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swd77:admin> usbstorage
Usage: usbstorage
[-e | --enable] ,enable usbstorage
[-d | --disable] ,disable usbstorage
[-l | --list] ,list file in usbstorage
[-r | --remove] area target ,remove target from usbstorage area: Can be firmware, firmwarekey, support or config. target: Specific file or folder element under area.
[-h | --help] ,help
Invalid command argument list
swd77:admin> usbstorage -e
Trying to enable USB device. Please wait...
USB storage enabled
swd77:admin> usbstorage -d
USB storage disabled
swd77:admin> usbstorage -e
Trying to enable USB device. Please wait...
USB storage enabled
swd77:admin> usbstorage -l
firmware\ 808MB 2009 May 20 13:05
v7.1.1a\ 808MB 2013 Dec 05 09:36
config\ 0B 2009 May 20 13:05
support\ 0B 2009 May 20 13:05
firmwarekey\ 0B 2009 May 20 13:05
Available space on USB storage 56%
swd77:admin> usbstorage -l
firmware\ 808MB 2009 May 20 13:05
v7.1.1a\ 808MB 2013 Dec 05 09:36
config\ 0B 2009 May 20 13:05
support\ 0B 2009 May 20 13:05
firmwarekey\ 0B 2009 May 20 13:05
Available space on USB storage 56%
swd77:admin> firmwaredownload -U v7.1.1a
Server IP:, Protocol IPv4
Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...
System settings check passed.
This command will upgrade the firmware on both CP blades. If you want to
upgrade firmware on a single CP only, please use -s option.
You may run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status of this
This command will cause a warm/non-disruptive boot on the active CP,
but will require that existing telnet, secure telnet or SSH sessions
be restarted.
Do you want to continue (Y/N) [Y]: y
Firmware is being downloaded to standby CP. This step may take up to 30 minutes.
Firmware is being downloaded to Standby CP. Please wait...
Completed download of 116/116 packages (100%). Please
Firmware has been downloaded successfully to Standby
Standby CP is going to reboot with new firmware.
Standby CP booted successfully with new firmware.。
