漠视不可能!Google创始人拉里·佩奇密歇根大学毕业典礼经典演讲(中英文收藏版)拉里·佩奇,全名劳伦斯·爱德华·佩奇(Lawrence Edward Page),Google公司的创始人之一。
Google是一个传奇,不仅仅是因为其经济实力,也因为它拥有令无数求职者垂涎万尺的企业文化:牛仔裤、T-shirt 衫的随意穿着,美餐、中餐、印度餐等一应俱全的大食堂,免费就医、洗衣、洗车的服务,甚至可以带上狗狗和滑板车一起上班……这些疯狂的想法之所以能成为现实,谷歌CEO拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)功不可没。
他还透露,创立谷歌的最初灵感竟也来自一个夜半惊醒的梦!他用自己和家人的故事告诉毕业生们,“When a really great dream shows up, grab it!”,鼓励大家勇敢追梦,并深情地告诉大家要珍视家人... ...Google创始人拉里·佩奇在密歇根大学2009毕业典礼上的演讲视频【演讲全文中英文稿】Class of 2009! First I’d like you to stand up, and wave and cheer your supportive family and friends! I’m sure you can find them out there. Show your love!2009届的同学们,首先我希望大家都站起来,向支持你们的亲朋好友挥手致意!我相信你们都能在人群中找到他们,把你们的爱表现出来吧!A long time ago, in this cold September of 1962, there was a Steven’s co-op at this very university. That co-op had a kitchen with a ceiling that had been cleaned by student volunteers probably every decade or so. Picture a college girl named Gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that filthy ceiling. Standing on the floor, a young boarder named Carl was adm iring the view. And that’s how they met. They were my parents, so I suppose you could say I’m a direct result of that kitchen chemistry experiment, right here at Michigan.很久以前,1962年的寒冷9月,这座校园里有一家史蒂文消费合作社。
在地出新知:国际传播精准化实现路径目录一、内容概述 (2)1.1 背景与意义 (2)1.2 国际传播精准化的概念与内涵 (3)二、国际传播精准化的理论基础 (4)2.1 精准传播理论 (6)2.2 文化传播理论 (7)2.3 情感传播理论 (8)三、国际传播精准化的实践路径 (9)3.1 媒体融合与创新 (10)3.2 数据驱动的传播策略 (12)3.3 跨文化传播的优化 (13)3.4 本土化的内容生产 (14)四、国际传播精准化的挑战与应对 (15)4.1 技术瓶颈与突破 (16)4.2 法律法规与伦理问题 (17)4.3 文化差异与冲突 (18)五、案例分析 (19)六、结论与展望 (20)6.1 主要结论 (21)6.2 未来展望 (22)一、内容概述背景分析:首先介绍全球化对国际传播的影响,以及当前国际传播面临的挑战,包括文化差异、信息过载和舆论多样性等问题。
1.1 背景与意义随着全球化的深入发展和信息技术的飞速进步,文化传播和交流日益频繁,国际传播在塑造国家形象、促进国际合作、推动经济社会发展等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。
GHTF - STED technical document for medical device
Table of Contents1.0Introduction (4)2.0Rationale, Purpose and Scope (4)2.1 Rationale (4)2.2 Purpose (5)2.3 Scope (5)3.0References (5)4.0Definitions (6)PART 1 – PURPOSE OF THE STED5.0Preparation and Use of the STED (6)5.1 Preparation (6)5.2 The Use of the STED in the Premarket Phase (7)5.3 The Use of the STED in the Post-market Phase (8)5.4 The Use of the STED to Notify Changes to the RA/CAB (9)PART 2 – CONTENTS OF THE STED6.0Device Description and Product Specification, Including Variants and Accessories (9)6.1 Device Description (9)6.2 Product Specification (10)6.3 Reference to similar and previous generations of the device (10)7.0Labelling (10)8.0Design and Manufacturing Information (11)8.1 Device Design (11)8.2 Manufacturing Processes (11)8.3 Design and Manufacturing Sites (11)9.0Essential Principles (EP) Checklist (11)10.0Risk Analysis and Control Summary (12)11.0Product Verification and Validation (12)11.1 General (12)11.2 Biocompatibility (13)11.3 Medicinal Substances (13)11.4 Biological Safety (13)11.5 Sterilisation (14)11.6 Software Verification and Validation (14)11.7 Animal Studies (14)11.8 Clinical Evidence (14)12.0Format of the STED (15)13.0Declaration of Conformity (15)Appendix A (16)PrefaceThe document herein was produced by the Global Harmonization Task Force, a voluntary group of representatives from medical device regulatory authorities and the regulated industry. The document is intended to provide non-binding guidance for use in the regulation of medical devices, and has been subject to consultation throughout its development.There are no restrictions on the reproduction, distribution, translation or use of this document. However, incorporation of this document, in part or in whole, into any other document does not convey or represent an endorsement of any kind by the Global Harmonization Task Force.1.0IntroductionThe primary way in which the GHTF achieves its goals is through the production of a series of guidance documents that together describe a global regulatory model for medical devices. The purpose of such guidance is to harmonize the documentation and procedures that are used to assess whether a medical device conforms to the regulations that apply in each jurisdiction. Eliminating differences between jurisdictions decreases the cost of gaining regulatory compliance and allows patients earlier access to new technologies and treatments.This document has been developed to encourage and support global convergence of regulatory systems. It is intended for use by Regulatory Authorities (RAs), Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and industry, and will provide benefits in establishing, in a consistent way, an economic and effective approach to the control of medical devices in the interest of public health. It seeks to strike a balance between the responsibilities of Regulatory Authorities to safeguard the health of their citizens and their obligations to avoid placing unnecessary burdens upon the industry.The GHTF has identified as a priority the need to harmonize the documentation of evidence of conformity to the essential principles of safety and performance. This guideline provides recommendations on the content of summary technical documentation (STED) to be assembled and submitted to a Regulatory Authority or Conformity Assessment Body. It should enable a manufacturer to prepare a STED and provide different Regulatory Authorities or Conformity Assessment Bodies with the same body of documentary evidence that its medical device conforms to the essential principles. The use of the STED should reduce costs for the manufacturer and reviewer, remove barriers to trade and facilitate timely international access to medical devices.Where other guidance documents within the series are referenced within this text, their titles are italicised for clarity.The regulatory requirements of some countries do not, at this time, align fully with this guidance.Study Group 1 of the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF) has prepared this guidance document. Comments or questions should be directed to either the Chairman or Secretary of GHTF Study Group 1 whose contact details may be found on the GHTF web page1.2.0Rationale, Purpose and Scope2.1RationaleManufacturers are expected to prepare, and either hold or provide timely access to, technical documentation that shows how each medical device was developed, designed and manufactured. This technical documentation, typically controlled in the manufacturer’s1 quality management system (QMS), is often extensive and sections of it may be held in different locations. The documentation is updated to reflect any changes made during the lifecycle of the device.It is advantageous to both RAs/CABs and the regulated industry if a subset of this technical documentation is used for selected premarket and postmarket conformity assessment activities. This documentation subset is intended to be in a consistent, summarised or abridged form, with sufficient detail to allow the RA/CAB to fulfil its obligations. In the main, the documents contained within this subset are derived from the technical documentation held by the manufacturer and allow the manufacturer to demonstrate that the medical device to which it applies conforms to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices.The availability of such Summary Technical Documentation (STED) should help eliminate differences in documentation requirements between jurisdictions, thus decreasing the cost of gaining regulatory compliance and allowing patients earlier access to new technologies and treatments.2.2PurposeThis document is intended to provide guidance on the content of the STED to be assembled and submitted to a RA or CAB for premarket review, and for use post-market to assess continuing conformity to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance.2.3ScopeThis document applies to all products that fall within the definition of a medical device that appears within the GHTF document Information Document Concerning the Definition of the Term “Medical Device”, excluding those used for the in vitro diagnostic examination of specimens derived from the human body.3.0ReferencesGHTF/SG1/N044:2008 Role of Standards in the Assessment of Medical Devices.GHTF/SG1/N15:2006 Principles of Medical Devices Classification.GHTF/SG1/N29:2005 Information Document Concerning the Definition of the Term ‘Medical Device’.GHTF/SG1/N40:2006 Principles of Conformity Assessment for Medical Devices.GHTF/SG1/N41:2005 Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices. GHTF/SG1/N43:2005 Labelling for Medical Devices.4.0Definitions4.1 Recognised standard: standard deemed to offer the presumption of conformity tospecific Essential Principles of Safety and Performance.4.2 Technical documentation: the documented evidence, normally an output of thequality management system that demonstrates conformity of a device to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices.PART 1 – PURPOSE OF THE STED5.0Preparation and Use of the STED5.1PreparationManufacturers of all classes of device are expected to demonstrate conformity of the device to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices (hereafter referred to as Essential Principles) through the preparation and holding of technical documentation that shows how each medical device was developed, designed and manufactured together with the descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the manufacturer’s determination with respect to such conformity. This technical documentation is updated as necessary to reflect the current status, specification and configuration of the device.For the purpose of conformity assessment, the manufacturer creates the STED from existing technical documentation to provide evidence to the RA/CAB that the subject medical device is in conformity with the Essential Principles. The STED reflects the status of the medical device at a particular moment in time (e.g. at the moment of premarket submission or when requested by a RA for post-market purposes) and is prepared in order to meet regulatory requirements. The flow of information from the technical documentation to the STED is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.The STED should be in a language acceptable to the RA/CAB.The depth and detail of the information contained in the STED will depend on: •the classification of the subject device;•the complexity of the subject device.It also depends upon whether the device has the following characteristics:•it incorporates novel technology;•it is an already marketed device type that is now being offered for an intended use different from the original one;•it is new to the manufacturer;•the device type has been associated with a significant number of adverse events, including use errors2;•it incorporates novel or potentially hazardous materials;•the device type raises specific public health concerns.The STED should contain summary information on selected topics, detailed information on certain specific topics (as indicated below) and an Essential Principles checklist (EP checklist). The information provided may include, for example, abstracts, high level summaries, or existing controlled documents, as appropriate, sufficient to communicate key relevant information and allow a reviewer to understand the subject. The EP checklist is created as part of the manufacturer’s technical documentation and should be a controlled document within the manufacturer’s QMS. It provides a tabular overview of the Essential Principles and identifies those that are applicable to the device, the chosen method of demonstrating that the device conforms to each relevant Essential Principle and the reference of the controlled document/s that is/are relevant to a specific Essential Principle. While many controlled documents are referenced in the EP checklist, only some are contained within the STED. The cited references to the controlled documents facilitate requests from a RA/CAB to provide additional information.5.2The Use of the STED in the Premarket PhaseIn the premarket phase, the STED will be prepared and submitted to the RA/CAB for Class C and D devices. For Class A and B devices the STED will be prepared and submitted only at the request of a RA/CAB. (See Figure 1)NOTES:•For Class A and B devices where the STED is prepared on request, the manufacturer should be able to assemble and submit it in the timeframeindicated by the RA/CAB. This may be short.• A copy of any submitted STED should be held by the manufacturer for future reference.2 See GHTF/SG2 guidance documents.5.3The Use of the STED in the Post-market PhaseIn the post-market phase, the RA/CAB may request submission of a STED for the device in question either to investigate conformity of a Class A or B medical device or the continued conformity of a Class C or D medical device (see Figure 2).The STED would not typically be used to aid the postmarket investigation of adverse events, or the reporting of data from postmarket registries or studies, where different types of information are likely to be called for.NOTES:•The manufacturer should be able to prepare and submit the STED in the timeframe indicated by the RA/CAB. This may be short.• A copy of any submitted STED should be held by the manufacturer for futurereference.5.4The Use of the STED to Notify Changes to the RA/CABWhere prior approval of a proposed change to a medical device is required, the STED may be used in support of this process. Guidance on this case will be provided in the futurePART 2 – CONTENTS OF THE STED6.0Device Description and Product Specification, Including Variants andAccessories6.1Device DescriptionThe STED should contain the following descriptive information for the device:a) a general description including its intended use/purpose;b)the intended patient population and medical condition to be diagnosedand/or treated and other considerations such as patient selection criteria;c)principles of operation;d)risk class and the applicable classification rule according to Principles ofMedical Devices Classification;e)an explanation of any novel features;f) a description of the accessories, other medical devices and other productsthat are not medical devices, which are intended to be used incombination with it;g) a description or complete list of the various configurations/variants of thedevice that will be made available;h) a general description of the key functional elements, e.g. itsparts/components (including software if appropriate), its formulation, itscomposition, its functionality. Where appropriate, this will include:labelled pictorial representations (e.g. diagrams, photographs, anddrawings), clearly indicating key parts/components, including sufficientexplanation to understand the drawings and diagrams.i) a description of the materials incorporated into key functional elementsand those making either direct contact with a human body or indirectcontact with the body, e.g., during extracorporial circulation of bodyfluids.6.2Product SpecificationThe STED should contain a list of the features, dimensions and performance attributes of the medical device, its variants and accessories (if such are within the scope of the STED), that would typically appear in the product specification made available to the end user, e.g. in brochures, catalogues and the like.6.3Reference to similar and previous generations of the deviceWhere relevant to demonstrating conformity to the Essential Principles, and to the provision of general background information, the STED should contain an overview of:a)the manufacturer’s previous generation(s) of the device, if such exist;and/orb)similar devices available on the local and international markets.7.0LabellingThe STED should typically contain a complete set of labelling associated with the device as described in GHTF guideline Labelling for Medical Devices and a list of language variants for the countries where the device will be marketed. Information on labelling should include the following:•labels on the device and its packaging;•instructions for use; and•promotional material.The labelling set should be in a language acceptable to the reviewing RA or CAB.8.0Design and Manufacturing Information8.1Device DesignThe STED should contain information to allow a reviewer to obtain a general understanding of the design stages applied to the device. It is not intended to take the place of the more detailed information required for a QMS audit or other conformity assessment activity. The information may take the form of a flow chart.8.2Manufacturing ProcessesThe STED should contain information to allow a reviewer to obtain a general understanding of the manufacturing processes. It is not intended to take the place of the more detailed information required for a QMS audit or other conformity assessment activity. The information may take the form of a process flow chart showing, for example, an overview of production, assembly, any final product testing, and packaging of the finished medical device.8.3Design and Manufacturing SitesFor the activities in 8.1 and 8.2, the STED should identify the sites where these activities are performed. If QMS certificates, or the equivalent, exist for these sites, they should be annexed to the STED.9.0Essential Principles (EP) ChecklistThe STED should contain an EP checklist that identifies:-a)the Essential Principles;b)whether each Essential Principle applies to the device and if not, why not;c)the method(s) used to demonstrate conformity with each EssentialPrinciple that applies;d) a reference for the method(s) employed (e.g., standard), ande)the precise identity of the controlled document(s) that offers evidence ofconformity with each method used.Methods used to demonstrate conformity may include one or more of the following:a)conformity with recognised or other standards3;b)conformity with a commonly accepted industry test method(s);c)conformity with an in-house test method(s);d)the evaluation of pre-clinical and clinical evidence4.e)comparison to a similar device already available on the market.3 See GHTF/SG1/N044:2008 Role of Standards in the Assessment of Medical Devices4 See GHTF/SG5 guidance documentsThe EP checklist should incorporate a cross-reference to the location of such evidence both within the full technical documentation held by the manufacturer and within the STED (when such documentation is specifically required for inclusion in the Summary Technical Documentation as outlined in this guidance).A template for a checklist is shown in Appendix A.10.0Risk Analysis and Control SummaryThe STED should contain a summary of the risks identified during the risk analysis process and how these risks have been controlled to an acceptable level. Preferably, this risk analysis should be based on recognised standards and be part of the manufacturer’s risk management plan.11.0Product Verification and Validation11.1GeneralThe STED should contain product verification and validation documentation. The level of detail will vary (see Section 5.1).As a general rule, the STED should summarise the results of verification and validation studies undertaken to demonstrate conformity of the device with the Essential Principles that apply to it. Such information would typically cover:a)engineering tests;b)laboratory tests;c)simulated use testing;d)any animal tests for demonstrating feasibility or proof of concept of thefinished device;e)any published literature regarding the device or substantially similardevices.Such summary information may include:a)declaration/certificate of conformity to a recognised standard(s) andsummary of the data if no acceptance criteria are specified in the standard;b)declaration/certificate of conformity to a published standard(s) that hasnot been recognised, supported by a rationale for its use, and summary ofthe data if no acceptance criteria are specified in the standard;c)declaration/certificate of conformity to a professional guideline(s),industry method(s), or in-house test method(s), supported by a rationalefor its use, a description of the method used, and summary of the data insufficient detail to allow assessment of its adequacy;d) a review of published literature regarding the device or substantiallysimilar devices.In addition, where applicable to the device, the STED should contain detailed information on:a)biocompatibility;b)medicinal substances incorporated into the device, including compatibilityof the device with the medicinal substance;c)biological safety of devices incorporating animal or human cells, tissuesor their derivatives;d)sterilisation;e)software verification and validation;f)animal studies that provide direct evidence of safety and performance ofthe device, especially when no clinical investigation of the device wasconducted;g)clinical evidence.Detailed information will describe test design, complete test or study protocols, methods of data analysis, in addition to data summaries and test conclusions. Where no new testing has been undertaken, the STED should incorporate a rationale for that decision, e.g. biocompatibility testing on the identical materials was conducted when these were incorporated in a previous, legally marketed version of the device. The rationale may be incorporated into the EP checklist.11.2BiocompatibilityThe STED should contain a list of all materials in direct or indirect contact with the patient or user.Where biocompatibility testing has been undertaken to characterize the physical, chemical, toxicological and biological response of a material, detailed information should be included on the tests conducted, standards applied, test protocols, the analysis of data and the summary of results. At a minimum, tests should be conducted on samples from the finished, sterilised (when supplied sterile) device.11.3Medicinal SubstancesWhere the medical device incorporates a medicinal substance(s), the STED should provide detailed information concerning that medicinal substance, its identity and source, the intended reason for its presence, and its safety and performance in the intended application.11.4Biological SafetyThe STED should contain a list of all materials of animal or human origin used in the device. For these materials, detailed information should be provided concerning the selection of sources/donors; the harvesting, processing, preservation, testing and handling of tissues, cells and substances of such origin should also be provided.Process validation results should be included to substantiate that manufacturing procedures are in place to minimize biological risks, in particular, with regard to viruses and other transmissible agents.The system for record-keeping to allow traceability from sources to the finished device should be fully described.11.5SterilisationWhere the device is supplied sterile, the STED should contain the detailed information of the initial sterilisation validation including bioburden testing, pyrogen testing, testing for sterilant residues (if applicable) and packaging validation.Typically, the detailed validation information should include the method used, sterility assurance level attained, standards applied, the sterilisation protocol developed in accordance with those standards, and a summary of results.Evidence of the ongoing revalidation of the process should also be provided. Typically this would consist of arrangements for, or evidence of, revalidation of the packaging and sterilisation processes.11.6Software Verification and ValidationThe STED should contain information on the software design and development process and evidence of the validation of the software, as used in the finished device. This information should typically include the summary results of all verification, validation and testing performed both in-house and in a simulated or actual user environment prior to final release. It should also address all of the different hardware configurations and, where applicable, operating systems identified in the labelling.11.7Animal StudiesWhere studies in an animal model have been undertaken to provide evidence of conformity with the Essential Principles related to functional safety and performance, detailed information should be contained in the STED.The STED should describe the study objectives, methodology, results, analysis and conclusions and document conformity with Good Laboratory Practices. The rationale (and limitations) of selecting the particular animal model should be discussed.11.8Clinical EvidenceThe STED should contain the clinical evidence that demonstrates conformity of the device with the Essential Principles that apply to it. It needs to address the elements contained in the Clinical Evaluation Report described in guidance GHTF/SG5/N2.12.0 Format of the STEDWhile this guidance document makes no specific recommendation for the format of the STED, it would be helpful to both manufacturers and reviewers if the STED was organized such that it incorporates the same sections as described in this guidance documente.g. device description, product specification etc..13.0Declaration of ConformityThe Declaration of Conformity is not part of the STED. However, it may be annexed to the STED once the conformity assessment process has been completed. The content of the Declaration of Conformity is described in GHTF/SG1/N40:2006 Principles of Conformity Assessment for Medical Devices.Appendix AEssential Principles (EP) ChecklistThe EP checklist can be used by RAs, CABs and manufacturers to readily understand how the manufacturer demonstrates conformity to the essential principles for a particular device. The EP checklist also allows easy identification of relevant documents and data for conformity assessment purposes.The contents of the checklist will vary from device to device. Complex devices are likely to reference a large number of standards, test reports and documents. The EP checklist in such cases may be many pages long. Very simple devices are more likely to have shorter EP checklists as many of the Essential Principles may not be applicable. In these cases, the supporting references to be incorporated into the checklist may be minimal.The following is a recommended template for the EP checklist. Preparation of the EP checklist as outlined below will provide a useful overview of the device’s conformity with the Essential Principles. The consistent use of this template will support harmonization across jurisdictions.How to Complete the Checklista)Identity of the deviceThe manufacturer should identify the device, and where applicable the various configurations / variants covered by the checklist.b)Applicable to the device?Is the listed Essential Principle applicable to the device? Here the answer is either‘YES’ or ‘NO’. If the answer is ‘NO’ this should be explained briefly in the ‘method used to demonstrate conformity’ column.Example: For a device that does not incorporate biological substances, the answer to Essential Principle 5.8.2 would be ‘NO’ and, in the ‘method used to demonstrateconformity’ column, would include an explanation such as ‘The device does notincorporate biological substances.’c)Method used to demonstrate conformityIn this column the manufacturer should state the type(s) of method(s) that they have chosen to use to demonstrate conformity e.g. the recognised standard(s), industry or in-house test method(s), comparison study(ies) or other method used.d)Method referenceAfter having stated the method in the previous column, here the manufacturer should now name the title and reference of the recognised standard(s), industry or in-house test method(s), comparison study(ies) or other method used to demonstrate conformity. For standards, this should include the date of the standard and where appropriate, the clause(s) that demonstrates conformity with the relevant EP.e)Reference to supporting controlled documentsThis column should contain the reference to the actual technical documentation that demonstrates conformity to the essential principle, i.e. the certificates, test reports, validationreports, study reports or other documents that resulted from the method used to demonstrate conformity and its location within the STED.NOTE: the Table that follows is for illustrative purposes only. The Essential Principles listed in the first column should be extracted from the latest version of GHTF’sguidance document Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of MedicalDevices. Those incorporated into this document are extracted fromGHTF/SG1/N41:2005.Essential Principle Checklist Device:Essential Principle Applicable tothe Device?Method Usedto DemonstrateConformityMethodReferenceReference to SupportingControlled DocumentsGeneral Requirements5.1Medical devices should be designed and manufactured in such a way that, whenused under the conditions and for the purposes intended and, where applicable, by virtueof the technical knowledge, experience, education or training of intended users, they willnot compromise the clinical condition or the safety of patients, or the safety and health ofusers or, where applicable, other persons, provided that any risks which may be associatedwith their use constitute acceptable risks when weighed against the benefits to the patientand are compatible with a high level of protection of health and safety.5.2The solutions adopted by the manufacturer for the design and manufacture of thedevices should conform to safety principles, taking account of the generally acknowledgedstate of the art. When risk reduction is required, the manufacturer should control therisk(s) so that the residual risk(s) associated with each hazard is judged acceptable. Themanufacturer should apply the following principles in the priority order listed:identify known or foreseeable hazards and estimate the associated risks arisingfrom the intended use and foreseeable misuse,eliminate risks as far as reasonably practicable through inherently safe designand manufacture,reduce as far as is reasonably practicable the remaining risks by taking adequateprotection measures, including alarms,inform users of any residual risks.February 21, 2008 Page 19 of 21。
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A. 文明对话协商美丽新亚洲B. 文明交流互鉴亚洲命运共同体C. 文明和谐共存亚洲文化自信D. 文明对话交流亚洲命运合营体参考答案: B55. (单选题)2019 年 5 月 15 日,2019 全球( )伙伴研讨会在罗马会展中心举行。
A. 控贫B. 减贫C. 脱贫D. 去贫参考答案: B56. (单选题)2019 年 5 月 17 日,是第 50 个“世界电信和信息社会日” (简称“世界电信日”)。
XX2122中国驻英国大使刘晓明在“亚洲商业领袖峰会〃午宴上的演讲Speech by H. E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Lunch of the Asian BusinessLeaders Summit13 October 2010, The Northumberland, London尊敬的亚洲之家主席博伊德爵士, 女士们,先生们:Sir John Boyd, Chairman of Asia House,Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴应邀出席亚洲之家举办的“亚洲商业领袖峰会”午宴。
首先,我要对峰会的召开表示热烈祝贺!It gives me great pleasure to attend the First Asian Business Leaders Summit. I wish to begin by warmly congratulating Asia House on the opening of this summit.中国有一句古诗,叫“东边日出西边雨”,这本是形容天气阴晴不定,但假如用它来形容当前的世界经济大概非常贴切。
国际货币基金组织10月6日新发表的《世界经济展望》认为,明年亚洲经济整体增幅可能为6. 7%,虽较今年的7. 9%有所放缓,但亚洲“仍是全球增长最快的地区”。
As an ancient Chinese saying goes, 〃It is sunny in the east while rainy in the west. 〃This may well serve as a summary of the current global economy, with the American and European economies are still just in the rainy season, as the result of the financial crisis, whereas the Asian economy is in the summer sun with robust growth. The latest IMF World Economic Outlook estimated that the Asian economy will grow by 6. 7% in 2011. This will be lower than this year, s 7. 9% but still is enough to make it the fastest growing region.过去十年里,中国一直是亚洲经济增长最快的经济体。
第五届世界互联网大会 小米创始人兼首席执行官雷军发言全文
第五届世界互联网大会 红杉资本全球执行合伙人沈南鹏分论坛发言
文明交流互鉴视域下的数字平台国际传播与“三重突围”目录一、内容简述 (2)1. 文明交流互鉴的重要性 (3)2. 数字平台在国际传播中的作用 (3)3. “三重突围”的提出与意义 (4)二、数字平台国际传播的历史背景与发展现状 (6)1. 世界互联网发展历程回顾 (7)2. 数字平台国际传播的发展阶段 (8)3. 当前数字平台国际传播的现状与挑战 (10)三、文明交流互鉴在数字平台国际传播中的体现 (11)1. 不同文明的数字化呈现 (12)2. 跨文化交流的实现方式 (13)3. 文明互鉴的传播效果评估 (14)四、“三重突围”的内涵与实施路径 (15)1. 技术创新 (17)2. 内容为王 (18)3. 品牌塑造 (19)五、案例分析 (20)1. 国际知名数字平台案例分析 (22)2. 成功实践的共同特点与经验总结 (23)3. 对未来发展的启示与展望 (25)六、结论与展望 (25)1. 文明交流互鉴视域下数字平台国际传播的重要价值 (27)2. “三重突围”策略在推动数字平台国际传播中的重要作用 (27)3. 对未来发展的建议与思考 (29)一、内容简述本文将探讨文明交流互鉴的视域下,数字平台在国际传播中的作用与影响。
深入沟通促了解 扩大共识谋合作——记第五届中英青年政治家论坛
PE p
s 政党交往
社会”计划,强凋政府支持和鼓励 民
众 、 政府 组 织 、慈善 机构 和社 区组 非
互联网的普及极大地增加了信息 的公 开和透明。中国目前有约 5 亿网 民, 他们通过博客 、 微博等充分发表意见 , 不存在 中国 “ 限制” 言论 自由的问题。
中方 还应 询介 绍 了 中国 民主法制 建设 和人权 事业 发展 情况 。
政党 交往
P x. s t - -
深入 沟通促 了解 扩大 共识谋合作
记第五届 中英青年政 治家论坛
● 王迎春 /文
初秋13 92  ̄-E 韵 1, ]瑞 期 l
园 召开。该论 坛 20 年 由中共 中央对 07
新以保持执政பைடு நூலகம்位”进行 了深入 、坦
建设 ,带领全 国人 民将 中国建 设成 富强 民主文 明和谐 的社会主义现代化国家。
中方介 绍 了 “ 二五 ”规划 纲要 十
赢 得选 民信任 和支持是东 山再 起的
“ 道 ” 自民党 政要认 为该党 囚应 形 王 。
英联合政府推行未来五年《 增长计划 》 的关键 之年,2 1 年 中英将迎来 两 02
诚 和 务实 的变 流 ,会 场气 氛热 烈 。既
重要 发展机 遇 。
中 方介 绍 给 英 方 留下 深 刻 印 象 ,
有思想火花的碰撞 ,也不乏激烈的交
锋 ; 既有 高深 理念 的探 讨 ,也 不乏轻
政 治 经 济 社 会 生 活 中发 挥 的 重 要 作 用 ,认 为 中 曰共 产 党 与 时 俱 进 ,具 有 “ 代思维” 现 。英 方 高 度 关注 中 国 “t 五 ”规 划 ,赞 赏 中国 加快 转 变 二 经济 发展方 式有 助 于 中同和 世 界经 济 平衡 、可持 续发 展 ,认 为 中闻在 健全
2025考博英语作文-互联网The Transformative Power of the Internet第一篇In today's Information Age, the value of the internet has become increasingly crucial in driving the economic and social progress of nations. China's evolution over the past 50 years clearly demonstrates how the internet can transform society and elevate a nation on the global stage.In the early 1990s, China's internet development was still in its infancy. At that time, internet penetration was very low, and only a few people had access to this emerging technology. As time passed, both the Chinese government and businesses began to recognize the importance of the internet, gradually increasing investments in internet infrastructure and development.Entering the 21st century, the internet in China rapidly expanded, with penetration rates and coverage significantly improving. Particularly after 2000, the number of internet users grew exponentially. The government introduced a series of policies to encourage the application and development of the internet, fostering the prosperity of e-commerce, online education, social media, and fintech sectors. The widespread use of the internet not only changed people's lifestyles but also greatly boosted economic growth and social progress.Throughout China's internet development, numerous innovations and transformations have emerged. For instance, e-commerce giants like Alibaba and have not only revolutionized traditional business models but also promoted global trade. Online payment systems such as Alipay and WeChat Pay have made cashless transactions a reality, greatly facilitating everyday life. Additionally, the internet has advanced online education and remote work, demonstrating its enormous advantages and potential, especially during the global pandemic.In the Information Age, the significance of the internet extends beyond economicgrowth. It is also crucial for addressing global challenges, driving innovation, and enhancing a nation's cultural and intellectual life. A country with robust internet infrastructure and high internet penetration can better adapt to the rapidly changing global environment, maintaining sustained progress. The internet fuels creativity, drives technological advancements, and supports the development of a vibrant and innovative society.As we continue to advance in the Information Age, it is essential to prioritize internet infrastructure and applications to build a prosperous and progressive future. Investing in the internet is not just about economic growth; it is about empowering individuals, fostering innovation, and creating a better world for future generations.第二篇The internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. As an integral part of the Information Age, it has become a driving force behind economic growth, social change, and global connectivity. Examining the evolution of the internet in China over the past few decades illustrates its profound impact on society.In the early stages of its development in the 1990s, internet access in China was limited. Few people had the means or opportunity to connect to this new technology. However, recognizing its potential, the Chinese government and private sector began investing heavily in internet infrastructure and development. These efforts laid the foundation for the rapid expansion that followed.By the early 2000s, internet penetration in China had increased significantly. The government implemented policies to support internet growth, leading to a boom in various online sectors such as e-commerce, social media, and digital finance. Companies like Alibaba and Tencent emerged as global leaders, transforming the way people shop, communicate, and manage their finances. The advent of online payment systems, including Alipay and WeChat Pay, revolutionized transactions, making cashless payments a part of everyday life.The internet's impact extends beyond economic benefits. It has played a crucial role in enhancing education, especially through online learning platforms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of digital education became even more evident as millions of students continued their studies remotely. The internet has also fostered greater social connectivity, enabling people to maintain relationships and form new connections regardless of geographical barriers.Moreover, the internet has been a catalyst for innovation. It has provided a platform for startups and entrepreneurs to launch new ventures and disrupt traditional industries. The tech ecosystem in cities like Shenzhen and Beijing is a testament to how the internet can drive creativity and economic diversification.However, the rise of the internet also brings challenges. Issues such as cybersecurity threats, data privacy concerns, and the digital divide between urban and rural areas need to be addressed. Ensuring that everyone has equitable access to the internet and its benefits is essential for inclusive growth.The internet has become a cornerstone of modern life, driving economic development, social change, and innovation. China's journey with the internet underscores its transformative power. As we move forward, it is crucial to harness this power responsibly, ensuring that the internet continues to be a force for good, connecting people, fostering innovation, and creating opportunities for all.。
1.开放创新共建共享——2018年驻华使节与商贸企业家新年对话会在京隆重召开[J], ;
2.中小民营企业前景广阔——第五届影响力·中国CEO高峰论坛成功召开 [J], 陈一明;马志军;王静
3.第五届华佗CEO论箭召开华佗论箭与武隆人民政府携手 [J],
4.第五届全国招投标领域年度聚焦盛典暨CEO峰会召开 [J],
5.2014年APEC粮食安全政策伙伴关系机制会议暨PPFS政府与企业粮食安全与贸易对话会议在宁波召开 [J],
世界互联网大会发言稿英文Honorable guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen,It is my great honor and privilege to address the esteemed audience at the World Internet Conference. As we gather here today, we come together to reflect on the remarkable impact and influence that the internet has had on our lives, and to discuss the future development of the digital economy.The internet has fundamentally transformed the way we communicate, work, and live. It has revolutionized industries, created new opportunities, and connected people from all corners of the globe. It has empowered individuals to express themselves, share knowledge, and collaborate with others. It has also driven economic growth, innovation, and social progress.However, as we celebrate the tremendous achievements of the internet, we must also recognize the challenges and complexities that come with it. The digital age has brought about unprecedented opportunities, but it has also raised critical issues such as online privacy, cybersecurity, digital divide, and the impact of technology on society.In our interconnected world, it is essential for us to come together and address these challenges in a collaborative and inclusive manner. We must work towards a digital future that is safe, secure, and beneficial for all. This requires a shared commitment to upholding ethical and responsible standards in the use of technology, and to bridging the gaps that exist in access to the internet.One of the key priorities for the future of the internet is to ensure that it remains an open and accessible platform for all. This means safeguarding the principles of net neutrality, promoting digital literacy, and striving for universal connectivity. It also means fostering an environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship, and that enables small businesses and individuals to thrive in the digital economy.At the same time, we must also recognize the need to address the growing concerns related to online security and privacy. As the internet becomes increasingly ingrained in our daily lives, it is crucial to establish robust mechanisms for protecting sensitive data, combating cyber threats, and safeguarding the rights of individuals in the digital space.In this regard, it is imperative for governments, industry leaders, and civil society to collaborate on developing comprehensive policies and regulations that strike a balance between innovation and security, and that promote trust and confidence in the digital ecosystem.It is also important for us to nurture a culture of digital responsibility and ethics. As the creators and custodians of the digital world, we have a collective responsibility to ensure that technology is used for the greater good, and that it serves to enhance the well-being of individuals and communities.This requires us to prioritize issues such as digital inclusion, data protection, and ethical use of artificial intelligence. It also calls fora commitment to promoting diversity and equality in the digital space, and to safeguarding the rights of vulnerable groups, such as children and marginalized communities.Furthermore, as we envision the future of the internet, we must also recognize the transformative potential of emerging technologies such as blockchain, 5G, and the Internet of Things. These technologies hold the promise of revolutionizing industries, accelerating digital innovation, and creating new opportunities for economic growth and social development.However, as we embrace these innovations, we must also be mindful of the challenges and risks that they may entail. It is crucial for us to establish clear ethical and regulatory frameworks for the responsible adoption of these technologies, and to ensure that they are harnessed for the collective benefit of humanity.In conclusion, the future of the internet is one of great promise and potential. It holds the key to unlocking new opportunities, fostering greater connectivity, and driving inclusive and sustainable development. Yet, it also brings with it a set of pressing challenges that require our collective attention and action.As we move forward, it is imperative for us to work together to shape a digital future that is rooted in the principles of openness, inclusivity, and responsibility. It is only through our collective efforts and shared commitment that we can harness the power of the internet to build a better, brighter, and more connected world for all.Thank you.。
国际电联秘书长图埃博士在2022年世界电信大会英语演讲稿It is a great pleasure to be with you here in Dubai today. Let me offer my sincere thanks andappreciation to the United Arab Emirates for all its efforts in the e某cellent organization andfacilities for this conference. I would like to e某press my thanks to the local authorities of Dubaifor their very kind hospitality.Ladies and gentlemen,I think we are all well aware of the importance of this si某th WTDC, and I am encouraged to seesuch a high level of participation.What we decide and define here over the ne某t two weeks will shape not just the future of ICTdevelopment over the ne某t four years, but the future shape of the very world we live in.In today’s fast-moving ICT sector, four years is a very long time. To see how long that really is,let’s look back to 2019, when we last held the WTDC, in Hyderabad, India.Since then the ICT landscape has changed in e某traordinary and une某pected ways.We have seen the number of fi某ed-line subscriptions continue to fall, and there are now around82 million fewer fi某ed-line subscriptions than there were at the beginning of 2019.This fall in fi某ed lines has been massively more than compensated for by mobile growth over thesame period –with net additions of almost 2.2 billion mobile cellular subscriptions since thebeginning of 2019.And the great news for this Conference is that almost all of this growth has been in thedeveloping world, which accounted for 90%of the net additions – very close to two billion newmobile cellular subscriptions have been added in the past four years.The same pattern is true of the growth in internet users, where 817 million of the one billionnew internet users over the past four years have come from the developing world.We have also seen social media continue to skyrocket. When we met in Hyderabad, four yearsago, there were around 30 million users of Twitter, and 400 million users of Facebook. Todayhundreds of millions of tweets are sent every day, and Facebook has over 1.2 billion users.Does that mean our job is finished?Of course not!And that’s why we’re all here.While over three quarters of people in the developed world now have access to the internet,more than two thirds of people in the developing world still do not.In the developed world, fi某ed and mobile broadband penetration rates at the beginning of 2019stood at 27.2% and 74.8% respectively. In the developing world, they stood at 6.1% and19.8%.Distinguished delegates,These are powerful numbers, but they also demonstrate the e某traordinary opportunities thatlie ahead.ICTs – and in particular broadband networks – offer perhaps the greatest opportunity wehave ever had to make rapid and profound advances in global social and economicdevelopment.This is of tremendous and timely importance, as we approach the cusp between the MDGsne某t year, and the beginning of the post-2019 development process.And this of course is why ‘Broadband for Sustainable Development’ has been chosen as thetheme for WTDC this year.Like you, I am convinced that by e某tending access to broadband, countries will quicklyaccelerate sustainable social and economic progress.By delivering efficiencies across so many areas –from education and healthcare totransportation, water and energy –broadband networks can quickly pay for themselves,creating a virtuous circle of investment, productivity and human development.To help world leaders see the ways that broadband can accelerate the achievement of theMDGs, ITU and UNESCO launched the Broadband Commission for Digital Development in 2019,just a few weeks before we last met, in Hyderabad.In this conte某t, and in the conte某t of this Conference, it is especially gratifying to seebroadband access growing so rapidly in the developing world –with penetration in thedeveloping world in terms of mobile broadband growing an incredible 50% between thebeginning of 2019 and the beginning of 2019.Ladies and gentlemen,I am an optimist, and I have tremendous faith that the public and private sectors will worktogether to invest in, and to roll-out, the necessary infrastructure.They did this so well in the creation of mobile cellular networks in the developing world, and Ie某pect to see the pattern continued for broadband.I am also convinced that in partnership, they will also help create the necessary services thatpeople need, and that we will quickly see enriched content developed and created that will startoff a virtuous circle in stimulating demand.As this happens, we will rapidly see broadband reach the remotest corners of our planet.We must make sure that we do not just bring broadband to the people, but that we do soresponsibly. That we preserve cyberpeace and deliver cybersecurity in a world that is alwaysconnected, and always online.Distinguished delegates,The output from this Conference will be fed into the ITU Strategic Plan which will be endorsedby the IT U’s Plenipotentiary Conference in Korea in October.And I hope that many of you will be there to help shape our future as an organization – and tomake sure we adopt a sound strategic and financial plan for the ne某t four years.So over the ne某t two weeks, let’s dream big!Let’s think about how technological advances might shape the future;Let’s think about what can be done with massive increases in computational power and ever-cheaper memory;Let’s think about what can we do wi th the cloud, to make the world a better place;And let’s think about how can we put ever-smarter, ever-more affordable smartphones to useacross the developing world.Let’s be bold!Let’s work together to develop the programmes and projec ts that will ensure ICTs really dodeliver a better quality of life – for all the world’s people!Thank you.。
1.新兴国家互联网圆桌会议举行 [J],
2.新兴国家互联网圆桌会议在北京举行 [J],
3.国务院新闻办、国家互联网信息办:第六届中美互联网论坛在北京开幕 [J],
4.中英互联网圆桌会议在伦敦举行 [J],
5.国家互联网信息办公室:举办互联网站和互联网企业负责人研讨班工信部、发改委、外交部、法制办领导做报告 [J],
三、组织架构1. 主办方:指定国家或组织,负责高峰论坛的组织与筹备工作。
2. 参会国家和组织:指邀请参加高峰论坛的各国与国际组织。
3. 论坛秘书处:为高峰论坛提供组织和协调工作的机构。
四、高峰论坛筹备和组织1. 主办方负责确定高峰论坛的时间、地点、议题和日程安排等内容,并向参会国家和组织发出邀请。
2. 参会国家和组织应按照主办方的要求完成报名和准备工作,并派代表团参加高峰论坛。
3. 论坛秘书处负责协助主办方筹备高峰论坛,并提供会务支持和会前准备等服务。
4. 高峰论坛期间,主办方负责组织各类会议、研讨和活动,并为参会代表提供必要的服务和场地支持。
五、高峰论坛议程安排1. 高峰论坛的议程应丰富多样,包括主旨演讲、分论坛、研讨会、圆桌会议等形式。
2. 各国和组织可以根据自身需求提出议题,经主办方审核后列入议程。
3. 高峰论坛的议题应广泛涵盖全球经济、社会、环境等方面的问题,鼓励多领域交流和合作。
六、高峰论坛的运作机制1. 高峰论坛采取多边方式进行讨论和决策。
2. 高峰论坛主张平等、参与和协商精神,尊重各国和组织的主权和地位,鼓励共赢合作和互利共享。
3. 高峰论坛鼓励各国和组织共同制定行动计划,推动议题的落实与实施,形成共识并促进成果转化。
七、高峰论坛的成果和后续工作1. 高峰论坛结束后,主办方将发布高峰论坛的成果文件,总结会议讨论的重要结果与共识,并为下一届高峰论坛的筹备提供指导意见。
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第五届中英互联网圆桌会议主旨演讲难度:适中来源:英文巴士评论:1网络空间的自由与秩序——在第五届中英互联网圆桌会议上的主旨演讲Liberty and Order in Cyberspace--Keynote speech at the Fifth China-UK Internet Roundtable中国国家互联网信息办公室主任鲁炜Lu Wei, Minister of the State Internet Information Office, China2013年9月9日September 9, 2013来到英国这个“www”发明者的故乡,让我不禁想起2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式上动人的一幕:男孩弗兰克和女孩琼恩用精彩的表演,向“www”的发明者、被誉为“互联网之父”的蒂姆·伯纳斯·李先生致敬,感谢他带来的美好网络时代。
伯纳斯·李先生则面带微笑坐在“伦敦碗”中央,轻快地敲击电脑键盘,看台上闪现出一排巨大的字符:THIS IS FOR EVERYONE。
Good morning! Since I arrived in the United Kingdom, the birthplace of the World Wide Web, I cannot help recalling a touching moment at the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games. Two teenagers, Frankie and June, gave an exciting performance in tribute to the inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, for his gift to the world. Mr. Berners-Lee, sitting in the center of the Olympic Stadium with a smile on his face, tapped on acomputer keyboard, and then a row of giant letters flashed around the stadium: “THIS IS FOR EVERYONE”.这句话虽然简短,却说出了互联网与人类的关系。
The sentence is short, but points out the relationship between man and the Internet. As one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, the Internet is a treasure, a resource and a homeland for all mankind. It has turned the world into a “village.” In this “village,” home to 7 billion people, everyone pursues freedom and happiness. But by what means can we achieve and safeguard liberty? The famous writer George Bernard Shaw once said: “Liberty means responsibility.” I think I can also say “Liberty means order.” The t wo are closely linked, as liberty is the aim of order and order is the safeguard of liberty. Liberty cannot exist without order. Where there is no order, there is no liberty. The more we seek liberty, the more we need order. The essence of order is exactly that it is “for everyone.”为了每一个人,我们倡导构建六个方面的秩序:For the sake of everyone: we advocate the establishment of an order, in the following six aspects.一是倡导互相尊重的秩序。
Firstly, we call for an order of mutual respect. In the United Kingdom, being a “gentleman” means keeping to et iquette and order. In China, we have a paralleltitle junzi. Being a “junzi” means “not imposing on others what you yourself do not desire.” We also need “Internet junzi” and “Internet gentlemen.” In cyberspace, people with different skin colors, nationalities, cultures and languages should be equally entitled to participation, free speech and development. Although each country has a different status quo, culture and tradition, we should abandon prejudices, respect differences and be tolerant and open. In particular, we should respect cyber sovereignty, discard hegemony and avoid putting our own country’s interests above those of other countries. We should join hands to build an order for the development of the Internet on the basis of mutual respect and equal treatment.二是倡导信息共享的秩序。
Secondly, we should encourage the establishment of an order for sharing information. The Internet was designed for disseminating and sharing information. Information channels capital, influences decision-making and determines transactions. One factor undergirding the competitiveness of a company or institution is whether it is able to understand market rules, predict the outlook, discover opportunities, and control market risks through information. The amount of information a country can obtain is an important symbol of its soft power and influence. The Internet is rife with problems, all of which are related to subjectivity, bias, imbalances and asymmetry of information dissemination. Twenty percent of the world’s population controls 80 percent of the information, while the remaining 80 percent of the population has access to less than 20 percent of the information. This has led to a large information gap. We should strive to break down the information barrier and bridge the information gap. We should make information flow on the Internetfreely, safely and in an orderly way, and turn it into a treasure for everyone, thus bringing more benefits to society and humanity.三是倡导传播正能量的秩序。