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OU four aspects from the legal rule and the judicial practi ce angle,and
proposed individual viewpoint.
The fourth part is the legi slation and judicial suggestion of the crime
第四部分:运输毒品罪的立法和司法建议。在这一部分,作者提出了5条建议, 主要有:将运输毒品罪从选择性罪名中独立出来、己满14周岁未满16周岁的未成年 人应当承担刑事责任、完善财产刑、制定不同种类毒品问的换算标准、加强毒品的定 性定量分析等。
本文在写作过程中得到了指导教师游伟教授的悉心指导,在此作者表示衷心感 谢,同时也感谢华东政法学院所有给予过帮助和指导的教师和朋友们1

On The Or i me of Transport i ng Drugs Abstract
Currently,the crime of transporting drugs is a form of criminal offence. which happens frequently,involves a wide range of knowledge and causes harmful results.in the pub【ic security department of the railwav where I am working now,the crime of transporting drugs has ranked second after larcenv in the forms of criminal offence,which has been one of key attack crimes. Although,the new criminal law,passed by the NPC in 14 March 1997,has clearly stipulated the determination and punishment of the crime,I think there still exist many questions in the jud J cial practice,which are worth discussing. In line with the model original intention and the good desire of providing some reference in the work of attacking the crime of transporting drugs,for the Judicial department,especially for myself unit of work,I selected the crime of transporting drugs as the ti tle of my Mast.er degree graduation thesis on the job in hope providing some reference of in the work of attacking the crime of transporting drags for the Judicial department.
一、运输毒品罪的犯罪构成 (一)犯罪客体特征
根据刑法理论通说,犯罪客体是我国刑法所保护的、并且为犯罪行为所侵害的社 会关系5。犯罪客体包括一般客体、同类客体和直接客体三个方面2。运输毒品罪作为 我国刑法分则规定的一条罪名,其侵害的一般客体,无疑是我国刑法所保护的社会主 义社会制度下社会关系的整体。由于我国刑法分则是根据犯罪的同类客体进行的分 类,从运输毒品罪被规定在分则的第六章妨害社会管理秩序罪巾,我们就可以看出,
运输毒品罪是当前刑事犯罪中发案较多、涉及面广、危害较大的一种犯罪形式, 特别在作者工作的单位——铁路公安部门,运输毒品犯罪已成为列盗窃罪之后查获的 排第二位的犯罪形式,是重点打击的犯罪之一。虽然我国1997年刑法对该罪的定罪 和处罚作了明确规定,但笔者感到在司法实践中仍有许多问题存在争议,值得探讨。 本着为司法部门特别是本人工作单位打击运输毒品犯罪提供一点参考和借鉴的初衷 和良好愿望,作者选择了运输毒品罪作为在职攻读硕士研究生毕业论文的选题,以期 能对司法部门打击运输毒品犯罪有点滴之借鉴。
The third part iS the related legal matter of the crime of transporting drugs.In this part,I analyzed thequestions existed in COrmIOD crime,the plot punished severely,quantity of the drugs,quality of the drugs and SO

运输毒品罪,规定在《中华人民共和国刑法》第347条叶『:“走私、贩卖、运输、 制造毒品,无论数量多少,都应当追究刑事责任,予以刑事处罚。”由于毒品生产、 制作的地域性、隐蔽性、集团化和毒品消费市场的广泛性特征明显,因而决定了毒品 的运输成为连接生产和消费的必经环节,而毒品从“批发”到“零售”的高利润也促 使许多人铤而走险,走上运输毒品的不归路。从毒品案件的侦破情况看,运输毒品罪 己成为各级司法部门查禁毒品犯罪的一个有效突破口。仅以上海铁路公安局刑侦部门 的统计数字为例,2003年,全局共查处通过铁路运输毒品的案件1079起,占全部案 件总数的l 7%,查获毒品海洛因10151克;2004年继续呈上升趋势,共查处1272起, 占全部案件总数的20%,查获毒品海洛因14848克。查处的案件总数在各类刑事案件 中稳居第二位。但是,由于刑法研究对运输毒品罪的关注不够,致使司法机关对形形 色色运输毒品的行为一直存在许多争议。本人长期在铁路公安部门工作,在工作中也 积累了一定实践经验。因此,我希望能将在华政三年在职攻读硕士研究生所学的法律 知识用于运输毒品犯罪的研究,努力形成一篇较有质量的论文,以期能对司法部门打 击运输毒品犯罪工作有点滴之借鉴。
The first part is the constitution of the crime of transporting drugs. In this part,I made a detailed analysis of the character of the object, objective respect,subject and subjective respect of the crime and made special analysiS of the 1imits and the classification between the direct object,crime target and transportation behavior.Especial】Y,I also analyzed such problems as minor crime and unit crime as well as how to recognize“knew perfectly well’’and“mistake the object”.
The present thesiS di vides into four COILStituents:the crime constitution. the crime shape,the related legal matter,the]egislati on and the judicature suggests.Full text contains approximately 31,000 characters altogether.
of transporting drugs.In this part,I proposed individua]suggestion, including:isolating the crime of transporting drugs:from the se]ective charge the reach 14 full years old of not reach 16 year—old minors have to undertake the legal responsibility,improving property punishment,creating standard formulation between the different type drugs,strengthening the qualitatire and quantitative analysis,and SO on.
本论文分为运输毒品罪的犯罪构成、运输毒品罪的犯罪形态、运输毒品罪的相关 法律问题、对运输毒品罪的立法和司法建议四个组成部分。全文共约3.1万字。
第一部分:运输毒品罪的犯罪构成。在这一部分,作者详细分析了运输毒品罪的 客体、客观方面、主体和主观方面特征,重点分析了该罪的直接客体和犯罪对象、运 输行为的界定和分类,特别对未成年人犯罪和单位犯罪以及如何认定明知、对象认识 错误等问题作了剖析。

The second part is the shape of the crime of transporting drugs.In this part,I firstly elaborated three viewpoints of the current theorists on the recognizing the accomplished offence of the crime of transporting the drugs, and proposed own viewpoint in this foundation.Also,proposed individual view in the foundation of judieature praetice on how to recognize“colmllencement of transporting”,and made the detailed elaboration on how to discriminate the crime of transporting drugs and i11egal possession of drugs.
第二部分:运输毒品罪的犯罪形态。在这一部分,作者首先阐述了当前理论界关 于认定运输毒品罪既遂的三种观点,并在此基础上提出了自己的观点。特别对如何认 定起运,结合司法实践提出了个人的看法。对如何区分运输毒品罪和非法持有毒品罪 作了详细阐述。
第三部分:运输毒品罪的相关法律问题。在这一部分,作者对运输毒品罪共同犯 罪、从重处罚的情节、毒品的数量、毒品的质量等四个方面从法律规定和司法实践的 角度分析了存在的问题,并提出了个人的观点。
In the writing process of this thesis,I received the devoted instruction from the Professor You Wei.In this,1 want to express the heartfelt gratitude to Professor You Wei,at the same time also thanked teachers and friends in the East China institute of political science and iaw to give the help and the instrtuctiOn