二、Bootstrap基础教程1. 栅格系统Bootstrap基于12列的栅格系统,可以轻松实现页面布局。
以下是一个简单的例子:```html<div class="cont本人ner"><div class="row"><div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div><div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div><div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div></div></div>```在这个例子中,页面被分成了三列,每一列占据了页面宽度的1/3。
2. 响应式工具类Bootstrap提供了一系列的响应式工具类,可以根据不同的屏幕尺寸来显示或隐藏元素。
要在小屏幕设备上隐藏一个元素,可以使用`d-none d-sm-block`类:```html<div class="d-none d-sm-block">在小屏幕设备上隐藏该元素</div>```3. 按钮Bootstrap提供了丰富的按钮样式,可以轻松地创建不同风格的按钮。
以下是一个简单的例子:```html<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary按钮</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Secondary按钮</button>```4. 表格使用Bootstrap可以轻松创建各种样式的表格。
BootStrap⼊门教程(⼀)之可视化布局HTML模板:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Bootstrap 模板</title><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><!-- 引⼊ Bootstrap --><link href="/libs/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><!-- HTML5 Shim 和 Respond.js ⽤于让 IE8 ⽀持 HTML5元素和媒体查询 --><!-- 注意:如果通过 file:// 引⼊ Respond.js ⽂件,则该⽂件⽆法起效果 --><!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="https:///libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script><script src="https:///libs/respond.js/1.3.0/respond.min.js"></script><![endif]--></head><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1><!-- jQuery (Bootstrap 的 JavaScript 插件需要引⼊ jQuery) --><script src="https:///jquery.js"></script><!-- 包括所有已编译的插件 --><script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script></body></html> 在这⾥,您可以看到包含了 jquery.js、bootstrap.min.js 和 bootstrap.min.css ⽂件,⽤于让⼀个常规的 HTML ⽂件变为使⽤了 Bootstrap 的模板。
通过定义容器的大小,平分为12份 调整内外边距 结合媒体查询
一行数据(row)必须包含在 .container中浏可,览视以器区域便为
其赋予合容适器 c的ont对aine齐r 方式和内列与边列距间距 30px 使用行在水平方向列创colu建mn一组列
列右间 距
新手入门 开发环境(webstorm) 引入Bootstrap框架文件
压缩处理文件bootstrap.min.css,bootstrap.min.js 使用 Bootstrap 中文网提供的免费 CDN 加速服务
<head lang="en">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no,
<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8">占8列</div> <div class="col-md-4">占4列</div>
<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6">占6列一半</div> <div class="col-md-6">占6列一半</div>
~78px 30px 列的两侧分别 15px Yes Yes Yes
大型设备台式电脑 (≥1200px)
以折叠开始,断点以上是水平 的
~95px 30px 列的两侧分别 15px Yes Yes Yes
B o o t s t r a p 栅 格 系 统 - - Bootstrap栅格系统的原理
运行“实例1”的页面效果,拖动浏览器 改变浏览器的宽度,可以看到不同的效果。 当屏幕<992px后,所有的列变成从上到下 依 次 排 列 , 在 浏 览 器 的 宽 度 为 800px 和 600px呈现的效果是一样的,如图3-4所示。
图3-4 应用栅格系统布局网站的效果 b)
a) 宽度为800px时的页面效果 b)宽度为600px时的页面效果
B o o t s t r a p 栅 格 系 统 - - Bootstrap栅格系统的原理
图2-2 引用(Blockquotes) 代码片段如下所示:
<divclass="row"> <divclass="span6 "> <blockquoteclass="pull-right"> <p>凌冬将至. 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫,抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒眠者的号角,守护王国的坚盾。 </p> </blockquote> </div> <divclass="span6 "> <blockquote> <p>凌冬将至. 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫,抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒眠者的号角,守护王国的坚盾。</p> 守夜人军 守夜人军团总司令.<small>蒙奇.D.<citetitle="">路飞</cite></small>
图1-1 默认格网系统(Default G rid System) 以下简单的代 码则是实现图1-1中,第三列的宽度为4和宽度为8的两个 div.
<divclass="row"> <divclass="span4">...</div> <divclass="span8">...</div> </div>
嵌套的 div 长度之和不能大于它的父 div,否则会溢出叠加。各位可以试试将第一层的 div 长度改为其他值,看 看效果。 流式格网系统(Fluid grid system).它使用%, 而不是固定的 px,来确定页面要素的宽度.只需要简单的将. row 改成.row-fluid ,就可以将 fixed 行改为 fluid.如图1-4所示:
1)<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
2)<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dt> adsf</dt>
在页面关联了Bootstrap的CSS文件后,除了在<table> 标签中添加class .table之外继续添加.table-striped类后, 即<table class= "tab图le5-t5a条bl纹e-状st表ri格ped" >,就会得到一 个具有条纹效果的表格。
• 改变大小写 – class =“text-lowercase” 转成小写 – class = “text-uppercase”转成大写 – class = “text-capitalize”首字母大写
• 无序列表——顺序无关紧要的一组元素 • 有序列表——顺序至关重要的一组元素 • 无样式列表
• Bootstrap模板注意事项 – Bootstrap模板必须是基于HTML5文件的。因此DTD类型定义必须是HTML5 的。 – Bootstrap文件当字符集设置,也要遵循HTML5的规范。 – 设置IE浏览器兼容模式(X-UA-Compatible)。 – 设置模板,适用于所有平台(viewport )。 – 引入bootstrap的CSS主文件(bootstrap.min.css)。 – 引入jQuery插件的主文件(jQuery) – 引入bootstrap的JS主文件(bootstrap.min.js)
BootStrap入门学习 Part 1
• 什么是 Bootstrap? – Bootstrap 是由 Twitter 的 Mark Otto 和 Jacob Thornton 两位设计师开发的。 Bootstrap 是 2011 年八月在 GitHub 上发布的开源产品。 – Bootstrap 是一个用于快速开发 Web 应用程序和网站的前端框架。 – Bootstrap 是基于 HTML、CSS、JAVASCRIPT 的。 – Bootstrap简洁灵活,使得 Web 开发更加快捷。 – Bootstrap可以构建出非常优雅的前端界面,而且占用资源非常小。
Bootstrap 包的内容
• 基本结构:Bootstrap 提供了一个带有网格系统、链接样式、背景的 基本结构。这将在 Bootstrap 基本结构 部分详细讲解。 • CSS:Bootstrap 自带以下特性:全局的 CSS 设置、定义基本的 HTML 元素样式、可扩展的 class,以及一个先进的网格系统。这将 在 Bootstrap CSS 部分详细讲解。 • 组件:Bootstrap 包含了十几个可重用的组件,用于创建图像、下拉 菜单、导航、警告框、弹出框等等。这将在 布局组件 部分详细讲解。 • JavaScript 插件:Bootstrap 包含了十几个自定义的 jQuery 插件。 您可以直接包含所有的插件,也可以逐个包含这些插件。这将 在 Bootstrap 插件 部分详细讲解。 • 定制:您可以定制 Bootstrap 的组件、LESS 变量和 jQuery 插件来得 到您自己的版本
偏移是一个用于更专业的布局的有用功能。它们可用来给列腾出更多的空间。 例如,.col-xs=* 类不支持偏移,但是它们可以简单地通过使用一个空的单元 格来实现该效果。 为了在大屏幕显示器上使用偏移,请使用 .col-md-offset-* 类。 这些类会把一个列的左外边距(margin)增加 * 列,其中 * 范围是从1 到 11。
可嵌套 偏移量
• <div class="container">...</div> 元素被添加,确保适当的居中和 最大宽度。 • 一旦添加了容器,接下来您需要考虑以行为单位。添加 <div class="row">...</div>,并在行内添加列 <div class="col-md6"></div>。 • 网格中的每一行是由 12 个单元组成的,您可以使用这些单元定义列 的尺寸。在我们的实例中,有两个列,每个列由 6 个单元组成,即 6+6=12。 • 您可以尝试其他更多的选项,比如 <div class="col-md3"></div> 和 <div class="col-md-9"></div> 或 <div class="colmd-7"></div> 和 <div class="col-md-5"></div>。 • 您可以尝试一下,确保总和总是 12。
bootstrapadminlte教程1基础布局Bootstrap AdminLTE 是一套功能强大的后台管理模板,基于Bootstrap 框架和 AdminLTE 主题进行开发。
在本教程中,我们将介绍 Bootstrap AdminLTE 的基础布局。
```html<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>AdminLTE , Basic Layout</title><!-- 引入 Bootstrap CSS --><link rel="stylesheet"href="path/to/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"><!-- 引入 AdminLTE CSS --><link rel="stylesheet"href="path/to/AdminLTE/css/adminlte.min.css"></head><!--你的页面内容--><!-- 引入 jQuery 和 Bootstrap JavaScript --><script src="path/to/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script><script src="path/to/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- 引入 AdminLTE JavaScript --><script src="path/to/AdminLTE/js/adminlte.min.js"></script></body></html>```上面的代码中,我们引入了 Bootstrap CSS、AdminLTE CSS、jQuery、Bootstrap JavaScript 和 AdminLTE JavaScript。
(看⼀下不加的效果,不好看吧)下⾯是引⽤的原代码,可是⽤starter.htm中查看,对应上⾯的进⾏查看<head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><title>AdminLTE 2 | Starter</title><!-- Tell the browser to be responsive to screen width --><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" name="viewport"><!-- Bootstrap 3.3.6 --><link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"><!-- Font Awesome --><link rel="stylesheet" href="https:///ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.5.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"><!-- Ionicons --><link rel="stylesheet" href="https:///ajax/libs/ionicons/2.0.1/css/ionicons.min.css"><!-- Theme style --><link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/AdminLTE.min.css"><!-- AdminLTE Skins. We have chosen the skin-blue for this starterpage. However, you can choose any other skin. Make sure youapply the skin class to the body tag so the changes take effect.--><link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/skins/skin-blue.min.css"><!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --><!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// --><!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="https:///html5shiv/3.7.3/html5shiv.min.js"></script><script src="https:///respond/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script><![endif]--></head>⼆。
例如,下面的代码将创建一个包含两列的网格布局:```<div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-md-6"><p>左侧列</p></div><div class="col-md-6"><p>右侧列</p></div></div></div>```接下来,我们可以使用Bootstrap的样式来美化表单元素。
例如,下面的代码将创建一个带有文本框和按钮的搜索表单:```<form><div class="form-group"><input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="搜索"></div><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">提交</button> </form>```除了表单元素,Bootstrap还提供了多种常用组件,例如导航栏、标签页和按钮组等。
Twitter Bootstrap 教程:基本结构、CSS、布局组件和插件说明书
Bootstrap Aboutthe T utorialTw i tter Bootstrap i s the most popu l ar front end framework i n the recent t i me. It i s s l eek,i ntu i t i ve, and powerfu l mob il e f i rst front-end framework for faster and eas i er web deve l opment. It uses HTML, CSS and Javascr i pt.Th i s tutor i a l w ill teach you the bas i cs of Bootstrap Framework us i ng wh i ch you can create web projects w i th ease. The tutor i a l i s d i v i ded i nto sect i ons such as BootstrapBas i c Structure, Bootstrap CSS, Bootstrap Layout Components and Bootstrap P l ug i ns. Each of these sect i ons conta i n re l ated top i cs w i th s i mp l e and usefu l examp l es.AudienceTh i s tutor i a l has been prepared for anyone who has a bas i c know l edge of HTML and CSSand has an urge to deve l op webs i tes. After comp l et i ng th i s tutor i a l you w ill f i nd yourse l fat a moderate l eve l of expert i se i n deve l op i ng web projects us i ng Tw i tter Bootstrap. PrerequisitesBefore you start proceed i ng w i th th i s tutor i a l, we are assum i ng that you are a l ready aware about the bas i cs of HTML and CSS. If you are not we ll aware of these concepts,then we w ill suggest you to go through our short tutor i a l on HTML Tutor i a l and CSS Tutor i a l.Copyright&DisclaimerCopyr i ght 2014 by Tutor i a l s Po i nt (I) Pvt. Ltd.A ll the content and graph i cs pub li shed i n th i s e-book are the property of Tutor i a l s Po i nt(I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of th i s e-book i s proh i b i ted to reuse, reta i n, copy, d i str i bute or repub li sh any contents or a part of contents of th i s e-book i n any manner w i thout wr i tten consent of the pub li sher.We str i ve to update the contents of our webs i te and tutor i a l s as t i me l y and as prec i se l yas poss i b l e, however, the contents may conta i n i naccurac i es or errors. Tutor i a l s Po i nt (I) Pvt. Ltd. prov i des no guarantee regard i ng the accuracy, t i me li ness or comp l eteness ofour webs i te or i ts contents i nc l ud i ng th i s tutor i a l. If you d i scover any errors on our webs i te or i n th i s tutor i a l, p l ease not i fy us at **************************iT able ofContentsAbout the Tuto r ial (i)Audien c e (i)P r e r equisites (i)Copy r ight&Dis c laime r (i)Table o f Contents (ii)1. BOOTSTRAP ─ OVERVIEW (1)2. BOOTSTRAP ─ ENVIRONMENT SETUP (3)Download Bootst r ap (3)File st r u c tu r e (3)HTML Template (4)3. BOOTSTRAP ─ GRID SYSTEM (6)What is a G r id? (6)What is Bootst r ap G r id System? (6)Wo r king o f Bootst r ap G r id System (6)Media Que r ies (7)G r id Options (8)Responsive Column Resets (14)O ff set Columns (15)Nesting Columns (16)Column O r de r ing (17)4. BOOTSTRAP ─ CSS OVERVIEW (19)HTML5do c type (19)Mobile Fi r st (19)Responsive Images (20)Typog r aphy and Links (20)No r mali z e (20)Containe r s (20)5. BOOTSTRAP ─ TYPOGRAPHY (22)Headings (22)Lead Body Copy (23)Emphasis (23)Abb r eviations (24)Add r esses (24)Blo c kquotes (25)Lists (26)6. BOOTSTRAP ─ CODE (29)7. BOOTSTRAP ─ TABLES (30)Basi c Table (30)Optional Table Classes (31)Conte x tual c lasses (35)Responsive tables (37)8. BOOTSTRAP ─ FORMS (39)Fo r m Layout (39)Suppo r ted Fo r m Cont r ols (42)Stati c Cont r ol (45)Fo r m Cont r ol States (46)Fo r m Cont r ol Si z ing (49)Help Te x t (50)iii9. BOOTSTRAP ─ BUTTONS (51)Button Si z e (52)Button State (54)Button Tags (57)10. BOOTSTRAP ─ IMAGES (58)11. BOOTSTRAP ─ HELPER CLASSES (59)Close i c on (59)Ca r ets (59)Qui c k Floats (59)Cente r Content Blo c ks (60)Clea rf i x (60)Showing and Hiding Content (61)S cr een Reade r Content (61)12. BOOTSTRAP ─ RESPONSIVE UTILITIES (62)P r int Classes (62)13. BOOTSTRAP ─ GLYPHICONS (64)What a r e Glyphi c ons? (64)Whe r e to f ind Glyphi c ons? (64)Usage (64)14. BOOTSTRAP ─ DROPDOWNS (66)Options (67)15. BOOTSTRAP ─ BUTTON GROUPS (70)Basi c Button G r oup (71)Button Toolba r (71)Button Si z e (72)Nesting (72)Ve r ti c al Buttong r oup (73)16. BOOTSTRAP ─ BUTTON DROPDOWNS (75)Split Button D r opdowns (76)Button D r opdown Si z e (77)D r opup Va r iation (78)17. BOOTSTRAP ─ INPUT GROUPS (80)Basi c Input G r oup (80)Input G r oup Si z ing (81)Che c kbo x es and Radio Addons (82)Button Addons (83)Buttons with D r opdowns (84)Segmented Buttons (85)18. BOOTSTRAP ─ NAVIGATION ELEMENTS (88)Tabula r Navigation o r Tabs (88)Pills Navigation (88)Justi f ied Nav (90)Disabled Links (90)D r opdowns (91)19. BOOTSTRAP ─ NAVBAR (94)De f ault Navba r (94)Responsive Navba r (95)Fo r ms in Navba r (96)Buttons in Navba r (97)Te x t in Navba r (98)Non-nav Links (98)vComponent Alignment (99)Fi x ed to Top (101)Fi x ed to Bottom (102)Stati c Top (103)Inve r ted Navba r (104)20. BOOTSTRAP ─ BREADCRUMB (106)21. BOOTSTRAP ─ PAGINATION (107)Pagination (107)Page r (110)22. BOOTSTRAP ─ LABELS (112)23. BOOTSTRAP ─ BADGES (113)A c tive Nav States (113)24. BOOTSTRAP ─ JUMBOTRON (115)25. BOOTSTRAP ─ PAGE HEADER (117)26. BOOTSTRAP ─ THUMBNAILS (118)Adding Custom Content (119)27. BOOTSTRAP ─ ALERTS (122)Dismissal Ale r ts (122)Links in Ale r ts (124)28. BOOTSTRAP ─ PROGRESS BARS (125)De f ault P r og r ess Ba r (125)Alte r nate P r og r ess Ba r (125)St r iped P r og r ess Ba r (127)Animated P r og r ess Ba r (128)Sta c ked P r og r ess Ba r (128)29. BOOTSTRAP ─ MEDIA OBJECT (130)30. BOOTSTRAP ─ LIST GROUP (135)Adding Badges to List G r oup (135)Linking List G r oup Items (136)Add Custom Content to List G r oup (137)31. BOOTSTRAP ─ PANELS (139)Panel with Heading (139)Panel with Foote r (140)Panel Conte x tual Alte r natives (141)Panel with Tables (142)Panel with Listg r oups (143)32. BOOTSTRAP ─ WELLS (145)Si z ing (145)33. BOOTSTRAP ─ PLUGINS OVERVIEW (146)Data Att r ibutes (146)P r og r ammati c API (146)No Con f li c t (147)Events (147)34. BOOTSTRAP ─ TRANSITION PLUGIN (148)Use Cases (148)35. BOOTSTRAP ─ MODAL PLUGIN (149)Usage (149)Options (151)Methods (152)Events (154)36. BOOTSTRAP ─ DROPDOWN PLUGIN (157)Usage (157)Options (159)Methods (160)37. BOOTSTRAP ─ SCROLLSPY PLUGIN (162)Usage (162)Options (164)Methods (165)Events (168)38. BOOTSTRAP ─ TAB PLUGIN (172)Usage (172)Fade E ff e c t (173)Methods (174)Events (177)39. BOOTSTRAP ─ TOOLTIP PLUGIN (180)Usage (180)Options (182)Methods (183)Events (185)40. BOOTSTRAP ─ POPOVER PLUGIN (187)Usage (187)Options (188)Methods (190)Events (192)41. BOOTSTRAP ─ ALERT PLUGIN (194)Usage (194)Options (195)Methods (195)Events (196)42. BOOTSTRAP ─ BUTTON PLUGIN (198)Loading State (198)Single Toggle (199)Che c kbo x (199)Radio (200)Usage (200)Options (200)Methods (200)43. BOOTSTRAP ─ COLLAPSE PLUGIN (204)Usage (206)Options (207)Methods (207)Events (210)44. BOOTSTRAP ─ CAROUSEL PLUGIN (213)Optional Captions (214)Usage (215)Options (216)Methods (216)Events (219)Bootstrap45. BOOTSTRAP ─ AFFIX PLUGIN (222)Usage (222)Positioning via CSS (228)Options (229)xWhat is Twitter Bootstrap?Bootstrap i s a s l eek, i ntu i t i ve, and powerfu l, mob il e f i rst front-end framework for fasterand eas i er web deve l opment. It uses HTML, CSS, and Javascr i pt.Bootstrap was deve l oped by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Tw i tter. It was re l eased asan open source product i n August 2011 on G i tHub.Why Use Bootstrap?∙Mobile first approach: Bootstrap 3 framework cons i sts of Mob il e f i rst sty l es throughout the ent i re li brary i nstead of them i n separate f il es.∙Browser Support: It i s supported by a ll popu l ar browsers.∙Easy to get started: W i th just the know l edge of HTML and CSS anyone can get started w i th Bootstrap. A l so the Bootstrap off i c i a l s i te has a good documentat i on.∙Responsive design: Bootstrap's respons i ve CSS adjusts to Desktops, Tab l ets and Mob il es. More about the respons i ve des i gn i s i n the chapter BootstrapResponsive Design.∙Prov i des a c l ean and un i form so l ut i on for bu il d i ng an i nterface for deve l opers.∙It conta i ns beaut i fu l and funct i ona l bu il t-i n components wh i ch are easy to custom i ze.∙It a l so prov i des web-based custom i zat i on.∙And best of a ll i t i s an open source.1BootstrapWhat Bootstrap Package Includes?∙Scaffolding: Bootstrap prov i des a bas i c structure w i th Gr i d System, li nk sty l es, and background. Th i s i s covered i n deta il i n the sect i on BootstrapBasic Structure.∙CSS: Bootstrap comes w i th the feature of g l oba l CSS sett i ngs, fundamenta l HTML e l ements sty l ed and enhanced w i th extens i b l e c l asses, and anadvanced gr i d system. Th i s i s covered i n deta il i n the sect i on Bootstrap withCSS.∙Components: Bootstrap conta i ns over a dozen reusab l e components bu il t to prov i de i conography, dropdowns, nav i gat i on, a l erts, pop-overs, and muchmore. Th i s i s covered i n deta il i n the sect i on Layout Components.∙JavaScript Plugins: Bootstrap conta i ns over a dozen custom jQuery p l ug i ns.You can eas il y i nc l ude them a ll, or one by one. Th i s i s covered i n deta il s i n thesect i on Bootstrap Plugins.∙Customize: You can custom i ze Bootstrap's components, LESS var i ab l es, and jQuery p l ug i ns to get your very own vers i on.22.Bootstrap─Environment SetupIt i s very easy to setup and start us i ng Bootstrap. Th i s chapter w ill exp l a i n how to down l oad and setup Bootstrap. We w ill a l so d i scuss the Bootstrap f il e structure, and demonstrate i ts usage w i th an examp l e.DownloadBootstrapYou can down l oad the l atest vers i on of Bootstrap from /. Whenyou c li ck on th i s li nk, you w ill get to see a screen as be l ow:Here you can see two buttons:∙ Down l oad Bootstrap: C li ck i ng th i s, you can down l oad the precomp il edand m i n i f i ed vers i ons of Bootstrap CSS, JavaScr i pt, and fonts. No documentat i on oror i g i na l source code f il es are i nc l uded.∙ Down l oad Source: C li ck i ng th i s, you can get the l atest Bootstrap LESSand JavaScr i pt source code d i rect l y from G i tHub.If you work w i th Bootstrap's uncomp il ed source code, you need to comp il e the LESS f il esto produce usab l e CSS f il es. For comp ili ng LESS f il es i nto CSS, Bootstrap off i c i a ll y supports on l y Recess, wh i ch i s Tw i tter's CSS h i nter based on l ess.js.For better understand i ng and ease of use, we sha ll use precomp il ed vers i on of Bootstrap throughout the tutor i a l. As the f il es are comp li ed and m i n i f i ed, you don't have to bother every t i me i nc l ud i ng separate f il es for i nd i v i dua l funct i ona li ty. At the t i me of wr i t i ng th i stutor i a l the l atest vers i on (Bootstrap 3) was down l oaded.File structurePrecompiled BootstrapOnce the comp il ed vers i on Bootstrap i s down l oaded, extract the ZIP f il e, and you w ill seethe fo ll ow i ng f il e/d i rectory structure:3As you can see, there are comp il ed CSS and JS (bootstrap.*), as we ll as comp il ed and m i n i f i ed CSS and JS (bootstrap.m i n.*). Fonts from G l yph i cons are i nc l uded, as i t i s the opt i ona l Bootstrap theme.Bootstrap Source CodeIf you have down l oaded the Bootstrap source code then the f il e structure wou l d be as fo ll ows:∙The f il es under l ess/, js/, and fonts/ are the source code for Bootstrap CSS, JS, and i con fonts (respect i ve l y).∙The d i st/ fo l der i nc l udes everyth i ng li sted i n the precomp il ed down l oad sect i on above.∙docs-assets/, examp l es/, and a ll*.htm l f il es are Bootstrap documentat i on. HTMLT emplateA bas i c HTML temp l ate us i ng Bootstrap wou l d l ook li ke th i s:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Bootstrap 101 Template</title><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><!-- Bootstrap --><link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries--><!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the pagevia file:// --><!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="https:///libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script><script src="https:///libs/respond.js/1.3.0/respond.min.js"></script><![endif]--></head><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1><!-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) --><script src="https:///jquery.js"></script><!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed--><script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script></body></html>Here you can see the jquery.js,bootstrap.min.js and bootstrap.min.css f il es thatare i nc l uded to make a norma l HTM f il e to the Bootstrapped Temp l ate. Just make sure toi nc l ude jQuery li brary before you i nc l ude Bootstrap li brary.More deta il s about each of the e l ements i n th i s above p i ece of code w ill be d i scussed i nthe chapter Bootstrap CSS Overv i ew.Th i s temp l ate structure i s a l ready i nc l uded as part of the Try it(on li ne comp il er) too l. Hence i n a ll the examp l es (i n the fo ll ow i ng chapters) of th i s tutor i a l you w ill on l y see the contents of the <body> e l ement. Once you c li ck on the Try it opt i on ava il ab l e at the topr i ght corner of examp l e, and you w ill see the ent i re code.ExampleNow l et's try an examp l e us i ng the above temp l ate. Try the fo ll ow i ng examp l e us i ng Tryi t opt i on ava il ab l e at the top r i ght corner of the be l ow samp l e code box on our webs i te:<h1>Hello, world!</h1>In a ll the subsequent chapters we have used dummy text from the s i te /.5In th i s chapter, we sha ll d i scuss the Bootstrap Gr i d System.Whatis a Grid?As put by W i kiped i a:In graph i c des i gn, a gr i d i s a structure (usua ll y two-d i mens i ona l) made up of a ser i es ofi ntersect i ng stra i ght (vert i ca l, hor i zonta l) li nes used to structure the content. It i s w i de l y used to des i gn l ayout and content structure i n pr i nt des i gn. In web des i gn, i t i s a very effect i ve method to create a cons i stent l ayout rap i d l y and effect i ve l y us i ng HTML and CSS.To put i n s i mp l e words, gr i ds i n web des i gn organ i ze and structure content, makes the webs i tes easy to scan and reduces the cogn i t i ve l oad on users.Whatis Bootstrap Grid System?As put by the off i c i a l documentat i on of Bootstrap for gr i d system:Bootstrap i nc l udes a respons i ve, mob il e f i rst f l u i d gr i d system that appropr i ate l y sca l esup to 12 co l umns as the dev i ce or v i ewport s i ze i ncreases. It i nc l udes predef i ned c l assesfor easy l ayout opt i ons, as we ll as powerfu l m i x i ns for generat i ng more semant i c l ayouts.Let us understand the above statement. Bootstrap 3 i s mob il e f i rst i n the sense that the code for Bootstrap now starts by target i ng sma ll er screens li ke mob il e dev i ces, tab l ets, and th en “expand s” components and gr i ds for l arger screens such as l aptops, desktops.Mobile First Strategy∙Contento Determ i ne what i s most i mportant.∙Layouto Des i gn to sma ll er w i dths f i rst.o Base CSS address mob il e dev i ce f i rst; med i a quer i es address for tab l et,desktops.∙Progressive Enhancemento Add e l ements as screen s i ze i ncreases.Working ofBootstrap GridSystemGr i d systems are used for creat i ng page l ayouts through a ser i es of rows and co l umns that house your content. Here's how the Bootstrap gr i d system works:∙ Rows must be p l aced w i th i n a .container c l ass for proper a li gnment and padd i ng.∙ Use rows to create hor i zonta l groups of co l umns. 6∙Content shou l d be p l aced w i th i n the co l umns, and on l y co l umns may be thei mmed i ate ch il dren of rows.∙Predef i ned gr i d c l asses li ke .row and.col-xs-4 are ava il ab l e for qu i ck l y mak i ng gr i d l ayouts. LESS m i x i ns can a l so be used for more semant i c l ayouts.∙Co l umns create gutters (gaps between co l umn content) v i a padd i ng. That padd i ng i s offset i n rows for the f i rst and the l ast co l umn v i a negat i ve marg i non .rows.∙Gr i d co l umns are created by spec i fy i ng the number of twe l ve ava il ab l e co l umns you w i sh to span. For examp l e, three equa l co l umns wou l d use three .col-xs-4.Media QueriesMed i a query i s a rea ll y fancy term for "cond i t i ona l CSS ru l e". It s i mp l y app li es some CSS, based on certa i n cond i t i ons set forth. If those cond i t i ons are met, the sty l e i sapp li ed.Med i a Quer i es i n Bootstrap a ll ow you to move, show and h i de content based on thev i ewport s i ze. Fo ll ow i ng med i a quer i es are used i n LESS f il es to create the key breakpo i nts i n the Bootstrap gr i d system./* Extra small devices (phones, less than 768px) *//* No media query since this is the default in Bootstrap *//* Small devices (tablets, 768px and up) */@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { ... }/* Medium devices (desktops, 992px and up) */@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { ... }/* Large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up) */@media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { ... }Occas i ona ll y these are expanded to i nc l ude a max-w i dth to li m i t CSS to a narrower setof dev i ces.@media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) { ... }@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) { ... }@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) and (max-width: @screen-md-max) { ... }@media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { ... }Med i a quer i es have two parts, a dev i ce spec i f i cat i on and then a s i ze ru l e. In the above case, the fo ll ow i ng ru l e i s set:7Let us cons i der th i s li ne:@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) { ... }For a ll dev i ces no matter what k i nd w i th m i n-w i dth:@screen-sm-m i n,i f the w i dth of the screen gets sma ll er than @screen-sm-max, then do someth i ng.Grid OptionsThe fo ll ow i ng tab l e summar i zes aspects of how Bootstrap gr i d system works across mu l t i p l e dev i ces:Extra small devices Phones (<768px) Small devicesTablets(≥768px)MediumdevicesDesktops(≥992px)Large devicesDesktops(≥1200px)Gr i d behav i or Hor i zonta l ata ll t i mesCo ll apsed tostart, hor i zonta labovebreakpo i ntsCo ll apsed tostart, hor i zonta labovebreakpo i ntsCo ll apsed tostart, hor i zonta labovebreakpo i ntsMaxconta i nerw i dthNone (auto) 750px 970px 1170pxC l asspref i x .col-xs- .col-sm- .col-md- .col-lg-# ofco l umns 12 12 12 12Maxco l umnw i dthAuto 60px 78px 95pxGutter w i dth 30px(15px on eachs i de of aco l umn)30px(15px on eachs i de of aco l umn)30px(15px on eachs i de of aco l umn)30px(15px on each s i deof a co l umn)Nestab l e Yes Yes Yes YesOffsets Yes Yes Yes Yes8Bootstrap Co l umnorder i ng Yes Yes Yes YesBasic Grid StructureFo ll ow i ng i s bas i c structure of Bootstrap gr i d:<div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-*-*"></div><div class="col-*-*"></div></div><div class="row">...</div></div><div class="container">....Let us see some s i mp l e gr i d examp l es:Example:Stacked-to-horizontalLet us see a s i mp l e gr i d examp l e w i th s i mp l e l ayout: two co l umns, two paragraphs perco l umn. (Here sty li ng for each co l umn i s used. You can avo i d i t.)<div class="container"><h1>Hello, world!</h1><div class="row"><div class="col-md-6" style="background-color: #dedef8; box-shadow:inset 1px -1px 1px #444, inset -1px 1px 1px #444;"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed doeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Utenim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laborisnisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatemaccusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsaquae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beataevitae dicta sunt explicabo.</p>9</div><div class="col-md-6" style="background-color: #dedef8;box-shadow:inset 1px -1px 1px #444, inset -1px 1px 1px #444;"><p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatemaccusantium doloremque laudantium.</p><p> Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sitamet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eiusmodi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaeratvoluptatem.</p></div></div>Details∙<div class="container">...</div> e l ement i s added to ensure proper center i ng and max i mum w i dth for l ayout.∙Once conta i ner i s added, next you need to th i nk i n terms of rows. Add <div class="row">...</div> and co l umns <div class="col-md-6"></div>i ns i dethe rows.∙Every row i n the gr i d i s made up of 12 un i ts and you can def i ne the des i red s i ze of your co l umns us i ng those un i ts. In our examp l e we have two co l umns eachmade of 6 un i ts w i de i.e 6+6=12.You can try some more opt i ons li ke:<d i v c l ass="co l-md-3"></d i v> and <d i v c l ass="co l-md-9"></d i v>or <d i v c l ass="co l-md-7"></d i v> and <d i v c l ass="co l-md-5"></d i v>.Exper i ment and make sure that the sum a l ways needs to be 12.10Example:Medium and Large DeviceWe have seen the bas i c gr i d system i n ‘Examp l e: Stacked-to-hor i zonta l’. Here we have used 2 d i vs and gave them the 50%/50% sp li t at the med i um v i ewport w i dth:<div class="col-md-6">....</div><div class="col-md-6">....</div>But at l arge, your des i gn cou l d rea ll y be better as a 33%/66%. So what we’re go i ng todo i s, set i t up to change the co l umn w i dths at the breakpo i nt:<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">....</div><div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">....</div>Now Bootstrap i s go i ng to say “at the med i um s i ze, I l ook at c l asses w i th md i n themand use those. At the l arge s i ze, I l ook at c l asses w i th the word lg i n them and use those. In th i s case, our 2 d i vs w ill go from a 50%/50% sp li t and then up to a 33%/66%. Check i t out i n the fo ll ow i ng examp l e. (Here sty li ng for each co l umn i s used. You canavo i d i t.)<div class="container"><h1>Hello, world!</h1><div class="row"><div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4" style="background-color: #dedef8;box-shadow: inset 1px -1px 1px #444, inset -1px 1px 1px #444;"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed doeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Utenim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laborisnisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatemaccusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsaquae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beataevitae dicta sunt explicabo.</p></div><div class="col-md-6 col-lg-8"" style="background-color: #dedef8;box-shadow: inset 1px -1px 1px #444, inset -1px 1px 1px #444;">11<p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatemaccusantium doloremque laudantium.</p><p> Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sitamet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eiusmodi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaeratvoluptatem.</p></div></div>Example:Mobile,tablet,desktopsWe have seen an examp l e for Med i um and Large Dev i ce. Now l et us take i t to anotherl eve l, where we wou l d want to change i t for the extra sma ll phone s i ze as we ll. Say wewant to add the opt i on for the co l umns to be sp li t 75%/25% for tab l ets, we go li ke th i s:<div class="col-sm-3 col-md-6 col-lg-4">....</div><div class="col-sm-9 col-md-6 col-lg-8">....</div>Now th i s g i ves us 3 d i fferent co l umn l ayouts at each po i nt. On a phone, i t w ill be 75% onthe l eft, and 25% on the r i ght. On a tab l et, i t w ill be 50%/50% aga i n, and on a l argev i ewport, i t w ill be 33%/66%. Three d i fferent l ayouts for each of the three respons i ves i zes. Check i t out i n the fo ll ow i ng examp l e. (Here sty li ng for each co l umn i s used. Youcan avo i d i t.)<div class="container"><h1>Hello, world!</h1><div class="row"><div class="col-sm-3 col-md-6 col-lg-8"style="background-color: #dedef8; box-shadow:inset 1px -1px 1px #444,12inset -1px 1px 1px #444;"><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmodtempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodoconsequat.</p><p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatemaccusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsaquae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dictasunt explicabo.</p> </div><div class="col-sm-9 col-md-6 col-lg-4"style="background-color: #dedef8; box-shadow:inset 1px -1px 1px #444, inset -1px 1px 1px#444;"><p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatemaccusantium doloremque laudantium.</p><p> Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sitamet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eiusmodi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaeratvoluptatem.</p></div></div>13。
【实例3-8 】实现列的嵌套排版,其中的添加样式
图3-13 列嵌套布局页面效果
《 Bootstrap 响应式网站开发 》
Boot st rap 栅格系统-- 栅格系统的常用方法
实例 3-8 中在第二列 “ <div class="col-md-9"> ” 中了一个 “ <div class="row"> ” 元素,并在 row 内部嵌套了个 <div class="col-md-6"> ,从而实现了图 3-13 所示的页面效果。
Boot st rap 栅格系统-- 栅格系统的常用方法
《 Bootstrap 响应式网站开发 》
Boot st rap 栅格系统-- 栅格系统的常用方法
《 Bootstrap 响应式网站开发 》
《 Bootstrap 响应式网站开发 》
Boot st rap 栅格系统-- 案例:企业内容展示页面制作
《 Bootstrap 响应式网站开发 》
Boot st rap 栅格系统-- 案例:企业内容展示页面制作
《 Bootstrap 响应式网站开发 》
Boot st rap 栅格系统-- 案例:企业内容展示页面制作
Boot st rap 栅格系统-- 案例:企业内容展
Bootstrap模态框(Modal)插件菜鸟教程Bootstrap 模态框(Modal)插件模态框(Modal)是覆盖在父窗体上的子窗体。
或者,正如Bootstrap 插件概览一章中所提到,您可以引用bootstrap.js或压缩版的bootstrap.min.js。
用法您可以切换模态框(Modal)插件的隐藏内容:•通过data 属性:在控制器元素(比如按钮或者链接)上设置属性data-toggle="modal",同时设置data-target="#identifier"或href="#identifier"来指定要切换的特定的模态框(带有id="identifier")。
•通过JavaScript:使用这种技术,您可以通过简单的一行JavaScript 来调用带有 id="identifier" 的模态框:$('#identifier').modal(options)实例一个静态的模态窗口实例,如下面的实例所示:实例<h2>创建模态框(Modal)</h2> <!-- 按钮触发模态框--> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">开始演示模态框</button> <!-- 模态框(Modal)--> <div class="modal fade" id="myModal"tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">模态框(Modal)标题</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body">在这里添加一些文本</div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">关闭</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">提交更改</button> </div> </div><!-- /.modal-content --> </div><!-- /.modal --> </div>尝试一下»结果如下所示:代码讲解:•使用模态窗口,您需要有某种触发器。
我照着例⼦做后发现请求⽆法提交到后台,反复测试后发现,不能禁⽌预览(showPreview要设置为true),禁⽌预览后fileuploaded则⽆法响应(实际情况是showPreview=false时, 即便是uploadAsync=true, 也是filebatchuploadsuccess响应返回结果。
如果showPreview=true, uploadAsync=true, 才是fileuploaded响应返回结果)。
注意:如果出现$("#xxxx").fileinput({}); 不⽣效的情况请将fileinput.js中最后⼏⾏注释掉:/* $(document).ready(function () {var $input = $('input.file[type=file]'), count = $input.attr('type') ? $input.length : 0;if (count > 0) {$input.fileinput();}}); */<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrapCSS/bootstrap.min.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrapCSS/bootstrap-theme.min.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrapCSS/fileinput.css" /><div><input type="file" name="uploadfile" id="uploadfile" multiple class="file-loading" /></div><script type="text/JavaScript" src="js/jQuery.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap/fileinput.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap/fileinput_locale_zh.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">$("#uploadfile").fileinput({language: 'zh', //设置语⾔uploadUrl: "", //上传的地址allowedFileExtensions: ['jpg', 'gif', 'png'],//接收的⽂件后缀//uploadExtraData:{"id": 1, "fileName":'123.mp3'},uploadAsync: true, //默认异步上传showUpload: true, //是否显⽰上传按钮showRemove : true, //显⽰移除按钮showPreview : true, //是否显⽰预览showCaption: false,//是否显⽰标题browseClass: "btn btn-primary", //按钮样式dropZoneEnabled: false,//是否显⽰拖拽区域//minImageWidth: 50, //图⽚的最⼩宽度//minImageHeight: 50,//图⽚的最⼩⾼度//maxImageWidth: 1000,//图⽚的最⼤宽度//maxImageHeight: 1000,//图⽚的最⼤⾼度//maxFileSize: 0,//单位为kb,如果为0表⽰不限制⽂件⼤⼩//minFileCount: 0,maxFileCount: 10, //表⽰允许同时上传的最⼤⽂件个数enctype: 'multipart/form-data',validateInitialCount:true,previewFileIcon: "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-king'></i>",msgFilesTooMany: "选择上传的⽂件数量({n}) 超过允许的最⼤数值{m}!",});//异步上传返回结果处理$('#uploadfile').on('fileerror', function(event, data, msg) {console.log(;console.log(data.index);console.log(data.file);console.log(data.reader);console.log(data.files);// get messagealert(msg);});//异步上传返回结果处理$("#uploadfile").on("fileuploaded", function (event, data, previewId, index) {console.log(;console.log(data.index);console.log(data.file);console.log(data.reader);console.log(data.files);var obj = data.response;alert(JSON.stringify(data.success));});//同步上传错误处理$('#uploadfile').on('filebatchuploaderror', function(event, data, msg) {console.log(;console.log(data.index);console.log(data.file);console.log(data.reader);console.log(data.files);// get messagealert(msg);});//同步上传返回结果处理$("#uploadfile").on("filebatchuploadsuccess", function (event, data, previewId, index) {console.log(;console.log(data.index);console.log(data.file);console.log(data.reader);console.log(data.files);var obj = data.response;alert(JSON.stringify(data.success));});//上传前$('#uploadfile').on('filepreupload', function(event, data, previewId, index) {var form = data.form, files = data.files, extra = data.extra,response = data.response, reader = data.reader;console.log('File pre upload triggered');});</script>经查资料得知,异步上传处理错误和返回结果要处理fileerror和fileuploaded⽅法;同步上传处理错误和返回结果filebatchuploaderror和filebatchuploadsuccess⽅法以上所述是⼩编给⼤家介绍的BootStrap Fileinput的使⽤教程,希望对⼤家有所帮助,如果⼤家有任何疑问请给我留⾔,⼩编会及时回复⼤家的。
前端插件之BootstrapDualListbox使⽤教程对于很多⾮专业前端开发来说写页⾯是⾮常痛苦的,借助框架或插件往往能够达到事半功倍的效果,本系列⽂章会介绍我在运维系统开发过程中⽤到的那些顺⼿的前端插件,如果你是想写XX管理系统的学⽣、或是需要独⾃做Dashboard的后端⼯程师、亦或是像我这样半吊⼦的开发加运维,那么这个系列的⽂章你⼀定不要错过Bootstrap Dual Listbox是⼀款基于Bootstrap的双向select选择框控件,作为对multiple select的扩展,使⽤起来⾮常简单,功能也更强⼤基本使⽤需要⽤到的JS和CSS⽂件位于项⽬代码下的dist⽬录中,需要将这个⽬录中的对应⽂件放⼊你的项⽬⾥,这⼀步不赘述1.引⼊CSS/JS⽂件,由于bootstrap-duallistbox是基于bootstrap的,所以要先引⼊bootstrap相关的css和js<!-- 加载bootstrap --><script src="https:///jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js"></script><script src="https:///bootstrap/4.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="https:///bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css"><!-- 加载bootstrap-dualllistbox --><link rel="stylesheet" href="static/bootstrap-duallistbox/bootstrap-duallistbox.css" rel="external nofollow" ><script src="static/bootstrap-duallistbox/jquery.bootstrap-duallistbox.js"></script>1.加载duallistbox插件<select class="form-control" multiple="multiple" name="groups" size="10"><option value="1">GroupA</option><option selected value="2">GroupB</option><option value="3">GroupC</option><option value="4">GroupD</option><option selected value="5">GroupE</option><option value="6">GroupF</option><option value="7">GroupG</option></select><script>var selectorx = $('select[name="groups"]').bootstrapDualListbox();</script>1.完成以上两步可以看到页⾯效果如下⾮常简单,到这⾥已经可以正常使⽤这个控件了,更多的花样接着往下看配置说明整个界⾯为英⽂显⽰,有默认提⽰,如果你想将提⽰改为中⽂或添加⾃定义的提⽰内容,那么可以通过如下配置var selectorx = $('select[name="groups"]').bootstrapDualListbox({nonSelectedListLabel: '未选择的组',selectedListLabel: '已选择的组',filterTextClear: '展⽰所有',filterPlaceHolder: '过滤搜索',moveSelectedLabel: "添加",moveAllLabel: '添加所有',removeSelectedLabel: "移除",removeAllLabel: '移除所有',infoText: '共{0}个组',infoTextFiltered: '搜索到{0}个组 ,共{1}个组',infoTextEmpty: '列表为空',});以上配置都⽐较简单,对照中⽂就能知晓意思,不做过多解释,另外有⼏个⽀持的参数说明如下:infoText:除了设置字符串外还可设置为false,当设置为false时可隐藏这段信息showFilterInputs:默认为true,是否显⽰filter过滤框moveOnSelect:默认为true,点击便会变更选项到对应的选择框内,如果设置为false则会在出现moveSelected的箭头需要点击箭头或者双击选项后才能变更选项到对应的选择框nonSelectedFilter:未选中的默认过滤规则,可以配置为OPS-COFFEE-A则未选中的框内只会显⽰OPS-COFFEE-AselectedFilter:已选中的默认规则,与noSelectedFilter类似使⽤进阶获取已选择的值selectorx.val()获取select插件对象selectorx.bootstrapDualListbox('getContainer')刷新插件元素⽤户界⾯selectorx.bootstrapDualListbox('refresh');删除bootstrap-duallistbox插件,恢复select原样selectorx.bootstrapDualListbox('destroy');动态添加select的optionselectorx.append('<option value="9" selected></option>');selectorx.bootstrapDualListbox('refresh');注意:上⽂中的所有selectorx都为加载duallistbox时实例化的select对象完整Demo为了⽅便⼤家学习,我写了个完整的demo,你可以在线查看效果或下载代码应⽤到⾃⼰的项⽬中总结以上所述是⼩编给⼤家介绍的前端插件之Bootstrap Dual Listbox使⽤教程,希望对⼤家有所帮助,如果⼤家有任何疑问请给我留⾔,⼩编会及时回复⼤家的。
1.@model IEnumerable<jsdhh2.Models.Menu>@{ViewBag.Title = "⾓⾊关联⽤户"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml";}<!-- Content Header (Page header) --><section class="content-header"><h1></h1><h1>@ViewBag.rolename<small>分配权限菜单</small></h1><ol class="breadcrumb"><li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> Level</a></li><li class="active">Here</li></ol></section><!--end Content Header (Page header) --><!-- Main content --><section class="content">@using (Html.BeginForm("Permissions1","Menus", new { id = ViewBag.rolename }, FormMethod.Post)) ///这⾥⼀定要注意,我当时把new{}放在了最后,⽼是传的null,这个写法才能真实传值,到现在也没明⽩,{<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/Role/List">返回</a>@*<button id="btn11" class="btn btn-info">授权</button>*@@*@Html.ActionLink("授权", "Permissions1", new { roleName = ViewBag.rolename}, new { @class = "btn btn-primary" })*@<input type ="submit" class="btn btn-warning" value="授权" /> ///⽤input type=submit 进⾏提交。
bootcss教程Bootstrap 是一个开源的前端框架,由 Twitter 开发和维护。
Bootstrap 提供了一系列的 CSS 和 JavaScript 组件,可以在任何设备上以一致的方式呈现页面。
首先,Bootstrap 提供了大量的 CSS 类和样式,可以用于快速创建各种元素。
它使用了一种栅格系统,可以将页面分为 12个列,可以通过添加相应的类来指定元素在不同屏幕尺寸上的显示方式。
此外,Bootstrap 还提供了各种内置的样式类,用于创建按钮、表单、导航栏等常见元素。
另外,Bootstrap 还提供了一些非常实用的组件,例如轮播图、导航栏、模态框等。
这些组件可以通过简单地添加对应的HTML 和 JavaScript 代码来使用。
此外,在 Bootstrap 中还包含了一些 JavaScript 插件,用于增强网页的功能和效果。
最重要的一点是,Bootstrap 是响应式的。
这意味着通过Bootstrap 开发的网页可以根据不同的设备和屏幕尺寸进行自动适应和优化。
总的来说,Bootstrap 是一个非常实用的前端框架,它提供了丰富的 CSS、JavaScript 组件和插件,能够帮助开发者快速搭建出漂亮、响应式的页面和应用程序。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Bootstrap in practice: the grid system</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <!-- Bootstrap CSS --> <link href="///bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <p>Asymmetrical YOLO banjo lomo fanny pack, shoreditch flexitarian dreamcatcher ethnic kitsch sriracha nisi sustainable swag. Cliche 90's farm-to-table master cleanse Pinterest jean shorts. Cillum raw denim aesthetic sunt.</p> <p>Aliqua photo booth literally veniam minim leggings, est craft beer banjo intelligentsia Truffaut officia. Irony minim 3 wolf moon meggings, viral hella hoodie selvage flexitarian small batch pariatur.</p> <p>Consectetur art party Tonx culpa semiotics. Pinterest assumenda minim organic quis.</p> <p>Wayfarers selvage YOLO, commodo assumenda eu est bespoke mlkshk. Helvetica reprehenderit iPhone, aesthetic 90's literally chambray bicycle rights viral blog voluptate. Occupy bespoke stumptown duis keytar vero.</p> </body> </html>
• •
HTML5: achieved declaring a <!DOCTYPE html> Bootstrap CSS: gently hosted by NetDNA
Take a look at the page in a browser, and you'll see a lonely – but stylish – Hello, world!.
Section 2
You are going to see the grid system in action very soon, but first you need to beef up your page with some random content. I'll take mine from, but the classic or any editor plugin will be fine as well.
It's super easy to put together a basic page with Bootstrap. Just fire up your editor and type in this markup:
Section 3
Let's start with a very simple layout: two columns, two paragraphs per column.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Bootstrap in practice: the grid system</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <!-- Bootstrap CSS --> <link href="///bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- To better visualize the columns --> <style> .row > div { background-color: #dedef8; box-shadow: inset 1px -1px 1px #444, inset -1px 1px 1px #444; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <p>Asymmetrical YOLO banjo lomo fanny pack, shoreditch flexitarian dreamcatcher ethnic kitsch sriracha nisi sustainable swag. Cliche 90's farm-to-table master cleanse Pinterest jean shorts. Cillum raw denim aesthetic sunt.</p> <p>Aliqua photo booth literally veniam minim leggings, est craft beer banjo intelligentsia Truffaut officia. Irony minim 3 wolf moon meggings, viral hella hoodie selvage flexitarian small batch pariatur.</p> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <p>Consectetur art party Tonx culpa semiotics. Pinterest assumenda minim organic quis.</p> <p>Wayfarers selvage YOLO, commodo assumenda eu est bespoke mlkshk. Helvetica reprehenderit iPhone, aesthetic 90's literally chambray bicycle rights viral blog voluptate. Occupy bespoke stumptown duis keytar vero.</p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
Heads up!
You'd better serve these pages locally. If you have Ruby, your best bet is to gem install serve and then launch serve . from the directory where your HTML file resides. Then point your browser to http://localhost:4000/ and you are golden. If you can't or don't want to serve your pages locally, then please change every protocol relative URL in the sources to its more classic variant, or your browser may not be able to find those resources. Example: change ///bootstrap/3.0.0/