The Basic Steps in Global Marketing Research
全球市场营销重要知识点罗列(中英文)Global marketing Chapter one掌握:营销概念:Although marketing is universal, marketing practice, of course,varies from country to country.了解:The market conceptThe New concept of marketing and the Four Ps: shifted the focus of marketing from the product to the customer.The strategic 1.concept of marketing: shifted the focus of marketing from the customer or the product to the customer in the context of the broader external environment.2.the strategic concept of marketing has shifted the focus of marketing from a microeconomics maximization paradigm to a focus of managing strategic partnerships and positioning the firm between vendors and customers in the value chain with the aim and purpose of creating value for customers.掌握:THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING1.Customer value and the value equationThe task of marketing is to create customer value that is greater than the value created by competitors./doc/1312473186.html,petitive or differential advantageThe advantage can exist in any element of the company’s offer: the product, the price, the advertising and point-of-sale promotion, or the distribution of the product.V=B/P3.FocusThe third marketing principle is focus, or the concentration of attention.掌握:全球本土化概念(global localization):it means asuccessful global marketer must have the ability to “think globally and act locally”掌握:MANAGEMENT ORIENTATION1.Ethnocentric (母国中心)---------international companyHome country is superior, sees similarities in foreign countries2.Polycentric(东道国中心)-----------multinational companyEach host country is unique sees differences in foreign countries3.Regiocentric(区域中心)----------global companySees similarities and differences in the world region; is ethnocentric or polycentric the rest of the world.4.Geocentric (世界中心)-------------transnational companyWorldview, sees similarities and differences in home and host countries.了解:Leverage定义:Leverage is simply some type of advantage that a company enjoys by virtue of the fact that it conducts business in more than one country.类型:1.experience transfers(经验移植) 2.Scale economies (规模经济:可降低成本)3.resource utilization (资源利用) strategy(全球化战略)Chapter two了解ECONOMIC SYSTEMS1.Market allocationA market allocation system is one that relies on consumers to allocate resources.Consumers“write” the economic plan by deciding what will be produced by whom./doc/1312473186.html,mand or centralplan allocationIn a command allocation system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest.These include deciding which products to make and how to make them.3. Mixed allocation了解STAGES OF MARKET DEVELOMENTUsing GNP as a base , we have divided global markets into four categories.1.low-income countries(also known as preindustrial countries)2.lower-middle-income countries(also known as less developed countries or LDCs)3.upper-middle-income countries(also known as industrializing countries)4.high-income countries(also known as advanced , industrialized, postindustrial countries) chapter three 了解:BASIC ASPERTS OF SOCIETY AND CULTURE①It is learned, not innate②The various facts of culture are interrelated, influence or change one aspect of a culture and everything else is affected.③It is shared by members of groups and defines the boundaries between different groups.掌握:High and low context cultures强交际环境文化和弱交际环境文化的对比(看73页表) In low context cultures,①messages have to be explicit.②A person's word is not t o be relied on.③Paperwork is important.In high context cultures,①less information is contained in the verbal part of message.② A person's value, position, background are crucial.掌握:Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 马斯洛需求层次理论①physiological 生理需求②safety 安全需求③social 社交需求④esteem 尊重⑤self-actualization 自我实现掌握:Hofstede Framework 霍夫斯诺德构架(看细节)①individualism versus collectivism 个人主义与集体主义②power distance 权力距离③uncertainty avoidance 不确定性规避⑤masculinity versus femininity 男权主义相对女权主义了解:THE SELF-REFERENCE CRITERION AND PERCEPTION As we have shown, a person’s perception of market needs is framed by his or her own cultural experience.了解:ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY(了解80页表格)Environmental sensitivity is the extent to which products must be adapted to the culture-specific needs of different national markets. (对环境中最敏感的东西是food)Chapter four了解POLITICAL RISK (经济发达阶段和政治风险的关系,经济越不发达政治风险越高)了解征用(EXPROPRIATION)定义:Expropriation refers to governmental action to dispossess a company or investor.没收(CONPENSATION)定义:compensation is generally provided to foreign investors,although not often in the “prompt effective ,and adequate”manner provided for by international standard.国有化(NATIONALIZATION)定义:Nationalization occurs ifownership of the property or assets in question is transferred to the host government.了解:Differences of the two systems in solving commercial disputes两种法律体系在解决商务纠纷中的区别common law versus civil law(code law)①Under common law, commercial disputes are subjected to either civil or commercial laws. Under code law, commercial disputes are subjected to the commercial code.②Under common law, industrial property right based on proof of agreement.Under code law, industrial property right based on notarization or registration③Under common law, Performance of contract: Act of God/act of nature means extraordinary happenings not reasonably anticipated.Under code law, Performance of contract: Act of God is extended to include unavoidable interferences such as strike or riots (Force Majeure)掌握:Three bases for jurisdiction in resolving private international disputes处理国际争端的3种基本司法程序①negotiation调解协商②Arbitration仲裁③Litigation 诉讼Chapter five掌握:DIFFUSION THEORY(传播理论)(AIETA)Five stages of the adoption process 对新产品接纳过程的五个阶段①Awareness 知晓阶段②Interest 感兴趣阶段③Evaluation 评价阶段④Trial 试用阶段⑤Adoption 采纳阶段Five types of adopter categories 新产品接纳者的5种类型②innovators②early adopters(Early adopters are the most influential people in their communities,even more than the innovators. Thus. The early adopters are a critical group in the adoption process )③early majority④late majority⑤laggards (落后者)掌握:Characteristics of innovations(创新的特征)1.Relative advantage(相对优势)/doc/1312473186.html,patibility(兼容性)/doc/1312473186.html,plexity(复杂性)4.Divisibility(可分性)/doc/1312473186.html,municability(可交流性)Chapter six了解Information subject agenda (理解168页表格)了解SCANNING MODES(搜寻模式): SURVEILLANCE AND SEARCH监视的两种类型Surveillance include: viewing and monitoring 了解营销信息的主要来源(sources of market information):1.human sources (人)2.documentary sources(文档资源)3.internet sources(因特网来源)4. Direct perception(直接感知)了解FORMAL MARKETING RESEARCH(正式的市场调研)Step 1: Identifying the research problemStep 2: Developing a research planStep 3: Collecting data (看细节secondary data, primary data, survey research)Step 4: Analyzing research dataStep 5: Presenting the findingsChapter seven掌握市场细分的定义: Market segmentation is the process of subdividing a market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场细分的定义:Global market segmentation is the process of dividing the world market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场的主要细分的标准(criteria)(知道归属):1.Geographic segmentation2.Demographic segmentation3.Psychographic segmentation4.Behavior segmentation5.Benefit segmentation掌握全球目标市场确定的定义:T argeting is the act of evaluating and comparing the identified groups and then selecting one or more of them as the prospect(s) with the highest potential.掌握选择目标市场的标准(criteria):1.current segment size and growth potential2.potential competition/doc/1312473186.html,patibility and feasibility掌握选择目标市场的策略:1.standardized global marketing2.concentrated global marketing3.differentiated global marketing掌握全球产品定位(Global product positioning)定义:Positioning is the location of your product in the mind of your customer.Chapter eight掌握出口市场选择的六大标准(MARKET SELECTION CRITERIA) potential(市场潜量) access (市场潜入因素)3.shipping costs(运输成本及时间)4.potential competition(潜在竞争)5.service requirement(服务要求)6.product fit(产品适应性)了解ENTRY AND EXPANSION DECISION MODEL(进入和扩张决策模型,第237页)掌握依托营销(Piggyback Marketing)的定义:The manufacturer using the piggyback arrangement does so at a cost that is much lower than that required for any direct arrangement. Successful piggyback marketing requires that the combined product lines be complement. They must appeal to the same customers, and they must not be competitive with each other.掌握许可贸易(licensing)的定义:Licensing can be defined as a contractual arrangement whereby one company(the licensee) makes an asset available to another company(the licensing) in exchange for royalties, license fees, or some other form of compensation. The licensed asset may be a patent, trade secret, or company name.其中,Franchising is a form of licensing了解Joint Ventures(第247页)了解市场扩张战略(5 MARKET EXPANSION STRATEGIES):1.Strategy one: concentrates on a few segments in a few countries.2.Strategy two: country concentration and segment diversification3.Strategy three: country diversification and market segment concentration4.Strategy four: country and segment diversificationChapter nine了解全球战略联盟的三个特点:1.The participants remain independent subsequent to the formation of the alliance2.The participants share the benefits of the alliance as well as control over the performance ofassigned tasks.3.The participants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategicareas.了解全球战略同盟的六个特性(attributes)(第265页)在日本,战略联盟被称为综合商社在韩国,战略联盟被称为财阀Chapter ten掌握影响产业竞争的五种力量(Forces Influencing Competition in a Industry):1.Thread of new entrants2.Rivalry Among Existing Competitors3.Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.Bargaining Power of Buyers5.thread of Substitute Product or Services掌握新加入者的五种威胁(thread of new entrants):1.Economies of scales(规模经济)2.Product differentiation(产品差异性)3.Capital requirements(资本要求)4.Switching costs(转换成本)5.Access to distribution channels(获取分销渠道的途径)/doc/1312473186.html,ernment policy(政府政策)7.Established firms may also enjoy cost advantages independent of the scale economies(老公司享有的与规模经济无关的成本优势)掌握Porter’s basic thesis(Porter’s diamond): four national attributes of a nation shape the environment in which local firms compete.波特钻石理论中认为决定一国本地公司竞争环境的四大特征:①factor condit ions②demand conditions③related and supporting industries④firm strategy, structure, rivalryAnd two influencers: Governments and chance其中,了解要素来源(factor conditions)的分类1.Human resources2.Physical resources3.Knowledge resources4.Capital resources5.Infrastructure resources掌握要素资源的类型1.Basic versus advanced factors(基本要素与高级要素)2.Generalized(通用要素是前提条件)versus specialized factors(专门要素是企业真正竞争要素的来源)掌握创造竞争优势的一般战略:1.Broad market strategy 大市场战略Cost-Leadership Advantage(成本领先)Differentiation(差异化)2.Narrow target strategies(缩小目标范围)Focused differentiation (差异专注)Cost focus(成本专注)了解日本人创新性竞争的策略:/doc/1312473186.html,yers of advantage (优势层)2.Loose bricks(松动的砖头)3.Changing the rules(改变规则)4.Collaborating(合作)5.Hypercompetition (超级竞争)CHAPTER11了解产品含义(了解产品属于哪类)Local products(本土产品):A local product is available in a portion of a national market. National products(国家产品): A national product is one that, in the context o a particular company is offered in a single national market.International products(国际产品): international products are offered in multinational,regional markets.Global products(全球产品):global products are offered in global markets了解产品与品牌的不同(了解334页的全球品牌的特征--------地球图)A global product differs from a global brand in one important respect: it does not carry the same name and image from country to country.掌握产品定位(product positioning)的定义:product positioning is a communications strategy based on the notion of mental "space": positioning refers to the act of locating a brandin customers' minds over and against other products in terms of product attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer.掌握产品定位的一般策略(general strategies for positioning products)1.attribute or benefit (属性与性能)2.Quality/price(质量价格)/doc/1312473186.html,e/user (使用和使用者)4.High-tech positioning (高科技定位)5.High-touch positioning (高感性定位)掌握产品设计的四个因素(Product design considerations)Global market need to consider four factors when making product design decision:1. Preferences (偏好)2. Cost (成本)3. Laws and regulations(法律法规)4. Compatibility(兼容性)5. Labeling and instructions (标签以及用法说明)了解原产国的态度的(coo:country of origin)定义:Country of origin (often abbreviated to COO), is the country of manufacture, production, or growth where an article or product comes from. There are differing rules of origin under various national laws and international treaties掌握产品地理扩张的主要策略(5个)Strategy1:product/communication extension(dual extension) Strategy2:product extension/communication adaptationStrategy3:product adaptation/communication extensionStrategy4:dual adaptationStrategy5:product invention理解公司的三个阶段(How to choose a strategy)1.cave dweller.(洞穴居住着)2.Naive nationalist(天真的国家主义者)3.Globally sensitive(全球性敏感者)了解新产品开发的几层含义(New products in global marketing):Newness can be assessed in t h e c o n t e x t o f t h e p r o d u c t i t s e l f,t h e o r g a n i z at i o n,a n d t h e m a r ke entirely new invention or innovation2. a line extension3.newness may also be existing product that is new to a company may be new to a particular market了解新产品开发的几个步骤:1.Identifying new-product ideas2.New-product development location3.Testing new products in national marketsCHAPTER 12掌握环境对定价决策的影响(Environmental influences on pricing decisions)1.Currency fluctuations(货币的不稳定性)2.Exchange rate clauses(汇率条款)3.Pricing in an inflationary environment(在通货膨胀的环境里定价)/doc/1312473186.html,ernment controls and subsidies(政府控制和补贴)/doc/1312473186.html,petitive behavior (竞争行为)6.Price and quality relationships(价格与质量的关系)掌握全球定价目标及战略(Global pricing objectives andstrategies)1. 掌握市场撇脂(Market skimming)定义:the market skimming pricing strategy is a deliberate attempt to reach a market segment that is willing to pay a premium price for a product.2. 掌握渗透式定价(Penetration pricing)定义:penetration pricing uses price as a competitive weapon to gain market position.3. 掌握市场保持(Market holding)定义:the market holding strategy is frequently adopted by companies that want to maintain their share of the market.4. 掌握成本加成价格升级Cost plus/price escalation掌握价格升级的定义:Price escalation is the increase in a product’s price as tr ansportation, duty, and distributor margins are added to the factory price.掌握灰色市场(Grey market goods)条件和定义定义:gray market goods are trademarked products that are exported from one country to another, where they are sold by unauthorized persons or organizations.条件:The marketing opportunity that presents itself requires gray market goods to be priced lower than goods sold by authorized distributors or domestically produced goods.了解倾销(Dumping) 定义:Dumping is an important global pricing strategy issue.了解转移定价(TRANSFER PRICING)的定义:transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods and services bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a single company.了解几种转移定价的方法:The alternatives are(1)cost-based transfer pricing,(2).market-based transfer pricing(目的基于市场竞争需要的转移定价)Market-based transfer price了解定义:a market-based transfer price is derived from the price required to be competitive in the international market.(3).negotiated prices.掌握三种定价策略(GLOBAL PRICING-THREE POLICY ALTERNATIVES)1.Extension/ethnocentric2.Adaptation/polycentric3.Invention/geocentricCHAPTER 13掌握分销渠道(Channel of distribution)的定义:Channel of distribution American marketing association defines channel of distribution as"an organized network of agencies and institutions which, in combination, perform all the activities required to link producers withusers to accomplish the marketing task."掌握分销(marketing channels)的目的: The purpose of marketing channels is to create utility for customers.掌握渠道的效用:The major categories of channel utility are place (the availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer);time(the availability of a product or service when desired by a customer);form(the product is processed, prepared, and ready to use and in proper condition);and information(answers to questions and general communication about useful product features and benefits are available).了解两种渠道:1.Direct involvement2.Indirect involvement掌握影响渠道因素(CHANNEL OBJECTIVES AND CONSTRAINTS)1. customers characteristics2. products characteristics3. middlemen characteristics4. environment characteristics掌握中间商(Middleman characteristics)的定义:Channel strategy must recognize the characteristics of existing middlemen. Middlemen are in business to maximize their own profit and not that of the manufacturer. They are notorious for cherry picking.了解cherry picking的定义:that is, the practice of taking orders from manufacturers whose products and brands are in demand to avoid any real selling effort for a manufacturer’s products that may required push.DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS:TERMINOLOGY AND STRUCTURE 掌握消费品(CONSUMER PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.DOOR-TO-DOOR SELLING2.MANUFACTURER-OWNED STORE3.FRANCHISE OPERATIONS/doc/1312473186.html,BINATION STUCTURES掌握工业产品(INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.M-manufacturer2. W-wholesaler3. MSF-manufacturer's sales force4. D or A-distributor or agentCHAPTER 14掌握全球广告的定义:Global advertising is the use of the same advertising appeals, messages,art, copy, photographs, stories, and video segments in multiple-country markets.了解global advertising content: the extension versus adoption debate了解选择广告代理商的主要因素:In selecting an advertising agency, the following issues should be considered: Company organization, Area coverage, Buyer perception.CHAPTER 15(重点看选择题)掌握几种主要的促销方式(GLOBAL PROMOTION)Advertising(广告)Public Relations and Publicity (公共关系与公众度)Personal selling (个人推销)Sales promotion (营业促销)Direct Marketing(直复营销)Trade Shows and Exhibitions(贸易展示和展会)Sponsorship Promotion (赞助促销)了解公共关系的主要作用:foster goodwill and understanding among constituents both inside and outside the company.还有宣传的特征:Publicity is a nonpaid form of communication (unearned media)掌握推销(personal selling)的定义: personal selling is two-way,personal communication between a company representative and a potential customer as well as back to the company. 掌握推销的主要过程:The selling process is typically divided into several stages:prospecting, preapproaching, aaproaching, presenting, problem solying, handing objections, closing the sale, and following up.了解SALES PROMOTIONTrade promotions are designed to increases productavailability in distribution channels.了解DIRECT MARKETINGThe use of direct marketing is growing rapidly in many parts of the world due to increased use of computer databases, credit cards, and toll-free numbers, as well as changing life-styles.了解TRADE SHOWS AND EXHIBITIONSTrade shows and exhibitions are other promotion vehicles that are increasingly important in the promotional mix, especially for industrial products and in the international marketplace.了解SPONSORSHIP PROMOTION特点:Sponsorship can be used to increase awareness and esteem, to build the brand identification, to enhance the brand’s positioning and sales,and to circumvent advertising restrictions in some countries.。
Levi Strauss’
Value-Delivery Network
Du Pont〔Fibers〕
petition is between networks, not panies.The winner is the pany with the better network.
Goods, services
Goods, services
The Profit Triangle
Fig. 2.08
Value creation
petitive advantage
Internal operations
Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Control Process
Chapter 1&2:1.Market: anywhere that people with the desire and ability can buy a specific product.2.Market Segments (细分市场): 1) smaller groups of markets with potential customers thathave a great deal in common; 2) specialized set of goods or services may be provided3.T arget Market (目标市场): One or more specific groups of potential customers towardwhich an organization directs its marketing program.4.Marketing(市场营销定义): the process of building lasting relationships through planning,executing and controlling the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create mutual exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational needs and objectives5.What four factors are needed for marketing to occur?1)Two or more parties with unsatisfied needs2) a desire and ability on their part be satisfied3) a way for the parties to communicate4)something to exchange.6.Marketing Mix (4Ps)(营销组合): the marketing mix is product, price, promotion, and place.7.Marketing’s T wo T asks:1)discovering consumer needs;2)satisfying consumer needs8. Marketing & Sales (市场营销与销售):1) Marketing is the process to persuade potential customers to buy a particular product orservice;2) Sales is the end result of the marketing process and occur when goods or services aregiven over to a customer in exchange for money or another valuable consideration.3) Marketing describes the whole commercial process that creates the interest that thepotential customer demonstrates prior to a sale. Sales transactions are the goal of marketing and serve as the basis for the relationship between the marketer and the consumer.4) An Example: "... if the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying 'CircusComing to the Fairground Saturday', that's advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that's promotion. What you’ve done is marketing. If the town's citizens watch the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how much fun they'll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that's sales.9. Marketing Functions (市场营销功能):1) Contact: seeking out of prospective consumers2) Merchandising: the process of bringing the right product to the right place at the righttime in the right quantity at the right price3) Pricing: the determining factor when a purchase is made and is a key to profit.4) Promotion: support marketing efforts (paid advertising, personal selling, public relations,and supplemental efforts.5) Distribution (distribution channels): the process of putting the consumer and the producttogether.6) Human Resources (HR)10. Hierarchy of Effects (效果层级理论):1) Marketing term for the sequence of five steps by which consumers receive and use information in reaching decisions about what actions they will take.2) from the initial exposure to a product or advertisement to the purchase decision: (1) awareness (产品知名度), (2) affinity (产品关联), (3) preference (产品偏好), (4) confidence (产品信心), and (5) purchase (产品购买)Hierarchy of Effects43ConfidencePreferenceAffinity (Linking)Awareness PurchaseDOFEELTHINK11. Market: anywhere that people with the desire and ability can buy a specific productMarketplace: a location where goods and services are exchanged12. International Marketing (国际市场营销):1) International Marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing mixdecisions across national boundaries. (Narrow Sense)2) International Marketing involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilitiesoverseas and coordinating marketing strategies across markets. (Broad Sense)13. Characteristics of the International Marketing:1) Bigger market and Stronger Competition2) Huge Complexity of organizations3) Different Standards among Countries4) Higher Risk and More Difficulties14. Different Levels of Marketing (不同层次的市场营销):1) Domestic Marketing (国内营销): targeting exclusively on the home country market2) Export Marketing (出口营销): the first stage of addressing market opportunities outside the home country3) International Marketing (global marketing)(国际营销): the stage when a marketer enters certain countries according to a company’s resources and the nature of opportunit ies and threat 国际市场营销学8The International Marketing Task7 3. Economy Environmental uncontrollables country market AEnvironmental uncontrollables country market B Environmental uncontrollables country market C1. Competition1. Competition2. Technology Price Product Promotion Place or Distribution6. Geography and Infrastructure Foreign Environment(Uncontrollables)7. Structure ofDistribution 3. Economy 5. Political-LegalDomestic environment(Uncontrollables)(Controllables) 2 .Technology 4. Culture5. Political-Legal 4. CultureTarget Market15. International Marketing Process (国际市场营销过程): 10Appraising the international marketing environment (marketassessment)Deciding whether to go abroad (market orientation)Deciding which market to enter (market orientation)Deciding how to enter the market (strategy development)Deciding on the marketing mix (implementation)Deciding on the marketing control and management(control)16. How to enter overseas markets in the first place?1) Indirect export : exporters use an intermediary, such as an export agent, to deal withbuyers in the overseas markets.2) Direct export : companies handle their own exports, for example by setting up overseassales offices.3) Licensing : companies sell the rights to use a manufacturing process, trademark or patentfor a fee or royalty.4) Joint venture : two companies, for example an overseas firm and a local one, may worktogether to develop a particular market.5) Direct investment : the company buys a local firm, or sets up its own manufacturingsubsidiaries. 17. Regulation: principle or rule employed in controlling or managing the exports. 18. Financing: a firm fills the need for cash from external or borrowed money19. hard currency (硬通货):1) Stable , convertible currency (such as the Euro , US dollar , or Y en) or that enjoys the confidence of investors and traders alike2) Hard currencies serve as means of payment settlements because they do not suffer from sharp exchange rate fluctuations.20. soft currency (软通货): Currency belonging to a small, weak, or wildly fluctuating economyand which, therefore, is not in favor with foreign exchange dealers Chapters 2,3 & 4:1. Segmentation, T argeting, and Positioning (STP): Building the Right Relationships withthe Right CustomersMarket Segmentation (市场细分): dividing a market into distinct groups of buyerswith different needs, characteristics, or behavior who might require separate products ormarketing mixesSegmenting Consumer Markets (市场细分标准):Geographical segmentation (地理细分): World / Country Region , State / Province,City / Country, Neighborhood, Climate, GeographyDemographic segmentation (人口细分): Most popular segmentation Age / Gender,Family size, Family life cycle, Income / Occupation, Education ,Religion / Race,NationalityPsychographic segmentation (心理细分): Lifestyle, Social classBehavioral segmentation (行为细分): User status, Usage rates, Loyalty status● Market T argeting(目标市场选择): the process of evaluating each market segment’sattractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.Segmentation & T argeting Strategies :Mass marketing (Undifferentiated marketing) (无差异性营销): offering the sameproduct to the entire consumer population (entire market) 企业只推出一种产品,只用一套营销办法招徕所有顾客。
Price Product
2. Technology
5. Political- Target
6. Geography and Legal
Market 7
Promotion Place or 2 .Technology
Environmental uncontrollables country market B
3. 政府的支持和鼓励
4. 科技的发展提供了物质前提
5. 学习先进的科学技术和管理经验
1.4 Stages of International Marketing Involvement
In general, firms go through five different phases in going international:
利润 公司营销记录
是 是 是 一般没有 一般没有 一般没有 没有
是 国际贸易统计,导
是 致贸易逆差,营销
1.3 企业走向国际市场的动因
Why Companies Go International? 1. 国内市场需求饱和及市场竞争激烈
2. 国际市场的吸引力
Exchange: Commodities and labor Services 经营环境:复杂的国际环境
Environment: International, with complexity 理论基础:比较利益学说,国际产品生命周期
Theories: Comparable Advantage,
《商务英语综合教程》 Unit (11)
3. The government decided to adjust their policy according to the
4. It’s the most competitive market in the world, because every
wants to
succeed in China.
1. Focusing too much on the little stuff. “First, you need to get your business off the ground,” says Steve Tobak, founder of Invisor Consulting, a business strategy firm, and author of Real Leaders Don’t Follow: Being Extraordinary in the Age of the Entrepreneur. While this directive may seem obvious, new business owners can get really bogged down by the details. Don’t do this. By getting sidetracked focusing on things like how your business cards look or the design of your logo, founders are wasting valuable time. Instead, concentrate on tasks that will help propel your business to the next level.
2015年3月上海市高级口译第一阶段笔试真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. LISTENING TEST 2. READING TEST 3. TRANSLATION TEST 4. LISTENING TEST 5. READING TEST 6. TRANSLATION TESTSECTION 1 LISTENING TESTPart A Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.听力原文:Global warming? You may accept or reject those who say it is a dangerous phenomenon. Hut if the planet is warming, and humanity is contributing to it, shouldn’t someone be thinking about solutions? If the Earth is, in fact, engaged in a long-term warming cycle? And if humanity is partly responsible—can it be reversed? Possible solutions to global warming range from the simple to the complex, from changing a light bulb to engineering giant reflectors in space. The most talked about solutions involve expanded use of alternative energy technologies, and less reliance on fossil fuels. V olcanoes, forest fires, ocean and atmospheric variability are natural occurrences that change climate conditions. Might nature correct the warming trend itself? Climate scientists say that it seems very unlikely. Science doesn’t give us certainties. Science gives us likelihood. We think that it’s likely that climate warming of the last few decades isn’t due to the usual causes such as changes in the Earth’s orbit, changes in the sun, volcanoes, but it’s due primarily to humans adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. John Topping of the nonprofit Climate Institute says it will be private industry, not governments, coming up with solutions. He argues that we need to get investment flows going in the direction of emerging clean energy technologies and part of that’s going to happen because we, as consumers, step forward and we are conscious in our buying habits to get more energy-efficient products. Higher gas prices are making fuel-efficient vehicles more attractive to consumers. Building and home constructions are becoming more energy efficient. Climate change is a huge challenge. But climate change also provides an opportunity for countries to really further themselves, and the only way to advance much globally, is to look at approaches that protect the environment at the same time that they promote equitable economic growth. Wider application of renewable energy resources could reduce greenhouse gases and offset global warming. Some scientists are suggesting grander solutions, involving rearranging Earth’s environment: building huge sunshades in space, for example, tinkering with clouds to make them reflect more sunlight, perhaps tricking oceans into soaking up more heat trapping gases.Global warming? You may accept or reject those who say it is a dangerous phenomenon. But if the planet is warming, and humanity is contributing to it, shouldn’t someone be【C1】______? If the Earth is, in fact, engaged in a long-term warming cycle? And if humanity is partly responsible —【C2】______? Possible solutions to global warming range from the simple to the complex, from changing 【C3】______to engineering giant reflectors in space. The most talked about solutions involve expanded use of【C4】______, and less reliance on fossil fuels. V olcanoes, forest fires, ocean and atmospheric variability are 【C5】______that change climate conditions. Might nature correct the warming trend itself? Climate scientists say that it seems very unlikely. 【C6】______. Science gives us likelihood. We think that it’s likely that【C7】______of the last few decades isn’t due to the usual causes such as changes【C8】______, changes in the sun, volcanoes, but it’s due primarily to humans 【C9】______. John Topping of the nonprofit Climate Institute says it will be 【C10】______, not governments, coming up with solutions. He argues that we need to【C11】______in the direction of emerging clean energy technologies and part of that’s going to happen because we, as consumers, step forward and we are conscious 【C12】______to get more energy-efficient products. Higher gas prices are making 【C13】______more attractive to consumers. Building and home constructions are becoming more energy efficient. Climate change is【C14】______. But climate change also provides an opportunity for countries【C15】______, and the only way to advance much globally, is to look at approaches that protect the environment at the same time that they【C16】______. Wider application of renewable energy resources could reduce greenhouse gases and【C17】______. Some scientists are suggesting grander solutions, involving【C18】______: building huge sunshades in space, for example, tinkering with clouds to make them 【C19】______, perhaps tricking oceans into soaking up 【C20】______.1.【C1】正确答案:thinking about solutions2.【C2】正确答案:can it be reversed3.【C3】正确答案:a light bulb4.【C4】正确答案:alternative energy technologies正确答案:natural occurrences6.【C6】正确答案:Science doesn’t give us certainties. 7.【C7】正确答案:climate warming8.【C8】正确答案:in the Earth’s orbit9.【C9】正确答案:adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere 10.【C10】正确答案:private industry11.【C11】正确答案:get investment flows going12.【C12】正确答案:in our buying habits13.【C13】正确答案:fuel-efficient vehicles14.【C14】正确答案:a huge challenge15.【C15】正确答案:to really further themselves正确答案:promote equitable economic growth17.【C17】正确答案:offset global warming18.【C18】正确答案:rearranging Earth’s environment19.【C19】正确答案:reflect more sunlight20.【C20】正确答案:more heat-trapping gasesPart B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.听力原文:M: So, Rachel, how did you finally quit?W: Well, I had a friend who had had a three-pack-a-day habit. And he told me about this woman who hypnotized him, and he quit, and there was no pain at all! And so I just decided to give it a try. And it really worked! M: Great! W: Yeah, it worked for me. I had four treatments, and by the end of the fourth treatment, I had completely lost the urge to smoke. M: Why do you think this method finally worked for you after you’d tried so many times to quit?W: I think, you know, all the other times that I’d tried to quit there had been a part of me that wanted to keep smoking, you know? And I just had to reach the point where I was just ready. M: Um-huh. Now, your son. How old is he now? W: He’s twelve.M: How does he feel about cigarettes? W: He hated it when I smoked, he hated the smell, he was afraid for my health. He used to put messages in my cigarette pack in my pocket saying, “Quit smoking, Mom,” so that when I’d smoke I’d find them. M: Yeah?W: So he was really happy when 1 stopped smoking.M: And how do you feel physically? How did you feel after you quit smoking? W: The big thing I noticed, and I have a friend who quit at the same time and she noticed it too, is I just had so much more energy. M: Huh. W: And the second thing I noticed was smells. My sense of smell came back and I really liked being able to smell things again. M: Did food tastebetter? W: Oh, food tasted much better! Yeah. M: Anything else you wanna add? W : Um, the money! M. Ah! W: Uh, cigarettes are really expensive. When I quit, I calculated exactly how much it would cost to smoke for a year, at that time I was spending $ 4. 50 a pack, and when I quit, I put the money in a savings account. And at the end of one year, I went out and bought myself and my son mountain bikes to celebrate our anniversary. M: That’s great. W: And I’ve just kept doing that for three years, and every year I use the money for something healthy to make our lives more fun.(405 words)Question No. 1 What are the two speakers talking about?Question No.2 How many treatments did Rachel have to achieve her purpose?Question No.3 What kind of treatment helped Rachel quit smoking?Question No.4 Which of the following statements is probably TRUE with Rachel?Question No.5 For how many years has Rachel stayed off cigarettes?21.A.Quitting drinking.B.Treating drug addiction.C.Getting rid of smoking.D.Hypnotizing for medical purposes.正确答案:C22.A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.D.Unknown.正确答案:A23.A.Acupuncture.B.Hypnotization.C.Psychotherapy.D.Physiotherapy.正确答案:B24.A.She lives with her husband and two daughters.B.She has been married for just a couple of years.C.She’s a full-time housewife with no kids.D.She’s a single mother with a 12-year-old son.正确答案:D25.A.Three.B.Two.C.One.D.Half a year.正确答案:A听力原文:Berlin, Germany—Germany’s economic growth in the past year was largely driven by overseas trade, according to official statistics. The German economy grew by 0. 4% in the past year compared with the previous year, the German statistics agency said, confirming its earlier estimate. Foreign trade drove the increase, accounting for 1. 1 percentage points of the rise in gross domestic product. However, weak domestic demand cut 0. 7 percentage points from the figure. The balance of exports and imports was the “key economic engine in the period”, the statistics office said. Despite the weak domestic demand at the end of last year, economists said they now expected it to pick up. High job security and rising incomes as well as very low inflation have been boosting consumer confidence to record highs lately and should translate into stronger household spending growth in 2014. New York, The United States—Twitter’s share price had more than doubled in value since the company was floated on the stock market in November, when it was valued at around 18 billion dollars, said in a statement recently released by the company. Twitter pledged to continue to improve its services to advertisers in the hope of growing revenues further. Twitter brings in money largely by selling advertising space and data on tweeting habits. More than 90% of its revenues last year came from advertising, where advertisers pay to have their tweets promoted and appear in users’feeds. Three-quarters of advertising income comes from mobile platforms like smart-phones, the company said. Canberra, Australia—Toyota Motor Corp issued a statement on Monday saying it would stop making cars and engines in Australia by the end of 2017, marking the end of an era for a once-vibrant auto production base and the loss of thousands of direct and indirect jobs.Toyota’s decision follows the planned exits of General Motors and Ford Motor announced last year and would leave no global automaker remaining in Australia as high costs and a strong currency make it an unattractive production base. About 2,500 jobs will be affected when the plant stops building cars in 2017, the company said. Rome, Italy —Italian unemployment is more than twice the average rate in the euro-zone. The number of people out of work in the single currency bloc in December was 19 million, with the jobless rate at 12%, according to official EU figures. Other economic figures such as retail sales, manufacturing activity and construction, have pointed to signs that Italy’s recession has bottomed out. However, Italy’s unemployment rate is expected to rise further in the first three months of 2014 as firms continue to restructure and cut jobs. “As expected, the labor market showed a lagging reaction to other positive signs in the economy,” said some economists at National Bank in Rome. With 1. 38 million people officially jobless, turning around the country’s economywill take time, even if the recovery does start this year as Rome hopes. Washington, The United States—The woman accused of killing six people in a horrific crash in California was spotted driving the wrong way on two freeways before she drove her BMW at 100mph into a Ford Explorer, the California Highway Patrol says. At least 17 witnesses called 911 before the crash to report seeing the vehicle on the 57 and 60 freeways early Sunday morning, reports the Los Angeles Times. The driver, 21-year-old Olivia Brown, is still in hospital and has been charged with six counts of murder. She has a previous drunk driving conviction and was on a “girls’ night out”when the deadly crash occurred. Her two passengers, one of them her sister, were killed along with all four people in the Explorer.Question No. 6 What was Germany’s economic growth rate in the past year?Question No. 7 How much of Twitter’s income came from advertising last year according to the company’s statement? Question No.8 What did Toyota Motor Corp say it would do in its Monday statement? Question No.9 What do we know about Italian unemployment according to official EU figures? Question No. 10 Why has the 21-year-old woman been charged with six counts of murder?26.A.0.4%.B.0.7%.C.1.1%.D.1.7%.正确答案:A27.A.$8 billion.B.$18 billion.C.Over 90%.D.Three-quarters.正确答案:C28.A.Start afresh an era for a vibrant auto production base in Australia.B.Reduce the costs to make Australia an attractive auto-making base.C.Cut 2500 jobs in its Australian plants before the end of this year.D.Stop making cars and engines in Australia by the end of 2017.正确答案:D29.A.Its jobless rate is 12 % at present.B.1. 38 million people are officially jobless.C.The number of people out of work is 1. 9 million.D.Its unemployment rate is expected to drop further.正确答案:B30.A.She drove the wrong way on freeways and caused an accident.B.She ran down six people in drunk driving on a “girls’ night out”.C.She did killing under the influence of alcohol and drugs.D.She got involved in a horrific drug crime in Los Angeles.正确答案:A听力原文:W: As the comic industry continues its painful metamorphosis into the vessel shaped to contain the output of artists and writers in the 21st Century, one has to admire those individuals who have persevered through wave after wave of innovation and disaster by staying in the game. One such veteran is famed artist and writer, Paul Phillips. It was archetypal for Paul Phillips to start his professional career in the comics field in the early ‘90s, but unlike many of his contemporaries, he continues to improve on the lessons of his youth, producing works of increasing complexity and depth. Here in the studio with us today we have Mr. Paul Phillips. First of all, Paul, thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Let’s start with a modicum of biographical info. Where and when were you born?M: Oxford, late 1965.W: How early did you exhibit an interest for drawing? Was there anything else you wanted to do growing up?M: I’ve always drawn. My father insists that he gave me an “art lesson”when I was four years old, and was surprised that I could draw better than he could. With encouragement like that, it was a done deal.W: What type of training did you undergo in preparation for your career as an artist?M: When I was very young, I developed a training method that taught me a great appreciation for different art styles. I found some tracing paper and decided to place it over comics drawn by Neal Adams, Jack Kirby, and Frank Springer. For some reason, I decided that, rather than just tracing, I should use the underlying drawings as a skeletal structure. I decided that I would try to interpret the stylistically disparate drawings in a style of my own. What this taught me was that these artists each had unique strengths, and each one had a different thing to teach me. I also drew what 1 saw on the black and white horror films that f loved. Later, I checked out hundreds of books from the local libraries…anything that contained art. It could be French or Russian poster art, or photo collages, or Renaissance painters. I eventually took courses in college.W: Was it helpful? If so, which parts prepared you the most?M: It was all helpful. Actually, I think that the best thing you can do is study EVERYTHING around you. There are art lessons everywhere, in classrooms and out.W: Was your family supportive of your decision to be an artist?M: My family was very encouraging, especially my mother, who had wanted to be a commercial artist herself. She was constantly creating something, whether it was a painting or some craftwork.W: So you’ve been dedicated to art ever since you were a small kid?M:Well, when my mother passed away, I decided to concentrate on the “real world” for a while. I bought a trailer and took on a full time job in a grocery store as a department manager, and two part time jobs. I cooked pizzas at one job, and at another I played a minor role in a drama society. I actually had a fourth job, doing a cartoon for a local newspaper, but that was the only art-related job I did.W: I’m afraid time is up for this part of our program. Let’s continue after the commercial break. Please don’t go away.Question No. 11 When did Paul Phillips begin his professional career in the comics field? Question No. 12 In his early childhood, what did Paul Phillips do to make his father surprised? Question No. 13 Which of the following could be concluded about the man’s art education? Question No. 14 What did Paul say about her mother?Question No. 15 When Paul decided to concentrate on the “real world”for a while, he took several jobs. Which of the following was NOT one of these jobs?31.A.In his early childhood.B.In late 1965.C.In the early ‘90s.D.In the 21st century.正确答案:C32.A.The boy had sold one of his paintings.B.The boy had found a special training method.C.The boy could give his father an art lesson.D.The boy could draw better than his father.正确答案:D33.A.He learnt a variety of artistic styles and created one of his own.B.He copied paintings of different artistic styles by way of tracing.C.He taught himself painting using methods that are different from others’.D.He had been tutored by an artist when he was only four years old.正确答案:A34.A.She was a commercial artist all her life.B.She was constantly creating something.C.She was not as encouraging as her husband.D.She outlived her husband for five years.正确答案:B35.A.Working with a grocery store.B.Cooking pizza.C.Acting in a drama.D.Editing a newspaper.正确答案:D听力原文:Good morning, everyone. I’m going to give a brief summary of the transition from export marketing to global marketing. Basically, there are three phases in this transition. These are: export marketing, international marketing, and global marketing. Let’s describe the first phase, which is export marketing. Export marketing has four main characteristics. First, with export marketing there is home-based production and home-based management. Secondly, there is direct selling to the export markets. Next, it’s common to use agents and distributors. Finally, it’s possible that there arc sales centers in overseas markets. Overall, the investment costs are low with export marketing because almost everything, especially production and management, is still centered on the home base. Now let’s look at the second phase, international marketing. Here I identify three main characteristics. The first is that production has expanded to overseas markets. This is very important. Next, there is local management. This means you have local cost centers, individually responsible for making a profit. Finally, there is much more local employment of staff and management. Altogether, this means there is more investment, so investment with international marketing is high. Now we come to the third phase, which is global marketing, with at least four main characteristics. The most important is that the brand name, or brand names, are international, like IBM or Coca-Cola. Secondly, the business is established in all major world markets. This means, and this is the third point, that the business has a global identity. Next, the business has cost centers in all major markets. The fourth and final point is that the production is often complex, with parts made and transported all over the world between various centers. An example here is a laptop, where perhaps the chips, the circuit board, the case, the screen, the packaging, the documentation, are all made in different locations around the world. Maybe Singapore, Brazil, Italy or South Africa. The result is that the global marketing phase involves very high levels of investment, higher than the other two phases. That is a good summary of the stages between export marketing and global marketing. Does anyone have any questions or need clarification on any point?Question No. 16 What’s the main topic of this talk?Question No. 17 Which of the following is TRUE with the phase of export marketing?Question No. 18 What do we know about the phase of international marketing?Question No. 19 What is the most important characteristic of global marketing?Question No. 20 Which of the following phases involves the highest levels of investment?36.A.Globalization and exporting activities.B.Different types of overseas markets.C.Different relationships between export and import.D.The transition from export marketing to global marketing.正确答案:D37.A.The overall investment costs are low.B.It is common to use agents, but not distributers.C.All sales centers are in home markets.D.Management is centered on the overseas base.正确答案:A38.A.The investment is not so high as export marketing.B.There is much more employment of home management.C.Production has expanded to overseas markets.D.Local management is not responsible for making a profit.正确答案:C39.A.The business is established in all major world markets.B.The brand name or names are international.C.The business has a global identity.D.The business has cost centers all over the world.正确答案:B40.A.Export marketing.B.International marketing.C.Global marketing.D.It’s not mentioned in the talk.正确答案:CSECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, A, B, C or D, to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Since a gigantic Sainsbury is my local corner shop, I have a purseful of those coupons: “Here’s £l. 45 off your next visit”, etc. But lately I’ve felt 1 deserve another voucher: “Here’s a tax rebate on the cash you pay our low-paid workers so they can subsist. “The chances are they couldn’t get by without you. A survey of Sainsbury employees by Unite last year found that 60% relied upon government working tax credits to top up their salaries. Even so, in the previous six months, a third had resorted to borrowing money to settle their bills. Low pay is always seen as a leftie, bleeding-heart issue. Poor oppressed workers. Aux barricades! Rather it should raise the blood pressure of every taxpayer. The constant conniptions of supermarkets competing for market share, discounting their rivals, fighting off the German upstarts Aldi and Lidl, distract from the fact that they are vastly wealthy. Sainsbury’s underlying profits for 2012-13 were £758 million: these have trebled in a decade. Who could begrudge Sainsbury’s new CEO Mike Coupe his £900,000 basic salary, if only he paid all his 157,000 retail staff enough to live on without you and me chipping in? But he doesn’t and, bizarrely, no one is inclined to make him. V oters abhor a high welfare bill or the notion that benefits arc rising faster than wages. But if the chancellor wanted to take £300 a year from every low-paid household, £490 from families with children, could he not at least have added: “I call upon our friends in business to make up the difference: to help cut the welfare bill, by paying all their employees a living wage. “ Because the problem is not just soaring welfare but stagnating wages. For the first time in British history, the majority of those classified in poverty already have jobs. In the last decade, food bills have increased by 44% , energy costs more than doubled, but even now that the economy has rallied, wages have barely picked up. Now 5. 2 million of the workforce are paid below a rate at which decent life is sustainable. And since, without government support, families on minimum wage would barely be able to feed their children, in-work benefits cost taxpayers £28 billion a year. During the Tory and Labour conferences, much was said about “political disconnect”—the angry distrust voters feel towards the major Westminster parties. It was ascribed to ideological differences on Europe. But deep down, it’s about money, stupid. Life is a trudge and people see no one capable of lightening their step. The idea that prosperity should be shared, increased productivity linked to wages, fell apart in the 1980s. As Warren Buffett said recently, the class war was won “by my class, the rich class”. Employees know that even low-paid jobs are precious, that if they contemplate something as audaciously retro as striking, a pool of labour could rush to take their place. Companies relish their upper hand, play the austerity card during pay rounds even now times are better. When the retailer Next was asked why, despite record profits, its wages were still below the living wage, it replied that since 30 people applied for every job advertised, how could it be paying too little? While the executive googles ski-breaks in Verbier, the cleaner emptying his bin walks to work to save on bus fares. The low-paid don’t merely have less stuff: they have less stable relationships and weaker health. Are their struggles invisible to those who pay their terrible salaries, or do they not care? I was encouraged to read in the report by the Living Wage Commission that not all lack heart. Sir John Bond, then chairman of HSBC, was moved by a speech from a Canary Wharf cleaner. Boththen introduced the living wage. Indeed Guy Stallard of KPMG, whose company has paid it since 2006, says staff turnover is lower and morale up. Give people the means to be fully human and they will be loyal. Now eight companies on the FTSE 100 index pay the living wage. But in retail, which has the biggest proportion of low-paid workers, not a single high street name has signed up. These days our only political muscle is as consumers, choosing Fairtrade, making ethical investments. And there would be great kudos for the first of the big four supermarkets who stopped sitting on its mega-profits while adding staff wage bills to the welfare tab.41.Why does the author say that low pay of supermarket workers “should raise the blood pressure of every taxpayer”(para. 1)?A.Because the low-paid workers would pay less income tax.B.Because the tax office would give them more tax credits.C.Because the supermarket employees could only get by with customers.D.Because taxpayers would have to pay more for their in-work benefits.正确答案:D42.What does the author imply when she says that “the majority of those classified in poverty already have jobs” for the first time in British history(para. 3)?A.Unemployment remains a major issue in the U. K.B.Employment is the key to eradicate poverty.C.Instead of unemployment, low wages become the major issue.D.Social welfare is always connected to employees’ income.正确答案:C43.The author introduced Warren Buffet in paragraph 4 to illustrate that______.A.a company’s success is mainly attributable to its top executivesB.workers’ wages are no longer closely related to increased the Western world today the rich people win the war against the poorD.people with low pay should not resort to striking正确答案:C44.What is the argument of the retailer Next?A.As too many people applied for every job advertised, the pay could not be low.B.Record profits have already shown that workers got their living wage.C.If fewer people apply for jobs advertised, then they will consider raising salaries.D.The retailer has to play the austerity card even in better time.。
国际市场营销判断单选名解简答案例1.国际市场营销的定义International marketing:是指对商品和劳务流入一个及以上国家的消费者或用户手中的过程进行计划、定价、促销和引导以便获取利润的活动。
自我参照标准(self-reference criterion,SRC)是指无意识的参照个人的文化价值观、经验和只是,作为决策的依据。
6.可持续发展(sustainable development),即在经济发展的同时,实现“资源的合理利用,利益得以均摊,在经济发展过程中减少对任何环境的危害。
8.文化价值观(cultural values) ,国家之间的文化差异主要表现在四个方面:(1)强调自我的个人主义/集体主义指数(IDV)(2)强调权力的权力距离指数(PDI)(3)强调风险的不确定性回避指数或风险回避指数(UAI)(4)强调自信和成就的男性化/女性化指数(MAS)9.文化知识有两种。
国际市场营销(双语版) 国际市场营销战略
· Expand the market demand is mainly from three aspects: (1) looking for new users; (2) the development of new uses; (3) to increase usage.
· (2)不同策略群体的竞争者。凡采取不同竞争策略 的 企业,可以划为不同策略群体。在不同的策略群体 之 间也存在着竞争:企业具有相同的目标市场,从而 相 互之间存在着争夺市场的竞争;策略差异的不明确 性 ,使顾客混淆了企业之间的差别;企业策略的多元 性 ,使不同策略群体企业的策略发生了交叉;企业可 能 改变或扩展自己的策略,加入另一策略群体的行列。
选择本企业 的竞争对策
1. 确定企业的竞争对手
· How to determine the competitors of the enterprise: (1) From the perspective of the industry to find competitors;(2) To find the competitors from the market, consumer demand perspective; (3) To find the competitors from the perspective of market segmentation.
①阵地防御(Position Defense)。 ②侧翼防御(Flanking Defense)。 ③先发防御(Preemptive Defense)。
· ④反攻防御(Counteroffensive Defense)。当市场领导者遭 到对手发动降价或促销攻势,或改进产品、占领市场阵地等 进攻时,应主动反攻入侵者的主要市场阵地,以切断进攻者 的后路。但有时企业在反攻以前会稍作停顿,有很多理由使 企业不能急于行事,因为在等待过程中企业可更全面地了解 竞争者,发现其过失,找到反击的突破口。
Chapter 11. Marketing is _____.A.another word for advertising and salesB. only used by major corporationsC.about satisfying customer needsD.about simply making a profit2.The first step in the marketing process is to work to understand customers.True False3. Once we have created value for customers, the final step in the marketing process is to capture value from them.True False4.The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of _____.profitsproductshuman needsservices5.Marketers create social needs in consumers.True False(Marketers do not createcustomer needs, whether social,physical or individual. Needs are abasic part of the human makeup.)6.The act of obtaining a desiredobject from someone by offeringsomething in return is called a(n)_____.exchangeswitchmarketsale7.The art and science of choosingtarget markets and building profitablerelationships with them is profilesmarketing maneuversmarketing selectionmarketing management8.Which marketing philosophy listedbelow is useful when supply exceedsdemand and when production costsare too high and need to be reduced?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept9.Which marketing philosophybelieves that an organization canachieve its goals if it knows the needsof its target market well and deliverssatisfaction better than itscompetition?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept10.Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM) is solely aboutacquiring and keeping customers.TrueFalse (CRM is about acquiring,keeping and growing customers.)11.To build lasting customerrelationships, firms should focus ondelivering _____ and _____.high quality products; low pricescustomer value; customer satisfactioncustomer satisfaction; customergrowthcustomer value; high profits12.It costs 5 to 10 times more to finda new customer than to keep a current one happy.True (Due to changing demographics, more competition, and overcapacity in many industries, the cost of finding new customers is rising.)False13.The aim of customer relationship management is to _____.create customer satisfactioncreate customer profitscreate customer delightcreate customer longing14.The portion of the customer’s purchasing power that a company gets in its product categories is called its _____.customer equityshare of customercustomer quotientcustomer lifetime value15.Customers that are a good fit between a company’s offerings andthat are expected to be loyal over thelong term are called _____.butterfliesbarnaclestrue friendsstrangers16.The most dramatic newtechnology is the Internet.True False17.The _____ is the nation’s 24thlargest advertiser with an annualbudget of over $1 billion.Procter and Gamble Co.Boeing Co.Levi Strauss Co.U.S. Government18.Which of the first four steps of themarketing process asks, “Whatconsumers will we serve?” and “Howcan we best serve targetedcustomers?”Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing the marketingprogramStep 4: Building profitablerelationships with customers19.Which step of the marketingprocess is the most important?Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing the marketingprogramStep 4: Building profitablerelationships with customers20.In addition to delighting customers,companies today must also harnesstechnology, think globally and beethically and socially responsible.True FalseChapter 21.This type of business plan involvesadapting the firm to take advantage ofopportunities in its constantlychanging environment.–annual plan–marketing plan–strategic plan–long-range plan2.A good mission statement should be all of the following except _____.–market oriented–product oriented–realistic–motivating3.The organization should base its mission statement on its _____.–profitable goals–customers’ welfare–product’s value–distinctive competencies4.Business portfolio management involves two steps. Step 1 requires the business to analyze its current business portfolio. Step 2 requires it to shape its future portfolio.–True–False5._____ are low-growth, high-share businesses or products.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs–Stars6._____ are high-growth, high-sharebusinesses or products.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs–Stars7. Which of the following arelimitations to the BCG method ofstrategic planning?–difficult to implement–costly–provide little advice for the future–all of the above8._____ has the main responsibilityfor achieving profitable growth for acompany.–Management–Human resources–Marketing–All of the above9.Which of the following is anexample of market penetration forStarbucks?–adding drive-thru windows to theircurrent coffee shops–adding new stores in the Southeast(market development)–adding hot breakfast items to themenu (product development)–buying Hear Music (diversification)10. Downsizing is reducing thebusiness portfolio by eliminatingproducts or business units that are notprofitable or no longer fit thecompany’s overall image.–True–False11.The _____ takes the customer’spoint of view.–Human Resource Dept.–Management Dept.–Information Technology Dept.–Marketing Dept.12._____ should be at the center of acompany’s marketing strategy.•Customers•Profits•Products•Employees13._____ involves dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors and who might require separate products or marketing mixes. •Market definition•Target marketing•Product positioning•Market segmentation14.Once the various market segments have been determined, the next step in the marketing strategy process is _____.•market evaluation•target marketing•product positioning•market penetration15.A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time. •True•False16.The purpose of a product’s imagestatement is to present the product ina clear, distinct and desirable wayrelative to competing products in theminds of target consumers.•True•False (positioning statement)17.The set of controllable, tacticalmarketing tools that the firm blendstogether to produce its response to thewants of its target market are calledits _____.•marketing arsenal•marketing mix•marketing portfolio•integrated marketing options (IMOs)18.The four P’s in marketing referto_____, _____, _____ and _____.•product; place; price; promotion•product; property; price; promotion•production; property; people;promotion•product; place; promotion; people19.Which of the “P’s” listed belowrelates to a customer’s cost?•product•place•price•promotion20.Managers are correct in thinkingthat, “doing things right”(implementation) is more importantthan, “doing the right things”(strategy).•True•False (both are critical to success)Chapter 31.A company’s _____ consists of itssuppliers, marketing intermediaries,customers, competitors and publics.–macroenvironment–microenvironment–business environment–marketing environment2._____ include resellers, marketingservice agencies and financial firmsthat help a company to promote andsell its offerings to its final customers. –Advertising agencies–Suppliers–Intelligence firms–Marketing intermediaries3.Marketers today are only concerned with their consumer markets.–True–False(marketers today may have five types of customer markets. These are the consumer market, the business market, the reseller market, the government market and the international market.4.A company’s _____ public includes its workers, managers, volunteers and board of directors.–employee–citizen-action–internal–human resource5.The single most important demographic trend in the U.S. is the changing age structure of the population. –True–False6.Of the seven generations present inthe U.S. today, _____ is(are) thelargest and most influential.–the Baby Boomers–Generation X–Generation Y–the Millenials7.In the United States today, marriedcouples with children make up _____of the nation’s 105 millionhouseholds.–50%–65%–25%–34%8.The disabled market is relativelysmall in the United States and is notbeing actively pursued by marketers.–True–False (Marketers are activelypursuing this market, which is largerthan the Hispanic andAfrican-American markets)9.The “shop until you drop” mentalityof the 1990’s has been replaced witha more _____ approach.–save all you can–value is key–don’t shop at all–splurge regularly10.There are three trends in thenatural environment that marketersare monitoring. These are _____,_____ and _____.–shortages of raw materials;increased legislation; increasedconsumerism–the green movement; shortages ofraw materials; increased pollution–increased pollution; increasedgovernment intervention; shortages ofraw materials–increased consumerism; increasedpopulation; increased ethicalexpectations11.The most dramatic force shapingbusiness today is the _____environment.–natural–technological–economic–political12.Which country leads the world in research and development spending? –United States–Japan–China–Germany13.Legislation affecting business has _____ over the years.–increased steadily–decreased slightly–remained steady–grown immensely14.This legislation prohibits Web sites or online services from collecting personal information from children without parental consent.–Wheeler-Lea Act–Child Protection Act–Children’s Internet Protection Act –Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act 15.Which of the following is not oneof the reasons business legislation isenacted?–To protect companies from eachother–To protect companies fromconsumers–To protect consumers from unfairbusiness practices–To protect the interests of society16.A person’s core values and beliefsare often erratic.–True–False (People’s core beliefs andvalues have a high degree ofpersistence.)17.Which of the following is not oneof the ways a society’s values areexpressed?–people’s view of history–people’s view of society–people’s view of the universe–people’s view of others18.Recently, observers have noted ashift from a “me society” to a “wesociety.”–True–False19.A woman who drives a hybrid car,consistently recycles, and buys“earth-friendly” products, is actingout her view of _____.–society–organizations–others–nature20.A company has several optionswith regard to its marketingenvironment. A strong companytakes a(n) _____ approach.–proactive–reactive–ingenuous–peaceful21.A company’s macroenvironmentconsists of all of the following except_____.–demographic forces–economic forces–competitive forces–none of the aboveChapter 41.Managers today often receive _____ information.–too much–too little–irrelevant–both 1 and 32.A _____ consists of the people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze and distribute accurate information to marketing decision makers.–marketing intelligence system–database mining system–marketing information system–marketing research system3.A marketing information system begins and ends with information from _____.–customers–databases–administrators–users 4.The costs of obtaining, processing,storing and delivering information isrelatively inexpensive.–True–False (the costs can increasequickly, forcing managers to decide ifthe information is worth the expense)5.Which of the following is aproblem with using internaldatabases?–the information was collected foranother reason–the information is in the wrongformat–the information may be out of date–all of the above6.The goal of _____ is to improvestrategic decision making, access andtrack competitors’ actio ns, and toprovide early warning ofopportunities and threats.–competitive research analysis–marketing intelligence–information technology–marketing segmentation7. A new source forcompetitor-supplied information isthe Internet.–True–False8.What are the four steps (in order) ofthe marketing research process?–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement the researchplan, survey the participants.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement theresearch plan, report the findings.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, survey the participants,report the findings.–Develop the research plan,implement the research plan, surveythe participants, report the findings.9.What is the often the hardest step inthe marketing research process?–defining the problem–developing the research plan–implementing the research plan–reporting the findings10.The objective of _____ is to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest reasons.–causal research–competitive research–descriptive research–exploratory research11._____ consists of information that already exists having been collected prior to the research plan.–Primary data–Secondary data–Exploratory data–Sales research12. Researchers usually start with _____ when developing the research plan.–primary data–secondary data–projection research–sales research13.The three types of research approaches a marketer may use are _____, _____ and _____. –surveys; observations; historicreviews–observations; surveys; databases–observations; experiments; surveys–experiments; databases; surveys14. The most widely used form ofprimary research and the one bestsuited for descriptive information is_____–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research15. Which type of research is bestsuited for gathering causalinformation?–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research16.If a marketer wanted to collectlarge amounts of information at a lowcost per respondent, she could use_____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews17.If a marketer wanted to collectinformation quickly and allow forflexible answers, he should use_____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews18. Interviewer bias is often greaterwith _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys19.If an interviewer wanted to reachthe teen market, a fast and low costmethod would be to use _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys20.Which of the following is not oneof the decisions a marketer must make when designing a sample?–who should be sampled–how many people should be sampled–how the people in the sample should be chosen–all of the above are important sampling decisions21.One of the biggest challenges facing marketing researchers today is that some consumers believe collecting the research violates their privacy.–True–FalseChapter 51. Consumer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final customers. –True–False2. According to the textbook, consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal and _____ characteristics.–psychological–emotional–physical–economic3._____ is the most basic cause of aperson’s wants and behavior.–Greed–Fear–Culture–Materialism4. Which of the following is not avalue normally presented in the U.S.culture?–achievement–progress–material comfort–collectivism5. Groups of people with shared valuesystems based on common lifeexperiences are called _____.–cohorts–generations–subcultures–affiliate groups6. The fastest-growing and mostaffluent subculture in the U.S. is the_____ population.–Hispanic–African American–Asian American–mature7. Social class is determined only byan individual’s income.–True–False (Income is only one of severalfactors used to determine a person’ssocial class. Other factors includeone’s occupation, education, wealthand type of residence.)8. The _____ is the most importantconsumer buying organization insociety.–school–family–government–business9. Which of the following is not apersonal factor that influences abuyer’s decision?–beliefs–age–lifestyle–personality10.The V ALS classification system measures a person’s _____.–income–occupation–lifestyle–personality11. A person’s _____ is his/her unique set of psychological characteristics that are relatively consistent and lasting.–self esteem–self concept–lifestyle–personality12. According to _____, people are largely unconscious about the real psychological forces shaping their behavior.–Abraham Maslow–Bill Gates–Alfred Skinner –Sigmund Freud13.The process of selecting,organizing and interpretinginformation to form a meaningfulpicture of the world is referred to as_____.–perception–sensation–subliminal imprinting–rationalization14. When a person changes his/herbehavior as a result of an experience,we say that _____ has occurred.–motivation–sensation–learning–perception15.If a person’s attitude reflects oneof his/her core values, then theattitude is easy to change.–True–False(Attitudes are difficult tochange because they fit into a pattern,and changing one attitude mayrequire difficult adjustments in manyothers.)16.A consumer purchasing finefurniture (which is expensive and forwhich a brand’s name matters) wouldprobably result in _____ buyingbehavior.–dissonance-reducing–variety-seeking–complex–habitual17._____ buying behavior ischaracterized by low consumerinvolvement but significant perceivedbrand differences.–Dissonance-reducing–V ariety-seeking–Complex–Habitual18.The final step in the buyingdecision process is _____.–the purchase itself–postpurchase behavior–choosing the product–getting the rebate19. What two factors come betweenthe purchase intention and the purchase decision?–attitudes of others and unexpected situational factor s–attitudes of others and lack of resources–unexpected situational factors and lack of resources–shortages and lack of resources (Note: lack of resources and shortages are examples of unexpected situational factors)20.What are the two largest populations in the adoption process? –innovators and early majority–early adopters and early majority–early majority and late majority–innovators and laggards21. Which of the following does not influence a product’s rate of adoption?–relative advantage–compatibility–divisibility–perceptibility Chapter 61.Business buyer behavior includesretailers and wholesalers who buythings with the purpose of making aprofit.–True–False2. Business markets are _____ thanconsumer markets.–considerably larger–slightly larger–slightly smaller–no different3. The main differences between thebusiness to business (B2B) marketand the business to consumer (B2C)market include all of the followingexcept _____.–the differences in market structureand demand–t hat people assume buying roles–the nature of the buying unit–the types of decisions and thedecision process involved4._____ is demand that ultimatelycomes from the demand for consumergoods.–Consumer demand–Marketing demand–Derived demand–End-user demand5. Which of the following is not acharacteristic of the business market?–Business markets are moregeographically concentrated.–Many business markets haveelastic demand.–Business markets have morefluctuating demand.–Business marketers have far fewerbut larger customers.6. In recent years, relationshipsbetween business customers andsuppliers have grown moreadversarial.(敌对的)–True–False(In recent years, businesscustomers and suppliers have begunworking together more closely as“partners,” not adversaries.)7.Which of the following is not one of the major types of buying situations faced by business buyers? –straight rebuy–new task buy–online rebuy–modified rebuy8. Which of the business buyer purchase decisions offers the greatest opportunities and the greatest challenges for marketers?–straight rebuy–new task buy–modified rebuy–Both 2 and 39. The decision-making unit of a buying organization is called its _____.–buying center–purchasing department–head office–marketing department10.The _____ role in the purchase decision process is to control the flow of information to others.–buyer’s–gatekeeper’s–influencer’s–decider’s11. A business buying center is afixed and formally identified unitwithin the buying organization.–True–Fals e (The buying center is not afixed and formal unit in the businessbuying organization. It fluctuates asdifferent people are needed to makedifferent purchases.)12. When competing products varygreatly, business buyers pay moreattention to _____ factors.–economic–personal–organizational–interpersonal13.Shortages in key materials is animportant _____ factor.–organizational–individual–environmental–interpersonal14. Individual factors are affected byall of the following except _____.–buyer’s attitude toward risk–buyer’s income–buyer’s buying style–all of the above affect individualfactors15.Once a business buyer determinesa problem or need, the next step inthe business buying process is to_____.–begin a supplier search–solicit suppliers’ proposals–determine a general needdescription–make a purchase16.The 8-stage buyer decision modelwould most likely be used for a_____ buying decision.–straight rebuy–new task–online–modified rebuy17.E-procurement is being used by _____ of business buyers today.–33%–50%–75%–90%18.Which of the following is not one of the benefits of business to business e-procurement?–reduced transaction costs for suppliers–reduced transaction time between order and delivery–enhanced relationships between decades-old (new)suppliers and customers–increased time for purchasers to focus on strategic issues19.The _____ consists of schools, hospitals, nursing homes and prisons that provide goods and services to people in their care.–government market–institutional market–non-profit market –organizational market20.Unlike business markets,government markets are closelywatched by outside publics.–True–FalseChapter 71.What is the first step in targetmarketing?–market positioning–market segmentation–target marketing–none of the above2.Which of the following steps oftarget marketing takes into accountcompetitors’ offerings to the market?–market positioning–market segmentation–market targeting–all of the above3.Which of the following is not a wayto segment consumer markets?–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–all of the above are ways tosegment the consumer market4.Of the four main types ofsegmentation bases used to segmentconsumer markets, _____ is the mostpopular.–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–behavioral segmentation5.A marketer selling differentofferings in different communitieswould be using _____ segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral6.Marketers selling luxury cars oftenuse income as a segmenting variable.Income is one component of _____segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral7.Social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics are three components of _____ segmentation. –geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral8.Many marketers believe that _____ variables are the best starting point for building market segments.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral9.Marketers usually limit their segmentation analysis to behavioral variables.–True–False (Marketers will use a variety of variables to identify smaller, better-defined, target groups.)10.Marketers believe that buying behavior and _____ provide the best basis for segmenting business markets.–operating characteristics–situational factors–benefits sought–personal characteristics11.Segmenting international marketson the basis of geographic, economic,political and cultural factors is calledintermarket segmentation.–True–False (Intermarket segmentation isforming segments of consumers invarious countries who have similarneeds and buying behavior.)12.In order to be useful, marketsegments need to be which of thefollowing?–differentiable–accessible–substantial–all of the above13.Which of the following structuralfactors is not related to a segment’sattractiveness?–the presence of strong competitorsin the segment–the existence of potential substituteproducts–the lack of raw materials–a number of powerful suppliers14.When using a _____ marketingstrategy, a firm decides to targetseveral segments and designs separateoffers for each.–differentiated–concentrated–mass–micro15.Micromarketing includes _____and _____.–local marketing; niche marketing–local marketing; individualmarketing–niche marketing; concentratedmarketing–individual marketing; concentratedmarketing16.This type of micromarketing isalso known as one-to-one marketingor mass customization.–local marketing–tailored marketing–niche marketing–individual marketing17.If a beer manufacturer were to place a commercial on a TV show that was predominantly viewed by children, it could be considered using _____.–socially irresponsible targeting–socially responsible targeting–adult targeting–niche targeting18.A product’s _____ is the way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes relative to the competition.–image–equity–position–value19.A firm that practices _____ differentiation gains competitive advantage by the way it designs its channel coverage. –services–product–people–channel20.Which of the following is apowerful value proposition because itoffers consumers a “good deal”?–more for more–more for the same–the same for less–less for much lessChapter 81.A _____ is anything that can beoffered to a market that might satisfya need or a want.–position–product–promotion–none of the above2.Only tangible goods are consideredproducts.–True–False (Products are more thantangible goods. They can beservices, events, persons, places,ideas, or a mix of these.)3.A visit to a doctor’s office is anexample of a _____.–pure tangible good–pure intangible good–mixture of the two–none of the above4.The most basic level of a product iscalled its _____.–center–value–core benefit–customer5.Consumer products includeconvenience products, shoppingproducts, specialty products, and_____ products.–unique–luxury–unsought–all of the above6._____ products are purchasedfrequently, with little comparison orshopping effort.。
《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:060651课程名称:商务英语英文名称:Specialized English in Marketing课程类别:专业选修课学时:36学分:2适用对象:市场营销专业考核方式:考查先修课程:市场营销原理,管理学原理二、课程简介《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)培养学生在市场营销的实际工作以及研究工作中运用英语的能力,课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,扩大学生的知识面,加深学生对商务英语的理解,培养学生对国际商务活动(主要指市场营销活动)的了解和熟悉程度,提高分析能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生在商务领域(主要指市场营销)里运用英语语言技能的能力。
四、教学内容及要求第一讲营销概述(Unit 1 Introduction to Marketing)(一)目的与要求1.本讲要求学生掌握市场营销的一些基本概念,如市场营销、市场营销战略、4P等;2.要求熟悉市场营销的历史发展阶段;3.要求了解市场营销每个历史发展阶段的特点。
(二)教学内容1.主要内容:1)S ome concepts in marketing;2)The evolution of marketing:production era,sales era, marketing era, relationship marketing era3)Case study: strategic issues in Chinese marketing2.基本概念和知识点:基本概念:marketing,marketing strategy,position,segmentation,target market, 4Ps(product, place, price, promotion ), brand value知识点:have some knowledge of the 4Ps in Chinese market3.问题与应用(能力要求): 无。
Kotler and Armstrong
Chapter 4:
Managing Marketing Information
to Gain Customer Insights
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Internal Data Competitive Marketing Intelligence
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Managing Marketing Information
to Gain Customer Insights
Learning Objective 3 • Outline the steps in the marketing research process. Marketing Research
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Marketing Information and Customer Insights
Managing Marketing Information
FIGURE | 4.1 The Marketing Information System Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Marketing Research
Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization.
商务英语综合教程(第二版 下册)Unit 13 International Marketing Re
marketing strategies: 营销策略
2. International marketing research is necessary in order to decide which foreign markets to enter and the best mode of entry (exporting, licensing, joint ventures, etc.) to each nation. exporting, licensing, joint venture: 出口、许可证以及合资经营,这 些都是进入国际市场的方式。其他进入的方式还包括:使用代理 或分销商、建立国外分支机构或子公司、设立独资企业等 。
4.There is nothing direct to show that he is guilty of the crime. So far all the evidence is only _______.
5.It was very _______ of you to tell her about your pay raise when she has been unemployed since last year.
according to refer to take sth. into consideration regard sb./sth. as rather than tend to do bid conversely artificial restore
1.But________, music may also distract or annoy some workers.
出海企业英语集训 -回复
出海企业英语集训-回复如何让你的企业迈向国际舞台Introduction:如何让你的企业迈向国际舞台[How to take your company to the international stage]In today's highly connected and globalized world, expanding your business beyond domestic borders can bring tremendous growth opportunities. However, venturing into international markets requires careful planning, adaptability, and a deep understanding of cultural nuances and business practices. In this article, we will explore a step-by-step guide on how to take your company to the international stage and achieve success in global markets.I. Assessing Your Business Readiness:第一步:评估企业准备情况[Step 1: Assessing your business readiness]Before embarking on any international expansion, it is crucial to assess your company's readiness to enter the global market. This involves evaluating your products or services, competitiveness,financial stability, human resources, and operational capabilities. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) to identify the areas that need improvement and determine if your business is ready for international growth.II. Market Research:第二步:市场调研[Step 2: Market research]Once you have determined your company's readiness, it is essential to conduct thorough market research in the target countries or regions. Start by identifying potential markets that align with your business goals and objectives. Analyze market size, growth rate, competition, consumer behavior, regulatory framework, and cultural factors. Understand the local needs and preferences, and whether there is a demand for your product or service. This research will help you devise strategies tailored to each market and make informed decisions.III. Establishing a Market Entry Strategy:第三步:制定市场进入策略[Step 3: Establishing a market entry strategy]Based on the market research findings, you can now develop a market entry strategy. This strategy should consider factors such as target audience, product localization, pricing, distribution channels, and marketing communication methods. You can choose to enter the market through various modes, such as exporting, licensing, joint ventures, or establishing subsidiaries. Each mode has its benefits and challenges, so select the most suitable approach that aligns with your business objectives and resources.IV. Building Relationships and Networks:第四步:建立关系和网络[Step 4: Building relationships and networks]Building strong relationships and networks in the target market is crucial for success. Attend trade fairs, industry conferences, and networking events where you can meet potential partners, distributors, or customers. Leverage local business associations, government trade offices, and diplomatic institutions for introductions and referrals. Establishing trust and personal connections will facilitate smoother market entry and enable you to navigate the local business landscape more effectively.V. Adapting to Cultural Differences:第五步:适应文化差异[Step 5: Adapting to cultural differences]Cultural differences play a significant role in business interactions. Failure to understand and adapt to cultural nuances can lead to miscommunications, misunderstandings, and potential business failures. Invest in cultural training for your team to develop a deeper understanding of the target market's customs, traditions, values, and etiquettes. Localize your marketing and communication strategies to resonate with the local audience and build strong relationships based on trust and respect.VI. Managing Operational Challenges:第六步:管理运营挑战[Step 6: Managing operational challenges]Expanding internationally brings various operational challenges that need to be effectively managed. This includes logistical complexities, supply chain management, regulatory compliance, language barriers, and hiring local talent. Develop a robust operational plan that includes efficient processes, clear communication channels, and contingency plans to addressunforeseen challenges. Engage local experts or consultants to navigate regulatory requirements and ensure compliance with local laws.VII. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:第七步:持续学习和适应[Step 7: Continuous learning and adaptation]Expanding internationally is an ongoing learning process. Stay updated with the latest market trends, industry developments, and consumer preferences. Monitor your competitors and adjust your strategies accordingly. Actively seek feedback from customers and partners to improve your offerings and enhance customer satisfaction. Foster a culture of adaptability and embrace change to stay ahead in the dynamic global marketplace.Conclusion:结论[Conclusion]Taking your company to the international stage can be a transformative journey, but it requires careful planning, thoroughmarket research, adaptability, and a deep understanding of cultural differences. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can navigate the complexities of international expansion and increase your chances of achieving success in global markets. Remember, it takes time, patience, and continuous learning to build a strong global presence, but the rewards can be significant.。
Chapter 11. Marketing is _____.A.another word for advertising and salesB. only used by major corporationsC.about satisfying customer needsD.about simply making a profit2.The first step in the marketing process is to work to understand customers.True False3. Once we have created value for customers, the final step in the marketing process is to capture value from them.True False4.The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of _____.profitsproductshuman needsservices 5.Marketers create social needsin consumers.TrueFalse (Marketers do not createcustomer needs, whether social,physical or individual. Needsare a basic part of the humanmakeup.)6.The act of obtaining a desiredobject from someone by offeringsomething in return is called a(n)_____.exchangeswitchmarketsale7.The art and science of choosingtarget markets and buildingprofitable relationships withthem is called profilesmarketing maneuversmarketing selectionmarketing management8.Which marketing philosophylisted below is useful whensupply exceeds demand and whenproduction costs are too high andneed to be reduced?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept9.Which marketing philosophybelieves that an organizationcan achieve its goals if it knowsthe needs of its target marketwell and delivers satisfactionbetter than its competition?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept10.Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM) is solely aboutacquiring and keeping customers.TrueFalse (CRM is about acquiring,keeping and growing customers.)11.To build lasting customer文案大全focus on delivering _____ and _____.high quality products; low pricescustomer value; customer satisfactioncustomer satisfaction; customer growthcustomer value; high profits 12.It costs 5 to 10 times more to find a new customer than to keep a current one happy.True(Due to changing demographics, more competition, and overcapacity in many industries, the cost of finding new customers is rising.) False13.The aim of customer relationship management is to _____.create customer satisfaction create customer profitscreate customer delight 14.The portion of the customer’s purchasing power that a companygets in its product categories iscalled its _____.customer equityshare of customercustomer quotientcustomer lifetime value15.Customers that are a good fitbetween a company’s offeringsand that are expected to be loyalover the long term are called_____.butterfliesbarnaclestrue friendsstrangers16.The most dramatic newtechnology is the Internet.True False17.The _____ is the nation’s 24thlargest advertiser with anannual budget of over $1 billion.Procter and Gamble Co.Levi Strauss Co.U.S. Government18.Which of the first four stepsof the marketing process asks,“What consumers will we serve?”and “How can we best servetargeted customers?”Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing themarketing programStep 4: Building profitablerelationships with customers19.Which step of the marketingprocess is the most important?Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing themarketing programStep 4: Building profitable文案大全relationships with customers 20.In addition to delighting customers, companies today must also harness technology, think globally and be ethically and socially responsible.True FalseChapter 21.This type of business plan involves adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly changing environment.–annual plan–marketing plan–strategic plan–long-range plan2.A good mission statement should be all of the following except _____. –market oriented–product oriented–realistic–motivating3.The organization should baseits mission statement on its_____.–profitable goals–customers’ welfare–product’s value–distinctive competencies4.Business portfolio managementinvolves two steps. Step 1requires the business to analyzeits current business portfolio.Step 2 requires it to shape itsfuture portfolio.–True–False5._____ are low-growth,high-share businesses orproducts.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs–Stars6._____ are high-growth,high-share businesses orproducts.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs文案大全–Stars7. Which of the following are limitations to the BCG method of strategic planning?–difficult to implement–costly–provide little advice for the future–all of the above8._____ has the main responsibility for achieving profitable growth for a company.–Management–Human resources–Marketing–All of the above 9.Which of the following is anexample of market penetrationfor Starbucks?–adding drive-thru windows totheir current coffee shops–adding new stores in theSoutheast (market development)–adding hot breakfast items tothe menu (product development)–buying Hear Music(diversification)10. Downsizing is reducing thebusiness portfolio byeliminating products or businessunits that are not profitable orno longer fit the company’soverall image.–True–False11.The _____ takes the customer’s point of view.–Human Resource Dept.–Management Dept.–Information Technology Dept.–Marketing Dept.12._____ should be at the centerof a company’s marketingstrategy.•Customers•Profits•Products•Employees13._____ involves dividing amarket into distinct groups ofbuyers who have distinct needs,characteristics, or behaviors文案大全and who might require separate products or marketing mixes.•Market definition•Target marketing •Product positioning •Market segmentation14.Once the various market segments have been determined, the next step in the marketing strategy process is _____.•market evaluation•target marketing •product positioning •market penetration15.A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain itover time.•True•False16.The purpose of a product’simage statement is to present theproduct in a clear, distinct anddesirable way relative tocompeting products in the mindsof target consumers.•True•False (positioning statement)17.The set of controllable,tactical marketing tools thatthe firm blends together toproduce its response to the wantsof its target market are calledits _____.•marketing arsenal•marketing mix•marketing portfolio•integrated marketing options(IMOs)18.The four P’s in marketingrefer to_____, _____, _____ and_____.•product; place; price;promotion•product; property; price;promotion•production; property; people;promotion•product; place; promotion;people19.Which of the “P’s” listedbelow relates to a customer’scost?文案大全•product•place•price•promotion20.Managers are correct in thinking that, “doing things right” (implementation) is more important than, “doing the right things” (strategy).•True•False (both are critical to success)Chapter 31.A company’s _____ consists of its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors and publics. –macroenvironment–microenvironment–business environment–marketing environment2._____ include resellers,marketing service agencies andfinancial firms that help acompany to promote and sell itsofferings to its finalcustomers.–Advertising agencies–Suppliers–Intelligence firms–Marketing intermediaries3.Marketers today are onlyconcerned with their consumermarkets.–True–False(marketers today may havefive types of customer markets.These are the consumer market,the business market, thereseller market, the governmentmarket and the internationalmarket.4.A company’s _____ publicincludes its workers, managers,volunteers and board ofdirectors.–employee–citizen-action–internal–human resource5.The single most importantdemographic trend in the U.S. isthe changing age structure of the文案大全population.–True–False6.Of the seven generations present in the U.S. today, _____ is(are) the largest and most influential.–the Baby Boomers–Generation X–Generation Y–the Millenials7.In the United States today, married couples with children make up _____ of the nation’s 105 million households.–50%–65% –25%–34%8.The disabled market isrelatively small in the UnitedStates and is not being activelypursued by marketers.–True–False (Marketers are activelypursuing this market, which islarger than the Hispanic andAfrican-American markets)9.The “shop until you drop”mentality of the 1990’s has beenreplaced with a more _____approach.–save all you can–value is key–don’t shop at all–splurge regularly10.There are three trends in thenatural environment thatmarketers are monitoring.These are _____, _____ and _____.–shortages of raw materials;increased legislation;increased consumerism–the green movement; shortagesof raw materials; increasedpollution–increased pollution; increasedgovernment intervention;shortages of raw materials–increased consumerism;increased population; increasedethical expectations11.The most dramatic forceshaping business today is the_____ environment.–natural–technological文案大全–economic–political12.Which country leads the world in research and development spending?–United States–Japan–China–Germany13.Legislation affecting business has _____ over the years.–increased steadily–decreased slightly–remained steady –grown immensely14.This legislation prohibitsWeb sites or online services fromcollecting personal informationfrom children without parentalconsent.–Wheeler-Lea Act–Child Protection Act–Children’s Internet ProtectionAct–Children’s Online PrivacyProtection Act15.Which of the following is notone of the reasons businesslegislation is enacted?–To protect companies from eachother–To protect companies fromconsumers–To protect consumers fromunfair business practices–To protect the interests ofsociety16.A person’s core values andbeliefs are often erratic.–True–False (People’s core beliefsand values have a high degree ofpersistence.)17.Which of the following is notone of the ways a society’svalues are expressed?–people’s view of history–people’s view of society–people’s view of the universe文案大全–people’s view of others18.Recently, observers have noted a shift from a “me society”to a “we society.”–True–False19.A woman who drives a hybrid car, consistently recycles, and buys “earth-friendly” products, is acting out her view of _____.–society–organizations–others–nature20.A company has several options with regard to its marketing environment. A strong company takes a(n) _____ approach. –proactive–reactive–ingenuous–peaceful21.A company’s macroenvironmentconsists of all of the followingexcept _____.–demographic forces–economic forces–competitive forces–none of the aboveChapter 41.Managers today often receive_____ information.–too much–too little–irrelevant–both 1 and 32.A _____ consists of the people,equipment and procedures togather, sort, analyze anddistribute accurate informationto marketing decision makers.–marketing intelligence system–database mining system–marketing information system–marketing research system3.A marketing information systembegins and ends with informationfrom _____.–customers文案大全–databases–administrators–users4.The costs of obtaining, processing, storing and delivering information is relatively inexpensive.–True–False (the costs can increasequickly, forcing managers to decide if the information is worth the expense)5.Which of the following is a problem with using internal databases?–the information was collectedfor another reason–the information is in the wrong format–the information may be out ofdate–all of the above6.The goal of _____ is to improvestrategic decision making,access and track competitors’actions, and to provide earlywarning of opportunities andthreats.–competitive research analysis–marketing intelligence–information technology–marketing segmentation7. A new source forcompetitor-supplied informationis the Internet.–True–False8.What are the four steps (inorder) of the marketing researchprocess?–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement theresearch plan, survey theparticipants.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement theresearch plan, report thefindings.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, survey theparticipants, report thefindings.–Develop the research plan,implement the research plan,survey the participants, reportthe findings.9.What is the often the hardeststep in the marketing researchprocess?文案大全–defining the problem–developing the research plan –implementing the research plan –reporting the findings10.The objective of _____ is to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest reasons.–causal research–competitive research–descriptive research–exploratory research11._____ consists of information that already exists having been collected prior to the research plan. –Primary data–Secondary data–Exploratory data–Sales research12. Researchers usually startwith _____ when developing theresearch plan.–primary data–secondary data–projection research–sales research13.The three types of researchapproaches a marketer may use are_____, _____ and _____.–surveys; observations;historic reviews–observations; surveys;databases–observations; experiments;surveys–experiments; databases;surveys14. The most widely used form ofprimary research and the one bestsuited for descriptiveinformation is _____–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research15. Which type of research isbest suited for gathering causalinformation?文案大全–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research16.If a marketer wanted to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per respondent, she could use _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews17.If a marketer wanted to collect information quickly and allow for flexible answers, he should use _____. –telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews18. Interviewer bias is oftengreater with _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys19.If an interviewer wanted toreach the teen market, a fast andlow cost method would be to use_____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys20.Which of the following is notone of the decisions a marketermust make when designing asample?–who should be sampled–how many people should besampled–how the people in the sampleshould be chosen–all of the above are importantsampling decisions21.One of the biggest challengesfacing marketing researcherstoday is that some consumersbelieve collecting the research文案大全violates their privacy.–True–FalseChapter 51. Consumer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final customers.–True–False2. According to the textbook, consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal and _____ characteristics.–psychological–emotional–physical–economic3._____ is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. –Greed–Fear –Culture–Materialism4. Which of the following is nota value normally presented in theU.S. culture?–achievement–progress–material comfort–collectivism5. Groups of people with sharedvalue systems based on commonlife experiences are called_____.–cohorts–generations–subcultures–affiliate groups6. The fastest-growing and mostaffluent subculture in the the _____ population.–Hispanic–African American–Asian American–mature7. Social class is determinedonly by an individual’s income.–True–False (Income is only one ofseveral factors used todetermine a person’s socialclass. Other factors includeone’s occupation, education,wealth and type of residence.)8. The _____ is the mostimportant consumer buyingorganization in society.–school–family–government–business9. Which of the following is nota personal factor thatinfluences a buyer’s decision?–beliefs–age–lifestyle–personality10.The VALS classificationsystem measures a person’s_____.文案大全–income–occupation–lifestyle–personality11. A person’s _____ is his/her unique set of psychological characteristics that are relatively consistent and lasting.–self esteem–self concept–lifestyle–personality12. According to _____, people are largely unconscious about the real psychological forces shaping their behavior.–Abraham Maslow–Bill Gates–Alfred Skinner–Sigmund Freud13.The process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information to form a meaningful picture of the world is referred to as _____.–perception–sensation–subliminal imprinting–rationalization14. When a person changes his/herbehavior as a result of anexperience, we say that _____ hasoccurred.–motivation–sensation–learning–perception15.If a person’s attitudereflects one of his/her corevalues, then the attitude is easyto change.–True–False (Attitudes are difficultto change because they fit intoa pattern, and changing oneattitude may require difficultadjustments in many others.)16.A consumer purchasing finefurniture (which is expensiveand for which a brand’s namematters) would probably resultin _____ buying behavior.–dissonance-reducing–variety-seeking–complex–habitual17._____ buying behavior ischaracterized by low consumerinvolvement but significantperceived brand differences.–Dissonance-reducing–Variety-seeking–Complex–Habitual18.The final step in the buyingdecision process is _____.–the purchase itself–postpurchase behavior–choosing the product–getting the rebate19. What two factors come betweenthe purchase intention and thepurchase decision?–attitudes of others and文案大全unexpected situational factor s –attitudes of others and lack of resources–unexpected situational factors and lack of resources–shortages and lack of resources (Note: lack of resources and shortages are examples of unexpected situational factors) 20.What are the two largest populations in the adoption process?–innovators and early majority –early adopters and early majority–early majority and late majority–innovators and laggards21. Which of the following does not influence a product’s rate of adoption?–relative advantage–compatibility–divisibility–perceptibility Chapter 61.Business buyer behaviorincludes retailers andwholesalers who buy things withthe purpose of making a profit.–True–False2. Business markets are _____than consumer markets.–considerably larger–slightly larger–slightly smaller–no different3. The main differences betweenthe business to business (B2B)market and the business toconsumer (B2C) market includeall of the following except_____.–the differences in marketstructure and demand–t hat people assume buying roles–the nature of the buying unit–the types of decisions and thedecision process involved4._____ is demand thatultimately comes from the demandfor consumer goods.–Consumer demand–Marketing demand–Derived demand–End-user demand5. Which of the following is nota characteristic of the businessmarket?文案大全–Business markets are more geographically concentrated. –Many business markets have elastic demand.–Business markets have more fluctuating demand.–Business marketers have far fewer but larger customers.6. In recent years, relationships between business customers and suppliers have grown more adversarial.(敌对的)–True–False(In recent years,business customers and suppliers have begun working together more closely as “partners,”not adversaries.)7.Which of the following is not one of the major types of buying situations faced by business buyers? –straight rebuy–new task buy–online rebuy–modified rebuy8. Which of the business buyerpurchase decisions offers thegreatest opportunities and thegreatest challenges formarketers?–straight rebuy–new task buy–modified rebuy–Both 2 and 39. The decision-making unit of abuying organization is calledits _____.–buying center–purchasing department–head office–marketing department10.The _____ role in the purchasedecision process is to controlthe flow of information toothers.–buyer’s–gatekeeper’s–influencer’s–decider’s11. A business buying center isa fixed and formally identifiedunit within the buyingorganization.文案大全–True–Fals e (The buying center is nota fixed and formal unit in the business buying organization. It fluctuates as different people are needed to make different purchases.)12. When competing products vary greatly, business buyers pay more attention to _____ factors.–economic–personal–organizational–interpersonal13.Shortages in key materials is an important _____ factor.–organizational –individual–environmental–interpersonal14. Individual factors areaffected by all of the followingexcept _____.–buyer’s attitude toward risk–buyer’s income–buyer’s buying style–all of the above affectindividual factors15.Once a business buyerdetermines a problem or need, thenext step in the business buyingprocess is to _____.–begin a supplier search–solicit suppliers’ proposals–determine a general needdescription–make a purchase16.The 8-stage buyer decisionmodel would most likely be usedfor a _____ buying decision.–straight rebuy–new task–online–modified rebuy17.E-procurement is being usedby _____ of business buyerstoday.–33%–50%文案大全–75%–90%18.Which of the following is not one of the benefits of business to business e-procurement?–reduced transaction costs for suppliers–reduced transaction time between order and delivery–enhanced relationshipsbetween decades-old (new)suppliers and customers–increased time for purchasersto focus on strategic issues 19.The _____ consists of schools, hospitals, nursing homes and prisons that provide goods and services to people in their care. –government market–institutional market–non-profit market–organizational market20.Unlike business markets,government markets are closelywatched by outside publics.–True–FalseChapter 71.What is the first step intarget marketing?–market positioning–market segmentation–target marketing–none of the above2.Which of the following steps oftarget marketing takes intoaccount competitors’ offeringsto the market?–market positioning–market segmentation–market targeting–all of the above3.Which of the following is nota way to segment consumermarkets?–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–all of the above are ways to文案大全segment the consumer market4.Of the four main types of segmentation bases used to segment consumer markets, _____ is the most popular.–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation –demographic segmentation–behavioral segmentation5.A marketer selling different offerings in different communities would be using _____ segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral 6.Marketers selling luxury carsoften use income as a segmentingvariable. Income is onecomponent of _____ segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral7.Social class, lifestyle andpersonality characteristics arethree components of _____segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral8.Many marketers believe that_____ variables are the beststarting point for buildingmarket segments.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral9.Marketers usually limit theirsegmentation analysis tobehavioral variables.–True–False (Marketers will use avariety of variables to identifysmaller, better-defined, targetgroups.)10.Marketers believe that buyingbehavior and _____ provide thebest basis for segmentingbusiness markets.文案大全–operating characteristics–situational factors–benefits sought–personal characteristics11.Segmenting international markets on the basis of geographic, economic, political and cultural factors is called intermarket segmentation.–True–False (Intermarketsegmentation is forming segments of consumers in various countries who have similar needs and buying behavior.)12.In order to be useful, market segments need to be which of the following? –differentiable–accessible–substantial–all of the above13.Which of the followingstructural factors is notrelated to a segment’sattractiveness?–the presence of strongcompetitors in the segment–the existence of potentialsubstitute products–the lack of raw materials–a number of powerful suppliers14.When using a _____ marketingstrategy, a firm decides totarget several segments anddesigns separate offers foreach.–differentiated–concentrated–mass–micro15.Micromarketing includes_____ and _____.–local marketing; nichemarketing–local marketing; individualmarketing–niche marketing; concentratedmarketing–individual marketing;concentrated marketing16.This type of micromarketing文案大全is also known as one-to-one marketing or mass customization.–local marketing–tailored marketing–niche marketing–individual marketing17.If a beer manufacturer were to place a commercial on a TV show that was predominantly viewed by children, it could be considered using _____.–socially irresponsible targeting–socially responsible targeting –adult targeting–niche targeting18.A product’s _____ is the way the product is defined byconsumers on importantattributes relative to thecompetition.–image–equity–position–value19.A firm that practices _____differentiation gainscompetitive advantage by the wayit designs its channel coverage.–services–product–people–channel20.Which of the following is apowerful value propositionbecause it offers consumers a“good deal”?–more for more–more for the same–the same for less–less for much lessChapter 81.A _____ is anything that can beoffered to a market that mightsatisfy a need or a want.–position–product–promotion–none of the above2.Only tangible goods are文案大全。
《全球市场营销管理》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16108303课程名称:全球市场营销管理英文名称:Global Market Management课程类别:专业课学时:48学分:3适用对象:经济、管理类专业考核方式:考试先修课程:市场营销二、课程简介在国际化迅速发展的今天,具有全球性的思维并对国际市场与国内市场差异有所认识是必不可少的,全球营销管理已经成为近20年来营销和国际管理领域中发展最快的部分之一。
With the rapid development of internationalization today, it is indispensable to have aglobal mindset and understand the differences between the international market and the domestic market. Global marketing management has become one of the fastest-growing parts in marketing and international management in the past 20 years. The course will summarize the current global marketing theory and practice from the global marketing introduction, global marketing environment, target market opportunity analysis and evaluation, global marketing strategy, and global marketing plan design and management.This course will be taught in English. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate students' ability of applying English language in various professional learning and scientific research activities. We can use English to carry on academic research communication ability, information acquisition, integration and application ability.三、课程性质与教学目的本课程是一门全英课程,是专门针对金融学(“2+2”实验班)本科学生开设的一门专业必修课。
国际市场营销课后答案international marketing plan essay question
Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research Essay Questions100. (p. 216) Give the traditional definition for marketing research.Marketing research is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision making.101. (p. 216) Discuss the differences between traditional marketing research and international marketing research. Although the research processes and methods are basically the same in traditional marketing research and international marketing research, international marketing research involves two additional complications. First, information must be communicated across cultural boundaries. Second, the environments within which the research tools are applied are often different in foreign markets.102. (p. 217) International marketers often collect forms of information not normally collected by domestic marketing researchers. Unisys Corporation gives some guidance as to what forms of information need to be collected in the international environment. List and briefly discuss each of the five types of information suggested by the Unisys Corporation model.The five types of information are: (a) economic, (b) cultural, sociological, and political climate, (c) overview of market conditions, (d) summary of the technological environment, and (e) competitive situation. See page 217 for a discussion of each of the types.103. (p. 218 and major section titles for the six) List and briefly characterize the six steps in the research process.The steps are: (a) define the research problem and establish research objectives, (b) determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives, (c) consider the costs and benefits of the research effort, (d) gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both, (e) analyze, interpret, and summarize the results, and (f) effectively communicate the results to decision makers. Summaries of the steps can be found in the major sections describing each of the six steps.104. (p. 220-223) There are four major problems with using secondary data in international marketing research. What are these four major problems? Briefly, characterize each problem.The four major problems are: (a) availability of data, (b) reliability of data, (c) comparability of data, and (d) validating secondary data. For a brief summary see each of the section titles of the four problem areas.105. (p. 223) As a practical matter, the international marketing researcher should ask four questions to effectively judge the reliability (validating secondary data) of secondary data sources. List those four questions.The four questions are: (a) Who collected the data? Would there be any reason for purposely misrepresenting the facts? (b) For what purposes were the data collected? (c) How were the data collected? (methodology) (d) Are the data internally consistent and logical in light of known data sources or market factors?106. (p. 223-225) Demonstrate the difference between quantitative and qualitative research.In quantitative research, usually a large number of respondents are asked to reply either verbally or in writing to structured questions using a specific response format or to select a response from a set of choices. Questions are designed to obtain specific responses regarding aspects of the respondents' behavior, intentions, attitudes, motives, and demographiccharacteristics. In qualitative research, if questions are asked they are almost always open-ended or in-depth, and unstructured responses that reflect the person's thoughts and feelings on the subject are sought.107. (p. 229) Discuss the differences between back translation and parallel translation in international marketing research. In back translation the questionnaire is translated from one language to another, and then a second party translates it back into the original. This process pinpoints misinterpretations and misunderstandings before they reach the public. Back translations may not always ensure an accurate translation because of commonly used idioms in both languages. Parallel translation is used to overcome this problem. In this process, more than two translators are used for the back translation; the results are compared, differences discussed, and the most appropriate translation selected.108. (p. 232) It has been suggested that there are at least seven different uses for the Internet in international research. Assume that you are a marketing director for Ty Beanie Babies and are interested in expanding your company's phenomenal growth into Asia. What are the seven uses suggested in the text and which of the seven would you propose to use to accomplish your objective?The seven uses are (a) online surveys and buyer panels, (b) online focus groups, (c) Web visitor tracking, (d) advertising measurement, (e) customer identification systems, (f) e-mail marketing lists, and (g) embedded research. The students could make a case for any or all of the above, therefore, the intent of the question is to get the students to first list and then creatively think about options. Discussion of the seven uses may be found on page 232. If the instructor would like to place additional suggestions or parameters on the question, be sure to do so before assigning the question to students.109. (p. 239, Exhibit 8.3) The text suggests four kinds of company-agency-customer relationships for managing the cultural barrier in international marketing research. Describe or characterize each of these kinds of relationships and designate which one(s) are better suited for managing the cultural barrier across the chain of communication.The four options are: Option A (company--agency--customers); Option B (company--agency--local agency--customers); Option C (company--subsidiary--agency--customers); and, Option D (company--foreign agency--customers). The text suggests that Options B and C are best for managing the cultural barrier.Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization Essay Questions101. (p. 310-312) Briefly, explain the benefits of global marketing.When large market segments can be identified, economies of scale in production and marketing can be important competitive advantages of global companies. Other benefits include: (a) a transfer of experience and know-how across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities, (b) ensures access to the toughest customers, and (c) diversity of markets served carries with it additional financial benefits.102. (p. 311-313) Demonstrate the differences among corporate, strategic, and tactical planning.Corporate planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the enterprise as a whole. Strategic planning is conducted at the highest levels of management and deals with products, capital, and research, and long- and short-term goals of the company. Tactical planning pertains to specific actions and to the allocation of resources used to implement strategic planning goals in specific markets. Tactical plans are made at the local level and address marketing and advertising questions.103. (p. 315, Exhibit 11.1) List and briefly characterize the four phases of the international planning process.The four phases are: (a) Phase 1--Preliminary analysis and screening (matching company/country needs); (b) Phase 2--Adapting the marketing mix to target markets; (c) Phase 3--Developing the marketing plan; and, (d) Phase 4--Implementation and control.104. (p. 319, Exhibit 11.2) A company has four different modes of foreign market entry from which to select. List and briefly characterize each of these modes.The modes are exporting, contractual agreements, strategic alliances, and direct foreign investment. Brief characterizations may be found on page 319 in Exhibit 11.2. More detailed descriptions of each mode may be found in the associated sections found on pages 318-330.105. (p. 32-322) Describe the two basic contractual agreements that most companies follow in their attempt to enter a foreign market.Contractual agreements generally involve the transfer of technology, processes, trademarks, or human skills. The two basic forms of contractual agreements are licensing and franchising. Licensing is associated with patent rights, trademark rights, and the rights to use technological processes in foreign markets. It is a favorite strategy for small and medium-sized companies. Franchising involves offering a standard package of products, systems, and management services.106. (p. 323-324) What is a strategic international alliance (SIA)?A SIA is a business relationship established by two or more companies to cooperate out of mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common objective. SIAs are sought as a way to shore up weaknesses and increase competitive strengths.107. (p. 325-328) Explain the differences between a joint venture and consortia.A joint venture is differentiated from other types of strategic alliances or collaborative relationships in that a joint venture is a partnership of two or more participating companies that join forces to create a separate legal entity. Consortia are similar to joint ventures but have two distinguishing characteristics: (a) they typically involve a large number of participants and (b) they frequently operate in a country or market in which none of the participants is currently active.108. (p. 328-329) You have just been hired as a consultant by Apple Computer to advise them on how to enter the South African market. You have decided that direct foreign investment would be the best mode for Apple to follow at this point in time. Write a one-paragraph memo that outlines the benefits of direct foreign investment in a country.Companies that manufacture locally can capitalize on low-cost labor, avoid high import taxes, reduce the high cost of transportation to market, gain access to raw materials, and gain advantages by being perceived as making an investment in the market (as a way to gain entry).109. (p. 331, Exhibit 11.4) With respect to organizational structures used in international marketing, companies are usually structured around one of three alternatives. Assuming that you were a consultant for AT&T who desired to create an organization that was able to merge your organization's expertise and skills with that of Sony's cell phone division so that your new joint venture could enter the Scandinavian market, which of the organizational structure alternatives would make most sense? Comment on why the structure might be a good one to use.The three structures are product, geographic, and a matrix approach. Students could select any of the three options, however, the text suggests that the matrix form is preferable in today's market place. A matrix structure permits management to respond to the conflicts that arise between functional activity, product, and geography. Since the new venture will be a joint venture, the matrix structure might allow both of the companies to bring separate expertise to the table. Since a matrix structure encourages sharing of experience, resources, expertise, technology, and information, it seem to be a natural in this situation.Products and Services for Consumers Essay Questions107. (p. 337) Discuss the two dimensions of quality.The two dimensions of quality are market-perceived quality and performance quality. Simply, one dimension deals with how consumers believe the company, product, or service matches to expectations of quality. The other dimension, which can be measured, deals with how the product, company, or service actually performs.108. (p. 339) Describe the process called product homologation.Product homologation is used to describe the changes mandated by local product and service standards. A product may have to change in a number of ways to meet the physical or mandatory requirements of a new market.109. (p. 344-347) Everett Rogers notes that four crucial elements impact the diffusion of new ideas. What are those elements?The elements are (a) an innovation, (b) which is communicated through certain channels, (c) over time, and (d) among the members of a social system.110. (p. 350, Exhibit 12.1) Draw and correctly label the product component model shown in the text.The model is shown on page 350 (see Exhibit 12.1). Students should include the core, packaging, and support services components and the sub-parts of each for full credit.111. (p. 353-355) Consumer services are distinguished by four unique characteristics. List and characterize each of these four unique characteristics.The characteristics are (a) intangibility--services cannot be touched, (b) inseparability--the service cannot be separated from its consumption, (c) heterogeneous--it is individually produced and is thus virtually unique, and (d) perishability--once created it cannot be stored but must be consumed simultaneously with its creation.112. (p. 356-358) Consumer services face four kinds of barriers as these services are presented to the global market. What are these barriers?The barriers are (a) protectionism, (b) controls on transborder data flows, (c) protection of intellectual property, and (d) cultural requirements for adaptation.113. (p. 358-359, Exhibit 12.2) A successful brand is the most valuable resource a company has. Comment on why this is true and create an example to illustrate.Using the material on pages 358-359 and including Exhibit 12.2, students should be able to make a case for the value of a brand. To summarize, the brand name encompasses the years of advertising, good will, quality evaluation, product experience, and other beneficial attributes the market associates with the product. Students may use whatever example they wish, however, it still needs to be appropriate to the material above.114. (p. 363-364) Assuming that you were a new marketing manager for Nike and that your first task was to launch a renewed effort to gain market share in Europe, an Adidas stronghold. Describe the impact that the country-of-origin effect might have on your chances of success.The country-of-origin effect can be defined as any influence that the country of manufacture, assembly, or design has on a consumer's positive or negative perception of a product. Students could discuss stereotypes in the example, mention the difficulties that the U.S. has had with France, the general opinion of American-made products, Nike's publicity as a sweatshop broker, or how a home-based rival such as Adidas might react to Nike. If you, as an instructor, would like to set additional parameters for this question, please do so before the exam.International Marketing Channels Essay Questions101. (p. 396) Characterize a distribution process.A distribution process includes the physical handling and distribution of goods, the passage of ownership (title), and the buying and selling negotiations between producers and middlemen and between middlemen and customers.102. (p. 397) The Japanese distribution system has four distinguishing characteristics. What are these characteristics?The characteristics are (a) a structure dominated by many small middlemen dealing with many small retailers, (b) channel control by manufacturers, (c) a business philosophy shaped by a unique culture, and (d) laws that protect the foundation of the system--the small retailer.103. (p. 399) How does a manufacturer attempt to control the distribution channel?The manufacturer attempts to control the distribution channel through (a) inventory financing, (b) cumulative rebates, (c) merchandise returns, and (d) promotional support.104. (p. 404) Discuss the impact of the trend from traditional to modern channel structures.The impact of these trends will change traditional distribution and marketing systems. While retailing revolution remains in flux, new retailing and middle-men systems will be invented, and established companies will experiment, seeking ways to maintain their competitive edge. Moreover, it is becoming more dangerous to think of competitors in terms of individual companies—in international business generally, and distribution systems particularly, a networks perspective is increasingly required. That is, firms must be understood in the context of the commercial networks of which they are a part. These changes will resonate throughout the distribution chain before new concepts are established and the system stabilizes.105. (p. 408) Characterize the difference(s) between agent middlemen and merchant middlemen.The primary difference is that agent middlemen do not take title to the goods they process and the merchant middleman does. Additionally, the merchant middleman normally performs more work tasks that are often general in nature whereas the agent middleman may be more of a specialist.106. (p. 412) Steve Smith has been assigned the task of choosing a foreign market channel that would be most appropriate for his company. Assuming that his company was an automobile company and he wished to enter the Spanish market, list the four points that were identified in the text as starting places for making the channel selection decision. Be specific with your wording of the points.The points are: (a) identify specific target markets within and across countries; (b) specify marketing goals in terms of volume, market share, and profit margin requirements, (c) specify financial and personnel commitments to the development of international distribution, and (d) identify control, length of channels, terms of sale, and channel ownership.107. (p. 419-421) Channel strategy is thought to have six specific strategic goals. If you were to list these goals for a strategic planner, what would be the six specific goals that the planner should consider?The six Cs of channel strategy are: (a) cost, (b) capital, (c) control, (d) coverage, (e) character, and (f) continuity.108. (p. 396-424) Name and briefly define/describe the five basic points involved in making channel decisions.1. channel decisions - producer's choice of a distribution structure through which goods pass from producer to user. Every country market has a distribution structure through which goods pass form producer to user. This structure may have a variety of possible middlmen.2. distribution patterns - the variety of possible distribution paths and distribution channel length through which a product may pass from producer to customer.3. available alternative middlemen - the external middlemen from which specific intermediaries are selected. The middlemen become the means of building and developing the channels for international distribution.4. factors affecting choice of channels - identifying target markets, specifying marketing goals, specifying financial and personnel needs, and identifying control, length of channels, terms of sales, and channel ownership.5. locating, selecting, motivating, terminating, and controlling middlemen - the process of building international distribution requires as a first step locationg prospective middlemen. Selection involves determining which ones can perform satisfactorily. Motivating middlemen may involve financial rewards, psychological rewards, communications, company support, and corporate report. Termination is the dismissal of middlemen that have not performed up to standard. Controlling middlemen involves control of the distribution network and includes middlemen meeting standards of performance to insure that product is flowing through desired middlemen.Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising Essay Questions100. (p. 464) Describe the components of integrated marketing communications (IMC).IMC are composed of advertising, sales promotions, trade shows, personal selling, direct selling, and public relations.101. (p. 464) What are sales promotions?Sales promotions are marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchases and improve retailer or middleman effectiveness and cooperation.102. (p. 465) Describe the role of public relations.Creating good relationships with the popular press and other media to help companies communicate messages to their publics--customers, the general public, and government regulators--is the role of public relations.103. (p. 470-471) List the seven steps in creating an international advertising campaign.The steps are: (a) perform marketing research, (b) specify the goals of the communication, (c) develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected, (d) select effective media, (e) compose and secure a budget, (f) execute the campaign, and (g) evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified.104. (p. 476) List and describe the steps (stages) in the international communication process.The steps are (a) an information source, (b) encoding, (c) a message channel, (d) decoding, (e) receiver, (f) feedback, and (g) noise. See page 479 for details on each stage.105. (p. 486-493) Select one of the following media forms and describe the characteristics and usefulness in international advertising: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or direct mail.See pages 486-493 for summaries of each of the mass media forms mentioned. If you wish to give additional instructionsfor answering this question or set question limits, please do so before assigning the question.106. (p. 470-471) Assume that you are the communications manager for a company that is seeking to begin a communications process with buyers in a foreign market. Take the steps in the international communications process, list them, and indicate which of the steps will probably present the greatest challenge with respect to communication.The steps are: (a) perform marketing research, (b) specify the goals of the communication, (c) develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected, (d) select effective media, (e) compose and secure a budget, (f) execute the campaign, and (g) evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified. Students should build a case for what they perceive to be the most challenging step. See pages 473 for additional aid.107. (p. 491) Belinda is considering Internet advertising to support her company's international marketing campaign. She knows the Internet has some limitations as an advertising vehicle. What are the current limitations associated with Internet advertising?In many markets the Internet is limited in its penetration of households. Also, there is competition among Internet marketers for Web surfers.Pricing for International Markets Essay Questions100. (p. 529) Explain the process called parallel importing.Parallel importing occurs when importers buy products from distributors in one country and sell them in another to distributors who are not part of the manufacturer's regular distribution system. For more information and illustrations see page 531, Exhibit 18.1.101. (p. 532) What is the difference between variable-cost pricing and full-cost pricing.In variable-cost pricing, the firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets. In full-cost pricing, the philosophy insists that no unit of a similar product is different from any other unit in terms of cost and that each unit must bear its full share of the total fixed and variable cost.102. (p. 544) There are two distinct views of what constitutes dumping. Explain each of these views.One approach classifies international shipments as dumped if the products are sold below their cost of production. The other approach characterizes dumping as selling goods in a foreign market below the price of the same goods in the home market.103. (p. 545-549) List and briefly characterize the four forms of countertrade.The four forms are (a) barter--the direct exchange of goods between two parties in a transaction, (b) compensation deal--involves payments in goods and cash, (c) counterpurchase--the seller agrees to sell a product at a set price to a buyer and receives payment in cash; however, a second contract stipulates that the original seller will in turn purchase a like amount of goods from the buyer (or a similar arrangement), and (d) product buy-back agreement--the seller may agree to accept partial payment in manufactured goods from the buyer or the seller can accept full payment in manufactured goods. For additional information and examples see pages 545-549.104. (p. 549) What are the benefits of transfer pricing?The benefits are (a) lowering duty costs by shipping goods into high-tariff countries at minimal transfer prices so that duty base and duty are low, (b) reducing income taxes in high-tax countries by overpricing goods transferred to units in such countries, and (c) facilitating dividend repatriation when dividend repatriation is curtailed by government policy.105. (p. 542) A reasonable price for goods in the home market may more than double in the foreign market. How does channel length and transportation costs contribute to the price increase?Channel length is determined by the number of middlemen. Middlemen may increase the price of goods to cover transportation costs and to increase their margins; there is little opportunity for a manufacturer to control retail prices in a foreign country. In addition, transportation costs also contribute to the increase in product costs. Transportation costs include insurance, packing, handling, and shipping charges. Such costs are added to the price of goods to determine the landed cost which becomes the basis of import tariffs. These costs add to the inflation of the final price of goods.106. (p. 551-553) Discuss the meaning of and nature of cartels. Are these groups beneficial or not? Create an example to illustrate your stance.A cartel exists when various companies producing similar products or services work together to control markets for the types of goods and services they produce. The cartel association may use formal agreements to set prices, establish levels of production and sales for the participating companies, allocate territories, and even redistribute profits. The economic role of cartels is debatable, but their proponents argue that they eliminate cutthroat competition and rationalize business, permitting greater technical progress and lower prices to consumers. Many do not agree with this view. See the text on pages 551-553 for additional information and examples.。
Chapter 11. Marketing is _____.A.another word for advertising and salesB. only used by major corporationsC.about satisfying customer needsD.about simply making a profit2.The first step in the marketing process is to work to understand customers.True False3. Once we have created value for customers, the final step in the marketing process is to capture value from them.True False4.The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of _____.profitsproductshuman needsservices5.Marketers create social needs in consumers.True False(Marketers do not createcustomer needs, whether social,physical or individual. Needs are abasic part of the human makeup.)6.The act of obtaining a desired objectfrom someone by offering somethingin return is called a(n) _____.exchangeswitchmarketsale7.The art and science of choosingtarget markets and building profitablerelationships with them is profilesmarketing maneuversmarketing selectionmarketing management8.Which marketing philosophy listedbelow is useful when supply exceedsdemand and when production costsare too high and need to be reduced?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept9.Which marketing philosophybelieves that an organization canachieve its goals if it knows the needsof its target market well and deliverssatisfaction better than itscompetition?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept10.Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM) is solely aboutacquiring and keeping customers.TrueFalse (CRM is about acquiring,keeping and growing customers.)11.To build lasting customerrelationships, firms should focus ondelivering _____ and _____.high quality products; low pricescustomer value; customer satisfactioncustomer satisfaction; customergrowth文档customer value; high profits12.It costs 5 to 10 times more to find a new customer than to keep a current one happy.True (Due to changing demographics, more competition, and overcapacity in many industries, the cost of finding new customers is rising.)False13.The aim of customer relationship management is to _____.create customer satisfactioncreate customer profitscreate customer delightcreate customer longing14.The portion of the customer’s purchasing power that a company gets in its product categories is called its _____.customer equityshare of customercustomer quotientcustomer lifetime value15.Customers that are a good fit between a company’s offerings and that are expected to be loyal over thelong term are called _____.butterfliesbarnaclestrue friendsstrangers16.The most dramatic new technologyis the Internet.True False17.The _____ is the nation’s 24thlargest advertiser with an annualbudget of over $1 billion.Procter and Gamble Co.Boeing Co.Levi Strauss Co.U.S. Government18.Which of the first four steps of themarketing process asks, “Whatconsumers will we serve?”and“How can we best serve targetedcustomers?”Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing the marketingprogramStep 4: Building profitablerelationships with customers19.Which step of the marketingprocess is the most important?Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing the marketingprogramStep 4: Building profitablerelationships with customers20.In addition to delighting customers,companies today must also harnesstechnology, think globally and beethically and socially responsible.True FalseChapter 21.This type of business plan involvesadapting the firm to take advantage ofopportunities in its constantlychanging environment.文档–annual plan–marketing plan–strategic plan–long-range plan2.A good mission statement should be all of the following except _____.–market oriented–product oriented–realistic–motivating3.The organization should base its mission statement on its _____.–profitable goals–customers’welfare–product’s value–distinctive competencies4.Business portfolio management involves two steps. Step 1 requires the business to analyze its current business portfolio. Step 2 requires it to shape its future portfolio.–True–False 5._____ are low-growth, high-sharebusinesses or products.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs–Stars6._____ are high-growth, high-sharebusinesses or products.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs–Stars7. Which of the following arelimitations to the BCG method ofstrategic planning?–difficult to implement–costly–provide little advice for the future–all of the above8._____ has the main responsibilityfor achieving profitable growth for acompany.–Management–Human resources–Marketing–All of the above9.Which of the following is anexample of market penetration forStarbucks?–adding drive-thru windows to theircurrent coffee shops–adding new stores in the Southeast(market development)–adding hot breakfast items to themenu (product development)–buying Hear Music (diversification)10. Downsizing is reducing thebusiness portfolio by eliminatingproducts or business units that are notprofitable or no longer fit thecompany’s overall image.–True–False11.The _____ takes the customer’spoint of view.–Human Resource Dept.–Management Dept.–Information Technology Dept.–Marketing Dept.12._____ should be at the center of a文档company’s marketing strategy. •Customers•Profits•Products•Employees13._____ involves dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors and who might require separate products or marketing mixes. •Market definition•Target marketing•Product positioning•Market segmentation14.Once the various market segments have been determined, the next step in the marketing strategy process is _____.•market evaluation•target marketing•product positioning•market penetration15.A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time.•True•False16.The purpose of a product’s imagestatement is to present the product in aclear, distinct and desirable wayrelative to competing products in theminds of target consumers.•True•False (positioning statement)17.The set of controllable, tacticalmarketing tools that the firm blendstogether to produce its response to thewants of its target market are called its_____.•marketing arsenal•marketing mix•marketing portfolio•integrated marketing options (IMOs)18.The four P’s in marketing referto_____, _____, _____ and _____.•product; place; price; promotion•product; property; price; promotion•production; property; people;promotion•product; place; promotion; people19.Which of the “P’s”listed belowrelates to a customer’s cost?•product•place•price•promotion20.Managers are correct in thinkingthat, “doing things right”(implementation) is more importantthan, “doing the right things”(strategy).•True•False (both are critical to success)Chapter 31.A company’s _____ consists of itssuppliers, marketing intermediaries,customers, competitors and publics.–macroenvironment–microenvironment–business environment–marketing environment2._____ include resellers, marketingagencies and financial firms that help文档a company to promote and sell its offerings to its final customers.–Advertising agencies–Suppliers–Intelligence firms–Marketing intermediaries3.Marketers today are only concerned with their consumer markets.–True–False(marketers today may have five types of customer markets. These are the consumer market, the business market, the reseller market, the government market and the international market.4.A company’s _____ public includes its workers, managers, volunteers and board of directors.–employee–citizen-action–internal–human resource5.The single most important demographic trend in the U.S. is the changing age structure of the population.–True–False6.Of the seven generations present inthe U.S. today, _____ is(are) thelargest and most influential.–the Baby Boomers–Generation X–Generation Y–the Millenials7.In the United States today, marriedcouples with children make up _____of the nation’s 105 millionhouseholds.–50%–65%–25%–34%8.The disabled market is relativelysmall in the United States and is notbeing actively pursued by marketers.–True–False (Marketers are activelypursuing this market, which is largerthan the Hispanic andAfrican-American markets)9.The “shop until you drop”mentality of the 1990’s has beenreplaced with a more _____ approach.–save all you can–value is key–don’t shop at all–splurge regularly10.There are three trends in the naturalenvironment that marketers aremonitoring. These are _____, _____and _____.–shortages of raw materials; increasedlegislation; increased consumerism–the green movement; shortages ofraw materials; increased pollution–increased pollution; increasedgovernment intervention; shortages ofraw materials–increased consumerism; increasedpopulation; increased ethicalexpectations11.The most dramatic force shapingbusiness today is the _____文档environment.–natural–technological–economic–political12.Which country leads the world in research and development spending? –United States–Japan–China–Germany13.Legislation affecting business has _____ over the years.–increased steadily–decreased slightly–remained steady–grown immensely14.This legislation prohibits Web sites or onlines from collecting personal information from children without parental consent.–Wheeler-Lea Act–Child Protection Act–Children’s Internet Protection Act –Children’s Online PrivacyProtection Act15.Which of the following is not oneof the reasons business legislation isenacted?–To protect companies from eachother–To protect companies fromconsumers–To protect consumers from unfairbusiness practices–To protect the interests of society16.A person’s core values and beliefsare often erratic.–True–False (People’s core beliefs andvalues have a high degree ofpersistence.)17.Which of the following is not oneof the ways a society’s values areexpressed?–people’s view of history–people’s view of society–people’s view of the universe–people’s view of others18.Recently, observers have noted ashift from a “me society”to a “wesociety.”–True–False19.A woman who drives a hybrid car,consistently recycles, and buys“earth-friendly”products, is actingout her view of _____.–society–organizations–others–nature20.A company has several optionswith regard to its marketingenvironment. A strong companytakes a(n) _____ approach.–proactive–reactive文档–ingenuous–peaceful21.A company’s macroenvironment consists of all of the following except _____.–demographic forces–economic forces–competitive forces–none of the aboveChapter 41.Managers today often receive _____ information.–too much–too little–irrelevant–both 1 and 32.A _____ consists of the people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze and distribute accurate information to marketing decision makers.–marketing intelligence system–database mining system–marketing information system –marketing research system3.A marketing information systembegins and ends with informationfrom _____.–customers–databases–administrators–users4.The costs of obtaining, processing,storing and delivering information isrelatively inexpensive.–True–False (the costs can increase quickly,forcing managers to decide if theinformation is worth the expense)5.Which of the following is a problemwith using internal databases?–the information was collected foranother reason–the information is in the wrongformat–the information may be out of date–all of the above6.The goal of _____ is to improvestrategic decision making, access andtrack competitors’actions, and toprovide early warning of opportunitiesand threats.–competitive research analysis–marketing intelligence–information technology–marketing segmentation7. A new source forcompetitor-supplied information is theInternet.–True–False8.What are the four steps (in order) ofthe marketing research process?–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement the researchplan, survey the participants.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement theresearch plan, report the findings.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, survey the participants,report the findings.–Develop the research plan,implement the research plan, survey文档the participants, report the findings.9.What is the often the hardest step in the marketing research process?–defining the problem–developing the research plan–implementing the research plan–reporting the findings10.The objective of _____ is to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest reasons.–causal research–competitive research–descriptive research–exploratory research11._____ consists of information that already exists having been collected prior to the research plan.–Primary data–Secondary data–Exploratory data–Sales research12. Researchers usually start with _____ when developing the research plan. –primary data–secondary data–projection research–sales research13.The three types of researchapproaches a marketer may use are_____, _____ and _____.–surveys; observations; historicreviews–observations; surveys; databases–observations; experiments; surveys–experiments; databases; surveys14. The most widely used form ofprimary research and the one bestsuited for descriptive information is_____–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research15. Which type of research is bestsuited for gathering causalinformation?–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research16.If a marketer wanted to collectlarge amounts of information at a lowcost per respondent, she could use_____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews17.If a marketer wanted to collectinformation quickly and allow forflexible answers, he should use _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews18. Interviewer bias is often greaterwith _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys19.If an interviewer wanted to reachthe teen market, a fast and low cost文档method would be to use _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys20.Which of the following is not one of the decisions a marketer must make when designing a sample?–who should be sampled–how many people should be sampled –how the people in the sample should be chosen–all of the above are important sampling decisions21.One of the biggest challenges facing marketing researchers today is that some consumers believe collecting the research violates their privacy.–True–FalseChapter 51. Consumer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final customers. –True–False2. According to the textbook,consumer purchases are stronglyinfluenced by cultural, social, personaland _____ characteristics.–psychological–emotional–physical–economic3._____ is the most basic cause of aperson’s wants and behavior.–Greed–Fear–Culture–Materialism4. Which of the following is not avalue normally presented in the U.S.culture?–achievement–progress–material comfort–collectivism5. Groups of people with shared valuesystems based on common lifeexperiences are called _____.–cohorts–generations–subcultures–affiliate groups6. The fastest-growing and mostaffluent subculture in the U.S. is the_____ population.–Hispanic–African American–Asian American–mature7. Social class is determined only byan individual’s income.–True–False (Income is only one of severalfactors used to determine a person’ssocial class. Other factors includeone’s occupation, education, wealthand type of residence.)8. The _____ is the most importantconsumer buying organization insociety.–school–family文档–government–business9. Which of the following is not a personal factor that influences a buyer’s decision?–beliefs–age–lifestyle–personality10.The V ALS classification system measures a person’s _____.–income–occupation–lifestyle–personality11. A person’s _____ is his/her unique set of psychological characteristics that are relatively consistent and lasting.–self esteem–self concept–lifestyle–personality12. According to _____, people are largely unconscious about the real psychological forces shaping theirbehavior.–Abraham Maslow–Bill Gates–Alfred Skinner–Sigmund Freud13.The process of selecting,organizing and interpretinginformation to form a meaningfulpicture of the world is referred to as_____.–perception–sensation–subliminal imprinting–rationalization14. When a person changes his/herbehavior as a result of an experience,we say that _____ has occurred.–motivation–sensation–learning–perception15.If a person’s attitude reflects oneof his/her core values, then the attitudeis easy to change.–True–False(Attitudes are difficult tochange because they fit into a pattern,and changing one attitude may requiredifficult adjustments in many others.)16.A consumer purchasing finefurniture (which is expensive and forwhich a brand’s name matters) wouldprobably result in _____ buyingbehavior.–dissonance-reducing–variety-seeking–complex–habitual17._____ buying behavior ischaracterized by low consumerinvolvement but significant perceivedbrand differences.–Dissonance-reducing–V ariety-seeking–Complex–Habitual18.The final step in the buyingdecision process is _____.–the purchase itself文档–postpurchase behavior–choosing the product–getting the rebate19. What two factors come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision?–attitudes of others and unexpected situational factor s–attitudes of others and lack of resources–unexpected situational factors and lack of resources–shortages and lack of resources (Note: lack of resources and shortages are examples of unexpected situational factors)20.What are the two largest populations in the adoption process? –innovators and early majority–early adopters and early majority–early majority and late majority–innovators and laggards21. Which of the following does not influence a product’s rate of adoption? –relative advantage–compatibility–divisibility–perceptibilityChapter 61.Business buyer behavior includesretailers and wholesalers who buythings with the purpose of making aprofit.–True–False2. Business markets are _____ thanconsumer markets.–considerably larger–slightly larger–slightly smaller–no different3. The main differences between thebusiness to business (B2B) market andthe business to consumer (B2C)market include all of the followingexcept _____.–the differences in market structureand demand–t hat people assume buying roles–the nature of the buying unit–the types of decisions and thedecision process involved4._____ is demand that ultimatelycomes from the demand for consumergoods.–Consumer demand–Marketing demand–Derived demand–End-user demand5. Which of the following is not acharacteristic of the business market?–Business markets are moregeographically concentrated.–Many business markets have elasticdemand.–Business markets have morefluctuating demand.–Business marketers have far fewerbut larger customers.6. In recent years, relationshipsbetween business customers andsuppliers have grown more adversarial.(敌对的)文档–True–False(In recent years, business customers and suppliers have begun working together more closely as “partners,”not adversaries.)7.Which of the following is not one of the major types of buying situations faced by business buyers?–straight rebuy–new task buy–online rebuy–modified rebuy8. Which of the business buyer purchase decisions offers the greatest opportunities and the greatest challenges for marketers?–straight rebuy–new task buy–modified rebuy–Both 2 and 39. The decision-making unit of a buying organization is called its _____.–buying center–purchasing department –head office–marketing department10.The _____ role in the purchasedecision process is to control the flowof information to others.–buyer’s–gatekeeper’s–influencer’s–decider’s11. A business buying center is a fixedand formally identified unit within thebuying organization.–True–Fals e (The buying center is not afixed and formal unit in the businessbuying organization. It fluctuates asdifferent people are needed to makedifferent purchases.)12. When competing products varygreatly, business buyers pay moreattention to _____ factors.–economic–personal–organizational–interpersonal13.Shortages in key materials is animportant _____ factor.–organizational–individual–environmental–interpersonal14. Individual factors are affected byall of the following except _____.–buyer’s attitude toward risk–buyer’s income–buyer’s buying style–all of the above affect individualfactors15.Once a business buyer determinesa problem or need, the next step in thebusiness buying process is to _____.–begin a supplier search文档–solicit suppliers’proposals–determine a general need description–make a purchase16.The 8-stage buyer decision model would most likely be used for a _____ buying decision.–straight rebuy–new task–online–modified rebuy17.E-procurement is being used by _____ of business buyers today.–33%–50%–75%–90%18.Which of the following is not one of the benefits of business to business e-procurement?–reduced transaction costs for suppliers–reduced transaction time between order and delivery –enhanced relationships betweendecades-old (new)suppliers andcustomers–increased time for purchasers tofocus on strategic issues19.The _____ consists of schools,hospitals, nursing homes and prisonsthat provide goods ands to people intheir care.–government market–institutional market–non-profit market–organizational market20.Unlike business markets,government markets are closelywatched by outside publics.–True–FalseChapter 71.What is the first step in targetmarketing?–market positioning–market segmentation–target marketing–none of the above2.Which of the following steps oftarget marketing takes into accountcompetitors’offerings to the market?–market positioning–market segmentation–market targeting–all of the above3.Which of the following is not a wayto segment consumer markets?–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–all of the above are ways to segmentthe consumer market4.Of the four main types ofsegmentation bases used to segmentconsumer markets, _____ is the mostpopular.–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–behavioral segmentation5.A marketer selling differentofferings in different communities文档would be using _____ segmentation. –geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral6.Marketers selling luxury cars often use income as a segmenting variable. Income is one component of _____ segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral7.Social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics are three components of _____ segmentation. –geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral8.Many marketers believe that _____ variables are the best starting point for building market segments.–geographic–psychographic –demographic–behavioral9.Marketers usually limit theirsegmentation analysis to behavioralvariables.–True–False (Marketers will use a varietyof variables to identify smaller,better-defined, target groups.)10.Marketers believe that buyingbehavior and _____ provide the bestbasis for segmenting businessmarkets.–operating characteristics–situational factors–benefits sought–personal characteristics11.Segmenting international marketson the basis of geographic, economic,political and cultural factors is calledintermarket segmentation.–True–False (Intermarket segmentation isforming segments of consumers invarious countries who have similarneeds and buying behavior.)12.In order to be useful, marketsegments need to be which of thefollowing?–differentiable–accessible–substantial–all of the above13.Which of the following structuralfactors is not related to a segment’sattractiveness?–the presence of strong competitors inthe segment–the existence of potential substituteproducts–the lack of raw materials–a number of powerful suppliers14.When using a _____ marketingstrategy, a firm decides to targetseveral segments and designs separateoffers for each.–differentiated–concentrated–mass–micro文档15.Micromarketing includes _____ and _____.–local marketing; niche marketing –local marketing; individual marketing–niche marketing; concentrated marketing–individual marketing; concentrated marketing16.This type of micromarketing is also known as one-to-one marketing or mass customization.–local marketing–tailored marketing–niche marketing–individual marketing17.If a beer manufacturer were to place a commercial on a TV show that was predominantly viewed by children, it could be considered using _____.–socially irresponsible targeting–socially responsible targeting–adult targeting–niche targeting 18.A product’s _____ is the way theproduct is defined by consumers onimportant attributes relative to thecompetition.–image–equity–position–value19.A firm that practices _____differentiation gains competitiveadvantage by the way it designs itschannel coverage.–services–product–people–channel20.Which of the following is apowerful value proposition because itoffers consumers a “good deal”?–more for more–more for the same–the same for less–less for much lessChapter 81.A _____ is anything that can beoffered to a market that might satisfy aneed or a want.–position–product–promotion–none of the above2.Only tangible goods are consideredproducts.–True–False (Products are more thantangible goods. They can bes, events,persons, places, ideas, or a mix ofthese.)3.A visit to a doctor’s office is anexample of a _____.–pure tangible good–pure intangible good–mixture of the two–none of the above4.The most basic level of a product iscalled its _____.–center–value–core benefit文档。
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
Selecting Customers to Serve
Market segmentation refers to dividing the markets into segments of customers
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands
• States of deprivation • Physical—food, clothing, warmth, safety • Social—belonging and affection • Individual—knowledge and self-expression
Target marketing refers to which segments to go after
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
Selecting Customers to Serve
Demarketing is marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently; the aim is not to destroy demand but to reduce or shift it
Understanding the Maபைடு நூலகம்ketplace and Customer Needs
Core Concepts
• Customer needs, wants, and demands • Market offerings • Customer Value and satisfaction • Exchanges and relationships • Markets
开发市场的步骤(Steps to develop the market)The first step: find your market where and its characteristics, to achieve a clear goal, second steps: know the known, and do know fairly well1, have (basic business and sales policy)2, know (distributors, end users, competitors)The third step: planning regional market development blueprint, to achieve systematic thinkingThe clerk in the development of new markets, should learn about the "Carpenter", "wood" before doing it, in the mind of the number and shape and timber furniture has a plan, know what to do first do what. After a detailed and full market survey of the regional market, the salesman should have a comprehensive system planning for the regional market.What is planned in the regional market?A comprehensive regional planning including regional sales target and market share target and schedule, the varieties of products into the market portfolio, price and rebate policy, choice of channel mode, promote the goal of county (Village) market and development progress, the number of dealers and sales staff, standard deployment and incentive measures, marketing promotion plan, promotion planning, advertising plan etc.. Before formally launching or adjusting the market, the salesman shall draw up a regional market development plan in written form, at least for the operation of the regional market.In this way, the salesman will not be blind in running the market and developing new customers.The fourth step: identify the target, and achieve targetedThe clerk to the planning of the regional market, should try to target the regional market all the dealers to search, and then compared with the channel model and the dealer selection criteria, combined with the actual situation of the dealer resources, to determine the goal of developing the dealer. The salesman selected the dealer, not only can quickly be developed successfully, but also has great promotion effect of the new dealers on the regional market sales and market share growth as well as the pre-sale, sale, customer service service and enhance brand awareness etc.. To successfully develop target distributors, the salesman must first find the target distributor that meets the needs of the company's development.How can a salesman find a target dealer that meets the needs of enterprise development?First, maximize the search dealer. The search method is the most original dealer salesman from door to door to visit dealers, understand the dealer name, phone, kingpin varieties, sales volume, price, the number of outlets, the main sales areas, delivery, product quality and operating conditions. Perhaps door-to-door visits are inefficient and involve a lot of work. Indeed, it takes a lot of time and effort. But the salesman should understand that only when we have sufficient customer resources and have a large amount of information on them can we find the target customers that meet the needs of thecompany's development.Then, select the target dealers that meet the needs of the business development. From among the dealers, select the most consistent with the needs of enterprise development target dealers.There are usually two kinds of screening methods: the perception method and the scientific evaluation method. The perception method is that when a salesman visits a distributor, he feels that the dealer has obvious advantages over other dealers by communicating with the dealer and observing the store, warehouse and product. The scientific evaluation method is the regional sales staff to design a "comprehensive evaluation form" including dealer dealers, financial strength, reputation, sales, sales outlets, marketing ability, service ability and other content, each item set according to the severity score, then through the investigation of the actual rate corresponding to the dealer. Achieve what points, that the customer meets the needs of the company's development.Finally, find the target dealer who meets the needs of the enterprise and may cooperate with the enterprise. The development of new dealers is like love, to both sides come together, but also to both sides. Whether is the scientific evaluation method for screening of target customer perception method, the final two points to consider: one is whether the dealer may operate your products; two is the dealer of your products after he will put your product in a what position, how much can achieve monthly sales. And on the basis of these two principles, the target dealers ABC classification, inaccordance with the order of ABC development of new customers.The fifth step: before the formal visit, carefully prepared, foolproofBefore visiting the target dealer, the salesman is more careful in preparing the development strategy. Including dealer development objective, dealer development targets (Sales), dealers starting varieties, price (factory price, wholesale price, retail price, gross profit), taking the area set up by consumers and distributors network development strategy, strategy, strategy, technology demonstration, visit time and so on. And to do these preparations, the key lies in the salesman to the regional market and target customer familiarity.The regional salesperson checks his briefcase before visiting the target customer,Should everything be taken with you?. Including notebooks, pens, calculators, telephone book, enterprise introduction samples, product brochures, business licenses, product testing reports, product samples, product packaging bags and so on.Before visiting the target customer, the salesman should make an appointment with the customer who is going to visit, make sure the time of the appointment and how long the negotiation will take, and plan the itinerary of the day. Only in this way can we increase sales efficiency.The sixth step: to sell yourself, so that dealers have a favorable impression of youThe clerk entered the dealer store, first and don't dealer talk business, often with dealers first contact on business, not to be rejected dealers, is due to find the topic of interest to both sides and embarrassing, eventually you are still unable to enter the dealer store. Therefore, the first thing the salesman develops is to find a way to make friends with the dealer.The seventh step: to inquire about the dealer's demand and make sure the medicine is checkedMany clerks in visit dealers, mentality is particularly serious, go to the dealer shop, regardless of whether the dealer is willing to listen to, regardless of whether the dealer listen to, anyway the Jiji quack to educate dealers own enterprise is how powerful, how good, and so on. As a result, no matter how well and how well they talked, the dealer remained unmoved. The most effective persuasion is when it comes to the idea, that is, what you are talking about is what the customer cares about. As a result, the salesman needs to understand the customer's needs before formally persuading them to sell.How do you understand the customer's needs? There are two ways: ask more and listen more.Ask more, and ask what?Ask the customer's hobby, ask family members, ask the customer's business history, ask the customer business manufacturers, ask the customer sales, ask the productstructure, price and sales volume of customers, the customer asked business profits and expenses, ask the customer market competition situation, ask the customer prior to its main factory support, ask the customer evaluation the existing factory, now ask the customer confusion, the development trend of the regional market customers ask, ask the customer going to the next step, ask the customer to the enterprise's level of understanding.Listen more. Why should you listen more?Listen, can let the customer feel you respect him very much, so that customers can speak freely, to maximize the understanding of the customer's basic situation; listen, can have enough time to judge and think the customer's speech is true, how to continue to lead the conversation.The salesman should listen in an open and active manner, listen to all the content, sort out the key points, listen to the other person's feelings, and respond in a proper body language.What are the common requirements of distributors?1, the demand for the purpose of profit: dealers to make money, the time playing "milk is the mother" role, once the brand distribution or distribution variety because manufacturers clean bottom of high prices or market price confusion, dealers operating profit is low or no profit, the dealer will deviate from the original brand manufacturers, brand investment and high profit manufacturers embrace.2, the development of demand: many have stronger desire to choose distribution brand dealers, in addition to inspect the proposed brand price and profit, it is more important to study the distribution of the strength of the brand influence, brand manufacturers, manufacturers of the well-known support policies, etc. the management of regional development factors.3, emotional needs: many dealers in addition to consider profit factors and development factors, but also like to communicate with the emotional salesman and business.As a result, it is possible for salespeople to explore and understand the most important and urgent needs of potential distributors before moving into potential dealers so that potential distributors can become real dealers of the company.The eighth step: consultant sales touched dealers, so smooth things quietThe salesman should think before the official convince the distributor: what is the distributor's choice of your product? Regular distributors choose manufacturers and products, and more attention will be given to what benefits your product will bring to him, and more attention will be paid to what your product sells more than the products sold by other manufacturers.The clerk in the premise of market and dealers to fully understand and familiar with the situation, to help the development of consultants, the change and trend analysis of dealer industry, to help dealers analysis of his currentsituation, facing the opportunities and threats, to help dealers to clarify ideas, planning his next development, our company is one of the emphasis he is the best choice, at the same time the company's market operation method statements, including product strategy, personnel arrangement, help dealers to develop network etc..The ninth step: to eliminate the dealer's objection, so that dealers do not worrySalesman in the development of customers in the process, will certainly encounter many objections,Including the company's product prices are too high, the company cash cash policy is difficult to accept, the market and off-season business is not good, has entered into contracts with other manufacturers, to do regional agents, and so on. Many salesmen meet the objection of customers, at a loss, lose confidence in themselves and enterprises, and even give up the explanation and persuasion of customers.Salesman must first have the psychological preparation for facing customer objections. Salesman should know that their products relative to other manufacturers, the price may be high, cash settlement methods are really harsh, and other adverse factors, the customer objections to these is normal. On the contrary, customer dissent is the beginning of cooperation. Customers only throw the problem out, salesman could win an antidote against the disease, crush one by one, understanding and recognition of customers.The salesman initiated the customer's objections. You can ask the customer directly, "X boss, you should know about our company and our company's products.". You see, what else is the problem that affects our cooperation?". It can also be understood by people around the customer, such as shop assistants, porters, their families, their friends, and so on.The salesman will then analyze the authenticity of the customer's objections. Two cases of customer objection: really objection, the fact is true, the customer can not accept; just an excuse for the customer, or a form of rejection, is a false objection. To judge the true or false of customer's objection lies mainly in the degree of understanding and familiarity with the market and customers. And then analyze why the customer has such objections? Is it that your work has not been done in place, or that customers want more preferential policies, or that customers will not cooperate with you?.The salesman responds to customer objections, adjusts strategies, or strategically responds to customer objections. If the price is really high, you can lower the price, or tell the customer why your price will be high, the price can help customers bring more value, and so on. In short, to eliminate all sorts of objections from customers, only by eliminating customer objections can the two sides cooperate in a relaxed atmosphere.The tenth step: make full use of resources and achieve the goal of adding fuel to the flamesSometimes, the salesman develops the dealer, has made the fulleffort, but only by own strength, in any case cannot move the customer. At this point, the salesman should reflect on their own ability or lack of strong corporate policy support? The clerk for valuable, Jiugong dealers can invite company leaders and other influential or develop strong communication skills and leadership to communicate, to give policy support; these can be brought to the dealer where the enterprise is located, allowing them to visit the enterprises and appeared to feel development and strength of the enterprise, and communicate with the enterprise leadership and communication; also can bring them to the market success of the operation of the market model or model dealers, let them on-site experience and experience. In short, the salesman should make use of all available resources to achieve the goal of eliminating objections and developing successfully.The eleventh step: to conclude the contract and place an orderMany clerks made a lot of work such as the market survey, dealer visits, communication, visit the company with dealer dealers, dealers also want to operate your product, but ultimately did not report to the company plans, orders, delivery. The plight of the reasons for this are: a clerk is not on the dealers, the dealers have no goals, the lack of a sense of crisis; two is the customer hesitated, but no final decision. Therefore, the salesman should first draw up the contract and get it to the dealer. "X boss, our company, product and policy, you know almost the same.". I am anxious to cooperate with you as soon as possible. In order to better protect and protect your rights and interests, I have drawn up a distribution contract. Let's see. If there are no problems, let's sign the contract now. Doyou think so?" Proactively push and sign distribution agreements with distributors. After the signing of the distribution agreement, immediately asked the dealer to plan, order, take goods, "X boss, our contract has been signed down, and we are not sure now?"。
Discussion Questions for Chapter 1The Scope and Challenge of International MarketingDiscussion Questions1. Define:International marketing Foreign uncontrollablesControllable elements Marketing relativismUncontrollable elements Self-reference criterion (SRC)Domestic uncontrollables Global awareness2.“. . . the marketer’s task is the same whether applied in Dime Box, Texas, or Dar es Salaam,Tanzania.”Discuss. The only difference between domestic marketing and international marketing is that the activities take place in more than one country. Therefore, the marketing task is the same throughout the world.3.How can the increased interest in international marketing on the part of the U.S. firms be explained?Increased interest has been brought about because of changing competitive structures, coupled with shifts in demand characteristics throughout the world. The U.S. market has reached saturation levels for many products, and increasing numbers of firms are faced with surpluses which must be sold.Also, many firms find that return on investment may be higher in foreign markets than in domestic markets. Finally, more and more firms realize that tomorrow’s markets will be world markets and it is imperative that they establish world market positions early.4.Discuss the four phases of international marketing involvement.The first phase includes those domestic firms which have no foreign business activity except those sales made to foreign customers who come directly to the firm. The second phase includes domestic firms which have temporary surpluses which are sold abroad. Therefore, sales are made on an availability basis with little or no intention for continuing market representation. The third phase includes the domestic firms that have permanent productive capacity which is utilized to produce goods which are sold on a continuing basis in foreign markets. The fourth phase includes the international company that produces a product for the world market.5.Discuss the conditions that have led to the development of global markets.According to the Professor Levitt and others who suggest that there is a global market for goods, this phenomenon has resulted from new communications technology, travel and other factors which have led to the markets of the world being more aware of different products and processes. As a result of this awareness, there are segments in each market who have had similar experiences and thus have common needs. These common needs are described as a demand for high quality, reasonably priced, standardized products. There is a strong feeling that within each country’s market there is a growing segment that has been exposed to ideas from around the world and thus have had their tastes and perceived needs affected. There is a strong feeling that world markets are being driven toward a converging commonality of taste and needs leading toward global markets.6.Differentiate between a global company and a multinational company.The main distinction between a global and a multinational company is that a global company assumes there are segments across countries which have the same needs and wants and designs a standardized, high quality, reasonably priced product for those segments and markets it as if there are no differences among the country markets. On the other hand, a multinational company operates in a number of countries and adjusts its products and marketing practices for each market. The multinational company has a specific marketing plan and adapts products for each country market.The philosophy for the multinational company is that there are cultural differences among countries that require specific adaptations for those markets. This is contrasted with the global company which sees the entire world, or major regions of it, as a single entity requiring no specialized adjustments.This distinction may be more myth than fact and reflects Professor Levitt’s opinion.7.Differentiate among the three international marketing concepts.Companies can be described by one of three orientations to international marketing management:1.Domestic Market Expansion Concept2.Multi-Domestic Market Concept3.Global Marketing ConceptIt is expected that differences in the complexity and sophistication of a company’s marketing activitydepend on which of these orientations guides its operations.The Domestic Market Extension Concept. The domestic company that seeks sales extension of itsdomestic products into foreign markets illustrates this orientation to international marketing. It viewsits international operations as secondary to and an extension of its domestic operations. The primary motive is to dispose of excess domestic production. Domestic business is its priority and foreign salesare seen as a profitable extension of domestic operations. While foreign markets may be vigorouslypursued, the orientation remains basically domestic. Its attitude toward international sales is typifiedby the belief that if it sells in Peoria it will sell anywhere else in the world. Minimal, if any, efforts aremade to adapt the marketing mix to foreign markets. The firm’s orientation is to market to foreigncustomers in the same manner the company markets to domestic customers. It seeks markets where demand is similar to the home market and its domestic product will be acceptable. This Domestic Market Expansion Strategy can be very profitable. Large and small exporting companies approach international marketing from this perspective.Multi-Domestic Market Concept. Once a company recognizes the importance of differences inoverseas markets and the importance of offshore business to their organization, its orientation towardinternational business may shift to a Multi-Domestic Market Strategy. A company guided by thisconcept has a strong sense that country markets are vastly different (and they may be, depending on the product) and that market success requires an almost independent program for each country. Firms with this orientation market on a country-by-country basis with separate marketing strategies for each country. Subsidiaries operate independently of one another in establishing marketing objectives and plans. The domestic market and each of the country markets have separate marketing mixes with little interaction among them. Products are adapted for each market with minimum coordination with other country markets, advertising campaigns are localized as are the pricing and distribution decisions. A company with this concept does not look for similarity among elements of the marketing mix that might respond to standardization. Rather, it aims for adaptation to local country markets. Control is typically decentralized to reflect the belief that the uniqueness of each market requires local marketing input and control.Global Marketing Concept. A company guided by this new orientation or philosophy is generallyreferred to as a global company, its marketing activity is global marketing, and its market coverage isthe world. A company employing a Global Marketing Strategy strives for efficiencies of scale bydeveloping a standardized product, of dependable quality, to be sold at a reasonable price to a global market (that is, the same country market set throughout the world). Important to the Global Marketing Concept is the premise that world markets are being “driven tow ard a converging commonalty” that seek much the same ways to satisfy their needs and desires and thus, constitute significant market segments with similar demands for the same product the world over. With this orientation a company attempts to standardize as much of the company effort as is practical on a world-wide basis. Some decisions are viewed as applicable worldwide, while others require consideration of local influences.The world as a whole is viewed as the market and the firm develops a global marketing strategy.8.Prepare your lifelong plan to be globally aware.Student exercise. A minimum would be a reading list plus some commitment to study differentcountries.9.Discuss the three factors necessary to achieve global awareness.The three factors necessary to achieve global awareness are: 1) objectivity; objective in assessingopportunities, evaluating potential, and responding to problems. Too often mistakes are made becausecompanies are swept away with generalities and make investments only later to find out that theircommitment or abilities were not sufficient to succeed, 2) tolerance toward cultural differences;tolerance is understanding cultural differences and accepting and working with others whose behaviormay be different from yours, 3) knowledgeable; knowledgeable about cultures, history, world marketpotentials, and global economy and social trends is critical for a person to be culturally aware. To be successfully in international business and globally aware, a person needs to keep abreast of theenormous changes occurring throughout the world. The 21st century will usher in great change andopportunities. The knowledgeable marketer will identify those opportunities long before it becomesevident to others.10.Define and discuss the idea of global orientation.A global orientation means operating as if all the country markets in a company’s scope of operations(including domestic market) are approachable as a single global market and to standardize themarketing mix where culturally feasible and cost effective or to adapt the marketing mix whereculturally required and cost effective. A global orientation does not mean to follow a single strategyof standardization without regard for cultural differences nor does it imply that the marketing effortmust be adapted to every cultural difference. Instead, it means looking for market segments withsimilar demands that can be satisfied with the same product, standardizing the components of themarketing mix that can be standardized, and, where there are significant cultural differences that require parts of the marketing mix to be culturally adapted, adapting.。
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Basic Steps of Global Marketing ResearchMarketing Research refers to the use of the scientific method, purposefully and systematically collect,record,collate information and data relating to marketing, market analysis, the understanding of current situation and development trend of the market, to provide objective for market forecasting and marketing decisions, the correct information. Including environment market research, market conditions survey, the marketing possibilities of the investigation, but also consumers and consumer demand for their products, product prices,promotion and place (4Ps),social and natural factors affecting sales to conduct investigations.The market research process is a step-wise process and a systematic methodology for informing business decisions. Decomposition process down into six steps:Step 1. Identifying the Information RequirementConduct marketing research must first clear target market research and information. According to the different needs of enterprises, information and target marker research is different, confirm what information do I need and why do I need, such as when companies develop marketing strategies, to investigate the market demand, market competition, consumer behavior and marketing elements of the case.The food is concerned, according to the tastes and preferences to take over the production of the product strategy and was a great success, and follow a unified international strategy is often not feasible. Nestle is one of the most convincing examples. Nestle Company products to be sold around the conduct a full investigation, the information is clearly needed in the local market as well as the type of widespread taste preferences. The ideas and market live link together the means to take action and have sought to be able to meet local needs and requirements.Step 2. Defining the Problem & ObjectiveThe next step is the important step and introductory phase of the marketing research process that defining the problem. What is your team’s problem? Problem definition involves exploratory research such as discussion with the decision makers. It is crucial that the research team identifies,understands and defines the problem very accurate, because it affects all the subsequent activities involved in the research process.Step 3. Developing A Research PlanNow, that you know your research object, it is time do your plan. This is the decisive step, the research plan is the beginning of the entire marketing research process. In this step you will first determine your market research method,establishment of a market survey project team, by corporate marketing department, or the planning department is responsible for the team survey projects, the establishment of marketresearch group for the survey items, responsible for the project implementation. Based on that ,you will be able to do next step that collecting data.Step 4. Collecting DataThis process is most important step and mainly involves a lot of domain related work activities,such as survey, outdoor collection and so on., each information is precious and will be important in part of conclusions. Proper survey and information can affect your objectives the success,regardless of the data analysis methods used,Marketing research involves two types of data sources: primary data sources and secondary data sources.The secondary data also known as published data, information that has been collected for some other purpose other than the research at hand, through such as the Internet and library get information. If secondary data sources cannot answer the objective, the researcher must collect primary data, market researchers who need primary data must establish a data-collection tools to collect information, the primary data is information that has been gathered specifically for the research objectives at hand,collecting data through methods such as telephone,online,and observation studies.Step 5. Analyzing DataData analysis includes recording and summarizing the responses for each question or observation for every participant.Y our groups,conducting your survey,the answers,choices,information and observations are all being collected and recorded,usually build tables and graphs in Microsoft Excel form ,such as bar chart, pie diagram and line chart.Step 6. Presenting the reach findingsThe last step is one of the most important phases of marketing research and to prepare a market survey written report which addresses the specific research questions identified,describes the approach,the research design,data collection,and data analysis procedures and make consistency can bu made.So, that is the market research all process. Marketing research is a linked process,ever step like individually but as well as collectively. In any of these steps has a mistake or shortcoming can largely affect the success,even result in failure of the entire marketing research.。