Water-Based Bonding Agents RTM China 2
2018年第37卷第9期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS·3437·化 工 进展一类新型镁材料——镁基金属有机骨架材料韩森建,王海增(中国海洋大学化学化工学院,山东 青岛 266100)摘要:镁基金属有机骨架材料(Mg-MOFs )是近年来逐渐受到关注的一类新型功能材料,其种类与结构多样化,使其在很多领域中展现出了潜在的应用价值,为镁资源的开发利用开拓了一个新的领域。
本文从Mg-MOFs 的种类、特点、制备方法、应用以及稳定性5个方面展开论述。
详细阐述了Mg-MOFs 在催化、药物缓释、光学材料、气体储存、气体吸附和分离等方面的应用,着重介绍了Mg-MOFs 的储氢能力和对二氧化碳的吸附能力及对不同混合物的选择分离能力。
提出了今后Mg-MOFs 的研究重点:优化Mg-MOFs 的制备条件,降低制备难度及成本;选择新的配体源及溶剂,开发具有结构稳定、高比表面积、功能多样的Mg-MOFs ,扩大其在气体吸附与选择性分离方向的应用;将Mg-MOFs 应用于复合材料中,拓宽其应用范围。
关键词:镁基金属有机骨架材料;羧酸配体;储氢;分离中图分类号:O6-1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)09–3437–09 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-2174A new material of magnesium complexes——magnesium based metalorganic frameworksHAN Senjian , WANG Haizeng(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, Shandong, China)Abstract :Magnesium based metal organic frameworks (Mg-MOFs), as a new kind of functional material, have recently drawn much research attention. Due to the diversified specie and structures, Mg-MOFs have shown potential applications in many fields, which provide a new research area for the development and utilization of magnesium resources. Five aspects on Mg-MOFs are discussed in this article, including the main types, characteristics, preparation method, applications and stability. The applications of Mg-MOFs in catalysis, drug delivery, optical properties, gas storage, adsorption and separation are elaborated, and the capacities of hydrogen storage, carbon dioxide adsorption and selective uptake are presented emphatically. In addition, the prospects and challenges in the future are pointed out. For instance: optimizing the preparation conditions of Mg-MOFs to reduce the process difficulty and costs; selecting new ligands and solvent to prepare Mg-MOFs of high surface area, developing varieties of functional Mg-MOFs with structural stability to expand their applications in gas adsorption and separation, and applying Mg-MOFs to the composite materials to extend their application range.Key words: magnesium based metal organic frameworks (Mg-MOFs); ligands of carboxylic acid; storage hydrogen gas; separation我国镁资源总储量世界第一,包括固态镁资源和液态镁资源[1]。
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第5期·1658·化 工 进展乙酸蒸汽催化重整制氢的研究进展王东旭1,肖显斌2,李文艳1(1华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京 102206;2华北电力大学生物质发电成套设备国家工程实验室,北京 102206)摘要:通过生物油蒸汽重整制备氢气可以减少环境污染,降低对化石燃料的依赖,是一种极具潜力的制氢途径。
关键词:生物油;乙酸;制氢;催化剂;热力学中图分类号:TK6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)05–1658–08 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.05.014A review of literatures on catalytic steam reforming of acetic acid forhydrogen productionWANG Dongxu 1,XIAO Xianbin 2,LI Wenyan 1(1 School of Energy ,Power and Mechanical Engineering ,North China Electric Power University ,Beijing 102206,China ;2 National Engineering Laboratory for Biomass Power Generation Equipment ,North China Electric PowerUniversity ,Beijing 102206,China )Abstract :Hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil ,a potential way to produce hydrogen , can reduce environmental pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. Acetic acid is one of the main components of bio-oil and is often selected as a model compound. Nickel-based catalyst is widely used in the steam reforming of acetic acid ,but it deactivates fast due to the carbon deposition. In this paper ,the affecting factors for the steam reforming of acetic acid are analyzed. The coking mechanism of nickel-based catalyst in this process is illustrated. Optimization methods for nickel-baed catalyst are discussed ,including optimizing the pretreatment process ,adding promoters ,and choosing appropriate catalyst supports. Research progresses in the thermodynamics analyses for steaming reforming of acetic acid are summarized. Further studies should be focused on the effects of a combination of a variety of promoters on carbon deposition. Catalytic activity and the synergy mechanism should be analyzed to produce a novel nickel-based catalyst with high activity ,high resistance to caborn deposition for hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil. Key words :bio-oil ;acetic acid ;hydrogen production ;catalyst ;thermodynamics第一作者:王东旭(1994—),男,硕士研究生,从事生物质能利用技术研究。
UK/China Water Resources Demand Management Assistance Project 中英合作水资源需求管理项目 WRDMAP Glossary of Terms : Chinese and English 术语汇编(中英对照)(初版)中央项目办公室水资源需求管理援助项目 术语汇编WRDMAPWater Resources Demand Management Assistance Project 水资源需求管理援助项目 WRDMAP Glossary of Terms : Chinese and English 术语汇编(中英对照)“Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others.” —Confucius “温故而知新,可以为师矣”——孔子Preface 前 言本术语表是水资源需求管理项目术语表的初级版本,是在水资源需求管理项目中汇编而成,该项目是由 英国国际发展部出资、水利部负责实施的双边合作项目。
在水行业发展项目初期就开始编写术语表,随 后在水资源需求管理援助项目(WRDMAP)启动之前进一步对术语表进行了修订和更新。
WRDMAP 项 目决定将目前版本的术语表印刷成册,尽管专家们指出它还存在诸多不足之处。
在项目起始阶段对术语 表尽可能地进行了修正。
WRDMAP 项目计划在 2006 年底重新印制术语表, 在第二版中将纳入来自相关 各方的修改意见和建议。
This draft/preliminary version of the Water Resources Demand Management Project Glossary has been assembled under the Water Resources Demand Management Project funded by DFID and carried out by MWR. The Glossary was started during the earlier Water Sector Development Project and was subsequently further developed during the period prior to the commencement of WRDMAP. It has been decided to print this version despite the fact that WRDMAP experts have identified many shortcomings in the document. These have been corrected to the extent possible during the Inception Phase of the Project. However, it is intended to reprint an improved second edition at the end of 2006 incorporating comments and modifications, suggestions received. 本术语表的编写目的是为项目人员提供水资源管理方面的常用术语、短语以及技术、机构缩略语,以便 促进项目中方人员与国际专家之间的相互理解和交流沟通。
对于层理和微裂缝较发育、 地层胶结差的水敏 性页岩地层, 滤液进入后会破坏泥页岩的胶结性 。 水或钻井液滤液极易进入微裂缝, 破坏原有的力学 平衡, 导致岩石的碎裂。 近井壁含水量和胶结的完 整性改变了地层的强度, 并使井眼周围的应力场发 生改变, 引起应力集中, 井眼未能建立新的平衡而导 致井壁失稳。 因此, 从钻井液角度, 国内外一般选择聚胺、 铝 酸盐络合物或其他特殊的高性能页岩抑制剂 , 结合 , 与页岩纳微米孔缝匹配的纳微米封堵剂 从而提高 钻井液的抑制性、 封堵性, 降低渗透性, 阻止滤液进 入页岩地层, 防止页岩吸水、 强度降低。 同时, 现场 施工过程通过对振动筛钻屑和滤失量的实时监测 , 随时调节抑制剂和封堵剂的加量。 2. 2 润滑防卡 页岩气水平井随着井斜角和水平位移的增加会 极大地增大摩阻和扭矩, 严重影响井眼轨迹控制等 正常钻井作业; 高密度条件下, 液柱压力与地层压力 之差较大, 产生使钻柱向井壁的推靠力, 易形成压差 卡钻; 大斜度长水平段井眼洗井效果差容易形成岩 屑床; 井壁坍塌掉块容易产生砂桥卡钻; 井眼周围由 于应力不平衡产生井眼变形, 使起下钻阻力、 钻井摩 阻增大。目前一般通过优选高性能润滑剂, 尤其是 适用于高密度水基钻井液的润滑剂, 同时复配防泥 包添加剂, 从而降低摩阻、 提高机械钻速。国外对此 专门研制 了 纳 米 石 墨 烯 润 滑 产 品, 并已实现现场 [3 ] 应用 。 2. 3 携岩洗井 在大位移水平井施工中, 钻屑在井眼中的运行 轨迹与直井不一样。 由于井眼倾斜, 岩屑在上返过 , 程中将沉向井壁的下侧, 堆积起来形成“岩屑床 ” 特别是在井斜角 45 60ʎ 的井段, 存在卡特包衣效 应, 已形成的岩屑床会沿井壁下侧向下滑动 , 形成严 重的堆积, 从而堵塞井眼。 因此, 一方面, 可通过加 入流型调节剂或适当增加膨润土含量提高钻井液的 动塑比和低转速下的有效粘度, 改善环空钻井液携 岩效果, 增强钻井液悬浮和携岩能力。另一方面, 要 通过优化筛选其他处理剂包括加重剂, 提高整个体 系的沉降稳定性和抗污染能力, 最终保持体系长效 , 稳定的流变性 确保其良好的井眼清洁能力。
IDC - China IT Services 20082012 Forecast and Analysis
![IDC - China IT Services 20082012 Forecast and Analysis](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b15aceef8c75fbfc77db20f.png)
Filing Information: July 2008, IDC #CN221105Q, Volume: 1, Tab: MarketsM A R K E T A N A L Y S I S C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s 2008–2012 F o r e c a s t a n d A n a l y s i s Grace Han Ting Yang Vivian Yu Gloria Li I D C O P I N I O N China's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity. With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costs and enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring. To better capture this global sourcing opportunity, IDC strongly suggests leveraging China's comparative advantages and using the economies of scope by developing both domestic and offshore IT services industries collaboratively. ! 2007 was still a bull year for IT services players in China, especially the leading services providers. With the market gradually consolidating, the top 10 services providers' gained share from 17.0% in 2006 to 19.7% in 2007. ! The market size also grew very fast, from US$6239.8 million in 2006 to US$7699.1 million in 2007, with a 23.4% year-on-year growth. This is 1.1% higher than IDC's previous forecast. Looking forward, China's IT services market will still be in the double-digit growth stage for the next five years, with a 2007–2012 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2%, although the growth rate will be slightly lower than that in the past two years. ! For IT services, as observed, a large amount of competition comes from the clients' internal IT departments. Because of this, it is very important to understand users' adoption rates of third-party services providers, reasons for insourcing, and vendor evaluation criteria. ! For outsourcing services, the dilemma in China is that labor costs are low, so the cost effectiveness of outsourcing, especially by global vendors, is not apparent. Clients' IT environments are currently very complicated and non-transparent; it is hard to realize vendors' technical and management expertise in such situation. Consulting services should be provided to help improve the IT operation level first, and then try selective outsourcing to build up trust before continuing to outsource more. Managed services are also a very smart way to solve the control preference of clients in China. ! In the long run, utility services will be well received by users due to their significant cost effectiveness and high expertise, which is difficult to maintain in an internal IT department.R o o m 611,Bei j i n g T ime sSqu a re88 W e stC h a n g 'a n A ven u e B ei j i n g 100031 P eo p l e 'sR e p u b l i co f C h i n a P .86.10.8391.3610T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SPIn This Stud y 1 Methodology (1)Situat ion Overview 1Global Sourcing Impact (1)User Demand and Buying Behavior (2)IT Services Overview (6)IT Services by Submarket (8)IT Services by Industry (14)IT Services by Region (15)Competitive Landscape (16)Future Ou tlook17Forecast and Assumptions (17)Future Trends (26)China IT Services Road Map (26)Market Context (29)Essential Gu idance30Advice to Technical Product Services Providers (30)Advice to Consulting Firms and Systems Integrators (31)Advice to Outsourcing Players (32)Learn Mo re32Related Research (32)Definitions (32)IT Services Foundation Market Definitions (32)Regional Markets (35)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008L I S T O F T A B L E SP1 Top 10 China IT Services Providers, 2007 (17)2 China IT Services Spending by Foundation Market, 2007–2012 (US$M) (18)3 Key Forecast Assumptions for the China IT Service Market, 2008–2012 (19)4 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (US$M) (29)5 China Regional Market Definitions, 2007 (35)©2008 IDC #CN221105QL I S T O F F I G U R E SP1 Economic Analysis of Global Sourcing (2)2 Competition Models of Products and Services (3)3 Use of a Third Party or an Outside Vendor for Managed Services (4)4 Reasons for Maintaining In-House IT Services Management (5)5 Selection Criteria for IT Services Providers (6)6 China IT Services Life Cycle (7)7 China and United States Different Outsourcing Stages (8)8 China IT Services Spending and Year-on-Year Growth Rate by Foundation Market,2007–2012 (9)9 China Consulting and Systems Integration Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (10)10 China Outsourcing Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (12)11 China Technology Product Services Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (13)12 China IT Services Market Spending by Industry, 2007 (15)13 China IT Services Market Spending by Geography, 2007 (16)14 China IT Services Road Map (27)15 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (30)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008I N T H I S S T U D YThis IDC study provides an overview of the status of the China IT services marketand a forecast for the next five years. The study also includes a demand-sideanalysis, a competitive landscape with top vendors' rankings, as well as a segmentanalysis. IDC also provides recommendations for services providers in each ITservices segment.M e t h o d o l o g yThis study is part of the continuous effort by IDC to research the China IT servicesmarket. IDC China services analysts get secondary information from, but are notlimited to, the following: the Internet, trade publications, previous IDC research, andIDC's proprietary database. Both primary and secondary research approaches areused in conjunction with each other to validate and cross-check information, asfollows:! Interviews with IT services providers. IDC China Services analysts interview all significant participants in the IT services market to determine the marketrevenue and other relevant information. Most interviews were conducted inperson, although other data-collection methods, such as telephone or faxinterviews, were applied when needed.! Provider briefings, press releases, and other publicly available information.IDC services analysts meet with a large number of service providers (SPs)semiannually. These briefings provide an opportunity to review current and futureservice offering strategies, revenue, customer bases, target markets, and otherkey market information.Ultimately, the data presented herein represents IDC's best estimates based on theabove data sources, reported and observed activity by providers, and furthermodeling of data that we believe to be true to fill in any information gaps.Note: All numbers in this study may not be exact due to rounding.S I T U A T I O N O V E R V I E WG l o b a l S o u r c i n g I m p a c tChina's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity.With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costsand enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring.Figure 1 illustrates the economic analysis and the impacts of global sourcing.For sourcing countries (e.g. the United States), clients there can enjoy lower pricesdue to the increase of supply from offshore vendors. The equilibrium point will movefrom point E to point E', where clients will have a greater surplus, while U.S. domesticvendors' surplus in the sourcing country will decrease. Thus, United States–basedglobal vendors like IBM and HP keep on building global delivery centers to solve thechallenge.©2008 IDC #CN221105Q 1O u t sou r cin g M a rke tAs many organizations are completing the first round of IT infrastructure implementation, they are shifting their focus on how to improve business efficiency and realize reliable business continuity (BC). After years of market cultivation and informing clients about the benefits of IT outsourcing services, organizations are more welcoming of professional services from outsourcing vendors and of buying into a model of business value improvement rather than just pure cost reduction through outsourcing.The China outsourcing market reached US$1,098.2 million in 2007, with a year-on-year growth of 36.2%. As for the current outsourcing market, we forecast it will evolve both in service expansion and project complexity. Organizations that have adopted outsourcing models are usually taking leading positions among the competition and are pioneering technology innovation. They are ready to entrust more projects with professional service vendors if they truly benefit from this model. The incremental market for outsourcing services will continue to boom on the similar track of the current existing market, and will generate more business from the China SME market. Requirements for outsourcing in the SME market will take more time to improve to maturity, but the huge customer base provides large business potential for this market. Local channels that have a wide social network and deep understanding of local potential customers will stand more chances to gain business from the local SME market. These traits are considered an important alliance necessary to leading IT outsourcing service vendors wanting deep market penetration.Big organizations that have a clear outsourcing strategy and streamlined business processes are capable of purchasing IS outsourcing (ISO) services to realize economies of scale and to transfer more management responsibility to vendors. Most organizations in the SME market are inclined to start outsourcing business from noncore or low-level transactional projects with vendors that match them in size and price. In the outsourcing market, we have observed that both global and local IT outsourcing vendors are struggling to find the right place that suits their scale and capability. Leading vendors target organizations demanding strategic and highly integrated services, while other small vendors improve themselves by collaborating with local small businesses. Interestingly, in taking advantage of China's rapid economic growth, many small businesses in China are experiencing their own dramatic growth and are willing to extend cooperation to existing vendors rather than launch new vendor selection campaigns, given the vendors fulfill their business requirement. This customer preference helps local outsourcing vendors expand their service coverage, deepen their industry knowledge, and therefore improve their competitive edge in the outsourcing field.Many services providers have launched series of services, such as IBM, Bluex, and Lenovo-Sunny services. These service offerings make it easier for customers to choose what they should buy when they encounter problems.With an increased reliance on software and hardware for mission-critical operational environments, enterprises prefer to contact support providers whenever a problem occurs — regardless of when or where it happens. Therefore, many support providers continue to launch advanced support services to better fulfill their customers' requirements.Increasingly, enterprises are looking for a single point of contact for their enterprise software and hardware support services. To meet the customers' needs, more and more SPs are carrying on multivendor support services to enrich their multibrand maintenance technical ability.To ensure peak performance and reliability of the entire IT system, an enterprise must implement a comprehensive strategy to support its IT environment. The product manufacturers are continuing innovation on the form of support services. Along with the fierce market competition, they have gradually been breaking away from being a single product support provider, and are tending to change into professional and personal value-added service (VAS) providers.In addition, product manufacturers try to penetrate tier 4 or 5 cities and expand their footprints. They are scrambling for service channels and entrusting them with more product-related services to penetrate local industry-centric markets and fulfill customers' needs.Beyond traditional customer training, vendors are making more efforts in channel education as channels gain value and become more important to vendors.IT Services by IndustryThe industry segmentation of the 2007 China IT services market was similar to that in 2006; the top 4 industries contributed 80% to the total market revenue. The top 4 industries include finance, communications and media, manufacturing, and government.In most of the industries, the growth engine came from the SME sector. The SME segment is unique because of its approach to purchasing IT solutions, particularly in terms of the emphasis on price. As such, vendors need to increase the number of channel partners and provide solutions/services to help drive growth in this market. There are strong growth opportunities in the SME market, including smaller cities. However, the uniqueness of the SME market coming from price sensitivity, limited IT demand, and flexible IT requirements still poses challenges for IT services providers.Figure 12 shows various industry shares in overall IT services spending in 2007.Accenture maintained its high and healthy growth in 2007. Continuing the strategy ofproviding business consulting services for resources, power, and telecom industriessharpened its business focus and made its market position clear. Accenture alsoprovides IT outsourcing services after implementing SI services for industry clients.AsiaInfo is a newcomer to the top 10 list. AsiaInfo mainly provides CRM, networkmanagement solutions, CAD, consulting, and SI services to the telecom industry.It enjoyed growth of 27.6% in 2007 over 2006. China's telecom industry marketis inclined to change from being demand driven to being layout driven; thisreorganization and realignment of the telecom industry along with the emergence of3G will bring more opportunities.Table 1 shows the revenue and market share of the top 10 IT SPs in China in 2007.T A B L E1T o p10C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s P r o v i d e r s,2007Ranking Vendor Revenue (US$M) Market Share (%)Services 533.1 6.1 Global1 IBM2 HP 314.9 3.6China 221.9 2.63 Digital4 Huawei 179.0 2.15 Accenture 105.0 1.2Technology 82.9 1.0 Dongli6 CE7 Neusoft 78.2 0.98 Dell 67.9 0.89 CS&S 66.3 0.810 AsiaInfo 60.9 0.7 Others 6,970.9 80.3 Total 8,681.0 100.0Note: The total market size in this table includes both primary and secondary markets. Therefore, the total market size islarger than the 2007 services market size. The primary market represents the IT services spending from the client and thesecondary market represents the IT services revenue from the vendor's subcontracting.Source: IDC, 2008F U T U R E O U T L O O KF o r e c a s t a n d A s s u m p t i o n sTable 2 shows the expected expenditures in the various foundations within the overallIT services market in China from 2007 to 2012.T A B L E 2C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s S p e n d i n g b y F o u n d a t i o n M a r k e t , 2007–2012 (U S $M )2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2007–2012CAGR (%)C&SICAD 1,110.3 1,307.4 1,491.8 1,690.6 1,913.4 2,178.1 14.4 IT consulting 311.7 373.6 440.3 535.5 650.9 795.8 20.6 SI 1,814.9 2,146.6 2,498.4 2,948.9 3,457.0 4,054.6 17.4 C&SI total 3,236.9 3,827.6 4,430.5 5,174.9 6,021.3 7,028.5 16.8 C&SI growth 25.9% 18.2% 15.8% 16.8% 16.4% 16.7% Outsourcing Application management 140.0 193.3 262.1 346.0 431.9 541.8 31.1 Desktop management 285.6 371.4 482.0 612.0 762.3 940.4 26.9 Hosted application management 100.1 128.9 157.1 199.0 249.4 307.1 25.1 Hosted infrastructure services 119.0 150.7 185.4 220.7 262.7 309.9 21.1 IS outsourcing 214.0 261.7 319.3 385.5 454.0 522.4 19.5 Network management 239.5 319.6 412.1 525.4 666.4 806.6 27.5 Outsourcing total1,098.2 1,425.7 1,818.0 2,288.6 2,826.6 3,428.2 25.6 Outsourcing growth (%) 36.2 29.8 27.5 25.9 23.5 21.3 TPSHardware deployment & support 1,390.0 1,556.5 1,713.8 1,900.7 2,123.7 2,350.9 11.1IT education & training 481.8 529.6 587.0 652.0 723.0 788.8 10.4 NCIS 842.9 930.2 1,007.5 1,084.8 1,192.0 1,298.3 9.0 Software deployment & support 649.4 784.6 922.9 1,071.4 1,240.6 1,443.417.3TPS total 3,364.0 3,800.8 4,231.2 4,708.8 5,279.3 5,881.3 11.8 TPS growth (%) 17.5 13.0 11.3 11.3 12.1 11.4 Grand total 7,699.1 9,054.1 10,479.812,172.414,127.216,338.016.2Grand total growth rate (%)23.417.615.716.216.115.6Note: See table 3 for key forecast assumptions.Source: IDC, 2008Table 3 is a look at the key assumptions for the China IT services market.K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMacroeconomicsGross domestic product (GDP) growth China maintained high GDPgrowth of 11.4% in 2007. Thisgrowth is expected to slowdown slightly in 2008,decreasing to 9.6%. Althoughgrowth in 2008 was adjustedto lower than the previousestimates due to theslowdown in the globaleconomy, it will be backed bystrong domestic demand.Domestic consumption willremain firm, with acceleratinggovernment spending anddemand in rural areas playingsignificant roles.Moderate. IDC assumes thatmore effective measures takenby the government will helpreduce the risk of economicoverheating and thus have nomajor impact on most ITmarkets. A strong and healthyeconomy will translate intoincreased overall IT spendingaccompanied by improvedbusiness sentiments andconfidence as well asexpanded domestic market.↔###$$U.S. recession The global economic outlookis increasingly grim as effectsof the housing meltdowncontinue to spread and creditconditions remain difficult.Contrary to previous IDC'sassumptions that the UnitedStates might be able to pullitself back from falling into arecession, the possibility of arecession is increasinglypossible. As the U.S.economy continues tocontract, it is likely that it willslide into a mild recession,and will stagnate throughmuch in 2009. Low. While some export-intensive countries mayexperience a squeeze, there isenough domestic demandacross most countries in theregion to sustain IDC's ongoingIT spending forecasts. Anynegative effects from the UnitedStates might even be a goodthing in helping to ease somepotentially overheatingcountries in the region.↓###$$Interest rates Up until December 25, 2007,China's central bank hadincreased the deposit rate by5.5% after 10 adjustmentsand increased the interest rateby 1.62%, intervening sixtimes in total. Thesemeasures were taken to keepconsumer prices from risingtoo fast and to turn around thesituation of negative interestrates. In 2008, the interestrate will keep rising under thepressure of inflation. Moderate. The continualincreasing interest rates willmake bank loans moreexpensive and thus makecompanies cautious inexpanding IT investments.↓##$$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionInflation The pork crisis largely droveup China's consumer priceindex (CPI) in 2007 and wasconsidered a signal of generalinflation. The CPI recorded itshighest levels in 11 years,reaching 6.9%, bringing theaverage annual CPI to 4.8%.The China government hasmade the task of avoidingoverall inflation a high priorityin 2008. Low. Expectations of highinflation are becoming moreentrenched among the public,and demand-driven inflationarypressures will remain relativelystrong in 2008. Nonetheless,the average inflation isexpected to fall slightly after thewidely celebrated Lunar NewYear, as demand for porkeases. Inflation will not impactIT spending patterns to a largeextent.↓###$$China's yuan revaluation Revaluations of the yuan mayoccur again in the future,although they would mostlikely occur very gradually, ifat all.Low. Even if anotherrevaluation occurs, there will beno major disruptions to theeconomy as a result (both forChina itself as well as othercountries in the region thattrade heavily with China).↓###$$Urbanization The government has devoteditself to facilitatingurbanization in the next fiveyears. Three initiatives includeincreasing the urbanproportion in the totalpopulation, increasing thenumber of cities, and reducingthe gap between urban andrural areas by improving theeconomy, culture, and livingenvironment in thecountryside. High. The standard of living inthe countryside will beimproved, and the consumptionof and investment in IT willincrease, especially in SouthChina and East China. Closingthe gap between the urban andrural areas together will alsohelp reinforce social stability.↑####$Foreign direct investment (FDI) The increasing FDI in China isstrongly fueling economicgrowth. This trend is expectedto continue for the next 2–3years.High. Increasing FDI isbolstering stable andsustainable infrastructureinvestments as well as rapidgrowth in spending in the ITservice market. Joint venturesand foreign-owned enterprises(FOEs) are more inclined toadopt IT services comparedwith state-owned enterprises(SOEs) and privately ownedenterprises (POEs).↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMarket ecosystemMinistry of Information Industry (MII) 11th Five-Year Plan The MII has set its 2006–2010five year IT plan. The strategyof "information technologygives an impetus toindustrialization andindustrialization promotesinformation technology " putsthe IT industry as a toppriority, and technology will beencouraged to be used widelyin all economic and socialfields to promote economicstructure adjustment andindustrial development.Low. This plan has littlesurprises but imposes anoptimistic atmosphere for the ITservices market.↑####$IT for SMEs The SME segment is uniquebecause of its approach topurchasing IT solutions,particularly in terms of theemphasis on price. As such,vendors need to increase thenumber of channel partnersand provide solutions/servicesto help drive growth in thissegment. Moderate. There are stronggrowth opportunities in theSME market, including smallcities. However, the uniquenessof the SME market in pricesensitivity, limited IT demand,and flexible IT requirements stillpose challenges for IT serviceproviders.↑####$2008 Summer Olympics The 2008 Summer Olympicswill be held in China in August2008. This will not only serveas a healthy economicstimulus but will also requireservice providers to preparefor hosting and relevant SIprojects.Moderate. The games will fuelservice industries such astourism, hotel and restaurant,B2C, and online trading.As such, service enterpriseswill invest more in ecommerceor SaaS to enable moreefficient and effective accessfor consumers.↑###$$Technology/Service developmentsGlobal sourcing Both domestic and pure-playoffshore providers areincreasing their globalsourcing sophistication inChina, allowing forhigher-quality levels at lowerblended rates. Additionally,these benefits andexperiences are being passedonto local services markets asthey increase. Moderate. The maturation ofoffshore offerings will increasethe overall market opportunityby allowing existing customersto expand the scope of theircontracts and by allowing newcustomers to utilize servicesthat were previously tooexpensive; the price pressureswill negate much (but not all) ofthat effect on the overallservices markets.↔###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionNevertheless, the net impact of increased market opportunity will somewhat outweigh decreased prices.On-demand/Utility computing Technologies such asvirtualization and gridcomputing will enable thedelivery of real "pay by thedrink" computing by bothtraditional outsourcers andnew entrants. Thisdevelopment will begin toaffect the traditionaloutsourcing market as well asother infrastructure-intensiveservices markets.Moderate. The impact will below for the near term (twoyears) as adoption takes hold.These technologies will affectprofitability as opposed torevenue in the near term.Competition and lower costswill stimulate demand andaccelerate migration frominternal to external spending.This service model will bepopular among SMEs since ithelps them realizeinformatization with limited ITbudgets.↑###$$Industry restructuring One of current revolutionaryfocus areas for organizationsis optimizing industry structure— weakening high resource-costing, labor-intensive, andlow added-value industrieswhile encouraging efficient,high-tech, and highadded-value industries.Moderate. The transformationfrom external to internaleconomic growth will giveconfidence to high-techindustries, led by theinformation industry, to reachstrategic heights as the driverof structural change andgrowth.↑###$$Security and BC services Security is in demand bysectors such as ebusiness,government, and legal inChina. Both local andmultinational vendors are thusaddressing security and BC.Moderate. This shouldstimulate both hardware andtotal solution demand.Purchases of consulting andimplementation andoutsourcing with high security,BC, and disaster recovery (DR)will increase, including interestfrom the egovernment, army,and police sectors.↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionDynamic IT IDC has identified the nextstyle of computing — dynamicIT for dynamic enterprises —as one that dramaticallyincreases the effectiveness ofIT. Dynamic IT will supportboth business strategy and IToperational efficiency through12 key technologies. Withindynamic IT are a number ofimportant subtrends —virtualization in thedatacenter, data federation,and composite and rule-basedapplication. Transition todynamic IT will be slow andlabored but will proceednonetheless. High. Dynamic IT, by addingcoherence to the enterpriseusage of IT, will spur the ITservices market. However,confusing choices forenterprises and funding hurdlesfor a new infrastructure willbalance this impetus to marketgrowth. ↑###$$Software The software market will keepdouble-digit growth in the nextfive years, and many hotsolutions like SOA and ITservice management (ITSM)will increase the convergencebetween software andservices. Moderate. Software-relatedservices, such as softwaredeployment and support,software implementation, andconsulting services, willincrease.↑###$$SOA To implement services-oriented, architecture-typeprojects and increasebusiness agility, clients need afair amount of consulting andimplementation services tobuild an architecture based onits business process and tointegrate it with legacysystems. High. SOA movement will driveservices market growth rapidly.↑###$$Market environment The increased adoption of thehosting application model andthe number of enterprisedatacenters, as well as thecontinual drop in internetcosts, are providing a positiveenvironment for outsourcingservice providers to developtheir business. High. A favorable marketenvironment will accelerategrowth in IT services market.↑####$。
Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF说明书
![Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe7b9fc403d276a20029bd64783e0912a2167cdc.png)
Fast T ack Water Based Adhesive 1000NFTechnical Data September 2017 Product Description 3M™ Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF is a high performance water-based, one part adhesive formulated for fast bonding and long term heat resistant bonds.Adheres to many types of flexible foam, latex foams, fabric, polyester fiberfill, wood,plywood, particleboard and many plastic and metal surfaces.Key Features •Fast bonding. Depending on substrates, handling strength bonds can be made withoutcomplete drying.•Repositionable while adhesive is wet and aggressively tacky.•Long term stable bonds. Good heat resistance.•Bonds most foamed plastics, plastic laminates, wood, plywood and canvas tothemselves and to each other. Performs best when at least one substrate is porous.•Non-flammable in the wet state.•Acrylic based. Contains no polychloroprene. Contains no natural rubber latex.Certified to GREENGUARD® Product Emission Standard For Children andSchools(SM) for low emitting interior building materials:Addresses or Contributes to LEED® EQ Credit 4.1: Low EmittingMaterials: Adhesive and Sealants° Addresses or Contributes to LEED® EQ Credit 4.5: Low EmittingMaterials: Furniture and Furnishings° Addresses or Contributes to LEED® EQ Credit 4.6: Low EmittingMaterials: Ceiling and Wall SystemsTypical Physical Properties Note: The following technical information and data should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.Product:3M™ Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF Base:Acrylic EmulsionSolids Content – bulk (by wt.):46 - 51%Color(s):Neutral, PurpleViscosity:400 -1100 cps(Brookfield RVF # 3 sp at 30 rpm, room temperature) Density:8.0 - 9.0 lbs. per gallonpH: 4.5 - 6.0Coverage (to single surface):Light Coverage (@ 1 Dry g/sq ft) ~ 1800 sq ft/gallonTypical Coverage (2.5 Dry g/sq ft) ~ 720 sq ft/gallonHeavy Coverage (@ 4 Dry g/sq ft) ~ 450 sq ft/gallon Bonding Range: 1 - 10 minutesShear Adhesion FailureTest - SAFT(1):> 300°F(Bonds did not fail)(1)SAFT shear adhesion failure test with birch plywood, 1 square inch overlap, 100 gram weight, temperaturestart at 90°F and ramped 10°F every 10 minutes until failure.3M™Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive1000NFSpecial Note 3M™ Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF is intended for use in a wide variety of applications. Coverage and application procedure will vary for each use. User should test forsuitability with their process and performance requirements.In general, key considerations when using 3M™ Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF are:•Ensure adequate adhesive is applied over the entire area to be bonded. This may mean anadditional coating is required.•Bonds should be made when the adhesive feels aggressively tacky.•Apply sufficient pressure to ensure good contact between the surfaces.See Application Tips & Tricks Pamphlet for more information.Application Equipment Suggestions Appropriate application equipment can enhance adhesive performance. We suggest the following application equipment for the user’s evaluation in light of the user’s particular purpose and method of application.Air Atomizing Spray Equipment*Systems other than those listed can be used with 3M™ Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF. Existing spray equipment can also be adapted. Fluid hoses used previously with solvent-based adhesive or cleaning compounds must be replaced with new hose. Be sure to follow the equipment manufacturer’s precautions, directions for use, and recommendations for such equipment. For additional information, contact your local representative.Pressure PotsStainless steel pressure pots recommended. Non-stainless may be used with plastic liners if dip tube and fittings are changed to plastic or stainless steel.Pumping Equipment1.5 inch inner diameter (minimum) plastic diaphragm pump with PTFE checks and diaphragms. All pumps should be short stroked for pump longevity. For additional information, contact your local representative.Filter (output)Typically, 30# mesh is suitable: for example, Graco® model 12 (stainless steel) with filter bag #521-264 or equivalent.HosesAll fluid hoses should be nylon or polyester lined. Hose fittings should be stainless steel or plastic. The typical fluid hose length @ 1/4 inch i.d. should be 15 to 25 ft. Use of larger fluid hose i.d. or lengths less than 15 ft. will result in loss of fluid pressure control. Use of smaller fluid hose i.d. or lengths greater than 25 ft. can result in product coagulation in the line. Note: New fluid lines are recommended due to potential incompatibility with other adhesives. Use only plastic and stainless steel fittings in contact with adhesive. Adhesive is incompatible with steel, galvanized steel, and cast aluminum parts.- 2 -3M™Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NFHandling/Application Information Directions for Use:Bonds can be made by applying 3M™ Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive 1000NF to one or both of the surfaces to be bonded. For maximum strength, apply to both substrates. For lighter duty uses, application to only one surface may be acceptable. Single surface application may require heavier coverage and longer dry time. User should evaluate the adhesive to determine which method(s) is suitable for their use. Bonds to porous substrates can generally be made without significant drying, typically <30 seconds depending on environmental factors and adhesive coverage. Non-porous substrates need to dry until tacky to touch. All applications benefit from attention to:1.Surface Preparation: Use only on clean, dry surfaces. Contamination of surfaceswith oil, grease or release agents will prevent good, strong bonds.2.Application: Adhesive does not require agitation before use. Adhesive can bebrushed, rolled or spray applied. The quickest bonds can be made through spray application. Adjust the spray equipment to give a fine, mist-like spray pattern.Spray a uniform, light coat of adhesive to one or both surfaces holding sprayapplicator 10-15 inches from surface.3.Coverage: Coverage will depend on the surface porosity of substrates, andstrength of adhesive bond required. In all cases, user evaluation will be required to determine the optimum coverage levels.Note: Application of adhesive at high coating weights or using a coarse spray pattern may result in longer activation times.4.Activation Time: The adhesive may activate sufficiently to permit makingbonds within 30 seconds after application when bonding porous substrates.Bonds such as foam or fabric to smooth, nonporous surfaces such as plasticor metal will require longer activation times. In general, bonds should be made when the adhesive coating feels aggressively tacky. This time is dependent on the amount of adhesive applied. Bonds may be made up to 1 - 10 minutes after application depending on ambient temperature and humidity conditions. SeeNote above.5.Assembly and Bonding: Pressure sufficient to assure the substrates make contactshould be applied to the bond line by manual or mechanical methods.6.Cleanup: Wet adhesive may be removed with water containing a small amountof vinegar.* Follow with a flush of clean water. Dry adhesive may be removed with a combination of 3M™ Adhesive Remover Low VOC < 20% or 3M™ Citrus Base Cleaner** or equivalent and mechanical systems such as wire brushing. Dry adhesive cannot be removed from porous surfaces such as foams or fabrics.*Cleaning Solution: One part vinegar to five parts water.**Note: When using solvents, extinguish all ignition sources, including pilot lights, and follow the manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use.- 3 -3M™Fast Tack Water Based Adhesive1000NFStorage Best storage temperature is 60-80°F (15-27°C). Higher temperatures reduce normalstorage life. Lower temperatures cause increased viscosity of a temporary nature.This water-dispersed adhesive will become unusable with prolonged storage below40°F (4°C). R otate stock on a “first in, first out” basis. Protect from freezing. Shelf Life When stored at the recommended temperature in the original, unopened container,this product has a shelf life of 18 months from date of manufacture.Precautionary Information Refer to Product Label and Material Safety Data Sheet for health and safety information before using this product. For additional health and safety information, call 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501.Technical Information The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document arebased upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness ofsuch information is not guaranteed.Product Use Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the useand performance of a 3M product in a particular application. Given the variety of factors that can affectthe use and performance of a 3M product, user is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product anddetermining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s method of application.Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer Unless an additional warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE.If the 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Limitation of Liability Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product,whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted,including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.ISO 9001This Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system registered to ISO 9001 standards.Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division3M Center, Building 225-3S-06St. Paul, MN 55144-1000800-362-3550 • 877-369-2923 (Fax)/1000NF- 4 -3M is a trademark of 3M Company. LEED® is a registered trademark of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).©3M 2014。
第3"卷第1期2021年02月Vol.3"No.1Feb.,2021中国海洋平台CHINA OFFSHORE PLATFORM文章编号:1001-4500(2021)01-0078-06DOI:10.12226/j.issn.1001-4500.2021.01.20200614海洋环境监测立体感知体系化娜丽r陈小刚r陈萍2,宋文恩2,何琬2(1.深圳市源清环境技术服务有限公司,广东深圳518071;2.深圳市深港产学研环保工程技术股份有限公司,广东深圳518071)摘要:为应对大数据时代海洋信息化建设在海洋环境监测、海洋信息获取等方面的需求,分析总结海洋环境智能化监测与利用过程中存在的问题,并在此基础上开展海洋环境监测立体感知体系架构设计及关键技术研究,实现对多种海洋要素的立体、实时、原位在线监测,为实现智慧化的海洋开发与利用提供数据支撑,具有重要的战略和经济意义。
关键词:海洋环境;智能化监测;立体感知体系;架构设计中图分类号:P715文献标志码:AStereoscopic Perception System for Marine Environment MonitoringHUA Nali1,CHEN Xiaogang,CHEN Ping?,SONG Wenen2,HE Wan2(1.Shenzhen Yuanqing Environmental Technology Services Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen518071,Guangdong,China; 2.IER Environmental Protection Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen518071Guangdong China)Abstract>In orderto meet the needs for marine informatization construction in marineenvironment monitoring and marine information acquisition in the era of big data theproblemsintheprocessofinte l igent monitoringand utilization ofthe marine environment are analyzed and summarized.On this basis the architectureand key technologies of stereoscopic perception system for marineenvironment monitoring are discussedindetail.Theresearchcouldrealizethestereoscopic real-timeandin-situonlinemonitoringofvarious marineelements andprovidedatasupportfortherealizationofinte l igentoceandevelopmentandutilization whichisofimportantstrategicandeconomicsignificance.Key words:marine environment;intelligent monitoring;stereoscopic perception system;architecture design0引言自有历史记载以来,海洋就在人类社会演变的进程中发挥着至关重要的作用,海洋强国的理念一直主导着世界的发展。
甘肃某金银矿点 金银矿受断裂带产于绿泥石角闪片岩、绢云母石英片岩内的挤压带中,金、银与铅、锌、黄铁矿化共生,且有正相关关系。黄铁矿化较强处可呈稠密浸染至半块状。图为该矿体IV号剖面综合图。Fs 与 ηs 相似性也是一目了然。
频率域电法的主要优点 a.轻便; b.抗干扰能力强。 传统频率域电法的主要缺点 任何一种频率域电法都是要在不同的频率进行测量,传统的主动源电法勘探(包括激发极化法和电磁法)的工作方式都是“变频法”,变频法是一个频率、一个频率地逐个改变频率进行测量,以致带来了它两大致命弱点. a.变频法的工作效率低(“扫面”的速度更低); b.变频法的相对精度低。 (1)在激电法中区分矿异常性质能力低, (2)在电磁法(CSAMT)中发现深部异常能力低。 (3)不能(像TEM那样)进行近区的频率域电磁测深。
电流脉冲宽度 T(即充电时间长度) 对极化强度的影响
时间 (t)
二次电位差 ΔVIP
脉冲宽度 (T)
电位差 ΔV
二次电位差 ΔVIP
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化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2023 年第 42 卷第 3 期海上多孔介质通道内氢气换热与正仲氢转化的耦合特性孙崇正1,樊欣2,李玉星2,许洁3,韩辉2,刘亮2(1 山东科技大学储能技术学院,山东 青岛 266000;2 中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院山东省油气储运安全重点实验室,山东 青岛 266580;3 国家管网集团北京管道有限公司,北京 100101)摘要:在我国“碳达峰、碳中和”的战略目标下,风电和化石能源制氢技术正不断发展,利用海上风电资源或天然气制备氢气,并通过储运技术送到氢能源市场,为解决海上风电并网和消纳的难题、促进深海天然气资源的低碳发展提供了可行的思路,因此研究应用于浮式氢气液化工艺系统的绕管式换热器海上适应性具有重要意义。
关键词:海上;换热器;氢气储运;正仲氢转化;氢气液化中图分类号:TE646 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2023)03-1281-10Coupling characteristics of hydrogen heat transfer and normal-parahydrogen conversion in offshore porous media channelsSUN Chongzheng 1,FAN Xin 2,LI Yuxing 2,XU Jie 3,HAN Hui 2,LIU Liang 2(1 College of Energy Storge Technology, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266000, Shandong China;2College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering/Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Storage and TransportationSafety, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, Shandong, China; 3 PipeChina Beijing Pipeline Company, Beijing100101, China)Abstract: Under our country ’s strategic goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, wind power and fossil energy hydrogen production technologies are constantly developing. Use offshore wind power resources or natural gas to produce hydrogen and send it to the hydrogen energy market through storage and transportation technology, which provides a feasible idea for solving the problems of offshore wind power grid integration and consumption and promotes the low-carbon development of deep-sea natural gas resources. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the offshore adaptability of the spiral wound heat exchanger applied in the floating hydrogen liquefaction process system. Based on the multi-degree-of-freedom sloshing platform, an experimental device for pressure drop testing in floating porous media channels was built. Based on the porous media model, the theoretical model of normal-parahydrogen研究开发DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2022-0892收稿日期:2022-05-16;修改稿日期:2022-10-01。
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An Infinite Two-Dimensional Hybrid Water-Chloride Network,Self-Assembled in a Hydrophobic Terpyridine Iron(II)MatrixRicardo R.Fernandes,†Alexander M.Kirillov,†M.Fátima C.Guedes da Silva,†,‡Zhen Ma,†JoséA.L.da Silva,†João J.R.Fraústo da Silva,†andArmando J.L.Pombeiro*,†Centro de Química Estrutural,Complexo I,Instituto Superior Técnico,TU-Lisbon,A V.Ro V isco Pais,1049-001Lisbon,Portugal,and Uni V ersidade Luso´fona de Humanidades e Tecnologias,A V.doCampo Grande,376,1749-024,Lisbon,PortugalRecei V ed October18,2007;Re V ised Manuscript Recei V ed January7,2008ABSTRACT:An unprecedented two-dimensional water-chloride anionic{[(H2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n network has been structurally identified in a hydrophobic matrix of the iron(II)compound[FeL2]Cl2·10H2O(L)4′-phenyl-2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine).Its intricate relief geometry has been described as a set of10nonequivalent alternating cycles of different sizes ranging from tetra-to octanuclear{[(H2O)x(Cl)y]y–}z(x) 2–6,y)0–2,z)4–6,8)fragments.In contrast to the blooming research on structural characterizationof a wide variety of water clusters in different crystalline materials,1much less attention has been focused on the identification anddescription of hybrid hydrogen-bonded water assemblies with othersolvents,small molecules,or counterions.1c,2In particular,thecombination of chloride ions and water is one of the most commonlyfound in natural environments(e.g.,seawater or sea-salt aerosols),and thus the investigation of water-chloride interactions has beenthe object of numerous theoretical studies.3However,only recentlya few water-chloride associates incorporated in various crystalmatrixes have been identified and structurally characterized,4,5including examples of(i)discrete cyclic[(H2O)4(Cl)]–,4a[(H2O)4(Cl)2]2–,4b and[(H2O)6(Cl)2]2–4c clusters,and(ii)variousone-or two-dimensional(1D or2D)hydrogen-bonded networksgenerated from crystallization water and chloride counterionswith{[(H2O)4(Cl2)]2–}n,5b{[(H2O)6(Cl)2]2–}n,5b[(H2O)7(HCl)2]n,5c{[(H2O)11(Cl)7]7–}n,5d{[(H2O)14(Cl)2]2–}n,5e{[(H2O)14(Cl)4]4–}n,5aand{[(H2O)14(Cl)5]5–}n5f compositions.These studies are alsobelieved to provide a contribution toward the understanding of thehydration phenomena of chloride ions in nature and have importancein biochemistry,catalysis,supramolecular chemistry,and designof crystalline materials.5In pursuit of our interest in the self-assembly synthesis andcrystallization of various transition metal compounds in aqueousmedia,we have recently described the[(H2O)10]n,6a(H2O)6,6b and[(H2O)4(Cl)2]2–4b clusters hosted by Cu/Na or Ni metal-organicmatrixes.Continuing this research,we report herein the isolationand structural characterization of a unique2D water-chlorideanionic layer{[(H2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n within the crystal structure of thebis-terpyridine iron(II)compound[FeL2]Cl2·10H2O(1′)(L)4′-phenyl-2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine).Although this compound has beenobtained unexpectedly,a search in the Cambridge StructuralDatabase(CSD)7,8points out that various terpyridine containinghosts tend to stabilize water-chloride associates,thus also sup-porting the recognized ability of terpyridine ligands in supra-molecular chemistry and crystal engineering.9,10Hence,the simple combination of FeCl2·2H2O and L in tetrahydrofuran(THF)solution at room temperature provides the formation of a deep purple solid formulated as[FeL2]Cl2·FeCl2·5H2O(1)on the basis of elemental analysis,FAB+-MS and IR spectroscopy.11This compound reveals a high affinity for water and,upon recrystallization from a MeOH/H2O(v/v)9/1)mixture,leads to single crystals of1′with a higher water content,which have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray analysis.12The asymmetric unit of1′is composed of a cationic[FeL2]2+ part,two chloride anions,and10independent crystallization water molecules(with all their H atoms located in the difference Fourier map),the latter occupying a considerable portion of the crystal cell. The iron atom possesses a significantly distorted octahedral coordination environmentfilled by two tridentate terpyridine moieties arranged in a nearly perpendicular fashion(Figure S1, Supporting Information).Most of the bonding parameters within [FeL2]2+are comparable to those reported for other iron compounds*To whom correspondence should be sent.Fax:+351-21-8464455.E-mail: pombeiro@ist.utl.pt.†Instituto Superior Técnico.‡Universidade Luso´fona de Humanidades eTecnologias.Figure 1.Perspective representations(arbitrary views)of hybrid water-chloride hydrogen-bonded assemblies in the crystal cell of1′; H2O molecules and chloride ions are shown as colored sticks and balls, respectively.(a)Minimal repeating{[(H2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n fragment with atom numbering scheme.(b)Nonplanar infinite polycyclic2D anionic layer generated by linkage of four{[(H2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n fragments(a) represented by different colors;the numbers are those of Table1and define the10nonequivalent alternating cycles of different size.2008310.1021/cg7010315CCC:$40.75 2008American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web02/08/2008bearing two terpyridine ligands.13The most interesting feature of the crystal structure of 1′consists in the extensive hydrogen bonding interactions of all the lattice–water molecules and chloride coun-terions (Table S1,Supporting Information),leading to the formation of a hybrid water -chloride polymeric assembly possessing minimal repeating {[(H 2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n fragments (Figure 1a).These are further interlinked by hydrogen bonds generating a nonplanar 2D water -chloride anionic layer (Figure 1b).Hence,the multicyclic {[(H 2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n fragment is con-structed by means of 12nonequivalent O–H ···O interactions with O ···O distances ranging from 2.727to 2.914Åand eight O–H ···Cl hydrogen bonds with O ···Cl separations varying in the 3.178–3.234Årange (Table S1,Supporting Information).Both average O ···O [∼2.82Å]and O ···Cl [∼3.20Å]separations are comparable to those found in liquid water (i.e.,2.85Å)14and various types of H 2O clusters 1,6or hybrid H 2O -Cl associates.4,5Eight of ten water molecules participate in the formation of three hydrogen bonds each (donating two and accepting one hydrogen),while the O3and O7H 2O molecules along with both Cl1and Cl2ions are involved in four hydrogen-bonding contacts.The resulting 2D network can be considered as a set of alternating cyclic fragments (Figure 1b)which are classified in Table 1and additionally shown by different colors in Figure 2.Altogether there are 10different cycles,that is,five tetranuclear,three pentanuclear,one hexanuclear,and one octa-nuclear fragment (Figures 1b and 2,Table 1).Three of them (cycles 1,2,and 6)are composed of only water molecules,whereas the other seven rings are water -chloride hybrids with one or two Cl atoms.The most lengthy O ···O,O ···Cl,or Cl ···Cl nonbonding separations within rings vary from 4.28to 7.91Å(Table 1,cycles 1and 10,respectively).Most of the cycles are nonplanar (except those derived from the three symmetry generated tetrameric fragments,cycles 1,2,and 4),thus contributing to the formation of an intricate relief geometry of the water -chloride layer,possessing average O ···O ···O,O ···Cl ···O,and O ···O ···Cl angles of ca.104.9,105.9,and 114.6°,respectively (Table S2,Supporting Information).The unprecedented character of thewater -chloride assembly in 1′has been confirmed by a thorough search in the CSD,7,15since the manual analysis of 156potentially significant entries with the minimal [(H 2O)3(Cl)]–core obtained within the searching algorithm 15did not match a similar topology.Nevertheless,we were able to find several other interesting examples 16of infinite 2D and three-dimensional (3D)water -chloride networks,most of them exhibiting strong interactions with metal -organic matrixes.The crystal packing diagram of 1′along the a axis (Figure 3)shows that 2D water -chloride anionic layers occupy the free space between hydrophobic arrays of metal -organic units,with an interlayer separation of 12.2125(13)Åthat is equivalent to the b unit cell dimension.12In contrast to most of the previously identified water clusters,1,6water -chloride networks,5,16and extended assemblies,1c the incorporation of {[(H 2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n sheets in 1′is not supported by strong intermolecular interactions with the terpyridine iron matrix.Nevertheless,four weak C–H ···O hydrogen bonds [avg d (D ···A))3.39Å]between some terpyridine CH atoms and lattice–water molecules (Table S1,Figure S2,Supporting Information)lead to the formation of a 3D supramolecular framework.The thermal gravimetric analysis (combined TG-DSC)of 117(Figure S3,Supporting Information)shows the stepwise elimination of lattice–water in the broad 50–305°C temperature interval,in accord with the detection on the differential scanning calorimetryTable 1.Description of Cyclic Fragments within the {[(H 2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n Network in 1′entry/cycle numbernumber of O/Cl atomsformula atom numberingschemegeometry most lengthy separation,Åcolor code a 14(H 2O)4O3–O4–O3–O4planar O3···O3,4.28light brown 24(H 2O)4O6–O7–O6–O7planar O7···O7,4.42light gray 34[(H 2O)3(Cl)]-O2–O4–O3–Cl2nonplanar O4···Cl2,4.66blue 44[(H 2O)3(Cl)]-O6–O7–O9–Cl1nonplanar O7···Cl1,4.61green 54[(H 2O)2(Cl)2]2-O9–Cl1–O9–Cl1planar Cl ···Cl1,4.76pink 65(H 2O)5O2–O4–O3–O10–O8nonplanar O2···O10,4.55red75[(H 2O)4(Cl)]-O1–O5–O7–O9–Cl1nonplanar O7···Cl1,5.25pale yellow 85[(H 2O)4(Cl)]-O1–O5–Cl2–O8–O10nonplanar O10···Cl2,5.29orange 96[(H 2O)4(Cl)2]2-O2–O8–Cl2–O2–O8–Cl2nonplanar Cl2···Cl2,7.12yellow 108[(H 2O)6(Cl)2]2-O1–O10–O3–Cl2–O5–O7–O6–Cl1nonplanarCl1···Cl2,7.91pale blueaColor codes are those of Figure 2.Figure 2.Fragment of nonplanar infinite polycyclic 2D anionic layer in the crystal cell of 1′.The 10nonequivalent alternating water or water -chloride cycles are shown by different colors (see Table 1for color codes).Figure 3.Fragment of the crystal packing diagram of 1′along the a axis showing the intercalation of two water -chloride layers (represented by space filling model)into the metal -organic matrix (depicted as sticks);color codes within H 2O -Cl layers:O red,Cl green,H grey.Communications Crystal Growth &Design,Vol.8,No.3,2008783curve(DSC)of three major endothermic processes in ca.50–170, 170–200,and200–305°C ranges with maxima at ca.165,190, and280°C,corresponding to the stepwise loss of ca.two,one, and two H2O molecules,respectively(the overall mass loss of9.1% is in accord with the calculated value of9.4%for the elimination of allfive water molecules).In accord,the initial broad and intense IRν(H2O)andδ(H2O)bands of1(maxima at3462and1656cm–1, respectively)gradually decrease in intensity on heating the sample up to ca.305°C,while the other bands remain almost unchangeable. Further heating above305°C leads to the sequential decomposition of the bis-terpyridine iron unit.These observations have also been supported by the IR spectra of the products remaining after heating the sample at different temperatures.The elimination of the last portions of water in1at temperatures as high as250–305°C is not commonly observed(although it is not unprecedented18)for crystalline materials with hosted water clusters,and can be related to the presence and extensive hydrogen-bonding of chloride ions in the crystal cell,tending to form the O–H(water)···Cl hydrogen bonds ca.2.5times stronger in energy than the corresponding O–H(water)···O(water)ones.5a The strong binding of crystallization water in1is also confirmed by its FAB+-MS analysis that reveals the rather uncommon formation of the fragments bearing from one tofive H2O molecules.11The exposure to water vapors for ca.8h of an almost completely dehydrated(as confirmed by weighing and IR spectroscopy)product after thermolysis of1(at250°C19for 30min)results in the reabsorption of water molecules giving a material with weight and IR spectrum identical to those of the initial sample1,thus corroborating the reversibility of the water escape and binding process.In conclusion,we have synthesized and structurally characterized a new type of2D hybrid water-chloride anionic multicyclic {[(H2O)20(Cl)4]4–}n network self-assembled in a hydrophobic matrix of the bis-terpyridine iron(II)complex,that is,[FeL2]Cl2·10H2O 1′.On the basis of the recent description and detailed analysis of the related{[(H2O)14(Cl)4]4–}n layers5a and taking into consideration that the water-chloride assembly in1′does not possess strong interactions with the metal-organic units,the crystal structure of 1′can alternatively be defined as an unusual set of water-chloride “hosts”with bis-terpyridine iron“guests”.Moreover,the present study extends the still limited number5of well-identified examples of large polymeric2D water-chloride assemblies intercalated in crystalline materials and shows that terpyridine compounds can provide rather suitable matrixes to stabilize and store water-chloride aggregates.Further work is currently in progress aiming at searching for possible applications in nanoelectrical devices,as well as understanding how the modification of the terpyridine ligand or the replacement of chlorides by other counterions with a high accepting ability toward hydrogen-bonds can affect the type and topology of the hybrid water containing associates within various terpyridine transition metal complexes.Acknowledgment.This work has been partially supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology(FCT)and its POCI 2010programme(FEDER funded),and by a HRTM Marie Curie Research Training Network(AQUACHEM project,CMTN-CT-2003-503864).The authors gratefully acknowledge Prof.Maria Filipa Ribeiro for kindly running the TG-DSC analysis,urent Benisvy,Dr.Maximilian N.Kopylovich,and Mr.Yauhen Y. Karabach for helpful discussions.Supporting Information Available:Additionalfigures(Figures S1–S3)with structural fragments of1′and TG-DSC analysis of1, Tables S1and S2with hydrogen-bond geometry in1′and bond angles within the H2O-Cl network,details for the general experimental procedures and X-ray crystal structure analysis and refinement,crystal-lographic informationfile(CIF),and the CSD refcodes for terpyridine compounds with water-chloride aggregates.This information is available free of charge via the Internet at .References(1)(a)Mascal,M.;Infantes,L.;Chisholm,J.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2006,45,32and references therein.(b)Infantes,L.;Motherwell,S.CrystEngComm2002,4,454.(c)Infantes,L.;Chisholm,J.;Mother-well,S.CrystEngComm2003,5,480.(d)Supriya,S.;Das,S.K.J.Cluster Sci.2003,14,337.(2)(a)Das,M.C.;Bharadwaj,P.K.Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.2007,1229.(b)Ravikumar,I.;Lakshminarayanan,P.S.;Suresh,E.;Ghosh,P.Cryst.Growth Des.2006,6,2630.(c)Ren,P.;Ding,B.;Shi,W.;Wang,Y.;Lu,T.B.;Cheng,P.Inorg.Chim.Acta2006,359,3824.(d)Li,Z.G.;Xu,J.W.;Via,H.Q.;Hu,mun.2006,9,969.(e)Lakshminarayanan,P.S.;Kumar,D.K.;Ghosh,P.Inorg.Chem.2005,44,7540.(f)Raghuraman,K.;Katti,K.K.;Barbour,L.J.;Pillarsetty,N.;Barnes,C.L.;Katti,K.V.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2003,125,6955.(3)(a)Jungwirth,P.;Tobias,D.J.J.Phys.Chem.B.2002,106,6361.(b)Tobias,D.J.;Jungwirth,P.;Parrinello,M.J.Chem.Phys.2001,114,7036.(c)Choi,J.H.;Kuwata,K.T.;Cao,Y.B.;Okumura,M.J.Phys.Chem.A.1998,102,503.(d)Xantheas,S.S.J.Phys.Chem.1996,100,9703.(e)Markovich,G.;Pollack,S.;Giniger,R.;Cheshnovsky,O.J.Chem.Phys.1994,101,9344.(f)Combariza,J.E.;Kestner,N.R.;Jortner,J.J.Chem.Phys.1994,100,2851.(g)Perera, L.;Berkowitz,M.L.J.Chem.Phys.1991,95,1954.(h)Dang,L.X.;Rice,J.E.;Caldwell,J.;Kollman,P.A.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1991, 113,2481.(4)(a)Custelcean,R.;Gorbunova,M.G.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2005,127,16362.(b)Kopylovich,M.N.;Tronova,E.A.;Haukka,M.;Kirillov,A.M.;Kukushkin,V.Yu.;Fraústo da Silva,J.J.R.;Pombeiro,A.J.L.Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.2007,4621.(c)Butchard,J.R.;Curnow,O.J.;Garrett,D.J.;Maclagan,R.G.A.R.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2006, 45,7550.(5)(a)Reger,D.L.;Semeniuc,R.F.;Pettinari,C.;Luna-Giles,F.;Smith,M.D.Cryst.Growth.Des.2006,6,1068and references therein.(b) Saha,M.K.;Bernal,mun.2005,8,871.(c) Prabhakar,M.;Zacharias,P.S.;Das,mun.2006,9,899.(d)Lakshminarayanan,P.S.;Suresh,E.;Ghosh,P.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2006,45,3807.(e)Ghosh,A.K.;Ghoshal,D.;Ribas,J.;Mostafa,G.;Chaudhuri,N.R.Cryst.Growth.Des.2006,6,36.(f)Deshpande,M.S.;Kumbhar,A.S.;Puranik,V.G.;Selvaraj, K.Cryst.Growth Des.2006,6,743.(6)(a)Karabach,Y.Y.;Kirillov,A.M.;da Silva,M.F.C.G.;Kopylovich,M.N.;Pombeiro,A.J.L.Cryst.Growth Des.2006,6,2200.(b) Kirillova,M.V.;Kirillov,A.M.;da Silva,M.F.C.G.;Kopylovich, M.N.;Fraústo da Silva,J.J.R.;Pombeiro,A.J.L.Inorg.Chim.Acta2008,doi:10.1016/j.ica.2006.12.016.(7)The Cambridge Structural Database(CSD).Allen, F.H.ActaCrystallogr.2002,B58,380.(8)The searching algorithm in the ConQuest Version1.9(CSD version5.28,August2007)constrained to the presence of any terpyridinemoiety and at least one crystallization water molecule and one chloride counter ion resulted in43analyzable hits from which40compounds contain diverse water-chloride aggregates(there are29and11 examples of infinite(mostly1D)networks and discrete clusters, respectively).See the Supporting Information for the CSD refcodes.(9)For a recent review,see Constable,E.C.Chem.Soc.Re V.2007,36,246.(10)For recent examples of supramolecular terpyridine compounds,see(a)Beves,J.E.;Constable,E.C.;Housecroft,C.E.;Kepert,C.J.;Price,D.J.CrystEngComm2007,9,456.(b)Zhou,X.-P.;Ni,W.-X.;Zhan,S.-Z.;Ni,J.;Li,D.;Yin,Y.-G.Inorg.Chem.2007,46,2345.(c)Shi,W.-J.;Hou,L.;Li,D.;Yin,Y.-G.Inorg.Chim.Acta2007,360,588.(d)Beves,J.E.;Constable,E.C.;Housecroft,C.E.;Kepert,C.J.;Neuburger,M.;Price,D.J.;Schaffner,S.CrystEngComm2007,9,1073.(e)Beves,J. 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E.;Neuburger,M.;Schaffner,mun.2007,10,1185.(f)Beves,J.E.;Constable,E.C.;Housecroft,C.E.;Kepert,C.J.;Price,D.J.CrystEngComm2007,9,353.(11)Synthesis of1:FeCl2·2H2O(82mg,0.50mmol)and4′-phenyl-2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine(L)(154mg,0.50mmol)were combined in a THF (20mL)solution with continuous stirring at room temperature.The resulting deep purple suspension was stirred for1h,filtered off,washed with THF(3×15mL),and dried in vacuo to afford a deep purple solid1(196mg,41%).1exhibits a high affinity for water and upon recrystallization gives derivatives with a higher varying content of crystallization water.1is soluble in H2O,MeOH,EtOH,MeCN, CH2Cl2,and CHCl3.mp>305°C(dec.).Elemental analysis.Found: C52.96,H3.76,N8.36.Calcld.for C42H40Cl4Fe2N6O5:C52.42,H4.19,N8.73.FAB+-MS:m/z:835{[FeL2]Cl2·5H2O+H}+,816784Crystal Growth&Design,Vol.8,No.3,2008Communications{[FeL2]Cl2·4H2O}+,796{[FeL2]Cl2·3H2O–2H}+,781{[FeL2]Cl2·2H2O+H}+,763{[FeL2]Cl2·H2O+H}+,709{[FeL2]Cl}+,674 {[FeL2]}+,435{[FeL]Cl2}+,400{[FeL]Cl}+,364{[FeL]–H}+,311 {L–2H}+.IR(KBr):νmax/cm–1:3462(m br)ν(H2O),3060(w),2968 (w)and2859(w)ν(CH),1656(m br)δ(H2O),1611(s),1538(w), 1466(m),1416(s),1243(m),1159(w),1058(m),877(s),792(s), 766(vs),896(m),655(w),506(m)and461(m)(other bands).The X-ray quality crystals of[FeL2]Cl2·10H2O(1′)were grown by slow evaporation,in air at ca.20°C,of a MeOH/H2O(v/v)9/1)solution of1.(12)Crystal data:1′:C42H50Cl2FeN6O10,M)925.63,triclinic,a)10.1851(10),b)12.2125(13),c)19.5622(19)Å,R)76.602(6),)87.890(7),γ)67.321(6)°,U)2180.3(4)Å3,T)150(2)K,space group P1j,Z)2,µ(Mo-K R))0.532mm-1,32310reflections measured,8363unique(R int)0.0719)which were used in all calculations,R1)0.0469,wR2)0.0952,R1)0.0943,wR2)0.1121 (all data).(13)(a)McMurtrie,J.;Dance,I.CrystEngComm2005,7,230.(b)Nakayama,Y.;Baba,Y.;Yasuda,H.;Kawakita,K.;Ueyama,N.Macromolecules2003,36,7953.(c)Kabir,M.K.;Tobita,H.;Matsuo,H.;Nagayoshi,K.;Yamada,K.;Adachi,K.;Sugiyama,Y.;Kitagawa,S.;Kawata,S.Cryst.Growth Des.2003,3,791.(14)Ludwig,R.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2001,40,1808.(15)The searching algorithm in the ConQuest Version1.9(CSD version5.28,May2007)was constrained to the presence of(i)at least onetetranuclear[(H2O)3(Cl)]–ring(i.e.,minimal cyclic fragment in our water-chloride network)with d(O···O))2.2–3.2Åand d(O···Cl) )2.6–3.6Å,and(ii)at least one crystallization water molecule andone chloride counter ion.All symmetry-related contacts were taken into consideration.(16)For2D networks with the[(H2O)3(Cl)]–core,see the CSD refcodes:AGETAH,AMIJAH,BEXVIJ,EXOWIX,FANJUA,GAFGIE, HIQCIT,LUNHUX,LUQCEF,PAYBEW,TESDEB,TXCDNA, WAQREL,WIXVUU,ZUHCOW.For3D network,see the CSD refcode:LUKZEW.(17)This analysis was run on1since we were unable to get1′in a sufficientamount due to the varying content of crystallization water in the samples obtained upon recrystallization of1.(18)(a)Das,S.;Bhardwaj,P.K.Cryst.Growth.Des.2006,6,187.(b)Wang,J.;Zheng,L.-L.;Li,C.-J.;Zheng,Y.-Z.;Tong,M.-L.Cryst.Growth.Des.2006,6,357.(c)Ghosh,S.K.;Ribas,J.;El Fallah, M.S.;Bharadwaj,P.K.Inorg.Chem.2005,44,3856.(19)A temperature below305°C has been used to avoid the eventualdecomposition of the compound upon rather prolonged heating.CG7010315Communications Crystal Growth&Design,Vol.8,No.3,2008785。
第 54 卷第 2 期2023 年 2 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.2Feb. 2023废铝电解质浸出液的冰晶石诱导结晶除氟工艺研究韩泽勋,罗丽琼,吴勇聪,蒿鹏程,谭璇,吕晓军(中南大学 冶金与环境学院,湖南 长沙,410083)摘要:针对当前工艺回收废铝电解质浸出液中有价元素存在须要先除氟且有价元素资源利用率低等问题,提出采用诱导结晶法生产冰晶石,回收浸出液中氟、铝等有价元素。
研究结果表明:通过调节pH ,可实现浸出液中沉淀产物的调控,pH<5时,浸出液中得到AlF 2OH ;pH 在5~8范围内,得到Na 3AlF 6和AlF 2OH 共沉淀;pH>8时,得到Na 3AlF 6和Al(OH)3共沉淀。
除氟最佳工艺条件为:pH=9,碱液中NaOH 质量浓度160 g/L ,加碱速度1 mL/min ,反应温度50 ℃;此时,溶液中残余氟质量浓度为59.32 mg/L ,氟回收率为98.91%,沉淀含水率达54.92%。
加入冰晶石晶种可诱导溶质在晶体表面生长,改善产物及除氟性能;在晶种添加量为4 g/L ,陈化时间为2 h 条件下,沉淀含水率降低至29.59%,过滤系数提高到30.24×10−4 cm/s ,平均体积粒度增加到105.89 μm ,溶液中氟含量降低至48.20 mg/L ,氟的总回收率增加到99.11%。
采用活性氧化铝对晶种诱导结晶除氟后溶液深度吸附除氟,剩余氟质量浓度为9.0 mg/L ,全流程总氟回收率为99.83%。
关键词:废铝电解质;含氟浸出液;冰晶石;氧化铝吸附;诱导结晶;除氟中图分类号:TF09 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2023)02-0595-12Cryolite-induced crystallization defluorination process of spentaluminium electrolyte leaching solutionHAN Zexun, LUO Liqiong, WU Yongchong, HAO Pengcheng, TAN Xuan, LÜ Xiaojun(School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)Abstract: The current recycling process of spent aluminium electrolytes leachate has problems such as the need to prior defluorination and the low resources utilization rate of valuable element. The induced crystallization method was proposed to produce cryolite and recover the various valuable elements such as fluorine and aluminum from the leachate. The results indicate that the precipitation products style in the leachate can be controlled by adjusting pH of the solution. When the pH is less than 5, AlF 2OH is obtained. The co-precipitation of Na 3AlF 6 and AlF 2OH is obtained with the pH range of 5 to 8. When pH is more than 8, the co-precipitation products are Na 3AlF 6 and收稿日期: 2022 −09 −30; 修回日期: 2022 −12 −07基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51674302) (Project(51674302) supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China)通信作者:吕晓军,博士,教授,从事高温熔盐电化学及铝冶金固废资源化研究;E-mail :*****************.cnDOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2023.02.019引用格式: 韩泽勋, 罗丽琼, 吴勇聪, 等. 废铝电解质浸出液的冰晶石诱导结晶除氟工艺研究[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 54(2): 595−606.Citation: HAN Zexun, LUO Liqiong, WU Yongchong, et al. Cryolite-induced crystallization defluorination process of spent aluminium electrolyte leaching solution[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2023, 54(2): 595−606.第 54 卷中南大学学报(自然科学版)Al(OH)3. The optimum process conditions for fluoride removal are pH=9, NaOH concentration of 160 g/L, alkali addition rate of 1 mL/min and reaction temperature of 50 ℃. Under the optimum conditions, the residual fluoride concentration in the solution is 59.32 mg/L, and the recovery rate of fluorine is 98.91%, and the precipitation moisture content is as high as 54.92%. Adding cryolite seed crystals can induce the growth of solutes on the crystal surface and improve the performance of product and fluorine removal. When the seed crystal addition amount is4 g/L and the aging time is 2 h, the moisture content of precipitation reduces to 29.59% and filtration coefficientincreases to 30.24×10−4 cm/s. The average volume particle size increases to 105.89 μm, and the fluorine content in solution decreases to 48.20 mg/L. The total recovery rate of fluorine increases to 98.91%. Using activated alumina to deeply purify fluorine by adsorption after induced crystallization, the remaining fluoride concentration is 9.0 mg/L and the total recovery rate of fluorine is 99.83%.Key words: spent aluminium electrolyte; fluorine-containing leachate; recycling; cryolite; alumina adsorption;induced crystallization电解铝生产过程中会产生大量废铝电解质,其来源主要包括3个方面:一是生产中为稳定电解质高度而捞出的过剩电解质;二是打捞炭渣分离得到的废电解质;三是大修渣、残阳极等部分夹带的电解质。
Method for conserving soil and water by integratin
![Method for conserving soil and water by integratin](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e6b54a9a783e0912a3162a9e.png)
专利名称:Method for conserving soil and water byintegrating botanical net body and softframework发明人:Piao-Chin Li申请号:US11396691申请日:20060404公开号:US07555862B2公开日:20090707专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method for conserving soil and water comprises a botanical net body and a soft framework system for supporting the net body, and the net body is mainly made ofstraws, fabrics, and meshed materials similar to a net woven with flat and curve surfaces, combined with a frame, or directly coupled to the interior of the framework for filling soil into its hollow portion. The framework includes anchoring elements, multidirectional connecting rings and connecting elements between the rings, and the net body is connected to the framework by connecting the net body with a preassembled soft framework and anchoring the two together for filling soils and growing plants or solely anchoring the framework with the net body. After the net body is filled with soils and grown with plants, the net body is moved to the place of the framework and connected to the framework.申请人:Piao-Chin Li地址:No. 18, 2nd Neighborhood, Jinshih Village Sihu Township, MiaoLi County 368 TW 国籍:TW代理机构:Rosenberg, Klein & Lee更多信息请下载全文后查看。
第18卷第2期 2020年4月南水北调与水利科技(中英文)South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science TechnologyVol.18 No. 2Apr. 2020DOI : 10.13476/j. cnk i. nsbdqk. 2020.0043闫佳伟,王红瑞,朱中凡,等.我国海水淡化若干问题及对策[J].南水北调与水利科技(中英文),2020,18(2):199-210. YAN J W, WANG H R,ZHU Z F,et al. Relevant issues and countermeasures of seawater desalination in China[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science Technology,2020,18(2) : 199-210. (in Chinese)我国海水淡化若干问题及对策闫佳伟1>2,王红瑞h2,朱中凡1>2,白琪阶“2(1.北京师范大学水科学研究院,北京1〇〇875;2.城市水循环与海绵城市技术北京市重点实验室,北京100875)摘要:我国拥有1. 8万k m的海岸线,海洋资源丰富,海水淡化是解决水资源短缺,增加淡水资源的根本之道。
总结 了海水淡化的利用情况,深人探究制约海水淡化发展的因素,分析了淡化海水的利用前景。
在分析国际海水淡化现 状、经验及浙江舟山海水利用经验的基础上,针对我国海水淡化存在的问题,提出了我国海水淡化发展的对策:建议 加大技术投人,发展政产学研商模式,降低经济成本;合理规划建设海水淡化项目.提高产能利用;加强对海水综合 利用,减少环境污染;加强政策扶持,完善法规标准,不断推进海水淡化产业的发展。
关键词:海水淡化;制约因素;对策;前景;舟山中图分类号:TV213. 1文献标志码:A 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OS1D):Relevant issues and countermeasures of seawater desalination in ChinaYAN Jiawei1*2 ,WANG Hongrui1-2 ,ZHU Zhongfan1*2 ,BAI Qijie1'2(1. College o f Water Science»Beijing Normal University, Beijing100875, China;2. Beijing Key Laboratory o f Urban Hydrological Cycle and Sponge City Technology,Beijing 100875,China) Abstract:China has a coastline of 18,000 kilometers,rich in marine resources. Desalination is the fundamental way to solve water shortages and increase freshwater resources. This paper summarized the utilization of seawater desalination,deeply explored the factors that restricted the development of desalination,and analyzed the utilization prospects of desalinated seawater. Based on the analysis of the current status and experiences of international desalination and seawater utilization in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, this study put forward the countermeasures for the development of seawater desalination in China. It was suggested to increase technical input,developed the model of government, industry, and research, to reduce economic costs, to reasonably plan and build seawater desalination projects. The projects may increase the utilization of production capacity, strengthen the comprehensive utilization of seawater,reducing the environmental pollution,strengthen policy support,improved laws and regulations,and continuously promoted the development of seawater desalination industry.Key words:desalination of seawater;constraints;countermeasures;prospects;Zhoushan近年来,随着社会经济的高速发展,水生态环境 水、雨洪水、生活污水、矿井水等非常规水源逐渐引逐渐恶化,我国水资源供需矛盾将进一步加剧,海 起政府和相关研究人员的重视。
富水地层改扩建工程防水施工难点剖析白宇,薛杨,周新凯(北新禹王防水科技集团有限公司,辽宁盘锦124011)摘要:贵阳市实验小学及幼儿园改扩建工程过程中,根据项目结构特点及所处的特殊富水地质环境,对地下室、建筑外墙、游泳池等部位选用不同的防水材料并采用相应的施工工法,同时对桩头、抗浮锚杆、对拉螺杆等细部节点部位进行了针对性的防水部署,结合BIM 技术对项目进行实时监测,有效地提高了工程的防水质量。
关键词:富水地层;地下防水;防排结合;节点设计文章编号:1007-497X (2020)-08-0044-03中图分类号:TU92;TU761.1+1文献标志码:B贵阳市实验小学及幼儿园改扩建工程是贵阳市重点工程,也是贵阳市云岩区标杆项目。
项目采用了BIM 技术,帮助实现建筑信息的集成,从建筑的设计、施工、运行直至全寿命周期终结,各种信息整合于一个三维模型信息数据库中,方便项目的落地与后期运作[1]。
经拟建场地及周边环境地质调查,项目所处场地内的地形高差较大,地下室设计深度达9.9m ,且由于贵阳年平均降水量在1174.7mm ,地下水资源丰富,暗河涌动的地下环境对建筑物的防水质量要求极高,是整个工程的技术难点所在。
1.2防水设计1.2.1地下室防水改扩建的地下室底板采用1.2mm 厚非沥青基高分子自粘胶膜防水卷材预铺法施工,一道设防即可达—————————————收稿日期:2020-05-21作者简介:白宇,男,工学硕士,工程师,本刊签约作者,北新禹王防水科技集团副总工程师,主要从事防水材料技术推广与应用工作。
Analysis on Waterproofing Construction Difficulties of Extension Projects in Water-rich StratumBai Yu ,Xue Yang ,Zhou Xinkai(BNBM Yuwang Waterproof Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,Panjin,Liaoning 124011,China )Abstract:With regards to the structural characteristics and water-rich geological conditions of the extension work of Guiyang Experimental Primary School and Kindergarten,different waterproofing materials and corresponding construction methods are adopted for the basement,external wall and swimming pool etc.Moreover,specific waterproofing treatment is practiced for pile head,anti-floating anchor,tension screw and other details.BIM technology is used to monitor the project in real time,and the waterproofing quality of the project is improved effectively.Key words:water-rich stratum;underground waterproofing;combination of waterproofing and drainage;detail designDOI:10.15901/ki.1007-497x.2020.08.011中国建筑防水China Building Waterproofing2020年第8期8月2020No.8August到一级防水要求,卷材空铺在垫层上,上表面砂面覆盖,与后浇混凝土粘结稳定,防水效果更好[2];侧墙采用2mm厚高粘橡胶沥青防水涂料与2mm厚反应粘交叉膜高分子防水卷材复合施工,大延伸率的高分子卷材可抵抗侧墙沉降变形对防水层造成的破坏,使其形成完整的防水体系;高粘橡胶沥青防水涂料起到粘结过渡的作用,增加粘结力的同时弥补结构缝隙。
交通与土木工程河南科技Henan Science and Technology总第799期第5期2023年3月电渗联合堆载预压及化学法加速淤筑土固结的试验研究桂书润1王龙嘉2班子越3赵飞燕1徐欣1(1.华北水利水电大学,河南郑州450046;2.河南新田置业有限公司,河南郑州450002;3.同济大学,上海200092)摘要:【目的】电渗法是通过在土体中施加低压直流电来加速排水固结的处理方法。
关键词:电渗法;固结速率;堆载预压法;排水量中图分类号:TU44文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-5168(2023)05-0086-05DOI :10.19968/ki.hnkj.1003-5168.2023.05.017Experimental Study on Accelerated Consolidation of Silty Clay by Combined Electro-Osmotic both Pre-Loading and Chemical Methodof Mound LoadGUI Shurun 1WANG Longjia 2BAN Ziyue 3ZHAO Feiyan 1XU Xin 1(1.North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450046,China;2.Henan Xintian Real Estate Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450002,China;3.Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)Abstract:[Purposes ]Electroosmosis is a treatment method to accelerate drainage consolidation by apply⁃ing low-voltage direct current in the soil.In the electric field,the movement of liquid through the mem⁃brane under the influence of the applied electric field is called electroosmosis.[Methods ]In view of the characteristics of electro-osmosis,it is usually used in combination with stack pre-pressure method,vacuum pre-pressure method and chemical method to treat soft clay soil.In this study,comparative tests of electro-osmosis alone,electro-osmosis combined with stack pre-pressure method and electro-osmosis combined with chemical method were conducted on the siltation soil of Fanxian section of Yel⁃low River to compare the effects of the three methods by the results of cumulative drainage,water con⁃tent,shear strength and energy consumption.[Findings ]Compared with the three control tests without the electro-osmosis method,the drainage rate and cumulative displacement of the electro-osmotic test are significantly improved compared with the traditional single method,and the strength of the soil samples treated by the combined electro-osmotic preloading method is the highest.[Conclusions ]Among all kinds of methods,electro-osmotic combined preloading method has the most obvious lifting effect.Keywords:electro-osmosis;consolidation rate;stack preloading;drainage收稿日期:2022-09-03作者简介:桂书润(1998—),男,硕士生,研究方向:岩土力学。
第 54 卷第 7 期2023 年 7 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.7Jul. 2023PMMA 微流控芯片注射成型多目标优化实验研究吴旺青,雷益华,单志颖,蒋炳炎(中南大学 机电工程学院,极端服役性能精准制造全国重点实验室,湖南 长沙,410083)摘要:随着微流控技术的不断发展和聚合物材料的广泛应用,注射成型技术因其快速、低成本、大批量的生产等优势而成为聚合物微流控芯片成型制造的主要方式之一,但也存在微结构成型难、残余应力与宏观变形等问题。
最优注射成型工艺参数如下:熔体温度为245 ℃、注射压力为160 MPa 、注射速度为50 cm 3/s 、保压压力为70 MPa 和保压时间为5 s 。
关键词:微流控芯片;注射成型;多目标优化中图分类号:TQ320.66 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2023)07-2630-12Experimental study on multi-objective optimization of PMMAmicrofluidic chip injection moldingWU Wangqing, LEI Yihua, SHAN Zhiying, JIANG Bingyan(State Key Laboratory of Precision Manufacturing for Extreme Service Performance, School of Mechanical andElectrical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)Abstract: With the continuous development of microfluidic technology and the wide application of polymer materials, injection molding technology has become one of the main ways of polymer microfluidic chip molding and manufacturing because of its advantages of fast speed, low cost and mass production. However, there are also some problems such as difficulty in forming microstructure, residual stress and macroscopic deformation. In order to characterize the molding ability of polymer microfluidic chip and study the influence of process parameters on收稿日期: 2022 −09 −02; 修回日期: 2022 −11 −18基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目(51920105008) (Project(51920105008) supported bythe National Natural Science Foundation of China for Key International(Regional) Joint Research Program)通信作者:吴旺青,博士,教授,从事高聚物微纳成型加工理论与应用研究;E-mail :**************.cnDOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2023.07.010引用格式: 吴旺青, 雷益华, 单志颖, 等. PMMA 微流控芯片注射成型多目标优化实验研究[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 54(7): 2630−2641.Citation: WU Wangqing, LEI Yihua, SHAN Zhiying, et al. Experimental study on multi-objective optimization of PMMA microfluidic chip injection molding[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2023, 54(7): 2630−2641.第 7 期吴旺青,等:PMMA微流控芯片注射成型多目标优化实验研究molding quality, the influence of melt temperature, injection pressure, injection speed, holding pressure and holding time on microchannel complex system, residual stress and macroscopic warp deformation of polymethacrylate(PMMA) microfluidic chip was studied by orthogonal experiment. The optimal parameters were obtained by multi-objective optimization of the three indexes using grey correlation analysis method. The results show that the injection speed and melt temperature are the most important factors affecting the microchannel replication, and the melt temperature is the most important factor affecting the residual stress and warpage deformation. The optimum parameters of the three indexes are different from each other by orthogonal experiment, and the high quality chip with high complex microchannel system, low residual stress and small warpage deformation is obtained by multi-objective optimization using grey correlation analysis method. The optimal parameters are as follows. The melt temperature is 245 ℃, the injection pressure is 160 MPa, the injection speed is50 cm3/s, the pressure holding pressure is 70 MPa and the pressure holding time is 5 s.Key words: microfluidic chip; injection molding; multi-objective optimization随着科技的进步,实验室检测技术的要求也越来越高,尤其是在化学分析、医学检验、生命科学等领域[1−2]。
第 54 卷第 2 期2023 年 2 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.54 No.2Feb. 2023褐铁型红土镍矿湿法工艺研究进展赵顶1, 2,马保中1, 2,王成彦1, 2,陈永强1, 2(1. 北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院,北京,100083;2. 四川顺应动力电池材料有限公司,四川 眉山,620031)摘要:从褐铁型红土镍矿中提取有价元素,对我国镍、铁、钴等战略金属资源供给安全具有重大意义。
关键词:褐铁型红土镍矿;湿法冶金;非常规介质;技术进展中图分类号:TF815 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2023)02-0401-14Research progress of limonitic laterite hydrometallurgyZHAO Ding 1, 2, MA Baozhong 1, 2, WANG Chengyan 1, 2, CHEN Yongqiang 1, 2(1. School of Metallurgy and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083, China;2. Sichuan Shunying Power Battery Materials Co. Ltd., Meishan 620031, China)Abstract: Extracting valuable elements from limonitic laterite is of great significance to the supply security of strategic metal resources such as nickel, iron and cobalt in China. However, due to low nickel content and complex occurrence of elements, it has been stockpiled as "dead ore". The sulfuric acid pressure leaching process is the main technical route to treat the mine at present, but there are still some problems such as difficult disposal of leaching residue and easy scaling in the autoclave. Therefore, a new process is urgently needed to fundamentally avoid the problems faced by the sulfuric acid process. Based on this, the research progress of some hydrometallurgical technology of limonitic laterite is reviewed, and especial the unconventional wet medium收稿日期: 2022 −08 −02; 修回日期: 2022 −09 −08基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51974025,52034002,U1802253);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(FRF-MP-20-04) (Projects(51974025, 52034002, U1802253) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(FRF-MP-20-04) supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities)通信作者:马保中,博士,教授,从事有色金属冶金方向研究;E-mail :*******************DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2023.02.001引用格式: 赵顶, 马保中, 王成彦, 等. 褐铁型红土镍矿湿法工艺研究进展[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 54(2): 401−414.Citation: ZHAO Ding, MA Baozhong, WANG Chengyan, et al. Research progress of limonitic laterite hydrometallurgy[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2023, 54(2): 401−414.第 54 卷中南大学学报(自然科学版)treatment methods, such as nitric acid pressure leaching, nitric acid atmospheric pressure leaching, hydrochloric acid leaching process. This study provides support for the research and development of limonitic laterite hydrometallurgical technology.Key words: limonitic laterite; hydrometallurgy; unconventional medium; technology progress镍是一种重要的战略金属,广泛地应用于不锈钢制造[1−2]、电池材料、电镀、催化剂等领域[3−5]。
【摘要】@@ 一、项目概况rn中英合作水资源需求管理援助项目(WRDMAP)是由中国政府委托水利部实施、英国国际发展部出资、相关部门配套支持的大型双边合作项目.本项目旨在运用<水法>,加强水资源的保护、节约和管理,合理配置水资源,促进水资源的可持续利用,保障经济社会的可持续发展,构建和谐社会.
1.加强水资源需求管理的思考 [J], 张馥;张涛
2.中英合作水资源需求管理援助项目在甘肃实施情况 [J], 胡建勋
3.浅析中英合作水资源需求管理项目 [J], 常继青;牛最荣
4.水资源需求管理与水资源软路径对比研究 [J], 陈龙;方兰
5.在法律框架下推进水资源综合管理——访水利部中英合作水资源需求管理援助项目咨询专家组组长Donald Moore [J], 张智吾;邓淑珍;刘蓓;王玥
第30卷第5期Vol.30No.5水 资 源 保 护WATER RESOURCES PROTECTION2014年9月Sep.2014DOI :10.3969/j.issn.10046933.2014.05.016 基金项目:国家自然科学基金国际重大合作和重点项目(51210013,50839005);国家科技支撑计划(2012BAC21B0103);水利部公益性行业科研专项(201201094,201301002⁃02);广东省科技厅项目(2010B050300010);广东省水利科技创新项目(2011⁃11,2009⁃39);中英瑞气候变化适应项目(ACCC /20100705⁃1)作者简介:张云(1981 ),男,高级工程师,博士研究生,主要从事区域水资源及水环境方面的研究㊂E⁃mail:iamyun@澳门污水资源再生利用张 云1,2,3,崔树彬3,汪义杰3,陈晓宏1,2(1.中山大学水资源与环境研究中心,广东广州 510275;2.华南地区水循环和水安全广东普通高校重点实验室(中山大学),广东广州 510275;3.珠江水利科学研究院,广东广州 510611)摘要:介绍澳门水资源基本情况,分析澳门污水资源再生利用在节水㊁减污㊁降低供水成本㊁提高区域水资源安全等方面的价值,剖析污水资源再生利用在认识㊁土地㊁政策㊁管理㊁经验积累等方面的不利条件和政府积极推动㊁公众意识㊁新区建设等方面的有利因素,探讨澳门污水资源再生利用的用途㊁方式㊁处理工艺及水质标准㊁管理㊁价格㊁风险㊁规模等关键问题,提出澳门污水资源再生利用近期㊁中期和远期利用方案㊂关键词:水资源;污水资源;再生利用;节水减污;澳门中图分类号:X703.1;TU99 文献标志码:A 文章编号:10046933(2014)05008605Sewage resources recycling and reuse in MacaoZHANG Yun 1,2,3,CUI Shubin 3,WANG YiJie 3,CHEN Xiaohong 1,2(1.Center of Water Resources and Environment Research ,Sun Yat⁃Sen University ,Guangzhou 510275,China ;2.Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Water Security in Southern China of Guangdong High Education Institute ,Sun Yat⁃Sen University ,Guangzhou 510275,China ;3.Scientific Research Institute ,Pearl River Water Resources Commission ,Guangzhou 510611,China )Abstract :In this paper,we introduce the status of water resources in Macao,analyze the significance of sewage resources recycling,such as water conservation,pollution control,water supply cost reduction,and improvement of water security,and discuss the disadvantages in water resources recycling and reuse,lands,policy,management,and the accumulation of experience,as well as the advantages in active promotion by the government,public awareness,and new urban district construction.We point out the key problems of sewage resources recycling and reuse in Macao,which include the reuse purposes,methods,processing technologies and water quality standards,management,price,risk,and scale.We also propose short⁃term,medium⁃term,and long⁃term schemes for sewage resources recycling and reuse in Macao.Key words :water resources;sewage resources;recycling and reuse;water conservation and pollution control;Macao 水滋养了人类,但人类又面临水带来的生存安全危机[1]㊂伴随着全球气候变化及区域社会经济快速发展,地处传统丰水区的我国南方地区开始频繁出现季节性㊁水质型缺水问题[2]㊂特别是近些年㊃68㊃来,珠江河口地区咸潮上溯严重,同时随着人口增长和经济的快速发展,澳门水资源供给日趋紧张,正面临着严峻的水资源形势,水资源问题逐步成为制约澳门特区经济社会可持续发展的关键因素之一㊂城市污水资源长期以来扮演着城市沉重负担的角色㊂在区域水资源供需矛盾加剧,城市新的供水水源开发距离越来越远㊁经济成本越来越高㊁风险越来越大的情况下,同时在国家坚持科学发展观,实行最严格的水资源管理制度,走资源节约型㊁环境友好型社会大形势下,污水资源的真正价值和效益正逐步开始被人们所接受和重视,将成为缓解水体污染加剧趋势和破解南方地区季节性缺水危机的突破点和切入点[2]㊂公元前3500年左右,希腊克里特文明时期已开始将污水资源用于灌溉农田;1932年,美国旧金山建设第一座专用于回收利用污水的回收厂;1968年,纳米比亚建设了第一座利用污水资源的饮用水厂;如今,在全球水资源短缺地区已建有大量的污水资源再生利用水厂,在纳米比亚㊁新加坡㊁南非㊁美国等国均建有直接或间接用于饮用水的污水资源再生处理厂[3⁃4]㊂在中国北方地区的北京㊁天津㊁西安㊁青岛㊁大连等地已对污水资源再生利用开展了长期较为深入的研究工作,并建有大量的实际利用工程,在南方地区用水强度较高的城市,如深圳㊁昆明等对污水资源再生利用也开展了相关的研究工作㊁工程实践,或出台了大量鼓励城市污水资源再生利用的政策[5⁃9]㊂但由于各个城市自然地理㊁经济社会㊁区域位置㊁水资源禀赋条件㊁污水处理厂及收集管网建设程度等方面的差异,每座城市污水资源再生利用的用途㊁方式㊁处理工艺及水质标准等都不尽相同,迫切需要开展有针对性的研究,从技术㊁经济和管理多方面着手,充分提高污水资源利用的可行性,真正 变废为宝”,应对变化环境下的城市水资源配置问题和水环境污染综合整治问题㊂笔者针对澳门特区污水资源再生利用的外部环境和内部实际情况,开展了如下方面研究工作:①澳门污水资源再生利用的必要性和意义;②澳门污水资源再生利用的不利条件和有利因素;③澳门污水资源再生利用关键问题;④澳门污水资源再生利用的总体方案等㊂1 研究区概况澳门是我国两个特别行政区之一,位于中国大陆东南部沿海,珠江三角洲出口,毗邻广东省珠海市,由澳门半岛㊁氹仔岛㊁路环岛和路氹填海区组成㊂澳门是微型海岛经济,外向度高,经济规模不大,但具有开放和灵活的特点,是中国两个国际贸易自由港之一,与国际经济联系密切㊂2010年,澳门特区总面积为29.9km2,总人口55.2万人,人口密度1.8万人/km2,人均本地生产总值39.8万澳门元,入境旅客2496.5万人次,人均综合用水量0.39m3/d[10]㊂澳门位于北回归线以南,地处南海之滨,属亚热带季风气候区,海洋对本地气候的调节作用十分明显㊂年平均气温22.4℃,极端最低气温1.5℃,极端最高气温38.5℃㊂多年平均降雨量1903mm,平均年雨日达130~150d㊂澳门主要库塘有大水塘㊁石排湾㊁九澳㊁黑沙等,现有总库容294万m3㊂多年平均地表水资源量3300万m3,拦蓄雨水和地表径流的能力较差,多直接汇流入海;地下淡水年可利用量为129.33万m3,由于地面硬化㊁建筑占地㊁海水倒灌和水质污染等影响,实际可开采的数量十分有限㊂澳门城市供水97.6%的水资源主要依赖于珠海对澳的供水工程㊂澳门现有自来水厂设计供水能力33万m3/d,全年自来水实际供水总量为0.8亿m3,其中商业用水占38.04%,工业用水占8.16%,家庭用水占43.17%,公共用水占10.63%㊂到2020年,预计澳门需水总量为38万m3/d,现有自来水处理能力很难满足城市用水需求㊂澳门已建成污水处理厂3座,设计处理能力合计为23.4万m3/d,收集到的污水量约占澳门污水总排放量的90%㊂澳门在(扩)建污水处理厂2座,设计处理能力12.2万m3/d㊂根据澳门地区需水量预测成果及污水收集水平,预计2015年和2020年,所有污水处理厂污水收集量可分别达到20.2m3/d和26.9m3/d㊂由于澳门商业和家庭用水占城市用水量的80%左右,其排水将成为再生水利用的优质水源㊂2 澳门污水资源再生利用的价值和意义澳门人口密度大,经济社会发达,处于高强度开发地区;而该地可利用水资源极为缺乏,储水条件也有限㊂澳门现有的供水系统也近乎饱和,水源难以满足未来需求,为了支撑澳门经济社会的进一步发展,必须考虑城市发展所需的新的水源㊂远距离调水随着珠海对澳门原水输送距离的加大,原水供水成本增高,原水管网破裂可能性增加,新的供水风险也在加大;澳门附近水域海水水质条件不尽理想,没有香港附近海域海水利用的先天有利条件;由于储水库容有限,无土地条件建设足够水库库容储水,利用规模有限㊂相比之下,城市污水资源再生利用理论上可以增加城市可供水量的50%以上㊂与远距离调水㊁雨水资源利用㊁海水淡化等可能的新增水源相比,污水资源再生利用由于具有保证率高㊁成本低㊃78㊃和距离用户区较近等优势,成为澳门缓解水资源供需矛盾和水体污染严重问题等最为有效的途径㊂因此,从长远来看,城市污水资源再生利用应该成为解决澳门水资源短缺和减轻水体污染的突破点和切入点㊂随着最严格水资源管理制度的不断实施,相比于其他措施,污水资源利用的开源㊁节水㊁提效㊁减排效益在水资源管理 三条红线”(用水总量控制㊁用水效率控制和水功能区限制纳污)中的综合价值将得到充分体现㊂对于澳门而言,污水资源经过深度处理后再生利用,现阶段与开发建设新的自来水水源同样重要,更符合澳门贫水的客观事实和当前环保型㊁节约型社会发展理念,具有深远与现实的意义㊂a.缓解澳门本地水资源短缺的需要㊂城市污水资源经过深度处理后利用,可大量减少城市新鲜水消耗量,缓解澳门季节性水资源短缺危机㊂b.城市污水经过再生及综合利用,自然减少了向澳门周边水域的排污量,带来了客观的环境效益,并且这种环境效益与长期经济效益是统一的,符合特区政府长期践行的环保理念㊂c.以污水处理厂尾水为原水的再生水厂形成规模经营时,其制水成本低于甚至远低于以远距离调配的自然水为原水的自来水厂㊂d.随着咸潮加剧㊁需水量增加,澳门大规模扩建远距离引水工程单位水量的投资边际成本在增加,再生水利用的经济效益优势将逐步体现㊂e.充分利用产于本地的污水资源,尽可能降低从西江及珠海长距离调水的水量,对于提高澳门应对水源地水体污染㊁原水输送管道破裂等突发事件的能力,保障城市供水安全有着重要的战略意义㊂污水资源再生利用是开源节流的综合措施,既可增加城市可利用的水资源数量,又可减少对周边海域环境的污染,也有利于提高城市供水安全,在一定程度上降低用户成本,具有明显的社会效益㊁经济效益和环境效益㊂污水资源的再生利用是澳门节约用水的现实需要,是应对未来咸潮上溯加剧的有效之举,是澳门长期坚持的环保型城市建设的有效措施,也是澳门经济㊁社会可持续发展的必然要求㊂3 澳门污水资源再生利用的机遇与挑战3.1 不利条件澳门污水资源再生利用的不利条件主要有:宣传与认识不足,土地和拆迁限制,缺少政策和法律㊁法规支持等问题㊂具体包括:a.对再生水的认识问题㊂地处传统丰水区域,对再生水利用的现实意义认识不够深入,公众对再生水利用的认知较为缺乏,担心可能带来的潜在风险,接受水平有待提高㊂b.土地问题㊂澳门土地资源极为匮乏,新建处理厂征地困难;老城区各种管网复杂,交通紧张,几乎没有铺设新的供水管网的可能性,在一定程度上限制了污水资源在现有老城区利用的范围㊂c.政策和法律㊁法规问题㊂目前缺乏鼓励污水资源再生利用的政策,没有配套的法律法规体系,缺乏系统的㊁有计划的再生水利用策略,在现有政策环境下靠用户自愿,若完全依靠商业运行,建设相关设施的风险比较大,很难形成规模㊂d.示范工程㊂澳门现有少量污水资源再生利用设施,但规模普遍较小,缺乏对大规模污水资源再生利用的技术研究和实际经验㊂e.管理和运行㊂污水资源的广泛应用需要专业化的管理和较低的运行成本,迫切需要一个技术和市场培育的过程㊂现有新鲜水水价相对较低,导致污水资源再生利用经济效益不够明显,水价缺乏市场竞争力㊂f.新鲜水使用权问题㊂担心使用再生水后使得分配新鲜水的使用权(量)减少㊂3.2 发展机遇澳门特区政府对环境友好型社会和节水型社会建设的重视,以及澳门水资源供需矛盾加剧和新的填海区的实施为澳门污水资源再生利用提供了良好的发展机遇㊂具体表现在:a.近年来随着珠江河口咸潮上溯加剧,澳门增加新水源的边际成本在加大,澳门特区政府对于水资源问题越来越重视,正全力推动澳门节水型社会建设,已将污水资源再生利用作为节水型社会建设的重要措施之一㊂b.澳门公众的环保意识和危机意识非常强㊂通过充分宣传,公众逐步认识到水资源短缺和水污染所带来的危害,开始关注再生水㊁海水㊁雨水等非传统水源的利用问题㊂c.路氹填海区正处于大规模建设期,为区域再生水厂建设和双管网建设提供了比较好的机遇;根据国家相关批复,未来在氹仔北部及澳门半岛东北部和南部有约5km2规划填海区,可以提前将污水资源再生利用纳入该地区的总体规划之中,处理设施及管网与新城区同步建设,将大规模降低后续改造和运行成本㊂d.澳门污水收集处理率较高,污水资源非常集中,城市化程度高,用户也高度集中,为区域污水资源集中利用系统的建设提供了较好的条件㊂以污水处理厂尾水作为再生水厂原水,水源稳定,处理成本㊃88㊃较低,供水管网距离短,有利于降低供水成本㊂e.澳门越来越重视城市长期发展规划,正在开展‘澳门城市概念性规划纲要“,为将污水资源再生利用规划纳入城市发展总体规划提供了良好的机遇㊂4 澳门污水资源再生利用的关键问题探讨污水资源再生利用是一项系统工程,涉及技术㊁经济㊁社会㊁法律㊁管理等方面的诸多问题㊂a.关于用途㊂根据澳门城市现有用水结构和再生水可能潜在用途,污水资源经过处理后主要用于再生水管网可到达地区的市政㊁商业㊁政府㊁工业㊁生活等用水中非饮用和直接接触类的低质用水㊂b.关于利用方式㊂考虑污水资源再生利用经济方面的可行性,特别是技术㊁管理方面的要求,现阶段的主要利用方式以集中型利用为主(以现有污水处理厂二级出水为水源建设再生水厂),分散型利用(小区利用系统,如大商业楼㊁有一定规模的居民小区)为辅㊂为了解决处理设施占地问题,应与污水处理厂现有处理设施有机结合,节约用地㊂c.关于处理工艺及水质标准㊂根据澳门污水处理厂现有出水水质状况,降低水质风险,污水资源再生利用处理工艺建议为:前处理+膜分离过滤+后处理工艺㊂工艺的选择应充分考虑占地的问题㊂根据不同目标用户的不同用途,确定合适的水质标准㊂在早期经验积累阶段应从降低使用风险角度从严确定水质标准,后期再考虑经济性角度,经过严格论证后确定最为合适的水质标准㊂d.关于管理㊂澳门现有自来水供应和污水处理分别为专业的专营公司运行,在澳门本地积累了丰富的相近领域管理经验,建议特区政府委托其开展或参与污水资源再生利用工作的运营管理,提高效率,降低风险㊂e.关于价格㊂澳门近年新实行的阶梯水价在一定程度上为再生水的利用提供了一定的市场空间,但在污水资源再生利用初期,政府应给予适当的投入建设示范工程,直接给予企业适当的补贴或者补贴再生水水价,在本地实际应用积累足够的经验,以尽快提高污水资源再生利用的市场竞争能力㊂f.关于风险㊂污水资源再生利用风险可分为技术㊁经济和管理等方面的风险,应充分借鉴国内外已有的研究和实践成果,采用成熟的技术㊁建立全面的技术和管理规范制度㊁聘用专业的管理团队来降低或消除污水资源再生利用的潜在风险㊂g.关于规模㊂近期应以条件最为成熟地区或新建城区建设示范工程为主,建设规模不宜盲目求大,待示范工程稳定运行后,总结经验教训,再进一步大规模推广应用㊂5 澳门污水资源再生利用的方案研究a.近期利用方案㊂利用澳门跨境工业区污水处理站尾水用于城市绿化㊁道路清洗等;结合澳门实际,选取典型用户,分不同层次(区域性水循环建筑㊁建筑小区㊁单幢建筑㊁家庭用户)开展深入的污水资源再生利用相关研究工作(处理工艺㊁管网布置㊁运行管理方案等);加强污水资源再生利用的宣传工作,出台鼓励污水资源再生利用的相关政策,并将污水资源再生利用纳入城市总体发展规划;制定污水资源再生利用相关的技术㊁管理等规范标准及再生水参考价格,成立污水资源再生利用管理机构(或授权自来水或污水处理厂经营),着手建立再生水利用管理㊁监督体系;污水资源再生利用规模达到0.5万m3/d㊂b.中期利用方案㊂在前期研究工作基础上,政府投入资金,启动污水处理厂(站)的再生水利用一期工程,在污水处理厂(澳门半岛污水处理厂㊁澳门跨境工业区污水处理站㊁氹仔污水处理厂㊁路环污水处理厂)建立污水资源再生利用处理设备,铺设再生水供水主干管网;出台污水资源再生利用强制性的法规,在达到一定面积新建城区㊁赌场㊁居民小区等建立污水资源再生利用管网系统;污水资源再生利用规模达到1.2万m3/d㊂c.远期利用方案㊂启动污水处理厂(站)的再生水利用二期工程,铺设再生水供水主干管网,扩大污水资源再生利用范围,提高污水资源再生利用率;在新建城区㊁新建赌场宾馆㊁新建生活小区等建设完善的污水资源再生利用系统,用于商业杂用㊁生活杂水㊁市政杂用㊁工业回用等;建立完善的污水资源再生利用管理㊁监督等法律法规和政策体系;污水资源再生利用规模达到4.6万m3/d㊂6 结 语水环境恶化问题和水资源短缺问题已经成为我国澳门地区制约经济社会发展的关键因素之一㊂污水资源的有效和合理利用,充分利用城市污水资源相对集中的有利条件,无疑将成为未来该地区解决水问题的突破点和切入点㊂有别于水资源数量缺乏的北方干旱区,不仅要认识到污水资源再生利用在 节水”和 开源”方面的价值,还应认识到污水资源再生利用在 减污”方面的价值,避免走 多用多排”的老路,更应认识污水资源再生利用在提高区域水资源安全方面的战略价值和意义㊂㊃98㊃参考文献:[1]左其亭,张云.人水和谐量化研究方法及应用[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2009:1⁃5.[2]张云,崔树彬,胡惠方,等.南方地区再生水利用可行性及关键问题探讨[J].南水北调与水利科技,2011,9(1):122⁃125.(ZHANG Yun,CUI Shubin,HU Huifang,et al.Discussion on the feasibility and key problems of recycled water utilization in southern China[J].South⁃to⁃North Water Transfers and Water Science and Technology, 2011,9(1):122⁃125.(in Chinese))[3]BIXIO D,THOEYE C,WINTGENS T,et al.Waterreclamation and reuse:implementation and management issues[J].Desalination,2008,218(1):13⁃23. [4]赵乐军.城市污水再生利用规划设计[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2011:2⁃20.[5]YI Lili,JIAO Wentao,CHEN Xiaoning,et al.Anoverview of reclaimed water reuse in China[J].Journal of Environmental Sciences,2011,23(10):1585⁃1593.[6]林功波.昆明空港经济区再生水利用系统专项规划[J].中国给水排水,2013,29(2):87⁃90.(LIN Gongbo.Specific planning of reclaimed water reuse system in airport economic zone of Kunming City[J].ChinaWater and Wastewater,2013,29(2):87⁃90.(in Chinese))[7]代志远,高宝珠.再生水灌溉研究进展[J].水资源保护,2014,30(1):8⁃13.(DAI Zhiyuan,GAO Baozhu.Research advances in reclaimed water irrigation[J].Water Resources Protection,2014,30(1):8⁃13.(in Chinese))[8]吴丹,王亚华.区域再生水水权分配制度探讨[J].水利水电科技进展,2013,33(3):34⁃38.(WU Dan, WANG Yahua.Discussion of water rights allocation of regional reclaimed water[J].Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources,2013,33(3):34⁃38.(in Chinese))[9]王力玉,秦华鹏,王波,等.再生水回用于社区景观水体的富营养化风险与成本分析[J].水资源保护, 2012,28(6):93⁃96.(WANG Liyu,QIN Huapeng, WANG Bo,et al.Eutrophication risk and cost analysis of reusing reclaimed water for community landscape water body[J].Water Resources Protection,2012,28(6):93⁃96.(in Chinese))[10]澳门特别行政区政府.澳门概况[EB/OL].[2013⁃12⁃10]..mo/web/guest/citizen.(收稿日期:20140120 编辑:徐 娟)(上接第85页)[4]孙可可,陈进.基于武汉市水资源 三条红线”管理的评价指标量化方法探讨[J].长江科学院院报,2011,28 (12):5⁃9.(SUN Keke,CHEN Jin.Evaluation index quantification for Three Red Lines”of water resources management in Wuhan[J].Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,2011,28(12):5⁃9.(in Chinese))[5]杨丹,张昊,管西柯,等.区域最严格水资源管理 三条红线”评价指标体系的构建[J].水电能源科学,2013,31 (12):182⁃185.(YANG Dan,ZHANG Hao,GUAN Xike, et al.Establishment of evaluation indicator system of Three Red Lines”for the most strict regional water resources management[J].Water Resources and Power, 2013,31(12):182⁃185.(in Chinese))[6]欧建锋,叶健,程吉林.主成分分析法在江苏水利现代化评价中的应用[J].人民长江,2010,41(2):97⁃99.(OU Jianfeng,YE Jian,CHENG Jilin.Application of main component analysis method in comprehensive evaluation for water conservancy modernization in Jiangsu Province[J]. 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CIL Water-Based Bonding Agents
Drivers for Water Based Technology 水剂型胶粘剂 的开发的驱动因素
Environmental & safety legislation (VOC) 环保要求 Liability issues 操作人员的安全 Market Pressure 市场需求的压力 Legal issues, including REACH 欧盟环保要求 REACH
CIL Water-Based Bonding Agents
Why were Water-Based systems originally disregarded? 为什么最初的水剂型胶粘剂未被广泛使用
Caused corrosion at the metal interface 很容易导致铁件生锈 Interfered with the cure of the elastomer 干扰橡胶硫化,影响性能 Limited bonding capability 粘接的局限性
CIL Water-Based Bonding Agents Agenda 内容
Drivers for Change 驱动因素 oHistory 历史 oThe New Generation of Water-Based Bonding Agents 新一 代水剂型胶粘剂 oApplication Requirements 应用 oAdvantages 优势 oDisadvantages 劣势 oWB bonding agents range available in the market 市场上的 水剂型胶粘剂 oConclusions 结论
Pigment suspension is often more efficient in water-based systems 颜料在水性体系更有效悬浮
Application by spraying gives superb coating characteristics with little / zero cob-webbing 更加适合喷涂工艺,几乎没有抽 丝现象
Chemical Innovations Limited
Water-Based Bonding Agents 水剂型胶粘剂
International Rubber to Metal Conference 12 November 2013 in Ningbo, China 2013年11月 12日宁波宁海橡胶与金属粘接研讨会
Water-Based Bonding Agents
Diagram 01 N.B. The “fillers” above could be curatives, suspension aids or stabilising systems.
Water-Based Bonding Agents
Drying Process 干燥过程
Water-Based Bonding Agents
T h eP r o b le m s o fA p p ly in gO n eC o a tin g A ir B u b b le A ir B u b b le
P o r o u s C o a tin g
T h inC o a tin g
CIL recommend 35-50° C for pre-heating and 45-60° C after application as a rough guide for many water-based bonding agents 推荐35-50° C 下预热铁件以及涂胶 后在45-60° C 干燥
Difficult to use - inconsistent results 性能不稳定
Generally inferior, especially when subjected to tough environments 耐环境性能差
Cil Water-Based Bonding Agents
Water-Based Bonding Agents
Bonding Agent Properties 水剂型胶粘剂的性能要点
o o o o o
Dry film thickness 干膜厚度 : 10 – 25 microns No voids 无空洞 No cracks 无开裂 No blisters 无气泡 Fully coalesced 彻底合并 Fully dry 彻底干燥
Water-Based Bonding Agents
New Generation Water-Based Chemistry 新一代水剂型胶粘剂化学原理
One and two coat systems 单涂和双涂体系 oWater soluble polymers 可溶于水的聚合物 oAqueous dispersions of elastomers and resins 橡胶和树脂的水性分 散 oEmulsions of elastomers and resins 橡胶和树脂的乳液 oDispersions of “fillers” 填料的分散性 oDispersions of curing agents 固化剂的分散 oAdditional dispersants, suspension aids and stabilisers 助分散和悬 浮的助剂和稳定剂 oCoalescing solvents 可兼容的溶剂
Water-Based Bonding Agents Wetting Out 浸润性
Water-Based Bonding Agents
Bonding Agents Design 水剂型胶粘剂的设计
Chemistry provides good wetting of substrate 对基材的浸润 性 Easy removal of entrained air 容易赶走卷入的气泡 Excellent coalescence of the film 形成致密干膜
o o
Production capacity is being doubled 生产能力提高
design and make our own unique specialty polymers and grafted polymers in both solvent-based and aqueous media. 自己合成的独特聚合物,
Wait until proven elsewhere 不愿做第一个使用着
Water-Based Bonding Agents New Water-Based Bonding Agents 新一代水剂型胶粘剂
Unique polymers – used by some but not all producers 独特的聚 合物
Market Perception 市场及客户的反馈情况
Performance not equal to solvent-based bonding agents 性 能不如溶剂型
Limited experience with water-based 缺乏水剂型胶粘剂的经 验
o o
Reluctance to change 不愿改变
Water-Based Bonding Agents
Technical Advantages 技术上的优势
Emulsion / dispersion technology can give a more stable mix of reactive polymers and resins with cure systems 乳液和分散 技术提供了反应性聚合物和树脂更稳定的条件
Water-Based Bonding Agents
Potential Disadvantages 劣势
Water-Based Bonding Agents Requirements of Water-Based Bonding Agents 剂型胶粘剂的要求
o o
Must wet the metal / plastics substrate 对基材的浸润性 In two coat system, primer must bond to top coat 双涂体系,底 涂与面涂很好的相容性 Must bond to the metal surface and the elastomer 与金属和橡 胶的粘接 Must not entrap air at the substrate surface 不能卷入气泡 Must film form - coalesce to a homogeneous void free coating. 形成致密干膜 Must be corrosion inhibiting during the drying process 干燥过 程防止生锈 Must be corrosion resistant after curing 硫化后不能生锈
Water-Based Bonding Agents
Mix of emulsified „oil‟ phase (plus coalescing solvent), discreet from one another and non-ionic surfactant stabilising the mixed emulsion by steric hindrance.
o o
Alternative cure systems 可选择性的固化体系 Alternative stabilizer systems 可选择性的稳定剂体系