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小孩:I thought you were dead.

老人:What happened?

小孩:I steered us. I did it! I steered the house.

Steered us?

小孩:After you tied your stuff down, you took a nap.

So I went ahead and steered us down here.

老人:Yeah, sure.

....I can't tell where we are.

小孩:Oh, we're in South Amerca all right.

It was a cinch with my Wilderness Explorer GPS.

老人:GP What?

小孩:- My dad gave it to Me.It shows exacty where we are on the planet.

With this baby, we'll never be lost!(......)

老人:Well get you down, find a bus stop,

You just tell the man you wanna go back to your mother.

小孩:Sure, but I don't think they have buses in Paradise Falls.

老人:There. That ought to do it.

Here, I'll give you some change for the bus fare.

小孩:No, I'll just use my city bus pass.

That's gonna be Iike a billion on transfer to get back to my house. 小孩:Mr. Fredricksen, how much longer?

老人:Well, we're up pretty high.

Could take hours to get down.(wu !)

That thing was.... Building or something.(wu wa!)

小孩:What was that, Mr. Fredricksen?

老人:We can't be cose to the ground yet.

Wait! Wait, no don't! Don't don't! Wait, wait. Wait!

Russell, hang on.

- Walk back. Walk back. - Okay. Come on. Come on. Where.... Where are we?

This doesn't look like the city or the jungle,

Mr. Fredricksen. Don't worry, Ellie. I got it. There it is! Ellie, it's so beautiful! We made it!

We made it! Russe, we could float right overthere! Climb up, climb up! You mean, assist you?

- Yeah, yeah, whatever. - Okay, I'll climb up! - Watch it! - Sorry. Now, when you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up.

Got it?

You on the porch yet?

What? That's it?

I came all this way here to get stuck

At the wrong end of this rock pile?

Great. Hey, if I could assist you over there,

Would you sign off on my badge?

What are you talking about?

We could walk your house to the fall.

- Walk it? - Yeah. After all, we weigh it down,

We could walk it right overthere.

Like a parade balloon.

Now, we're gonna walk to the falls quickly and quietly

With no rap music or flash dancing.

We have three days at best

Till the helium leaks out of those balloons.

And if we are not at the falls when that happens

-Sand - We're not getting to the falls.

I found sand!

Don't you worry, Ellie.

We'll get our house over there.

It is fun already, isn't it?

By the tme we get there,

You're gonna feel so assisted

Oh, Mr. Fredricksen,

If we happen to get separated,Use the wilderness explorer call. Wait, why are we going to paradise falls, again?

Hey, let's play a game.

It's called "see who can be quiet the longest."

Cool! My mom loves that game!
