李开复TED演讲稿双语版I'm going to talk about how AI and mankind can coexist, but first, we have to rethink about our human values. So let me first make a confession about my errors in my values.我将会谈谈人工智能和人类如何能够共存,但首先,我们需要重新思考人文价值。
It was 11 o'clock, December 16, 1991. I was about to become a father for the first time. My wife, Shen-Ling, lay in the hospital bed going through a very difficult 12-hour labor. I sat by her bedside but looked anxiously at my watch, and I knew something that she didn't. I knew that if in one hour, our child didn't come, I was going to leave her there and go back to work and make a presentation about AI to my boss, Apple's CEO. Fortunately, my daughter was born at 11:30 --那时是1991年12月16日的11时。
2019年英文passion演讲稿篇一:passion演讲稿AWordThatHasChangedtheWorld——Passion,yourinnerfireLadiesandGentlemen,it’smyhonortobeheretodaytogiveyouthisspeech.WhenIlearnedthetopicofourspeech,aremarkmadebySteveJobs,theC hiefExecutiveofAppleCompanyoccurredtomymind.Theremarkis"web elievethatpeoplewithpassioncanchangetheworldforthebetter."A nditisthispetitionthatletsmethinkabouttherolepassionhasplay edthroughoutourlivesandwhatpassionmeanstotheworld.Yes,Ibeli evepeoplewithpassioncanchangetheworld!Lostinmymind,IseethepassionfromMartinLutherKinghasfinallyhe lpedthemwintheracialdiscriminationstruggle.Thepassionledthe moutofdark.AndVanGogh,atalentedyetunfortunatepainter,strike speopleallovertheworldwithsadness,sympathyandhopeexpressedu niquelyinhisworks,andmoreimportantly,hisgreatpassionabouthi scareerandlife.Moreover,Isee,AmericanpresidentBarackObamaaw okehispeople’shopebyhispassionatespeechandattitude,lightingtheroadduringthefinancialcrisis.Itishiswords“Yes,wecan!”thatshowsthewholeworldhispassionandinspiredhiswholecountry. Theydidhavechangedtheworldbytheirpassion!Passionisinallofus,andundeniablypartofwhoweare.Passionthen, ifonecanfinditwithinthemselvesaswellaswithintheworldaroundt hem,canofferthemeaningthatsomanypeoplefeelislackingintheirl ives.I’marathershypersonbynaturewhoeasilysuffersfromstagefright.In fact,Icouldhavestayedawayandhadaneasytime.Butmypassionforli femademeacceptthechallenge.NowhereIam.Evenifmyperformanceis n’tverygood,Iwillnotcallmyattemptafailure.Instead,I’llcelebrateitasatruesuccess.Becausepartofmygoalismyownchara ctertraining-todomoreassertive,tobebraveinfaceofdifficultie s.Everytryisameaningfulstepforward,smallasitis,inthelongjou rneytowardthefinalsuccessinmylife.Passionhaschangedme.Aslongasitcanchangeaperson,itwillchange theworld,sinceeveryonemakesadifference.Passionisthefireinyourheart.You,myfriend,alsohasthispassionwithinyou.It"whispers"toyouoccasionally,butinsomecasesitcri esout.Itcriesouttobelistenedtoandactedupon.Findyourinnerfire,andlivethatpassiondaily.Youwillbechanged, everyonewillbechanged,Ibelieve,then,thewholeworldwillbechan ged!Thankyou.篇二:演讲短片--《坚不可摧》中英文演讲稿你无法把点滴与未来联系,只能通过回顾才能看见。
英语演讲稿-Ken Robinson在Ted英语演讲:学校扼杀了学生的创造力?中英字幕+英语文本
英语演讲稿Ken Robinson在Ted英语演讲:学校扼杀了学生的创造力?中英字幕+英语文本Good morning. How are you? (Laughter) It’s been great, hasn’t it? I’ve been blown away by the whole thing. In fact, I’m leaving. (Laughter) There have been three themes running through the conference which are relevant to what I want to talk about. One is the extraordinary evidence of human creativity in all of the presentations that we’ve had and in all of the people here. Just the variety of it and the range of it. The second is that it’s put us in a place where we have no idea what’s going to happen, in terms of the future. No idea how this may play out.早上好. 还好吗?很好吧,对不对? 我已经飘飘然了! 我要飘走了.(笑声) 这次会议有三个主题这三个主题贯穿会议始终,并且和我要谈的内容有关其中之一就是人类创造力的伟大例证这些例证已经体现在之前的演讲当中以及在座各位的身上. 从这些例证中我们看到了创新的多样化和多领域. 第二点-- 这些创新也让我们意识到我们不知道未来会发生什么完全不知道未来会如何I have an interest in education. Actually, what I find is everybody has an interest in education. Don’t you? I find this very interesting. If you’re at a dinner party, and you say you work in education -- Actually, you’re not often at dinner parties, frankly. (Laughter) If you work in education, you’re not asked. (Laughter) And you’re never asked back, curiously. That’s strange to me. But if you are, and you say to somebody, you know, they say, “What do you do?” and you say you work in education, you can see the blood run from their face. They’re like, “Oh my God,” you know, “Why me?”(Laughter) “My one night out all week.” (Laughter) But if you ask about their education, they pin you to the wall. Because it’s one of those things that goes deep with people, am I right? Like religion, and money and other things. So I have a big interest in education, and I think we all do. We have a huge vested interest in it, partly because it’s education that’s meant to take us into this future that we can’t grasp. If you think of it, children starting school this year will be retiring in 2065. Nobody has a clue, despite all the expertise that’s been on parade for the past four days, what the world will look like in five years’ time. And yet we’re meant to be educating them for it. So the unpredictability, I think,is extraordinary.我对教育感兴趣事实上,我发现每个人都对教育感兴趣难道不是吗? 我发现这很有趣如果你参加一个晚宴,你说你在教育部门工作坦白的讲,如果你在教育部门工作,事实上你不会经常参加晚宴, (笑声) 所以你不会被问及你是做哪行的。
励志英语演讲稿2分钟6篇励志英语演讲稿2分钟 (1) The classmate of everyone, teacher: hello! Today, I want to lectureon the topic of "my ideal".Each person, has a very different ideal. If a person has no ideal,just like sailing on the sea ship didn't sail, so, a person's ideal isextremely important. In our students, some people want to be a teacher;Some people want to be a doctor; Some people want to be a police; Somepeople want to be the boss... And my ideal is when a famous writer, withsmall pen to write a good article.Why do I want to be a good writer? Because people in the joys andsorrows of life, can bring endless sigh. And write a good article is longand difficult, because to modify more, many somes of literary grace. Whenoneself hard to write a good article, is everyone admired, and confidenceto myself a lot of, feel is worth for the hard writing before, but no sweetwithout sweat.Of course, we are all love fantasy of his own bright future. And someof the students, just simply fantasy, no to ideal. I think, for their ownideals and efforts. I know the way the writer, the likelihood is rough,and is a famous writer? Therefore, I will study hard since I was a child,when the writer to lay a solid foundation for the future.I know that when the writer, the first to write articles have literarygrace. So, I'm going to this, we had a good word when reading, see thebeautiful words, do not hesitate to extract. Often took a look at and readit. Over time, just record in your mind deeply, literary grace is mucha few minutes.I also know that being a writer, "in the original life, above life", so I have also prepared a diary. Take out every night, just record the meaningful or interesting things. It's okay when double, can recall memories of the past, and write a composition, take out can also reference reference, better material into writing.A small poem, a short article, is is my childhood "little writers" little trace. And writing on "little writers" can add a lot of light. So, I will go forward to the front of the unknown, big step. Remember my ideal, struggle for it!各位同学、老师:大家好!今天,我要演讲的题目是《我的理想》。
必读的40本书籍:1、乔治·奥威尔《 1984 》《1984 》这部小说与英国作家赫胥黎的《美丽新世界》,以及俄国作家扎米亚京的《我们》并称反乌托邦的三部代表作。
奥威尔刻画了一个恐怖的、令人感到窒息的、以追逐权力为最终目标的假想的极权主义社会,揭示了任何形式下的极权主义必将导致人民甚至整个国家成为悲剧....2、斯蒂芬·霍金《时间简史》霍金的《时间简史》想必大家很熟悉了,很多人的书架上都有这么一本讲述探索时间和空间核心秘密的书籍,可以说这是关于宇宙本性的最前沿知识读物啦!3、戴夫·艾格斯《一个惊人天才的伤心之作》这本书重新定义了 21 世纪的家庭故事,这是一名大四学生的感人回忆录。
4、伊斯梅尔·比亚《长路漫漫:一个童兵的回忆》致力于提升儿童人权的 ishmael beah,娓娓道出 90 年代发生于狮子山共和国的险恶内战,描绘出童兵眼中战争的丑陋模样,以及他们如何被训练成杀人不眨眼的恶魔,又如何透过联合国儿童基金会的帮助脱离了械斗残杀的生活,学会原谅自己,最终重拾人性。
7、艾丽斯·门罗《 1968 - 1994 精选故事》这本书汇集了近 30 年的历史和背景,汇集了 28 个故事,展现了作者无与伦比的智慧和情感力量。
5 ways to kill your dreams(破坏梦想的五个办法)
5 ways to kill your dreamsWhy you should listen?BelPesce has worked at big technology companies —in atinternship at Microsoft, she led the team for Microsoft Touchlessand, as an intern at Google, she worked to improve the Google Translate system. She has alsoworked in finance, at Deutsche Bank, and helped launch several startups — most notably, thevideo platform Ooyala and Lemon Wallet, an app that replicates the contents of your wallet onyour phone. But for her latest venture, Pesce is looking to inspire. She has opened a school,FazINOVA, which is dedicated to helping students — both in live courses in Sao Paulo, Brazil, andonline —persevere toward their dreams. The school has grown tremendously since itsestablishment in 2013.Pesce, a TED Fellow, is also the author of three books: The Brazilian Girl from Silicon Valley,Superheroes: WANTED and The Girl from Silicon Valley 2. She has been named one of the "100most influential people of Brazil" by Época Magazine.I dedicated the past two years to understanding how people achieve their dreams. When we thinkabout the dreams we have, and the dent we want to leave in the universe, it is striking to see howbig of an overlap there is between the dreams that we have and projects that never happen. (Laughter) So I'm here to talk to you today about five ways how not to follow your dreams.One: Believe in overnight success. You know the story, right? The tech guy built a mobile app andsold it very fast for a lot of money. You know, the story may seem real, but I bet it's incomplete. Ifyou go investigate further, the guy has done 30 apps before and he has done a master's on thetopic, a Ph.D. He has been working on the topic for 20 years.This is really interesting, I myself have a story in Brazil that people think is an overnight success. Icome from a humble family, and two weeks before the deadline to apply to MIT, I started theapplication process. And, voila! I got in. People may think it's an overnight success, but that onlyworked because for the 17 years prior to that, I took life and education seriously. Your overnightsuccess story is always a result of everything you've done in your life through that moment.Two: Believe someone else has the answers for you. Constantly, people want to help out, right?All sorts of people: your family, your friends, your business partners, they all have opinions onwhich path you should take: "And let me tell you, go through this pipe." But whenever you goinside, there are other ways you have to pick as well. And you need to make those decisionsyourself. No one else has the perfect answers for your life. And you need to keep picking thosedecisions, right? The pipes are infinite and you're going to bump your head, and it's a part of theprocess.Three, and it's very subtle but very important: Decide to settle when growth is guaranteed. Sowhen your life is going great, you have put together a great team, and you havegrowingrevenue, and everything is set -- time to settle. When I launched my first book, I worked really,really hard to distribute it everywhere in Brazil. With that, over three million people downloaded it,over 50,000 people bought physical copies. When I wrote a sequel, some impact was guaranteed.Even if I did little, sales would be okay. But okay is never okay. When you're growing towards apeak, you need to work harder than ever and find yourself another peak. Maybe if I did little, acouple hundred thousand people would read it, and that's great already. But if I work harder thanever, I can bring this number up to millions. That's why I decided, with my new book, to go toevery single state of Brazil. And I can already see a higher peak. There's no time to settle down.Fourth tip, and that's really important: Believe the fault is someone else's. I constantly see peoplesaying, "Yes, I had this great idea, but no investor had the vision to invest." "Oh, I created thisgreat product, but the market is so bad, the sales didn't go well." Or, "I can't find good talent; myteam is so below expectations." If you have dreams, it's your responsibility to make them happen.Yes, it may be hard to find talent. Yes, the market may be bad. But if no one invested in your idea,if no one bought your product, for sure, there is something there that is your fault. (Laughter)Definitely. You need to get your dreams and make them happen. And no one achieved their goalsalone. But if you didn't make them happen, it's your fault and no one else's. Be responsible foryour dreams.And one last tip, and this one is really important as well: Believe that the only things that matterare the dreams themselves. Once I saw an ad, and it was a lot of friends, they were going up amountain, it was a very high mountain, and it was a lot of work. You could see that they weresweating and this was tough. And they were going up, and they finally made it to the peak. Ofcourse, they decided to celebrate, right? I'm going to celebrate, so, Yes! We made it, we're at thetop!" Two seconds later, one looks at the other and says, "Okay, let's go down." (Laughter) Life is never about the goals themselves. Life is about the journey. Yes, you should enjoy thegoals themselves, but people think that you have dreams, and whenever you get to reaching oneof those dreams, it's a magical place where happiness will be all around. But achieving a dream is amomentary sensation, and your life is not. The only way to really achieve all of your dreams is tofully enjoy every step of your journey. That's the best way.And your journey is simple -- it's made of steps. Some steps will be right on. Sometimes you willtrip. If it's right on, celebrate, because some people wait a lot to celebrate. And if you tripped, turnthat into something to learn. If every step becomes something to learn or something to celebrate,you will for sure enjoy the journey.So, five tips: Believe in overnight success, believe someone else has the answers for you, believethat when growth is guaranteed, you should settle down, believe the fault is someone else's, andbelieve that only the goals themselves matter. Believe me, if you do that, you will destroy yourdreams. (Laughter)Thank you.。
演说题目:勇敢,是度过难关的唯一方法演说者:艾许.贝克汉I'm going to talk to you tonight about coming out of the closet, and not in the traditional sense, not just the gay closet. I think we all have closets. Your closet may be telling someone you love her for the first time, or telling someone that you're pregnant, or telling someone you have cancer, or any of the other hard conversations we have throughout our lives. All a closet is is a hard conversation, and although our topics may vary tremendously, the experience of being in and coming out of the closet is universal. It is scary, and we hate it, and it needs to be done.Several years ago, I was working at the South Side Walnut Cafe, a local diner in town, and during my time there I would go through phases of militant lesbian intensity: not shaving my armpits, quoting Ani DiFranco lyrics as gospel. And depending on the bagginess of my cargo shorts and how recently I had shaved my head, the question would often be sprung on me, usually by a little kid:"Um, are you a boy or are you a girl?"And there would be an awkward silence at the table. I'd clench my jaw a little tighter, hold my coffee pot with a little more vengeance. The dad would awkwardly shuffle his newspaper andthe mom would shoot a chilling stare at her kid. But I would say nothing, and I would seethe inside. And it got to the point where every time I walked up to a table that had a kid anywhere between three and 10 years old, I was ready to fight. (Laughter) And that is a terrible feeling. So I promised myself, the next time, I would say something. I would have that hard conversation.So within a matter of weeks, it happens again."Are you a boy or are you a girl?"Familiar silence, but this time I'm ready, and I am about to go all Women's Studies 101 on this table. (Laughter) I've got my Betty Friedan quotes. I've got my Gloria Steinem quotes. I've even got this little bit from "Vagina Monologues" I'm going to do. So I take a deep breath and I look down and staring back at me is a four-year-old girl in a pink dress, not a challenge to a feminist duel, just a kid with a question: "Are you a boy or are you a girl?"So I take another deep breath, squat down to next to her, and say, "Hey, I know it's kind of confusing. My hair is short like a boy's, and I wear boy's clothes, but I'm a girl, and you know how sometimes you like to wear a pink dress, and sometimes you like to wear your comfy jammies? Well, I'm more of a comfy jammies kind of girl."And this kid looks me dead in the eye, without missing a beat, and says, "My favorite pajamas are purple with fish. Can I get a pancake, please?" (Laughter) And that was it. Just, "Oh, okay. You're a girl. How about that pancake?"It was the easiest hard conversation I have ever had. And why? Because Pancake Girl and I, we were both real with each other.So like many of us, I've lived in a few closets in my life, and yeah, most often, my walls happened to be rainbow. But inside, in the dark, you can't tell what color the walls are. You just knowwhat it feels like to live in a closet. So really, my closet is no different than yours or yours or yours. Sure, I'll give you 100 reasons why coming out of my closet was harder than coming out of yours, but here's the thing: Hard is not relative. Hard is hard. Who can tell me that explaining to someone you've just declared bankruptcy is harder than telling someone you just cheated on them? Who can tell me that his coming out story is harder than telling your five-year-old you're getting a divorce? There is no harder, there is just hard. We need to stop ranking our hard against everyone else's hard to make us feel better or worse about our closets and just commiserate on the fact that we all have hard. At some point in our lives, we all live in closets, and they may feel safe, or at least safer than what lies on the other side of that door. But I am here to tell you, no matter what your walls are made of, a closet is no place for a person to live.Thanks. (Applause)So imagine yourself 20 years ago. Me, I had a ponytail, a strapless dress, and high-heeled shoes. I was not the militant lesbian ready to fight any four-year-old that walked into the cafe.I was frozen by fear, curled up in the corner of my pitch-black closet clutching my gay grenade, and moving one muscle is the scariest thing I have ever done. My family, my friends, complete strangers -- I had spent my entire life trying to not disappoint these people, and now I was turning the world upside down on purpose. I was burning the pages of the script we had all followed for so long, but if you do not throw that grenade, it will kill you.One of my most memorable grenade tosses was at my sister's wedding. (Laughter) It was the first time that many in attendance knew I was gay, so in doing my maid of honor duties, in my black dress and heels, I walked around to tables and finallylanded on a table of my parents' friends, folks that had known me for years. And after a little small talk, one of the women shouted out, "I love Nathan Lane!" And the battle of gay relatability had begun."Ash, have you ever been to the Castro?""Well, yeah, actually, we have friends in San Francisco.""Well, we've never been there but we've heard it's fabulous.""Ash, do you know my hairdresser Antonio? He's really good and he has never talked about a girlfriend.""Ash, what's your favorite TV show? Our favorite TV show? Favorite: Will & Grace. And you know who we love? Jack. Jack is our favorite."And then one woman, stumped but wanting so desperately to show her support, to let me know she was on my side, she finally blurted out, "Well, sometimes my husband wears pink shirts." (Laughter)And I had a choice in that moment, as all grenade throwers do. I could go back to my girlfriend and my gay-loving table and mock their responses, chastise their unworldliness and their inability to jump through the politically correct gay hoops I had brought with me, or I could empathize with them and realize that that was maybe one of the hardest things they had ever done, that starting and having that conversation was them coming out of their closets. Sure, it would have been easy to point out where they felt short. It's a lot harder to meet them where they are and acknowledge the fact that they were trying. And what else can you ask someone to do but try? If you're going to be real with someone, you gotta be ready for real in return.So hard conversations are still not my strong suit. Ask anybody I have ever dated. But I'm getting better, and I followwhat I like to call the three Pancake Girl principles. Now, please view this through gay-colored lenses, but know what it takes to come out of any closet is essentially the same.Number one: Be authentic. Take the armor off. Be yourself. That kid in the cafe had no armor, but I was ready for battle. If you want someone to be real with you, they need to know that you bleed too.Number two: Be direct. Just say it. Rip the Band-Aid off. If you know you are gay, just say it. If you tell your parents you might be gay, they will hold out hope that this will change. Do not give them that sense of false hope. (Laughter)And number three, and most important -- (Laughter) Be unapologetic. You are speaking your truth. Never apologize for that. And some folks may have gotten hurt along the way, so sure, apologize for what you've done, but never apologize for who you are. And yeah, some folks may be disappointed, but that is on them, not on you. Those are their expectations of who you are, not yours. That is their story, not yours. The only story that matters is the one that you want to write. So the next time you find yourself in a pitch-black closet clutching your grenade, know we have all been there before. And you may feel so very alone, but you are not. And we know it's hard but we need you out here, no matter what your walls are made of, because I guarantee you there are others peering through the keyholes of their closets looking for the next brave soul to bust a door open, so be that person and show the world that we are bigger than our closets and that a closet is no place for a person to truly live.Thank you, Boulder. Enjoy your night. (Applause)今晚我会和大家讲述如何走出柜但不是传统意义上的层面不只是成为同性恋那样的出柜我想大家都有个柜你所谓的出柜有的或许是你跟她第一次说我爱你或许告诉别人你怀孕了或许告诉别人你患有癌症甚至是其他我们都经历过的难以启齿的谈话所谓的柜就是一次说不出口的谈话虽然我们的话题涉及广泛在柜中和出柜的经历都是相通的这种感觉很可怕尽管我们都不喜欢但是还得这样做几年以前我在South Side Walnut咖啡店工作一个当地的餐厅那段时间我经历了激进女同性恋的紧张没有刮我的腋毛引用福音Ani DiFranco的歌词由于我宽松的工装短裤还有我最近的发型经常会有人问我通常是小孩儿问我“嗯,你是男孩还是女孩?”随之而来的是一阵尴尬的寂静我紧咬牙关怀着报复的心紧握着咖啡罐爸爸尴尬地乱翻着报纸妈妈冷漠地盯着孩子但是我说不出口内心却在沸腾重点是每次我走到旁边有3到10岁小孩儿的桌子时我都准备好要干一架了(笑声) 这种感觉非常不好所以我跟自己讲下一次我一定会说什么我会把话说出口所以过了几个星期又出现这种状况了“你是男孩还是女孩?”熟悉的沉寂但是这次我准备好了这次我要把所有女性的话说出来(笑声) 我准备好引用Betty Friedan的话准备好引用Gloria Steinem 的话我甚至从《阴道独白》中选了几句话我深吸了口气我低下头看迎来的是一个穿着粉色裙子的4岁小女孩儿的目光这个小菜一碟只是个小孩儿问问题“你是男孩还是女孩?”我又深吸了口气在她身旁蹲下来说“我知道有点不好理解我的头发像男生的那样短我还穿着男生的衣服但是我是个女孩有时候你喜欢穿粉色的裙子有时候喜欢穿舒服的睡衣对吧那我就是那种喜欢穿舒服睡衣的那种女孩这个小孩儿死死的盯着我都不带眨的说”我最喜欢的睡衣是紫色的上面还有鱼能给我块煎饼吗?“ (笑声) 就是这样”哦好吧你是个女孩来块煎饼怎么样?“这是有史以来最简单的一次艰难对话为什么呢因为这个煎饼女孩和我我们对彼此都很真诚所以跟很多人一样我住在自己的几个柜里是的而且我的四面墙常常会变成彩色但是墙的里面黑暗中你却不知道内墙是什么颜色你就是知道在柜里是什么感觉所以真的我的柜和你的你的所有人的柜都是一样的当然我会告诉你100个理由来解释为什么我出柜会比你出柜要难但是重点是难并不是相对的各有各的难处谁能告诉我是跟一个人讲你刚刚破产难还是跟一个人讲你背叛他难呢谁能告诉我是一个人说自己出柜难还是告诉你5岁的孩子你要离婚了难呢没有谁更难一些就只是很难而已我们不能把各自的难处排个1234 以此来让我们对自己的柜更好过或更难过些然后又互相怜悯大家都很难在生活中的某些时刻我们都闷在柜里这样我们感到很安全至少比在柜外面更安全些但是我要告诉大家不管你的柜是什么材质那都不是一个人应该住的地方谢谢 (掌声)想想20年前的你那时的我扎着马尾穿着没有肩带的裙子蹬着高跟鞋我不是那个紧张的女同性恋随时准备迎战走进咖啡厅的4岁孩童恐惧使我不得动弹缩在我那个黑漆漆的柜里绷紧身为同性恋的神经我从未放松过紧绷的那根弦我的家人朋友陌生人我一直都努力不让这些人失望然而现在我却故意把事情弄的一团糟我把我们一直沿用的脚本都烧掉但是如果你不丢掉手中的手榴弹它会至你于死地让我印象最深刻的一次爆发是在我姐姐的婚礼上 (笑声) 很多在场的人知道我是同性恋这还是头一回所以我作为伴娘穿着一袭黑裙和高跟鞋我游走在桌边最后决定坐在我父母的朋友的那一桌上他们认识我很久了说了一会儿话后有个女人大叫着说“我超爱Nathan Lane!” 就这样一场关于同性恋的话题拉开帷幕”Ash 你去过Castro吗?“”恩内什么实际上我们在旧金山有朋友“”内什么我们没去过那儿但是听说那儿挺棒的“”Ash 你知道我的理发师Antonio吗? 他人很好但是从没听他谈过女性朋友”"Ash 你最喜欢哪个电视节目我们最喜欢的? 最喜欢的电视节目非Will & Grace莫属你知道我们最爱谁吗最爱Jack了我们最喜欢Jack 了“然后另一个女人张口结舌但是极力变现出她的支持让我明白她是站在我这一边的她最终脱口而出”有时候我丈夫穿粉色的T恤“ (笑声)在那一刻和所有爆发者一样我作出了选择我可以回到我女性朋友和支持同性恋的那一桌去对他们这些人的反应嘲笑一番说他们什么都不懂他们不能理解我身上所带的同性恋的标签或者我可以选择感同身受理解那可能是他们从未做过的最难的事情开始并进行那样的对话是他们出柜的表现当然指出他们不对的地方很容易但是和他们在同一层面上理解并知道他们在努力却很难除了让人家努力尝试你还能要求人家什么呢如果你想对某人坦诚那你就要准备好别人同样对你完全坦白所以进行难的对话仍不是我的强项去问问我从未约过会的人就知道了但是我做好的更好了因为我遵循我称之为煎饼女孩三原则请各位带上同性恋有色眼镜来看待这个但是要明白出任何的柜所需的努力都是一样的原则一要真实卸下你的防御做真实的自己那个在咖啡厅的女孩就没有防御然而我却是准备开战如果你想让别人对你坦诚你得让他们知道你也有所付出原则二要直接有什么说什么不要绷着你知道你是同性恋那就说出来如果你告诉你的父母你可能是同性恋他们会心有一丝希望你会改变的不要让他们有这样的错觉 (笑声)原则三最重要的一点 (笑声) 不要有负罪感你是在坦言有关自己的事情不要对此感到抱歉可能会有人受伤这是一定的对你所做的事情道歉但是不要为你的本质而道歉是的有些人会很失望但是他们对自己失望而不是对你那是他们所期望的你的样子而不是你自己的期望那是他们的故事而不是属于你的故事唯一重要的故事是你想要书写的那一个那么下回你发现自己窝在柜里手里紧攥着手榴弹时要知道我们都经历过这个阶段你可能会感到孤独但实际上不是的虽然很难但是你需要走出柜不管你的墙是什么我向你保证还有些人从他们柜的锁眼里寻找下一个勇敢的人推开们所以做那个勇敢的人吧让人们知道柜已容不下我们一个柜不是一个人能活出真实自己的地方谢谢 Boulder 祝各位晚上愉快 (掌声)。
Ken Robinson《学校扼杀了孩子的创造力》TED精彩演讲中文翻译
(请点击上方的“东成西就教育文化交流”添加关注,更多精彩等着您 !)Ken Robinson 关于《学校扼杀创造力》TED演讲 中文翻译:早上好! 还好吗? 很好吧, 对不对? 我已经飘飘然了! 我要飘走了。
( 笑声) 这次会议有三个主题。
这三个主题贯穿会议始终, 并且和 我要谈的内容有关, 其中之一就是人类创造力的伟大例证。
从这些例证中我们看到了创新的多样化 和多领域。
第二点—— 这些创新也让我们意识到我们不知道未来会发生什么, 完全不知道, 未来会如何。
我对教育感兴趣, 事实上, 我发现每个人都对教育感兴趣 , 难道不是吗?我发现这很有趣, 如果你参加一个晚宴, 你说, 你在教育部门工作。
坦白的讲,如果你在教育部门工作,事实上你不会经常参加晚宴, ( 笑声)所以你不会被问及你是做哪行的。
但是如果你被问及, 他们问:“ 你从事什么行业?” 你说你在教育部门工作,你会发现他们涨红了脸, 那意思好像是 “ 我的天啊!” ,“为什么让我碰上?整整一周我才出来一次! ” ( 笑声)但如果你要他们谈谈他们的受教育经历, 他们会把你 “ 钉到墙上 ” 。
因为这些事情都涉及 个人的隐私, 对吗? 比如宗教信仰, 薪水等。
我对教育特别感兴趣, 我认为我们都是如此, 我们对此有巨大的既得利益。
部分因为教育旨在 将我们带入我们无法掌握的未来。
大家想想, 今年入学的小孩2065 将退休, 没人知道会怎样——虽然过去四天会议进程里都是关于这方面的专业讨论——但我们还是无法预知这个世界 五年后的样子。
我认为正是未来的不确定性 决定其非同寻常。
第三点就是, 我们都认同一个观点—— 这些孩子的特别之处正是他们的创新能力。
我觉得昨晚Sirena 的表现令人惊奇, 对吗?她很出色,但是我认为, 她在孩提时代时没显得与众不同。
全球幸福指数From Nic Marks统计学家Nic Marks提问,为何我们以一个国家的生产力来衡量其成功与否,而非人民的快乐与身心健康?他因此推出了「快乐星球指数」(HPI),用以追踪一国安康与资源利用之间的关系,因为快乐人生不需要赔上地球,那些国家的HPI最高呢?各位可能会吓一跳。
Nic Marks收集让我们感到快乐的证据,用以提倡将人民身心健康与地球摆在优先顺位,他是英国智库新经济基金会(NEF)身心健康中心的创办人。
为何要听他演讲:Nic Marks认为生活质量是可测量的,真正的快乐并非来自物质财富的累积,而是来自与他人的联系、与世界接轨及自主权。
这激发了一个问题:解套的经济成长又有何意义?正文:Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index 全球幸福指数Martin Luther King did not say, “I have a nightmare," when he inspired the civil rights movements. He said, “I have a dream." And I have a dream. I have a dream that we can stop thinking that the future will be a nightmare, and this is going to be a challenge, because, if you think of every major blockbusting film of recent times, nearly all of its visions for humanity are apocalyptic. I think this film is one of the hardest watches of modern times, "The Road." It,s a beautiful piece of filmmaking, but everything is desolate, everything is dead. And just a father and son trying to survive, walking along the road. And I think the environmental movement of which I am a part of has been complicit in creating this vision of the future. 马丁•路德•金恩未说:「我有一个恶梦」,当他启发民权运动时,他说「我有一个梦想」,我也有一个梦想,我的梦想是我们可以停止想象未来将会是恶梦一场,而这将是一个挑战,因为,端看近期每一部主要的热门电影,其人类文明愿景几乎全部都像圣经《启示录》所载,我认为《末路浩劫》这部电影是现代最难看懂的电影之一,电影制作很美,但触目皆凄凉,放眼人烟惨绝,只有父子两人试图生存地沿着马路前进,至于环境运动,我身为其中一员,与产生这种未来愿景串成一气。
五个摧毁梦想的办法作者:贝拉·佩谢(Bel Pesce)来源:《高考金刊·理科版》2015年第10期我们都想要发明改变世界的产品,打造一家成功的公司,写一本畅销书,然而只有少数人能真正做到。
——贝拉·佩谢按照一般心灵鸡汤的脉络,当我们谈到梦想,绝大多数的命题是:“如何实现梦想”“学会追逐梦想”“如何成为一个有梦想的人”,而在近期的TED的演讲中,巴西企业家Bel Pesce却反其道而行在“梦想”的立意上大刀阔斧,她花了两年的时间研究人们如何实现梦想,终于找到了这次的演讲题目“毁掉梦想的五个方法”。
Bel Pesce给我们介绍了5个很多人都相信的谎言,相信这些谎言能保证你的梦想永远无法实现。
5 ways to kill your dreams5个摧毁你梦想方法1.Believe in overnight success.相信一夜成名-Your overnight success story it’s always a result of everything you have done in your life through that moment.一夜成名是你之前所有努力加起来的结果。
2.Believe someone else has the answer for you.相信别人有你需要答案。
-The pipes are infinite and you’re going to bump your head and i s a part of the process. 人生管道无穷无尽,你会磕到头,这是过程的一部分。
3.Decided to settle when growth is guaranteed.在一时的成功面前止步。
-When you were growing towards a peak, You need to work hard thing ever and found yourself another peak.那你朝着一个顶峰前进的时候,你需要更加努力来找到另一个顶峰。
4.Believe th e fault is someone else’s.相信错误永远是别人的。
-It’s your responsibility to make them happen. You need to get your dreams and make them happen. And no one achieved the goals alone. But if you didn’t make them happen, it’s your fault and no one else’s..让梦想实现是你的责任。
全球幸福指数From Nic Marks统计学家 Nic Marks 提问,为何我们以一个国家的生产力来衡量其成功与否,而非人民的快乐与身心健康?他因此推出了「快乐星球指数」(HPI),用以追踪一国安康与资源利用之间的关系,因为快乐人生不需要赔上地球,那些国家的 HPI 最高呢?各位可能会吓一跳。
Nic Marks 收集让我们感到快乐的证据,用以提倡将人民身心健康与地球摆在优先顺位,他是英国智库新经济基金会(NEF)身心健康中心的创办人。
为何要听他演讲:Nic Marks 认为生活质量是可测量的,真正的快乐并非来自物质财富的累积,而是来自与他人的联系、与世界接轨及自主权。
这并不只是一位身心健康领域研究先锋的理论,Marks 创造出统计的方法来衡量快乐、分析并解释所收集的证据,进而援用于教育、永续发展、保健及经济等政策领域。
英国伦敦独立智库新经济基金会(NEF)身心健康中心的创辨人,Marks 特别热衷于提倡永续发展与生活质量间的平衡,为了加以研究,他设计了「快乐星球指数」,一项人类身心健康与对环境影响的全球指数,研究结果冲上头条:住在世界上最富有国家的人民消费最多地球资源,但却非身心最健康的人。
这激发了一个问题:解套的经济成长又有何意义?正文:Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index 全球幸福指数Martin Luther King did not say, "I have a nightmare," when he inspired the civil rights movements. He said, "I have a dream." And I have a dream. I have a dream that we can stop thinking that the future will be a nightmare, and this is going to be a challenge, because, if you think of every major blockbusting film of recent times, nearly all of its visions for humanity are apocalyptic. I think this film is one of the hardest watches of modern times, "The Road." It's a beautiful piece of filmmaking, but everything is desolate, everything is dead. And just a father and son trying to survive, walking along the road. And I think the environmental movement of which I am a part of has been complicit in creating this vision of the future. 马丁•路德•金恩未说:「我有一个恶梦」,当他启发民权运动时,他说:「我有一个梦想」,我也有一个梦想,我的梦想是我们可以停止想象未来将会是恶梦一场,而这将是一个挑战,因为,端看近期每一部主要的热门电影,其人类文明愿景几乎全部都像圣经《启示录》所载,我认为《末路浩劫》这部电影是现代最难看懂的电影之一,电影制作很美,但触目皆凄凉,放眼人烟惨绝,只有父子两人试图生存地沿着马路前进,至于环境运动,我身为其中一员,与产生这种未来愿景串成一气。
萨曼莎·阿古斯(Samantha Agoos)描述了一个5步骤的过程,这也许可以帮助你解决许多问题。
演说者:Samantha Agoos演说题目:|5 tips to improve your critical thinking提高批判性思维的5个步骤提高批判性思维的5个步骤来自TED英语演说优选00:00 04:23中英文对照翻译Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. Some are small and unimportant, but others have a larger impact on our lives — for example,无时不刻,我们都在做各种各样的决定,有些微不足道,有些则对我们的一生都有很大影响。
比如说,‘Which politician should I vote for?’; ‘Should I try the latest diet craze?’; or ‘Will email make me a millionaire?’ Below, Samantha Agoos explains 5 tips to improve your critical thinking.我该投票给哪个政客?要不要试试最新的减肥食谱?或是,这封电邮会让我成为百万富翁吗?We’re bombarded with so many decisions that it’s impossible to make a perfect choice every time. But, there are many ways to improve our chances —and one particularly effective technique is critical thinking.我们被大量的决定围攻着,很多时候都没法做出最好的决定。
So a few years ago, I did something really brave, or some would say really stupid.I ran for Congress.几年前,我做了一些非常勇敢的事,或许有些人会说很愚蠢的事。
我参选国会议员. For years, I had existed safely behind the scenes in politics as a fundraiser, as an organizer, but in my heart, I always wanted to run. The sitting congresswoman had been in my district since 1992. She had never lost a race, and no one had really even run against her in a Democratic primary. But in my mind, this was my way to make a difference, to disrupt the status quo. The polls, however, told a very different story. My pollsters told me that I was crazy to run, that there was no way that I could win.很多年来,我安全地存在于政治活动背后作为资金筹集人,作为组织者,但我的内心,我一直希望参选。
好想法是从哪来 Ted演讲
How great leaders inspire actionHow do you explain when things don’t go as we assume? Or better,how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions? For example: Why is Apple so innovative? Year after year,after year, they're more innovative than all their competition. And yet, they're just a computer company. They’re just like everyone else. They have the same access to the same talent, the same agencies, the same consultants, the same media. Then why is it that they seem to have something different? Why is it that Martin Luther King led the Civil Rights Movement? He wasn’t the only man who suffered in pre—civil rights America, and he certainly wasn't the only great orator of the day。
Why him? And why is it that the Wright brothers were able to figure out controlled, powered man flight when there were certainly other teams who were better qualified, better funded ——and they didn’t achieve powered man flight, and the Wright brothers beat them to it。
伟大的领袖如何激励行动当事情的发展出乎意料之外的时候,你怎么解释?换句话说,当别人出乎意料地取得成功的时候,你怎么解释?比如说,为什么苹果公司的创新能力这么强?其实他们只是一家IT 公司,他们跟其他公司有同样的途径,接触到同样的人才,同样的代理商、顾问和媒体。
我说的“为什么” 指的是:你的目的是什么?你这样做的原因是什么?你怀着什么样的信念?你的公司为什么而存在?你每天早上是为什么而起床?为什么别人要在乎你?大部分人思考,行动,交流的方式都是由外向内的,也就是从清晰到模糊。
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