《愤怒的小鸟 星球大战 Angry Birds Star Wars》三星视频攻略 Death Star 6-10




积木英语Alphablocks第一季共26集的字幕汇总积木英语ALPHABLOCKS第一季共26集的字幕汇总 (1)第1集ALPHABLOCKS (2)第2集BEE (4)第3集TOP. (6)第4集WHY。


(11)第6集GLOW. (14)第7集SING。

(17)第8集BAND. (20)第9集PARTY。

(23)第10集CHA CHA CHA (26)第11集RACE. (28)第12集MOON。

(31)第13集ALPHALYMPICS. (34)第14集SAIL (35)第15集UFO. (38)第16集FOX。

(41)第17集SURPRISE (48)第18集BUS. (50)第19集SPACE. (53)第20集HIDE (56)第21集QUIET. (57)第22集MAP。

(61)第23集JAYBIRD. (64)第24集NOTE. (66)第25集ZZZZZ (69)第26集MAGIC. (72)第1集alphablocksWe can laugh ha-haWe can sing la—la-la-laWe can make anythingHold my handMake a magical landWhen letters get together we go alakazamWe can run, we can slide, we can hide in a boxAre you ready for some fun with the Alphablocks?Alphablocks!Ah。

Ah!Buh-buh—buh—buh—buh Buh-buh—buh。

Ca! Ca!Duh-duh-duh—duh,duh—duh-duh-duh,duh-duh—duh DUH-DUH! SILENCE- Eh!- ECHOES:- Eh—eh-eh!Ffff! Ffffff! Ff!Ff!Ffffffff!Guh-guh—guh-guh—guh—guh。



《愤怒的小鸟》—游戏策划案版本说明修改日期说明文字0.1 2011-07-14 创建文档0.2 2011-09-06 修改文档游戏策划人:刘悦婷游戏策划日期:2011-07-14目录1. 游戏概游戏概述 (3)1.1游戏名称 (3)1.2游戏类型 (3)1.3游戏背景 (3)1.4游戏风格 (3)2. 游戏玩法 (3)2.1 操作机制 (3)2.2游戏玩法 (3)2.3示例截图 (4)3. 游戏特色及实现方案 (4)3.1 多种发射轨迹 (4)3.2发射时角度和力度的控制 (5)3.3 碰撞效果的实现 (5)4 场景中涉及精灵描述 (6)4.1 鸟的类型和功能 (6)4.2 猪的类型和功能 (7)4.3 物体的类型 (8)4.4 各种伤害的计算 (8)5 关卡设计 (9)5.1 积分统计规则 (9)5.1.1获取积分的判定 (9)5.1.2 获取积分的规则 (9)6. UI界面规则 (9)1.游戏概游戏概述1.1游戏名称游戏的名称为《愤怒的小鸟》,英文名为《Angry Birds》。




2.游戏玩法2.1 操作机制触屏操作:该游戏是支持触屏玩法的,所以在当前屏幕中当小鸟在弹弓上时,可以通过触摸的方式控制鸟的移动。





TCG StorageSecurity Subsystem Class: OpalSpecification Version 2.01Revision 1.00August 5, 2015Contact: admin@ PUBLISHEDCopyright © TCG 2015Copyright © 2015 Trusted Computing Group, Incorporated.Disclaimers, Notices, and License TermsTHIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.Without limitation, TCG disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this specification and to the implementation of this specification, and TCG disclaims all liability for cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, lost profits, loss of use, loss of data or any incidental, consequential, direct, indirect, or special damages, whether under contract, tort, warranty or otherwise, arising in any way out of use or reliance upon this specification or any information herein.This document is copyrighted by Trusted Computing Group (TCG), and no license, express or implied, is granted herein other than as follows: You may not copy or reproduce the document or distribute it to others without written permission from TCG, except that you may freely do so for the purposes of (a) examining or implementing TCG specifications or (b) developing, testing, or promoting information technology standards and best practices, so long as you distribute the document with these disclaimers, notices, and license terms.Contact the Trusted Computing Group at for information on specification licensing through membership agreements.Any marks and brands contained herein are the property of their respective owners.Change HistoryVersion / Revision Date DescriptionVersion 1.00 Rev 1.00 27 January 2009 First publicationVersion 1.00 Rev 2.00 20 April 2009 Changed TCG Storage Architecture Core Specificationreference and Opal SSC specification numbering Version 1.00 Rev 3.00 18 December 2009 Corrected the definition of LockingEnabled bitClarified Revert when Manufactured-InactiveVersion 2.00 Rev 1.00 27 February 2012 Added LBA range alignment restriction informationmechanismAdded SecretProtect table as Mandatory in the LockingSP media encryption keysAdded Sector Table access granularity reportingmechanismAdded support for SEDs with SID values not equal toMSIDAdded support for Admin authorities in the Admin SPProvided an optional ability to disable the SID authorityin the Admin SPAdded a programmatic TPer reset mechanismMade Additional DataStore Feature Set mandatory forSEDs compliant with Opal v2.00Added a mechanism for disallowing User authorities tochange their C_PIN valuesAllowed modification of CommonName columns inLocking and Authority tables of the Locking SPMade Authenticate method of the Base templatemandatoryMade Random method of the Crypto templatemandatoryVersion / Revision Date DescriptionVersion 2.01 Rev 1.00 5 August 2015 Fixed Table column values in Table 33 “Locking SP -SecretProtect Table Preconfiguration”.Updated reference [4] to latest version 1.04.Moved SP life cycle and ATA Security Feature Setinteractions in Appendix to [4].Moved list of aborted ATA/SCSI commands from section4.3.7 to [4].Added PSID Feature Set as mandatory.Removed Interface Control Template.Moved interactions between Activate and ATA Securityin section 5.1.1 to [4].TABLE OF CONTENTS1INTRODUCTION (1)1.1D OCUMENT P URPOSE (1)1.2S COPE AND I NTENDED A UDIENCE (1)1.3K EY W ORDS (1)1.4D OCUMENT R EFERENCES (1)1.5D OCUMENT P RECEDENCE (1)1.6SSC T ERMINOLOGY (2)1.7L EGEND (2)2OPAL SSC OVERVIEW (4)2.1O PAL SSC U SE C ASES AND T HREATS (4)2.2S ECURITY P ROVIDERS (SP S) (4)2.3I NTERFACE C OMMUNICATION P ROTOCOL (4)2.4C RYPTOGRAPHIC F EATURES (4)2.5A UTHENTICATION (4)2.6T ABLE M ANAGEMENT (5)2.7A CCESS C ONTROL &P ERSONALIZATION (5)2.8I SSUANCE (5)2.9SSC D ISCOVERY (5)2.10M ANDATORY F EATURE S ETS (5)3OPAL SSC FEATURES (6)3.1S ECURITY P ROTOCOL 1S UPPORT (6)3.1.1Level 0 Discovery (M) (6) 0 Discovery Header (6) Feature (Feature Code = 0x0001) (7) Feature (Feature Code = 0x0002) (7) Definition (8) Reporting Feature (Feature Code = 0x0003) (8) (8) (9) (9) (9) (9) SSC V2.00 Feature (Feature Code = 0x0203) (9)3.2S ECURITY P ROTOCOL 2S UPPORT (10)3.2.1ComID Management (10)3.2.2Stack Protocol Reset (M) (10)3.2.3TPER_RESET command (M) (10)3.3C OMMUNICATIONS (11)3.3.1Communication Properties (11)3.3.2Supported Security Protocols (11)3.3.3ComIDs (11)3.3.4Synchronous Protocol (12) Encoding (12) Encoding Modifications (12) Packets (13) Error Response (13)3.3.5Storage Device Resets (13) Resets (13) Reset Events (13)3.3.6Protocol Stack Reset Commands (M) (14)4OPAL SSC-COMPLIANT FUNCTIONS AND SPS (15)4.1S ESSION M ANAGER (15)4.1.1Methods (15) (M) (15) (M) (16) (M) (16) (O) (16)4.2A DMIN SP (16)4.2.1Base Template Tables (16) (M) (16) (M) (16) (M) (17) (M) (18) (M) (18) (M) (24) (M) (25) (M) (26)4.2.2Base Template Methods (26)4.2.3Admin Template Tables (27) (M) (27) (M) (27) (M) (27)4.2.4Admin Template Methods (28)4.2.5Crypto Template Tables (28)4.2.6Crypto Template Methods (28) (28)4.3L OCKING SP (28)4.3.1Base Template Tables (28) (M) (28) (M) (29) (M) (29) (N) (30) (M) (30) (M) (31) (M) (53) (M) (56) (M) (57) (M) (58)4.3.2Base Template Methods (58)4.3.3Crypto Template Tables (58)4.3.4Crypto Template Methods (58) (58)4.3.5Locking Template Tables (58) (M) (58) (M) (59) Reporting Feature Behavior (60) Restrictions (61) (M) (61) Restrictions (62) (M) (62) or K_AES_256 (M) (62)4.3.6Locking Template Methods (62)4.3.7SD Read/Write Data Command Locking Behavior (63)4.3.8Non Template Tables (63) (M) (63)5APPENDIX – SSC SPECIFIC FEATURES (64)5.1O PAL SSC-S PECIFIC M ETHODS (64)5.1.1Activate – Admin Template SP Object Method (64) Support (64) effects of Activate (64)5.1.2Revert – Admin Template SP Object Method (64) Support (65) effects of Revert (65) of Revert on the PIN Column Value of C_PIN_SID (65)5.1.3RevertSP – Base Template SP Method (66) Support (66) parameter (Locking Template-specific) (66) effects of RevertSP (67)5.2L IFE C YCLE (67)5.2.1Issued vs. Manufactured SPs (67) SPs (67) SPs (67)5.2.2Manufactured SP Life Cycle States (67) definitions for Manufactured SPs (68) transitions for Manufactured SPs (68) to Manufactured (68) STATE to ORIGINAL FACTORY STATE (69) behaviors for Manufactured SPs (69) (69) (69)5.2.3Type Table Modification (69)5.3B YTE T ABLE A CCESS G RANULARITY (69)5.3.1Table Table Modification (70) (70) Tables (70) Tables (70) (70) Tables (71) Tables (71)5.4E XAMPLES OF A LIGNMENT G EOMETRY R EPORTING (72)TABLESTable 1 Opal SSC Terminology (2)Table 2 SP Table Legend (2)Table 3 Level 0 Discovery Header (6)Table 4 Level 0 Discovery - TPer Feature Descriptor (7)Table 5 Level 0 Discovery - Locking Feature Descriptor (7)Table 6 Level 0 Discovery - Geometry Reporting Feature Descriptor (8)Table 7 Level 0 Discovery - Opal SSC V2.00 Feature Descriptor (9)Table 8 TPER_RESET Command (11)Table 9 ComID Assignments (12)Table 10 Supported Tokens (12)Table 11 reset_types (13)Table 12 Properties Requirements (15)Table 13 Admin SP - SPInfo Table Preconfiguration (16)Table 14 Admin SP - SPTemplates Table Preconfiguration (16)Table 15 Admin SP - Table Table Preconfiguration (17)Table 16 Admin SP - MethodID Table Preconfiguration (18)Table 17 Admin SP - AccessControl Table Preconfiguration (19)Table 18 Admin SP - ACE Table Preconfiguration (24)Table 19 Admin SP - Authority Table Preconfiguration (25)Table 20 Admin SP - C_PIN Table Preconfiguration (26)Table 21 Admin SP – TPerInfo Columns (27)Table 22 Admin SP - TPerInfo Table Preconfiguration (27)Table 23 Admin SP - Template Table Preconfiguration (27)Table 24 Admin SP - SP Table Preconfiguration (28)Table 25 Locking SP - SPInfo Table Preconfiguration (28)Table 26 Locking SP - SPTemplates Table Preconfiguration (29)Table 27 Locking SP - Table Table Preconfiguration (29)Table 28 Locking SP - MethodID Table Preconfiguration (30)Table 29 Locking SP - AccessControl Table Preconfiguration (31)Table 30 Locking SP - ACE Table Preconfiguration (53)Table 31 Locking SP - Authority Table Preconfiguration (56)Table 32 Locking SP - C_PIN Table Preconfiguration (57)Table 33 Locking SP - SecretProtect Table Preconfiguration (58)Table 34 Locking SP – LockingInfo Columns (58)Table 35 Locking SP - LockingInfo Table Preconfiguration (59)Table 36 Locking SP - Locking Table Preconfiguration (59)Table 37 Locking SP - MBRControl Table Preconfiguration (61)Table 38 Locking SP - K_AES_128 Table Preconfiguration (62)Table 39 Locking SP - K_AES_256 Table Preconfiguration (62)Table 40 LifeCycle Type Table Modification (69)Table 41 Table Table Additional Columns (70)1 Introduction1.1 Document PurposeThe Storage Workgroup specifications provide a comprehensive architecture for putting Storage Devices under policy control as determined by the trusted platform host, the capabilities of the Storage Device to conform tothe policies of the trusted platform, and the lifecycle state of the Storage Device as a Trusted Peripheral.1.2 Scope and Intended AudienceThis specification defines the Opal Security Subsystem Class (SSC). Any SD that claims OPAL SSC compatibility SHALL conform to this specification.The intended audience for this specification is both trusted Storage Device manufacturers and developers that want to use these Storage Devices in their systems.1.3 Key WordsKey words are used to signify SSC requirements.The Key Words “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD,” and “MAY” are used in this document. These words are a subset of the RFC 2119 key words used by TCG, and have been chosen since they map to key words used in T10/T13 specifications. These key words are to be interpreted as described in [1].In addition to the above key words, the following are also used in this document to describe the requirements of particular features, including tables, methods, and usages thereof.•Mandatory (M): When a feature is Mandatory, the feature SHALL be implemented. A Compliance test SHALL validate that the feature is operational.•Optional (O): When a feature is Optional, the feature MAY be implemented. If implemented, a Compliance test SHALL validate that the feature is operational.•Excluded (X): When a feature is Excluded, the feature SHALL NOT be implemented. A Compliance test SHALL validate that the feature is not operational.•Not Required (N) When a feature is Not Required, the feature MAY be implemented. No Compliance test is required.1.4 Document References[1]. IETF RFC 2119, 1997, “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels”[2]. Trusted Computing Group (TCG), “TCG Storage Architecture Core Specification”, Version 2.01[3]. NIST, FIPS-197, 2001, “Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)”[4]. Trusted Computing Group (TCG), “TCG Storage Interface Interactions Specification“, Version 1.04[5]. Trusted Computing Group (TCG), “TCG Storage Security Subsystem Class: Opal”, Versions 1.00, 2.00[6]. Trusted Computing Group (TCG), “TCG Storage Opal SSC Feature Set: Additional DataStore Tables”,Version 1.00[7]. Trusted Computing Group (TCG), “TCG Storage Opal SSC Feature Set: PSID”, Version 1.001.5 Document PrecedenceIn the event of conflicting information in this specification and other documents, the precedence for requirements is:1. This specification2. Storage Interface Interactions Specification [4]3. TCG Storage Architecture Core Specification [2]1.6 SSC TerminologyThis section provides special definitions that are not defined in [2].Table 1 Opal SSC Terminology Term DefinitionManufactured SP A Manufactured SP is an SP that was created and preconfigured during the SD manufacturing processN/A Not Applicable.Original Factory State (OFS) The original state of an SP when it was created in manufacturing, including its table data, access control settings, and life cycle state. Each Manufactured SP has its own Original Factory State. Original Factory State applies to Manufactured SPs only.Vendor Unique (VU) These values are unique to each SD manufacturer. Typically VU is used in table cells.MM MM The LSBs of a User Authority object’s UID (hexadecimal) as well as the corresponding C_PIN credential object’s UID (hexadecimal)NN NN The LSBs of a Locking object’s UID (hexadecimal) as well as the corresponding K_AES_128/K_AES_256 object’s UID (hexadecimal)XX XX The LSBs of an Admin Authority object’s UID (hexadecimal) as well as the corresponding C_PIN credential object’s UID (hexadecimal)1.7 LegendThe following legend defines SP table cell coloring coding. This color coding is informative only. The table cell content is normative.Table 2 SP Table LegendTableCellLegend R-W Value Access Control CommentArial-Narrow Read-only Opal SSC specified Fixed •Cell content is Read-Only. •Access control is fixed. •Value is specified by the Opal SSCArial Narrow bold-under Read-only VU Fixed•Cell content is Read-Only.•Access Control is fixed.•Values are Vendor Unique (VU).A minimum or maximum valuemay be specified.Arial-NarrowNotDefined(N) Not Defined•Cell content is (N).•Access control is not defined.•Any text in table cell is informativeonly.• A Get MAY omit this column fromthe method response.Arial Narrow bold-under WritePreconfigured,user personalizablePreconfigured,user personalizable•Cell content is writable.•Access control is personalizable•Get Access Control is notdescribed by this color codingTableCellLegend R-W Value Access Control CommentArial-Narrow WritePreconfigured,user personalizableFixed•Cell content is writable.•Access control is fixed.•Get Access Control is notdescribed by this color coding2 Opal SSC Overview2.1 Opal SSC Use Cases and ThreatsBegin Informative ContentThe Opal SSC is an implementation profile for Storage Devices built to:•Protect the confidentiality of stored user data against unauthorized access once it leaves the owner’s control (involving a power cycle and subsequent deauthentication)•Enable interoperability between multiple SD vendorsAn Opal SSC compliant SD:•Facilitates feature discoverability•Provides some user definable features (e.g. access control, locking ranges, user passwords, etc.) •Supports Opal SSC unique behaviors (e.g. communication, table management)This specification addresses a limited set of use cases. They are:•Deploy Storage Device & Take Ownership: the Storage Device is integrated into its target system and ownership transferred by setting or changing the Storage Device’s owner credential.•Activate or Enroll Storage Device: LBA ranges are configured and data encryption and access control credentials (re)generated and/or set on the Storage Device. Access control is configured for LBA range unlocking.•Lock & Unlock Storage Device: unlocking of one or more LBA ranges by the host and locking of those ranges under host control via either an explicit lock or implicit lock triggered by a reset event. MBR shadowing provides a mechanism to boot into a secure pre-boot authentication environment to handle device unlocking.•Repurpose & End-of-Life: erasure of data within one or more LBA ranges and reset of locking credential(s) for Storage Device repurposing or decommissioning.End Informative Content2.2 Security Providers (SPs)An Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL support at least two Security Providers (SPs):1) Admin SP2) Locking SPThe Locking SP MAY be created by the SD manufacturer.2.3 Interface Communication ProtocolAn Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL implement the synchronous communications protocol as defined in Section 3.3.4.This communication protocol operates based upon configuration information defined by:1) The values reported via Level 0 Discovery (Section 3.1.1);2) The combination of the host's communication properties and the TPer's communication properties (seeProperties Method Section Cryptographic FeaturesAn Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL implement Full Disk Encryption for all host accessible user data stored on media. AES-128 or AES-256 SHALL be supported (see [3]).2.5 AuthenticationAn Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL support password authorities and authentication.2.6 Table ManagementThis specification defines the mandatory tables and mandatory/optional table rows delivered by the SD manufacturer. The creation or deletion of tables after manufacturing is outside the scope of this specification. The creation or deletion of table rows post-manufacturing is outside the scope of this specification.2.7 Access Control & PersonalizationInitial access control policies are preconfigured at SD manufacturing time on manufacturer created SPs. An Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL support personalization of certain Access Control Elements of the Locking SP.2.8 IssuanceThe Locking SP MAY be present in the SD when the SD leaves the manufacturer. The issuance of SPs is outside the scope of this specification.2.9 SSC DiscoveryRefer to [2] for details (see section 3.1.1).2.10 Mandatory Feature SetsAn Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL support the following TCG Storage Feature Sets:1) Additional DataStore Tables, Opal SSC Feature Set (refer to [6]);2) PSID, Opal SSC Feature Set (refer to [7]).3 Opal SSC Features3.1 Security Protocol 1 Support3.1.1 Level 0 Discovery (M)Refer to [2] for more details.An Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL return the following Level 0 response:• Level 0 Discovery Header • TPer Feature Descriptor • Locking Feature Descriptor •Opal SSC Feature Descriptor3.1.1.1 Level 0 Discovery HeaderTable 3 Level 0 Discovery HeaderBit Byte 7 6543210 0 (MSB) Length of Parameter Data1 2 3(LSB) 4 (MSB) Data structure revision 5 6 7 (LSB) 8 (MSB) Reserved ... 15 (LSB) 16 (MSB) Vendor Specific (47)(LSB)• Length of parameter data = VU • Data structure revision = 0x00000001 orany version that supports the defined features in this SSC • Vendor Specific = VU3.1.1.2 TPer Feature (Feature Code = 0x0001)Table 4 Level 0 Discovery - TPer Feature DescriptorBitByte7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)Feature Code (0x0001)1 (LSB)2 Version Reserved3 Length4 Reserved ComID MgmtSupported Reserved StreamingSupportedBuffer MgmtSupportedACK/NAKSupportedAsyncSupportedSyncSupported5 - 15 Reserved•Feature Code = 0x0001•Version = 0x1 or any version that supports the defined features in this SSC •Length = 0x0C•ComID Mgmt Supported = VU•Streaming Supported = 1•Buffer Mgmt Supported = VU•ACK/NACK Supported = VU•Async Supported = VU•Sync Supported = Locking Feature (Feature Code = 0x0002)** = the present current state of the respective featureTable 5 Level 0 Discovery - Locking Feature DescriptorBitByte7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)Feature Code (0x0002)1 (LSB)2 Version Reserved3 Length4 Reserved MBR Done MBREnabledMediaEncryptionLocked LockingEnabledLockingSupported5 - 15 Reserved•Feature Code = 0x0002•Version = 0x1 or any version that supports the defined features in this SSC •Length = 0x0C•MBR Done = **•MBR Enabled = **•Media Encryption = 1•Locked = **•Locking Enabled = See•Locking Supported = DefinitionThe definition of the LockingEnabled bit is changed from [2] as follows:The LockingEnabled bit SHALL be set to one if an SP that incorporates the Locking template is any state other than Nonexistent or Manufactured-Inactive; otherwise the LockingEnabled bit SHALL be set to zero. Geometry Reporting Feature (Feature Code = 0x0003) information indicates support for logical block and physical block geometry. This feature MAY be returned in the Level 0 Discovery response. See [2] for additional information.Table 6 Level 0 Discovery - Geometry Reporting Feature DescriptorBit Byte 7 6543210 0 (MSB) Feature Code (0x0003)1(LSB)2 VersionReserved3 Length4 ReservedALIGN 5 Reserved6 7 8 9 10 1112 (MSB) LogicalBlockSize13 1415(LSB) 16 (MSB) AlignmentGranularity17 18 19 20 21 2223(LSB) 24 (MSB) LowestAlignedLBA25 26 27 28 29 3031(LSB)• The Feature Code field SHALL be set to 0x0003. • The Version field SHALL be set to 0x01. •The Length field SHALL be set to 0x1C. AlignIf the value of the AlignmentRequired column of the LockingInfo table is TRUE, then the ALIGN bit shall be set to one. If the value of the AlignmentRequired column of the LockingInfo table is FALSE, then the ALIGN bit shall be cleared to zero. LogicalBlockSizeLogicalBlockSize SHALL be set to the value of the LogicalBlockSize column in the LockingInfo table. AlignmentGranularityAlignmentGranularity SHALL be set to the value of the AlignmentGranularity column in the LockingInfo table. LowestAlignedLBALowestAlignedLBA SHALL be set to the value of the LowestAlignedLBA column in the LockingInfo table. Opal SSC V2.00 Feature (Feature Code = 0x0203)Table 7 Level 0 Discovery - Opal SSC V2.00 Feature DescriptorBitByte7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)Feature Code (0x0203)1 (LSB)2 Version Reserved3 Length4 (MSB)Base ComID5 (LSB)6 (MSB)Number of ComIDs7 (LSB)8 Reserved for future common SSC parametersRange Crossing Behavior9 (MSB)Number of Locking SP Admin Authorities Supported10 (LSB)11 (MSB)Number of Locking SP User Authorities Supported12 (LSB)13 Initial C_PIN_SID PIN Indicator14 Behavior of C_PIN_SID PIN upon TPer Revert15-19 Reserved for future common SSC parameters•Feature Code = 0x0203•Version = 0x1 or any version that supports the defined features in this SSC •Length = 0x10•Base ComID = VU•Number of ComIDs = 0x0001 (minimum value)•Range Crossing Behavior = VUo0 = The SD supports commands addressing consecutive LBAs in more than one LBA range if all the LBA ranges addressed are unlocked. See Section 4.3.7o 1 = The SD terminates commands addressing consecutive LBAs in more than one LBA range.See Section 4.3.7•Number of Locking SP Admin Authorities = 4 (minimum value)•Number of Locking SP User Authorities = 8 (minimum value)•Initial C_PIN_SID PIN Indicator = VUo0x00 = The initial C_PIN_SID PIN value is equal to the C_PIN_MSID PIN valueo0xFF = The initial C_PIN_SID PIN value is VU, and MAY not be equal to the C_PIN_MSID PIN valueo0x02 – 0x0F = Reserved•Behavior of C_PIN_SID PIN upon TPer Revert = VUo0x00 = The C_PIN_SID PIN value becomes the value of the C_PIN_MSID PIN column after successful invocation of Revert on the Admin SP’s object in the SP tableo0xFF = The C_PIN_SID PIN value changes to a VU value after successful invocation of Revert on the Admin SP’s object in the SP table, and MAY not be equal to the C_PIN_MSID PIN value If an Opal v2.00 SSC implementation is backward compatible with Opal v1.00, the SD SHALL also report the Opal SSC Feature Descriptor as defined in [5].Begin Informative ContentAn Opal v2.00 implementation is backward compatible to Opal v1.00 only if the geometry reported by the Geometry Reporting Feature does not specify any alignment restrictions (i.e. Align = FALSE, see , and if the TPer does not specify any granularity restrictions for byte tables (i.e. MandatoryWriteGranularity = 1 for all byte tables, see, and if the “Initial C_PIN_SID PIN Indicator” and “Behavior of C_PIN_SID PIN upon TPer Revert” fields are both 0x00.End Informative Content3.2 Security Protocol 2 Support3.2.1 ComID ManagementComID management support is reported in Level 0 Discovery. Statically allocated ComIDs are also discoverable via the Level 0 Discovery response.3.2.2 Stack Protocol Reset (M)An Opal SSC compliant SD SHALL support the Stack Protocol Reset command. Refer to [2] for details.3.2.3 TPER_RESET command (M)If the TPER_RESET command is enabled, it SHALL cause the following before the TPer accepts the next IF-SEND or IF-RECV command:a) all dynamically allocated ComIDs SHALL return to the Inactive state;b) all open sessions SHALL be aborted on all ComIDs;c) all uncommitted transactions SHALL be aborted on all ComIDs;d) the synchronous protocol stack for all ComIDs SHALL be reset to its initial statee) all TCG command and response buffers SHALL be invalidated for all ComIDs;f) all related method processing occurring on all ComIDs SHALL be aborted;g) TPer’s knowledge of the host’s communications capabilities, on all ComIDs, SHALL be reset to theinitial minimum assumptions defined in [2] or the TPer’s SSC definition;h) the values of the ReadLocked and WriteLocked columns SHALL be set to True for all Locking SP’sLocking objects that contain the Programmatic enumeration value in the LockedOnReset column;i) the value of the Done column of the Locking SP’s MBRControl table SHALL be set to False, if theDoneOnReset column contains the Programmatic enumeration value.The TPER_RESET command is delivered by the transport IF-SEND command. If the TPER_RESET command is enabled, the TPer SHALL accept and acknowledge it at the interface level. If the TPER_RESET command is disabled, the TPer SHALL abort it at the interface level with the “Other Invalid Command Parameter” status (see [4]). There is no IF-RECV response to the TPER_RESET command.The TPER_RESET command is defined in Table 8.The Transfer Length SHALL be non-zero. All data transferred SHALL be ignored.Table 8 TPER_RESET CommandFIELD VALUECommand IF-SENDProtocol ID 0x02Transfer Length Non-zeroComID 0x00043.3 Communications3.3.1 Communication PropertiesThe TPer SHALL support the minimum communication buffer size as defined in Section For each ComID, the physical buffer size SHALL be reported to the host via the Properties method.The TPer SHALL terminate any IF-SEND command whose transfer length is greater than the reported MaxComPacketSize size for the corresponding ComID. For details, reference “Invalid Transfer Length parameter on IF-SEND” in [4].Data generated in response to methods contained within an IF-SEND command payload subpacket (including the required ComPacket / Packet / Subpacket overhead data) SHALL fit entirely within the response buffer. If the method response and its associated protocol overhead do not fit completely within the response buffer, the TPer1) SHALL terminate processing of the IF-SEND command payload,2) SHALL NOT return any part of the method response if the Sync Protocol is being used, and3) SHALL return an empty response list with a TCG status code of RESPONSE_OVERFLOW in thatmethod’s response status list.3.3.2 Supported Security ProtocolsThe TPer SHALL support:•IF-RECV commands with a Security Protocol values of 0x00, 0x01, 0x02.•IF-SEND commands with a Security Protocol values of 0x01, 0x02.3.3.3 ComIDsFor the purpose of communication using Security Protocol 0x01, the TPer SHALL:•support at least one statically allocated ComID for Synchronous Protocol communication.•have the ComID Extension values = 0x0000 for all statically allocated ComIDs.•keep all statically allocated ComIDs in the Active state.。







如此自然,却又如此独特,不可复制,究竟是什么在不断推动着这里诞生奇迹呢?It’s the people you meet on the street corner or in line at the taco truck at midnight that matter, these people could be your customers, a future investor or your next business partner”SXSW为何能成为每年继CES之后,有一个引起如此多创意产业与商业品牌们的如此垂青?究竟这是一张怎样的势不可挡的活力?SXSW,全称是South by Southwest, 是指每年春天在美国德克萨斯州州府奥斯汀举办的音乐,电影,互动传媒科技活动和会议。

字面上来看,South by Southwest 是西南偏南,即西南(离南方45度角)和南的中线,离南方22.5度角,而这也是奥斯汀相对美国东北部的政治、文化中心的方位。

img source: Adweek1987年首次举办了SXSW音乐节,其实在其诞生之初,只是致力于音乐娱乐行业的会议和节庆活动。





《愤怒的⼩鸟》全系列⾦蛋获得⽅法 【愤怒的⼩鸟系列游戏 A n g r y B i r d s】全⾦蛋位置 愤怒的⼩鸟经典版A n g r y B i r d s C l a s s i c1.6.2有24个⾦蛋 愤怒的⼩鸟季节版A n g r y B i r d s S e a s o n s1.5.1有22个⾦蛋 愤怒的⼩鸟⾥约版A n g r y B i r d s R i o1.2.2有60个⾦⽔果 愤怒的⼩鸟C h r o m e版有7个C h r o m e球 【愤怒的⼩鸟经典版A n g r y B i r d s C l a s s i c1.6.2】24个⾦蛋速查 (#1)按「?」、(#2)5-19、(#3)2-2、(#4)第⼀⼤关三星、(#5)按「i」、 (#6)1-8、(#7)第⼆⼤关三星、(#8)主选单太阳、(#9)4-7、(#10)6-14、 (#11)第⼋章选关界⾯、(#12)第三⼤关三星、(#13)8-15、(#14)9-14、(#15)10-3、 (#16)11-15、(#17)第四⼤关三星、(#18)12-12、(#19)13-10、(#20)14-4、 (#21)第五⼤关三星、(#22⾦美式⾜球)13-12、(#23)15-12、(#24)16-9 【愤怒的⼩鸟经典版A n g r y B i r d s C l a s s i c1.6.2】24个⾦蛋详解 #1:2-4⼩关以后,游戏中按画⾯中的「?」,转到求助页⾯,当你看到下蛋的⽩⾊⼩鸟时,点下鸟蛋,就可以找到⾦蛋。



#4:在第⼀⼤关(P o a c h e d E g g s)中的63⼩关全部获得三颗星,可得到⾦蛋。

#5:在标⽰「P L AY」的主画⾯先按「齿轮」再按「i」,查看制作⼈员,浏览到最后有个⾦蛋。



《愤怒的小鸟》关卡编辑器的设计与实现摘要:益智动作射击游戏《愤怒的小鸟》(angry birds)是rovio mobile开发的一款极为有趣的小游戏,至今没有独立的编辑器进行关卡编辑。



0引言益智动作射击游戏《愤怒的小鸟》(angry birds)是rovio mobile 开发的一款极为有趣的小游戏。










目录1 (2)Bad (3)2 (2)000 Watts 两千瓦 (5)3................................................................... Another Part of Me 我的同伴 (7)4................................................................... Baby be mine (8)5................................................................... Bad 真棒 (9)6................................................................... Beat It避开 (10)7................................................................... Ben本 (11)8................................................................... Billie Jean比莉•琼 (11)9................................................................... Black Or White 是黑是白 (13)10. ................................................................ Blood On The Dance Floor赤色风暴 (14)11. ................................................................ Break Of Dawn 破晓时分 (15)12. ................................................................ Butterflies 意乱情迷 (16)13. ................................................................ CHEATER 骗子 (17)14. ................................................................ Childhood 童年 (18)15. ................................................................ Come together一起来 (19)16. ................................................................ Cry 哭泣 (20)17. ................................................................ Can't Let Her Get Away不能让她离去 (21)18. ................................................................ Dangerous 危险......................... 2119. ................................................................ Dirty Diana 卖弄风骚的戴安娜 (23)20. ................................................................ Don't Stop 'Til You GetEnough 满足为止 (24)21. ................................................................ Don\'t Walk Away别离开 (25)22. ................................................................ D.S. (26)23. ................................................................ Elizabeth,I love you (27)24. ................................................................ Earth Song 地球之歌 (28)25. ................................................................ Fly Away 飞逝 (30)26. ................................................................ FALL AGAIN(DEMO) 重拾旧爱.. 3127. ................................................................ For All Time永远(2008年版)3228. ................................................................ Girlfriend 情人 (33)29. ................................................................ Give In To Me屈服 (34)30. ................................................................ Gone Too Soon 稍纵即逝 (35)31. ................................................................ Ghosts幽灵 (35)32. ................................................................ Heartbreaker 令人心碎的女孩 (36)33. ................................................................ Hold my hand执吾之手 (38)34. ................................................................ Heal The World治愈世界 (39)35. ................................................................ Heaven Can Wait天堂可待 (40)36. ................................................................ HIStory 历史 (41)37. ................................................................ Human Nature 人之天性 (43)38. (I)Can't Help It 情不自禁 (44)39. (I)S IT SCARY 可怕吗? (44)40. (I)t's The Falling In Love 这就是恋爱 (46)41. (I)JustCan'tStopLovingYou止不住的爱恋 (47)42. (I)'ll be there我就在那里 (48)43. (I)n the closet密爱 (49)44. (I)nvincible万夫莫敌 (50)45. (I)Want You Back (51)46. ................................................................ JAM自由高歌 (53)47. ................................................................ Just good friend (54)48. ................................................................ Keep the faith保持信念 (55)49. ................................................................ Leave Me Alone 别烦我 (59)50. ................................................................ Liberian Girl利比里亚女郎 (60)51. ................................................................ Little Susie 小苏丝 (61)52. ................................................................ Man in the Mirror 镜中人 (62)53. ................................................................ Morphine吗啡 (66)54. ................................................................ Money钱 (67)55. ................................................................ Monkey business (69)56. ................................................................ Music And Me (70)57. ................................................................ off the wall 疯狂 ....................... 7058. ................................................................ One More Chance 再爱一场 (71)59. ................................................................ On The Line全力以赴 (72)60. ................................................................ one day in your life你生命中的某天 (74)61. ................................................................ Privacy (74)62. ................................................................ P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) 漂亮的小家伙 (75)63. ................................................................ Remember The Time铭记那一刻 (76)64. ................................................................ Rockin Robin (77)65. ................................................................ Rock With You 与你共舞 (79)66. ................................................................ Say say say (79)67. ................................................................ Scared of the moon 月亮之惧 (81)68. ................................................................ Scream 嘶喊 (82)69. ................................................................ She Drives Me Wild她令我狂野. 8470. ................................................................ Shout嘶声呐喊 (85)71. ................................................................ She's Out Of My Lif她离开了我.. 8772. ................................................................ Smile微笑 (87)73. ................................................................ Smooth Criminal犯罪高手 (88)74. ................................................................ speechless 无法言语 (89)75. ................................................................ Speed Demon 速度之魔 (90)76. ................................................................ Stranger In Moscow 莫斯科的陌生人 (91)77. ................................................................ someone put your hand out 请把你的手伸出来 (93)78. ................................................................ Someone In The Dark 夜空中的你 (94)79. ................................................................ Streetwalker 夜女郎 (95)80. ................................................................ Tabloid Junkie 小报迷 (96)81. ................................................................ The Girl Is Mine她是我的 (98)82. ................................................................ The lady in my life 我生命中的女人 (99)83. ................................................................ THE LOST CHILDREN 失踪的孩子 (101)84. ................................................................ They Don't Care About Us 他们不在乎我们 (102)85. ................................................................ The way you make me feel 你给我的感觉 (103)86. ................................................................ This Time Around 此时此刻 .. 10487. ................................................................ Threatened 威胁 (106)88. ................................................................ Thriller 恐怖之夜/颤栗 (107)89. ................................................................ THIS IS IT (109)90. ................................................................ Unbreakbale 无敌至尊 (110)91. ................................................................ With a child’s heart 怀着一颗孩童的心, (111)92. ................................................................ Who’s loving you谁爱着你 (112)93. ................................................................ WHY (112)94. ................................................................ Workin' Day And Night 日夜工作 (113)95. ................................................................ WannaBeStartin'Somethin' 想要挑动事端 (114)96. ................................................................ We Are The World 四海一家 (115)97. ................................................................ We've Had Enough 我们已受够了 (117)98. ................................................................ Whatever Happens 不论发生什么 (118)99. ................................................................ Who Is It 是谁? (119)100. .............................................................. Why You Wanna Trip onMe 你干嘛要忽悠我? (121)101. .............................................................. Will You Be There 你会守侯我身边? (121)102. .............................................................. You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 (123)103. .............................................................. You Rock My World 天旋地转.. 124104. .............................................................. You Are My Life (125)105. .............................................................. You Can't Win(无中文) (125)2 BadTold me that you‘re doin‘ wrong 承认自己错了吧Word out shockin‘ all alone 四处危言骇听闻Cryin‘ wolf ain‘t like a man 鬼哭狼嚎无人样Throwin‘ rocks to hide your hands 攻击后却不承认You ain‘t do ne enough for me 对我的所作所为已经够了You ain‘t done enough for me 对我的所作所为已经够了You are disgustin‘ me, yeah yeah 你面目可憎,yeah yeahYou‘re aiming just for me 你把我成当靶子You are disgustin‘ me 你另我很是厌恶Just want your cut from me 你只想中伤于我But too bad, too bad 但可惜啊,可惜Look who just walked in the place 看是谁在丢人现眼Dead and stuffy in the face 沉闷死板的一张脸Look who‘s standing if you please 看看是谁坚挺不拔Though you tried to bring me to my knees 尽管试图另我屈膝Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,为你遗憾Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Hell all up in Hollywood 好莱坞是个地狱Sayin‘ that you got it good 却说它很适合你Creepin‘ from a dusty hole 浑浊不堪中求生Tales of what somebody told 流言蜚语满天飞What do you want from me? 你到底想干嘛?What do you want from me? 你到底想干嘛?Tired of you haunting me, 厌倦了与你纠缠yeah yeahYou‘re aiming just for me 你把我当成靶子You are disgustin‘ me 你另我很是厌恶You got blood lust for me 你对我有杀戮欲But too bad, too bad 但可惜啊,可惜Look who got slapped in the face 看看谁在给自己掌嘴It‘s dead and stuffy in the place 这有多么沉闷兼乏味I‘m right back where I wanna be 我能马上回到状态中I‘m standin‘ though you‘re kickin‘ me 你踢不倒一个不倒翁Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜Why don‘t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我为你遗憾Why don‘t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地收录于《History Past Present and Future Book 2》(Released: 1995)、《Blood on the DanceFloor(HIStory In The Mix)》(Released: 1997)。



课程设计题目小鸟动画程序学院自动化学院专业自动化专业班级自动化1001班姓名潘志聪指导教师石云2013 年 1 月10 日课程设计任务书学生姓名:潘志聪专业班级:自动化1001班指导教师:石云工作单位:自动化学院题目: 小鸟动画程序初始条件:在屏幕显示一小鸟,按S飞翔,按B鸣叫,按P暂停,按Q退出程序。




本程序可在windows 2000,windows xp上运行。


关键词:小鸟动画,masm软件,中断,子程序调用目录课程设计任务书 (I)摘要...................................................................................................................................................................... I I 小鸟动画程序 (1)1设计任务及要求分析 (1)2程序方案选择和设计 (2)2.1整体设计思路阐述 (2)2.1.1程序整体流程图设计 (2)2.2主程序设计 (3)2.2.1主程序设计思路 (3)2.2.2主程序流程图设计 (4)2.2.3主程序代码设计 (6)2.3暂停子程序设计 (7)2.3.1暂停子程序设计思路 (7)2.3.2暂停子程序流程图设计 (8)2.3.3暂停子程序代码设计 (8)2.4小鸟飞翔子程序方案选择和设计 (9)2.4.1小鸟图案显示方案选择 (9)2.4.2小鸟飞翔子程序设计思路 (10)2.4.3小鸟飞翔子程序流程图设计 (10)2.4.4小鸟飞翔子程序代码设计 (11)2.5小鸟鸣叫子程序方案选择和设计 (13)2.5.1小鸟发声鸣叫方案选择 (13)2.5.2小鸟鸣叫子程序设计思路 (15)2.5.3小鸟鸣叫子程序流程图设计 (15)3.5.4小鸟鸣叫子程序代码设计 (16)2.6小鸟飞翔并鸣叫子程序设计 (17)2.6.1小鸟飞翔并鸣叫子程序设计思路 (17)2.6.2小鸟飞翔并鸣叫子程序流程图设计 (18)2.6.3小鸟飞翔并鸣叫子程序代码设计 (18)3调试记录及结果分析 (21)3.1调试记录及结果分析 (21)3.2调试中出现的问题及解决方案 (22)心得与体会 (24)参考文献 (25)附录1:小鸟动画程序 (26)附录2:本科生课程设计成绩评定表 (39)小鸟动画程序1设计任务及要求分析设计任务要求在屏幕显示一小鸟,按S飞翔,按B鸣叫,按P暂停,按Q退出程序。



























国内流行的FC俄罗斯方块主要是雅达利山寨版(Tengen版),游戏里可以选择背景音乐,除开第一个选项是“无背景音乐”外,共有四首曲子可选,如下图所示:这些音乐都是屏幕下方黄字里的Brad Fuller创作的,他当年是雅达利公司的著名编曲,今天1月去世了。






























游戏挽救公司《愤怒的小鸟》是Rovio的第52款游戏,此前该公司的一些游戏大多数以数百万的价格卖给了日本的N a m c o和美国E A等第三方。

当时R o v i o正陷入资金短缺的困境,赫德兄弟正打算开发一款知识产权属于自己的游戏。






2009年12月,《愤怒的小鸟》进驻苹果App Store应用商店,但最初三个月里在英语国家市场反应平平。

R o v i o并不担心:它的战略是针对全球市场。

2010年2月11日,苹果同意将《愤怒的小鸟》置于英国App Store应用商店当周首页。


R o v i o还创造了42个新的等级,远远超过最初的想象与设计。

最后,R o v i o还推出了一款免费的精简版《愤怒的小鸟》。


之后,这款游戏便迅速从A p p S t o r e应用商店第600位左右攀升到第一位。

到4月份,已经成为美国App Store应用商店里的第一名。

开拓市场在苹果App Store应用商店取得成功之后,《愤怒的小鸟》又进军A n dr o i d市场,目前A n-d r o i d版游戏已经下载了2000万次。



愤怒的小鸟2012季节版中文版攻略(2011年度)万圣节金蛋第1颗金蛋:3-2 金蛋藏在右上角的南瓜里。



第2颗金蛋:全章节不给蛋就捣乱(Trick Or Treat)一章中所有关卡得到三星,可得到一颗金蛋(大南瓜灯)。

(2011年度)圣诞节金蛋第1颗金蛋:1-13 击破建筑物底下雪堆里的花环,得到金蛋。

第2颗金蛋:全章节节日的贪心(Season's Greedings)一章中所有关卡得到三星,可得到一颗金蛋(礼包)。

情人节金蛋第1颗金蛋:1-7 缩小屏幕,金蛋藏在发射台底部。




第2颗金蛋:全章节肥猪之吻(Hogs and Kisses)一章中所有关卡得到三星,可得到一颗金蛋(爱心)。

圣帕特里克节金蛋第1颗金蛋:1-8 缩小屏幕,金蛋在空中右上角的平台上。



第2颗金蛋:全章节绿色出游,幸运相随(Go Green,Get Lucky)一章中所有关卡得到三星,可得到一颗金蛋(钱罐)。

复活节金蛋准备开始金蛋大搜寻吧!第1颗金蛋:1-2 金蛋在发射台右第一株草下。


第2颗金蛋:1-4 金蛋在发射台右盆地中第一株草下。


第3颗金蛋:1-6 金蛋在建筑右侧悬崖上的草丛里。


第4颗金蛋:1-7 在发射台左侧石块堆里。


第5颗金蛋:1-8 发射台下挂着一箱TNT。

















声音要求 ........................................................................... 7
取样频率 .......................................................................
IMF 封装格式 ..................................................................
质量要求 ......................................................................... 14
片头字幕 ...................................................................... 10
对白字幕 ...................................................................... 11
电平范围 .......................................................................
基准信号电平 ...................................................................
正片时长 .......................................................................

5am4u3 a big fire

5am4u3 a big fire

A big fire in Shanghai
A lot of people died in the big fire. Among them, many were old people.
A big fire in Shanghai
The fire started because workers made a spark (火星)while working. The small fire became a big fire!
A big fire
Where does the big fire start? Who puts out the fire? Why does the fire start?
A big fire in a country park
A big fire in a country park
1 dropping water on the fire.
The firefighters are fighting the fire bravely. They are using a lot of water. Soon, the fire dies down.
Trees and grass burn /b3:n/(烧尽)
in the fire. Luckily, no one is
hurt. The fire starts because
people start a campfire.
There is a fire in a country park. Thick smoke is everywhere. Helicopters(直升飞机) are
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《愤怒的小鸟星球大战 Angry Birds Star Wars》三星视频
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《愤怒的小鸟星球大战 Angry Birds Star Wars》三星视频攻略 Death Star 6
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