探 头 OLC20




海康威视50米红外摄像机技术参数型号型号海康威视50米红外摄像机名称700TVL 1/3" CCD红外防水筒型摄像机摄像机传感器类型1/3" SONY EXVIEW HAD CCD II信号系统PAL/NTSC有效像素PAL:976(水平)×582(垂直)NTSC:976(水平)×494(垂直)最低照度0.001Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR0.0014Lux @ (F1.4,AGC ON),0 Lux withIR快门1/50(1/60)秒至1/100,000秒镜头*********(16mm可选)水平视场角:13.5°(25mm)镜头接口类型CS接口日夜转换模式电子彩转黑水平解析度700TVL同步方式内同步视频输出1Vp-p Composite Output(75Ω/BNC)信噪比大于62dB一般规范工作温度和湿度-30℃~60℃,湿度小于90%(无凝结) 电源供应AC24V±10%功耗15W防护等级IP66红外照射距离100-110米尺寸(mm) 116.8×97.3×255.1重量2500g主要特性•采用高性能SONY CCD•分辨率高,600TVL,图像清晰、细腻•低照度,0.1Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR•支持自动彩转黑功能,实现昼夜监控•符合IP66级防水设计,可靠性高海康威视30米红外摄像机技术参数型号型号海康威视30米红外摄像机名称600TVL 1/3" CCD红外防水枪型摄像机摄像机传感器类型1/3" SONY Super HAD CCD II信号系统PAL/NTSC有效像素PAL:752(水平)×582(垂直)NTSC:768(水平)×494(垂直)最低照度0.1Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR0.2Lux @ (F1.8,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR快门1/50(1/60)秒至1/100,000秒镜头*********(3.6mm,6mm,8mm,16mm可选),水平视场角:22.72°(12mm)镜头接口类型M12日夜转换模式电子彩转黑水平解析度600TVL同步方式内同步视频输出1Vp-p Composite Output(75Ω/BNC)信噪比大于52 dB一般规范工作温度和湿度—10℃~60℃,湿度小于90%(无凝结)电源供应DC12V±10%功耗6W MAX防护等级IP66红外照射距离30-40米尺寸(mm)86.5×83×165.5重量1000g主要特性采用高性能SONY CCD•分辨率高,600TVL,图像清晰、细腻•低照度,0.1Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON),0 LUX with IR•支持自动彩转黑功能,实现昼夜监控•符合IP66级防水设计,可靠性高海康威视高清D1录像机参数视音频输入模拟视频输入16路,BNC接口(电平:1.0Vp-p,阻抗:75Ω),PAL/NTSC自适应音频输入16路,BNC接口(电平:2.0Vp-p,阻抗:1kΩ)视音频输出CVBS输出2路,BNC接口(电平:1.0Vp-p,阻抗:75Ω)分辨率:PAL制式704*576、NTSC制式704*480VGA输出1路,分辨率:1024*768/60Hz,1024*768/70Hz,1280*1024/60Hz HDMI输出1路,分辨率:1024*768/60Hz,1280*1024/60Hz,1920*1080/60Hz音频输出2路,BNC接口(线性电平,阻抗:600Ω)视音频编码参数视频压缩标准H.264视频编码分辨率4CIF/DCIF/2CIF/CIF/QCIF视频帧率PAL:1/16--25帧/秒、NTSC:1/16--30帧/秒视频码率32Kbps-2048Kbps,可自定义,最大6144Kbps码流类型复合流/视频流音频压缩标准OggVorbis音频码率16kbps双码流支持同步回放最多支持16路硬盘驱动器类型8个SATA接口最大容量每个接口支持容量大于2TB的硬盘外部接口语音对讲输入2个,BNC接口(电平:2.0Vp-p,阻抗:1kΩ)网络接口1个,RJ45 10M/100M/1000M自适应以太网口串行接口1个,标准RS-485串行接口;1个,标准RS-232串行接口;1个,键盘485串口USB接口3个,USB 2.0报警输入16路报警输出4路其他电源AC220V,47--63 HZ功耗≤70W工作温度-10℃--+55℃工作湿度10%--90%机箱19英寸标准2U机箱尺寸445mm(宽)×470mm(深)×90mm(高)重量(不含硬盘)≤8Kg海康威视红外高速云台参数主要特性红外功能:• 最低照度0Lux• 采用高效红外阵列,低功耗,照射距离达80m• 红外灯与倍率距离匹配算法,根据倍率及距离调节红外灯亮度,使图像达到理想的状态• 内置热处理装置,降低球机内腔温度,防止球机内罩起雾• 恒流电路设计,红外灯寿命达3万小时系统功能:• 采用1/4"索尼高性能CCD, 图像清晰• 精密电机驱动, 反应灵敏, 运转平稳, 精度偏差少于0.1度, 在任何速度下图像无抖动• 支持RS-485控制下对HIKVISION、Pelco-P/D协议的自动识别• 支持三维智能定位功能, 配合DVR和客户端软件可实现点击跟踪和放大• 支持多语言菜单及操作提示功能, 用户界面友好• 支持数据断电不丢失• 支持断电状态记忆功能, 上电后自动回到断电前的云台和镜头状态• 支持光纤模块接入• 支持内置温度感应器, 可显示机内温度• 支持防雷、防浪涌、防突波功能• 室外球达到IP66防护等级• 支持RS-485线路故障诊断功能, 把故障信息, 如地址错误、波特率错误等以文字形式显示在视频画面上• 支持曼码协议及线路故障诊断功能, 把故障信息, 如地址错误、波特率错误等以特殊字符形式显示在视频画面上• 支持定时启动预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描等功能• 支持密码保护功能, 防止被人恶意修改球机菜单参数• 支持球机标题功能, 可在视频画面叠加中、英文字符• 支持区域扫描和显示, 球机在设定的区域设定的时间内没收到控制命令就执行区域扫描, 并显示区域名称机芯功能:• 支持自动光圈、自动聚焦、自动白平衡、背光补偿和低照度(彩色/黑白)自动/手动转换功能, 宽动态功能可选• 可设置多达24块隐私屏蔽区域, 位置、大小可调整, 画面内可同时有8块区域被屏蔽云台功能:• 水平方向360°连续旋转, 垂直方向-10°-90°, 支持自动翻转, 无监视盲区• 水平预置点速度最高可达240°/s, 垂直预置点速度最高可达200°/s• 水平键控速度为0.1°~160°/s, 垂直键控速度为0.1°~120°/s• 支持256个预置位, 并具有预置点视频冻结功能• 支持8条巡航扫描, 每条可添加32个预置点• 支持4条花样扫描, 总记录时间大于10分钟• 支持比例变倍功能, 旋转速度可以根据镜头变倍倍数自动调整• 支持守望功能, 预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描可在空闲状态停留指定时间后自动调用(包括上电后进入的空闲状态)• 支持报警功能, 内置7路报警输入(优先级可调)和2路报警输出, 支持报警联动, 可在报警后触发报警输出/·调用预置点/花样扫描/巡航扫描/水平扫描/垂直扫描/随机扫描/帧扫描/全景扫描应用场景可广泛应用于需要大范围高速监控的无光和光线较弱的场所, 如:河流、森林、公路、铁路、机场、港口、岗哨、广场、公园、景区、街道、车站、大型场馆、小区外围等场所。



(五)AC C20控制功能一、逻辑控制1、启动封锁功能起动封锁是指在某些特定情况下,不允许主机进行起动的一项安全措施。

在AC C20遥控系统中,只要出现下列的任意一种情况,都将激活遥控系统的启动封锁功能.(1)主机故障停车:当主机安保系绞检测到某种严重故障而导致故障停车时,将封锁主机的起动操作。




















SIMATIC NET 工业以太网交换机 SCALANCE XC-200 操作说明说明书

SIMATIC NET 工业以太网交换机 SCALANCE XC-200 操作说明说明书

SIMATIC NET工业以太网交换机SCALANCE XC-200操作说明02/2023法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。












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Siemens AGDigital Industries Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG C79000-G8952-C442-14Ⓟ 02/2023 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2016 - 2023.保留所有权利目录1简介 (7)2安全须知 (15)3安全建议 (17)4设备描述 (25)4.1产品总览 (25)4.2设备视图 (31)4.2.1SCALANCE XC206-2 (ST/BFOC) (31)4.2.2SCALANCE XC206-2 (SC) (32)4.2.3SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE (33)4.2.4SCALANCE XC206-2SFP (34)4.2.5SCALANCE XC208 (35)4.2.6SCALANCE XC208G PoE (36)4.2.7SCALANCE XC216 (37)4.2.8SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE (38)4.2.9SCALANCE XC216-4C (38)4.2.10SCALANCE XC224 (40)4.2.11SCALANCE XC224-4C (41)4.3附件 (41)4.4SELECT/SET 按钮 (47)4.5LED 指示灯 (49)4.5.1总览 (49)4.5.2“RM”LED (50)4.5.3“SB”LED (50)4.5.4“F”LED (50)4.5.5LED“DM1”和“DM2” (51)4.5.6LED“L1”和“L2” (51)4.5.7端口 LED (52)4.6C-PLUG (54)4.6.1C-PLUG 的功能 (54)4.6.2更换 C-PLUG (56)4.7组合端口 (57)4.8以太网供电 (PoE) (58)4.8.1符合标准的电源和电压范围 (58)4.8.2设备的 PoE 属性 (59)4.8.3电源传输和引脚分配 (30 W) (61)SCALANCE XC-200目录4.8.4电源传输和引脚分配 (60 W) (62)4.8.5组态 (62)5组装和拆卸 (63)5.1安装的安全注意事项 (63)5.2关于 SFP 收发器的一般说明 (66)5.3安装类型 (66)5.4在 DIN 导轨上安装 (67)5.4.1基于固定板的凹顶导轨安装 (67)5.4.2无固定板时的凹顶导轨安装 (69)5.5在标准 S7-300 导轨上安装 (70)5.5.1在带有固定板的标准导轨 S7-300 上安装 (70)5.5.2在不带固定板的标准导轨 S7-300 上安装 (71)5.6在标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (72)5.6.1在带有固定板的标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (72)5.6.2在不带固定板的标准导轨 S7-1500 上安装 (74)5.7基于固定板的墙式安装 (75)5.8更改固定销的位置 (76)5.9拆卸 (77)6连接 (79)6.1不使用 PoE 的设备的安全注意事项 (79)6.2PoE 设备的安全注意事项 (80)6.3有关在危险场所使用的安全注意事项 (82)6.4附加说明 (85)6.5接线规则 (86)6.624 V DC 电源 (87)6.754 V DC 电源 (88)6.8信号触点 (90)6.9功能性接地 (91)6.10串口 (92)6.11工业以太网 (94)6.11.1电气 (94)6.11.2光纤 (95)SCALANCE XC-200目录7维护和清洁 (97)8故障排除 (99)8.1使用 TFTP 下载新固件(无需 WBM 和 CLI) (99)8.2恢复出厂设置 (100)9技术规范 (101)9.1SCALANCE XC206-2 (ST/BFOC) 的技术规范 (101)9.2SCALANCE XC206-2 (SC) 的技术规范 (104)9.3SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE 的技术规范 (107)9.4SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (110)9.5SCALANCE XC206-2G PoE EEC (54 V) 的技术规范 (113)9.6SCALANCE XC206-2SFP 的技术规范 (116)9.7SCALANCE XC206-2SFP G 的技术规范 (119)9.8SCALANCE XC206-2SFP EEC 的技术规范 (122)9.9SCALANCE XC206-2SFP G EEC 的技术规范 (125)9.10SCALANCE XC208 的技术规范 (128)9.11SCALANCE XC208G 的技术规范 (130)9.12SCALANCE XC208G PoE 的技术规范 (132)9.13SCALANCE XC208G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (134)9.14SCALANCE XC208EEC 的技术规范 (136)9.15SCALANCE XC208G EEC 的技术规范 (138)9.16SCALANCE XC216 的技术规范 (140)9.17SCALANCE XC216EEC 的技术规范 (142)9.18SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE 的技术规范 (144)9.19SCALANCE XC216-3G PoE (54 V) 的技术规范 (146)9.20SCALANCE XC216-4C 的技术规范 (150)9.21SCALANCE XC216-4C G 的技术规范 (153)9.22SCALANCE XC216-4C G EEC 的技术规范 (156)9.23SCALANCE XC224 的技术规范 (159)9.24SCALANCE XC224-4C G 的技术规范 (161)9.25SCALANCE XC224-4C G EEC 的技术规范 (164)9.26机械稳定性(运行时) (167)SCALANCE XC-200目录9.27射频辐射符合 NAMUR NE21 标准 (167)9.28电缆长度 (167)9.29交换特性 (168)10尺寸图 (171)11证书和认证 (179)索引 (189)SCALANCE XC-200简介1操作说明的用途这些操作说明适用于 SCALANCE XC-200 系列产品的安装和连接。



混合菌种发酵红豆腐特征香气成分的鉴定崔晓红;高柳;邓小飞;赵金梅;马力;刘平【摘要】为了研究雅致放射毛霉和少根根霉混合发酵红豆腐的特征香气成分,采用顶空固相微萃取的方法对混菌发酵红豆腐的挥发性成分进行提取,通过气相色谱-嗅闻法(gas chromatography-olfactometry,GC-O)结合气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)进行香气成分分析,主要采用检测频率法及香气活性值(odor activity value,OAV)法,确定红豆腐中的特征性香气成分.分析结果表明,红豆腐的特征香气成分有丁酸乙酯、3-甲硫基丙醛、异戊酸、苯甲醛、苯酚、己酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯、芳樟醇、苯乙醇、吲哚,这些化合物对红豆腐的香气具有重大贡献.%The red bean corruption is a kind of sufu with long production history and strong local characteristics.The characteristic aroma compounds in red bean corruption fermented by Actinomucor elegans and Rhizopus arrizus were analyzed by head space solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCoMS) and gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O).Odorants of fermented bean curd were investigated by detection frequency method and odor active values method.It showed that characteristic aroma compounds were composed by a variety of compounds including ethyl butyrate,3-(methylthio) propionaldehyde,isovaleric acid,benzaldehyde,ohenol,ethyl caproate,ethyl caprylate,3,7-dimethylocta-1,6-dien-3-ol,phenethyl alcohol,and indole.【期刊名称】《食品与发酵工业》【年(卷),期】2017(043)002【总页数】6页(P185-190)【关键词】红豆腐;特征香气;气相色谱-闻香法;检测频率法;香气活性值【作者】崔晓红;高柳;邓小飞;赵金梅;马力;刘平【作者单位】西华大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都,610039;西华大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都,610039;西华大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都,610039;西华大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都,610039;西华大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都,610039;西华大学食品与生物工程学院,四川成都,610039【正文语种】中文腐乳,作为一种传统的大豆发酵食品,在中国已经有1 000多年的历史。



C20使用维护手册目录1TANDBERG C20产品手册 (3)1.1TANDBERG C20产品介绍 (3)1.2TANDBERG C20安装标准 (4)1.2.1设备标准连接 (4)1.2.2网络环境 (5)1.2.3会场环境 (5)1.3TANDBERG C20基本操作 (6)1.3.1开机 (6)1.3.2关机 (6)1.3.3遥控器使用 (7)1.4TANDBERG C20基本设置 (8)1.4.1设置界面语言 (8)1.4.2设置IP地址 (8)1.4.3设置自动应答及默认呼叫速率 (9)1.4.4设置H.323注册 (9)1.4.5设置本地屏幕输出 (10)1.4.6设置系统名称 (11)2系统应用 (12)2.1点对点通信 (12)2.1.1直拨短号或IP地址在发起呼叫 (12)2.1.2使用号码簿发起呼叫 (13)2.1.3挂断呼叫 (13)2.2多点会议通信 (14)2.2.1直拨会议号或虚拟会议室号加入会议 (14)2.2.2通过MCU自动应答界面加入会议 (14)2.3演示或发送双流 (14)2.4终端状态信息查看 (15)2.5显示布局切换 (15)2.5.1本地显示布局切换 (15)2.5.2远端图像布局切换 (16)3系统维护 (16)3.1会场基本纪律 (16)3.2系统正常状态 (17)3.3常见故障 (18)3.3.1系统不在正常状态 (18)3.3.2网络持续丢包 (19)3.3.3不能看到本地图像 (19)3.3.4不能听到音频 (19)3.3.5对方不能听到本端声音 (19)3.3.6不能发送的双流 (19)3.3.7呼叫问题 (20)1 TANDBERG C20产品手册1.1 TANDBERG C20产品介绍腾博Quick Set C20 是一款精巧紧凑、部署简单、管理方便、易于使用的可支持全高清1080p 视频通信设备。

主要组成部件与线缆包括:设备的主要接口:C20编解码器1080P摄像机1.2 TANDBERG C20安装标准1.2.1 设备标准连接设备连接图如下:标配线缆及长度:全向麦克风主像机宽屏液晶电视 演示电脑摄像机控制线HDMI 视频线投影仪VGA 视频线HDMI 视频线转换器麦克风线7.5米VGA转DVI线缆(含3.5mm转莲花头)6米摄像机控制线5米HDMI线(摄像机到C20主机)3米HDMI线(C20主机到宽屏液晶电视,含音频)3米HDMI线(C20主机到转换器)3米如果要连接VGA模拟投影仪,则需增配设备线缆:HDMI转VGA转换器VGA线(转换器到投影仪)1.2.2 网络环境在安装前网络方面要做的准备工作(1)根据总部整体规划,会议终端使用固定IP地址。

CAVE-TEK K20键盘用户指南说明书

CAVE-TEK K20键盘用户指南说明书

CAVE-TEKK20 PTZ攝影機控盤用戶指南中文版 (V1.0)目錄1包裝1 2關於 K2022.1介面與按鈕22.2尺寸22.3鍵盤配置22.4RS-232 介面42.5RS-422/RS-485 介面42.6網路介面4 3操作介面說明53.1鍵盤操作53.2設定選單53.3新增網路攝影機53.4新增類比連線攝影機63.5攝影機列表63.6網路73.7語言73.8按鍵音73.9回復出廠值73.10系統資訊7 4網頁管理頁面84.1登入84.2攝影機管理84.3設定94.3.1網路94.3.2升級104.3.3回復預設值10 4.3.4重新開機10 4.3.5匯入 / 匯出10 4.3.6系統資訊111 包裝打開產品包裝盒,您將找到以下配件:12 關於 K202.1 介面與按鈕2.2 尺寸2.3 鍵盤配置2.4RS-232 介面2.5RS-422/RS-485 介面●RS232 通訊協定CAVE 攝影機可透過 RS232控制. 控制參數如下:協定: VISCA, PELCO-D, PELCO-PBaud rate: 2400/4800/9600/38400 bit/s;●RS485通訊協定CAVE 攝影機可透過 RS485控制. 控制參數如下::協定: VISCA, PELCO-D, PELCO-PBaud rate: 2400/4800/9600/38400 bit/s;2.6網路介面將控盤與攝影機連接至同一個區域網路,請務必確認兩者在同一個子網路,舉例來說, & 即在同一個子網路, 而192.168.1.123 & 則不在同一個子網路,則無法連線.3 操作介面說明3.1鍵盤操作切換模式: 長按搖桿的中間按鈕來切換數位或類比連線模式.設定PRESET: 長按數字鍵即可將目前位置儲存到該預設點.呼叫PRESET: 點選數字鍵即可呼叫該數字的預設點.3.2設定選單按下[MENU] 開啟設定選單, 使用搖桿來瀏覽選單. 按下[Enter] 鍵進入該選項..3.3新增網路攝影機選取 [1]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面.攝影機號碼: No1-7協定: VISCA, PELCO-D, PELCO-P, ONVIFIP位址:攝影機IP 地址.Port: Port 號碼用戶名稱:用戶名稱 (登入攝影機用)密碼: 用戶密碼 (登入攝影機用)3.4新增類比連線攝影機選取 [2]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面.攝影機號碼: No1-7協定: VISCA, PELCO-D, PELCO-P, ONVIFIP 位址:攝影機IP 地址Baudrate: 2400/4800/9600/38400 bit/s; Address: 1/2/3/43.5攝影機列表選取 [3]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面..3.6網路選取 [4]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面. IP模式: DHCP, StaticIP 位址:設定控盤的IP位址.3.7語言選取 [5]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面. 語言: EN3.8按鍵音選取 [6]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面. 按鍵音: On/Off.3.9回復出廠值選取 [7]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面. 回復出廠值: YES3.10系統資訊選取 [8]選單, 按下 [Enter]後,您將看到以下設定畫面. 系統資訊4 網頁管理頁面4.1登入將電腦連接至控盤相同區域網路後,開啟瀏覽器打入控盤IP位址,您將看到以下畫面.預設登入資訊如下 (admin / <空> )4.2攝影機管理登入後,您將看到以下攝影機管理頁面:您可以瀏覽及修改攝影機連線資訊.按下 " "按鈕後,您將看到以下設定畫面.網路連線攝影機:攝影機編號: No1-7攝影機號碼: No1-7協定: VISCA, PELCO-D, PELCO-P, ONVIF IP位址:攝影機IP 地址.Port: Port 號碼用戶名稱:用戶名稱 (登入攝影機用)密碼: 用戶密碼 (登入攝影機用)協定: VISCA, PELCO-D, PELCO-P, ONVIF IP 位址:攝影機IP 地址Baudrate: 2400/4800/9600/38400 bit/s; Address: 1/2/3/44.3設定4.3.1網路修改控盤網路設定.網路連線類別: DHCP, StaticIP 位址:子網路:Gateway:DNS:4.3.2升級選取升級檔案後按下確定,系統將開始升級,升級完畢後系統會自動重開機.注意: 當系統進行升級時,請勿中斷連線或進行任何操作.4.3.3回復預設值回復系統預設值.4.3.4重新開機重新開啟K20.4.3.5匯入 / 匯出匯入/匯出K20 設定檔案.4.3.6系統資訊顯示系統硬體與軟體資訊.V1.0_20210908。



國際標准PANTONE號顔色對照表精彩文档精彩文档精彩文档精彩文档精彩文档精彩文档精彩文档颜色调色表-教你调出好的色彩精彩文档朱红色+ 黑色少量= 啡色天蓝色+ 黄色= 草绿、嫩绿天蓝色+ 黑色+ 紫= 浅蓝紫草绿色+ 少量黑色= 墨绿天蓝色+ 黑色= 浅灰蓝天蓝色+ 草绿色= 蓝绿精彩文档白色+ 红色+ 黑色少量= 禇石红天蓝色+ 黑色(少量)= 墨蓝白色+ 黄色+ 黑色= 熟褐玫红色+ 黑色(少量)= 暗红红色+ 黄+ 白= 人物的皮肤颜色玫红色+ 白色= 粉玫红蓝色+ 白色= 粉蓝黄色+ 白色= 米黄玫红色+ 黄色= 大红( 朱红、桔黄、藤黄) 朱红色+ 黑色少量= 啡色天蓝色+ 黄色= 草绿、嫩绿天蓝色+ 黑色+ 紫= 浅蓝紫草绿色+ 少量黑色= 墨绿天蓝色+ 黑色= 浅灰蓝天蓝色+ 草绿色= 蓝绿白色+ 红色+ 黑色少量= 禇石红天蓝色+ 黑色(少量)= 墨蓝白色+ 黄色+ 黑色= 熟褐玫红色+ 黑色(少量)= 暗红红色+ 黄+ 白= 人物的皮肤颜色玫红色+ 白色= 粉玫红蓝色+ 白色= 粉蓝黄色+ 白色= 米黄粉柠檬黄= 柠檬黄+ 纯白色藤黄色= 柠檬黄+ 玫瑰红桔黄色= 柠檬黄+ 玫瑰红精彩文档土黄色= 柠檬黄+ 纯黑色+ 玫瑰红熟褐色= 柠檬黄+ 纯黑色+ 玫瑰红粉玫瑰红= 纯白色+ 玫瑰红朱红色= 柠檬黄+ 玫瑰红暗红色= 玫瑰红+ 纯黑色紫红色= 纯紫色+ 玫瑰红褚石红= 玫瑰红+ 柠檬黄+ 纯黑色粉蓝色= 纯白色+ 天蓝色蓝绿色= 草绿色+ 天蓝色灰蓝色= 天蓝色+ 纯黑色浅灰蓝= 天蓝色+ 纯黑色+ 纯紫色粉绿色= 纯白色+ 草绿色黄绿色= 柠檬黄+ 草绿色墨绿色= 草绿色+ 纯黑色粉紫色= 纯白色+ 纯紫色啡色= 玫瑰红+ 纯黑色基本色的调和:红加黄变橙,红加蓝变紫,黄加蓝变绿。






Lite Series | N22AL12Vandal-proof2MpStarlight H.265+IVSSTARLIGHT •1/2.7-in. 2 MP Progressive-scan CMOS Sensor•Dual Stream Encoding, 2 MP at 30 fps 30 fps, Maximum Resolution •2.8 mm Fixed Lens•Smart H. 265+ and Smart H.264+ Dual Codecs •Starlight Technology for Low Light Sensitivity•ArcticPro Series Camera - Operational down to –40° C (–40° F) •IP67 Ingress Protection and IK10 Vandal Resistance •Wide Dynamic Range and Day/Night (ICR)•Maximum IR LED Distance 30 m (98 ft) with Smart IR •Intelligent Video System •PoE Support •Five-year Warranty**Warranty applies to products sold through an authorized Dahua Dealer.System OverviewThe Dahua s MP Lite Series cameras offer high-resolution video andcutting-edge technology in a compact and accessible package. The cameras feature Smart H.265+ video compression, reducing bandwidth and storage requirements without sacrificing video quality. The camera's elegant blend of aesthetics combined with a range of easy mounting solutions provides an excellent choice for a variety of small to mid-size applications at an affordable price.FunctionsStarlight TechnologyFor challenging low-light applications, Dahua’s Enhanced Starlight Technology offers best-in-class light sensitivity, capturing details in low light down to 0.005 lux. The camera uses a set of optical features to balance light throughout the scene, resulting in clear images in dark environments.Smart H.265+Smart H.265+ is the optimized implementation of the H.265 codec that uses a scene-adaptive encoding strategy, dynamic GOP , dynamic ROI, flexible multi-frame reference structure and intelligent noise reduction to deliver high-quality video without straining the network. Smart H.265+ technology reduces bit rate and storage requirements by up to 70% when compared to standard H.265 video compression.Wide Dynamic Range (WDR)The camera achieves vivid images, even in the most intense contrast lighting conditions, using industry-leading wide dynamic range (WDR) technology. For applications with both bright and low lighting conditions that change quickly, wide dynamic range optimizes both the bright and dark areas of a scene at the same time to provide usable video.Intelligent Video SystemIVS is a built-in video analytic algorithm that delivers intelligent functions to monitor a scene for Tripwire violations and intrusion detection. A camera with IVS quickly and accurately responds to monitoring events in a specific area and offers tamper detection by recognizing a dramatic scene change and generating a warning message to inspect the camera.Smart IR TechnologyWith IR illumination, detailed images can be captured in low light or total darkness. The camera’s Smart IR technology adjusts the intensity of the camera’s infrared LEDs to compensate for the distance of an object. Smart IR technology prevents IR LEDs from whitening out images as they come closer to the camera. The camera’s integrated infrared illumination provides high-performance in extreme low-light environments up to 30 m (98 ft).ArcticProThe Dahua ArcticPro Series of extreme-environment cameras combine temperature-tolerant components with a waterproof enclosure to ensure flawless operation in temperatures as low as –40°F (–40°C)without the need for an internal heater. The lack of a heater reduces the camera’s power consumption and saves operating costs. For applications that demand high-resolution video with advanced features in extremely cold environments, the Dahua ArcticPro Series offers a camera to satisfy the most demanding requirements.CybersecurityDahua network cameras are equipped with a series of key cybersecurity technologies including: security authentication and authorization, access control, trusted protection, encrypted transmission, and encrypted storage. These technologies improve the camera’s ability to prevent malicious access and to protect data.EnvironmentalThe camera complies with the IK10 impact rating making it capable of withstanding the equivalent of 5 kg (11.02 lbs) of force dropped from aheight of 40 cm (15.75 in.). Subjected and certified to rigorous dust and water immersion tests, the IP67 rating makes it suitable for demanding outdoor applications.1. The DORI distance is a measure of the general proximity for a specific classification to help pinpoint the rightcamera for your needs. The DORI distance is calculated based on sensor specifications and lab test results according to EN 62676-4 , the standard that defines the criteria for the Detect, Observe, Recognize andIdentify classifications.Dimensions (mm/inch)© 2021 Dahua Technology USA. All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.Rev 001.004Accessories Optional:PFA136Junction BoxPFA152-E Pole MountPFB203W Wall MountPFA200W Rain/Sun ShieldDH-PFM321D-US Power AdapterPFA106Mount AdapterPFB220C Ceiling MountPFA151Corner MountPFB305W Wall Mount。

Pioneer 202 金属探测器使用说明书

Pioneer 202 金属探测器使用说明书

Your Pioneer 202 is an advanced technology metal detector which incorporates patented microprocessor-controlled technology, designed for a variety of applications including coinshooting, relic hunting, and general purpose detecting. The Pioneer 202 is a motion detector; movement over an object is required in order for the machine to detect the object and emit a tone. Alternatively, you can sweep a metal object over a motionless searchcoil.Before using your Pioneer 202, it is important to read these instructions. This manual's description of detection concepts and types of metals is necessary to avoid frustration if you are new to the hobby of metal detecting.THIS METAL DETECTOR HAS TWO TYPES OF OPERATING MODES:1. ALL METAL DETECTIONAll metals will be detected.2. DISCRIMINATE, NOTCH, and AUTO NOTCH modesIn any of these three detection modes, the detector will emit different tones, depending upon the type of metal present. The characteristics are adjustable. Depending on the detector control settings, some metals will also be eliminated from detection.DISCRIMINATE: Eliminates iron and trash items with the use of the DISC/NOTCH knob.NOTCH: Provides an adjustable rejection "window" to eliminate undesirable metals from detection. Move the rejection "window" with theDISC/NOTCH knob.AUTO NOTCH: Provides a pre-set rejection "window", automatically eliminating most pull-tabs and trash items from detection.CAUTION:• Do not test the detector by placing coins or metal objects on the floor.Most floors contain metal, which will cause interference.• Use 9-VOLT ALKALINE batteries only.DO NOT USE INDOORS. LIGHTS AND HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES EMIT ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS WHICH INTERFERE WITH THE DETECTOR’S OPERATIONTERMINOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Easy Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5INSTALLING BATTERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6DEMONSTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7BASIC OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Turning on Your Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Set the Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Reading the Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Low Battery Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Depth Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10MODES OF OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 & 12AUDIO TARGET ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13IN THE FIELD TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Pinpointing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Coil Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 & 15METAL DETECTING APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17CARE & MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18TREASURE HUNTER’S CODE OF ETHICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19WARRANTY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACK COVER The BOUNTY HUNTER PIONEER series of metal detectors is notassociated or connected in any way with Pioneer Corporation or itsPIONEER brand audio and video products or other products.2The following terms are used throughout the manual, and are standard terminology among detectorists.ELIMINATIONReference to a metal being "eliminated" means that the detector will not emit a tone, nor light up an LCD indicator, when a specified object passes through the coil’s detection field.DISCRIMINATIONWhen the detector emits different tones for different types of metals, and when the detector "eliminates" certain metals, we refer to this as the detector "discriminating"among different types of metals. Discrimination is a fixed-start-point elimination system. NOTCHNotching is the elimination of an item, or range of items, within the metallic spectrum.We "notch-out" an object selectively. Objects to the left and right on the metallic spectrum are retained. Notching creates a variable rejection window.RELICA relic is an object of interest by reason of its age or its association with the past.Many relics are made of iron, but can also be made of bronze or precious metals. IRONIron is a common, low-grade metal that is often an undesirable target in certain metal detecting applications. Examples of undesirable iron objects are old cans, pipes, bolts, and nails.Sometimes, the desired target is made of iron. Property markers, for instance, can contain iron. Valuable relics can also be composed of iron; cannon balls, old armaments, and parts of old structures and vehicles can also be composed of iron.FERROUSMetals which are made of, or contain, iron.PINPOINTINGPinpointing is the process of finding the exact location of a buried object. Long-buried metals can appear exactly like the surrounding earth, and can therefore be very hard to isolate.PULL-TABSDiscarded pull-tabs from beverage containers are the most bothersome trash items for treasure hunters. They come in many different shapes and sizes. We have incorporated special features into the detector to let you automatically eliminate the most common types, using the AutoNotch Mode. Since there are many different types, some must be "Notched-Out" manually.GROUND BALANCEGround Balancing is the ability of the detector to ignore, or "see through," the earth’s naturally occurring minerals, and only sound a tone when a metal object is detected. WATERPROOFThe search coil can be submerged in water. The control housing and cable-to-housing connection must, however, stay dry.COINSHOOTINGFinding buried coins is the most popular metal detecting application. The most valuable are very old; take care in unearthing them to avoid damage.CACHE HUNTINGPronounced “cash”. A cache is a buried or hidden valuable stored inside a case, strong box, or bag.3Assembly is easy and requires no tools.GPosition detector upright.GRotate the LOCKING COLLAR fully in a counter clockwise direction.GInsert your finger inside the tube and make sure the INTERNAL CAM LOCK is flush with the inside of the tube.GInsert the LOWER STEM into the S-ROD.GRotate the LOWER STEM until the SILVER BUTTON locates in the hole.GTwist the LOCKING COLLAR fully in the clockwise direction until it locks.GIf your detector has 3 tubes and 2 locking collars, repeat this process on the Middle Stem.GPosition the Lower Stem (the straight tube) with the Silver Button toward the back. Using the Bolt and Knurled Knob, attach the Searchcoil to the plastic extension protruding from the Lower Stem.GPress the button on the upper end of the Lower Stem, and slide the Lower Stem into the S-Rod.GStem.GCaution:T the plug.IMPORTANT:Always use ALKALINE batteries only.Do not use heavy duty batteries.Always remove the batteries for prolonged storage.CHECK THE BATTERIES if your detector exhibits any of the following symptoms:G The unit does not turn on.G Low speaker volume.G Unit beeps continuously or erratically.The Low Battery indicator light will come on and stay on whenever the batteries need replacing. It should flash momentarily when the Power Switch is turned off. The flashing indicator tells you that your batteries are in good condition.IMPORTANT:Your Pioneer 202 metal detector requires two 9-Volt ALKALINE batteries.Follow these steps to install the batteries. ArrayGGGplace.6TURNING ON YOUR DETECTORTurn the left knob (SENSITIVITY) to the right. As the knob clicks to the "On" position, the detector sounds three beeps, the LCD arrows appear momentarily, and the unit pre-sets to the DISC/ALL METAL mode of operation. SET THE MODE1. ALL METALA. Press the DISC/ALL METAL touchpadB. Turn the right knob (DISC/NOTCH) to the left.The unit will emit sound when passing over all types of metal objects.The ALL METAL mode offers the greatest depth detection capability.2. DISCRIMINATEA. Press the DISC/ALL METAL touchpadB. Slowly turn the right knob (DISC/NOTCH) clockwise.As you turn the knob clockwise the detector will first eliminate small iron objects such as nails. When rotated clockwise, large iron objects are eliminated, followed by trash items such as foil and aluminum.3. NOTCHPress the NOTCH touchpad, and the detector will automatically reject iron.Turn the DISC/NOTCH knob clockwise for selective elimination of various junk items while still detecting nickels, silver and copper coins, and small gold items. NOTCH eliminates medium tone trash items while still detecting valuable low and high tone metals. (audio tone ID is discussed later).4. AUTO NOTCHPress the AUTO NOTCH touchpad, and the detector will automatically reject iron and most pull-tabs. Nickels and most small gold rings will be retained. The DISC/NOTCH knob creates a rejection "window" which can be moved as it is turned clockwise. With this mode, you can reject screw caps and zinc (post 1982) pennies as the DISC/NOTCH control is turned clockwise, but still detect valuables with low and high tones. Note: If you are not sure of your current mode setting, simply press the desired touch-pad again.8READING THE DISPLAYThe Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) shows the PROBABLE identification of the targeted metal, as well as the PROBABLE depth of the target, in inches.Pass the searchcoil repeatedly over a target, and observe the target readout. The detector will register a repeated, unchanging target identification when a buried target has been located and identified. If, upon repeated passes over the same spot, the target identification reads inconsistently, the target is probably a trash item, or oxidized metal. With practice, you will learn to unearth only the repeatable signals.The segment identifications are highly accurate, when detecting the objects described on the label. For example, if you pass the coil repeatedly over a nickel, your detector will repeatedly register a nickel. However, if you repeatedly register a nickel, for an unknown buried object, you could be detecting some other metallic object with the same magnetic signature as a nickel.GOLD TARGETS Gold objects will register on the left side of the LCD scale. Gold flakes will register under Iron/Foil Small gold items will register under Pull T ab.Medium-sized gold items will register under S-caps.Large gold items will register as Zinc 1¢. SILVER TARGETS:Silver objects will register to the right of the scale, under 25¢, 50¢, or $1, depending on the size of the object. The larger the object, the farther to the right it will register.IRON/FOIL:All sizes of iron and aluminum objects will register on the far-left side of the scale. This could indicate a worthless item such as a nail, or a more valuable historic iron relic. PULL TAB:All older pull tabs from beverage cans will register here. Most newer pull tabs will register here. Many gold rings will also register here.S-CAPS:Older screw caps from glass bottles will register here. Large gold rings, like a class ring, could also register here. Some non-U.S. coins of recent vintage will also register here.1¢ ZINC:Newer pennies (post-1982) will register here. Many non-U.S. coins of recent vintage will also register here. 10¢:Dimes and pre-1982 pennies will register here. Older, pre-1982, pennies are composed of copper, which has a metallic signature similar to a dime. Caution:The target indications are visual references. Many other types of metal can fall under any one of these categories. You will experience a trash-to-treasure ratio when treasure hunting. The more you practice, the lower you will push your trash-to-treasure ratio. While the Pioneer 202 will eliminate or indicate the presence of most common trash items, it is impossible to accurately classify ALL buried objects. The LCD provides a visual reference to minimize the detection of trash objects. By using the target ID in conjunction with discrimination control and the three-tone audio identification system (discussed later), you can further reduce the trash-to-treasure ratio.9NOTCH is most useful to “notch out”specific unwanted items. If you encounter certain bothersome trash items, program their rejection into your detector as follows:1)Turn the Disc/Notch knob 100%counterclockwise.2)Pass the undesirable object underthe searchcoil.3)Turn the Disc/Notch knob slowlyclockwise until the object is no longer detected.Use the NOTCH mode for coin-shooting, jewelry hunting, or for your own AUTO NOTCH mode, iron, most pull tabs, and screw caps are automatically eliminated.In addition, you can turn the Disc/Notch control to selectively eliminate more items beyond the pre-programmed ones. The Disc/Notch control operates in this mode in the same manner as outlined in the NOTCH mode instructions, except that AUTO NOTCH does not eliminate the more valuable nickels.Use AUTO NOTCH for press-and-go treasure hunting in applications like coin-shooting, and jewelry hunting.USING HEADPHONESUsing headphones (not included) improves battery life, and prevents the sounds from annoying bystanders.It also allows you to hear subtle changes in the sound more clearly, particularly if searching in a noisy location. For safety reasons, do not use headphones near traffic or where other dangers are present. This device is to be used with interconnecting cables/headphone cables shorter than three meters.12MEDIUM TONE Old & New Pull Tabs, ZincIf a signal does not repeat after swingingthe coil directly overthe suspected target afew times, it is morethan likely trashmetal. False signalscan be caused bytrashy ground,electricalinterference,or by largeirregulartrashACTUALLYCOINSHOOTING:The most popular metal detecting application. When coinshooting, you want to discriminate out pull tabs, screw caps, and iron objects. Beware that highly oxidized steel may also be detected.Control settings required.1) Press DISC/ALL METAL touch pad.2) Turn the Disc/Notch Knob to the 3:00 position.RELIC HUNTING:A relic is a historical object, sometimes of great value. Relics can be foundin abandoned homes, plowed fields or even your own backyard. Research the local library to learn of historical events or places in the area. You can then target your search to a specific area and gain valuable insight into your local history.Control settings required.1) Press DISC/ALL METAL touchpad.2) Turn the DISC/NOTCH knob 100% counterclockwise.Many relics are iron, so you do not want to discriminate. CACHE HUNTING:A cache, pronounced “cash” is a buried or hidden valuable stored inside acase, strong box, or bag. A cache can be hidden in the floor or walls of a house, or buried nearby. Operate in the ALL METAL mode.Control settings required.1) Press DISC/ALL METAL touchpad.2) Turn the DISC/NOTCH knob 100% counterclockwise. JEWELRY HUNTING:Jewelry can be found wherever people congregate. Beaches, parks, school yards and fair grounds are all littered with lost jewelry. Your greatest challenge is the interference from pull tabs and cans. You must use a discrimination mode: AUTO NOTCH is best.Control settings required.1) Press the AUTO NOTCH touchpad.2) Set Disc/Notch knob at 2:00. Dig only the repeatable low and hightones, avoid the broken or non-repeatable tones.OTHER APPLICATIONS:Use your Pioneer 202 to find property markers, machine parts, and lost keys. Keep your detector in ALL-METAL mode for these tasks.Gold prospecting also requires the ALL-METAL mode.1617TREASURE HUNTER’S CODE OF ETHICS:• Always check Federal, State, County and local laws before searching.• Respect private property and do not enter private property without the owner’s permission.• Take care to refill all holes and leave no damage.• Remove and dispose of any and all trash and litter found.• Appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife and private property.• Act as an ambassador for the hobby, use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times.• Never destroy historical or archaeological treasures.• All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set; always conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration of othersAccording to FCC part 15.21 Changes or Modifications made to this device not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate this equipment.Copyright ©2012 by First Texas Products, L.L.C.All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or parts thereof, in any form, except for theinclusion of brief quotations in a review.Published by First Texas Products, L.L.C.Bounty Hunter® is a registered trademark of First Texas Products, L.L.C.The BOUNTY HUNTER PIONEER series of metal detectors is not associated or connected in any way with Pioneer Corporation or its PIONEER brand audio and video products or other products.First Texas Products, LLC1465-H Henry BrennanEl Paso, TX 79936(915) 633-835419ACCESSORIESCarry BagRugged double-stitched construction - CBAG-WPouch & Digger ComboPouch with 2 large pockets & 9” heavy duty digging tool. TP-KIT-WBounty Hunter Stereo HeadphonesUse with Bounty Hunter metal detectors. Lightweight and adjustable withtrue stereo sound, adjustable volume, 1/8 jack with 1/4 adaptor,4’ cable. HEAD-WPin PointerPinpoints the exact location of buried metal objects. Audio signal indicatorand vibrator. Runs on 1 – 9-Volt Battery. PIN POINTER-WSand ScoopLarge scoop with filtering holes.Made of strong plastic. SAND SCOOPBHReplacement/Accessory Search Coils10” Magnum Coil – 10COIL8” Replacement Standard Coil – 8COIL-N4” Gold Nugget Coil – 4COILCoil CoversProtect your coil from abrasion and damage.10” Coil Cover – 10COVER8” Coil Cover – 8COVER-N4” Coil Cover – 4COVER9” Heavy-Duty Digging ToolMetal blade with comfortable plastic handle and depth gauge TROWEL-2Digging ToolLight and practical wide blade digging tool. TROWEL-WBounty Hunter T-Shirt100% cotton with Bounty Hunter® Logo. Sizes – LG, XL & XXLBounty Hunter Baseball CapOne size fits all, with Bounty Hunter® logo.GoldProspecting KitsFOR COMPLETE DETAILS VISIT • 1-800-413-4131 M202B Rev.2092712。

Pelco C20-DW系列数字日间夜间宽动态范围CCD摄像机说明书

Pelco C20-DW系列数字日间夜间宽动态范围CCD摄像机说明书

C3906 / REVISED 6-15-12International Standards Organization Registered Firm;ISO 9001 Quality SystemC20-DW Series Analog Day/Night WDR Camera1/3-INCH CCD, 650 TVL WITH HIGH SENSITIVITY, TRUE DAY/NIGHT (ICR), WDR Product Features•Wide Dynamic Range •650 TV Lines •High Sensitivity•Day/Night with Automatic or Manual Control •1/3-Inch Format CCD Imager •Digital Signal Processing •CS Lens Mount•Autosensing DC Drive Auto Iris•Automatic/Manual White Balance Settings for Difficult Lighting Situations •Selectable Automatic Gain Control •Advanced Backlight Compensation•Autosensing Power (24 VAC/12 VDC with Selectable AC Line Lock/Internal Synchronization)•3D Digital Noise Reduction (DNR)•Privacy Zones•Built-in Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Output •Motion Detection •Camera Titles•Built-in Coaxitron ®, RS-485 Pelco D ProtocolThe C20-DW Series is Pelco’s full-featured digital day/night wide dynamic range (WDR) CCD camera. Its WDR technology provides 120dB dynamic range and produces superior images over a range of lighting conditions, including extreme backlight conditions. Its day/night technology provides outstanding performance in low lighting conditions. The camera uses a removable infrared (IR) cut filter to switch between color and black-white (B-W) modes as environmental lighting conditions change and as the need for infrared sensitivity is realized.The C20-DW Series is an ultra high resolution digital camera with 650 TVL of resolution and 0.13 lux minimum illumination. Camera features include autosensing power (24 VAC or 12 VDC with AC line lock or internal synchronization) and automatic gain control (AGC).The C20-DW Series includes automatic white balance (AWB) for difficult lighting situations, digital noise reduction, and backlight compensation (BLC) that adjusts the picture to prevent objects from appearing dark due to a strong backlight. The C20-DW Series also uses slow electronic shutter technology to improve the illumination performance for low-light environments.The C20-DW Series has built-in analytical capabilities including privacy zones, motion detection, and camera titles that add to its functionality. These fine-tuning features are easily set using the on-screen menus.The C20-DW Series is quick and easy to install. The camera is also featured in Pelco’s DomePak ® and ImagePak ® fixed camera dome/enclosure packages. The optional C10-UM wall/ceiling/rail mount kit offers easy installation in many nonenclosure applications,for all models.The C20-DW Series has a standard CS lens mount and can be used with fixed, manual, or auto iris (DC drive) lenses. The iris is controlled through a standard 4-pin square connector that is included on all Pelco auto iris lenses.On-screen configurable menus can be accessed locally using the rear panel button or remotely using any Pelco controller with Pelco D or Coaxitron ® protocol. Use these menus to select a specific profile, to customize and save camera settings for the specific application, and trigger alarm out functions.The C20-DW Series is equipped with configurable alarm in and alarm out functions for external devices such as IR lighting control,wiper operation, and local alerting upon alarm of an external device.The C20-DW Series from Pelco is ideal for critical security applications requiring the best analog images in all types of lighting and system configurations.C20-DW(LENS NOT SUPPLIED WITH CAMERA)Pelco by Schneider Electric3500 Pelco Way, Clovis, California 93612-5699 United States USA & Canada Tel (800) 289-9100 Fax (800) 289-9150International Tel +1 (559) 292-1981 Fax +1 (559) MODELSC20-DW-61/3-inch CCD high resolution day/night WDR camera, 24 VAC or 12 VDC, NTSC format C20-DW-6X 1/3-inch CCD high resolution day/night WDR camera, 24 VAC or 12 VDC, PAL formatC20-DW-7X1/3-inch CCD high resolution day/night WDR camera, 220 VAC, PAL formatGENERALImaging Device Sony ® 1/3-inch Super HAD CCD II ™ 960H Signal Processing Sony new digital signal processor, Effio-P ™Dynamic Range 120 dBDay/Night Operation Day Infrared (IR) cut filterNight BK-7 glass, same optical displacement as day modePicture Elements NTSC 976 (H) x 494 (V), approx. 480k PAL976 (H) x 582 (V), approx. 570k Sensing Area 4.7 x 3.5 mm (3/16 x 1/8-inch)Scanning System NTSC 525 lines, 2:1 interlace PAL625 lines, 2:1 interlace Synchronization System AC line lock/Internal Horizontal Resolution 650TV lines Auto Iris Lens Type DC driveElectronic Shutter Range NTSCAuto, 1/60 to 1/100,000 sec;Manual, 1/60 to 1/10,000 secPAL Auto, 1/50 to 1/100,000 sec;Manual, 1/50 to 1/10,000 secNOTE: Slow shutter support is 2X to 128X.Sensitivity Color20ms, PAL; 17ms, NTSC 0.13 lux, f/1.2, 30 IRE 500ms 0.03 lux, f/1.2, 30 IRE Mono20ms, PAL; 17ms, NTSC 0.05 lux, f/1.2, 30 IRE 500ms 0.00004 lux, f/1.2, 30 IRE Signal-to-Noise Ratio 48 dB (>52 dB by parameter adjustment)Automatic Gain Control Off/on up to 36 dB, 16 levels configurable Backlight Compensation Yes White Balance ATW/push lock/manual/anti-CR/user2/user/pushColor Correction With white balance Video Output 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms Auto White Balance Range 2,500° to 9,500°K Noise Reduction (DNR)3D Color Correction Adaptive Privacy Zones Yes, 15 sizable windows Motion Detection Yes, four areas sensitivity selectable Camera Titles Yes, up to 20 characters Digital Zoom 255X Image Stabilization Yes, (under 10Hz)Scene Learning/Analytics Yes (defocusing, camera tamper)Remote Access RS-485 and Coaxitron Alarm Input 1Alarm Output 1ELECTRICALPower Requirement C20-DW-6 12 VDC/24 VAC +10% to –15%, 60 Hz C20-DW-6X 12 VDC/24 VAC +10% to –15%, 50 Hz C20-DW-7X220 VAC +10% to –15%, 50 HzPower ConsumptionC20-DW-6 /C20-DW-6X 4.5 W C20-DW-7X 5.5 WPower Connector 2-pin terminal block with push lock, or line cord on 220 VAC models Video Connector BNCAuto Iris Connector4-pin connector (miniature square)MECHANICALLens Mount CS mountCamera Mount1/4-inch UNC-20 screw, top or bottom of camera housingENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature –10° to 55°C (14° to 131°F)Storage Temperature –20° to 60°C (–4° to 140°F)Operating Humidity 20% to 90%, noncondensing Storage Humidity20% to 90%, noncondensingPHYSICALDimensions (includes BNC)108 x 60 x 55 mm(4.25" L x 2.36" W x 2.17" H)Weight (without lens) C20-DW-6/C20-DW-6X 0.30 kg (0.66 lb)C20-DW-7X 0.45 kg (0.99 lb)Shipping WeightC20-DW-6/C20-DW-6X 0.55 kg (1.21 lb)C20-DW-7X0.60 kg (1.32 lb)CERTIFICATIONS•CE, Class B•FCC, Class B •UL/cUL ListedRECOMMENDED MOUNTSC10-UMC10 series universal wall/ceiling/rail mount kitRECOMMENDED POWER SUPPLIESTF2000Power supply for one 24 VAC camera, 20 VA MCS Series Multiple 24 VAC camera power supply, indoor WCS SeriesSingle/multiple 24 VAC camera power supply, outdoorRECOMMENDED LENSES13VA/13VD Series Varifocal lenses, 1/3-inch format; 13VA (manual iris); 13VD (auto iris, DD)13ZD SeriesMotorized zoom lenses, 1/3-inch format (auto iris, DD)Pelco, the Pelco logo, and other trademarks associated with Pelco products referredto in this publication are trademarks of Pelco, Inc. or its affiliates. All other product names and services are the property of their respective companies.Product specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.©Copyright 2012, Pelco, Inc. All rights reserved.。

OLC OLCT 100 气体检测仪 说明书

OLC OLCT 100 气体检测仪 说明书

OLC/OLCT 100 气体检测仪使用手册爆炸性气体,毒气及氧气检测仪英思科奥德姆 (Industrial Scientific)公司2010版权所有保留所有权利。




英思科奥德姆公司Rue OrfilaZ.I. Est– BP 20417F–62027 ARRAS Cedex电话: +33 (0)3 21 60 80 80传真: +33 (0) 3 21 60 80 002OLC(T)100用户手册内容第1 章 (7)0| 介绍用途 7.................................................................................................7 工作原理检测仪构成...........................................................................................................7 内部元件...............................................................................................................8 标识符. (9)第2 章 (11)| 工作范围OLC100 和 OLCT100系列工作范围................................................................11 OLCT100 工作范围 (传导型) (12)第3 章 (13)| 安装所需设备.............................................................................................................13 电源 .............................................................................................................13 信号变送.............................................................................................................14 检测仪位置.........................................................................................................14 检测仪固定.........................................................................................................14 连接电缆.............................................................................................................15 接线 .............................................................................................................16 使用范围. (19)第4 章 (21)| 校准所需设备.............................................................................................................21 调试 .............................................................................................................21 稳定时间.............................................................................................................21 打开机盖.............................................................................................................22 校准OLC100.......................................................................................................23 校准OLCT100. (25)第5 章 (30)| 定期保养维护频率.............................................................................................................30 措施 . (30)第6 章 (32)| 维护内容3检查电流 (32)4 OLC(T)100用户手册可能的错误........................................................................................................34 更换传感器模块................................................................................................35 校准套装工具. (36)第7章 (38)|附件防爆电缆接头 (40)第8章 ......................................................................41 |备品备件第9章 ....................................................43 | CE 标准符合性声明第10章 (45)|技术规范外型尺寸............................................................................................................45 整机参数........................................................................................................... 46 催化式探头(OLCT100 XP)...............................................................................47 毒气探头(OLCT100 XP 和 OCLT100 IS).........................................................49 半导体探头(OLCT100 XP)...............................................................................51 红外探头(OLCT100 XP-IR) (52)第11 章 (53)|在爆炸性环境中使用和操作安全的特别指导说明 ............................................................................................................53 可燃气体检测计量性能.....................................................................................54 螺纹接口............................................................................................................54 操作安全............................................................................................................54 数据可靠性........................................................................................................55 本安型"ia"保护模式的检测仪.. (55)感谢您选择奥德姆仪器。


勾选“测量属性”可以重新打开测量属性窗口,请注意,此功能必须在 Dino-lite 显微镜连接电脑时才可以使用。
当我们在做测量的时候,「锁点功能」可以迅速的帮我们找到已经测量过的直 线上的两 个端点以及中心点,以及已经测量过的圆形的中心点;此功能可运用 在测量两条直线间 的距离,或者两个圆之间的角度,距离等;打开「锁点功能 」后,将鼠标点选测量小图 标(比如直线),再将鼠标移到已经测量过的直线 ,鼠标在找到中心点或者两个端点之 后会(内有小点的蓝色正方形 )显示位 置如下图所示。
连接 IP Dino-lite 或者 Dino-Eye
根据 Windows 操作系统来选择最适合的语言。
设定预览窗口模式 最大化(显示工具)=将预览窗口的预设值设为最大。 全屏(不显示工具)=将预览窗口的预设值设为全屏不显示工具栏列表。
在照片预设储存格式下可以选择照片的模式为 BMP 或者 JPG,同时也可将照片 解析度 选为 96,180,240 或 300。
目录栏,说明目录栏中的每一个按钮的功能。 影像列工具,说明工具列中每一个按钮的作用。 预览窗口管理栏,说明预览窗口中的功能。 工具栏,说明工具栏上每一个按钮的操作。 预览窗口工具,说明如何使用各工具。 如何操作及使用步骤 如何运用键盘操作软件。 鼠标控制 – 如何有效使用鼠标执行每一功能。 测量属性 – 记录所有测量资料。 相机调整 – 说明如何使用影像设定。 照片调整 – 说明如何使用照片设定。 打开文件夹 – 说明如何打开照片文件夹。

萤石 智能锁 执手系列-DL20系列 CS-DL20VC-WBCPA-CgMH 使用说明书

萤石 智能锁 执手系列-DL20系列 CS-DL20VC-WBCPA-CgMH 使用说明书

123679装箱清单首次使用8设置锁菜单介绍10操作说明21使用锁27添加至“萤石云视频”28维护与保养30附录声明上门安装服务操作与管理开门安装指导技术参数3736售后服务支持版权声明使用须知产品简介使用须知. . . . . . . 萤石智能门锁(以下简称为“锁”)作为高科技产品,安装的好坏直接影响到门锁的正常操作及使用寿命,建议您请有智能锁安装经验的师傅进行安装,并根据产品附件中门板开孔图样板进行开孔,凿支承窝,确认所开凿的孔准确无误,然后严格按照本手册中的步骤进行操作,如果安装后发现锁有任何异常,请及时和当地的经销商或本公司的售后服务部门联系,以便快速解决问题。











1IEC Appliance Inlet C20 with Circuit Breaker TA35 1-poleSee below:Approvals and CompliancesC2070° CDescription- Panel mount :Snap-in version from front side - 2 Functions :Appliance Inlet , Protection class I , Circuit breaker type TA35 , 1-pole - Quick connect terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mmCharacteristics- Unwired- Switch non-illuminated or illuminated- Suitable for use in equipment according to IEC/UL 60950Other versions on request- Pre-wired version- Quick connect terminals 4.8 x 0.8 mm - Protection class II, 70°CReferences Alternative: version for 10 A (15 A) 6135 Substitute for type 1624-KWeblinkspdf datasheet , html-datasheet , General Product Information , Distributor-Stock-Check , Accessories , Detailed request for product , Landing PageNewly available variants corresponding to V-Lock mating cordset. The connector is equipped with a notch intended for use with the latching cordset. The cord latching system prevents against accidental removal of the cordset.T echnical DataRatings IEC16 A / 250 VAC; 50 Hz Ratings UL/CSA 20 A / 250 VAC; 60 Hz Dielectric Strength> 2.5 kVAC between L-N > 3 kVAC between L/N-PE (1 min/50 Hz)Allowable Operation Tempe-rature-25 °C to 60 °CIP-Protection from front side IP 40 acc. to IEC 60529Insulation cover Suitable for appliances with protection class I acc. to IEC 61140TerminalQuick connect terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm Panel Thickness S Snap-in: 1.5/2/2.5 mmMaterial: HousingThermoplastic, black, UL 94V-0appliance inlet/-outletC20 acc. to IEC 60320-1,UL 60320-1, CSA C22.2 no. 60320-1 (for cold conditions) pin-temperature 70 °C, 16 A, Protection Class ICircuit BreakersAcc. IEC/EN 60934, UL 1077, CSA 22.2 no. 2351-pole rocker switch, illuminated or non-illuminated.Conditional short circuit Inc: 2000 AApprovals and CompliancesDetailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about ApprovalsApprovalsThe approval mark is used by the testing authorities to certify compliance with the safety requirements placed on electronic products. Approval Reference T ype: 6136Approval LogoCertificates Certification Body DescriptionVDE Approvals VDE Certificate Number: 40025196UL Approvals ULUL File Number: E96454CQC ApprovalsCQCCCC Certificate Number: 2015180204000153Product standardsProduct standards that are referencedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned according to IEC 60320-1Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposesDesigned according to UL 60320-1Standard for Attachment Plugs and ReceptaclesDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 60320-1General Use Receptacles, Attachment Plugs, and Similar Wiring Devices Application standardsApplication standards where the product can be usedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned for applications acc.IEC/UL 60950IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of informationtechnology equipment.CompliancesThe product complies with following Guide LinesIdentification Details Initiator DescriptionCE declaration of conformity SCHURTER AG The CE marking declares that the product complies with the applicablerequirements laid down in the harmonisation of Community legislation onits affixing in accordance with EU Regulation 765/2008.RoHS SCHURTER AG EU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EUChina RoHS SCHURTER AG The law SJ / T 11363-2006 (China RoHS) has been in force since 1 March2007. It is similar to the EU directive RoHS.REACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as"REACH") entered into force.MicrositeV-Lock SCHURTER AG V-Lock system are based on a matching plug-dose combination. Theconnector is equipped with a notch intended for use with the latchingcordset. The cord latching system prevents against accidental removal ofthe cordset.Dimensions [mm]23Diagramsnon-illuminatedPE 1)2)1) Line 2) Loadilluminated (connection N' to L)N PE 1)2)1) Line 2) Load45Technical data (continued)Circuit breakerTripping characteristics I n < 3 ATripping characteristics I n > 3 ... 20 AE ect of ambient temperatureThe unit is calibrated for an ambient temperature of +23 °C. Todetermine the rated current for lower or higher ambient temperature, use a correction factor from the table below.* AmbientCorrection factor temperature [°C] –25 0.79–20 0.81 0 0.90 +23 1.00 +40 1.03 +50 1.04+601.06* Temperature must be measured at the rear of the breakernext to the terminals after equipment operating tempera-ture has been reached.Example:Rated current at +23 °C 10 A Ambient temperature +60 °C Correction factor1.06Chosen rated current at +60 °C ambient temperature:10 A x 1.06 = 10.6 AOrder code (Order example)Multiple of rated current[ x I n ]T r i p p i n g t i m e10'00060[ min ]1051302010'00060[ sec [ min ]10513020]Multiple of rated current[ x I n ]T r i p p i n g t i m eMounting1 Snap-in s = 1.0 mm2 Snap-in s = 1.5 mm3 Snap-in s = 2.0 mm4 Snap-in s = 2.5 mmCord Retention 0 Without 1 V-LockTerminal PE1 Quick connect terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm Terminal N1 Quick connect 6.3 x 0.8 mm Terminal L1 Quick connect 6.3 x 0.8 mm4 Wire connection to circuit breakerPackaging unit 15 Pcs Mating Outlets/ConnectorsCategory / DescriptionConnector Overview completeIEC Connector C19, Rewireable, Straight4795IEC Connector C19, Rewireable, Angled4790Connector further types to 6136Power Supply Cord Overview completeCord Sets 16 A, Europlug, 2.5 m, Connector IEC C19, H05VV-F3G1.5, black6004.0395Cord Sets 16 A, Interconnection, 1.0 m, Connector IEC C19, H05VV-F3G1.5, black6020.0392Cord Sets 16 A, Interconnection, 2.0 m, Connector IEC C19, H05VV-F3G1.5, black6020.0394Cord Sets 16 A, North America, 2.5 m, Connector IEC C19, SJT 3x14 AWG, black6009.5195Power Supply Cord further types to 6136Mating Outlets/Connectors shutteredPower Cord Overview completeOverview Power Cord with IEC Appliance Connector C19, V-Lock, straight VAC19KSPower Cord further types to 6136The specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on currentinformation. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed19.9.2186。

Minolta美能达 SRT 200 201 202_相机说明书

Minolta美能达 SRT 200  201  202_相机说明书

...39 . .. 40

Superior through-the-lens exposure system o E x p o s u r e r e a d i n g sa r e t a k e n w i t h t h e l e n s a t f u l l a p e r t u r e f o r g r e a t e s tm e t e r i n g a c c u r a c y b r i g h t e s tv i e w i n g a n d f o c u s i n g . and clearest, o M e t e r a n d f o l l o w e r n e e d l e sv i s i b l e i n t h e v i e w f i n d e r s h o w c o r r e c t o r a d ju s t e d e x p o sure at a glance with any shutter-aperture combination. o Since only the light to strike the film is measured, there is no need to compensate for filters, greater-than-normal extension, and so on. o The exclusive CLC metering system como f s p o t a n d a v e r a g i n gt y p e s bines advantages t o y i e l d o p t i m u m e x p o s u r ew i t h o u t s p e c i a l a d j u s t m e n t s e v e n i n h i g h - c o n t r a s tl i g h t i n g situations. Direct-Contact "Hot Shoe" T h i s a c c e p t s e i t h e r c o r d l e s su n i t s o r c o n v e n tional ones with cords and provides X-type f l a s h s y n c hr o n i z a t i o n . World-renowned M ino MD or MC lenses operation with an SR-T, while any other interchangeable Rokkor ever made can be used with the stop-down method. Either way, you b e n e fi t f r o m t o p M i n o l t a q u a l i t y , c o m p u t e r design, and exclusive A c h r o m a t i cc o a t i n g . Comp lete system accessories A full line of over 150 quality Minolta and makes for maximum adapted Leitz accessories v e r s a t i l i t yw i t h y o u r S R - T . Added SR-T 201 features To the basic featuresabove, the 201 model a d d s a c o n v e n i e n t s e l f - t i m e r , s h u t t e r - s p e e dd i s p l a y i n t h e f i n d e r a n d a u s e f u lm e m o h o l d e r o n the back of the camera. Further SR-T 202 features The 2O2 offers the additional advantagesof m u l t i p l e - e x p o s u r ec a p a b i l i t y , M i n o l t a ' s e x c l u s i v e S a f e L o a d S i g n a lt h a t m o n i t o r s f i l m a l i g n m e n t a n d a d v a n c e ,p l u s a p e r t u r e r e a d o u t w h i l e

HBSC2 液态二氧化碳检测开关用户指南说明书

HBSC2 液态二氧化碳检测开关用户指南说明书

Quick guideHBSC2 - liquid CO2 switchFunctionality:The HBSC2 switch is made to detect liquid CO2 in refrigeration systems. If the HBSC2 is to be used in a different way, prior approval must be obtained from HB Products.Download complete manual:For further information please download the instruction manual from our homepage: www.hbproducts.dk .Caution :Only qualified personnel should work with the product. The technician must be aware of theconsequences of an improperly installed sensor, and must be committed to adhering to the applicable local legislation.HB Products – dedicated to optimal solutions for level measurement and control of oil and refrigerants.HB Products is a development-oriented company, which specialises in the development and production of sensors for industrial refrigeration systems. Apart from expertise within oil and refrigerant control, wehave great know-how in the design and optimisation of industrial refrigeration systems. This knowledge enables us to develop and produce the best sensors!Since its start more than 20 years ago, HB Products has attained a strong global position. This is the resultof our ability to think in terms of newtechnological solutions, create trustworthy products, and provide a high level of service.For further info and guidance please visit our homepagewww.hbproducts.dkMechanical installation Electrical installation Test of installation and troubleshootingMechanical specifications: Ambient temperature: -20…+50°C Liquid temperature: -30…+100°C Max. pressure: 150 bar Material, mechanical: AISI304/PTFE Thread connection: see packaging. Electrical specifications:Supply: 24 VDCCurrent draw: Max 50 mAPlug: DIN 43650Enclosure: IP65Material, electronics: Nylon 6 (PA).Testing of electronics can be conducted without de-pressurizing thesystem. Check the instruction manual for further information.Function and outputs:LED indication: 4 x LED (red)Liquid: CO2 liquid refrigerantTransistor output: NPN or PNPOutput function: NO or NC.Installation guide:In case the sensor is installed in a threaded sleeve/pipe stub, this should be welded at a 5-10° upwards angle relative to the horizontal, so as to prevent the formation of liquid pockets.The installation length of the sensor must be taken into account, since there must be at least 2mm between the sensor's mechanical part and other fixed or moving parts.Output types:HBSC2 can be delivered with a PNP or NPN output.The connection depends on the selected sensor type as wellas the type of controller/PLC used.LED activation:4 x red LEDs indicate liquidIrrespective of the output function NO/NC, LEDs are activated at CO2liquid level.Function of charge output on pin 3 & 4:NC: There should be no signal when it is in refrigerant.NO: There should be a signal when it is in refrigerant.Caution! In case of welding work on the unit, the electronic part must be removed. Welding work can damage the electronics. The mechanical part of the sensor must not be installed in the pipe socket during welding. Note! All terminals are protected against impropertermination with a supply voltage up to 40 V. If the supplyvoltage is greater than 40 V the electronics will be damaged.Note! LED is always activated when approx. half of the sensors iscovered or immersed in refrigerant, irrespective of the sensor's outputfunction NC/NO.Note! Fault detection on the electronic function can be carried outwithout releasing pressure from the system or disassembling themechanical part of the sensor.。







A)背斜B)裂隙C)断层答案:C解析:5.[单选题]通常可用 ( A ) 来判断污水是否适宜采用生物处理的方法来处理污 水。

A)BOD5/CODB)COD/BOD5C)COD+BOD5D)COD-BOD5答案:A解析:6.[单选题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院令493号)规定,造成3人以下死亡,或者10人以下重伤,或者1000万元以下直接经济损失的事故属( )事故。

A)一般B)较大C)重大7.[单选题]生产经营单位必须遵守安全生产法和其他有关安全生产的法律、法规、加强安全生产管理,建立健全安全生产责任制度,完善安全生产条件,确保( )。

A)生产正常进行B)完成生产经营任务C)安全生产D)增加生产经营效益答案:C解析:8.[单选题]锅炉用水处理包括锅外化学处理、锅内加药处理和( )。

A)回水处理B)锅炉防腐C)化学清洗D)汽水监督答案:A解析:9.[单选题]氢氧化钠作为水处理药剂,其作用之一是保持锅水的( ),防止锅炉腐蚀。

A)酸度B)碱度C)电离度D)氧含量答案:B解析:10.[单选题]原子间通过共用电子对(电子重叠)所形成的化学键叫做( )。

A)金属键B)离子键C)共价键D)配位键答案:C解析:11.[单选题]量取 15.00mL 的烧碱溶液,可以使用的仪器是 ( )。

A)碱式滴定管B)50mL 容量瓶C)50mL 量筒D)20mL 量筒答案:A解析:12.[单选题]( )用二乙氨基二硫代甲酸银分光光度法测定水中砷时,配制氯化亚锡溶 液时加入浓盐酸的作用是 ( )A)帮助溶解B)防止氯化亚锡水解C)调节酸度D)调节碱度答案:B准,其中 CODCr、BOD5、SS 标准分别为( )。

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2. 个版本的主要技术参数 ................................................................................................7
III. 各型号设备的安装.............................................................................................................7
* 插图、技术图纸、说明书和数据包括保密信息均归奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司所有 * 未经奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司批准,上述信息不可全部或包括物理的、电气的或者任意
部分以任意形式用于再生产、拷贝、泄密、转化以用于制造或出售奥德姆(OLDHAM) 公司的设备或交由其他任何个人使用。
* 本文档并非与合同绑定的文本,奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司保留进行任何修改而不事先声 明包括由于硬件升级而修改的技术参数的权力。
2. OLCT20/20D 和 OLCT40/40D 变送器 .......................................................................9
2.1 标定..........................................................................................................................9
1. OLC20 和 OLCT20.......................................................................................................7
2. OLC20D 和 OLCT20D (远程传感器型) .....................................................................7
* 在使用仪器前请仔细阅读说明:该手册必须要由使用或将要使用、维护或维修的人员仔细 阅读。
* 仅当该仪器由奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司相关人员或者奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司授权的人 员来进行使用、维护、和修理,其性能水平才可能与说明书相一致。
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图. 1
第 3 页 共 16 页
OLC/OLCT 20 外形尺寸
A 电缆长度 0.4 m
图. 2
A OLC/OLCT 20D 外形尺寸 2 或 3 芯电缆长度 5, 10 或 15 m
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Email : Service@
法国奥德姆公司(北京) www.oldham.fr
第 5 页 共 16 页
目目 录录
I. OLC/OLCT20 系列探头简述...............................................................................................6
2 OLCT 20/20 D 和 OLCT40/40D 本安型传感器 ........................................................10
3. OLC20 和 OLC20D (远程传感器)防爆型传感器.....................................................11
2: E
3: D
OLDHAM 控制 探头或变送

C 地线屏蔽
பைடு நூலகம்
D 电源 + 极
E 电源 - 极
F 信号 (I)
+ -
B 变送器
3 +
D 1 -E
A 图8
C 地线屏蔽
D 电源 + 极
E 电源 - 极
A 控制单元
B 变送器
C 防爆栅
3. OLCT 40..........................................................................................................................7
4. OLCT 40D (远程传感器型) ...........................................................................................7
3.1 : 防爆型变送器 (d).................................................................................................8
3.2 : 本安型变送器(i)....................................................................................................8
2. 2 线型...........................................................................................................................8
3. 说明书中特定使用区域分类说明.................................................................................8
VI. 备件列表.........................................................................................................................10
1 OLCT 20/20 D 和 OLCT40/40D 的防爆传感器 ........................................................10
* 奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司不允许任何未经认可的公司、个人或法人行使奥德姆(OLDHAM) 公司的权利甚至包括销售奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司的产品。
l 除奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司专门对用户制造的或者是由奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司为用 户选择的产品外,奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司并不对从出售直至使用产品而造成的任何直 接的或者是间接的损坏,或者是法律判定的损失负有任何责任。
第 2 页 共 16 页
感谢您选择法国奥德姆 (OLDHAM S.A.)的仪器。 我们做出的每一次改进都是为了使该仪器能够持续为您提供安 全的保证。 在使用仪器前请仔细阅读该产品手册。
* 奥德姆(OLDHAM)公司拒绝对所有非正常使用、安装或储存该仪器设备过程中因并未 按操作手册的要求和规则进行操作而造成人员伤亡的赔偿。
1. 概述 ................................................................................................................................6
2. 各版本探头主要技术参数 ............................................................................................6
图. 3
OLC/OLCT 20 D 固定支撑件外形尺寸
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法国奥德姆公司(北京) www.oldham.fr
第 4 页 共 16 页
II. OLCT40/OLCT40D 系列简述 ...........................................................................................7
1. 概述 ................................................................................................................................7
V 维护 .......................................................................................................................................8
1. OLC20 和 OLC20D 型探头 .........................................................................................8
OLCT20 – OLCT 40