Tuning-of- Control- Devices-for- Capacity-and- Security- En课件


NVIDIA Hopper 应用调优指南说明书

NVIDIA Hopper 应用调优指南说明书

Application NoteTable of Contents Chapter 1. NVIDIA Hopper Tuning Guide (1)1.1. NVIDIA Hopper GPU Architecture (1)1.2. CUDA Best Practices (1)1.3. Application Compatibility (2)1.4. NVIDIA Hopper Tuning (2)1.4.1. Streaming Multiprocessor (2) Occupancy (2) Tensor Memory Accelerator (2) Thread Block Clusters (3) Improved FP32 Throughput (3) Dynamic Programming Instructions (3)1.4.2. Memory System (4) High-Bandwidth Memory HBM3 Subsystem (4) Increased L2 Capacity (4) Inline Compression (4) Unified Shared Memory/L1/Texture Cache (5)1.4.3. Fourth-Generation NVLink (5)Appendix A. Revision History (6)Chapter 1.NVIDIA Hopper TuningGuide1.1. NVIDIA Hopper GPU ArchitectureThe NVIDIA® Hopper GPU architecture is NVIDIA's latest architecture for CUDA® compute applications. The NVIDIA Hopper GPU architecture retains and extends the same CUDA programming model provided by previous NVIDIA GPU architectures such as NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture and NVIDIA Turing, and applications that follow the best practices for those architectures should typically see speedups on the NVIDIA H100 GPU without anycode changes. This guide summarizes the ways that an application can be fine-tuned to gain additional speedups by leveraging the NVIDIA Hopper GPU architecture's features.1For further details on the programming features discussed in this guide, refer to the CUDA C+ + Programming Guide.1.2. CUDA Best PracticesThe performance guidelines and best practices described in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide and the CUDA C++ Best Practices Guide apply to all CUDA-capable GPU architectures. Programmers must primarily focus on following those recommendations to achieve the best performance.The high-priority recommendations from those guides are as follows:‣Find ways to parallelize sequential code.‣Minimize data transfers between the host and the device.‣Adjust kernel launch configuration to maximize device utilization.‣Ensure that global memory accesses are coalesced.‣Minimize redundant accesses to global memory whenever possible.1Throughout this guide, NVIDIA Volta refers to devices of compute capability 7.0, NVIDIA Turing refers to devices of compute capability 7.5, NVIDIA Ampere GPU Architecture refers to devices of compute capability 8.x, and NVIDIA Hopper refers to devices of compute capability 9.0.‣Avoid long sequences of diverged execution by threads within the same warp.1.3. Application CompatibilityBefore addressing specific performance tuning issues covered in this guide, refer to the Hopper Compatibility Guide for CUDA Applications to ensure that your application is compiled in a way that is compatible with NVIDIA Hopper.1.4. NVIDIA Hopper Tuning1.4.1. Streaming MultiprocessorThe NVIDIA Hopper Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) provides the following improvements over Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPU architectures. OccupancyThe maximum number of concurrent warps per SM remains the same as in NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture (that is, 64), and other factors influencing warp occupancy are:‣The register file size is 64K 32-bit registers per SM.‣The maximum number of registers per thread is 255.‣The maximum number of thread blocks per SM is 32 for devices of compute capability 9.0 (that is, H100 GPUs).‣For devices of compute capability 9.0 (H100 GPUs), shared memory capacity per SM is 228 KB, a 39% increase compared to A100's capacity of 164 KB.‣For devices of compute capability 9.0 (H100 GPUs), the maximum shared memory per thread block is 227 KB.‣For applications using Thread Block Clusters, it is always recommended to compute the occupancy using cudaOccupancyMaxActiveClusters and launch cluster-based kernels accordingly.Overall, developers can expect similar occupancy as on NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture GPUs without changes to their application. Tensor Memory AcceleratorThe Hopper architecture builds on top of the asynchronous copies introduced by NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture and provides a more sophisticated asynchronous copy engine: the Tensor Memory Accelerator (TMA).TMA allows applications to transfer 1D and up to 5D tensors between global memory and shared memory, in both directions, as well as between the shared memory regions of different SMs in the same cluster (refer to Thread Block Clusters). Additionally, for writes from sharedmemory to global memory, it allows specifying element wise reduction operations such as add/min/max as well as bitwise and/or for most common data types.This has several advantages:‣Avoids using registers for moving data between the different memory spaces.‣Avoids using SM instructions for moving data: a single thread can issue large data movement instructions to the TMA unit. The whole block can then continue working on other instructions while the data is in flight and only wait for the data to be consumed when actually necessary.‣Enables users to write warp specialized codes, where specific warps specialize on data movement between the different memory spaces while other warps only work on local data within the SM.This feature will be exposed through cuda::memcpy_async along with the cuda::barrier and cuda::pipeline for synchronizing data movement. Thread Block ClustersNVIDIA Hopper Architecture adds a new optional level of hierarchy, Thread Block Clusters, that allows for further possibilities when parallelizing applications. A thread block can read from, write to, and perform atomics in shared memory of other thread blocks within its cluster. This is known as Distributed Shared Memory. As demonstrated in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide, there are applications that cannot fit required data within shared memory and must use global memory instead. Distributed shared memory can act as an intermediate step between these two options.Distributed Shared Memory can be used by an SM simultaneously with L2 cache accesses. This can benefit applications that need to communicate data between SMs by utilizing the combined bandwidth of both distributed shared memory and L2.The maximum portable cluster size supported is 8; however, NVIDIA Hopper H100 GPU allows for a nonportable cluster size of 16 by opting in. Launching a kernel with a nonportable cluster size requires setting the cudaFuncAttributeNonPortableClusterSizeAllowed function attribute. Using larger cluster sizes may reduce the maximum number of active blocks across the GPU (refer to Occupancy). Improved FP32 ThroughputDevices of compute capability 9.0 have 2x more FP32 operations per cycle per SM than devices of compute capability Dynamic Programming InstructionsThe NVIDIA Hopper architecture adds support for new instructions to accelerate dynamic programming algorithms, such as the Smith-Waterman algorithm for sequence alignment in bioinformatics, and algorithms in graph theory, game theory, ML, and finance problems. The new instructions permit computation of max and min values among three operands, max and min operations yielding predicates, combined add operation with max or min, operating onsigned and unsigned 32-bit int and 16-bit short2 types, and half2. All DPX instructions with 16-bit short types DPX instructions enable 128 operations per cycle per SM.1.4.2. Memory System1.4.2.1. High-Bandwidth Memory HBM3 SubsystemThe NVIDIA H100 GPU has support for HBM3 and HBM2e memory, with capacity up to 80 GB. GPUs HBM3 memory system supports up to three TB/s memory bandwidth, a 93% increase over the 1550 GB/s on A100. Increased L2 CapacityThe NVIDIA Hopper architecture increases the L2 cache capacity from 40 MB in the A100 GPU to 50 MB in the H100 GPU. Along with the increased capacity, the bandwidth of the L2 cacheto the SMs is also increased. The NVIDIA Hopper architecture allows CUDA users to control the persistence of data in L2 cache similar to the NVIDIA Ampere GPU Architecture. For more information on the persistence of data in L2 cache, refer to the section on managing L2 cache in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide. Inline CompressionThe NVIDIA Hopper architecture allows CUDA compute kernels to benefit from the newinline compression (ILC). This feature can be applied to individual memory allocation, and the compressor automatically chooses between several possible compression algorithms, or none if there is no suitable pattern.In case compression can be used, this feature allows accessing global memory at significantly higher bandwidth than global memory bandwidth, since only compressed data needs to be transferred between global memory and SMs.However, the feature does not allow for reducing memory footprint: since compression is automatic, even if compression is active, the memory region will use the same footprint asif there was no compression. This is because underlying data may be changed by the user application and may not be compressible during the entire duration of the application.The feature is available through the CUDA driver API. See the CUDA C++ Programming Guide section on compressible memory:CUmemGenericAllocationHandle allocationHandle;CUmemAllocationProp prop = {};memset(prop, 0, sizeof(CUmemAllocationProp));prop->type = CU_MEM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_PINNED;prop->location.type = CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_DEVICE;prop->location.id = currentDevice;prop->pressionType = CU_MEM_ALLOCATION_COMP_GENERIC; cuMemCreate(&allocationHandle, size, &prop, 0);One can check whether compressible memory is available on the given device with:cuDeviceGetAttribute(&compressionAvailable,CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GENERIC_COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED, currentDevice)Note that this example code does not handle errors and compiling this code requires linking against the CUDA library (libcuda.so). Unified Shared Memory/L1/Texture CacheThe NVIDIA H100 GPU based on compute capability 9.0 increases the maximum capacity of the combined L1 cache, texture cache, and shared memory to 256 KB, from 192 KB in NVIDIA Ampere Architecture, an increase of 33%.In the NVIDIA Hopper GPU architecture, the portion of the L1 cache dedicated to shared memory (known as the carveout) can be selected at runtime as in previous architectures such as NVIDIA Ampere Architecture and NVIDIA Volta, using cudaFuncSetAttribute() with the attribute cudaFuncAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout. The NVIDIA H100 GPU supports shared memory capacities of 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 132, 164, 196 and 228 KB per SM. CUDA reserves 1 KB of shared memory per thread block. Hence, the H100 GPU enables a single thread block to address up to 227 KB of shared memory. To maintain architectural compatibility, static shared memory allocations remain limited to 48 KB, and an explicitopt-in is also required to enable dynamic allocations above this limit. See the CUDA C++ Programming Guide for details.Like the NVIDIA Ampere Architecture and NVIDIA Volta GPU architectures, the NVIDIA Hopper GPU architecture combines the functionality of the L1 and texture caches into a unified L1/ Texture cache which acts as a coalescing buffer for memory accesses, gathering up the data requested by the threads of a warp before delivery of that data to the warp. Another benefit of its union with shared memory, similar to previous architectures, is improvement in terms of both latency and bandwidth.1.4.3. Fourth-Generation NVLinkThe fourth generation of NVIDIA’s high-speed NVLink interconnect is implemented in H100 GPUs, which significantly enhances multi-GPU scalability, performance, and reliability with more links per GPU, much faster communication bandwidth, and improved error-detection and recovery features. The fourth-generation NVLink has the same bidirectional data rate of 50 GB/s per link. The total number of links available is increased to 18 in H100, compared to 12 in A100, yielding 900 GB/s bidirectional bandwidth compared to 600 GB/s for A100. NVLink operates transparently within the existing CUDA model. Transfers between NVLink-connected endpoints are automatically routed through NVLink, rather than PCIe. The cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess() API call remains necessary to enable direct transfers (over either PCIe or NVLink) between GPUs. The cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer() can be used to determine if peer access is possible between any pair of GPUs.Appendix A.Revision HistoryVersion 1.0‣Initial Public Release‣Added support for compute capability 9.0NoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice. Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.OpenCLOpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. used under license to the Khronos Group Inc.TrademarksNVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2022-2022 NVIDIA Corporation & affiliates. All rights reserved.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051https://。

Roland Acoustic Chorus AC-90 产品说明书

Roland Acoustic Chorus AC-90 产品说明书

Acoustic Chorus AC-90The AC-90 is an acoustic stereo amp equipped with twin 8-inch woofers and a special tweeter designed to effortlessly span the full frequency range. The 90Woutput (45W + 45W) provides onstage power to spare.To get the best sound from the guitar you are using, theamp has a switch to set for piezo or magnetic pickup. Furthermore, acoustic projection can be optimized using the built-in arm stand to tilt the amp. The AC-90 ensuresideal playing environments for amplified acoustic guitar.In addition to its dedicated guitar channel, the AC-90 is equipped with a mic/line channel with 48V phantom power for a condenser mic. Play and sing, or plug in a second guitar for a duo with independent mix controlof each channel.When an acoustic guitar is connected to an amp, there is high risk of feedback. The AC-90’santi-feedback function makes this worry a thing of the past. It automatically detects and suppresses feedbackwith a minimal effect on sound quality.A combination of weight-saving power amp design andthe use of new materials for the speaker unit haveenabled Roland to produce a guitar amp that is muchlighter than previous models.REAR PANELCONTROL PANELAC-90 SPECIFICATIONSThe most beloved chorus effect in the world is built into the AC-90. Choose from a variety of famous Roland chorus effects for incredibly smooth and thick effects. REVERB/DELAY and the SHAPE function are also included for ambient enhancement and custom tonal contouring.• Rated Power Output 45 W + 45 W • Nominal Input Level (1 kHz) GUITAR Channel: -10 dBu, MIC/LINE Channel: -50 / -10 dBu, AUX IN: -10 dBu • Nominal Output Level (1 kHz) DI/TUNER OUT: +4 dBu, LINE OUT: +4 dBu, SUB WOOFER OUT: +4 dBu • Speakers Woofer 20cm (8 inches) x 2, Tweeter 8cm x 5cm x 2 (3 inches x 2 inches) x 2 • Controls <GUITAR Channel>: PICKUP Switch (PIEZO/MAGNETIC), SHAPE Switch, VOLUME Knob, Equalizer Knobs (BASS, MIDDLE, TREBLE), CHORUS Switch <MIC/LINE Channel>: PHANTOM Switch, SELECT Switch (MIC/LINE), VOLUME Knob, Equalizer Knobs (BASS, MIDDLE, TREBLE), CHORUS Switch <CHORUS Knob> <REVERB/DELAY Knob> <ANTI-FEEDBACK>: FREQUENCY Knob, START Button <MUTE Switch> <MASTER Knob> <POWER Switch> • Indicators CHORUS (GUITAR Channel, MIC/LINE Channel), ANTI-FEEDBACK, MUTE, POWER • Connectors GUITAR Channel Input Jack (1/4" phone type), MIC/LINE Input Jack (XLR type, 1/4" phone type), AUX IN Jacks (RCA phono type,1/4" phone type), DI/TUNER OUT Jack (1/4" TRS phone type), LINE OUT Jacks (XLR type, 1/4" phone type), SUB WOOFER OUT Jack (1/4" phone type), PHONES Jack (Stereo 1/4" phone type), FOOT SWITCH Jacks (1/4" TRS phone type x 2) • Power Supply AC 117 V, AC 230 V, AC 240 V (50/60 Hz) • Power Consumption 30 W • Dimensions 464 (W) x 303 (D) x 326 (H) mm/ 18-5/16 (W) x 11-15/16 (D) x 12-7/8 (H) inches • Weight 11.7 kg/ 25 lbs 13 oz • Accessories Carrying Case, Owner's Manual * 0 dBu = 0.775 VrmsMute button for cutting output; handy for changing guitars or tuningTwo line-out jacks, one XLR (stereo) and one standard (mono); retain the natural acousticproperties of your sound even when you send it to an external deviceDI/TUNER OUT jack for connection to tuner or PA mixer AUX IN jack enables connection of rhythmmachines, MP3 players, and other external devices SUB-WOOFER OUT jack for extending low-frequency performance• Rated Power Output 30W + 30W • Nominal Input Level (1 kHz) GUITAR Channel: -10 dBu, MIC/LINE Channel: -50 / -10 dBu, AUX IN: -10 dBu • Nominal Output Level (1 kHz) DI/TUNER OUT: +4 dBu, LINE OUT: +4 dBu, SUB WOOFER OUT: +4 dBu • Speakers 16 cm (6.5 inches) x 2 • Controls <GUITAR Channel> PICKUP Switch (PIEZO/MAGNETIC), SHAPE Switch, VOLUME Knob, Equalizer Knobs (BASS, MIDDLE, TREBLE), CHORUS Switch <MIC/LINE Channel> PHANTOM Switch, SELECT Switch (MIC/LINE), VOLUME Knob, Equalizer Knobs (BASS, MIDDLE, TREBLE), CHORUS Switch <CHORUS Knob> <REVERB/DELAY Knob> <ANTI-FEEDBACK> FREQUENCY Knob, START Button <MUTE Switch> <MASTER Knob> <POWER Switch> • Indicators CHORUS (GUITAR Channel, MIC/LINE Channel), ANTI-FEEDBACK, MUTE, POWER • Connectors GUITAR Channel Input Jack (1/4" phone type), MIC/LINE Input Jacks (XLR type, 1/4" phone type), AUX IN Jacks (RCA phono type,1/4" phone type), DI/TUNER OUT Jack (1/4" TRS phone type), LINE OUT Jacks (XLR type, 1/4" phone type), SUB WOOFER OUT Jack (1/4" phone type), PHONES Jack (Stereo 1/4" phone type), FOOT SWITCH Jacks (1/4" TRS phone type x 2) • Power Supply AC 117 V, AC 230 V, AC 240 V • Power Consumption 68 W • Dimensions 380 (W) x 270 (D) x 268 (H) mm/ 15 (W) x 10-11/16 (D) x 10-9/16 (H) inches • Weight 9.8 kg/ 21 lbs 10 oz • Accessories Carrying Case, Owner's Manual * 0 dBu = 0.775 VrmsAC-60 SPECIFICATIONS*Control panel and rear panel are identical to AC-90.FS-5L MuteOn/OffChorus Reverb/DelayAcoustic ChorusAC-60Foot SwitchFS-5U。



Huawei SecoManager Security ControllerIn the face of differentiated tenant services and frequent service changes, how to implementautomatic analysis, visualization, and management of security services, security policy optimization,and compliance analysis are issues that require immediate attention. Conventional O&M relies onmanual management and configuration of security services and is therefore inefficient. Securitypolicy compliance check requires dedicated personnel for analysis. Therefore, the approval is usuallynot timely enough, and risky policies may be omitted. The impact of security policy delivery onservices is unpredictable. That is, the impact of policies on user services cannot be evaluated beforepolicy deployment. In addition, as the number of security policies continuously increases, it becomesdifficult for security O&M personnel to focus on key risky policies. The industry is in urgent needof intelligent and automated security policy management across the entire lifecycle of securitypolicies to help users quickly and efficiently complete policy changes and ensure policy deliverysecurity and accuracy, thereby effectively improving O&M efficiency and reducing O&M costs.The SecoManager Security Controller is a unified security controller provided by Huawei for differentscenarios such as DCs, campus networks, Branch. It provides security service orchestration andunified policy management, supports service-based and visualized security functions, and forms aproactive network-wide security protection system together with network devices, security devices,and Big Data intelligent analysis system for comprehensive threat detection, analysis, and response.Product AppearancesProduct HighlightsMulti-dimensional and automatic policy orchestration, security service deployment within minutes• Application mutual access mapping and application-based policy management: Policymanagement transitions from the IP address-based perspective to the application mutual access relationship-based perspective. Mutual-access relationships of applications on the network are abstracted with applications at the core to visualize your application services so that you can gain full visibility into the services, effectively reducing the number of security policies. The model-based application policy model aims to reduce your configuration workload and simplify network-wide policy management.• Policy management based on service partitions: Policy management transitions from thesecurity zone-based perspective to the service partition-based perspective. Conventional network zones are divided into security zones, such as the Trust, Untrust, DMZ, and Local zones. In a scenario with a large number of security devices and a large network scale, factors of security zone, device, policy, service rollout, and service change are intertwined, making it difficult to visualize services and to effectively guide the design of security policies. However, if security policies are managed, controlled, and maintained from the perspective of service partitions, users need to pay attention only to service partitions and security services but not the mapping among security zones, devices, and services, which effectively reduces the complexity of security policy design.Service partition-based FW1untrusttrustDMZ XXX FW2untrust trustDMZ XXX FW3untrust trust DMZ XXX InternetGuest partition R&D partition Data storage partitionExternal service partition Internal service partition• Management scope of devices and policies defined by protected network segments to facilitate policy orchestration: A protected network segment is a basic model of security service orchestration and can be considered as a range of user network segments protected by a firewall.It can be configured manually or through network topology learning. The SecoManager Security Controller detects the mapping between a user service IP address and a firewall. During automatic policy orchestration, the SecoManager Security Controller automatically finds the firewall that carries a policy based on the source and destination addresses of the policy.• Automatic security service deployment: Diversified security services bring security assurance for data center operations. Technologies such as protected network segment, automatic policy orchestration, and automatic traffic diversion based on service function chains (SFCs) enable differentiated tenant security policies. Policies can be automatically tiered, split, and combined so that you can gain visibility into policies.Intelligent policy O&M to reduce O&M costs by 80%• Policy compliance check: Security policy compliance check needs to be confirmed by the security approval owner. The average number of policies to be approved per day ranges from several to hundreds. Because the tool does not support all rules, the policies need to be manually analyzed one by one, resulting in a heavy approval workload and requiring a dedicated owner to spend hours in doing so. The SecoManager Security Controller supports defining whitelists, risk rules, and hybrid rules for compliance check. After a policy is submitted to the SecoManager Security Controller, the SecoManager Security Controller checks the policy based on the defined check rules and reports the check result and security level to the security approval owner in a timely manner.In this way, low-risk policies can be automatically approved, and the security approval owner needs to pay attention only to non-compliant policy items, improving the approval efficiency and avoiding the issues that the approval is not timely and that a risky policy is omitted.• Policy simulation: Based on the learning result of service mutual access relationships, the policies to be deployed are compared, and their deployment is simulated to assess the impact of the deployment, effectively reducing the risks brought by policy deployment to services.• Redundant policy deletion: After a policy is deployed, redundancy analysis and hit analysis are performed for policies on the entire network, and the policy tuning algorithm is used, deleting redundant policies and helping you focus on policies closely relevant to services.Network collaboration and security association for closed-loop threat handling within minutes • Collaboration with network for threat handling: In a conventional data center, application deployment often takes a long time. The application service team relies on the network team to deploy the network; the network team needs to understand the requirements of the application service team to deploy a network that is suitable for the application service team. The SecoManager Security Controller learns mappings between service policies and security policies based on the network topology, and collaborates with the data center SDN management and control system (IMaster NCE-Fabric) or campus SDN management and control system to divert tenant traffic to corresponding security devices based on SFCs on demand. The SecoManager Security Controller automatically synchronizes information about the tenants, VPCs, network topology (including logical routers, logical switches, logical firewalls, and subnets), EPGs, and SFCs from the SDN management and control system and combines the learned application service mutual access relationships to automatically orchestrate and deliver security policies, implementing security-network synergy.• Collaboration with security: Advanced persistent threats (APTs) threaten national infrastructure of the finance, energy, government, and other sectors. Attackers exploit 0-day vulnerabilities, use advanced evasion techniques, combine multiple attack means such as worm and ransomware, and may remain latent for a long period of time before they actually initiate attacks. The Big Data security product HiSec Insight can effectively identify unknown threats based on network behavior analysis and correlation analysis technologies. The threat handling method, namely isolation or blocking, is determined based on the threat severity. For north-south threats, the SecoManager Security Controller delivers quintuple blocking policies to security devices. For east-west threats, isolation requests are delivered to the network SDN management and control system to control switches or routers to isolate threatened hosts.Product Deployment• Independent deployment: The SecoManager Security Controller is deployed on a server or VM as independent software.• Integrated deployment: The SecoManager Security Controller and SDN management and control system are deployed on the same physical server and same VM.Database• Collaboration with the SDN management and control system to detect network topology changes and implement tenant-based automatic security service deployment.• North-south threat blocking, east-west threat isolation, and refined SDN network security control through SFC-based traffic diversion.• Interworking with the cloud platform to automatically convert service policies to security policies. Product SpecificationsOrdering InformationNote: This product ordering list is for reference only. For product subscription, please consult Huawei representatives. GENERAL DISCLAIMERThe information in this document may contain predictive statement including, without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results, future product portfolios, new technologies, etc. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information is provided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor an acceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.Copyright © 2020 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.。



Ed.2020MAINTENANCE AND USE MANUAL GBThe use and maintenance manual is the document that accompanies the valve from its construction to its scrapping. It is therefore an integral part of it. Read the manual before performing any operations on the equipment, including handling and unloadingit from the transport vehicle. Instruct personnel responsible for installation. The user and the maintenance technician must be familiar with the contents of this manual. CAUTION: The user is responsible for checking the compatibility of the valve type and the construction material with the fluid and the operating and process conditions. Checks made by NGI are based solely on the information provided by the buyer/user. The user is responsible storage, installation, periodic checks and maintenance.Take the utmost care in the use of safety valves, as this manual is not, and cannot be, exhaustive and does not provide for all its possible installations and uses. NGI safety valves are designed for fluids such as gases, vapours and liquids. The passage of dust and/or solids through the seal seat can compromise functioning. The following factors were not taken into consideration in the design: Stress caused by earthquakes, Wind loads, Fatigue stresses. In case of external fire when the operating temperature is exceeded, the seal seat of the safety valve collapses and the latter will be automatically discharged. To avoid this, make use of suitable cooling and protection systems.1.WARRANTY-Whenever communicating with NGI, always mention the typeof valve and the serial number indicated on the valve body. NGI products are guaranteed for a period of 12 months (depending however on the law in force) from the testing date shown on the certificate. All parts found to be defective in material or workmanship will be replaced free of charge ex NGI. Other claims due to wear and tear, dirt, incompetent handling, etc. shall be rejected by NGI, as well as other contractual guarantees. Any complaints relating to the goods received in a quantity or execution different from that ordered must be received by NGI in writing within a maximum of 10 days of receipt of the material. The average life of elastomer seal seat safety valves in their specific operating conditions is approximately 24-36 months. The average life of metal/PTFE seal seat safety valves in their specific operating conditions is approximately 36-48 months. At the end of this period, an external visual check must be made to ensure that the valves are in good condition (no serious oxidations - erosion and with the slits/discharge connections free from obstructions). If there is no obvious oxidation, erosion, fouling and/or damage due to outside causes, the average life is extended by the same period described above.2.GENERAL DELIVERY INFORMATION - Upon receipt of the valve, make sure that: The packaging is intact, the material supplied corresponds with the order specifications (see the delivery note and/or invoice), there is no damage. If hard copy certificates have been requested in the order, deliver these documents to the office in charge. CAUTION: DOCUMENTS CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. In the event of damage or missing parts, immediately inform the carrier, NGI or its local representatives with details. Drawings and any other documents delivered with the valve are the property of NGI, which reserves all rights, and may not be made available to third parties. Any full or partial reproduction of the text or illustrations is therefore prohibited. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL VALVES IMMEDIATELY AND DO NOT LEAVE THEM INACTIVE FOR A LONG TIME.3.VALVE DESCRIPTION - Data identifying the manufacturer, the model, the calibration pressure value, identification of the construction material, the minimum and maximum temperature peaks that the valve can reach, the DN In x Out (where present) and the serial number are all marked on the body of the safety valve. NGI spring-loaded safety valves for steam, gases and liquids are the result of extensive experience gained over decades of application in various fields and largely meet all the requirements for final protection of pressure vessels. They are fully capable of preventing maximum permitted pressures from being exceeded, even if all other independent safety devices installed at points upstream have failed to work. NGI safety valves consist of a brass or stainless steel body that is highly resistant to high and low temperatures. They are fitted with a stem, a seat and a disc that guarantee maximum efficiency over time. Unified connections allow any type of coupling. All valves are factory-calibrated to ensure maximum safety and minimum maintenance.To this end, please carefully read this manual to ensure all the benefits and safety required on systems where NGI valves are installed.4.SAFETY REQUIREMENTS - Valves must be installed on the systems whose construction materials are suitable for operation in the expected conditions (nature and physical state of the fluid, external environment). Make sure that safety valve connections comply with the specifications of the system on which they are to be installed. In particular, take into account the forces and momentum generated by the passage of the fluid through the valve when sizing the valve connection nozzle. If the valve discharges into the atmosphere, it must be pointed in a direction that will not cause harm to persons or property. Any adjustments or tuning must be performed by specialised technicians who are familiar with the dangers of safety valves. Put on GOGGLES, GLOVES and other PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT and make sure that the system is at zero pressure and at room temperature before performing any adjustments or tuning. Before performing any operations on the valve, make sure it is at zero pressure and at room temperature. BEWARE OF TOXIC OR HARMFUL GASES. Vibrations may occur if the valve is not properly secured. Therefore, make sure that the fastenings are completely tightened. The valve may onlybe used after having been tested by NGI or by other authorised entities. The markingon the safety valve contains the exact calibration pressure, the construction material and the minimum and maximum temperature peaks that the valve can reach. DANGER OF COLD BURNS OR SCALDING. THE OUTSIDE SURFACE MAY REACH THE TEMPERATURE OF THE FLUID CONTAINED INSIDE. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TAMPER WITH THE VALVE NOR REMOVE THE LEAD/MANUFACTURER’S SEAL FOR ANY REASON.Do not lubricate for any reason. Contact NGI immediately in the event of defective operation. CAUTION: ONLY STAINLESS STEEL VALVES OR VALVES COMPATIBLE WITH THE CONTACT FLUID MUST BE USED IN CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENTS. CAUTION: NOT SUITABLE FOR UNSTABLE FLUIDS 5.TRANSPORT - Depending on size, NGI valves can be transported in boxes orin crates. Smaller valves must however be transported by hand, while larger sized valves with a forklift or crane. CAUTION: VIBRATIONS, IMPACT AND IMPURITIES CAN DAMAGE VALVE FUNCTIONING. VALVES MUST THEREFORE BE HANDLED WITH CARE, WITHOUT REMOVING THE CAPS ON THE CONNECTIONS WHICH PREVENT IMPURITIES FROM ENTERING INSIDE BEFORE INSTALLATION.6.INSTALLATION - Valves are supplied by NGI with the required calibration and lead-sealed. CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE LEAD/MANUFACTURER’S SEAL IS NOT DAMAGED. BREAKAGE OF THE SEAL WILL VOID THE WARRANTY. To secure the valve to the equipment being protected, use suitable tools and only use the seat fitted at the bottom of the body near the inlet connection. Install the valves in a position that is accessible but protected from impact and tampering to prevent personal injury during discharge andto facilitate checks and periodic inspections. Do not install shut-off or throttling devices between the tank (or system) and the valve. The valve connection pipe mustbe as short as possible and must have a cross-section no smaller than the input and output connections. Spring-loaded safety valves with a pressure calibrated to less than1 bar (0.1 MPa - 14.5 psi) must be installed with the cap facing upwards. The assembly position is irrelevant to correct operation for calibration pressures over 1 bar (0.1 MPa - 14.5 psi) for fluid gas. For liquids, vapours and condensates, they must be installed with the cap facing upwards. BE CAREFUL not to damage the surface, remove the caps and install the valve according to the system specifications. If the discharge needs to be connected to outside pipes, these must be as short as possible to prevent unforeseen backpressure. The maximum backpressure permitted is 10% of the calibration pressure. Prevent supports or pipes from transmitting forces or reaction moments to the valve. Inlet and outlet connection pipes can transmit static, dynamic and thermal stresses to the valve, both when closed and in the discharge phase, which can compromise safety valve stability. Pipes must therefore be designed, constructed and installed in such a way as to prevent the safety valve from being subjected to additional stresses, in addition to those caused by internal pressure and tightening. For conveyed discharge safety valves, connect the bleeder hole to a pipe to convey it into a non-hazardous area. To ensure a good safety valve seal, the operating pressure of the protected equipment must not exceed 90% of the safety valve calibration pressure. Inthe event of a pulsating pressure, the operating margin must be further reduced, depending on the amplitude and frequency of the pulsation, to a maximum value of 80% of the calibration pressure. Malfunctions in system operation that cause overflowof the valve can compromise its subsequent sealing capacity. Make sure the valve is properly earthed, even through the same input connection. Depending on the installation, affix appropriate indications (signs) to inform the user of the residual risksof moving parts (motion) and the operating temperature. Before starting up the system, make sure that there are no solid bodies inside it that could damage the valve seal seat. Sealing problems can occur on all "metal" or "PTFE" sealed valves any time tiny fragments of various materials (welding slag or other impurities present in the system piping) are deposited between the seat and the disc surfaces. Where conditions (natureof the fluid and operating temperature) allow it, a "soft seal" can be used. In the eventof prolonged discharge at high temperature, there may be a change in the tangential modulus of elasticity of the spring construction material, resulting in decrease calibration pressure and an increase in safety valve blowdown. For the purpose of safety valve operation, make sure that there is no fluid leakage between the surfaces ofthe seat and the disc. If this occurs, intervene as soon as possible to restore the correct seal. If crystallisation or polymerisation of the process fluid can occur in the section upstream of the safety valve, make the entry connection as short as possible and equipthe valve with a heating jacket or equivalent system. Crystallisation or polymerisationof the fluid in the area downstream of the disc (low pressure side of the valve body) orin the valve cap can cause the valve to lock. In order to avoid such an inconvenience from occurring, it is important to monitor the safety valve, taking care to detect any fluid leakage that would cause it to lock.7.CLEANING AND LUBRICATION - NGI safety valves have been built to work without lubrication; they simply need to be kept clean and efficient.8.ROUTINE MAINTENANCE - INSPECTIONS - Valves are very delicate mechanisms. It is the duty of the system operator to monitor the efficiency and, if necessary, contact a specialised technician or send the valve to NGI. Safety valves must be inspected by authorised entities according to the specific legal regulations in force in the country of installation. CAUTION: NGI IS IN NO WAY LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORISED INTERVENTIONS OR TAMPERING. NGI IS NO LONGER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE VALVE ITSELF AFTER REPAIRS, RECALIBRATIONS, REPLACEMENT OF PARTS OR ANY OTHER WORK CARRIED OUT WITHOUT ITS DIRECT SUPERVISION.9. Periodic checks on safety valves equipped with a manual opening device with elastomer seal seat for steam. - Safety valves must be tested periodically to ensure that they continue to operate in good working order. For this purpose, they shall be opened manually by means of the lever or the opening ring nut. This test shallbe carried out maintaining a pressure in the protected equipment of between 80 and 90% of the valve calibration pressure. The valve must open cleanly and release an abundant amount of fluid, and then must close completely once the lever is released orthe ring nut is re-tightened. This operation should be short and performed only once. The frequency depends on the system conditions (greater or lesser probability that the valve will become dirty or that salts contained in the water will be deposited). Carryout the test at system start-up and then comply with the standard and/or legal requirements of the country of installation. The above-described procedure is not applicable to safety valves without manual opening. For any periodic checks, the various system safety devices must be bypassed and/or a bench test must be carried out to reach the calibration pressure. NGI reserves the right to change product characteristics, performance and drawings without prior notice.。

design of temperature control system

design of temperature control system

design of temperature controlsystemDesign of Temperature Control SystemThe design of a temperature control system involves several key components and considerations to ensure accurate and efficient temperature regulation. Here is a general overview of the design process:1. Define Requirements: Determine the temperature range, accuracy, response time, and other specifications required for the system. This will help in selecting appropriate sensors, actuators, and control algorithms.2. Sensor Selection: Select temperature sensors that are suitable for the operating range and accuracy requirements. Common types include thermistors, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), and thermocouples.3. Actuator Selection: Choose actuators, such as heating elements or cooling devices, that can be controlled to achieve the desired temperature setpoint. Consider factors like power requirements, efficiency, and response time.4. Control Algorithm: Select a control algorithm, such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID), to regulate the temperature. The PID controller adjusts the actuator based on the measured temperature and the desired setpoint.5. Microcontroller or PLC: A microcontroller or programmable logic controller (PLC) is used to implement the control algorithm and interface with the sensors and actuators. It receives temperature measurements, calculates the control output, and sends commands to the actuator.6. User Interface: Design a user interface, such as a graphical display or a keypad, to allow operators to monitor and adjust temperature settings.7. Safety Features: Incorporate safety features, such as over-temperature alarms and shut-off mechanisms, to protect the system and personnel from potentialhazards.8. Testing and Calibration: Perform comprehensive testing and calibration of the temperature control system to ensure its accuracy and reliability. This may involve calibration of sensors, fine-tuning of the control algorithm, and validation of temperature stability.9. Integration and Optimization: Integrate the various components of the system, including hardware, firmware, and software. Optimize the system performance by considering factors like energy efficiency, response time, and noise immunity.The design of a temperature control system requires a careful consideration of the application requirements, selection of suitable components, and implementation of an effective control algorithm. By following these steps, you can develop a reliable and efficient temperature control system tailored to your specific needs.。



Ultra-Focus and digital aPO Correctioninformation about the lens and exact capture conditions is fedultra-fine-tuning of the auto-focus mechanism, taking into account the design specifications of the lens and the optical specifications of the sensor. in this way the full HC lens program is enhanced to perform at a new level ofaberration and distortion is also added. “digital aPO Correction” (daC), is an aPO-chromatic cor-a combination of the various paramaters concerning each specific lens for each specific shot, ensuring that each image represents the best that your equip-We are confident that the image quality you achieve as a result of the daC functionality will make you – andwe are now expanding our lensdesigned 28mm lens that has been developed for the H3d. the design has been optimized for the actual 36x48mm area of the sensor to make it more compact and work in conjunction with daC as anfect the images from this extraordinary lens. the achievement is clear; daC increases the resolution ofa perfect pixel definition, the basis for the image rendering is optimized.the advantages of the central lens shutters of HC/HCd lenses adds flexibility by allowing flash to be employedspeeds up to 1/800s. thanks to the large format, the depth of field range is considerably shallower making it much easier to create a perfect interplay between sharpness and blur.H System cameras and lenses are designed and built for dura-bility and high quality performance, both for rough location work and for the demands of a studio photographer, something you notice the moment you hold the camera.H3d Camera bodyany shutter with X syncRollei electronic shutter with lenscontrolany view camera with Hasselblad H adapterFlash sync input cableH3dsensor unit (included)HVM viewfinderHV 90x viewfinderinstant film back HMi100Film back HM 16•32HCd 4/28 mm HC 3.5/35 mm HC 2.2/100 mm HC 4/210 mm HC 3.5/50 mm HC Macro 4/120 mm HC 4.5/300 mm HC 2.8/80 mm HC 3.2/150 mm HC 3.5-4.5/50-110 mm HC 1.7X converter。



PhilipsLCD monitor17"SXGA170B7CSExtremely convenient displayfor business usersWith SmartManage LAN-based remote monitor management, Philips Perfect Panel™warranty and a full range of convenient features, the 170B7 delivers great and convenientdisplay at a very attractive total cost of ownership.Best total cost of ownership solution•Empowered for Windows Vista•SmartManage compatibility enables LAN-based asset management•Power consumption below the industry averageOutstanding front of screen performance•ISO 13406-2 Class I compliant dot-defect-free display•5ms fast response time•SXGA 1280 x 1024 resolution for sharper display•Dual input accepts both analogue VGA and digital DVI signalsMaximum comfort for maximum productivity•Tilt, swivel and height-adjust for an ideal viewing positionGreat convenience•USB port for convenient peripheral connections•Easy to adjust display settings with Philips SmartControl•Built-in speakers for audio without desktop clutterHighlightsWindows Vista readyPhilips Vista-ready monitors are empowered for vibrant, exciting display of this new, visually sophisticated and demanding Windows operating system, designed to enhance your entertainment experience, make you more productive and help you control your computing experience at home and in the office, making viewing, finding and organising information for work or play quick, efficient and easy.SmartManage enabledSmartManage is a system for monitoring, managing and checking status of display devices as well as delivering remote support to users who experience difficulties - all accomplished over a LAN.Lower power consumptionReduction of the electrical power required to operate a device.PerfectPanel™Bright dots and dark dots are defects in a LCD panel. While some manufacturers still consider bright and dark defects in a LCD panel an inevitable part of the manufacturing process, Philips doesn't. Philips monitors, compliant with ISO 13406-2 Class I standard, areproduced with zero tolerance for LCD paneldefects and backed by Philips PerfectPanel™globally valid warranty providing repair orreplacement of any LCD monitors that displayeven a single defective bright or dark dot.5ms on/off response timeOn-Off response time is the period requiredfor a liquid crystal cell to go from active (black)to inactive (white) and back to active (black)again. It is measured in milliseconds. Faster isbetter: Lower response time means fastertransitions and, therefore, results in fewervisible image artefacts in the display oftransition of texts and graphics. On-Offresponse time is a more important measure inthe display of business content like documents,graphs and photos.Dual inputDual input provides connectors toaccommodate input of both analogue VGA anddigital DVI signals.Compact Ergo BaseThe Compact Ergo Base is a 'people friendly'Philips monitor base that tilts, swivels andheight adjusts so each user can position themonitor for maximum viewing comfort andefficiency.USB 2.0 portThe universal serial bus or USB is a standardprotocol for linking PCs and peripherals.Because it delivers high speed at a low cost,USB has become the most popular method forconnecting peripheral devices to a computer.A port located on a monitor directly in theuser's line of sight provides easy, high-speedconnectivity for USB devices at a convenientlocation. (USB 2.0 support is dependent onyour PC's USB configuration; when connectedto a PC that supports USB 2.0, your monitor isUSB 2.0 compatible)SmartControlPC software for fine tuning displayperformance and settings. Philips offers userstwo choices for display setting adjustment.Either navigate the multilevel On ScreenDisplay menu through buttons on the displayitself or use the Philips SmartControl softwareto easily adjust the various display settings in afamiliar way.Built-in speakersAudio speakers built into a display device.Issue date 2011-11-26 Version: 8.0.1412 NC: 8639 000 16888 EAN: 87 10895 95626 0© 2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective owners. SpecificationsPicture/Display•LCD panel type: 1280 x 1024 pixels, Anti-glare polarizer, RGB vertical stripe•Panel Size: 17"/ 43 cm•Effective viewing area: 337.9 x 270.3 mm •Pixel pitch: 0.264 x 0.264 mm •Brightness: 300 cd/m²•Contrast ratio (typical): 800:1•Display colours: 16.7 M•Viewing angle: 176º (H) / 170º (V), @ C/R > 5•Response time (typical): 5 ms•White Chromaticity, 6500K: x = 0.313 / y = 0.329•White Chromaticity, 9300K: x = 0.283 / y = 0.297•Maximum Resolution: 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz (digital input)•Recommended Resolution: 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz (digital input)•Video Dot Rate: 140 MHz•Horizontal Scanning Frequency: 30 - 83 kHz •Vertical Scanning Frequency: 56 - 76 Hz •sRGBConnectivity•Signal Input: Analogue (VGA), DVI-D, PC Audio in •Audio output: Stereo Audio (3.5 mm jack) 1x •USB: 1 x USB 2.0•Video Sync Input Signal: Composite Sync, Separate Sync, Sync on Green•Video input impedance: 75 ohm•Sync input impedance: 2.2k ohm•Video input signal levels: 0.7 Vpp Convenience•Built-in Audio: 2 W RMS x 2 Stereo Speakers •Convenience Enhancements: On-screen Display, SmartManage enabled•Monitor Controls: Auto, Brightness Control (Up/ Down), Left/Right, Menu (OK), Power On/Off, Volume control•OSD Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish•Other convenience: Kensington lock compatible, FlexiHolder•Plug & Play Compatibility: DDC/CI, sRGB, Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista •Regulatory Approvals: CE Mark, EMC, Energy Star, FCC-B, UL, CSA, SEMKO, TCO '03, TÜV/GS,TÜV Ergo•Swivel:+/-60°•Tilt: -5° to 25°•VESA Mount: 100 x 100 mmAccessories•Included Accessories: AC Power Cord, Audio Cable, USB cable, VGA cable•Optional accessories: Super Ergo Base•User ManualDimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):449 x 182 x 452 mm•Box dimensions in inch (W x H x D):17.7 x 7.2 x 17.8 inch•Set dimensions(W x H x D):382.5 x 342.8 x 61.5 mm•Set dimensions in inch (W x H x D):15.1 x 13.5 x 2.4 inch•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):382.5 x 387.2 x 198.7 mm•Set dimensions with stand in inch (W x H x D): 15.1 x 15.2 x 7.8 inch•Height adjustment range: 60 mm•Height adjustment range (inch): 2.4 inch •MTBF: 50,000 hrs•Relative Humidity: 20% - 80%•Temperature range (operation): 5°C to 40°C •Temperature range (storage): -20°C to 60°C •Product weight (+stand): 5.2 kg•Product weight (+stand) (lb): 11.5 lb•Weight incl. Packaging: 6.5 kg•Weight incl. Packaging (lb): 14.3 lbPower•Complies with: Energy Star •Consumption: 33W (Typical)•Off Mode: < 1 W•Power LED indicator: Operation - green, Stand by/ sleep - Amber•Power supply: Built-in, 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz。



高中同步测控优化设计英语必修一福建专版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1High School Synchronous Control Optimization Design English Compulsory One Fujian EditionIntroductionIn recent years, with the rapid development of technology, the field of synchronous control in high school has attracted more attention. Synchronous control plays a crucial role in optimizing design and improving efficiency in various systems. In this document, we will dive into the concept of synchronous control optimization design in the context of high school education, focusing on the Fujian edition of the English compulsory curriculum.Definition of Synchronous Control Optimization DesignSynchronous control optimization design refers to the process of designing control systems that can synchronize multiple operations in a time-efficient manner. This design aims to improve the overall performance of a system by ensuring that different components work together seamlessly.Importance of Synchronous Control Optimization Design in High School EducationIn the high school setting, synchronous control optimization design is essential for enhancing the teaching and learning experience. By incorporating this concept into the curriculum, students can develop important skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. Moreover, it enables teachers to deliver lessons more effectively and efficiently, ultimately leading to a better educational experience for students.Fujian Edition of the English Compulsory CurriculumThe Fujian edition of the English compulsory curriculum is designed to meet the unique needs of students in Fujian province. It covers a wide range of topics, including language skills, cultural studies, and communication strategies. By integrating synchronous control optimization design into the curriculum, students can gain a deeper understanding of how different components in the English language system work together to create meaning.Implementation of Synchronous Control Optimization Design in High School EducationTo implement synchronous control optimization design in high school education, teachers can use various teaching strategies and techniques. For example, they can create group projects that require students to collaborate and synchronize their efforts to achieve a common goal. Additionally, teachers can organize interactive activities that encourage students to work together and communicate effectively.Benefits of Synchronous Control Optimization Design in High School EducationThere are several benefits to incorporating synchronous control optimization design in high school education. Firstly, it helps students develop important skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Secondly, it enhances the overall learning experience by promoting active participation and engagement. Lastly, it prepares students for future challenges in college and beyond.ConclusionIn conclusion, synchronous control optimization design plays a vital role in high school education, especially in the context of the Fujian edition of the English compulsory curriculum. By integrating this concept into the curriculum, teachers can create a more dynamic and interactive learningenvironment that fosters student engagement and collaboration. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial for educators to embrace innovative teaching strategies that can enhance the educational experience for students.篇2Title: Synchronized Measurement and Control Optimization Design in High School - Fujian EditionIn today's fast-paced and highly technological world, the importance of synchronized measurement and control optimization design cannot be understated. With the rapid advancement of technology, the need for efficient and reliable control systems has become more crucial than ever before. In high school, students are introduced to the principles of measurement and control, and the importance of optimizing these systems for maximum efficiency and performance.The Fujian Edition of the high school synchronized measurement and control curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of these concepts. Through a combination of theoretical lessons, practical exercises, and hands-on experience, students are equipped with theknowledge and skills needed to design and implement efficient measurement and control systems.The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including the principles of measurement and control, sensors and transducers, data acquisition systems, signal processing techniques, and control algorithms. Students are also introduced to various software tools and programming languages used in the design and implementation of control systems.One of the key components of the curriculum is thehands-on laboratory exercises, where students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a real-world setting. Through these exercises, students are able to design, implement, and test control systems, and gain valuable experience in troubleshooting and debugging.Overall, the Fujian Edition of the high school synchronized measurement and control curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the principles and techniques of measurement and control. By mastering these concepts, students are better prepared to pursue further studies in engineering, science, and technology, and to contribute to the advancement of society through the development of innovative control systems.篇3High School Synchronization Measurement and Control Optimization Design (Fujian Edition)1. IntroductionIn the fast-paced world of technology, high school synchronization measurement and control optimization design is becoming increasingly important. This field combines the principles of electronics and computer science to create efficient systems that can be used in a variety of applications. In this article, we will explore the key concepts and techniques used in synchronizing measurement and control systems, with a focus on the Fujian edition of the high school curriculum.2. Fundamentals of SynchronizationSynchronization is the process of coordinating multiple devices or systems to work together in harmony. In the context of measurement and control systems, synchronization is crucial for ensuring accurate and reliable data collection and analysis. There are several methods that can be used to achieve synchronization, including clock synchronization, data synchronization, and event synchronization.Clock synchronization involves ensuring that the clocks of all devices in a system are aligned to a common time base. This is essential for coordinating the timing of data acquisition and processing tasks. Data synchronization, on the other hand, involves aligning the data streams from different devices so that they can be combined and analyzed together. Event synchronization is used to coordinate the occurrence of specific events or actions between devices, such as triggering a measurement or control operation at a precise moment.3. Measurement and Control SystemsMeasurement and control systems are used in a wide range of applications, from industrial process control to scientific research. These systems typically consist of sensors, actuators, and a central processing unit that collects and analyzes data to make control decisions. In a synchronization measurement and control system, the key challenge is to ensure that the sensors and actuators are synchronized with the central processing unit to provide accurate and timely measurements and control actions.4. Optimization DesignOptimization design is the process of improving the performance and efficiency of a measurement and controlsystem through careful design and tuning. This may involve optimizing the placement and selection of sensors and actuators, tuning the control algorithms, or improving the communication and synchronization methods used in the system. In the Fujian edition of the high school curriculum, students will learn about the principles of optimization design and how to apply them to real-world measurement and control systems.5. Case Study: Traffic Light Control SystemTo illustrate the importance of synchronization measurement and control optimization design, let's consider a case study of a traffic light control system. In this system, sensors are used to detect the presence of vehicles at an intersection, and actuators are used to control the traffic lights based on the traffic flow. By optimizing the design of the sensor placement, control algorithms, and synchronization methods, the traffic light control system can be made more efficient and responsive to changing traffic conditions.Overall, high school synchronization measurement and control optimization design is a fascinating and critical field that combines the principles of electronics, computer science, and optimization to create efficient and reliable systems. By mastering the key concepts and techniques in this field, studentswill be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of modern technology and contribute to the advancement of measurement and control systems in the future.。

MS-9877 用户手册

MS-9877 用户手册

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Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
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CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. 警告使用者: 這是甲類資訊產品,在居住的環境中使用時,可能會造成無線電干擾,在這種情 況下,使用者會被要求採取某些適當的對策。 廢電池請回收 For better environmental protection, waste batteries should be collected separately for recycling or special disposal. iii

Symphony Enterprise Management和控制系统的Cnet高速数据通信网络说明

Symphony Enterprise Management和控制系统的Cnet高速数据通信网络说明

Features and Benefits Overview Control ITHarmony RackCommunications Control Network, Cnet, is a high-speed data communicationhighway between nodes in the Symphony™ Enterprise Man-agement and Control System. Cnet provides a data pathamong Harmony control units (HCU), human system inter-faces (HSI), and computers. High system reliability andavailability are key characteristics of this mission-criticalcommunication network. Reliability is bolstered by redun-dant hardware and communication media in a way that thebackup automatically takes over in the event of a fault in theprimary. Extensive use of error checking and messageacknowledgment assures accurate communication of criticalprocess data.Cnet uses exception reporting to increase the effective band-width of the communication network. This method offers theuser the flexibility of managing the flow of process data andultimately the process. Data is transmitted only when it haschanged by an amount which can be user selected, or when apredetermined time-out period is exceeded. The system pro-vides default values for these parameters, but the user cancustomize them to meet the specific needs of the processunder control.TC00895A■Fast plant-wide communication network: Cnet provides fastresponse time to insure timelyinformation exchange.■Efficient data transfer: Message packing and multiple address-ing increase data handlingefficiency and throughput.■Plant-wide time synchronization: Time synchronization of Cnetnodes throughout the entirecontrol process insures accuratedata time-stamping.■Independent node communica-tion: Each Cnet node operatesindependently of other nodes.Requires no traffic directors;each node is its owncommunication manager.■Accurate data exchange: Multi-ple self-check features including positive message acknowledg-ment, cyclic redundancy checks(CRC), and checksums insuredata integrity.■Automatic communications recovery: Rack communicationmodules provide localized start-up/shutdown on power failurewithout operator intervention.Each type of interface supportsredundancy.Harmony Rack CommunicationsOverviewHarmony rack communications encompasses various communication interfaces as shown inFigure1: Cnet-to-Cnet communication, Cnet-to-HCU communication, and Cnet-to-computercommunication.Figure 1. Harmony Rack Communications ArchitectureThe communication interface units transfer exception reports and system data, control, and con-figuration messages over Cnet. Exception reported data appears as dynamic values, alarms, and state changes on displays and in reports generated by human system interfaces and other system nodes. Exception reporting is automatic at the Harmony controller level. Specifically, the control-ler generates an exception report periodically to update data, after a process point reaches adefined alarm limit or changes state, or after a significant change in value occurs.Harmony Rack Communications Control NetworkCnet is a unidirectional, high speed serial data network that operates at a 10-megahertz or two-megahertz communication rate. It supports a central network with up to 250 system node connec-tions. Multiple satellite networks can link to the central network. Each satellite network supports up to 250 system node connections. Interfacing a maximum number of satellite networks gives a system capacity of over 62,000 nodes.On the central network, a node can be a bridge to a satellite network, a Harmony control unit, a human system interface, or a computer, each connected through a Cnet communication interface.On a satellite network, a node can be a bridge to the central network, a Harmony control unit, a human system interface, or a computer.Harmony Control UnitThe Harmony control unit is the fundamental control node of the Symphony system. It connects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-HCU interface. The HCU cabinet contains the Harmony controllers and input/output devices. The actual process control and management takes place at this level. HCU connection to Cnet enables Harmony controllers to:■Communicate field input values and states for process monitoring and control.■Communicate configuration parameters that determine the operation of functions such asalarming, trending, and logging on a human system interface.■Receive control instructions from a human system interface to adjust process field outputs.■Provide feedback to plant personnel of actual output changes.Human System InterfaceA human system interface such as a Signature Series workstation running Maestro or ConductorSeries software provides the ability to monitor and control plant operations from a single point. It connects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-computer interface. The number of workstations in a Sym-phony system varies and depends on the overall control plan and size of a plant. The workstation connection to Cnet gives plant personnel access to dynamic plant-wide process information, and enables monitoring, tuning, and control of an entire plant process from workstation color graphics displays and a pushbutton keyboard.ComputerA computer can access Cnet for data acquisition, system configuration, and process control. It con-nects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-computer interface. The computer connection to Cnet enablesplant personnel, for example, to develop and maintain control configurations, manage the system database, and create HSI displays remotely using Composer™engineering tools. There are addi-tional Composer and Performer series tools and applications that can access plant informationthrough a Cnet-to-computer interface.Cnet-to-Cnet Communication InterfaceThe Cnet-to-Cnet interfaces are the INIIR01 Remote Interface and the INIIL02 Local Interface.Figure2 shows the remote interface and Figure 3 shows the local interface.Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 2. Cnet-to-Cnet Remote Interface (INIIR01)Figure 3. Cnet-to-Cnet Local Interface (INIIL02)Harmony Rack Communications INIIR01 Remote InterfaceThe INIIR01 Remote Interface consists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INIIT12 Remote Transfer Module (Fig.2). This interface is a node on a central network that can communi-cate to an interface node on a remote satellite network. In this arrangement, two interfaces arerequired: one for the central network, and the other for the satellite network. Bidirectional commu-nication from the central network to the remote satellite network is through standard RS-232-Cports.The remote interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicate modules (two INNIS01 modules and two INIIT12 modules on each network). The secondaryINIIT12 module continuously monitors the primary over dedicated Controlway. A failover occurs when the secondary module detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary interface takes over and the primary interface is taken offline.INIIL02 Local InterfaceThe INIIL02 Local Interface consists of two INNIS01 Network Interface modules and the INIIT03 Local Transfer Module (Fig.3). This interface acts as a bridge between two local Cnets. One of the INNIS01 modules operates on the central network side and the other operates on the satellite net-work side. Bidirectional communication from the central network to the local satellite network is through cable connection to the NTCL01 termination unit. The maximum distance betweentermination units on the two communication networks is 45.8 meters (150feet).The local interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicatemodules (four INNIS01 modules and two INIIT03 modules). The secondary INIIT03 module con-tinuously monitors the primary over dedicated Controlway. A failover occurs when the secondary detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary assumes responsibility and the primary is taken offline.Cnet-to-HCU Communication InterfaceThe Harmony control unit interface consists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INNPM12 or INNPM11 Network Processing Module (Fig. 4). This interface can be used for a node on the central network or on a satellite network (Fig.1). Through this interface the Harmony con-trol unit has access to Cnet and to Controlway at the same time. Controlway is an internal cabinet communication bus between Harmony rack controllers and the communication interfacemodules.The HCU interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicate modules (two INNIS01 modules and two INNPM12 or INNPM11 modules). The secondary net-work processing module (INNPM12 or INNPM11) continuously monitors the primary through a direct ribbon cable connection. A failover occurs when the secondary detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary assumes responsibility and the primary is taken offline. Cnet-to-Computer Communication InterfaceThe Cnet-to-computer interfaces are the INICI03 and INICI12 interfaces. The INICI03 interfaceconsists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module, the INICT03A Computer Transfer Module,and the IMMPI01 Multifunction Processor Interface Module (Fig. 5). The INICI12 interface con-sists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INICT12 Computer Transfer Module(Fig6).Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 4. Cnet-to-HCU InterfaceFigure 5. Cnet-to-Computer Interface (INICI03)Figure 6. Cnet-to-Computer Interface (INICI12)Harmony Rack CommunicationsA computer interface can be used for a node on the central network or on a satellite network (Fig.1). It gives a host computer access to point data over Cnet. The computer connects through either an RS-232-C serial link at rates up to 19.2 kilobaud or through a SCSI parallel port when using an INICI03 interface. The computer connects through an RS-232-C serial link at rates up to 19.2 kilobaud when using an INICI12 interface. Each interface is command driven through soft-ware on the host computer. It receives a command from the host computer, executes it, then replies to the host computer.Note: A workstation running Conductor VMS software does not use an INICI03 or INICI12 Cnet-to-Computer Interface but instead has its own dedicated version of the Cnet-to-computer interface (IIMCP02 and IIMLM01).Communication ModulesTable 1 lists the available Harmony rack communication modules. These modules, in certain combinations, create the various Cnet communication interfaces.Network Interface ModuleThe INNIS01 Network Interface Module is the front end for all the different Cnet communication interfaces. It is the intelligent link between a node and Cnet. The INNIS01 module works in con-junction with the transfer modules and the network processing module. This allows any node to communicate with any other node within the Symphony system.The INNIS01 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit (MMU). The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with the transfer modules and network processing module, and to interface to Cnet.The INNIS01 module connects to its Cnet communication network through a cable connected to an NTCL01 termination unit. Communication between nodes is through coaxial or twinaxial cables that connect to the termination units on each node.Cnet-to-Cnet Remote Transfer ModuleThe INIIT12 Remote Transfer Module supports bidirectional communication through twoRS-232-C ports. Port one passes system data only. Port two passes system data or can be used as a diagnostic port. The central network INIIT12 module can use a variety of means to link to the sat-ellite network INIIT12 module such as modems, microwave, and transceivers. The INIIT12Table 1. Harmony Rack Communication Modules ModuleDescription Cnet-to-Cnet Cnet-to-HCU Cnet-to-Computer INIIR01 INIIL02 INICI03INICI12 IMMPI01Multifunction processor interface •INICT03ACnet-to-computer transfer •INICT12Cnet-to-computer transfer •INIIT03Cnet-to-Cnet local transfer •INIIT12Cnet-to-Cnet remote transfer •INNIS01Network interface •••••INNPM11 or INNPM12Network processing•Harmony Rack Communicationsmodule directly communicates with an INNIS01 module. Many of the operating characteristics of the INIIT12 module are determined by function code202 (INIIT12 executive) specifications.The INIIT12 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to serially communicate with another INIIT12 module, to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module, and to interface to Controlway.The INIIT12 module connects through a cable to an NTMP01 termination unit. The two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit.Cnet-to-Cnet Local Transfer ModuleThe INIIT03 Local Transfer Module serves as the bridge between two local Cnet communication networks. It holds the node database and is responsible for transferring all messages between net-works. Messages include exception reports, configuration data, control data, and system status.This module directly communicates with the INNIS01 module of the central network and of the satellite network simultaneously.The INIIT03 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its two INNIS01 modules and to interface to Controlway.Cnet-to-Computer Transfer ModuleThe INICT03A Computer Transfer Module and INICT12 Computer Transfer Module handle all communication with a host computer. These modules are command driven through software on the host computer. The module receives a command from the host computer, executes it, thenreplies. Its firmware enables the host computer to issue commands for data acquisition, process monitoring, and process control, and to perform system functions such as security, timesynchronization, status monitoring, and module configuration.The INICT03A and INICT12 modules are single printed circuit boards that occupy one slot in the module mounting unit. Their capabilities and computer connection methods differ. The INICT03A module can store up to 30,000 point definitions (depending on point types). The INICT12 module can store up to 10,000 point definitions.For the INICT03A module, the circuit board contains microprocessor based communication cir-cuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to directlycommunicate with an IMMPI01 module. It communicates with the IMMPI01 module through a ribbon cable connection. The IMMPI01 module handles the actual host computer interface andsupports RS-232-C or SCSI serial communication.For the INICT12 module, the circuit board contains microprocessor based communication cir-cuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to directlycommunicate with a host computer using RS-232-C serial communication. The module cable con-nects to an NTMP01 termination unit. Two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit. The NTMP01 jumper configuration determines DTE or DCE operation.Multifunction Processor Interface ModuleThe IMMPI01 Multifunction Processor Interface Module handles the I/O interface between thehost computer and the INICT03A Computer Transfer Module. The IMMPI01 module supportseither a SCSI or RS-232-C computer interface. When communicating through the RS-232-C port, the module can act as data communication equipment (DCE) or data terminal equipment (DTE).Harmony Rack Communications The IMMPI01 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to communicate with its INICT03A module through a ribbon cable connection.For RS-232-C computer interface, the module cable connects to an NTMP01 termination unit. Two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit. The NTMP01 jumper configuration determines DTE or DCE operation. The SCSI port is located at the module faceplate. In this case, notermination unit is required.Network Processing ModuleThe INNPM12 or INNPM11 Network Processing Module acts as a gateway between Cnet andControlway. The module holds the Harmony control unit database and handles the communica-tion between controllers residing on Controlway and the INNIS01 module.The INNPM12 or INNPM11 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mounting unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to interface to Controlway.Rack Communications PowerHarmony rack communication modules are powered by 5, 15, and -15VDC logic power. Modular Power System II supplies the logic power. These operating voltages are distributed from thepower system through a system power bus bar mounted in the cabinet. A module mounting unit connects to this bus bar then routes the power to individual modules through backplaneconnectors.Rack Communications Mounting HardwareHarmony rack communication modules and their termination units mount in standard ABB cabi-nets. The option for small cabinet mounting is provided. The number of modules that can bemounted in a single cabinet varies. Modules of an interface are always mounted in adjacent slots.An IEMMU11, IEMMU12, IEMMU21, or IEMMU22 Module Mounting Unit and an NFTP01 Field Termination Panel are used for module and termination unit mounting respectively (Fig. 7). The mounting unit and termination panel both attach to standard 483-millimeter (19-inch) width side rails. Front mount and rear mount MMU versions are available to provide flexibility in cabinetmounting.A module mounting unit is required to mount and provide power to rack mounted modules. Theunit is for mounting Harmony rack controllers, I/O modules, and communication interfacemodules. The MMU backplane connects and routes:■Controlway.■I/O expander bus.■Logic power to rack modules.The Controlway and I/O expander bus are internal cabinet, communication buses. Communica-tion between rack controllers and HCU communication interface modules is over Controlway. The Cnet-to-Cnet interfaces use dedicated Controlway for redundancy communication. This dedicated Controlway is isolated from all other modules.Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 7. Rack I/O Mounting HardwareRelated DocumentsNumber Document TitleWBPEEUD250001??Harmony Rack Communications, Data SheetHarmony Rack Communications WBPEEUS250002C111Harmony Rack CommunicationsWBPEEUS250002C1Litho in U.S.A.May 2003Copyright © 2003 by ABB, All Rights Reserved® Registered Trademark of ABB.™ Trademark of ABB.For more information on the Control IT suiteofproducts,***************************.comFor the latest information on ABB visit us on the World Wide Web at /controlAutomation Technology Products Mannheim, Germany www.abb.de/processautomation email:*********************************.com Automation Technology ProductsWickliffe, Ohio, USA/processautomation email:****************************.com Automation Technology Products Västerås, Sweden /processautomation email:************************.com ™Composer, Control IT , and Symphony are trademarks of ABB.。

maxon EPOS 4 手册说明书

maxon EPOS 4 手册说明书

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Maxon epos 4 manual
EPOS is a modular, digital positioning controller by maxon. It is suitable for permanent magnet-activated motors plus encoders with a range of 1 to 1050 W continuous output power. The wide range of operating modes, as well as various command interfaces, make it versatile for use in many different drive systems in the fields of automation technology and mechatronics. EPOS ist eine modular aufgebaute, digitale Positioniersteuerung von maxon. Sie eignet sich für permanentmagneterregte Motoren mit Encoder im Bereich von 1 bis 1050 Watt Dauerleistung. Eine Vielzahl von Betriebsmodi, sowie unterschiedliche Schnittstellen zur Kommandierung, ermöglichen den flexiblen Einsatz in verschiedensten Antriebssystemen in den Bereichen Automatisierungstechnik und Mechatronik. maxon motor's EPOS range of controllers has been very successful in the marketplace. Since its launch in 2005, more than 100,000 units are in use worldwide. To build upon this success, the Swiss drive specialist launches the EPOS4 as the next generation of positioning controllers. The first product in maxon's new line is the high-performance EPOS4 module with detachable pin headers and two different power ratings. With a connector board, the modules can be combined into a ready-to-install compact solution. The positioning controllers are suitable for efficient and dynamic control of brushed DC motors and brushless BLDC motors (EC motors) with Hall sensors and encoders up to 750 W continuous power and 1500 W peak power. More performance and additional functionality The Swiss drive specialists at maxon motor has equipped its product offering of CANopen positioning controllers with even more power, better control performance, and additional functionalities. The modular concept also provides for a wide variety of expansion options with Ethernet-based interfaces, such as EtherCAT or absolute rotary encoders. All these innovations are based on the successful principle of our Easy to use POsitioning System. The combination of a wide variety of operating modes and state-of-the-art control characteristics like Field Oriented Control (FOC) with multiple analog and digital I/O along with various command options enables applications in a large number of fields from medical technology to robotics. As always, maxon relies on integrated protective devices like the Safe Torque Off (STO) functionality. Intuitive parameterization Start-up and parameterization are performed with an advanced, intuitive graphical user interface called “EPOS Studio” and user-friendly menu-controlled wizards. A sophisticated automatic process for controller tuning has also been part of the package for years. Customers are free to fully dedicate themselves to their real task – developing their devices. Motor control becomes a secondary concern, as the EPOS comes with maxon's comprehensive know-how in drive technology. Together with the three freely available libraries and programming examples, this makes the integration in a wide variety of systems very easy. Up to 98% efficiency All these characteristics are combined with a large input voltage range of up to 50 VDC, extremely high power density, and up to 98% efficiency. This makes EPOS4 positioning controllers the first choice for your drive application. For more information on the EPOS positioning controller series of maxon motor, please see © 2016 by © maxon motor agBack to the news overview

iMini 用户指南说明书

iMini 用户指南说明书

< >The main screen of iMini provides the controls for the oscillator banks, the mixer, the signal modifiers, and the output.LOAD AND SAVE PATCHESiMini comes with dozens of built-in presets, and you can create your own by adjusting any of the parameters and saving the preset.Browse Presets Use the back/forward arrows to scroll through the presets.Load Tap this button to open the preset banks and search for specific patch. The patches are sorted according to creators > types of presets >and specific patches. You can test presets on the keyboard while the menu is open.Save Saves the preset. You can save the current settings as a new presetABOUT IMINI KEYBOARD CONTROLS TABLE OF CONTENTSor overwrite the current settings.All presets are saved to one of the following categories: Arpeggio, Basses, EFX, Keyboards, Leads, Pads, Percussives, Horns, Synths, Brasses, Chords, and Strings. Anything you create is stored in the bank called My Presets.Import .minibank PresetsYou can also import your own .minibank presets via iTunes file sharing. To use iTunes file sharing:Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes. Select youriPad under the DEVICES header in the left navigation column.Click on the “Apps” tab above the main window.Scroll down to the “File Sharing” section.Select iMini from the list of Apps.Under “iMini Documents” click the “Add” button; this opens adialog box to select the location of the presets on your computer. CONTROLSTune This control shifts the pitch of the preset in increments of semitones, up to -|+ two octaves.Glide Also called portamento, the Glide control allows the frequency of each oscillator to move slowly from one note to the next.Mod Mix This control sets the balance between Oscillator 3 and the noise module.OSCILLATOR BANKAll oscillators have the option to set the range and waveform.Range Sets the pitch of the oscillator. The settings are displayed in feet, with the lower the number, the higher the pitch.WaveformiMini’s oscillators generate the waveforms that define the sound of the preset. All oscillators can be on or off, and each has the option of generating a triangle, saw-triangle, sawtooth, square, wide rectangular, ornarrow rectangular waveform.Each waveform provides a different set of harmonics.Frequency Sync This switch synchronizes oscillator 2 with oscillator 1; the tuning of oscillator 1 gives the pitch while oscillator 2 brings and modifies the harmonics heard.Frequency/Detune Combined with the Range parameter, the Frequency/Detune controls allows for more precise tuning of the oscillator.IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, YOU CAN PRESS AND HOLD THE WAVEFORM AND FREQUENCY/DETUNE PARAMETERS TO OPEN MORE OSCILLATOR CONTROLS.WidthCoarseMIXERVolume Controls the volume of each oscillator. Tap the on button to the right to make sure the oscillator is enabled.External Input Volume Sets the volume of external input.Noise Volume Sets the volume of the noise module.Noise Type The noise module in iMini produces two types of noise: white and pink.White noise is the richest of noises, having all signal specturm frequencies at an equal volume level. For this reason, the noise module is used to create different noises like the imitation of wind or special effects.Pink noise is also often present on synthesizers. It is less rich in the high frequencies than white noise. Also note that the audio output of noise can also be used as a modulation signal (especially when strongly filtered) to create random cyclic variations.MODIFIERSUse these controls to further shape of the sounds produced by the oscillators.FILTER MODULATIONWhen this is enabled the signal passes through a low-pass filter.Cutoff Frequency This control sets the frequency at which the signal is cut off, allowing only the lower frequency harmonics to pass through the filter. Filter Emphasis Also known as Resonance or Q, this control adds emphasis to the frequencies near the cutoff.Amount of Contour This control sets the action of the envelope generator associated with the filter.KEYBOARD CONTROLThe two “Keyboard control” switches allow the use of a key follow on the filter cut-off frequency.• When they are set to the “OFF” position, no key follow is connected.• When the first is “ON”, the key follow allows the modification of the cut-off frequency by a major third for an octave.• When the second is “ON”, the key follow is of a fifth for an octave, and when both are “ON”, the filter cut-off frequency follows the keyboard notes exactly. It should be noted the pivot note is F0.LOUDNESS CONTOURThis envelope modulates the amplitude of the sound.Attack Increasing the “Attack time” increases the volume of the sound progressively.Decay This is the time that the sound takes to diminish after the attack portion is complete.Sustain This control sets the maximum volume level the sound reaches after the decay is complete. It stays at this level as long as the note is held.OUTPUTVolume Sets the volume of the output.Chorus Amount Sets the amount of Chorus applied to the signal.<>Delay Amount Sets the amount of Delay applied to the signal.MODEThese buttons change the view to other screens, providing additional control parameters to shape the sound in Perform and access to the effects in Opens the information panel of the device. Also provides access to user guide.CREDITS KEYBOARD CONTROLS TABLE OF CONTENTS< >At the risk of stating the obvious, the keyboard is what allows you to play the iMini. iMini has the option of playing in either monophonic or polyphonic mode. When set to monophonic, only one key will play at a time, while polyphonic mode allows you to play chords.On the left side of the keyboard are two wheels, one that changes the pitch,and one that changes the modulation.Tap the icon next to the iMini plate and the panel above the keyboard flips open to reveal more controls.Octave The octave control displays the currently selected octave on the keyboard. Tap the +|- buttons to raise or lower the octave.MAIN UI CONNECT PANEL TABLE OF CONTENTSScroll Tap the scroll button to “unlock” the keyboard from its fixed position and easily scroll to higher and lower octaves.Glide The notes played on the keyboard directly command the frequency of the oscillators, but it is possible for this frequency to move slowly from one note to the next. This function, called portamento, is activated with the Glide switch.Decay This switch activates the return-to-zero time of the envelopes. Legato When this control is enabled, it prevents triggering of the envelopes. Scale iMini comes equipped with preset scales, with the default being the Chromatic scale (all keys are enabled).Key iMini allows the scale to be set to any key.< >TABLE OF CONTENTSMAIN UI CONNECT PANEL<>Tapping the Connect button displays the back panel of the iMini and provides connections to MIDI devices and other iPads via WIST, access to tempo controls, or opens the iMini module in Tabletop.WISTKorg’s WIST technology allows any iPad running the app to sync to another device running a WIST-compatible app. When two devices are working together via WIST, whichever is the master is the only one capable of controlling settings; settings for the slaved device are inherited. Changing settings on either device disrupts synchronization and requires re-establishing a WIST connection.Tap the WIST LED button to enable WIST. WIST requires the use of Bluetooth, and if it’s not currently enabled on your iPad, you will be prompted to do so. You can also manually enable Bluetooth in your iPad’s native Settings app, under General > Bluetooth. When you enable WIST in Tabletop, a dialog will then appear as WIST searches for other devices running compatible apps. (For a full listing of available WIST-compatible apps, tap the ABOUT WIST button.) Any secondary device needs to confirm the WIST connection before the devices will be properly synchronized.Once connected, the Master device’s transport triggers playback on all connected devices, and slaved devices should begin playing in the same tempo.GLOBAL TEMPOTap the tempo to open the popover in which you make changes. Set the tempo for your session by either tapping the TAP button or using arrows to increase or decrease the tempo.MIDITap the button to enable MIDI devices. Connect external devices then tap KEYBOARD CONTROLS PERFORM TABLE OF CONTENTSMIDI Learn to manually map the hardware controls to iMini parameters. Valid MIDI-mappable controls will be highlighted; match the controls to the corresponding MIDI controller. Once you map a control to the MIDI device it will no longer be editable on screen.Midi Learn ModeTap a control on your iPad, then touch the control on the MIDI device; that sets the parameter to the MIDI device. Repeat as desired. Tap done to exit learn mode.TABLETOP READYTap the Tabletop Ready icon to open iMini in Tabletop. If you don’t have Tabletop installed the App Store launches instead.< >TABLE OF CONTENTSKEYBOARD CONTROLS PERFORM< >Use the perform screen to further shape the sounds of iMini. Here you have the option to use the arpeggiator or two-axis joysticks to control additional parameters of the synth.ARPEGGIATORPlayEnables/disables the arpeggiator.To use the arpeggiator, press the notes you want iMini to use in the arpeggio. The synth then plays an arpeggio of those notes according to the following parameters.RepeatSets the number of cycles repeated for each octave.OctaveCONNECT PANEL FX TABLE OF CONTENTSSelects the number of octaves that the arpeggiator covers for each cycle. Latch ModeIn the Hold position, the notes played on the keyboard remain present until a new note (or group of notes) is played. As long as a note remains active on the keyboard, all of the notes played are memorized.In Memory position, the notes played on the keyboard are memorized. To stop the memorization, place the switch to Off mode.To stop the chaining of the notes, you must stop the arpeggiator with the Play switch.SpeedSets the speed at which the arpeggio cycles through the notes.BPM SyncSyncs the delay return time with the tempo.ModeSets the arpeggio mode: ascending, descending, return, random, and in the order of appearance of the notes.TWO-AXIS JOYSTICKSThe X and Y axes of the two joysticks can be mapped to any two parameters of the iMini. Tap the setting button at the top of the control to open the parameters you can choose from. The parameters assigned to the x and y axes are displayed at the bottom of the popover; tap the arrows on either side to scroll through the parameters and select the desired one. It is possible to test the parameters before closing the window.< >TABLE OF CONTENTSCONNECT PANEL FX<The FX section controls the effects for iMini – the chorus and delay.CONTROLSTuneThis control shifts the pitch of the preset in increments of semitones, up to +|- two octaves.GlideAlso called portamento, the Glide control allows the frequency of each oscillator to move slowly from one note to the next.Mod MixPERFORM TABLE OF CONTENTSThis control is the balance between Oscillator 3 and the noise module.CHORUSPowerTurns the effect on or off. The LED will show as lit when the effect is on.RateSets the modulation speed of the oscillators; the higher the rate, the faster the detuning.DepthThis control allows you to clearly hear the different depths, or amplitudes, of modulation. The higher the value, the more the sound detunes.TypeThere are three types of chorus effects, Chorus 1, 2 and 3, with Chorus 1 being a simpler version to Chorus 3 being the more sophisticated chorus, designed for sharper detuning effects.ANALOG DELAYPowerTurns the effect on or off. The LED will show as lit when the effect is on.Time LeftSets the speed of echoes for the left speaker.Time RightSets the speed of echoes for the right speaker.BPM SyncThis control lets you synchronize delay return time to the tempo.Feedback LeftSets the number of echoes on the left side. Feedback RightSets the number of echoes on the right side.OUTPUTVolumeSets the volume of the effects.Chorus Amount< Sets the amount of Chorus applied to the signal.Delay AmountSets the amount of Delay applied to the signal. PERFORM TABLE OF CONTENTS。



Intelligent Open CNC TechnologyI. Technical OverviewIndustrial countries around the world through the development of CNC technology, a CNC machine tool industry, prompting machinery industry entered a new "modern" stage of historical development, and thus the structure of the national economy has brought great changes. CNC machine tools is not only an important basis for mechanical and electrical industrial equipment, automotive, petrochemical, electronics and other pillar industries, the primary means of production modernization, NC is the third industrial revolution the world is an important content. Output of CNC machine tool industry itself far less automobile, chemical and other industries, but thehigh-performance CNC machine tools to the manufacturing industry has brought the benefits of the high rate of production growth and modernization is to promote national economic development of the huge source of power. In particular, numerical control technology in the manufacturing sector expansion and extension of the role and the resulting ripple effect of radiation on the mechanical manufacturing industry sufficient structure, product structure, specialized division of labor, machining methods and management models, the production of social division of labor, business operational mechanism of profound change.In CNC machine tools are widely used in the numerical control technology, is a machining process using computer control information in a variety of digital computing, processing, and high-performance drive units through the implementation of mechanical components for automatic control of high-tech. The current equipment has been used a lot of CNC machining technology, the most typical and most widespread is the application of CNC machine tools. The machining process of the diversity and complexity of machining parts, CNC machine tools to the specifications, types and properties very different from the complexity of the control parameters, debugging complicated operation, so in general will continue the rapid development of computer technology and its architecture , the modern automatic control theory and modern technology to a new generation of power electronics CNC machine tools, we should emphasize them with "open" and "intelligent" features.1. "Open"Requires a new generation of CNC machine tool control system is an open, modular architecture, its features are: Modular elements in the realization of the system at the same time, there should be standardized between these elements can be provided by the different elements of the buyer free to combine, which can easily constitute a complete system. As follows:--- Elements of the system should be modular, while the interface between the modules must be standardized;--- System software, hardware configuration should be "transparent", "portable";--- System should have the "continuous upgrade" capability.At the same time the mechanical structure of a new generation of CNC machine tools also should be open, should be characterized by:--- Function module components using the machine;--- A "technology plan", "processing database" to users;--- Use of "information technology" will be a reasonable allocation of social resources, manufacturing machinery manufacturing industry gradually establish a perfect virtualization and network-based advanced manufacturing systems, machinery manufacturing resources to be used efficiently, to reduce costs, improve quality, the purpose of reducing manufacturing cycle.2. IntelligentThe so-called intelligent control system, is smart with anthropomorphic features, the numerical control system with simulation, extension, expansion of the intelligent behavior of the knowledge processing activities, such asself-learning, adaptive, self-organization, self-optimizing, Zi calm,self-recognition from planning, self-healing, self-reproduction. Through the intelligent CNC machining accuracy and efficiency of physical testing, modeling, feature extraction, processing system automatically senses the internal state and external environment, to quickly make the best goal of the intelligent decision-making, feed rate, cutting depth , coordinate movement, spindle speed and other parameters in real-time control, so that the processing machine at its best.The current NC system functionality required not only high performance (high-speed, high precision and high reliability), but also includes many smart features, such as the processing of motion planning, reasoning,decision-making ability and perception processing environment, manufacturing, network communication capacity (including the interaction with others), intelligent programming, intelligent databases, intelligent surveillance.Practice has proved that these "intelligent" technology, also used in the 21st century, the adjustment of a new generation of CNC machine tools, use and maintenance of all aspects, so that human intervention greatly simplified, to apply "smart" technology, human machine interface for packaging, to make full use of natural language, artificial Windows interface and simple operation, so that adjustment of the machine, use and maintenance tends to be "fool."Second, the status quo and development trend of domestic and foreign1. Overseas DevelopmentThroughout the history of the development of numerical control technology, is easy to see the development of numerical control technology step through the development of computer technology continues to develop, from 1956 to the present, has gone through four stages as follows:In 1956 -1974, the era of proprietary hardware NC;1975 -1989, the special computer numerical control era, that era of the microprocessor NC (μ PC);In 1990 -1995, BASIC PC's CNC times;Since 1996, started the whole PC open a new stage of intelligent CNC.The first three stages of the NC devices there are the following limitations: --- Not free to select the information from the information network;--- Not open architecture, user interface imperfections, machinery manufacturers and users can not independently numerical control system according to crop needs, the user's own technical know-how is not easy to integrate into, and create their own brand names;--- Can not fully utilize the existing resources of common software;--- Can not be free access to the external condition information;--- Architecture many, is not conducive to mass production, improve reliability and reduce costs, reduce the market supply capacity and competitiveness, while limiting the development of numerical control technology.In recent years the United States, the European Community, Japan and other countries have taken measures, a lot of money, the joint of the plant, or even more countries to study a new generation of numerical control systems, from the foregoing information, the world is in the NC Technology All PC CNC open architecture platform, turning the era, the turn is adapted to computer technology, information technology, network technology, the inevitable result of technological development.As modern machinery industry gradually to flexible, integrated, intelligent direction, so must be stressed that a new generation of numerical control technology to have an open and intelligent features. Developed countries have taken measures in recent years, lots of manpower and financial resources to organize a new generation of superior forces and open architecture CNC with intelligent features technology development and research, including the United States of NGC and OMAC plan, the EC OSACA plan, OSEC plans.CNC machine tool mechanical structure is more inclined to "open", to meet the diverse needs of the modern machinery for processing, a new generation of CNC machine tools has the following characteristics:(1) according to the modular machine structure, the principles of design and manufacturing series in order to shorten lead times, best meet the needs of the user's process.(2) As many parts of NC machine tool quality indicators continue to improve, gradually increase the variety of specifications, a more substantial mechanical and electrical integration, functional parameters of the increasingly numerous and so dedicated to supporting a variety of CNC machine features are fully commercialized, to build a competitive machine tool plant created the conditions.(3) to the users, CNC Machine Tool Plant of the developed countries areactively building completely open product sales service system. Part to establish an open laboratory, establishment of self-service CNC machine operator and maintenance training center.(4) using information network technology to a variety of manufacturing resources in society were based on the rational combination of processing tasks and call the 21st century advanced manufacturing technology development trend, the world's countries are active in research in this area.(5) artificial intelligence technology in the promotion and application of CNC technology. With the continued penetration in the computer field of artificial intelligence and development of the intelligent CNC system development. In the new generation of CNC system and servo devices, the use of "evolutionary computation" (Evolutionary Computation), "Fuzzy Systems" (Fuzzy System) and "neural networks" (Neural Network) and other three new control mechanism, the performance greatly increased. This high-performance intelligent CNC system not only has the automatic programming, feedforward control, adaptive cutting, self-generating process parameters, motion parameters of dynamic compensation and other functions, more features are taken into account operational factors used in the very present friendly interface.The current principle of fuzzy control systems, and CNC EDM with aself-learning, self-established mathematical model, high-performanceself-tuning parameters of the servo drive CNC machine tools and existing products in the market with a strong competitive edge.2. Current Situation and Development of numerical control technology gap China's CNC technology, in the "Eighth Five-Year" key in order to seize the opportunity to own the copyright for the proposed target to platform-based development strategy, but also in the research process, aiming or adjustment to the development of PC-based route , and thus the formation of two platforms, developed four basic systems, central China and the ChineseI-I-NC-specific template is embedded into a single general-purpose PC NC system bodies, space and the blue sky I-I-is embedded in the PC, being composed of CNC multi-machine CNC system, the formation of the typical structure of front, the domestic unit also has developed other open architecture system.However, in general terms, but only at the initial stage, although different systems direction to the PC platform, but in the concrete implementation of the development there are still some problems. The biggest problem that is open enough, lack of development environment and support measures, as a user easily to the secondary development of the degree of openness is far from being reached, but has considerable technical force of the developer to use, and as able to spread to the general extent of users is not enough.Design by PC-NC system makes CNC's focus from hardware to software, to eliminate the development of the CNC hardware "bottlenecks", which could accelerate the production of useful products. And PC-NC, after all, so that theopen architecture CNC a big step.In the design and manufacture of CNC machine tools, China has started a modular technology, the CNC machining process parameters, tools, system optimization, intelligent adaptive control have been studied, the intelligent control of it lay the foundation for further study, But the work is only the beginning, still in the "fifth" during a series of research and development work, tracking the world's digital technology, to promote the development of numerical control industry.Third, the "fifth" major research objectives and1. TargetIn order to further improve China's CNC technology, CNC machine tools industry, the Chinese can get a place in the international competition, China's development strategy of numerical control technology, in conjunction with the characteristics of China's economic development, first with "open", "intelligent" features CNC technology for innovative research, to focus on CNC turning, milling, grinding and processing power on the basis of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes, and then develop a generation of "open", "intelligent" CNC lathes, CNC milling machine (including the processing center) and CNC EDM products.2. Main content①Development of a new generation of open CNC system. Construction of open CNC system, interface and protocol research, including research systems, subsystems and functional modules hierarchical control structure, open CNC system interface and the Protocol.②a new generation of intelligent CNC system. Developed and worked out for turning, milling, machining centers, electrical generation of intelligent processing, and other basic computer numerical control system and the corresponding intelligent programming system. Including research and development of intelligent CNC system hardware, software specification and implementation in the main production base of CNC; development of two common systems (turning, machining centers) three applications (turning centers, five-sided machining centers, intelligent power processing ); intelligent programming system.③spindle and servo-drive a new generation of innovative research and development work out the corresponding high-performance servo drives and motors, including self-learning, self-tuning parameters, all-digital, low-cost type of linear motor and drive.④Development of efficient numerical control equipment. According to the principles of modular design, developed a highly efficient processing unit, developed a highly efficient CNC milling machine, crankshaft grinder, laser forming, CNC machining centers and integrated high-speed engraving and milling machines and other highly efficient CNC machine tools, and furtherdeveloped the idea and design platform for intelligent and efficient processing unit robot flexible manufacturing cell.⑤common basis for a new generation of flexible manufacturing equipment, technology and research. Various types of CNC machine tools including the new module design, reliability, design, mechanical design optimization of structural characteristics, computer-aided industrial design, new materials and a sense of control compensation, integrated precision contour compensation technology, high-speed high-precision axis unit, tool and integrated tool system, handling and transmission, cooling and protective, functional integration, a sense of control of integrated manufacturing and processing technologies.⑥machining theory and method of flexible automation. Including the commercialization of flexible manufacturing cell, quasi-practical flexible manufacturing system, flexible multi-standard processing techniques,multi-format production unit of flexible manufacturing technology.mon basis for a new generation of flexible manufacturing equipment, technology and research. Various types of CNC machine tools including the new module design, reliability, design, mechanical design optimization of structural characteristics, computer-aided industrial design, new materials and a sense of control compensation, integrated precision contour compensation technology, high-speed high-precision axis unit, tool and integrated tool system, handling and transmission, cooling and protective, functional integration, a sense of control of integrated manufacturing and processing technologies.8.machining theory and method of flexible automation. Including the commercialization of flexible manufacturing cell, quasi-practical flexible manufacturing system, flexible multi-standard processing techniques,multi-format production unit of flexible manufacturing technology.开放式智能化数控技术一、技术概述世界各工业发达国家通过发展数控技术、建立数控机床产业,促使机械加工业跨入一个新的“现代化”的历史发展阶段,从而给国民经济的结构带来了巨大的变化。

BOSS TU-12EX电子调谐器说明书

BOSS TU-12EX电子调谐器说明书
TU-12EX Specifications • Tuning Range: E0 (20.6Hz) – C8 (4,186.0Hz) • Reference Pitch: A4 (438–445Hz) • Tuning Accuracy: ± 1 cent • Power Supply: Dry battery R03 (carbon) or LR03 (alkaline); (AAA), type x 2; DC 3 V, AC adaptor DC 9V (PSA series; optional) • Current Draw 12 mA • Expected battery life under continuous use (carbon): Approximately 15 hours (This figure will vary depending on the actual conditions of use.) • Dimensions: mm; 147.5 (W) x 54.0 (D) x 23.9 (H), inches; 5-13/16 (W) x 2-1/8 (D) x 1 (H) • Weight: 138 g, 5 oz (including batteries) • Accessories: Dry battery (R03 (AAA) type) x 2 (carbon), Soft Case
• Large, high-visibility needle shows accurate, subtle differences in pitch
• LED tuning guide for quickly checking flatness/ sharpness
• Extended tuning range (E0–C8) for a variety of brass and wind instruments; also great for practicing scales



dashy高级用法一、Dashy的基本用法1. Dashy is a really cool tool that I use for organizing my digital stuff. It's like having a super - organized digital drawer where you can put all your important links and apps. For example, I have all my work - related websites in one section of Dashy. It's just so handy! You can easily access your favorite things without having to search through a bunch of bookmarks.2. When I first started using Dashy, I was like, "Wow, this is amazing!" It's so simple to set up. You just add your links and that's it. It's like building your own personal portal to the digital world. I told my friend about it, and he was skeptical at first. "What's so special about it?" he asked. But once he tried it, he was hooked. "This is way better than just using bookmarks," he said with excitement.3. Dashy is great for people who are always on the go. I'm constantly switching between different tasks and apps, and Dashy helps me keep everything in one place. It's like a digitalmand center. For instance, I can quickly open my email, project management tools, and even my social media accounts all from Dashy. It saves me so much time. I feel more in control of my digital life, which is awesome!4. One of the basic things about Dashy is that you can customize it to fit your needs. You can choose the layout, the colors, and even the size of the icons. It's like decorating your own digital workspace. I made mine look really funky with bright colors. My sister saw it and said, "That looks so cool! I want to do mine like that too."5. Using Dashy is not rocket science. It's as easy as pie. All you do is drag and drop your links into the appropriate sections. I showed my mom how to use it, and she was able to set it up in no more than five minutes. She said, "This is really useful. I can now find all my shopping websites easily."6. Dashy can be used on different devices. I have it on my laptop and my phone. It's like having a consistent digital experience everywhere. I was on a bus once and needed to access an important document. I just opened Dashy on my phone and there it was. I thought to myself, "Thank goodness for Dashy!"7. You don't need to be a tech - wizard to use Dashy. Even ifyou're not that good withputers, you can still make it work for you. I have a friend who's not very tech - savvy, but he loves Dashy. He said, "This is the first digital thing that I actually understand how to use."8. The basic functionality of Dashy includes grouping similar links together. It's like sorting your toys into different boxes. For example, I group all my news websites together, all my entertainment sites in another group. It makes it so much easier to find what I'm looking for. My brother asked me, "How do you find things so quickly?" and I showed him how I grouped my links in Dashy.9. Dashy has a search bar too. This is really helpful when you have a lot of links. It's like having a magnifying glass for your digital world. I sometimes forget where I put a particular link, but with the search bar, I can find it in seconds. My colleague was impressed when I showed him this feature. "That's really smart," he said.10. Another basic aspect of Dashy is that it can be password - protected. This gives you an extra layer of security. It's like putting a lock on your digital drawer. I keep some sensitive information in my Dashy, and the password protection makes me feel safe. I told my partner about it, and he said, "That's a great feature. It gives me peace of mind too."二、Dashy的高级用法1. Dashy allows for advanced customization using CSS. This is for those who really want to make their Dashy unique. It's like having a blank canvas and you can paint it however you like. I know a web developer who made his Dashy look like a retro arcade game interface. He said, "With CSS, Dashy can be transformed into something truly extraordinary."2. One advanced use of Dashy is integrating it with other productivity tools. For example, you can connect it with task management apps so that when you click on a project link in Dashy, it automatically shows you the related tasks in the other app. It's like creating a seamless digital ecosystem. My project team was amazed when I set this up. "This is so efficient," they said.3. You can use Dashy's API to automate certain processes. It's like having a digital butler that does things for you. I set up an automation where every time I add a new project link in Dashy, it automatically creates a new folder in my cloud storage with the same name. My boss was really impressed. "This is some next - level stuff," he said.4. Dashy can be used in a multi - user environment. You can share certain sections or the whole Dashy with your colleagues or family members. It's like having a shared digital bulletin board. I shared a section of my Dashy with my workmates where we keep all our team - related resources. One of them said, "This is such a great way to collaborate."5. Advanced users can create custom widgets in Dashy. These can display real - time information like weather updates or stock prices. It's like having a mini - dashboard within Dashy. I made a widget that shows the latest cryptocurrency prices. My friend who's into trading was like, "This is so cool! I can keep an eye on my investments without leaving Dashy."6. Dashy's theming capabilities can be extended further with custom code. It's like taking a basic house and building an entire mansion out of it. I created a dark - mode theme for Dashy with some custom CSS and JavaScript. My sister, who prefers dark - mode on all her apps, said, "This is perfect. I love it!"7. Another advanced feature is the ability to use Dashy for offline access. You can cache certain pages or links so that you can view them even when you don't have an internet connection. It's like having a digital backpack full of useful information. I was on a plane once and was able to read some saved articles from Dashy. I thought, "This is really handy."8. You can use Dashy to manage multiple accounts for the same service. For example, if you have two different email accounts, you can set them up in Dashy and easily switch between them. It's like having a digital keychain for all your accounts. I told my friend who has several social media accounts, and he said, "This will make my life so much easier."9. Dashy can be used to create custom dashboards for different projects or tasks. It's like building a custom control panel for each of your digital adventures. I made a dashboard for my fitness project with links to workout videos, diet plans, and my fitness tracker. My trainer saw it and said, "This is a great way to stay organized and motivated."10. Advanced users can also optimize Dashy's performance. By tweaking some settings and reducing the number of unnecessary elements, you can make it load faster. It's like tuning up a car to make it run smoother. I experimented with some performance optimizations and noticed a significant improvement. I said to myself, "Now that's what I call efficient."三、Dashy的固定搭配1. “Dashy layout” - The layout of Dashy can be customized to suit your preferences. For example, you can choose a grid layout or a list layout. I like the grid layout because it gives a clean and organized look. My friend, on the other hand, prefers the list layout. He said, "It's easier for me to scan through the links."2. “Dashy icon” - You can change the size and style of the Dashy icons. I made my icons really big so that they're easy to click. It's like having big buttons on a control panel. My mom said, "Those big icons are very user - friendly."3. “Dashy section” - Grouping your links into different sections in Dashy makes it more organized. I have a section for work, a section for entertainment, and a section for personal development. It's like having different folders for different types of documents. My sister asked me, "How do you decide which links go in which section?" and I told her it depends on the purpose of the link.4. “Dashy search bar” - The search bar in Dashy is a very useful feature. It helps you find links quickly. It's like having a search engine just for your Dashy. I can't imagine using Dashy without the search bar. My colleague said, "The search bar is a lifesaver when you have a lot of links."5. “Dashy customization” - There are many ways to customize Dashy. You can change the colors, the fonts, and the overall appearance. It's like giving Dashy a makeover. I had so much fun customizing mine. I showed it to my partner and he said, "You've really made it your own."6. “Dashy password protection” - As mentioned before, password protection in Dashy is important for security. It's like a guard at the entrance of your digital space. I always make sure to set a strong password. My dad said, "Good for you for being security - conscious."7. “Dashy API” - For advanced users, the Dashy API opens up a world of possibilities for automation. It's like a key to a hidden treasure chest of functionality. I'm still exploring all the things I can do with the API. I told my tech - geek friend and he said, "The API is where the real power of Dashy lies."8. “Dashy widget” - Creating custom widgets in Dashy can add more functionality. It's like adding extra tools to your digital toolbox. I'm thinking of adding more widgets to my Dashy. My brother said, "Those widgets make Dashy even more interesting."9. “Dashy offline access” - The ability to have offline access in Dashy is really convenient. It's like having a backup plan for when the internet fails. I rely on it when I'm in areas with poor internet connection. My friend who travels a lot said, "This is a must - have feature."10. “Das hy multi - user” - When using Dashy in a multi - user environment, it can enhance collaboration. It's like having a shared workspace for a team. I'm glad that Dashy offers this feature. My workmates and I are using it effectively. One of them said, "This is a great way to work together."。

snowball USB 麦克风用户手册说明书

snowball USB 麦克风用户手册说明书

snowball USB microphone User guideThe Snowball USB condenser microphone from Blue Microphones is the number one selling USB wired condenser microphone on the planet. Its unique design and proprietary condenser capsule developed by Blue deliver legendary sound for everything from podcasting to recording instruments. The Snowball benefits from Blue’s legendary professional audio heritage to record at a level unmatched in the market.Transducer TypePolar PatternSample/WordCondenser, pressure gradient with USB digital output technical specificationsCardioid (position 1); Cardioid with -10dB pad (position 2);Omnidirectional (position 3)44.1 kHz/16 bitFirst position Second position Third positionactivates cardioid capsule activates the cardioid capsule with a -10dB PAD activates the omni capsulespeech, vocals, podcasting live music, loud sound sourcesconferences, interviews, environmental recordings1, 2, 3 …settingapplicationspositionThis frequency chart is only a start. It gives the recordist a basis of the sound provided. How the microphone reacts in a particular application will differ greatly because of many variables. Room acoustics, distance from sound source (proximity), tuning of the instrument and mic cabling are only a few of the interacting issues. For an artist or an engineer, how the microphones are used creates the basis of the sound.how to set upThe Snowball features a unique swivel mount located on the bottom center of the mic body. Be sure to mount the Snowball on the Blue Snowball desktop tripod or on a standard-thread counter-weighted tripod mic stand. For reduction of low-frequency rumble and additional positioning options, mount the Snowball in the Blue Ringer, available from your authorized Blue dealer. Be sure to position the Snowball over the center leg of the tripod to further prevent tipping. Once mounted, you can gently pivot the Snowball back and forth for optimum positioning in front of the sound source.Once safely mounted, connect the Snowball to the USB port on your Macintosh or Windows computer (the Snowball is USB 2.0 compatible— see the right sidebar for full system requirements). Make sure that the active, on-axis side of the diaphragm (the side with the BLUE logo) is facing the desired source. When connected, the LED just above the Blue logo will glow red, indicating power has reached the Snowball and it is ready to roll. For additional set-up information, FAQs about the Snowball and the latest news regarding software compatibility, visit the Blue Microphones Snowball page at /products/snowball.Macintosh Setup Procedure• In system OSX: in the Apple menu, open System Preferences.• Double-click the Sound preference file.• Click on the Input tab.• Double click Blue Usb Ball Mic under Choose A Device For Sound Input dialog box.• Set input volume to the appropriate level. The mic is sensitive and may require a very low volume setting.• Exit System Preferences.Windows Setup ProcedureWindows XP Home Edition or XP Professional:• Under Start Menu open Sounds And Audio Devices control panel.• Select Audio tab; insure Blue Ball Usb Mic is selected as Default Device.• Click on Volume; select appropriate volume level.• Exit control panel.Windows Vista:• Under Start Menu open Control Panel then select Sound.• Select Recording tab; insure Blue Snowball is selected as Working with check mark next to the icon (Disable any alternate mic if necessary).• Click on Properties; select the Levels tab, set your input level, click Apply, then OK.• Exit control panel.suggested applicationspodcasting home video voiceover instant messaging musicvocals, guitars, drums,strings, brass, woodwinds Optional AccessoriesThe Ringer: Universal shockmount for the Snowball—or any mic with a standard thread mount.software setupshow to get audio from my snowball with...Garage Band• Go to Preferences->Audio and select the Blue mic as the input device(it will only show up when The Snowball is plugged in).• Create a vocal track and select the Blue mic as the input device for that track.• You may need to adjust the Snowball’s input level in the control panel if youexperience any distortion (crackling).Logic 7• Open the Audio and MIDI setup program in your Apps->Utilities folder.• Create an Aggregate Audio Source (Audio menu - open Aggregate device editor). • Add the devices you want to use to the aggregate device (Built in audio and Blue mic). • Change the audio device in Logic’s audio preferences from Default to Aggregate. Sonar• Select “USB Audio Device” ( 1, in, 0 out) from an audio track.• From within that subcategory, there are 3 selections: Left USB Audio Device, Right USB Audio Device, and Stereo USB Audio Device.• Select Left or Right for mono audio tracks.• Press “R” to arm the track for recording.• Roll disk.Adobe Premier Elements 4 (Windows Vista/XP)• If you should experience any problems getting the program to recognize the mic, Adobe recommends the following: If the device does not allow you to record, then your microphone is not being detected as a valid input device in Premiere Elements. You can use an open source program called ASIO4ALL, which is a device driver that essentially wraps existing WDM devices, like USB microphones, as ASIO-compatible sound devices. Use the following steps to utilize this tool:• Quit Premiere Elements.• Visit the following web page and download the latest available version of ASIO4ALL:/• Install the software, and restart the system if asked to do so by the installer.• Make certain that your microphone is plugged in.• Launch Premiere Elements. Go to the ‘Edit->Preferences..>Audio Hardware’ menu option. For theDefault Device, choose the ASIO4ALL option. Click the ASIO Settings button, then select yourmicrophone from the list of devices, click Exit, and then click OK on the Preferences dialog. Close and then restart Premiere Elements.that Snowball is the Default input device.capabilities of the Snowball. But, to get the most out of your Snowball, you’ll want to have some kind of software that allows for digital signal processing and non-linear editing that will accept audio from the USB port. Some examples of these programs are listed below. As long as you are using Windows XP or Apple OSX, you will not need any drivers.audio in real time. At the time this document was created, there is not a USB input on Protools hardware. Important Note: You can import audio files previously recorded with the Snowflake intoa ProTools session. Please note that the Snowball has a fixed digital output of 16 bit /44.1 kHz.· Is the red LED on the front of the Snowball illuminated?· Is the Snowball connected to a native USB port? Hubs will not provide the appropriate current to power the Snowball.· Is the Snowball selected as the default input device in both the System and software Preferences? Also, make certain you have an adequate amount of volume set.· Does the recording software I am using support a USB input?compatible. Snowballs with serial numbers lower than this are not Vista compatible.only audio geeks really need to worry about.length are not user-definable. Sorry, geeks.they should have technical support staff who can answer all of your questions about their product.as the shape of the area that a microphone “hears” omnidirectional hears everything at equal volume from all angles (in a 360 degree sphere surrounding the mic), while cardioid only hears what’s right in front of it at full volume and other sounds at increasingly diminished volume as the sound source moves further away from the center of the mic (audio techs call this off-axis). You should care because one of the most useful features of a microphone is the ability to control its pickup. We like polar patterns so much, that some of our professional studio microphones have as many as nine different patterns! With The Snowball, we’ve given you the two most likely to be useful to you.(a fancy way to say microphone) is needed, but so is ease of use and setup. Though most professional engineers prefer certain microphones for certain applications, we designed The Snowball for use with a wide variety of sources. Here are some suggested applications we came up with when we were locked in Blue’s patented anechoic think tank: instrument and voice for music production/pre-production/demos, DV-looping/dialog, podcasting, sound effects, audio sampling, interactive programming, video sweetening/post, internet telephony, internet conferencing, recording lectures, poetry slams, spoken word performances and speeches by your favorite politician— generally anywhere where you need an easy-to-use microphone and you have access to a computer with a USB port. Happy recording!©2009 Blue Microphones. All rights reserved. Blue oval logo, Snowball and The Ringer are trademarks or registered trademarks ofBlue Microphones, Inc. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.In keeping with our policy of continued product improvement, Baltic Latvian Universal Electronics (BLUE) reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.WarrantyBlue Microphones warrants its hardware product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of TWO (2) YEARS from the date of original retail purchase, provided the purchase was made from an authorized Blue Microphones dealer. This warranty is void ifthe equipment is altered, misused, mishandled, maladjusted, suffers excessive wear, or is serviced by any parties not authorized byBlue Microphones. The warranty does not include transportation costs incurred because of the need for service unless arranged for in advance. Blue Microphones reserves the right to make changes in design and improve upon its products without obligation to install these improvements in any of its products previously manufactured. For warranty service or for a copy of Blue’s Warranty Policy including a complete list of exclusions and limitations, contact Blue at 818-879-5200.Designed in USA. Made in China.。

Philips AS140 手机充电音响说明书

Philips AS140 手机充电音响说明书

Philipsdocking speaker with Bluetooth ®for AndroidAS140Free your music and charge your Android phoneThis system plays and charges your Android powered phone, and even wakes you up with songs from your phone or radio. Download the free app that comes with Songbird music function to enjoy great music management and more unique features.Enrich your sound experience•Bluetooth music streaming from Android powered device •Bass Reflex Speaker System delivers a powerful, deeper bass •FM digital tuning with presets•MP3 Link for portable music playback •10W RMS total output powerEasy to use•Discover, share music & more features via DockStudio app •Songbird to discover, play, sync music between PC & Android •Auto clock synchronization with Android powered phone •Sleep timer for easy falling asleep to your favorite music •Smartly designed FlexiDock to fit/charge Android phone Start the day your way•Gentle wake for a pleasant wake up experience•Dual alarm to wake you and your partner at different timesHighlightsFlexiDockThe Philips FlexiDock is perfect for Android powered phones. Its unique design cleverly docks most Android powered phones - whether the phone's connection socket is at the bottom, on the side or even on the top. This extreme flexibility is the first of its kind, catering to Android powered phones that are made by different manufacturers with no standardized position and orientation for the micro USB connection socket. The dock is also adjustable to hold the phone in both portrait and landscape positions, letting you position your Android powered phone at the centre of the speaker.DockStudio app for AndroidThe free Philips DockStudio app brings a myriad of unique features to your docking speakers. You can listen to thousands of Internet radio stations worldwide, browse your musiccollection and share what you are listening to with friends via Facebook, or photos of the artist on Flickr. The app comes with Songbird music function, so you can discover, play and sync media seamlessly between PC and Android powered devices. In Clock mode, the app lets you set multiple customized music alarms andgives updated weather reports. Completely free, the app can be downloaded from Google play.Bluetooth music streamingListen to all your favorite songs on a speaker that delivers fabulous sound. This Philips docking speaker plays music from your Android powered devices via Bluetooth. Simplydownload the free Philips DockStudio app and the Bluetooth will automatically be turned on and connect once when your device is docked. You get to enjoy powerful and outstanding sound, with unbeatable convenience. Hardly anything else sounds as good.Songbird music networkSongbird is a simple, easy-to-use PC program and Android app. It lets you discover and play all your media, and sync it seamlessly with your PC. Its intuitive and powerful music management features let you discover new artists and music styles directly in the program through music and media stores, services and websites. Play your own library and media from the Internet and seamlessly sync all of it from your PC to your Android devices.Bass Reflex Speaker SystemBass Reflex Speaker System delivers a deep bass experience from a compact loudspeaker box system. It differs from a conventionalloudspeaker box system in the addition of a bass pipe that is acoustically aligned to the woofer to optimize the low frequency roll-off of thesystem. The result is deeper controlled bass and lower distortion. The system works by resonating the air mass in the bass pipe to vibrate like a conventional woofer. Combined with the response of the woofer, the system extends the overall low frequency sounds to create a whole new dimension of deep bass.Auto clock synchronizationSimply connect your Android powered phone, and the docking speaker will automatically synchronize its clock's time with your phone's.Dual alarmThe Philips audio system comes with two alarm times. Set one alarm time to wake you up andthe other time to wake up your partner.SpecificationsAndroid device compatibility•Android version 2.1 or above•Bluetooth version 2.1 or above•Micro USB•Check out: /FlexiDock for more details and latest compatibility information DockStudio App for Android•App name: DockStudio, Free download from Android Market•Compatibility: Philips docking speaker for Android •Music playback: Songbird Android App •Bluetooth connection: between Android phone & docking speaker. Fully automatic connection when docked•Internet radio: TuneIn with over 7000 stations •Clock: Analog display, Digital display•Alarm: Multiple alarms, Sleep timer, Wake up to music, Wake up to nature sounds, Wake up to photoSound•Sound System: Stereo•Output power (RMS): 2 x 5W•Volume Control: Volume Control up/down Loudspeakers•Built-in speakers: 2Audio Playback•Cradle playback mode: Play and Pause, Next andPrevious track, Repeat, Shuffle play, Charging Android phoneTuner/Reception/Transmission•Tuner Bands:FM•Auto digital tuning•Station presets: 20•Antenna: FM AntennaConnectivity•Bluetooth version: 2.1•Bluetooth profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, SPP •Bluetooth range: line of sight, 10M or 30FT•Aux in•MP3-Link: 3.5mm stereo inputConvenience•Clock/Version: Digital•Alarms: 24 hour alarm reset, Buzzer Alarm, Radio Alarm, Repeat alarm (snooze), Sleep timer, dual alarmDimensions•Product dimensions (W x H x D):290 x 160 x 113 mmAccessories•Included accessories: AC-DC Adapter, User Manual, World Wide Warranty leafletIssue date 2017-04-07 Version: 6.4.412 NC: 8670 000 81443 EAN: 00 60958 52196 18© 2017 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.。

Car Audio Systems

Car Audio Systems

Car Audio SystemsCar audio systems have come a long way since the days of AM/FM radios with a single speaker. With the advent of new technologies, car audio systems have become more sophisticated and powerful, offering a range of features and options to enhance the driving experience. From premium sound systems to Bluetooth connectivity, car audio systems have become an integral part of the driving experience for many people.One of the most important considerations when choosing a car audio system is the quality of the sound. The sound quality of a car audio system is influenced by a number of factors, including the quality of the speakers, the power of the amplifier, and the tuning of the system. High-quality speakers are essential for clear and accurate sound reproduction, while a powerful amplifier can provide the necessary power to drive the speakers to their full potential. Tuning the system involves adjusting the equalizer and other settings to optimize the sound for the specific environment of the car.Another important consideration when choosing a car audio system is the level of connectivity it offers. Many modern car audio systems now come equipped with Bluetooth connectivity, allowing drivers to stream music wirelessly from their smartphones or other devices. This feature is particularly useful for those who frequently listen to music on the go and want to avoid the hassle of connecting cables and wires. In addition to Bluetooth, many car audio systems also offer USB and auxiliary inputs, allowing drivers to connect a wide range of devices to their car audio system.The design and aesthetics of a car audio system are also important factors to consider. The design of the system should be visually appealing and complement the overall look and feel of the car. Aesthetics can also play a role in the functionality of the system, as certain designs may be more user-friendly than others. For example, a system with large, easy-to-use buttons and controls may be more user-friendly than a system with small, hard-to-read buttons and controls.The cost of a car audio system is another important consideration. While it is possible to find high-quality systems at affordable prices, more advanced and sophisticated systemscan be quite expensive. It is important to consider the cost of the system in relation to its features and capabilities, as well as the overall budget for the car and any other accessories or upgrades that may be desired.Finally, it is important to consider the installation process when choosing a car audio system. While some systems may be relatively easy to install, others may require professional installation or modification to the car's electrical system. It is important to ensure that the installation process is safe and reliable, and that the system is properly installed and functioning before using it while driving.In conclusion, car audio systems have become an essential part of the driving experience for many people. When choosing a car audio system, it is important to consider factors such as sound quality, connectivity, design and aesthetics, cost, and installation. By carefully considering these factors, drivers can choose a system that meets their needs and enhances their driving experience.。



开机按Del键,进入BIOS,进入“Advanced”菜单栏下,找到“Advanced Clock Calibration”
先进入BIOS,在“T_SERIES”菜单栏将“overclocking”中设为“manual overclock”, 就出现菜单。

找到“CPU Tuning”,进入,将“Avanced clock calibration”改为Auto,F10保存退出重启即可完成开核选项。

进入BIOS,在“T_SERIES”菜单栏将“BIO-unlocKING”中设为“Enabled”, 按F10保存退出即可。


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Glauco N. Taranto
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
COPPE Brazil
* Also with CEPEL/Eletrobrás

Motivation Power System Controls Placement and Coordinated Tuning GAs and Other Metaheuristics Approach Examples
Power systems must operate reliably and efficiently under a variety of operating conditions
Robust control Coordinated tuning Wide-area control
Possible Approaches
Two stage solution approach Propose a potential solution for the placement problem Coordinated tuning of controller for that potential solution
Metaheuristics Approach
Placement and tuning problem can be solved simultaneously Potential solutions are coded in a “computational structure”
Location Type Control Structure Parameters
Available Technology / Challenges
Computer, Communication, and Control Wide-Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS) New design and optimization technologies (metaheuristics)
Control Strategies
Mostly local or task oriented
Placed and designed on an ad hoc basis
Present situation requires a better use of available control System-wide performance Robustness in the presence of component losses
Location (branch, bus, generator, etc.) Type: FACTS (TCSC, SVC, UPFC, etc.), PSS, etc. Control Structure Parameters (range)
Coordinated Tuning (given a set of controllers)
Simultaneous solution approach using Metaheuristics
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003
GA Aided Control System Design
Genetic Algorithm
Performance Index Evaluation
(Fitness Function) Software for
Control System Simulation Linear Analysys Etc.
Metaheuristics would also be applied to other combinatorial optimization problems for which it is known that a polynomial-time solution exists but is not practical
Combined Placement and Tuning
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Problem “Unfriendly” Characteristics
Large scale: thousands of variables Non-convex functions Some functions may not be available explicitly Design bounds not easily determined
Parameter adjustment
Combined Placement & Tuning
More complex and larger problem “Global” optimization
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003
Power System Controls
Available Controllers
Generators: AVRs, Governors, PSSs, etc. OLTC transformers FACTS HVDC links Automatic Generation Control and Coordinated Voltage Control

Parameter ..Adjust
Integer Programming Problem
• Branch-and-bound • Metaheuristics • Etc.
Bender’s Decomposition
Continuous Optimization Problem
• Non-linear programming • Metaheuristics • Etc.
Time Simulation
... Eigenanalysis
Other Methods
Performance Index
(Fitness Function)
Genetic Operators • Selection • Crossover • Mutation
Population of potential solutions are evolved according to metaheuristic rules
Global optimization is not assured but usually finds good “engineering solutions”
Examples of Metaheuristics are Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, Particle Sworm Optimization, etc.
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003
(Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing)
FACTS placement for loadability improvement FACTS tuning for damping control PSS tuning for damping control in a large scale power system
Ongoing Work Future Work Conclusions
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003
New Scenario
Regulatory uncertainty Difficulties in line and plant construction
Deals nicely with multiobjective problems
Very large computation requirements: high performance computing may be required
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003
NSF Workshop on Applied Mathematics for Deregulated Electric Power Systems - Washington - November 2003