PC 945-8T9D066




Application note for the Philips Real Time Clocks PCF8563,73,83,93 Editor:Markus Hintermann Applications Philips Semiconductors Zürich Date:September 1. 1999Reviewed:Adam Smith, E. Inauen, A. Beyer, Philips SemiconductorsZürichDirectory1. Introduction2. Comparison3. Features4. Power-on-reset5. Oscillator•Description, principle of operation•Selecting a crystal•Accuracy dependence•Modes which don’t work6. Oscillator tuning7. Y2K8. Initialization9. Alarm10. Timer11. PC-board layout proposal.12. Partial circuit switch down, (protection diodes)13. Hints to keep power consumption low.14. References:1. IntroductionThe RTCs from Philips have a long tradition and are used in numerous application fields. Starting from VCRs, burglar alarm system and water sprinklers to (platform) timers and telecom applications such as mobile phones. The timer function is used in applications to save current, to just wake up the system periodically to check if any actions are required. Other applications are also in watch-dog function. The continues trend to lower the power consumption is followed by integrating on the evolving newsemiconductor processes and by constantly researching and applyinglatest circuitry technologiesThe focus of this paper is on the latest device from Philips Semiconductors the PCF8563. Never the less comparisons to the other devices are done where appropriate.2. ComparisonFeatures PCF8563PCF8573PCF8583PCF8593I2C-bus interface speed Scratch pad RAMYears and leap year tracking Year counter1/10, 1/100 s counter Programmable alarmLow voltage detector Supply voltage for I2C-bus Supply voltage for clock Typical power consumption Packages400kHzyes2 digit +1 bitnoyesyes1.8 – 5.5V1.0 – 5.5V250nA @VDD=1VDIL/SO8TSSOP8100kHznononoyesno2.5– 6.0V1.1–6.0V3µA@1.5V12µA@5VDIL/SO16100kHz248 Bytesyes2 bit10msyesno2.5– 6.0V1.1–6.0V2µA@1.0V10µA@5VDIL/SO8100kHzyes2 bit10msyesno2.5– 6.0V1.1–6.0V1µA@2.0V4µA@5VDIL/SO83. FeaturesThe RTCs include:•32kHz oscillator control for quartz crystals,•Counters covering seconds to years. In addition a counter / timer can be used for accurately triggering of timed applications.•Internal power-on-reset circuit•Programmable clock output for peripheral devices: 32.768kHz, 1024Hz, 32Hz and 1Hz. (PCF8563 ony)•Low stand-by current with operating clock: typical consumption of only 250nA @ VDD=3.0V and Tamb=25°C.4. Power-on-resetThere is no analog power on reset circuit. The reset is finished as soon as the oscillator is running. If the oscillator is stopped the RTC is reset, this can be avoided by initiating the POR override mode.5. Oscillator•Description, principle of operation.The oscillator is built on the principle of PIERCE. The crystal is in thefeedback loop, generating the necessary phase shift at the specificfrequency. The resonating frequency can be pulled by a variablecapacitor connected to ground. (For PCF 8583 and PCF8593 it isbetter to connect it to VDD). The RTC is optimized for low powerconsumption at VDD = 2-3V and works down to 1V. The equivalentdiagram to determine the resonance frequency is in Fig. 1The estimations of the impact of the different circuit elements to the accuracy were executed with the following equations:The frequency is given by: C INω =C *L 1 , ω = 2 π f 0(1)C = C1 // ( C IN // ( C OUT +C T ) + C0)(2)C IN // (C OUT +C T )=TOUT IN T OUT IN C C C )C C (*C +++(3)C =0C C C C )C C (*C 1C )0C C C C )C C (*C (*1C T OUT IN T OUT IN TOUT IN T OUT IN +++++++++(4)Q =C *1ω*Rs 1 ; or first order approximation: Q a =C1*1ω*Rs1(5)Taking the figures from the table below we receive:L = 1C )fo (212∗∗∗π = 7900 H, Q a = 29000.This explains well why the starting up and stopping of the oscillator cantake hundreds of milliseconds.Typical values:Parameter value Unit source parameter value unit source f032768Hz1)Aging: ∆f/f±5ppm1)∆f/f±100ppm1)C T variable4…25pF2)C1 3.0fF max1)C T, tc300ppm/°C2)C IN*25±10pF0)C T variable5…30pF3)C IN, tc+47ppm/°C0)C T fixed 0603any pF4)C0 1.5pF max1)C T fixed, tc±30ppm/°C4)Rs55kΩ1)C OUT4…7pF0)* PCF8563 named C IN is C L (integrated)Sources:0) Philips Semiconductors data sheet PCF8563, April 19991) Quartz product catalog ’Thy crystal master’EPSON 1996/19972) MuRata TZB04 trim capacity (Farnell components)3) Philips Components, CV05 trim capacity, (Farnell components)4) Philips Components, ceramic multilayer capacitor•Selecting a crystal.Select a crystal with characteristic as:Frequency: 215 Hz=32768HzTolerance of e.g. ± 20 to 100ppm is ok, since it can be compensated.Series impedance R1 max = 40kΩ, if you take one with up to 100kΩthe current consumption will slightly increase, even then no starting upproblems are expected. Currently SMD crystals with low R1 are hard tofind.(check also paragraph ‘modes which don’t work’below)•Accuracy dependence.How accurate is accurate!A clock going fast 1s / day has an accuracy of 1/24*3600= 11.57ppm.1s/week = 1.65ppm 1s/month = 0.4ppm and 1s/year = 0.031ppm. Incontrast a good mechanical watch is better than 12s/day or 1300ppmand a Cesium frequency normal has an accuracy in the order of10-6 ppm or better.The clock accuracy dominantly depends on the parameters of theresonating quartz crystal. The frequency tolerance is compensated bythe tuning capacitor C6. The temperature coefficient of the capacitorhas almost no effect. The largest effect comes from the tempcoefficient of the crystal. 32kHz crystals are always of the type tuningfork. They have in contrast to the AT-cuts a bell shaped curve with themaximum frequency at 28°C resulting that with lower or highertemperature the frequency decreases. For wrist watches not to badsince the temperature at the wrist is about 28°C and almost stable.Figure 2. compares the size of the different spreads and variations.(a) The production spread of the crystal can be compensated byadjusting the pulling capacitor C6.(b) The pulling range is large enough to compensate for a spread of±100ppm.(c) The variable capacitors have a typical temperature coefficient of±300 to 500 ppm / °C. This capacity change has a very smallinfluence to the accuracy. The solid line shows the impact if C6 is small. If C6 is large the variation is larger, shown with the dottedlines.(d) The internal capacitor has a finite production tolerance influencingthe accuracy depending on the tuning capacitor C6. When oncecompensated it is very stable (e)(e) The internal capacitor has a very small temperature coefficientshifting the frequency almost nil.(f) The accuracy can degrade over the years due to aging of thecrystal. After a year it could be fast or slow by about 0.4s/day.(g) The largest impact has the temperature response of the crystal.(h) The impact of the change in VDD is small: e.g. with ∆VDD=1.5V the clock speed will change only about 17ms/day.Consequence: place the crystal and the IC circuit at the spot with theleast temperature variations.•Modes which don’t work:To keep time with an accuracy in the ppm range only quartz crystalscan be considered. The oscillator circuit is not designed for operatingwith RC, LC or ceramic resonators. To design a very low power crystal oscillator requires a different set of parameters compared to anuniversal oscillator accepting crystals, RC, LC or ceramic resonators.6. Oscillator tuningThe PCF8563 has the option to output the buffered xtal frequency to the pin CLK out, set the register 0DH ‘CLKOUT frequency’to 80H.The frequency can now be tuned by adjusting the variable capacitor C. Note: Touching the adjustment screw often causes the capacitance to shift.Accuracy:If the clock should go correctly to 1s per day you need at least an 8 digit frequency counter with an accuracy of 1ppm. 1ppm = 32.768mHz,+1ppm = 32768.0327Hz,-1ppm = 32767.9673Hz. (1 day has 86400s,1s/day→ 11.6ppm)Tune the oscillator at the average operation temperate of the application. The 8573 can be tuned by monitor the 128Hz signal at the FSET output. Tuning the 83, 93 is some what more difficult, since no buffered high frequency signal is available. There are three different options:-Measure the period of the 1s output signal, this however is time consuming.- Attach the frequency counter probe to the OSCO pin. This adds capacityto the OSCO-pin and lowers (detunes) the oscillator frequency by ∆f. The frequency adjustment has then to be lower by ∆f.- In the watch industry the frequency is coupled out acoustically. A sensitivemicrophone is placed near the crystal. The signal is then fed as input to the tuning gear.- The method described in the 8583 and 8593 data sheet 14.1.2 only workswell when dT is an integer figure of seconds. The 1/10s and 1/100s are derived of a combination of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,…Hz signals. The accuracy is therefor only < ±5ms. Generating an alarm after T + dT, dT=20ms a jitter of plus or minus 5ms can be detected, this makes it very complicated for automatic tuning.7. Y2KThe PCF8563 has a two digit year counter plus one bit for the century. In the year 2000 the counter will turn over from 99 to 00 and toggle the century bit. (19=1, 2000=0).PCF8583 and 8593 have a 2 bit counter for the leap year. Since the year 2000 is also a regular leap year the clock does not face any irregularity in respect to the calendar.PCF8573 has a resolution of maximum month. Leap year and year must be tracked by system software.8. InitializationSetting the clock is a straight forward procedure, setting first the mode and then the actual time: e.g Friday, July 16 1999, 2’45 pmFig 4. Tuning range-10.0- 2.53.557101520253035s l o w (s /d a y ) f a s tBinary Hex,addr,commentsgenerate I2C-bus start condition1 0 1 0 0 0 1 W A2slave address0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000word address 0, next bytes are data0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000control/status1, no test modes or POR override0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00001control/status2, no alarm/timer flags and interrupts0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00002setting seconds clear the voltage low detector0 1 0 0 0 1 0 14503setting minutes0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1404setting hours to 140 0 0 1 0 1 0 11605setting days to 160 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0306setting weekdays to Friday1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0707setting month to 7 and century bit to 11 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 9908setting years to 991 0 0 0 0 0 0 08009 alarm values reset to 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800A alarm values reset to 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800B alarm values reset to 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800C alarm values reset to 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000D setting frequency out to 32768Hz e.g. for tuning0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000E timer switched offgenerate I2C-bus stop condition9. AlarmLets take the example to set an alarm such that always 15 minutes pastthe hour the alarm flag AF is set and an interrupt is generated.Binary Hex,addr,commentsgenerate I2C-bus start condition1 0 1 0 0 0 1 W A2slave address0 0 0 0 1 0 0 109word address 9 for minute alarm.0 0 0 1 0 1 0 11509Minute alarm enabled and set for 15 minutes1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800A hour alarm is disabled1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800B day alarm is disabled1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800C weekday alarm is disabledgenerate I2C-bus start condition1 0 1 0 0 0 1 W A2slave address0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101word address 1, next bytes are data0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00201control/status2, clear alarm flag and enablealarm interruptgenerate I2C-bus stop conditionRemark: The interrupt is only set at the counter transition from 14 to 15. This is indicated by the dashed line in Fig 5. The interrupt has to be reset bysoftware.10. TimerThe internal timer is an 8 bit countdown timer. It can be clocked by 4different clock frequencies: 4096,64,1 or 1/64Hz.The example generates an interrupt after 10ms:Clock to be used 4096 Hz, number of clock pules needed = .01*4096=40, Error = 40/4096Hz – 0.01= - 234us, length of I2C-bus initialization: 3 start-conditions, 3 pulses each + 9 bytes, 9 pulses each=90 clocks @ 400kHz = 225µs. Creating the clock asynchronously also gives an error of up to 1 clock pulse. The interrupt will start an out-put pulse after 9.991ms or ifcounter is set to 41 the interrupt will start after 10.236ms.The timer is started by the acknowledge of the start timer instruction.Binary Hex,addr,commentsgenerate I2C-bus start condition1 0 1 0 0 0 1 W A2slave address0 0 0 0 0 0 1 002word address 020 0 0 0 0 0 0 10102clear all flags, enable timer interruptgenerate I2C-bus start condition1 0 1 0 0 0 1 W A2slave address0 0 0 0 1 1 1 10word address 0F for timer value0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 280F timer value set to 40, 28hgenerate I2C-bus start condition1 0 1 0 0 0 1 W A2slave address0 0 0 0 1 1 1 00E word address 0E for timer control byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0800E select clock frequency and start timergenerate I2C-bus stop condition11. PC-board layoutThe high impedance inputs of the oscillator are sensitive to pick-up of spikes, resulting in the clock running fast. The best preventive measure is to shield the oscillator circuit and keep the connections to OSCI andOSCO at an absolute minimum. The crystal case of 8563,83,93 can be soldered to GND and for 8573 to V DD.12. Partial circuit switch down, (protection diodes)The Clock circuits PCF8563,and 8593 have on the pads SDA,SCL and INT a protection circuit with no diode to VDD. This allows to partially switch off the VDD. E.g. During operation the complete application is powered by3.3V, then during stand-by just the RTC is operating and powered from a 0.47F-capacitor, which then will be slowly discharged to 1.5V. Check Fig 7and 8. PCF8583 has no protection diode to VDD and the INT pin, but has diodes to VDD and the SCL, SDA pins!13. Hints to keep power consumption lowPower can be saved by applying several different measures:-Select PCF8563-Use lowest possible V DD, Check Fig.8. A low leakage diode is charging a super cap of e.g. 0.47F, during standby the cap is supplying the RTC -Access the RTC as little as reasonable, to reduce the dynamic current from the I 2C-bus - Design I 2C-bus pull-up resistors as large as possible:The determining factor is the rise time. For 100 / 400 kHz I2C-bus it is 1000 / 300 ns. It is a product of the bus line capacitance (trackcapacitance) and the value of the pull-up resistor. First estimate the capacities:Capacities:Microcontroller pin capacityCi 7 pF RTC pin capacityCi 7 pF Track (calculation below)Ct 0.9 pF Total C = 14,9 pFTrack capacity for a track 3cm long, 0.5mm wide on copper backed 0.7mm strong PC-board made out of FR4 glass epoxy:Ctr =t A *r *0εε = 0007.00005.0*03.0*6.4*)12*(*10*85.8−=0.9pF rise time 10..90% tr= 2 R Ctr,400kHz I2C-bus:R 400kHz =C 2tr = pF 9.14*2ns 300 = 10k Ω,100kHz I2C-bus: R 100kHz = pF 9.14*2ns 1000 = 33k Ω15. References:Philips product specification PCF8563, 16. April 1999Philips I2C-bus specificationPaper ‘An improved low power crystal oscillator’by Werner ThommenEESCIR’99, Duisburg, Sept. 1999, pp. 146-149Philips Components: Quartz crystals for special and industrial applications PA07 1994Epson: The crystal master, product catalog 1996/1997。



100多种3M胶的规格产品名称:3M============================================产品名称:3M 4926/4936/4936F/4941/4941F/4956/4956F/4979F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.4(15)/0.64(25)/0.64(25)/1.1(45)/1.1(45)/1.6(62)/1.6(62)/1.6(62)特性:灰黑色,闭孔结构丙烯酸泡绵基材,服贴性高,适用一般涂漆表面,抗增塑剂。


/黑色4956胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:中主要用途:卡车子总装,电力机柜,广告标志,LCD,玻璃窗离型纸:A/A/B/A/D/A/B/B注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4932/4952胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.64(25)/1.1(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用于PP或粉末喷涂表面胶型:合成短期耐温性:93`C(200°F)长期耐温性:71`C(160°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:高主要用途:办公家具,车辆总装,建筑标志离型纸:A/A注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4951胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):1.1(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用施工温度可低至0`C胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:建筑低温操作的应用离型纸:C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4943F/4957F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):1.1(45)/1.6(62)特性:灰色,高贴服性泡绵胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:蜂窝电话天线,电子收费装置离型纸:C/C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4905/4910胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.5(20)/1.0(40)特性:透明闭孔结构基材非常适用于透明材质之粘接胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:阳光顶内外层密封,玻璃门把手离型纸:D/D注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4920/4930/4950/4955/4959胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.4(15)/0.64(25)/1.1(45)/2.0(80)/3.0(120)特性:白色,闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,通用型号。



汽车检测故障码大全00000没有查询到任何故障00001制动器控制单元00002变速器控制单元00003控制单元00224碟型天线需要重新校准00237ABS电磁阀:左前(N59)00238ABS电磁阀:右前(N58)00239ABS电磁阀:左后(N57)00240ABS电磁阀:右后(N56)00241驱动防滑压力调节阀(N238)00242发动机节气门阀(N237)00243发动机制动器00244ABS阀供应电压:右前+左后00245ABS阀供应电压:左前+右后00246ABS阀接地:右前+左后00247ABS阀接地:左前+右后00248变速器开关(E206)00250分动器开关(E207)00254驱动防滑调节错误00255ABS电磁阀00257ABS进油阀:左前(N101) 00258电磁阀1:(N88)00259ABS进油阀:右前(N99)00260电磁阀2:(N89)00261进油阀:ABS后部(N103)00262电磁阀3:(N90)00263变速器00264电磁阀4:(N91)00265ABS出油阀:左前(N102)00266电磁阀5:(N92)00267ABS出油阀:右前(N100)00268电磁阀6:(N93)00269ABS出油阀:后部(N104)00270电磁阀7:(N94)00271参见维修组100273ABS进油阀:右后(N133)00274ABS进油阀:左后(N134)00275ABS出油阀:右后(N135)00276ABS出油阀:左后(N136)00277ABS进油阀/出油阀:左前(N137)00278ABS主阀:(N105)00279差速锁阀-1-:(N125)00280差速锁阀-2-:(N126)00281车速传感器(G68)00282节气门位置调节器(V60)00283ABS转速传感器:左前(G47)00284ABS进油阀/出油阀:右前(N138)00285ABS转速传感器:右前(G45)00286ABS进油阀/出油阀:左后(N139)00287ABS转速传感器:右前(G44)00289ABS进油阀/出油阀:右后(N140)00290ABS转速传感器:右前(G46)00291ABS压力警报开关/液面报警开关(F116/F117)00292液压供应压力油位00293多功能开关(F125)00294变速器压力状态开关1(F174)00295变速器压力状态开关2(F175)00296强制低档开关(F8)00297变速器转速传感器(G38)00298后桥差速锁开关(E121)00299变速器换档X围程序开关(E122)00300变速器油温度传感器(G93)00301ABS回流泵(V39)00302ABS电磁阀继电器(J106)00303功能选择器开关(E91)00305燃油消耗指示信号00306二次空气喷射缸体左侧00307二次空气喷射缸体右侧00309洗涤液计量泵(V135)00310催化转换器温度传感器1(G20)00312催化转换器温度传感器2(G132)00313催化转换器00314废气内部循环双路阀(N161)00347电磁阀800348电磁阀900349电磁阀1000350Mass Recirc.Modulation Valve00351中间轴转速传感器(G265)00369EPC继电器负荷00438燃料供应传感器2(G169)00439燃料供应传感器3(G237)00440燃料供应传感器辅助油箱(G292)00441燃料供应传感器辅助油箱(G293)00442燃油泵接线柱87F00443燃油泵保险丝:辅助油箱(S266)00444燃油泵控制:辅助油箱00445Pump for Haldex-Coupling(V181) 00446Precharge Pump ON00447Precharge Pump OFF00448AWD全轮驱动离合器接合00449AWD全轮驱动离合器别离00450发动机过热导致功能限制00454AWD全轮驱动监控器00455控制单元:存取和开场控制:舒适系统CAN(J518)00456控制单元:存取和开场控制(J518)00457控制单元:网络接口(J519)00458控制单元:电瓶监控(J367)00459控制单元:显示和输入:前(J523)00460控制单元:显示和输入:后(J524)00461控制单元:坐椅存储器:乘客侧(J521)00462控制单元:坐椅存储器:后部(J522)00463控制单元:DSP(J525)00464控制单元:收音机/导航系统显示(J503)00465控制单元:/通讯(J526)00466控制单元:转向电器(J527)00467TV调谐器(R78)00468CD-ROM驱动器(R92)00469显示数据总线00470舒适系统数据总线00471控制单元:Elect.Regulated Dampers(J250)00472控制单元:制动助力(J539)00473控制单元:电子制动/手制动(J540)00474控制单元:电子防盗器00475控制单元:滑动车门00476控制单元:燃油泵(J538)00477控制单元:显示和输入:舒适系统CAN:前(J523)00478控制单元:显示和输入:舒适系统CAN:后(J524)00479控制单元:遥控/中央门锁(J276)00480控制单元:仪表板信息系统CAN(J285)00496车身自调平传感器:前部00497车身自调平传感器:后部00498[Fahrschreiber][Translation N/A]00499电瓶电压指示灯(Y11)00500机油温度指示灯(Y12)00501机油状态指示灯(K38)00502防盗器指示灯(K115)00503Control/Drive for Pump-Jet Valves00504喷射阀:缸1(N240)00505喷射阀:缸2(N241)00506喷射阀:缸3(N242)00507喷射阀:缸4(N243)00508喷射阀:缸5(N244)00509喷射阀:缸6(N245)00512凸轮轴位置传感器参考标记错误00513发动机转速传感器(G28) 00514曲轴位置传感器(G4)00515凸轮轴位置传感器(G40)00516节气门怠速位置开关(F60)00517节气门全负荷位置开关(F81)00518节气门位置传感器(G69)00519进气压力传感器(G71)00520空气质量/流量传感器(G70/G19)00521CO电位计(G74)00522发动机冷却液温度传感器(G62)00523进气温度传感器(G42)00524爆震传感器1(G61)00525氧传感器(G39)00526刹车灯开关(F)00527进气温度传感器(G42/G72)00528大气压力/海拔高度传感器(F96)00529发动机转速信号丧失00530节气门调节器位置传感器(G88) 00531空气流量计参考电压00532供应电压B+00533超过怠速调节自适应限制(N71)00534机油温度传感器00535第一个爆震传感器调节00536第二个爆震传感器调节00537氧传感器调节00538参考电压00539燃油温度传感器-1-(G81)00540爆震传感器200541滑阀开度传感器(G99)00542针阀行程传感器(G80)00543超过最大的发动机转速00544超过最大的增加压力00545发动机与变速器的电气连接00546数据线路故障00547ABS压力控制开关(F137)00548蓄电池正极供应:DTC存储器00549消耗信号00550喷射开场控制/喷射初始点调节00551催化转换器温度过热00552空气流量计位置传感器(G19) 00553空气流量计传感器(G70)00554氧传感器控制200555氧传感器2(G108)00556EGR废气在循环系统电位计(G212)00557动力转向压力开关(F88)00558混和气控制界限:稀00559混和气控制界限:浓00560废气内部循环系统00561燃料混合比调节00562机油油位温度传感器00563燃油消耗指示灯00565全自动空调显示/控制:后部(E265)00566辅助转向00567转向控制00568动力转向电机位置传感器00569动力转向电机电流00570动力转向电机继电器(J509)00571动力转向离合器00572动力转向位置传感器(G268)00573动力转向压力传感器(G269)00574驱动电机On00575进气歧管压力00576接线柱1500577爆震传感器控制:1缸00578爆震传感器控制:2缸00579爆震传感器控制:3缸00580爆震传感器控制:4缸00581爆震传感器控制:5缸00582爆震传感器控制:6缸00583爆震传感器控制:7缸00584爆震传感器控制:8缸00585废气内部循环温度传感器(G98)00586废气内部循环系统控制00587混合器控制的调节极限00588平安气囊点火期:驾驶员侧(N95)00589平安气囊点火器:乘客侧(N131)00590平安气囊点火器:乘客侧(N132)00591平安带开关:左侧(E24)00592平安带开关:右侧(E25)00593座椅连接开关:乘客侧00594平安气囊点火电路00595碰撞数据已经存储00596喷油器之间连线短路00597车轮转速信号偏差00598液压或者机械故障00599压力开关/制动灯开关工作正常?00600温度调节翻板电位计(G92)in(V68)00601中央翻板电位计(G112)in(V70)00602脚坑/除霜翻板电位计(G114)in(V85)00603脚坑/除霜翻板电机(V85)00604通风翻板电位计(G113)in(V71)00605新鲜空气/循环空气翻板双向阀(N63)00606发动机冷却液真空双向阀(N147)00607外部温度显示(G106)00608负荷传感器(G119)00609点火放大器输出100610点火放大器输出200611点火放大器输出300612点火放大器输出400613点火放大器输出500614点火放大器输出600615点火放大器输出700616点火放大器输出800617平安气囊减速度传感器:左侧(G104)00618平安气囊减速度传感器:右侧(G105)00619传感器导线:左侧00620传感器导线:右侧00621减压阀(N155) 00622燃油滤清器放水00623ABS/变速器电气连接00624A/C压缩机接通00625车辆速度信号00626预热时间指示灯(K29)00627水位传感器(G120)00628执行参数监控00629GRA/柴油喷射装置制动踏板开关(F47)00630空调开关已经翻开00631AC<->Motronic通讯连接00632全自动空调接口00633点火/传感器滞后线路00634EDS电子差速锁串联电阻(N159) 00635氧传感器加热器:催化转换器之前00636加速度传感器:右前(G121) 00637加速度传感器:左后(G122)00638发动机与变速器电气连结200639减速度传感器(G123)00640氧传感器加热器继电器(J278)00641ATF温度00642EDS转换阀:右前(N166)00643EDS出油阀:右前(N167)00644EDS转换阀:左前(N168)00645EDS出油阀:左前(N169)00646ABS-ASR/发动机电气连结100647ABS-ASR/发动机电气连结200648氧传感器加热器:催化转换器之后00649ABS进油阀/出油阀:后(N160) 00650离合器踏板开关(F36)00651点火线路导线00652档位监控/换档X围控制器00653自动变速器选档杆位置正确?00654平安带涨紧触发器:左侧(N153)00655平安带涨紧触发器:右侧(N154)00656平安气囊坐椅占用传感器(G128)00657中央出风口调节电机(V102)00658操作控制单元00659自身测试装置00660强制低档开关/节气门位置传感器00661温度指示灯00662转速表(G5)00663车速表(G21)00664燃油表00665平安带警告灯(K19)00666钟/蜂鸣器/锣00667外部温度信号00668供电电压接线柱3000669第二个发动机故障指示灯(K97)00670节气门位置传感器(G127)00671巡航控制开关(E45)00672带有串联电阻的ABS液压泵00673踩下刹车踏板00674松开刹车踏板00675左前进油阀:0V左前出油阀:0V左前车轮:已抱死00676左前进油阀:VBatt左前出油阀:0V左前车轮:已抱死00677左前进油阀:VBatt左前出油阀:VBatt左前车轮:已释放00678左前进油阀:VBatt左前出油阀:0V左前车轮:已释放00679第二个氧传感器加热器:催化转换器之前00680右前进油阀:0V右前出油阀:0V右前车轮:已抱死00681右前进油阀:VBatt右前出油阀:0V右前车轮:已抱死00682右前进油阀:VBatt右前出油阀:VBatt右前车轮:已释放00683右前进油阀:VBatt右前出油阀:0V右前车轮:已释放00684第二个氧传感器加热器:催化转换器之后00685左后进油阀:0V左后出油阀:0V左后车轮:已抱死00686左后进油阀:VBatt左后出油阀:0V左后车轮:已抱死00687左后进油阀:VBatt左后出油阀:VBatt左后车轮:已释放00688左后进油阀:VBatt左后出油阀:0V左后车轮:已释放00689外部空气循环系统00690右后进油阀:0V右后出油阀:0V右后车轮:已抱死00691右后进油阀:VBatt右后出油阀:0V右后车轮:已抱死00692右后进油阀:VBatt右后出油阀:VBatt右后车轮:已释放00693右后进油阀:VBatt右后出油阀:0V右后车轮:已释放00694开关和仪表照明00695差速锁阀/液压泵:Vbatt左前/右前车轮:已抱死00696ABS减压阀:左侧(N170)00697ABS减压阀:右侧(N171)00698控制单元电流消耗00699氧传感器催化转换器之后(G130)00700氧传感器-2-催化转换器之后(G131)00701ECT过热侧试00702燃油成份传感器(G133)00703怠速节气门位置:TPS/CTP开关00704差速锁阀/液压泵:Vbatt车轮:已抱死00705冷却风扇一档继电器(J279)00706冷却风扇二档继电器(J513)00707中央喷射阀(N236)00708注意:冷风扇开关已经翻开00709阳光强度光敏电阻2(G134) 00710除霜翻板电机(V107)00711左侧脚坑翻板电机(V108)00712右侧脚坑翻板电机(V109)00713左侧中央同风翻板电机(V110)00714右侧中央同风翻板电机(V111)00715后脚坑翻板电机(V112)00716内部循环翻板电机(V113)00717EVAP活性炭罐阀门翻板电机(V114)00718左上出风口开关(F179)00719右上出风口开关(F180)00720左下出风口开关(F181)00721右下出风口开关(F182)00722左中出风口开关(F183)00723右中出风口开关(F184)00724左后脚坑出风口开关(F185)00725右后脚坑出风口开关(F186)00726中后脚坑出风口开关(F187)00727除霜翻板电机位置传感器(G135)in(V107)00728左中通风电机位置传感器(G136)in(V110)00729右中通风电机位置传感器(G137)in(V111)00730中间通风电机位置传感器(G138)in(V102)00731左侧脚坑翻板电机位置传感器(G139)in(V108)00732右侧脚坑翻板电机位置传感器(G140)in(V109)00733后部脚坑翻板电机位置传感器(G141)in(V112)00734中央通风电机位置传感器(G142)in00735内部循环翻板电机位置传感器(G143)in(V113)00736EVAP翻板电机位置传感器(G144)in(V114)00737左侧加热调节阀(N175)00738后部加热调节阀(N176)00739冷却液循环泵(V50)007401缸上止点识别传感器(G145)00741刹车踏板位置监控器00742蓄电池(电动车)通风系统00743蓄电池(电动车)通风系统传感器(G146)00744蓄电池(电动车)温度监控器00745绝缘监控器00746蓄电池(电动车)电解槽故障00747前部蓄电池温度传感器(G52)00748后部蓄电池温度传感器(G53)00749通风翻板00750故障指示灯/排气警告灯(K83)00751蓄电池容量指示灯00752风扇/电瓶加热器00753电气连接/车轮速度传感器00754过热警告灯00755发动机机油压力警告灯(K3)00756左侧出风口温度传感器(G150)00757右侧出风口温度传感器(G151)00758二次空气喷射系统(AIR)00759左侧出风口温度调节器(G155)00760右侧出风口温度调节器(G156)00761DTC存储在发动机控制单元00762喷射阀(N181) 00763驾驶员气体避震弹簧压力传感器(G147)00764乘客侧气体避震弹簧压力传感器(G148)00765调节滑杆行程传感器(G149)00766前出风口温度传感器(G152)00767后蒸发器温度传感器(G153)00768后加热器温度传感器(G154)00769发动机(流出口)冷却液温度传感器(G82)00770发动机(冷却器流出口)冷却液温度传感器(G83) 00771燃油油位传感器(G)00772机油压力开关(F22)00773机油压力传感器(G10)00774车身自调平系统传感器:左后(G76)00775车身自调平系统传感器:右后(G77)00776车身自调平系统传感器:左前(G78)00777节气门位置传感器(G79)00778方向盘转向角度传感器(G85)00779外部温度传感器(G17)00780垂直运动加速度传感器(G90)00781定位电机:左前(V76)00782定位电机:右前(V77)00783定位电机:左后(V78)00784定位电机:右后(V79)00785温度传感器:仪表板(G56)00786车顶温度传感器(G86)00787新鲜空气进气温度传感器(G89)00788除霜/脚坑翻板位置双向阀(N118)00789倒车灯开关(F41)00790新鲜空气/内部循环翻板00791A/C蒸发器压力开关(E33) 00792A/C压力开关(F129)00793刹车踏板位置传感器(G100)00794液压油泵传感器(G101)00795后桥垂直加速传感器(G102)00796仪表板内部温度传感器风扇(V42)00797阳光强度光敏电阻(G107)00798数码分段显示测试00799发动机冷却液温度传感器(G110) 00800环境温度传感器(G109)00801A/C高压开关(F118)00802A/C低压开关(F73)00803避震弹簧位移传感器:右前(G116)00804避震弹簧位移传感器:左前(G115)00805弹簧支架阀:左前(N148)00806弹簧支架阀:右前(N149)00807弹簧支架阀:左后(N150)00808弹簧支架阀:右后(N151)00809制动增压ESP00810制动压力传感器1/200811系统没有准备好--激活00812制动压力电磁开关(F84)00813制动压力传感器-2-00814制动压力电磁阀(N247)00815制动识别开关(F238)00816辅助转向开关(G250)00817辅助转向温度保护00818蒸发器出口温度传感器00819高压开关(G65)00820制动识别开关(F83)00821收音机天线-2-00822连接DSP到收音机00823线路输出:左前00824ASR警报灯(K86) 00825驾驶员加热座椅00826乘客加热座椅00827冷却风扇继电器00828冷却风扇继电器-3-档00829控制单元:Heating00830控制单元:Convertible Top00831控制单元:散热器风扇:1&2档00832控制和显示单元00833风挡玻璃加热激活信号00834后窗加热激活信号00835Connection to Control Modile for Conv.Top00836换档电磁阀-1-(N284)00837换档电磁阀-2-(N285)00838换档电磁阀-3-(N286)00839换档电磁阀-4-(N287)00840变速器液压泵继电器(J510)00841变速器液压传感器(G270)00842控制单元:EMT00843前/后换档杆传感器00844换档杆传感器00845换档杆传感器(F258) 00846换档杆停顿识别开关(F259)00847CCO继电器(J511)00848开场/停顿操作开关00849点火开关S端子(D)00850控制输出激活:收音机放大器00851喇叭/扩音机00852喇叭:前部00853喇叭:后部00854Output Radio Display Instrument Cluste+B662B744r 00855连接到CD转换器00856收音机天线00857CD转换器(R41)00858连接:收音机ZF输出与天线放大器00859线路输出:右前00860线路输出:左后00861连接到巡航电脑00862GPS天线(R50/R52)00863TV天线-1-(R55)00864TV天线-2-(R56)00865TV天线-3-(R57)00866TV天线-4-(R58)00867连接到ABS控制单元00868转向角传感器(G208)00869线路输出:右后00870低音喇叭左前(R21)00871低音喇叭右前(R23)00872低音喇叭左后(R15)00873低音喇叭右后(R17)00874高音喇叭左前(R20)00875高音喇叭右前(R22)00876高音喇叭左后(R14)00877高音喇叭右后(R16)00878连接到喇叭:左前00879连接到喇叭:右前00880连接到喇叭:左后00881连接到喇叭:右后00882操作控制/编程选择(E200)00883点火开关端子S00884点火开关端子X00885点火开关端子5000886闪光警报灯开关(E2)00887警报灯开关/警报传感器(E229)00888风窗洗涤间歇档开关(E22)00889喇叭(H)00890后窗加热开关/传感器(E230)00891行李箱遥控开启开关/传感器(E233)00892行李箱关闭装置开关/传感器(F248)00893行李箱开关/传感器(E234)00894带加热的后视镜开关/传感器(E231)00895巡航控制开关(E45)00896行李箱关闭装置00897挡风玻璃洗涤电机(V5) 00898A/C压缩机控制电路00899洗涤电机保险丝(S128) 00900喇叭保险丝(S194)00901倒车灯00902行李箱开启保险丝(S195)00903加热后视镜保险丝(S196)00904换档锁电磁铁保险丝(S197)00905倒车灯灯保险丝(S40)00906喇叭(H)00907[Eingriff Lastmanagmengt][Translation N/A]00908控制单元:洗涤电机00909洗涤电机档位1/2(V)00910危险警报灯指示灯(K6)00911后窗玻璃加热指示灯(K10)00912窗户调节开关:左前(E40)00913窗户调节开关:右前(E81)00914窗户调节开关:左后(E53)00915窗户调节开关:右后(E55)00916后窗闭锁开关(E39)00917挡风玻璃洗涤间歇控制00918接线柱31 00919后风窗洗涤电机(V12)00920加热外后视镜(Z4/Z5)00921加热外后视镜指示灯(K153)00922洗涤间歇档一档开关(E22)00923洗涤间歇档二档开关(E22)00924大灯清洗继电器(J39)00925车内灯保险丝(S261)00926接线柱3000927接线柱30(右侧)00928中央门锁单元:驾驶员侧(F220)00929中央门锁单元:乘客侧(F221)00930中央门锁单元:左后(F222)00931中央门锁单元:右后(F223)00932玻璃升降器电机:司机侧(V147)00933玻璃升降器电机:乘客侧(V148)00934玻璃升降器电机:左后(V26)00935玻璃升降器电机:右后(V27)00936玻璃升降器开关:乘客侧(E107)00937玻璃升降器开关:左后(E52)00938玻璃升降器开关:右后(E54)00939后视镜调节电机:司机侧(V149)00940后视镜调节电机:乘客侧(V150)00941后视镜调节电机:司机侧(V121)00942后视镜调节电机:乘客侧(V122)00943加热式后视镜:司机侧(Z4)00944加热式后视镜:乘客侧(Z5)00945前部气囊碰撞传感器(G190)00946车内灯(W)00947尾门遥控控制开关(E188)00948滑动车顶关闭信号00949行李箱电机-已经闭锁00950行李箱电机-已经解锁00951后盖遥控控制继电器(J398)或者电机00952驾驶员门翻开信号00953车内灯时间限制00954起动锁止继电器(J433)00955超过匹配限制:钥匙-1-00956超过匹配限制:钥匙-2-00957超过匹配限制:钥匙-3-00958超过匹配限制:钥匙-4-00959中央门锁(平安)指示灯K13300960中央门锁开关:司机侧(F59)00961中央门锁开关:乘客侧(F114)00962报警:倾斜传感器00963倾斜传感器电路00964驾驶员门翻开信号:正极00965警报喇叭保险丝(S158)00966闪光灯保险丝(S151)00967闪光灯:左侧00968闪光灯:右侧00969后风窗加热保险丝(S41)00971挡风玻璃加热继电器:左侧(J410)00972挡风玻璃加热继电器:右侧(J411)00973后风窗加热开关(E15)00974挡风玻璃加热开关(E180)00975加热后风窗(Z1)00976挡风玻璃加热指示灯(K122)00977近光:左侧&右侧00978近光灯:左侧(M29)00979近光灯:右侧(M31)00980近光灯保险丝:左侧(S152)00981近光灯保险丝:右侧(S153)00982停车灯保险丝:左侧(S154)00983停车灯保险丝:右侧(S155)00984灯(M4)00985灯(M5)00986制动灯保险丝(S156)00987制动灯:左侧(M9)00988制动灯:右侧(M10)00989CCO保险丝(S157)00990CCO00991车内灯短路到正极00992CCO激活00993CCO未激活00994司机侧坐椅高度调整传感器(G215)00995乘客侧坐椅高度调整传感器(G216)00996Sensor for Height Adjustable Drivers Headreast(G217)00997Motor for Driver's Seat Position(V48)00998Motor for Driver's Seat Recline(V45)00999Motor for Front Height:Driver's Seat(V29)01000Motor for Rear Height:Driver's Seat(V30)01001Motore for Headrest Adjustment:Driver's Seat(V103)01002Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment:Front:Up(E208)01003Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment:Front:Down(E209)01004Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment:Rear:Up(E210)01005Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment:Rear:Down(E211)01006Switch for Drivers Position:Forwards(E212)01007Switch for Drivers Position:Rearward(E213)01008Note:Emergency OFF Switch is Active!01009Sensor for Driver's Seat Position(G218)01010Sensor for Driver's Seat Position(G219)01011Switch for Driver's Headrest:Up(E214)01012Switch for Driver's Headrest:Down(E215)01013A/C压缩机负荷信号01014温度调节装置风扇输出01015冷却风扇电路01016气体弹簧减震器放气阀(N106)01017气体弹簧减震器压缩机(V65)01018冷却风扇(V7)01019继电器01020水泵(V36)01021EDS电子差速锁指示灯(K81)01022车内灯:组合图片激活01023蜂鸣器/锣(H3)01024雨水传感器(G213)01025OBD灯故障触发失效01026后部蒸发器鼓风机(V20)01027后部暖风鼓风机(V47)01028鼓风机继电器(J323)01029A/C空调继电器(J32)01030中央门锁钥匙按钮:司机侧:已经闭锁01031中央门锁钥匙按钮:司机侧:已经解锁01032中央门锁钥匙按钮:乘客侧:已经闭锁01033中央门锁钥匙按钮:乘客侧:已经解锁01034玻璃升降器过热保护:司机侧01035玻璃升降器过热保护:乘客侧01036玻璃升降器过热保护:左后01037玻璃升降器过热保护:右后01038中央门锁过热保护01039发动机温度传感器(G2)01040ABS/自动变速器电气连接-2-01041牵引力控制系统:功能正常?01042控制单元未编码01043控制单元软件版本错误01044控制单元编码错误01045Tiptronic开关(F189)01046制动摩擦片指示灯(K32)01047制动/手制动警报灯(K7)01048柴油机电器指示灯(K104)01049电压供应端子5001050预热塞监控装置01051燃油量伺服电机(V117)01052节气门位置传感器(G157)01053喷射起始阀(N182)01054供电继电器:端子30-B+(J317)01055喷射输送开场传感器(G158)01056功能:均衡充电01057功能:电压恒定充电01058功能:电流恒定充电01059转子位置传感器(G159)01060点火线圈低温传感器(G160)01061点火线圈高温传感器(G161)01062蓄电池电流减小信号01063换档杆电子识别开关(F271)01064接线柱58d:内部灯01067第二热交换器关闭电磁阀(N317)01068离合器液压泵继电器(J498)01069制动压力系统01070启动马达继电器(J53)01071离合器踏板位置传感器(G162)01072离合器定位真空泵(N183)01073离合器压力系统01074离合器定位通风阀(N184)01075真空泵继电器(J318)01076液压泵离合器继电器(J319)01077制动真空助力器开关(F190)01078档位操纵开关(F191)01079动力转向继电器(J320)01080动力转向压力开关(F192)01081优先开关阀(N185)01082燃油油位过低警告灯(K105)01083风挡玻璃清洗液液位过低警告灯(K106)010840摄氏度温度警告灯(K107)010854摄氏度温度警告灯(K108)01086车速表车速传感器(G22)01087根本设定没有执行01088混合气控制调节-2-01089链条涨紧压块放下开关(F204)01090链条涨紧压块抬起开关(F203)01091前顶棚开关(F202)01092顶棚取下开关(F171)01093放置顶棚的仓室盖开关(F201)01094左顶棚仓室盖开关-3-(F195)01095左顶棚仓室盖开关-2-(F197)01096左顶棚仓室盖开关-1-(F199)01097顶闩上开关(F172)01098后行李箱盖关闭开关(F206)01099行李箱开关:已经闭锁01100行李箱开关:已经解锁01101锁止集控门锁释放的开关(F205)01102右顶棚仓室盖开关3(F196)01103右顶棚仓室盖开关2(F198)01104右顶棚仓室盖开关1(F200)01105电磁阀8(N186)01106玻璃升降器下行继电器(J291)01107顶盖检查指示灯(K98)01108玻璃升降器上行继电器(J292)01109顶盖液压泵继电器(J321)01110顶盖解锁电磁铁(N187)01111行李箱锁伺服电机-1-01112行李箱锁伺服电机电源供应01113行李箱锁伺服电机-2-01114手制动警告灯(F9)01115显示屏上没有指示01116顶棚仓室盖释放伺服电机01117发电机DF接线柱处的负荷信号01118发动机预热01119档位识别信号01120凸轮轴调节101121凸轮轴调节201122凸轮轴位置传感器2(G163)01123故障触发01124充电时间监控01125进气歧管转换01126发动机速度信号01127燃油储藏指示灯01128防盗器钥匙识别传感器(D2)01129S接线柱(H15)01130ABS操作信号超出公差01131闪光灯控制01132前红外线传感器(G166)01133后红外线传感器(G167)01134警报喇叭(H12)01135车辆内部监控传感器01136发动机起动机启动中断01137中央门锁:接触开关01138中央门锁:驾驶员门释放01139中央门锁:乘客侧门释放01140中央门锁:行李箱门释放01141行李箱释放开关(E165)01142中央门锁:释放电机01143中央门锁:闭锁电机01144中央门锁:闭锁电机01145中央门锁:闭锁电机01146中央门锁:释放电机01147行李箱释放电机(V120)01148门平安保险功能:激活01149门平安保险功能:未激活01150模拟仪表指针指示01151柴油机平安停机开关(F207)01152档位监控开关(F209)01153自动节油开关(E163)01154离合器系统压力开关(F210)01155离合器01156档位识别开关(F208)01157警报喇叭供应电压01158转向信号供应电压01159平安保险丝线路01160预热塞冷却液继电器(J325)01161凸轮轴调节阀输出01162气缸燃烧断火识别01163点火故障01165节流阀体控制单元(J338)01166发动机扭矩信号01167满负荷截止阀(N194)01168怠速提升阀(N177)01169门接触开关司机侧(F2)01170喷油持续时间传感器(G175)01171温度传感器:乘客侧坐椅(G60)01172温度传感器:司机侧坐椅(G59)01173坐椅纵向调节电机:司机侧(V28)01174坐椅高度调节电机:司机侧(V138)01175坐椅加热调节:司机侧(E94)01176点火钥匙01177发动机控制单元未授权01179点火钥匙匹配错误01180发动机/附加电器电器连接故障01181初始化:仅仅识别2个钥匙01182高度自适应01183排气净化警告灯(K72)01184后出风口温度传感器(G174)01185后部新鲜空气鼓风机(V80)01186后部空气分配调节电机(V136)01187后部温度调节翻板电机(V137)01188控制单元/电磁铁:电器连接01189气流分配电机:前(V145)01190控制单元/伺服电机:电气连接故障01191坐椅调节电机01192液力偶合器锁止离合器01193小加热功率继电器(J359)01194大加热功率继电器(J360)01195完毕01196发动机/自动变速器:CAN数据总线01197动力系统数据总线:无效状态01198舒适系统数据总线:无效状态01199发动机/ABS:电气连接故障01200ABS阀供应电压01201ABS泵供应电压01202诊断线路01203ABS/仪表板:电气连接故障01204发动机温度传感器(G27)01205全自动空调继电器(J254)01206点火开关关闭时间间隔信号01207控制单元:辅助加热系统01208控制单元之间的数据交换01209发电机端子W的速度信号01210控制学习调节X围01211平安带涨紧触发器:司机侧后面(N196)01212平安带涨紧触发器:乘客侧后面(N197)01213平安带涨紧触发器:中央后面(N198)01214平安带涨紧碰撞数据已经存储01215坐椅占用传感器:司机侧后面(G177)01216坐椅占用传感器:乘客侧后面(G177)01217侧面平安气囊触发器:司机侧(N199)01218侧面平安气囊触发器:乘客侧(N200)01219后面平安气囊触发器:司机侧(N201)01220后面平安气囊触发器:乘客侧(N202)01221侧面平安气囊碰撞传感器:司机侧(G179)01222侧面平安气囊碰撞传感器:乘客侧(G180)01223中央门锁信号:已经翻开01224控制单元不能与车速相匹配01225辅助加热器无线接收器(R64)01226碰撞数据侧面平安气囊:司机侧01227碰撞数据侧面平安气囊:乘客侧01228平安气囊关闭开关:乘客侧(E224)01229湿度传感器:A/C(G260)01230脚坑温度传感器:左侧(G261)01231脚坑温度传感器:右侧(G262)01232A/C压缩机调节阀(N280)01233加热系统冷却锁止阀(N279)01234控制单元:挡风玻璃加热器(J505)01235二次空气喷射电磁阀(N112)01236换档锁电磁铁(N110)01237燃油断油阀(N109)01238点火提前角调节01239节气门位置调节旁通阀(N97) 01240节气门位置调节放气阀(N117)01241EVAP活性炭罐电磁阀(N115)01242控制单元中断放大器01243进气歧管转换阀(N156) 01244氧传感器加热器控制单元(J208)01245差压调节.(J81)01246Early Fuel Evap Relay(J81)01247EVAP活性炭罐电磁阀(N80)01248全负荷加浓双向阀(N54)01249喷油器:1缸(N30)01250喷油器:2缸(N31)01251喷油器:3缸(N32)01252喷油器:4缸(N33)01253喷油器:5缸(N34)01254喷油器:6缸(N35)01255喷油器:7缸(N36)01256喷油器:8缸(N37)01257怠速空气控制阀(N71)01258空气翻板定位器(V63)01259燃油泵继电器(J17)01260滑行断油阀(N65)01261氧传感器频率阀(N7)01262增加压力限制电磁阀(N75)01263冷启动喷嘴(N17)01264二次空气喷射泵继电器(J299)01265EGR真空调节电磁阀(N18)01266预热塞继电器(J52)01267预热时间自动调节控制单元(J179)01268流量调节器(N146)01269冷启动喷射阀(N108)01270A/C空调电磁离合器(N25)01271温度调节翻板电机(V68)01272中央空气翻板电机(V70)01273新鲜空气鼓风机(V2)01274通风翻板电机(V71)01275后侧平安气囊开关(E280)01276ABS液压泵(V64)01277ABS液压泵继电器(J185)01278EDS电子差速锁关闭继电器(J263)01279加速度传感器(G251)01280平安气囊:乘客侧:已经制止01281平安气囊:司机侧:已经制止01282进气歧管转换阀(N239)01283进气歧管翻板电机(V157)01284侧面平安气囊:司机侧:已经制止01285侧面平安气囊:乘客侧:已经制。




巴氏硬度计有100个刻度,每个刻度代表压入0.0076mm 的深度。





相关标准:ASTM B648《巴柯尔硬度计测量铝合金硬度的试验方法》。


目录一、概述 (1)二、原理与结构 (2)三、技术参数 (3)四、使用方法 (3)五、仪器校正 (4)六、压针 (5)七、硬度块 (7)八、测量次数 (7)九、型号选择 (8)十、配置 (8)十一、硬度换算表 (9)一、概述巴氏硬度计(巴柯尔硬度计)是一种压痕式硬度计,最早产自美国。



英特尔 台式机主板 D945GCNL 产品指南

英特尔 台式机主板 D945GCNL 产品指南

英特尔®台式机主板 D945GCNL 产品指南修订记录修订版修订记录日期-001 《英特尔®台式机主板 D945GCNL 产品指南》第一版2007 年 5 月-002 《英特尔®台式机主板 D945GCNL 产品指南》第二版2007 年 6 月如果台式机主板上贴有 FCC 合格声明标志,则适用以下声明:FCC 合格声明本设备符合联邦规章法案 (FCC) 第 15 部分的要求。

其操作符合以下两个条件:(1) 本设备不会产生有害干扰;而且,(2) 本设备必须承受任何接收到的干扰,包括可能引起不良操作的干扰。

若您对本产品的电磁兼容性性能有任何疑问,请联络:Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 971241-800-628-8686本设备已经过测试,符合联邦规章法案 (FCC) 第 15 部分对 B 类数字设备的限制要求。










本设备经测试,符合家用或商用环境下的 FCC 标准。

加拿大通信部 (Canadian Department of Communications) 符合标准声明本数字设备未超过对无线电噪声辐射的 B 类限制,此限制是加拿大通信部颁布的《无线电干扰规则》(Radio Interference Regulations) 中对数字设备的限制性规定。



行程 行程
行程 行程
*( )内置磁环型尺寸。 双耳环型:弹簧压出 CJ2D ¥CDJ2D 行程 配管通口 行程 耳环用销子
T形座 详细请参见1.06 页
1.8 1.08
无记号 无磁性开关
*磁性开关型号参见行 程/磁性开关型号表 *无内置磁环 *气缸无此项
安装形式 记号 安装形式 标准型 带磁性开关 ● 基本型 B ● ● 法兰型 F ● ● 脚座型 L ● ● 耳环型 D - ● 耳轴型 T -
97 93A
*磁性开关的规格及特性可参阅磁性开关系列。 导线长度表示记号:无记号-0.5m, L-3m, Z-5m 例: 93A, 93AL
20-CJ2 B 缸径 - 行程
1.9 1.09
!" (
缸径 (mm) 使用流体 动作方式 最高使用压力 最低使用压力 环境和流体温度 活塞速度 缓冲 行程长度公差 mm 接管口径 (Rc)
1/ 8 1/ 8
行程 缸径(mm)
S 5 10 15 20
Z 10 15 20
18 23 28 33 51 56 61 66
使用ø4/ø2.5聚氨酯管(TU0425)或 软尼龙管(TS0425)


6K5 遥截止五极管 宽带电压放大 同6K4 旁热式阴极
12K3P 遥截止五极管 宽带电压放大 12K3、12SK7/GT 旁热式阴极 (四)功率管
2P2 输出四极管 低频功率放大 2П2П、DL92、1S4T、1L33、1L34 直热式阴极
束射四极管 低频功率放大 3A4、1662、CV807、DL93 直热式阴极
6CX8 旁热式三极管-五极管 电压放大和P-K分割 比6U9、6F2靓 高S
6T1 高频双四极管 推挽输出 QM322、5656 旁热式阴极
FU-5 直热式三极管 低频功率放大 T100-1、RK57、ML714、NU-150、CV2622、CV2768 F123A、GL805、HF150、CV25
FU-31 直热式三极管 宽带功率放大 2T26、826、826“RCA” 钍钨阴极
FU-32 双束射四极管 宽带功率放大 *гY-32、RS1019、TT20SRS4452、QQE03/20、P2-12 与FU-29类同
FU-33 直热式三极管 功率放大 ES833、CV635、B142、3578、833A、5T33 钍钨阴极
FU-15 直热束射五极管 中功率放大 *гY-15 氧化物热子
FU-17 双束射四极管 中功率放大 *гY-17、CV3517、6360、QQV03-10、QQV03/12 旁热式阴极
FU-25 旁热束射四极管 宽带功率放大 1625、FD-25 氧化物阴极
FU-29 双束射四极管 宽带功率放大 *гY-29、829B 旁热式阴极
5Z3P 直热式双阳极二极管 小功率全波整流 5T4、5×4G、5U4G*、5ц3C、U52 氧化物阴极



GH1系列螺纹线联轴器■特点:●重量轻,体积小;●高强度铝合金材料,阳极氧化处理;●具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●可吸收振动,补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;●适用于马达,编码器,丝杆传动,机床平台;●微电机等精密产业机械;■订货示例:●GH1-C19-□□□□●GH1表示系列号.●C19表示外径为19mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注:系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外型尺寸:(单位为MM)规格型号D L L1M可做最大内径GH1-15-□□□□M15.521 2.6M35GH1-15-□□□□15.523 3.0 M35GH1-17-□□□□17.523 3.0 M3 6.35GH1-19-□□□□M19.119.1 2.4M3 6.35GH1-19-□□□□19.524.5 3.0 M410GH1-25-□□□□25.425.4 3.8M48GH1-28-□□□□28.628.6 4.0 M412.7GH1-32-□□□□3241 6.0 M414GH1-38-□□□□38.138.1 5.0 M515GH1-42-□□□□42507.8M517GH1-50-□□□□50507.8M619GH1-C19-□□□□1923 3.1M3 6.35GH1-C25-□□□□25.432 3.8M310GH1-C28-□□□□28.538 3.8M412.7GH1-C32-□□□□3241 6.0 M414GH1-C38-□□□□3841 5.9M515GH1-C42-□□□□4250 6.7M517GH1-C50-□□□□5050 6.7M619■技术参数规格型号扭矩(N/M)纠缠能力最高转速(rpm)拧紧力矩(N.m)额定最大径向(mm)轴向(mm)角度(0)GH1-15-□□□□M0.6 1.20.15±0.15 2.0 150000.7 GH1-15-□□□□0.6 1.20.15±0.15 2.0 150000.7 GH1-17-□□□□0.8 1.60.15±0.15 2.0 150000.7 GH1-19-□□□□M 1.0 2.0 0.15±0.15 2.0 15000 1.5 GH1-19-□□□□ 1.2 2.40.15±0.15 2.0 15000 1.5 GH1-25-□□□□ 1.6 3.20.15±0.15 2.0 15000 1.7 GH1-28-□□□□ 2.0 4.0 0.15±0.15 2.0 12000 1.7 GH1-32-□□□□ 4.5 9.0 0.15±0.15 2.0 10000 1.7 GH1-38-□□□□ 6.5130.15±0.15 2.0 10000 3.8 GH1-42-□□□□10200.15±0.15 2.0 10000 3.8 GH1-50-□□□□15300.15±0.15 2.0 8000 4.0 GH1-C19-□□□□ 1.0 2.0 0.15±0.15 2.0 10000 1.0 GH1-C25-□□□□ 1.5 3.0 0.15±0.15 2.0 8000 1.5 GH1-C28-□□□□ 2.0 4.0 0.15±0.15 2.0 8000 3.4 GH1-C32-□□□□ 4.5 9.0 0.15±0.15 2.0 8000 3.4 GH1-C38-□□□□ 6.5130.15±0.15 2.0 8000 4.0 GH1-C42-□□□□10200.15±0.15 2.0 6000 4.0 GH1-C50-□□□□15300.15±0.15 2.0 60007GH2系列平行线联轴器■特点:●重量轻,体积小;●高强度铝合金材料或不锈钢材料,阳极氧化处理;●具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●可吸收振动,补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;●适用于马达,编码器,丝杆传动,机床平台;●主轴传动,升降平台等产业机械;■订货示例:●GH2-C19-□□□□●GH2表示系列号.●C19表示外径为19mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注:系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外型尺寸: (单位为MM)■技术参数GH3系列十字滑块型联轴器■特点:●便于检查,维护方便;●主体为高强度铝合金材料,中间尼龙胶材料;●阳极氧化处理;,具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●无间隙,可吸收大的径向,角度及轴向偏差;●适用于步进伺服系统,丝杆传动;●半异体设备,运输机等产业机械;■订货示例:●GH3-C19-□□□□●GH3表示系列号.●C20表示外径为20mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注: 系列号后面带Z为胀紧套定方式系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外型尺寸: (单位为MM)规格型号D L L1M M1M2可做最大内径GH3-16-□□□□16187M3-- 6GH3-20-□□□□20239M4--8GH3-25-□□□□252811M5--10GH3-32-□□□□323313M6--14GH3-40-□□□□403514M6--16GH3-50-□□□□503817M8--20GH3-63-□□□□634721M10--25GH3-70-□□□□705926M10--35 GH3-C16-□□□□163013M2.5-- 6 GH3-C20-□□□□203314M2.5--8GH3-C25-□□□□253917M3--10 GH3-C32-□□□□324519M4--14 GH3-C40-□□□□405023M5--16 GH3-C50-□□□□505827M6--20 GH3-C63-□□□□637133M8--25 GH3-C70-□□□□707735M8--35 GH3-Z32-□□□□324519M34-M32-M314 GH3-Z40-□□□□405023M44-M42-M416 GH3-Z50-□□□□505827M54-M52-M520 GH3-Z63-□□□□637133M54-M52-M525 GH3-Z70-□□□□707735M56-M53-M535■技术参数规格型号扭矩(N/M)纠缠能力最高转速(rpm)扭紧力矩(N.M)额定最大径向(mm)角向(0)GH3-16-□□□□0.7 1.4 1.0 3.0 100000.7 GH3-20-□□□□ 1.6 3.2 1.5 3.0 8000 1.7 GH3-25-□□□□ 3.0 6.0 2.0 3.0 6500 4.0 GH3-32-□□□□ 5.5 11.0 2.5 3.0 50007.0 GH3-40-□□□□9.0 18.0 3.0 3.0 40007.0 GH3-50-□□□□19.0 38.0 3.5 3.0 350015.0 GH3-63-□□□□33.0 66.0 4.0 3.0 300030.0 GH3-70-□□□□80.0 160.0 4.5 3.0 250030.0 GH3-C16-□□□□0.7 1.4 1.0 3.0 10000 1.0 GH3-C20-□□□□ 1.6 3.2 1.5 3.0 8000 1.0 GH3-C25-□□□□ 3.0 6.0 2.0 3.0 6500 1.5 GH3-C32-□□□□ 5.5 11.0 2.5 3.0 5000 2.5 GH3-C40-□□□□9.0 18.0 3.0 3.0 4000 4.0 GH3-C50-□□□□19.0 38.0 3.5 3.0 35008.0 GH3-C63-□□□□33.0 66.0 4.0 3.0 300016.0 GH3-C70-□□□□80.0 160.0 4.5 3.0 250016.0 GH3-Z32-□□□□ 5.5 11.0 2.5 3.0 5000-GH3-Z40-□□□□9.0 18.0 3.0 3.0 4000-GH3-Z50-□□□□19.0 38.0 3.5 3.0 3500-GH3-Z63-□□□□33.0 66.0 4.0 3.0 3000-GH3-Z70-□□□□80.0 160.0 4.5 3.0 2500-GH4系列梅花型联轴器■特点:●重量轻,体积小●主体为高强度铝合金材料,中间聚胺脂弹性胶;●阳极氧化处理;,具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●可吸收振动,补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;●适用于步进伺服系统,机床平台;●微电机等精密产业机械;■订货示例:●GH4-C30-□□□□●GH4表示系列号.●C30表示外径为30mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注: 系列号后面带Z为胀紧套定方式系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外型尺寸: (单位为MM)■技术参数GH4-C30-□□□□W7.414.80.020.8 1.0 12000 1.7 GH4-C40-□□□□W9.5190.020.8 1.0 100004 GH4-C55-□□□□W34680.020.8 1.0 80008 GH4-C65-□□□□W951900.02 1.0 1.0 600015 GH4-C80-□□□□W1352700.02 1.0 1.0 500015 GH4-Z40-□□□□M9.5190.020.8 1.0 10000-GH4-Z40-□□□□9.5190.020.8 1.0 10000-GH4-Z55-□□□□34680.020.8 1.0 8000-GH4-Z65-□□□□951900.02 1.0 1.0 6000-GH4-Z80-□□□□1352700.02 1.0 1.0 5000GH5系列微型波纹管联轴器■特点:●重量轻,体积小,无间隙,连接紧凑可靠;●主体为不锈钢波纹管弹性体;●具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●可吸收振动,补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;●适用于编码器,丝杆传动;●测量,控制,资讯等系统等产业机械;■订货示例:●GH5-C16-□□□□●GH5表示系列号.●C16表示外径为16mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注: 系列号后面带Z为胀紧套定方式系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外形尺寸(单位为MM)规格型号D L L1L2M可做最大内径GH5-16-□□□□16278.5-M3 6.35GH5-20-□□□□20298.5 -M38GH5-25-□□□□253410.5 -M410GH5-32-□□□□323811.5-M412GH5-C16-□□□□163010.5 -M3 6.35GH5-C20-□□□□203310.5-M38GH5-C25-□□□□253812.5 -M410GH5-C32-□□□□324314.0 -M412规格型号扭矩(N/M)纠缠能力最高转速(rpm)拧紧力矩(N.m)额定最大径向(mm)轴向(mm)角度(0)GH5-16-□□□□0.8 1.60.1±0.1 1.5 200000.7 GH5-20-□□□□ 1.530.1±0.1 1.5 150000.7 GH5-25-□□□□240.15±0.1 2.0 13000 1.7 GH5-32-□□□□ 2.5 5.0 0.2±0.1 2.0 10000 1.7 GH5-C16-□□□□0.8 1.60.1±0.1 1.5 180001 GH5-C20-□□□□ 1.530.1±0.1 1.5 130001 GH5-C25-□□□□ 2.0 40.15±0.1 2.0 11000 1.5 GH5-C32-□□□□ 2.5 5.0 0.2±0.1 2.0 10000 2.5 GH6系列高扭矩波纹管联轴器■特点:●重量轻,体积小,无间隙,连接紧凑可靠;●主体为不锈钢波纹管弹性体;●具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●可吸收振动,补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;在偏差存在的时候可保持等速工作●适用于数控机床,自动化系统;●伺服系统等系统等产业机械;■订货示例:●GH6-C44-□□□□●GH6表示系列号.●C44表示外径为44mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注: 系列号后面带Z为胀紧套定方式系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外形尺寸(单位为MM)规格型号D L L0L1L2L3M可做最大内径GH6-C44-□□□□445317714.516M418GH6-C48-□□□□485317714.516M520GH6-C58-□□□□586820920.518M624GH6-C70-□□□□7078221127.520M836GH6-C84-□□□□8410626133522M845GH6-C94-□□□□9412026133522M1055规格型号扭矩(N/M)纠缠能力最高转速(rpm)扭紧力矩(N.M)额定最大径向(mm)轴向(mm)角向(0)GH6-C44-□□□□20400.30.5 2.8100006 GH6-C48-□□□□30600.30.5 2.8900010 GH6-C58-□□□□45900.30.6 2.8700010 GH6-C70-□□□□1202400.40.8 2.8550016 GH6-C84-□□□□1803600.40.8 2.8400024 GH6-C94-□□□□2505000.40.8 2.8300045GH7系列膜片型联轴器■特点:●结构简单,方便维护;可吸收振动;●主体为高强度铝合金材料,阳极氧化处理;●补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;●具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●适用于步进伺服系统,丝杆传动;●机床平台,机械人等产业机械;■订货示例:●GH7-C26-□□□□●GH7表示系列号.●C26表示外径为26mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注: 系列号后面带Z为胀紧套定方式系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外形尺寸(单位为MM)规格型号D L L1L2L3M M1M2可做最大内径GH7-C26-□□□□2625.511.5 2.5-M3--10 GH7-C34-□□□□3431.314.1 3.1-M4--14 GH7-C39-□□□□3934.115 4.1-M4--16 GH7-C44-□□□□4434.515 4.5-M4--19 GH7-C56-□□□□564520 5.0 -M5--24■技术参数:GH8系列法兰式膜片型联轴器■特点:●结构简单,方便维护;可吸收振动;●主体为高强度铝合金材料,阳极氧化处理;●补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;●具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●适用于步进伺服系统,丝杆传动;●机床平台,机械人等产业机械;■订货示例:●GH8-C34-□□□□●GH8表示系列号.●C34表示外径为34mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注: 系列号后面带Z为胀紧套定方式系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外形尺寸(单位为MM)规格型号D L L1L2L3D1M可做最大内径GH8-C34-□□□□3431.3123-21.6 M39GH8-C39-□□□□3934.115.1 4.3-24.0 M412GH8-C44-□□□□4434.515.0 4-29.6 M414GH8-C56-□□□□5645205-38.0 M520GH8-C68-□□□□685424.0 6-46.0 M625GH8-C82-□□□□8268308-56.0 M830GH8-C34-□□□□W344512.0 3721.6 M39GH8-C39-□□□□W394915.1 M412GH8-C44-□□□□W445015.0 4929.6 M414GH8-C56-□□□□W566320.0 51138.0 M520GH8-C68-□□□□W687424.0 61446.0 M625GH8-C82-□□□□W829830.0 82256.0 M830■技术参数规格型号扭矩(N/M)纠缠能力最高转速(rpm)拧紧力矩(N.m)额定最大径向(mm)轴向(mm)角度(0)GH8-C34-□□□□ 1.0 10000 1.5 GH8-C39-□□□□ 6.713.40.20.2 1.0 10000 3.4 GH8-C44-□□□□9.719.40.20.2 1.0 10000 3.4 GH8-C56-□□□□24.0 48.0 0.20.2 1.0 100007.0 GH8-C68-□□□□40800.20.2 1.0 1000014GH8-C82-□□□□851700.20.2 1.0 1000025GH8-C34-□□□□W 3.8 7.6 0.40.4 1.5 10000 1.5GH8-C39-□□□□W 6.7 13.4 0.40.4 1.5 10000 3.4GH8-C44-□□□□W9.7 19.4 0.40.6 1.5 10000 3.4GH8-C56-□□□□W24.0 48.0 0.40.6 1.5 100007.0GH8-C68-□□□□W40.0 80.0 0.40.8 1.5 1000014GH8-C82-□□□□W85.0 170.0 0.40.8 1.5 1000025 GH9系列钢材质膜片型联轴器■特点:●结构简单,方便维护;可吸收振动;●主体采用钢材料,采用发黑氧化处理;●补偿径向,角度偏差和零回转间隙;●具有抗油污耐腐蚀功能;●适用于步进伺服系统,丝杆传动;●造纸机械,数控机,激光机等产业机械■订货示例:●GH8-C34-□□□□●GH8表示系列号.●C34表示外径为34mm.夹紧式固定方式●□□□□表示两边孔径●注: 系列号后面带Z为胀紧套定方式系列号后面不带C为顶紧固定方式■外形尺寸(单位为MM)规格型号D L D1L1L2M可做最大内径GH9-C56-□□□□564532.0 - 5.5M4-M520 GH9-C68-□□□□685640.0 - 6.0 M5-M625 GH9-C82-□□□□826654.0 - 6.0 M5-M635 GH9-C94-□□□□946858.0 -8.5M6-M838 GH9-C104-□□□□1048068.0 -8.5M6-M842 GH9-C126-□□□□1269178.0 -9.5M8-M1050 GH9-C144-□□□□14410288.0 -11.0 M8-M1260 GH9-C56-□□□□W565832.0 8.0 5.5M4-M5 20 GH9-C68-□□□□W687440.0 12.0 6.0 M5-M6 25 GH9-C82-□□□□W828454.0 12.0 6.0 M5-M6 35 GH9-C94-□□□□W949858.0 21.58.5M6-M8 38GH9-C104-□□□□W10411068.0 21.58.5 M6-M8 42■技术参数。



A 测球直径 B 总长度 C 测杆直径 D 有效工作长度 ø M2 = 3 mm ø M3 = 4 mm ø M4 = 7 mm ø M5 = 10 mm
红宝石测球 / 不锈钢杆
测球直径 10 mm 20 mm
1.0 (0.04) 1.5 (0.06) 2.0 (0.08)
测球直径 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 300 mm
6.0 (0.24) 8.0 (0.32)




长度 不锈钢
10.0 (0.41) 15.0 (0.60) 20.0 (0.79) 30.0 (1.19) 50.0 (1.97) 100.0 (3.94)

BD OptiBuild

BD OptiBuild

BD OptiBuild™Technical Data SheetBB700 Rat Anti-Mouse CD8bProduct InformationMaterial Number:742198Size:50 µgClone:H35-17.2Alternative Name:Ly-3; Lyt-3; Lymphocyte antigen 3; Ly-C; CD8b1Reactivity:Tested in Development:MouseIsotype:Rat IgG2b, κImmunogen:5-day MLR, C57BL/6 anti-BALB/cApplication:Flow cytometry(Qualified)Concentration:0.2 mg/mlEntrez Gene ID:12526Storage Buffer:Aqueous buffered solution containing ≤0.09% sodium azide. Regulatory Status:RUODescriptionThe H35-17.2 monoclonal antibody specifically binds to both alloantigeneic forms of the β chain of the CD8differentiation antigen (Ly-3 or Lyt- 3). The CD8 α and α' chains (CD8a) form heterodimers with the CD8 β chain (CD8b, Ly-3, or Lyt-3) on the surface of most thymocytes. A subpopulation of mature T lymphocytes (i.e., MHC class I-restrictedT cells, including most T suppressor/cytotoxic cells) expresses almost exclusively the CD8 αβ heterodimer (the α' chain is absent). Subsets of γδ TCR-bearing T cells, intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, and dendritic cells express CD8a without CD8b. It has been suggested that the expression of the CD8a/CD8b heterodimer is restricted to T lymphocytes which matured in the thymus or in an extrathymic environment that had been influenced by thymus- initiated neuroendocrine signals. CD8 is an antigen coreceptor on the T-cell surface which interacts with MHC class I molecules on antigen-presenting cells. It participates in T-cell activation through its association with the T-cell receptor complex and protein tyrosine kinase lck (p56lck). The H35-17.2 mAb blocks T-cell-mediated cytolysis of allogeneic lymphoma cells.The antibody was conjugated to BD Horizon™ BB700, which is part of the BD Horizon Brilliant™ Blue family of dyes. It is a polymer-based tandem dye developed exclusively by BD Biosciences. With an excitation max of 485 nm and an emission max of 693 nm, BD Horizon BB700 can be excited by the 488 nm laser and detected in a standard PerCP-Cy™5.5 set (eg, 695/40-nm filter). This dye provides a much brighter alternative to PerCP-Cy5.5 with less cross laser excitation off the 405 nm and 355 nm lasers.Preparation and StorageStore undiluted at 4°C and protected from prolonged exposure to light. Do not freeze. The monoclonal antibody waspurified from tissue culture supernatant or ascites by affinity chromatography. The antibody was conjugated with BD Horizon BB700 under optimal conditions that minimize unconjugated dye and antibody.Recommended Assay ProcedureFor optimal and reproducible results, BD Horizon Brilliant Stain Buffer should be used anytime two or more BD Horizon Brilliant dyes are used in the same experiment. Fluorescent dye interactions may cause staining artifacts which may affect data interpretation. The BD Horizon Brilliant Stain Buffer was designed to minimize these interactions. More information can be found in the Technical Data Sheet of the BD Horizon Brilliant Stain Buffer (Cat. No. 563794 or 566349).When setting up compensation, it is recommended to compare spillover values obtained from cells and BD™ CompBeads to ensure that beads will provide sufficiently accurate spillover values.For optimal results, it is recommended to perform two washes after staining with antibodies. Cells may be prepared, stained with antibodies and washed twice with wash buffer per established protocols for immunofluorescent staining prior to acquisition on a flow cytometer. Performing fewer than the recommended wash steps may lead to increased spread of the negative population.Suggested Companion ProductsCatalog Number Name Size Clone553141Purified Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 (Mouse BD Fc Block™)0.1 mg 2.4G2 554656Stain Buffer (FBS)500 mL554657Stain Buffer (BSA)500 mL563794Brilliant Stain Buffer100 Tests555899Lysing Buffer100 mLProduct Notices1.This antibody was developed for use in flow cytometry.2.The production process underwent stringent testing and validation to assure that it generates a high-qualityconjugate with consistent performance and specific binding activity. However, verification testing has not been performed on all conjugate lots.3.Researchers should determine the optimal concentration of this reagent for their individual applications.4.An isotype control should be used at the same concentration as the antibody of interest.5.Caution: Sodium azide yields highly toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide compounds in runningwater before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in plumbing.6.For fluorochrome spectra and suitable instrument settings, please refer to our Multicolor Flow Cytometry web page at/colors.7.Please refer to /us/s/resources for technical protocols.8.BD Horizon Brilliant Stain Buffer is covered by one or more of the following US patents: 8,110,673; 8,158,444;8,575,303; 8,354,239.9.BD Horizon Brilliant Blue 700 is covered by one or more of the following US patents: 8,455,613 and 8,575,303.10.Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare.ReferencesGolstein P, Goridis C, Schmitt-Verhulst AM . Lymphoid cell surface interaction structures detected using cytolysis-inhibiting monoclonal antibodies. Immunol Rev. 1982; 68:5-42. (Immunogen: Cytotoxicity, Immunoprecipitation, Inhibition). Lefrancois L. Phenotypic complexity of intraepithelial lymphocytes of the small intestine. J Immunol. 1991;147(6):1746-1751. (Biology).Ledbetter JA, Seaman WE, Tsu TT, Herzenberg LA. Lyt-2 and Lyt-3 antigens are on two different polypeptide subunits linked by disulfide bonds. Relationship of subunits to T cell cytolytic activity. J Exp Med. 1981; 153:1503-1516. (Biology). Walker ID, Murray BJ, Hogarth PM, Kelso A, McKenzie IF. Comparison of thymic and peripheral T cell Ly-2/3 antigens. Eur J Immunol. 1984; 14(10):906-910. (Biology).Nakayama K, Nakayama K, Negishi I, et al. Requirement for CD8 beta chain in positive selection of CD8-lineage T cells. Science. 1994; 263(5150):1131-1133. (Biology).MacDonald HR, Schreyer M, Howe RC, Bron C. Selective expression of CD8 alpha (Ly-2) subunit on activated thymic gamma/delta cells. Eur J Immunol. 1990; 20(4):927-930. (Biology).Rocha B, Vassalli P, Guy-Grand D. The extrathymic T-cell development pathway. Immunol Today. 1992; 14(3):140-141. (Biology).Murosaki S, Yoshikai Y, Ishida A, et al. Failure of T cell receptor V beta negative selection in murine intestinal intra-epithelial lymphocytes. Int Immunol. 1991; 3(10):1005-1013. (Biology).Wang J, Klein JR. Thymus-neuroendocrine interactions in extrathymic T cell development. Science. 1994;265(5180):1860-1862. (Biology).Sydora BC, Brossay L, Hagenbaugh A, Kronenberg M, Cheroutre H. TAP-independent selection of CD8+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. J Immunol. 1996; 156(11):4209-4216. (Biology).Vremec D, Zorbas M, Scollay R, et al. The surface phenotype of dendritic cells purified from mouse thymus and spleen: investigation of the CD8 expression by a subpopulation of dendritic cells. J Exp Med. 1992; 176(1):47-58. (Biology).Wu L, Vremec D, Ardavin C, et al. Mouse thymus dendritic cells: kinetics of development and changes in surface markers during maturation. Eur J Immunol. 1995; 25(2):418-425. (Biology).Süss G, Shortman K. A subclass of dendritic cells kills CD4 T cells via Fas/Fas-ligand-induced apoptosis. J Exp Med. 1996; 183(4):1789-1796. (Biology).Fujiura Y, Kawaguchi M, Kondo Y, et al. Development of CD8 alpha alpha+ intestinal intraepithelial T cells in beta 2-microglobulin- and/or TAP1-deficient mice. J Immunol. 1996; 156(8):2710-2715. (Biology).Bierer BE, Sleckman BP, Ratnofsky SE, Burakoff SJ. The biologic roles of CD2, CD4, and CD8 in T-cell activation. Annu Rev Immunol. 1989; 7:579-599. (Biology).Janeway CA Jr. The T cell receptor as a multicomponent signalling machine: CD4/CD8 coreceptors and CD45 in T cell activation. Annu Rev Immunol. 1992; 10:645-674. (Biology).Zamoyska R. The CD8 coreceptor revisited: one chain good, two chains better. Immunity. 1994; 1(4):243-246. (Biology). LeFrancois L. Extrathymic differentiation of intraepithelial lymphocytes: generation of a separate and unequal T-cell repertoire. Immunol Today. 1991; 12(12):436-438. (Biology).O'Rourke AM, Mescher MF. The roles of CD8 in cytotoxic T lymphocyte function. Immunol Today. 1993; 14(4):183-188. (Biology).Ledbetter JA, Rouse RV, Micklem HS, Herzenberg LA. T cell subsets defined by expression of Lyt-1,2,3 and Thy-1 antigens.Two-parameter immunofluorescence and cytotoxicity analysis with monoclonal antibodies modifies current views. J ExpMed. 1980; 152(2):280-295. (Biology).BD BiosciencesUnited States Canada Europe Japan Asia Pacific Latin America/Caribbearn877.232.8995888.268.543032.53.720.5500120.8555.9065.6861.06330800.771.7157For country contact information, visit /contactConditions: The information disclosed herein is not to be construed as a recommendation to use the above product in violation of any patents. BD Biosciences will not be held responsible for a patent infringement or other v ©2020 BD. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company or its affiliates.。

Agilent 8890 5977C Series gas chromatograph mass s

Agilent 8890 5977C Series gas chromatograph mass s

Agilent 5977C GC/MSD SystemThe Agilent 8890/5977C Series gas chromatograph/mass selective detector (GC/MSD) builds on a tradition of leadership in GC and MS technology, with the world’s most competitive performance and productivity features.Agilent GC/MSD system featuresAgilent 5977C GC/MSD — the most sensitive and robust MSD provides:–Four EI source options including the revolutionary high-efficiency source (HES), which offers the industry’s lowest instrument detection limit (IDL) and bestcarrier gas applications.signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and a HydroInert source for H2– A heated monolithic quartz gold quadrupole (heatable up to 200 °C) for rapid elimination of contamination to keep the analyzer clean.– A second-generation triple-axis detector (TAD) for eliminating neutral noise.–Scan speeds up to 20,000 u/sec (extractor ion source and HES).–An optional oil-free IDP-3 roughing pump: a cleaner, quieter, and greener alternative (for use with turbo molecular pump systems).10-Year value promiseSupport is guaranteed for 10 years from the date of purchase, or Agilent will provide credit for the residual value of the system toward a model upgrade.Installation checkout specifications Agilent verifies GC/MSD system performance at the customer site.IDL is a statistically based metricthat more accurately confirms system performance than an S/N measurement. Test specificationsare based on splitless injection intoan Agilent J&W HP-5ms Ultra Inert30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm column for helium and a 20 m × 0.18 mm, 0.18 μm column for HydroInert with hydrogen. IDL analyses use lab helium (hydrogen for HydroInert) with GC gas filters installed. See more about the IDL test at /Library/ technicaloverviews/Public/5990-8341EN.pdf* IDL was statistically derived at 99% confidence level from the area precision of eight sequential splitless injections of OFN (octafluoronaphthalene). Demonstration of IDL specifications require a compatible system configuration, including a liquid autosampler with a 5 μL syringe.–HES IDL was measured using 10 fg injection, 1 µL injection.–Other IDLs were measured using 100 fg, 1 µL injection.–A 30 m column was used for helium IDL checkout; a 20 m column was used for hydrogenIDL checkout.–Helium carrier gas for Installation Specifications of the HES, Extractor, and Stainless steel sources; hydrogen carrier gas for Installation Specification of the HydroInert source only.–Reference IDL specifications from the above table will be confirmed only when purchased as an additional service with a compatible new system (GC and MS) installation.Signal-to-noise (S/N) specificationsa S/N checkout is performed only if there is no compatible autosampler (which is required for IDL checkout). Helium carrier gas, manual injection using a 30 m × 0.25 mm,0.25 µm column and in scan mode. Hydrogen carrier gas, manual injection using 20 m × 0.18 mm, 0.18 µm column and in scan mode. When the autosampler (ALS) is present, these specifications are a reference of the performance. Reference S/N specifications from the above table will not be confirmed at installation or introduction for ALS equipped systems.b Standard scanning from 50 to 300 u at nominal 272.0 u ion.c 1 μL injection of 100 pg/μL benzophenone (BZP) standard, 80 to 230 u scan at nominal 183 u ion, using methane reagent gas.d 2 μL injection of 100 fg/μL OFN standard scanning from 50 to 300 u at nominal 272 u ion, using methane reagent gas.2a Only applicable with optional Accurate Mass software package. Scan mode only. Not verified during installation.b As scan rate increases, sensitivity will decrease, and resolution may degrade.c A high flow rate into a fixed ion source will cause a loss in sensitivity.d The heated quadrupole mass filter should not require maintenance, but if maintenance is required, it should be performed by an Agilent service engineer.34aInlet temperature should be cool enough to touch when performing maintenance.bA micro ion gauge is shipped standard for the CI system, and is available optionally for EI systems.DE67854286This information is subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022Printed in the USA, May 26, 20225994-4846EN。

Connect Tech XMC to PCIe 104 Adapter 用户指南说明书

Connect Tech XMC to PCIe 104 Adapter 用户指南说明书

XMC to PCIe/104 AdapterConnect Tech Inc.Tel:519-836-129142 Arrow Road Toll:800-426-8979 (North America only) Guelph, Ontario Fax:519-836-4878N1K 1S6 Email:********************************************Table of ContentsTable of Contents (2)Preface (3)Disclaimer (3)Customer Support Overview (3)Contact Information (3)Limited Product Warranty (4)Copyright Notice (4)Trademark Acknowledgment (4)ESD Warning (5)Revision History (5)Introduction (6)Product Features and Specifications (6)Product Overview (7)Connector Summary & Locations (7)Jumper Summary & Locations (8)Detailed Feature Description (9)PCIe/104 Connector (9)Description (9)Connectors & Jumpers (9)XMC Expansion Slot (10)Description (10)Connectors & Jumpers (10)Indicator LEDs (11)Description (11)Connectors & Jumpers (11)Typical Installation (12)PrefaceDisclaimerThe information contained within this user’s guide, including but not limited to any product specification, is subject to change without notice.Connect Tech assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from any technical ortypographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between the product and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact the Connect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties.In the event that the reseller is unable to resolve your problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you.Our support section is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on our website at:/sub/support/support.asp. See the contact information section below for moreinformation on how to contact us directly. Our technical support is always free.Contact InformationMail/CourierConnect Tech Inc.Technical Support42 Arrow RoadGuelph, OntarioCanada N1K 1S6Email/Internet********************************************Telephone/FacsimileTechnical Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:Toll Free: 800-426-8979 (North America only)Telephone: 519-836-1291 (Live assistance available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST,Monday to Friday)Facsimile: 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)Limited Product WarrantyConnect Tech Inc. provides a 2 year Warranty for the XMC to PCIe/104 Adapter. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working order during the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc.will, at its option, repair or replace this product at no charge, provided that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non-Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech Inc. business partner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned to Connect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. with an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured and packaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. will return this product by prepaid ground shipment service.The Connect Tech Inc. Limited Warranty is only valid over the serviceable life of the product. This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product if available or to retract the Warranty if no replacement is available.The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under no circumstances willConnect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or otherincidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, such product. Copyright NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect Tech Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Connect Tech, Inc.Copyright 2016 by Connect Tech, Inc.Trademark AcknowledgmentConnect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners. Not listing all possible trademarks or copyrightacknowledgments does not constitute a lack of acknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this document.ESD WarningElectronic components and circuits are sensitive toElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuit board assemblies including Connect Tech COM Express carrier assemblies, it is recommended that ESD safety precautions be observed. ESD safe best practices include, but are not limited to:∙ Leaving circuit boards in their antistatic packaginguntil they are ready to be installed.∙ Using a grounded wrist strap when handling circuitboards, at a minimum you should touch a grounded metal object to dissipate any static charge that may be present on you.∙ Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas, whichmay include ESD floor and table mats, wrist strap stations and ESD safe lab coats.∙ Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpeted areas. ∙ Try to handle the board by the edges, avoiding contactwith components.Revision HistoryIntroductionConnect Tech’s XMC to PCIe/104 Adapter Board is an engineering tool for the purpose of enabling rapid development of systems requiring the use of next generation form factor peripheral cards. This product complies with the VITA 42 specification.Product Features and SpecificationsProduct Overview Connector Summary & Locations ADG095 Top ViewADG095 BottomViewJumper Summary & LocationsDetailed Feature DescriptionPCIe/104 ConnectorDescriptionPCIe/104 interface to CPU module Connectors & JumpersXMC Expansion SlotDescriptionM.2 interface slots for expansion cards. Can be ordered in either key E or key BM. Card type support is listed below.See Part Numbers/Ordering Information section for more ordering details.Connectors & JumpersIndicator LEDsDescriptionIndicator LED’s Connectors & JumpersTypical InstallationCard may be installed in a stack-up or stack-down configuration. 10mm height, M2.5 standoffs required between XMC adapter and XMC expansion card. Example stack-up on Connect Tech’s Com Express Type 6 104e Carrier shown below:。

基尔斯特 9451A 预紧元件手册说明书

基尔斯特 9451A 预紧元件手册说明书

Page 1/6AccessoriesPreloading elementsSet of pretensioning elements for piezoelectric force sensors9451A _000-869e -05.23© 2011 ... 2023 Kistler Group, Eulachstraße 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland . Kistler Group products This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Type 9451A, 9455..., 9456..., 9460, 9461, 9465These standardized pretensioning elements are used for mounting triaxial force sensors type 90x7, 90x8, and single-component ring force transducers types 9081C and 9091C.• Revolutionary Superbolt ring tensioner, for maximum force application with a simple allen key• Recessed ring nut for minimum overall height• Elastic preloading bolt, optimized for measuring tensile and compression forces • Low force shuntDescriptionThe standardized pretensioning sets for uni- and triaxial force sensors contain everything necessary for optimal installation: bolt, ring nut, centering ring and where necessary with a sliding disk.For very high preload forces that can no longer be imposed using a wrench, the two sets 9455S and 9456S offer a revolu-tionary Superbolt tension nut. This allows enormously high forces to be applied with a simple hexagon torque wrench.ApplicationsMulticomponent and single-component force sensors have to be mounted under pretension too meet the specified accuracy or to allow the shear forces F x and F y to be transferred by static friction from the base and cover plates to the surfaces of the force sensor. The necessary pretension depends on the magnitude of the shear forces to be transferred.Superbolt mountingThe mounting of the Superbolt tensioner is identical to the mounting of the other pretensioning sets. Exception for the tightening of the tensioner:• no sliding washer is needed• the preload is applied by crosswise tightening the hex screws of the Superbolt tensionerà check out the manual for details!MountingBefore assembly, the bearing surfaces of the base plate, cover plate and sensor must be carefully cleaned with a degreasing cleaner.The sliding washer between the cover plate and the threadednut reduces friction and thus the tightening torque. An exception are the two pretensioning sets type 9455S and 9456S, for which no sliding washers are required.Before installation, therefore, lubricating grease type 1063 must be applied sparingly to the anti-friction surface, the outside surface of the nut and the upper thread of the preten-sioning bolt. The pretensioning bolt must be screwed into the base plate and the thread secured with adhesive/sealant (e.g. Loctite 221).The centering sleeve must be slipped over the pretensioning bolt, then the sensor fitted and oriented with the aid of the alignment surfaces and the connector of the sensor. The cover plate must be slipped on, the anti-friction washer inserted and the nut tightened with the wrench adapter type 947x, which has to be ordered separately. Connecting the output of the z-component of the sensor to a charge amplifier allows direct measurement of the pretensioning force.Superbolt is a registered trade mark of Nord-Lock GmbH.Loctite 221 is a registered trade mark of Henkel.Page 2/69451A _000-869e -05.23© 2011 ... 2023 Kistler Group, Eulachstraße 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Preload set 9460946194659451A 94559455S 94569456S Sensortype 9017/901890169027/902890269047/904890469067/906890669077/90789076/90819077/90789076/90819097/909890919097/9098 9091A1 (min.) 4.58101417/1916/183432A2 6.57151633363638B11116212834344747B2 (min.)222216 1)16 1)23 1)23 1)D4151830507575120120D5––––25254848L4 (min.)1115203050507070L5 (min.)1115253050/5252/567070H31012142126/2226/222828MM6x0.75M8x1M14x1.5M20x1.5M40x2M40x2M64x3M64x3all values in Millimeter [mm] if not specified differentlyRecommended materials for base and cover plates, heat treatedMaterial1st recommend.2nd recommend.3rd recommend.W.-Nr. 1.4045* 1.4021* 1.1191DIN x22CrNi17x20Cr13Ck45AFNOR Z15CN16-02Z20C13xC45B.S.431S29420S37M46JIS SUS431SUS420J1S45C AISI/SAE 4314201045* Stainless1)to fix bottom plate on a structure, only if needed// 0.01Ra 0.4Page 3/69451A _000-869e -05.23© 2011 ... 2023 Kistler Group, Eulachstraße 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resultingOverview of set componentsPreload set 9460946194659451A 94559455S 94569456S Sensor 90179027904790679077/90819077/90819097/90919097/9091max. tension [kN]1525851553002)/4603)450730730M M6x0.75M8x1M14x1.5M20x1.5M40x2M40x2M64x3M64x3M2----S28x21S28x21M50x2M50x2L29405778105105140140L1 5.5 6.5141532323535L2 6.511141522223030D 4.5 5.9111537375858D5----25254848all values in Millimeter [mm] if not specified differentlyPreload set 9460946194659451A 94559455S 94569456S D214.417.629.649.574.5-119.8-d4 6.510152542-67-Thickness0. values in Millimeter [mm] if not specified differentlyPreload set 9460946194659451A 94559455S 94569456S D1 6.5814.126.540.540.57272d1 4.56112237375858L31219203640405353all values in Millimeter [mm] if not specified differentlyPreload set 9460946194659451A 94559455S 94569456S M M6x0.75M8x1M14x1.5M20x1.5M40x2M40x2M64x3M64x3D314.817.829.849.874.574119.8119D4151830507575120120d2 1.8 2.7 9.41322386057.510087H 5.5 6.514153236 4)3537 4)H1 1.131********H22.538.557-19-all values in Millimeter [mm] if not specified differentlyPretensioning boltRing nutCentering sleeveSliding washer2) Manually applied with torque wrench 3)Hydraulically applied 4) T otal height of the Superbolt tensioner, consisting of nut and washer, incl. gap of max. 2mm, depending on the applied force.Page 4/69451A _000-869e -05.23© 2011 ... 2023 Kistler Group, Eulachstraße 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Wrench adapterOptional accessories Insulating washerPreload set 9460946194659451A 94559455S 94569456S Type 94799475947294719473not needed non-existentnot needed M26xSW116xSW146xSW196xSW326xSW32---L62525457088---L71212153020---L81010203033---L9----19---d31,52,55810---H22,53656---E 9,413223860---D514,51829,64974---D6----25---all values in Millimeter [mm] if not specified differentlyPreload set 9460946194659451A 94559455S 94569456S Type 4)----9455A19455A19456A19456A1Amount ----set of 2set of 2set of 2set of 2D2----8787130130d4----41.841.87272Thickness----0.1250.1250.1250.125all values in Millimeter [mm] if not specified differentlyLength L = 29 mm–Length L = please specify in mmspLength L = 40 mm–Length L = please specify in mmspLength L = 57 mm–Length L = please specify in mmspLength L = 78 mm–Length L = please specify in mmspLength L = 105 mm–Superbolt length L = 105mmSLength L = 140–Superbolt length L = 140 mmSOrdering key 4)t riaxial force sensors feature ceramic surfaces, so no additional insulation needed9451A _000-869e -05.23This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Detailed specifications of top and bottom plates Type 9456...Page 6/69451A _000-869e -05.23© 2011 ... 2023 Kistler Group, Eulachstraße 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resultingType 9461...Type 9465...。



steel ball 1471N(150kgf) beryllium copper, phosphor bronze
588.4N(60kgf) Bearing metal
diameter 980.7N(100kgf)
steel ball 1471N(150kgf)
588.4N(60kgf) Plastics, lead
50x50mm travel stage
Dimensions: 4.92x4.92”(125x125mm) Minimum reading: 0.01mm 810-012
Clamping devices (Vises)
Vise Max. opening: 1.77”(45mm) Standard for the MH series. 810-016
Order No. 19BAA061 19BAA058 19BAA062 19BAA059 19BAA060
Type Knoop Indenter Vickers Indenter Knoop Indenter Vickers Indenter Vickers Indenter
Model H, HM Standard Series H, HM Standard Series MVK-H2, H3, HM114 MVK-H2, H3, HM114 HV, AVK-C Series
Micro-Vickers/Vickers Hardness Testing Machine
Test Blocks
Order No. 64BAA173 64BAA174 64BAA175 64BAA176 64BAA177 64BAA178 64BAA179 64BAA180 64BAA181 64BAA182 64BAA183 64BAA184 64BAA185 64BAA186 64BAA187 64BAA188 64BAA189 64BAA190 64BAA191 64BAA192 64BAA193 64BAA194 64BAA195 64BAA196 64BAA197 64BAA198 64BAA199 64BAA200 64BAA201 64BAA202 64BAA203 64BAA204 64BAA205 64BAA206 64BAA207 64BAA208 64BAA209 64BAA210 64BAA211 64BAA212 64BAA213 64BAA214 64BAA215 64BAA216 64BAA217 64BAA218 64BAA219 64BAA220



1、材料:圆钢 18/ Q235A; 2、未注公差尺寸的极限偏差按GB/T1804-m; 3、未注明倒角为0.5X45°。
Title/Name,designation,material,dimension etc
Designed by
Checked by

Title/Name,designation,material,dimension etc
Designed by Alice Wang
Checked by leo Zhang
Approved by - date Robin Deng
Article No./Reference Date 2009-3-13
Scale 1.5:1
Edition 0
Sheet 1/1
+0.1 0
Edition 0
Shell 侧装 正装
A(mm) 440.5 420.5
1、连接牢靠; 2、未注公差尺寸的极限偏差按GB/T1804-m; 3、表面处理:Ep.Zn12.P。
1 8TEC.127.012
2 Washer GB 93-87 8 单弹簧锁紧垫圈,普通型

SINUMERIK ONE 测量循环 编程手册说明书

SINUMERIK ONE 测量循环 编程手册说明书

技术文档反馈 .............................................................................................................. 13
mySupport 文档 .......................................................................................................... 14
3 说明............................................................................................................................................... 23
参数,用于测量结果检查和补偿 .................................................................................. 55
经验值、平均值和公差参数的影响 ............................................................................... 60
平面定义,工件类型.................................................................................................... 30
可使用的测量头........................................................................................................... 34



法国(RADIO-ENERGIE)雷恩编码器常用型号:RKA190-PSDV-1418-PV1650-SD55RCO100M-S2-1612-SW-30-SC010-R2RCM58S-32057-S3009RCI444RS-1024-JBX1-S101RCI120T25X2N1CR10000S20MRCM58-B1A1G-0016-DR23RCM58-SS2-18-00-36-10SC-R4RCI580136S002RCI580136S002-30CRCI90TS01024SJBX3,RCI115TSCT11024S11,RCI115TSCT22048S11RCI90TS-01024-S-T45RCI90TS-1000-S-0081RCI90TS-1000-M-S005RCI90T-HSA4-1024-S005+ RCI90T-HSA4-0050-S007+RCOE01RO1480BR(模块式编码器)RCI90T-HSA4-1024-S005+ RCI90T-HSA4-0050-S007(模块式编码器)RCI444R FS11 4 2048JBX2RCI444R-001024-012-SA010RCI444R-002048-012-SA010RCI444R-1000-S175RCI58B BS15 2 04096 CA02RCI58B HS15 2 01024 23C1(插头式)RE.0110S1CB0.005CARE.0444R1B0.04CA003ALT02C08507042+RE.0444R1CB0.2CA+联轴器125V100TT05-03 100MN23-7170H-CR-22MC/1000/20M/A0009401/10-10AHM916//5SSG//131//B06//S6R1//615EZAMH5_14//P-SS-G-13B12D5-S6R050ASH930 5CP G 13 C7R150ASH9305CPG13C7R100CD50-1500-L005-OP10CD80MEC-204.8-L005-P10CM12H-1024-006 1024HTLCMB1350-01000-M420-AL001-H030CP14L2.1-Φ11/2.1-Φ16PIF1111 5G5MC 100 BRPIF1111 5G5MC BR 01024BRPIF11R11 5G5MC 01024BRPIH12-425G5MC1024CR020PIH5-12/5GTMC/2048/CR020R81H-1024-255170-HR-A3RCH5848R/1024-00112HZRCI.58.GHM5.10.2G2.Z.2500.G3.B.01.1RCI160TS-T50-1024-JBX1-S10C + C350A01RCI160TS-TA8-500-JBX3-TL350-S25CRCI16TS-TK35-1024-JBX3-LH200-S101RCI40C-081KTL-E10RCI40TS-1024-S105RCI444R FS11 4 1024 JBX1RCI444R FS11 4 1200 JBX1RCI444R FS11 4 2048JBX1RCI510-2048S005RCI58B BS15 2 01024 23C1(插头式)RCI58B BS15 2 01024 CA01RCI58B BS15 2 01024 CA02RCI58B BS15 2 02048 CA02RCI58B HS15 2 02048 23C1(插头式)RCI58B-BS15-2-01024-23C1(配母插头加2米电缆)RCI58B-BS15-2-01024-CA0210-30VDC HTLRCI58B-HS12-2-01024 23C1RCI58B-HS12-2-10000 23C1RCI58B-HS12-2-2800 23C1RCI58B-HS14-2-01024-CA01RCI58C-BS05-01024-CR020RCI58C-FS3-F-1024-1RCI58T FS10 S 01024 CA02(电缆式)RCI58T-21105-2048RCI58T-HS12-S-01024-CA02-S002RCI58T-HS14-1-01024-CA02RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA02-S001RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA05-S001RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA05-S005RCI58TS-1024-S105-IP67RCI58TS-HS14-C-01024-CA01RCI90B HS20 1 01024 CA02RCI90B HS25 1 1024 CA02RCI90B HS30 1 01024 23C1(插头式)RCI90B HS30 1 01024 CA01RCI90B HS30 1 01024 CA02RCI90B HS42 1 01024 CA02RCI90C-100-00102-RCI90C-1BVD-1024-51-S1RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F1+9416RCI90C-1BVD-1024-F1+9416RCI90C-1EVD-1024-51-S002RCI90-GHW945-1024-S016-BL200RCI90TS-02500-S001RCI90TS-HS16-C-01000-CA02-S001RCI90TS-HS16-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S001RCI90TS-HS20-C-01024-CA01-S002RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-23A0-F150-S007RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S002RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA02-S001RCI90TS-T5HD-1024-E1-S000RCM90SS-TC20-25-S003RCO 058 R 06 2 9 BR 00600 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 01024 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 02048 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 04096 I1RCO 058 R 06 8 9 BR 00200 I1RCO E01R O 0825 BRRCO E01R O 1480 BRRCO INT 444 R - Shaft end 11x30 mmRCO-058-R0689 BR-200I1RCOE01 RO950BRRCOE01 RO990BRRHI115-FS01-1024-S023RKL-200-A42-S10RM170H//CR//22MC//1000//30M//A009RMF510-5DP-PGR-6425SRMF510-PROF-001S152-129 EBD00656TYPE-115110080705-1024-GM028-DC24VASF5-10//5CPG//13//C6B//KF001AVS58N-011K1ROGN-0012CMF15-11-5533-1024-BR-A91COM 20337-AMI10H-16//5533//1024//BGR//LH150I5H14-5533-1024-CR2000-AMI5F-10-5533-01024-CR2000-A075PCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDCPCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDC**h5**通轴PCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDC**s5**非通轴PCIPE-5880GS + RCOE-S1416BR-2KBDP + RCOS-HO825BR **PIF11R1159BR001024I//RF006PIF510-PG5MC-4096DR//MK016PIF510-PG5MC-4096-DR//MK016PKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-1H200-SD25 DC12-30VPREO-1416-C300105(含GSD软件)RC19B HS30 1 01024 CA03RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCI190-GHW930-2G29-5000-G3R010RCI444R 11 59BR 00 1024 I1RCI444R1159BR00/1024/I1RCI444R1159BR00/500/I1RCI444R-FS11-01024-4-BJX1-T115RCI444r-fS11-1000-4-JBX1RCI444R-FS11-1024-SB103+9401RCI444R-FS11-S-01024-JBX1RCI58B-00460RCI58B-FS10-S-01024-CA01RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI58T-16-02048-S102RCI58TB-T3-1024-S05RCI90 GHW9205 G59 1024 G6 RXXIRCI90C-1BVA-4096-F1+9416RCI90C-T359-1000-BR-S115/BF150RCI90T-HS30-S-01024-CA05-S002RCI90TS-38-01024-S104RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-F150-S104RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCM58C-1BESA-1312-S1+9416RCM90SS-T30-25-S005+接头3米电缆+附件RCM9-12T//BGB//13B16//XTR00-S003RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCS5S-S10-13-SG100+9401RCDW-25KM-HLS25 拉线盒RCOF-42875F-5093RPEO-1418-C900115RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)M5F10-5-P-25-CR2000RONE-50025-4768K(SN:7726805 )RONE-160758DNRONE-70047-2269K(SN:8014109)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704715)RCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD** 9445/018-D20RCOF-D1416-TS20057RCI090-C01-NH-D00-1024-003RCON-TS105-SS10200RCOF-D0016-TT10024RCON-DEKX3-S819115RCOF-42875F-5093( SN:704704 )RCOE-4K6B-200216RCI58TS-HS14-00020-CA01-S103RCI90TS-T30-1024-S003RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F150RCI90TS-T30-1024-S003RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S102RCI100TP-S36T-1024-CR20-F0150RCI90T-11045-415-APRCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 *** RKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-LH200-SD25RCI58T-00130/1024RCI58T-HS14-01024-CA01-S106RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI58B-00125/1024RCM9SP-TA5-325-S138RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-23C1-S101RCI100TS-200451DRCI58B-FS10-S-01024-CA01FRABA—项目型号OCD58-33058UCD58-303600DOCD58-300610BRCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2M9F12P-1313-DR-S101COI-60157-1KBH-S101RCI90TS-HS30-C-01000-CA02-S002RCOE-4K6B-200216(增量)RCDW-25KM-HLS25(拉绳)RCOF-42875F-5093(增量)RPEO-1418-C900115(绝对)RCI58EEX-1024-S12103RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI58TS-H10-S037RCI125-1024HT007-T150AC1501-2C10-5PG-0013-26AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8AC1500-T12-5SG-1212-26AC1500-B15-5F-1213-8RCI90C-1BVD-1024-51-S1**soRCI58TS-HS14-C-01024-CA01MRE-32SP061FKBRCI158B-D0460配套弹片RCI158B-D0460HTL-2048-M60-S0013RCI115-1024-M2303RCI58B-HS12-SS2083RCM90SP-T30-SS12GCCI58-20674-SS103RCOF-6K4B-DV0418RCOF-1313-CS9182RCOE-1215V-PD6530I5H-1024-DRRCI160-T20-NH-BR-10204-TX150RCM58-2C10-5F-1213-8RCM58-B10-5SG-0812-28RCI160-T35-NH-BR-10204-TX200RCM58SP-PROF-001RCON-1416-PV3004 (SN:505423)SLJ-11/11RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI58TS-T4-01024-CA05-S002RDON-T0025-TS20031AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8-S1RCS9SP-HA03-13G-S207RCON-TP1416-DF2015RKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-LH200-SD25 AC1500-B12-5PG-1213-16-S07RCI100TS-P20035DRCM58SP-M10-SS1213UCD58-303600DRCI100TS-200451DOCD58-300610BPIF-1000-C05DRCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-23C1-S101 RE.0588US1CB0.06CARCM9SP-TA5-325-S138RCM5-SP-T20-1312-S106RCON-DEKX3-S819115 (SN:605327) RCOF-42875F-5093( SN:704704 ) RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810) RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)CC1400-4T6-65-300-26RCOF-D1416-TS20057 (SN:805321)RCI090-C01-NH-D00-1024-003 (SN:201404093568) RCON-TS105-SS10200 (SN:505421)RCOF-D0016-TT10024 (SN:605701)9445/018-D20RCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD**RCM9SP-TA5-325-S138CC1601-4T60-23-2048-26RCM90SP-T20-1312-S106**OD**RCI90TS-HS20-C-01024-CA01-S002CC1401-2C6-23-2048-16CC1501-2C10-65-1024-26RONE-50025-4768K(SN:7726805 )RONE-160758DN (SN:9920115)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704715)AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8AC1500-T12-5SG-1212-26AC1500-B15-5F-1213-8CC1610-4T60-23-26-S001RCI90C-01430RCI58TS-T4-01024-CA05-S002PIF11R115G5MC01024BR11RF001RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI90T-11045-415-AP (含插头带线)RCI58T-00130/1024RCI90TS-T30-T-1024-S003RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2COI-60157-1KBH-S101RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 *** CC1900E-4S30-65-1024-29-HSCC1900E-4S45-65-1024-29-HSRCI190-HA05-S-01024-JBX3-F250-S007 *** AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-26AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-26AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-28AC1500-B10-5F-1213-8CC1900-4T16-65-01024-26CC1900-4T25-65-01024-26CC1500-4T14-65-04096-26CC1500-4T14-65-01024-26CC1210-4T38-65-04096-26COM20232-PG/1212/S102RCI58C-FS10-S-01024-CA02-S001RKA190-1200DN-PB25-ST175RCI58T-HS14-1024-S002RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA02-S001 QXPC 3550RCI90C-02146OCD58-33058RCI58B-00125/1024RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S001RCM912-1316-S102M9F12-5SG-1312-DR278K0096RCI510-2048S005RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI90TS-HS16-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S001 RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S005 COM 20337-AMCOM 20337-AMRCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD** MI16H-45//5533//2048//BGR//LH300+ES100 RCM90SP-T16-25-S005EL115A1000S8/24L11X3MRRCI90TS-T30-T-1024-S003CD230-MEC-12000-300-L001+-OP10+PHM510-1312 RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-23A0-F150-S007RKI-C-F150RCI90C-1BVA-4096-F1+9416CC1500-4T10-65-1024-26。



pc945材料标准一、阻燃性能PC945材料具有优异的阻燃性能,其阻燃等级达到UL94 V-0级。

























该实验方法的行业标准[3]中定义轻烃为气相色谱中C 6~C 14之间所有的烃类物质,富集方法是在真空进样装置中破坏黄金管,气体分析完成后取出黄金管剂萃取液态烃后使用气相色谱定量。




1 试验方法和样品准备液氮冷冻法收集黄金管内轻烃产物的大致流程包括液氮冷冻黄金管、有机溶剂准备、破坏黄金管、萃取液态烃、添加内标物、气相色谱分析六个步骤。





2 分析流程和实验条件探讨2.1 实验材料和试剂实验过程使用到的小型设备包含电子天平、超声清洗器和离心机。



© 2000 by Günther Productions · Zöllnerstraße 38 · 51491 Overath
RAL 2002 Blutorange
RAL 2003 Pastellorange RAL 2004 Reinorange
RAL 2005 Leuchtorange RAL 2007 Leuchthellorange
RAL 1005 Honiggelb
RAL 1006 Maisgelb
RAL 1007 Narzissengelb RAL 1011 Braunbeige RAL 1012 Zitronengelb
CMYK 10 30 100 0 CMYK 5 30 90 0 CMYK 0 40 100 0 CMYK 30 40 70 0 CMYK 10 10 90 0
RAL 6005 Moosgrün
RAL 6006 Grauoliv
RAL 6007 Flaschengrün RAL 6008 Braungrün
RAL 6009 Tannengrün
CMYK 100 60 90 20 CMYK 90 80 90 20 CMYK 80 50 80 60 CMYK 70 50 70 80 CMYK 90 50 90 60
RAL 3027 Himbeerrot RAL 3031 Orientrot
RAL 4001 Rotlila
RAL 4002 Rotviolett
RAL 4003 Erikaviolett
CMYK 0 100 70 20 CMYK 20 100 90 20 CMYK 60 70 5 10 CMYK 40 100 90 5 CMYK 10 70 10 0
Classic 840-HR/841-GL
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