2014 02 10 Chemical Bonds_Chapter_4_1



The arrangement of ions in a crystal lattice depends on the relative sizes of the ions
The physical properties of a substance depend on its structure and type of bonding present. Bonding determines the type of structure.
• Co-ordinate (dative covalent) bonding
• Molecular solids • Covalent networks • Metallic bonding
The physical properties of a substance depend on its structure and type of bonding present. Bonding determines the type of structure.
Ionic bonds tend to be formed between elements whose atoms need to “lose” electrons to gain the nearest noble gas electronic configuration (n.g.e.c.) and those which need to gain electrons. The electrons are transferred from one atom to the other. Sodium Chloride

1.Ionic Bonding汇总

1.Ionic Bonding汇总

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How do atoms form positive ions?
For metal, it loses electrons to form a positively charged ion. (cation).For main group, metals lose all their electrons in their valence shell.
• Each Na+ is surrounded by 6Cl- ions.
• Each Cl- is surrounded by 6 Na+ ions.
and negative charges are balanced and equal zero. This gives the ratio of ions. 4. Use the ratio to write down the formula of the ionic compound.
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How to write the formula of an ionic compound
The formula of a compound uses chemical symbols and numbers to show the ratio of atoms of each element present.
This forms molecules such as chlorine (Cl2).
Compounds are formed when different elements chemically react and form bonds with each other.


第三章 化工工艺........................................................................................... - 25 3.1 工艺路线设计目标及原则.............................................................. - 25 3.2 生产工艺论证.................................................................................. - 26 3.2.1 原料路线的确定原则和依据............................................... - 26 3.2.2 常用的工艺技术方案........................................................... - 26 3.2.3 不同技术方案投资的说明................................................... - 31 3.2.4 不同技术方案在不同方面的比较说明............................... - 33 3.3 工艺路线选择.................................................................................. - 36 3.4 工艺路线介绍与反应、分离模拟优化.......................................... - 37 3.4.1 亚硝酸甲酯再生反应........................................................... - 37 3.4.2 亚硝酸甲酯羰化反应........................................................... - 42 3.4.3 草酸二甲酯加氢反应........................................................... - 47 3.4.4 塔设备操作条件优化........................................................... - 54 3.5 工艺流程模拟.................................................................................. - 56 3.5.1 草酸二甲酯合成工段........................................................... - 57 3.5.2 碳酸二甲酯联产工段........................................................... - 61 3.5.3 草酸二甲酯加氢工段........................................................... - 64 3.5.4 乙二醇分离工段................................................................... - 67 3.6 工艺流程论证小结...............................................................................72 3.7 工艺特色...............................................................................................72

化学A-level备考教学计划(schedule format)

化学A-level备考教学计划(schedule format)

西乡中学国际部2013—2014学年度第二学期A-LEVEL备考教学计划(TeachingSchedule)课程负责人(Course Leader):Joyce 授课教师(Teachers):Gina授课班级(Class):课程名称(Course):Chemistry A Level采用教材及资料(Teaching Material):Cambridge Chemistry AS Level and A Level学期总课时(Periods of Lessons):54 节;其中:理论授课(Theory) 36 节;实践教学含词汇检测Practice(次)节;练习课Exercise 15 节;测验考试含周测模考、月考、期中期末考Test( 3 次)节;机动安排(Flexible Arrangement) 3 节;备注:1、以周为单位填写授课授课形式、授课内容、实践教学内容、作业配备等。



教研组长Team Leader(签名):教学主管Teaching Director(签章):西乡中学国际部2014 年04月06 日周次(Week)周学时(Hours)讲课内容、课时 (Content&Page)(写明章节、题目名称及页码)授课重难点及目标(Focus&Objective)讨论、习题、见习、实习、测试、考试(Exercise&Test)备注(Remarks)第 8 周 4自习天气原因测试Chapter1 Atomic structure(1)1.recognise and describle protons, neutrons andelectrons in terms of their relative charges andrelative masses;2.describle the contribution of protons andneutrons to atomic nuclei in terms of atomicnumber and mass number;3.deduce the number of protons, neutrons andelectrons present in both atoms and ions fromgiven atomic and mass number;4.describe the behavior of protons, neutrons andelectrons in electric field.Chapter1 Atomic structure(2)1.explain the terms first ioniation energy andsuccessive ionisation energies of an element interms of 1mol of gaseous atoms or ions;2.explain that ionisation energies are influencedby nuclear charge, atomic radius and electronshielding;3.predict the number of electrons in eachprincipal quantum shell of an element from itssuccessive ionisation energies;4. describe the shapes of s and p orbitals第 9 周 3 Chapter1 Atomic structure(3)1.describe the numbers and relative energies ofthe s, p and d orbitals for the principal quantumnumbers 1,2,3 and also the 4s and 4p orbitals.2.deduce the electronic configurations of atomsup to Z=36 and ions, given the atomic numberand charge, limited to s and p blocks up to Z=36习题课The key point of chapter 1Chapter2 Atoms, molecules andstoichiometry(1)1.define the terms relative atomic mass, relativeisotopic mass, ect, based on the 12C scale2.describe the basic principles f the massspectrometer3.intepret mass spectra in terms of isotopicabundnces4.calcuate the relative atomic mass of an elementgiven the relative abundances of its isotopes, orits mass spectrum5.define the mole in terms of Avgadro’s constantand molar mass as the mass of 1 mole of a substance第 10 周 3 Chapter2 Atoms, molecules andstoichiometry(2)1define the terms empirical formula andmolecular formula2.calcuate empirical formula and molecularformula, using composition by mass3.construct balanced chemical equations4.perform calculations involving reacting masses,volumes of gases and volumes andconcentrations of solutions in simple acid-basetitrations, and use those calculations to deducesstoichiometric relationships期中考试习题课The key point of chapter 2Chapter3 Chemical bonding andstructure(1)1.describe ionic bonding as the electrostaticattraction between two oppositely charged ions,including the use of dot-and-cross diagrams2.describe, in simple terms, the lattice structureof sodium chloride3.describe a covalent bond as a pair of electronsshared between two atoms4.describe, including the use of dot-and-crossdiagrams, covalent bonding and dative covalent(coordinate) bonding5.appreciate that, between the extremes of ionicand covalent bonding, there is a gradualtransition from one extreme to the other6.describe electronegativity as the ability of anatom to attract the bonding electrons in acovalent bond第 11 周 4Chapter3 Chemical bondingand structure(2)1.explain and predict the shapes of, and bondangles in, molecules and ions by using thequalitative model of 2.electron-pair repulsion upto 4 electrons pairs3.describe metallic bonding, present in a giantmetallic lattice structure, as the attraction of alattice of positive ions to sea of mobile electrons4.describe intermolecular force, based oninstantaneous and permanent dipoles5.describe, in simple terms, the giant molecularstructures of graphite and diamondChapter3 Chemical bonding andstructure(3)1.describe hydrogen bonding between moleculescontaining –OH and -NH groups, typified bywater and ammonia2.describe and explain the anomalous propertiesof water resulting from hydrogen bonding3.describe, interpret or predict physicalproperties in terms of the types, motion andarrangement of particles between them, anddifferent types of bonding4.deduce the type of bonding present in asubstance, given suitable information习题课The key point of chapter 3Chapter4 States of matter(1)1.describe, using a kinetic-molecular model, the solid, liquid and gaseous states, melting, vaporization and vapour pressure2.state the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory as applied to an ideal gas3.explain qualitatively, in terms of intermolecular forces and molecular size第 12 周 3 Chapter4 States of matter(2)1.state and use the ideal gas equation PV=nRT incalculations, including the determination of therelative molecular mass of a volatile liquid2.describe in simple terms lattice structures ofcrystalline solids which are ionic, simplemolecular, giant molecular, hydrogen-bonded ormetallic3.outline the importance of hydrogen bonding tothe physical properties of substancesChapter4 States of matter(3)1.describe and interpret the uses of aluminium,copper and their alloys in terms of their physicalproperties2.understand that materials are a finite resourceand that recycling processes are important3.suggest from quoted physical data the type ofstructure and bonding present in a substance 习题课The key point of chapter 4第 13 周 4 Chapter5 Chemical energies(1)1.explain that some chemical reactions areaccompanied by enthalpy changes, principally inthe form of heat energy. The enthalpy changescan be exothermic or endothermic2.recognize the importance of oxidation as anexothermic process3.recognize that endothermic processes requirean input of heat energyChapter5 Chemical energies(2)1.construct a simple enthalpy profile diagram fora reaction to show the difference in enthalpy ofthe reactants compared with that of the products2.explain chemical reactions in terms of enthalpychanges associated with the breaking and makingof chemical bonds3.explain and use the terms enthalpy change ofreaction, standard conditions and bond enthalpyChapter5 Chemical energies(3)1.calculate enthalpy changes from appropriate experimental results, including the use of the relationshipe Hess’s law to construct enthalpy cycles and carry out calculations using such cycles and relevant enthalpy terms习题课The key point of chapter 5第 14 周 4 Chapter6 Electrochemistry1.describe and explain redox processes in termsof electron transfer an of changes in oxidationstate2.explain, including the electrode reactions, theindustrial processes of the electrolysis of brine,using a diaphragm cell,ectChapter7 Equilibria(1)1.explain the features of a dynamic equilibrium2.state Le Chatelier’s principle and apply it todeduce qualitatively the effect of a change intemperature, concentration or pressure on ahomogeneous system in equilibriumChapter7 Equilibria(2)1.deduce, for homogeneous reactions,expressions for the equilibrium constants K C, interms of concentrations, and K P, in terms ofpartial pressures2.calculate the values of the equilibriumconstants K C or K P including determination ofunits, given appropriate data3.calculate a concentration or partial pressurepresent at equilibrium, given appropriate data Chapter7 Equilibria(3)1.describe and explain the conditions used in theHaber process and the Contact process asexamples of the importance of a compromisebetween chemical equilibrium and reaction ratein the chemical industry2.describe and use the Bronsted-Lowry theory ofacids and bases, to include conjugate acid-basepairs3.explain qualitatively, in terms of dissociation,the differences between strong and weak acidsand between strong and weak bases in terms ofthe extent of dissociation习题课The key point of chapter 71.describe qualitatively, in terms of collisiontheory, the effect of concentration changes on therate of a reaction2.explain why an increase in the pressure of agas, increasing its concentration, may increase第 15 周 4 Chapter8 Reaction kinetics(1)the rate of a reaction involving gases3.explain qualitatively, using the Boltzmanndistribution and enthalpy profile diagrams, whatis meant by the term activation energy4.describe qualitatively, using the Boltzmanndistribution and enthalpy profile diagrams, theeffect of temperature changes on the rate of areactionChapter8 Reaction kinetics(2)1.explain what is meant by a catalyst2.explain that, in the presence of a catalyst, areaction proceeds via a different route3.interpret catalytic behavior in terms of theBoltzmann distribution and enthalpy profilediagrams4.describe enzymes as biological catalysts whichmay have specific activity习题课The key point of chapter 8第 16 周 4 Chapter9 Chemical periodicity(1)1.describe the Periodic Table I terms of thearrangement of elements by increasing atomicnumber, in Periods showing repeating physicaland chemical properties2.classify the elements into s, p and d blocks3.describe qualitatively the variations in atomicradius, ionic radius, melting point in electricalconductivity of the elements4.explain qualitatively the variation in atomicradius and ionic radius5.interpret the variation in melting point and inelectrical conductivity in terms of the presence ofsimple molecular, giant molecular or metallicbonding in the elementsChapter9 Chemical periodicity(2)1.explain the variation in the first ionizationenergy2.describe the reactions, if any, of the elementswith oxygen, with chlorine and with water3.state and explain the variation in oxidationnumber of the oxides and chlorides4.describe the reactions of the oxides with water5.describe and explain the acid-base behavior ofoxides and hydroxides6.describe and explain the reactions of thechlorides with water1.suggest the types of chemical bonding presentin chlorides and oxides from observations oftheir chemical and physical properties2.predict the characteristic properties of anChapter9 Chemical periodicity(3)element in a given Group by using knowledge ofchemical periodicity3.deduce the nature, possible position in thePeriodic Table, and identity of unknown elementsfrom given information of physical and chemicalproperties习题课The key point of chapter 9第 17 周 2 Chapter10 Group II(1)1.describe and explain the trends in electronicconfigurations, atomic radii and ionizationenergies of the Group II elements2.interpret and make predictions from thechemical and physical properties of the Group IIelements and their compounds3.show awareness of the importance and use ofGroup II elements and their compounds, withappropriate chemical explanations4.describe oxidation and reduction in terms ofelectron transfer and changes in oxidation state端午+高考Chapter10 Group II(2)1. describe the redox reactions of the elementsMg to Ba with oxygen and water and explain thetrend in reactivity in terms of ionization energies2.describe the reactions of Mg, MgO and MgCO3with hydrochloric acid3.describe the behavior of Group II oxides withwater4.describe the thermal decomposition of thenitrates and carbonate of Group II elements第18周 4Chapter10 Group II(3)1.describe the thermal decomposition of CaCO3to form CaO and the subsequent formation ofCa(OH)2 with water2.describe lime water as an aqueous solution ofCa(OH)2 and state its approximate pH3.describe the reaction of lime water with carbondioxide forming CaCO3, and with excess carbondioxide, forming Ca(HCO3)2, as in hard water 习题课The key point of chapter 10Chapter12 Group VII(1)1.explain trend in the volatilities of chlorine,bromine and iodine in terms of van der Waals’forces2.describe the relative reactivity of the elementsCl2, Br2and I2in displacement reactions and3.explain this trend in terms of oxidizing powderdescribe and explain the reactions of theelements with hydrogen4.describe and explain the relative thermalstabilities of the hydrides and interpret these interms of bond enthalpiesChapter12 Group VII(2)1.describe the characteristic reactions of the Cl-, Br- and I-with aqueous silver ions followed by aqueous ammonia2.describe and explain the reactions of halide ions with concentrated sulphuric acid3.describe and interpret, in terms of changes in oxidation state, the reactions of chlorine with cold, dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide to form bleach and with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide4.explain the use of chlorine in water purification recognize the industrial importance and environmental significance of the halogens and their compounds第 19 周 4习题课The key point of chapter 12Chapter14 Nitrogen and sulphur(1)1.explain the lack of reactivity o f nitrogen2.describe the displacement of ammonia from itssalts3.outline the industrial importance of ammoniaand of nitrogen compounds derived fromammonia4.explain the environmental consequences of theuncontrolled5.explain why atmosphere oxides of nitrogen repollutants, including their use in the oxidation ofatmospheric sulphur dioxideChapter14 Nitrogen and sulphur(2)1.describe the formation of atmospheric sulphurdioxide from the combustion of sulphurcontaminated carbonaceous fuels2.describe the role of sulphur dioxide in theformation of acid rain and the environmentalconsequences of acid rain3.describe the main detail of the Contact processand outline the industrial importance of sulphuricacid4.describe the use of sulphur dioxide in foodpreservation习题课The key point of chapter 14Chapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(1)1.interpret and use the terms nomenclature,molecular formula, general formula, structuralformula, displaced formula, skeletal formula,homologous series and functional groupe IUPAC rules for naming organiccompounds1.perform calculation, involving use of the moleconcept and reacting quantities, to determine the第 20 周 4 Chapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(2)percentage yield of a reaction2.describe and explain structural isomerism incompounds with the same molecular formula butdifferent structural formulaeChapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(3)1.interpret and use the term stereoisomerism interms of cis-trans and optical isomerism2.describe and explain cis-trans isomerism inalkenes, in terms of restricted rotation about adouble bond3.determine the possible structural and cis-transisomers of an organic molecule of givenmolecular formulaChapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(4)1.explain the term chiral centre and identify anychiral centres in a molecule of given structuralformula2.understand that chiral molecules preparedsynthetically in the laboratory may contain amixture of optical isomers, whereas molecules ofthe same compound produced naturally in livingsystems will often be present as one opticalisomer only第 21 周 4习题课The key point of chapter 15根据实际情况安排实验课机动安排第22周 3 复习课Chapter 1—chapter 5期末考试复习课Chapter 6—chapter 9复习课Chapter 10—chapter 15。



小学上册英语自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The fox is cunning and known for its ______ (智慧).2.How many sides does a square have?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven3.What is the name of the famous ancient structure located in Greece?A. ColosseumB. ParthenonC. PyramidsD. StonehengeB4.I enjoy ______ (playing) card games.5.What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?A. ColomboB. KandyC. GalleD. Jaffna6.What is the name of the famous American singer known as the "Queen of Pop"?A. MadonnaB. Britney SpearsC. Lady GagaD. Janet JacksonA7.What is the opposite of "fast"?A. QuickB. SlowC. SwiftD. RapidB8.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. FlourB. SugarC. SaltD. WaterA9.Light can bend when it goes through ______ (water).10.What is the capital of Nicaragua?A. ManaguaB. LeónC. GranadaD. MatagalpaA11.The chemical symbol for cobalt is ______.12.aust was a tragic event during __________ (二战). The Holo13.I like to _____ (制作) crafts.14. A chemical reaction that occurs spontaneously is called ______.15.The Earth's rotation causes _______ and night.16.I love cooking dishes from different cultures, especially __________.17.The Crab Nebula is the remnant of a _______ explosion.18.How many players are on a basketball team?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:A19. A _______ is a solid that forms from a chemical reaction in a solution.20. A ______ (生态友好的园艺) can enhance biodiversity.21.The ______ (植物的适应机制) is a subject of study.22.What is the name of the bear that loves honey?A. Care BearB. Paddington BearC. Winnie the PoohD. YogiBearC Winnie the Pooh23.The country famous for its lakes is ________ (加拿大).24.The movie was really ___ (funny/sad).25.What do we call the process of plants making food?A. DigestionB. PhotosynthesisC. RespirationD. Fermentation26.She is a friendly ________.27.What do you call a person who teaches at school?A. StudentB. PrincipalC. TeacherD. CounselorC28.What do we call the act of cleaning dishes?A. WashingB. ScrubbingC. DryingD. Rinsing29.My little sister has a _________ (跳跳球) that she loves to bounce around the house.30.What do we call the place where we keep books?A. LibraryB. SchoolC. StoreD. HouseA31.The ____ is a popular pet that barks.32.What is 30 + 10?A. 40B. 50C. 60D. 70A33. A __________ is a substance used to test pH levels.34.We play _____ (games/soccer) on weekends.35.t brothers are credited with inventing the first __________. (飞机) The Wrig36.The vegetables are very ___. (fresh)37.The bird is ___ (singing) in the tree.38.________ (环境因素) can affect growth rates.39.I can ______ (理解) different viewpoints.40.The ________ loves to dance in the breeze.41.The ________ (冒险旅行) leads to new discoveries.42.Chemical bonds hold _____ together in a molecule.43. A _____ (小猫) is playing with a ball of yarn.44.The ________ has colorful scales and swims fast.45. A ______ (公鸡) crows in the morning.46.The _____ (tulip) festival attracts many visitors.47.n Wall divided __________ (东德) and West Germany for many years. The Berl48.I like to try new _______ (食物) from different countries. It’s _______ (形容词) to taste new flavors.49.My hamster loves to explore its ______ (笼子).50.I love to watch the ______ (雷电) during a storm.51.of Mexico is located ________ (在美国南部). The Gupt52.I want to ___ (go/visit) the museum.53.My favorite sport is ______ (足球).54.What is the primary purpose of a library?A. To sell booksB. To borrow booksC. To read booksD. To store books55.What is the name of the famous English playwright?A. Charles DickensB. J.K. RowlingC. William ShakespeareD. Jane AustenC56.Plants grow from ______ (种子).57. A sloth moves very _______ (慢), hanging from trees.58. Empire spread across much of ________ (欧洲). The Roma59.The toucan's beak is large and colorful, aiding in attracting ________________ (配偶).60. A reactant is a substance that takes part in a ______ reaction.61.We recognize ________ (hard work) in our team.62.The leaves flutter down from the _______ in fall.63.My favorite subject is _____ (数学).64.The city of Pompeii was buried by a _____ eruption.65.I love to sing ______ songs with my friends.66.Solutions can be classified as concentrated or _____.67.Which animal is known as man's best friend?A. CatB. HamsterC. DogD. GoldfishC68.What is the name of the first man on the moon?A. Yuri GagarinB. Neil ArmstrongC. Buzz AldrinD. John Glenn69.What is the name of the famous geological feature in Arizona?A. Grand CanyonB. Yellowstone ParkC. Yosemite ValleyD. Zion National Park70.In my free time, I like to play _______ (游戏). It helps me relax and have fun.71.What is the capital of Canada?A. TorontoB. OttawaC. VancouverD. MontrealB72.What sweet food is made from cocoa beans?A. CandyB. ChocolateC. CakeD. Ice cream答案:B73.The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is __________.74.What do you call the person who teaches students?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. Engineer75.What do you call a story that teaches a lesson or moral?A. FableB. NovelC. BiographyD. PlayA76. A _______ (小鸽子) coos softly while resting.77.The _____ helps to protect us from space debris.78.My brother is very __________ (机智的) and quick-thinking.79.What do you call the person who teaches in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. EngineerD. Chef80.The color of cabbage juice changes with pH; it can be red or ______.81. A ____ is a tiny animal that collects acorns.82.What is the term for a baby horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. PupB83.What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. Tijuana84.I like to ______ (观察) birds in the park.85.What is the opposite of night?A. DayB. NoonC. DuskD. EveningA86.What is the chemical symbol for gold?A. AgB. AuC. PbD. FeB87.The _______ produces seeds for new plants.88.My favorite snack is ______ (水果). It is healthy and very ______ (好吃).89. A liquid that can dissolve a solute is called a ________.90.The process of evaporation is the transition from liquid to _____.91.The ______ loves science fiction.92.The cockatoo has a fluffy _____ crest.93.小鼠) is very quick and clever. The ___94.Which insect produces silk?A. AntB. FlyC. ButterflyD. Silkworm95. A ________ (盆栽) can brighten up a room.96.What type of food do pandas primarily eat?A. FishB. BambooC. MeatD. Fruits97.听一听,判断所听内容与图片是否相符。



小学上册英语第六单元期中试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)2.What do you call a place where animals are kept for public viewing?A. ParkB. MuseumC. ZooD. Aquarium答案:C3.Chemical bonds hold _____ together in a molecule.4.The ________ (城市功能) serves many needs.5.The ______ (小鸡) pecks at the ground, looking for seeds and ______ (虫子).6.The _____ (carnation) has a sweet scent.7.The chemical formula for sodium acetate is _____.8.The ________ (ocean) is vast and deep.9.The study of landforms and their processes is called ______ geography.10.I like to __________ my friends.11.The puppy is very _______ (playful).12.I _____ (love/hate) homework.13. to ________ (跳舞) at parties. She love14.We are going to the _____ (动物园).15.The _____ (丰收) time is exciting for farmers.16.The goldfish has _______ (鳍) to swim.17.The _____ (植物教育活动) can engage young learners.18.What do you call the protective outer covering of animals?A. SkinB. FurC. ShellD. Scales答案: A19.Do you like ______ (猫) or ______ (狗) more?20.The _______ is vital for the survival of many species.21.We participate in ________ (competitions) often.22.When it’s chilly, I drink ______ (热饮).23.An endothermic reaction absorbs ______ from its surroundings.24.What is the capital of Haiti?A. Port-au-PrinceB. Cap-HaïtienC. JacmelD. Les Cayes答案: A25.根据图片把下列单词补充完整。



小学上册英语第二单元寒假试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The pizza is ___ (delicious/yummy).2.What do we call a large body of ice that moves slowly down a mountain?A. GlacierB. Ice CapC. IcebergD. SnowfieldA3.The dog is _____ (barking/sleeping) in the yard.4.What is the name of the ancient city buried by volcanic ash?A. AthensB. PompeiiC. RomeD. Carthage5.What do you call a person who makes bread?A. BakerB. ChefC. CookD. Pastry chef6.My cousin is my cheerful _______ who plays with me.7.The ____ is a tiny animal that can fly at night.8.My sister loves to write __________ (日记).9.What is the name of the process by which plants release water vapor?A. CondensationB. EvaporationC. TranspirationD. Sublimation答案:C10.Chemical bonds are formed when atoms _____ electrons.11.My grandma loves to knit ____ (blankets).12.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?A. FishB. BirdC. FrogD. HorseB13.What do you call a collection of stars?A. GalaxyB. UniverseC. Solar SystemD. AsteroidA14.The fox is very _______ (狡猾) and clever.15.What do we call the person who teaches us in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. Farmer16.What is the main color of grass?A. GreenB. YellowC. BlueD. Brown17.I often research online to find out more about my ________ (玩具名).18.I often see my relatives during ____.19.I have a ___ (collection) of seashells.20.The _______ will die if it doesn't get enough water.21.The _____ (花卉展) showcases different types of flowers.22. A ________ is small and furry.23.We will _______ (一起去) hiking this weekend.24.The study of the properties of substances is known as _______. (物理化学)25.The __________ is a region known for its social movements.26.My friend has a kind ____.27.The Earth's surface is shaped by human and ______ activities.28.My uncle is a __________ (兽医).29.The __________ is a famous area known for its unique festivals.30.I have a toy _______ that can spin and make funny noises.31.What is the term for a star that has exploded and left behind a dense remnant?A. SupernovaB. Neutron StarC. Black HoleD. Pulsar32.The chemical formula for citric acid is ______.33.What do you call a person who speaks two languages?A. BilingualB. MonolingualC. PolyglotD. TranslatorA34.can Civil War began in _____ (1861). The Amer35.The ________ (农业发展) is vital for food security.36.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. RiceD. SaltB37.What is the tallest building in the world?A. Empire State BuildingB. Burj KhalifaC. Taipei 101D. Sears Tower38.What do you call the tallest tree in the world?A. SequoiaB. OakC. PineD. Birch39.The caterpillar will become a _______ (毛毛虫会变成_______).40.The _______ of a wave can be affected by its amplitude.41.What is the shape of a soccer ball?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. Oval42.The ______ teaches us about astronomy.43.The __________ is a famous landmark in France. (埃菲尔铁塔)44. A goat climbs _______ easily.45.What do you call a written record of someone's life?A. DiaryB. MemoirC. AutobiographyD. BiographyD46.Many plants have a specific ______ period for blooming. (许多植物有特定的开花期。


Detailed description
A chemical reaction is a process of changing the state of a substance, manifested as the breaking of old chemical bonds and the formation of new chemical bonds. In chemical reactions, the substances involved in the reaction undergo processes such as electron transfer and atomic rearrangement, forming new substances.
Choosing the appropriate reagents and drugs is crucial for the success of the experiment. It is necessary to understand the characteristics, uses, and storage methods of various reagents and drugs.
Experimental instruments
Reagents and drugs
Before starting the experiment, one should fully understand the purpose, principle, and steps of the experiment. Prepare the necessary experimental equipment and reagents and ensure the safety of the laboratory environment.



小学上册英语第四单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the main ingredient in meringue?A. SugarB. Egg whitesC. CreamD. Flour2.The Earth's crust is essential for supporting ______ life.3. A lion is a brave _______ that roams the savanna.4.What is the currency used in the USA?A. EuroB. DollarC. YenD. Pound5.The invention of the printing press helped spread __________ (知识).6.aring ________ (一双鞋). She is w7.I have a ______ (collection) of stamps.8.What is the name of the popular video game where you can catch and train creatures?A. PokémonB. DigimonC. Monster HunterD. Dragon QuestA9.Which gas do plants release during photosynthesis?A. OxygenB. Carbon DioxideC. NitrogenD. Methane10.The main component of RNA is _____.11.What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?A. BishkekB. OshC. Jalal-AbadD. TalasA12. A reaction that produces gas is called a ______ reaction.13.The ______ is very wise and gives good advice.14.Parrots can ______ human speech.15.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?A. FishB. DogC. BirdD. CatC16.The ancient Egyptians worshiped _______. (太阳神)17.What do we call the study of weather?A. GeographyB. MeteorologyC. ClimatologyD. EcologyB18.What do we call a scientist who studies rocks and minerals?A. BiologistB. GeologistC. ChemistD. PhysicistB19. A frog lives both in ______ (水) and on land.20.The _____ (thistle) can be a nuisance in gardens.21.What do we call a young male horse?A. ColtB. FoalC. FillyD. StallionA22. A frog starts its life in water as a __________.23.I can create my own stories with my toy ________ (玩具名称).24.My collection of ________ (玩具名) keeps growing! One day, I hope to have a ________ (形容词) display for them.25.What is the capital of the Czech Republic?A. PragueB. BratislavaC. BudapestD. WarsawA26.The capital of Uruguay is __________.27. A __________ is a reaction that releases energy.28. A _____ (palm) tree is found in warm places.29.The ancient Romans built _______ to transport water.30.The ______ (生长) of plants varies with seasons.31.My sister has a collection of ______.32.What is the name of the famous city known for its canals?A. VeniceB. FlorenceC. RomeD. ParisA33. A _______ is a large area of water surrounded by land.34. A ________ (植物观察课程) encourages exploration.35.The birthday cake is ______ (round) and delicious.36. A comet has a bright ______ that can be seen from Earth.37. A ________ (章鱼) has eight arms and lives in the ocean.38.Which month has Halloween?A. OctoberB. NovemberC. SeptemberD. AugustA39.Chemical bonds can be broken and formed during ______.40.What is the main color of grass?A. BlueB. GreenC. BrownD. YellowB41.The __________ (历史记录) can be found in libraries.42.What is the opposite of ‘good’?A. BadB. GreatC. NiceD. Fine43.Spacecraft are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of _______.44.The sun sets in the ______. (evening)45.The cake is ________ (美味).46.The bus is ______ at the stop. (waiting)47.What do you call an animal that eats both plants and meat?A. HerbivoreB. CarnivoreC. OmnivoreD. Insectivore48. A _______ is a type of chemical reaction that involves the exchange of ions.49.I want to create a ________ to celebrate love.50.The _______ of a pendulum is affected by its length.51.She is _______ because she is happy.52.What is the largest organ in the human body?A. HeartB. LiverC. SkinD. Brain53.What is the name of the famous American national park known for its giant sequoias?A. Yosemite National ParkB. Yellowstone National ParkC. Sequoia National ParkD. Grand Canyon National ParkC Sequoia National Park54.The _____ (生物多样性) in a forest is amazing.55.What do you call a person who creates art?A. ArtistB. PainterC. SculptorD. IllustratorA56.What do you call a sweet, baked food made from flour, sugar, and eggs?A. CakeB. CookieC. BrownieD. All of the aboveD57.What do we call the season when it snows?A. SummerB. WinterC. SpringD. Autumn58.The __________ is formed from the remains of plants and animals.59.What is the term for a planet that is too hot for liquid water?A. Desert PlanetB. Gas GiantC. Hot JupiterD. Ice Giant60.I see a _____ (出租车) on the street.61. A horse can run fast on the ________________ (田野).62.What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. TomatoB. AvocadoC. PepperD. Onion63. A chemical reaction that produces light and heat is called a ______ reaction.64.What is the capital city of France?A. LondonB. BerlinC. ParisD. MadridC65.古代的________ (customs) 反映了社会的信仰和价值。



Fluorine has the greatest electronegativite heavier alkali metals such as potassium, rubidium and cesium have the lowest electronegativities. It should be noted that carbon is about in the middle of the electronegativity range, and is slightly more electronegative than hydrogen.
The alkali metals are also exceptionally reactive, but for the opposite reason. These atoms have only one electron in the valence shell, and on losing this electron arrive at the lower shell valence octet. As a consequence of this electron loss, these elements are commonly encountered as cations (positively charged atoms).
1-3-2 Polar Covalent Bonds
When two different atoms are bonded covalently, the shared electrons are attracted to the more electronegative atom of the bond, resulting in a shift of electron density toward the more electronegative atom. Such a covalent bond is polar, and will have a dipole.



小学上册英语第六单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. HeroD. VillainA2.I saw a _______ (猴子) in the zoo.3.The _______ can attract butterflies.4.What do you call a large body of land surrounded by water?A. IslandB. PeninsulaC. ContinentD. MountainA5.The fish are _______ (swimming) in the tank.6.I can _____ (dance/sing) very well.7.What do you call a baby kangaroo?A. JoeyB. CalfC. KitD. PupA8.I saw a _____ (兔子) hopping through the tall grass.9.What do you call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. DinnerC. BreakfastD. Snack10.What is the capital city of Greece?A. AthensB. RomeC. CairoD. Istanbul11.Which day comes after Friday?A. ThursdayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. MondayB12.The chemical formula for sodium thiosulfate is _______.13.My ___ (小猫) catches bugs in the house.14. A physical change does not produce a new ______.15.The _______ plays an important role in the ecosystem.16.The tropical fish in aquariums come in various ________________ (颜色) and patterns.17.My _____ (妈妈) is very caring.18.What is 5 + 3?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9C19.Matter can exist in different states including _____, liquid, and gas.20.The _____ can be found in the Kuiper Belt.21.ts produce ______ that can be used in cooking or for flavoring dishes. (某些植物可以产生用于烹饪或调味的香料。



Covalent compound H2, Cl2
Ionic Compound 离子化合物
Covalent Compound 共价化合物
Gases, liquid, or solids
High melting points (>400oC)
• An ion is an atom or a group of atoms possessing a net electrical charge. • Ions come in two basic types: – positive (+) ions or cations
•These atoms have lost 1 or more electrons.
5 electrons in valence shell
Not as useful for the transition and inner transition elements 7 (不适用于过渡元素)
Ionic Bonding 离子键结 Formation of Ionic Compounds 形成离子化 合物
• NH4+ ammonium ion -- cation • NO2-, CO32-, SO42- sulfate ion – anions
Ionic Bonding is the attraction of oppositely charged ions (cations and anions) in large numbers to form a solid. Such a solid compound is called an ionic solid.

2.Chemical components of cells细胞的化学组成英文课件

2.Chemical components of cells细胞的化学组成英文课件
❖ A mononucleotide is made of one nitrogen-containing organize base, one pentose sugar and one phosphate residue derived from phosphoric acid. When there is no phosphate group present the sugar-base combination is called nucleoside.
Figure 2-14 Peptide bonds
2.2.4 Nucleic Acids Are the Principal Informational Molecules
❖ Nucleoside and nucleotides ❖ RNA ❖ DNA
Nucleoside and nucleotides
❖ General chemical formula (CH2O)n ❖ Monosaccharides, disaccharides
oligosaccharides and polysaccharides ❖ Polymerization
Figure 2-11 Two monosaccharides can reaction belongs to a general category of in which two molecules join together due to
Figure 2-12 Phospholipids
Figure 2-13 steroids(类固醇)
2.2.3 Proteins Are Large Polymers of Amino Acids
❖ Amino acids ❖ Peptide bond and polypeptides ❖ Protein functions



小学上册英语第六单元真题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I can ___ (read) chapter books.2.My mom is a great __________ (社区领导者).3.My toy ____ always makes me smile. (玩具名称)4.What is the term for a young ferret?A. KitB. PupC. CalfD. Chick答案:a5.My friend has a ______ (宠物) lizard that is green.6.The children are _____ in the classroom. (talking)7.The _____ (狮子) lives in prides in the savanna.8.My favorite ________ is blue.9.The chemical formula for iron oxide is _______.10.What is 16 ÷ 4?A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 8答案:B11.I enjoy _____ (画画) landscapes.12.The chemical formula for calcium phosphate is ______.13.My grandma loves to _______ (动词) in her garden. 她的花都很 _______ (形容词).14.My favorite _____ is a fluffy puppy.15.Planting in layers can create a ______ (多层次) garden.16.The __________ is a famous desert in the United States.17.The ____ chirps happily and is often found in trees.18.The __________ can reveal the impacts of climate change on geological features.19.Trees provide ______ for many animals.20.My aunt is a skilled ____ (writer).21.My ________ (表姐) visits us every summer for a week.22.__________ are used in lubricants for machinery.23. A __________ is a small rodent known for its cheek pouches.24.We visit the ______ (自然保护区) to learn about conservation.25.为下列图片选择相符的句子。

1.Ionic Bonding

1.Ionic Bonding
aluminium atom 2.8.3
magnesium ion [ 2.8 ] = Mg2+ aluminium ion [ 2.8 ] = Al3+
6 of 50
© Boardworks Ltd 2007
For transition metals, some of them can form stable ions with different charges.e.g.Fe2+, Fe3+ However, we usually use bracketed Roman number to represent the chemical valence. iron(II) hydroxide→ Fe(OH)2 iron(III) hydroxide→ Fe(OH)3
The number of charge is usually the same as the number . electronsin the atom’s outer shell. of lithium atom 2.1 lithium ion [ 2 ] = Li+
magnesium atom 2.8.2
3. Ionic crystal
• (1)what’s a crystal? • A solid substance in which the atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions(3D). • (2)Definition of ionic crystal: • A crystal consisting of ions bound together by their electrostatic attraction. • This means that there are no molecules present in ionic crystal.



管理制度参考范本化学危险品安全贮存品名汉语拼音索引撰写人: __________________部门: __________________时间: __________________该索引是便于用户运用汉语拼音的发音顺序查找所需化学品, 查到以后按照该化学品后缀的分类序号对应到“化学危险品的安全贮存”内容中对应查找该化学品名, 打开即可A氨……………………………………………B2.14氨基胍重碳酸盐……………………………B4.43安全火柴……………………………………B4.59氨基化锂……………………………………B4.92氨基化钠……………………………………B4.93安妥…………………………………………B6.36氨溶液………………………………………B8.81B苯……………………………………………B3.10苯酚…………………………………………B6.21苯甲酸汞……………………………………B6.24苯胺…………………………………………B6.52苯甲酰氯……………………………………B8.46苯磺酰氯……………………………………B8.47苯(基)氧氯化膦……………………………B8.49苯酚钠………………………………………B8.85丙烯酸甲酯…………………………………B3.16丙腈…………………………………………B3.18丙烯酸………………………………………B8.55C重铬酸钾……………………………………B5.23重铬酸钠……………………………………B5.24重氮氨基苯…………………………………B4.24茨烯…………………………………………B4.51次氯酸钙……………………………………B5.8次氯酸钠溶液(含有效氯>5%)……………B8.86DN, N-二甲基环已胺………………………B8.73N, N-二亚硝基五亚甲基四胺(含纯感剂)…B4.17 氮……………………………………………B2.10导火索………………………………………B1.12碘酸…………………………………………85.19碘酸铵………………………………………B5.21叠氮钠………………………………………B1.1丁烷…………………………………………B2.3丁酮…………………………………………B3.14丁炔二醇……………………………………B4.46对二硝基苯…………………………………B4.14对亚硝基苯酚………………………………B4.16多硫化铵溶液………………………………B8.61E苊……………………………………………B4.38蒽……………………………………………B8.86二氯二氟甲烷………………………………B2.11二氧化硫(液化的)………………………B2.15二硫化碳……………………………………B3.82-丙烯-1-醇………………………………B3.13二甲苯(邻位、间位、对位)……………B3.232, 4-二硝基(苯)酚(含水≥15%)……B4.62, 5-二硝基(苯)酚(含水≥15%)……B4.62, 6-二硝基(苯)酚(含水≥15%)……B4.62, 4-二硝基间苯二酚(含水≥15%)……B4.72, 4-二硝基苯肼…………………………B4.8二硝基苯肼…………………………………B4.92, 4-二硝基氯化苄………………………B4.102, 4-二硝基苄基氯………………………B4.10氯化二硝基苄基……………………………B4.102, 4-二硝基苯(代)氯甲烷……………B4.102, 4-二硝基甲苯…………………………B4.152, 4-二硝基萘酚钠盐……………………B4.412, 4-二亚硝基间苯二酚…………………B4.422, 2-二硝基丙烷…………………………B4.442, 2, 3, 3-四甲基丁烷…………………B4.45 2-茨醇………………………………………B4.49 2-茨酮………………………………………B4.50二氧化硒……………………………………B6.8 2-丁烯腈(反式)…………………………B6.26二氯甲烷……………………………………B6.43 2, 4-二硝基甲苯…………………………B6.49 二甲(苯)酚………………………………B6.50二甲氨基甲酰氯……………………………B8.45二(正)丁胺………………………………B8.74二氯乙醛……………………………………B8.83 2, 4, 6-三硝基苯甲硝胺…………………B1.6 F发泡剂BSH…………………………………B4.21发泡剂OB…………………………………B4.22发孔剂N……………………………………B4.23发烟硝酸…………………………………B8.1发烟硫酸……………………………………B8.4氟……………………………………………B2.12氟化钠………………………………………B6.42氟磺酸………………………………………B8.14氟硅酸………………………………………B8.15氟硼酸………………………………………B8.16氟化铬………………………………………B8.82G钙……………………………………………B4.71干喷漆………………………………………B4.52高氯酸钠……………………………………B5.4高氯酸钾……………………………………B5.5高锰酸钠……………………………………B5.10高锰酸钾……………………………………B5.11高硼酸钠……………………………………B5.17高氯酸………………………………………B8.12铬酸溶液……………………………………B8.18硅铁…………………………………………B4.97过氧化氢(20%~60%)……………………B5.1过氧化钠……………………………………B5.2过氧化钾……………………………………B5.3过硫酸钠……………………………………B5.16过甲酸………………………………………B5.27汞……………………………………………B8.89 H含二级易燃溶剂的油漆辅助材料及涂料…B3.25黑火药制品…………………………………B1.11红磷…………………………………………B4.1环三次甲基三硝铵…………………………B1.7环氧乙烷……………………………………B2.5环戊烷………………………………………B3.3黄磷…………………………………………B4.61火补胶………………………………………B4.57J甲烷…………………………………………B2.2甲硫醇………………………………………B2.7甲醇…………………………………………B3.11甲基萘………………………………………B4.36钾……………………………………………B4.71钾钠合金……………………………………B4.70钾汞齐………………………………………B4.75甲苯-2, 4-二异氰酸酯……………………B6.29甲基对硫磷…………………………………B6.31甲胺磷………………………………………B6.35甲酸…………………………………………B8.37甲(基)磺酰氯……………………………B8.48甲醛溶液……………………………………B8.84间-二硝基苯………………………………B4.13金属锆粉(含水≥25%)…………………B4.32金属钍………………………………………B7.1聚苯乙烯珠体(可发性)…………………B4.27聚乙烯聚胺…………………………………B8.79K克罗甸………………………………………B3.26L礼花弹………………………………………B1.13锂……………………………………………B4.67连二亚硫酸钠………………………………B4.96连二亚硫酸钠………………………………B4.62邻-二硝基苯………………………………B4.12磷化钙………………………………………B4.89磷化铝………………………………………B4.90.磷化锌………………………………………B4.91磷胺…………………………………………B6.34硫……………………………………………B4.28硫氰酸甲酯…………………………………B6.28硫酸二甲酯…………………………………B6.30硫酸铀………………………………………B7.6硫酸…………………………………………B8.5硫代磷酰氯…………………………………B8.36硫化铵溶液…………………………………B8.63硫化钠………………………………………B8.64硫化钾………………………………………B8.65硫化钡………………………………………B8.66硫氢化钠……………………………………B8.67硫氢化钙……………………………………B8.68铝粉…………………………………………B4.29铝镍合金氢化媒剂…………………………B4.34铝酸钠溶液…………………………………B8.61氯……………………………………………B2.13氯酸铵……………………………………B5.6氯酸钾………………………………………B5.7氯化硒………………………………………B6.11氯化苄………………………………………B6.20氯乙酸丁酯…………………………………B6.48氯磺酸………………………………………B8.13氯化亚砜……………………………………B8.21氯乙酰氯……………………………………B8.44氯乙酸………………………………………B8.53氯化铜………………………………………B8.88氯化汞………………………………………B6.13 M煤油…………………………………………B3.20镁粉…………………………………………B4.77镁铝粉………………………………………B4.78锰粉…………………………………………B4.31 N钠……………………………………………B4.68钠汞齐………………………………………B4.76钠石灰………………………………………B8.80萘……………………………………………B4.35P硼氢化钠……………………………………B4.94硼氢化钾……………………………………B4.95Q其他海绵状金属粉…………………………B4.33汽油…………………………………………B3.1氢……………………………………………B3.2氢化锂………………………………………B4.80氢化钠………………………………………B4.81氢化钾………………………………………B4.82氢化钙………………………………………B4.83氢化铝………………………………………B4.84氢化铝锂……………………………………B4.85氢化铝钠……………………………………B4.86氢化钡………………………………………B4.98氢氟酸………………………………………B8.8氢溴酸………………………………………B8.9氢磺酸………………………………………B8.10氢氧化钠……………………………………B8.56氢氧化钾……………………………………B8.57氢氧化锂……………………………………B8.58氰氨化钙……………………………………B4.99氰化钠………………………………………B6.1氰化亚铜……………………………………B6.2R壬烷…………………………………………B3.21铷……………………………………………B4.72 S三硝基甲苯…………………………………B1.5三硝基间苯二酚……………………………B1.8三硝基苯酚…………………………………B1.9三硝基苯甲醚………………………………B1.2三聚甲醛……………………………………B4.47三硫化(四)磷……………………………B4.2三异丁基铝…………………………………B4.64三丁基硼……………………………………B4.65三氧化铬(无水)…………………………B5.22三氯硝基甲烷………………………………B6.15 3-氯-1, 2-环氧丙烷………………………B6.16 3-硝基甲苯…………………………………B6.19 3-甲(苯)酚………………………………B6.22 3-氯丙腈……………………………………B6.27三氯甲烷……………………………………B6.44三溴甲烷……………………………………B6.46三氯乙烯……………………………………B6.47三氯化磷……………………………………B8.24三氯化铝……………………………………B8.28三氟乙酸……………………………………B8.38三氯乙酸……………………………………B8.54赛璐珞制品…………………………………B4.56闪光粉………………………………………B4.60生松香………………………………………B4.58十硼氢………………………………………B4.28石油醚………………………………………B3.9铯……………………………………………B4.73锶……………………………………………B4.74四氢呋喃……………………………………B3.7四-亚硝基苯酚……………………………B4.54, 6-二硝基-2-氨基酚……………………B4.40四氧化(三)铅……………………………B6.40四氯化碳……………………………………B6.45四氯化硅……………………………………B8.26四氯化碲……………………………………B8.27四氯化锗……………………………………B8.30四氯化钛……………………………………B8.31四氯化锡……………………………………B8.32四甲基氢氧化铵……………………………B8.70四乙基铅……………………………………B6.25砷……………………………………………B6.4砷酸汞………………………………………B6.7水合肼(含肼≤64%)……………………B8.71松节油………………………………………B3.22 T钛粉…………………………………………B4.30碳化钙………………………………………B4.87碳化铝………………………………………B4.88锑粉…………………………………………B6.38 W烷基铝………………………………………B4.63五硫化二磷…………………………………B4.3五氧化二碘…………………………………B5.20五氧化二砷…………………………………B6.5五氯酚钠……………………………………B6.53五氯化磷……………………………………B8.52五氯化锑……………………………………B8.29五氧化(二)磷……………………………B8.35戊烷…………………………………………B3.2五溴化磷……………………………………B8.34戊酰氯………………………………………B8.42 x硒酸钾………………………………………B6.10硒粉…………………………………………B6.37硒酸…………………………………………B8.17硝基胍………………………………………B1.3硝铵炸药……………………………………B1.10硝基漆稀释剂………………………………B3.19硝酸纤维素脂(含氮量12.5%以下)……B4.19硝化沥青……………………………………B4.20硝化纤维漆布(纸)及其制品……………B4.53硝化纤维色片………………………………B4.54硝化纤维塑料(板、片、棒、管卷等状, 不包括碎屑)…B4.55 硝化纤维片基………………………………B4.66硝酸钠………………………………………B5.12硝酸钾………………………………………B5.13硝酸银………………………………………B5.14硝酸铵(含可燃物≤0.2%;0.4%)………B5.15硝酸汞………………………………………B6.12硝基苯………………………………………B6.17硝酸钍………………………………………B7.2硝酸铀酰(固体)…………………………B7.3硝酸…………………………………………B8.2硝酸羟胺……………………………………B8.3锌粉…………………………………………B4.79溴……………………………………………B8.11溴甲烷………………………………………B2.16溴酸钾………………………………………B5.18溴化亚汞……………………………………B6.41溴乙酰溴……………………………………B8.41 Y亚磷酸二氢铅………………………………B4.4压缩空气……………………………………B2.9亚氯酸钠……………………………………B5.9亚硝酸钾……………………………………B5.25亚砷酸钾……………………………………B6.6亚硒酸钠……………………………………B6.9亚硫酸………………………………………B8.6盐酸…………………………………………B8.7氧……………………………………………B2.8氧化银………………………………………B5.26氧化钍………………………………………B7.4氧氯化硫……………………………………B8.20氧氯化铬……………………………………B8.22氧氯化磷……………………………………B8.23氧化钠………………………………………B8.59氧化钾………………………………………B8.60夜光粉………………………………………B7.7 1, 5-二硝基萘;1, 8-二硝基萘…………B4.11 1-重氮-2-苯酚-4-磺酸……………………B4.25 1, 8-萘-二甲酸酐…………………………B4.37 1, 2, 4, 5-四甲基苯……………………B4.391, 4-二硝基苯……………………………B6.18 一氯乙醛……………………………………B6.23一O五九……………………………………B6.32一六O五(农药)…………………………B6.33 1, 3-苯二酚………………………………B6.51 一氯化硫……………………………………B8.19 1, 2-乙二胺………………………………B8.75 1, 3-丙二胺………………………………B8.76 1, 2-丙二胺………………………………B8.77 1, 6乙二胺………………………………B8.78 异丁醇………………………………………B3.24乙醛…………………………………………B3.4乙醚…………………………………………B3.6乙炔…………………………………………B2.4乙醇…………………………………………B3.11乙腈…………………………………………B3.17乙酸乙酯……………………………………B3.15乙酸铀………………………………………B7.5乙胺…………………………………………B2.6乙酸…………………………………………B8.51乙酸酐………………………………………B8.52乙酸钠………………………………………B8.69乙基硫酸……………………………………B8.39Z正磷酸………………………………………B8.50。



小学下册英语第二单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My dad is a _______ (职业). 他每天都 _______ (动词).2.The capital of Bangladesh is _____.3.My brother is a great ________.4.What do we call the person who creates music?A. AuthorB. ComposerC. PainterD. Architect答案:B5.She has a ________ (skill) in communication.6.They are playing ________ (游戏) in the park.7.The ______ grows in forests.8.The capital of Turkey is _______.9.Chemical bonds hold _____ together in a molecule.10.I can _______ (用英语说) simple sentences.11.The Earth's atmosphere is vital for ______ life.12.What do you call a person who studies rocks?A. BiologistB. ChemistC. GeologistD. Astronomer答案:c13. A __________ is a mixture that can be separated by evaporation.14.The __________ (历史的教育) is essential for informed citizenship.15.I like to watch ________ about nature.16.The chemical formula for common baking soda is _______.17.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Greece known for its ruins?A. AthensB. SpartaC. DelphiD. Corinth答案:A18.The first man to circumnavigate the globe was _______. (麦哲伦)19.I can jump ___. (high)20.We visit the ______ (植物园) to see flowers.21.The ________ (环境变化研究) informs policies.22.The ________ was a famous explorer who sailed across the Atlantic.23.The butterfly's wings are covered in tiny ______ (鳞片).24.My favorite snack is ________ (坚果) for energy.25.What is the name of the famous novelist known for his "Moby Dick"?A. Mark TwainB. Herman MelvilleC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. F. Scott Fitzgerald答案: B26.How many sides does a hexagon have?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight答案: B27.The parrot has a bright ______ (羽毛).28.All living things are made of ______.29.The ________ makes a nice sound when it sings.30.My hamster loves to explore its _______ (笼子).31.The ancient Romans are known for their engineering ________ (成就).32.The Earth's crust is made of both land and ______.33.We are having a ______ (field trip) next month.34.The __________ (文艺复兴) brought about changes in art and science.35.Plants can help improve _______ by absorbing carbon dioxide.36.The main component of air is _______.37.We are going to the ___. (amusement park)38. A solid that forms from a solution is called a ______.39.I love to eat ______ ice cream.40.What is 10 + 15?A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 35答案:B41.What do we call the study of matter and energy?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. Geology答案:C42.The ancient city of _______ (Pompeii) was buried by a volcanic eruption.43.I have a ___ (great) idea for a game.44.The _____ (果园管理) requires knowledge and care.45.What do we call the natural satellite that orbits the Earth?A. SunB. MoonC. StarD. Planet答案:B46.I saw a _____ (movie/show) last night.47.The chemical formula for ethanol is __________.48.The chemical formula for aluminum sulfate is _____.49.I hope to learn more about __________ in the future.50. A __________ has a distinctive call that sounds like a laugh.51.She loves to _____ (sing).52.The _____ (玫瑰) smells sweet and beautiful.53. A _______ (小貓熊) eats bamboo all day long.54.My _____ (亲戚) are having a reunion.55. A dolphin is a friendly ______.56.She is a scientist, ______ (她是一名科学家), studying the environment.57.The _______ (The Great Depression) led to widespread unemployment and poverty.58.I love my teddy _______ with a red bow tie.59.__________ are substances that can conduct heat or electricity.60. A _____ is a region with specific geographic features.61.The first successful blood transfusion was performed in ______ (17世纪).62.Friction can slow down a ______.63.The ________ (puzzle) is challenging but fun.64.He is my best ________.65. A valley is a low area between ______.66.My dad is a great __________ (支持者) of my dreams.67.The country of Italy is shaped like a __________. (靴子)68.The chemical formula for glucose is ______.69.The flowers are ________ (五彩斑斓的).70.I have a dream of traveling to ________.71.The _____ (树) is very tall and provides shade in the summer.72.__________ can be found in the form of minerals in nature.73.The capital city of Kenya is ________ (内罗毕).74.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on the laws of thermodynamics?A. Rudolf ClausiusB. Lord KelvinC. James Clerk MaxwellD. Albert Einstein答案: A75.I like to play _____ (棋类游戏) with my friends.76.The fish swims around the ______.77. A _____ (章鱼) can change its shape to fit through tight spaces.78.I like to share my toy ________ (玩具名称) with my cousins.79.In the summer, I love to go __________. The weather is usually __________, which makes it perfect for __________. I often take my __________ along becausehe/she loves to __________. We usually pack __________ and spend the whole day__________.80.The capital of Belarus is ________ (明斯克).81.I see a _____ (star) at night.82.During winter, we have snowball fights and make ________ (雪人). It’s a fun________ (活动).83.What is the name of the largest desert in the world?A. SaharaB. ArabianC. GobiD. Kalahari答案:A84. The boiling point of water is _______ degrees Celsius.85.The ancient Greeks held festivals in honor of their ________.86.What do we call a story with a moral lesson?A. MythB. FableC. TaleD. Novel答案: B87.The owl flies silently through the ______ (夜空).88.The invention of ________ changed warfare forever.89.My cat likes to sit by the ______ (窗户).90.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November?A. ChristmasB. ThanksgivingC. New Year's DayD. Independence Day答案:B91.The _______ (The Harlem Renaissance) showcased African American culture and arts.92.I like to _____ books at the library. (borrow)93.The __________ was a significant time of exploration in the 15th century. (大航海时代)94.My friend is very __________ (友好).95.The capital of Marshall Islands is _______.96.I have a big box of _____ (乐高).97. (33) Mountains separate Europe and Asia. The ____98.The rain is ______ on the roof. (falling)99.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?A. GuitarB. ViolinC. PianoD. Drums答案: C 100.The __________ (古代贸易) routes connected different cultures.。



小学上册英语第四单元测验试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _______ (Buddhism) originated in ancient India and spread throughout Asia.2.The boy is _____ a story. (reading)3.I enjoy drawing ________ (漫画) in my notebook.4.The _______ of an object can change when it moves.5.Hydrogen is commonly found in ______ compounds.6.The kitten stretches its _______ (小猫伸展它的_______).7. A solution with a pH of is more ______ than a solution with a pH of .8.My brother and I watch ____.9.The clock shows ___ (four) o'clock.10.The __________ was the first successful English colony in America. (詹姆斯敦)11.We saw a _______ (电影) last night.12.How many days are in a leap year?A. 364B. 365C. 366D. 367答案: C13.I like to play with my toy ________ (玩具名称) at the park.14.My dad drives a ___ (car/bike).15._____ (水果) trees produce many tasty treats.16. A kitten enjoys chasing after ______ (光点).17. A ____(local economy) supports small businesses.18.The __________ makes everything look magical in winter. (雪)19.The dog is _____ (chasing/sleeping) a ball.20. A _____ (小鸭) loves to paddle in the water.21.We visit the ______ (农场) to learn about agriculture.22.Lucy is a ______. She sings very well.23.My aunt has a pet ______ (鹦鹉) that talks.24.The tortoise moves very _______ (慢).25.Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,打钩或划叉.)26. (Revolutionary) War was fought for American independence. The ____27.The beach is _______ (适合游泳)。



小学上册英语第5单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call a person who studies the nature of reality?A. PhilosopherB. ScientistC. MathematicianD. HistorianA2. A ____(delta) forms at the mouth of a river where it meets the sea.3.Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?A. J.R.R. TolkienB. J.K. RowlingC. C.S. LewisD. Roald DahlB4.What is the opposite of empty?A. FullB. HalfC. LightD. HeavyA5.Substances that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed are called_____ (catalysts).6.My sister is a __________ (设计师).7.What do you call a baby lion?A. CubB. KitC. CalfD. FawnA8. A ________ (生态恢复) can bring back plants.9.How many months are there in a year?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 13C10.I love to ___ (explore) new places.11.The ________ (ball) is round and bouncy.12.What do you call the end of a story?A. BeginningB. MiddleC. ConclusionD. ChapterC13.The _____ (desk/table) is made of wood.14.The dog is _____ (barking/sleeping) in the yard.15.The ancient Greeks wrote _______ that are still studied today. (哲学)16.I have ________ (两只) cats at home.17.I love _______ (玩游戏) with my friends.18.The __________ (历史的叙述者) play crucial roles in shaping narratives.19.My pet fish swims in _______ (圆形) patterns.20.What do you call a large area of rock and soil that is elevated?A. HillB. MountainC. PlateauD. CliffB21.My aunt lives in a _____ (city/country).22.What do you call the first page of a book?A. CoverB. IndexC. PrefaceD. Title pageD23.What is 5 3?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4B24.I can ______ (调整) my schedule as needed.25.What do you call a story that is made up?A. Non-fictionB. BiographyC. FictionD. HistoryC26.What do we call the energy from the sun?A. Solar energyB. Wind energyC. Nuclear energyD. Geothermal energyA27.What is the main purpose of a map?A. To tell timeB. To show locationsC. To display weatherD. To calculate distanceB28.Creating a vibrant garden can enhance your home's overall ______. (创造一个生机勃勃的花园可以提升你家的整体美感。

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Q: Name the elements and the number of each element present in the following compounds
(a) ethanol, C2H6O (b) phosphoric acid, H3PO4 (c) bicarbonate of soda, Na2CO3 (d) potassium sulfate, K2SO4.
Lithium ion
Group II
Group 2: Loses 2 electrons to form 2+ ions
Group II metals
Write equations to show the formation of group II ions
Covalent Molecules
• Non metal atoms bond together e.g Hydrogen with oxygen, water H2O . • Non metals can bond together, achieving a stable electronic configuration by sharing electrons. • This sharing of electrons between two non metal atoms is called a covalent bond.
Hydrogen gas, H2
• A hydrogen atom has one outer shell electron. For hydrogen a full outer shell is two electrons.
• Each fluorine atom has 7 outer shell electrons. • The two atoms share one pair of electrons to attain a stable electron configuration of 8 electrons • The two-shared electrons are called a bonding electron pair. Each fluorine atom has 6 outer shell electrons (three pairs), which are not involved in the bonding. They are called non-bonding electron pairs or lone pairs.
Fluorine, F2
• Contains oxygen and hydrogen atoms • An oxygen atom contains 6 outer shell electrons; it needs to share 2 more electrons (from two hydrogen atoms, which have one outer shell electron each) to obtain a stable electron configuration. • Formula is H2O • There are 2 non-bonding electron pairs and 2 bonding electron pairs around the oxygen atom.
• The Group 18 (VIII) elements or Noble gases are very stable and unreactive. They exist as single atoms. • Their stability is linked to the fact that they all have a full outer shell of electrons. • Atoms of other elements can become stable by losing or gaining electrons to get the same electronic configuration as a noble gas – a full outer shell.
Magnesium oxide
• A magnesium atom loses two electrons to form a magnesium ion Mg2+ • An oxygen atom gains two electrons to form the oxide atom O2-. • Magnesium and oxygen react in the ratio 1:1.
Be Mg Ca Sr
Be2+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Sr2+
+ 2e+ 2e+ 2e+ 2e-
Group 13 (or III) metals
Q) Which element is not a metal in this group? Boron How many valence electrons do the group 13 elements (periodic table) have in common? 3 Use the periodic table to write a summary showing how ions are formed from these elements, Aluminium, Gallium and#43;
Lose 1 electron to form 1+ ions
Metal atoms lose electrons For example: Lithium loses one electron Li Li+ + 1eNa Na+ + 1eK K+ + 1ePositive ions
Ionic compounds
Electron transfer from the metal to the nonmetal produces cations (+) and anions(-) The attraction between two opposite ions is called an ionic bond
When sodium reacts with chlorine, sodium chloride is produced. • The sodium atom loses one electron forming a sodium ion Na+. • This electron is transferred to the chlorine forming a chloride ion Cl• Sodium atoms and chlorine atoms react in the ratio 1:1. • Thus the formula of sodium chloride is NaCl.
Non-metal atoms gain electrons
Negative ions
Group 15 (or V) non-metals
• Non-metals, such as nitrogen and phosphorous, have 5 valence electrons. • You would expect that these non-metals accept three electrons to form an ion which has a charge of 3N + 3e N3-
Al Ga In
Al3+ + 3eGa3+ + 3eIn3+ + 3e-
Non-metal Atoms
Non-metal atoms tend to gain valence electrons from the metal atoms. When non-metal atoms accept electrons, then negative ions are formed.
• Thus the formula of magnesium oxide is MgO.
Metallic Bonds
• When two metals combine they form a metallic bond. This type of bonding is sometimes described as ‘positive ions floating in a sea of negative electrons’. • Metals have some electrons in excess of the full outer shell requirement so they tend to lose these excess electrons. When two metals bond they all loosen their outer shell electrons. These can then freely move from atom to atom. This explains many of the properties of metals.
Group15 Elements
N3- Nitride P3- Phosphide As3- Arsenide Group Gains 15: 3 electrons to form 3- ions
Complete “Forming Ions” Worksheet
Stable substances