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1、词尾直接加s型:students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers

2、以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es型:glasses, boxes, brushes, matches

3、以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es型:city-cities, baby-babies

4、以元音字母加y结尾的名词,直接加s: boys, toys

5、以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives, thief, life, half, leaf, shelf, wolf, 除了roof

6、以o结尾的名词,一般直接加s: radios, zoos, pianos, photos;除了5个特殊的词需要加es: Negroes, heroes, potatoes, tomatoes,mangoes.(黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿:薯条蘸番茄酱;最后再吃点芒果)

7、不规则变化的词:foot→ feet, goose→ geese, tooth→ teeth,

man→ men, woman→ women,

sh eep→ sheep, deer→ deer, Chinese→Chinese, Japanese→Japanese,

child→ children,mouse→ mice.

不规则变化要特别记,oo常常变ee, foot→feet是一例;男人、女人a改e, woman→women是一例;child复数children要记准,中、日、鹿、绵羊无变化,单数、复数是一家。





I this that watch child photo diary(日记) day(天)

foot book dress(连衣

裙) tooth sheep box strawb erry

wolf peach yo-yo(悠悠

球) sandwich man woman

paper water juice tea mous e

There are 56 (people)in China.


we these those watch es child ren ph oto s diar ies day s

f ee t book s dress es t ee th sheep b ox es strawberr ies

wol ves peach es yo-yo s(悠悠球是“无生命”的,另外含有-符号的词是一个词,因此在结尾加

s) sandwich es m e n wom e n

paper water juice tea mice

people s(这句话的意思是---“中国有56个民族”)评论


一、be动词:am, is, are


1.肯定句:表示肯定的意思, 即不含有否定词“不”。

比如:我是一个学生I am a student.

他去上学He goes to school.


比如:我不是一个男孩。I am not a boy

他不去上学He does not go to school.

3. 一般疑问句:回答为“是yes”或者“否no”的问句。

比如:你是一个学生吗?Are you a student?

你喜欢英语吗?Do you like English?

4. 特殊疑问句:回答不是“是yes”或者“否no”的问句,根据提问内容具体回答。

比如:现在几点了?What’s the time?

哪一支笔是你的?Which is your pen?


有am, is, are的句子,

肯定句变否定句:在am, is, are后面加上not,其余按顺序照抄。

肯定句变一般疑问句:把am, is, are提前放到句首并大写Am, Is, Are,其余照抄。






如:Li ming 's not here today.Who's not here today? 今天谁没来?



肯定句变为否定句时,通常必须在句中加上副词not 。可是对有些特殊的情况我们还必须加以注意,现根据初中英语教材对这些特殊情况说明如下:

1. 如果肯定句中有连词and ,变为否定句时,通常要将and 变为or 。例如:

The girl can sing and dance. → The girl cannot sing or dance.

The boy has father and mother. → The boy has no father or mother.

(或The boy has not any father or mother. )

2. 如果肯定句中some ,变为否定句时,some 一般要改为any 。例如:

There are some boys in the room. → There are not any boys in the room.

3. 如果肯定句中有too (也),变为否定句时,应将too 改为either 。例如:

Wang Ling is a teacher, too. → Wang Ling is not a teacher, either.

4. 如果肯定句中有already ,变为否定句时,应将already 改为yet ,并放在句末。例如:

The worker has finished his work already. → The worker has not finished his work yet.

5. 如果肯定句中有“ had better ”,变为否定句时,not 要放在“ had better ”之后。例如:You had better write to your teacher. → You had better not write to your teacher.

6. 如果肯定句中有always ,变为否定句时,要将always 改为never 。例如:

She always goes to school at seven o'clock. → She never goes to school at seven o'clock.

7. 如果肯定句中有both ,变为否定句时,要将both 改为neither 。例如:

Both of us know English. → Neither of us knows English.

8. 如果肯定句中有all ,变为否定句时,要将all 改为none 。例如:

All of these books are yours. → None of the se books are ( is ) yours.

9. 如果肯定句中有everybody ,变为否定句时,要将everybody 改为nobody 。例如:Everybody has read the book. → Nobody has read the book.

10. 如果肯定句中有everything ,变为否定句时,要将everything 改为nothing 。例如:Everything is difficult for us. → Nothing is difficult for us.

11. 如果肯定句中有情态动词must ,变为否定句时,其变化要按must 在句中的确切含意而定。如表示“不必”时,用“ need not ( needn't ) ”;如表示“不准,不应是”时,则用“ must not ( mustn't ) ”。例如:

You must finish your work this afternoon. → You needn'd finish your work this afternoon.

The car must be parked here. → The car mustn't be parked here.

12. 在谓语动词为think, believe 等后面接宾语从句时,习惯上将从句中的否定形式转移到主句的谓语部分中去。例如:

I think that my sister will be back soon. → I don't think that my sister will be back soon.

I belive that he will go to school tomorrow. → I don't belive that he will go to school tomorrow.



肯定句:This is a book.

否定句:This is not a book.

一般疑问句:Is this a book?

肯定回答:Yes, it is.

否定回答:No, it isn’t.


This is a book.

第一步:变一般疑问句Is this a book?

第二步:找合适的特殊疑问词Is this what ?

第三步:特殊疑问词提前放到句首,并大写,其余按顺序照抄,省略划线部分。What is this?

没有am, is, are的句子,
