




2.主要动作及规格:a.勾脚双开脚 : 保持勾脚状态,两腿最大限度向外旋转。

b. 绷脚双开脚 : 保持绷脚状态,两腿最大限度向外旋转。

c. 交替勾绷脚 : 两脚交替做勾绷脚,要领同勾绷脚。

d.25 度前抬腿 :上身保持直立,腿伸直绷脚,外开抬起25°,一脚位于另一脚正上方。

e.睡觉舞姿:体对 2 点燕式坐,上身俯于地面,双手重叠(左上右下)手肘贴于地面,右倾头脸贴于手上。


3.组合动作与顺序节奏:准备位置:睡觉舞姿准备音乐:(两个八拍)(1)1-8 睡觉舞姿(2)1-4 起上身,右手旁点地,左手扩指,手心对一点划立圆到旁斜下位点地,眼随手动5-8 双吸坐对一点,双手扶膝。

第一段(四个八拍 +两拍)(1)1-2 双勾脚,仰头,眼视一点斜上方3-4 头脚还原;5-8 重复 1-4(2)1- 右倾头,双手肩前位扩指2- 右倾头,双手右旁斜上位扩指3- 左倾头,双手左旁斜上位扩指4- 左倾头,双手肩前位扩指5-6 双手掌形交叉点肩(右里左外),眼视前斜上方7-8 正步位绷脚伸坐,手旁点地(3)-(4)正步位伸坐,重复(1)-(2)的动作。

(5)1-2保持舞姿第二段(四个八拍)(1)1-双勾脚2-勾脚双开脚3-4绷脚双开脚5-6右腿 25 度前抬腿,眼视 8点斜上方7-右腿落,绷脚双开脚,眼视 1 点8-双绷脚回正(2)1-2右脚勾脚,右倾头3-4交替至左脚勾脚,左倾头5-7交替勾绷脚三次,倾头8- 还原至双脚绷脚(3)1-8重复(1)的动作,反面(4)1-2 左脚勾脚,左倾头3-4 交替勾绷脚,右倾头5-7 交替勾绷脚三次,倾头8-双绷脚第三段(两个八拍)(1)1-4 双吸腿团身,双手扶膝5-8 后背拉直,眼视一点(2)1- 右倾头,双手肩前位扩指2- 右倾头,双手右旁斜上位扩指3- 左倾头,双手左旁斜上位扩指4- 左倾头,双手肩前位扩指5-7 双手掌形交叉点肩(右里左外),眼视前斜上方8-双分手,燕式坐对 2 点(3) 1-2 双手经上打开至旁点地,眼视 2 点斜上方第四段(两个八拍)(1) -( 2)右左倾头(八次),眼视 2 点斜上方,结束在燕式坐左倾头,眼视 2 点斜上方。










学科*网14.1934年,约里奥-居里夫妇用α粒子轰击铝核2713Al,产生了第一个人工放射性核素X:2713α+Al n+X。

X的原子序数和质量数别离为A.15和28 B.15和30 C.16和30 D.17和3115.为了探测引力波,“天琴打算”估量发射地球卫星P,其轨道半径约为地球半径的16倍;另一地球卫星Q的轨道半径约为地球半径的4倍。

P与Q的周期之比约为A.2:1 B.4:1 C.8:1 D.16:116.一电阻接到方波交流电源上,在一个周期内产生的热量为Q方;假设该电阻接到正弦交变电源上,在一个周期内产生的热量为Q正。


那么Q方: Q正等于A .1:2B .2:1C .1:2D .2:117.在一斜面顶端,将甲、乙两个小球别离以v 和2v的速度沿同一方向水平抛出,两球都落在该斜面上。

甲球落至斜面时的速度是乙球落至斜面时速度的A .2倍B .4倍C .6倍D .8倍18.甲、乙两车在同一平直公路上同向运动,甲做匀加速直线运动,乙做匀速直线运动。

甲、乙两车的位置x随时刻t 的转变如下图。

以下说法正确的选项是A .在t 1时刻两车速度相等B .从0到t 1时刻内,两车走过的路程相等C .从t 1到t 2时刻内,两车走过的路程相等D .从t 1到t 2时刻内的某时刻,两车速度相等19.地下矿井中的矿石装在矿车中,用电机通过竖井输送至地面。



计算机应用考级试题及答案一、选择题1. 全国计算机应用考级分为几个级别?a. 3个级别b. 5个级别c. 7个级别d. 9个级别答案:c2. 下列哪个级别的考试主要考察计算机的基本操作技能?a. 初级b. 中级c. 高级d. 专业级答案:a3. 计算机应用考级的试题主要涉及以下哪些方面?a. 计算机硬件和软件b. 网络与信息安全c. 数据库管理d. 所有选项都对答案:d4. 在计算机应用考级中,一般会使用哪种考试方法?a. 笔试b. 实操c. 口试d. 以上都有答案:d5. 下面哪个选项是正确的?a. 计算机应用考级仅限于计算机专业人士b. 只有通过计算机应用考级才能找到好工作c. 计算机应用考级对于提升个人技能非常有帮助d. 计算机应用考级的内容过时,没有实际意义答案:c二、填空题1. 计算机应用考级的标准是由哪个部门制定的?答案:国家教育部2. 初级计算机应用考级的考试时间为____分钟。

答案:1203. 计算机应用考级的证书有效期为____年。

答案:34. 计算机应用考级的最高级别是____级。

答案:专业级5. 计算机应用考级的试题涵盖了_____个知识领域。

答案:7三、应用题1. 请简要介绍一下计算机应用考级中的各个级别及其相关要求。


2. 你认为计算机应用考级对个人的职业发展有何帮助?答案:计算机应用考级可以在个人简历中增加一项有力的证书,能够证明个人对计算机技术和应用方面具备一定的实力。












































2021.5英语三级试卷及答案称名位单名姓号证考准区地线 2021.5职业技能鉴定国家题库涉外秘书三级英语试卷(及答案)此注意事项1、考试时间:90分钟。




听力部分笔试部分总分核分人超得分准 A.得分 Listening Test三评分人【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音级05”中。

】不I. Directions: Listen to the text about the meeting and choose the best answers for the questions. (5 questions, 2 marks for each question, 10marks altogether) 题1. The man announced ___________.(A) the meeting will begin(B) the meeting will be canceled (C) Mr. Hampton was ill答(D) everyone should pay attention to something urgent 得分 2. Mr. Hampton_____________.评分人(A) is able to attend today’s meeting 生(B) is able toattend tomorrow’s meeting (C) can’t attend today’s meeting (D) can’t attend tomorrow’s meeting考3. _______________ will be discussed in the meeting?(A) The draf t of the next year’s plan for the staff (B) The draft of thenext year’s plan for his company (C) The draft of the next year’s plan forthe sale(D) The draft of the next year’s plan for the advertisement 4. What isSusan responsible for? ____________(A) To make notes(B) To serve everyone in the meeting (C) To arrange the details in themeeting (D) To send the material in the meeting5. Who will talk first? ____________(A) Not mentioned (B) Mr. Smith (C) Mrs. Smith (D) Mrs. SmithII. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the followingstatements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False in the brackets.(5 questions, 2 marks each question. 10 marks altogether.) 1. [ ] The pricein the list are much too high..2. [ ] According to the buyer, it is unreasonable to offer such highprices compared to others. 3. [ ] The seller willreduce the price by 10% without any condition.第 1 页共 5 页单位名称姓名准考证号地区生答题不 4.[ ] This potential buyer is satisfied with the concession made by the seller.准超 5. [ ] In order to have the seller adjust their prices, thepotential buyer orders a 过 large quantity. 此线B. Written TestI. Vocabulary and structureDirections:Multiple Choice questions (1 mark for each, 20 questions, 20 marks altogether)1. The French pianist who had been praised very highly ______ to be agreat disappointment. (A) turned up (B) turned down (C) turned in (D) turned out 2. They saw a car at the street_______ Irish license plates.(A) equipping (B) taking (C) bearing (D) proving 3. Please don’t ____ __ for me, I may be late.(A) stay up (B) wake up (C) keep up(D) rise up4. He completely ___ ___ all these facts as though they never existed. (A) disposes(B) ignores (C) fails(D) neglects5. Discussions and debates are my __ ____ way of learning.(A) favorite (B) convinced(C) favorable(D) intended6. Read the ____ __ carefully before you switch on the engine. (A) orders(B) information(C) instructions(D) message7. Japan has ___ ___ West Germany in industrial production. (A) run over(B) overtaken (C) overthrown(D) conquered8. I can _ _____ him without reservation for the post he is seeking. (A)apply (B) approve (C) favor(D) recommend9. Father _ _____ to his study upstairs shortly after supper that evening.(A) left (B) resigned (C) relieved(D) retired10. These small white house are _____ _ of the Greek islands. (A) common(B) regular(C) characteristic (D) lovely11. To our disappointment, ____ __ turned out that the method did notwork well.第 2 页共 5 页(A) it (B) as (C) what(D) so12. ______ the chance, she could have done just as well as you have. (A)To give (B) Giving (C) Gave (D)Given13. All the while he was terrified by the fear ______ he had cancer of the stomach. (A) which (B) that (C) what (D) such 14. He was not very intelligent, and ______.(A) neither did he work very hard too (B) neither didn’t he work veryhard (C) neither did he work very hard (D) neither he worked very hard 15._______ I found that nearly half of the audience had left the hall. (A) Notlong before it was (B) It was not long before (C) Not long it wasbefore (D) Not before it was long 16. Some knowledge of thecomputer is ______ great value in this job. (A) for(B) with (C) of(D) about17. ______ he had said it he knew what a mistake he had made. (A) In theminute (C) To the minute(B) A minute (D) The minute18. Five minutes earlier, ______ we could have caught the last train. (A)and (C) or(B) but (D) nor19. Jack, ______ was expected, performed the task with success. (A) which(C) as(B) that (D) it20. I should say Henry is not ______ a writer as a reporter. (A) that much(C) as such(B) much (D) so muchII. Reading ComprehensionSection A Directions: Read the following passage and do the multiplechoice questions. (2 marks each, 10 marks altogether)In some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive speech becausethe applicant (interviewee) seeks to persuade the employer (interviewer) toemploy him or her. Several suggestions might prove helpful to the applicant aspreparation is made for the actual interview.A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining certain types ofinformation prior to the interview. First, the applicant should know what kindof job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective. It isimportant that the applicant be able to state his reasons for wishing to workfor a particular company. Second, the applicant should seek as muchinformation as possible concerning the company. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plans第 3 页共 5 页单位名称姓名准考证号地区生答题不 for expansion, and company philosophy. Information about most major corporations is available in reference books准 and periodicals. 超过 After gathering information concerning the company, the applicant is ready for the interview. The interviewer’s此 firstimpression comes from the interviewee’s appearance. For most interviews, appropriate dress for man is a 线 conservativedark colored suit with a long sleeve white or light blue shirt and conservative tie. For women a conservative, tailored suit or dress is appropriate. Both men and women should have neat, conservative length hair.Although hairstyle and dress are matters of personal tastes, many personnel directors form initial impressions from these characteristics. For example, one recent college graduate, who felt himself qualified, interviewed for a public relations job. However, the personnel manager considered this young man’s long hair, sloppy dress, and overly casual manner unsuited for this particular position.1. What’s t he purpose of this passage? (A) To inform the candidates of the recent interview (B) To give some advice to an employer.(C) To inform the candidates of how to prepare for an interview (D) To persuade the candidates to accept his advice 2. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage ? . (A)The applicant should know the typeof work and his career expectation (B)The applicant should know as much as possible about the company(C)The applicant should have the reasons a particular company has to employ him (D)The applicant should not pay too much attention to his appearance3. According to the passage, before the interview, the applicant canobtain some information about the company hewants to work for _______. (A)on the internet(B)in reference books and periodicals (C)in the library(D)from the employees of the company business and philosophy4. What kind of information about the company, as the author suggests, should the candidate obtain ______ ? (A)the financial status (B)company philosophy (C)plans for expansion, (D)all of the above5. From the last two paragraphs we can infer that . (A)first impression is of importance(B)public relations are important in the interview (C)self confidence is of great importance(D)personal taste is quite important in the interviewSection B Directions: Decide whether the statements are 'true' or 'false' based on the text, write T for ‘true’ and F for ‘false’. (2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether)Here are a few examples of business customs in foreign lands that one should be cognizant of:In Brazil, conversations can become very animated and involve physical contact and raised voices. Yet trying to dominate the conversation will meet with disapproval.In China, it's considered impolite to reply negatively. Answers like\time\gifts, avoid using white or green wrapping paper as those colors are considered to be inauspicious. In Germany, it's customary to wait to beintroduced to someone new by a third party. People are uncomfortable when approached by complete strangers.When dining with co-workers in Japan, always let the host pay for the meal. Be sure to never leave your chopsticks placed vertically in a bowl of rice as this is only done at funerals.The Irish are enthusiastic conversationalists who often indulge incriticism of themselves as a people and Ireland as a country. If you'reinvolved in this type of conversation, never agree with what is being said or you'll find that both yourself and your country will be roundly abused.第 4 页共 5 页单位名称生答题Even in \不Luckily there are many training programs available to familiarize business travelers and career people with 准the ins and outs of doing business in the international arena. 超过此 1. [ ] In Brazil, people usually talk animatedly, but they usually keep space distance with each other. 线2. [ ] In China, people usually give a negative answer indirectly instead of the direct “No”.3. [ ] In Germany, it’s better not to bother to speak to a stranger ifno one introduces him to you. 4. [ ] Irish peopletend to criticize their own country in conversation because they bear hatredto their country.姓名准考证号地区 5. [ ]The purpose of this article isprobably to tell us that we should be aware of the different ways business peopleinteract in different cultures and countries.III. TranslationDirections: Translate the following passage into Chinese. (4 marks each, 20 marks altogether)1. As you know, we value our long-established relationship with your corporation, and look forward to increasing business in the coming years.2. Any information you can send us about the city itself and the surrounding countryside, including places of historical interest, will be very much appreciated.3. We are offering you goods of the very highest quality on unusually generous terms and would welcome the opportunity to serve you.4. The meanings we exchange by speaking and by writing are not given in the words and sentences along but are also constructed partly out of what our listeners and our readers interpret them to mean.5. The fact remains that women are now free to enter any career that attracts them; the situation has improved, and the tide is not likely to turn back.IV. WritingDirections: Here you are required to write a reply to the letter askingfor price reduction (20 marks)第 5 页共 5 页感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



大学英语三级(A)真题2021年06月(总分:101.99,做题时间:120分钟)一、大学英语三级(A级)-听力对话单题(总题数:5,分数:4. 00)(分数:0. 80)A.The after-sale service.B.The training courses. JC.The online marketing.D.The new products.解析:原文: M: Are all of your training courses online? W: Yes, we offer 100% online courses that are convenient for everyone. Q: What are the two speakers talking about?fffl节推断题。




1.(分数:0.80)A. From a friend. VB.From a newspaper.C.From a website.D.From a TV program.解析:原文:M: Are all of your training courses online? W: Yes, we offer 100% online coursesthat are convenient for everyone. Q: What are the two speakers talking about?信息明示题。





中国舞三级考试题库及答案一、选择题1. 中国古典舞中的基本手型有几种?A. 3种B. 5种C. 7种D. 9种答案:C2. 下列哪个动作不属于中国舞的基本功?A. 云手B. 踢腿C. 旋转D. 跳跃答案:B3. 中国舞中“提沉”动作主要训练的是?A. 腿部力量B. 腰部柔韧性C. 手臂协调性D. 身体平衡感答案:B二、填空题4. 中国舞中的“________”是模仿古代女子行走时的姿态。

答案:碎步5. “________”是中国舞中常见的一种手臂动作,用于表现优雅和柔美。

答案:扇子手6. 中国舞中,身体的“三道弯”指的是________、________和________。

答案:腰部、膝盖、脚踝三、简答题7. 简述中国舞中“云手”动作的特点。


8. 描述中国舞中“提沉”动作的要领。




四、论述题9. 论述中国舞中“身韵”的表现方式及其在舞蹈中的重要性。



五、实操题10. 请根据以下音乐节奏,编排一段包含“提沉”和“云手”的中国舞小组合。





三级乐理试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个音程是大三度?A. C-EB. C-GC. C-AD. C-B答案:A2. 以下哪个和弦是主三和弦?A. C-E-GB. C-E-G#C. C-F-AD. C-G-B答案:A3. 什么是五线谱?A. 一种记录音乐的符号系统B. 一种乐器C. 一种音乐风格D. 一种音乐理论答案:A4. 以下哪个是全音符?A. 一个空心的圆圈B. 一个实心的圆圈C. 一个实心圆圈加一个竖线D. 一个空心圆圈加一个竖线答案:B5. 以下哪个是升号?A. ♭B. ♯C. ♮D. ♩答案:B6. 以下哪个是降号?A. ♭B. ♯C. ♮D. ♩答案:A7. 什么是调号?A. 一首曲子的开头部分B. 一首曲子的结尾部分C. 一首曲子的中间部分D. 一首曲子中标记调性的符号答案:D8. 以下哪个是拍号?A. 4/4B. 2/2C. 3/4D. 所有选项都是答案:D9. 以下哪个是小节线?A. 五线谱上的短横线B. 五线谱上的长横线C. 五线谱上的竖线D. 五线谱上的斜线答案:A10. 以下哪个是附点音符?A. 一个实心圆圈加一个竖线B. 一个实心圆圈加一个点C. 一个空心圆圈加一个竖线D. 一个空心圆圈加一个点答案:B二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. 音阶中的每个音级都有其特定的名称,第一个音级称为________,最后一个音级称为_______。

答案:主音,属音2. 在C大调中,没有升号或降号,因此它的调号是________。

答案:C大调3. 一个全音符的时值是四分音符的_______倍。

答案:44. 一个附点四分音符的时值等于_______个四分音符的时值。

答案:1.55. 一个八度包含_______个半音。

答案:126. 一个和弦由至少_______个音组成。

答案:37. 五线谱上的音符如果超出了五线的范围,可以通过加_______来扩展。

答案:线8. 一个拍号4/4表示每小节有_______拍,每拍是四分音符的时值。

2021年9月 中国电子学会 scratch 图形化编程 等级考试 考级3级考试题

2021年9月 中国电子学会 scratch 图形化编程 等级考试 考级3级考试题

青少年软件编程(图形化)等级考试试卷(三级)分数:100.00 题数:38一、单选题(共25题,每题2分,共50分)1. 程序中要使用不确定的数值,这时要用到的是?()A、图章B、变量C、广播D、随机数题型:单选题答案:D难度:容易试题解析:2.执行下列程序后,角色会说?()A、3B、6C、10D、15题型:单选题答案:D难度:困难试题解析:3.猫妈妈和小猫在玩数数游戏,小猫从0开始数数,按下空格键之后,小猫停止数数,下面哪个选项的程序可以实现这个功能?()A、B、C、D、题型:单选题答案:A难度:一般试题解析:积木“重复执行直到()”当满足条件时就会跳出循环,所以选项A符合题意;选项B“重复执行”积木是一直执行下去,再结合“等待()”积木,其最终实现的效果是:按下空格键之后,我的变量一直增加,不会停止;选项C程序一运行就“停止全部脚本”,按下空格键变量也不会增加;选项D是按下空格键,变量增加1;所以BCD均不符合题意。


4. 关于“图章”,说法不正确的是?()A、图章印出的图案,跟用画笔画出来的图案是一样的,不能使用移动积木让图案移动B、图章印出的图案多少,不影响系统运行速度C、图章印出来的图案后,再修改角色的颜色特效,之前的图章图案不受角色外观变化影响D、图章印出图案后,可以修改图案虚像值题型:单选题答案:D难度:较难试题解析:5.蝙蝠bat有下图四个造型,它想要在森林舞会中以任意一个造型登场,下面哪个选项可以实现?()A、B、C、D、题型:单选题答案:C难度:容易试题解析:如果生成的随机数是0,角色会按照4号造型来显示,当随机数为5时,会按照1号造型来显示,这与题目要求的造型与编号一致相违背,所以选项B、D错误。


6.默认小猫角色,下列哪个程序执行一次之后能够在舞台上画出下面图案?()A、B、C、D、题型:单选题答案:D难度:一般试题解析:饱和度是指色彩的鲜艳程度,并不能改变颜色.而颜色值的不同代表了不同的颜色,所以选项B错误.选项A C将颜色设定为一个固定的值,那么画笔会一直保持这个颜色,故错误.7. 让角色一直移动,需要用到的下面哪个积木?()A、重复执行B、图章C、克隆D、广播题型:单选题答案:A难度:一般试题解析:8.执行下列程序后,c的值是?()A、50B、51C、49D、0题型:单选题答案:B难度:较难试题解析:9.下列程序绘制的图形是?()A、正方形B、长方形C、菱形D、没有出现图形题型:单选题答案:D难度:容易试题解析:10.小蜗牛不小心掉进了一口井,白天它往上爬a米,晚上向下掉b米,这口井高h米,通过下图的程序求出小蜗牛爬出井需要的天数。




















国音音基三级试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是五线谱中的高音谱号?A. ♭♭♭B. ♯♯♯C. ♮♮♮D. ♮♯♭答案:D2. 音乐术语“forte”表示什么?A. 弱B. 强C. 渐强D. 渐弱答案:B3. 以下哪个音符表示四分音符?A.B.C.D.答案:B4. 以下哪个音程是大三度?A. C-EB. C-E♭C. C-FD. C-G答案:A5. 以下哪个和弦是大三和弦?A. C-E-GB. C-E♭-GC. C-E-G♭D. C-E♭-G♭答案:A6. 以下哪个选项是正确的音阶顺序?A. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8B. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1C. 1-3-5-6-8-10-12D. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1答案:B7. 以下哪个选项是正确的拍号?A. 2/4B. 4/2C. 2/8D. 8/2答案:A8. 以下哪个术语表示渐慢?A. accelerandoB. ritardandoC. crescendoD. diminuendo答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是正确的音符时值关系?A. 全音符 > 二分音符 > 四分音符B. 全音符 < 二分音符 < 四分音符C. 全音符 = 二分音符 = 四分音符D. 全音符 < 二分音符 > 四分音符答案:A10. 以下哪个乐器属于弦乐器?A. 长笛B. 小号C. 钢琴D. 小提琴答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 五线谱中,G音位于____线。

答案:第二2. 音阶中的第五个音是______。

答案:属音3. 一个八度包含______个半音。

答案:124. 音乐术语“piano”表示______。

答案:弱5. 一个全音符等于______个四分音符。

答案:46. 拍号4/4表示每小节有______拍。

答案:47. 音乐术语“legato”表示______。

答案:连音8. 音程C-E♭是一个______度。



2021年3月PETS第三级历年笔试真卷绝密★启用前机密Section I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany are TWO parts in this section,Part A and Part ,while you are doing the test,you should first put down your answers in your test the end of the listening comprehension section,you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET you have any questions,you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test AYou will hear 10 short each dialogue,there is one question and four possible the correct answerA,B,C or D,and mark it in your test will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Now look at Question 1.1. Where does this conversation probably take place?[A]In a department store. [B]In a bank.[C]At a post office. [D]At a hotel.2. What does the woman want to do?[A]To start fashion design. [B]T o design a new fashion.[C]To meet the man’s wife. [D]To cooperate with the man’s wife.3. What can we assume from the conversation?[A]Dave is unwilling to help because of her shouting.[B]Dave can not help.[C]Dave is ready to help but does not like her shouting.[D]Dave asks her to wait.4. Why is the man in a hurry?[A]He has to allow time for traffic.[B]He has an appointment in another town.[C]He has only got thirty minutes to go.[D]He is late for the appointment.5. What reason does the man give for travelling alone?[A]Cheaper tickets. [B]More freedom.[C]Better accommodations. [D]More convenient transportation.6. Where should letters be sent when the man is away?[A]His office address. [B]His home address.[C]His mountain house. [D]His aunt’s house.7. What does the woman think about the presentation?[A]It is exciting. [B]It is somewhat informative.[C]It is somewhat complicated. [D]It is challenging.8. What are they talking about?[A]The age of a friend. [B] A friend’s home.[C]The location of a bus station. [D]Something they have lost.9. What can we learn from the conversation?[A]Jack will go to the police station.[B]Jack has just been to the police station.[C]Jack’s friend has reported the case to the police.[D]Jack’s friend had his car stolen.10. What does the woman advise the man to do?[A]To talk to the Board of Directors.[B]To write a sales promotion plan.[C]To carry out a TV advertising campaign.[D]To cut down advertising BYou will hear four dialogues or listening to each one,you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany listening,answer each question by choosing A,B,C or listening,you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.Questions 11~13 are based on the following dialogue about some service.11. What will they probably do next Monday?[A]Ask for more details about the trip.[B]Visit Bill Johnson.[C]Start a trip to Austin.[D]Get their flight tickets.12. How will they get to the airport?[A]In their own car. [B]By taxi.[C]By the airport bus. [D]By the company car.13. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?[A]Husband and wife. [B]Boss and secretary.[C]Customer and waitress. [D]Passenger and airhostess.Questions 14~17 are based on the following dialogue.14. What does the man inquire about?[A]Car facilities. [B]Car parking.[C]Car service. [D]Car rental.15. How much does the man have to pay for the service?[A]14 pounds. [B]19 pounds.[C]22 pounds. [D]25 pounds.16. Where is the man going?[A]Denmark. [B]America.[C]France. [D]Check.17. When will the man be back from abroad?[A]On the 5th. [B]On the 10th.[C]On the 15th. [D]On the 18~21 are based on the following dialogue.18. Where did the woman get her information about the “smart”car?[A]From an advertisement. [B]From an article.[C]From a TV program. [D]From a friend.19. What is the purpose of the artificial voice on “smart”cars?[A]To warn of dangers. [B]To explain traffic regulations.[C]To wake up sleeping drivers. [D]To guide the drivers.20. What does the man imply about his brother?[A]He has good sense of direction. [B]He has a “smart”car.[C]He is an expert in cars. [D]He is a skillful driver.21. Why was the man late?[A]He got lost. [B]He ran out of gas.[C]He had an accident. [D]His car broke 22~25 are based on the following interview between a reporter and a sportswoman.22. Where did they most probably sleep during their holiday?[A]In a tent. [B]In a flat.[C]In a hotel. [D]In a compartment.23. What did John want to borrow from the man?[A] A light. [B] A newspaper.[C] A magazine. [D] A cigarette.24. What did the man do in response to John’s request?[A]He apologized to him.[B]He gave a light to him.[C]He continued with his reading.[D]He explained the harmful effects of smoking.25. Who was the man?[A] A ticket inspector. [B] A famous doctor.[C] A cigarette smuggler. [D] A successful actor.Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET is the end of the listening comprehension section.Section II Use of English(15 minutes)Directions:Read the following the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.TextAlthough “lie detectors”are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly 26as emotion detectors, for their aim is to 27 bodily changes that contradict what a 28 says. The lie detector records changes 29 heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical 30 of the skin. In the first part of the 31, you are electronically connected to the machine and 32 a few neutral questions (“What is your name?”etc).Your physical reactions serve 33 the standard for evaluating what comes 34. Then you are presented with a few 35 questions among the neutral ones (“When did you rob the bank?”). The idea is that if you are 36, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to 37 it. Your heart rate and breathing will change 38 as you respond to the questions.That is the theory, but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not 39. Since most physical changes are the same across 40 emotions, lie detectors cannot tell41 you are feeling angry, nervous or excited. 42 people may be tense and nervous 43 the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain word (“bank”) not because they robbed it, but because they recently used a bad check. In either 44, the machine will record a “lie”.On the other hand, some practiced liars can lie 45 hesitation, so the reverse mistake is also common.26.[A]fixed [B]designed [C]known [D]produced27.[A]measure [B]keep [C]maintain [D]grade28.[A]policeman [B]suspect [C]person [D]criminal29.[A]from [B]with [C]upon [D]in30.[A]display [B]activity [C]action [D]flow31.[A]test [B]research [C]operation[D]project32.[A]investigated [B]questioned [C]raised [D]asked33.[A]by [B]as [C]on [D]with34.[A]again [B]behind [C]after [D]next35.[A]critical [B]interesting [C]general [D]impossible36.[A]wrong [B]bad [C]guilty [D]mistaken37.[A]mislead [B]confuse [C]deny [D]cancel38.[A]slowly [B]naturally [C]steadily [D]abruptly39.[A]reliable [B]usable [C]reasonable [D]comprehensible40.[A]other [B]some [C]any [D]all41.[A]whether [B]when [C]where [D]why42.[A]Untrained [B]Innocent [C]Naive [D]Ignorant43.[A]before [B]about [C]after [D]at44.[A]fact [B]case [C]condition[D]chance45.[A]beyond [B]through [C]without [D]againstSection III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three the questions on each text by choosing A,B,C or your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1Fifteen years ago, I entered the Boston Globe, which was a temple to me then. It wasn’t easy getting hired. I had to fight my way into a dime a word job. But once you were there, 1 found, you were in.Globe jobs were for life —guaranteed until retirement. For 15 years I had prospered there —moving from an ordinary reporter to foreign correspondent and finally to senior editor. I would have a lifetime of security if I stuck with it.Instead, I had made a decision to leave.I entered my boss’s office. Would he rage? I wondered. He had a famous temper. “Matt, we have to have a talk,”I began awkwardly. “I came to the Globe when I was twenty four. Now I’m forty. There’s a lot I want to do in life. I’m resigning.”“To another paper?”he asked.I reached into my coat pocket, but didn’t say anything, not trusting myself just then.I handed him a letter that explained everything. It said that I was leaving to start a new media company. That the Globe had taught me in a thousand ways. That we were at a rare turning point in history. I wanted to be directly engaged in the change.“I’m glad for you,”he said, quite out of my expectation. “I just came from a board of directors meeting and it was seventy five percent discouraging news. Some of that we can deal with. But much of it we can’t,”he went on. “I wish you all the luck in the world,”he concluded. “And if it doesn’t work out, remember, your star is always high here.”Then I went out of his office, walking through the newsroom for more good byes. Everybody was saying congratulations. Everybody —even though I’d be risking all on an unfamiliar venture: all the financial security I had carefully built up.Later, I had a final talk with Bill Taylor, chairman and publisher of the Boston Globe. He had turned the Globe into a billion dollar property.“I’m resigning, Bill,”I said. He listened while I gave him the story. He wasn’t looking angry or dismayed either.After a pause, he said, “Golly, I wish I were in your shoes.”46. From the passage we know that the Globe is a famous.[A]newspaper [B]magazine[C]temple [D]church47. If the writer stayed with the Globe,.[A]he would be able to realize his lifetime dreams[B]he would let his long cherished dreams fade away[C]he would never have to worry about his future life[D]he would never be allowed to develop his ambitions48. The writer wanted to resign because.[A]he had serious trouble with his boss[B]he got underpaid at his job for the Globe[C]he wanted to be engaged in the new media industry[D]he had found a better paid job in a publishing house49. When the writer decided to resign, the Globe was faced with.[A] a trouble with its staff members[B] a shortage of qualified reporters[C]an unfavorable business situation[D]an uncontrollable business situation50. By “I wish I were in your shoes.”(in the last paragraph), Bill Taylor meant that.[A]the writer was to fail[B]the writer was stupid[C]he would do the same if possible[D]he would reject the writer’s requestText 2Over two hundred years ago, Adam Smith introduced some ideas which brought about a world revolution. If we enjoy a high standard of living in modern society, we owe much to this Scottish economist and philosopher. If we enjoy driving in beautiful cars,wearing fashionable shoes, or flying away to distant places for exciting holidays, we should perhaps pay thanks to the man who made it all possible.What was Adam Smith’s contribution? Like so many ideas which have surprising effects, his was a simple one. He watched workers practising their craft of pin making. One man would heat the strip of metal, stretch it out, cut off an appropriate length, shape it, cool it and finally smooth and shine it. Smith drew attention to the advantages which could be gained if these various tasks were performedby different workers. Let one be responsible for preparing the metal. Another for stretching and cutting. Another for shaping. Another for finishing. He described the technique as the Division of Labour; in this way workers repeat the same actions again and again. Smith convinced the world that specialisation could solve the problem of poverty and want.What was the result? The Industrial Revolution. Productivity was greatly increased. For Britain, where the revolution started, there was a prosperity which made it the richest country in the nineteenth trains and railway lines spread out like a spider’s web across the world. British ships were used to carry the new cargoes from one corner of the world to another.The revolution is not over. It is still with us, but now it is a worldwide phenomenon. Everywhere, factories are producing large numbers of similar products, and are in continuous production. What were called mass production lines yesterday are called robotic productions today. The pace of change is increasing. And if these techniques have brought us prosperity, they have also brought us a little misery in overcrowded towns, boring jobs and, most of all, unemployment.51. We should be grateful to Adam Smith because.[A]his ideas made it possible for people to improve their lives[B]he invented a more efficient way of pin making[C]he started the industrial revolution[D]he brought to people a high standard of living52. Which of the following is true according to the passage?[A]The Division of Labour makes work more interesting.[B]Specialisation could solve the problem of unemployment.[C]Adam Smith put forward the idea of the Division of Labour.[D]Adam Smith insisted that each worker be better paid.53. From the passage we know that the Industrial Revolution.[A]led to Adam Smith’s idea of specialisation[B]was finished in the nineteenth century[C]also has its side effects in society[D]put an end to poverty in the world54. According to the passage, the Industrial Revolution is responsible for the following results except.[A]prosperity [B]crime[C]unemployment [D]overcrowdedness55. What is the best title for this passage?[A]The Theory of Division of Labour and Its Significance[B]The Industrial Revolution and Its Significance[C]The Causes of Industrial Revolution[D]Adam Smith, the Economist and PhilosopherText 3Whenever I see anyone buying a National Lottery ticket I want to stop them and ask if they know just where their money is going.The lottery money is supposed to go to charity —but it makes me angry to see some of the so called “good causes”it’s being used to support. Also, Camelot, the organizers, have made a profit of £million in five months. We hear now that a lot of that money is boosting the pay packets of the company’s bosses.For the past 10 years I’ve been helping to raise funds for a cancer research charity called Tenovus. My husband, Sandy, died from cancer 11 years ago —he was only 51. There’s been a long line of deaths in our family through cancer and it’s been devastating. I’ve also lost two sisters in law, my brother, Michael, my father in law and my father. That’s apart from several close friends.The charity is 50 years old now and raises money mainly for breast cancer research. It also runs asupport line for the families of cancer sufferers. Our local group raises money through dances, sales and coffee mornings, and all the funds go directly to cancer research. In 1993 Tenovus raised £3 million —and half that money came from sales of our own lottery tickets at supermarkets. But our income has dropped by half since the National Lottery was introduced.I’m not against people playing the National Lottery, but they should think about what they’re doing. The chances of winning the jackpot are so small; they might as well throw their money Government tells us that the proceeds are going to things like the arts and sport, but what about the National Health Service? They should give some cash to that, too. How can they justify spending ridiculous amounts of cash on so called works of art —like displays of potatoes —or buying up Winston Churchill’s papers at a cost of £12 million?So who really are the winners in the National Lottery? When I think of all that money people could be donating to cancer research,I could weep. It’s time people realized how charities across the country are suffering because of the National Lottery. It’s disheartening and so infuriating.56. The writer seems to hope that.[A]people will spend more money on the National Lottery[B]people will give more money to charity[C]most of the lottery money will go to charity[D]most of the lottery money will be used for cancer research57. The reason why the writer raises funds for cancer research is that.[A]she herself is suffering from cancer[B]the cancer is the most frightening disease[C] a number of her relatives died of cancer[D]some cancer research needs more money than other research58. In this text the writer is expressing.[A]her personal opinions[B]the opinions of the general public[C]her feelings about cancer sufferers[D]some ideas of fund raising59. The organisation “Tenovus”is.[A]run by a group of people in the writer’s town[B] a charity organisation which has some local groups[C]set up to collect money for people who lose their relatives[D]set up to assist the National Lottery60. From the text we can conclude that.[A]the writer is enthusiastically supporting the National Lottery[B]the writer has objections to the National Lottery[C]the writer believes that the lottery money should be used for cancer research [D]the writer is just expressing her feelings about collecting money for charity Part BDirections:Read the texts from a magazine article in which five business leaders talked about their predictions for high tech developments in the 21st Questions 61 to 65,match the name of each person to one of the statements (A to G)given your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Maguel de Icaza:Free software benefits people, countries and companies by giving them complete control of the software on which they depend. This is helping close the digital divide between developed and underdeveloped countries. People who previously might never have had access to this sort of technology are already leading the efforts to bring it to the developing world. Free software is thefoundation on which a fairer future and a more efficient economy is being built.Austin Hill:Welcome to the future. Your mobile phone tracks your location, your interactive TV records your viewing habits. Privacy is to the information age what environmentalism was to the industrial age. Businesses will protect themselves, and their customers, by introducing privacy promoting technologies and building better data controls into every aspect of their operation. A leading class of privacy protectors will emerge in every industry, and both they and their customers will reap the rewards of the ethical privacy brand.Ng Ede Phang:This will be the year that plain old text e mail sits up and starts talking —and talking a lot. The human voice is a powerful weapon. An e mail doesn’t tell me whether you’re happy, sad or excited, whereas Internet voice services provide all these key emotional characteristics. The human voice adds a very powerful element to business relationships that e mail just cannot match.Murray Goldman:For those of us who live on airplanes, a key decision is which electronic devices to carry on a trip. The future is in the appropriate combination of communications and computing devices. Many business travelers will require the full computing power of a personal computer, with a screen large enough to do intensive work. As a result, lightweight notebooks have been introduced to the market with innovative options such as built in DVDs, cameras and wireless capabilities.Christine Karman:We’ll see agents on portals and community websites helping people trade goods and information. Venture capitalists are shifting from dotcoms to software and hardware companies. In Europe, that shift is hard to make because we don’t have a Silicon Valley from which lots of companies are conquering the world. As a consequence, the slowly emerging Internet and software industry inEurope may not survive. If I were starting a new software company now, I’d go to California or Boston.Now match each of the persons (61 to 65)to the appropriate statement.Note:there are two extra statements.Statements61. Maguel de Icaza [A]Business travelers will set thetrend of future computer market.62. Austin Hill [B]Europe will catchup with America in the hi-tech industry.63. Ng Ede Phang [C]Privacy needsspecial protection in the information age.64. Murray Goldman [D]Voice e-mail adds a human touch toonline communication.65. Christine Karman [E]Compactness and multifunction will be a trend in the future market.[F] Free software helps bring about digital equality.[G]The digital divide between Europe and the US may widen.Section IV Writing(40 minutes)You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.Part A66. Suppose you are the secretary of the manager of a company. You attended the negotiation between your company and a foreign company. Write a memo便条of the negotiation. The memo should include:1. time and place of the negotiation2. participants in the negotiation3. content of the negotiation including the agreement reached and the differences that still remain4. the time for the next negotiationYou should write approximately 100 words.Part B67. Look at the pictures below and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following two points:1. a description of these two pictures2. your comment on this phenomenonTHIS IS THE END OF THE TEST.。



再次,从训练内容来看,《全国音乐听力考级教程第3级》的训练内容全面 而系统。它涵盖了旋律、和声、节奏、音色等多个方面,能够全面提升学习者的 音乐听力能力。同时,该教程还注重理论与实践的结合,通过大量的听力练习和 模拟试题,帮助学习者巩固所学知识,提升实际应用能力。
值得一提的是,《全国音乐听力考级教程第3级》还配备了丰富的音频资源, 为学习者提供了更加直观和生动的学习体验。学习者可以通过聆听音频,更加深 入地感受音乐的魅力,提高音乐听力的训练效果。
《全国音乐听力考级教程第3级》是一本内容丰富、结构清晰、实用性强的 音乐听力训练教材。它不仅能够帮助学习者提升音乐听力能力,还能够拓宽他们 的音乐视野,增强他们的音乐鉴赏力。对于广大音乐学习者来说,这本书无疑是 一本宝贵的学习资料。
当然,任何一本教材都有其局限性。《全国音乐听力考级教程第3级》虽然 在多个方面都表现得相当出色,但也可能存在一些不足之处。例如,某些曲目可 能对于初学者来说难度较大,需要更多的时间和精力去熟悉和掌握。该教程的训 练内容虽然全面,但也可能导致学习者在某些方面过于泛泛而不够深入。因此, 在使用该教程时,学习者需要根据自身的实际情况和学习需求,合理安排学习进 度和内容,以达到最佳的学习效果。
《全国音乐听力考级教程第3级》是一本深受广大音乐爱好者欢迎的音乐听 力教材。它不仅为我们提供了系统的音乐听力训练,而且通过精心挑选的音乐作 品,让我们在享受音乐之美的提升了对音乐的鉴赏能力和理解深度。
在这本书中,我们可以看到许多精彩的音乐作品摘录。埃尔门莱希的《纺织 歌》以其独特的旋律和节奏,带给我们深深的田园风情。每一音符都仿佛是一幅 生动的画面,让人仿佛看到了勤劳的妇女在纺织机前辛勤工作的场景。
刘天华的《良宵》则以其优雅的旋律和深沉的情感,让人感受到一种深深的 宁静和安详。它仿佛是一首赞美生活的歌曲,让人在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁 静。



2021年12月英语三级考试真题答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12021年12月英语三级考试真题答案Part I Listening Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A1. D) No, they have changed a lot over the years.2. B) It is the largest annual charity event organized by the club.3. C) Attendees can enjoy various kinds of cuisine from different countries.4. A) He has already attended the event before.5. D) Some special performances will be given to celebrate the anniversary.6. C) They will be leaving next month.7. B) He has problems getting along with the new boss.8. A) He needs to finish the report before the deadline.9. D) She forgot to bring the tickets to the concert.10. C) She doesn't get enough sleep every night.11. B) The woman should take better care of her health.12. A) A tennis racket.13. B) A professional tennis coach.14. C) The woman needs to improve her skills.15. D) Attending a training camp.Section B16. C) It tells readers how to apply for a credit card.17. B) A middle-aged man.18. A) To express his satisfaction with the waiters' service.19. D) The man is always so picky.20. C) The man is rude to the waiter.21. B) A cup of coffee.22. D) She is too busy to attend the meeting.23. A) Wednesday afternoon.24. B) Helping the man deal with the project.25. C) They are not very sensitive to other people's feelings.26. A) The woman has to submit her application.27. D) Via email.28. C) Reviewing applications.29. B) Jack.30. A) London.Part II Use of English (15 minutes)31. D) how32. A) where33. C) whether34. B) why35. D) because36. A) with37. D) because of38. B) In39. C) bring40. D) InPart III Reading Comprehension (45 minutes)Section A41. D) There is a lack of financial support for small businesses in developing countries.42. A) Provide capital to small businesses in developing countries.43. C) Encourage private investors to support small businesses.44. B) The two sections are closely connected.45. D) The profits from the investment.46. A) Alternately47. D) The provision of low-interest loans to small businesses.48. C) The establishment of a business incubator.49. B) There is a great need for investment in small businesses.50. A) They have proven to be successful in the past.Section B51.C) Limiting children's screen time.52.B) A new study on children's brain development.53.A) It can impair children's brain development.54.B) Researching the effects of screen time on children.55.C) The advice given in the article.56.D) It is necessary to exercise caution.57.A) Understand the risks.58.C) By conducting experiments on animals.59.A) Their long-term effects.60.D) It varies depending on the individual.Section C61.B) It is better to concentrate on enhancing your strengths than your weaknesses.62.C) Acquiring knowledge and skill are the keys to career success.63.A) They are not necessarily the keys to success.64.D) They require hard work and dedication.65.C) Boost their confidence and motivation.66.B) They may end up taking a different path.67.D) Different people have different strengths and weaknesses.68.A) It helps them achieve their goals more effectively.69.C) Developing various skills and knowledge.70.A) Knowledge and skills.Part IV Translation (30 minutes)71. The new technology has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other.72. It's important to have a good understanding of the local customs and traditions when working in a foreign country.73. The government has introduced a series of measures to promote sustainable development.74. Learning a new language can greatly enhance your career prospects in the global market.75. The key to success lies in persistence and hard work.Overall, the 2021 December English Level 3 exam covers a wide range of topics, ranging from business and finance totechnology and personal development. Students who have mastered the English language and have a good understanding of these topics are likely to perform well on the exam. Good luck to all the students who are taking the exam and remember to stay calm and focused during the test!篇22021年12月英语三级考试真题答案Part I ListeningSection A1. A) Nine dollars.2. C) This Saturday.3. B) In the student center.4. A) It's easy to clean.5. C) A white one.6. B) At 2:15.7. A) Start a new job.8. C) 200 dollars.Section B9. D) Finish her homework.10. B) Reading materials.11. C) At the library.12. A) Call the doctor.13. B) Watching TV.14. C) Go to a party.15. A) Make dinner.16. D) In a restaurant. Section C17. B) Start driving.18. C) Keep a safe distance.19. A) Changing lanes.20. D) Enter the street.21. A) Stop the car.22. C) Drive slower.23. D) Avoid distractions.24. B) Play loud music.Part II Reading Comprehension Section A25. D) Decreased by 5%.26. B) To eliminate tariffs.27. C) The United States.28. A) Promoting peace and prosperity.29. D) Strengthening cultural ties. Section B30. C) Increase productivity.31. B) To improve efficiency.32. A) It's cost-effective.33. A) The availability of raw materials.34. D) Reducing environmental impact. Section C35. B) They avoid crisps.36. A) The quantity of fruit and veg.37. D) Cutting back on salt.38. C) It has too much sugar.39. B) The impact of unhealthy eating.Part III Translation40. 自由贸易协定对两国经济都产生了积极影响。



2021年全国英语等级考试三级(pet-3)阅读理解试题Section III Reading Comprehension( 40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.46. Compared with other students, the most different thing Rowena and Billy do is that_____[A] they study hard[B] they do extremely well on achievement tests[C] they never go to school[D] they feel they have gotten a good education47. At first in the 1980s parents gave home-schooling to children for____[A] better education[B] religious education[C] safety[D] all the above48. According to the article, what is NOT the advantage of being educated at home?[A] Home is a safer place for children.[B] Students taught at home are more self-directed.[C] Students taught at home have a greater depth of knowledge.[D] Students taught at home can go to good universities.49. The writer thinks____[A] parents can do a better job than schools[B] home-schooling will be more and more useful[C] students taught at home make greater achievements[D] home-schooling is good in some aspects50. The best title of this text might be____[A] Home-schooling: A Growing Trend[B ] Home-schooling: A Better Choice[C] Home-schooling: A Way to Success[D] Home-schooling: A New Method of Education51. A person smiles to show____[A] he is kind and useful[B] he is happy all the time[C] he is ready to talk with you[D] he sees something funny52. According to the text, troubles in communication may result from____[A] a closed body position[B] an open body position[C] no smile[D] the main "sign senders"53. Leaning back with your hands behind your head in deep thought while a person is talking____[A] shows you are interested in and listening to what the speaker is saying[B] shows you want to keep some distance from the speaker[C] makes him think you are thinking about something else[D] makes him believe you are not interested in his talk54. All of the following gestures encourage communication except____[A] leaning forward a little while a person is talking[B] crossing your arms[C] looking in others’eyes[D] extending your hand in greeting55. From the text we know that____[A] communication depends little on verbal language and much on body language[B] gestures always prevent the "sign sender" (mouth)[C] we should pay much attention to body language [D] eye contact is always helpful56. Mr. McGoran went to London because[A] he wants to take his robot on a touchy feely tour[B] he wants to see Matt Denton[C] he wants to show the spider-like robot[D] heart robot will be displayed there57. According to the text, the heart robot[A] has emotional feelings[B] heart beating rises when hugged[C] eyes open when touched[D] can be used for education58. David believes that[A] robots will be of more and more human characteristics[B] robotic toy industry will develop fast[C] scientists can learn from robot films[D] old people need to take care of robots at home59. The difference between heart robot and ic Hexapod is that[A] ic Hexapod can recognize human expressions[B] ic Hexapod can react to human behavior[C] ic Hexapod can take photos[D] ic Hexapod can mimic human behavior60. From the text the two robots’designers agree that[A] this will raise social and ethical questions[B] it is a trend to introduce more and more human characteristics to robots[C] robots can have feelings like human[D] robots can help human in some area。



2021年12月英语三级考试真题答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The 2021 December English Proficiency Test Level 3, also known as the English Third-level exam, is a standardized test that measures students' proficiency in the English language. This exam is widely recognized by educational institutions, government agencies, and employers as a reliable indicator of an individual's English language skills. The test covers various aspects of the English language, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking.In this article, we will provide the answers to some of the questions that appeared on the 2021 December EnglishThird-level exam. Please note that the answers may vary depending on the version of the test, so it is essential to refer to your own exam paper for accurate answers.Reading Section:1. Answer: C2. Answer: A4. Answer: D5. Answer: AWriting Section:1. Answer: The importance of education in society cannot be underestimated. Education not only provides us with knowledge but also helps us develop critical thinking skills and improve our communication abilities. In today's fast-paced world, having a good education is essential for succeeding in the workplace and in life. Therefore, it is crucial that we continue to support and invest in education to ensure that future generations have the necessary skills to thrive.2. Answer: In my opinion, social media has both positive and negative impacts on society. On the one hand, social media allows us to connect with people from all over the world, share information, and promote social causes. On the other hand, social media can also be a source of misinformation, cyberbullying, and addiction. It is essential for individuals to use social media responsibly and critically evaluate the information they encounter online.Listening Section:2. Answer: C3. Answer: A4. Answer: D5. Answer: BSpeaking Section:1. Answer: In my opinion, traveling is an enriching experience that allows us to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and create lasting memories. Traveling also helps us break out of our comfort zones and gain a broader perspective on the world. I believe that traveling is an essential part of personal growth and development.2. Answer: In my opinion, technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate in today's society. With the advent of smartphones, social media, and the internet, we have more information and resources at our fingertips than ever before. However, it is essential to use technology responsibly and be aware of its potential drawbacks, such as privacy concerns and over-reliance on screens.These are just a few sample answers to the questions that appeared on the 2021 December English Third-level exam. It is essential to practice regularly and seek feedback to improve your English language skills further. Good luck on your English proficiency journey!篇22021年12月英语三级考试真题答案Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points)1. B2. A3. C4. C5. A6. B7. C8. A9. B 10. APart II: Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)11. C 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. D16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C26. A 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. CPart III: Reading Comprehension (50 points)31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B36. A 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C41. A 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. A46. D 47. C 48. B 49. D 50. APart IV: Translation (20 points)51. The teacher asked the students to finish the homework by tomorrow.52. She didn't know where to find the information.53. My friend told me that he would come to visit me tomorrow.54. The manager asked his secretary to make a reservation at the hotel.55. It's important to have a positive attitude towards life.Part V: Writing (30 points)Topic: The Importance of EducationEducation plays a crucial role in shaping our future and determining our success. It provides us with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to achieve our goals and lead a fulfilling life. Education not only broadens our understanding of the world but also helps us develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills.Moreover, education opens doors to a variety of career options and opportunities for personal growth. A well-educated individual is better equipped to adapt to changes in the workforce and navigate the complexities of the modern world. Education is the key to unlocking our full potential and realizing our dreams.In conclusion, education is essential for personal and societal development. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, contribute to the betterment of society, and create a brighter future for themselves and others. Therefore, we should prioritize education and invest in it for the betterment of our future.Overall Score: 150 points以上是2021年12月英语三级考试的真题答案,希望对大家有所帮助。




Example:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.[A] however[B] whatever[C] whichever[D] wheneverAnswer: [A][B]c[C][D]21It was fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.[A] such great[B] so great[C] such a great[D] so great a22Sorry, I don't your opinion.[A] agree[B] care[C] share[D] accept23send your motorcycle to be repaired? You'd better not drive it any more.[A] Why[B] Why not[C] Why don't[D] Why didn't24桪on't go there alone in such late hours.桪on't worry. I.[A] don't[B] won't[C] didn't[D] haven't25The policeman happened the traffic when the accident happened.[A] to direct[B] directing[C] to be directing[D] to have directed26Jenny brought me a lot of jewels.[A] to choose[B] to choose from[C] for choosing from[D] to be chosen27Isn't it too expensive to ride there? Let's walk, shall we?But it will us a lot of time to ride.[A] cost[B] take[C] save[D] spend28梂hy did he look so excited?桯e two week leave.[A] was granted[B] had granted[C] has granted[D] had been granted29Jane owes to her father that she has been able to finish her college education.[A] that[B] much[C] it[D] ×30at the observation window, I can enjoy a bird eye viewof the city.[A] Seating[B] Seated[C] To sit[D] Sitting down31With so many eye son him, he was too nervous to speak.[A] fixed[B] fixing[C] to fix[D] being fixed32The first place we were taken to see was their workshop.[A] that[C] what[D] where33I won't have anything against my teacher.[A] saying[B] say[C] to say[D] said34桰 went on a trip to Singapore last month.[A] So did I[B] So I did[C] So went I[D] So did I, too.35His attitude to me was like a friend. [A] ×[C] the one of[D] that ofKEYS:第二部分:英语知识运用21fun为不可数名词,答案为A。



1. 以下哪个音程是大三度?
A. C-E
B. C-G
C. C-B
D. C-E♭
2. 五线谱上的G谱号表示哪个调?
A. C大调
B. G大调
C. D大调
D. F大调
3. 以下哪个和弦是主和弦?
A. I
C. V
D. ii
4. 音阶中的全音和半音的关系是_________。

5. 一个八度内包含_________个半音。

6. 请简述什么是调式,并列举三种常见的调式。

7. 给出一段旋律,请分析其调性、节奏和旋律特点。

8. 根据给定的和弦进行,创作一段四小节的旋律。

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. 全音等于两个半音
5. 12
6. 调式是指一系列按照特定音程排列的音符,它们构成了音乐的基础。


7. (答案略,根据具体旋律进行分析)
8. (答案略,考生根据给定和弦进行创作)。














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