长黄小学小学六年级语文周周练(六)(基础知识篇)(10.28~10.29) 姓名一、双重否定句和肯定句的互换:1、这件事你不可能不知道。
姚王小学英语教师素养周周练 第五周
二、单词拼写About three years ago, I felt very lonely. I didn’t like my classmates, my parents or anyone else. My classmates didn’t want to talk1 me and my parents were always saying that other kids were better than me. I thought I was the2 unlucky person in the world.One day I had a big fight with one of my classmates. I was so angry 3 I hit him in the face. Just at that moment, a boy stood up and 4 the fight. He was the monitor of my class.After that, he often helped me and we became good 5 . WheneverI got angry or sad, he would help 6 to cool down. My life began to change because of the boy, my best friend. We spent a lot of interesting days together. As 7 goes by, I have become happier with people and things. And it 8 that people around me have changed, too. My parents don’t shout at me 9 more and my classmates become friendly to me.But now I can’t often see my be st friend because he is seriously 10 and is staying in hospital. How I miss the days when we were together! I hope he will be all right and come back to school soon.1.___2.______3.______4.______5._______6. ___7.______8.______9.______ 10._______三、阅读理解。
5.关于图中水循环的叙述错误的是:A.a环节水量等于b、e环节水量之和B.若该地处北美西部,则c向东北方向输送水汽C.我国东部季风区河流的补给主要靠d环节D.海岸地貌的塑造与e环节关系密切6.关于图中岩石圈物质循环的叙述正确的是:A. e环节在海岸带地区主要为侵蚀作用B. g环节属于内力作用C. i、h、l三环节分别属于地壳运动、变质作用、岩浆活动D. ②③两种岩石可以相互转化7.若乙处的植被遭到严重破坏,则:A.汛期e环节输送量减少B.f环节蒸腾加强C.i处岩块上升加速D.甲处泥沙淤积增强右图为“某城市气温和降水的统计资料图”,回答8~9题。
九年级上学期数学第5周周练测试(2.1-2.3)一、选择题:1、如图,一枚半径为r的硬币沿着直线滚动一圈,圆心经过的距离是()A.4πr B.2πr C.Πr D.2r2、如图,已知⊙O的半径为5,弦AB长度为8,则⊙O上到弦AB所在直线的距离为2的点有()个A.1 B.2 C.3 D.43、如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A在第一象限,⊙A与x轴交于B(2,0)、C(8,0)两点,与y轴相切于点D,则点A的坐标是()A.(5,4) B.(4,5) C.(5,3) D.(3,5)4、如图,在半径为 5 的⊙O中,AB、CD是互相垂直的两条弦,垂足为P,且AB=CD=4,则OP的长为()2A.1 B.2 C.2 D.25、如图,将一把两边都带有刻度的直尺放在半圆形纸片上,使其一边经过圆心O,另一边所在直线与半圆相交于点D、E,量出半径OC=5cm,弦DE=8cm,则直尺的宽度为()A.1cm B.2cm C.3cm D.4cm6、如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,点A为(0,3),点B为(2,1),点C为(2,-3).则经画图操作可知:△ABC的外心坐标应是()A.(0,0) B.(1,0) C.(-2,-1) D.(2,0)7、如图,将△ABC放在每个小正方形边长为1的网格中,点A、B、C均落在格点上,用一个圆面去覆盖△ABC,能够完全覆盖这个三角形的最小圆面半径是()5A.5 B.6 C.2 D.28、如图,AB为⊙O的一固定直径,它把⊙O分成上,下两个半圆,自上半圆上一点C作弦CD⊥AB,∠OCD的平分线交⊙O于点P,当点C在上半圆(不包括A,B两点)上移动时,点P( ) A. 到CD的距离保持不变 B. 位置不变 C. 等分弧BD D. 随C点移动而移动二、填空题:9、如图,CD是⊙O的直径,∠EOD=84°,AE交⊙O于点B,且AB=OC,则∠A的度数是 .10、如图所示,在圆⊙O内有折线OABC,其中OA=8,AB=12,∠A=∠B=60°,则BC的长为________.11、如图所示,△ABC的三个顶点的坐标分别为A(-1,3)、B(-2,-2)、C(4,-2),则△ABC外接圆半径的长度为 .12、如图,点A、B是⊙O上两点,AB=10,点P是⊙O上的动点(P与A、B不重合),连接AP、PB,过点O分别作OE⊥AP于E,OF⊥PB于F,则EF= .13、小明衣服上破了一个洞,刚好是直角三角形形状,三边分别为6、8、10,现用一个圆形的补丁去补,那么补丁的最小直径为.14、如图,P1是一块半径为1的半圆形纸板,在P1的左下端剪去一个半径为21的半圆后得到图形P2,然后依次剪去一个更小的半圆(其直径为前一个被剪掉半圆的半径)得图形P3,P4,…,P n,…,记纸板P n的面积为S n,请在草稿上求出S2,S3,同时计算S2-S1,S3-S2,并由此猜想S n-S n-1= (n≥2)三、解答题:15、如图,∠C=90°,⊙C与AB相交于点D,AC=5,CB=12,求AD的长CBAO16、如图,AB是半圆O的直径,AC为弦,OD⊥AC于D,过点O作OE∥AC交半圆O于点E,过点E作EF⊥AB于F.若AC=2,求OF的长17、如图,在 ABCD中,∠BAD为钝角,且AE⊥BC,AF⊥CD(1)求证:A、E、C、F四点共圆(2)设线段BD与(1)中的圆交于M、N.求证:BM=ND18、如图,矩形ABCD的边AB过⊙O的圆心,E、F分别为AB、CD与⊙O的交点若AE=3cm,AD=4cm,DF=5cm,求⊙O的直径19、一根横截面为圆形的下水管道的直径为1米,管内有少量的污水(如图),此时的水面宽AB为0.6米(1)求此时的水深(即阴影部分的弓形高);(2)当水位上升到水面宽为0.8米时,求水面上升的高度20、如图,直线l经过⊙O的圆心O,且与⊙O交于A、B两点,点C在⊙O上,且∠AOC=30°,点P是直线l上的一个动点(与圆心O不重合),直线CP与⊙O相交于点Q问:(1)是否存在点P,使得QP=QO;(用“存在”或“不存在”填空).(2)若存在,满足上述条件的点有几个?并求出相应的∠OCP的大小;若不存在,请简要说明理由.21、如图为桥洞的形状,其正视图是由圆弧 CD 和矩形ABCD构成.O点为弧CD 所在⊙O的圆心,点O又恰好在AB为水面处.若桥洞跨度CD为8米,拱高(OE⊥弦CD于点F )EF 为2米(1)求弧CD所在⊙O的半径DO(2)若河里行驶来一艘正视图为矩形的船,其宽6米,露出水面AB的高度为h米,求船能通过桥洞时的最大高度h。
滚动周练卷(五)[时间:45分钟 测试范围:14.1 分值:100分]一、选择题(每题5分,共30分) 1.下列运算正确的是( ) A .a 3·a 4=a 12B .(a 3)2=a 5C .(-3a 2)3=-9a 6D .(-a 2)3=-a 62.下列计算结果为负数的是( ) A .|-3| B .(-3)0C .-(+3)D .(-3)2 3.已知3x=8,3y=2,则3x +y的值是( )A .4B .6C .10D .16 4.若单项式-3a4m -n b 2与13a 3b m +n 是同类项,则这两个单项式的积是( )A .-a 6b 4B .a 6b 4C .-83a 4b 4 D .-a 3b 25.长方形的一边长为2a +b ,另一边比它小a -b ,则长方形的面积为( ) A .2a 2+ab -b 2B .2a 2+ab C .4a 2+4ab +b 2D .2a 2+5ab +2b 26.如果x +m 与x +3的乘积中不含x 的一次项,则m 的值为( ) A .-3 B .3 C .0 D .1 二、填空题(每题4分,共24分)7.化简:(-a )6÷a 3=__ __,a (a -1)-a 2= __ __. 8.计算:(-1)2 018+(3.14-π)0=__ __.9.计算:-3x 2·2x =__ __;(-0.25)12×411=__ __.10.若(2x +a )(3x -4)=bx 2-2x -8,则a +b =____.11.若x +y =5,xy =2,则(x +2)(y +2)=__ __.12.有若干张如图1所示的正方形A 类、B 类卡片和长方形C 类卡片,若要拼成一个长为(3a +2b ),宽为(2a +b )的大长方形,则需要C 类卡片__ __张.图1三、解答题(共46分) 13.(8分)计算:(1)⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-32ab -2a ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-23a 2b 2; (2)(2m -1)(3m -2);(3)(x +5)(2x -3)-2x (x 2-2x +3).14.(8分)解方程与不等式:(1)(x -3)(x -2)+18=(x +9)(x +1); (2)(3x +4)(3x -4)<9(x -2)(x +3).15.(10分)红光中学新建了一栋科技楼,为了装修该楼一间科技陈列室的顶棚,计划用宽为x m,长为30x m的塑料扣板进行装修,已知这间陈列室的长为5ax m,宽为3ax m,如果你是该校的采购人员,应该至少购买多少块这样的塑料扣板?当a=4时,求出具体的扣板数.16.(10分)已知(x3+mx+n)(x2-3x+4)的展开式中不含x3和x2项.(1)求m,n的值;(2)当m,n取第(1)小题的值时,求(m+n)(m2-mn+n2)的值.17.(10分)阅读材料:对于任何实数,我们规定符号⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪a b cd 的意义是⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪a b cd =ad -b c.例如:⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪1 234=1×4-2×3=-2.(1)按照这个规定,请你计算⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪5 678的值;(2)按照这个规定,请你计算当x 2-4x +4=0时,⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x +1 2x x -1 2x -3的值.参考答案1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.a3-a 8.2 9.-6x31410.8 11.16 12.713.解:(1)⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-32ab -2a ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-23a 2b 2=a 3b 3+43a 3b 2;(2)(2m -1)(3m -2)=6m 2-4m -3m +2=6m 2-7m +2; (3)(x +5)(2x -3)-2x (x 2-2x +3)=2x 2-3x +10x -15-2x 3+4x 2-6x =-2x 3+6x 2+x -15.14.解:(1)去括号,得x 2-5x +6+18=x 2+10x +9, 移项合并,得15x =15, 解得x =1;(2)去括号,得9x 2-16<9x 2+9x -54, 移项合并,得9x >38, 解得x >389.15.解:根据题意得,(5ax ·3ax )÷(x ·30x )=15a 2x 2÷30x 2=12a 2,∴应该至少购买12a 2块这样的塑料扣板,当a =4时,12a 2=8,即具体的扣板数为8块.16.解:(1)(x 3+mx +n )(x 2-3x +4)=x 5-3x 4+(m +4)x 3+(n -3m )x 2+(4m -3n )x +4n , 根据展开式中不含x 3和x2项,得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧m +4=0,n -3m =0,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧m =-4,n =-12,即m =-4,n =-12; (2)(m +n )(m 2-mn +n 2) =m 3-m 2n +mn 2+m 2n -mn 2+n 3=m 3+n 3,当m =-4,n =-12时,原式=(-4)3+(-12)3=-64-1 728=-1 792. 17.解: (1)根据题意得,原式=40-42=-2; (2)∵x 2-4x +4=0,即(x -2)2=0, ∴x =2,∴⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪x +1 2x x -1 2x -3=(x +1)(2x -3)-2x (x -1)=2x 2-3x +2x -3-2x 2+2x =x -3=2-3=-1.。
(42分)0.5×0.2= 30×0.4= 1.2×30= 4.5×0.2= 5×2.4= 0.05×100= 2.7×100= 90×0.08= 3.03×2= 0.6×0.05= 1.2×0.7= 3.5×2= 0.04×2.5= 1.25×8= 1.6×3= 200×3.4= 4.4×0.2= 2.1×0.02=3.21×0.2= 1.5×20= 2.5×40=二、竖式计算,带*的需要验算。
(22分)5.79×0.67= 61.5×20= *8.2×5.4=*9.4×8.2= 11.5×81= 0.036×2.1=三、按要求计算下列各题。
(24分)0.25×102 1.25×3.3×82.8×3.6+1.4×2.8 0.36×5.2+4.80.57×0.5×0.4 0.8×(0.125+1.25)计算周周练2(小数乘法)一、口算。
(42分)0.8×0.5= 70×0.2= 2.2×20=1.5×0.4= 4×1.2= 0.03×200= 6.3×100= 90×0.02=2.02×6= 0.2×0.08=3.2×0.5= 0.9×2= 0.08×2.5= 12.5×0.8= 2.3×4= 800×1.2= 7.4×0.02=4.3×0.05=0.25×0.4= 3.5×40= 5.1×30=二、竖式计算,带*的需要验算。
上海外国语大学附属外国语学校高三上学期周练五英语试题含答案Exercise 51. We had great hopes of his success only ______ later.A.to disappointB. disappointingC. to be disappointedD. being disappointed2. ______ in the election, he went back to his native town, ______ with hard work.A. To be defeated…being worn outB. Being defeated…to be worn outC. Defeated…worn outD. Defeating…wearing out3. He turned his energies to ______ a better way of curing the disease.A. find outB. search forC. findD. looking for4. She felt like ______, but she managed ______ back her tears before others.A. crying…to keepB. crying…keepingC. to cry…to keepD. to cry…keeping5. It was most thoughtful ______ me the reference book I needed for my research.A. your sendingB. for you to sendC. of you to sendD. that you send6. I have told you all I know but you look as if you ______ by my words.A. were hurtB. should be hurtC. had been hurtD. are hurt7. The tower has been rebuilt so that it looks as it ______ during the 12thcentury.A. couldB. used to beC. wasD. did8. Only ______ he would succeed in the end.A. Jane believeB. Jane believedC. believed JaneD. did Jane believe9. You can’t have him go to the party with you. H e has ______ things to do.A. good manyB. a lotC. manyD. a good many10. He is the man ______ he used to be.A. thatB. whoC. whomD. which11. You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you ______ so tired.A. drove…didn’t getB. drove…wouldn’t getC. were driving…didn’t getD. had driven…couldn’t have got12. Not a singly reply ______ from my cousin who lives abroad.A. I receiveB. received IC. have I receivedD. I have received13. ______ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.A. Having been toldB. Though he had been toldC. He had been toldD. Having told14. It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.A. oneB. thatC. whatD. it15. ______ in London, Marx spent most of his time in the library.A. AsB. WhenC. WhileD. During16. If we can ______ our present difficulties, everything will beall right.A. get ridB. get awayC. get pastD. get over17. ______ to go to the show because we had a lot of work to do.A. All of us didn’t wantB. No one of us wantedC. None of us wantedD. We all didn’t want18. In order to improve English, ______.A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes.B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself.C. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny.D. a lot of tapes we re bought by Jenny’s father19. ----How do you like the work here?----I’m used to ______.A. doingB. be hereC. itD. being done20. We must raise more funds for our research, ______?A. shall weB. don’t weC. must weD. needn’t we21. The policeman soon picked out the person ______ be thought might be the thief.A. whichB. whoC. whomD. that22. ----Are you coming to Jeff’s party?----I’m not sure. I ______ go to the concert instead.A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. might23. This is an excellent exhibition, I like it better ______ I have seen.A. than anyB. than any otherC. than thatD. than all24. If you ______ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy.A. haven’t watchedB. didn’t watchC. hadn’t watchedD. wouldn’t have watched25. I think parents should provide their children ______ decent food and clothing.A. byB. forC. toD. with26. The team looked good because the coach had them ______ every day.A. practiceB. to practiceC. practicedD. being practiced.27. ______ the best of my knowledge, the speech contest was sponsored by several schools.A. ByB. ToC. InD. With28. Without a computer he ______ 10 years experimenting to learn the same thing he has learned so far.A. ought to spendB. must have spentC. would spendD. might have spent29. The fact is that ______ great contributions, he remains very modest.A. though hisB. he madeC. for all hisD. however his30. What time do you expect the meeting we are going to attend to ______?A. break inB. break outC. break offD. break up31. The fish you bought in the market are ______ small.A. fairlyB. rather tooC. quite tooD. pretty too32. ----Who did you spend last weekend with?----______ .A. Palmer’sB. The Palmers’C. The PalmersD. The Palmer’s33. ----Waiter!----______----I can’t eat this. It’s too salty.A. Yes, sir?B. What?C. All right?D. Pardon?34. ----Will you stay for lunch?----Sorry ______. My brother is coming to see me.A. I mustn’tB. I can’tC. I needn’tD. I won’t35. John ______ himself, even though he was a little boy.A. should behaveB. didn’t behaveC. might behaveD. should have behaved36. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.A. at lastB. in caseC. once againD. in time37. ______ a pity you missed the lecture given by the famous professor from California University.A. That’sB. It’sC. There’sD. What’s38. ----Isn’t the conclusion they came to very important?----______.A. No, it isB. Yes, it isn’tC. There’sD. What’s39. Have you asked her the reason ______ may explain her absence?A. thatB. whyC. becauseD. for which40. ----You ought to have come to see Steve win the match.----Yes, I know I ______.A. ought toB. oughtC. should haveD. both A and C41. ______ it rains or snows, I will go tonight.A. WhatB. WhateverC. WhetherD. If42. I was looking for the key ______ I thought I might have put it.A. whichB. thatC. wheneverD. wherever43. Have you noticed that there ______ showers every day so far this week?A. areB. will beC. have beenD. would be44. We appreciate ______ the full the teacher’s help.A. toB. atC. inD. on45. He will be more than glad to help you. Here “more than “means ______.A. overB. muchC. not onlyD. very46. The distance ______ light travels in one second is 300,000 kilometres.A. thatB. at whichC. by whichD. in which47. People can ______ the law if they want to correct an injustice.A. turn downB. turn offC. turn toD. turn up48. ----Will you be able to finish the work today?----______.A. I don’t know soB. I can’t answer soC. I’m not sure soD. I don’t expect so49. He would not be defeated in the next match so long as he ______ practicing.A. keptB. would keepC. had keptD. was keeping50. He is still weak ______ his illness.A. forB. withC. fromD. of51. The project of increasing the size of the harbor is ______ this year.A. to carry outB. to be carried outC. carrying outD. carried out52. “Li Ming is no cleverer than Zhang Hua.” This sentencemeans ______.A. Li Ming is as clever as Zhang HuaB. Li Ming is more clever than Zhang HuaC. Li Ming is not clever than Zhang Hua D Li Ming is as stupid as Zhang Hua53. Is there any reasonable doubt ______ he will win the prize in the contest?A. thatB. whetherC. whichD. if54. If you want to change for a double room you’ll have to pay ______ $15.A. anotherB. otherC. moreD. each55. Sorry, I can’t ______ you ______ my assistant.A. receive … asB. accept … asC. take on … likeD. get … like56. There is a bridge ______ the river.A. overB. throughC. crossD. above57. The road ______ trees leads to the museum.A. lined withB. lining withC. to line withD. which lines with58. Water is ______ the growth of crops.A. must toB. important ofC. necessary atD. essential to59. The greenhouses on the farm each ______ a glass roof.A. hasB. is equipped withC. haveD. are equipped60. ______ you require of your son should be to his benefit.A. ThatB. HowC. HoweverD. Whichever61. ______ I suggest, he always disagrees.A. WhatB. HowC. WhateverD. However62. Some people tend to speed while driving, ______ the danger to themselves and others.A. withoutB. howeverC. no matter howD. regardless of63. Jason ______ that job when it was offered, therefore he missed a golden opportunity.A. shall takeB. should takeC. shall have takenD. should have taken64. ______ the big crowd watching the procession, we avoided the main streets.A. Owing toB. BecauseC. Due toD. As65. Darkness ______, Helen kept wandering through the stores, hoping to get ideas for a birthday present.A. set inB. setting inC. was setting inD. had set in66. They searched ______ the books on the shelf to find a book by Dickens.A. forB. throughC. overD. across67. It is desirable that automation equipment ______ turning as much of the time as possible.A. keepsB. could be keptC. be keptD. must keep68. George did not do well in the class because______.A. he studied badB. he was not good studyingC. he was a badly studentD. he failed to study properly69. You have improved your spoken English greatly ______ this year.A. inB. by farC. so longD. so far70. The long run Bill took left him ______ breath.A. out ofB. was out ofC. withoutD. short71. I saw him in the club ______ yesterday.A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times72. The line was busy. Someone______the phone.A. usedB. should have usedC. must useD. must have been using73. Have you travelled by sea ______?A. lastB. laterC. lateD. lately74. Nancy _______ a rich merchant since she graduated fromcollege.A. has marriedB. was married withC. marriedD. has been married to75. She looked quite young _______ her age.A. atB. ofC. byD. for76. She can’t stand _______ when she goes to see t he dentist.A. to waitB. keeping waitingC. to keep waitingD. being kept waiting77. _______ the girls in town, Betty is the friendliest.A. From allB. All amongC. Of allD. All of78. I came across Margaret on my way to work this morning,I t was the first time I _______ her in months.A. seeB. sawC. have seenD. had seen79. They had to sell their house _______ they could pay off their father’s gambling debts.A. becauseB. thatC. unlessD. so80. Do you know the number of the boxers that _______ in the past ten years?A. have been injuredB. bas been injuredC. has injuredD. have injured81. A number of problems _______ to be solved though we have had the meeting.A. remainB. remainedC. leftD. leave82. _______ their stay in China, the foreigners visited many places.A. InB. DuringC. OnD. By83. He is looking forward _______ a chance to travel a lot in foreign countries.A. havingB. to haveC. to havingD. have84. _______ programs are beginning this morning.A. Several Chinese radio very goodB. Several very good Chinese radioC. Several very good radio ChineseD. Several very Chinese good radio85. By next summer we _______ in the same department at this college for three years.A. will studyB. have studiedC. will be studyingD. will have been studying86. The singer and dancer _______ a concert in the coming week.A. is going to giveB. are going to holdC. are givingD. are to give87. ----Brown used to live with his cousin when he was at college.----Oh, _______ he?A. didn’tB. useC. didD. usedn’t88. His language is not fit _______ because it is too full of swear words.A. to be repeatedB. repeatingC. repeatedD. being repeated89. To me his new book does not _______ so good as his earlier book on this subject.A. appearB. lookC. appear to beD. both A and C90. They reduced the man who made a slip of the tongue _______ by laughing at him.A. to silenceB. to be silentC. being silentD. to being silent91. Henry, one of the guests, _______ after the party when everyone had left.A. turned inB. turned upC. turned outD. turned off92. The driver applied the brakes, and the bus _______ sharply at the traffic lights.A. pulled upB. pulled inC. pulled downD. pulled on93. I said _______ as that in my speech last night.A. no such a thingB. not such thingC. not a thingD. no such thing94. He has always liked _______ machinery since he left school.A. to work onB. working outC. working withD. worked at95. My elder brother is older than I _______ two years.A. forB. byC. ofD. in96. Her aunt has left Beijing and does not live there. _______ my aunt.A. Neither doesB. So it is withC. So doesD. So has97. What was it _______ he hunted for?A. whichB. whatC. whereD. that98. The supermarket is ten miles _______ my home.A. for awayB. far fromC. far away fromD. away from99. The washing machine is out of order. Can you _______ it _______?A. get … goB. have … goneC. have … to goD. get … going100. The skirt made of pure silk _______ well.A. isn’t washedB. doesn’t washC. can’t be washedD. mustn’t be washedKeys:1-5CCDAC 6-10DDBDA 11-15DCCBC 16-20DCBCD 21-25BDBCD26-30ABDCD 31-35BCABD 36-40BBCAC 41-45CDCAD 46-50ACDAC51-55BDAAB 56-60AADCD 61-65CDDAB 66-70BCDDA 71-75ADDDD76-80DCDBA 81-85ABCBD 86-90ACADA 91-95BADCB 96-100BDDDB。
2019-2020年高三上学期第五次周练语文试题 含答案
3、下列各句没有语病的一句是( )A.近几年,非法职业中介活动越来越多,每逢节后民工大量进城,就是黑中介机构编造虚假信息,骗取民工钱财猖獗之时。
4、下列各句没有语病的一句是( )A.出于对北极地区气候、环境、资源等方面长期考察,中国科学探险协会决定在斯瓦尔巴违德群岛建立中国伊力特·沫林北极科学探险考察站。
A BCE D2009年春季高一数学周练五一、填空题:1.在ABC ∆中,5, 3, 7AB AC BC ===,则BAC ∠的大小为 .2.已知等差数列{}n a 中,26a =,515a =,若2n n b a =,则数列{}n b 的前5项和等于 .3.设等比数列{}n a 的公比2q =,前n 项和为n S ,则42S a = . 4.不等式112x x ->+的解集是 . 5.函数2()f x =的定义域为 . 6.ACD ∆是等边三角形,ABC ∆是等腰直角三角形,90ACB ∠=︒,BD 交AC 于E ,2AB =;则AE = . 7.若A 为不等式组002x y y x ≤⎧⎪≥⎨⎪-≤⎩表示的平面区域,则当a 从2-连续变化到1时,动直线x y a +=扫过A 中的那部分区域的面积为 .8.过点 (1, 0)A -的直线l 与端点为 (2, 3)B 、 (3, 4)C -的线段BC 有公共点,则直线l 的倾斜角的取值范围是 .9.若x 、y 、a 、b R +∈,a 、b 为常数,且1a b x y+=,则x y +的最小值是 . 10.函数42 (1)1y x x x =-->-的最大值是 . 11.如果函数2y ax bx a =++的图象与x 轴有两个交点,则点(, )a b 在aOb 平面上的区域(不包含边界)为 .① ② ③ ④12.已知正数m 、n 满足22m n +=,则24m n+的最小值是 . 13.某种汽车购车时费用为14万4千元,每年保险、养路、汽油费用9千元;汽车的维修费各年为:第一年2千元,第二年4千元,第三年6千元,依每年2千元的增量逐年增加,则这种汽车最多使用_________年报废最合算?(注:最合算即是使用多少年的年平均费用最少)14.不等式||||5x y +<所表示的平面区域内的整点个数为 .二、解答题:15.画出由三条直线22x y +=,22x y +=,3x y -=围成的三角形及其内部区域(包括边界),并用不等式组表示出该区域.16.(1)不等式|2|3x y m ++<表示的平面区域包含点(0, 0)和点(1, 1)-,求m 的取值范围.(2)点(0, 0)和点(1, 1)-在直线20x y m ++=的同侧,求m 的取值范围.17.已知ABC ∆,角A 、B 、C 成等差数列,求11a c c a+++的最小值及相应的a 和的c 值.18.已知线性约束条件:30,5000x y x y x y -+≥⎧⎪+-≤⎪⎨≥⎪⎪≥⎩, (1)求2z x y =+的最大值;(2)求11y x +-的取值范围.19.如图,一个铝合金窗分为上、下两栏,四周框架和中间隔档的材料为铝合金,宽均为6cm ,上栏与下栏的框内高度(不含铝合金部分)的比为1:2,此铝合金占用的墙面面积为28800cm 2;设该铝合金的宽和高分别为a (cm )、b (cm );铝合金窗的透光部分的面积为S (cm 2);(1)试用a 、b 表示S ;(2)若要使S 最大,则铝合金的宽和高分别为多少?20.已知数列{}n a 是由正数组成的等差数列,n S 是其前n 项的和,并且3425, 28a a S ==;(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)求使不等式12111(1)(1)(1)na a a +++≥*n N ∈均成立的最大实数λ.高一数学周练五答案一、填空题:(5'1470')⨯=1、120︒;2、90;3、152;4、(, 2)-∞-;5、(,(2,1)[3,)-∞--+∞;67、74;8、3[0,][,)44πππ;9、a b++10、3-;11、③;12、9;13、12;14、41.二、解答题:(15'690')⨯=15、(1)图略;(2)22022030x yx yx y+-≤⎧⎪+-≥⎨⎪--≤⎩.16、(1)23m-<<;(2)0m<或1m>.17、最小值是4;1a c==.18、(1)max9z=;(2)1(,1][,)4-∞-+∞.19、(1)290881816S a b=--;(2)23328S≤,当160a=、180b=时取最大值.20、(1)21nan=-;(2)12111)(1)(1)na a aλ≤+++,设12111())(1)(1)nFna a a=+++,则它是随n增大的,(1)F最小;λ≤.。
电功率练习题一、选择题1.有甲、乙两盏电灯,甲灯上标有“36V 60W”,乙灯上标有“220V 60W”,当它们分别在其额定电压下工作发光时,其亮度是( )A.乙灯比甲灯更亮B.甲灯比乙灯更亮C.两盏灯一D.无法判定哪盏灯更亮2.标有“220V 40W”和“220V 60W”的两只灯泡L1 、L2串联在电路中时,两灯均发光,实际消耗的功率分别为P1和P2,则( )A. P1>P2B. P 1=P2C. P1<P2D. 无法确定3.将分别标有“8V 4W”、“4V 2W”字样的灯L1、L2串联使用。
当灯L1正常发光时,灯L2会( )A、生正常发光B、比正常发光暗C、比正常发光亮D、以上三种情况均有可能4.家用电能表的盘面上,标有3000R/kwh的字样,当接入一个用电器正常工作时,1min内电能表的转盘转了15转,则该电器消耗的实际功率是()A、5WB、500WC、300WD、3KW5.如图所示,将两只额定电压相同的灯泡L1、L2串联在电路中,闭合开关S后,发现灯泡L1较亮,灯泡L2较暗,此现象说明( )A.灯泡L1的阻值大于灯泡L2的阻值B.灯泡L1的额定功率大于灯泡L2的额定功率C.灯泡L1两端的电压小于灯炮L2两端的电压的电流大于通过灯炮L2的电流D.通过灯泡L6.用电器R1和R2上都标有“6V”字样,它们的电流随电压变化关系如图3所示。
若把R1和R2串联在电源电压为6V的电路中工作,则用电器R2的实际功率是( )A、1.8WB、0.2WC、0.4WD、0.6W7.图是一种恒温式电烙铁的电路图,在不用电烙铁焊按时,断开开关S,使它处于保温状态;需要焊接时,闭合开关S就能很快达到焊接温度.若电烙铁的规格是“220V 40W”,且R′=R.则保温时电路消耗的总功率为( )A.20W B.40W C.60W D.80W二、填空题8.电能表是测量的仪表,某同学家的电能表上月底的示数为,本月底的示数为,则该同学家本月应交元电费电(电价以0.5元/度计)。
江苏省高一化学 周练五 物质的量浓度及其配制
周练五 ---------之物质的量浓度及其配制一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题5分,共50分) 请将选项写在每题的题号的前面..............1.(2010·四川雅安市高一检测)下列溶液中物质的量浓度为1 mol•L-1的是A.将40 g NaOH固体溶解于1 L水中 B.将22.4 L氯化氢气体溶于水配成1 L溶液C.将1 L 10 mol•L-1浓盐酸与9 L水混合 D.10 g NaOH溶解在水中配成250 mL溶液2.下列溶液中,物质的量浓度最大的是A.1 L H2SO4溶液中含98 g H2SO4B.0.5 L含49 g H2SO4的溶液C.98 g H2SO4溶于水配成2 L溶液 D.0.1 L含24.5 g H2SO4的溶液3.(2010·无锡高一检测)用胆矾配制1 L 0.1 mol•L-1的CuSO4溶液,正确的做法是A.将胆矾加热除去结晶水后,称取16 g溶于1 L水B.称取胆矾25 g溶于1 L水中C.将25 g胆矾溶于少量水,然后将溶液稀释到1 LD.将16 g胆矾溶于少量水,然后将此溶液稀释至1 L4.将5 mol•L-1盐酸10 mL稀释到200 mL,再取出5 mL,这5 mL溶液的物质的量浓度是A.0.05 mol•L-1 B.0.25 mol•L-1 C.0.1 mol•L-1 D.0.5 mol•L-15.300 mL 0.2 mol•L-1 KCl溶液与100 mL 0.3 mol•L-1 AlCl3溶液中Cl-物质的量浓度之比是A.1∶3 B.2∶3 C.2∶1 D.2∶96.下列配制的溶液浓度偏高的是A.配制盐酸用量筒量取盐酸时俯视刻度线B.配制盐酸定容时,仰视容量瓶刻度线C.称量4 g NaOH配制0.1 mol•L-1 NaOH溶液1000 mL时,砝码错放左盘D.NaOH溶解后未经冷却即注入容量瓶至刻度线7.(2010·昆明高一检测)关于0.1 mol•L-1 H2SO4溶液的叙述错误的是A.1 L该溶液中含有H2SO4的质量为9.8 gB.0.5 L该溶液中氢离子的物质的量浓度为0.2 mol•L-1C.从1 L该溶液中取出100 mL,则取出溶液中H2SO4的物质的量浓度为0.01 mol•L-1D.取该溶液10 mL,加水稀释至100 mL后H2SO4的物质的量浓度为0.01 mol•L-18.下列溶液中的Cl-浓度与50 mL 1 mol•L-1的AlCl3溶液中Cl-的浓度相等的是A.150 mL 1 mol•L-1的NaClB.75 mL 2 mol•L-1的NH4ClC.150 mL 3 mol•L-1的KClD.75 mL 1.5 mol•L-1的CaCl29.取100mL0.3mol•L-1和300mL0.25mol•L-1的硫酸溶液,混合后稀释到500 mL,则得到的混合溶液中H+离子的物质的量浓度为A. 0.21mol•L-1B. 0.56mol•L-1C. 0.42mol•L-1D. 0.26mol•L-1 10.一定量的质量分数为14%的氢氧化钾溶液,若将其蒸发掉50 g水后,其溶质质量分数恰好扩大一倍,体积变为62.5 mL,则浓缩后溶液的物质的量浓度为A.2.2 mol•L-1 B.4 mol•L-1 C.5 mol•L-1D.6.25 mol•L-1二、非选择题(本题包括5小题,共50分)11.(8分)1 L K2SO4和MgSO4的混合溶液中,含Mg2+ 2.4 g,SO2-4的物质的量浓度为:1 mol•L-1,则MgSO4和K2SO4的物质的量浓度分别是________、________.12.(16分)根据下列各题中所给出的数据,可分别求出其“溶质的质量分数”或“溶液的物质的量浓度”,试判断并求解.(1)已知某氢氧化钠溶液V L中含有n个氢氧根离子,可求出此溶液的________是________.(2)已知某氢氧化钠溶液中Na+与H2O的个数之比为1∶a,则可求出此溶液的__ ___为___ __.13.(8分)常温下,10.0 mL 1.0 mol•L-1的H2SO4(aq),加水稀释到500 mL,所得H2SO4(aq)的浓度为________mol•L-1;蒸发浓缩,使溶液的体积为2.40 mL,所得H2SO4(aq)的浓度为________mol•L-1.14.(18分)实验室欲用NaOH固体配制1.0 mol·L-1的NaOH溶液240 mL:(1)配制溶液时,一般可以分为以下几个步骤:①称量②计算③溶解④倒转摇匀⑤转移⑥洗涤⑦定容⑧冷却确其正确的操作顺序为______ __________.本实验必须用到的仪器有天平、药匙、玻璃棒、烧杯、胶头滴管、还有____ ____.(2)某同学欲称量一定量的NaOH固体,他先用托盘天平称量烧杯的质量,天平平衡后的状态如图.烧杯的实际质量为____________ g,要完成本实验该同学应称出____________ g NaOH.(3)使用容量瓶前必须进行的一步操作是________.(4)在配制过程中,其他操作都是正确的,下列操作会引起浓度偏高的是________.①没有洗涤烧杯和玻璃棒②转移溶液时不慎有少量洒到容量瓶外面③容量瓶不干燥,含有少量蒸馏水④定容时俯视刻度线⑤未冷却到室温就将溶液转移到容量瓶并定容⑥定容后塞上瓶塞反复摇匀,静置后,液面低于刻度线,再加水至刻度线参考答案:一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题5分,共50分)1. D 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.CD 9. C 10.B二、非选择题(本题包括5小题,共50分)11.0.1 mol•L-1;0.9 mol•L-1V (2) 溶质的质量分数;20/(20+9a)12. (1) 溶液的物质的量浓度;n/NA13.0.02mol•L-1;4.17mol•L-1.14.(1)②①③⑧⑤⑥⑦④;250ml容量瓶.(2)27.4g,10.0g 洞 (3)检漏(4) ④⑤。
七年级数学第5周周练卷 得分 姓名一、精心选一选(本大题共10题,每题2分,共20分)1.-3的绝对值是……………………………………… …………………………………………( )A .-3B .13- C .3 D .3± 2.下列说法不正确的是……………………………………………………………………………( ) A .0既不是正数,也不是负数 B .1是绝对值最小的正数C .一个有理数不是整数就是分数D .0的绝对值是0 3.数轴上一点A ,一只蚂蚁从A 出发爬了4个单位长度到了原点,则点A 所表示的数是…( )A .4B .-4C .±4D .±8 4.在211-,12,—20,0 ,()5--,3+-中,负数的个数有…………………………………( )A .2个B .3 个C .4 个D .5 个5.下列说法错误的是…………( )A .符号不同的两个数互为相反数;B .任何一个数都有相反数;C .若a +b=0则a 、b 互为相反数;D .1的倒数等于它本身6.下列说法:其中正确的个数有……………………………………………………………………( ) ①两数相加和为正数时,这两个数均为正数;②两数相加和为负数时,这两数均为负数; ③两个有理数的和可能等于其中的一个加数;④两个有理数的和可能等于0.A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个7.把-6-(+7)+(-2)-(-9)写成省略加号和的形式后的式子是( )A. -6-7+2-9B. -6-7-2+9C. -6+7-2-9D. -6+7-2+98.若021=++-b a ,则b a +的值是( )A .-1B .1C .0D .39.a ,b 是有理数,已知| a |=-a ,| b |=b ,且| a |>| b |>0,用数轴上的点来表示a ,b 下图正确的是…( )A .B .C .D .10.等边△ABC 在数轴上的位置如图所示,点A 、C 对应的数分别为0和-1,若△ABC 绕顶点沿顺时针方向在数轴上连续翻转,翻转1次后,点B 所对应的数为1,则连续翻转2009次后,点B ……( )A .不对应任何数B .对应的数是2007C .对应的数是2008D .对应的数是2009二、填空(本大题共15空,每空2分,共30分)11.513-的相反数是 ,倒数是 ,绝对值是 .12.相反数是它本身的数是 ;绝对值是它本身的数是 .13.绝对值大于1而不大于3的所有整数的和是 .14.直接写出结果:-5-3= ,3--(-2)= ,932⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-= . 15.把下列各数分别填入相应的集合里.-5,43--,0,-3.14,3π-,722,2014,+1.99,-(-6),-2.101001000…. (1)正数集合:{ …};(2)负数集合:{ …};(3)非负整数集合:{ …};(4)负分数集合:{ …}.16.0<a ,0>b ,0<+b a ,请用“<”把a ,b ,-a ,-b ,0连接起来 .17. 已知a 、b 互为相反数,c 、d 互为倒数,m 的绝对值为3,则cd b a m -++--2016)(2015)1(的值为 _ .三、解答题(本大题共6题,计50分)18.计算:(每小题3分,共24分)(1)()()()()382109+---++-+;(2)()⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯-7231212;(3)⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯⨯1161011621163--; (4)()()1217155.0-----+-;(5)3407161334⨯⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-; (6)()361276521-⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+;(7)()()⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯⨯41415---; (8)15)191819(⨯-.19.(本题4分)若3=a ,b 是最大的负整数,c =2)5(--,求c b a -+20.(本题4分) 将下列各数在给出的数轴上表示出来,并用“<”把它们连接起来.-12,|-2.5|,0,-(+2),-(-4). (2)解:(1)21.(本题5分)对于有理数a 、b ,定义运算:b a b a b a -+⨯=⊗(1)计算4)5(⊗-的值;(2)填空:3)2_____()2(3⊗--⊗(填“>”或“=”或“<”);22.(本题6分)粮库三天内发生粮食进出库的吨数如下:+26,-32,-15,+34,-38,-20.(其中“+”表示进库,“-”表示出库)(1)经过这三天,库里的粮食是增多(或是减少)了多少?(2)经过这三天,仓库管理员结算发现库里还存粮480吨,那么三天前库里存粮多少吨?(3)如果进出的装卸费都是每吨5元,那么这三天要付多少装卸费?23.(本题7分)数轴是一个非常重要的数学工具,它使数和数轴上的点建立起对应关系,揭示了数与点之间的内在联系,它是“数形结合”的基础。
1. What does the woman want to do first?A. Go up one floor.B. Go to the bus stop.C. Go to the boy’s classroom.2. What does the woman think of the medicine?A. It doesn’t work.B. It makes her tired.C. It makes her have no appetite.3. How many cookies did John eat?A. Three.B. Four.C. Seven.4. Where are the speakers?A. On the plane.B. At a conference room.C. On the train.5. Who might the man be?A. A librarian.B. A student.C. A novelist.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
6. What does the woman like about the new design?A. The red walls.B. The new piano.C. The new floor.7. What does the man want to do at the end?A. Have a meal.B. Repair the piano.C. Listen to live music. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
希巴姆古城(如图1所示)位于阿拉伯半岛南端,建在河谷旁边的低山丘陵之上,所在地年降水量在1000mm 左右。
1.古城选建在山丘上的目的是A .阻挡风沙B .防避洪涝C .军事防御D .避暑降温2.古城建筑分排主要是为了A .泄洪排水B .隔热降温C .通风散热D .应对地震航向是指飞机或轮船所在位置的正北方向顺时针测量至前行航向线的夹角。
国庆期间,张老师从西安咸阳机场(34°N ,108°E )飞往某省会城市,开始为期一周的度假。
图212:46 13:0613:4214:15 15:1644° 52°沙漠山脉丘陵河流希巴姆古城的土木大楼图1图4图33.飞机起飞时,西安的太阳高度约为A .41°B .46°C .53°D .59°4.张老师的座位及13:42看到的太阳方位分别是A .靠左舷窗、左前方B .靠右舷窗、右前方C .靠左舷窗、左后方D .靠右舷窗、右后方5.该飞机飞向的省会城市可能是A .沈阳B .昆明C .乌鲁木齐D .福州研究表明,全球气候变化对南极地区的海水温度、自然带等影响巨大。
6.图示时期,南极大陆自然带A .整体向南移动,类型减少B .面积减小,类型减少C .整体向北移动,类型增加D .面积变大,类型不变7.若图示为现代南极海冰变化,则图示区域2月份升温速度最快的是A .①B .②C .③D .④植被覆盖度指植被(包括叶、茎、枝)在地面的垂直投影面积占统计区总面积的百分比。
山东省新泰二中高二英语 周练试题(5) 新人教版
周练五Ⅰ.单项填空1. She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she _____ all her work at home.A. do B. does C. must do D. would do2.No child under 12 is allowed to go to the lake alone;any walk close to the lake ________by a parent.A.must be accompanied B.must accompanyC.can be accompanied D.should accompany3.The film star has asked ______but the journalists just keep following him wherever he goes.A.to leave alone B.left aloneC.to be left alone D.being left alone4.—What did he say in ________of his stupid behaviour?—He admitted that he had made a serious mistake.A.explanation B.favour C.fear D.support5.The novel written by the author________ well,but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he ________in the literary world.A.sells;was to play B.selling;was playingC.sold;had played D.sell;is playing6.The result of the football match was 2 to 2,______the satisfaction of both teams. A.with B.for C.at D.to7.The Parkers bought a new house but ____will need a lot of work before they can move in.A.they B.itC.one D.which8.We did everything we could________ him to stay,but he insisted on leaving. A.try to persuade B.to try to persuadeC.try persuading D.to be persuaded9.I am going to Shanghai. Do you have anything _____ to your parents?A. to takeB. takenC. takingD. to be taken 10—Lorryhow do you think an Englishwoman will feel if you ask how old she is? —Well.She may probably feel________.A.absurd B.embarrassedC.satisfied D.awful11.The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds________by heavy rain.A.appeared B.happenedC.accompanied D.mixed12.—It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?—Yes.I love_____when the weather is like t his.Why don’t we sit outside and have our lunch?A.this B.thatC.it D.one13. Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _____.A. to pick upB. picking upC. to be picked upD. being picked up14. Don't leave matches or cigarettes on the table with in the _____of littlechildren.A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance15. Not until all the fish died in the river, _____ how serious the pollution was.A. did the villagers realizeB. the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realizeD. didn't the villagers realize16. At least 100 people lost their lives in the fire, _____ 7 children.A. containedB. includedC. includingD. except17. —_____ David and Vicky_____ married? —For about 3 years.A. How long were; beingB. How long have;gotC. How long have; beenD. How long did; getII. 阅读理解AWhat are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can s ave you life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to eve ryone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts.From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possibl e, learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious in jury.The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An averag e(平均高度的) person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low a t the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗) into the room.On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Droppi ng onto cement(水泥) might end in injury. Bushes(灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.1. It is important to _______.A. put out the fire in the burning houseB. know the ways to escape the fireC. jump off a burning houseD. keep the door closed2. It is possible to escape through the windows _______.A. if there are some bushes on the groundB. if you are strong enoughC. if you live on a lower floorD. If you have a long rope3. Which of the following escaping way is NOT right? _______.A. You can escape though stairways.B. You can choose fire escapes.C. Escape from the windows that open onto a roof.D. Use a lift to come down at once.4. Open the window so that _______ if the building is on fire.A. you can get fresh airB. you can call for helpC. you can easily jump offD. you can be seen first5. The best title of the passage is _______.A. Escaping from the WindowsB. Save Yourself in the Burning HouseC. Knowledge on FireD. Waiting for HelpB“Well, we’re in our new house. Let’s get a new pet to get along with it,〞 Mrs Brown said to her husband.“That sounds like a pretty good idea,〞he answered. “Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?〞“Let’s go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorr ow is Saturday, we can both go,〞 she said.Next morning the Browns met Mr Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,〞Mr Snow said, “So I need to ask yo u some questions.〞After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wo uldn’t need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark(吠) and warm the m if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr Snow gave the Browns a b ook on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadn’t checked her yet. So Mr Snow told them to return on Sunda y.On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal docto r said, “Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy.〞 The b rowns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.1. From the reading we learn that _______.A. the Browns have never had a pet before.B. the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper.C. Shadow is a small and healthy dog.D.Mr Brown didn’t quite agree with his wife.2. The word shelter in the reading means _______.A. a place to sell small dogsB. a place to keep homeless animalsC. a place to study animalsD. a place to sell books on pet care3. Mr Snow asked the Browns some questions to _______.A. see if they had moved to a new houseB. find out how rich the Browns we reC.know where they’d keep their new pet sD. make sure they’d take care of pets4. The Browns thinks that a small dog _______.A.doesn’t need any room to keepB. can help them watch their houseC. eats less food than a bigger oneD. usually has a beautiful name5.It’s clear that _______.A. Shadow will not be easy to get illB. the Browns were not satisfied with ShadowC.Mr Snow didn’t check Sh adow at allD. Shadow likes barking a lotIII.阅读表达Dear Sir,I have to travel every day from So UK Road to the Airport. Two buses travel along this route: No.49 and No.16. However, by the time No.16 reaches So UK Road, it is always full, so it is of no use for me. This leaves No.49 which sometimes has _______ seats on it.The timetable states that there are buses from So UK Road to the Airport every ten minutes. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?The instructions state that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting. Why is it that half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?The instructions state that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday, I was first to get off the bus when it reached the Airport, I counted the other passengers as they got off. There were 129 of them.Clearly printed on the back of every bus is a sign that says “Maximum spe ed:50 m. p. h.〞 The distance from So UK Road to the Airport is 10 miles. Saturday morninga 49 bus traveled the distance in ten minutes, at an average speed of 60 m. p. h. At times it must have done at least 80 or even 90 m. p. h.It is obvious that our bus companies have neither respect for the instructions nor consideration for their passengers. Can nothing be done about this?1. What is the best title of the passage?_________________________________________________________________2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one:The fact that the bus companies don’t obey the instructions and ignored the passengers is quite clear.____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Please fill in the blank with proper words to complete the sentence._____________________________________________________________4. What do you think the bus companies respond to the complaints?__________________________________________________________________5. Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.____________________________________________________________________________答案解析Ⅰ.单项填空1.A2.A 考查情态动词的被动语态。
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班级: 姓名: 学号:
( )
A .线圈中磁通量变化越大,线圈中产生的感应电动势一定越大
B .线圈中的磁通量越大,线圈中产生的感应电动势一定越大
C .线圈处在磁场越强的位置,线圈中产生的感应电动势一定越大
D .线圈中磁通量变化得越快,线圈中产生的感应电动势越大
2.吉他以其独特的魅力吸引了众多音乐爱好者,然而吉他有许多种,不同吉他的工作原理是不同的.电吉他与普通吉他不同的地方是它的每一根琴弦下面安装了一种叫做拾音器的装置,能将琴弦的振动转化为电信号,电信号经扩音器放大,再经过扬声器就能播出优美音乐声.如图是拾音器的结构示意图,多匝线圈置于永久磁铁与钢制的琴弦(电吉他不能使用尼龙弦)之间,当弦沿着线圈振动时,线圈中就会产生感应电流.关于感应电流,以下说法正确的是 ( )
A .琴弦振动时,线圈中产生的感应电流是恒定的
B .琴弦振动时,线圈中产生的感应电流大小变化,方向不变
C .琴弦振动时,线圈中产生的感应电流大小不变,方向变化
D .琴弦振动时,线圈中产生的感应电流大小和方向都会发生变化
3.如图所示,均匀的长方形金属框从匀强磁场中以匀速v 拉出,它的两边固定有带金属滑轮的导电结构,金属框向右运动时能总是与两边良好接触,电阻不可忽略.一理想电压表跨接在PQ 两导电结构上,在金属框匀速向右拉出的过程中,电压表的读数:(金属
框的长为a ,宽为b ,磁感应强度为B ) ( ) A .恒定不变,读数为Bbv
B .恒定不变,读数为Bav
C .读数变大
D .读数变小
4.如图所示,在水平桌面上放置两根相距L 的光滑平行金属导轨ab 与cd ,阻值为R 的电阻与导轨的a 、c 端相连.金属滑杆MN 垂直于导轨并可在导轨上滑动.整个装置放于匀强磁场中,磁场的方向竖直向上,磁感应强度的大小为B .金属滑杆与导轨电阻不计,金属滑杆的中点系一不可伸长的轻绳,绳绕过固定在某边的光滑轻滑轮后,与一质量为m 的物块相连,拉金属滑杆的绳处于水平拉直状态.现若从静止开始释放物块,用I 表示回路中的感应电流,g 表示重力加速度,则在物块下
落过程中物块的速度可能 ( ) A .小于
B 2L 2
B .等于
mgR B 2L 2
C .小于I 2R
D .大于I 2R
接通后再断开的瞬间,下列说法中符合实际情况的是( ) A .表指针向左摆,表指针向右摆 B .表指针向右摆,表指针向左摆
C . 、表的指针都向左摆
D .
E ,则a 、b 两点间的电势差为________.
7.如图所示,导线全部为裸导线半径为r 的圆内有垂直于圆平面的匀强磁场,磁感应强度为B ,一根长度大于2r 的导线MN 以速率v 在圆环上无摩擦地自左端匀速滑到右端.电路的固定电阻为R ,其余电阻不计,求MN 从圆环的左端滑到右端的过程中电阻R 上的电流的平均值和通过电阻R 的电荷量.
9.一电阻为R 的金属圆环,放在匀强磁场中,磁场与圆环所在平面垂直,如图(a )所示.已知通过圆环的磁通量随时间t 的变化关系如图(b )所示,图中的最大磁通量Φ0和变化周期T 都是已知量,求:
(1)t =0到t =T
4的时间内,通过金属圆环某横截面的电荷量q .
(2)在t =0到t =2T 的时间内,金属圆环所产生的电热Q .
高三物理周练5 参考答案
1.D [解析] 对于A 、B 两项显然违背前面所述,对于C 项,磁感应强度越大的线圈的磁通量不一定大,Φ不一定大,ΔΦ也不一定大,ΔΦ
Δt 更不一定大,故C 错,只有D 项,
磁通量变化得快,即ΔΦΔt 大,由于E =n ΔΦ
可知,选项D 正确.
2.D [解析] 由于琴弦在振动,在线圈中的磁通量发生不均匀的变化,时快时慢,线圈中产生的感应电流的大小和方向都要发生变化,故D 对.
3.C [解析] 切割磁感线的边长不变,可外电路的电阻变大,电路电流变小,路端电压变大,电压表示数变大.
4.ABC [解析] MN 的最大速度就是安培力等于重力时对应的速度,即BIL =mg ,B 2L 2
v /R
=mg ,v =mgR B 2L 2,故A 、B 正确.又I =BLv R ,v =I 2R
,C 正确D 错误.
5.B [解析] 电路接通后线圈中电流方向向右,当电路断开时,线圈中电流减小,产生与原方向相同的自感电动势,与和电阻组成闭合回路,所以
6.[解析] 设粗环电阻为R ,则细环电阻为2R ,由于磁感应强度随时间均匀变化,故回路中感应电动势E 恒定.回路中感应电流I =E
3R ,由欧姆定律a 、b 两点电势差(细环两端
电压)U =I ·2R =2
E .
7.[解析] MN 做切割磁感线运动,有效切割长度在不断变化,用E =BLv 难以求得平均感应电动势,从另一角度看,回路中的磁通量在不断变化,可利用法拉第电磁感应定律求平均感应电动势.
从左端到右端磁通量的变化量ΔΦ=B ΔS =B πr 2
从左到右的时间:Δt =2r
根据法拉第电磁感应定律,平均感应电动势 E =ΔΦΔt =B πvr 2
Δt =B πvr 2
所以,电路中平均感应电流I =E R =
B πvr
通过R 的电荷量q =I Δt =B πvr 2R ·2r v =B πr 2
8.[解析] 等效电源的部分是线框左边,其余等效为外电路.题图甲情况,E =Bbv ,I
E 2(a +b )r ,U PQ =Iar ,解得U PQ =Babv
2(a +b )
W 1=Fa =BIba ,解得W 1=B 2b 2a 2(a +b )r
v .
由题图乙知:E =Bav 1,I =E
2(a +b )r ,W 2=Fb =BIba =B 2ba 22(a +b )r v 1=W 1,解得v 1=v b
U PQ =Iar ,解得U PQ =
Babv 2(a +b )
9.[解析] (1)由磁通量随时间变化的图象可知在t =0到t =T
势E 1=ΔΦΔt .在以上时段内,环中的电流为I 1=E 1
R .则在这段时间内通过金属环某横截面的
电量q =I 1t .联立求解得q =
(2)在t =T 4到t =T 2和在t =3T 4到t =T 时间内,环中的感应电动势E 2=0.在t =T 2到t =3T
间内,环中的感应电动势E 3=
4Φ0T .由欧姆定律可知在以上时段内,环中的电流为I 3=4Φ0
在t =0到t =2T 时间内金属环所产生的电热Q =2(I 21
4+I 23
R T 4).联立求解得Q =16Φ2