
心理卫生 M.I.N.I.中文版

心理卫生 M.I.N.I.中文版

目录译者著 (1)免责声明 (1)记录表指导语M.I.N.I. 中文版正文附录:M.I.N.I. 中文版信效度研究报告记录表译者注《简明国际神经精神访谈(the MINI-International Neuropsychiatric Interview,M.I.N.I.)》是由Sheehan和Lecrubier开发的一个简单、有效和可靠的定式访谈工具,主要用于筛查、诊断《精神障碍诊断和统计手册第四版(DSM-IV)》和《国际精神障碍统计分类手册(ICD-10)》中16种轴I精神疾病和一种人格障碍,包括130个问题。




近年来,我国越来越多地参与国际性临床研究,基于此,在征得原作者同意后,我们将M.I.N.I.英文版5.0.0(2004)翻译为中文版,并进行了信效度评价,结果显示M.I.N.I.中文版对抑郁发作、焦虑障碍、物质依赖、精神病性障碍的诊断与用SCID-P作出的诊断有很高的一致性(司天梅,等. 2009)。








般 情 况 调 查 表 和 简 明 国 际 神 经 精 神 访 谈 对 综 合 医 院 和 精 神 专 科 医 院 精 神 科 门 诊 100 例 抑 郁 障 碍 患 者 进 行 调
查,对不同性质医疗机构患者的临床特征和治疗情况进行比较分析。 结果 综合医院精神科门诊抑郁障碍患
者 的 年 龄 和 首 次 抑 郁 发 作 的 年 龄 都 大 于 精 神 专 科 医 院 患 者 (P < 0.01)。 综 合 医 院 患 者 抑 郁 发 作 时 有 不 典 型 症
谈 : 本 研 究 使 用 简 明 国 际 神 经 精 神 访 谈 (mini international neuropsychiatric interview,MINI) 作 为 入 组 诊 断 的 确 诊 工 具 。 MINI 是 针 对 ICD鄄10 和 DSM鄄IV 中 16 种 轴 I 精 神 障 碍 的 简 短 的 结 构 式 访 谈 , 中 文 版 的 信 效 度 良 好 [8]。 本 研 究 仅 选 取 了 与 抑郁相关的 5 部分进行分析,包括抑郁发作(现 患 和 复 发 )、忧 郁 特 征 、心 境 恶 劣 、自 杀 风 险 和 精 神病性疾患。 自杀风险是对近 1 个月内是否有消 极观念、 自我伤害或自杀企图 / 行为以及既往是 否有自杀未遂 等进行综 合评估 ,0 分为 无风险 , 1 ~ 5 分 为 低 风 险 ,6 ~ 9 分 为 中 等 风 险 ,≥10 分 为高风险。 1.2.2 研究流程 门诊经治医师根据入组和排除 标 准 初 步 筛 查 ;然 后 , 调 查 员 使 用 MINI 对 入 组 患 者进行半定式结构访谈,“抑郁发作现患”或“抑郁 发作复发性”诊断框为“是”的继续接受访谈;另一 组调查员使用《一般情况调查表》对患者进行详细 调查, 符合入组标准同时不满足排除标准的患者 成 为 研 究 对 象 。 续 贯 入 组 ,目 的 样 本 为 100 例 (每 家医院各 50 例); 在同济医 院共调查 了 51 例 ,有 1 例因不愿继续进行调查而出组; 在精神卫生中 心共调 查了 53 例,有 2 例因详细调 查中发 现 曾 被 诊断过双相障碍以及 1 例因不能理解量表内容而 出组。 调查员为 4 名精神医学专业在读硕士研究 生,每家医院各 2 人同时期进行调查,均经过统一 培训。 1.3 统 计 方 法 使 用 SPSS 17.0 对 所 有 数 据 进 行统计分析,根据数据分布的特点,采用的统计 方 法 包 括 描 述 性 统 计 、t 检 验 、掊!2 检 验 ( 包 括 Pearson!掊!2、Fisher 精 确 概 率 法 )、Mann鄄Whitney U 检 验 、一 致 性 检 验 等 。 设 定 检 验 水 准 α = 0.05 ,双 侧检验。



简明国际神经精神访谈中文版M.I.N.I.目录译者著 (1)免责声明 (1)记录表指导语M.I.N.I. 中文版正文附录:M.I.N.I. 中文版信效度研究报告记录表译者注《简明国际神经精神访谈(the MINI-International Neuropsychiatric Interview,M.I.N.I.)》是由Sheehan和Lecrubier开发的一个简单、有效和可靠的定式访谈工具,主要用于筛查、诊断《精神障碍诊断和统计手册第四版(DSM-IV)》和《国际精神障碍统计分类手册(ICD-10)》中16种轴I精神疾病和一种人格障碍,包括130个问题。




近年来,我国越来越多地参与国际性临床研究,基于此,在征得原作者同意后,我们将M.I.N.I.英文版5.0.0(2004)翻译为中文版,并进行了信效度评价,结果显示M.I.N.I.中文版对抑郁发作、焦虑障碍、物质依赖、精神病性障碍的诊断与用SCID-P作出的诊断有很高的一致性(司天梅,等. 2009)。








精神分裂症患者冲突监测功能缺陷的事件相关电位研究边志明;王长明;刘晨阳;张秀军;马辛【摘要】目的本研究旨在探讨精神分裂症患者认知加工缺陷中冲突监测功能的缺损情况,了解N270负波对精神分裂症患者冲突加工功能的评估作用.方法采用EGI 128导联脑电设备记录14名精神分裂症患者和20名健康被试的脑电数据,序列呈现两张面孔图片以诱发事件相关电位,实验任务为判断前后两张面孔是否一致.结果面孔不一致(即冲突条件)会诱发出冲突性负波N270,面孔匹配条件下未观察到N270.患者组N270成分的峰潜伏期在01、02、P3、P4等电极上比健康对照组显著延迟,而两组N270波幅差异无统计学意义.结论精神分裂症患者N270成分潜伏期存在明显异常,提示其冲突监测功能存在缺损,精神分裂症可能对于信息的冲突采取了不同于健康对照的处理方式,N270可成为评价精神分裂症患者认知功能中冲突处理能力缺损情况的客观指标.【期刊名称】《首都医科大学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(039)005【总页数】5页(P625-629)【关键词】精神分裂症;事件相关电位;冲突性负波;N270【作者】边志明;王长明;刘晨阳;张秀军;马辛【作者单位】华北理工大学心理学院,河北唐山063210;首都医科大学附属北京安定医院首都医科大学精神卫生学院,北京100875;精神疾病诊断与治疗北京市重点实验室北京脑重大疾病研究院国家精神心理疾病临床医学研究中心,北京100875;华北理工大学心理学院,河北唐山063210;华北理工大学心理学院,河北唐山063210;首都医科大学附属北京安定医院首都医科大学精神卫生学院,北京100875;精神疾病诊断与治疗北京市重点实验室北京脑重大疾病研究院国家精神心理疾病临床医学研究中心,北京100875【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R749.3精神分裂症是一种高致残性的重性精神疾病,该疾病普遍的症状表现以阴性症状、阳性症状和认知功能损伤三大核心症状为主。



简明国际神经精神访谈中文版目录译者著.................................................... (1-) .......免责声明.................................................. ()) ......记录表M丄N.中文版正文附录:M丄N.中文版信效度研究报告记录表译者注《简明国际神经精神访谈(the MINI-I nternatio nal NeuropsychiatricIn terview,M丄N.I.)》是由Sheehan和Lecrubier开发的一个简单、有效和可靠的定式访谈工具,主要用于筛查、诊断《精神障碍诊断和统计手册第四版(DSM-IV》和《国际精神障碍统计分类手册(ICD-10》xx16种轴I精神疾病和一种人格障碍,包括130个问题。


已经有研究进行了M.I.N.I.与SCID-F和CIDI的信度和效度比较,结果显示M丄N.I .具有非常可接受的信度和效度评分。








中文版双极性指数评估表临床信效度研究作者:郭小兵薛红霞丰雷耿莹来源:《中国医药导报》2014年第24期[摘要] 目的评价中文版双极性指数评估表的信度和效度,确定抑郁障碍和双相障碍合适的划界分。




结果双相障碍患者的BPX总分为(60.15±12.00)分,临床发作特征因子分为(16.39±4.37)分,首次发病年龄因子分为(15.74±3.34)分,病程因子分为(11.52±4.19)分,治疗反应因子分为(15.19±4.48)分,均高于抑郁障碍患者[分别为(26.21±12.00)、(2.82±2.79)、(9.85±4.32)、(4.46±2.62)、(6.72±4.82)分],差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。

而家族史因子分两者之间差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。


重测一致性结果为BPX总分相关系数为0.982(P < 0.05),各因子分相关系数为0.982~1.000。

反映内部一致性的Cronbach's α系数为0.789,每个项目的均值范围在1.61~13.47,总量表均值是46.93(SD=20.49)。






以入院当天的简明国际神经精神访谈(International Neuropsychiatric Interview,MINI)自杀模块评估结果为指标,根据既往1个月内是否有自杀行为分为自杀未遂组(n=140)和非自杀未遂组(n=302)。

比较2组患者的社会人口特征、临床特征、内分泌指标及艾森克个性测验(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire,EPQ)、家庭环境量表简式中文版(The Chinese Version of Family Environment Scale Symptoms Questionnaire,FES-F)、青少年生活事件量表(Adolescent Self-rating Life Events Checklist,ASLEC)、童年期虐待问卷(Childhood Trauma Questionnaire,CTQ)、青少年多维焦虑量表(The Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children,MASC)、儿童抑郁量表(Child Depression Inventory,CDI)的评分。






例子 1 只读患者有的症状
(→)指:转到诊断框,在相应的诊断判断项上圈“否” ,然后转到下一题组。 ) A1 最近两周内, 你是否几乎在每天的大部分时间感到心情压抑或情绪低落? A2 最近两周内, 对于平日你所喜欢的事情, 你是否失去了兴趣或愉快感? A1 或 A2 编码 “是” 吗? A3 最近两周你,当你感到抑郁和/或丧失兴趣时: a.你是否几乎每天都有食欲减退或者增加?或者尽管你没有可以节食,但是体重(体质 量)下降或体重增加? (如:体重变化超过 5%,如果一个体重为 70kg 的人,在一个 月时间内体重变化超过±3.5kg) 。如果任一个问题回答“是” ,编码“是” 。 否 是 否 否 否 是 是 是
(→)指:转到诊断框,在相应的诊断判断项上圈“否” ,然后转到下一题组。 ) A5 a.A2 编码“是”吗? b.在这次抑郁发作最严重的时候, 你是否对于你平日喜欢的事情、 让你感到很愉快 否 是
的事情,都没有任何反应?如果“否” :如果发生一些好事情,仍然无法让你高兴起来吗? 甚至短暂的高兴? A5a 或 A5b 中有一项编码“是”吗? A6 最近两周内,当你感到抑郁和/或丧失兴趣时: a.是否你的抑郁感觉和居丧反应不同?居丧反应时当亲人去世时出现的那种悲伤感觉。 否 b.你是否几乎每天都感觉到早上更重? c.你是否几乎每天早上都比平时早醒 2 小时,并且无法再入睡? d.A3a 编码“是”吗? e.A3c 编码“是”吗? f.你是否感觉有过分的、不切实际的罪恶感? 否 否 否 否 否 是 是 是 是 是 是 否 是
• Q常规形式 • M.I.N.I.被分为几个题组,用字母标识,每个字母或题组与某一诊断分 类相对应。 • 每个题组的开始(除了精神病性障碍题组),在黑框阴影中列出了与 疾病的主要症状标准相对应的筛查问题。


M神经性厌食(ANOREXIA NERVOSA)现患(过去3个月)□307.1F50.0
N神经性贪食(BULIMIA NERVOSA)现患(过去3个月)□307.51 F50.2
O广泛性焦虑障碍现患(过去3个月)□300.02 F41.1
Sheehan D.,Janars J.,Bakr,R,等.简明国际神经精神访谈(中文版).司天梅,舒良,孔庆梅,等.译.中国心理卫生杂志,2009,23(9):增刊.





一级段落标题1:DSM-5DSM-5(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition)是目前使用最广泛的精神障碍分类手册。





二级段落标题2:ICD-10ICD-10(International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision)是世界卫生组织(WHO)发布的国际疾病分类系统,包括了所有疾病的分类和统计信息。







二级段落标题1:SCID(结构性临床访谈,Structured Clinical Interview for DSM)SCID是一种常用工具,被广泛用于诊断DSM-5中的各类精神障碍。



老年痴呆临床常用评估量表老年痴呆是一种常见的神经退行性疾病,临床上常用的评估量表有多种,主要包括以下几种:1. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE),MMSE是一种广泛使用的评估老年痴呆和认知功能的常用量表。


2. Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA),MoCA是另一种评估认知功能的常用量表,与MMSE相比,MoCA在注意力、执行功能和抽象思维等方面的评估更加全面,总分为30分,也被广泛用于评估轻度认知障碍和早期老年痴呆。

3. Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR),CDR是一种临床评估量表,通常由医生或临床评估员完成。


4. Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-CognitiveSubscale (ADAS-Cog),ADAS-Cog是一种专门用于评估阿尔茨海默病患者认知功能的量表,包括记忆、定向力、执行功能等多个方面的测试,广泛用于临床研究和药物临床试验中。

除了上述常用的评估量表外,还有一些其他的评估工具,如Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)用于评估老年抑郁症状,Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)用于评估老年痴呆患者的精神行为症状等。






1. 病史收集在评估认知症患者时,首先要收集详细的病史信息。



2. 量表评估常用的评估工具包括Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE)、Montreal Cognitive Assessment(MoCA)和Clinical Dementia Rating(CDR)等。


3. 神经系统检查神经系统检查是评估认知症的重要步骤之一。


4. 影像学检查脑部影像学检查,如磁共振成像(MRI)和计算机断层扫描(CT)等,可以帮助医生观察患者的脑部结构和功能异常。


5. 实验室检查实验室检查可以帮助医生排除其他可能导致认知障碍的疾病,如甲状腺功能异常、维生素B12缺乏等。


6. 心理评估心理评估可以帮助医生了解患者的心理状态、情绪和人格特征等。


7. 行为评估行为评估可以帮助医生了解患者的行为表现,如冲动、躁动、幻觉等。

常用的行为评估工具包括Neuropsychiatric Inventory(NPI)和Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease(BEHAVE-AD)等。



简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈(父母版)的信效度【摘要】目的:评价简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈(Mini International Neurops ychiatric Interview for children and adolescents,MINI Kid)(父母版)的信度和效度。

方法:以北京大学第六医院门诊和病房患儿、九一小学学生、海淀寄宿学校初中学生共369人为研究对象,由评定者盲法评定,同时以学龄儿童情感障碍和精神分裂症问卷(The Sc hedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Presen t and Lifetime Version,K-SADS-PL)量表为诊断金标准,评价量表效度。


结果:量表的评定者间一致性Kappa 值均在0.80以上,重测信度0.90。

以K-SADS-PL为诊断金标准,对MINI Kid父母版进行效度检验显示,诊断灵敏度分别为注意缺陷多动障碍(80.9%)、对立违抗障碍(78.0%)、品行障碍(75.0%)、儿童情感障碍及情绪问题(65.8%)、抽动障碍(66.0%)、精神病性障碍(91.5%)、广泛发育障碍(74.0%);诊断特异度分别为注意缺陷多动障碍(97.0%)、对立违抗障碍(91.1%)、品行障碍(94.2%)、儿童情感障碍及情绪问题(77.8%)、抽动障碍(99.2%)、精神病性障碍(99.6%)、广泛发育障碍(100.0%)。


【关键词】中文版;简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈;信度;效度;诊断试验中图分类号:R749.94 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6729(2010)012-0921-05doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6729.2010.12.009Reliability and validity of Chinese version of the Mini International NeuropsychiatricInterview for Children and Adolescents(Parent Version)LIU Yu-Xin,LIU Jin,WANG Yu-FengPeking University Institute of Mental Health,Key Laboratory of Ministr y of Health(Peking University),Beijing 100191,ChinaCorresponding author,WANG Yu-Feng,E-mail:wangyf@【Abstract】Objective:To evaluate the reliability and validity of the C hinese version of Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children an d Adolescents,parent version(MINI Kid parent version).Methods:MINI Kid(parent v ersion)was translated into Chinese with the permission of authors.The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and L ifetime Version(K-SADS-PL)was used as the gold standard.The reliability and val idity of MINI Kid(parent version)was investigated in this study.A total of 369 subjects,including out-patients and in-patients from Peking University Institut e of Mental Health and students from a primary school and a secondary school we re included in this study.MINI Kid(parent version)and K-SADS-PL were performed independently with qualified interviewers.Seventeen interviewers for MINI Kid w ere included in the inter-rater reliability training.Two weeks after the first MINI Kid interview,10 parents were evaluated by the second MINI Kid interview t o assess the test-retest reliability.Results:The interrater reliability was hig her than 0.80,and the test-retest reliability was ing K-SADS-PL as the g old standard,the validity rest showed that the sensitivity were 80.9% for atten tion deficit hyperactivity disorder,78.0% for oppositional defiant disorder,75. 0% for conduct disorder,65.8% for children affect disorder and emotional problem,66.0% fortic disorder,91.5% for psychotic disorder,74.0% for pervasive develo pmental disorder,respectively.The specificity were 97.0% for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,91.1% for oppositional defiant disorder,94.2% for conduc t disorder,77.8% for children affect disorder and emotional problem,99.2% for t ic disorder,99.6% for psychotic disorder,100.0% for pervasive developmental dis order,respectively.Conclusion:The results suggest that the Chinese version of M INI Kid(parent version)has satisfied reliability and validity and is suitable f or epidemiological study.【Key Words】 Chinese version;Mini International Neuropsychiatric Inter view for children and adolescents(MINI Kid);reliability;validity;diagnostic tes t根据国内外儿童心理健康状况的研究进展,各类儿童精神障碍已经成为危害儿童和少年身心健康的重要因素。



简明国际神经精神访谈中文版的临床信效度司天梅;舒良;党卫民;苏允爱;陈景旭;董问天;孔庆梅;张卫华【期刊名称】《中国心理卫生杂志》【年(卷),期】2009(023)007【摘要】目的:评价简明国际神经精神访谈(Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview,MINI)中文版精神科临床的信度和效度.方法:经原作者同意后,将MINI翻译为中文版.以定式临床检查病人版(structured clinical interview for DSM-HI-R,SCID-P)作为"金标准",评估MINI中文版的效标效度.共入组161名来自北京大学第六医院、北京回龙观医院门诊和住院的患者,其中152名患者分别进行MINI 中文版、SCID-P访谈,MINI评估后的7~14天内,由另一名研究者对所有152例患者进行第二次MINI检查,以评价MINI的重测一致性;另9例患者进行研究者一致性及重测信度检查.结果:MINI中文版研究者之间一致性和重复测量一致性kappa值分别是0.94(P<0.01)和0.97-1.00(P<0.01).152名患者中抑郁障碍(抑郁症或双相抑郁发作)50例,焦虑障碍27例,精神分裂症60例,物质依赖15例.MINI 诊断这4种疾病的平均灵敏度为(94.2±4.0)%(91.2%~100%);精神分裂症、焦虑障碍的特异度分别是96.4%和96.3%,抑郁障碍、物质依赖的特异度分别是86.0%和85.7%.精神分裂症、物质依赖的阳性预测值分别是95.4%和100%,抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍的阳性预测值分别为84.3%和70.3%.抑郁症、精神分裂症、物质依赖、焦虑障碍的阴性预测值均很高,平均阴性预测值为(9r7.4±2.7)%(93.1%~99.1%).MINI的平均访谈时间短于SCID-P[(23.3±11.6)minvs(103.7±30.3)mill,P<0.001].结论:在精神科就诊的患者中,简明国际神经精神访谈中文版有较高的信效度,并且与DSM-Ⅲ-R诊断相匹配,简单、耗时短,适合临床实践中推广.【总页数】6页(P493-497,503)【作者】司天梅;舒良;党卫民;苏允爱;陈景旭;董问天;孔庆梅;张卫华【作者单位】北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),北京100191;北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),北京100191;北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),北京100191;北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),北京100191;北京回龙观医院,北京100096;北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),北京100191;北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),北京100191;北京大学精神卫生研究所,卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学),北京100191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R749.04【相关文献】1.简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈儿童版的信效度 [J], 刘豫鑫;刘津;王玉凤2.简明神经精神量表中文版在老年痴呆患者中的信效度 [J], 伍力;王燕;李超;伍星;许秀峰3.简明国际神经精神访谈中文版筛查地震受灾者创伤后应激障碍的信效度 [J], 马宁;严保平;张燕;李凌江;马弘;何燕玲;向虎;王荣科;何鸣;程章;崔立军;梁光明;杨磊;刘永桥4.简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈(父母版)的信效度 [J], 刘豫鑫;刘津;王玉凤5.简明国际神经精神访谈中文版的临床信效度 [J], 司天梅;舒良;党卫民;苏允爱;陈景旭;董问天;孔庆梅;张卫华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈(父母版)的信效度简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈(父母版)的信效度【摘要】目的:评价简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈(Mini International Neuropsychia tric Interview for children and adolescen ts,MINI Kid)(父母版)的信度和效度。

方法:以北京大学第六医院门诊和病房患儿、九一小学学生、海淀寄宿学校初中学生共369人为研究对象,由评定者盲法评定,同时以学龄儿童情感障碍和精神分裂症问卷(The Schedule for Affe ctive Disorders and Schizophrenia for Sch ool-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Ver sion,K-SADS-PL)量表为诊断金标准,评价量表效度。


结果:量表的评定者间一致性Kappa 值均在0.80以上,重测信度0.90。

以K-SADS-PL为诊断金标准,对MINI Kid父母版进行效度检验显示,诊断灵敏度分别为注意缺陷多动障碍(80. 9%)、对立违抗障碍(78.0%)、品行障碍(75. 0%)、儿童情感障碍及情绪问题(65.8%)、抽动障碍(66.0%)、精神病性障碍(91.5%)、广泛发育障碍(74.0%);诊断特异度分别为注意缺陷多动障碍(97.0%)、对立违抗障碍(91.1%)、品行障碍(94.2%)、儿童情感障碍及情绪问题(77.8%)、抽动障碍(99.2%)、精神病性障碍(99.6%)、广泛发育障碍(100.0%)。


【关键词】中文版;简明儿童少年国际神经精神访谈;信度;效度;诊断试验中图分类号:R749.94 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6729(2010)012-0921-05doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6729.2010.12.009Reliability and validity of Chines e version of the Mini International Neuro psychiatricInterview for Children and Adolesc ents(Parent Version)LIU Yu-Xin,LIU Jin,WANG Yu-FengPeking University Institute of Men tal Health,Key Laboratory of Ministry of Health(Peking University),Beijing 100191, ChinaCorresponding author,WANG Yu-Feng, E-mail:wangyf@【Abstract】Objective:To evaluate t he reliability and validity of the Chines e version of Mini-International Neuropsyc hiatric Interview for Children and Adoles cents,parent version(MINI Kid parent vers ion).Methods:MINI Kid(parent version)was translated into Chinese with the permissi on of authors.The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Ag e Children-Present and Lifetime Version(K -SADS-PL)was used as the gold standard.Th e reliability and validity of MINI Kid(pa rent version)was investigated in this stu dy.A total of 369 subjects,including out-patients and in-patients from Peking Univ ersity Institute of Mental Health and stu dents from a primary school and a seconda ry school were included in this study.MIN I Kid(parent version)and K-SADS-PL were p erformed independently with qualified int erviewers.Seventeen interviewers for MINI Kid were included in the inter-rater rel iability training.Two weeks after the fir st MINI Kid interview,10 parents were eva luated by the second MINI Kid interview t o assess the test-retest reliability.Resu lts:The interrater reliability was higher than 0.80,and the test-retest reliabilit y was ing K-SADS-PL as the gold st andard,the validity rest showed that the sensitivity were 80.9% for attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder,78.0% for oppo sitional defiant disorder,75.0% for condu ct disorder,65.8% for children affect dis order and emotional problem,66.0% fortic disorder,91.5% for psychotic disorder,74.0% for pervasive developmental disorder,r espectively.The specificity were 97.0% fo r attention deficit hyperactivity disorde r,91.1% for oppositional defiant disorder, 94.2% for conduct disorder,77.8% for chil dren affect disorder and emotional proble m,99.2% for tic disorder,99.6% for psycho tic disorder,100.0% for pervasive develop mental disorder,respectively.Conclusion:T he results suggest that the Chinese versi on of MINI Kid(parent version)has satisfi ed reliability and validity and is suitab le for epidemiological study.【Key Words】 Chinese version;Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for children and adolescents(MINI Kid);re liability;validity;diagnostic test根据国内外儿童心理健康状况的研究进展,各类儿童精神障碍已经成为危害儿童和少年身心健康的重要因素。



100第23卷 第1期 2021 年 1 月辽宁中医药大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol. 23 No. 1 Jan .,2021阈下抑郁中西医治疗研究进展胡文悦1,韩振蕴2,张丹丹1,马华萍1,林景峰1(1.北京中医药大学,北京 100029;2.北京中医药大学深圳医院,广东 深圳 518100)基金项目:国家重点研发计划(SQ2019YFC170218,2019YFC1710103)作者简介:胡文悦(1995-),女,山东威海人,博士研究生,研究方向:中医脑病的临床与基础研究。






关键词:阈下抑郁;中西医;心理治疗;综述中图分类号:R749.41 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-842X (2021) 01- 0100- 05Research Advances of Traditional Chinese Medicine and WesternMedicine in Treating Subthreshold DepressionHU Wenyue 1,HAN Zhenyun 2,ZHANG Dandan 1,MA Huaping 1,LIN Jingfeng 1(1.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China;2.Shenzhen Hospitalof Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Shenzhen 518100,Guangdong,China)Abstract:Subthreshold depression is a type of syndrome that has common clinical manifestationsof depression but does not meet the diagnostic criteria for depression in terms of the number or course of symptoms,which affects people's quality of life. Because of the high prevalence of subliminal depression and the increased risk of depression,scholars began to focus on interventions. Compared to the literature available abroad,there are few reports about this issue in China. By reviewing the subthreshold depression clinical intervention studies in recent years,this article found that Chinese and Western medicines,psychological treatment and acupuncture treatment and so on all have certain curative effect.Among them,there were more reports of adverse reactions in Western medicine,and the application of psychological therapy at home and abroad was more effective. The therapeutic effect of TCM psychotherapy guided by TCM theory is remarkable. However,more research is needed to find cost-effective,safe,simple and scalable treatments,including Internet psychotherapy.Keywords:subthreshold depression;traditional Chinese and Western medicine;psychotherapy;review阈下抑郁(subthreshold depression,SD)指存在抑郁临床表现,但病程或症状数目不能满足抑郁症诊断标准的一类综合征。




方法:对1726名精神科门诊和住院部连续就诊的抑郁障碍患者进行评估,评定工具包括已拟定的调查表、32项轻躁狂症状清单(32 Items Hypomania Check List,HCL-32)、简明国际神经精神访谈(Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview,MINI)。










·论著·抑郁症患者短时记忆损害的脑额叶 边缘叶局部功能研究王旭苗,阎锐,陈志璐,赵帅,黄映红,花玲玲,汤浩,王晓芹,夏逸,姚志剑 摘要: 目的:探究抑郁症患者急性发作期静息态下全脑低频振幅(ALFF)、短时记忆损害特征及两者相关性。







关键词: 抑郁症; 短时记忆; 功能磁共振; 低频振幅; 工作记忆中图分类号: R749.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1005 3220(2022)03 0172 05Researchonimpairmentofshort termmemoryandregionalspontaneousneuronalactivityinfrontallimbiclobeinpatientswithmajordepressivedisorder WANGXu miao,YANRui,CHENZhi lu,ZHAOShuai,HUANGYing hong,HUALing ling,TANGHao,WANGXiao qin,XIAYi,YAOZhi jian.TheAffiliatedBrainHospitalofNanjingMedicalUniversity,Nanjing210029,ChinaAbstract: Objective:Toinvestigatethecharacteristicsofamplitudeoflowfrequencyfluctuations(ALFF)inrestingstateandimpairmentofshort termmemoryandtheircorrelationinacutedepressiveepisodespatients. Method:52patientsdiagnosedwithdepressionwererecruited(depressiongroup),alongwith60healthycontrols(controlgroup)matchedforgender,ageandyearsofeducation.Theywereaskedtocomplete3.0TMRIscanningandevaluatedwithHamiltonDepressionScale(HAMD 17),HamiltonAnxietyScale(HAMA)andWechslerMemoryScale(WMS).ALFFwerecomparedbetweenthetwogroups,amongwhichthecorrelationanalysisbetweendifferentbrainactivityandthescoreofHAMD,HAMA,WMSinpatientswereperformedbyPearsoncorrelationanalysis. Results:ThedepressiongroupshowedworseperformanceinshorttermmemoryteststestedbyWMS.Comparedtothecontrolgroup,thereweresignificantdifferencesofALFFvaluesinrightorbitalmiddlefrontalgyrus(R MFG)(MNI:x=24,y=63,z=-12;K=39)andleftposteriorcingulatecortex(L PCC)(MNI:x=-12,y=-48,z=30;K=38)(voxelsizeP<0.001,clustersizeP<0.05,GRFcorrected).ThedepressiongroupshowedsignificantlyincreasedinR MFG,whichwasnegativelycorrelatedwiththescoreofrecognitionmemory(r=-0.302,P=0.029).Comparedwiththecontrolgroup,theALFFofdepressiongroupshoweddecreasedinL PCC,whichwasnegativelycorrelatedwiththescoreofHAMA(r=-0.333,P=0.016)andpositivelycorrelatedwiththescoreofthebackwarddigitspanitem(r=0.291,P=0.036). Conclusion:Depressedpatientshavesignificantimpairmentinshort termmemoryfunctionsandabnormalactivityinshort termmemoryrelevantbrainregionssuchastheR MFGandtheL PCC.Keywords: depression; short termmemory; functionalmagneticresonanceimaging; lowfrequencyfluctuations; workingmemory基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81871066);江苏省重点研发计划专项(BE2018609,BE2019675);江苏省科教强卫工程省市共建医学创新团队(CXTDC2016004);江苏省医学科研重点项目(K2019011);江苏省科教强卫青年医学人才项目(QNRC2016050)作者单位:210029 南京医科大学附属脑科医院(王旭苗,阎锐,陈志璐,赵帅,花玲玲,汤浩,王晓芹,夏逸,姚志剑);南京大学医学院(阎锐,黄映红,姚志剑)通信作者:姚志剑,E 3220.2022.03.002 抑郁症常伴严重记忆损害,其中短时记忆损害是抑郁症患者认知功能障碍的重要方面[1]。

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M.I.N.I.MINI INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INTERVIEWEnglish Version 5.0.0DSM-IVUSA: D. Sheehan, J. Janavs, R. Baker, K. Harnett-Sheehan, E. Knapp, M. SheehanUniversity of South Florida - TampaFRANCE: Y. Lecrubier, E. Weiller, T. Hergueta, P. Amorim, L. I. Bonora, J. P. LépineHôpital de la Salpétrière - Paris© Copyright 1992-2006 Sheehan DV & Lecrubier YAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from Dr. Sheehan or Dr. Lecrubier. Researchers and clinicians working in nonprofit or publicly owned settings (including universities, nonprofit hospitals, and government institutions) may make copies of a M.I.N.I. instrument for their own clinical and research use.DISCLAIMEROur aim is to assist in the assessment and tracking of patients with greater efficiency and accuracy. Before action is taken on any data collected and processed by this program, it should be reviewed and interpreted by a licensed clinician.This program is not designed or intended to be used in the place of a full medical and psychiatric evaluation by a qualified licensed physician – psychiatrist. It is intended only as a tool to facilitate accurate data collection and processing of symptoms elicited by trained personnel.M.I.N.I. 5.0.0 (July 1, 2006)Patient Name: Patient Number:Date of Birth: Time Interview Began:Interviewer’s Name: Time Interview Ended:Date of Interview: Total Time:MEETSMODULES TIME FRAME CRITERIA DSM-IV ICD-10A MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE Current (2 weeks) 296.20-296.26 Single F32.xRecurrent 296.30-296.36 Recurrent F33.x MDE WITH MELANCHOLIC FEATURES Current (2 weeks) 296.20-296.26 Single F32.x Optional 296.30-296.36 Recurrent F33.x(Past 2 years) 300.4 F34.1 B DYSTHYMIA Current(Past Month) C SUICIDALITY CurrentLow Medium HighRisk:D MANIC EPISODE Current 296.00-296.06 F30.x-F31.9PastEPISODE Current 296.80-296.89 F31.8-F31.9/F34.0 HYPOMANICPastE PANIC DISORDER Current (Past Month) 300.01/300.21 F40.01-F41.0LifetimeF AGORAPHOBIA Current 300.22 F40.00G SOCIAL PHOBIA (Social Anxiety Disorder) Current (Past Month) 300.23 F40.1H OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER Current (Past Month) 300.3 F42.8I POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Current (Past Month) 309.81 F43.1DEPENDENCE Past 12 Months 303.9 F10.2x J ALCOHOLALCOHOLABUSE Past 12 Months 305.00 F10.1K SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE (Non-alcohol)Past 12 Months 304.00-.90/305.20-.90 F11.1-F19.1SUBSTANCE ABUSE (Non-alcohol)Past 12 Months 304.00-.90/305.20-.90 F11.1-F19.1DISORDERS Lifetime 295.10-295.90/297.1/ F20.xx-F29 L PSYCHOTICCurrent 297.3/293.81/293.82/293.89/298.8/298.9MOOD DISORDER WITH PSYCHOTIC FEATURES Lifetime 296.24/296.34/296.44 F32.3/F33.3/Current 296.24/296.34/296.44 F30.2/F31.2/F31.5F31.8/F31.9/F39M ANOREXIA NERVOSA Current (Past 3 Months) 307.1 F50.0 N BULIMIA NERVOSA Current (Past 3 Months) 307.51 F50.2307.1 F50.0 ANOREXIA NERVOSA, BINGE EATING/PURGING TYPE CurrentO GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER Current (Past 6 Months) 300.02 F41.1 P ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER Lifetime 301.7OptionalGENERAL INSTRUCTIONSThe M.I.N.I. was designed as a brief structured interview for the major Axis I psychiatric disorders in DSM-IV and ICD-10. Validation and reliability studies have been done comparing the M.I.N.I. to the SCID-P for DSM-III-R and the CIDI (a structured interview developed by the World Health Organization for lay interviewers for ICD-10). The results of these studies show that the M.I.N.I. has acceptably high validation and reliability scores, but can be administered in a much shorter period of time (mean 18.7 ± 11.6 minutes, median 15 minutes) than the above referenced instruments. It can be used by clinicians, after a brief training session. Lay interviewers require more extensive training.INTERVIEW:In order to keep the interview as brief as possible, inform the patient that you will conduct a clinical interview that is more structured than usual, with very precise questions about psychological problems which require a yes or no answer. GENERAL FORMAT:The M.I.N.I. is divided into modules identified by letters, each corresponding to a diagnostic category.•At the beginning of each diagnostic module (except for psychotic disorders module), screening question(s) corresponding to the main criteria of the disorder are presented in a gray box.•At the end of each module, diagnostic box(es) permit the clinician to indicate whether diagnostic criteria are met. CONVENTIONS:Sentences written in « normal font » should be read exactly as written to the patient in order to standardize the assessment of diagnostic criteria.Sentences written in « CAPITALS » should not be read to the patient. They are instructions for the interviewer to assist in the scoring of the diagnostic algorithms.Sentences written in « bold» indicate the time frame being investigated. The interviewer should read them as often as necessary. Only symptoms occurring during the time frame indicated should be considered in scoring the responses.Answers with an arrow above them ( ) indicate that one of the criteria necessary for the diagnosis(es) is not met. In this case, the interviewer should go to the end of the module, circle « NO » in all the diagnostic boxes and move to the next module.When terms are separated by a slash (/) the interviewer should read only those symptoms known to be present in the patient (for example, question H6).Phrases in (parentheses) are clinical examples of the symptom. These may be read to the patient to clarify the question. RATING INSTRUCTIONS:All questions must be rated. The rating is done at the right of each question by circling either Yes or No. Clinical judgment by the rater should be used in coding the responses. The rater should ask for examples when necessary, to ensure accurate coding. The patient should be encouraged to ask for clarification on any question that is not absolutely clear.The clinician should be sure that each dimension of the question is taken into account by the patient (for example, time frame, frequency, severity, and/or alternatives).Symptoms better accounted for by an organic cause or by the use of alcohol or drugs should not be coded positive in the M.I.N.I. The M.I.N.I. Plus has questions that investigate these issues.For any questions, suggestions, need for a training session, or information about updates of the M.I.N.I., please contact :David V Sheehan, M.D., M.B.A. Yves Lecrubier, M.D. / Thierry Hergueta, M.S.University of South Florida College of Medicine INSERM U3023515 East Fletcher Avenue Hôpital de la SalpétrièreTampa, FL USA 33613-4788 47, boulevard de l’Hôpitaltel : +1 813 974 4544; fax : +1 813 974 4575 F. 75651 PARIS, FRANCEA. MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOXES, CIRCLE NO IN ALL DIAGNOSTIC BOXES, AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)A1 Have you been consistently depressed or down, most of the day, nearly NO YES every day, for the past two weeks?A2 In the past two weeks, have you been much less interested in most things or NO YES much less able to enjoy the things you used to enjoy most of the time?IS A1OR A2CODED YES?NO YESA3 Over the past two weeks, when you felt depressed or uninterested:a Was your appetite decreased or increased nearly every day? Did your weight NO YES *decrease or increase without trying intentionally(i.e., by ±5% of body weightor ±8 lbs. or ±3.5 kgs., for a 160 lb./70 kg. person in a month)?IF YES TO EITHER, CODE YES.b Did you have trouble sleeping nearly every night (difficulty falling asleep, waking up NO YESin the middle of the night, early morning wakening or sleeping excessively)?c Did you talk or move more slowly than normal or were you fidgety, restless NO YES *or having trouble sitting still almost every day?d Did you feel tired or without energy almost every day? NO YESe Did you feel worthless or guilty almost every day? NO YESf Did you have difficulty concentrating or making decisions almost every day? NO YESg Did you repeatedly consider hurting yourself, feel suicidal, or wish that you were dead? NO YESARE 5 OR MORE ANSWERS (A1-A3) CODED YES?NO YES *MAJOR DEPRESSIVEEPISODE, CURRENTIF PATIENT HAS CURRENT MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE CONTINUE TO A4,OTHERWISE MOVE TO MODULE B:A4 a During your lifetime, did you have other episodes of two weeks or more when you felt NO YES depressed or uninterested in most things, and had most of the problems we just talked about?b In between 2 episodes of depression, did you ever have an intervalof at least 2 months, without any depression and any loss of interest? NO YES MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE, RECURRENT* If patient has Major Depressive Episode, Current, use this information in coding the corresponding questions on page 5 (A6d, A6e).MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE WITH MELANCHOLIC FEATURES (optional)( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOX, CIRCLE NO, AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)IF THE PATIENT CODES POSITIVE FOR A CURRENT MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE(A3=YES),EXPLORE THE FOLLOWING:A5 a During the most severe period of the current depressive episode, did you lose almost NO YEScompletely your ability to enjoy nearly everything?b During the most severe period of the current depressive episode, NO YESdid you lose your ability to respond to things that previously gaveyou pleasure, or cheered you up?IF NO: When something good happens does it fail to make you feel better, even temporarily?IS EITHER A5a OR A5b CODED YES? NOYESA6 Over the past two week period, when you felt depressed and uninterested:a Did you feel depressed in a way that is different from the kind of feeling NO YESyou experience when someone close to you dies?b Did you feel regularly worse in the morning, almost every day? NO YESc Did you wake up at least 2 hours before the usual time of awakening and NO YEShave difficulty getting back to sleep, almost every day?dIS A3c CODED YES (PSYCHOMOTOR RETARDATION OR AGITATION)? NOYESeIS A3a CODED YES FOR ANOREXIA OR WEIGHT LOSS? NOYESf Did you feel excessive guilt or guilt out of proportion to the reality of the situation? NO YESARE 3 OR MORE A6 ANSWERS CODED YES? NO YES Major Depressive EpisodewithMelancholic Features CurrentB. DYSTHYMIA( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOX, CIRCLE NO, AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)IF PATIENT'S SYMPTOMS CURRENTLY MEET CRITERIA FOR MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE, DO NOT EXPLORE THIS MODULE.B1 Have you felt sad, low or depressed most of the time for the last two years? NO YESB2 Was this period interrupted by your feeling OK for two months or more? NO YESB3 During this period of feeling depressed most of the time:a Did your appetite change significantly? NO YESb Did you have trouble sleeping or sleep excessively? NO YESc Did you feel tired or without energy? NO YESd Did you lose your self-confidence? NO YESe Did you have trouble concentrating or making decisions? NO YESf Did you feel hopeless? NO YESARE 2 OR MORE B3 ANSWERS CODED YES? NOYESB4 Did the symptoms of depression cause you significant distress or impair your ability to function at work, socially, or in some other important way? NO YESDYSTHYMIACURRENTC. SUICIDALITYIn the past month did you:PointsC1 Suffer any accident? NO YES 0 IF NO TO C1, SKIP TO C2; IF YES, ASK C1a,:C1a Plan or intend to hurt yourself in that accident either passively or actively? NO YES 0 IF NO TO C1a, SKIP TO C2: IF YES, ASK C1b,:C1b Did you intend to die as a result of this accident? NO YES 0C2 Think that you would be better off dead or wish you were dead? NO YES 1C3 Want to harm yourself or to hurt or to injure yourself? NO YES 2C4 Think about suicide? NO YES 6 IF YES, ASK ABOUT THE INTENSITY AND FREQUENCY OF THE SUICIDAL IDEATION:Frequency IntensityCan you control these impulsesand state that you will not acton them while in this program?Only score 8 points if response is NO. NO YES8 C5 Have a suicide plan? NO YES8C6 Take any active steps to prepare to injure yourself or to prepare for a suicide attemptin which you expected or intended to die? NO YES9C7 Deliberately injure yourself without intending to kill yourself? NO YES 4C8 Attempt suicide? NO YES10 Hoped to be rescued / surviveExpected / intended to dieIn your lifetime:C9 Did you ever make a suicide attempt? NO YES 4IS AT LEAST 1 OF THE ABOVE (EXCEPT C1) CODED YES?I F YES,ADD THE TOTAL N U MBER OF POINTS FOR THE ANSWERS (C1-C9) CHECKED ‘YES’ AND SPECIFY THE LEVEL OF SUICIDE RISK AS INDICATED IN THE DIAGNOSTIC BOX:MAKE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ABOUT YOUR ASSESSMENT OF THIS PATIENT’S CURRENT AND NEAR FUTURE SUICIDE RISK IN THE SPACE BELOW: NO YES SUICIDE RISKCURRENT1-8 points Low 9-16 points Moderate > 17 points HighD. (HYPO) MANIC EPISODE( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOXES, CIRCLE NO IN ALL DIAGNOSTIC BOXES, AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)D1 a Have you ever had a period of time when you were feeling 'up' or 'high' or ‘hyper’ NO YES or so full of energy or full of yourself that you got into trouble, or thatother people thought you were not your usual self? (Do not considertimes when you were intoxicated on drugs or alcohol.)IF PATIENT IS PUZZLED OR UNCLEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU MEANBY 'UP' OR 'HIGH' OR ‘HYPER’, CLARIFY AS FOLLOWS:By 'up' or 'high' or ‘hyper’I mean: having elated mood; increased energy; needing less sleep; having rapidthoughts; being full of ideas; having an increase in productivity,motivation, creativity, or impulsive behavior.IF NO, CODE NO TO D1b: IF YES ASK:b Are you currently feeling ‘up’ or ‘high’ or ‘hyper’ or full of energy? N O YESD2 a Have you ever been persistently irritable, for several days, so that you NO YES had arguments or verbal or physical fights, or shouted at people outsideyour family? Have you or others noticed that you have been more irritableor over reacted, compared to other people, even in situations that you feltjustified?wereIF NO, CODE NO TO D2b: IF YES ASK:b Are you currently feeling persistently irritable? NO YESIS D1a OR D2a CODED YES?NO YESD3 IF D1b OR D2b=YES: EXPLORE THE CURRENT AND THE MOST SYMPTOMATIC PAST EPISODE, OTHERWISE IF D1b AND D2b=NO: EXPLORE ONLY THE MOST SYMPTOMATIC PAST EPISODEDuring the times when you felt high, full of energy, or irritable did you:EpisodeCurrent Episode Pasta Feel that you could do things others couldn't do, or that you were an NO YES NO YESespecially important person?I F YES, ASK FOR EXAMPLES.T HE EXAMPLES ARE CONSISTENT WITH A DELUSIONAL IDEA. No Yesb Need less sleep (for example, feel rested after only a few hours sleep)? NO YES NO YESc Talk too much without stopping, or so fast that people had difficulty NO YES NO YESunderstanding?d Have racing thoughts? NO YES NO YESe Become easily distracted so that any little interruption could distract you? NO YES NO YESf Become so active or physically restless that others were worried about you? NO YES NO YESg Want so much to engage in pleasurable activities that you ignored the risks or NO YES NO YESconsequences (for example, spending sprees, reckless driving, or sexualindiscretions)?Current Episode PastEpisodeD3(SUMMARY): ARE 3 OR MORE D3 ANSWERS CODED YES NO YES NO YES (OR 4 OR MORE IF D1a IS NO(IN RATING PAST EPISODE) AND D1b IS NO (IN RATING CURRENT EPISODE)?RULE: ELATION/EXPANSIVENESS REQUIRES ONLY THREE D3 SYMPTOMS WHILEIRRITABLE MOOD ALONE REQUIRES 4 OF THE D3 SYMPTOMS.VERIFY IF THE SYMPTOMS OCCURRED DURING THE SAME TIME PERIOD.D4Did these symptoms last at least a week and cause significant problems at home,NO YES NO YES at work, socially, or at school, or were you hospitalized for these problems?↓ ↓ ↓ ↓THE EPISODE EXPLORED WAS A:HYPOMANIC MANIC HYPOMANIC MANICEPISODE EPISODE EPISODE EPISODEIS D4 CODED NO?SPECIFY IF THE EPISODE IS CURRENT OR PAST. NO YES HYPOMANIC EPISODE CURRENT PASTIS D4 CODED YES?SPECIFY IF THE EPISODE IS CURRENT OR PAST. NO YES MANIC EPISODE CURRENT PASTE. PANIC DISORDER( MEANS :C IRCLE NO IN E5,E6 AND E7 AND SKIP TO F1)YESE1 a Have you, on more than one occasion, had spells or attacks when you suddenly NOfelt anxious, frightened, uncomfortable or uneasy, even in situations where mostpeople would not feel that way?b Did the spells surge to a peak within 10 minutes of starting? NO YESE2 At any time in the past, did any of those spells or attacks come on unexpectedly NO YESor occur in an unpredictable or unprovoked manner?E3 Have you ever had one such attack followed by a month or more of persistent NO YESconcern about having another attack, or worries about the consequences of the attackor did you make a significant change in your behavior because of the attacks (e.g., shoppingonly with a companion, not wanting to leave your house, visiting the emergencyroom repeatedly, or seeing your doctor more frequently because of the symptoms?E4 During the worst spell that you can remember:a Did you have skipping, racing or pounding of your heart? NO YESb Did you have sweating or clammy hands? NO YESc Were you trembling or shaking? NO YESd Did you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing? NO YESe Did you have a choking sensation or a lump in your throat? NO YESf Did you have chest pain, pressure or discomfort? NO YESg Did you have nausea, stomach problems or sudden diarrhea? NO YESh Did you feel dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded or faint? NO YESi Did things around you feel strange, unreal, detached or unfamiliar, or did NO YESyou feel outside of or detached from part or all of your body?j Did you fear that you were losing control or going crazy? NO YESk Did you fear that you were dying? NO YESl Did you have tingling or numbness in parts of your body? NO YESm Did you have hot flushes or chills? NO YESE5 ARE BOTH E3, AND 4 OR MORE E4 ANSWERS, CODED YES? NOYESDISORDERPANICLIFETIMEIF YES TO E5, SKIP TO E7.E6 IF E5= NO,ARE ANY E4 ANSWERS CODED YES?NO YESLIMITED SYMPTOMATTACKS LIFETIMET HEN SKIP TO F1. E7 In the past month, did you have such attacks repeatedly (2 or more) followed by NO YESpersistent concern about having another attack? PANIC DISORDERCURRENTF. AGORAPHOBIAF1 Do you feel anxious or uneasy in places or situations where you might have a panic attack NO YES or the panic-like symptoms we just spoke about, or where help might not be available orescape might be difficult: like being in a crowd, standing in a line (queue),when you are alone away from home or alone at home, or when crossing a bridge,traveling in a bus, train or car?IF F1=NO, CIRCLE NO IN F2.F2 Do you fear these situations so much that you avoid them, or suffer NO YES through them, or need a companion to face them?AGORAPHOBIACURRENTIS F2(CURRENT AGORAPHOBIA) CODED NOandIS E7(CURRENT PANIC DISORDER) CODED YES? NO YES PANIC DISORDERwithout AgoraphobiaCURRENTIS F2(CURRENT AGORAPHOBIA) CODED YESandIS E7(CURRENT PANIC DISORDER) CODED YES? NO YES PANIC DISORDERwith AgoraphobiaCURRENTIS F2(CURRENT AGORAPHOBIA) CODED YES andIS E5(PANIC DISORDER LIFETIME) CODED NO? NO YES AGORAPHOBIA, CURRENT without history ofPanic DisorderG. SOCIAL PHOBIA (Social Anxiety Disorder)( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOX, CIRCLE NO AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)G1 In the past month, were you fearful or embarrassed being watched, being NO YES the focus of attention, or fearful of being humiliated? This includes thingslike speaking in public, eating in public or with others, writing while someonewatches, or being in social situations.G2 Is this social fear excessive or unreasonable? NO YESG3 Do you fear these social situations so much that you avoid them or suffer through NO YES them?G4 Do these social fears disrupt your normal work or social functioning or cause you significantdistress?SUBTYPESDo you fear and avoid 4 or more social situations?If YES Generalized social phobia (social anxiety disorder)If NO Non-generalized social phobia (social anxiety disorder)NOTE TO INTERVIEWER: PLEASE ASSESS WHETHER THE SUBJECT’S FEARS ARE RESTRICTED TO NON-GENERALIZED (“ONLY 1 OR SEVERAL”) SOCIALSITUATIONS OR EXTEND TO GENERALIZED (“MOST”) SOCIAL SITUATIONS.“M OST” SOCIAL SITUATIONS IS USUALLY OPERATIONALIZED TO MEAN 4 ORMORE SOCIAL SITUATIONS, ALTHOUGH THE D SM-IV DOES NOT EXPLICITLYSTATE THIS.E XAMPLES OF SUCH SOCIAL SITUATIONSTYPICALLY INCLUDE INITIATING ORMAINTAINING A CONVERSATION, PARTICIPATING IN SMALL GROUPS, DATING,SPEAKING TO AUTHORITY FIGURES, ATTENDING PARTIES, PUBLIC SPEAKING,EATING IN FRONT OF OTHERS, URINATING IN A PUBLIC WASHROOM, ETC. NO YES SOCIAL PHOBIA(Social Anxiety Disorder)CURRENTGENERALIZED NON-GENERALIZEDH. OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOX , CIRCLE NO AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE )H1 In the past month, have you been bothered by recurrent thoughts, impulses, or NO YESimages that were unwanted, distasteful, inappropriate, intrusive, or distressing? ↓(For example, the idea that you were dirty, contaminated or had germs, or fear of SKIP TO H4contaminating others, or fear of harming someone even though you didn't want to, or fearing you would act on some impulse, or fear or superstitions that you would be responsible for things going wrong, or obsessions with sexual thoughts, images or impulses, or hoarding, collecting, or religious obsessions.) (DO NOT INCLUDESIMPLY EXCESSIVE WORRIES ABOUT REAL LIFE PROBLEMS. DO NOTINCLUDE OBSESSIONS DIRECTLY RELATED TO EATING DISORDERS, SEXUAL DEVIATIONS, PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING, OR ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE BECAUSE THE PATIENT MAY DERIVE PLEASURE FROM THE ACTIVITY AND MAY WANT TO RESIST IT ONLY BECAUSE OF ITS NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES.)H2 Did they keep coming back into your mind even when you tried to ignore or NO YESget rid of them? ↓ SKIP TO H4H3Do you think that these obsessions are the product of your own mind and that NOYESthey are not imposed from the outside?obsessionsIS H3 OR H4 CODED YES ?NO YESH5 Did you recognize that either these obsessive thoughts or theseNO YEScompulsive behaviors were excessive or unreasonable?H6 Did these obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviors significantly interfere with your normal routine, your work or school, your usual social activities, or relationships, or did they take more than one hour a day?NO YESO.C.D.CURRENTI. POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (optional)( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOX, CIRCLE NO, AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)I1 Have you ever experienced or witnessed or had to deal with an extremely traumatic NO YESevent that included actual or threatened death or serious injury to you or someone else?EXAMPLES OF TRAUMATIC EVENTS INCLUDE:SERIOUS ACCIDENTS,SEXUAL OR PHYSICALASSAULT,A TERRORIST ATTACK,BEING HELD HOSTAGE,KIDNAPPING,FIRE,DISCOVERINGA BODY,SUDDEN DEATH OF SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU,WAR,OR NATURAL DISASTER.I2 Did you respond with intense fear, helplessness or horror? NO YESI3 During the past month, have you re-experienced the event in a distressing way NO YES(such as, dreams, intense recollections, flashbacks or physical reactions)?I4 In the past month:a Have you avoided thinking about or talking about the event ? NO YESb Have you avoided activities, places or people that remind you of the event? NO YESc Have you had trouble recalling some important part of what happened? NO YESd Have you become much less interested in hobbies or social activities? NO YESe Have you felt detached or estranged from others? NO YESf Have you noticed that your feelings are numbed? NO YESg Have you felt that your life will be shortened or that you will die sooner than other people? NO YESARE 3 OR MORE I4 ANSWERS CODED YES? NOYESI5 In the past month:a Have you had difficulty sleeping? NO YESb Were you especially irritable or did you have outbursts of anger? NO YESc Have you had difficulty concentrating? NO YESd Were you nervous or constantly on your guard? NO YESe Were you easily startled? NO YESARE 2 OR MORE I5 ANSWERS CODED YES? NOYESI6 During the past month, have these problems significantly interfered with your work or social activities, or caused significant distress? NO YES POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDERCURRENTJ. ALCOHOL ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE( MEANS: GO TO DIAGNOSTIC BOXES, CIRCLE NO IN BOTH AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)J1 In the past 12 months, have you had 3 or more alcoholic drinks within a NO YES3 hour period on 3 or more occasions?J2 In the past 12 months:a Did you need to drink more in order to get the same effect that you got when NO YESyou first started drinking?b When you cut down on drinking did your hands shake, did you sweat or feel agitated? Did NO YESyou drink to avoid these symptoms or to avoid being hungover, for example, "the shakes",sweating or agitation?IF YES TO EITHER, CODE YES.c During the times when you drank alcohol, did you end up drinking more than NO YESyou planned when you started?d Have you tried to reduce or stop drinking alcohol but failed? NO YESe On the days that you drank, did you spend substantial time in obtaining NO YESalcohol, drinking, or in recovering from the effects of alcohol?f Did you spend less time working, enjoying hobbies, or being with others NO YESbecause of your drinking?g Have you continued to drink even though you knew that the drinking caused NO YESyou health or mental problems?ARE 3 OR MORE J2ANSWERS CODED YES?* IF YES,SKIP J3QUESTIONS,CIRCLE N/A IN THE ABUSE BOXAND MOVE TO THE NEXT DISORDER.DEPENDENCE PREEMPTS ABUSE. NO YES* ALCOHOL DEPENDENCECURRENTJ3In the past 12 months:a Have you been intoxicated, high, or hungover more than once when you had other NO YESresponsibilities at school, at work, or at home? Did this cause any problems?(CODE YES ONLY IF THIS CAUSED PROBLEMS.)b Were you intoxicated more than once in any situation where you were physically at risk, NO YESfor example, driving a car, riding a motorbike, using machinery, boating, etc.?c Did you have legal problems more than once because of your drinking, for example, NO YESan arrest or disorderly conduct?d Did you continue to drink even though your drinking caused problems with your NO YESfamily or other people?ARE1OR MORE J3ANSWERS CODED YES?NO N/A YESALCOHOL ABUSECURRENTK. NON-ALCOHOL PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS( MEANS : GO TO THE DIAGNOSTIC BOXES, CIRCLE NO IN ALL DIAGNOSTIC BOXES, AND MOVE TO THE NEXT MODULE)Now I am going to show you / read to you a list of street drugs or medicines.K1 a In the past 12 months, did you take any of these drugs more than once, NO YESto get high, to feel better, or to change your mood?CIRCLE EACH DRUG TAKEN:amphetamines, "speed", crystal meth, “crank”, "rush", Dexedrine, Ritalin, diet pills.Stimulants:Cocaine: snorting, IV, freebase, crack, "speedball".Narcotics: heroin, morphine, Dilaudid, opium, Demerol, methadone, codeine, Percodan, Darvon, OxyContin.Hallucinogens: LSD ("acid"), mescaline, peyote, PCP ("angel dust", "peace pill"), psilocybin, STP, "mushrooms",“ecstasy”, MDA, MDMA, or ketamine (“special K”).Inhalants: "glue", ethyl chloride, “rush”, nitrous oxide ("laughing gas"), amyl or butyl nitrate ("poppers").Marijuana: hashish ("hash"), THC, "pot", "grass", "weed", "reefer".Quaalude, Seconal ("reds"), Valium, Xanax, Librium, Ativan, Dalmane, Halcion, barbiturates, Tranquilizers:Miltown, GHB, Roofinol, “Roofies”.Miscellaneous: steroids, nonprescription sleep or diet pills. Any others?SPECIFY MOST USED DRUG(S):CHECK ONE BOX ONLY ONE DRUG / DRUG CLASS HAS BEEN USEDONLY THE MOST USED DRUG CLASS IS INVESTIGATED.EACH DRUG CLASS USED IS EXAMINED SEPARATELY(PHOTOCOPY K2AND K3AS NEEDED)bSPECIFY WHICH DRUG/DRUG CLASS WILL BE EXPLORED IN THE I NTERVIEW BELOW IF THERE ISCONCURRENT OR SEQUENTIAL POLYSUBSTANCE USE:________________________________________K2 Considering your use of (NAME THE DRUG / DRUG CLASS SELECTED), in the past 12 months:YESa Have you found that you needed to use more (NAME OF DRUG / DRUG CLASS SELECTED) NOto get the same effect that you did when you first started taking it?b When you reduced or stopped using (NAME OF DRUG / DRUG CLASS SELECTED), did you have NO YESwithdrawal symptoms (aches, shaking, fever, weakness, diarrhea, nausea, sweating,heart pounding, difficulty sleeping, or feeling agitated, anxious, irritable, or depressed)?Did you use any drug(s) to keep yourself from getting sick (withdrawal symptoms) or sothat you would feel better?IF YES TO EITHER, CODE YES.c Have you often found that when you used (NAME OF DRUG / DRUG CLASS SELECTED), NO YESyou ended up taking more than you thought you would?d Have you tried to reduce or stop taking (NAME OF DRUG / DRUG CLASS SELECTED) but failed? NO YESe On the days that you used (NAME OF DRUG / DRUG CLASS SELECTED), did you spend substantial NO YES(>2 HOURS), obtaining, using or in recovering from the drug, or thinking about the drug?time。
