



腰果酚改性酚醛胺固化剂名称外观色度Gardner粘度(mPa.s,25℃)胺值(mgKOH/g)酸值(mgKOH/g)固体份(%)活泼氢当量(g/Eq)百克树脂(E-51)用量(Phr)凝胶时间(min@25℃,150g混合料)薄膜干燥时间(hr@25℃)用途DF4228棕红色透明液体<18 1500-4000 285±15 N/A 90±3 110 90 45 9.5腰果壳油改性,耐化学腐蚀,柔韧性好,抗冲击力强,可潮湿固化等优点。

DF4229 <17 5000-10000 290±20 N/A 90±3 100 90 45 9.5 腰果壳油改性,耐化学腐蚀,柔韧性好,抗冲击力强,可潮湿固化等优点。

DF1228H <17 20000-50000 285±20 N/A >95 125 35 55 12.5 低温固化(-5℃),无毒,耐化学腐蚀,柔韧性好,抗冲击力强,可潮湿固化等优点。

DF1228 <17 7000-17000 285±20 N/A >85 100 35 70 12.5 低温固化(-5℃)以及常温固化,无毒,耐化学腐蚀,柔韧性好,抗冲击力强,可潮湿固化等优点。


DF1226 <17 6000-9000 265±25 N/A 85±2 110 80 60 7.5 有优异的粘结性、柔韧性、绝缘性,耐水、耐化学腐蚀,可水下固化,配比范围宽。

DF1220 ≤17 6000-16000 200±20 N/A 75±3 150 40 70 11.5 有优异的粘结性、柔韧性、绝缘性,耐水、耐化学腐蚀,可水下固化,配比范围宽。

DF1230H <18 3000-6000 300±20 N/A ≥95 90 80 80 6.5 有优异的粘结性、柔韧性、绝缘性,耐水、耐化学腐蚀,可水下固化,配比范围宽。



老人牌稀释剂01…CN(014CN是554CN聚氨酯面漆/555CN氟碳面漆的稀释剂,015CN是456CN环氧漆的稀释剂,017CN是1530C环氧底漆\4520C厚浆环氧漆/15553环氧漆的稀释剂,018CN是丙烯酸漆的稀释剂,老人牌海洋性清漆02220老人牌清漆03330老人牌聚氨酯清漆050CN老人牌聚氨酯清漆05120老人牌环氧清漆05150老人牌环氧清漆0515C老人牌环氧封闭漆05970老人牌环氧封闭漆05990老人牌抗紫外线清漆06520老人牌稀释剂08…(08080是防污漆的稀释剂,是快干甲板漆53240和快干漆系列的稀释剂,是丙烯酸和氯化橡胶系列的全能稀释剂,是聚氨酯面漆和磁漆的稀释剂(08230是醇酸系列稀释剂,快干甲板漆53240除外(08450是环氧漆通用稀释剂(08510是聚氨酯磁漆55100的稀释剂,也是55210聚氨酯面漆的特殊作用稀释剂(08570是车间底漆15280和15890和15722的稀释剂(08700是无机硅酸锌系列的稀释剂,也适用于封闭硅酸锌系列的环氧漆的稀释剂老人牌稀释剂08XX0老人牌水性聚氨酯(PU清漆09320老人牌硅丙清漆09330HEMPEL水性哑光罩面清漆09370老人牌沥青厚浆漆10220老人牌沥青铝粉漆老人牌醇酸防锈底漆12050老人牌磷酸锌底漆120CN 老人牌环氧酯底漆13140老人牌醇酸厚浆底漆13200老人牌快干醇酸底漆13624老人牌环氧低温漆15030老人牌环氧底漆150CN老人牌环氧漆15100老人牌环氧漆15130老人牌环氧车间底漆15280老人牌环氧底漆15300老人牌环氧底漆1530A老人牌环氧底漆1530C老人牌环氧底漆1530M老人牌环氧富锌漆15341老人牌环氧锌底漆1534P老人牌环氧锌底漆1534W 老人牌环氧富锌漆15350老人牌环氧富锌漆15360老人牌环氧富锌漆1536G 老人牌环氧富锌漆1536P老人牌环氧富锌漆1536W 老人牌环氧漆15400老人牌防静电漆15403老人牌防静电漆15404老人牌环氧漆15500老人牌环氧漆15553老人牌环氧漆15554老人牌快干环氧漆15560老人牌环氧漆15570老人牌环氧漆15590老人牌无机富锌漆15700老人牌无机富锌漆1570P老人牌含纤维无机富锌漆15750老人牌无机锌漆15780 老人牌无机富锌漆157CN老人牌车间底漆15820老人牌硅酸锌车间底漆15890老人牌硅酸锌车间底漆1589P 老人牌富锌底漆16490老人牌硅酮富锌漆16900老人牌环氧富锌底漆17340老人牌环氧富锌底漆17360老人牌环氧漆17410老人牌环氧漆17630/17633老人牌环氧漆17634老人牌水性丙烯酸底漆18100老人牌水性丙烯酸底漆18200老人牌丙烯酸封闭底漆182CN 老人牌水性内墙底漆18370老人牌外墙底漆18470老人牌水性环氧底漆18500老人牌水性环氧富锌底漆18560老人牌防锈底漆1915123老人牌环氧封闭漆250CN老人牌丙烯酸封闭底漆26630老人牌丙烯酸封闭底漆266CN老人牌硅树脂中间过渡漆27302老人牌有机硅修补漆27500海虹牌水性标线漆28000海虹牌水性标线漆28100海虹牌水性标线漆28200海虹牌热熔标线涂料29000海虹牌热熔标线漆29021海虹牌热熔标线漆29022海虹牌热熔标线漆29030海虹牌热熔标线漆29042海虹牌热熔标线漆29081海虹牌热熔标线漆29082海虹牌双组份丙烯酸标线漆29100/29110海虹牌机场道面专用标线漆29280 海虹牌丙烯酸标线漆29281海虹牌双组份喷涂型标线漆29400海虹牌双组份复合路面材料29500海虹牌双组份复合路面材料29510海虹牌双组份复合路面材料29550海虹牌双组份复合路面材料29560海虹牌冷塑复合路面材料29580海虹牌纯丙烯酸标线漆29680/1海虹牌纯丙烯酸标线漆296CN海虹牌双组份结构型标线漆29700海虹牌氯化橡胶标线漆29800海虹牌长效标线涂改涂料29990老人牌不饱和聚酯腻子350CN 老人牌不饱和聚酯腻子351CN老人牌环氧修补漆35250老人牌环氧腻子352CN老人牌腻子35370老人牌环氧漆35430老人牌超强度环氧漆35530老人牌环氧漆35560老人牌环氧漆35600老人牌煤焦油环氧厚浆漆35670老人牌聚氨酯管道漆3569N老人牌环氧漆35740老人牌环氧漆35760老人牌防静电漆35770老人牌玻璃鳞片环氧漆35851/35853老人牌超强环氧漆35870 老人牌小浮雕漆382604老人牌醇酸中间漆42460老人牌中间漆424CN老人牌超薄型防火涂料43600老人牌环氧漆45080/45083老人牌环氧漆45141/45143老人牌环氧漆4514P老人牌环氧漆45150老人牌环氧漆4515A老人牌环氧过渡漆45182老人牌环氧厚浆漆45200/45201老人牌环氧厚浆漆4520A 老人牌环氧厚浆漆4520G老人牌环氧厚浆漆4520M老人牌环氧厚浆漆45230老人牌环氧中间漆452CN老人牌轻质底漆45551老人牌环氧漆45601/45603老人牌环氧漆45604老人牌环氧地台漆45660老人牌环氧云铁漆45670老人牌环氧漆456CN老人牌超强度环氧漆45751/45753老人牌腻子45810老人牌厚浆环氧漆45880/45881老人牌环氧厚浆漆4588P/4588Q 老人牌环氧厚浆漆4588W老人牌快干环氧漆458CN海虹牌快干环氧漆45ACN 老人牌氯化橡胶厚浆漆46330老人牌丙烯酸厚浆漆46370老人牌丙烯酸厚浆漆4637B老人牌丙烯酸厚浆漆4637C老人牌丙烯酸厚浆漆46410老人牌丙烯酸厚浆漆46820老人牌丙烯酸厚浆漆46822老人牌丙烯酸厚浆漆4682C老人牌环氧漆47080老人牌环氧漆47140老人牌环氧漆47150老人牌环氧过渡漆47182老人牌环氧漆47200老人牌叶片底漆47400老人牌超强度环氧47500老人牌纤维环氧漆47601/47603老人牌环氧漆47741/47743 老人牌环氧漆4774A老人牌环氧云铁漆47950老人牌花岗岩中涂481CN老人牌质感涂料482CN老人牌质感涂料483CN老人牌真石漆484CN老人牌水性环氧漆48500老人牌水性环氧漆48520 HEMPEL岩石漆485CN老人牌质感涂料486CN老人牌花岗岩涂料489CN5老人牌银粉漆51570老人牌醇酸磁漆52140老人牌醇酸磁漆521CN老人牌醇酸厚浆磁漆52220老人牌半光醇酸漆52360老人牌曲轴箱漆52420老人牌快干甲板漆53240老人牌醇酸快干面漆53840老人牌聚硅氧烷面漆55000老人牌聚硅氧烷面漆55030老人牌聚氨酯面漆550CN老人牌聚氨酯磁漆55100老人牌聚氨酯面漆5510C老人牌聚氨酯面漆551CN老人牌聚氨酯面漆55210【工业漆专用】老人牌聚氨酯面漆55210【装饰漆专用】老人牌聚氨酯面漆55213老人牌聚氨酯面漆55214老人牌聚氨酯面漆5521P老人牌聚氨酯无光面漆552C0老人牌环氧磁漆55340老人牌聚氨酯哑光面漆553CN老人牌聚氨酯面漆554CN老人牌氟碳面漆555CN老人牌-聚氨酯面漆55610老人牌聚氨酯面漆55614老人牌聚氨酯面漆5561B老人牌聚氨面漆5561V老人牌聚氨酯面漆557CN老人牌面漆55870老人牌丙烯酸漆55880老人牌聚氨酯荧光漆558CN老人牌聚氨酯面漆55910老人牌氟碳面漆559CN 老人牌聚氨酯面漆55ECN 老人牌自清洁氟碳漆55GCN老人牌丙烯酸磁漆56360老人牌丙烯酸磁漆5636F老人牌丙烯酸磁漆5636V老人牌丙烯酸磁漆5636Z老人牌丙烯酸漆56430老人牌丙烯酸漆56432老人牌丙烯酸漆5643C老人牌丙烯酸漆5643S老人牌丙烯酸荧光漆56540老人牌硅酮面漆56900老人牌硅酮铝粉漆56910老人牌硅酮铝粉漆56914老人牌硅酮丙烯酸漆56940老人牌叶片漆57620老人牌水性丙烯酸厚浆磁漆58030老人牌外墙面漆58070老人牌水性丙烯酸磁漆58100老人牌水性丙烯酸磁漆58100老人牌水性丙烯酸标签漆58111老人牌外墙弹性漆58140老人牌哑光滚花漆58170老人牌水性丙烯酸厚浆面漆58230老人牌水性聚氨酯瓷漆58510老人牌厨卫专用涂料58760老人牌细花浮雕漆58841老人牌硅丙哑光乳胶漆58990老人牌单组份外墙哑光水性聚氨酯面漆589956 老人牌石英砂 672CN 老人牌石英砂 673CN 老人牌防滑珠 67420 老人牌防滑粉 67500 海虹牌防滑砂 67510 海虹牌防滑砂 67520 海虹牌防滑砂 67530 海虹牌防滑砂 67540 海虹牌彩色防滑集料 676CN 海虹牌彩色防滑集料 677CN 海虹牌反光玻璃珠 69500 海虹牌反光玻璃珠 69510 海虹牌反光玻璃珠 69520 海虹牌反光玻璃珠69530 海虹牌高亮玻璃珠 69540 海虹牌防流淌添加剂 698007 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 7190B 老人牌无锡防污漆 76110 老人牌无锡防污漆 76540 老人牌螺旋桨有机硅不沾污涂料 77000 老人牌船底有机硅不沾污涂料老人牌船底有机硅不沾污涂料77300 老人牌硅树脂防污漆 77500 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 79540 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 79560 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 795808 老人牌自抛光防污漆 GLOBIC NCT 8190M 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 8190N 老人牌防污漆 GLOBIC 8192K 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 8195C 老人牌防污漆 GLOBIC 8195K 老人牌自抛光防污漆GLOBIC○R NCT8195M 老人牌防污漆 GLOBIC NCT 8195N 老人牌防污漆GLOBIC-81970 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 8197L 老人牌自抛光防污漆 OC EANIC○R 8490K 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 8495B 老人牌自抛光防污漆OCEANIC○R 8495K 老人牌环氧漆 85671 老人牌环氧漆 8567C 老人牌防污漆 OLYMPIC86900 老人牌无锡自抛光防污漆 8695B 老人牌聚氨酯清漆 8713C 老人牌第三代有机硅不沾污涂料87500 老人牌环氧漆 87540 老人牌防静电涂料 876CN 老人牌气体管道漆 87830 老人牌高固含气体管道漆 878319 老人牌防锈油 991CN 老人牌温和清洗剂 99350 老人牌工具清洗剂 99610 老人牌封闭底漆 E1010 老人牌封闭底漆 E1020 老人牌封闭底漆 E1050 老人牌硅丙抗碱底漆 E1090 老人牌浮雕漆 E1920 老人牌多用途质感涂料基料(细砂 E1930 老人牌柔性多用途质感涂料基料 E1931 老人牌柔性质感涂料(细砂)E1932 老人牌柔性质感涂料(中砂)E1933 老人牌柔性质感涂料(粗砂)E1934 老人牌柔性质感涂料(浮雕型)E1935 老人牌多用途质感涂料基料(中粗砂)E1936 老人牌多用途质感涂料基料 E1937 老人牌多用途质感涂料基料(细中砂) E1938 老人牌平底浆E1942 老人牌粉状平底浆 E1950 老人牌粉状平底浆 E1951 老人牌粉状平底浆 E1960 老人牌弹性腻子 E1980 老人牌增强型腻子 E1990 老人牌外墙哑光水性聚氨酯面漆E5830 老人牌硅树脂乳胶漆 E8180 老人牌外墙弹性乳胶漆 E8210 老人牌外墙弹性滚花乳胶漆 E8220 老人牌弹性面漆 E8221 老人牌水性银色金属漆 E8280 老人牌内墙乳胶漆 E8500 海虹牌内墙乳胶漆 E8501 E 老人牌内墙乳胶漆 E8700 老人牌内墙防霉乳胶漆 E8702 老人牌专业工程内墙漆 E8880 老人牌特强内墙防霉乳胶漆E8890 老人牌有光乳胶漆 E8910 老人牌弹性滚花中间漆 E8920 老人牌多用途滚花漆 E8921 老人牌外墙三加一哑光乳胶漆 E8930 老人牌外墙超强丙烯酸乳胶漆E8950 老人牌纯丙烯酸哑光乳胶漆 E8960 老人牌超强耐候乳胶漆 E8961 老人牌外墙丝光乳胶漆 E8970 海虹牌快干磁漆 F2140 老人牌无溶剂环氧地坪漆 F3450 海虹牌环氧地台漆 F5450 海虹牌聚氨酯金属漆 F5820 海虹牌丙烯酸磁漆 F6700 海虹牌丙烯酸哑光面漆 F6731 海虹牌丙烯酸封闭底漆 N6610 海虹牌丙烯酸封闭底漆N6612 老人牌内墙底漆 PZ100 老人牌高级内墙乳胶漆 PZ300 老人牌多功能内墙乳胶漆 PZ326 老人牌超低 VOC 哑光乳胶漆 PZ330 老人牌超级多功能内墙乳胶漆PZ366 老人牌稀释剂T0… 海虹牌乳胶漆施工说明海虹牌水性道路标线涂料施工说明海虹牌溶剂型道路标线涂料施工说明海虹牌热熔型道路标线涂料施工说明海虹老人牌油漆已经有 200 多年的历史了,海虹老人牌的油漆质量在全球也是数一数二的。



MAP: 丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯 DPM:一縮丙二醇甲醚 PM:丙二醇甲醚 TPM:三丙二醇甲醚(註)以上資料是敝公司累積的經驗,有關應用於各種塗料上,謹請嚴密的試驗後才採用,又此一覽表上沒有記載的產品歡迎查詢。

MAP: 丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯 DPM:一縮丙二醇甲醚 PM:丙二醇甲醚 TPM:三丙二醇甲醚(註)以上資料是敝公司累積的經驗,有關應用於各種塗料上,謹請嚴密的試驗後才採用,又此一覽表上沒有記載的產品歡迎查詢。

表面調整劑(詳細資訊請參照技術資料及MSDS)MAP: 丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯 DPM:一縮丙二醇甲醚 PM:丙二醇甲醚 TPM:三丙二醇甲醚(註)以上資料是敝公司累積的經驗,有關應用於各種塗料上,謹請嚴密的試驗後才採用,又此一覽表上沒有記載的產品歡迎查詢。

水系用APEO-FREE:不含烷基酚環氧乙烷加成物 PVC:顏料體積濃度(註)以上資料是敝公司累積的經驗,有關應用於各種塗料上,謹請嚴密的試驗後才採用,又此一覽表上沒有記載的產品歡迎查詢。









改性硅氧烷为基 础的浓缩乳液
2-89(消泡剂) 改性硅氧烷乳液
聚氧乙烯醚-20 油酰篦麻醇酸酯
W 5840(润湿剂, 改性硅氧烷的润
AC 101(防锈剂)
妥尔油脂肪酸乙 氧基化单乙醇胺 (MEA)浓缩液
乳白,不 透明 白色乳液 清澈液体
AL 200(铝镁缓蚀 脂肪醇乙氧基化
改性脂肪酸胺的 清澈,褪
AC 28(防锈剂) 浓缩液.
色液体 ◇金属加工液的抑腐剂和防锈剂,推荐用于乳化油、微乳液
◇Tagat V20 具有较强的防腐能力,能有效弥补植物油易腐败的缺陷; ◇Tagat V20 配制的乳液粒径小、低泡;
◇TAGAT® V 20 是由植物原材料生产出来的 ,有良好的皮肤试验报告 (对皮肤无刺激)
◇TEGO®SurtenW5840 可以改善水性体系的铺展及润湿性能。

阿克苏诺贝尔防护涂料(苏州)有限公司 材料安全数据手册 PHXG21 INTERTHANE 990

阿克苏诺贝尔防护涂料(苏州)有限公司 材料安全数据手册 PHXG21 INTERTHANE 990

阿克苏诺贝尔防护涂料(苏州)有限公司材料安全数据手册PHXG21 INTERTHANE 990 GREEN PART A版本 3 版本修订日 08/12/141.化学品及企业标识 1.1.产品名称INTERTHANE 990 GREEN PART A 产品代码PHXG211.2. 纯物质或者混合物的建议用途及禁止用途拟定用途请参阅产品技术说明书仅供专业人员使用施工方法请参阅产品技术说明书1.3.安全技术说明书供应商的信息制造商阿克苏诺贝尔防护涂料(苏州)有限公司 苏州新区鸿禧路129号 215151电话号码86(512)66167888传真号码86(512)661639111.4.应急咨询电话86(532)83889090中毒咨询电话仅供医生及医院参考2.危险性概述 2.1.纯物质或混合物的分类Flam. Liq. 3;H226易燃液体和蒸气Skin Irrit. 2;H315造成皮肤刺激Aquatic Acute 2;H401对水生物有毒Aquatic Chronic 3;H412对水生生物有害并具有长期持续影响2.2.标签要素用第11和12章列出的毒性数据,产品标签如下所示。

警告H226 易燃液体和蒸气。

H315 造成皮肤刺激。

H401 对水生生物有毒。

H412 对水生生物有害并具有长期持续影响。

P210 远离热源/火花/明火/热表面。


P260 不要吸入烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。

P262 严防进入眼中、接触皮肤或衣服。

P264 作业后彻底清洗。

P273 避免释放到环境中。

P280 戴防护手套/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。

[事故响应]:P301+310 如误吞咽:立即呼叫解毒中心/医生。

P302+352 如皮肤沾染:用大量肥皂和水清洗。

P303+361+353 如皮肤(或头发)沾染:立即脱掉所有沾染的衣服。


P321 具体治疗(见本标签上的急救指示)。

P331 不得诱导呕吐。

P362 脱掉受沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用。



Product #(s) – 4105Material Safety Data SheetFor Emergency Call:CHEM-TEL (800) 255-3924 24 Hour Assistance1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct Name: C hampion Wipe-R-Clean Windshield Washer & De-IcerCAS Number: 67-56-1 / 7732-18-5Recommended Uses: Windshield WashCompany IdentificationManufacturer's Name: CHAMPION BRANDS, LLCAddress: 1001 Golden Drive, Clinton, MO 64735Telephone – General Information: (800) 821-56932. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHazard Classes: Flammable Liquid Category 3Acute Oral Toxicity Category 3Acute Dermal (skin) Toxicity Category 3Acute Inhalation Toxicity Category 3Toxic to Reproduction Category 1BSpecific Target Organ Toxicity (Single Exposure) Category 1 and Category 3Aspiration Hazard Category 1Note: Assigned to classification based on human experienceSignal Word: DANGERHazard Statements:H226 Flammable Liquid and Vapor.H301 Toxic if Swallowed.H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.H311 Toxic in Contact with Skin.H331 Toxic if Inhaled.H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.H360 May Damage Fertility or the Unborn Child – fetotoxic and teratogenic effects.H370 Causes Damage to the Optic Nerve causing blindness if ingested. Precautionary Statements:P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.P102 Keep out of reach of children,P103 Read label before use.P201 Obtain special instructions before use.P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces – No smoking.P233 Keep container tightly closed.P240 Ground/bond container and receiving equipment.P241 Use explosion-proof electrical lighting and equipment.Product #(s) – 4105P242 Use only non-sparking tools.P243 Take precautionary measures against static discharge.P261 Avoid breathing vapors.P264 Wash thoroughly after handling.P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.P280 Wear protective gloves / protective clothing / eye protection.P301 + P310 If SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.P331 D o NOT induce vomiting.P330 Rinse mouth.P303 + P361 + P353 If ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take of immediately all contaminated clothing.Rinse skin with water/shower.P304 + P340 IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a positioncomfortable for breathing.P308 + P311 IF exposed or concerned: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physicianP361 + P378 Take off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.P370 + P378 In case of fire: Use dry chemical, CO2, alcohol-resistant foam, and water spray for extinction.P403 + P235 Store in well-ventilated place. Keep cool.P501 Disposal: Dispose of contents/container to a specialized waste disposal plant in accordance with local/regional regulationsHazard Pictograms:3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSCAS Num b erComponents Typical WeightPercentageMethanol 22-36% 67-56-1Water 64-78% 7732-18-54. FIRST AIDEyes: If irritation or redness develops, move victim away from exposure and into fresh air. Flush eyes with clean water. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.Skin: Remove contaminated shoes and clothing and cleanse affected area(s) thoroughly bywashing with mild soap and water. If irritation or redness develops, seek medical attention.Inhalation: If respiratory symptoms develop or other symptoms of exposure develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. If victim is not breathing, clear airway and immediately begin artificial respiration. If breathingdifficulties develop, oxygen should be administered by qualified personnel. Seek immediate medical attention.Product #(s) – 4105Ingestion: Aspiration hazard. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth because thismaterial can enter the lungs and cause severe lung damage. If victim is drowsy or unconscious and vomiting, place on the left side with the head down. If possible, do not leave victim unattended and observe closely for adequacy of breathing. Seek immediate medical attention.Note to Physicians: Ethanol significantly decreases the toxicity of methanol because it competes for the same metabolic enzymes, and has been used to treat methanol poisoning.Epinephrine and other sympathomimetic drugs may initiate cardiac arrhythmias in persons exposed to high concentrations of hydrocarbon solvents (e.g., in enclosed spaces or with deliberate abuse).The use of other drugs with less arrhythmogenic potential should be considered. If sympathomimetic drugs are administered, observe for the development of cardiac arrhythmias.Medical Conditions: Exposure to high concentrations of this material may increase the sensitivity of the heart to certain drugs. Persons with pre-existing heart disorders may be more susceptible to this effect (see Note to Physician above).5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol-resistant foam. .Water spray is recommended to cool or protect exposed materials or structures. Water may be ineffective for extinguishment, unless used under favorable conditions by experienced fire fighters. Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen. Use caution when applying carbon dioxide in confined spaces.Specific Hazards: This material is flammable and can be ignited by heat, sparks, flames or other sources of ignition (e.g., static electricity, pilot lights or mechanical/electrical equipment). Flame is invisible in daylight. Vapors may travel considerable distances to a source of ignition where they can ignite, flashback or explode. May create vapor/air explosion hazard indoors, in confined spaces, outdoors or in sewers. If container is not properly cooled, it can rupture in the heat of a fire. Vapors are heavier than area and can accumulate in low areas.Hazardous Combustion Products: Toxic gases and vapors; oxides of carbon and formaldehyde.Special Firefighting Procedures: For fires beyond the initial stage, emergency responders in the immediate hazard area should wear bunker gear. When the potential chemical hazard is unknown, in enclosed or confined spaces, or when explicitly required by DOT, a self-contained breathingapparatus should be worn. In addition, wear other appropriate protective equipment as conditions warrant (see Section 8). Isolate immediate hazard area and keep unauthorized personnel out. Stop spill/release if it can be done with minimal risk. Move undamaged containers from immediatehazard area if it can be done with minimal risk. Water spray may be useful in minimizing ordispersing vapors and to protect personnel. Cool equipment exposed to fire with water, if it can be done with minimal risk. Avoid spreading burning liquid with water used for cooling purposes.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal Precautions: Flammable. Spilling of liquid product will create a fire hazard and may form an explosive atmosphere. Keep all sources of ignition and hot metal surfaces away fromspill/release if safe to do so. The use of explosion-proof equipment is recommended. Stay upwind and away from spill/release. For large spills, notify people down-wind of spill/release, isolateimmediate hazard area and keep unauthorized personnel out. Wear appropriate protectiveequipment including respiratory protection as conditions warrant (see Section 8). See Sections 2 and 7 for additional information on hazards and precautionary measures.Product #(s) – 4105Environmental Precautions: Stop spill/release if it can be done with minimal risk. Prevent spilled material from entering sewers, storm drains, other unauthorized treatment drainage systems, and natural waterways. Use foam on spills to minimize vapors. Use water sparingly to minimizeenvironmental contamination and reduce disposal requirements. If spill occurs on water, notify appropriate authorities. Spills into or upon navigable waters, the contiguous zone, or adjoiningshorelines that cause a sheen or discoloration on the surface water, may require notification of the National Response Center (phone number 800-424-8802).Methods for Containment and Clean-Up: Notify relevant authorities in accordance with allapplicable regulations. Immediate cleanup of any spill is recommended. Dike far ahead of spill for later recovery or disposal. Absorb spill with inert material such as sand, earth or other non-combustible material, and place in suitable container for disposal. If spilled on water remove with appropriate methods (e.g., skimming, booms or absorbents). In case of soil contamination, remove contaminated soil for remediation or disposal, in accordance with local regulations.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for Safe Handling: Keep away from ignition sources such as heat/sparks/open flames – No smoking. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Non-sparking tools should be used. Wear protective gloves/clothing and eye/face protection. Wash thoroughly after handling.Use good personal hygiene practices and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8).Flammable. May vaporize easily at ambient temperatures. The vapor is heavier than air and may create an explosive mixture of vapor and air. Beware of accumulation in confined spaces and low lying areas. Open container slowly to relieve any pressure. Electrostatic charge may accumulate and create a hazardous condition when handling or processing this material. To avoid fire orexplosion, dissipate static electricity during transfer by bonding and grounding containers andequipment before transferring material. The use of explosion-proof equipment is recommended and may be required (see appropriate fire codes). Refer to NFPA-77 and/or API RP 2003 for specific bonding/grounding requirements. Do not enter confined spaces such as tanks or pits withoutfollowing proper entry procedures such as ASTM D-4276 and 29CFR 1910.146. Do not wearcontaminated clothing or shoes. Keep contaminated clothing away from sources of ignition such as sparks or open flames. Use good personal hygiene practice.Conditions for Safe Storage: Keep container(s) tightly closed. Use and store this material in cool, dry, well-ventilated areas away from heat and all sources of ignition. Post area “No Smoking or Open Flame.” Store only in approved containers. Keep away from any incompatible material (see Section 10). Protect container(s) against physical damage. Outdoor or detached storage ispreferred. Indoor storage should meet OSHA standards and appropriate fire codes.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure GuidelinesComponent ACGIH TLV ACGIH STEL OSHA PEL OSHA STELMethanol 200 ppm(Skin) 250 ppm(Skin)200 ppm(Skin)250 ppm(Skin)Product #(s) – 4105Engineering Controls: If current ventilation practices are not adequate to maintain airborneconcentrations below the established exposure limits, additional ventilation or exhaust systems may be required.Specific Personal Protective EquipmentEye/Face Protection: The use of eye protection that meets or exceeds ANSI Z.87.1 isrecommended to protect against potential eye contact, irritation or injury. Depending on conditions of use, a face shield may be necessary.Skin: The use of gloves impervious to the specific material handled is advised to prevent skin contact. Users should check with manufacturers to confirm the breakthrough performance of their products. Depending on exposure and use conditions, additional protection may be necessary to prevent skin contact including use of items such as chemical resistant boots, aprons, arm covers, hoods, coveralls or encapsulated suits. Suggested protective materials: butyl and nitrile rubbers.Respiratory Protection: Where there is potential for airborne exposure above the exposure limits,a NIOSH approved air purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge may be used.A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use. Air- purifying respirators provide limited protection and cannot be used in atmospheres that exceed the maximum use concentration as directed by regulation or the manufacturer’s instructions, in oxygen deficient (less than 19.5% oxygen) situations or under conditions that are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH).Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are unknown, or any other circumstances where air-purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection.Other Protective Equipment: Eye wash and quick-drench shower facilities should be available in the work area. Thoroughly clean shoes and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Suggestions provided in this section for exposure control and specific types of protectiv e equipment are based on readily available information. Users should consult with the specific manufacturer to confirm the performance of their protective equipment. Specific situations may require consultation with industrial hygiene, safety, or engineering professionals.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (approximate v a lues)Appearance: Clear, blue liquidOdor: Mild alcoholOdor threshold: 4.2-596 ppmpH: Not applicableMelting/Freezing Point: -97.8˚C /208˚FBoiling point (at 1 atm): 64.7˚C / 148 ˚FFlash Point: 35 ˚C / 9 ˚F (Closed Cup)Auto-Ignition Temperature: 470 ˚C / 878 ˚FEvaporation rate (butyl acetate = 1): 4.1Flammability (solid, gas): Not applicableExplosive Limits: Lower – 6%/ Upper – 36%Vapor Pressure: 92 mmHg @ 20 ˚C / 68 ˚FProduct #(s) – 4105Vapor Density (air = 1): 1.1 @ 15 ˚C / 59 ˚FSpecific gravity (H20 = 1): 0.79 @ 20˚C / 68 ˚FSolubility in water: SolublePartition Coefficient: n-octanol/water: Log P = -0.77Decomposition Temperature: No dataViscosity: 5.81 x 10-7 m2/s @ 40 ˚C / 104 ˚F10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability (thermal, light, etc.): Stable under normal conditions of storage and handling.Conditions to Avoid: Avoid all possible sources of ignition (see Sections 5 and 7).Incompatibility (materials to avoid): Avoid contact with strong acids, bases and oxidizers such as liquid chlorine and oxygen. Contact with these materials may cause a violent or explosive reaction.May be corrosive to lead, aluminum, magnesium and platinum. May react with metallic aluminum or magnesium and generate hydrogen gas. May attack some forms of plastic, rubber and coatings.Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition may release carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde.Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute Toxicity:Product/Ingredient Name Result Species DoseMethanol (major ingredient) LD50 OralLD50 DermalLC50 Inhalation (vapor) RatRabbitRat>2528 mg/kg17,100 mg/kg13.3 mg/l – 6hrNote: Assigned to classification based on human experience and not animal data.Skin Corrosion/Irritation: Causes mild irritation. Repeated exposure may cause dryness orcracking.Serious Eye Damage/Irritation: Causes mild irritation.Signs and Symptoms: High concentrations can cause minor respiratory irritation, headache,drowsiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, disorientation and fatigue. Ingestion can causeirritation of the digestive tract, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and visual disturbances ranging from blurred vision to light sensitivity, blindness or death.Skin Sensitization: None reportedRespiratory Sensitization: None reportedGerm Cell Mutagenicity: There is insufficient information available to conclude that methanol is mutagenic.Carcinogenicity: Methanol did not demonstrate carcinogenic effects in rats and mice treated via whole body inhalation at concentrations > 1.3 mg/l in air. There is insufficient informationavailable to conclude that methanol is carcinogenic. It is not listed by NTP, IARC or OSHA.Product #(s) – 4105Reproductive Toxicity: Methanol has produced fetotoxicity in rats and teratogenicity in miceexposed by inhalation to high concentrations of methanol vapors.Specific Target Organ Toxicity (Single Exposure): Methanol ingestion causes damage to the optic nerve causing blindness. May cause drowsiness and dizziness.Specific Target Organ Toxicity (Repeated Exposure): There is insufficient informationavailable to conclude that methanol causes target organ effects from repeated exposure.Aspiration Hazard: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONToxicity:Ingredient Name Result Species ExposureMethanol (major ingredient) Acute EC50 = 16.912 mg/L Marine WaterAcute LC50 = 2500000 ug/L Marine WaterAcute LC50 = 3289 mg/L Fresh WaterAcute LC50 > 100000 ug/L Fresh WaterAlgaeCrustaceansDaphniaFish96 hours48 hours48 hours96 hoursPersistence and Degradability: Methanol biodegrades easily in water and soil.BOD5 = 1.1COD = 1.05 – 1.55, 99%Bioaccumulative Potential: Risk of bioaccumulation is low (BCF <500 and low log K ow <4). BCF =0.2 - <10 Log K ow = -0.77Mobility in Soil: Methanol is highly mobile. Adsorption coefficient (K oc) solid phase/liquid phase = 1 Other Adverse Effects: None known13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSThe generator of a waste is always responsible for making proper hazardous waste determinations and needs to consider state and local requirements in addition to federal regulations.Recycle wherever possible. Large volumes may be suitable for re-distillation or, if contaminated, incinerated. Can be disposed of in a sewage treatment facility.This material, if discarded as produced, would not be a federally regulated RCRA “listed” hazardous waste. However, it would likely be identified as a federally regulated RCRA hazardous waste for the following characteristic of ignitability (D001). See Sections 7 and 8 for information on handling,storage and personal protection and Section 9 for physical/chemical properties. It is possible that the material as produced contains constituents which are not required to be listed in the MSDS but could affect the hazardous waste determination. Additionally, use which results in chemical orphysical change of this material could subject it to regulation as a hazardous waste.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT/TDG Proper Shipping Name: Flammable Liquid n.o.s. (Methanol)Product #(s) – 4105DOT/TDG Identification Number: UN1993DOT Hazard Class: 3 / TDG Hazard Class: 3(6.1)DOT/TDG Packing Group: IIERG Guide Number: 131Marine Pollutant: No15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONTSCA: Methanol is listed on the TSCA inventory.DSL: Methanol is listed on the DSL inventory.OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration): This material is considered to be hazardous as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.This material has not been identified as a carcinogen by NTP, IARC or OSHACERCLA/SARA – Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances and TPQ (in pounds): This material does NOT contain chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 302 and 40 CFR 355 Appendix A and B.EPA (CERCLA) Reportable Quantity (in pounds): This material contains the following chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of 40 CFR 302.4.Component Concentration RQMethanol 22-36% 500 lbs CERCLA/SARA - Sections 311/312 (Title III Hazard Categories):Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: Yes Reactivity: NoCERCLA/SARA – Section 313 and 40 CFR 372: This material contains the following chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 313 and SARA Title III and 40 CFR:Component Concentration de minimisMethanol 22-36% 1% California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): This material contains detectable chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity.Component Concentration EffectMethanol 22-36% Developmental Canada:This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the SDS contains all the information required by the Regulations.WHMIS Hazard Class: B2, D1B, D2A, D2B16. OTHER INFORMATIONIssue Date: May 2, 2013Previous Issue Date: May 2, 2013Change: Updated to new GHS compliant HCS 2012 criteriaProduct #(s) – 4105DISCLAIMER OF EXPRESSED AND IMPLIED WARRANTIESThe information in this document is believed to be correct as of the date issued. HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IS TO BE IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS INFORMATION, THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT, THE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT, OR THEHAZARDS RELATED TO ITS USE. This information and product are furnished on the condition that the person receiving them shall make his own determination as to the suitability of the product for this particular purpose and on the condition that he assumes the risk of his use thereof.。



张家港雅瑞化工有限公司detda固化剂,液体芳香族二胺扩链剂DETDA,芳香胺类固化剂二乙基甲苯二胺DETDA 固化剂DETDA出口产品介绍固化剂DETDA用于聚氨酯中,可提高制品强度和耐水解性,使制品生产率大大提高,并使大尺寸、结构复杂的聚氨酯制品工业化成为可能。




在美国和西欧的汽车用RIMPU制品中几乎都采用了二乙基甲苯二胺.固化剂DETDA性能测试制品在120℃的烘箱中熟化12h,室温放置7天,按西德标准DNI53504测试制品性能与进口品相当:项目自产DETDA 进口DETDA,拉伸强度(MPa) 18.52 16.9断裂伸长率(%) 300 280挠曲模量(MPa) 208,5 210.8弯曲强度(MPa) 10.63 10.98采用固化剂DETDA作为扩链剂,主要原因如下:①二胺扩链剂固化的涂层的力学强度明显高于二元醇扩链的;②胺类扩链剂反应速度远较醇类高,可以少用甚至不用催化剂;③胺类扩链剂具有优异的抗潮气敏感性,这一性能极为重要,因为在露天对潮气过于敏感而引起涂层发泡,涂层性能将大大下降。




张家港雅瑞化工有限公司detda固化剂,液体芳香族二胺扩链剂DETDA,芳香胺类固化剂二乙基甲苯二胺DETDAZhang Jia Gang YaRui Chemical co.,Ltd检验报告单Certificate of Analysis名称Product Name DETDA批号Batch No.数量Quantity20150501 1000 kg检验项目Analysisitems 检验结果Result性状Characteristics 淡黄色至琥珀色透明液体Light yellow transparent liquid含量(GC%) (98%MIN)Assay 98.76 TDA 含量(%)(0.1%MAX)TDA Assay 未检出水份(% )(0.1%MAX)Water Content 0.077 色度(p t-c o) (400MAX)Colour Value 350结论Conclusion合格Up to standardessdafh。



无溶剂丙烯酸多元醇水分散体的合成和性能研究王丰万;王位;阮军;朱效杰【摘要】利用叔碳酸缩水甘油酯高度支链化、充当活性稀释剂的特性和同时进行的酯化反应和自由基聚合工艺,合成了无溶剂丙烯酸多元醇水分散体.研究了引入叔碳酸缩水甘油酯对制备无溶剂丙烯酸多元醇的作用,评价了酸值对分散体的粒径和贮存稳定性的影响,并对树脂的结构和性能进行了表征.结果表明:叔碳酸缩水甘油酯可以充当釜底高沸点活性稀释剂,合成的丙烯酸多元醇树脂黏度可降低40%左右,因此合成树脂过程中可以不添加任何溶剂.30 mgKOH/g酸值的分散体具有较好的粒径和优异的贮存稳定性.由此证明利用叔碳酸缩水甘油酯可以成功制备无溶剂丙烯酸多元醇水分散体,贮存稳定且由其制备的漆膜性能良好.【期刊名称】《涂料工业》【年(卷),期】2015(045)011【总页数】6页(P54-59)【关键词】叔碳酸缩水甘油酯;无溶剂;丙烯酸多元醇;分散体【作者】王丰万;王位;阮军;朱效杰【作者单位】瀚森化工企业管理(上海)有限公司,上海201203;瀚森化工企业管理(上海)有限公司,上海201203;瀚森化工企业管理(上海)有限公司,上海201203;瀚森化工企业管理(上海)有限公司,上海201203【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ637.8水性涂料具有不易燃、环境污染小、危害低等优点。







巴斯夫海卓帕特FL 3622润湿剂说明书

巴斯夫海卓帕特FL 3622润湿剂说明书

安全技术说明书页: 1/13 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 07.02.2023版本: 5.0日期/上次修订: 31.03.2021上次版本: 4.0日期 / 首次编制: 02.01.2014产品: 海卓帕特 FL 3622Product: Hydropalat® FL 3622(30607621/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 28.08.20231. 化学品及企业标识海卓帕特 FL 3622Hydropalat® FL 3622推荐用途和限制用途: 润湿剂, 墨水,清漆或涂料用添加剂, 流平剂公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:吸入危害: 分类1易燃液体: 分类3巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 07.02.2023版本: 5.0产品: 海卓帕特 FL 3622Product: Hydropalat® FL 3622(30607621/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 28.08.2023急性毒性: 分类5 (口服)皮肤腐蚀/刺激: 分类2严重损伤/刺激眼睛: 分类1特异性靶器官毒性-一次接触: 分类3 (蒸汽可能会导致嗜睡及眩晕.)对水环境的急性危害: 分类3对水环境的慢性危害: 分类3标签要素和警示性说明:图形符号警示词:危险危险性说明:H226易燃液体和蒸气。



Wateborne Polyurethane Resins & HardenersDr. Lucy Bai/BayerMaterialScienceSept 26, 2010, GuangzhouAgendaWB PU BackgroundWB PU Performance & PropertiesCategories of WB PUWB PU ApplicationsComparsion of SB PU Vs WB PUSummaryDevelopment of PolyisocyanateAgendaWB PU BackgroundWB PU Performance & PropertiesCategories of WB PUWB PU ApplicationsComparsion of SB PU Vs WB PUSummaryWB PU Performance & PropertiesGood balance of hardness and flexibility Excellent abrasion resistanceExcellent chemical and stain resistance Good film build up and appearanceExcellent weather stabilityCurable at low temperatureAgendaWB PU BackgroundWB PU Performance & PropertiesCategories of WB PUWB PU ApplicationsComparsion of SB PU Vs WB PUSummaryCategories of WB PU2K WB PU1K WB PUUV curable WB PU UVPrinciple of WB 2K PU**ONH O NH N HOOOOOn Component 1Component 2Bayhydrol PAC dispersions overview ADrying speed* Primary DispersionEmulsification-ability of P olyisocyanates in W ater Bhydrophobic polyisocyanate mixed by handhydrophobic: high shear forcesorlow viscous, hydrophilic polyisocyanate -mixing by hand possibleHydrophylic P olyisocyanates Standard type: easily dispersible PET modified HDI-polyisocyanatehydrophylic, higher NCO functionality,high transparency.New H ydrophylic P olyisocyanates PIC New generation:anionically modified HDI-trimers1K WB PU PU Application properties and structural characteristicsHardnessBayhydrol PUD T oolbox for Wood35% solid contentUV curable WB PU UV PU2K PUR coating PUPolyolMW > 200.000UV Curable PU DispersionProduct Overview UVB’drol UV 2282 B’drol UV XP 2280 B’drol UV XP 2687 B’drol UV 2317 B’drol UV XP 2629B’drol UV XP 2775New!Clear furniture coatingsPigmented coatings Wood/parquet primers 132Outdoor coatings4AgendaWB PU BackgroundWB PU Performance & PropertiesCategories of WB PUWB PU ApplicationsComparison of SB PU Vs WB PUSummaryWB PU Applications Wood applicationWoodFlooring ParquetFurniturePlastic3CToys PVC flooringPackagingTransportation and OEM OEMTransportation train body AutomotiveinteriorConstruction and GIGeneral industryConstruction flooringConstructionwall paintsAgendaWB PU BackgroundWB PU Performance & PropertiesCategories of WB PUWB PU ApplicationsComparison of SB PU Vs WB PUSummaryComparson of WB PU Vs SB PU PU PU --->550 g/L <200 g/L VOC 2k SB PU ( , )2k WB PU ( )NCO:OH=1.5:1AgendaWB PU BackgroundWB PU Performance & PropertiesCategories of WB PUWB PU ApplicationsComparison of SB PU Vs WB PUSummarySummaryFast curingLess VOCHigher chemical resistance Increased robustnessEasier handlingCost effectiveIt is time to moving to water now…..。



目录简介 3液体环氧树脂,D.E.R.™ 300系列和D.E.H.™固化剂 6 双酚A环氧树脂 6双酚F环氧树脂 6低粘度环氧树脂共混物,改性环氧树脂 6改性胺固化剂 7低温固化剂 7酚醛型环氧树脂D.E.N.™ 400系列7 溴化环氧树脂与无卤树脂,D.E.R.™ 500系列和PROLOGIC™系列9 低溴环氧树脂 9高溴环氧树脂 9特种环氧树脂 - 溴化 9特种环氧树脂 - 无溴 10包含环氧树脂和固化剂的磷化合物 10固体环氧树脂和涂料用树脂,D.E.R.™ 600系列和D.E.H.™固化剂 12双酚A固体环氧树脂12双酚A环氧树脂溶液14适用于SER的固体固化剂14水性环氧树脂和水性环氧固化剂 16水性环氧树脂16水性固化剂 16柔性环氧树脂D.E.R.™ 700系列 16 AIRSTONE™和MARK复合系统 18浸剂18粘合剂18层压,手糊成型 18模具 19拉挤成型19纤维缠绕成型 19铸造 19 FORTEGRA™增韧添加剂 20POLY-CARB MARK产品 20附录 – 产品监管 22液体环氧树脂,D.E.R.™ 300系列和D.E.H.™固化剂 22酚醛型环氧树脂D.E.N.™ 400系列 22溴化环氧树脂与无卤树脂,D.E.R.™ 500系列和PROLOGIC™系列23固体环氧树脂和涂料用树脂,D.E.R.™ 600系列和D.E.H.™固化剂 24水性环氧树脂和水性环氧固化剂 24柔性环氧树脂D.E.R.™ 700系列 25AIRSTONE™和MARK复合系统 25FORTEGRA™增韧添加剂 26 POLY-CARB MARK产品 26提升性能和差异化发展环氧树脂技术是风能、工程建设和铜箔基板等全球各类行业创新的基础要素。





固化剂类型用途ANCAMD 221*70 聚酰胺溶剂型的船舶漆,防腐漆,混凝土的底漆,密封漆和面漆ANCAMD 221 聚酰胺溶剂型的船舶漆,防腐漆,混凝土的底漆,密封漆和面漆ANCAMD 350A 聚酰胺高固体份涂料,胶粘剂,封装,注塑料。

ANCAMD 2050 聚酰胺加成物高固体份涂料,混凝土底漆和涂料,密封剂和腻子,水池涂料,船舶涂料。

ANCAMD 2353 聚酰胺高固体份船舶和维护涂料,混凝土底漆和涂料。

Sunmide 305-70X 聚酰胺溶剂型防护涂料,例如:底漆,面漆和环氧煤焦油涂料。

Sunmide 305 聚酰胺溶剂型防护涂料,例如:底漆,面漆和环氧煤焦油涂料。

Sunmide 307D-60 聚酰胺通用型环氧涂料,富锌涂料和砂纸粘结剂Sunmide 328A 聚酰胺普通工业用和土木工程用粘接剂。

环氧内衬涂料和耐化性油漆Sunmide 315 聚酰胺涂料、密封剂、粘接剂。

Sunmide 153-60S 聚酰胺基胺通用性环氧漆和涂料Sunmide 381 聚酰胺加成物高固体份涂料,焦油环氧漆,储罐内衬涂料Sunmide 353N 聚酰胺加成物通用型涂料的底涂和中涂,重防腐涂料,快干型底漆和潮湿表面底漆。

Sunmide 350 聚酰胺加成物溶剂型防护涂料ANCAMD 2396 酰胺基胺混凝土底涂和粘结剂,自流平和磨光地坪,瓷砖灌浆和耐化性灌浆。

ANCAMD 2426 酰胺基胺高固体份和100%固体份涂料和底漆,符合FDA 21CFR 标准,应用于酿酒和饮用水储罐内衬。

ANCAMD 501 酰胺基胺地坪涂料,修补材料,混凝土粘接。

ANCAMD 502 酰胺基胺地坪漆,混凝土修补,泥浆。

ANCAMD 503 酰胺基胺地坪涂料,混凝土修补。

ANCAMD 506 酰胺基胺土木工程应用,比ANCAMD 500有更长的可使用时间,湿法层压,玻璃钢缠绕用复合材料,电子灌封,高固体份涂料,对于脂环族胺固化剂可延长其使用时间。



常温 常温 常温 常温 常温 常温 常温 常温 常温
低气味、强度高、光泽好、耐油、耐酸等地坪底中涂、灌封、防腐涂料底漆等 低气味、强度高、无白化、可调色中涂用等 地坪底中涂、防腐涂料、电子灌封等 低气味、强度高、无白化、可调色中涂用等 地坪底中涂、防腐涂料、电子灌封等 无色、高光、高硬度、耐黄变较好 无色、高光、高硬度、无白化 色浅、高硬度、固化物机械性能优 性价比高、高硬度、高光泽 耐50%以上硫酸、工业浓盐酸、饱和碱液 低粘度、适用期长、抗黄变优 饰品胶、彩砂地坪 地坪面漆、饰品胶、电子灌封等 环氧地坪面漆涂料、环氧砂浆、胶粘剂等 深色地坪面漆、环氧砂浆等 防腐地坪涂料 溶剂型地坪涂料
凝胶时间 配比 (Max:15 (PHR) 0g) 硬度(shore D)
深褐 黄棕色 棕黄色 1 1 <5 <10 <12 1
98 94
50 30-35 50 25-30 50 30-35 50 30-35 50 25-30 50 30-35 50 30-35 50 30-40 50 40-50
80 82 82 83 82 80 80 85 80
95 96
100-150 120-180 150-200 200-300 80-150
280-330 260-310 240-280 310-350 280-310
96 93 95 95 93
品名型号 类型 DF6820 DF6821 烤漆系列 固化剂 DF6822 改性脂环胺 改性脂环胺 改性脂环胺
用途 涂料、防腐、接着、填缝 涂料、防腐、接着、填缝 涂料、防腐、接着、填缝 涂料、防腐 涂料、防腐


公司 Rhodia (9)
Bayer (16)
商品牌号 Rhodocoat™ WAT Rhodocoat™WAT-1 Rhodocoat™ WT 1000
Rhodocoat™ WT 2102
Rhodocoat™ X EZ-D™ 401 Rhodocoat™ X EZ-M™ 501 Rhodocoat™ X EZ-M™ 502 Rhodocoat™ X WAT-3
亲水改性脂肪族异氰酸 用做水性涂料的交联

无溶剂型、水分散性异 用作双组分水性聚氨酯
无溶剂型、水分散性异 作水性多元醇主体树脂
无溶剂型、水分散性异 用作双组分水性聚氨酯
多 官 能 度 异 氰 酸 酯 适合做聚合物分散体交
脂肪族多异氰酸酯水分 用作高质量水性 2K PU
新型“易混合”自乳化 配制 VOC 含量非常低
脂肪族多异氰酸酯水分 的 2K 水性涂料
散体,无 APEO
新型自乳化脂肪族多异 配制高质量水性 2K PU

卫力固v-782 成分

卫力固v-782 成分

卫力固v-782 成分卫力固v-782是一种高性能复合有机硅密封胶,适用于建筑幕墙、大型玻璃幕墙、钢结构连接、镀锌钢板、不锈钢板等各类建筑面板、材料的粘接密封。

















佐敦涂料 无溶剂酚醛环氧储制漆组份B 说明书

佐敦涂料 无溶剂酚醛环氧储制漆组份B  说明书

Tankguard SF Comp B液体。

产品类型紧急电话号码(带值班时间)::供应商的详细情况:物质或混合物相关的确定的用途和使用防止建议产品代码:7742产品描述:涂层: 树脂硬化剂。

中国化学事故应急服务 Tel: +86 532 83889090中远佐敦船舶涂料(广州)有限公司中国广州市黄埔区文冲华坑路,邮编:510725电话: +86 20 8236 0908传真: +86 20 82360661Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings (Guangzhou) Co Ltd.Huakeng Road, Wenchong, Huangpu, Guangzhou 510725, China Tel: +86 20 8236 0908Fax: +86 20 82360661佐敦涂料(张家港)有限公司江苏省张家港保税区扬子江化学工业园长江路15号 215634电话: +86 512 58937988传真: +86 512 58937986Jotun Coatings (Zhangjiagang) Co. LtdNo.15 Changjiang Road Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industry Park,Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, Jiangsu Province 215634Tel: +86 512 58937988Fax: +86 512 58937986SDSJotun@无溶剂酚醛环氧储罐漆组份B易燃液体 - 4急性毒性: 口服 - 4皮肤腐蚀/刺激 - 1A严重眼睛损伤/眼睛刺激性 - 1呼吸或皮肤过敏——皮肤 - 1特异性靶器官系统毒性反复接触: 口服 - 2危害水生环境—急性危险 - 1危害水生环境—慢性危险 - 1物质或混合物的分类:警示词:危险危险象形标记:化学品分类和标记全球协调体系(GHS)标签要素吞咽有害。

Perkadox BTW-50 乙烯基树脂和不饱和聚酯的优选膏 状BPO固化剂说明书

Perkadox BTW-50 乙烯基树脂和不饱和聚酯的优选膏 状BPO固化剂说明书

产品数据表Perkadox BTW-50Dibenzoyl peroxide, paste, 50% in dipropylene glycol dibenzoate andwaterPerkadox® BTW-50 乙烯基树脂和不饱和聚酯的优选膏状BPO固化剂。

Perkadox® BTW-50是 50% 浓度且不含邻苯二甲酸酯的BPO膏状混合物,用于不饱和树脂在常温和高温下的固化。

CAS 编号94-36-0EINECS/ELINCS编号202-327-6TSCA 状态清单上列出的分子量242.2活性氧含量过氧化物6.61%浓度3.20-3.37%规格外观白色均匀糊状物含量48.5-51.0 %特性密度, 20 °C 1.200 g/cm³粘度, 20 °C thixotropic paste mPa.s应用Perkadox® BTW- 50是一种含有50%过氧化二苯甲酰且不含邻苯二甲酸盐的膏状物,用于不饱和聚酯树脂在常温和高温下的固化。

在温度不超过80°C时, Perkadox® BTW-50应与芳香族叔胺加速剂结合使用,超过80°C则不需要使用加速剂。

Perkadox® BTW-50主要是为腻子市场开发的。

对于非填充系统,Perkadox® 40E在与UP树脂的混溶性方面更适用。

Perkadox® BTW-50显示出非常好的化学和物理稳定性,因此非常适用于管道填充。

Perkadox® BTW-50/胺加速器的固化系统显示出非常快的固化,几乎不受湿度和填料的影响。







环保双组分水性聚氨酯地坪用水性聚酯分散体的制备及性能刘身凯;范方强;张虎;蔡永岳【摘要】A high-performance waterborne polyester was prepared by direct esterification with 50-60 g ethylene glycol, 95-100 g neopentyl glycol and 40-50 g trimethylolpropane as polyol components, 80-95 g 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid and 220-240 g tetrahydrophthalic anhydride as polyprotic acid components, 20-25 g sodium 5-sulfoisophthalate as hydrophilic monomer, and 0.2-0.8 g organotin compound as catalyst. The effect of the dosage of sodium 5-sulfoisophthalate on the water solubility and storage stability of the waterborne polyester was studied. The suitable dosage of sodium 5-sulfoisophthalate was determined to be at least 5% of the total mass of raw materials. The two-component polyurethane floor coating formulated with the givenwaterborne polyester andBayhydur?XP2487/1 curing agent has a good comprehensive performance.%分别以50~60 g乙二醇、95~100 g新戊二醇、40~50 g三羟甲基丙烷作为多元醇组分,80~95 g 1,4-环己烷二甲酸、220~240 g四氢苯酐作为多元酸组分,20~25 g间苯二甲酸-5-磺酸钠作为亲水单体,0.2~0.8 g有机锡化合物作为催化剂,采用直接酯化合成法制备了一种高性能的水性聚酯.研究了间苯二甲酸-5-磺酸钠的加入量对水性聚酯水溶性和贮存稳定性的影响,得出其适宜用量为总物料的5%以上.该水性聚酯与固化剂Bayhydur?XP2487/1复配所得双组分水性聚氨酯地坪具有良好的综合性能.【期刊名称】《电镀与涂饰》【年(卷),期】2017(036)022【总页数】6页(P1183-1188)【关键词】聚酯;间苯二甲酸-5-磺酸钠;水溶性;贮存稳定性;双组分聚氨酯;地坪【作者】刘身凯;范方强;张虎;蔡永岳【作者单位】广州秀珀化工涂料有限公司,广东广州 511495;广州秀珀化工涂料有限公司,广东广州 511495;广州秀珀化工涂料有限公司,广东广州 511495;广州秀珀化工涂料有限公司,广东广州 511495【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ630.4双组分水性聚氨酯(WPU)地坪是以水为分散介质,由亲水性多元醇组分和多异氰酸酯固化剂组分配制而成,具有优异的耐磨性和耐刻划性。

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