroom kitchen is also part of the program. In the kitchen, students prepare and eat h 64 dishes made from the food they grow.Teachers at the school use the garden and kitchen activities to extend the learning in other subject areas, too. For example, students learn information about plants and the relationship b 65living things and their environment.Both the garden and the program are growing, and word of this program is s 66 .Other schools across the country have started their own edible schoolyards.D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容答复以下问题):( 5分)Nowadays, we have many chances to have space trips. Read the two advertisements.Advertisement A.Advertisement B67.How much does the four-day trek cost?____________________________________________________68.Which advertisement allows you to see UFOs in mountain regions, Advertisement A or B?____________________________________________________69.Do you need to take your own food with you if you take the trip in Advertisement B?________________________________________________________________________________________________________71.Which trip are you interested in? Why?____________________________________________________VII. Writing (作文):(共10分)72. Write at least 60 words according to the given situation〔根据所给情境,写一篇不少于60个词的回帖,标点符号不占格〕Sam 在学校的英语学习论坛里发了一个帖子,请阅读他的帖子,针对他提出的问题写一份回帖.Sam,Posted:2 days agoYour answer浦东新区2021学年度第二学期期末质量调研初二英语音带文字及参考答案Part 1 Listening〔第一局部听力〕I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共25分)D.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分)1.Every drop of water should be saved in our daily life.2.Look, his grandparentsare learning how to use computers.3.Don’t leave the fridge door open for a long time.4.Roof plants are one of the best ways to fight against pollution.5.Paying with a credit card is much easier than by ‘real’ money.6.Bike-sharing is becoming more and more popular in Shanghai.1-5 A D C E B FE.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (6分)7. M: Nice glasses! I like the frame. They really fit you.W: Thanks. I really like wearing them because they're very light.Q: Why does the woman like the glasses? ( D)8. M: Excuse me. What time is the next plane to Paris?W: It should leave at a quarter past seven but it will leave an hour late today.Q: What time will the plane to Paris leave? (B)9. M: What colour are you going to have your room, Ann?W: I’d like to paint it green bu t Mum thinks yellow looks warmer.M: Orange is my favouritecolour.W: I like it too but I’ll have to do what mum wants.Q: What colour will the room be? (C)10. M: I’d like to go to London on Friday.W: Well, you can go by bus or by train.M: Is the train expensive?W: Yes. The bus is much cheaper. It’s only twenty pounds.M: Right, that’s better for me.Q: How does the man travel to London? (A)11. M: Hi. Where’s David? Is he still studying?W: He’s driving his aunt to the airport.M: Oh. Will he be back for the football match?W: I don’t think so. You’ll have to play without him.Q: What is David doing now? (D)12. M: Be careful, Mum, there are some pieces of glass on the floor.W: What happened?M: Oh, The milk bottle fell on the floor.W: Oh well, at least it was empty.Q: What has the boy broken? (B)7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. BF.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断以Cindy was hardworking when she studied in a nursing school and she did well in all the subjects. During her second year of the school, the teacher gave the students a quiz. Cindy did the quiz successfully until she read the last question: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?〞Of course this was a joke. Cindy saw the cleaning woman every day. She was short and about 60 years old. She had dark hair. But how would Cindy know her name? Cindy had never talked with the woman before. In fact, Cindy had never even thought about talking to her. Cindy read her paper and started to feel rather guilty(惭愧的). Finally, she handed in her paper, with the last question not answered.Before the class ended, one of Cindy’s classmates asked the te acher if the last question would count in their grade.“Of course,〞the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve your attention and care, what you do is to smile and say hello to them.〞Cindy has never forgotten that quiz. It taught Cindy that everyone deserves her attention and she should get to know all of the people who work and live around her. And now Cindy still remembers the cleaning woman’s name: Doreen.13.F14. T 15. F 16. T17. FD. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成以下内容.每空格限填一词): (8分)The first people who drank tea were the Chinese, because the plant grew all over the south of China. The Chinese liked the taste, and found that the drink could refresh them.People living in Europe first learned about tea growing and drinking from a book printed in Italy in 1599. The writer said that tea was a wonderful medicine. Although people in Europe knew about tea in 1599, it was another fifty years before the first tea from China reached Europe.A few years later, tea was brought overland from China to Russia. The long difficult journey was made over mountains and across deserts.The new drink reached England in 1657. It was sold at one of the coffee houses. Only very rich people could afford it.18. The Chinese 19. a book 20. fifty years 21. difficult journeyII.22. C 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.C31.B 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.B 36.DIII.37. F38. E 39. C 40. D 41. AIV.42. herself43. describe44. attractions 45. fierce 46. PersonallyV. 47. Do, anything 48. Why did 49. If you 50. didn’t,until51. We can write poems about our feelings and ideas.VI.A) 52. A 53.C 54. B 55. C 56.DB) 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. C 61. BC) 62. idea 63. work 64. healthy 65. between 66. spreadingD)67. $680 per person.68. Advertisement A.69. No, we/I don’t.70. (For) two nights./ I am interested in Trip B, because I don’t need to take any food.(Any reasonable answer is OK.)72.VII. Writing (作文)写话评分标准:作文共10分,其中内容4分和语言4分,组织结构分2分.〔一〕内容:4 分内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚,完整.2-3 分内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚,离题目要求较远.0-2分文不对题,表达不清.〔二〕语言:①词数:每少5个词扣0.5,以此类推.只写出个别单词,词不成句不给分.②拼写:每错扣0.5分,同一错误不重复计数.③语法:同②④标点符号,大小写:每两处错误扣0.5分,但扣分总和不超过一分.⑤语言分最多扣4分.〔三〕组织结构:①内容充实,不写废话;上下文连贯,用语标准,表达准确,无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给2分.②一般情况下,内容和语言累积得分在7分以上者〔含〕,方可得到2 分组织结构分.③内容和语言在6分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好的句型和表达,可酌情考虑给1分组织结构分.④通篇句型,句式单一,词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,一般亦不予给组织结构分.。
最新-浦东新区2018学年度第一学期高一期末质量抽测[原创]-新课标 精品
浦东新区2018学年度第一学期期末质量抽测高一物理试卷(完卷时间90分钟 满分100分)2.第一、二、三、五大题中,凡同一题号出现两次时,前一小题为普通完中题,后一且带“*”的小题为重点中学题。
由图可知:物体在这段时间内最小加速度为 m /s 2’,最大加速度为 m /s 2。
4.在平直公路上匀速行驶的汽车,刹车后速度随时间变化的关系为v =(8-0.4t )m /s ,由此可知,汽车从刹车到停止运动需时间为 s 。
5、某市规定,卡车在市区行驶不得超过40km/h 的速度,一次一辆卡车紧急刹车后,经1.5s 停止,量得路面上车痕长s=9m ,则这辆车的实际行驶速度是 m/s (假设刹车后卡车做匀减速直线运动),该车属于_______行驶(填“正常”或“违章”)。
6.校园歌曲《蜗牛与黄鹂鸟》:“啊门啊前一棵葡萄树,啊嫩啊绿地刚发芽,蜗牛背着重重的壳呀,一步一步往上爬… …”,可以近似认为,与水平倾斜为α角的葡萄枝对重为G 的蜗牛的作用力为 。
7.(普通中学).一个物体受两个共点力作用,它的大小分别为F1=6N ,F 2=14N ,则该物体所受合力的最大值是_________N ,最小值是_________N 。
*7.(重点中学)一个物体受三个共点力作用,它的大小分别为F 1=6N ,F 2=12N ,F 3=16N ,则该物体所受合力的最大值是_________N ,最小值是_________N 。
8.运动员用双手握住竖直的竹杆匀速攀上和匀速下滑,受到竹杆对他的摩擦力分别为f 1和f 2,则这两个摩擦力的方向_________(填“相同”或“相反”) ,两个力的大小关系为f 1 ___ f 2。
最新-2018年上海市浦东新区高三第一学期期末质量测试地理试卷及答案 精品
上海浦东新区2018年第一学期期末质量测试高三地理试卷浦东新区2018学年度第一学期期末质量测试高三地理试卷(闭卷考试时间 120 分钟满分 150分)一、选择题(共60分,每小题只有一个正确答案),请将答案用铅笔涂在答题卡上。
1.钓鱼岛(25°44.6′N,123°28.4′)位于上海的A.东北方向B.东南方向C.西南方向 D.西北方向2.从我国的领海基线量起,我国的专属经济区至A.200海里B.188海里C.24海里 D.12海里3.一度纬差(1′)长度的六十分之一规定为1海里),即一分纬差(1′)表示1海里,图中南小岛的地理坐标是25°43.2′N,123°33.2′E,它是钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿领海基线最南点,如南小岛为基点,领海的最南边界线纬度约A.27°55.2′NB.27°31.2′NC.25°31.2′ND.25°55.2′N(二)2018年6月渤海发生重大溢油事故,造成了严重的海水污染。
4.属于我国内海的是A.北部湾B.台湾海峡C.琼州海峡D.黄海5.我国四大海域蕴藏丰富石油的共同地质条件是A.大陆架B.沉积盆地C.大陆坡 D.浅海6.为防止污染范围扩大,当地渔政、海监部门必须掌握渤海海区的情况,其中首要的是:A.风向和潮汐B.风力和海浪C.潮汐和风力D.海浪和潮汐(三)奥地利探险家鸨母加特纳在美国新墨西哥韦尔,于当地时间2018年10月14日9时30分(西六区)乘氦气球到达距地面39044米后,从太空舱里跳下,于北京时间15日凌晨2时12分03秒成功落地。
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浦东新区2017学年第一学期初三教学质量检测英语音带文字及参考答案Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)I. Listening comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)1. These boy dancers gave us an enjoyable performance on New Year’s Eve.2. Tom and Tony are having some drinks while hiking in the countryside.3. How pleasant it is to go fishing at the beautiful lake on a sunny day!4. The judges were pleased with this skillful dancer at the school art festival.5. Nowadays the sport of climbing mountains is becoming more and more popular.6. The detective Kevin usually studies the scene of the crime carefully after he arrives.1. B2. F3. G4. C5. D6. HB. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分)7. M: Were you here in May?W: Not really. In fact, I arrived in June.Q: When did the woman arrive?8. M: Your uncle used to work as a teacher, didn’t he?W: No. My aunt was. My uncle used to work in a bank. But now he is a shop manager.Q: What is the girl’s uncle?9.W: Can you help me with the cooking, Sam?M: Sorry, Jenny. I don’t really like the smell in the kitchen. Let me help lay the table.Q: What will the man probably do?10. M: See the dark clouds in the sky? Take an umbrella with you because it is going to rain.W: Good idea! Umbrellas are really useful on both sunny and rainy days.Q: How is the weather now?11. M: Excuse me! I’d like to buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong.W: Just a moment. We have three flights, one at 2 p.m, another at 3:00 p.m, and the third at 5 p.m. Which one would you like to take, sir?M: I’d like to take the earliest flight, please.Q: When does the man want to leave for Hong Kong?12.W: What kind of books have you chosen, David?M: Some books on science fiction. What about you?W: I want to buy some comic books for my son. Where can I find them?M: On the fifth floor.Q: Where is David now?13.W: You look a bit nervous. John, is everything all right? Are we lost again?M: No. It’s just the car. I am afraid we don’t have enough oil and I am not sure if we can find a gas station in time.Q: Why does the man look nervous?14. W: Rob, where do you live?M: I live in a house on Lake Street. Why?W: Is that a nice neighbourhood? I’m looking for a new place to live in. My roommate and I aren’t getting along well.Q: What can we learn from the dialogue?7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. D 14. BC. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) When Jason opened the hotel room door, it was 10:30 p.m. He was finally in Hawaii! He dropped his bag near the bed. He set his wallet and cellphone on the desk, then washed his hands in the bathroom. He opened the glass door and walked out onto the balcony. He wanted to breathe the warm fresh night air. He kept the door closed behind him to keep the insects out of his room. Several minutes later, Jason wanted to go back to his room, but the door couldn't move. Oh, he had locked himself out of his room!Jason looked down. The ground was about 20 meters below him. He looked around. He saw a light in the room to the right. Maybe he could climb over to that balcony. But, it was too dangerous. He started shouting, “Hello, Hello!” No answer. He shouted louder. Still nothing. Finally he started to sing loudly. Then, he heard a voice “What…” Jason answered. “ I’m so sorry! I’m locked out of my room. Can you call the front desk? Tell them the man in 645 was locked on the balcony.” His neighbour promised he would ask the clerk to help him.Half an hour later, Jason was back in his room. After that, he promised himself, “I’ll keep my cellphone with me”.15. T 16. T 17. F 18. F 19. F 20. TD. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。
每空格限填一词) (10分)How can you get ready for a drama performance? Here are some tips.First, make sure you know your lines. You should know the lines so well that you needn’t worry about forgetting them.Second, prepare your voice. Do voice exercise to warm up the muscles of your mouth. Make sure your voice is clear and loud. Practise in an open area and have people tell you whether theycan hear every word clearly. Work on your weak points before the performance.Third, accept that you will be nervous. Most people agree that nerves are a good thing and actually improve themselves. Try to turn your nerves into positive energy.Have some exercise like taking a walk, jogging to help you relax. Some like to talk to people and some like to stay alone before they perform. You can find out what other ways help you relax.Finally, do not forget to have fun! When you have done everything you can to prepare properly, go out there and do your best---with a smile on your face.21. worry about 22. open area 23. improve themselves 24.other ways 25. have funPart 2 Phonetics , Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分语音、词汇和语法)II. 26. B 27. B 28.A 29. D 30. A 31. A 32. C 33. C 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. C 39. A 40. D41. B 42. D 43. B 44. A 45. CIII. 46.C 47.E 48.B 49.A 50. D 51. A 52. B 53. CIV. 54. Germans 55. his 56. two 57. length 58. recent 59. succeed 60. rarely 61. unhappy V. 62. Does, enjoy 63. didn’t it 64. What, create 65. are hung 66. If, don’t67. whether/if, had68. They have not found the way to deal with the problem.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)VI.A) 69. D 70. B 71. A 72. B 73. C 74. DB) 75. B 76. B 77. A 78. C 79. D 80. CC) 81. visits 82. article 83.spread 84. opinions/opinion 85. another 86. easily 87.DuringD) 88. No. /No, he wasn’t. (此题1分)89. In the library.90. In Grade Four. / In the fourth grade.91. Three. / Three times.92. They decided to conduct a survey and make a bar graph. /They conducted a survey and made a bar graph.93. He realized that listening to his classmates was the most important. /He realized that he should listen to others. /He realized that he should respect others’ opinions. / He realized that he should know what others’ favourites. /He realized that he should make some changes by /about himself. … (Any reasonable answer is Ok.)(此题3分)VII. Writing (作文) (共20分) 略。