



301. 餐饮工作的特点之一是( )。

A、间隙性B、连续性C、是一种追加劳动D、一天24小时之内持续不断302. ( )不是影响餐饮企业人员定额定编的因素。

A、菜肴的口味特点B、服务的类别C、加工技术的复杂程度D、客流量和产生规模303. 下列( )员工不属于涉及固定费用的员工。

A、服务员B、主管C、业务骨干D、厨师长304. 餐厅做好客人数和菜品服务数的( )就能较精确的预测每日的营业量。

A、预算B、猜测C、相同D、统计305. 不属于对餐厅初、中级服务员培训的内容是( )。

A、制订宴会菜单B、服务知识C、专业素质D、服务技能306. 高级餐厅服务员是对初、中级餐厅服务员( )的主要承担者。

A、启蒙教育B、个人素质教育C、道德品质培养D、实施培训307. 向群体学员传授单一课程内容适合用( )。

A、讨论法B、视听法C、实物示教法D、讲授法308. 情景培训法的优点是( )。

A、学员可进入角色,有直接的感受B、训导师好掌握授课技巧C、培训所需要的时间较短D、能体现训导师临场发挥的能力309. 在餐厅新服务员上岗培训应由( )来承担。

A、人力资源部B、经理办公室C、保卫部D、财务部310. 不属于餐厅服务员上岗之初的培训的内容是( )。

A、餐厅插花艺术的要求B、餐厅产品知识C、餐厅经营信息D、防火与安全311. 烹饪与服务有着相辅相成、相互依托、( )的关系。

A、不可分离B、相互独立C、互相制约D、互为干扰312. 协调餐厅服务员与后台厨房之间的关系,下列( )做法是不正确的。

A、客人对菜肴给予表扬立即告诉厨师B、客人要面向厨师致谢,服务员立即去请厨师C、为客人上菜时告之客人厨师的姓名D、无论客人对菜肴表扬与批评,服务员应抱一种与己无关的态度313. 为缓解客人与厨房工作的矛盾,服务员( )做法是正确的。

A、向客人提供优质的服务B、告诉客人对菜肴质量的不满应直接去找厨师C、将对菜肴质量有意见的客人引领到厨师长面前D、对客人的意见置之不理314. 生理性消费类型属( )。



1、在生长发育中,最能体现它的专业性的课程设计是:BA、生长发育的理论B、不同年龄阶段的护理C、老年人的护理D生理功能的平衡性2、所承担的工作的要求主要在专业上面的是:CA NAB LVN或LPNC RND ARN3、下列所述中哪项是错误的:BA RN是可以替代LPN, LVN的。









7、在下列课程内容设计的学时方面,我们在哪个方面与美国差不多:CA产婴护理B、儿科护理C、成人护理D精神心理疾病8护士的核心能力不包括:DA、临床判断和决策能力和护理干预和运用护理程序的能力B、评判性思维能力和沟通交流能力C、解决问题能力和跨文化护理能力D自主学习能力和实施限制性侵入护理能力9、护理工作一般不会涉及到的法与规章是:DA、合同法B、公民C、刑法D劳动法10、在我们整个的护理专业当中,中专护士毕业生所占的比例始终超过了:AA、百分之六十B、百分之七十C、百分之六十五D百分之八十1、护士目前的最高职称是:DA、护士长B、科护士长C、主管护师D主任护师2、职业生涯选择的步骤为:A、界定问题、进行探索、整合信息、选择解决方案、制定行动计划、修正方案B、界定问题、整合信息、选择解决方案、进行探索、制定行动计划、修正方案C界定问题、整合信息、制定行动计划、选择解决方案、进行探索、修正方案D界定问题、整合信息、进行探索、制定行动计划、选择解决方案、修正方案3、著名的职业锚的理论是由谁最早提岀来的:A、格林豪斯B、斯蒂芬C、施恩D西塞4、根据专业的划分,结合我国护理事业的发展规划及今后的发展目标,不属于护理人员的职业生涯规划发展方向的是:A、护理管理者B、临床护理专家C、护理创新D护理教育与科研5、护生专业生涯规划的步骤包括:A、职业信息的传递、专业评估、制定目标与路径、实施、学生的自我评估与反馈B、职业信息的传递、学生的自我评估、专业评估、制定目标与路径、实施与反馈C学生的自我评估、专业评估、职业信息的传递、制定目标与路径、实施与反馈D职业信息的传递、学生的自我评估、专业评估、实施、制定目标与路径与反馈6、护理职业生涯规划发展路线不包括:A、学历的发展路线B、科研的发展路线C行政的发展路线D职称的发展路线7、职业生涯选择的步骤中的探索阶段不包括:A、对未来的探索B、对自我的探索C对环境的探索D对选项的探索8影响职业生涯规划的因素不包括:A、个人生理、心理特征B、个人的学习经历C、朋友的影响D家庭的影响9、下列不属于职业生涯规划的特性的是:A、可行性B、适时性C、适应性D时期性10、根据有关职业生涯发展理论,结合临床护理工作的实际,不属于临床护士职业生涯规划发展阶段的是:A、职业确认阶段B、职业稳定阶段C职业中期危机阶段D职业后期阶段1、下面关于管理职能的说法,错误的是:()A、管理职能它有一个决策的职能B、管理职能它有一个行动的职能C管理职能有一个组织职能和领导职能D、管理职能它有一个创新2、关于护士的优势,下列说法错误的是:()A、护士专业是塑造完美女人的专业B、具有准军人的特质C护士职业适合所有女性D、护士也是管理3、以下关于护士专业的说法,错误的是:()A、护理学是研究如何促进人类身心健康的科学B、护士是人类健康的“工程师”C、护士专业更需要具有综合素质,全面发展的人才D护士专业是学校里最好的专业4、职业发展的前瞻性分析中,四要素是指:()A、目的、目标、怎么做、怎么变B、目的、坚持、怎么做、怎么变C目的、坚持、目标、怎么变D、目的、坚持、目标、怎么做5、管理首要解决的问题是:()A、观念问题B、技能问题C、责任问题D制度问题6、在小兔子学赛跑的故事中,我们得到的启示是:()A、我们对于目标要坚持B、我们确定目标的时候要扬长避短C、目标是贯穿人一生的事情D、遇到困难不要退缩7、对于MBA教育制度的显著特点,以下说法错误的是:()A、鲜明的培养目标B、独特的培养对象C独特的教学方法D特殊的培养环境8关于护理发展的缺陷,错误的是:()A、学科理论体系不完善B、护士知识结构有待提高C人员性别的局限性D、和医疗发展上的差距较大9、M BA教育制度是由()首创的。

高层建筑设计 考试 试题3

高层建筑设计 考试 试题3

一、判断题(共29道小题,共58.0分)1. (错误)高层建筑宜选用风作用效应较小的平面形状。

()A. 正确B. 错误2. (错误)框架-剪力墙结构中框架的抗震等级划分比纯框架结构的抗震等级低。

()A. 正确B. 错误3. (错误)为了不使斜裂缝过早出现或混凝土过早破坏,剪力墙洞口处的连梁尺寸不应太小。

()A. 正确B. 错误4. (错误)抗震设计时,框架-剪力墙结构中的剪力墙布置宜使结构各主轴方向的侧向刚度接近。

()A. 正确B. 错误5. (错误)防震缝两侧结构体系不同时,缝宽应按需要较窄的规定采用。

()A. 正确B. 错误6. (错误)A级高度高层建筑的楼层抗侧力结构的层间受剪承载力不宜小于其相邻上一层受剪承载力的80%,不应小于其相邻上一层受剪承载力的65%。

()A. 正确B. 错误7. (错误)抗震设计时,计入受压钢筋作用的二级框架梁端截面混凝土受压区高度与有效高度之比值不应大于0.25。

()A. 正确B. 错误8. (错误)安全等级为一级的高层建筑结构应满足抗连续倒塌概念设计要求。

()A. 正确B. 错误9. (错误)随着高层建筑高度的增加,水平荷载对结构起的作用将越来越大。

()A. 正确B. 错误10. (错误)抗震设计的混凝土高层建筑,平面长度不宜过长。

()A. 正确B. 错误11. (错误)高层建筑不应采用严重不规则的各种结构体系。

()A. 正确B. 错误12. (错误)结构抗震性能目标分为1、2、3、4、5五个等级。

()A. 正确B. 错误13. (错误)框架结构的填充墙及隔墙宜选用轻质墙体。

()A. 正确B. 错误14. (错误)框架结构要实现强柱弱梁、强剪弱弯、强节点和强锚固。

()A. 正确B. 错误15. (错误)剪力墙结构的底部嵌固层与相邻上层的侧向刚度比该比值不宜小于1.5。

()A. 正确B. 错误16. (错误)平面规则的结构计算单向地震作用时不必考虑偶然偏心的影响。

沟通与协调能力在线考试 3

沟通与协调能力在线考试 3


















职业大学《信息技术基础》考试试卷(3)与答案班级:姓名:学号:考试成绩:一、判断题(20*1=20分)[1]. 在网络信息安全的办法中,身份认证是访问控制的基础。

[2]. 总线的重要指标之一是带宽,它指的是总线中数据线的宽度,用二进位数量来表示(如16位,32位总线)。

[3]. 声卡在计算机顶用于完成声音的输入与输出,即输入时将声音信号数字化,输出时重建声音信号。

[4]. 计算机信息系统中的数据完整性是指保护数据库中的数据,以避免非法利用。

[5]. 大部份数码相机采用CCD成像芯片,芯片中像素越多,拍摄的图像分辨率(清楚度)就越高。

[6]. 算法必然要用“伪代码”(一种介于自然语言和程序设计语言之间的文字和符号表达工具)来描述。

[7]. 关系模式用R(A1,A2,。


[8]. 计算机信息系统的建设,不只是一个技术问题,许多非技术因素对其成败往往有决定性影响。

[9]. 通信就是传递信息,因此书、报、磁带、唱片等都是现代通信的媒介。

[10]. 构建无线局域网时,必需利用无线网卡才能将PC机接入网络。

[11]. 操作系统中的图形用户界面(GUI)利用窗口显示正在运行的应用程序的状态。

[12]. 计算机中的整数分为不带符号的整数和带符号的整数两类,前者表示的必然是正整数。

[13]. 调制解调器的主要作用是,利用现有电话线、有线电视电缆等模拟信号传输线路来传输数字信息。

[14]. “学生”实体集与“教室座位”实体集存在1:1的联系,表示一个座位只供一个学生就坐,而一个学生也只坐一个座位。


[15]. 数据结构化是数据库系统与文件系统的本质区别之一。

[16]. 概念结构模型中的联系可以是实体集内部的联系(反映该实体集内部各属性之间的联系),也可以是多个实体集之间的联系。







1当大气压力和风速一定时,被测空气的干湿球温度差直接反映了(B ) A.空气湿度的大小 B.湿球温度下饱和水蒸气压力和干球温度下水蒸气分压力之差的大小
A.最高使用温度为55 ℃
A. 阿斯曼湿度计
B. 氯化锂湿度计
C. 金属氧化物陶瓷湿度计
C. 金属氧化物膜湿度计
1. 简述露点法测量相对湿度的原理。

2. 简述饱和盐溶液湿度校正装置的工作原理。



B30天 C7天 D15天 正确答案C 18咨询解决率的目标值是多少? A80%% B85% C90% D92% 正确答案:C 19客户申请售后没有上门取件选项,错误的原因是() A部分商品不支持 B地址超区 C客户申请的问题
正确答案:C 20不可享受上门换新和闪电退款的客户,墨镜等级为() ASl BS2 Cs3 D4 正确答案:A 二、多选题,共10题 1咚咚查询中包含以下哪些内容() A促成订单查询 B单品促销查询 C订单核算 D客户咨询查询 E聊天记录查询
本题考核客服是否掌握咚咚页面进入后台的2种办法故选B 9管理者可通过以下哪个路径查看当实时的人员在线情况() A实时监控-全局监控 B实时监控-客服监控 C实时监控-全员监控 D实时监控-坐席监控 正确答案:D 本题考核管理者是否掌握查看当前人员状态的操作路径,应为实时监控-坐席监控故选D 10客户想要取消订单,需要告知客户什么() A告知直接取消即可 B取消后不需要关注订单状态 C告知不支持取消订单 D多次拒收会扣除京豆作为运费 正确答案:D
京东自营在线客服考试试题,80分过关。 一、单选题,共20题 1客户咨询下单的时候商品有赠品活动,为什么订单无赠品,错误的说法是() A告知客户赠品赠完即止 B告知客户满赠需购物车领取 C直接告知商品无赠品 D告知客户未满足赠送赠品条件 正确答案:C 2客户表示想要咨询白条还款事宜,以下做法正确的是() A可以引导客户咨询店铺客服 B可以引导客户咨询商城客服 C可以引导客户拨打京东商城电话咨询 D可以点击直通车自助组件中金融客服发送给客户进行相关问题咨询 正确答案:D
A秒杀 B预售 C满减 D多买优惠 正确答案:["A""B""C""D"] 7京东服务事故标准共分为哪几个级别 AA级服务事故 BB级服务事故 CC级服务事故 DD级服务事故 正确答案:「‘A“,”B",”C"] abc三个级别 8客服接待开场白的设置要求有? A热情如火:节假日问候、店铺活动介绍


【答案】7. D 8. C

自然资源和规划局招聘考试试卷3 业务知识和综合知识题库试题

自然资源和规划局招聘考试试卷3 业务知识和综合知识题库试题



一、单项选择题1、国家实行土地用途(A )制度,使用土地的单位和个人必须严格按照土地利用总体规划确定的用途使用土地。

A管制B自由C分配管理D分级管理2、发生滑坡、崩塌时应尽快向(A )跑离危险区。

A两侧B沿滑坡、崩塌主方向上方B沿滑坡、崩塌主方向下方D任意方向3、中华人民共和国实行土地社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和(C )。

A国家所有制B私有制C劳动群众集体所有制D以上均不正确4、土地利用年度计划实行( B )管理。

A指导性B指令性C市场化D强化性5、土地利用总体规划修编,必须保证现有(A )总量不减少,质量不降低。

A耕地B农用地C基本农田D农用地和未利用地6、土地整理新增耕地面积的(C )可以用作折抵建设占用耕地的补偿指标。

A 30%B 50%C 60%D 80%7、我国地质灾害防治的方针是(D )。

A谁引发、谁治理B指导与管理相结合C法制建设与行政管理相配套D预防为主,避让与治理相结合8、崩塌和滑坡的前兆是(A )。


非农业建设经批准占用耕地的,按照(A )的原则,由占用耕地的单位负责开垦与所占用耕地的数量和质量相当的耕地。

A 占多少,垦多少B占多少,补多少C 占多补少D先占后垦11、采矿许可证有效期,按照(B )确定。

A矿床远景储量B矿山建设规模C矿床实际储量D勘察区域范围12、土地一级市场的供给者是( A )。

A土地所有者B土地使用者C土地开发商D土地经营者13、农民集体连续使用其他农民集体所有的土地已满(A )年的,应视为现使用者所有。

全国英语等级考试 3 级

全国英语等级考试 3 级

全国英语等级考试 3 级
全国英语等级考试 3 级是中国的一项综合英语水平考试。








通过全国英语等级考试 3 级,考生可以证明自己具备较为基本的英语语言能力,能够应对一些日常生活和工作中的简单英语交流。





1. 短对话理解:听取一段对话后回答问题。

2. 长对话、短文理解:听取一段长对话或短文后回答相关问题。

3. 听取信息:听取一段信息,填写相关信息。

4. 听写:听取一段短文,准确地将听到的内容写下来。

1. 短文填空:根据短文内容,在每个空格中填写一个合适的单词。

2. 选择题:阅读一篇文章,选择正确的答案。

3. 信息匹配:根据一组信息和一组句子,把句子与信息进行匹配。

4. 篇章阅读:阅读一篇长篇文章,回答相关问题。

1. 翻译:将一段中文短文翻译成英文。

2. 书面表达:根据所给题目写一篇约120词的短文,表达个人观点和看法。





















Since the start of the pandemic, education systems across the world have been heavily impacted. Students have had to adapt to online learning, while teachers faced the challenge of providing quality education through virtual platforms. Even though schools have slowly begun to reopen, there are concerns about the long-term effects of remote learning on young children. Research has shown that children learn best through social interaction and hands-on experiences. These are difficult to achieve in the virtual classroom. Young children, especially those in preschool, need a lot of guidance and supervision which is difficult to provide online. Teachers play a crucial role in a child's early development, and many believe that remote learning cannot replicate the learning environment that physical schools provide.While the pandemic has forced online learning upon schools, it has also provided an opportunity forinnovation. Many technology companies have developed educational tools and platforms designed specifically for remote learning. These tools aim to engage young children, promote interaction, and provide a more immersive learning experience. By incorporating features like gamification and virtual reality, these tools attempt to make the online learning experience more enjoyable and effective.However, there are concerns about the accessibility of these tools, particularly for disadvantaged children. Not all families have access to devices such as computers and tablets, and for those who do, there may be limited internet connectivity. This digital divide can further widen the learning gap between children from different socio-economic backgrounds.In conclusion, remote learning has been a necessary response to the pandemic but has posed challenges for early childhood education. While technology can provide some solutions, there are still barriers to equal access. As we move forward, it is important to find a balance between online learning and the irreplaceable benefits of physical schools.问题:1. What impact has the pandemic had on education systems?2. Why is it difficult to provide guidance and supervision for young children in virtual classrooms?3. What role do teachers play in a child's early development?4. How have technology companies responded to the need for remote learning?5. What are the concerns about the accessibility of educational tools for remote learning?第二部分:词汇填空根据句子的语境和所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,填入合适的单词,使句子通顺。



2020年全国公共英语等级考试(3级)模拟试题及答案2020年全国公共英语等级考试(3级)模拟试题及答案Test OneSectionⅠListening Comprehension (25 minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand. Now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Example:You will hear:W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving about ten minutes.You will read:Who do you think the woman is talking to?[A] a bus conductor[B] a clerk at the airport[C] a taxi driver[D] a clerk at the stationFrom the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [B]and mark it in your test booklet.Sample Answer: [A][B][C][D]Now look at question 1Part A1. Where is the woman from?[A]Sweden[B]Italy[C]Sylvia[D]Wales2. Which one does the woman want to buy?[A]better quality, expensive one[B]cheaper one in this shop[C]cheaper one in another shop[D]better quality in this shop3. Why is he going to talk to the lady over there?[A]Because he wants to know the time.[B]Because he wants to thank her.[C]Because his watch was lost.[D]Because the lady over there is waiting for him.4. According to the dialogue, what kind of shirt is more expensive?[A]those made of wool[B]those made of nylon[C]those made of cotton[D]those made of silk5. How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation? [A]angry[B]relieved[C]upset[D]sarcastic6. What does the man mean?[A]The proofreading was better this time.[B]It will be an interesting job.[C]There will be more proofreading to do soon.[D]The job should be done as quickly as possible.7. What does the woman say about Mary?[A]She's always running.[B]She's still in the race.[C]She feels very comfortable.[D]She still has a fever.8. What does Linda mean?[A]At last she enjoys campus life.[B]School has changed little since last year.[C]She has many new friends.[D]It's easier to find his way around this year.9. What does the man mean?[A]Bill is too tired to study any more.[B]He told Bill not to study late at night.[C]He had often advised Bill to study.[D]Bill didn't hear the alarm.10. What does the woman mean?[A]She feels that the trip will take too long.[B]The students haven't chosen a professor.[C]Professor Goldsmith has to choose the destination first.[D]It's not certain the trip will take place.Part BYou are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answereach question by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.Questions 11—13 are based on a lecture about education in America.11. What controls the public schools of the United States?[A]the national government[B]the church authorities[C]the local communities[D]the state laws12. How many percentage did the American young people graduate from high school by 1970?[A]forty percent [B]forty five percent[C]seventy percent[D]seventy five percent13. Why is education made various in form in the United States?[A]Because students vary in needs.[B]Because schools offer different subjects.[C]Because teaching methods vary greatly.[D]Because there are different aids at school.Questions 14—17 are based on a conversation you are goingto hear.14. Why did the man decide to go to the library?[A]One of his classes finished early.[B]He wanted to get some studying done.[C]The library had a special display on the Industrial Revolution.[D]His books were ten days overdue.15. After getting the books, what did the man do?[A]checked them out[B]took notes on them[C]returned them to the shelves[D]put them in his book bag16. According to the man, what happens to all the books in the library?[A]They are marked with colored labels.[B]They are specially coded.[C]They are checked out.[D]They are inspected by the guard.17. According to the man, what does the librarian behind the desk do?[A]copies down the name and the address of each borrower[B]checks all books for missing pages[C]demagnetizes the books as they are checked out[D]helps students use the card catalogQuestions 18—21 are based on a conversation you are going to hear.18. What does the man need to do at the travel agency?[A]purchase her plane ticket[B]change her plane ticket[C]pick up a passport application form[D]arrange for her accomodations in Europe19. Why doesn't the woman want to give up her apartment entirely?[A]She doesn't have time to move.[B]She would have difficulty finding another apartment.[C]She's paid her rent for the summer in advance.[D]She doesn't want to paint another apartment.20. How long would the women be in Europe?[A]three weeks[B]one month[C]three month[D]over a year21. What will the woman most likely do about her apartment?[A]leave it vacant[B]rent it to the man she's talking with[C]sublet it to Jim Thomas[D]ask her landlord to sublet itQuestions 22—25 are based on a conversation you are going to hear .22. Where does this conversation take place?[A]at a hotel[B]at a motel[C]at a restaurant[D]at a shopping centre23. Why can the man and his family stay at this motel?[A]They have a reservation.[B]The motel has several vacancies.[C]They are friends of the owner.[D]Someone else cancelled a reservation.24. When does the motel want its guests to pay?[A]before they arrive[B]while they register[C]when they reserve a room[D]just before their departure25. What is the reason for the motel's policy on payments?[A]Some guests may not be honest.[B]The policy is required by law.[C]No.61 is a luxury unit.[D]The owners are simply greedy.Section ⅡUse of English (15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on your ANSWER SHEET 1.Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. 26 a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the 27 in the reading even if they don't discuss it in class or take an exam. The 28 student is considered to be 29 who is motivated tolearn for the sake of 30, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned 31 brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is 32 for learning the material assigned. When research is 33, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with 34 guidance. It is the 35 responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain 36 a university library works; they expect students, 37 graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference 38 in the library. Professors will help students who needit, but 39 that their students should not be 40 dependent on them. In the United States, professors have many other duties 41 teaching, such as administrative or research work. 42, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is 43. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either 44 a professor during office hour 45 make an appointment.26. [A]If[B]Although [C]Because [D]Since27. [A]suggestion[B]context[C]abstract[D]information28. [A]poor[B]ideal[C]average[D]disappointed29. [A]such[B]one[C]any[D]some30. [A]fun[B]work[C]learning[D]prize31. [A]by[B]in[C]for[D]with32. [A]criticized[B]innocent[C]responsible[D]dismissed33. [A]collected[B]distributed[C]assigned[D]finished34. [A]maximum[B]minimum[C]possible[D]practical35. [A]student's[B]professor's[C]assistant's[D]librarian's36. [A]when[B]what[C]why[D]how37. [A]particularly[B]essentially[C]obviously[D]rarely38. [A]selections[B]collections[C]sources[D]origins39. [A]hate[B]dislike[C]like[D]prefer40. [A]too[B]such[C]much[D]more41. [A]but[B]except[C]with[D]besides42. [A]However[B]Therefore[C]Furthermore[D]Nevertheless43. [A]plentiful[B]limited[C]irregular[D]flexible44. [A]greet[B]annoy[C]approach[D]attach45. [A]or[B]and[C]to[D]butSection ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a thick line across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Text 1The dog, called Prince, was an intelligent animal and a slave to Williams. From morning till night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight, practically ignoring all other members of the family. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities.When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur “Boots” and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning, Prince ran off to the general store in the village,returning shortly not only with Williams' daily paper but with a half ounce packet of Williams' favorite tobacco, John Rhiney's Mixed. A gun dog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creatures, so the paper and the tobacco came to no harm, never even showing a tooth mark.Williams was a railwayman, an engine driver, and he wore ablue uniform which smelled of oil and oil fuel. He had to work at odd times -“days”, “late days” or “nights”. Over the years Prince got to know these periods of work and rest, knew when his master would leave the house and return, and the dog did not waste this knowledge. If Williams overslept, as he often did, Prince barked at the bedroom door until he woke, much to the annoyance of the family. On his return, Williams' slippers were brought to him, the paper and tobacco too if previously undelivered.A curious thing happened to Williams during the snow and ice of last winter. One evening he slipped and fell on the icy pavement somewhere between the village and his home. He was so badly shaken that he stayed in bed for three days; and not until he got up and dressed again did he discover that he had lost his wallet containing over fifty pounds. The house was turned upside down in the search, but the wallet was not found. However, two days later-that was five days after the fall-Prince dropped the wallet into William's hand. Very muddy, stained and wet through, the little case still containedfifty three pounds, Williams' driving license and a few other papers. Where the dog had found it no one could tell, but found it he had and recognized it probably by the faint oily smell on the worn leather.46. How did the dog perform his duties?[A]He was delighted to show them off.[B]He did his best but was not often successful.[C]He did them quickly to get them over.[D]He had few opportunities to do them.47. What does the passage tell us about gun dogs?[A]They are the fastest runners of all dogs.[B]Their teeth are removed when they are young.[C]They can carry birds, etc. without hurting them.[D]They breed well, producing many young dogs.48. As a result of Williams' work .[A]he did not get enough sleep[B]there was an oily smell from his clothes[C]the dog grew accustomed to travelling by train[D]the dog was confused about the time of the day49. It upset Williams' wife and family when .[A]Williams had to go to work at night[B]the dog made too much noise in the house[C]Williams made them all get up early[D]the dog would not let them see the newspaper50. Williams did not realise his loss for several days because .[A]he trusted the dog to find the wallet[B]he was unconscious all that time[C]he thought the wallet was in the house[D]he had no occasion to feel in his pocketsText 2About ten men in every hundred suffer from colour blindness in some way; women are luckier only about one in two hundred is affected in this manner. There are different forms of colour blindness. A man may not be able to see deep red.He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green-a strange world indeed.In certain occupations colour blindness can be dangerous and candidates are tested most carefully. For example, when fighting at night, soldiers use lights of flares to signal to eachother. A green light may mean “Advance” and a red light may mean “Danger! Keep back!”, You can see what will happen if somebody thinks that red is green! Colour blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”, These help to see in a bright light and to tell the difference between colours. There are also millions of “rods” but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shape but not colour. Wait until it is dark tonight, then go outside. Look round you and try to see what colors you can recognize.Birds and animals which hunt at night have eyes which contain few or no cones at all, so they cannot see colours. As far as we know, bats and adult owls cannot see colours at all only light and dark shapes. Similarly cats and dogs cannot see colours as well as we can.Insects can see ultra violet rays which are invisible to us, and some of them can even see X rays. The wings of a moth may seem grey and dull to us, but to insects they may appear beautiful, showing colours which we cannot see. Scientists know that there are other colours around us which insects can see but which we cannot see. Some insects have favorite colours. Mosquitoes like blue, but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects buta blue lamp will.51. Among people who suffer from colour blindness, .[A]some may see everything in shades of green[B]few can tell the difference between blue and green[C]few may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green[D]very few may think that everything in the world is in green52. When millions of rods in our eyes are at work in darkness we can see.[A]colours only[B]shapes and colours[C]shapes only[D]darkness only53. According to the passage, bats and adult owls cannot see colours.[A]because they hunt at night[B]because they cannot see light[C]because they have no cones and rods[D]because they have no cones54. According to the passage, dogs and cats.[A]as well as human beings can not see some colours[B]have fewer cones than human beings[C]have less rods than human beings[D]can see colours as well as human beings55. Which of the following is not true about insects?[A]Insects can see more colours than human beings.[B]Insects can see ultra violet rays which are invisible to men.[C]All insects have their favorite colours.[D]The world is more colorful to insects than to human beings.Text 3A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of thetime and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. T o prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think,well authenticated cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy stories. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two headed dragons, magic carpets, etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted girl friend.No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane child had ever believed that it was.56. In the writer's opinion, a fairy tale .[A]cannot be read to children without variation becausethey find no pleasure in it[B]will be more effective if it is adapted by parents[C]must be made easy so that children can read it on their own[D]is no longer needed in developing children's power of memory57. According to the passage, some people who are openly against fairy tales argue that .[A]fairy tales are harmful to children in that they show the primitive cruelty in children[B]fairy tales are harmful to children unless they have been adapted by their parent[C]fairy tales increase a tendency to sadism in children[D]children who have read fairy stories pay little attention to the study of history and mechanics 58. In the writer's opinion to rid children of fears, fairy stories should be.[A]told only once[B]repeated many times[C]told in a realistic setting[D]presented vividly59. In the writer's opinion, fairy stories .[A]have a very bad effect on children[B]have advantages in cultivating children's imagniativity [C]help children to come to terms with fears[D]harm children greatly60. According to the passage, which of the following statement is not true about fairy stories?[A]If children indulged his fantasies in fairy tales instead of beingtaught how to adapt to reality by studying history andmechanics the world should be full of madman.[B]Children can often be greatly terrified when the fairy story is heard for the first time.[C]Fairy tales may beneficially direct children's aggressive, destructive and sadistic impulses. [D]Fairy tales are no more than stories about imaginary figures with magical powers which has nothing to do with external world.Part BDirections:Read the texts from an article in which five people talked about smoking. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (1 to 5) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.HadleyIf you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. Just have a look at those people in hospital with these diseases and count how many of them do not smoke, you may be surprised at the number. Even these few people might be passive smokers without realising it.RandyTobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. It's almost like a tax on our daily bread. In tax revenue alone, the government of Britain collects enough from smokers to pay for its entire educational facilities. So while the authorities point out ever so carefully that smoking may be harmful, it doesn't do to shout too loudly about it.SampsonThe advertising of tobacco is one of the problems. We arenever shown pictures of real smokers coughing up their lings early in the morning. That would never do. The advertisements always depict handsome, clean shaven young men. They suggest it is manly to smoke, even positively healthy! Smoking is associated with the great openair life, with beautiful girls, true love and togetherness.What utter nonsense!RowleyOf course tobacco can help government to raise money. However, while money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better off if smoking were banned altogether.BerniceSmoking can provide constant consolation. When I feel worried or nervous, I just get a cigarette and everything seem to get right. After a day's hard work, the thing I want to do most is smoking. It can be even better with a cup of coffee. It's so enjoyable and relaxing that it relieves stresses of every day life. So why bother to ban it and take the pleasure from us.Now match each of the people (1 to 5) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.61. Hadley62. Randy63. Sampson64. Rowley65. BerniceStatements[A]Smoking brings many psychological benefits.[B]Tobacco is an important source of income to the government.[C]Smoking is sure to cause diseases.[D]It's a short sighted policy to depend on tobacco for money.[E]The advertisement for it is dishonest and harmful.[F]The tobacco industry makes high quality advertisement for smoking.[G]It's doubtful whether there is link between smoking and cancer.Section Ⅳ Writing (40 minutes)You should write your responses to both parts on ANSWER SHEET 1.Part AYou go to the railway station to meet one of your friends, and the train has not arrived yet, so you have to leave him a note on the clipboard, from which he will learn how to find you.Part BRead the following material and write a short essay of about 150 words under the title“Should Men Be Forced by Law to Do Half the Housework?”The Austrian parliament will shortly be considering a draft law designed to compensate women after a divorce if their former husbands never helped them with the housework.Last week the German Green Party went even further, demanding a new law to make couples share the chores fifty fifty if both partners were at work. The German paper Bild said a third of German women did all the housework on their own.Academics here in Britain talked of reversing what they called the“Allerednic effect”—that's “Cinderella” backwards—in which a prince marries a princess and turns her into a scullery maid.So is it time for men to clean up their act? Or should the lawmakers leave it all well alone?Joining Laurence Zavriew for the Europewide debate are from Rome the Italian journalist Carlo di Blasio, and in the Netherlands Kerstin Schweighoefer, correspondent of the German newsmagazine focus.Section Voral Test (10 minutes)Part 1 (3 minutes)Interlocutor: Good morning. My name is... and this is my colleague... . She/He is going to listen to us.Would you please tell me your candidate numbers, so I can check them, please? First of all, I'd like to know something about you. So, I'm going to ask you some questions.Part 2 (3 minutes)Interlocutor: I'd like you to have a dialogue based on the information given below. Try to imagine the situation as if you were one of the two.场景(Situation): A male meets a girl in a party. The girl stands there alone for a short period. And the man comes up to her and says hello and introduces himself to her.Part 3 (4 minutes)Interlocutor: Have you ever taken part in some organizations or parties your friends have held? I mean, do you belong to any organization? Try to give us a description. Remember you are given only 4 minutes.Test One试题详解Section ⅠPart A1. [B]本题的干扰项很能迷惑人。



试题分数:1分 得分:
40: 《特种设备安全监察条例》由 ( )颁布。
试题分数:1分 得分:
35: 轿顶防护栏的作用是:( )。
试题分数:1分 得分:
对 错

试题分数:1分 得分:
5: 手动盘车时,开启制动器应有持续力才能维持打开状态。( )
对 错

试题分数:1分 得分:
6: 当发生火灾时,消防电梯应立即返回基站,其他电梯可以停留在原处。( )
试题分数:1分 得分:
30: ( )系统由导靴、导轨、支架和油杯等组成。
试题分数:1分 得分:
25: 轿厢限速器电气开关应( )




































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各行其是要言不烦淋漓尽致仗义执言加官进爵黔驴技穷提纲恰如其分娇生惯养买椟还珠出神入化正音正义贸然行动出类拔萃吃里扒外入不敷出受制于人势在必行显而易见上蹿下跳以逸待劳滔滔不绝秘而不宣莫可名状水火不容恰如其分毋庸讳言蔚然成风变幻莫测憨态可掬栩栩如生急/激流勇退削足适履熙来攘往针砭时弊颁发严峻虎踞龙盘提纲挈领虎视眈眈民怨沸腾并行不悖贻笑大方众口铄金歪门邪道甘拜下风一筹莫展如雷贯耳法不徇情厉行节约书画装帧恣行无忌承上启下萍水相逢永葆青春铤而走险绵里藏针随声附和坐享其成优柔寡断水泄不通脉搏妨碍气概辐射震撼凑合杀戮痉挛沉湎修葺发轫迁徙宣泄旋律画地为牢共商国是徇私舞弊委曲求全通牒再接再厉既往不咎铺张扬厉函授教育隐约其辞亟待解决悬梁刺股粮食歉收就绪臻于郅治虚无缥缈湮灭无声讳莫如深毁家纾难相辅相成消极怠工略胜一筹耳提面命一脉相承蝉联幅负拖沓冗长孽根祸胎貌合神离和盘托出缄默不语坐镇留党察看满腹经纶明辨是非故伎重演蔓延明辨是非克敌制胜呕心沥血涣然冰释精兵简政缉拿归案积毁销骨惩前毖后蜕化变质风雨如磐笼络人心暴戾恣睢真知灼见出类拔萃分内之事缴械投降和衣而卧蓬荜生辉筚路蓝缕褴褛辩驳诬陷金碧辉煌照相摄像融会贯通涵盖津贴一炷香雏形爆棚影碟赝品蘸水蛰伏入场券挖墙脚蛛丝马迹毗邻锱铢必较疾首蹙额矫枉过正待价而沽精神振奋踔厉风阀(发)功亏一篑勠力同心钩玄提要置若罔闻欲盖弥彰同仇敌忾投机倒把文过饰非无耻谰言遐思迩想披肝沥胆按部就班白璧无瑕别出心裁病入膏肓釜底抽薪翱翔流光溢彩时势造英雄瑞雪兆丰年攻城略地不明就里亵渎去世爱屋及乌积习相沿偶尔赌博家具鸿篇巨制以身作则偃旗息鼓流芳百世凤冠霞帔额手称庆继往开来卑躬屈膝自出机杼事必躬亲奋笔疾书荟萃山清水秀借故推托为人处世难以捉摸谈笑风生形迹可疑认罪伏法纰缪望文生义贯穿一以贯之胁从不问花哨飞机座舱沾污感人肺腑形销骨立艰苦卓绝美轮美奂不胫而走食不果腹饮鸩止渴床笫之私捍卫荧光屏寻人启事寻章摘句冤家宜解不宜结动辄得咎吉人自有天相桥墩集思广益黄浦江一笔勾销葱茏既往不咎因陋就简起讫(完了)迄今到弄璋之喜打圆场挥毫泼墨老皇历孕育尸位素餐兼容并蓄蜂拥而至大杂烩开门揖盗暗度陈仓秸秆诘屈聱牙沁人心脾磋商蹉跎繁文缛节再接再厉计日程功更迭序跋(题跋)弭(平息、消灭)弥谤缪:mou2 miu4 miao4座谈会人情世故锲而不舍佝偻乌烟瘴气桀骜不驯独占鳌头囤积居奇拾人牙慧怙(hu4)恶不悛(quan1)大相径庭从中斡旋万变不离其宗一言以蔽之化干戈为玉帛为丛驱雀心有灵犀炊烟冒天下之大不韪毕其功于一役防民之口甚于防川败不馁差之毫厘谬以千里智者千虑必有一失反其道而行之树欲静而风不止响偈(唱词)行云风生水起颐养天年弭乱蜚(fei1)声辩证法天堑无涯珠玑缪(错误)种绸繆纰繆震慑因噎废食只言片语威慑力胁从热烘烘敲诈橱窗优秀卓尔不群张灯结彩提纲挈(qie4)领嬉游蛰伏戏谑(xue4)担负囤积山清水秀趋之若鹜伛(yu3)偻按部就班白头偕老毕恭毕敬敝帚自珍不知所措海市蜃楼隐秘兮飞黄腾达为虎作伥(chang1)大堰河麋鹿杀戮诧异踌(chou2)躇(chu2)戳穿水獭(ta3)踟躇(蹰)勠力同心殴打踯躅翡翠怄气呕心沥血荏苒美髯(ran2)缱绻蕈(xun1)菌柘(zhe4)木谭(覃tan1?)恩陪衬婧女枷锁籴(di2)粜(tiao4)编辑唢呐姗姗可爱缉捕可望而不可即破釜沉舟作揖侘傺餍(yan4)足风雨潇潇编纂(zuan3)两靥(ye4)马鸣萧萧篡(cuan4)改梦魇(yan3)蹩(bie2)脚罪愆(qian1)赦(she4)免枭(xiao1)雄藩(fan1)篱蟠(pan1)桃罗帏(wei2)叼(diao1)着揩(kai1)拭嬴政羸(lei2)弱銮舆楔形文字揳(xie1)钉子分蘖(nie4)嫉恶如仇遨游白璧无瑕有志者事竟成翱翔番(pan1)禺(yu2)数(shu3)米而炊眩晕糜(mei2)黍(shu3)暗度陈仓踉(liang4)跄(qiang4)噎(ye1)角(jue2)斗士卑躬屈膝撒(sa1)网按捺(na4)昭(zhao1)示颐养天年几率与日俱增匾额倍受青睐鳌(ao2)头璀璨搽粉粗粝(li4)踩点凋敝砥砺糟蹋白内障画像姣好勘误临摹玲珑观摩糅合辐条剔(ti1)透佛(fo2)手瓜驻扎(zha1)精悍集腋成裘博弈如雷贯耳遴选去世时势造英雄鼎力相助韦(wei2)编三绝形迹可疑还(hai2)看今朝黑魆魆(xu1)唱主角(jue2)坎坷(ke3)傧(bin1)相招徕(lai2)惊魂甫(fu3)定出奇制胜坐镇自惭形秽不稂(lang1)不莠(you3)众志成城枉费心机前赴后继固步自封金瓯无权真知灼见目不交睫抉择置若罔闻无妄之灾暗度陈仓前和后偃大展宏图气概世外桃源阪上走丸愤慨唉声叹气始作俑者直截了当副作用腊月急功近利通缉耽误猩红名声鹊起毋庸置疑疾风知劲草形迹可疑行迹无定和颜悦色绊脚石面黄肌瘦门可罗雀闻者足戒赳赳武夫揶(ye2)揄(yu2):嘲笑、讥讽扣押/扣压攻坚克难妨害鞭辟入里安详拷问/考问毕其功于一役专心致志各行其是铆钉徇私舞弊装帧精简金刚钻钻之弥坚庖有肥肉推诿贸然船坞(wu4)深邃鼾声囤积居奇暴发(突然)嘻:有声/嬉:玩(嬉笑怒骂)一应(ying1)俱全/应该有的全有了掉书袋蹋(ta4)引以为戒揶揄掎角之势双XXXXX拂(fu2)晓几率宣泄XXX贴诙谐下马威坐落搽(cha2)粉蔓(wan4)茎芝麻糊(hu4):像粥一样的食物馄饨(tun)贺岁片(pian4)不落言鉴呈送死心塌地工于心计寥若晨星蒸汽机狙(ju1)击坊(fang1)间处(chu3)暑龋(qu3)齿岿(kui1)然棠棣(di4)之花体(ti1)己明火执仗通牒幅负与日俱(一起)增婆娑(都有女)自惭形(不是行)秽德高望重(不是众)搪瓷和颜悦色/察言观色盛名之下其实难副/实难相副相如虽驾/剑拔弩张明信片手动挡水泄不通雍容华贵脉搏/博弈筚路蓝缕以启山林创业一如既往万变不离其宗头昏脑涨陆虞侯溃(hui4)脓虎贲(ben1)天塍(cheng2)催人泪下水蒸气既往不咎知人论世亦步亦趋咂(za1)摸摒(bing4)除涎(xian2)咎(jiu4:过失)由自取喟然无精打采焕然一新必自毙鱼鳔(biao4)混(hun2/hun4)着(zhuo2)落(无zhao2)岔路偏安一隅(yu2)糜(mi2)烂俗不可耐祸福倚(不是依)伏纤(xian1)巧镌(juan1)刻暮霭各行其(shi) 要言不(fan) 淋漓尽(zhi)仗义(zhi)言加官(jin)爵黔驴(ji)穷(ti)纲恰如其(qi) 娇生(guan)养买(du2)还珠出神入(hua) 正音正(yi) (mao)然行动出类(bacui) 吃里(pa)外入不(fu)出受(zhi)于人(shi)在必行(xian)而易见上(cuan)下跳以(yi)待劳(taotao)不绝(mi)而不宣莫可(ming)状水火不(rong) (qia)如其分(wuyong)讳言(wei)然成风变(huan)莫测憨态可(ju) (xuxu)如生(ji)流勇退削足适(lv) (xi)来攘往针(bian)时弊(ban)发严(jun) 虎(ju)龙盘(ti)纲挈(qie4)领虎视(dandan) 民(yuan)沸腾并行不(bei) (yi)笑大方众口(shuo)金歪门(xie)道甘(bai)下风一(chou)莫展如雷(guan)耳法不(xun)情(li)行节约书画装(zhen) (zi)行无忌承上(qi)下(ping)水相逢永(bao)青春(ting)而走险(mian)里藏针随声附(he) 坐(xiang)其成(you)柔寡断水(xie)不通脉(bo) (fang)碍气(gai) (fu)射震(han)凑(he) 杀(lu) 痉(luan)沉(mian) 修(qi4) 发(ren)迁(xi) 宣(xie) (xuan)律(hua)地为牢共商国(shi) (xun)私舞弊委(qu)求全通(die) 再接再(li)既往不(jiu) 铺张扬(li) 函(shou)教育隐约其(ci) (ji)待解决悬梁刺(gu)粮食(qian)收就(xu) 臻于(zhi)治虚无缥(miao) (yan)灭无声(hui)莫如深毁家(shu)难相辅相(cheng) 消极(dai)工略胜一(chou) 耳(ti)面命一脉相(cheng) 蝉(lian) 幅(fu) (tuo)沓冗长(nie)根祸胎貌(he)神离(he)盘托出(jian)默不语坐(zhen) 留党(cha)看满腹经(lun ) 明(bian)是非故(ji)重演(man)延明(bian)是非克敌(zhi)胜(ou)心沥血(huan)然冰释精兵(jian)政(ji)拿归案积毁(xiao)骨惩前(bi)后(tui)化变质风雨如(pan) (long)络人心暴(li zi)恣睢真知(zhuo)见出类拔(cui) (fen)内之事(jiao)械投降(he)衣而卧蓬(bi)生辉(bi)路蓝缕衣衫(lan lv)(bian)驳(wu)陷金(bi)辉煌照(xiang) 摄(xiang) 融(hui)贯通涵(gai) 津(tie) 一(zhu)香雏(xing) (bao)棚影(die)(yan)品(zhan)水(zhe)伏入场(quan) 挖墙(jiao) 蛛丝(ma)迹(pi)邻(zi zhu)必较(ji)首蹙额矫(wang)过正待价而(gu) 精神振奋(chuo)厉风阀功亏一(kui) (lu)力同心钩(xuan)提要置若(wang)闻欲盖弥(zhang)同仇敌(kai) 投机(dao)把文过(shi)非无耻(lan)言(xia)思迩想披肝(li)胆按(bu)就班白璧无(xia) 别出(xin)裁病入膏(huang) (fu)底抽薪(ao)翔流光(yi)彩时(shi)造英雄瑞雪(zhao)丰年攻城(lue)地不明就(li)里亵(du)去(shi) 爱(wu)及(wu) 积习相(yan)偶(er) 赌(bo) 家(ju) (hong)篇巨制以身(zuo)则(yan)旗息鼓(liu)芳百世凤冠霞(pei4) 额(shou)称庆(ji)往开来卑躬(qu)膝自出机(zhu)事必(gong)亲(fen)笔疾书(hui)萃山(qing)水秀借故推(tuo) 为人处(shi)难以(zhuo mo) 谈笑风(sheng) (xing)迹可疑认罪(fu)法(pi)缪望文生(yi)贯穿一以(guan)之(xie)从不问花(shao) 飞机(zuo)舱沾(wu)感人肺(fu) 形(xiao)骨立(jian)苦卓绝美(lun)美奂不(jing)而走食不(guo)腹饮(zhen4)止渴床(zi3)之私(han)卫(ying)光屏寻人启(shi) (xun)章摘句冤家(yi)解不(yi)结动(zhe)得咎吉人自有天(xiang) 桥(dun) 集思广(yi)黄(pu)江一笔(gou)销葱(long)既往不(jiu) 因陋就(jian) 起(qi)(完了)(qi)今弄(zhang)之喜打(yuan)场挥(hao)泼墨老(huang)历(yun)育(shi)位素餐兼(rong)并蓄蜂(yong)而至大杂(hui) 开门(yi)盗暗(du)陈仓秸(gan) (jie)屈聱牙(qin)人心脾(cuo)商cuo tuo繁文(ru)节再接再(li) 计日(cheng)功更(die) 序/题(ba) 弭(平息、消灭)(mi)谤缪:mou2 miu4 miao4(zuo)谈会人情(shi)故(qie)而不舍佝(lou) 乌烟(zhang)气桀(ao)不驯独占(ao)头囤(ji)居奇拾人牙(hui)怙(hu4)恶不(quan1)大相(jing)庭从中(wo)旋万变不离其(zong)一言以(bi)之化干戈为玉(bo)为丛驱(que) 心有灵(xi)(chui)烟冒天下之大不(wei)(bi)其功于一役防民之口(shen)于防川败不(nei)差之毫厘(miu)以千里智者千虑必有一(shi)(fan)其道而行之树欲静而风不止响(ji)(唱词)行云风(sheng)水起(yi)养天年(mi)乱(fei1)声(bian)证法天堑无(ya) 珠(ji) (miu)(错误)种绸繆chuo mou(pi miu) 震(she)因噎(fei)食(zhi)言片语威(she)力(xie)从热(hong hong) 敲(zha) (chu)窗优秀卓(er)不群张灯结(cai)(ti)纲挈(qie4)领(xi)游(zhe)伏戏(xue4)担(fu)(tun)积山(qing)水秀趋之若(wu) (yu3 lou)按(bu)就班白头(xie)老(bi)恭(bi)敬(bi)帚自珍不知所(cuo) 海市(shen)楼隐(mi) 兮飞(huang)腾达为虎作(chang1)大(yan)河(mi)鹿杀(lu) (cha)异(chou2)躇(chu2)(chuo)穿水(ta3)(chi)蹰(lu)力同心(ou)打(zhi2)躅(zhu2)(fei)翠(ou)气(ou)心沥血荏(ran) 美(ran2)(qian3)绻(quan3) (xun4)菌(zhe4)木(tan2)恩:深思陪(chen)(jing4)女枷(suo)(di2)(tiao4)编(ji) (suo)呐shan shan)可爱(ji)捕可望而不可(ji)破(fu)沉舟作(yi)(cha4)傺(chi4):失意的样子(yan4)足风雨(xiao xiao)编(zuan3)两(ye4)马鸣(xiaoxiao) (cuan4)改梦(yan3)(bie2)脚罪(qian1)(she4)免(xiao1)雄(fan1)篱(pan1)桃罗(wei2)(diao1)着(kai1)拭(ying)政(lei2)弱(luan2)舆(yu2) (xie1)形文字(xie1)钉子分(nie4)(ji)恶如仇(ao)游白(bi)无瑕有志者事(jing)成(ao)翔番(pan1)禺(yu2)数(shu3)米而炊眩晕糜(mei2)黍(shu3)暗(du)陈仓踉(liang4)跄(qiang4)噎(ye1)角(jue2)斗士卑躬(qu)膝撒(sa1)网按捺(na4)昭(zhao1)示(yi)养天年几率与日(ju)增(bian)额(bei)受青睐鳌(ao2)头璀(can) (cha)粉粗(li4)(cai)点凋(bi)(di3)砺(li4) 糟(ta) 白内(zhang)画(xiang) (jiao)好(kan)误临(mo) (ling)珑观(mo)(rou)合(fu)条(ti1 tou)佛(fo2)手瓜驻扎(zha1)精(han) (ji)腋成裘博(yi)如雷(guan)耳(lin)选去(shi)时(shi)造英雄鼎(li)相助(wei2)编三绝(xing)迹可疑(hai2)看今朝黑(xu1 xu1)唱主(jue2)坎(ke3)(bin1)相招(lai2)惊魂(fu3)定出(qi)制胜坐(zhen)自惭形(hui) 不(lang1)不(you3)众志(cheng cheng) (wang fei)心机前(fu)后继(gu)步自封金(ou)无权真知(zhuo)见目不交(jie)(jue)择置若(wang)闻无(wang)之灾暗(du)陈仓前和后(yan)大展宏(tu) 气(gai) 世外桃(yuan)(ban3)上走丸愤(kai) (ai)声叹气始作(yong)者直(jie)了当(fu)作用(la)月(ji)功近利通(ji) (dan)误(xing)红名声(que)起毋(yong)置疑疾风(zhi)劲草(xing)迹可疑(xing)迹无定和(yan)悦色(ban)脚石面黄(ji)瘦门可(luo que) 闻者足(jie) (jiujiu)武夫(ye2 yu2):嘲笑、讥讽扣押/扣压攻(jian)克难(fang)害鞭辟入(li) 安(xiang) 拷问/考问毕其(gong)于一役专心(zhi)志各行其(shi) (mao3)钉(xun)私舞弊装(zhen)精(jian) 金(gang)钻钻之弥(jian) (pao)有肥肉推(wei) (mao)然船(wu4)深(sui) (han)声囤积居(qi) 暴发(突然)嘻:有声/嬉:玩(嬉笑怒骂)一(ying1)俱全/应该有的全有了(diao)书袋蹋(ta4)引以为(jie)(ye2)揄(yu2):嘲笑讥讽(ji)角之势双(mang1)(fu2)晓几率(xuan)泄XXX贴(hui)谐(xia)马威(zuo)落(cha2)粉(wan4)茎芝麻(hu4):像粥一样的食物馄饨(tun)贺岁片(pian4)不落言(jian) 呈送死心(ta)地(gong)于心计寥若(chen)星蒸(qi)机(ju1)击(fang1)间(chu3)暑(qu3)齿(kui1)然棠(di4)之花(ti1)己明火执(zhang) 通(die) (fu)负与日(ju)(一起)增婆(suo)(都有女)自惭(xing)秽德高望(zhong)(tang)瓷和(yan)悦色/察(yan)观色盛名之下其实难(fu)/实难相(fu)相如虽(nu)/剑拔(nu)张(ming)信片手动(dang) 水(xie)不通雍(rong)华贵脉(bo)/(bo)弈(bi)路蓝缕以(qi)启山林创业一如(ji)往万变不离其(zong) 头昏脑(zhang) 陆虞(hou) (hui4)脓虎(ben1)天(cheng2)(cui)催人泪下水蒸(qi)既往不(jiu) 知人论(shi) 亦步亦(qu) (za1)摸(bing4)除涎(xian2)(jiu4:过失)由自取(kui)然无精打(cai) (huan)然一新必自(bi) 鱼(biao4)混(hun2/hun4)(zhuo2)落(无zhao2)(cha)路偏安一(yu2)(mi2)烂俗不可(nai)祸福(yi)伏(xian1)巧(juan1)刻暮(ai)。
