(6分)质疑者:赞成者:2.依次填人下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(3分) ()________,________。
A.改头换面改弦易辙改弦更张B.改弦易辙改弦更张改头换面C.改弦更张改头换面改弦易辙D.改弦易辙改头换面改弦更张4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(3分) ()A.2014年热播的《咱们结婚吧》,虽然是一部常见的被观众戏称为“电视购物剧”的都市情感剧,高圆圆却将它演绎得别具浪漫主义气息,成为当年最火的电视剧之一。
绝密★启用前河南省封丘一中2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试语文试卷(含答案)试卷副标题考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:36分钟;命题人:xxx学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项.1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(题型注释)1、下面的句子中,没有语病的一项是( )A .真正的贵族并不是名车豪宅的代名词,良好的修养、优雅的举止,以及丰厚的文化底蕴才是家长送给孩子真正的最好礼物。
B .社会发展引起科学家们的担忧,全球平均智商水平不仅没有提高,反而呈下降趋势。
过去的 50 年,人类综合智商值下降了 1 倍。
C .陶渊明的外祖母是陶侃的女儿,一个外祖母是很可能向外孙谈起自己父亲的,那么陶侃的一生可能对陶渊明有很深的印象,不也很自然吗?D .督查组发现,廊坊市有些部门未按要求把应急部署落实情况及时反馈给环保局,环保局得到的信息仅为日常工作内容,与重污染天气应急关联不大。
总分 563.5 555 529.5 529.5 518.5 517 511.5 509 506 501.5 501 496.5 487.5 487.5 484.5 483.5 482 479 476 470 464.5 464.5 459 453.5 452.5 450 448.5 448.5 447.5 446 446 440.5 440.5 436 436 434.5 433 431.5 430.5 428.5 410.5 409 408 404.5 388 387.5 385 382.5 381.5 380 376.5 373 372 371.5 369
政治校名 72 47 138 26 90 138 41 19 138 30 59 138 47 2 138 124 157 59 200 282 176 124 176 185 72 124 157 238 185 167 72 238 47 138 47 112 167 90 152 223 223 211 176 47 112 152 90 185 157 252 185 272 290 185 59
姓名 刘畅 张聿洨 程冰新 王浩然 贾俊达 袁晨阳 魏耀姿 马瑞雪 岳晨梦 娄璇 张自勋 刘慧聪 李彧帆 张宇 王浩晨 谢晴 耿素宇 赵茜 贾茵 潘梦柯 王鑫莉 刘军歌 赵新茹 张瑞 段诒潆 张乘伟 陈俊 张蔚然 范丽雪 刘兩琦 杜冰心 郑尉 湛蓝 李兴真 杨奕 常永辉 杨振笑 王建聪 鹿瑞琪 谢梦彬 杨盼 候金晨 曹佳梦 赵微 李嘉嘉 赵永威 张涛 李欣珂 刘汇婧 黄瑞瑶 何依霏 孙自鸣 甄一丹 王慧砼 武克
班级 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
语文分数 115 119 120 115 113 107 106 122 109 119 108 100 100 104 110 112 112 117 110 115 106 107 111 105 115 110 104 108 107 100 111 98 103 107 111 100 99 105 92 104 109 105 117 108 110 115 111 109 109 111 103 101 92 98 105
总分校名 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 19 22 23 24 24 26 27 28 29 29 31 32 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 54
24 25 2 32 26 27 28 33 33 35 1 36 1 37 29 38 38 2 3 40 30 4 31 41 42 2 43 32 5 44 45 1 33 34 1 35 2 46 36 47 37 3 38 6 39 48 49 4 40 41 50 51 5 42 3 2
总分班名 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 13 7 9 14 15 15 10 11 17 12 12 18 1 19 14 15 16 20 21 17 18 22 23 24 19 25 26 27 28 20 29 21 22 30 23 31
班级 22 21 21 22 22 21 21 22 21 22 21 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 21 22 22 21 21 21 22 22 21 22 22 21 06 21 22 22 22 21 21 22 22 21 21 21 22 21 21 21 21 22 21 22 22 21 22 21
政治校名 138 229 90 138 286 183 312 168 237 168 106 336 199 237 286 229 277 286 69 248 421 364 183 345 345 298 331 322 138 312 378 277 351 408 430 390 412 404 368 404 427 404 336 356 437 449 450 434 450 412 396 425 412 457 448
语文分数 87 94 93 97 101 85 97 95 95 87 93 100 91 93 91 96 77 88 87 92 76 93 83 83 87 67 91 78 87 86 72 81 63 63 51 64 90 78 65 75 77 91 70 68 76 47 70 67 67 66 42 28 24 86 13
44.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
462 466 466 466 466 466 466 466 466 466 466
56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57
17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
457 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 462
总分 462.5 447.6 441.3 441.1 429.8 423.3 423.3 420.1 416.1 412.8 408.5 405.5 401 400 384.3 383 381.3 379.3 371.3 361.8 361.5 359.9 354.8 351.6 349.3 349 342.6 335.1 331 327.6 298.5 292.3 288.9 283.6 272.4 263.6 262.9 262.8 261 259.5 233.5 226.5 225.8 216.5 212.9 193.6 185 181 181 176.4 167.3 159.3 141.5 86 71
181160088 李同雪
181010217 张乘伟
181010214 潘梦柯
181020161 廉梦
181030204 田文鑫
181030177 杨灿
181150087 刘晨羲
181160060 孙孝雨
181150027 张玉
181160062 周瑞杰
181010154 张聿洨
181150101 王蕾
181150023 刘晶晶
181150085 封自奕
181150053 张鑫
语文班名 1 3 1 19 6 32 23 5 2 8 16 38 12 18 27 8 27 10 10 1 57 6 19 25 23 36 12 3 48 49 12 9 18 48 12 6 32 38 39 39 18 12 1 53 30 12 32 53 1 19 39 36 8 12 8
104 102 87 90 105 102 103 96 102 95 72 101 96 99 88 95 98 97 86 99 92 83 95 84 99 99 95 86 93 99 93 107 97 85 103 106 111 81 93 108 85 86 98 80 90 78 81 96 98 103 93 91 94 87 91 77
总分 643 620.5 616.5 615.5 610.5 604 602.5 600 600 599.5 596 593.5 593.5 587.5 586.5 585 584 583.5 583 582.5 579 578 577.5 576.5 575 571.5 570.5 570 568.5 567 566.5 566.5 565.5 565 563.5 563.5 563 562.5 562 561.5 559.5 559.5 559 559 558 557.5 557 556 555 554 554 554 552.5 552.5 552
15 16 16 16 15 01 16 15 01 03 16 03 01 16 16 02 03 16 02 15 03 02 03 15 16 01 01 03 02 03 01 01 03 01 15 02 01 03 02 16 03 01 03 03 15 02 16 02 03 03 02 01 03 15 15 15
客观分 主观分 39 27 33 32 33 27 36 19 24 19 30 17 30 23 36 27 42 22 24 25 33 26 33 27 24 16 24 25 42 33 18 20 33 27 42 37 27 22 36 25 24 21 18 20 21 23
参考人数:89 平均分:58.33 最高分:84.00 最低分:0.00 优秀:7 及格:49
客观分 主观分 36 28 30 17 36 25 42 41 36 31 33 27 48 35 48 33 27 21 24 28 39 27 30 27 39 32 21 22 36 27 33 24 36 37 42 35 39 26 33 39 36 28 42 22 36 31
考号 姓名 总分
题号 答案 人数 正答% 选项分布统计
题号 答案 人数 正答% 选项分布统计
河南省新乡市封丘县第一中学2024-2025学年高三9月英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Online activity can be riddled with cyberbullying (网络霸凌). To find out which app is the best to keep your kids safe online, we tested four apps over five weeks.● Mobicip Premium $8 per month (billed annually at $96) for 20 managed devices at MobicipMobicip Premium’s social media and screen time monitoring were all strong. We found its app blocking, website content monitoring, and location tracking capabilities to be powerful as well.●Net Nanny$90 per year (billed annually) for 20 managed devices at Net NannyThe user interface (界面) of this app is family-friendly and visually engaging, featuring cartoons of parents and casual language. The web filtering, screen time allocation (分配), and app management functions are all capable.● OurPact Premium+$100 per year (billed annually) for 20 managed devices at OurPactThis app requires that we pair our child’s device to our computer with a cable and download the OurPact Jr. app. The Screen Time capability is personalized to fit our child’s schedule.● Qustodio Premium Small$55 per year (billed annually) for 20 managed devices at QustodioThe thoughtfully designed web interface makes Qustodio Premium Basic easy to operate. Its web filtering and game blocking features were powerful. This app is available for Android, Chromebook, iOS, Kindle, macOS and Windows, though not all features are supported across all platforms.1.Who are the target readers of this passage?A.Teachers.B.Parents.C.Students.D.Employers. 2.Which app is the cheapest for 20 managed devices annually?A.Mobicip Premium.B.Net Nanny.C.OurPact Premium+.D.Qustodio Premium Small.3.What is special about Net Nanny?A.Location tracking.B.Game blocking.C.Content storage.D.Cartoon interface.Climbing, I once thought, was a very manly activity, but as I found my way into this activity, I came to see that something quite different happens on the rock.Like wild swimming, rock climbing involves you into the landscape. On the rock, I am fully focused. Eyes pay close attention, ears are alert, and hands move across the surface. Unlike walking, where I could happily wander about absent-mindedly, in climbing, attentive observation is essential.As an arts student studying English literature, I discovered a new type of reading from outdoor climbing. Going out on to the crags (悬崖), I saw how you could learn to read the rocks and develop a vocabulary of physical movements. Good climbers knew how to adjust their bodies on to the stone. Watching them, I wanted to possess that skillful “language”.My progress happened when I worked for the Caingorms National Park Authority. Guiding my explorations into this strange new landscape was Nan Shepherd, a lady too. Unlike the goal-directed mindset of many mountaineers, she is not concerned with peaks or personal achievement. Shepherd sees the mountain as a total environment and she celebrates the Caingorms as a place alive with plants, rocks, animals and elements. Through her generous spirit and my own curiosity, I saw that rock climbing need not be a process of testing oneself against anything. Rather, the intensity of focus could develop a person into another way of being.Spending so much time in high and stony places has transformed my view on the world and our place in it.I have come into physical contact with processes that go way beyond the everyday. Working with gravity, geology (地质学), rhythms of weather and deep time, I gain an actual relationship with the earth. This bond lies at the heart of my passion for rock climbing. I return to the rocks, because this is where I feel in contact with our land.4.Why does the author like rock climbing?A.It challenges her to compete with men.B.It allows her a unique attitude toward rock.C.It teaches her how to possess a new language.D.It makes her feel connected wth the earth.5.What does the writer find important in climbing?A.Balance.B.Concentration.C.Determination.D.Perseverance6.What does the writer learn from Nan Shepherd?A.Climbing goes together with nature.B.Every mountain top is within reach.C.The best climber is the one having fun.D.You can not achieve high unless you change. 7.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?A.Time.B.Transformation.C.The world.D.My view.People today are much cleverer than they were in previous generations. A study of 72 countries found that average IQs rose by 2.2 points per decade between 1948 and 2020. This stunning change is known as the Flynn Effect after James Flynn, the scientist who first noticed it. Flynn was initially confused by his discovery. It took millions of years for the brain to evolve. How could it improve so rapidly over just a few decades?The answer is largely that people were becoming better nourished and mentally stimulated. Just as muscles need food and exercise to grow strong, the brain also needs the right nutrients and activity to develop. Kids today are much less likely to be malnourished (营养不良的) than they were in past decades, and more likely to go to school. Yet there is no room for satisfaction. In poor and middle-income countries, many children are still too ill-fed to reach the cognitive potential.The world grows enough food, but several obstacles stop nutrients getting into young brains. One is war. Families sheltering around cannot risk out to plant or harvest, and some governments intentionally starve certain regions into submission. Another is disease. Hungry children fall sick more often, and the energy they spend battling bugs cannot be devoted to growing brains. Poverty is also a big part of the problem. But global data from UNICEF, an aid agency, show that although half the children with very restricted diets (including no more than two food groups) are indeed from poor families, the other half are not. Other factors, such as poor eating habits, are to blame as well. Research about how to overcome the obstacles is needed.Some argue that human intelligence will matter less as people entrust (委托) their thinking to artificial intelligence. To assume this would be as foolish as betting 100 years ago that the invention of the car would make it unnecessary to walk. In the workplace, human intelligence and AI will probably assist each other. And brains are for the joy of thinking, as well as earning money. Steven Pinker of Harvard University calls human intelligence “a tailwind in life”, helpingpeople adapt rationally to new challenges or a changing environment. For a modest price, the next generation can have a stronger tailwind. It would not only be wrong to refuse them the tailwind. It would be stupid.8.What can we learn about the Flynn Effect?A.Average IQs have risen fast in the past decades.B.Intelligence has been stable across generations.C.People now are as intelligent as their ancestors.D.Better education leads to improved physical health.9.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?A.The Flynn Effect has reached its peak.B.Global problems continue despite IQ gains.C.Society values human intelligence less.D.Malnutrition is merely a result of poverty. 10.What does the author think of artificial intelligence?A.Useless.B.Unique.C.Beneficial.D.Ineffective. 11.What is the best title for the passage?A.Stages of IQ Development B.Secrets to Rising IQs WorldwideC.Insights Into Global IQ Trend D.Influence of the Flynn EffectStanding in front of a horse- face skirt on display in a garment factory, Liu Wenyue, a young hanfu designer, carefully explained where she drew inspiration from while designing it.“I drew inspiration from the shell carving process used to create mother- of- pearl lacquer (漆). I chose the silver thread and images from traditional Chinese paintings- birds, flowers, hills and rocks- as the patterns. I also added window- frame patterns on the edge to give the entire piece the appearance of lacquerware,” she said. “It is the best- selling piece in our store, with 20,000 pieces sold so far,”Having designed nearly 500 sets of hanfu in just four years, Liu has managed to turn what was once a hobby into a stable source of income. She now runs a studio and focuses on designing horse- face skirts.“I hope that the hanfu pieces I designed can easily fit into people’s everyday lives. This is why I have prioritized horse- face skirts as my flagship (旗舰店) product,” Liu said, adding that the skirt is very adaptable, as it can be matched with tops and fits all age groups.Liu’s passion for hanfu began in college, where she admired the clothing but could barely afford it. Inspired by online design blueprints, she created her own, which a merchant bought for 300 yuan ($42), even before production. The buyer advised her to learn computer- aided design, leading her into the industry. In 2019, she opened a studio, later relocating to Xucun, which is closer to her fabric source.In her new studio, horse- face skirts feature a variety of patterns, such as fireworks, herbal medicines, blue and white porcelain, and Year of the Dragon images. “I draw inspiration mostly from traditional Chinese cultural elements, and at the same time, I integrate modern aesthetics (美学) into the design to highlight the younger generation’s understanding of hanfu,” Liu said.She has not only built a fan base domestically, but has also received orders for her skirts from overseas Chinese and international students. Orders have also been placed by foreigners who are interested in hanfu culture.12.What inspired Liu Wenyue in designing the horse- face skirt according to Paragraph 2?A.The shell carving process.B.Landscape painting styles.C.Jade carving techniques.D.Traditional Chinese calligraphy. 13.What makes horse- face skirts the top choice for Liu’s flagship product?A.Their uniqueness.B.Their adaptability.C.Their cultural elements.D.Their affordable prices.14.Why did Liu move her studio to Xucun?A.For better design blueprints.B.For better fabric access.C.To enlarge the production scale.D.To seek creative inspiration.15.Which of the following can best describe Liu Wenyue?A.Passion moves the world.B.Wisdom comes with experience.C.Honesty is the best policy.D.Actions speak louder than words.Choosing the Right CareerYou will be leaving this school and the unavoidable question many people will ask you is, “ 16 ” Some of you may have already decided on a career path, but many of you still don’t have a clue! Here are some things you might want to consider.First, does the career you are considering have staying power? 17 Rapidtechnological change is disruptive(扰乱性的), and we need to be forward-looking at our future prospects. While many occupations are being taken over by new technology, jobs that require high-level of critical thinking, emotional intelligence and human interaction, remain in high demand. These jobs are not easily replaced by machines or technology. So think carefully about this before you choose your professional path.Second, choose a career that interests you. Some people might think this is unimportant, but if you are truly passionate about your job then going to work every day won’t seem a chore. 18 Before making a choice, you should examine your values, skills and personality type. This can help you decide if a career path is a good fit for you.Third, of course you will want to consider your chosen profession’s earning power. Although high pay plays a part, you should know that a job with a big salary will likely require more time to get to the top, much more effort and a higher level of stress. 19 If you have interests outside of work, or are struggling with other demands in your life, you might want to choose a less demanding line of work.20 Let me leave you with an old saying: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”A.You are on the right track.B.So, what do you want to be?C.Will it be in demand in 20 years’ time?D.It’s also likely that you will stay and grow in this career.E.They simply want you to be the best of the best to your best ability.F.Only the truly motivated will likely to be able to meet these challenges.G.Thinking about a life-long career at this stage in your life is surely disturbing.二、完形填空When I was a teenager, I was invited to a formal dance party. I was 21 , but also nervous about what to wear. Mom suggested I wear high heels (高跟鞋).“Mom, I don’t know if I can wear these,” I said, feeling 22 . “Don’t worry, sweetie. Just take small 23 and keep your weight centered,” she suggested.As I arrived at the party, I tried to be 24 and act like everything was fine. But 25 struck when I stepped onto the dance floor. I 26 my own feet, falling to the ground in front of everyone.I quickly got up and laughed it off, pretending like it was 27 . But deep down, I felt like a tomato, wanting to 28 .My friend Lilly helped me 29 that incident and managed me another high heels as a support so that nobody would understand my hesitation. But a little bit 30 continued in my mind.When I returned home, I told Mom I felt like a complete 31 at the party. “It’s okay. You tried something new, and it didn’t go as 32 . But that’s how we learn and grow. Don’t be too 33 on yourself and wear what you feel 34 in,” Mom said, giving me a hug.From that day forward, I stuck to flat shoes. I learned to 35 my true self and not worry about what others thought.21.A.surprised B.excited C.relaxed D.satisfied 22.A.unsure B.unsafe C.unusual D.unhappy 23.A.breaks B.turns C.steps D.attempts 24.A.genuine B.polite C.serious D.cool 25.A.danger B.injury C.disaster D.wonder 26.A.landed on B.tripped over C.kicked up D.ran into 27.A.a hot potato B.a big fish C.no luck D.no big deal 28.A.fight B.argue C.disappear D.struggle 29.A.approach B.avoid C.prevent D.identify 30.A.patience B.bravery C.worry D.anger 31.A.fool B.hero C.stranger D.dancer 32.A.suggested B.expected C.promised D.directed 33.A.dependent B.easy C.careful D.hard 34.A.fashionable B.tight C.comfortable D.special 35.A.promote B.accept C.trust D.refuse三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
1、跳伞表演是人们普遍喜欢的观赏性体育项目,如图所示,当运动员从直升机上由静止跳下后,若在下落过程中受到水平风力的影响,下列说法中正确的是( )A .风力越大,下落过程重力的冲量越大B .风力越大,着地时的动能越大C .风力越大,下落的时间越短D .下落过程的位移与风力无关2、下列核反应方程中,属于重核裂变的是( )A .1441717281N+He O+H −−→B .238234492902U Th+He −−→ C .224112H+H He −−→ D .235114489192056360U+n Ba+Kr+3n −−→3、某体育场看台的风雨棚是钢架结构的,两侧倾斜钢柱用固定在其顶端的钢索拉住,下端用较链与水平地面连接,钢索上有许多竖直短钢棒将棚顶支撑在钢索上,整个系统左右对称,结构简化图如图所示。
假设钢柱与水平地面所夹锐角为60︒,钢索上端与钢柱的夹角为30︒,钢索、短钢棒及棚顶的总质量为m ,重力加速度为g 。
则钢柱对钢索拉力的大小为( )A .12mgB .mgC .3mgD .2mg4、一匀强电场的方向竖直向下t =0时刻,一带正电粒子以一定初速度水平射入该电场,电场力对粒子做功的功率为P ,不计粒子重力,则P-t 关系图像是A .B .C .D .5、在一斜面顶端,将甲乙两个小球分别以v 和4v 的速度沿同一方向水平抛出,两球都落在该斜面上。
考号姓名班级总分学校排名班级排名客观题总分主观题总分选择1 721110031曹绍祺15班901148422 721110002蔡昊家16班872144432 721110224靳洪桥02班863148382 721110040张靖魁16班854244412 721110001王若熙15班854248372 721110110周鑫磊16班854246392 721110208魏耀姿01班847146382 721110007王彩婷15班847344402 721110054胡冰16班847444402 721110093邓义沛15班847346382 721110103张乐15班847348362 721110011李灿15班847346382 721110022王浩宇16班8313544392 721110024许成豪16班8313544392 721110080狄芮冰16班8313546372 721110118鹿兆旗16班8313546370 721110004李晴16班8313542412 721110037张继婷15班8313744392 721110003吴菲15班8313746372 721110016李文文16班8313548352 721110178杜冰心01班8221246362 721110013岳贵静15班8221944382 721110056左易鑫16班82211146362 721110028赵欣怡16班82211148342 721110025李宗耀15班8221948342 721110038崔亚茹16班82211144380 721110115付雨15班8221946360 721110032晁齐康16班82211142402 721110092张梓格16班81291544372 721110235杨奕01班8129344372 721110061李怡臻15班81291244372 721110171李玉伟03班8129140412 721110009李文琪15班81291248332 721110029杨紫怡15班81291246352 721110049王宇豪15班81291248330 721110020闫春晴16班81291542390 721110036仝存哲16班81291546352 721110091吕刘情15班81291242392 721110105刘科元15班81291246352 721110238王建聪01班8129344372 721110048史青青16班80411844362 721110160程冰新01班8041544362 721110250黄瑞瑶01班8041546342 721110057崔馨静15班80411842380 721110008丁梦瑶16班80411848322 721110010韦梦鑫16班80411846342 721110042陈琪琪16班80411846342 721110068赵巾慧16班80411846342 721110094王梦怡16班80411844362 721110122郭冰倩16班80411842382 721110136李宛芝16班80411846342 721110195周继豪03班7952244352 721110005郭好敏15班79521942370 721110012杨可欣16班79522644352 721110051贾诗涵15班79521942370721110041陈莎莎15班79521942372 721110039杨佳音15班78572242360 721110014程淼淼16班78572744342 721110026黄硕16班78572742362 721110046蔡韵坤16班78572744342 721110157刘慧聪01班7857744342 721110227王林达02班7857242362 721110145张自勋01班7857746322 721110063温伟琳15班78572244340 721110073杨澜15班78572242360 721110081刘俊良15班78572246322 721110143刘川02班7857242362 721110109王云霄15班78572246322 721110111赵雁凤15班78572242360 721110219郭超一03班7857346322 721110019韩芳15班78572246322 721110064王盈斐16班77723042350 721110055吕凌霄15班77722940372 721110173沈宇函02班7772442352 721110155杨瑞雪02班7772444332 721110096吕爽16班77723042352 721110021高丽函15班77722942352 721110044张佳妍16班77723044332 721110070王山森16班77723046312 721110030廉赫雲16班76803440360 721110119柴钰静15班76803142340 721110071葛纪念15班76803142340 721110035韩东15班76803144322 721110034云兰馨16班76803442342 721110263朱星霖02班7680646302 721110082吴雨晴16班76803442342 721110202范丽雪01班7680942340 721110098范露16班76803442342 721110189张俊翔03班7680444320 721110217张乘伟01班7680940360 721110229王浩晨01班7680944322 721110079衡怀岳15班76803138382 721110256候金晨01班7680942340 721110301武克01班7680944320 721110193耿素宇01班7680942342 721110194惠书萌02班7596742332 721110200李梦雪02班7596744312 721110225王战锋03班7596542330 721110015张晨莹15班75963540352 721110059于雪雪15班75963538372 721110069王玉莹15班75963544312 721110075田淑静15班75963540352 721110052刘萱萱16班75963842332 721110116马文哲16班75963842332 721110107牛静怡15班75963544312 721110099姬玉锦15班75963542332 721110097周文磊15班75963540350 721110083高子昕15班75963538372 721110190娄璇01班75961544312 721110170谢嘉晨02班7596744312 721110188郭晴晴02班7596738372721110320陈雨02班741121138360 721110203韩冰02班741121142322 721110133边秉泽15班741124340342 721110006杨鑫宇16班741124040342 721110121赵钧儒15班741124342322 721110089赵冰琪15班741124342322 721110077许俊珂15班741124344302 721110161廉梦02班741121140342 721110211王鑫莉01班741121644302 721110142刘畅01班741121640342 721110204田文鑫03班74112640342 721110165马涵03班74112642322 721110100娄依菡16班741124042322 721110126卢宗扬16班741124046280 721110316卫玉洁01班741121640342 721110060孙孝雨16班731274340332 721110164张敬02班731271444292 721110276葛畅03班73127840332 721110065邢馨霏15班731274744292 721110317郭明攀02班731271444290 721110154张聿洨01班731271934392 721110147王艳茹03班73127842312 721110163岳晨梦01班731271938352 721110090丁士姗16班731274338352 721110078王艺菲16班731274340332 721110050鹿疏秀16班731274340332 721110184贾俊达01班731271940332 721110047杨莉15班731274740332 721110018夏雪晴16班731274338352 721110033赵华15班731274736370 721110027张玉15班731274742312 721110297张一帆03班73127842312 721110166贾茵01班731271940332 721110045李梦伟15班721455140322 721110066李玟璐16班721454842302 721110072孙学茹16班721454842300 721110329张帅坤02班721451640320 721110302蒿夏雨02班721451642302 721110180薛振曼03班721451138342 721110281李芸茹02班721451640322 721110246潘露蕊03班721451142302 721110257史玉超02班721451644282 721110158季又飞02班721451646260 721110149闫茹玉02班721451638342 721110085封自奕15班721455132402 721110244杨盼01班711572342290 721110197董硕02班711572236350 721110284杨启豪02班711572238330 721110159齐静03班711571334372 721110186郭嘉鑫03班711571344270 721110017焦文静15班711575332392 721110113张佩瑜15班711575336350 721110139李继轩15班711575344272 721110114王彦丽16班711575042292 721110148袁晨阳01班711572336352 721110151王浩然01班711572336352721110169刘军歌01班711572340312 721110175谢晴01班711572338332 721110205刘雨琦01班711572338332 721110293韩尚儒02班711572240312 721110179薛广贺02班701722542282 721110023刘晶晶15班701725638322 721110043车仟仟15班701725640302 721110140刘博今16班701725142282 721110104管紫璐16班701725140300 721110144常雨婷03班701721542282 721110074邢雪倩16班701725140302 721110062周瑞杰16班701725138322 721110123李祖涵15班701725640302 721110231李梦蛟03班701721542282 721110153吕金鑫03班701721534360 721110308徐文哲02班701722544262 721110242张梦骄02班701722542282 721110220张宇01班701722940300 721110271刘汇婧01班701722936342 721110319杨成琳01班701722936340 721110318徐小曼03班691881842272 721110253鹿瑞琪01班691883238310 721110286张康01班691883240290 721110187李彧帆01班691883234350 721110172湛蓝01班691883242272 721110167刘艺02班691882840292 721110239明紫梦02班691882836332 721110168沈文静03班691881842272 721110174王珂欣03班691881838312 721110210王情情03班691881838312 721110228汪建慧03班691881840292 721110053张鑫15班691885938310 721110076张玉16班691885538310 721110102王舒涵16班691885538312 721110273齐国纳03班691881838310 721110326李梓菡02班682033038302 721110306曹钦03班682032442262 721110086刘中扬16班682035736322 721110289谢梦彬01班682033638302 721110058张梦娇16班682035740282 721110226李兴真01班682033634342 721110222赫梓言03班682032444242 721110087刘晨羲15班682036036322 721110230赵祎婷02班682033034342 721110214潘梦柯01班682033636322 721110267黄子涵03班682032436322 721110201董青03班682032438302 721110241孙自鸣01班682033640282 721110255张增岚03班682032440282 721110245陈新原02班682033040280 721110212朱家凝02班672183336310 721110296李梓晨02班672183338292 721110191李子怡02班672183336310 721110248于康俊02班672183336312 721110185程子洋02班672183338290 721110243崔瑞瑞03班672182940270721110314王孝诺02班672183342252 721110266张美欣02班672183340272 721110182石运博02班672183338292 721110131贾宜静15班672186140272 721110215裴长巧02班672183336312 721110237李俊03班672182936310 721110218赵琪硕02班672183340272 721110117李慧淑15班672186130372 721110112杨璐16班662325936300 721110216宋淑林03班662323140262 721110198何赛赛03班662323136302 721110275焦子芮02班662324336300 721110221吕璐璐02班662324336300 721110322刘蕙欣01班662324034322 721110152郭威威02班662324336302 721110130张启明16班662325938280 721110120任家祥16班662325938280 721110177杨灿03班662323132342 721110307朱家灿01班662324036302 721110312贾铭阳03班662323142242 721110125陈文宁15班652446340252 721110262常永辉01班652444230352 721110156魏梦姿03班652443536290 721110181马瑞雪01班652444230352 721110254岳珂萱02班652444640252 721110132高子雯16班652446238270 721110199张蔚然01班652444238272 721110268陈俊01班652444234310 721110233徐永攀02班652444640252 721110353刘莼02班652444634312 721110282丁书樊03班652443536290 721110298甄一丹01班642554634302 721110067刘慧15班642556432320 721110259郑尉01班642554636282 721110251侯雨婷02班642554936282 721110206杨硕02班642554936282 721110108马宇昊16班642556336280 721110283杨振笑01班642554634302 721110292赵永威01班642554644202 721110084翟嘉欣16班632636438252 721110330刘冰冰03班632633738252 721110344张雨晴02班632635142210 721110247李欣珂01班632635038252 721110240聂爽03班632633734292 721110162卢亚赛03班632633736272 721110095张文甜15班632636534292 721110362李灿宇02班632635134292 721110207高重阳03班632633734292 721110213任子怡03班632633738252 721110088李同雪16班632636434292 721110209王怡萍02班622745336262 721110249吕雪03班622744240222 721110274王慧砼01班622745130320 721110270朱子心03班622744240220 721110294张东瑶03班622744236260 721110328张晨辉01班622745132302721110324刘宇03班622744240220 721110309高广东03班622744234282 721110311王文珂02班622745334280 721110272刘英姿02班622745332300 721110323王兴达02班622745338240 721110146田冰心02班622745334282 721110183张肖肖03班622744240222 721110129齐昱15班612876634272 721110236孙梦星02班612875832290 721110260张姚02班612875834272 721110192种艺佳03班612874832290 721110264韩馨03班612874840212 721110279李赏03班612874834270 721110265段诒潆01班612875332292 721110196赵新茹01班602945430300 721110232赵微01班602945434260 721110135闫春光15班602946732280 721110310李嘉嘉01班602945432282 721110124蒿东雪16班602946636242 721110334何依霏01班592995734252 721110305朱一帆02班592996034250 721110223赵茜01班592995730292 721110315杨丹03班592995136232 721110101王蕾15班592996828310 721110176杨淑帆02班592996032270 721110343张清爽01班583055934240 721110341刘明威02班583056234240 721110321赵昊03班583055232262 721110278赵振兴02班573086334230 721110277曹佳梦01班573086034230 721110280张瑞01班573086030270 721110356陈子卓02班573086338192 721110336宋卓03班573085336210 721110234常昭杰03班573085326310 721110258张雪珂03班573085332252 721110332王艺珊02班563156528280 721110106贾康萌16班563156734220 721110304吕珂涵01班563156232240 721110269李娇阳02班563156536202 721110358郑航宇01班553196336190 721110331蒋可01班553196334212 721110252翟果如03班553195634210 721110345柴鸣03班553195632230 721110295李义凡01班543236534200 721110137吕卓然15班543236934202 721110359范家硕02班533256734190 721110337边新雨01班533256634190 721110346李淼01班533256630232 721110127杨雷15班533257030230 721110290马少萱02班533256732210 721110285陈志达03班533255832212 721110303王琼03班533255838150 721110369季博源03班533255838150 721110340秦孝云01班523336832202 721110313潘明慧01班523336828240 721110300高萌03班523336130220721110347海春枫02班523336932202 721110381刘雨晴02班523336930220 721110327魏国鑫03班523336136162 721110368杜姝燊02班513397134172 721110364付绍宇01班513397034172 721110349应雨朦01班513397024272 721110261胡继飞03班513396328230 721110134王泽16班503436830202 721110325侯静依01班503437226240 721110338张祎晨02班503437232182 721110373张涛01班503437228220 721110138张启月16班503436826240 721110291种文静03班503436424262 721110380李杰01班493497422270 721110335廉舒羽02班493497324250 721110299王嘉有02班493497326232 721110333李晓涵03班483526532162 721110355高晨欣01班473537526212 721110348陈章毅03班473536628190 721110352王子璇01班473537526210 721110378李瑛珂01班473537526212 721110350李雨婷02班453577524210 721110361张子祎01班453577826190 721110287王倩02班443597626182 721110357孙楷03班433606732110 721110375李家昌03班423616824180 721110339李若楠03班423616830122 721110374高森02班423617728140 721110354石贺瑶03班413647028132 721110128封硕16班383657024140 721110351路亚文03班35366712870 721110379张自豪02班32367782842 721110363蔡文彬03班31368722832 721110342陈哲03班29369732812 721110372张宇航03班22370742020 721110367卢松天01班22370792202 721110371张志明02班21372792012选择2选择3选择4选择5选择6选择7选择8选择9选择10 222222222 222202222 222222202 222202222 222222222 222222222 222202222 222222202 222222222 202202222 222222222 222202220 222202222 222202220 222222222 222222202 202022222 202222222 222022222 222202222 222022222 222022222 222202222 222222222 222222222 202222222 222222222 202022222 222202222 222202222 222022202 222000202 222222222 222222202 222222222 022220222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222002222 202202222 202222222 222222220 222022222 222222222 222202222 222202222 222002222 202222222 220222222 222202202 202222222 222222202 222220220 202222202222202222 222022222 222202222 202222202 202220220 222222202 222002222 222222222 222222220 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在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 在等差数列{a n}中,若,,则=()A.-1B.0C.1D.6参考答案:C2. 函数的定义域为(A)(2,+∞)(B)[2,+∞)(C)(-∞,2) (D)(-∞,2]参考答案:A3. 函数y=sin x+cos x,x∈[0,π]的单调增区间是( )参考答案:A4. 值为(▲ )A.B.C.D.参考答案:B略5. 下列函数中,最小正周期为π的奇函数是()A. B.C. D.参考答案:B为偶函数,最小正周期为π,A错误;为奇函数,最小正周期为π,B正确;为非奇非偶函数,最小正周期为π,C错误;为非奇非偶函数,最小正周期为2π,D错误;故选:B6. (4分)要得到的图象,需要将函数y=sin2x的图象()A.向左平移个单位B.向右平移个单位C.向左平移个单位D.向右平移个单位参考答案:D考点:函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象变换.专题:计算题.分析:由左加右减上加下减的原则可确定函数y=sin2x到的路线,进行平移变换,推出结果.解答:将函数y=sin2x向右平移个单位,即可得到的图象,就是的图象;故选D.点评:本题主要考查三角函数的平移.三角函数的平移原则为左加右减上加下减.注意x 的系数.7. (5分)M={x|0≤x≤2},N={y|0≤y≤3},给出下列四个图形,其中能表示从集合M到集合N的函数关系的有()A.0个B.1个C.2个D.3个参考答案:C考点:函数的概念及其构成要素.专题:函数的性质及应用.分析:函数的定义强调:①M中元素x全部对应出去,即每一个x须在N中有元素y与之对应;②x对应y的时候是一对一或多对一,而不能不出现一个x对应多个y.据此逐项进行判断.解答:因为一个x只能对应一个y,所以排除④;A项中的x只有[0,1]间的元素有y对应,故不满足M中元素全部对应出去,故排除①;其中C,D都满足函数对应定义中的两条,故③④都是函数.故选C.点评:注意,从集合M到集合N的函数,N中元素不一定在M中都有元素与之对应,即函数的值域是N的子集.因此②是函数.8. 设是定义在上的奇函数,当时,,则(A)(B) (C)1(D)参考答案:A略9. 在锐角中,角成等差数列,且,则的取值范围为【】.A. B. C. D.参考答案:A10. 函数y=log(x﹣2)(5﹣x)的定义域是()A.(3,4)B.(2,5)C.(2,3)∪(3,5)D.(﹣∞,2)∪(5,+∞)参考答案:C【考点】函数的定义域及其求法.【分析】直接由对数的运算性质列出不等式组,求解即可得答案.【解答】解:由,解得2<x<5且x≠3.∴函数y=log(x﹣2)(5﹣x)的定义域是:(2,3)∪(3,5).故选:C.二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 设f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且当x≥0时,f(x)=x2,若对任意的x∈[t,t+2],不等式f(x+t)≥2f(x)恒成立,则实数t的取值范围是.参考答案:【考点】函数恒成立问题;函数奇偶性的性质.【分析】由当x≥0时,f(x)=x2,函数是奇函数,可得当x<0时,f(x)=﹣x2,从而f (x)在R上是单调递增函数,且满足2f(x)=f(x),再根据不等式f(x+t)≥2f (x)=f(x)在[t,t+2]恒成立,可得x+t≥x在[t,t+2]恒成立,即可得出答案.【解答】解:当x≥0时,f(x)=x2∵函数是奇函数∴当x<0时,f(x)=﹣x2∴f(x)=,∴f(x)在R上是单调递增函数,且满足2f(x)=f(x),∵不等式f(x+t)≥2f(x)=f(x)在[t,t+2]恒成立,∴x+t≥x在[t,t+2]恒成立,即:x≤(1+)t在[t,t+2]恒成立,∴t+2≤(1+)t解得:t≥,故答案为:[,+∞).【点评】本题考查了函数恒成立问题及函数的奇偶性,难度适中,关键是掌握函数的单调性与奇偶性.12. (本小题满分12分)某售房部销售人员小刚统计了自己近五年的售房套数,其数据如下表:(I)利用所给数据,求售房套数与年份之闻的回归直线方程,并判断它们之间是正相关还是负相关;(Ⅱ)利用(I)中所求出的回归直线方程预测2014年小刚可能售出的房屋套数参考答案:13. 函数的值域为.参考答案:[-2 ,7]14. 设,则= .参考答案:15. 在等差数列中,若,,则的值为__________。
我想每一个经历过高考“拼杀”的人都会有这种高考情结, 很多人一提起高考这一话题,总会有说不完的话语。
尽管高中大部分时间我们是在学业的重压下度过的,大大小小的考试、测验都快要把我们考“焦” 了,五花八门的作业让我们忙个不迭,但我们不应为此而痛苦而抱怨。
“志不坚者事不立”, 岁月的风雨已经将我们磨砺成了意志坚强的人。
封丘县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试生物试卷全卷满分100分 考试用时75分钟一、选择题(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分。
)1. 遗传的基本规律是指( )A. 表型的传递规律B. 基因的传递规律C. 蛋白质的传递规律D. 细胞的传递规律【答案】B【解析】【分析】两大遗传定律:(1)基因分离定律的实质:在杂合的细胞中,位于一对同源染色体上的等位基因,具有一定的独立性;减数分裂形成配子的过程中,等位基因会随同源染色体的分开而分离,分别进入两个配子中,独立地随配子遗传给子代。
2. 完成下列各项任务,依次采用的最合适的方法是()①鉴别一只白兔是否是纯合子②鉴别一株小麦是否为纯合子③不断提高水稻品种的纯合度④鉴别一对相对性状的显隐性关系A. 杂交、测交、自交、测交B测交、自交、自交、杂交.C. 杂交、测交、自交、杂交D. 测交、测交、杂交、自交【答案】B【解析】【分析】鉴别方法:(1)鉴别一只动物是否为纯合子,可用测交法;(2)鉴别一棵植物是否为纯合子,可用测交法和自交法,其中自交法最简便;(3)鉴别一对相对性状的显性和隐性,可用杂交法和自交法(只能用于植物);(4)提高优良品种的纯度,常用自交法;(5)检验杂种F1的基因型采用测交法。
河南省新乡市封丘县第一中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学检测考试数学试题一、单选题1.已知集合{}{}N 16,40A x x B x x =∈<<=->,则A B =I ( )A .{}2,3,4B .{}2,3C .{}2D .{}32.已知复数z 满足(2)13z i i -=-,则z =( )A .i -B .iC .1i -D .1i +3.已知21,e e u r u u r 是夹角为34π的单位向量,则1e u r 在2e u u r 方向上的投影向量为( )A .1rB .2u rC 2u rD .1e u r 4.若直线l 的倾斜角为135︒,则直线l 的一个法向量是( )A .()1,1-B .()1,1C .()1,1-D .(2, 5.下列四个函数中,以π为最小正周期,且在区间,2ππ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭上为减函数的是( ) A .cos y x = B .2|sin |y x = C .cos 2x y = D .cot y x =-6.幂函数()()22231m m f x m m x +-=--在区间(0,+∞)上单调递增,且0a b +>,则()()f a f b +的值( )A .恒大于0B .恒小于0C .等于0D .无法判断 7.一水平放置的平面四边形OABC 的直观图O A B C ''''如图所示,其中1O A O C ''''==,O C x '''⊥轴,A B x '''⊥轴,B C ''//y '轴,则四边形OABC 的面积为( )A B .C .3 D .328.已知点P 是直线0x y m --=上的动点,由点P 向圆22:1O x y +=引切线,切点分别为,M N且90MPN ∠=o ,若满足以上条件的点P 有且只有一个,则m =( )A B .C .2 D .2±二、多选题 9.若直线l 的方向向量为m u r ,平面α的法向量为n r ,则不可能使l α∥的是( )A .(1,0,0)m =u r ,(2,0,0)n =-rB .(1,3,5)m =u r ,(1,0,1)n =rC .(0,2,1)m =u r ,(1,0,1)n =--rD .(1,1,3)m =-u r ,(0,3,1)n =r10.锐角三角形ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对应的边分别是a ,b ,c ,下列结论一定成立的有( ).A .222sin sin sin ABC +<B .()sin sin A BC += C .若A B >,则sin sin A B >D .若π4A =,则ππ42B << 11.分别抛掷两枚质地均匀的硬币,设事件M =“第一枚硬币正面朝上”,事件N =“第二枚硬币反面朝上”,则下列说法中正确的是( )A .M 与N 是互斥事件B .M 与N 是对立事件C .()()P M P N =D .M 与N 是相互独立事件三、填空题12.某校在高一、高二、高三三个年级中招募志愿者50人,现用分层抽样的方法分配三个年级的志愿者人数,已知高一、高二、高三年级的学生人数之比为4:3:3,则应从高三年级抽取名志愿者.13.从2、3、8、9任取两个不同的数字,分别记为a 、b ,则log a b 为整数的概率是 14.如图,在几何体ABCDEF 中,四边形ABCD 是边长为3的正方形,//EF AB ,平面FBC ⊥平面ABCD ,FBC V 中BC 边上的高2FH =,32EF =.则该几何体的体积为.四、解答题15.已知||4a =r ,||3b =r ,(23)(2)61a b a b -⋅+=r r r r .(1)求a r 与b r的夹角θ;(2)求||a b +r r 与||a b -r r . 16.2024年5月15日是第15个全国公安机关打击和防范经济犯罪宣传日,某市组织了多个小分队走进社区,走进群众,开展主题为“与民同心,为您守护”的宣传活动,为了让宣传更加全面有效,某个分队随机选择了200位市民进行宣传,这些市民年龄的样本数据的频率分布直方图如图:(1)请估计这200位市民的平均年龄(同组数据用组中值代替);(2)现用分层抽样的方法从年龄在区间[)20,30和[)70,80两组市民中一共抽取6人,再从这6人中随机抽取2人进行电话回访,求“抽取的2人的年龄差大于10岁”的概率.17.甲、乙两人各射击一次,击中目标的概率分别是23和34,假设两人射击是否击中目标相互之间没有影响,每人每次射击是否击中目标相互之间也没有影响.(1)求甲、乙各射击一次,至少击中目标一次的概率;(2)若乙在射击中出现连续2次未击中目标就会被终止射击,求乙恰好射击4次后被终止射击的概率.18.在以下三个条件中任选一个,补充到下面的问题中并作答.①22cos -=a b c B ;②2sin tan c A a C =;③ABC V 的面积为()1sin sin sin 2c a A b B c C +-(如多选,则按选择的第一个记分)问题:在ABC V 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且.(1)求角C ;(2)若2c =,求ABC V 面积的最大值;(3)在(2)的条件下,若ABC V 为锐角三角形,求2a b -的取值范围.19.如图,在矩形ABCD 中,1AB =,BC =,M 是线段AD 上的一动点,将ABM V 沿着BM 折起,使点A 到达点A '的位置,满足点A '∉平面BCDM 且点A '在平面BCDM 内的射影E 落在线段BC 上.(1)当点M 与点D 重合时,①证明:A B '⊥平面ACD ';②求二面角A BD C '--的余弦值;(2)设直线CD 与平面A BM '所成的角为α,二面角A BM C '--的平面角为β,求2s i n c o s βα⋅的最大值.。
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