Lindenau 28-30Fax:Internet: www.voortmann.de 0 28 35 / 92 33 -33e-mail: info@voortmann.dePos.No.Partno.Voortmann 10HY005191209FSA076113070025754140Y311729150Y12629691559KN27691607002239417070004122180700041231909SSM1B418011007000409111109266340031207003952011307003636711407003830811507003636311609MR-3-1G 1170210000432180064DRZAB 2190064MPZD6AB2Index Date Name Qua Tel.:47661 Issum 0 28 35 / 92 33-0Fluid level gauge FSA-076-1.X/T/12Tank50LBill of material: Customer:70040782FSA Fackert Spezial-ArmaturenDescriptionModelGear pump PGP502A0048CP2D1NE3E2B1B1Filter - set RFM 165 B D XX A 1.0 /-T Filterelement0165 R 010 BN4HC E-Motor 3kW B5 380V+/-10% 50Hz 4pol.Clogging indicator VMF 2 E.0Couppling R24.28X50-N/1Bell housing PL 250/01/02Float switch SSM1.B4.180.5.S1.T70ÖHand pump HP36Throttle check valve MVPP-D/50Pressure gaugeØ63mm 0-400 bar 4/3 way solenoid valve DS3-S2/11N-D24K1Flow control valve MERS-GD/50Pressure relief valve MCD6-SP/51N Connection plate 83211.010#2Pressure switchDS-507/F-350Pressure switch Intersheet DZ-06A-A+BIntersheetMPZ-06A-A+B-B02Modification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|KQHU6LHPHQV 59 '$ 6LHPHQV 59 +$ 6LHPHQV 6/)LQGHU )LQGHU )LQGHU ),1 + + 6LHPHQV 6,( 6% $$ )DXOW YDFXXP IODS 6% $$ + 6LHPHQV 6,( 6% $$ 6% $$ 6+ 6,( 6% $$ +\GUDXOLF RQ + SRZHU VXSSO\ 9 $& +]6LHPHQV 6% $$ 6,( 6% $$ )ODS RSHQ 6+ )ODS FORVH 6LHPHQV 6% $$ 6LHPHQV 6,( 6% $' ORFDO UHPRWH6% $' 6 6,( /' 7. 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Leica EM UC7 Leica EM FC7高品质超微切片机说明书
Leica EM UC7Leica EM FC7High Quality Ultramicrotome for Precise Room Temperature and Cryo Sectioning2Highest Quality SectioningHigh quality sectioning of specimens for light, electron, and atomic force microscopy examination has never been easier and more precise. Leica Microsystems introduces its latest specimen preparation technology: the Leica EM UC7 ultramicrotome and theLeica EM FC7 cryo chamber attachment.Leica EM UC7The Leica EM UC7 prepares excellent quality semi- and ultra-thin sections, as well asthe perfectly smooth surfaces required for LM, TEM, SEM, and AFM examination. Theprecision mechanics, ergonomic design, and intuitive layout of the touchscreencontrol unit make the Leica EM UC7 ideal for the highest quality specimen prepa-ration.•E ucentric movement of the stereomicroscope observation system with patenteddesignated positions for specimen approach, for glass and diamond knives.•I n addition to the standard LED illumination for top light and backlight andtransmitted light, the LED spot illumination offers a focused light beam to enhanceobservation, e.g., for cleaning the knife edge and during cryo-sectioning.•T he user can walk away from the instrument during trimming; the combination ofthe fully motorized knife stage and patented AutoTrim function completes and thenstops the trim automatically.•T he ergonomic design provides comfortable, fatigue-free operation for left andright handed users.•E xcellent observation of the section at low water levels and during cryo sectioning,without compromising the user’s ergonomic posture.•T he stereomicroscope offers higher magnifi cation than ever before.•E asy-to-learn, fast operation via touchscreen control and displayed hints.•D ata transfer for reporting user, specimen, knife and storageparameters provides an electronic, paper-free log fi le.•T he operator recognition system makes it easy for multiple users to usethe same instrument. Up to 100 different user/specimen/knife profi lescan be set.Leica Design by Werner Hölbl3Ergonomic Design Comfortable to useLeica Microsystems designed the Leica EM UC7/FC7 with specifi c features that make it a user-friendly, ergonomic instrument provid-ing comfort and minimizing strain for each user. Easy, fast adjust-ments adapt the instrument to accommodate multiple users.Fatigue-free operation is an integral benefi t of the Leica EM UC7/ FC7 design. The Leica M80 stereomicroscope with ErgoWedge accessory adapts the height and angle of the optical head to ad-just perfectly to an individual’s body height and position. Arm rests are attached to the instrument table. These features, in conjunc-tion with the ergonomically arranged control elements, enhance user comfort, even after hours of instrument use.45The Eucentric Movement of the Leica EM UC7 viewing system allows examination of sections, even with a lowered water level e.g. for Lowycryls and dry sections.For accurate approach of the knife towards the specimen with the backlight, the viewing angle must be set according to the type of knife in use.The patented defi ned position marks of the eucentric movement provide maximum approach accuracy either for glass or diamond knife approach.Optimal Positioning of the Optical HeadSection observation with lowered water level without eucentrically moveable stereomicroscope.Section observation with lowered water level with eucentricallymoveable stereomicroscope.Diamond knife approach as seen through the Leica M80 stereo-microscope with backlight illumination.6Advanced FeaturesMotorized knife stageMotorized North-South movement of the knife stage is a unique feature of Leica ultramicrotomes. The additional implementation of motorized East-West movement of the Leica EM UC6 was a logical step forward. Additionally, the E-W quick adjustment buttons on the Leica UC7 controller allow effi cient traversing of the knife. Motorization of the stage has also allowed many useful features to develop hand in hand with it, for example the patented Autotrim mode, E-W measuring function and the automatic approach of the selected knife segment (patent applied).Brightness-controlled LED illuminationLED light sources provide outstanding illumination for top light, backlight, and transmitted illumination. All illumination modes are independently brightness-controlled for the best visual clarity. The additional spot illumination enhances the optical performance of the Leica EM UC7 and provides superior visibility while cleaning theknife edge or trimming the block face, for example.7Effi cient cable controlWhen using a camera system, cables can obstruct the stereo-microscope carrier’s movement. To eliminate this persistent problem, Leica Microsystems provides an integrated cable canal that safely and conveniently guides the cables to the rear of the instrument.Easily activated anti-static functionThe Leica EM CRION ionizer dissipates electrostatic charging that can occur at a specimen’s surface, minimizing static effects associated with climatic changes and the sectioning of certain materials. This adjustable antistatic electrode is a useful ac-cessory for sectioning at room temperature. Adjusting the ioni-zer output is an integral function of the Leica EM UC7 controller; no additional controller is required on the instrument table. The simple press of a footswitch synchronizes and activates the simultaneous operation of the specimen arm motor and the LeicaEM CRION ionizer.8Easy-to-use Touchscreen ControlAll functions of the Leica EM UC7, the Leica EM FC7 cryo chamber and the Leica EM CRION are controlled via touchscreen. A choice of two touchscreen control units are available to operate the ultrami-crotome cryo chamber and ionizer.7” basic touchscreen control unitIndentations in the control panel casing enable the user to locate rou-tinely-used controls that are adjusted while observing the specimen. While viewing the specimen, the user can set the cutting window and step advance and perform many other functions.9Advanced ControlThe innovative advanced touchscreen control unit of the UC7 enables fast and safe alignment of knife and specimen with help fi les and prompts to hand for beginners. Programmable knife and cutting sequences offer signifi cant advantages for automated trimming (AutoTrim).The outstanding performance of the touchscreen is refl ected in its ability to control all necessary components for sectioning. These include the built-in antistatic Leica EM CRION device control, the Leica EM UC7 cryo chamber control, storage of up to one hundred different user, specimen, and knife parameters and a USB con-nection to upload these parameters for reporting. Additionally, every user can save their settings on a USB stick inserted into the Leica EM UC7, enabling the controller to recognize the user assoon the USB stick is connected.10Counter window to toggle between section counter and feedtotalizer, countdown, E-W measuring, and AutoTrim mode.Leica EM FC7 control fi eld appears as soon as the chamber is connected.As soon as the Leica EM CRION ionizer is connected and switched on this window appears to adjust the intensity of the ionizer.To optimize diamond knife usage, up to 100 different knives can be stored. Each knife is divided into a number of segments. The selected segment is approached automatically with the motorized knife stage (patent applied).As soon as the upload button is pressed the grid box window appears and a grid position in the box can be selected, which is automatically reported in the log file.11Protocol Report of Leica EM UC7 Data Log Book. Data transfer for reporting user, specimen, knife, and storage parameters provides an electronic, paper-free log fi le.Leica EM FC7Within minutes the Leica EM UC7 can be equipped with the Leica EM FC7 low tem-perature sectioning system, which incorporates many features and offers a wide range of user benefi ts such as:• T he Leica EM FC7 and Leica EM CRION ionizer controls are both integrated with the Leica EM UC7 control unit to provide easier operation and more workspace.• U sing the advanced touchscreen control, three different cryo-modes are available:– Standard – High gas fl ow - increased GN2 gas fl ow reduces ice contamination below –140°C– Wet sectioning – to set a temperature difference of up to 130°C between knife (– 40°C) and specimen (–170°C), which is useful for, e.g., DMSO applications.• L eica EM CRION ionizer with electrostatic charge and discharge functions con-trolled by footswitches greatly improves the method of cryosection collection.• T he attachable micromanipulator (patent applied) provides precise positioning of the grid to make section collection easier than ever before.• M ultiple lighting angles using the patented LED chamber illumination provide excellent visibility for section manipulation and pick up.• C ontact-free, through-the-wall specimen arm makes the instrument highly stable for chatter-free cryosectioning.• T he optional Cryosphere can surround the Leica EM UC7/FC7 to provide an envi-ronment with a relative humidity of less than 10%. It allows sections to be cut without contamination by ice crystals, which can be a problem at higher humidity.• H eated chamber walls prevent icing over a prolonged working time and enhan-ce user comfort. The GN2 gap between chamber and arm rest ensures a warm surface for the user to rest on.12When the section ribbon needs to be placed on the grid, return to the pre-set grid position can be quickly performed. The ribbon is then attached to the grid using the charge mode of the Leica EM CRION, which is operated by a footswitch. Thus, the specimen adheres to the grid without the need for a section press.As a grid box can be placed near the knife, the micromanipulator can be used to easily place the grid into its storage position.Advanced Cryo-section CollectionLeica EM CRION ionizer and micromanipulatorEspecially for frozen hydrated sectioning or the Tokuyasu method, the Leica EM CRION with electrostatic discharge and charge mode used with the micromanipulator provides outstanding cryo sectioning performance.The micromanipulator easily attaches to the Leica EM FC7 cryochamber, which allows the grid to be exactly positioned close to the knife edge using the micrometer gauges. Once these positions are defi ned, fast retraction of the grid can be performed manually prior to sectioning to prevent possible infl uence of the grid on the ionizer. The Leica EM CRION is used in discharge mode in order to reduce electrostatic charging while sectioning.1314All specimens need to be prepared prior to sectioning. The size and shape of the specimen have a profound effect on sectioning characteristics. Trimming soft specimens can be performed with the Leica EM TRIM2 or EM RAPID using a milling tool. Alternatively, with the versatile Leica EM TXP , even hard and brittle material canbe trimmed using grinding and polishing abrasives. The perfectly shaped block face with sharp edges has a considerable infl uence on the section quality of hard and brittle materials.Preparing Specimens for Ultramicrotomy50 nm sections on the grid Block face after sectioningCross section of a tooth with inlay (fi lling) prepared with the Leica EM TXP (area of interest marked blue).Courtesy of J. Leprince, centre de recherche CRIBIO, Ecole de Médecine Dentaire,Université catholique de Louvain.15Knife Making with the Leica EM KMR3 –Easier than Ever BeforeThe balanced break conceptThe secret of producing a straight, controlled break in a strip of scientifi c-quality glass is to apply equal weight and pressure to each side of the score. In addition, the support elements, touching the glass from below, must have a minimum surface in order to avoid uncontrolled stress which is applied to the glass prior to the break. The new design of the Leica EM KMR3 allows simultane-ous movement of the two breaking pins to apply exactly the same force to both sides of the glass strip. In addition, high precisionsteel hemispheres ensure a minimum glass surface contact for an unsurpassed knife edge quality.New scoring mechanismA push action produces an absolutely even score necessary for the high quality break. Two scoring lengths can be selected, the longer is used to score the glass strip to break it into squares, the shorter score is used before breaking the fi nal knives.After the break, the scoring and the breaking mechanism resets automatically to the start position – ready for the next score.All the new features of the Leica EM KMR3 help make the pro-duction of glass knives easier and more reproducible for electron, as well as light microscopy applications. From students, routine users through to the demands of the experienced cryo-ultrami-crotomist, the new Leica EM KMR3 is the unsurpassed instrument of choice for producing high-end glass knives.The results are perfect glass knives either from 6.4 mm, 8 mm or 10 mm glass strips.Knife making with the Leica EM KMR3 was never as easy as it is now.Your benefi ts:• Automatic reset of the breaking and scoring mechanism. • Easily accessible scoring pressure adjustment. • Maximum ergonomics. • F ast learning curve – everyone can produce excellent glass knives immediately.L eica Microsystems operates globally in four divi s ions, where we rank with the market leaders. •Life Science DivisionThe Leica Microsystems Life Science Division supports the imaging needs of the scientifi c community with advanced innovation and technical expertise for the visualization, measurement, and analysis of microstructures. Our strong focus on understanding scientifi c applications puts Leica Microsystems’ customers at the leading edge of science.• Industry DivisionThe Leica Microsystems Industry Division’s focus is tosupport customers’ pursuit of the highest quality end result. Leica Microsystems provide the best and most innovative imaging systems to see, measure, and analyze the micro-structures in routine and research industrial applications, materials science, quality control, forensic science inves-tigation, and educational applications.• Biosystems DivisionThe Leica Microsystems Biosystems Division brings his-topathology labs and researchers the highest-quality, most comprehensive product range. From patient to pa-thologist, the range includes the ideal product for each histology step and high-productivity workfl ow solutions for the entire lab. With complete histology systems fea-turing innovative automation and Novocastra™ reagents, Leica Microsystems creates better patient care through rapid turnaround, diagnostic confi dence, and close cus-tomer collaboration.• Surgical DivisionThe Leica Microsystems Surgical Division’s focus is to partner with and support surgeons and their care of pa-tients with the highest-quality, most innovative surgi c al microscope technology today and into the future.“With the user, for the user”Leica MicrosystemsThe statement by Ernst Leitz in 1907, “with the user, for the user,” describes the fruitful collaboration with end users and driving force of innovation at Leica Microsystems. We have developed fi vebrand values to live up to this tradition: Pioneering, High-end Quality, Team Spirit, Dedication to S cience, and Continuous Improvement. For us, living up to these values means: Living up to Life . A ctive worldwideA ustralia:N orth RydeT el. +61 2 8870 3500F ax +61 2 9878 1055Austria:V iennaT el. +43 1 486 80 50 0F ax +43 1 486 80 50 30 B elgium:G root BijgaardenT el. +32 2 790 98 50F ax +32 2 790 98 68 C anada: R ichmond Hill/OntarioT el. +1 905 762 2000F ax +1 905 762 8937 D enmark:H erlevT el. +45 4454 0101F ax +45 4454 0111 F rance: R ueil-MalmaisonT el. +33 1 47 32 85 85F ax +33 1 47 32 85 86G ermany: W etzlarT el. +49 64 41 29 40 00F ax +49 64 41 29 41 55 I taly: M ilanT el. +39 02 574 861F ax +39 02 574 03392 J apan: T okyoT el. +81 3 5421 2800F ax +81 3 5421 2896K orea: S eoulT el. +82 2 514 65 43F ax +82 2 514 65 48N etherlands:R ijswijkT el. +31 70 4132 100F ax +31 70 4132 109 P eople’s Rep. of China: H ong KongT el. +852 2564 6699F ax +852 2564 4163 P ortugal: L isbonT el. +351 21 388 9112F ax +351 21 385 4668 S ingaporeT el. +65 6779 7823F ax +65 6773 0628 S pain: B arcelonaT el. +34 93 494 95 30F ax +34 93 494 95 32S weden:K istaT el. +46 8 625 45 45F ax +46 8 625 45 10S witzerland:H eerbruggT el. +41 71 726 34 34F ax +41 71 726 34 44United Kingdom:M ilton KeynesT el. +44 1908 246 246F ax +44 1908 609 992U SA:B annockburn/lllinoisT el. +1 847 405 0123F ax +1 847 405 0164and representatives in more than 100 countriesw C o p y r i g h t © L e i c a M i k r o s y s t e m e G m b H • V i e n n a A u s t r i a • L E I C A a n d t h e L e i c a L o g o a r e r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f L e i c a I R G m b H . L e i c a E M U C 7/F C 7 - 8/09 - O r d e r N o . 16216002 • X I I I /09/A X /N K .H.。
800-543-9038 USA 866-805-7089 CANADA 203-791-8396 LATIN AMERICA171FSAF24(-S) US, FSAF120(-S) USOn/Off, Spring Return, Meets 250°F [121°C] for Half Hour, 75 SecondsTorque min. 133 in-lb, for control of air dampersApplicationFor two position control of UL555S rated dampers in HVAC. Actuator sizing should be done in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s specifications.The actuator is mounted directly to a damper shaft or jackshaft 3/8” to 1.05” in diameter by means of its universal clamp. A crank arm and mounting brackets are available if the actuator cannot be direct coupled to the jackshaft or damper shaft.Square footage of damper operated will depend on make and model of damper. Typically 12 sq.ft. minimum up to 24 sq.ft maximum will be operated for UL555S applications.OperationThe FSAF series actuators provide true spring return operation for reliable fail-safe application and positive close-off on UL555S dampers. The spring return system provides constant torque to the damper with, and without, power applied to the actuator.The FSAF series provides 95° of rotation and is provided with a graduated position indicator showing 0 to 95°. The FSAF has a manual positioning mechanism which allows the setting of any damper position within its 95° of rotation.The actuator is shipped in the zero fail-safe position to provide automatic compression against damper gaskets for tight shut-off. When power is applied, the manual mechanism is released and the actuator drives toward the open position where it stops rotating.The manual override can also be released physically by the use of a crank supplied with the actuator.SAFETY NOTE Screw a conduit fi tting into the actuator’s bushing. Jacket the actuator’s input and output wiring with suitable fl exible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box.Dimensions (Inches [mm])1.97"3.15" [80]3.86" [98]2.24" [57][50]1.93"[49]2.64"[67]0.26" [6.5]5.85" [148.5]10.59" [269]0.35" [9]0.39" [10]0.65" [16.5]0.19" [5]Standard:1/2" to 1.05"Optional* 3/8" to 3/4" 3/8" to 5/8"*with K4 US clamp3.25" [82.7]04D0Power supplyFSAF24(-S) US 24 VAC ± 20%, 24 VDC -10% +20%FSAF120(-S) US 120 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 HzPower consumptionFSAF24(-S) USrunning 7.5 W, 10 VA, .4 A holding 2 W, 4 VA, .15 AFSAF120(-S) US running 50/60Hz: 9.5 W, 11 VA, .1 A holding 3.5 W, 6 VA, .05 ATransformer sizing 10 VA (Class 2 power source 24V only)Electrical connectionmotor 3 ft, 18 ga, 2 color coded leads 1/2” conduit connectors-S models3 ft, 18 ga,4 leads appliance cable 1/2” conduit connectorsOverload protection electronic throughout 0 to 95° rotation Angle of rotation mechanically limited to 95°Torque133 in-lb [15 Nm] constant Direction of rotation springreversible with cw/ccw mounting Position indicationvisual indicator, 0° to 95°(0° is spring return position)Manual override 3mm hex crank (shipped w/actuator)Running time<75 sec. constant, independent of load spring<20 seconds nominalHumidity5 to 95% RH non-condensingAmbient temperaturenormal duty -22°F to 122°F [-30°C to 50°C]safety duty 3 on/off cycles after 30 minutes at ambienttemperature of 250°F [121°C]Storage temperature -40°F to 176°F [-40°C to 80°C]Housing NEMA type 1 / IP40Housing material zinc coated metal Gears permanently lubricated Agency listings cULus listed to UL873 andCAN/CSA C22.2 No.24Noise level (max)45 dB (A)spring return 62 dBServicing Maintenance free Quality standard ISO 9001, 5 year Belimo warranty Weight (standard / -S model)FSAF24(-S) US 5.7 / 6.2 lbs (2.6 / 2.8 kg)FSAF120(-S) US 6.1 / 6.6 lbs (2.8 / 3 kg)FSAF24-S US, FSAF120-S US Auxiliary Switch2xSPST 7A resistive, 2.5A inductive at 120V or 250V, UL Approved, double-insulated, one switch at 10°, one adjustable from 30° to 90°M 40024 - 05/10 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .172FSAF120(-S) US, FSAF24(-S) USOn/Off, Spring Return, Meets 250°F [121°C] for Half Hour, 75 SecondsIND-AF2Damper position indicatorK4 US Universal clamp for 3/8” to 3/4” shaftsK4-1 US Universal clamp for up to 1.05” dia. jackshafts K4-H Universal clamp for hexshafts 3/8” to 5/8”KH-AF Crank arm for up to 3/4” round shaft (Series 2)KH-AF-1Crank arm for up to 1.05” jackshaft (Series 2)KH-AFV V-bolt kit for KH-AF and KH-AF-1Tool-0110 mm wrenchZDB-AF2 US Angle of rotation limiter ZG-100Universal mounting bracket ZG-101Universal mounting bracketZG-102Multiple actuator mounting bracket ZG-103Universal mounting bracket ZG-104Universal mounting bracketZG-106Mounting bracket for Honeywell ® Mod IV replacement or new crank arm type installationsZG-107Mounting bracket for Honeywell ® Mod III or Johnson ® Series100 replacement or new crank arm type installationsZG-108Mounting bracket for Barber Colman ® MA 3../4.., Honeywell ®Mod III or IV or Johnson ® Series 100 replacement or new crank arm type installationsZG-AF Crank arm adaptor kit for AF/NF ZG-AF108Crank arm adaptor kit for AF/NF ZS-100 Weather shield (metal)ZS-150Weather shield (polycarbonate)ZS-300NEMA 4X housing 22965-0000112mm form fit square shaft adaptorFor an overview of how to apply the accessories, see Belimo Mechanical Accessories and refer to the Belimo Mounting Methods Guide.NOTE: When using FSAFxx (-S) US actuators, only use accessories listed on this page.Large combination fi re and smoke dampers are to be operated by Belimo FSAF series actuators. Manufacturer shall provide 5 year warranty.Actuators shall draw no more than 11VA at 120V or 24V.Where auxiliary switches are required for signaling, starting fans, or position indica-tion, -S model actuators, damper blade, or proximity switches shall be provided.Smaller dampers shall employ Belimo FSLF or FSNF actuators per damper manufac-turer recommendations.1Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.2CAUTION Equipment Damage!Actuators may be connected in parallel.Power consumption and input impedance must be observed.3Actuator may also be powered by 24 VDC.4No ground connection required. Double insulated.5For end position indication, interlock control, fan startup, etc., t he FSAF24-S US and FSAF120-S US incorporates two b uilt-in auxiliary switches: 2 x SPST, 7A resistive, 2.5 i nductive @120/250 VAC, UL Approved, one switch is fi xed at 10, o ne is adjustable from 30 to 90.Meets UL requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Meets cULus or UL and CSA Standard requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.WARNING Live Electrical Components!G During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. H ave a qualifi ed licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform theset asks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical compo-nents could result in death or serious injury.FSAF24 US and FSAF120 USW 219_08Auxiliary switchM 40024 - 05/10 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .。
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AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书
Per caricare la batteria, collegare il cavo USB al router mobile, quindi collegarlo a una presa a muro utilizzando l'adattatore di alimentazione CA o una porta USB del computer.Assicurarsi che l'orientamento della scheda nano SIM coincida con l'orientamento indicato sull'etichetta del dispositivo e inserirla delicatamente, quindi posizionare la batteria e il coperchio posteriore.NOTA: utilizzare solo le dita per inserire o rimuovere la scheda nano SIM. L'utilizzo di altri oggetti potrebbe danneggiare il dispositivo.1. COM'È FATTO IL DISPOSITIVO2. INSTALLAZIONE DELLA SIM E DELLA BATTERIAIl router mobile viene fornito con i seguenti componenti:• Router mobile Nighthawk® M6 o M6 Pro 5G*• Coperchio della batteria • Batteria• Cavo USB Tipo C• Alimentatore (varia in base all’area geografica)• Adattatori con presa Tipo C (per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)•Adattatori con presa Tipo G (per il Regno Unito)*Illustrazioni del modello Nighthawk M6 per scopi illustrativi.antenna esterna (TS-9)antenna esterna (TS-9)USB Tipo CEthernetCONFORMITÀ NORMATIVA E NOTE LEGALIPer informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, compresala Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 3000 metri di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925‑7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.SUPPORTO E COMMUNITYDalla pagina del portale di amministrazione Web, fare clic sull'icona con i tre puntini nell'angolo in alto a destra per accedere ai file della guida e del supporto.Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito netgear.it/support per accedere al manuale dell'utente completo e per scaricare gli aggiornamenti del firmware.È possibile trovare utili consigli anche nella Community NETGEAR, alla pagina /it.GESTIONE DELLE IMPOSTAZIONI TRAMITE L'APP NETGEAR MOBILEUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Mobile per modificare il nome della rete Wi-Fi e la password. È possibile utilizzarla anche per riprodurre e condividere contenutimultimediali e accedere alle funzioni avanzate del router mobile.1. Accertarsi che il dispositivo mobile sia connesso a Internet.2. Eseguire la scansione del codice QR per scaricare l'appNETGEAR Mobile.Connessione con il nome e la password della rete Wi-Fi 1. Aprire il programma di gestione della rete Wi‑Fi deldispositivo.2. Individuare il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile(NTGR_XXXX) e stabilire una connessione.3. Only Connessione tramite EthernetPer prolungare la durata della batteria, l'opzione Ethernet è disattivata per impostazione predefinita. Per attivarla, toccare Power Manager (Risparmio energia) e passare a Performance Mode (Modalità performance).4. CONNESSIONE A INTERNETÈ possibile connettersi a Internet utilizzando il codice QR del router mobile da uno smartphone oppure selezionando manualmente il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router e immettendo la password.Connessione tramite codice QR da uno smartphone 1. Toccare l'icona del codice QR sulla schermata inizialedello schermo LCD del router mobile.NOTA: quando è inattivo, lo schermo touch si oscura per risparmiare energia. Premere brevemente e rilasciare il pulsante di alimentazione per riattivare lo schermo.3. CONFIGURAZIONE DEL ROUTER MOBILETenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per due secondi, quindi seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per impostare un nome per la rete Wi‑Fi e una password univoci.La personalizzazione delle impostazioni Wi‑Fi consente di proteggere la rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile.Impostazioni APNIl router mobile legge i dati dalla scheda SIM e determina automaticamente le impostazioni APN (Access Point Name) corrette con i piani dati della maggior parte degli operatori. Tuttavia, se si utilizza un router mobile sbloccato con un operatore o un piano meno comune, potrebbe essere necessario immettere manualmente le impostazioni APN.Se viene visualizzata la schermata APN Setup Required (Configurazione APN richiesta), i dati APN dell’operatore non sono presenti nel nostro database ed è necessario inserirli manualmente. Immettere i valori fornitidall’operatore nei campi corrispondenti, quindi toccare Save (Salva) per completare la configurazione.NOTA: l’operatore determina le proprie informazioni APN e deve fornire le informazioni per il proprio piano dati. Si consiglia di contattare il proprio operatore per le impostazioni APN corrette e di utilizzare solo l’APN suggerito per il piano specifico.Schermata inizialeAl termine della configurazione, il router visualizza la schermata iniziale:Wi‑FiPotenza Carica Rete Codice QR connessione rapida Wi‑FiNome e Wi‑FiIcona del codice QR。
XC-009 Mechanical Key Cutting Machine User Manual
CONDOR Mechanical Key Cutting MachineXC-009 User ManualXC-009 Mechanical Key Cutting MachineCONTENTS1 Safety Precautions (5)2 General Information (6)2.1 Machine Description (6)2.2 Characteristics (6)3 Product Packaging Checklist (7)4 Overview (10)4.1 Schematic (10)4.2 Specifications (11)4.3 Main Parts and Function Declaration (13)4.3.1 Hand Wheel (13)4.3.2 Skid Platform (14)4.3.3 Micro-adjust slide (15)4.3.4 Clamp (16)4.3.5 Power Parts (17)5 Equipment Installing and Debugging (18)5.1 Handle Installing (18)5.2 Cutter Installing (19)5.3 Micro-adjust Slide Calibration (20)5.3.1 Lateral Micro-adjust Slide Calibration (21)5.3.2 Longitudinal Micro-adjust Slide Calibration (22)5.4 Clamp Installing (23)6 Use of Equipment (24)6.1 Key Alignment (24)6.1.1 Head spacing (24)6.1.2 Shoulder spacing (25)6.2 Clamp cutting surface selection (26)6.3Use of needle (27)7 Maintenance (28)8 Quality assurance and after-sales instructions (28)9 Appendix (30)1 Safety PrecautionsTo prevent personal injure or machine damage, users should carefully observe the instructions provided by this operation manual and adopt the following safety precautions:●Use the machine under the safe condition●Place the machine on a horizontal surface, which should be firm enough to carrythe weight of the machine.●Do not exposure machine in scorching sun or place the machine in any wet, oily,dusty area.●Keep the machine clean and dry and keep a distance of 30cm from the wall forventilation.●Wear safety glass that meets ANSI standards.●When the machine is working, keep clothing, hair, etc. away from all movingparts.●Do not leave the machine while it is operating.●Do not place anything on the machine while it is operating.●Power plug with ground wire must be connected when charging. Do not usepower plug that is out of power and loose.●Turn off the switch when the machine is not in use or in service.●Shut down the machine immediately when any exception occurs. The switch onthe left side of the machine.●Keep the machine out of reach of children.2 General Information2.1 Machine DescriptionThank you for choosing CONDOR XC-009 Mechanical Key Cutting machine.CONDOR XC-009 Mechanical Key Cutting machine is a portable special device specially designed for global locksmiths. It is small in volume, light in weight and easy to carry.It can quickly and accurately copy and process variety of automobile and resident mechanical key types.Please read it carefully before use. It is crucially important if you wish to operate the machine safely and efficiently.2.2 CharacteristicsCONDOR XC-009 is a new generation of mechanical Key Cutting machine with the following characteristics:●Beautifully designed, full of modernity and technology.●Integrated Casting, Aluminum structure, Durable.●Small volume, Light weight, Easy to carry●Ergonomics designed, More comfortable, simple and convenient.●Micro-adjusted guide for high-precision cutting requirements.●Built-in lithium battery, Super long endurance ability3 Product Packaging ChecklistMain BodyKey spacer2.5mm Allen3mm Allen4mm Allen5mm Allen Tool change 19mm open))))certificate and Product Packaging Checklist(Take4 Overview4.1 SchematicMicro-adjust slideHand wheelHandrailPower display4.2 SpecificationsMachine DimensionsPacking Dimensions175mm285mm200mm4.3 Main Parts and Function Declaration4.3.1 Hand WheelUnscrew the small hand wheel and turn the small hand wheel to achieve cutting feed. By rotating the hand wheel, the clamp slide can be controlled to move left and right, so as to achieve lateral feed during the cutting of the key. The hand wheel adopts a concealed structure, which opens outward when in use and can be hidden after use.4.3.2 Skid PlatformThe clamp Skid Platform can be rotated about the axis of rotation and moved axially to achieve lateral and longitudinal feed of the key. Rotating the hand wheel to realize the lateral feed of the s Skid Platform, holding the handrail and rotating around the axis to realize the key longitudinal feed, the Skid Platform has a lateral stroke of 46mm and the clamp spacing is 95mm.4.3.3 Micro-adjust slideAdjust the Micro-adjust slide to align the cutter with key cutting guide.4.3.4 ClampAllocation and clamp the key, the four-side (A、B、C、D)can be used to copy different key types. The left side is accessory clamp, placed original key, the right side is main clamp, placed blank key. Ensure that left and right clamp use the same cutting surface. Select the proper cutting surface according to different types (refer to chapter 6.2 clamp cutting surface selection and chapter 9 appendix). Be sure to clamp the key before cutting.4.3.5 Power Parts●There is a battery capacity indicator in front of the machine. When the power is low, the indicator is red. Please charge it in time. When power is fully, please unplug the power cord in time. It can be filled about 3-4 hours. After it is full, the machine can be cut the keys 60-100 continuously.●Please use original power cord and adapter.●Please use power socket with ground wire.●Do not cut the key when charging.5 Equipment Installing and Debugging5.1 Handle InstallingIn order to save space, the handrail is separately from the whole machine in the package. Please open the box and install the handrail according to above picture.5.2 Cutter Installing1)While the machine is stopped, slowly rotate the spindle, align the spindle pin hole with the host pin hole, and then insert the tool change rod into the end.2)Installing the cutter on the spindle. Pay Attention to the front and back surface of cutter (with the word facing left), install the cutter block and lock nut (anti-nut).3)Use the 19mm open spanner to tighten the lock screw counterclockwise. Then pull out the tool change rod. After installing the cutter, please refer to chapter 5.3 Fine Adjustment Slide Calibration.5.3 Micro-adjust Slide CalibrationMicro-adjust slide calibration has been finished at the factory. If deviation or incorrect operations are found, please adjust it as follows.Firstly, both clamps are screw to A side, and clamp the Key spacer on both clamps. Closed the Key spacer to clamp, the clamp is tightened. And adjust the lateral and longitudinal adjustment of the slide separately.5.3.1 Lateral Micro-adjust Slide CalibrationPerform lateral adjustment. After clamping the Key spacer, rotate and slide the clamp slide,the left side of cutter is close to the Key spacer, loosen the slide fixing screw slightly, and slowly adjust the left adjustment screw with an Allen wrench. The left side of the key cutting guide is just close to the Key spacer, and the fixing screw is tightened.5.3.2 Longitudinal Micro-adjust Slide CalibrationWhen the longitudinal direction adjusting, slowly rotates the clamp skid platform, align the cutter with the key holder v groove, then rotates the Micro-adjust slide dial, align the key cutting guide with the key holder v groove, rotates the dial 1 small lattice, the key cutting guide moves 0.02mm than before.5.4 Clamp InstallingDo not remove the clamp under normal condition. If it is accidentally disassembled, please install according to the above figure. Pay attention to the clamp surface, otherwise it will not work normally.6 Use of Equipment6.1 Key Alignment6.1.1 Head spacingWhen the key head is spacing, use the alignment block, insert the positioning block into the spacing slot, slowly push the key until it touches the key spacer, the clamp is tightened to remove the key spacer.6.1.2 Shoulder spacingThe original key is fixed on the accessory clamp, the shoulder spacer is aligned, then the blank key is aligned to the shoulder spacer, clamped, and finally the shoulder spacer isrotated to the initial state.If it is found that the distance between the shoulder position and the fixture is inconsistent, it is necessary to calibrate the shoulder spacer. As shown in the following figure, installed the alignment block (refer to chapter 5.3), rotating the shoulder spacing axis, make the left and right shoulder spacer just close to the alignment block A angle, if there is deviation, release the set screw. Slowly move the shoulder spacer, and adjusted the spacer in correct position, then lock the set screw tightly. Remove the key spacer that it can be used normally.6.2 Clamp cutting surface selectionClamp have A, B, C, D on all sides, different types of keys according to the above image to select the appropriate clamping surface, or reference appendix.6.3Use of needleWhen using A or B surface, the clamping depth too deep, cutting less than the complete , you can use the needle, change the clamping depth to ensure normal processing, as shown in the following figure:7 Maintenance●Before cutting the key, please use the brush to clean up the debris of the parts ofthe processing area to avoid the impurity damage and corrosion the machine parts, affecting the key processing accuracy.●Do not use any oily products and detergents to clean all parts of the machine toavoid damage or corrosion the machine parts.●Do not wash machine and parts with water directly, do not wipe the machine withwet cloth, in case of leakage of machine or rust of metal parts●In order to avoid the debris blown into the machine inside, causing safetyproblems,please do not use air guns, hair dryers and other cleaning equipment cleaning processing area.8 Quality assurance and after-sales instructionsCONDOR XC-009 warranty period is one year, subject to the date on the transaction voucher, if no transaction voucher or transaction voucher is lost, the factory record date shall prevail.The following conditions are not free warranty:●Failure to use the instructions as required●Machine damage caused by self repair or modification●Machine failure due to drop, collision or improper voltage●Machine damage caused by force majeure●Used for a long time in harsh environments or on vehicles or ships, causingmachine malfunctions or damage.●The normal use of the machine causing the daily wear.Product After-sale repair and technical support, please contact the dealer or use WeChat scanning QR code, attention to the official WeChat public accounts of the Xhorse (WeChat: SZ-Xhorse).Xhorse leagueXhorse reserve all rights to this manual. No person or organization is allowed to copy and disseminate any part of this manual in any form without permission. Due to product improvement, the contents of this manual may be changed without prior notice。
压 入
h5 h6
渡 配
js5 k6
可以有一定松动的安装部位。 使用时相互不能活动的高精度定位。 用木锤,铅锤可以组装,拆卸的配合。 组装,拆卸时需要铁锤和手压设备的配合(为零件相 互间的回转需要固定键)。 高精度的定位。 组装,拆卸时与上相同。
可以不损伤零件而 进行拆卸和组装。
曲柄臂和销轴固定位置(侧面) 排气阀阀箱和滑动部位 活塞圈和圈槽 排气阀阀座的配合 曲柄轴用主轴承 一般滑动部位
相 对 移 动 零
间 隙 配 合
转 合
f7 f8
有适当的间隙可以可以活动的配合(高精度的配合) 滑脂,油润滑的一般常温轴承部位。
一般的配合部位 (经常拆卸)
冷却式排气阀阀箱插入部位 一般的轴和衬套 连接装置杆和衬套
精 转 g5 g6 合
轻负载精密机械的连续旋转部位。 间隙小可活动配合(连结,定位)。 精密的滑动部位。
要求基本上没有松动的精密运 行部位。
滑 合
h7 h8
h9 特别精密的滑动部位。
轮圈和柱位的配合 精密齿轮装置的齿轮配合
调节配重销 只靠配合 的结合力 齿轮轮圈和柱位的配合
无法传导 齿轮泵轴和外罩的固定 力。
k5 m6
相 对 移 动
轻 压 m5 n6 入
零 件
n5 n6
(9速)系列 (2011-2新版价格)
XT系列分体式碟刹 价格 ¥1,061 ¥1,090 ¥230 ¥548 ¥1,830 ¥305 ¥610 ¥873 ¥484 ¥354 ¥242 ¥2,882 ¥7,031 ¥7,627 ¥9,913 ¥87 ¥2,151 ¥4,396
பைடு நூலகம்
08款XT(9速)系列 (2011-2新版价格)
XT系列一体式碟刹 品名 前碟刹 后碟刹 链条 飞轮* 链轮曲柄* 前拨* 后拨* 双控手柄 碟片(两片) 后花鼓 前花鼓 轮组 合计: 货号 IBRM775FPR IBRM775FPR ICNHG93118I ICSM7709132 IFCM770C422X IFDM771X6 IRDM770SGS ISTM775PA ISMRT79 EFHM775BZAL EHBM775BL EWHM775FRDAX 不含花鼓 含花鼓 含轮组 其他归类 前拨* 脚踏 IFDM770X6 EPDM770 ¥305 ¥543 价格 ¥516 ¥516 ¥230 ¥548 ¥1,830 ¥305 ¥610 ¥2,497 ¥484 ¥354 ¥242 ¥2,882 ¥7,536 ¥8,132 ¥10,418 来令片 碟刹合计: 变速合计: 品名 前碟刹组 后碟刹组 链条 飞轮* 链轮曲柄* 前拨* 后拨* 变速手柄 碟片(两片) 后花鼓 前花鼓 轮组 合计: XT系列分体式碟刹 货号 IM7752SFPMA100 IM7752SRXMA170 ICNHG93118I ICSM7709132 IFCM770C422X IFDM771X6 IRDM770SGS ISLM770PA ISMRT79 EFHM775BZAL EHBM775BL EWHM775FRDAX 不含花鼓 含花鼓 含轮组 Y8EP98010 右边+左边(不含碟片) CN+FD+RD+FC+SL+CS
Agilent 8890 5977C Series gas chromatograph mass s
Agilent 5977C GC/MSD SystemThe Agilent 8890/5977C Series gas chromatograph/mass selective detector (GC/MSD) builds on a tradition of leadership in GC and MS technology, with the world’s most competitive performance and productivity features.Agilent GC/MSD system featuresAgilent 5977C GC/MSD — the most sensitive and robust MSD provides:–Four EI source options including the revolutionary high-efficiency source (HES), which offers the industry’s lowest instrument detection limit (IDL) and bestcarrier gas applications.signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and a HydroInert source for H2– A heated monolithic quartz gold quadrupole (heatable up to 200 °C) for rapid elimination of contamination to keep the analyzer clean.– A second-generation triple-axis detector (TAD) for eliminating neutral noise.–Scan speeds up to 20,000 u/sec (extractor ion source and HES).–An optional oil-free IDP-3 roughing pump: a cleaner, quieter, and greener alternative (for use with turbo molecular pump systems).10-Year value promiseSupport is guaranteed for 10 years from the date of purchase, or Agilent will provide credit for the residual value of the system toward a model upgrade.Installation checkout specifications Agilent verifies GC/MSD system performance at the customer site.IDL is a statistically based metricthat more accurately confirms system performance than an S/N measurement. Test specificationsare based on splitless injection intoan Agilent J&W HP-5ms Ultra Inert30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm column for helium and a 20 m × 0.18 mm, 0.18 μm column for HydroInert with hydrogen. IDL analyses use lab helium (hydrogen for HydroInert) with GC gas filters installed. See more about the IDL test at /Library/ technicaloverviews/Public/5990-8341EN.pdf* IDL was statistically derived at 99% confidence level from the area precision of eight sequential splitless injections of OFN (octafluoronaphthalene). Demonstration of IDL specifications require a compatible system configuration, including a liquid autosampler with a 5 μL syringe.–HES IDL was measured using 10 fg injection, 1 µL injection.–Other IDLs were measured using 100 fg, 1 µL injection.–A 30 m column was used for helium IDL checkout; a 20 m column was used for hydrogenIDL checkout.–Helium carrier gas for Installation Specifications of the HES, Extractor, and Stainless steel sources; hydrogen carrier gas for Installation Specification of the HydroInert source only.–Reference IDL specifications from the above table will be confirmed only when purchased as an additional service with a compatible new system (GC and MS) installation.Signal-to-noise (S/N) specificationsa S/N checkout is performed only if there is no compatible autosampler (which is required for IDL checkout). Helium carrier gas, manual injection using a 30 m × 0.25 mm,0.25 µm column and in scan mode. Hydrogen carrier gas, manual injection using 20 m × 0.18 mm, 0.18 µm column and in scan mode. When the autosampler (ALS) is present, these specifications are a reference of the performance. Reference S/N specifications from the above table will not be confirmed at installation or introduction for ALS equipped systems.b Standard scanning from 50 to 300 u at nominal 272.0 u ion.c 1 μL injection of 100 pg/μL benzophenone (BZP) standard, 80 to 230 u scan at nominal 183 u ion, using methane reagent gas.d 2 μL injection of 100 fg/μL OFN standard scanning from 50 to 300 u at nominal 272 u ion, using methane reagent gas.2a Only applicable with optional Accurate Mass software package. Scan mode only. Not verified during installation.b As scan rate increases, sensitivity will decrease, and resolution may degrade.c A high flow rate into a fixed ion source will cause a loss in sensitivity.d The heated quadrupole mass filter should not require maintenance, but if maintenance is required, it should be performed by an Agilent service engineer.34aInlet temperature should be cool enough to touch when performing maintenance.bA micro ion gauge is shipped standard for the CI system, and is available optionally for EI systems.DE67854286This information is subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022Printed in the USA, May 26, 20225994-4846EN。
商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Accomeen C2、C5、C15聚氧乙烯(2,5,15)椰子胺非Accomeen S2、S10聚氧乙烯(2,10)大豆胺非Accomeen T15聚氧乙烯(15)牛脂胺非Acconon 300MO或Peg300SL,400MO或聚乙二醇(300,400)单油酸酯非Accoquat 2C-75二椰子二甲基氯化铵阳Accoquat 707二甲基二氢化牛脂基氯化铵阳Accosoft 748二甲基二氢化牛脂基甲(替)硫酸铵阳Accosoft A-115双牛脂季铵盐阳Accosperse 20聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单月桂酸酯非Accosperse 60聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单硬脂酸酯非Accosperse 80聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单油酸酯非Accosperse TGH混合牛脂环氧乙烷加成物非Acetoquat CDAC十六烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵阳Acetoquat CPB十六烷基溴化吡啶阳Acetoquat CPC十六烷基氯化吡啶阳Acetoquat CTAB十六烷基三甲基溴化铵阳Acetoquat CTAC十六烷基三甲基氯化铵阳商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Admul Polyster 19,57聚甘油脂肪酸酯非Admul WOL聚甘油多聚蓖麻醇酸酯非Adogen 415三甲基大豆油基氯化铵阳Adogen 432,432CG二烷基二甲基氯化铵阳Adogen 442二甲基二氢化牛脂基氯化铵阳Adogen 462二甲基二椰子基氯化铵阳Adogen 471三甲基牛脂基氯化铵阳Adogen 477N-牛脂基五甲基丙烷二氯化二铵阳Adsen 775,799烷基聚氧乙烯醚非Advawet 10烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Advawet 33,43脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯非AE-1214/3,-1214/6直链醇聚氧乙烯醚非Aerosol磺基琥珀酸二辛酯钠盐阴Aerosol 18,19N-十八烷基磺化琥珀酰胺二钠盐阴Aerosol 30椰子酰胺丙基甜菜碱两性Aerosol 200乙氧基化(烷基酰胺)磺基琥珀酸酯二钠盐阴Aerosol 413烷基(C18)乙醇酰胺磺基琥珀酸酯二钠盐阴Aerosol 501烷基磺化琥珀酸酯二钠盐阴Aerosol A-102脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚磺基琥珀酸半酯二钠盐阴Aerosol A-103壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚磺基琥珀酸半酯二钠盐阴Aerosol A-196磺基琥珀酸二环己酯钠盐阴Aerosol A-268磺基琥珀酸异癸酯二钠盐阴Aerosol AS二异丙基萘磺酸钠阴Aerosol AY-65磺基琥珀酸二戊酯钠盐阴Aerosol IB-45磺基琥珀酸二异丁酯钠盐阴Aerosol M肉豆寇酰胺丙基二甲基苄基氯化铵阳Aerosol MA-80磺基琥珀酸二己酯钠盐阴Aerosol NAL磺基琥珀酸单月桂酯钠盐阴Aerosol OS异丙基萘磺酸钠阴Aerosol OT-70,PG磺化琥珀酸二辛酯钠盐阴Aerosol TR-70磺化琥珀酸双十三烷基三酯钠盐阴AF60,66,72,75二甲基聚硅氧烷非Afopol4,8,12辛基酚聚氧乙烯(4,8,12)醚非Afrox-200非离子表面活性剂非Agrimul 70-A烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Ahcovel FP脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯非Aldosperse MS-20聚氧乙烯(20)甘油单硬脂酸酯非Alfenol N辛基酚聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚非Alfenol O烷基酚聚氧乙烯(4,5)醚硫酸酯盐阴Alfenol 8C8~10烷基酚聚氧乙烯(9~10)醚非Alfenol 65烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Alfenol 710壬基酚聚氧乙烯(9)醚非Alfonic1012-60,1014-40,1618-65直链C16~18醇与60%,40%,65%环氧乙烷的加成物非Alipal CD-128直链醇聚氧乙烷醚硫酸酯铵盐阴AliPal CO-443,CO-436烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯钠盐和铵盐阴Amawct CWE,WL壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Amawet LF脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯非AMTC K-50,K-10050%,100%乙酰化甘油单硬脂酸酯非Amerchol L-101羊毛醇与矿物油的混合物Amerchol Poly-Sorate 80聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单油酸酯非AntaroxLB-400,LE-500,LF-200,LM-聚氧乙烯醚磷酸酯阴Antarox A-200异辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Antarox A-100壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Antarox B-100,D-100,LF-330脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Antarox G-200聚氧乙烯脂肪酰胺非Antistatin D脂肪醇磷酸酯阳Arlacel 60失水山梨醇单硬脂酸酯非Arlacel 80失水山梨醇单油酸酯非Aromox DM14DW十四烷基二甲基氧化铵阳Aromox Dm16十六烷基二甲基氧化铵阳Aromox DM18DW十八烷基二甲基氧化铵阳Aromox DMCD C8~18烷基二甲基氧化铵阳Arquad 16-29十六烷基三甲基氯化铵阳Arquad 18-53十八烷基三甲基氯化铵阳Arquad DM 18B-90十八烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵阳Arquad 2C-75Arzu二椰子基二甲基氯化铵阳聚醚和环烷酸钠(1:1)混合物阴Atlas G-1045聚乙二醇山梨醇月桂酸酯非Atlas G-1086,G-1096聚氧乙烯(40,50)山梨醇六油酸酯非Atlas G-1186聚氧乙烯山梨醇油酸酯非Atlas G-1234聚氧乙烯(20)山梨醇妥儿油四酯非Atlas G-1288聚氧乙烯(81)蓖麻油非Atlas G-702,G-1726聚氧乙烯(6,20)山梨醇蜂蜡缩合物非Atlas G-2162聚氧乙烯(25)丙二醇单硬脂酸酯非Atlox 775聚氧乙烯山梨醇酯非Atlox 1045A聚氧乙烯(30)山梨醇四油酸酯非Atlox 1086,1087聚氧乙烯(40)山梨醇六油酸酯非Avolan SO 6硬脂酸聚氧乙烯(6)酯非Avolan AV,NO,SC烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Avolan IW脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Avolan UL聚氧乙烯脂肪胺非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Barlol 12C-2椰子油脂环氧乙烷加成物非Basophor EL 40聚氧乙烯(40)蓖麻油非Basopon LN烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Berocell-022,-07脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Berocell-25,-272,-292烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Berocell-258,-358烷芳基聚氧乙烯醚非Berocell-364烷基聚氧乙烯醚非Berot02,09,26,274,281,291烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Berol 07,08脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Berol 048,043硬脂醇聚氧乙烯(10)醚非Berol 17脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯非Berol 370,371,372环氧乙烷环氧丙烷嵌段共聚物非Berol SPIN-62多胺环氧乙烷加成物非Berol VISCO 44烷基聚氧乙烯醚衍生物Berol VISCO 311聚氧乙烯脂肪胺非Berol TVM-513,TVM-724烷基聚氧乙烯醚和烷基聚氧乙烯醚磷酸酯的复配物Bian Coba 3001聚氧乙烯脂肪胺非Bronopol 2-溴-2-硝基丙烷-1,3-二醇Brij 30,35月桂醇聚氧乙烯(4,23)醚非Brij 52,56,58鲸蜡醇聚氧乙烯(2,10,20)醚非Brij 72,76,78硬脂醇聚氧乙烯(2,10,20)醚非Brij 92,96,98油醇聚氧乙烯(2,10,20)醚非Broi EMU 07非离子表面活性剂非BTC 471烷基二甲基乙苄基氯化铵阳BTC 50,65,100N-烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵阳BTC 324,3248N-十四烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵阳BTC 1100N-烷基二甲基-1-萘甲基氯化铵阳Bunegal 非离子表面活性剂非BW 1110C 12~14脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(4,5)醚羧甲基(75%)钠盐阴Calamide C椰子脂肪酸二乙醇酰胺非Calsoft BD-40,F-90,F-60烷芳基磺酸钠阴Calsoft LAS-99直链烷基苯磺酸钠阴Canamul Se 55丙二醇单脂肪酸酯非Canamul Se 100,150,155甘油单、二脂肪酸酯非Carbomer 934丙烯酸交联聚合物阴Carbopol 910,934羧基聚甲烯化合物阴Carboxane LO-7、-8、-9,O-6、-7、-9直链醇聚氧乙烯醚非Carsonol ALES,SES-A 月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯铵盐阴Carsonol SLES.SES-S 月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯钠盐阴Carsonon DM-267,ND-317壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Carsonon N-4,N-6,N-8,N-9,N-10,N-11,N-30,N-100Carsonon TD-10,TD-11十二烷醇聚氧乙烯(10,11)醚非Catanac SN N,N-二甲基羟乙基十八酰氨基硝酸季铵盐阳Catanac SPN,N-二甲基羟乙基十八酰氨基磷酸季铵盐阳CE5014,5015,5016,5023,5024聚醚非Ceraphyl 60葡萄糖基氨基丙基二甲基-2-羟乙基氯化铵阳Ceraphyl 652-羟乙基氯化铵阳壬基酚聚氧乙烯(4,6,8,9,10,11,30,100)醚非Cetab 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵阳Cetol 十六烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵阳Cetrimid 烷基三甲基溴化铵阳Conox J-109脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非CNPZ丙二醇与合脂酸、苯二甲酸氯化物和环氧乙烷的加聚产物非CPF 577,5917聚醚非Cremophor A6,A11、A25饱和脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(6,11,25)醚非Cremophor AP聚乙二醇(400)硬脂酸酯非Cremophor EL,RH40,RH60聚氧乙烯蓖麻油非Cremophor NP14壬基酚聚氧乙烯(14)醚非Cremophor S9硬脂酸聚氧乙烯(9)酯非Cutina MD,LE 甘油单,二脂肪酸酯非Cyclogol Z 壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Cyclogol ZBL 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Daxad 11,13,15烷基萘磺酸钠阴Daxad 11,KLS 烷基萘磺酸钾阴Daxad 21烷芳基磺酸单钙盐阴Demulfer CT 聚醚非Demulfer F 烷基酚醛树脂聚醚非Demulfer GB 聚醚非Demulfer R 聚醚非Demulfer S 聚醚非Dermin A,M 非离子表面活性剂非Dimethicone 十三甲基硅氧基硅酸酯Diproxamin 216聚醚Dispersal BO 壬基酚聚氧乙烯(9)醚非Dispcesal EHF C 10~13脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Dispersal P 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Dispersal A,PR,VLA,VLX 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Dispersol BX 烷基苯磺酸钠阴Dispersol CWLA 聚氧乙烯烷基胺阴Dispersol SPEA 椰子脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯非Dissolvan 440,4411,44,334,455Dissolvan 4002,4425,4439烷基酚醛树脂聚醚非Dissolvan 4490超高分子量聚醚非DK Ester F 蔗糖脂肪酸酯非DKS Crodesta F 蔗糖脂肪酸酯非Dobanol 23-2,23-3,23-6.5C 12~13直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(2,3,6.5醚)非Dobanol 25-3,25-7C 12~15直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(3,7)醚非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Dobanol 25-3A/60,25-3S/60,25-3S/27Dobanol 25-9C 12~15直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(9)醚非Dobanol 45-7,45-11,45-18Dobanol 91-4,91-591-6,91-8Dowfax 10-5,10-6C 9~11合成醇聚氧乙烯(5,6)醚非Dpwfax 12-3C 12~14合成醇聚氧乙烯(3)醚非丙二醇聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚非C 12~15直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(3)醚酯铵盐、钠盐阴C 14~15直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(7,11,18)醚非C 9~11直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(4,5,6,8)醚非Dowfax 18-11C 10~18合成醇聚氧乙烯(11)醚非Dowfax 9N 壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Dowfax 2A1十二烷基二苯醚二磺酸钠阴Dowfax 3B2正癸基二苯醚二磺酸钠阴Dowfax 21A4-十二烷基-2,3-氧代-双苯磺酸二钠阴Dowfax 63N10,63N2063N40,63N80Dowicil 200季铵盐阳DPK-157含氮聚醚非Dubarol 烷基苯磺酸钠阴Duomac C 椰子基-1,3-丙二胺二乙酸盐阴Duomac T N-牛脂基-1,3-丙二胺二乙酸盐阴Duomeen C N-椰子基-1,3-丙二胺Duomeen T N-牛脂基-1,3-丙二胺Duponol EP月桂基硫酸二乙醇胺阴Duponol WA,WAQE 十二烷基硫酸钠阴Elfan NS 243S C 12/C 14合成脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(3)醚硫酸酯钠阴Elfan NS 252S C12/C15合成脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(2)醚酯硫酸钠阴Elfan WA 十二烷基苯磺酸钠阴Elfan OS 46C 14/C 16α-烯基磺酸钠阴Elfan OS 68C 16/C 18α-烯基磺酸钠阴Elfan A432甜菜碱型两性表面活性剂两性Elfacos P 烷基聚乙二醇醚非Elfanol 510脂肪酸烷基酰胺磺基琥珀酸单酯钠阴Elfanol 616脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚磺基琥珀酸单酯钠阴Elfanol 850聚氧乙烯脂肪酸烷醇酰胺磺基琥珀酸单酯钠阴Elfapur LM25,LM30S LM75SElfapur N70,N90,N120,N150Elfugin AKT,ANT 脂肪醇磷酸酯阴Emalox LEP-3烷基聚氧乙烯醚磷酸酯钠盐阴Emalox NX-100烷芳基聚氧乙烯醚非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Emalox GMS-195非离子表面活性剂非Emalox OEP-1烷基磷酸酯钠盐阴Emcol 4300磺基琥珀酸二钠盐阴Emcol 4350磺基琥珀酸二烷基醇酰胺阴Emcol P-1049,P-1059Empigen BB 烷基二甲基甜菜碱两性Empigen OB 烷基氧化叔胺两性Emulan A油酸聚氧乙烯酯非Emulgade 1000N1C 16~18脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(20)醚与C 16/C 18脂肪醇的混Emulgade F C 16/18醇硫酸钠和C 16/C 18脂肪醇的混合物Emulgator 100脂肪酸聚乙二醇酯非Emulgator 4800烷基聚乙二醇醚非Emulgator 5400聚氧乙烯脂肪胺非Emulgator BL 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Emulgator ISM烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物非C 12/C 14脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(2,5,3,7,5)醚非壬基酚聚氧乙烯(7,9,12,15)醚非烷芳基磺酸盐阴Emulisiermimittel A 异辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚与二乙氨基甲基醚季铵盐的复配物Emulsifier PHN烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Emulphogen BC-420,BC-610,BC-720,BC-840Emulphor AM-310AM-650Emulphor A,VN 油酸聚氧乙烯酯非Emulphor EL-620,EL-719Emulphor O,ON-870脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Emulphor VT硬脂酸聚氧乙烯酯非Emulsiphor EL-40聚氧乙烯(40)蓖麻油非Enordert AOS1618α-烯基磺酸盐阴Epan710,720,740,750,785Ethofat 60/15,60/2060/25Ethomeen T/15,T/25聚氧乙烯(5,15)牛脂胺非Ethomid HT/15,HT/25HT/60Ethomid C/15聚氧乙烯(5)椰子油酰胺非Ethomid O/15聚氧乙烯(5)油酰胺非Ethylan A2聚乙二醇200油酸酯非Ethylan D合成伯醇聚氧乙烯醚非Ethylan BV,DP,HP 壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Ethylan PB,PC 丙二醇聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚非Ethylan TF,TC 聚氧乙烯脂肪胺非Ethylan PQ改性的烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Etopen 103,105,106,120Eumulgin 02,05,010,B1,B2,B3Fixanol 十八烷基氯化吡啶阳Fixanol C 十六烷基溴化吡啶阳Fixanol VR 十四烷基溴化吡啶阳Fixanol 3MC 鲸蜡基三甲基溴化铵阳Flexricin 9丙二醇单蓖麻醇酸酯非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Flcxrin 13甘油单蓖麻醇酸酯非Flexrin 15乙二醇单蓖麻醇酸酯非Fluorad FC-93,Fc-99Fluorad FC 95,FC-98Fluorad FC-128,FC-129Fluorad FC-134,FC-135,FC-750十三烷氧基聚氧乙烯乙醇非脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非聚氧乙烯(2,40)蓖麻油非环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物非硬脂酸聚氧乙烯(5,10,15)酯非聚氧乙烯(5,15,50)氢化牛脂胺非壬基酚聚乙二醚醚非脂肪醇聚乙二醇醚非FC-3,-95,-431含氟表面活性剂全氟烷基磺酸铵阴全氟烷基磺酸钾阴氟代烷基羧酸钾阴氟代烷基季铵磺人物阳Fluorad FC-143全氟烷基羧酸铵阴Fluorad FC-170-C氟代烷基聚氧乙烯醚非Fluorad FC-171,FC-760Fomescol U,K聚醚非Fomblin Y04全氟烷基聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚非G-1086聚氧乙烯山梨醇六油酸酯非G-1281聚氧乙烯甘油脂肪酸酯非G-2162聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯单硬脂酸酯非Gafac RA600含有游离酸的混合有机磷酸酯阴Gantrenz AN 139聚(甲基乙烯基醚/马来酐)(中分子量)非Gardiquat 1450,1480烷基二甲基氯化铵阳Genanun C-020聚氧乙烯椰子脂肪胺非Genamin KDB烷基二甲基氯化铵阳Genapol C,O,SE,ZDM脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(2~25)醚非Genapol CRO,LRO烷基聚乙二醇醚硫酸酯钠盐阴Genapol PF丙二醇聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚非Genapol PS高分子量聚醚非Germall 115咪唑烷基脲Glucamate SSE-20聚氧乙烯(20)甲基葡萄糖甙倍半硬脂酸酯非Hostaphat FL脂肪醇磷酸酯阴Hostaphat KL混合有机磷酸酯阴Hostapur OS,SASα-烯烃磺酸钠,仲链烷磺酸钠阴Hostapur CX脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Hyamin 1622聚氧乙烯二异丁基苯氧基乙基二甲基苄基氯化铵阳Hynic KO直链脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Hynic PE烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Igepal CA辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Igepal CO壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Igepal DM二壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Igepal RC十二烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Igepal A油酰氧乙磺酸钠阴Igepon CN-42N-棕榈酰基-N-环己基牛磺酸钠阴Igepon T-33,T-43,T-51,T-73Invadine JFC脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Irgasan-3003-三氟甲基-4,4‘-二氯-N,N-二苯脲非Jeffox聚丙二醇,聚乙二醇商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Jet Amin D-C二胺类表面活性剂阳Jet Quat C-50N-烷基三甲基氯化铵阳Kcssco Ecster聚乙二醇脂肪酸酯KS-59聚氧乙烯(15~23)木糖醇C10~16烷酸单酯非L-475有机硅酮Lamepon A C17H33CONHR(CONHR2)-COONaLeomin AC80聚氧乙烯脂肪胺非Leomin HSG脂肪酸聚乙二醇酯非Leonil RW烷基酚聚乙二醇醚非Lcvgal PAN聚氧乙烯型非离子表面活性剂非Levelin Agent A聚(氧代-1,2-联二亚甲基)-α[(二乙基-氨基)-甲基]-W-羟基苯磺酸盐阴氟代烷基烷氧基化物非N-甲基-N-油酰基磺酸钠阴Lexaine C 椰酰基烷基甜菜碱两性Lexein A-220三乙醇胺-肉豆蔻酰基水解动物蛋白质Lexein S-620椰子酰基水解动物蛋白质钾盐Lexemul丙二醇脂肪酸酯及其钾盐Lipal 25C,52C 聚氧乙烯蓖麻油非Lipal 4CSA,6CSA,15CSALipal 4L,5L聚乙二醇(400,500)单月桂酸酯非Lipal 4LA,7LA,12LA 月桂醇聚氧乙烯(4,7,12)醚非Lipal 9N壬基酚聚氧乙烯(9)醚非Lipal 20-OA,50-OA 油醇聚氧乙烯醚非Lipal 5S,25S,39S 硬脂酸聚氧乙烯酯非Lipal 15T聚氧乙烯妥尔油非Lipal 3TD,6TD,ICTD 十三烷醇聚氧乙烯(3,6,10)醚硫酸酯盐阴Lissapol LS 油酰氨基苯磺酸钠阴LissapolN,NX,NXP,NXU 壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Lubran AD,BC 高分子烷基萘聚合物阴Lubrol AL14脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Lubrol APNS 壬基酚聚氧乙烯(5,5)醚非Lubrol N5,N13壬基酚聚氧乙烯(5,5,B)醚非Lubrol 12A-9十二烷醇聚氧乙烯(9)醚非Lubrol TA,W 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Lucvosid E皂角甙阴Lutensit A-LBA 烷基苯磺酸烷醇胺盐阴Lutensit AN10烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚与阴离子表面活性剂的复配物阴Lutensit A-ES 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯钠盐阴Lutensol A8C 12~14脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(8)醚非Lutensol AP6,AP10烷基酚聚氧乙烯(6,10)醚非Lutensol ED 乙二胺环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物非Lutensol ON30,ON50,ON70Luviquat FC 环氧乙烷加成物商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Lyocol PO 两性型改性环氧乙烷加成物两性Lyocol O 阴离子型改性环氧乙烷加成物阴Lyogen AN阳离子型改性聚氧乙烯脂肪酸酯阳Maraspcrsc C21高纯度的木质素磺酸钙阳Marasperse CB 高度精制的部分脱磺的木质素磺酸钠阴Marvelan KO 环氧乙烷加成物非Matranol 羧甲基纤维素Mazu-400聚乙二醇(400)硬脂酸酯非Merpoxen NO-200壬基酚聚氧乙烯(20)醚非Merpoxen UN 烷基醇聚氧乙烯醚非Merquat 100聚季碱化乙烯醇Miranol CM单羧化的椰子基咪唑啉衍生物两性Mollescal AE,C 混合烷醇胺MOA3脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Mulsifan RT1脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯非Mulsifan RT11脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Mulsifan RT37烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非C 16~18醇聚氧乙烯(4,6,15)醚非合成脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(3,5,7)醚非Mulsifan Rt153烷基苯磺酸钠和脂肪酸聚乙二醇酯的混合物阴Myrj 45,52,53聚氧乙烯(8,40,50)硬脂酸酯非NAC D-245烷基酚醛树脂聚醚非NALCO 537-D 烷基酚醛树脂聚醚非Nekal BA 烷基萘磺酸钠阴Nekal BX烷基萘磺酸钠阴Neodol 23-3,23-6.5C12~13正构伯醇聚氧乙烯(3,6.5醚)非Neodol 25-3,25-7,25-9,25-12Neodol 25-3A,25-3S C 12~13伯醇聚氧乙烯(3)醚硫酸酯铵盐、钠盐阴Neodol 45-7,45-11C 14~15直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(7,11)醚非Neodol 91-6,91-8C 9~11直链伯醇聚氧乙烯(6,8)醚非Neopol V1020-2,V1020-20,VT12Neonol V1315-3C 13~15仲醇聚氧乙烯醚非Neonol V1020-5NS,V1315-3NS Newcol 60失水山梨醇硬脂酸酯非Newcol 65聚氧乙烯失水山梨醇硬脂酸酯非Ncwcol 561H,562,564Newcol 1610十六烷醇聚氧乙烯醚非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Newcol 1035SN C8脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯钠盐阴Newcol 565FH 环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物非Newpol PE 环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物非Nikkol BC 鲸蜡醇聚氧乙烯醚非Nikkol BL 月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚非Nikkol BO 油醇聚聚氧乙烯醚非Nikkol DDP 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚二磷酸酯阴Nikkol NP壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Nipsil N-300A 非离子表面活性剂非NissanNonion HS-210Nitto Ester LW-1540蔗糖单月桂酸酯非Nitto Ester OW-1570蔗糖单油酸酯非Nitto Ester P-1570蔗糖单棕榈酸酯非Nitto Ester S-770蔗糖二硬脂酸酯非Nitto Ester S-1170蔗糖单、二硬脂酸酯非NOigen DS601聚乙二醇二硬脂酸酯非Noigen EA-120,EA-130壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Noigen ET-120脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Nonidet A10,A50油醇/鲸蜡醇聚氧乙烯醚非Nonidet P40,P80,P100NP-55/52壬基酚聚氧乙烯(9)醚非NR 11油溶性表面活性剂(破乳剂)Nuutrllan L 水解胶原OKM-12聚氧乙烯(12)妥尔油非OL-55-9油醇聚氧乙烯(9)醚非C 12~15正构伯醇聚氧乙烯(3,7,9,12)醚非仲醇聚氧乙烯醚非仲醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯盐阴壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚非辛基酚聚氧乙烯(9,11,15)醚非Oleinol 7油酸聚氧乙烯(7)酯非Oleol 18油醇聚氧乙烯(18)醚非OP-4,7,10(=Oii4,7,10)辛基酚聚氧乙烯(5,15,20)醚非OS-2阳离子表面活性剂(C6H16NOC6-H5O3)阳OS-5,15,20鲸蜡醇/油醇聚氧乙烯(5,15,20)醚非Ospin TAN季铵盐型缓染剂阳Oxalin C24H25N5O4(树脂去除剂)Oxanol O-8,O-18油醇聚氧乙烯(8,18)醚非Oxanol Ts S-21非离子表面活性剂非OZK二十烷酸聚氧乙烯酯非Paksol 17894-叔丁基-4’-甲氧基二苯甲酰甲烷Parsol MCX2-乙基己基对甲氧基月桂酸酯阴Pergal O脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(15)醚非Pergal OK烷基甲基聚氧乙烯醚季铵盐阳PFA-1205二甲基聚硅氧烷聚醚非Phenonip尼泊金甲酯、尼泊金丙酯和乙醇单苯醚烷基磷酸酯钾阴PK烷基磷酸酯钾阴Pluriol PE,RP,RPE聚醚非Pluronic 10R5丙二醇聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Pluronie F丙二醇聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚非Pluronic L,LP,P丙二醇聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚非Pluronic-Plylols乙二胺聚氧丙烯聚氧氧乙烯醚非Polawax硬脂醇聚氧乙烯醚与硬脂醇的复配物Poloxamer聚醚非Polyglycol 112-2甘油聚氧丙烯氧乙烯醚非Polyquaternium(=Pol ymer JR)乙氧基化纤维素的季氨基醚Polysorbat20,40,65.,80(=Tween 聚氧乙烯失水山梨醇脂肪酸酯非Prawozell FK C16~20脂肪酸聚氧乙烯酯非PrawozellFO,WOF, WOS 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚非Prawozell WON100烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Prawozell W-OFP聚醚非Primasal FP磺基琥珀酸二辛酯钠盐与特种溶剂的混合物阴Progalit环氧乙烷加成物非Proxamin O-85,382,385乙二胺聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚非Proxamin NR71聚醚非Proxanol156,158,168,172,202环氧乙烷环氧丙烷嵌段共聚物阴Prxanol 305分子量6000的聚醚非Pyronate 50石油磺酸盐两性Quaternary O季铵化的汕(醇基)咪唑啉阳Quatcrnium-7,-18,-23季铵盐阳R-2740硬脂酰乳酸钠阴R-11聚醚非Redicet E11阳离子表面活性剂阳Relatin DM4050非离子表面活性剂非Remal PC复配表面活性剂Renex 30~36C13醇聚氧乙烯醚非Renex20,25聚氧乙烯(16)妥儿油+尿素Renex647~698壬基酚聚乙烯醚非Rewopol NL2月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯钠盐阴Ritachol 100羊毛脂类甾醇的衍生物阴Rokafenol N-6,N-8,N-10烷基酚聚氧乙烯(4,6,10)醚非Rokanol L-4,L-6,L-10月桂醇聚氧乙烯(4,6,10)醚非Sandozin NIL环氧乙烷加成物非Santomerse SX十二烷基苯磺酸钠阴Schercemol DLD二聚酸二异丙酯阴Schercamox烷基氧化胺阳Schercomid烷基二乙醇酰胺Schkopau w-OF, W-ON聚氧乙烯型非离子表面活性剂非Separol22,221,24,25,26,28丙二醇环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物非Separol 27烷基酚醛树脂聚醚Shinetsu二甲基硅氧烷(硅酮)非Sinnopal NP9壬基酚聚氧乙烯(9)醚非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Sinnopal OP辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Sinnopal OC鲸蜡醇聚氧乙烯醚非Sinnopon LT42月桂醇硬酸三乙醇胺阴Sinnopon LES228月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯钠盐阴Sintamid 5,D5聚氧乙烯合成脂肪酸单乙醇酰胺Singtamin DT-18聚氧乙烯(18)C14~16脂肪胺非Sintanol DS-10,DS-17伯醇聚氧乙烯醚非Sintanol DT-7烷基聚氧乙烯醚非Slovapon脂肪醇聚乙烯醚混合物Sokalan DCS季铵盐阳Sokalan WM二甲基二硬脂酰氯化胺阴Solulan 75,97,98聚氧乙烯(7,5,9,10)乙酰化羊毛脂.非Solulan 5,16,25羊毛脂醇聚氧乙烯(15,16,25)醚非Solulan PB-2,PB-5,PB-10,PB-20羊毛脂醇聚氧丙烯(2,5,10,20)醚非Sormin AF聚氧乙烯脂肪酰胺非Sormin SG硬脂酸聚氧乙烯酯非SovalecU.B.F.S.B.F.D.B.F.中性卵磷脂非Span 20失水山梨醇单月桂酸酯非Span 40失水山梨醇单棕酸酯非Span 60失水山梨醇单硬脂酸酯非Span 65失水山梨醇三硬脂酸酯Span 80失水山梨醇单油酯非Span 85失水山梨醇三油酸酯非Stearox 4,6环氧乙烷加成物非Stearox 920{C18H36O2(C2H4O)n}非SteinamidDC212/SE,DL203/S 椰子酸二乙醇酰胺,月桂酸二乙醇酰胺阴Steinamin Im-BT咪唑淋衍生物两性Steinpal EC100,ER100脂肪酸聚氧乙烯醚非Steinapal HV壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Sulfapol十二烷基苯磺酸钠阴Sulfonal C17H16O4S2Sulfonic N106壬基酚聚氧乙烯(10·6)醚非Sulfonol NP阴离子表面活性剂阴Sulframin 1240烷基苯磺酸盐阴Teepol 514仲烷基硫酸钠与烷基苯磺酸钠的混合物阴Teepol 530仲烷基硫酸钠阴Tergitol NP,NPX壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Tetronic304,1101,1301,1501乙二胺聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚非Trepenol S-30-T十三烷醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸酯钠盐阴Tripolin L月桂醇二乙醇酰胺阴Tretolite Tolstin A W 7环氧乙烷加成物Tricoventin Supra烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚非Triton DF-12脂肪醇聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚非商品名称化学组成及名称离子型Triton DF-20脂肪醇聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯醚琥珀酸酯阴Triton H-66a,a’a”-氨基三甲基磷酸酯阴Triton X-100辛基酚聚氧乙烯(9~10)醚非Triton X-305,X-405辛基酚聚氧乙烯(30,4~)醚非TRS-18油溶性石油磺酸盐阴TRS-40,10~80水溶性石油磺酸盐阴TRS10-410石油磺酸盐非Tyfo DM-124烷基酰醛树脂聚醚非Tween 20聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单月桂酸酯Tween 40聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单棕榈酸酯Tween 60聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单硬脂酸酯Tween 65聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单三硬脂酸酯Tween 80聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇单油酸酯Tween 85聚氧乙烯(20)失水山梨醇三油酸酯UFE8非离子表面活性剂非Vanillex HW木质素磺酸钠阴Vavoactiv intestnel多肽类表面活性剂阴Velvetex BC椰子基二甲基胺羧酸甜菜碱两性Velvetex 610L月桂亚酰胺二丙酸二钠阴Victawet 122-乙基已醇聚氧乙烯醚磷酸酯阴Victawet 35B2-乙基已醇磷酸酯钠阴Victawet 58B辛醇磷酸酯钠阴Witco TRS-10石油磺酸盐阴X-5522聚醚改性硅非X-12以氨基磺酸铵为主的灭火剂X-77含有游离脂肪酸和异丙醇的烷芳基聚氧乙烯醚Xilital S-15聚氧乙烯(14~15)木糖醇单硬脂酸脂国别及生产厂家Armstrong Chem.(美国) Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem. Armstrong Chem.Aceto Chem.Aceto Chem.Aceto Chem.Aceto Chem.Aceto Chem.国别及生产厂家英国英国SherexSherexSherexSherexSherexSherexWitco Cehm.Corp. Cincinnti Milacron Cincinnti Milacron Procter &.Camble Co. American Cyanamid(美国) American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American Cyanamid American CyanamidGeneral ElectricN0pcodICI AmericanGlyco波兰波兰波兰波兰国外及生产厂家波兰ConocoGAF(美国)CAFAmerican Anilinc American Aniline前苏联AmercholAmercholGAFGAFGAFGAFGAFBASF(德国)I.C.I.United StatesI.C.I.United States Akzo Chemie(德国) Akzo ChemieAkzo ChemieAkzo ChemieAkzo ChemieAkzo ChemieAkzo ChemieAkzo ChemieI.C.I.United States(美国)I.C.I.United StatesI.C.I.United StatesI.C.I.United States石碱化学(日本)I.C.I.United StatesI.C.I.United States石碱化学(日本)ICI America石碱化学(日本)AzurBayer(德国)BayelBayel国别及生产厂家LonzaBASF WyandotteBASF WyandotteBerol Kemi(瑞典)Berol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiBerol KemiCiba-Geigy(瑞士)石碱化学(日本)ICI AmericaICI AmericaICI AmericaOnyx Chem.Co.Onyx Chem.Co.(美国) Onyx Chem.Co.Onyx Chem.Co.Pilot Chem.Co.Pilot Chem.Co.Pilot Chem.Co. CanadaPackersI.td.(加拿大)Canada Packes Ltd.B.F.GoodrichTextilana CorpCarson ChemicalCarson ChemicalCarson ChemicalCarson ChemicalCarson ChemicalHefti Ltd.(瑞士)Van Dyk & Co.Van Dyk & Co.Fine Organics Fine Organics波兰BASF AG(德国)BASF AG BASF AG BASF AG BASF AGHenkelArgentina( 阿根廷)Cyclo Chem.Corp.(英国)Cyclo Chem.Corp W.R.Grace & Co.W.R.Grace & Co.W.R.Grace & Co.东邦化学工业株式会社(日本)东邦化学工业株式会社东邦化学工业株式会社东邦化学工业株式会社东邦化学株式会社波兰Chem.Werk Buna 德国德国ICI(英国)ICI ICI ICIHoechst AG Hoechst AG第一工业制药株式会社(日本)CrodChemicalsLtd(英国)Shell Chem.(荷兰/德国)Shell Chem.(荷兰)国别及生产厂家Shell U.K.(英国)Dow Chemical Europe S.A.(瑞士)Dow Chemical Europe S.A.Hoechst AG(德国)Shell Chem.(荷兰)Shell U.K.(英国)Shell U.K.Dow Chemical Europe S.A.Dow Chemical Europe S.A.Dow Chemical Europe S.A.Dow Chemical Europe S.A.Dow Chemical Europe S.A.AKzo Chemie AKzo Chemie Armak Armak Du Pont Du PontAkzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Akzo Chemie Sandoz(德国)吉村油脂化学株式会社(日本)吉村油脂化学株式会社国别及生产厂家吉村油脂化学株式会社吉村油脂化学株式会社Witco Chemical(英国)Witco ChemicalMarcho Espanola Marcho Espanola BASF AGHenkel International(德国)Henkel International Henkel International(德国)Chemische Werke Huls Chemische Werke Huls Chemische Werke Huls Chemische Werke HulsDow Chemical Europe S.A.Akzo Chemie Akzo ChemieWitco Chemical(以色列)国别及生产厂家NL Industries NL Industries 3M Co.3M Co.3M Co.3M Co.3M Co.3M Co.Atlas Chemical(比利时)Atlas Chemical Atlas Chemical GAF Co.GAF Co.Aebright & Wilson(澳大利亚)Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Hoechst AGAmerchol CorP.Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Hoechst AGRohm & Haas (德国)Nopco NopcoGAF Corp.GAF Corp.GAF Corp.GAF Corp.GAF Corp.GAF Corp.Ciba-GeigyJefferson Chemicals 国别及生产厂家Jetco Chemicals Jetco Chemicals Armak Co.Union Carbide Corp.Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Hoechst AG Bayer 前苏联3M Co.GAF Corp.Inolex Crop.PVO International PVO International PVO International PVO International PVO International PVO International PVO International PVO International ICI(英国)ICI ICI ICI ICI ICI ICI ICIBASF AG(德国)BASF AG BASF AG BASF AG BASF AG BASF AG 国别及生产厂家Sandoz(瑞士)Sandoz SandozAmerican Can Company(美国)American Can CompanyMazer Chemical Kempen(德国)KompenMiranol Chem Co.BASF AGZschimmer& Schwarz(德国)Zschimmer & Schwarz Zschimmer & SchwarzPVO International BASF AGZschimmer & Schwarz Atlas(比利时)石碱化学(日本)ICI(美国)日本日本GAFBASF AGShell Chem.Co.(荷兰)Shell Chem.Co.Shell Chem.Co.Shell Chem.Co.前苏联日本乳化剂株式会社日本乳化剂株式会社日本乳化剂株式会社国别及生产厂家日本乳化剂株式会社日本乳化剂株式会社日本三洋化学株式会社日本日矿化学日本日矿化学日本日矿化学日本日矿化学日本日矿化学日本蔗糖株式会社日本蔗糖株式会社日本蔗糖株式会社日本蔗糖株式会社日本蔗糖株式会社日本第一工业制药日本第一工业制药日本第一工业制药Shell U.K.Hefti Ltd(瑞士)前苏联前苏联Hefti LtdShell Chem.Co.前苏联前苏联日本乳化剂株式会社日本油脂Shell U.K.波兰波兰前苏联前苏联前苏联日本东海制油工业前苏联前苏联前苏联GAF Corp.GAF Corp.General ElectricBASF AG.BASF Wyandotte国别及生产厂家BASF WyandotteBASF WyandotteBASF WyandotteCroda ChemicalsBASF WyandotteDOW(美国)美国原民主德国原民主德国原民主德国原民主德国前苏联前苏联前苏联前苏联前苏联WitcoCiba-GeigyCiba-GeigyPATCO前苏联石碱化学(日本)ICI America (美国) Atlas Chemical(比利时) Rewo ChemicalR.I.T.A.Co波兰波兰Sandoz AG(德国)Scher Chem.IncScher Chem.IncScher Chem.Inc原民主德国BASF AGBASF AGSidobre-Sinnova(英国)国别及生产厂家Sidobre-Sinnova Sidobre-Sinnova Sidobre-Sinnova Sidobre-Sinnova前苏联前苏联前苏联前苏联捷克BASF AGBASF AGAmercholAmercholAmercholBASF AGBASF AGCanada Packers Ltd Atlas ChemieAtlas ChemieAtlas ChemieAtlas ChemieAtlas ChemieAtlas Chemie前苏联前苏联Rewo ChemicalRewo ChemicalRewo ChemicalRewo ChemicalJettersoa前苏联Witco ChemicalShell ChemicalsU.K.Ktd(英国)Shell Nederland CLemin N.V.(荷兰)Union CarbideBASF WvandotteRohm & Haas国别及生产厂家Rohm & HaasRohm & HassRohm & HaasRohm & Haas日本Atlas Chemical(比利时)日本石碱化学ICI United Statcs(美国)前苏联日本三洋化这公司Textilana Corp Textilana CorpStauffer Chem.Co Stauffer Chem.Co Stauffer Chem.Co Stauffer Chem.CoDu Pont。
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FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH Mod520C_2 产品说明书
Mod520C_2P.O. Box 11 03l D-79200 Breisach, Germany Kueferstrasse 8l D-79206 Breisach, Germany (+49 (7667) 908-0 l Fax +49 (7667) 908-200 l e-mail:****************Mod520C_2© Copyright 2004:FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbHPostfach 1103, D-79200 Breisach a. Rh., GermanyRelease of Document:May 27, 2004Filename:Mod520C_2.docAuthor:Hans-Peter SchneiderAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH.2Mod520C_2 Table of Contents1.Introduction (4)2.Features (5)3.Functional Description (6)3.1.1.CPU AMD ÉlanSC520 (6)3.1.2.SDRAM stage (6)3.1.3.ROM stage (6)3.1.4.SRAM stage (6) I/O Ports (7) Byte EEPROM for BIOS and Applications on PIO30,31 (7)3.1.7.On-board Power Supply (7)3.1.8.Voltage Supervision, RESET Generation (7)3.1.9.Serial Ports (7)3.1.10.Fast Ethernet Controller Stage (8)3.1.11.Dual CAN Controller Stage (8)3.1.12.GP Bus used for ISA Bus (9)4.Connectors Of MOD520C (10)4.1.System Connector X2 (10)4.2.System Connector X4 (12)5.Application Notes (14)5.1.Power Supply (14)5.2.Important Signals (14)5.2.13.PCICLKRTN PCICLK PCICLKETHER (14)5.2.14.ISA-Bus Signals (14)5.2.15.CAN-Interrupt IRQ11 (15)6.Members of the MOD520C family (16)3Mod520C_21. IntroductionThe module MOD520C with its integrated and optional peripherals, based on the 32 Bit AMD ÉlanSC520 microcontroller, is designed for medium to high performance applications in telecommunication, data communication and information appliances on the general embedded market. It can easily be designed in customized boards.The AMD ÉlanSC520 microcontroller combines a low voltage 586 CPU running on 133 MHz, including FPU (Floating Point Unit) with a set of integrated peripherals: 32 Bit PCI controller, SDRAM controller for up to 256 MByte, GP (General Purpose) bus with programmable timing and ROM/Flash controller. Enhanced PC compatible peripherals like DMA controller, two UARTs and battery buffered RTC and CMOS, watchdog and software timers make this device a very fast system for both real time and PC/AT compatible applications. Insyde Software’s Mobile BIOS is available which offers serial and parallel remote features (video, keyboard, floppy). Furthermore FS FORTH-SYSTEME has adapted Datalight Sockets (TCP/IP Stack), ROM-DOS and the Flash File System FlashFX to this environment.The MOD520C offers the software engineer the possibility to reduce the time-to-market phase even more. FS FORTH-SYSTEME added several features on-board as SDRAM (up to 64 MByte), PCI Fast Ethernet controller to facilitate networking and remote control. A Strata-FLASH for booting and data is included on board. Two CAN Ports are additionally available for communication. 512 Kbyte SRAM is available for battery buffered data. The enhanced JTAG port for low-cost debugging is supported. This allows instruction tracing during execution. FS FORTH-SYSTEME has adapted Windows CE 3.0 to this platform and offers drivers and support. With Ethernet debugging the software designer has powerful means for fast debugging his applications.Due to the 16 MByte FLASH it is possible to build larger, complete systems on this module like Linux, QNX or VxWorks.4Mod520C_252. Features• 16 MByte STRATA-FLASH or 2 MByte AMD FLASH • 64 MByte or 16 MByte SDRAM • 512 KByte battery buffered SRAM• PCI Ethernet controller with EEPROM. Rx and Tx signals are providedon the System Connectors • Two CAN-Buses.• Enhanced JTAG port available on System Connector.• GP-Bus signals available on System Connector • PCI-Bus signals available on System Connector• BIOS for ÉlanSC520 by Insyde Software Inc. Including serial or parallelremote features (Video, Keyboard, Floppy).Mod520C_23. Functional Description3.1.1. CPU AMD ÉlanSC520The CPU AMD ÉlanSC520 is powered with 2.5V (core and analog path) and 3.3V (all other voltages) except VRTC, which is powered with about 3V either from battery or from on-board 3.3V. This voltage is limited to 3.3V, the other 3.3V power planes have a limit of 3.6V.The CPU is clocked with a 32.768 kHz quartz. An internal PLL derives from this frequency the RTC clock and DRAM refresh clock and the clocks for PC/AT compatible PIT (1.1882 MHz) and UARTs (18.432 MHz). All other stages (CPU, PCI, GP bus, GP DMA, ROM, SSI, timers) are fed from the second clock generator driven by a 33.33 MHz clock oscillator. SDRAM is clocked with 66.66 MHz.3.1.2. SDRAM stageThe SDRAM (up to 128 MByte on-board) has its own DRAM bus containing memory addresses MA0..12, memory data MD0..31 and control signals for up to four banks. Due to small load no buffering of clocks and signals is necessary.3.1.3. ROM stageROM or FLASH are driven by the general purpose address bus GPA0..25. It has three programmable chip selects with each up to 64 MByte range. The ROM Data bus is either the 32 bit general purpose bus GPD0..31 or the memory data bus MD0..31. Configuration pins decide, which bus at boot time is used. The bus size is selectable with 8, 16 or 32 bit. The MOD520C has a FLASH IC for up to 16 MByte 16 bit ROM or FLASH selected by BOOTCS# connected to MD0..15. 3.1.4. SRAM stageThe SRAM (512 KByte on-board) is buffered by VBAT. The Memory Location is defined in the System BIOS. ROMCS1# is used to access the SRAM.6Mod520C_23.1.5. 32 I/O PortsThe ÉlanSC520 CPU has 32 I/O ports. They have alternate functions. Most of them are control signals for GP bus (PIO0..26) used as ISA-bus. PIO27 (GPCS0#) is used as a programmable external chip select and PIO28,29 are not connected. PIO30,31 are used to drive a serial parameter EEPROM on-board. 3.1.6. 256 Byte EEPROM for BIOS and Applications on PIO30,31An on-board serial EEPROM with 256 byte and I2C bus is controlled by PIO30 (I2CDAT) and PIO31 (I2CCLK). 128 byte are used for non-volatile BIOS defaults, the remaining range may contain application specific data and parameters. The BIOS contains calls to read and write to this memory (see BIOS documentation).3.1.7. On-board Power SupplyThe 2.5V on-board voltage is generated from +5V.An external battery may be connected to the signal VBATIN. Battery status is controlled by BBATSEN, which sets a power fail bit in a status register for RTC, if BBATSEN is low at power-up.3.1.8. Voltage Supervision, RESET GenerationThree voltages are used on board: +2.5V, +3.3V and +5V. U2 controls +5V and U10 controls +3.3V. LBOUT or PWRGOOD will become low, if these voltages are out of tolerance. An external SRESET# is wired or-ed to U10. It can also be activated from extended JTAG signal SRESET# via X1. The wired OR of 1RESET# and 2RESET# control U10. Its output PWRGOOD is low (not active), if either the signals described above from U10 are low or +5V is out of tolerance. Typical length of PWRGOOD low is longer than 1 sec (minimum 790 msec).3.1.9. Serial PortsThe AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU has two internal asynchronous ports and one synchronous serial port. Both of this ports are available at the System Connectors.7Mod520C_23.1.10. Fast Ethernet Controller StageConnected to the PCI bus device 0 (REQ/GNT0#) of the Élan SC520 CPU, a Fast Ethernet Controller U7 supports 10/100Mbps transfer depending on driver software. X3 is a JST B5B-PH-SM3 5 pin connector. Parameters as physical address and power down modes are stored in a 64X16 bit Serial EEPROM controlled by U7. 2 status LEDs LE1, LE2 show the state of the Ethernet connection. For a more detailed hardware and software description see Intel 82559ER manual.3.1.11. Dual CAN Controller StageThe CAN Controller is selected via ROMCS1# and the Memory location is selectable in the BIOS Setup Screen. The CAN Interrupt provided by 82C900 is inverted by the onboard Lattice CPLD. Since the Interrupt asserted by the 82C900 is only a low active pulse of 0.2µs the CPLD holds the interrupt active until the software accesses the Memory at the location CAN-Base+1xxh. The BIOS routes this interrupt to IRQ11.8Mod520C_2 3.1.12. GP Bus used for ISA BusThe AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU contains an 8/16bit General Purpose Bus (GP bus) with 26 address lines (GPA0..25), 16 data lines (GPD0..15) and different control lines using PIO ports in their alternate GP bus function. Its timing is programmable for speeds up to 33MHz. This bus is to emulate a 16 bit ISA bus (PC/104) running with 8 MHz. ISA bus signal are connected without buffers directly to the lines of the CPU due to the 5V tolerance of the 3.3V signals.8 bit signals SMEMRD# and SMEMWR# (active only at addresses beyond 1 MByte) are not supported (GPMEM_RD# and GPMEM_WR# used).The AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU has only 4 DMA channels on GP bus. DMA channel 2 is used for Super-I/O (U2) on EVAMOD520. All four channels are connected to edge connector X2.Not supported ISA bus signals 0WS#, IOCHK#, IRQ15, REFRESH#, 8MHz and 14.318 MHz clocks, MASTER#.9Mod520C_24. Connectors Of MOD520C4.1. System Connector X2Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O1+3.3V power2GND power 3+3.3V power4GND power 5GPD0I/O6TDP O7GPD1I/O8TDN O9GPD2I/O10not connected11GPD3I/O12RDP I13GPD4I/O14RDN I15GPD5I/O16not connected17GPD6I/O18DRQ0I19GPD7I/O20DRQ2I21GPD8I/O22DRQ5I23GPD9I/O24DRQ7I25GPD10I/O26DACK0#O27GPD11I/O28DACK2#O29GPD12I/O30DACK5#O31GPD13I/O32DACK7#O33GPD14I/O34GND power 35GPD15I/O36GPRESET O37GND power38GPIORD#O39GPA0O40GPIOWR#O41GPA1O42GPALE O43GPA2O44GPBHE#O45GPA3O46GPRDY I47GPA4O48GPAEN O49GPA5O50GPTC O51GPA6O52GPDBUFOE#O53GPA7O54GPIO_CS16#O55GPA8O56GPMEM_CS16#O57GPA9O58GPCS0#O59GPA10O60GPMEM_RD#O61GPA11O62GPMEM_WR#O63GPA12O64GND power 10Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O65GPA13O66EXTRES#I67GPA14O68PWRGOOD O69BUFA15O70CLKTEST71BUFA16O72PRG_RESET73BUFA17O74GND power75BUFA18O76GPCS1#O77BUFA19O78GPCS2#O79BUFA20O80GPCS3#O81BUFA21O82GPCS4#O83BUFA22O84GPCS5#O85BUFA23O86GPCS6#O87BUFA24O88GPCS7#O89BUFA25O90VBATIN power91GND power92GND power93IRQ1I94RSTLD0I95IRQ3I96RSTLD1I97IRQ4I98RSTLD2I99IRQ5I100RSTLD3I101IRQ6I102RSTLD4I103IRQ7I104RSTLD5I105IRQ9I106RSTLD6I107IRQ10I108RSTLD7I109CANINT I110DBGDIS I111IRQ12I112INSTRC I113IRQ14I114DBGENTR I115SPEAKER O116not connected117+5V power118GND power119+5V power120GND power114.2. System Connector X4Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O1PCICLKRTN I2GND power 3PCICLK O4PCICLKETHER I5AD0I/O6CBE0#I/O7AD1I/O8CBE1#I/O9AD2I/O10CBE2#I/O11AD3I/O12CBE3#I/O13AD4I/O14not connected15AD5I/O16not connected17AD6I/O18not connected19AD7I/O20not connected21AD8I/O22GND power 23AD9I/O24RXD1I25AD10I/O26TXD1O27AD11I/O28CTS1#I29AD12I/O30DCD1#I31AD13I/O32DSR1#I33AD14I/O34RIN1#I35AD15I/O36DTR1#O37AD16I/O38RTS1#O39AD17I/O40RXD2I41AD18I/O42TXD2O43AD19I/O44CTS2#I45AD20I/O46DCD2#I47AD21I/O48DSR2#I49AD22I/O50RIN2#I51AD23I/O52DTR2#O53AD24I/O54RTS2#O55AD25I/O56CANH1/TXD157AD26I/O58CANL1/RXD159AD27I/O60CANH2/TXD261AD28I/O62CANL2/RXD263AD29I/O64GND power 12Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O65AD30I/O66SRESET#I67AD31I/O68GPRESET#O69GND power70TCK O71INTA#I72TMS73INTB#I74TDI I75INTC#I76TDO O77INTD#I78TRST#I79REQ0#I80CMDACK81REQ1#I82BR/TC83REQ2#I84GND Power85REQ3#I86STOP/TX87REQ4#I88TRIG/TRACE89GNT0#O90not connected91GNT1#O92ACTLED#O93GNT2#O94LILED#O95GNT3#O96SPEEDLED#O97GNT4#O98not connected99GND power100GND power101PAR I/O102SSI_CLK O103PERR#I/O104SSI_DO O105SERR#I106SSI_DI I107FRAME#I/O108not connected109TRDY#I/O110ISP_TDI I111IRDY#I/O112ISP_TDO O113STOP#I/O114ISP_TMS115DEVSEL#I/O116ISP_TCK I117RST#O118BSCAN#119GND power120GND power135. Application Notes5.1. Power SupplyThe MOD520C needs +3.3V and 5V power supply.3.3V worst case supply current is 1130 mA5V worst case supply current is 550 mABe sure to design your power supply for this current including large load transients.5.2. Important Signals5.2.13. PCICLKRTN PCICLK PCICLKETHERPCICLK is the clock source for the PCI-Bus. PCICLKETHER is the clock input for the Ethernet Controller. PCICLKRTN is the clock input of the AMD Élan Sc520. This pin is used to synchronize the CPU with the external PCI-Bus. Therefore it is important that all clock traces have the same length to provide each PCI-Target with the clock at the same time. Trace length of each of this clocks is 68mm on the module. If you do not plan to connect an additional PCI-Target on your board you just add a serial resistor 33R between PCICLK and PCICLKRTN and one between PCICLK and PCICLKETHER.5.2.14. ISA-Bus SignalsIf you use the ISA-Bus Signals you have to add some resistors to the following Signals:GPD0 – GPD15 4k7 pull upGPRDY1k pull downIRQ´s10k pull upDRQ´s10k pull down145.2.15. CAN-Interrupt IRQ11IRQ11 is used for the CAN-Controller 82C900 and is not sharable. Since the interrupt provided by 82C900 is a low active pulse with a length of 0.2µs the CPLD inverts this signal and holds it until the software acknowledges the interrupt. To acknowledge this interrupt the software has to access a memory location with the offset 1xxh to the CAN-Base. This memory access is just an access of the system memory, not an access of the CAN-Controller.156. Members of the MOD520C familyNumbe r Variant Flash SDRAM SRAM CAN CAN-DriverTemp.320MOD520C_0_V018M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8Yes Yes0..70°321MOD520C_0_V021M*16, AMD(=2 Mbyte)1*TM015202*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8Yes Yes0..70°322MOD520C_0_V038M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*16M*16(=64 Mbyte)2*TM01249512k*8Yes Yes0..70°334MOD520C_1_V01MOD520C_2_V018M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°335MOD520C_1_V02MOD520C_2_V021M*16, AMD(=2 Mbyte)1*TM015202*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°336MOD520C_1_V03MOD520C_2_V038M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*16M*16(=64 Mbyte)2*TM01249512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°184MOD520C_1_V048M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519No No No0..70°16。
迷你小巧的金属外壳 纯直通设计 支持9V电源供电
01 纯直通脚踏开关:踩下脚踏开关以选择效果的开关。 02 LED指示灯:显示FC07的工作状态,当指示灯亮时为效果开启。 03 电源接口:电源供给,使用9V直流变压器(内负外正)。 04 输入:1/4”单声道音频接口,连接吉他。 05 输出:1/4”单声道音频接口,输出信号。 06 模式切换开关:选择Warm模式或者Hot模式。 07 VOL旋钮:调节过载效果的音量。 08 TONE旋钮:调节过载效果的音色。 09 OVERDRIVE旋钮:调节过载效果的增益。
Warm:重现了经典电子管音箱极富动态的温暖过载音色,自然、光滑、甜美的声音。 Hot:比Warm档拥有更有力的输出,强有力的Crunch音色。
电源: 请使用指定的电源连接本产品。本产品需要内负外正9V7mA的电源变压器。错误的电源可能会引起 设备短路以及损坏设备。⻓时间不使用产品的时候,请断开电源。
安全注意事项: 1. 请仔细阅读本说明书 2.请保存好本说明书 3.注意所有警告事项 4.遵循说明书指示 5.请勿将设备靠近水源或湿度大的环境 6.用干毛巾擦拭清洁 7.请确保使用时远离收音机和电视机或者其他有磁场产生的设备,以免造成干扰 8.请勿暴力使用开关及控制元件 9.请勿让纸屑、金属制品及其他物体落入机内 10.请勿摔落以及让本机受到冲击和过度按压
1.低成本电源通风用风扇速度控制器——FSCTxxA-UH5 [J], 毛光武军;侯玉军
2.双PWM风扇速度控制器MAX6615/6616 [J], 戴维德
3.PC机风扇速度控制器 [J], 谢小梅
4.风扇速度控制器 [J], 叶启明
5.Andigilog推出能根据温度调节风扇速度的闭环控制器 [J], 章
参考文献:《The Formula SAE Electric Vehicle Competition —A High-Torque Density Permanent Magnet Motor 》——
Marco Munaro , Nicola Bianchi, and Giovanni Meneghetti are with the University of Padova, Italy。
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Analyzing Profitability
Focus of Profitability Analysis
Profitability analysis helps address questions such as: What is a company’s relevant income measure? What is the quality of income? What income components are important for forecasting? How persistent are income and its components? What is a company’s earning power?
Analyzing Profitability
Measuring Income--Incentives for Disclosure
Reality: Each of us possess opinions--we see the world from different perspectives Managers bring strong views to the table Managers feel pressures of competition and society Directors expect results Shareholders concentrate on the bottom line Creditors want safeguards Financial analysts dislike surprises Accounting preparers and auditors demand acceptable practices
Common-size analysis of revenues shows the percent of each major class of revenue to its total Graphical analysis is a useful tool to interpret the sources of revenues
Analyzing Profitability
Measuring Income--Incentives for Disclosure
―Acceptable‖ methods, not necessarily ―appropriate‖ methods
Analyzing Profitability
Measuring Income--Diversity Across Users
• Financial statements are general-purpose reports serving diverse needs of many users
• Diversity of views implies an analysis uses income as an initial measure of profitability • Use available information adjust income measurement consistent with one’s objectives
Analyzing Revenues
Revenue Sources
Diversified Companies present special challenges
• Different segments usually experience varying rates of profitability, risk, and growth • Asset composition and financing requirements of segments often vary • Evaluation, projection, and valuation of income is aided by segment analysis • Segments share characteristics of variability, growth, and risk • Income forecasting benefits from forecasts by segments • Must separate and interpret the impact of individual segments
Profitability Analysis
Analyzing Profitability
Focus of Profitability Analysis
Profitability analysis is a key part of financial statement analysis All financial statements are pertinent to profitability analysis Emphasis of profitability analysis is on the income statement
Analyzing Revenues
Two-Phase Analysis of Income
Analysis of income and its components involves two phases 1. Analysis of accounting and its measurements Purpose: To apply knowledge of accounting to yield a measure of income, and its components, consistent with the analysis objectives 2. Applying analysis tools to income (and its components) and interpreting the analytical results Purpose: To apply analysis tools to aid achieve the analysis objectives—such as income forecasting and estimating earning power
Analyzing Revenues
Revenue Sources
Analysis of revenues (sales) helps address questions such as:
What are the major sources of revenue? How persistent are revenue sources? How are revenues, receivables, and inventories related? When is revenue recorded? How is revenue measured?
Analyzing Profitability
Measuring Income--Accounting Methods
Professional experience Accounting standards governing income measurement Social Influences
Analyzing Revenues
Revenue Sources
Knowledge of major sources of revenues is important to profitability analysis
Each market and product line often has its own growth pattern, profitability, and future potentБайду номын сангаасal
Analyzing Revenues
Revenue Sources
Analysis tools to assess earnings quality and growth opportunities
Segment Breakdown of Earnings Contribution and Growth Segmented earnings contribution matrix
Analyzing Profitability
Measuring Income--Incentives for Disclosure
Ideally: Financial statements fairly present transactions and events Accounting is neutral—not affecting how transactions and events are perceived Methods chosen that are most applicable to the circumstances Relevant information is disclosed—favorable and unfavorable
Analyzing Profitability
Measuring Income--Estimation Issues
Management discretion is part of income measurement
Estimates of skilled and experienced professionals Some consensus (less variability)
Incentives for Disclosure
Diversity across Users
Analyzing Profitability
Measuring Income--Estimation Issues