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M/V He Fu
Note: The vessel does not sail in the polar water
Name of Ship: HE FU
Call sign: VRLZ5
Port of Registry:HONG KONG
Flag State:HONG KONG
Gross Tonnage:16405 Net Tonnage: 9211
Bareboat charterer:
船舶管理人:华福国际船务有限公司Management for ship: HUA FU INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING LIMITED.
Approved by:
批准日期(Date of approval):
Records of Revision and the Approval
1. 于2013年1月1日生效的经修订的MARPOL附则Ⅴ,除非附则明确许可,禁止将任何种类的垃圾排放入海。

The revised MARPOL Annex V with an entry into force date of 1 January 2013, prohibits the discharge of all types of garbage into the sea unless explicitly permitted under the Annex.
2. MARPOL附则Ⅴ规定,除了MARPOL附则Ⅴ第3、4、5和6条的特殊许可外,禁止排放一切垃圾。





Under the revised MARPOL Annex V, discharge of all garbage is now prohibited, except as specifically permitted in regulations 3, 4, 5 and 6 of MARPOL Annex V. MARPOL Annex V reverses the historical presumption that garbage may be discharged into the sea based on the nature of the garbage and defined distances from shore. Regulation 7 provides limited exceptions to these
regulations in emergency and non-routine situations. Generally, discharge is restricted to food wastes, identified cargo residues, animal carcasses, and identified cleaning agents and additives and cargo residues entrained in washwater which are not harmful to the marine environment. It is recommended that ships use port reception facilities as the primary means of discharge for all garbage.
3. 100总吨及以上的船舶和核准载运15名或以上人员的船舶以及固定或浮动平台,均应备有1份垃圾管理计划。

every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, and every ship certified to carry 15 or more persons, and fixed or floating platforms shall carry a garbage management plan;

The main objectives of this plan are to assist shipowners, ship operators, ships' crews, in complying with requirements set forth in Annex V and relevant domestic laws.
5. 本计划根据国际海事组织制定的《经1978年议定书修订的1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(以下简称MARPOL73/78公约)经修订的附则V第10条的要求和我国有关规定编写的。

This plan is written in accordance with the requirements Regulation 10 of Revised MARPOL Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship’s, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL73/78) by the International Maritime Organizationand the domestic laws requirements.
6. 本计划包括了国际海事组织制定的“2012年垃圾管理计划编制指南”所要求的全部资料和操作程序。


This plan included all the requirements as stated in the 2012 Guidelines for the Development of Garbage Management Plan by the International Maritime Organization.and also consulted other available technical guidance on shipboard garbage handling such as, ISO 21070 "Standard for the Management and handling of shipboard garbage"
7. 本计划是为本船船员在船上使用,以船员使用的工作语言和英文编写。

This plan is used for the crew onboard, and written in both the working language of the crew and English.
8. 本船船员应严格按照本“计划”的规定有效地管理垃圾,防止水域污染。

Crew onboard should observe the requirements of the Plan in order to prevent garbage pollution.
第一章《垃圾管理计划》实施人员职责Duties of the persons of the implementation of the plan 1 总负责人职责
Duties of the persons in full charge of carrying out the plan 本船《垃圾管理计划》实施总负责人是本船船长,其主要职责是:
The ship’s master is in full charge of implementation of the plan. His duties will include:
(1). 负责垃圾管理计划在船上的全面贯彻实施;overall implementation of the plan on board.
(2). 负责组织全体船员的培训、教育工作;
training and education for the crew;
(3). 船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,组织船员进行应急处理并及时报告主管机关。

Muster the crew to take emergency action when garbage pollution happens.
2. 具体实施负责人职责
The duties of the designated person
The chief officer is the designated person of the implementation of the plan, his duties will include: (1). 检查“垃圾公告牌”是否符合要求;
ensuring placards are displayed in accordance with the Regulations specified in MARPOL 73/78
(2). 教育船员遵守船上垃圾管理计划;
monitoring the crew to comply with the Plan
(3). 根据设备功能进行垃圾焚烧;
incineration of wastes in accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s instructions;
(4). 联系垃圾的岸上回收业务;
liaison the shore authorities for port reception facilities; (5). 按照规则的要求在记录簿上填写并签字。

Signing the garbage record book as required by the regulations.
3. 垃圾收集处理人员职责
Duties of the persons in charge of collecting, handling garbage

Ship’s chief cook, bosun and motor man is responsible for collecting and handling garbage.
Their duties will include:
(1). 收集处理船上垃圾;
collecting, handling daily garbage;
(2). 垃圾分类
separating garbage;
(3). 保持垃圾储存点的卫生。

Cleaning the place of storing garbage.
4. 垃圾处理设备管理人员职责
Duties of persons who operate the garbage handling equipment
(1). 操作设备
Operating the equipment
(2). 负责所管设备的维修保养,使其处于良好状态。

Maintenance the equipment and make them in good condition.
5. 全体船员职责
Duties of the crew on board.
(1). 严格遵守《垃圾管理计划》的要求;
observe the plan strictly;
(2). 认真参加《垃圾管理计划》的培训和演习;
take part in the training and drilling
(3). 船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,按大副指令参加应急处理工作。

Take emergency actions when garbage pollution happens.
Regulation 10 of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 reads as follows:
Regulation 10
公告标牌、垃圾管理计划和垃圾记录保存Placards. Garbage management plans and garbage
(1)(a) 总长度为12 m 或以上的船舶和固定或浮动平台均应张贴告示以使船员和乘客知晓本附则第3、4、5和6条中适用的排放要求。

Every ship of 12 m or more in length overall and fixed or floating platforms shall display placards which notify the crew and passengers of the discharge requirements of regulations 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this Annex, as applicable. (b) 告示应以船员的工作语言书写,对航行于其他本公约缔约国管辖权范围内的港口或近海装卸站的船舶,告示还应以英文、法文或西班牙文书写。

The placards shall be written in the working language of the ship's crew and, for ships engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to the Convention, shall also be in English, French or Spanish.
(2) 所有100 总吨及以上的船舶和核准载运15 名或以上人员的船舶以及固定或浮动平台,均应备有一份船员必须遵守的垃圾管理计划。



Every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, and every ship which is certified to carry 15 or more persons, and fixed or floating platforms shall carry a garbage management plan which the crew shall follow. This plan shall provide written procedures for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and disposing of garbage, including the use of the equipment on board. It shall also designate the person or persons in charge of carrying out the plan. Such a plan shall be based on the guidelines developed by the Organization 2 and written in the working language of the crew.
(3) 在公约其他缔约国管辖下的港口或近海装卸站之间从事运输的所有400总吨及以上的船舶和经核定可载运15人或以上的船舶以及用于勘探和开发海床的固定或浮动平台都应配备《垃圾记录簿》。

Every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship which is certified to carry 15 persons or more engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of another Parties to the Convention and every fixed and floating platform engaged in exploration and
exploitation of the sea-bed, shall be provided with a garbage record book. The garbage record book, whether as a part of the ship’s official logbook or otherwise, shall be in the form specified in the Appendix to this Annex.




Each discharge into the sea or to a reception facility, or a completed incineration,shall be promptly recorded in the garbage record book and signed for on the date of the incineration or discharge by the officer in charge. Each completed page pf the garbage record book shall be signed by the master of the ship . The entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be at least in English, French or Spanish.
Where the entries are also made in an official language of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, the entries in that language shall prevail in case of a dispute or discrepancy.
The entry for each incineration or discharge shall include date and time, position of the ship, category of the garbage and the estimated amount incinerated or discharged;

The garbage record book shall be kept on board the ship or the fixed or floating platform,and in such a place as to be
available for inspection in a reasonable time. This document shall be preserved for a period of two years from the date of the last entry is made on the record;

In the event of any discharge or accidental loss referred to in regulation 7 of this Annex an entry shall be made in the Garbage Record Book, or in the case of any ship of less than 400 gross tonnage, an entry shall be made in the ship's official log-book, of the location, circumstances of, and the reasons for the discharge or loss, details of the items discharged or lost, and the reasonable precautions taken to prevent or minimize such discharge or accidental loss. (4) 主管机关可以对下述船舶免除《垃圾记录簿》要求The Administration may waive the requirements for garbage record books for:
(i)核准载运15名或以上人员,航行持续时间为1h 或以下的船舶;或
Any ship engaged on voyages of one (1) hour or less in duration which is certified to carry 15 persons or more; or (ii)从事海床勘探与开发的固定或浮动的平台。

fixed or floating platforms while engaged in exploration and exploitation of the sea-bed.
(5) 本公约缔约国政府的主管机关,可检查停靠其港口或近海装卸站的适用本规定的任何船舶的《垃圾记录簿》或船舶的正式航海日志,并可将记录簿或日志中的任何记录制成副本并要求船长证明该副本是该项记录的真实副本。



The competent authority of the Government of a Party to the Convention may inspect the garbage record book or ship's official log–book on board any ship to which this regulation applies while the ship is in its ports or offshore terminals and may make a copy of any entry in those books, and may require the master of the ship to certify that the copy is a true copy of such an entry. Any copy so made , which has been certified by the master of the ship as a true copy of an entry in the ship’s garbage record bookor ship's official log-book, shall be admissible in any judicial proceedings as evidence of the facts stated in the entry. The inspection of a garbage record book or ship's official log-bookand the taking of a certified copy by the competent authority under this paragraph shall be performed as expeditiously as possible without causing the ship to be unduly delayed.
(6) 如第7.1.3和第7.1.3条中所述的渔具的意外落失或排放会对海洋环境或航行造成严重威胁,应向船舶的船旗国报告,如果落失或排放发生在某一沿海国家管辖权范围内的水域,也应向该沿海国家报告。

The accidental loss or discharge of fishing gear as provided for in regulations 7.1.3 and 7.1.3 which poses a significant threat to the marine environment or navigation shall be reported to the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, and, where the loss or discharge occurs within waters subject to the jurisdiction of a coastal State, also to that coastal State.
1. 为了确保经济效益和环境保护,船舶垃圾管理人员
To achieve cost-effective and environmentally sound results, many garbage management planners use a combination of three complementary techniques to manage garbage:
reduction at source
reusing or recycling
onboard processing (treatment)
discharge into the sea in those limited situations where it is permitted; and
discharge to a port reception facility.
2. 当船舶提出供应备件/伙食时,航运公司应在早期阶段鼓励供应商去除、减少包装,限制产生船舶垃圾。

When requisitioning stores and provisions, shipping companies should encourage their suppliers to remove, reduce, all packaging, at an early stage, to limit the generation of garbage on board ships.
3. 船上的垃圾种类,部分根据MARPOL73/78附则V 规定进行分类。


船舶的垃圾按MARPOL 73/78附则V第10条的规定,下方第4.1段将垃圾分成9大类。

The ship’s garbage is made up of distinct component s, some of which are regulated in MARPO- 73/78, whilst
others may be regulated locally, nationally or regionally, e.g., domestic, operational, cargo-associated, food and maintenance wastes. The garbage is to be grouped into 9 categories specified below in paragraph 4.1 for the purpose of the requirements of Regulation 10 of Annex V..
Garbage record book and garbage record-keeping
4.1 按照附则V,《垃圾记录簿》不论是船舶的正式航海日志的一部分,还是其他形式,均应和本附则的附录格式相同:
In accordance with the Appendix to Annex V, the garbage record book, whether as a part of ship’s official logbook or otherwise, shall be in the form specified in the appendix to this Annex:
Name of ship船名: _______________________
Distinctive number or letters船舶编号或呼号:
IMO No编号.: _______________________
Period时间:_____________ From自: _____________ To至: _____________
Description of the garbage 垃圾种类
Garbage is to be grouped into categories for the purposes of the Garbage Record Book (or ship's official log-book) as follows:
A Plastics 塑料
B Food wastes 食品废弃物
C Domestic Wastes 生活废弃物
D Cooking Oil 食用油
E Incinerator ashes 焚烧炉灰渣
F Operational wastes 作业废弃物
G Cargo residues 货物残余
H Animal Carcass(es) 动物尸体
I Fishing Gear 渔具
Ship's name(船名): _______________________
Distinctive No., or letters(船舶编号或呼号):
IMO No.(IMO编号): ____________
4.2. 发生下列情况时,应在垃圾记录簿上填写:
Entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be made on each of the following occasions:
4.2.1. 当垃圾排放至岸上接收设备5或排放至其他船舶
When garbage is discharged to a reception facility 5 ashore
or to other ships:
.1 排放的日期和时间;
Date and time of discharge
.2 港口或设施或船舶的名称;
Port or facility, or name of ship
.3 所排放垃圾的种类;
Categories of garbage discharged
.4 每种排放垃圾的估算量(m3);
Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres
.5 负责作业的主管高级船员签字。

Signature of officer in charge of the operation.
4.2.2 当焚烧垃圾时:
When garbage is incinerated:
.1 焚烧的日期和开始及结束时间;
Date and time of start and stop of incineration .2 焚烧开始和结束时的船位(经度和纬度);
Position of the ship (latitude and longitude) at
the start and stop of incineration
.3 焚烧的垃圾的种类;
Categories of garbage incinerated
.4 焚烧的垃圾的估算量(m 3);
Estimated amount incinerated in cubic metres .5 负责作业的主管高级船员签字。

Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.
4.2.3 当垃圾按MARPOL附则V第4、5或6条规定排
When garbage is discharged into the sea in accordance with regulations 4, 5 or 6 of Annex V of MARPOL: .1 排放的日期和时间;
Date and time of discharge
.2 船舶位置(经度和纬度)。

Position of the ship (latitude and longitude).
Note: for cargo residue discharges, include
discharge start and stop positions.
.3 所排放垃圾的种类;
Category of garbage discharged
.4 每种排放垃圾的估算量(m3);
Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres
.5 负责作业的主管高级船员签字。

Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.
4.2.4 垃圾意外或其他例外排放或落失入海,包括按
Accidental or other exceptional discharges or loss of garbage into the sea, including in accordance with regulation 7 of Annex V of MARPOL:
.1 发生的时间;
Date and time of occurrence
.2 发生时所在港口或船位(经度、纬度和水深,如知晓);
Port or position of the ship at time of occurrence
(latitude, longitude and water depth if known) .3 排放或落失的垃圾种类;
Categories of garbage discharged or lost .4 每种的估算量(m3)
Estimated amount for each category in cubic metres
.5 排放或落失的原因以及附注。

The reason for the discharge or loss and general remarks.
Amount of garbage




The amount of garbage on board should be estimated in cubic metres, if possible separately according to category. The Garbage Record Book contains many references to estimated amount of garbage. It is recognized that the accuracy of estimating amounts of garbage is left to interpretation. Volume estimates will differ before and after processing. Some processing procedures may not allow for a usable estimate of volume, e.g., the continuous processing of food waste. Such factors should be taken into consideration when making and interpreting entries made in a record.
4.4 收据Receipts


The master should obtain from the operator of port reception facilities, or from the master of the ship receiving the garbage, a receipt or certificate specifying the estimated amount of garbage transferred. The receipts or certificates must be kept on board the ship with the garbage record book for two years.
5. 船舶垃圾管理原则及减少垃圾的措施
The principal of garbage management and the measures taken to reduce garbage
(1) MARPOL附则Ⅴ第3条规定禁止将垃圾排放入海。


Regulation 3 of MARPOL Annex V provides that the
discharge of garbage into the sea is prohibited.Under certain condition discharge into the sea of food wastes, animal carcasses, cleaning agents and additive contained in hold washwater, deck and external surface washwater and cargo residue which are not considered to be harmful to the marine environment is permitted.
(2) 本船使用港口接收设施作为排放所有垃圾的首选方式。

The ship use port reception facilities as the primary means of discharge for all garbage.
(3) 本船垃圾采取分类收集和储存,按不同要求加工和处理。


Garbage on board should be collected stored separately and handled as it’s kind.the crew should sort the material that can be reused onboard the ship or recycled at an appropriate port reception facility.
(4). 本船垃圾在船舶离港前应尽可能申请港方接收处理;
Garbage on board should be receipted by port reception equipment so far as possible.
(5). 本船在海上排放处理垃圾时,严格遵守《73/78 防污公约》附则V的规定;
Annex V of MARPOL73/78 should be observed strictly when garbage is handled at sea;
(6). 进行垃圾处理作业时,按要求如实填写《垃圾记录簿》;
Garbage Record Book should be record as its fact; (7). 全体船员尽量少带容易产生垃圾的物品上船;Products which is liable to create garbage should be brought to ship as little as possible;
(8). 尽可能选用可降解的包装袋和可重复使用的容器包装或储存物品,以便减少垃圾的产生量。


Reusable bags and containers should be used so as to reduce garbage so far as possible. Avoiding the use of disposable cups, utensils, dishes, towels and rags and other convenience items whenever possible
(9). 避免使用塑料包装材料,除非是能可再利用的塑料制品。


using supplies that come in bulk packaging, taking into account factors such as adequate shelf-life (once a container is open) to avoid increasing garbage associated with such products;
(11). 尽可能选用可重复使用的盖布、垫板、衬板和填充材料;
Reusable dunnage, lining, or packing material should be used so far as possible ;
(12) 在港内卸货、修船时,产生的垫舱物料和修船垃圾,应及时送往港口接收设施;
The dunnage and garbage should be receipted by port reception facilities when the ship is repaired or discharged cargo in port.
Response to garbage pollution
1. 当发生垃圾污染事故时,应及时采取控制、回收等措施,减少污染
The garbage should be recovered and controlled when garbage pollution happens;
2. 船长或大副应及时向主管机关报告,内容主要包括:
Master or chief officer should report to the Administration timely , the detail shall include:
(1) 船名:
ship’s name
(2) 船籍港
port of registry
(3) 日期和时间
date and time
(4) 船舶位置
(5) 发生的垃圾污染情况
detail of pollution , kind of garbage and amount
(6) 原因
(7) 采取的应急措施
Action taken
(8) 船舶所有人/经营人
ship’s owner/operator
Chapter V Procedures for collecting garbage
1 船舶垃圾的收集、分类及收集容器
Suitable receptacles for collection and separation

Suitable marked receptacles shall be provided at proper place, such as dining room, kitchen, toilet, wash room, accommodation passages, engine room and main deck. (1) “红色”标记的容器用于收集塑料和混有塑料制品的垃圾;
Receptacles marked with red is used to collect plastic garbage and garbage mixed with plastic;
(2) “绿色”标记的容器用于收集食品废弃物;Receptacles marked with blue is used to collect food waste;
(3) “蓝色”标记的容器用于收集能在海上处理的垃圾。

Receptacles marked with green is used to collect garbage
which can be handled at sea.
2. 垃圾的来源和收集
Source of garbage and collecting
(1) 塑料制品(含塑料袋):餐厅、厨房、休息室、卧室及船舶备件的包装材料为来源,各部门管理人员分类收集;
Plastic wastes, including vinyl bags, are generated from galley, dining room, saloon and spare parts and are collected and separated by each responsible person;
(2) 罐和瓶:餐厅、厨房、休息室、船员房间为来源,船员个人分类收集;
Can and bottle wastes are generated in the galley, dining room, saloon and private rooms and collected and separated by each responsible person;
(3) 食品:餐厅和厨房的水果、蔬菜、禽肉类、肉类为来源,由大厨分类收集;
Food wastes are generated in the galley and dining rooms, i.e., any spoiled or unspoiled victual substances such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, poultry, meat products, food scraps, food particles, and all other materials contaminated by such wastes and are collected and separated by chief cook.
(4) 有关货物的垃圾:装货时的垫舱物料、木料、托盘、包装材料等由甲板部人员负责分类收集;
Cargo-associated wastes are all materials which have become wastes as a result of use on board a ship for cargo stowage and handling. The cargo-associated wastes include, but are not limited to, dunnage, shoring, pallets, lining, plywood. These wastes should be collected and separated by responsible person for the deck department;
(5) 纸制品和布片:来源为机舱和甲板工作区和居住区,由机工、水手长、船员个人分类收集;
Paper and rags wastes are generated from maintenance on deck and in the engine room and from the accommodation
area; These wastes should be collected and separated by motor man, bosun and responsible persons;
(6) 检修中产生的垃圾:炭灰、油漆渣、甲板清洁垃圾、麻布等船舶在检修中和航行中产生的垃圾,由机舱和甲板各自分类收集;
Maintenance wastes are materials collected by the engine department and the deck department while maintaining and operating the vessel, such as soot, machinery deposit, scrapped paint, deck sweepings, wiping wastes, and rags, etc., and are to be collected and separated by responsible person in the deck and engine department;
(7) 焚烧灰渣:焚烧垃圾产生的垃圾,由机工和水手长收集分类。

Incineration ashes are generated from shipboard incinerators and are to be collected and separated by motor man and bosun.
3. 初步收集和分类的处理方法
The garbage is handled between primary collection and separation stations and other handling methods as follows: (1) 初步收集和分类: 船上设置有识别标记的收集桶;Suitable marked receptacles shall be provided on primary collection and separation stations;
(2) 船员个人自觉分类丢进收集桶;
The wastes are separated when they are properly put into appropriate receptacles by the crewmembers;
(3) 水手长、机工、大厨将初步收集的垃圾再进行分类收集;
Bosun, motor man, chief cook shall collect all wastes into separation stations from the primary collection stations; and
(4) 分类收集完的垃圾存放在尾甲板的容器中Collected and separated wastes shall be gathered up in the receptacles located on poop deck.
Chapter VI Procedures for processing garbage
1. 船上垃圾处理设备
Ship’s equipment for processing garbage
(1) 船上的厨房设置粉碎机1台,用于粉碎食品废弃物,由大厨负责管理使用;
One grinder(s) are/is provided in the kitchen which are/is used to comminute food waste by ship’s chief cook.


Kitchen which is not provided grinder. Food waste not comminuted or ground, candisposed into sea as far as practicable from the nearest land but not in any case is prohibited if the distance from the nearest land is less than 12 nautical miles.
(2) 本船设置1台型焚烧炉,用于焚烧纸及其制品、含油破布、塑料等容易燃烧的垃圾;
One incinerator(s) are/is provided onboard, which are/is used to burn paper and its ware, oily rags, plastic, etc.


Vessel which not provided incinerator, garbage should be compressed on board so as to stow , transport to port facilities in due course.
2. 粉碎加工处理
(1) 食品废弃物,当船舶在距最近陆地3海里以外并且不在特殊区域内、经粉碎机粉碎,通过网眼不大于25mm的筛子排放入海;
Disposal into the sea of food wastes may be permitted when it has passed through a comminuter or grinder and made as far as practicable from the nearest land but in any case is prohibited if the distance from the nearest land is
less than 3 nautical miles. Such comminuted or ground garbage shall be capable of passing through a screen with openings no greater than 25mm;
(2) 船舶在禁止排放区时,经粉碎或磨碎的垃圾,排入一个储存柜,不能排入船舶生活污水处理系统,也不能储存在含有油污水的舱底或油舱内。

Comminuted or ground garbage shall be collected into the container when the ship is in special area, which can not be disposal into ship’s sewage system and sludge tanks;
3. 压实处理
(1) 为便于储存、易于输送到港口接收设备或在海上排放,对可压实的垃圾应在船上进行压实处理;Compressible garbage should be compressed on board so as to stow , transport to port facilities or disposal into sea;
(2) 未磨碎的塑料、纤维板、纸板、体积大的货物容器和厚金属件,蓄有压力的容器等垃圾不能压实。

Un-comminuted plastic, stringy board, paper, big cargo package, and big metal products are prohibited to compress.
4. 焚烧处理
Incineration of garbage
(1) 纸及其制品、含油破布、塑料等容易燃烧的垃圾,可在船上焚烧炉内焚烧处理;
Paper and its products, oily rags, plastic can be incinerated by the ship’s incineration;
(2) 在港口用焚烧炉焚烧垃圾需取得港口有关主管部门许可;
Incinerating in harbor should be approved by port authority;
(3) 焚烧在排气中产生有毒气体的塑料垃圾时,应在能承受高温的焚烧炉中进行焚烧;
Plastic wastes which will give off poisonous gas should be incinerated in high temperature incinerator ;。
