英文版PS冲片 MSDS
PP-MSDS 英文版English
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------PP-MSDS 英文版EnglishPart I: chemical name Chemicals Chinese name: polypropylene (isotactic) Chemicals English name: polypropylene Chinese alias: English alias: Technical manual coding: Formula: [C 3 H 6] n Molecular weight: Part II: Composition / Information Main components: pure CAS No.: 9003-07-0 Part III: Overview of risk Risk categories: Pathways: Health hazards: their non-toxic, pay attention to the toxicity of different additives. Pyrolysis products of acid, aldehyde and other eye, upper respiratory stimulation. Environmental hazards: Inhalation: Part IV: First Aid Measures Skin contact: Eye contact: Inhalation: remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. For medical treatment. Ingestion: Part V: Fire-fighting measures Hazardous characteristics: powder can form explosive mixtures with air, when a certain concentration and met Mars will be an explosion. Thermal decomposition flammable gases. Hazardous combustion products: Fire fighting methods: as far as possible to move containers from the scene empty Department. Extinguishing Media: Water spray, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand. Fire precautions and measures: Part VI: leak emergency Emergency treatment:1/ 6Isolation leak contaminated areas, restricting access. Cut off the fire source. Recommended emergency personnel wearing dust masks (full cover), wearing protective clothing. With clean shovel collection in a dry, clean, covered containers, transferred to a safe place. If large spills, recycling or collection shipped to the waste disposal sites.---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ Part VII: Handling and Storage Handling Precautions: Storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Away from fire and heat. Oxidants should be kept separate, sealed. Corresponding with the variety and quantity of fire-fighting equipment. Storage areas should be equipped with suitable host material spill. Part VIII: Exposure Control / Personal Protection Maximum allowable concentration: China MAC: 10; the former Soviet Union MAC: 10 Monitoring methods: Engineering controls: closed operation. Provide good natural ventilation. Respiratory protection: air concentrations exceeding the dust, it is recommended to wear self-absorption filter respirators. Eye protection: when necessary, wearing chemical protective safety glasses. Physical protection: wear protective clothing general operations. Hand protection: Wear protective gloves general operations. Other: no smoking scene work. Maintain good health habits. Part IX: Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: white, odorless, tasteless solid. PH: Melting point (℃): 165-170 Boiling point (℃): Not available Relative density (water = 1): 0.90-0.91 Relative vapor density (air = 1): Not available Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): Not available Heat of combustion (kJ / mol): Not available Critical temperature3/ 6(℃): Not available Critical pressure (MPa): Not available Octanol / water partition coefficient as: Not available Flash point (℃): Not available Ignition temperature (℃): 420 (powder cloud) Explosion limit% (V / V): Not available Explosive limit% (V / V): 20 (g/m3) Solubility: Main purpose: used as engineering plastics for the system TV, radio shell, electrical insulation, corrosion pipes, plates, tanks, etc., but also for woven bags, packaging films. Other physical and chemical properties: Part 10: Stability and reactivity Stability: Conditions to avoid: INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong oxidizers. Hazardous Polymerization:---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ Decomposition products: Part XI: Toxicological Information Acute toxicity: LD50: Not available, LC50: no information Subacute and chronic toxicity: Irritation: Sensitization: Mutagenicity: Teratogenicity: Carcinogenicity: Other: Part Ⅻ: Ecological Information Ecotoxicological toxicity: Biodegradation: Non-biodegradable: Bioconcentration or bioaccumulation of: Other harmful effects: Part ⅩⅢ: Waste disposal Nature of waste: Methods of disposal: Disposal in state and local regulations. Proposed incineration disposal. Waste Notes: Part XIV: Transport Information Dangerous Goods Code: no information UN Number: Not available Packaging signs: Packing Group: Z01 Packaging: No information. Transportation Note: Part XV: Regulatory Information National chemical safety regulations: Chemical Dangerous Goods Safety Management Regulations (February 17, 1987 the State Council), hazardous materials safety regulations implementation details (of labor [1992] No. 677), the workplace safe use of chemicals ([1996] Ministry of Labor No. 423) and other regulations for the safe use of hazardous chemicals, production, storage, transport, handling, etc. are made corresponding provisions; middle polypropylene plant air health standards (GB 16209-1996),5/ 6workshop provided the substance in the air and the maximum allowable concentration detection methods.。
聚苯乙烯 PS MSDS
聚苯乙烯 PS MSDS聚苯乙烯 (PS) 材料安全数据表 (MSDS)1. 产品概述聚苯乙烯 (PS) 是一种热塑性塑料,由苯乙烯单体经过聚合反应制得。
2. 成分/组成聚苯乙烯主要由苯乙烯单体聚合而成,可能含有少量的辅料,如稳定剂、抗氧化剂等。
3. 物理和化学性质- 外观:白色或透明颗粒状固体。
- 相对分子质量:约 100,000 - 200,000- 熔点:100-130°C- 密度:1.05-1.10 g/cm³- 热稳定性:良好- 电绝缘性:优良4. 危险性概述聚苯乙烯本身在正常使用条件下不具有显著的危险性。
5. 急救措施皮肤接触- 立即用大量清水冲洗受伤部位至少 15 分钟。
- 如果眼睛受到污染,用大量清水冲洗至少 15 分钟,并立即就医。
吸入- 将患者移至新鲜空气处,保持其呼吸道的通畅。
- 如果呼吸困难,立即给予人工呼吸。
- 立即就医。
摄入- 立即给予大量清水,并诱导呕吐。
- 立即就医。
眼睛接触- 立即用大量清水冲洗眼睛至少 15 分钟。
- 立即就医。
6. 消防措施聚苯乙烯本身不燃烧,但制品在高温下可能会分解产生可燃气体。
7. 泄露/溢出处理- 立即用砂子或惰性吸收材料(如蛭石)吸收泄漏物。
- 避免泄漏物进入排水系统,以防止污染环境。
- 将泄漏物和吸收材料一起安全处置。
8. 操作和存储注意事项- 操作时,请穿戴适当的个人防护装备,如防尘口罩、防护眼镜和手套。
- 避免摩擦、撞击或接触高温源,以防止火灾或爆炸。
- 存放在干燥、阴凉、通风良好的环境中,远离高温、火源和腐蚀性物质。
- 儿童和宠物无法接触存放区域。
物質安全資料表(MSDS)一、物品與廠商資料物品名稱:PS製造商或供應商名稱:公司地址:緊急聯絡電話/傳真電話:二、成分辨識資料純物質:中英文名稱:POLYSTYRENE COPOLYMER聚苯乙烯化合物同義名稱:PS薄材化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.):9003-55-8AND9003-53-6危害物質成分(成分百分比):無组成/成分信息:具体物质化学分子式构成比例聚苯乙烯HIPS98%其它添加劑---2%三、危害辨識資料最重要危害效應健康危害效應:不可食用環境影響:環保產品,低鉛低鎘物理性及化學性危害:無特殊危害:無主要症狀:無物品危害分類:四、急救措施不同暴露途徑之急救方法:˙吸入:正常作业下无需注意,若暴露于过热或燃烧之烟雾,疏散避开即可。
聚苯乙烯 PS MSDS
聚苯乙烯 PS MSDS聚苯乙烯 (PS) 物质安全数据表 (MSDS)1. 产品概述聚苯乙烯(PS)是一种广泛使用的热塑性塑料,以其优良的化学稳定性、绝缘性能和成型性能而著称。
2. 成分/组成聚苯乙烯主要由苯乙烯单体聚合而成。
化学式为 (C8H8)n。
3. 物理和化学性质- 外观:白色或浅色颗粒状或板状固体。
- 密度:1.05-1.09 g/cm³。
- 熔点:100-130°C。
- 沸点:约 260°C。
- 溶解性:不溶于水,可溶于某些有机溶剂。
4. 危害识别4.1 物理危害聚苯乙烯本身不会自燃,但高温或与易燃物质接触可能导致火灾。
4.2 化学危害聚苯乙烯不是有毒物质,但应避免长时间吸入其蒸汽或与皮肤、眼睛接触。
5. 急救措施5.1 皮肤接触立即脱去污染衣物,用大量清水冲洗至少15分钟,并寻求医疗帮助。
5.2 眼睛接触立即用大量清水冲洗至少15分钟,并寻求医疗帮助。
5.3 吸入立即转移到新鲜空气处,如果呼吸困难,立即呼叫急救服务。
5.4 摄入给予大量饮水,不要催吐,立即寻求医疗帮助。
6. 消防措施聚苯乙烯不支持燃烧,但熔化时可释放可燃气体,因此应使用干粉、二氧化碳或泡沫灭火器进行灭火。
7. 泄露和处置措施在泄露事件中,应封锁泄露区域,避免扩散。
8. 接触控制/个人防护在处理聚苯乙烯时,应穿戴防护眼镜、手套和口罩,以防止与其直接接触。
9. 环境保护聚苯乙烯对环境的影响相对较小,但应避免其进入水体和土壤,以免对生态系统造成损害。
10. 健康影响长时间暴露于聚苯乙烯蒸汽中可能导致轻微的皮肤和眼睛刺激。
Material Safety Data Sheet化学品安全技术说明书SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION化学品及企业标识PRODUCT NAME:产品名CAS NO.:SUPPLIER:供应商:企业应急电话:Emergency TelephoneSECTION 2: Hazards identification危险性概述无毒:2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture物质分类Not a hazardous substance or mixture according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008据(EC) No 1272/2008规定不属于有害物质This substance is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 67/548/EEC.根据67/548/EEC号文件此物质不属于危险品2.2 Label elements标记要素The product does not need to be labelled in accordance with EC directives or respective national laws.此产品不需要按照欧共体法则或各国法规进行特殊标签2.3 Other hazards – none其他危害有毒:In-taking Pathways: drug abuse, skin or eyes contact侵入途径:吸入、皮肤、眼、误服Health hazards健康危害Eye contact: May cause eye irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision眼接触:可引起眼睛刺激、发红、流泪、视力模糊。
Page 1 of 11______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETPRODUCTProduct Name: ISOPAR E SOLVENTProduct Description: Isoparaffinic Hydrocarbon MSDS Number: 9113Intended Use: SolventCOMPANY IDENTIFICATIONSupplier: IMPERIAL OIL CHEMICALS DIVISION240 4th Avenue S.W.CALGARY, ALBERTA. T2P 3M9 Canada24 Hour Environmental / Health Emergency Telephone519-339-2145 Transportation Emergency Phone Number 519-339-2145 Product Technical Information 1-800-663-4109Reportable Hazardous Substance(s) or Complex Substance(s)NameCAS#Concentration*Acute ToxicityNAPHTHA (PETROLEUM), LIGHT ALKYLATE64741-66-8100%None* All concentrations are percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume.PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL EFFECTSFLAMMABLE. Material can release vapours that readily form flammable mixtures. Vapour accumulation could flash and/or explode if ignited. Material can accumulate static charges which may cause an ignition.HEALTH EFFECTSRepeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.Danger of serious irreversible effects by a single exposure. If swallowed, may be aspirated and cause lung damage. May be irritating to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. May cause central nervous system depression.Target Organs: Nervous system |NFPA Hazard ID: Health: 1 Flammability: 3 Reactivity: 0HMIS Hazard ID: Health: 1 Flammability: 3 Reactivity: 0NOTE: This material should not be used for any other purpose than the intended use in Section 1 without expert advice. Health studies have shown that chemical exposure may cause potential human health risks which may vary from person to person.Page 2 of 11INHALATIONRemove from further exposure. For those providing assistance, avoid exposure to yourself or others. Useadequate respiratory protection. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medical assistance. If breathing has stopped, assist ventilation with a mechanical device or usemouth-to-mouth resuscitation.SKIN CONTACTWash contact areas with soap and water. Remove contaminated under contaminated clothingbefore reuse.EYE CONTACTFlush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get medical assistance.INGESTIONSeek immediate medical attention. Do not induce vomiting.NOTE TO PHYSICIANIf ingested, material may be aspirated into the lungs and cause chemical pneumonitis. Treat appropriately.This light hydrocarbon material, or a component, may be associated with cardiac sensitisation following very high exposures (well above occupational exposure limits) or with concurrent exposure to high stress levels or heart-stimulating substances like epinephrine. Administration of such substances should be avoided.EXTINGUISHING MEDIAAppropriate Extinguishing Media: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish flames.Inappropriate Extinguishing Media: Straight streams of waterFIRE FIGHTINGFire Fighting Instructions: Evacuate area. If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapours and to protect personnel attempting to stop a leak.Prevent run-off from fire control or dilution fromentering streams, sewers or drinking water supply.Fire-fighters should use standard protective equipment and in enclosed spaces, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Use water spray to cool fire exposedsurfaces and to protect personnel.Unusual Fire Hazards: Highly flammable. Vapour is flammable and heavier than air. Vapour may travelacross the ground and reach remote ignition sources, causing a flashback fire danger.Hazardous Combustion Products: Smoke, Fume, Incomplete combustion products, Oxides of carbon FLAMMABILITY PROPERTIESFlash Point [Method]: 7C (45F) [ ASTM D-56]Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.9 UEL: 6.2Autoignition Temperature: 395°C (743°F)Page 3 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTIFICATION PROCEDURESIn the event of a spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicableregulations.PROTECTIVE MEASURESAvoid contact with spilled material. Warn or evacuate occupants in surrounding and downwind areas ifrequired, due to toxicity or flammability of the material. See Section 5 for fire fighting information. See theHazard Identification Section for Significant Hazards. See Section 4 for First Aid Advice. See Section 8 forPersonal Protective Equipment.SPILL MANAGEMENTLand Spill: Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). Stop leak if you can do so without risk. All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. A vapour-suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapour. Use clean non-sparking tools to collect absorbed material.Absorb or cover with dry earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers. Large Spills: Water spray may reduce vapour, but may not prevent ignition in enclosed spaces.Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Eliminate sources of ignition. Warn other shipping. If the Flash Point exceeds the Ambient Temperature by 10 deg C or more, use containment booms and remove from the surface by skimming or with suitable absorbents when conditions permit. If the Flash Point does not exceed the Ambient Air Temperature by at least 10C, use booms as a barrier to protect shorelines and allow material to evaporate. Seek the advice of a specialist before using dispersants.Water spill and land spill recommendations are based on the most likely spill scenario for this material;however, geographic conditions, wind, temperature, (and in the case of a water spill) wave and current direction and speed may greatly influence the appropriate action to be taken. For this reason, local experts should be consulted. Note: Local regulations may prescribe or limit action to be taken.ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONSLarge Spills: Dyke far ahead of liquid spill for later recovery and disposal. Prevent entry into waterways,sewers, basements or confined areas.HANDLINGAvoid contact with skin. Prevent exposure to ignition sources, for example use non-sparking tools andexplosion-proof equipment. Potentially toxic/irritating fumes/vapour may be evolved from heated or agitatedmaterial. Use only with adequate ventilation. Prevent small spills and leakage to avoid slip hazard. Material can accumulate static charges which may cause an electrical spark (ignition source). Use proper bondingand/or ground procedures. However, bonding and grounds may not eliminate the hazard from staticaccumulation. Consult local applicable standards for guidance. Additional references include AmericanPetroleum Institute 2003 (Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents) orNational Fire Protection Agency 77 (Recommended Practice on Static Electricity) or CENELEC CLC/TR 50404 (Electrostatics - Code of practice for the avoidance of hazards due to static electricity).Loading/Unloading Temperature: [Ambient]Transport Temperature: [Ambient]Transport Pressure: [Ambient]Page 4 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Static Accumulator: This material is a static accumulator. A liquid is typically considered a nonconductive, static accumulator if its conductivity is below 100 pS/m (100x10E-12 Siemens per meter) and is considered a semiconductive, static accumulator if its conductivity is below 10,000 pS/m. Whether a liquid is nonconductive or semiconductive, the precautions are the same. A number of factors, for example liquid temperature,presence of contaminants, anti-static additives and filtration can greatly influence the conductivity of a liquid. STORAGEAmple fire water supply should be available. A fixed sprinkler/deluge system is recommended. The container choice, for example storage vessel, may effect static accumulation and dissipation. Keep container closed.Handle containers with care. Open slowly in order to control possible pressure release. Store in a cool, well-ventilated area. Outside or detached storage preferred. Storage containers should be earthed and bonded.Fixed storage containers, transfer containers and associated equipment should be grounded and bonded toprevent accumulation of static charge.Storage Temperature: [Ambient]Storage Pressure: [Ambient]Suitable Containers/Packing: Tank Cars; Tank Trucks; Drums; Tank VesselSuitable Materials and Coatings (Chemical Compatibility): Carbon Steel; Stainless Steel; Polyethylene;Polypropylene; Polyester; TeflonUnsuitable Materials and Coatings: Natural Rubber; Butyl Rubber; Ethylene-proplyene-diene monomer(EPDM); PolystyreneSubstance Name Form Limit/Standard Note SourceNAPHTHA (PETROLEUM), LIGHT ALKYLATE Vapour. RCP-TWA1200mg/m3241 ppm TotalHydrocarbonsSupplierNOTE: Limits/standards shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations.ENGINEERING CONTROLSThe level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary depending upon potential exposure conditions.Control measures to consider:Adequate ventilation should be provided so that exposure limits are not exceeded. Use explosion-proof ventilation equipment.PERSONAL PROTECTIONPersonal protective equipment selections vary based on potential exposure conditions such as applications, handling practices, concentration and ventilation. Information on the selection of protective equipment for use with this material, as provided below, is based upon intended, normal usage.Respiratory Protection: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne contaminant concentrations at a level which is adequate to protect worker health, an approved respirator may be appropriate. Respiratorselection, use, and maintenance must be in accordance with regulatory requirements, if applicable. Types of respirators to be considered for this material include:Half-face filter respiratorPage 5 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For high airborne concentrations, use an approved supplied-air respirator, operated in positive pressure mode.Supplied air respirators with an escape bottle may be appropriate when oxygen levels are inadequate,gas/vapour warning properties are poor, or if air purifying filter capacity/rating may be exceeded.Hand Protection: Any specific glove information provided is based on published literature and glovemanufacturer data. Glove suitability and breakthrough time will differ depending on the specific use conditions.Contact the glove manufacturer for specific advice on glove selection and breakthrough times for your useconditions. Inspect and replace worn or damaged gloves. The types of gloves to be considered for this material include:Chemical resistant gloves are recommended.Eye Protection: If contact is likely, safety glasses with side shields are recommended.Skin and Body Protection: Any specific clothing information provided is based on published literature ormanufacturer data. The types of clothing to be considered for this material include:Chemical/oil resistant clothing is recommended.Specific Hygiene Measures: Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing afterhandling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned.Practise good housekeeping.ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLSSee Sections 6, 7, 12, 13.Typical physical and chemical properties are given below. Consult the Supplier in Section 1 for additional data.GENERAL INFORMATIONPhysical State: LiquidForm: ClearColour: ColourlessOdour: Mild Petroleum/SolventOdour Threshold: N/DIMPORTANT HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONRelative Density (at 15.6 C): 0.724Flash Point [Method]: 7C (45F) [ ASTM D-56]Flammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.9 UEL: 6.2Autoignition Temperature: 395°C (743°F)Boiling Point / Range: 115C (239F) - 140C (284F)Vapour Density (Air = 1): 4.1 at 101 kPaVapour Pressure: 2.37 kPa (17.82 mm Hg) at 20°CEvaporation Rate (n-butyl acetate = 1): 2.08pH: N/ALog Pow (n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient): N/DSolubility in Water: NegligibleViscosity: 0.72 cSt (0.72 mm2/sec) at 40°C | 0.85 cSt (0.85 mm2/sec) at 25COxidizing Properties: See Hazards Identification Section.Page 6 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER INFORMATIONFreezing Point: N/DMelting Point: N/DPour Point: -63°C (-81°F)Molecular Weight: 118Hygroscopic: NoCoefficient of Thermal Expansion: 0.00085 V/V/DEG CSTABILITY: Material is stable under normal conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid heat, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources.MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidizersHAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Material does not decompose at ambient temperatures. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur.ACUTE TOXICITYRoute of Exposure Conclusion / RemarksInhalationToxicity: Data available. Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for the material.Irritation: Data available. Negligible hazard at ambient/normal handling temperatures.Based on test data for structurally similar materials.IngestionToxicity: LD50 > 10000 mg/kg Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for the material.SkinToxicity: LD50 > 3160 mg/kg Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for the material.Irritation: Data available. Mildly irritating to skin with prolonged exposure. Based on testdata for structurally similar materials.EyeIrritation: Data available. May cause mild, short-lasting discomfort to eyes. Based on testdata for the material.CHRONIC/OTHER EFFECTSFor the product itself:Vapour/aerosol concentrations above recommended exposure levels are irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract, may cause headaches, dizziness, anaesthesia, drowsiness, unconsciousness and other central nervous system effects including death. Small amounts of liquid aspirated into the lungs during ingestion or fromvomiting may cause chemical pneumonitis or pulmonary edema. Very high exposure (confined spaces / abuse) to light hydrocarbons may result in abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmias).Concurrent high stress levels and/or co-exposure to high levels of hydrocarbons (above occupational exposure limits), and to heart-stimulatingsubstances like epinephrine, nasal decongestants, asthma drugs, or cardiovascular drugs may initiatearrhythmias.Page 7 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional information is available by request.CMR Status: None.--REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED--1 = IARC 1 3 = IARC 2B 5 = ACGIH A12 = IARC 2A 4 = ACGIH ALL 6 = ACGIH A2The information given is based on data available for the material, the components of the material, and similar materials. ECOTOXICITYMaterial -- Expected to be toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.MOBILITYMaterial -- Highly volatile, will partition rapidly to air. Not expected to partition to sediment and wastewater solids.PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITYBiodegradation:Material -- Expected to be inherently biodegradableHydrolysis:Material -- Transformation due to hydrolysis not expected to be significant.Photolysis:Material -- Transformation due to photolysis not expected to be significant.Atmospheric Oxidation:Material -- Expected to degrade rapidly in airOTHER ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONVOC (EPA Method 24): 6.042 lbs/galDisposal recommendations based on material as supplied.Disposal must be in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and material characteristics at time of disposal.DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONSProduct is suitable for burning in an enclosed controlled burner for fuel value or disposal by supervisedincineration at very high temperatures to prevent formation of undesirable combustion products. REGULATORY DISPOSAL INFORMATIONEmpty Container Warning Empty Container Warning (where applicable): Empty containers may containresidue and can be dangerous. Do not attempt to refill or clean containers without proper instructions. Empty drums should be completely drained and safely stored until appropriately reconditioned or disposed. Emptycontainers should be taken for recycling, recovery, or disposal through suitably qualified or licensed contractor and in accordance with governmental regulations. DO NOT PRESSURISE, CUT, WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND, OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION. THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH.Page 8 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LAND (TDG)Proper Shipping Name: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.SHazard Class & Division: 3UN Number: 1268Packing Group: IIMarine Pollutant: YesFootnote: Marine Pollutant designation is applicable only if shipped over water.LAND (DOT)Proper Shipping Name: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.SHazard Class & Division: 3ID Number: 1268Packing Group: IIMarine Pollutant: YesERG Number: 128Label(s): 3Transport Document Name: UN1268, PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.S., 3, PG II, MARINE POLLUTANT (Octanes)SEA (IMDG)Proper Shipping Name: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.SHazard Class & Division: 3EMS Number: F-E, S-EUN Number: 1268Packing Group: IIMarine Pollutant: YesLabel(s): 3Transport Document Name: UN1268, PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.S., 3, PG II, (7°C c.c.), MARINE POLLUTANT (Octanes)AIR (IATA)Proper Shipping Name: PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.SHazard Class & Division: 3UN Number: 1268Packing Group: IILabel(s) / Mark(s): 3Transport Document Name: UN1268, PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.S., 3, PG IIWHMIS Classification: Class B, Division 2: Flammable LiquidsThis product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the (M)SDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.CEPA: All components of this material are either on the Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL), exempt, or have been notified under CEPA.Page 9 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NATIONAL CHEMICAL INVENTORY LISTING: AICS, IECSC, DSL, EINECS, ENCS, KECI, PICCS, TSCAThe Following Ingredients are Cited on the Lists Below: None.--REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED--1 = TSCA 4 3 = TSCA 5e 5 = TSCA 12b2 = TSCA 5a2 4 = TSCA 6 6 = NPRITHIS SAFETY DATA SHEET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING REVISIONS:Revision Changes:Section 04: First Aid Notes was modified.Section 04: First Aid Eye - Header was modified.Section 04: First Aid Ingestion - Header was modified.Section 06: Notification Procedures - Header was modified.Section 01: Company Mailing Address was modified.Section 11: Acute Toxicity Table Header was modified.Section 09: Physical State was modified.Section 11: Inhalation - Header was modified.Section 09: Evaporation Rate - Header was modified.Section 09: Vapour Pressure - Header was modified.Section 07: Handling and Storage-Handling was modified.Section 07: Handling and Storage-Storage Phrases was modified.Section 01: Company Mailing Address was modified.Hazard Identification: Physical/Chemical Hazard was modified.Section 07: Static Accumulator was modified.Section 07: Suitable Materials and Coatings - Header was modified.Section 07: Materials/Coatings - Suitable was modified.Section 07: Materials/Coatings - Unsuitable was modified.Section 09 Viscosity was modified.Section 09 Viscosity was modified.Section 15: National Chemical Inventory Listing - Header was modified.Hazard Identification: Hazards Note was modified.Composition: Component table was modified.Section 16: Health Hazards - Header was modified.Section 16: Physical Hazards - Header was modified.Section 16: CA Contains was modified.Section 16: CA Prepared by - Header was modified.Section 08: Exposure Limits Table was modified.Section 16: Physical Hazards additional was modified.Section 16: First Aid Inhalation - Header was modified.Section 16: Precautions was modified.Page 10 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 16: Precautionary Label Text - Header was modified.Section 11: Other Health Effects was modified.Section 09: Oxidizing Properties was modified.Section 09: Physical State was modified.Section 13: Regulatory Disposal Information - Header was modified.Section 14: TDG Footnote was added.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRECAUTIONARY LABEL TEXT:Contains: NAPHTHA (PETROLEUM), LIGHT ALKYLATEWHMIS Classification: Class B, Division 2: Flammable LiquidsHEALTH HAZARDSRepeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Danger of serious irreversible effects by a single exposure. If swallowed, may be aspirated and cause lung damage.Target Organs: Nervous system |PHYSICAL HAZARDSFLAMMABLE. Material can accumulate static charges which may cause an ignition.PRECAUTIONSAvoid contact with skin. Prevent exposure to ignition sources, for example use non-sparking tools and explosion-proof equipment. Potentially toxic/irritating fumes/vapour may be evolved from heated or agitated material. Use only with adequate ventilation. Use proper bonding and/or earthing procedures.However, bonding and earthing may not eliminate the hazard from static accumulation.FIRST AIDInhalation: Remove from further exposure. For those providing assistance, avoid exposure to yourself or others. Use adequate respiratory protection. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medical assistance. If breathing has stopped, assist ventilation with a mechanical device or use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.Eye: Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get medical assistance.Oral: Seek immediate medical attention. Do not induce vomiting.Skin: Wash contact areas with soap and water. Remove contaminated under contaminated clothing before reuse.FIRE FIGHTING MEDIAUse water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish flames.SPILL/LEAKLand Spill: Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. A vapour-suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapour. Absorb or cover with dry earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers.Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Eliminate sources of ignition. Warn other shipping. If the Flash Point exceeds the Ambient Temperature by 10 deg C or more, use containment booms and remove from the surface by skimming or with suitable absorbents when conditions permit. If the Flash Point does not exceed the Ambient AirProduct Name: ISOPAR E SOLVENTRevision Date: 29 Mar 2010Page 11 of 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Temperature by at least 10C, use booms as a barrier to protect shorelines and allow material to evaporate. Seek the advice of a specialist before using dispersants.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of Imperial Oil's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued. Imperial Oil assumes no responsibility for accuracy of information unless the document is the most current available from an official Imperial Oil distribution system. The information and recommendations are offered for the user's consideration and examination, and it is the user's responsibility to satisfy itself that they are suitable and complete for its particular use. If buyer repackages this product, legal counsel should be consulted to insure proper health, safety and other necessary information is included on the container. Appropriate warnings and safe-handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users. Alteration of this document is strictly prohibited. Except to the extent required by law, republication or retransmission of this document, in whole or in part, is not permitted.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DGN: 5007525 (1006345)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2002 Imperial Oil Limited, All rights reservedPrepared by: Imperial Oil Limited, Solvents。
1.Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertakingProduct name: PS TUBECatalogue NO:TA-1049Company: SHENZHEN DAMINGDA INDUSTRIAL,LTD.Company address: HUASHI INDUSTRIAL SHENZHENManufacture name: OCEAN PLASTICS CO.,LTDManufacture address: 5FL No 310,Chunkwang Road, Taiwan, R.O.CEmergency telephone/FAX NO:886-2-746-5849CellTelephoneNODuty Name Telephone FAXShen886-2-764-2849EXT806886-2-717-9292CEO Ming-LeiSales Manager Ming-Hui Shen 886-2-764-2849EXT806886-2-717-9292position/information on ingredientsProduct name: MODIFIED CLEAR PS COMPOUNDChemical description:(Polystyrene+Modifier)BLENDCA S·NO: 100-45-2 80-65-3 25052-09-2 UN NO: noneList all ingredients:Registry No. %w %v Chemical Name(s)PS+ModifierLess than 1 LubricantLess than 0.1 Pigments3.Hazards identificationInhalation: Thermal decomposition(above 280℃)yield the followings: styrene monomer Methyl-methacrylate monomer gasEye contact: Decomposed gas can cause the following: slight irritation.4.First aid measuresInhalation: Remove from exposure area to fresh air immediately respiration of not well breathing Get immediate medical attention.Eye contact: Flush eyes with a large amount of water for at least 15 minutes.If need, seek medical attention.Skin contact: Wash affected skin areas thoroughly with soap and water.5.Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media: Water spray. Fire-extinguishing power. Carbon dioxide.Dry chemical or foam.Special risks: Combustion, Heat generates toxic fumes of the followings:-carbon monoxide,-carbon dioxide.-dense black smokeSpecial protective equipment for fighting: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus.6.Accidental release measurePerson-relate precautionary measures: Avoid contact with eyes.Do not inhale dust mask. Ensure good ventilation and local exhaustion of the working area. Environmental-protection measure: not applicable.Procedures for cleaning/absorption:Sweep up and place in suitable container for waste disposal. The waste should be incinerated.Store it in ventilated area.7.Handling and storageHandling:When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash thoroughly after handling.Keep working clothing separately and take them home.Storage: Keep away from heat, spark and flames. Store it in a ventilated area.8.Exposure controls/personal protectionSpecific control parameter: not applicable.Personal protection equipment:Respiratory protection: use mask. Ensure good ventilation and local exhaustion of the working area.Eye protection: Use safety eyeglasses.Industrial hygiene: not applicable.9.Physical and chemical propertiesForm: pellet.Color: transparent blueOdor: very slight odorPH value: not applicable.Specific gravity(water as 1.0):1.0-1.1Viscosity dynamic: not applicableMelting point: not applicable.Solidification point: not available.Vapor pressure: not available.Boiling point: not availableFlash point: not applicable.Explosion limits: not applicable.Solubility in water: practically insoluble.10.Stability and reactivityInstability: This material is considered stable under specified condition of storage, Shipment and/or use. Condition to be avoided: avoid heat and high temperatures.Substances to be avoided: not applicable.Hazardous decomposition products: Thermal decomposition may yield the following:-carbon monoxide -carbon dioxide.11.Toxicological informationNone12 .Ecological considerationsNone13 Disposal considerationsSweep up and place in suitable container for waste. The waste should not be incinerated.Store it in a ventilated area.14.Transport informationUS DOT Hazard Class: no regulation.15.Regulatory informationFollowing regulation in your country.16.Other in formation.The information only concerns the above mentioned product and not need to be valid if used withOther product(s) or in any process. The information is to our best present knowledge correct andComplete is given in good faith but without warranty. It remains the user own responsibility to make sure that the information is appropriate and complete for his special use of this product.Reason for alteration:General update:Dare of issue:2020/05/18Composed by: Kevin Kao。
Tungsten(VI) oxide(1314-35-8)Company informationName: Ningbo p'eng Hing Chemical Company Limited Address: Ningbo City, Zhongshan Road East China Sea dawn building zip code: 315000In charge of the Department: Department of Technology Responsible person: Li RongxingPhone: 86-574-66835775Fax: 86-574-66835775Tight level Liaison Office: Technology DepartmentPhone: 86-574-66835775Prepared by: Shen TangyongPeng chemical safety technical specifications of tungsten trioxide 1: chemical nameChemical name: Chinese tungsten trioxide chemical name: tungsten oxide English Name: tungsten trioxide Chemical English Name: tungsten oxide Technical specifications of coding: 2738 CAS No : 1314-35-8The production company name: Ningbo p'eng Hing Chemical Company LimitedAddress: Ningbo City, Zhongshan Road East China Sea dawn building Effective date : 2011-07-082: Composition / information on ingredientsHarmful ingredients: tungsten trioxide content: 99% CAS No:1314-35-83: risk overviewRisk categories:Invasive approach:Health hazards: low toxicity. To the eyes, skin irritation. Smelting steel workers appear general weakness, fever, morbilliform rash, proteinuria, and melting on inhaled tungsten trioxide.Environmental hazards:Explosive danger: it is inflammable, irritating.4: first aid measuresSkin contact: remove contaminated clothing, wash with plenty of water flow.Eye contact: speaking of the eyelid, with the flowing water or saline rinse. Medical treatment.Inhalation: from the scene quickly to fresh air. Keeping the respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Medical treatment.Ingestion: drink plenty of warm water, emetic. Medical treatment.5: fire fighting measuresHazardous characteristics: with a halogen compound such as five, three bromine trifluoride chlorine fluoride reacts violently.Hazardous combustion products: toxic gas:.Fire extinguishing method: fire personnel must wear body fire suits, the wind direction on fire. Fire as much as possible to remove the vessels to open office. Then according to the selection of appropriate fire causes of fire extinguishing6: Leakage Emergency TreatmentEmergency treatment: isolation of contaminated area, restricted access. Recommended emergency personnel wear dust masks, wearing ordinary work clothes. Do not directly contact with leakage. A small leak: avoid dust, carefully scan, collected in dry, clean, a container with a lid. Large leak: collection of recycling or shipped to the disposal of waste disposal sites.7: handling and storageOperation note : closed operation, local exhaust ventilation. Prevention of dust in the air of workplace release to. The operator must go through specialized training, strict compliance with operating procedures. Proposed operators wear self-absorption filter type dust mask, wear protective chemical safety glasses, wear rubber acid and alkali resistant clothing, wearing rubber gloves. Avoid creating dust. Avoid five bromine fluoride, fluoride three chlorine contact. Equipped with emergency treatment equipment for leakage. May be left empty containers of hazardous material.Storage note: stored in a cool, ventilation of the treasury. Away from fire, heat source. To prevent direct sunlight. Packing seal. With five bromine fluoride,fluoride three chlorine stored separately, avoid mixing reservoir. Storage areas should be equipped with appropriate materials asylum leakage.8: access control / personal protectionChinese MAC ( mg / m3 ): failure to develop standardThe former Soviet Union MAC ( mg / m3 ): failure to develop standard TLVTN: failure to develop standardTLVWN: failure to develop standardMonitoring method:Engineering controls: closed operation, local exhaust ventilation. Respiratory protection: dust concentration in air exceeded, must wearself-absorption filter type dust mask. Emergency rescue or evacuation, they should wear air respirator.Eye protection: wear protective chemical safety glasses.Body protection: wear rubber acid and alkali resistant clothing.Hand protection: wear rubber gloves.Other protective: workplace smoking, eating and drinking, to wash their hands before dinner. After work, a locker. To maintain good health habits.9: physicochemical propertiesAppearance and properties: Yellow powder.PH:Melting point ( c ) : 1472 relative density ( water = 1 ) : 7.16Boiling point ( c ) : 1837 relative density ( air = 1 ): no dataMolecular formula: WO3 molecular weight: 231.85Main components:Saturation vapor pressure ( kPa ): no data heat of combustion ( kJ / mol ): no meaningCritical temperature ( c ): no significant critical pressure ( MPa ): no meaning Octanol / water partition coefficient of numerical: no dataFlash point ( c ): meaningless upper explosive limit % ( V / V ): no meaning Ignition temperature ( c ): meaningless lower explosion limit % ( V / V ): no meaningDissolve: insoluble in water, soluble in alkali, slightly soluble in acid.Main uses: used for preparation of tungsten and its compounds.Other physico-chemical properties:10: stability and reaction activityStability:Ban compound: five, three bromine trifluoride chlorine fluoride.Avoid contact conditions:Hazardous polymerization:Decomposition products:11: toxicology informationAcute toxicity: LD50: 840 mg / kg ( rat oral )LC50: no dataAcute and chronic toxicity of:Irritant:Allergenicity:Mutagenicity of:Teratogenicity:Carcinogenicity:12: ecological informationEcological toxicology toxicity:Biodegradability:Non biodegradable:Biological enrichment or biological accumulation:Other deleterious effects:13: waste disposalWaste properties:Waste disposal method : recommendations for incineration disposal. In the use place of repeated use of a container or provisions in place.Waste matters needing attention:14: Transport InformationDangerous goods code: no dataUN number: no dataPacking mark:Packaging category:Packing method: no data.Transportation matters needing attention: shipment to complete the packing, loading should be safe. Transportation process to ensure that the container does not leak, no collapse, not falling, no damage. With no halide, halide, edible chemicals mixed mixed operation. Transit should prevent insolation, drench, anti high temperature. Transport vehicles should be thoroughly cleaned. Highway transportation according to the prescribed route.15: regulation informationRegulatory information chemical dangerous goods safety management Ordinance ( promulgated by the State Council on February 17, 1987 ), chemical dangerous goods safety management regulations implementing rules ( of the [1992 ] 677 date), the use of chemicals in workplace safety regulations ( [1996 ] labor department No. 423) regulations, for dangerouschemicals production, storage, use, safety transportation, loading and unloading has corresponding regulations.16: other informationReference.Guidance department:Data verification unit:Revision description:Other information:。
Notes to Physician消防扑救方法
Reported by: __________
Authorized Person: _________________
报告人Date: ____________________日期:
AZODICARBONAMIDEHazardous according to International CriteriaDate of Issue :OCT. 2007 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND SUPPLIER IDENTIFICATIONProduct Name : AZODICARBONAMIDESynonymes : 1,1'-AZOBISFORMAMIDE C-C'-AZODI(FORMAMIDE)Supplier Identification (CHINA):2. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSRisk Phrases: 53. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEWAppearance: orange-red.Warning! May cause eye and skin irritation. May cause respiratory and digestive tract irritation. Self-reactive substance.Target Organs: None.Potential Health EffectsEye: Dust may cause mechanical irritation.Skin: May cause skin irritation.Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract. The toxicological properties of thissubstance have not been fully investigated.Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation. The toxicological propertiesof this substance have not been fully investigated.Chronic: No information found.4. FIRST AID MEASURESEyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid immediately.Skin: Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes whileremoving contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse.Ingestion: If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water.Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid immediately. Inhalation: Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificialrespiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid.Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively.Antidote: None reported.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESGeneral Information:As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gasesmay be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. May be ignited by heat, sparks, and flame. Vapors or dust may form explosive mixture with air. May burn violently. Decomposition may be self-accelerated and produce large amounts of gas. Self-decomposition or self-ignition may be triggered by heat, chemical reaction, friction or impact.Extinguishing Media:For small fires, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or regular foam. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. For large fires, flood fire area with water from a distance.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESGeneral Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Spills/Leaks: Avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways. Clean up spills immediately, observing precautions in the Protective Equipment section. Sweep up or absorb material, then place into a suitable clean, dry, closed container for disposal. Avoid generating dusty conditions. Remove all sources of ignition. Provide ventilation.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling:Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Use with adequate ventilation. Minimize dust generation and accumulation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Keep container tightly closed. Avoid ingestion and inhalation.Storage:Store in a tightly closed container. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTIONEngineering Controls: Use adequate ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low. Exposure Limits:OSHA Vacated PELs:Azodicarbonamide: No OSHA Vacated PELs are listed for this chemical.Personal Protective EquipmentEyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166. Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure.Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure.Respirators: Follow the OSHA respirator regulations found in 29CFR 1910.134 or European Standard EN 149. Always use a NIOSH or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator when necessary.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State: Crystalline powderAppearance: orange-redOdor: None reported.pH: Not available.Vapor Pressure: Not available.Vapor Density: Not available.Evaporation Rate: Not available.Viscosity: Not available.Boiling Point: Not available.Freezing/Melting Point: 225 deg C decAutoignition Temperature: Not available.Flash Point: 225 deg C ( 437.00 deg F)NFPA Rating: (est.) Health: 1; Flammability: 1; Reactivity: 1Explosion Limits, Lower: Not available.Upper: Not available.Decomposition Temperature: 225 deg CSolubility: Soluble in hot water.Specific Gravity/Density:Molecular Formula: C2H4N4O2Molecular Weight: 116.0810. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYChemical Stability:Stable. However, may decompose if heated.Conditions to Avoid:Incompatible materials, dust generation, excess heat, strong oxidants. Incompatibilities with Other Materials:Oxidizing agents.Hazardous Decomposition Products:Carbon monoxide, irritating and toxic fumes and gases, ammonia and/orderivatives, nitrogen.Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONRTECS#: CAS# 123-77-3: LQ1040000LD50/LC50: Not available.Carcinogenicity: Azodicarbonamide - Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTP, or OSHA. Epidemiology: No information available.Teratogenicity: No information available.Reproductive Effects: No information available.Neurotoxicity: No information available.Mutagenicity: No information available.Other Studies: No data available.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicity: No data available. No information available.Environmental: No information available.Physical: Hydrolyzes at high temperatures to nitrogen, carbon dioxide and ammonia.Other: No information available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWhatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONIATA / IMO / RID/ADR:Shipping Name: AZODICARBONAMIDEHazard Class: 4.1UN Number: 3242Packing Group: II15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEuropean/International RegulationsEuropean Labeling in Accordance with EC DirectivesHazard Symbols: Not available.Risk Phrases:R 5 Heating may cause an explosion.Safety Phrases:S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition - Nosmoking.S 28A After contact with skin, wash immediately withplenty of water.S 37 Wear suitable gloves.S 45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seekmedical advice immediately (show the label wherepossible).WGK (Water Danger/Protection)CAS# 123-77-3: 116. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONInformation presented herein has been compiled from sources considered to be dependable and is accurate and reliable to the best of our knowledge and belief but is not guaranteed to be so. Since conditions of use are beyond our control, we make no warranties, expressed or implied, except those that may be contained on our written contract of sale or acknowledgement.。
telephone: 電話:
fax: 傳真:
CAS NO. concentration or range(%) 化學文 濃度或濃度範圍(成份百分 TWA STEL CEILING 摘社 登記號 時量平 短時間 最高容 均容許 時量平 許濃度 碼 濃度 均容許
variety and illustration of hazardous material 危害物質分類及圖示
name: 姓名: month 月
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
date 日
engineering control: 工程控制: parameter control: 參數控制: protecting facility for individual : 個人防護設備: breath protecting: 呼吸防護: hand protectintg: 手部防護: cleanness measure: 衛生措施: substance state: 物質狀態: colour: 顏色: PH value: PH值: decomposing temperature: 分解溫度:
avoiding state: 應避免狀況: avoiding substance: 應避免之物質: harmful decomposed substance: 危害分解物: urgent toxicity: 急毒性: local effect: toxicity 局部效應: data毒性 slow or long toxicity: 資料 慢毒性或長期毒性: special effect: 特殊效應: entironment possible environment effect or spread: data生態 可能環境影響/環境流佈: 資料 abandoning method: disposal廢 廢棄處置方法: 棄處置方 法 international transport rule : 國際運送規定: UN's NO. : transport 聯合國編號: data運送 domestic transport rule: 資料 國內運送規定: special transport method and notice: 特殊運送方法及注意事項: applicable law: law data 適用法規: 法規資料 reference: 參考文獻: establishing department: 製表單位:
AZODICARBONAMIDEHazardous according to International CriteriaDate of Issue :OCT. 2007 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND SUPPLIER IDENTIFICATIONProduct Name : AZODICARBONAMIDESynonymes : 1,1'-AZOBISFORMAMIDE C-C'-AZODI(FORMAMIDE)Supplier Identification (CHINA):2. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSRisk Phrases: 53. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEWAppearance: orange-red.Warning! May cause eye and skin irritation. May cause respiratory and digestive tract irritation. Self-reactive substance.Target Organs: None.Potential Health EffectsEye: Dust may cause mechanical irritation.Skin: May cause skin irritation.Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract. The toxicological properties of thissubstance have not been fully investigated.Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation. The toxicological propertiesof this substance have not been fully investigated.Chronic: No information found.4. FIRST AID MEASURESEyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid immediately.Skin: Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes whileremoving contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse.Ingestion: If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water.Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid immediately. Inhalation: Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificialrespiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid.Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively.Antidote: None reported.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESGeneral Information:As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gasesmay be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. May be ignited by heat, sparks, and flame. Vapors or dust may form explosive mixture with air. May burn violently. Decomposition may be self-accelerated and produce large amounts of gas. Self-decomposition or self-ignition may be triggered by heat, chemical reaction, friction or impact.Extinguishing Media:For small fires, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or regular foam. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. For large fires, flood fire area with water from a distance.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESGeneral Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Spills/Leaks: Avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways. Clean up spills immediately, observing precautions in the Protective Equipment section. Sweep up or absorb material, then place into a suitable clean, dry, closed container for disposal. Avoid generating dusty conditions. Remove all sources of ignition. Provide ventilation.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling:Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Use with adequate ventilation. Minimize dust generation and accumulation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Keep container tightly closed. Avoid ingestion and inhalation.Storage:Store in a tightly closed container. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTIONEngineering Controls: Use adequate ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low. Exposure Limits:OSHA Vacated PELs:Azodicarbonamide: No OSHA Vacated PELs are listed for this chemical.Personal Protective EquipmentEyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166. Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure.Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure.Respirators: Follow the OSHA respirator regulations found in 29CFR 1910.134 or European Standard EN 149. Always use a NIOSH or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator when necessary.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State: Crystalline powderAppearance: orange-redOdor: None reported.pH: Not available.Vapor Pressure: Not available.Vapor Density: Not available.Evaporation Rate: Not available.Viscosity: Not available.Boiling Point: Not available.Freezing/Melting Point: 225 deg C decAutoignition Temperature: Not available.Flash Point: 225 deg C ( 437.00 deg F)NFPA Rating: (est.) Health: 1; Flammability: 1; Reactivity: 1Explosion Limits, Lower: Not available.Upper: Not available.Decomposition Temperature: 225 deg CSolubility: Soluble in hot water.Specific Gravity/Density:Molecular Formula: C2H4N4O2Molecular Weight: 116.0810. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYChemical Stability:Stable. However, may decompose if heated.Conditions to Avoid:Incompatible materials, dust generation, excess heat, strong oxidants. Incompatibilities with Other Materials:Oxidizing agents.Hazardous Decomposition Products:Carbon monoxide, irritating and toxic fumes and gases, ammonia and/orderivatives, nitrogen.Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONRTECS#: CAS# 123-77-3: LQ1040000LD50/LC50: Not available.Carcinogenicity: Azodicarbonamide - Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTP, or OSHA. Epidemiology: No information available.Teratogenicity: No information available.Reproductive Effects: No information available.Neurotoxicity: No information available.Mutagenicity: No information available.Other Studies: No data available.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicity: No data available. No information available.Environmental: No information available.Physical: Hydrolyzes at high temperatures to nitrogen, carbon dioxide and ammonia.Other: No information available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWhatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONIATA / IMO / RID/ADR:Shipping Name: AZODICARBONAMIDEHazard Class: 4.1UN Number: 3242Packing Group: II15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEuropean/International RegulationsEuropean Labeling in Accordance with EC DirectivesHazard Symbols: Not available.Risk Phrases:R 5 Heating may cause an explosion.Safety Phrases:S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition - Nosmoking.S 28A After contact with skin, wash immediately withplenty of water.S 37 Wear suitable gloves.S 45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seekmedical advice immediately (show the label wherepossible).WGK (Water Danger/Protection)CAS# 123-77-3: 116. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONInformation presented herein has been compiled from sources considered to be dependable and is accurate and reliable to the best of our knowledge and belief but is not guaranteed to be so. Since conditions of use are beyond our control, we make no warranties, expressed or implied, except those that may be contained on our written contract of sale or acknowledgement.。
MSDS PS5000_材料安全数据表
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET[1] CHEMICAL PRODUCT / COMPANY IDENTIFICATION- Product name: PS5000 SERIES / SCREEN PRINTING INK- Manufacturer: HANASP CO., LTD.- Address: UNIT 317, ILSAN UNITECHVILL 1141-2 BAEKSEOK-DONG, INSANDONG-GU GYEONGGI-DO, KOREA- Phone: +82-31-909-7002 Fax: +82-31-909-7003[2] COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS- Substance: Mixture- Product: Screen Printing Ink- Components Cas No. WeightVinyl chloride resin 25086-48-020- 35Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 15- 25Isophorone 78-59-1 15- 25Solvent naphtha 64742-94-5 5- 10Glutaric acid dimethyl ester 1119-40-0 5- 10[3] HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION- Toxicity information: May have a risk of organic solvent poisoning.- Physical and chemical hazard: Inflammable Liquid. Remaining gas may cause explosion in contact with air. Flowing or stirring the product may produce a static electricity and it is in danger of ignition and blowup.- Class name of hazardous chemical –based on Korea regulation: Inflammable Liquid, Acture toxic substance.Inhalation: causes irritation to respiratory tract. High concentrations can cause central nervous system damage. Death may occur from respiratory failure.Ingestion may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.Skin contact: skin contact causes irritation, rednessEye contact: may cause irritation, redness and blurred vision. Splashes may cause severe irritation or eye damage.[4] FIRST AND MEASURES- Inhalation: Wrap the victim in a blanket, keep in quite and move to fresh air. If breathing is weak, irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration and arrange the medical treatment by a physician as soon as possible- Skin contact: Remove all contaminated clothes and shoes immediately. Wash the affected area with plenty of water. Arrange the medical treatment by a physician on injured skin or painful parts.- Eye contact: Wash off with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Arrange the medical treatment. - Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Arrange medical inspection immediately.[5] FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES- Extinguish media: Powder, Form, Carbon dioxide, dry sand, enforced liquid spray.- Extinguish media not to be used: Water- Special fire fighting procedures: Remove the container to a safe place immediately. If difficult to remove, cool down the container and surrounding area with watering. Use the specific extinguish media. Fire fighter should wear proper protective equipment. Keep away from upwind of fire.[6] ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES- Safeguards (Personal): Evacuate personnel near fire. Seal off the area. Shut off all sources of ignition immediately. Fire fighter should wear proper protective equipment. Keep away from upwind of fire. Ventilate the area until all work is completed.- Environmental precautions: Prevent wastewater form entering watercourses.- Methods of cleaning up: Soak up the leakage with dry sand and package all materials in a closed container. Flush the area with plenty of water using mild detergent.[7] HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling:- Technical measures: implement and equipment should me grounded properly for static protection. Wear conductive work clothes and shoes. Use explosion proof type of electrical equipment and non-sparkling tools.- Handling precaution: Keep away from fire, spark and heat. Use in the well-ventilated area. Wear proper protective equipment to avoid inhalation and protect eyes and skin. Keep container tightly closed. Minimize vapor exhalation in the air and keep control concentration below standard. Storage:Put in a closed container after use. Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area. Keep away from source of heat such as boiler. Keep away from flammable substances. Separate from oxidizing agent and organic peroxide. Store in a dangerous object warehouse according to fire defense low.[8] EXPOSURE CONTROL / PERSONAL PROTECTION- Engineering controls: Use only with adequate ventilation in closed system.Personal protective equipment: Use gas mask, protective glasses, oil resistance gloves, protective clothes and protective boots.- Sanitary measures: Change the mask regularly or on as case-by-case basis.[9] PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROTECTIONPhysical form:[ ]Liquid [ ]Vapor [ ]Solid [ ]Powder [X]PasteColor: Each color Odor: solvent odorpH: N/A Boiling point: 154C Flash point: 58CVapor pressure: --Pa(--C) Density: 1.00-1.60 Soluble in water: Hard Explosion limit(%): Lower: 1.0vol% Upper: 9.5vol%[10] STABILITY AND REACTIVITY- Incompatible materials: Dangerous substances and high-pressure gas hazardous decomposition products: Carbon Oxide (CO).- Stability: Stable at room temperature or below.Condition to avoid: Heat[11] TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONName Exposure Limit ACGIH (TLV) IARC OthersIsophorone 5ppm 5ppm LD50(Oral) 2330mg/kg Cyclohexanone 25ppm 25ppm LD50(Oral) 1620mg/kg Solvent naphtha N/L N/L LD50(Oral) 2000mg/kgInformation about danger of composition: N/AInformation about dangers of products: N/A[12] ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION- No information available except being specified as above[13] DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste ink, opened containers should be asked to dispose with licensed industrial waste treatment company. Don’t wash away the water used for cleaning and of incineration should be disposed of in accordance with government laws and environmental control regulations or asked to dispose with licensed special company. Incase of burning waste inks, ink should be absorbed by diatomaceous earth and then burn in small amount by open type furnace.[14] TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION- General: Transport and store according to general caution and instruction in before mentioned comment.- Land transportation: Transport this product in compliance with the Firefighting Law, Law of industrial safety & hygiene and poisonous & deleterious material control law, if any.- Maritime transportation: Maritime transportation should be in compliance Law of Maritime Transportation..- Air transportation: Air transportation should be in compliance with the Aviation Act.- UN Number: 1210[15] REGULATORY INFORMATIONFire defense lawOccupational health & safety law (ordinance on the prevention of organic solvent poisoning, secondary organic solvent, specific chemical substances)Road traffic law (regulation on long and massive tunnel, underwater tunnel, express highway)Law of waste disposal and cleaning[16] OTHER INFORMATIONThe information provided in this safety data sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication.The information given is designed only as a guidance. I t is the use’s obligation to determine the condition of safe use of the product.This safety data sheet is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification.。
International Paint Singapore Pte Ltd化学品安全技术说明书PHH017 INTERTHANE 990 PEARL GREY PART A版本1 版本修订日 07/06/131.化学品及企业标识1.1.产品名称INTERTHANE 990 PEARL GREY PART A产品代码PHH0171.2.纯物质或者混合物的建议用途及禁止用途拟定用途请参阅产品技术说明书仅供专业人员使用施工方法请参阅产品技术说明书1.3.安全技术说明书供应商的信息制造商International Paint Singapore Pte Ltd3 Neythal RoadJurong TownSingapore 628570电话号码+65 6261 5033传真号码+65 6264 46121.4.应急咨询电话+65 6261 5033中毒咨询电话仅供医生及医院参考2.危险性概述2.1.纯物质或混合物的分类2.2.标签要素用第11和12章列出的毒性数据,产品标签如下所示。
成分/化学名称重量 %GHS分类注意二氧化钛10-25[1][2]CAS 号码: 0013463-67-7溶剂石脑油(石油系),轻芳香系 10-25Asp. Tox. 1;H304[1]CAS 号码: 0064742-95-6二甲苯CAS 号码: 0001330-20-7 10-25Flam. Liq. 3;H226Acute Tox. 4;H332Acute Tox. 4;H312Skin Irrit. 2;H315[1][2]蓖麻籽油CAS 号码: 0008001-79-42.5-10[1]乙苯CAS 号码: 0000100-41-4 2.5-10Flam. Liq. 2;H225Acute Tox. 4;H332[1][2]醋酸甲氧基丙酯CAS 号码: 0000108-65-61-2.5Flam. Liq. 3;H226[1](1)健康或环境危害物质(2)有工作场所有害因素职业接触限值的物质(3)PBT-物质或vPvB-物质*短语的全文参阅第16章。
PS(聚苯乙烯)化学品安全说明书(MSDS)第一部分:化学品名称化学品中文名称:聚苯乙烯化学品英文名称:polystyrene中文别名:英文别名:技术说明书编码:分子式:[C8H8]n分子量:第二部分:成分/组成信息主要成分:纯品CAS No.:9003-53-6第三部分:危险性概述危险性类别:侵入途径:健康危害:聚合物基本无毒。
第五部分:消防措施危险特性:粉体与空气可形成爆炸性混合物, 当达到一定浓度时, 遇火星会发生爆炸。
第八部分:接触控制/个体防护最高容许浓度:中国MAC:未制定标准; 前苏联MAC:未制定标准监测方法:工程控制:密闭操作。
MSDS(新宝龙英文版)Material Safety Data Sheet1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertakingProduct detailsTrade name: DRAGON-FC SeriesApplication of the substance / the preparation :Printing Ink Manufacturer/Supplier:SHENZHEN-DIC CO., LTD1035 Nanshan Road, NanshanShenzhen City, China 518052TEL: 0086-755-26640296FAX: 0086-755-266401332. Composition/information on ingredientsChemical characterizationDescription:Synthetic resin 25~35%Pigment 10~30%Vegitable oil 20~30%Mineral oil 20~30%Additives 1~10%Dangerous components: Void3. Hazards identificationHazard description: Not applicable.Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment:The product does not have to be labelled due to the calculation procedure of the "General Classification guideline for preparations of the EU" in the latest valid version.Classification system:The classification is according to the latest editions of the EU-lists, and extended by company and literature data.4. First aid measuresGeneral information: No special measures required.After inhalation: Supply fresh air; consult doctor in case of complaints.After skin contact: Generally the product does not irritate the skin.After eye contact: Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water.After swallowing: If symptoms persist consult doctor.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing agents: Use fire extinguishing methods suitable to surroundingconditions.Protective equipment: No special measures required.6. Accidental release measuresPerson-related safety precautions: Not required.Measures for environmental protection: Do not allow to enter sewers/ surface or ground water.Measures for cleaning/collecting:Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, sawdust).Additional information: No dangerous substances are released.7. Handling and storageHandling:Information for safe handling:Handle in well-ventilated area.Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Wash hands after use.Do not eat, drink or smoke during handling.Information about fire - and explosion protection: Keep ignition sources away-Do not smoke.Storage:Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles: Store in cool place with adequate ventilation.Information about storage in one common storage facility: Store in closed containers away from direct sources of heat.Further information about storage conditions: None.8. Exposure controls/personal protectionAdditional information about design of technical facilities: No further data; see item 7.Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:The product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the workplace.Additional information: The lists valid during the making were used as basis.Personal protective equipment:General protective and hygienic measures:The usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling chemicals.Respiratory protection: Not required.Protection of hands:The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/ the substance/ the preparation.Due to missing tests no recommendation to the glovematerial can be given for the product/ the preparation/the chemical mixture.Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times, rates of diffusion and the degradation Material of glovesThe selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. As theproduct is a preparation of several substances, the resistance of the glove materialcan not be calculated in advance and has therefore to be checked prior to theapplication.Penetration time of glove materialThe exact break trough time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to be observed.Eye protection: Goggles recommended during refilling9. Physical and chemical propertiesGeneral InformationForm: PastyColour: According to product specificationOdour: CharacteristicChange in conditionMelting point/Melting range: Undetermined.Boiling point/Boiling range: Undetermined.Flash point: Estimate 130 deg. CSelf-igniting: Product is not selfigniting.Danger of explosion: Product does not present an explosion hazard.Density: Not determined.Solubility in / Miscibility withwater: Not miscible or difficult to mix.10. Stability and reactivityThermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided: No decomposition if used according to specifications.Dangerous reactions No dangerous reactions known.Dangerous decomposition products: No dangerous decomposition products known. 11. Toxicological information Acute toxicity:Primary irritant effect:on the skin: No irritant effect.on the eye: No irritating effect.Sensitization: No sensitizing effects known.Additional toxicological information:The product is not subject to classification according to the calculation method of theGeneral EUClassification Guidelines for Preparations as issued in the latest version.When used and handled according to specifications, the product does not have any harmful effects to our experience and the information provided to us.12. Ecological informationGeneral notes:Water hazard class 1 (German Regulation) (Self-assessment): slightly hazardous for water Do not allow undiluted product or large quantities of it to reach ground water,water course or sewage system.13. Disposal considerationsProduct:Recommendation Smaller quantities can be disposed of with household waste.Uncleaned packaging:Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.14 Transport informationLand transport ADR/RID (cross-border)ADR/RID class: -Maritime transport IMDG:IMDG Class: -Marine pollutant: NoAir transport ICAO-TI and IATA-DGR:ICAO/IATA Class: -15 Regulatory informationSpecial labelling of certain preparations:Safety data sheet available for professional user on request.The product does not require a hazard warning label.16 Other informationThis information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.。
MSDS 英文版
Material Safety Data SheetRevision Date :Nov. 04, 2014Issue Date :Nov. 04, 20141. CHEMICAL PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONCHEMICAL PRODUCTProduct name : DD-1250C TALCChemical name : TALC POWDERUse of the substance : used in rubber,plastic,painting,other chemical industry as a filler COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONName of manufacturer or supplier:Huidong County kelihong Trading Co.,Ltd.Manufacturer /Supplier phone No.:Dandong Medical Talcum Powder FactoryAddress :Shihugou Village,Kuandian , Dandong , Liaoning , ChinaEmergency telephone :+86-415-6191106Fax :+86-415-31038762. RISK IDENTIFICATION INFORMATIONEmergency overview : Long-term inhalation can cause lung damagePotential Health EffectsEyes :May cause inflammationSkin : May cause inflammationIngestion :May cause stomach upsetInhalation :May cause respiratory tract irritationHazard LabelsTO IDENTIFIED THE DATA・ Chinese/English Name :DD-1250C・Synonyms Name :Talc Powder・ CAS No. :14807-96-6・Concentration or Concentration Range (percent composition) :100%・ Mixture4、EMERGENCY TREATMENT5、FIRE CONTROL PROCEDURE・ Flash Point(use-pattern):NONE・ NFPA Level :Health:1・ Fire :0・ Reaction :0・Fire extinguishing substanceUse Chemical Dry Powder,CO2 or Appropriate foamInflammable limit : N/AAutoignition temperature : N/ASpecific fire-fighting methods :Not sureFirefighters should wear full protective equipment and NI OSH - put on approvalRebreatherUnusual fire and explosion danger :Not sure yet6、LEAK HANDLING7、SPECIAL REMARKSPreventive measures should be taken in handling and storage :Keep container closed, don't make it into the eyesOther hazards: ---8、SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION・Breath protection(Specify type):There is enough ventilation did not require under normal circumstances・Ventilate : ----・Local exhaust : :Yes・Machine(Ordinary) :Yes・Special announcement :None・ Others :Not applicable・ Protective gloves :Rubber,Neoprene,PVC or Eqivalent ・ Eye Protection :・Splash Protective Clothing・ Lab Coat Eye Wash and Safety Showers9、PHSICAL DATA10、CHEMICAL REACTION DATA・ Stability :Stable・ Avoided Condition :Dusting・Incompatibility(Avoiding Using Material) : Uncertain・Dangerous breakdown products :MgO x・Hazardous Polymerization:Can’t Happen11、TOXICITY DATA・No Sure, Laboratory Animal Experiment Showed That Material May Cause Tumors・The Effects Of Exposure To Excessive・ Acute :As Shown In The Second Part・Chronic Pulmonary Damage・Overexposing Chronic Respiratory Disease Conditions Deteriorate・Target Organ Respiratory System Lung(S)Main Route Into Humans :Inhalation,Swallow,Skin exposure,Eye exposure12、ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEPA Rubbish No. :Unassigned13、PUNISHING INFORMATIONPunishment In Accordance With All Applicable Federal, State And Local Laws And Regulations14、TRANSPORTATION INFORMATIONN/A15、LAW INFORMATION・Environmental Protection Agency TSCA condition :Qualified TSCA Reserve: YES・ SARA 311th/312th Report:Acute risk Category Security Products・ SARA・ SARA EHS Chemical CERCLA RCRA・Product or Two-stage Process .302 is named chemical second, 103 seconds・Component TPQ List Of Categories16、LAW INFORMATIONReferences:Any employers must carefully assess contain any information on the special purpose of feeding the applicability of the employerWatchmaker Unit : Dandong Medical Talcum Powder FactoryTabulator : Song YiDate prepared: 22th , March, 2016。
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SECTION 6: SPILL OR LEAK CONTAINMENT MEASURES Isolation leakage polluted area, restricting access.Cut off the fire source. Recommended emergency personnel wearing a dust mask (full cover), wearing protective clothing.With clean Emergency Treatment: shovel collection in a dry, clean, covered containers, and transfer to a safe place.If a large leak, recycling or collection shipped to the waste disposal sites. SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE Closed operation, providing good conditions for natural ventilation.The operator must go through specialized training, strict adherence to rules.Proposed operators wear self-absorption filter respirators, wearing chemical protective safety glasses, wear protective overalls on infiltration, wear rubber gloves.Away from fire and heat source, the workplace smoking is strictly e explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment.Avoid contact with oxidants. Handling of light when light unloading, packaging and containers to prevent damage.Equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment and emergency equipment leakage. Empty containers may be harmful residues. Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse;away from fire, heat.Oxidants should be stored separately and avoid mixing reservoir.Equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment.Storage areas should be equipped with suitable host material spill.
Skin Contact: Eye Contact : Inhalation : Ingestion :
SECTION 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES The mixture of powder and air will explode,When it reach to some concentration and meet Hazardous characteristics: spark .Thermal decomposition will produce flammable gases. Hazardous combustion products: Fire fighting methods: Carbon monoxide、Carbon dioxide Firefighters must be cloth gas masks and foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand. fire service.Extinguishing Media: Water spray,
SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Materials to avoid: Strong oxidizers Conditions to avoid: Avoid to store product andproduce powder Hazardous decomposition products: No (decomposed into H2O, CO2) SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGISCAL INFORMATION None Acute Toxicity:. Local effects: Sensitization:. Chronic toxicity or long term toxicity: Special Effects: None None None Dissolved substances will produce thermals burns.
The main purpose
Colorless, Soluble odorless, hydrocarbons, tasteless, chlorinated 1.04-1.09 shiny,Transpar [C8H8]n hydrocarbons, 75deg C g/cm3 ent solid, can Aliphatic burn, ketones and producing esters black smoke Widely used in packaging without of electronic appliances, food, cosmetics.
SECTION12: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS the method of dealing with Waste Disposal: Disposal should refer to national and local regulations, the proposed disposal by incineration.
Polystyrene colloidal particles
Proportion of added 75%
ROHS Proportion of requireme Add ingredients added nts TPE rubber 4% Accord Other additives Colour 20.00% 1.00%
ROHS requiremrd
SECTION 3: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Polymer practically nontoxic.Toxicity associated with amount of the unpolymerized monomer(Styrene) in the polymer component,mainly has strong stimulating effect to the respiratory tract.Workers contact with the product have phenomenon like pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis,very few workers suffering from dermatitis. None(Its main component decomposition of It can burn and have excitability.
Emergency telephone / fax number:
Poly(styrene) film sheet Shenzhen Fubang plastic products Co., Ltd. No.20 XiePing East Road , Wulian Community,Longgang District,Shenzhen City 0755-89946058 Mobile phone :13823602248 Fax:0755-89949980
Health Hazards:
Environmental Hazards: Explosion Hazards: SECTION 4:
Emergency & First Aid Measures Wash with soap and water. In case of powder, flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical advice if any dust particles still remain. Immediately take the person out into fresh air. If any irritation to the respiratory tract persists, seek medical care. Induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water. Seek medical advice if necessary.
SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Product name Formula Characters Density Solubility Ignition the limit of Lower temperature() Explosive