


苔癣沼泽(sphagnum bog)
低位沼泽(flat bog,low moor)
中位沼泽(medium bog,medium swamp)
高位沼泽(raised bog,highmoor)
富营养沼泽(eutrophic mire)
中营养沼泽(mesotrophic swamp)
氯仿沥青A(chloroform bitumen A)
族组成(group composition)
饱和烃(saturated hydrocarbon)
芳烃(aromatic hydrocarbon)
胶质(colloid,pectin,colloid substance)
浅海(shallow sea)
潮坪(tidal flat)
砂坪(sand flat)
泥坪(mud flat)
混合坪(mixed flat)
苔草沼泽(sedge mire)
木本沼泽(swamp,woody mire)



☆常用: ppm: parts per millionppb: parts per billion pH: potential of hydrogen1. 化合物的命名:规则:金属(或某些非金属)元素+阴离子名称(1)MgCl2 magnesium [mæɡ’ni:zj əm] chloride (2)NaNO2 sodium nitrite [‘naitrait](3)KNO3 potassium[p ə’tæsi əm] nitrate [‘naitreit] (4)硝酸 nitric acid(5)NaHCO3 sodium hydrogen carbonate练习:▪ FeBr2 ▪ (NH4)2SO4 ▪ NH4H2PO4▪KMnO4▪亚硫酸▪sulfurous acid▪H2S▪NO2 有机物命名▪Hydrocarbon▪{Aliphatic hydrocarbon; Aromatic Hydrocarbon}▪Aliphatic hydrocarbon (脂肪烃)▪{Alkane (烷); Alkene(烯); Alkyne(炔)}▪Alcohol 醇▪Aldehyde 醛▪Ketone [‘ki:təun] 酮▪Carboxylic acid 羧酸▪Aromatic hydrocarbon(芳香烃)▪{benzene (苯) hydroxybenzene(酚) quinone(醌)无机物中关于数字的写法mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- hexa-, hepta-, octa-, nona-, deca-一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十有机物中关于数字的写法meth-, eth-, prop-, but-, pent-, hex-,甲乙丙丁戊已hept-, oct-, non-, dec-, cyclo-, poly-庚辛壬葵环聚练习▪甲烷乙炔▪丙酮丁醇▪戊烷己烯▪庚醛辛烷▪2-甲基壬酸 3,5-二乙基癸醇Lithium [‘liθiəm] n.锂Beryllium [bə’riljəm] n.铍(Be)Sodium [‘səudiəm] n.钠Potassium [pə’tæsiəm] 钾Rubidium [ru:’bidiəm] 铷Caesium [‘si:ziəm] 铯Nucleus[‘nju:kli s] 原子核,是nuclear的复数Halogen[‘hælədʒən] 卤素general chemistry 普通化学positive[‘pƆzətiv] ion 阳离子orbital electron 轨道电子effective nuclear charge 有效核电荷atomic radius 原子半径,raddi的复数ionic radius 离子半径negative ion 阴离子electron cloud 电子云Van der Waals non-bounded radius单质分子晶体中相邻分子间两个非键合原子核间距离的一半称为范德华半径metallic [mi’tælik] character[‘kæriktə] 金属特性electropositive [I’lektrəu’pɔzətiv] a.带正电的Ionization [‘aiənai’zeiʃən] energy 电离能carbon 碳 germanium[dʒə:’meiniəm] 锗tin [tin] 锡 lead [led] 铅sodium[‘səudiəm] 钠 magnesium[mæɡ’ni:zjəm] 镁silicon [‘silikən] 硅 chlorine [’klɔ:ri:n] 氯nonmetallic [‘nɔnmi’tælik]adj.n.非金属的,非金属Electronegativity 电负性Metallic oxide 金属氧化物Metallic hydroxide [hai’drɔksaid] 金属氢氧化物Hydroxyl [hai‘drɔksil] ions 氢氧根离子insoluble[in’sɔljubl] 不溶解的Ionic [ai‘ɔnik] adj. 离子的Transition element 过渡元素Basicity [bə’sisiti] n. 碱性,碱度Oxyacid [,ɔksi’æsid] 含氧酸Carbonate [‘kɑ:bəneit] 碳酸盐Nitrate [‘naitreit] 硝酸盐Sulphate [‘sʌlfeit] 硫酸盐 = sulfateAmphoteric [,æmfə’terik] adj.两性的Acid [‘æsid] n. adj.alkali [‘ælkəlai] n.adj.Hydration [hai’dreiʃən] 水合作用Hydrolyze [‘haidrəlaiz] vi. 水解Oxysalt [‘ɔksisɔ:lt] 含氧酸盐Complex 络合物,复合物句子理解1) Metals are electropositive and have a tendency to loss electrons, if suppliedwith energy: M M+ + e. 金属是电正性的,如果供给能量,有失去电子的趋势。



SPE 132371Surface Microseismic Monitoring of Slick-water and Nitrogen FractureStimulations, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma(表面的微地震监测光滑水面和氮破裂刺激,澳柯玛盆地,奥克拉荷马)Morris Hall, Williams Company, and Jo Ellen Kilpatrick, Microseismic, Inc.(霍尔,威廉姆斯公司,乔·基尔帕特里克,微震,Inc .)Copyright 2010, Society of Petroleum Engineers(版权2010,石油工程师协会)This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Unconventional Gas Conference held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 23–25 February 2010.(本文是介绍了2010年三月23-25日在匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚,美国举行的非常规天然气会议。

)This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted(提交)by the author(s). (本文介绍了选择一个石油工程师协会项目委员会审查后的信息包含在一个作者提交的抽象概念中)Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s).(本文的内容还没被石油工程师学会审查和作者的更正)The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members.(材料不一定反映石油工程师协会官员或成员的社会地位。







三、写作30分题目大概是“some people believe that if a couple have a regular job, they will have a more harmonious family relationship while others have totally different opinion.”让你针对此观点写一篇400词的作文。

一、词汇翻译【汉译英】1*151 大众创业万众创新popular/mass entrepreneurship and innovation(出自2015年政府工作报告)2 中澳自贸协定Free Trade Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People‟s Republic of China3 一带一路the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (the Belt and Road Initiative/the Land and Maritime Silk Road Initiative, B&R)4 城镇化urbanization5 世界反法西斯战争World's Anti-Fascist War (the Second World War)中国人民抗日战争China'sResistance Waragainst Japanese Aggression6 新常态New normal(出自2015年政府工作报告)7 命运共同体Community of Common Destiny8 经济发展快车道fast-track of economic growth(出自2015年政府工作报告)9 产能过剩overcapacity(出自2015年政府工作报告)10 多边贸易体系multilateral trading system11 千年发展目标the MillenniumDevelopmentGoals12 生态足迹Ecological Footprint13 董事总经理Managing Director14 商务部部长助理the assistant Minister of the Ministry of Commerce15 区域经济一体化regional economy integration【英译汉】1*151 United Nations Economic and Social Council联合国经济及社会理事会2 provice chancellor副校长3 the ASEAN Community (theAssociation Of Southeast Asian Nations)东南亚国家联盟共同体4 mutural but distinctive responsibility5 corrupt fugitive repatriation6 crowdfunding platform众筹平台7 global governance全球治理8 shale gas页岩气9 postdoctoral fellow博士后研究员10 social inclusiveness社会包容性11 multimodal transportation综合运输12 credit crunch信贷危机13 White House Chief of Staff白宫办公厅主任/白宫幕僚长14 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine诺贝尔生理学或医学奖15 Commonwealth of Nations英联邦二、篇章翻译2*60【英译汉】讲的是有关现金流的现象,有一些词注意一下cash outflow/inflow, negative(负)positive(正),和金融有关系,然后又说你自己本身就是一个project,教育就是你的投资等等。


calendar n.日历
radiation n.辐射
ultraviolet adj.紫外线的
thermodynamic adj.热力的
sediment n.沉淀物
deposit n.沉淀物
petroleum n.石油
petrol n.汽油
gasoline n.汽油
recycle v.循环
conservation n.保护
conversation n.对话
ecosystem n.生态系统
eco-friendly n.环境友好的
fume n.烟
smoke n.烟
fog n.烟雾
marine adj.海的
navigation n.导航
current adj.现在的
alternative adj.两者择一的
option n.选择
volcano n.火山
erupt v.喷发
magma n.岩浆
earthquake n.地震
avalanche n.雪崩
glacier n.冰川
hazard n.灾难
catastrophe n.灾难
disaster n.灾难
endanger v.危害
jeopardize v.危害
drought n.干旱
prioritize v.优先处理
prior adj.优先的
priority n.Βιβλιοθήκη 先trigger v.触发
interact v.相互影响
absorb v.吸收
melt v.融化
thaw v.使融解
dissolve v.溶解
release v.释放
accumulate v.积累



页岩气的英文:shale gas特指赋存于页岩中的非常规气。

















2013年厦门大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译词语翻译英译汉1.swing states正确答案:摇摆州(美国大选中的特有说法)2.poetic justice正确答案:善有善报,恶有恶报3.drone(军事用语)正确答案:无人驾驶飞机4.to scale back headcounts正确答案:缩减人员5.cheerleader正确答案:拉拉队队员6.skopos theory正确答案:目的论7.shopping spree正确答案:疯狂购物8.wailing wall正确答案:(犹太人的)哭墙9.call to collect正确答案:对方付费的电话10.TEU正确答案:国际标准货柜单位(twenty-foot equivalent unit) 11.shale gas正确答案:页岩气12.plastic surgery正确答案:整形手术13.a storm in a teacup正确答案:小题大做14.windfall tax正确答案:暴利税15.quantitative easing正确答案:量化宽松汉译英16.全面建成小康社会正确答案:to establish an all-around affluent society 17.安倍晋三正确答案:Shinzo Abe18.翘尾因素正确答案:carryover effects19.中国围棋正确答案:Chinese Go20.骑楼正确答案:sotto portico; arcade-house21.植入广告正确答案:product placement22.逆回购正确答案:reverse repurchase23.汽车单双号限行正确答案:even-odd license plate plan24.乱穿马路正确答案:jaywalking25.花旗银行正确答案:Citibank26.两“非”(非法鉴别性别和非法终止妊娠)正确答案:Illegal fetal sex testing and sex-selective abortions 27.湄公河正确答案:Mekong River28.松下电器正确答案:Panasonic Corporation29.哈萨克斯坦正确答案:Kazakhstan30.兵部尚书正确答案:minister of war英汉互译英译汉31.Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder. In the Middle Ages when the feudal lords who inhabited the castles—whose towers may still be seen along the Rhine—concluded to enlarge their domains, to increase their power, their prestige and their wealth they declared war upon one another. But they themselves did not go to war any more than the; modern feudal lords, the barons of Wall Street go to war.The feudal barons of the Middle Ages, the economic predecessors of the capitalists of our day, declared all wars. And their miserable serfs fought all the battles. The poor, ignorant serfs had been taught to revere their masters; to believe that when their masters declared war upon one another, it was their patriotic duty to fall upon one another and to cut one another’s throats for the profit and glory of the lords and barons who held them in contempt. And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose—especially their lives.正确答案:纵观历史,战争多是为了侵略和掠夺。



一英译汉1.Petroleum Industry 石油工业2.oil seeps 油苗3.natural gas 天然气4.hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物5.methane 甲烷6.petroleum jelly 石油膏7.kerosene 煤油8.paraffin 石蜡9 bitumen 沥青10.gum bed 地蜡11.cable tool drilling 顿钻钻井12.driller 钻孔机(钻床,钻探工)13christmas tree 采油树14.crown bloc 天车15rotary table 转盘16heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储集层17 recoverable reserve 可采储量18heavy oil 重油19seismic interpretation 地震解释20 capillary action 毛细作用21 damage zone 污染带22 compressibility 压缩的可能性,压缩性,压缩率23 overburden 地层表土24connate water 原生水25oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数26 phase diagram 相图27core samples 岩心样品28development well 开发井29geothermal gradient 地温梯度30 lost circulation 漏失31 derrick 动臂起重机32 drilling line 钻井用钢丝绳33 cavings 塌坍的落石34 shale shaker 泥浆振动筛35 casing head 套管头36 kill line 压井管线37 cement slurry 水泥浆38 compressive strength 抗压强度39 sonic bond log 声波测井40 pay bond log41 payzone 产油气带42 wait on cement 候水泥凝固43 annular space 环形空间44 casing hanger 套管挂45 surface casing 表层套管46 gel strength 凝胶强度47 gusher 自喷井48 slotted liner 割缝衬管49 sloughing 坍塌性的;崩落50 abnormal pressure 异常压力51 workover 修理52remedial work 修井作业53 bringing in54 choke 节流器55 killing the well (killing well 压井)56 nogo nipple 不过端短节57 blast joint 耐磨接头58 ressure buildup test 压力恢复试井59 flow efficiency 完善系数60 gas-liquid ratio 气液比61 gas cap 气顶62resercoir drive mechanism油藏驱动机理63 stripper well 低产井64 intermediate casing 中间套管65 gravity segregation 重力分异66 penetration rate 进尺速度67drill collar 钻铤68 kick 井涌69 swivel 旋转接头70 blowoat preventers 防喷器71 aquifer 含水层72 salinity 矿化度73pressure drawdown 压降74 intermittent gaslift 间歇气举75 shut-in well pressure 关井压力76 compression coefficient 压缩系数77 transient flow 瞬变流动78 surface unit 地下单位79gear reducer 齿轮减速器80 subsurface pump 井下泵81 sucker rod 抽油杆82 polished rod 光杆83 stuffing box 填料盒84 stroke length 冲程85 combustion engines 内燃机86skin effect 表皮效应87formation volume factor 地层体积系数88 absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量89 drainage radius 泄油半径90 prime mover 原动机91 crank 曲柄92 torque rating 扭矩测定;扭矩值93 kill fluid 压井液94 landing nipple 坐放短节95 sand control 含砂量控制96 peak load 峰值负载97 power fluid 传动液98 subsurface pump 井下泵99 overload protection 过载保护100 compatibility 兼容性101 organic acid 有机酸102 offset well 补偿井103 gravity drainage 重力泄油104 wettability 湿润性105 interfacial tension 界面张力106 huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐107 pitman 联接杆108 junction box 接线匣109 put back on production 恢复生产110 fracture pressure 破裂压力111 matrix acidizing 基岩酸化112 pad fluid 前置液;缓冲液113 proppant 支撑剂114 massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂115 volumetric sweep efficiency 体积波及效率116 breakthrough 突破;穿透117 residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度118 displacement efficiency 置换效率;驱替效率;洗油效率119 fractional flow 分相流动;分流量120 well deliverability equation 油井产能方程121 net thickness 有效厚度122 multipay reservoir 多油层油田123 casing-tubing configuration 套管组合124 hreaded coupling 螺纹接口125 switchboard 配电盘126 natural fissure 天然裂缝127 preflush fluid 前置液;冲洗液129 unswept zone 未波及区130.fault 断层二汉译英1. 原油crude oil2. 天然气natural gas3. 方钻杆Kelly4. 钻杆drillpipe5. 泥浆泵mud pump6. 转盘rotary table7. 封隔器packer8. 旋转钻井rotary drilling9. 固井cementing10. 裸眼完井openhole completion11. 井口well head12. 扶正器centralizer13. 三次采油tertiary recovery14. 射孔perforating15. 油管tubing16. 油井流入动态inflow performance relationship17. 井底流压bottom hole flowing pressure18. 采油指数productivity index19. 增产增住措施stimulation20. 近井地带near-well bore region21. 含水率water cut22. 最终采收率ultimate recovery23. 剩余油remaining oil24. 提高采收率IOR25. 水驱water flooding26. 原始地质储量OOIP(original oil in place)27. 流度比mobility ratio28. 有效渗透率effective permeability29. 空隙体积pore volume30. 上冲程upstroke31. 下冲程downstroke32. 润湿性wettability33. 聚合物驱polymer flooding。



carbonaceous fragment 碳质碎屑carbonaceous meteorites 含碳陨⽯carbonaceous rock 碳质岩carbonaceous sediment 碳质沉积carbonaceous shale 碳质页岩carbonaceous slate 碳质板岩carbonaceous 碳的carbonado bit ⿊⾦刚⽯钻头carbonado ⿊⾦刚⽯;烧carbonatation 碳酸盐化carbonate algal stromatolite 钙藻叠层⽯carbonate analysis log 碳酸盐岩分析录井carbonate bank 碳酸盐岩滩carbonate breccia 碳酸盐岩⾓砾⽯carbonate buildup 碳酸盐建隆carbonate compensation depth 碳酸盐补偿深度carbonate compensation level 碳酸盐补偿⾯carbonate conglomerate 碳酸盐岩砾岩carbonate content 碳酸盐含量carbonate deposition 碳酸盐沉积carbonate formation 碳酸盐岩地层carbonate mass 碳酸盐岩体carbonate ooze 碳酸盐软泥carbonate platform 碳酸盐岩台地carbonate ramp 碳酸盐缓坡carbonate reef 碳酸盐岩礁carbonate reservoir 碳酸盐岩储层carbonate sedimentary facies 碳酸盐岩沉积相carbonate shelf 碳酸盐岩陆棚carbonate 碳酸盐carbonate-apatite 碳磷灰⽯carbonate-cemented sand 碳酸盐胶结砂岩carbonate-compensation surface 碳酸盐补偿⾯carbonate-evaporite 碳酸盐蒸发岩carbonate-fluorapatite 碳氟磷灰⽯carbonate-hydroxylapatite 碳羟磷灰⽯carbonated water flooding 碳酸⽔驱油carbonated water 碳酸⽔carbonation 碳酸盐法carbonatite 碳酸盐岩carbonatization 碳酸盐化carbonator 碳酸化器Carbonella ⽯炭⾍属carbonic acid gas 碳酸⽓carbonic acid 碳酸carbonic allyl ester 碳酸丙烯酯carbonic ester 碳酸酯Carbonic limestone ⽯炭纪⽯灰岩Carbonic period ⽯炭纪carbonic sandstone 碳质砂岩carbonic snow ⼲冰Carbonic ⽯炭纪carbonic 碳的Carbonicola ⽯炭蚌属carbonide 碳化物Carboniferous glaciation ⽯炭纪冰期Carboniferous period ⽯炭纪Carboniferous system ⽯炭系carboniferous 含碳的Carboniferous ⽯炭纪的carbonification 碳化作⽤carbonite 天然焦炭;碳质炸药carbonitriding 碳氮共渗carbonitrile 腈carbonium ion 阳碳离⼦carbonium 阳碳carbonization process 碳化过程carbonization 碳化carbonized plant tissue 碳化植物组织carbonized polyacrylonitrile fibre 碳化聚丙烯腈纤维carbonnitriding 碳氮共渗;氰化carbonolite 碳质岩carbonolith 碳质沉积岩carbonolyte 碳质岩carbonometer 碳酸计carbonyl bond 羰基键carbonyl chloride 羰基氯carbonyl cobalt 羰基钴carbonyl compound 羰基化物carbonyl group 羰基carbonyl heme 羰合⾎红素carbonyl hemoglobin 碳氧⾎红蛋⽩carbonyl 羰基carbonylation of methanol 甲醇羰基化carbonylation 羰基化carbonyles 羰络物类carbophyre 碳质⽕成岩carbopyrite 碳黄铁矿carborane 碳硼烷carborne detector 车载探测器carborne 汽车转运的carborundum grinding wheel ⾦刚砂轮carborundum paper 砂纸carborundum powder ⾦刚砂粉carborundum 碳化硅carbowax 聚⼄⼆醇carboxy-ended oligomer 羧端基低聚物carboxyethyl cellulose 羧⼄基纤维素carboxyl group 羧基。



Abandon v.(油井)报废,废弃Abandon well n.废井Acid wash n.酸洗Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidize v.酸化Additive n.添加剂Agent n.试剂,媒介Alkane n.烷烃,链烷烃Analytic solution n.解析解Anisotropic a.各向异性的,非均质的Annular a.环形的Annular mist flow n.环雾流Annulus n.环形空间,环空Anticline n.背斜API standards n.美国石油协会标准Aromatic n.芳香族,芳香族环烃;a. 芳香的Artifical lift n.人工举升Artificial lift n.人工举升Artificial water drive n.人工注水驱Asphaltene n.沥青烯Asphaltic a.含沥青的,沥青质的;n.沥青质Associated a.伴生的Attribute n.属性,特征,标志Baffle n.隔板;v.阻碍,挫折Barefoot completion n.裸眼完井Barite n.重晶石Barrel n.桶Barrier n.隔层Bbl (blue barrel) Bean n.油嘴,节流器Belt cover n.皮带盖Bentonite n.膨润土,斑脱岩Bit n.钻头Black-oil simulator n.黑油模拟器Blender truck n.混砂车Blow out v.井喷Blowout n.井喷Blowout preventer (BOP) n.防喷器Borehole n.井眼Bottom hole n.井下Collapse v.坍塌,倒塌Collar n.钻铤Compaction n.压实作用Compaction n.压实(作用),挤压Completion n.完井,完成,结束Compress v.压缩Compressor n.压缩机Concentration n.浓度;集中Condensate n.凝析油Condensate n.凝析油Conductor casing n.导管Conductor casing n.导管Conductor hole n.导管孔Conductor pipe n.导管Cone n.圆锥,(锥形)牙轮Configuration n.构造Connate a.原生的,共生的Connate water n.原生水,共生水Contaminant n.杂质,污染物Continuous lift n.连续气举Core n.岩心Core n.岩心Core holder n.岩心夹持器Core slug n.岩心塞Coring bit n.取芯钻头Corrode v.腐蚀Corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Counterbalance n.平衡(块);v.使平衡,抵消Counterweight n.平衡块Crack v.裂开Crank n.曲柄,摇把Crown block n.钻台Crumble v.坍塌,破碎Crust n.地壳Curve n.曲线Cutting/chips n.钻屑Darcy’s law n.达西定律Defoamer n.去泡剂Degas v.脱气Dehydrate v.脱水Dehydration n.脱水,去水Delta n.三角洲Demulsified n.破乳剂Deposit v.沉积,存款(与withdraw相对)Derrick n.井架,钻塔Derrick floor n.钻台Desalt v.除盐Desalter n.脱盐剂Desand v.除砂Desander n.除砂器Descale v.除垢Desilter n.除泥器Development well n.开发井Deviate v.偏移,偏差Deviated well n.斜井Diamond n.金刚石Diesel n.柴油机,内燃机Diesel n.柴油机;柴油Diffusivity n.扩散率,扩散性,扩散系数Dimension n.量纲,因次,维,元Dimensional a.量纲的,维次的Directional well n.定向井Discharge line n.排出管线Discount factor n.贴现系数Discount rate n.现贴率Discounted cash flow return on investmentDisplacement n.驱替,取代,排出量Displacement efficiency n.驱替效率Displacement fluid n.顶替液Displacement pressure n.排驱压力Dissolve v.溶解,解除;无效Dissolved gas n.溶解气Doghouse n.井场值班房Dolomite n.白云岩Downhole n.底部井眼,井下Downstroke n.下冲程Dozer n.推土机Drainage n.排驱,排水Drainage area n.供油面积,泄油面积Draw works n.绞车Drillfloor n.钻台Drilling line n.钻井钢丝绳Drilling mud n.钻井泥浆Drilling string n.钻柱Drillstem test (DST ) n.中途测试Drill-stem test (DST ) n.中途试井,地层试验器试井Droplet n.微滴,小滴Dynagraph card n.示功图Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Elevate v.提升,升华Elevation n.海拔,上升,举起Emulsified acid n.乳化酸Emulsifier n.乳化剂Emulsion n.乳化;乳状液Emulsion breaker n.破乳剂Encroachment n.侵入,水侵Engine oil n.机油Engine system n.动力系统Enhance v.提高,改善Enhanced recovery n.强化采油,提高采收率Ester n.酯,酯类Ethane n.乙烷Exploitation n.开发Exploration n.勘探Exploration well n.探井Fall-off test n.(注水井)压降试井Fatty a.脂的,脂肪的Fault n.断层Fine n.细砂Fingering n.指进现象Fitting n.配件;油嘴;适合Five-spot n.五点井网Flood front n.注水前缘Flow nipple n.节流嘴,油嘴Flow pattern n.流型Flow rate n.产量Flowing well efficiency n.流动系数Flowmeter n.流量计Foam n.泡沫Fold v.褶皱,折叠Formation n.地层Formation gas oil ratio n.地层气油比Formation transmissibility n.地层传导率Frac pumper n.压裂泵车Frac sand n.压裂砂,支撑剂Fraction n.馏分;分数Fracture v. & n. 裂缝Fracture n.裂缝;破裂v.压裂Freshwater n.淡水,清水,新鲜水Friction reducing additive n.降阻剂Fuel n.燃油Fuel storage n.燃料罐FVF(formation volume factor) n.地层体积系数Gas cap n.气顶Gaseous a.气体的,气态的,空虚的Gas-in-place n.天然气地质储量Gasoline n.汽油Gathering system n.集输系统Gear reducer n.齿轮变速器Geometry n.几何形态,几何学Geophysical well logs 地球物理测井Gravel n.砾石,砾砂Gravel pack n.砾石充填Gravitational drainage n.重力排驱Grease n.润滑油Gross thickness n.总厚度Gush v.井喷Gush v.井喷Gusher n.井喷Hardness n.硬度,硬性Heterogeneity n.不均匀,复杂性Hoist v.提升,轮换,改变Hoist system n.提升系统Hook n.大钩Hose n.水龙带Hydraulic fracture n.人工裂缝,水力压裂裂缝Hydraulic fracture n.水力压裂裂缝Hydraulic fracturing n.水力压裂Hydrocarbon n.烃类,碳氢化合物Hydrogen sulfide n.硫化氢Hydrogen sulphide n.硫化氢Identified crude oil reserves n.探明地质储量Impermeable a.不渗透的(与permeable相对)Impurity n.杂质,夹杂质混合物In situ n.(拉丁语)就地,原地Infill drilling n.加密钻井Influx n.流入,注入,主入口Inject v.注入Injectivity n.注入能力,注入性Injectivity index n.注入指数Inlet n.进口,输入(量)Insitu combustion n.层内燃烧,火烧油层Interference test n.井间干扰测试,干扰试井Intermediate casing n.中间套管Intermittent a.间歇的,中断的Intermittent lift n.间歇气举Internal rate of return n.内部收益率Interval n.间隔,间距,层段;隔层Irreducible a.不可减少的,剩余的,残余的Irreducible water/oil saturation n.束缚水/残余油饱和度Irreducible water/oil saturation 束缚水/残余油饱和度Jack up v.举高,顶起Junk n.废料,井下金属碎屑Kelly n.方钻杆Kelly bushing n.方钻杆补心Kerosene n.煤油Kick n.井涌;v.踢Layer zone n.产层Leak v.滤失Leakage /leakoff n.滤失Limestone n.石灰岩Liner hanger n.尾管悬挂器Liner n.筛管,尾管Liquefy v.液化;稀释LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) n.液化石油气,液化气Lubricant n.润滑油Magnesium n.镁Make a trip 起下钻Manifold a.多方面的;n.汇管Manifold n.管汇Marine a.海上的Marine a.海相的,海上的Mast n.桅杆式井架Masterbushing n.转盘方瓦Matrix n.基质MEOR (microbial enhanced oil recovery) Methane n.甲烷Microbial a.微生物的Milli-Darcy n.毫达西(渗透率单位)Mine v.开采矿物Mineral n.矿物Miscibility n.混相能力Miscible a.混相的Miscible a.混相的,互溶的Miscible flooding n.混相驱Miscible flooding n.混相驱Mist n.雾Mobility n.流度Mobility ratio n.流度比Monkey board n.二层平台Mud acid n.土酸Mud cake n.泥饼Mud engineer n.泥浆工程师Mud gas separator n.泥气分离器Mud house n.泥浆房Mud logger n.录井员Mud n.泥浆,淤泥Mud pit n.泥浆池Mud pump n.泥浆泵Mud scale n.泥浆比重计Multiple-well test n.多井测试,干扰试井n.聚晶金刚石钻头n.微生物强化采油n.现值投资收益率Natural flow n.自然流动,自喷Natural gas liquids n.天然气液体,凝析油Nodding donkey/horsehead n.驴头Non-associated natural gas n.非伴生天然气,气田气Non-associated natural gas 非伴生天然气,气田气Normal fault 正断层ODP (offshore drilling process) n.海洋钻井程序Offshore n.海上,近海Oil film n.油膜Oil patch/field n.油田Oil string n.油层套管,生产套管Oil zone n.生产层Oil-bearing 油层;含油的Oil-in-place n.地下原油储量Onshore a.陆地的,陆上的Open-hole n.裸眼Open-hole completion n.裸眼完井Original oil in place n.原始地质储量Originate v.起源,发起(接from)Outcome n.产量Outcrop n.露头Outlet n.出口,输出(量)Overbalance n.过平衡,正压Overbalanced drilling n.过平衡钻井Overlay v.上覆Oversaturated oil 过饱和油Packer n.封隔器Packer-bridge n.桥堵Pad fluid n.前置液Paraffin n.链烷烃,石蜡族;煤油Particle n.微粒,粒子Pattern n.井网;模式Pattern type n.井网类型Pay zone n.生产层Payout time n.偿还期PDC bit (polycrystalline diamond compact bit ) Penetration n.穿透;吃入(钻头对岩层)Pentane n.戊烷Perforate v.射孔,穿孔Perforated a.射孔的,带孔的Perforated completion n.射孔完井Perforation n.射孔Perforation interval n.射孔井段Permeability n.渗透率Permeable a.可渗透的Petrochemical n.石油化工,石油化学Phase n.相;阶段Pig n.清管器Pig receiver n.收球装置Pig sender n.发球装置Pile driver n.打桩机Pipe rack n.管架Pipeline n.管道,管道输送Pipeline system n.管网系统Pipework/pipeline n.管网,管道工程Piston n.活塞Pit n.坑,窖,泥浆池Pitman n.连杆Platform n.钻台Plug v.堵;n.旋塞,岩塞,段塞Plug v.堵塞;n.塞子Plunger n.柱塞Pneumatic a.空气的,风力的;气体的Pneumatic/air drilling n.风钻,空气钻井Polish rod n.光杆Polymer n.聚合物Porosity n.孔隙度Porous a.多孔的,空隙的Porous media 多孔介质Portable rig n.轻便钻机Potentiometric model n.电位模型,等势模型Ppm (parts per million ) n.百万分之几Ppm(parts per million ) n.百万分之几Preflush n.前置液Present worth index n.现值指数Present worth n.现值Present worth net profit n.现值净收益Pressure buildup n.压力恢复Pressure build-up test n.压力恢复试井,压力恢复测试Pressure drawdown n.压力降落Primary pore n.原生孔隙Primary recovery n.一次采油Prime mover n.电动机,马达Production battery 集油站Production casing n.生产套管Production decline 产量递减Production facility 生产设备Production gain 增产油量Production horizon 生产层位Production interval 生产层段Production liner n.生产尾管Production logging 生产测井Production operation 采油作业Production rate n.采油速度,产量Production rate n.产量Production rate 产量Production seismology 开发地震Production watercut 产液含水率Production well n.生产井Production zone n.生产层Productive a.生产的,开采的,产油的Productivity n.生产能力,产能Productivity index n.采油指数Productivity index n.生产指数Profitability index n.赢利指数Profit-to-investment-ratio n.利润投资比Propane n.丙烷Proppant n.支撑剂Pull rod/sucker rod /sucker pole n.抽吸拉杆Pulse test n.脉冲试井Quaternary a.第四的,第四次的Quaternary recovery n.四次采油Ram n.柱塞;防喷器芯子Rate n.速度,速率;v.评定,估计;确定,衡量Recoverable reserves n.可采储量Recycle v.再循环Reel n.卷轴,滚筒;卷缆车Refine v.炼制,提纯Refinery n.炼油厂Refinery n.炼油厂Reinject v.回注Reperforation n.补孔,再射孔Reserve n.储量Reservoir n.油藏,水库Reservoir management n.油藏管理Reservoir performance n.油藏动态Residual a.残余的,剩余的Residual oil saturation n.剩(残)余油饱和度Resin n.树脂,松香;v.涂树脂Respirator n.防毒面具,口罩Return line n.上返管线Rig n.钻机Rock layer n.岩层Rocking ram n.摇臂Rod pump n.有杆泵Rotary a. 旋转的,循环的Rotary drilling n.旋转钻井Rotary table n.转盘Rotating system n.旋转系统Saddle bearing n.支架轴承Safety slip n.安全卡瓦Saline a.含盐的;n.盐水Saline n.盐水;a.含盐的Saline lake n.盐湖Saline water n.盐水Saline water n.盐水Salineness n.含盐度,含盐量Salinity n.矿化度Salinity n.盐度,盐性,矿化度Samson posts n.支架Sand carrier n.携砂液Sand control n.防砂Sand cutting n.砂蚀,砂屑Sand truck n.砂罐车Sandstone n.砂岩Sandup n.砂堵Saturate v.饱和Saturation n.饱和Scale n.刻度,温标;水垢Screen n.筛网Secondary recovery n.二次采油Sediment v.沉积,沉积岩Sedimentary a.沉积的Sedimentary basin n.沉积盆地Sedimentary rock n.沉积岩Separator n.分离器Shale shaker n.泥浆振动筛Shaped charges n.聚能射孔弹Shut-down n.关井,停机Shut-in n.关井Simulate v.模仿,模拟,使模型化Simulation n.模型,模拟,模型化Simulator n.模拟程序,模拟器Skin factor n.表皮系数Skin factor n.表皮因子Slant hole /inclined well n.斜井Slip n.滑;卡瓦Slippage effect n.滑脱效应Slug n.段塞Slug flow n.段塞流Slug n.段塞Slurry n.水泥浆Slurry fluid n.携砂液Soluble a.可溶的,能溶的;可解决的Solution n.溶解作用Sort v.分选,排序Sour gas n.含硫天然气Spud in v.开钻Spudding in n.开钻Standing valve n.固定阀STB(stock tank barrel) n.储罐桶数Steam drive n.蒸汽驱Stimulate v.(油井)增产,(水井)増注Stimulation n.增产措施Stimulation n.增产措施;増注措施Storage n.储存,储备Strata n. (pl.) 地层Stratigraphic a.地层的,地层学的Stratum n.层,岩层;地层Stroke n.冲程Structure fault trap 构造断层圈闭Stuffing box n.盘根盒Substructure n.井架底座Sucker n.吸入泵,吸管,吸入活塞Sulfide n.硫化物Sulphur n.硫Supersaturated a.过饱和的Surface casing n.表层套管Surface tension n.表面张力Surfactant n.表面活性剂Suspending agent n.悬浮剂Sweep efficiency n.波及效率Sweep v.扫油,波及Swivel n.旋转接头,(钻井)水龙头Syncline n.向斜Tectonic a.构造的,构造学的Tectonic plate n.构造板块Tertiary recovery n.三次采油Throat n.喉道,咽喉Throttle v.节流,减速;n.节流阀Throttle v.节制,调节,n.节流,节流阀Throttle valve n.节流阀Throughput n.生产量,生产率Thrust fault 逆断层Tortuosity n.迂曲度,弯曲度Tortuous a.弯曲的Toxic a.有毒的Tractor-trailer n.牵引拖车Trap n.圈闭Traveling block n.游动滑车Traveling valve n.游动阀Tricone bit n.三牙轮钻头Trip out v.起出(钻具)Truck-mounted rig n.车载钻机Tubing n.油管Underbalance drilling n.欠平衡钻井Undersaturated a.不饱和的Undersaturated oil 不饱和油Unemulsified a.非乳化的Upstroke n.上冲程V-door ramp n.斜坡Viscosity n.黏度Viscosity increasing agent n.增粘剂Viscous a.粘性的,粘稠的Void n.空隙,孔隙;a.无效的,空白的Walking beam n.游梁Wash-out n.冲蚀;清洗Water cut 含水率Water encroachment n.水侵(量)Water flooding n.水驱Water influx n.水侵量Water tank n.水罐Water-free a.不含水的,无水的Water-in-oil n.油包水乳状液Water-oil contact n.油水界面Wax n.蜡;a.蜡状的Wear out v. 磨损,磨坏Well pattern n.井网Well rate n.油井产量Well testing n.试井Wellbore n.井眼Wellbore n.井筒Wellbore n.井眼Wellhead n.井口Well-sorted a.分选好的Wildcat n.干井,初探井Wire-wrapped screen completion n.绕丝筛管完井Wire-wrapped screen n.绕丝筛管Withdrawal rate n.产量Workover n.修井Workover operation n.修井作业Yield n.产量。



外研版2018届春英语八年级下册课后习题:Module3Makingplans,Unit1Whatareyougoingtodoattheweekend?学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、根据中/英文提示填空根据所给汉语提示完成单词1.To protect the ___________________(地球),we should plant more trees.2.Have you heard the latest _______________(消息)about the football match?3.The eight ______________(行星)all go around the sun.4.We _________________(到达)the railway station late yesterday.5.—Do you know Yang Liwei and Jing Haipeng?—Sure.They’re two famous ____________________(宇航员)in China.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空6.The girl is still doing her homework.She ___________________(not finish)it yet. 7.He is a basketball fan and he always gets the _________________(late)news about NBA.8.Has your brother __________________(reach)America yet?9.They got up early in order ______________(catch) up with the early bus.10.We’d like to ask how ____________________(mend) the machine?三、完成句子完成句子,每空一词11.你在干什么?What are you _________________ ________________?12.当然,没问题。

页岩气的测井响应特征 翻译

页岩气的测井响应特征 翻译

2 页岩气的测井响应特征2.1 页岩气的常规测井响应页岩气的常规测井响应主要包括页岩储层的自然伽马、井径、声波时差、中子孔隙度、地层密度、岩性密度和深浅电阻率等。



表3 页岩气测井曲线响应特征(文献[11])Tab.3 Response characteristics of shale gas well logging (data [11])2.2 页岩气的常规测井系列裸眼井测井常用三大测井系列、十一条测井曲线,可解决储层的岩性划分、物性评价和含油气性评价等。










石油工程专业知识竞赛一、采气、气藏1. 在圈闭内聚集了足够数量并具有同一压力系统的天然气,就形成了( C )。

(A)油气藏 (B)油藏 (C)气藏 (D)气田2. 是否为工业性气藏的判断标准是( B )。

(A)气质好有开采价值 (B)数量上具有开采价值(C)气藏压力足够高 (D)气藏温度足够高3. 气井在生产过程中只产生凝析水或少量凝析油,这种气井称为(C )气井。

(A)有水 (B)凝析 (C)无水 (D)石油伴生4. 出水气井,都存在控制水的问题,对水的控制是通过控制( A )来实现的。

(A)临界流量 (B)临界压力 (C)临界温度 (D)临界流速5.气田是指受局部构造所控制的同一面积范围的气藏总和 (对)6.(C)是通过关闭气井,连续记录压力随时间的变化,按不稳定渗流的理论和公式,作压力恢复曲线,求出气井产气方程式,计算地层参数。

A干扰试井 B压力降落试井 C压力恢复试井 D多井不稳定试井7.温度相同时,生成水合物的压力随天然气相对密度增加而( B )。

(A)升高 (B)降低 (C)不变 (D)呈无规律变化8.提高温度防止生成水合物方法的实质是,把气流温度提高到生成水合物( C )。

(A)温度以下 (B)温度相同(C)温度以上 (D)温度以上或以下均可9.含有酸性气体组成的天然气在输送过程中,由于沿程温降在管道内凝析出液态水,其最主要危害是(C)(A)增加管道起点压力(B)降低管道输送能力(C)造成管道内腐蚀(D)液态水堵塞管道10. 气水同产井根据出水的形式不一样,其相应的治水措施也不相同。





如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Actinium(Ac) 锕Aluminium(Al) 铝Americium(Am) 镅Antimony(Sb) 锑Argon(Ar) 氩Arsenic(As) 砷Astatine(At) 砹Barium(Ba) 钡Berkelium(Bk) 锫Beryllium(Be) 铍Bismuth(Bi) 铋Boron(B) 硼Bromine(Br) 溴Cadmium(Cd) 镉Caesium(Cs) 铯Calcium(Ca) 钙Californium(Cf) 锎Carbon(C) 碳Cerium(Ce) 铈Chlorine(Cl) 氯Chromium(Cr) 铬Cobalt(Co) 钴Copper(Cu) 铜Curium(Cm) 锔Dysprosium(Dy) 镝Einsteinium(Es) 锿Erbium(Er) 铒Europium(Eu) 铕Fermium(Fm) 镄Fluorine(F) 氟Francium(Fr) 钫Gadolinium(Gd) 钆Gallium(Ga) 镓Germanium(Ge) 锗Gold(Au) 金Hafnium(Hf) 铪Helium(He) 氦Holmium(Ho) 钬Hydrogen(H) 氢Indium(In) 铟Iodine(I) 碘Iridium(Ir) 铱Iron(Fe) 铁Krypton(Kr) 氪如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Lanthanum(La) 镧Lawrencium(Lr) 铹Lead(Pb) 铅Lithium(Li) 锂Lutetium(Lu) 镥Magnesium(Mg) 镁Manganese(Mn) 锰Mendelevium(Md) 钔Mercury(Hg) 汞Molybdenum(Mo) 钼Neodymium(Nd) 钕Neon(Ne) 氖Neptunium(Np) 镎Nickel(Ni) 镍Niobium(Nb) 铌Nitrogen(N) 氮Nobelium(No) 锘Osmium(Os) 锇Oxygen(O) 氧Palladium(Pd) 钯Phosphorus(P) 磷Platinum(Pt) 铂Plutonium(Pu) 钚Polonium(Po) 钋Potassium(K) 钾Praseodymium(Pr) 镨Promethium(Pm) 钷Protactinium(Pa) 镤Radium(Ra) 镭Radon(Rn) 氡Rhenium(Re) 铼Rhodium(Rh) 铑Rubidium(Rb) 铷Ruthenium(Ru) 钌Samarium(Sm) 钐Scandium(Sc) 钪Selenium(Se) 硒Silicon(Si) 硅Silver(Ag) 银Sodium(Na) 钠Strontium(Sr) 锶Sulphur(S) 锍Tantalum(Ta) 钽Technetium(Tc) 锝Tellurium(Te) 碲如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Terbium(Tb) 铽Thallium(Tl) 铊Thorium(Th) 钍Tin(Sn) 锡Thulium(Tm) 铥Titanium(Ti) 钛Tungsten(W) 钨Uranium(U) 铀Vanadium(V) 钒Xenon(Xe) 氙Ytterbium(Yb) 镱Yttrium(Y) 钇Zinc(Zn) 锌Zirconium(Zr) 锆●化学常用词汇汉英对照表1●氨 ammonia氨基酸 amino acid铵盐 ammonium salt饱和链烃 saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon苯 benzene变性 denaturation不饱和烃 unsaturated hydrocarbon超导材料 superconductive material臭氧 ozone醇 alcohol次氯酸钾 potassium hypochlorite醋酸钠 sodium acetate蛋白质 protein氮族元素 nitrogen group element碘化钾 potassium iodide碘化钠 sodium iodide电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion电解质 electrolyte电离平衡 ionization equilibrium电子云 electron cloud淀粉 starch淀粉碘化钾试纸 starch potassium iodide paper二氧化氮 nitrogen dioxide二氧化硅 silicon dioxide二氧化硫 sulphur dioxide二氧化锰 manganese dioxide芳香烃 arene如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!放热反应 exothermic reaction非极性分子 non-polar molecule非极性键 non-polar bond肥皂 soap分馏 fractional distillation酚 phenol复合材料 composite干电池 dry cell干馏 dry distillation甘油 glycerol高分子化合物 polymer共价键 covalent bond官能团 functional group光化学烟雾 photochemical fog过氧化氢 hydrogen peroxide合成材料 synthetic material合成纤维 synthetic fiber合成橡胶 synthetic rubber核电荷数 nuclear charge number核素 nuclide化学电源 chemical power source化学反应速率 chemical reaction rate化学键 chemical bond化学平衡 chemical equilibrium还原剂 reducing agent磺化反应 sulfonation reaction霍尔槽Hull Cell极性分子 polar molecule极性键 polar bond加成反应 addition reaction加聚反应 addition polymerization甲烷 methane碱金属 alkali metal碱石灰 soda lime结构式 structural formula聚合反应 po1ymerization可逆反应 reversible reaction空气污染指数 air pollution index勒夏特列原理 Le Chatelier's principle离子反应 ionic reaction离子方程式 ionic equation离子键 ionic bond锂电池 lithium cell两性氢氧化物 amphoteric hydroxide两性氧化物 amphoteric oxide裂化 cracking裂解 pyrolysis硫氰化钾 potassium thiocyanate硫酸钠 sodium sulphide氯化铵 ammonium chloride氯化钡 barium chloride氯化钾 potassium chloride氯化铝 aluminium chloride氯化镁 magnesium chloride氯化氢 hydrogen chloride氯化铁 iron (III) chloride氯水 chlorine water麦芽糖 maltose煤 coal酶 enzyme摩尔 mole摩尔质量 molar mass品红 magenta或fuchsine葡萄糖 glucose气体摩尔体积 molar volume of gas铅蓄电池 lead storage battery强电解质 strong electrolyte氢氟酸 hydrogen chloride氢氧化铝 aluminium hydroxide取代反应 substitution reaction醛 aldehyde炔烃 alkyne燃料电池 fuel cell弱电解质 weak electrolyte石油 Petroleum水解反应 hydrolysis reaction四氯化碳 carbon tetrachloride塑料 plastic塑料的降解 plastic degradation塑料的老化 plastic ageing酸碱中和滴定 acid-base neutralization titration 酸雨 acid rain羧酸 carboxylic acid碳酸钠sodium carbonate碳酸氢铵ammonium bicarbonate碳酸氢钠sodium bicarbonate糖类carbohydrate烃hydrocarbon烃的衍生物derivative of hydrocarbon烃基hydrocarbonyl同分异构体isomer同素异形体allotrope同位素isotope同系物homo1og涂料coating烷烃alkane物质的量amount of substance物质的量浓度amount-of-substance concentration of B烯烃alkene洗涤剂detergent纤维素cellulose相对分子质量relative molecular mass相对原子质量relative atomic mass消去反应elimination reaction硝化反应nitratlon reaction硝酸钡barium nitrate硝酸银 silver nitrate溴的四氯化碳溶液solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride 溴化钠sodium bromide溴水 bromine water溴水bromine water盐类的水解hydrolysis of salts盐析 salting-out焰色反应flame test氧化剂 oxidizing agent氧化铝aluminium oxide氧化铁iron (III) oxide乙醇 ethanol乙醛ethana1乙炔ethyne乙酸 ethanoic acid乙酸乙酯ethyl acetate乙烯 ethene银镜反应 silver mirror reaction硬脂酸 stearic acid油脂oils and fats有机化合物organic compound元素周期表periodic table of elements元素周期律periodic law of elements原电池primary battery原子序数atomic number皂化反应saponification粘合剂adhesive蔗糖sucrose指示剂Indicator酯ester酯化反应esterification周期 period族 group(主族:main group)Bunsen burner 本生灯product 化学反应产物flask 烧瓶apparatus 设备PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂matrass 卵形瓶litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊试纸graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯reagent 试剂test tube 试管burette 滴定管retort 曲颈甑still 蒸馏釜cupel 烤钵crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚pipette 吸液管filter 滤管stirring rod 搅拌棒element 元素body 物体compound 化合物atom 原子gram atom 克原子atomic weight 原子量atomic number 原子数atomic mass 原子质量molecule 分子electrolyte 电解质ion 离子anion 阴离子cation 阳离子electron 电子isotope 同位素isomer 同分异物现象polymer 聚合物symbol 复合radical 基structural formula 分子式valence, valency 价monovalent 单价bivalent 二价halogen 成盐元素bond 原子的聚合mixture 混合combination 合成作用compound 合成物alloy 合金organic chemistry 有机化学inorganic chemistry 无机化学derivative 衍生物series 系列acid 酸hydrochloric acid 盐酸sulphuric acid 硫酸nitric acid 硝酸aqua fortis 王水fatty acid 脂肪酸organic acid 有机酸hydrosulphuric acid 氢硫酸hydrogen sulfide 氢化硫alkali 碱,强碱ammonia 氨base 碱hydrate 水合物hydroxide 氢氧化物,羟化物hydracid 氢酸hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物,羟anhydride 酐alkaloid 生物碱aldehyde 醛oxide 氧化物phosphate 磷酸盐acetate 醋酸盐methane 甲烷,沼气butane 丁烷salt 盐potassium carbonate 碳酸钾soda 苏打sodium carbonate 碳酸钠caustic potash 苛性钾caustic soda 苛性钠如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!ester 酯gel 凝胶体analysis 分解fractionation 分馏endothermic reaction 吸热反应exothermic reaction 放热反应precipitation 沉淀to precipitate 沉淀to distil, to distill 蒸馏distillation 蒸馏to calcine 煅烧to oxidize 氧化alkalinization 碱化to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化to neutralize 中和to hydrogenate 氢化to hydrate 水合,水化to dehydrate 脱水fermentation 发酵solution 溶解combustion 燃烧fusion, melting 熔解alkalinity 碱性isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象hydrolysis 水解electrolysis 电解electrode 电极anode 阳极,正极cathode 阴极,负极catalyst 催化剂catalysis 催化作用oxidization, oxidation 氧化reducer 还原剂dissolution 分解synthesis 合成reversible 可逆的Polyethylene 聚乙烯Dienes 二烯Calorimetric 测热的N,N-dimethylformamide n-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)Diketopiperazine 环缩二氨酸ADMET 易位聚合Polycondensation 缩聚反应L-Glutamic 谷氨酸ω-alkeny 烯基如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!esters 酯类acyclic 非环化的diene metathesis polycondensation 二烯易位聚合反应catalysts 催化剂homoallyl 高烯丙烯醇pentenyl 戊烯基hexenyl 己烯crystalline 结晶的macromolecular 大分子biological chiral resources 生物手性资源tandem 串联的glycine 甘氨酸orientation 取向alanine 丙氨酸linear 线型的layer 层状的N-alkylation n-烷基化Utilizing 使用Microcapsules 微表Phenylalanine 苯基丙氨酸Aspartic 天冬氨酸的Unsymmetrical 非对称的Histidine 组氨酸Arginine 精氨酸asymmetric hydrocyanation 非对称的氢氰化implemented 应用的resultant polymers 合成的聚合物diamines 二元胺dibromoxylenes 二溴甲苯substituents 取代基ether 乙醚carboxylic acid 羟基酸monomers 单体undergo 经历stationary phases 固定的阶段polyolefins 聚烯烃moduli 模数elongation 伸长率apparatus 仪器polarimeter 旋光仪spectrometer 分光仪gel permeation chromatography 凝胶渗透色谱分析法eluent 洗脱液calibrated 小准coupled diode laser 耦合的二极管nitrogen 氮modulated 调整accessory 配件sapphire 蓝宝石Al203indium 铟amplitude 振幅Thermogravimetric 热重分析cyclo-(L-Pyroglutaminyl-L-pyroglutaminyl)distilled 蒸馏calcium hydride 钙氢化物sulfuric acid 硫酸refluxed 回流saturated aqueous NaHCO3 and NaCl 饱和碳酸氢钠和食盐水column chromatography eluted 色谱柱洗脱ethanol 乙醇MP熔点Butenyl 丁烯基three-way stopcock 三颈瓶stirring 搅拌ethyl vinyl ether 乙烯基醚filtration 过滤Spectroscopic Data 光谱学数据Intramolecular 分子内的Impurities 杂质元素the metathesis reaction 置换反应elevated 提高的retain 保持acetylene 乙炔olefins 烯烃viscosity 粘度precipitated 沉淀的diethyl 二乙基diallylmalonate 丙二酸二烯丙酯concrete 具体的trifluoroacetic 三氯乙酸(TFA)suspensions 悬浮液transparent 透明的cocrystal 共晶histogram 直方图unimericoverlapped 相互重叠的facilitate 促进nucleophilic 亲核的carbonyls 金属羰基化合物symmetrical 对称的mitosis 有丝分裂The DKP cyclo(His-Pro)Endogenous 内生的Prevalent 流行的Throughout 贯穿thyroidreleasing hormone (TRH) 甲状腺释放的激素appetite suppression 食欲抑制peptidomimetics analogous 模拟肽类似物tetrapeptides 四肽microcapsules 微升毛细管stereochemistry 立体化学racemic 外消旋的enantiomer 对映体tetramers 四聚物reversibly 可逆disposal 清理containment 密封度Synthetically 合成的,综合的Aldehydes 醛类Imines 亚胺Hydrolysis 水解Auxiliaries 附属设备The DKP of pyroglutamic acid (PyDKP,3)Heterocyclic 杂环的Hindered 阻碍Erroneous 错误的Pyroglutamate 焦谷氨酸盐Methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸酯Pendent 未定的Acetic anhydride 乙酸酸酐Pyridine 吡啶Retention 保留Stereocenters 立体异构体Anticipated 预期N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) 二环己基碳二亚胺Transamidation 转酰胺基作用Ethyl 乙烷基谷氨酸如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Homogeneous 均匀的Elevated 提高的Chloroform 氯仿Ethanolamine 乙醇胺Exclusively 唯一的2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) 三氟乙醇Glycine 甘氨酸Neutralization 中和Pyroglutamyl 焦谷酰胺Isopropylamine 异丙胺Phenylethylamine 苯乙胺Racemization 外消旋作用Diastereomers 构体Enantiomer 非对映体Stoichiometric 化学计量的Imide 酰亚胺Diacetyl 二乙酰Propylamine 丙胺Bicyclic 二环的。


1 、基本简介 2 、主要特点 4 、成藏条件 5 、开采污染
页岩气(shale gas)是赋存于富有机质泥页 岩及其夹层中,以吸附和游离状态为主要存 在方式的非常规天然气,成分以甲烷为主, 与“煤层气”、“致密气”同属一类。页岩 气的形成和富集有着自身独特的特点,往往 分布在盆地内厚度较大、分布广的页岩烃源 岩地层中。页岩气很早就已经被人们所认知, 但采集比传统天然气困难,随着资源能源日 益匮乏,作为传统天然气的有益补充,人们 逐渐意识到页岩气的重要性。
主体位于暗色泥页岩或高碳泥页岩中。 以吸附状态(大约50%)存在于干酪根、粘土颗粒及 孔隙表面和有机溶剂 的分散有机质)、沥青质及石油中。
页岩亦属致密岩石,故也可归入致密气层气(指渗 透率小于0.1 md的砂岩地层天然气)。 页岩气开发具有开采寿命长和生产周期长的优点。
南方海相页岩地 层可能是页岩气 的主要富集地区 松辽、鄂尔多斯、 吐哈、准噶尔等 陆相沉积盆地 重庆綦江、万盛、 南川、武隆、彭 水、酉阳、秀山 和巫溪等区县
从全世界范围看, 泥、页岩约占全 部沉积岩的60%, 页岩气资源前景 巨大。主要分布 在北美、中亚和 中国、拉美、中 东和北非、俄罗 斯。
2、总有机碳含量 3、干酪根类型
页岩气开采可能导致气井周围半径一 公里范围内的饮用水被甲烷、乙烷和 丙烷污染。 可能会影响环境,污染空气、水源和 土壤 因地层压裂导致的地震,在阿肯色州 的页岩气采区3级以下的地震一年内发 生了近千起,而在地质条件更为不稳 定的地区甚至会发生3级以上强度的地 震活动。



煤层气英语词汇Coalbed Methane (CBM) is a form of natural gas that is extracted from coal beds. It is a valuable source of clean energy and can be found in coal deposits around the world. Here are some key terms related to coalbed methane:1. Coalbed Methane (CBM) - 煤层气2. Coal Seam - 煤层3. Methane Gas - 甲烷气4. Permeability - 渗透性5. Porosity - 孔隙度6. Desorption - 解吸7. Reservoir - 储层8. Hydraulic Fracturing - 水力压裂9. Wellbore - 井筒10. Gas Content - 气含量Coalbed Methane (CBM) is formed during the process of coalification, where organic matter in coal beds is converted into methane gas. The gas is trapped within thecoal seams by the surrounding rock and water. In order to extract the methane, wells are drilled into the coal seams and the gas is then pumped to the surface.煤层气是在煤化过程中形成的,煤层中的有机物质转化为甲烷气。



页岩气翻译 (2)

页岩气翻译 (2)



























oil field 油田 wildcat 盲目开掘的油井 percussive drilling 冲击钻探 rotary drilling 旋转钻探 offshore drilling 海底钻探 well 井,油井 derrick 井架 Christmas tree 采油树 crown block 定滑轮 travelling block 动滑轮 drill pipe, drill stem 钻杆 drill bit 钻头 roller bit 牙轮钻头 diamond bit 钻石钻头 swivel 泥浆喷嘴 turntable, rotary table 轮盘 pumping station 泵站 sampling 取样 sample 样品,样本 core sample 矿样 storage tank 储油罐 pipeline 油管 pipe laying 输油管线 oil tanker 油轮 tank car, tanker (铁路)罐车,槽车 tank truck, tanker (汽车)运油罐车,油罐车 refining 炼油 refinery 炼油厂 cracking 裂化 separation 分离 fractionating tower 分馏塔 fractional distillation 分馏 distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔 polymerizing, polymerization 聚合 reforming 重整 purification 净化 谷物 Grains 种质 Germ plasm 真菌 Fungi 薪柴 Fuel wood 淡水 FRESHWATER 林学 Forestry 食品 Food 飞灰 Fly ash 洪水 Floods 防洪 Flood control 渔轮 Fishing vessels 鱼类 Fish外部 Externalities 展示 Exhibit 能源 Energy sources 电力 Electric power 地震 Earthquakes 旱作 Dry farming 干洗 Dry cleaning 抗旱 Drought control 干旱 Drought 疏浚 Dredging 挽畜 Draught animals 灾难 DISASTERS 防灾 Disaster prevention 脱盐 Desalination 水坝 Dams 旋风 Cyclones 原油 Crude oil 堆肥 Composts 通勤 Commuting 气候 Climate 分类 Classification 烟囱 Chimneys 木炭 Charcoal 洞穴 Caves 桥梁 Bridges 边界 Boundaries 高炉 Blast furnaces 鸟类 Birds 沼气 Biogas 细菌 Bacteria 雪崩 Avalanches 属性 Attributes 大气 ATMOSPHERE 石棉 Asbestos 消费品 Consumer goods针叶林 Coniferous forests内燃机 Combustion engines煤液化 Coal liquefaction 煤气化 Coal gasification 气候学 Climatology 气候带 Climatic zones 氯氟碳Chlorofluorocarbons 纤维素 Cellulose集水区 Catchment areas 制图学 Cartography 致癌物 Carcinogens 碳循环 Carbon cycle 镉污染 Cadmium contamination建成区 Built-up areas 建筑物 Buildings酿造业 Brewing industry 植物学 Botany植物园 Botanical gardens 生物量 Biomass 生物学 Biology 自行车 Bicycles 细菌学 Bacteriology 建筑学 Architecture 养蜂业 Apiculture畜产品 Animal products 畜牧学 Animal husbandry 氧化铝 Alumina 过敏素 Allergens 农工业 Agro-industry 学术的 Academic 工作环境 Working environment木材废料 Wood waste 木材保存 Wood preservation妇女地位 Women status 野生生物 Wildlife 天气预报 Weather prediction天气监测 Weather monitoring水边开发 Waterside 法规控制 Regulatory control区域规划 Regional planning查阅服务 Reference service铁路运输 Railway transport广播节目 Radio programme 辐射防护 Radiation protection辐射监测 Radiation monitoring辐射效应 Radiation effects种族关系 Race relations 质量控制 Quality control 纸浆工业 Pulp industry 公用事业 Public utilities 公共服务 Public services 公共关系 Public relations 公共信息 Public information公共卫生 Public health 公共花园 Public gardens 原生生物 Protozoa专业团体 Professional society产品标签 Product labelling印刷工业 Printing industry施压集团 Pressure groups 新闻发布 Press release 降水增加 Precipitation enhancement家禽饲养 Poultry farming 池塘尾渣 Ponds tailings 多氯联苯 Polychlorinated biphenyls污染风险 Pollution risk 污染标准 Pollution norms 污染监测 Pollution monitoring污染责任 Pollution liabilities污染基准 Pollutionhydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物 crude oil, crude 原油 petrol 汽油(美作:gasoline ) LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气 LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化天然气 octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值 vaseline 凡士林 paraffin 石蜡 kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油 gas oil 柴油 lubricating oil 润滑油 asphalt 沥青 benzene 苯 fuel 燃料 natural gas 天然气 olefin 烯烃 high-grade petrol, high-octane petrol ,高辛烷值汽油 plastic 塑料 chemical fiber 合成橡胶 solvent 溶剂 氡 Radon 点 Point 酚 Phenols 线 Lines 冰 Ice 烃 Hydrocarbons 雾 Fog 酶 Enzymes 能 ENERGY 煤 Coal 氯 Chlorine 酸 Acids 社会-经济因素 Socio-economic factors 成本-效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis 酵母 Yeasts 群岛 Archipelagoes 碱地 Alkali lands 藻花 Algal bloom 藻类 Algae 机场 Airports 飞机 Aircraft 空运 Air transportation 空调 Air conditioning 农业 AGRICULTURE 声学 Acoustics 隔音 Acoustic insulation 酸化 Acidification 酸雨 Acid rain 通道 Access roads 动物学 Zoology 动物园 Zoological gardens 万维网 World Wide Web 木产品 Wood products 广域网 Wide area network 波浪能 Wave energy 水涝地 Waterlogged lands水处理 Water treatment 水污染 Water pollution 凤眼蓝 Water hyacinth 病毒学 Virology 兽医学 Veterinary medicine 植物油 Vegetable oils 联合国 United Nations 紫外线 Ultraviolet 毒理学 Toxicology 潮汐能 Tidal energy 同义词 Thesaurus 热污染 Thermal pollution 致畸剂 Teratogens 分类学 Taxonomy 焦油砂 Tar sands 地表水 Surface waters 硫酸盐 Sulphates 地下水 Subterranean water development流域管理 Watershed management 水上运输 Water transportation 水的盐化 Water salination废物利用 Waste use废物回收 Waste recovery 废物处置 Waste disposal 报警系统 Warning systems 车辆检验 Vehicle inspection城市供水 Urban water supply城市交通 Urban traffic 城区压力 Urban stress 城区改造 Urban renewal 城区设计 Urban design 城市衰败 Urban decay 城市地区 Urban areas 贫困阶层Under-privileged people 热带森林 Tropical forests树木苗圃 Tree nurseries 运输系统 Transport systems运输计划 Transport planning蒸腾作用 Transpiration 越境污染 Trans-frontier pollution培训中心 Training centre 交通噪音 Traffic noise 交通监测 Traffic monitoring传统保健 Traditional health care贸易避垒 Trade barriers 痕量物质 Trace materials 痕量元素 Trace elements 毒理测定 Toxicological testing有毒废物 Toxic waste 有毒物质 Toxic substances criteria污染治理 Pollution abatement政策规划 Policy planning 塑料废物 Plastic wastes 植物病害 Plant diseases 试验项目 Pilot projects 自然改变 Physical alterations光合作用 Photosynthesis 医药废物 Pharmaceutical wastes石油提炼 Petroleum refining图象识别 Pattern recognition寄生生物 Parasites 过度拥挤 Overcrowding 有机物质 Organic substances有机溶剂 Organic solvents 有机农业 Organic farming 有机化学 Organic chemistry在线服务 On-line services 石油泄漏 Oil spills 残油回收 Oil residue recuperation原油开采 Oil extraction 石油勘探 Oil exploration 恶臭公害 Odour nuisance 海洋温度 Ocean temperature海洋倾倒 Ocean dumping 海洋环境 Ocean circulation职业安全 Occupational safety职业健康 Occupational health核能利用 Nuclear energy uses噪声污染 Noise pollution 噪声监制 Noise monitoring 噪音治理 Noise abatement 氮氧化物 Nitrogen oxides 亚硝酸盐 Nitrites风蚀 Wind erosion风能 Wind energy杂草 Weeds水禽 Waterfowl水井 Water wells水盾 Water quality水泵 Water pumps水蚀 Water erosion废物 Wastes废热 Waste heat火山 Volcanoes病毒 Viruses录象 Video振动 Vibration植被 Vegetation矢量 Vector台风 Typhoons隧道 Tunnels滴灌 Trickle irrigation 树木 Trees旅行 Travel运输 TRANSPORTATION毒素 Toxins毒性 Toxicity旅游 Tourism烟草 Tobacco隔热 Thermal insulation 术语 Terminology电信 Telecommunications 硫酸 Sulphuric acid科目 Subjects学科 SUBJECT DISCIPLINES 结构 Structures主食 Staple foods泄漏 Spillage谱学 Spectroscopy谱带 Spectral bands土壤 Soils吸烟 Smoking防烟 Smoke prevention烟雾 Smog模拟 Simulation商店 Shops污水 Sewage渗漏 Seepage沉积 Sedimentation锯屑 Sawdust 潜水艇 Submarines暴风雨 Storms太阳能 Solar energy土壤学 Soil sciences小岛屿 Small islands化粪池 Septic tanks分离器 Separators海平面 Sea level洗涤器 Scrubbers废金属 Scrap metals分辨率 Resolution居民区 Residentialareas再造林Reafforestation放射性 Radioactivity辐射病 Radiationsickness保护区 Protected areas灵长目 Primates多边形 Polygons污染源 Pollutionsources污染物 Pollutants运动场 Playgrounds磷酸盐 Phosphates杀虫剂 Pesticides臭氧层 Ozone layer油页岩 Oil shales办公室 Offices海洋学 Oceanography营养物 Nutrients核武器 Nuclear weapons核安全 Nuclear safety核电站 Nuclear powerplants核燃料 Nuclear fuels核事故 Nuclearaccidents流浪者 Nomads亚硝胺 Nitrosamines硝酸盐 Nitrates新闻组 Newsgroup新社区 New communities天然气 Natural gas突变体 Mutants诱变剂 Mutagens旅游设施 Touristfacilities海洋热能 Thermal seapower进入术语 Terms of access临时住房 Temporaryhousing温带林地 Temperatewoodlands温带森林 Temperateforests电视节目 Televisionprogramme技术转让 Technologytransfer技术评价 Technologyassessment技术信息 Technicalinformation税收差别 Taxdifferentiation焦油使用 Tar use焦油生产 Tar production露天剥采 Strip mining河道观测 Streammeasurement炼钢工业 Steel industry发展状况 Status ofdevelopment统计信息 Statisticalinformation体育设施 Sportsfacilities航天运输 Spacetransportation固体废物 Solid wastes固态地球 Solid Earth太阳辐射 Solar radiation日照加热 Solar heating土壤改良 Soilimprovement土壤侵蚀 Soil erosion土壤退化 Soildegradation土壤污染 Soilcontamination土壤保持 Soil新闻通讯 Newsletter自然保护 Natureconservation自然资源 Naturalresources天然纤维 Natural fibres天然肥料 Naturalfertilizers国家公园 National parks国内立法 Nationallegislation国家边界 Nationalboundaries城市废物 Municipal waste登山运动 Mountaineering机动车辆 Motor vehicles镶嵌图案 Mosaics监测技术 Monitoringtechniques监测系统 Monitoringsystems监测仪器 Monitoringequipment监测数据 Monitoring data监测基准 Monitoringcriteria软体动物 Molluscs拖车住房 Mobile homes少数民族 Minorities采矿废物 Mining wastes采矿工程 Miningengineering矿产资源 Mineralresources矿山回填 Mine filling军事活动 Militaryactivity流动工人 Migrant workers微污染物 Micropollutants微气候学 Microclimatology微生物学 Microbiology金属冶炼 Metal smelting金属电镀 Metal plating金属加工 Metal finishing药用植物 Medicinal plants材料科学 Materialsscience沙丘 Sand dunes径流 Run-off道路 Roads河流 Rivers遥感 Remote sensing释放 Release难民 Refugees赤潮 Red tide回收 Recycling娱乐 Recreation光栅 Raster降雨 Rainfall雷达 Radar采石 Quarrying公园 Public parks港口 Ports污染 POLLUTION毒物 Poisons愉猎 Poaching像素 Pixel管道 Pipelines照片 Photograph汽油 Petrols轨迹 Path涂料 Paints包装 Packaging氧气 Oxygen矿床 Ore deposits空地 Open spaces油类 Oils油轮 Oil tankers海洋 Oceans洋流 Ocean currents营养 Nutrition核能 Nuclear energy固氮 Nitrogen fixation 监测 MONITORING采矿 Mining甲烷 Methane医疗 Medical treatment 海运 Maritime transport 疟疾 Malaria经度 Longitude照明 Lighting纬度 Latitude山崩 Landslides湖泊 Lakes 摩托车 Motorcycles矿产业 Mineralindustry移栖种 Migratoryspecies微生物 Microorganisms气象学 Meteorology汞污染 Mercurycontamination岩石圈 LITHOSPHERE液化气 Liquefied gas图书馆 Library铅污染 Leadcontamination灌溉渠 Irrigationcanals因特网 Internet红外线 Infrared工业区 Industrialareas免疫学 Immunology超文本 Hypertext水文学 Hydrology硫化氢 Hydrogensulphide园艺学 Horticulture除草剂 Herbicides重金属 Heavy metals血液学 Haematology布网格 Gridding绿化带 Greenbelts政府的 Governmental冰川学 Glaciology地热能 Geothermalenergy地貌学 Geomorphology地质学 Geology遗传学 Genetics基因库 Gene banks林产品 Forest products食物链 Food chain过滤器 Filters流行病 Epidemics环境法 ENVIRONMENTALLAW浓缩铀 Enricheduraniumconservation土壤潜力 Soilcapabilities软件开发 Softwaredevelopment社会调查 Social surveys社会指数 Socialindicators林农轮作 Shiftingcultivation污水处置 Sewage disposal自助计划 Self-helpprogrammes地震海浪 Seismic seawaves地震监测 Seismicmonitoring地震活动 Seismicactivity沉积盆地 Sedimentarybasins部门评价 Sectoralassessment海底采矿 Sea bed mining海底开发 Sea bedexploitation血吸虫病Schistosomiasis景物确认 Sceneidentification环境卫生 Sanitation卫生填埋 Sanitarylandfills沙石开采 Sand extraction沙丘固定 Sand dunefixation采样技术 Samplingtechniques农村供水 Rural watersupply农村地区 Rural areas橡胶废物 Rubber waste橡胶加工 Rubberprocessing道路运输 Road transport道路安全 Road safety道路养护 Road海洋污染 Marine pollution海洋监测 Marinemonitoring海洋环境 MARINEENVIRONMENTS船舶工程 Marineengineering边缘土地 Marginal lands红树沼泽 Mangrove swamps哺乳动物 Mammals营养不良 Malnutrition邮寄清单 Mailing list低价住房 Low-cost housing长期趋势 Long-term trends长期预报 Long-termforecasting液体废物 Liquid wastes生活方式 Lifestyles皮革工业 Leather industry洗烫衣服 Laundering陆地活动 Land-basedactivities土地价值 Land values陆上运输 Landtransportation土地恢复 Land restoration土地开垦 Land reclamation土地污染 Land pollution土地分配 Land allotment湖泊流域 Lake basins灌溉农业 Irrigationfarming炼铁工业 Iron industry电离辐射 Ionizingradiation国际水道 Internationalwatercourses国际贸易 Internationaltrade政府间的Intergovernmental无机物质 Inorganicsubstances无机化学 Inorganicchemistry内陆水道 Inland waterways内河运输 Inland water灌溉 Irrigation内插 Interpolation工业 INDUSTRY水电 Hydroelectric power 盐酸 Hydrochloric acid 飓风 Hurricanes捕猎 Hunting湿度 Humidity人权 Human rights人口 Human population医院 Hospitals主页 Homepage公路 Highways荒地 Heath lands保健 Health care薄烟 Haze沙坑 Gravel pits 发电厂 Electric powerplants饮用水 Drinking water蒸馏业 Distillingindustry残疾人 Disabledpersons沙漠化Desertification数据库 Database危险品 Dangerous goods乳品业 Dairy industry细胞学 Cytology珊瑚礁 Coral reefs冷却水 Cooling watersmaintenance道路建设 Roadconstruction河流污染 River pollution河流流域 River basins植被恢复 Revegetation资源管理 Resourcesmanagement资源保护 Resourceconservation资源估价 Resourceappraisal爬行动物 Reptiles繁殖控制 Reproductivemanipulation重置成本 Replacementcosts租赁房屋 Rental housing遥感中心 Remote sensingcentre再建房屋 Rehousingtransport基础设施 Infrastructure信息技术 Informationtechnology信息系统 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地质专业英语词汇(Q-R)quadrant 象限quadrate 方骨quadrate bone 方骨quadratic 二次的quadrijugous 四对的quadrupeds 四肢动物quagmire 沼泽qualitative analysis 定性分析qualitative spectral analysis 定性光谱分析quality class 地位级quality of ground water 地下水水质quantitative spectral analysis 定量光谱分析quantometer 光量计quarry 采石场quarrying 露天开采quartation 四分法quartering 四分法quarternary 第四纪quartz 石英quartz andesite 石英安山岩quartz basalt 石英玄武岩quartz crystal 水晶quartz diorite 石英闪长岩quartz diorite line 石英闪长岩线quartz dolerite 石英粗玄岩quartz glass 石英玻璃quartz keratophyre 石英角斑岩quartz porphyry 石英斑岩quartz sand 石英砂quartz schist 石英片岩quartz spectrograph 石英摄谱仪quartz trachyte 石英粗面岩quartz wedge 石英楔quartzine 正玉髓quartzite 石英岩quartzy 石英质的quasi equilibrium 准平衡quasi viscous flow 半粘性怜quaternary 第四期quaternary diagram 四元系状态图quaternary geology 第四纪地质学quaternary ice age 第四纪冰期quaternary period 第四纪quaternary research 第四纪学quaternary screw axis 四元螺旋轴quaternary studies 第四纪学quaternary system 第四系quaternary volcanic rocks 第四纪火山岩quenching method 淬火法quenselite 基性锰铅矿quenstedtite 紫铁矾quick clay 过敏性粘土quick lime 生石灰quicksand 脸quiet reach 静河段quinaldinic acid 喹啉酸quinalizarin 醌茜素quinoline carboxylic acid 喹啉酸quisqueite 硫沥青r factor r 因子r tectonite r 构造岩rabbitite 针钙镁铀矿racewinite 变色柱石rachis 叶轴racial character 人种的特征racial characteristics 人种的特征rad 拉德radar 雷达radar observation 雷达观测radar sonde 无线电测风仪radiaion excitation 辐射激发radial 放射状的radial bundle 辐射维管束radial dikes 放射状岩脉群radial fault 放射状断层radial flow 径向怜radial rift 放射断裂radial symmetry 径向对称radial vascular bundle 辐射维管束radiant energy 辐射能radiation balance 辐射平衡radiation balance of earth 地球辐射平衡radiation chemical process 辐射化学过程radiation chemical reaction 辐射化学反应radiation chemistry 放射线化学radiation counter 辐射计数管radiation damage 放射线破坏radiation decomposition 辐射分解radiation density 辐射密度radiation detector 辐射探测器radiation dose 辐射剂量radiation effect 辐射酌radiation intensity 辐射强度radiation inversion 辐射逆温radiation length 辐射长度radiation shielding 辐射防护radiative collision 非弹性碰撞radio luminescence 射线发光radio wave method 无线电波法radioactivation analysis 放射化分析radioactive anomaly 放射性异常radioactive balance 放射平衡radioactive chain 放射性衰变链radioactive cobalt 放射性钴radioactive constant 放射常数radioactive contamination 放射性沾染radioactive decay 放射性衰变radioactive decontamination 消除放射性radioactive deposit 放射性沉淀物radioactive element 放射元素radioactive equilibrium 放射平衡radioactive etalon 放射能标准源radioactive fallout 放射性沉降radioactive family 放射系radioactive fission product 放射性裂变产物radioactive half life 放射性物质的半衰期radioactive iron 放射性铁radioactive isotope 放射性同位素radioactive logging 放射能测井radioactive material 放射性物质radioactive mineral 放射矿物radioactive mineral spring 放射性矿泉radioactive prospecting 放射性勘探radioactive radiation 放射性辐射线radioactive rare metal 放射性稀有金属radioactive sample 放射性样品radioactive series 放射系radioactive source 放射源radioactive substance 放射性物质radioactive tracer 放射性示踪radioactive tracer logging 放射性示踪测井radioactive tracer method 放射性示踪剂法radioactive transformation 放射性转化radioactive unit 放射性单位radioactivity 放射性radioactivity logging 放射能测井radioactivity survey 放射性勘探radiobaryte 镭重晶石radiobiologic action 放射性生物酌radiobiology 放射生物学radiocarbon 射碳radiocarbon age 放射性碳年令radiocarbon dating 放射性碳测定年代radiochemical analysis 放射化学分析radiochemistry 放射化学radiochronology 放射年代学radiocobalt 放射性钴radiocolloid 放射性胶质radioelement 放射元素radiogeochemistry 放射地球化学radiogoniometer 无线电测角器radiographic contrast 射线照像对照radiography 射线照相术radiohydrogeology 放射水文地质学radioisotope 放射性同位素radioisotope indicator 放射性指示剂radiolaria 放射虫radiolarian ooze 放射虫软泥radiolarian rock 放射虫岩radiolarian slate 放射虫片岩radiolarite 放射虫岩radiolite 钠沸石radiolitic 放射状的radiology 放射学radiolysis 放射性分解radiometer 放射量计radiometric analysis 放射测量分析radiometric sampling 放射取样法radiometry 辐射测量术radionuclide 放射性核素radiophyllite 水硅灰石radiosonde observation 无线电探空radiotracer 放射性指示剂radiotracer method 放射性示踪剂法radium 镭radium age 镭龄radium emanation 镭射气radium series 镭系radium source 镭源radium spring 镭泉radium standard 镭标准源radius of action 酌半径radius of influence 影响半径radius ratio 半径比radon 氡radon survey 氡气测量rafaelite 斜羟氯铅矿raglanite 奥霞正长岩raimondite 片铁矾rain print 雨痕rain rill 雨沟rain wash 雨剧raindrop impressions 雨痕rainfall depth 雨量rainwater 雨水raise 隆起rake classifier 耙式分级机ralstonite 氟钠镁铝石ramdohrite 辉锑银铅矿rammelsbergite 斜方砷镍矿ramming 捣固ramsayite 褐硅钠钛矿ramsdellite 斜方锰矿rancieite 钙硬锰矿rand 边缘randanite 硅藻土randite 黄菱铀矿random 随机的random distribution 偶然分布random error 随机误差random event 随机事件random sample 随机样品random sampling 随机采样range 射程;山脉;酌距离range finder 测距仪ranging pole 标尺测杆rank 等级ransomite 铜铁矾rapakiwi granite 环斑花岗岩raphe 缝rapid 急流急滩rapid flow 快速迳流rare earth elements 稀土元素rare elements 稀有元素rare gas 稀有气体rare gas elements 惰性气体元素rare metal 稀有金属rarefaction 稀疏酌raspite 斜钨铅矿ratchel 卵石rate 比率rate of crystalline growth 晶体生长速度rate of decay 风化程度rate of drying 干燥速度rate of infiltration 渗透速度rate of penetration 机械钻速rate of production 生产率rate of recovery 回采率rate of runoff 迳潦rate of sedimentation 沉淀速度rate of subsidence 沉陷速度ratemeter 计数率计rathite 斜方砷铅矿rating curve 量特性曲线ratio of ionic radii 离子半径比rational formula 示构式ratofkite 土状萤石rattle stone 钤石rauracian 罗拉克阶rauvite 水钙钒铀矿ravine 沟壑raw coal 原煤raw humus 粗腐殖质raw material 原料raw ore 未选的矿石raw soil 生土raw water 未加工水rayfungi 放线菌类rayleigh distribution 瑞利分布reaction current 逆流reaction principle 反应原理reaction product 反应产物reaction rate 反应速度reaction rim 反应边reaction series 反应系列reactivation 再活化readjustment 校正reagent 试剂real crystal 真实晶体real image 实象realgar 鸡冠石reamer 扩孔器reamer bit 扩孔钻头reaming 扩眼reaming bit 扩眼钻头rearrangement 重新配置recapitulation 再现receiving surface 接收面recent crust horizontal movement 现代地壳水平运动recent exogenetic movement 现代外生运动recent geological period 现代地质时期recent vertical crust movement 现代地壳垂直运动recess 褶皱带内凹部;凹穴recession constant 衰退常数recession curve 递减曲线recessional moraine 后退冰碛recharge 补给recharge line 补给线recharge pit 补给坑recharge water 补给水recharge well 补给井recipient 容器reciprocal lattice 倒易格子reciprocating pump 往复泵recoil electron 反冲电子recombination 再化合reconnaissance 踏勘reconstruction 复原recorder 记录器recorder strip 记录带recording chart 记录纸recording device 记录装置recording drum 记录圆筒recording gage 自动记录测定计recording oscillograph 记录示波器recording paper 记录纸recording tape 记录带recoverable oil reserves 可采石油储量recovery 回收;采取recovery factor 岩心采取率recovery hook 打捞钩recovery ratio 回采率recovery time 恢复时间recrement 矸石recrystallization 重结晶酌recrystallization texture 再结晶织构rectangular wave 矩形波rectilinear scanning 直线扫描rectorite 累托石recumbent anticline 伏背斜recumbent fold 伏卧褶皱recurrence 循环red algae 红藻类red brass 红色黄铜red brown mediterranean soil 地中海褐色土red clay 红土red copper ore 赤铜矿red earth 红壤red iron ore 赤铁矿red iron stone 赤铁矿red mud 红泥red phosphorus 红磷red soil 红壤reddingite 磷锰矿redeposition 再沉积redge 暗礁redingtonite 水铬镁矾redissolving 再溶解redox equilibrium 氧化还原平衡redox potential 氧化还原势redox process 氧化还原过程redox system 氧化还原系reduced cell 简化格子reduced pressure 折算压力reducer 还原剂reducing capacity 还原能力reducing joint 异径连接reduction 减少reduction division 减数分裂reduction of gravity 重力归算reduzate 还原沉积物reef 礁reef bin 矿仓reef building corals 造礁珊瑚reef cap 礁帽reemission 重发射reference data 参考资料reference ellipsoid 参考椭球体reference point 基准点reference pressure 基准压力reference spheroid 参考椭球体reference table 换算表reference temperature 基准温度refined oil 精制油refinement 精制refining 精制reflectance 反射比reflected light 反射光reflected wave 反射波reflecting galvanometer 反射电疗reflecting microscope 反射显微镜reflection 反射reflection anisotrophism 反射蛤异性reflection coefficient 反射系数reflection electron microscope 反射电子显微镜reflection factor 反射系数reflection method 反射法reflection of light 光反射reflection pleochroism 反射多色性reflection seismograph 反射地震仪reflection survey 反射波法勘查reflective power 反射能力reflectivity 反射比reflectometer 反射计reflector 反射镜refracted wave 折射波refracting medium 折射介质refraction 折射refraction correlation method 折射波对比法refraction method 折射法refraction of cleavage 劈理折射refraction survey 折射波法勘探refractive index 折射率refractivity 折射性refractometer 折光计refractoriness 耐火度refractory 耐火材料refractory brick 耐火砖refractory clay 耐火粘土refractory material 耐火材料refractory sand 耐火砂refrigeration 冷却refuse 废料refusion 再溶regelation 重凝regenerated deposit 再生矿床regenerated glacier 再生冰川regeneration 再生regeneration theory 再生学说regenerative amplification 再生放大regime of river 河灵况region 地域regional 地方的regional geochemistry 区域地球化学regional geological reconnaissance 区域地质甸regional geology 区域地质学regional geomorphology 区域地貌学regional gravity anomaly 区域重力异常regional isostatic anomaly 区域均衡异常regional metamorphism 区域变质regional remote sensing 区域遥感regional unconformity 区域不整合registration 记录registration paper 记录纸regma 破裂regolith 表皮土regression 海退regression analysis 回归分析regression line 海退线regressive metamorphism 退化变质regressive sequence 海退层序regular hexahedron 正六面体regular polygon 正多边形regular polyhedron 正多面体regular reflection 规则反射regular system 等轴晶系regulation reservoir 蝶蓄水池regur 黑棉土reinerite 砷锌矿reinite 方钨铁矿rejects 尾矿rejuvenated geosyncline 新生式地槽rejuvenated landform 地形侵蚀回春rejuvenated relief 地形侵蚀回春rejuvenated river 回春河rejuvenated water 再生水rejuvenation 回春酌relationship 关系relative age 相对时代relative aperture 相对孔径relative biological effectiveness 相对生物效率relative height 相对高度relative humidity of atomsphere 大气相对湿度relative isotopic abundance 同位素相对丰度relative permeability 相对渗透性relative relief 地势起伏量relative valency effect 相对原子价效果relative viscosity 相对粘度relaxation 松弛relaxation effect 张弛效应relaxation time 松弛时间relay 继电器relay interrupter 继电平断续器release 释放release joint 解压节理release magnet 释放电磁铁relic 残余relic area 残遗分布区relic mineral 残余矿物relic soil 残遗土壤relic species 残遗种relic structure 残余构造relict 残余物relief 地势relief energy 地势起伏量relief intensity 地势起伏强度relief inversion 地形转换relief map 起伏量图relief ratio 硫高宽比relief volume 起伏量reluctance 磁阻remanence 剩余磁性remanent magnetization 剩磁remining 再次开采remnant arc 古岛弧remobilization 再活化remolding 破碎remote control 遥控remote hybrid 远缘杂种remote sensing 遥感remote sensing application 遥感应用remote sensing technology 遥感技术removal 消去renardite 多水磷铅铀矿rendzina 黑色石灰土renewed fault 复活断层reniform 肾状的reniform structure 肾状构造rensselaerite 假晶滑石rent 裂口repair part 备件repeller 反射极reperforator 复凿孔机replacement 交代replenishment 补充replica 复制replica method 复型法reprecipitation 二次沉下representative species 典型种reproducer 复制穿孔机reproducibility 再现性reptiles 爬虫类rescue borehole 救护钻孔research 甸resedimentation 再沉积resequent river 再顺河reserves 矿石埋臧量reservoir 贮水池reservoir evaporation 储水蒸发reservoir lake 储水湖reservoir rock 储油岩石reservoir structure 储热构造reshuffle 重新配置residual affinity 残留亲和力residual anomaly 剩余异常residual bouguer anomaly 布格剩余异常residual clay 残余粘土residual deposit 残留矿床residual drawdown 残余水位下降residual electric charge 剩余电荷residual geosyncline 残余地槽residual gravity 剩余重力residual gravity anomaly 剩余重力异常residual heat 残热residual magma 残余岩浆residual magnetism 剩余磁性residual mass 剩余质量residual mobility period 余动期residual mountain 残余山residual sediment 残余沉积物residual soil 残余土壤residual stability period 余定期residual standard deviation 剩余标准差residual stress in rocks 岩石残余应力residual valence 剩余价residuary water 废水residuum 残留物resilience 弹性resin 尸resinite 尸体resinitic liptobiolite 尸残殖煤resinous lustre 尸光泽resistance thermometer 电阻温度计resistant rock 稳固岩石resistate 残留产物resistivity 电阻率resistivity logging 电阻率测井resistivity survey 电阻率甸resolution 分解能力resolver 解算器分解器resolving power 分解能力resonance absorption of neutron 中子共振吸收resonance energy level 共振能级resonance of chemical bonds 化学键间的共振resources 资源resources remote sensing 资源遥感response time 响应时间restite 残余体restoration 复原restriction arc 限制弧resultant 合量resurgent water 复活水retained water 薄膜水retardation 减速;行路差retarded creep 延迟蠕变retarded potential 推迟电势retarding electrode 制动电极retarding field 减速场retarding torque 制动转矩retention of water 水分保持retgersite 镍矾reticle 十字线reticular cell 网状细胞reticular structure 网状构造reticulate venation 网状脉reticulated mottle 网状斑点reticulated veine 网状脉reticulation 网状reticulum cell 网状细胞retinite 尸石retort 蒸馏器retort carbon 甑碳retreat 后退retreatment cell 再选浮选机retroaction 反酌retrogradation 海蚀后退retrograde metamorphism 退化变质retrogressive accumulation 向源推积retrogressive metamorphism 退化变质retrogressive succession 逆行演替return flow 回流revdinskite 镍铁绿泥石reverberation 混响reverberatory furnace 反射炉reversal 倒转reversal of geomagnetic field 地磁场倒转reversal of magnetization 磁化逆转reversal of the earth's field 地磁极逆转reverse circulation 反循环reverse circulation flushing 反循环冲洗reverse fault 逆断层reverse feedback 负回授reverse grading 逆粒级reverse mutation 回复突变reverse position 倒转层位reverse rotary boring 反向旋转钻井reverse thermoremanent magnetization 反向热剩余磁化reverse zoning 逆带现象reversed fault 逆冲断层reversed fold 倒转褶皱reversed river 反向河reversibility 可逆性reversible cell 可逆电池reversible chemical reaction 可逆化学反应reversible colloid 可逆胶体reversible magnetization 可逆磁化reversible motor 可逆电动机reversible pendulum 可倒摆reversing thermometer 回动温度计reversion 返祖revived fault 复活断层revived structure 再生结构revolution 变革revoredite 硫砷铅石reyerite 铝白钙沸石rezbanyite 铜辉铅铋矿rhabdolith 棒状晶体rhabdophanite 磷铈钇矿rhaegmageny 断裂运动rhaetian 瑞提阶rhaetic stage 瑞提阶rhagite 砷酸铋矿rhegmagenesis 断裂运动rheidity 怜性rhenium 铼rhenium osmium method 铼锇年代测定法rheological behavior 龄性行为rheology 龄学rheomorphism 龄rhizoid 假根rhizome 根茎rhizopodium 根足rhizosphere 根圈rhodesite 纤硅碱钙石rhodite 铑金矿rhodium 铑rhodizite 硼锂铍矿rhodochrome 暗绿石rhodochrosite 菱锰岩rhodonite 蔷薇辉石rhoenite 褐斜闪石rhombenporphyry 菱长斑岩rhombic 斜方的rhombic dipyramidal class 斜方双锥体类rhombic dodecahedron 斜方十二面体rhombic hemimorphic hemihedral class 菱形异极半面象晶族rhombic prism 斜方柱rhombic pyramid 斜方锥rhombic system 斜方晶系rhombic tetrahedral class 斜方四面体类rhombohedral class 菱面体类rhombohedral hemimorphic hemihedral class 菱形极半面象晶族rhombohedral system 菱形晶系rhombohedral tetrahedry 斜方正多面像rhombohedral tetratohedral class 菱形四分面体类rhombohedron 菱形六面体rhyodacite 疗英安岩rhyolite 疗岩rhythm 韵律ria 溺河rias coast 里亚斯式海岸ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸rich ore 富矿richetite 板铅铀矿richmondite 四水磷铝石richterite 锰闪石rickardite 铜碲矿riddle 粗筛ridge 海岭riebeckite 钠闪石riedenite 方黑云霓辉岩riemannite 水铝英石rift 裂谷rift belt 裂谷带rift valley 中央裂谷rift zone 裂谷带rig 钻探设备right angle 直角right bank 右岸right handed crystal 右晶rigid body 刚体rigid dynamics 刚体动力学rigidity 刚性rill 小溪rill erosion 细沟侵蚀rill marks 鳞rille 月面谷rim 岬rime 雾淞rind 外皮ring compound 环状化合物ring counter 环形计数器ring dike 环状岩墙ring fault 环状断层ring like ore body 环状矿体ring ore 环状矿石ring silicate 环状硅酸盐ring structure 环状构造rinkite 层硅铈钛矿rinkolite 绿层硅铈钛矿rinneite 钾铁盐ripidolite 铁绿泥石ripple 脉动ripple current 波纹电流ripple marks 波痕ripple noises 电源交岭声ripples 皱纹rise 海隆rish 急冲rising velocity 上升速度risorite 钛褐钇铌矿riss glacial stage 里斯冰期rivage 河岸river 河river bank 河岸river basin 硫river bed 河床river bed placer 河床砂矿river bend 河曲river bottom 河底river capture 河霖夺river erosion 河林蚀river gravel 河砾石river mouth 河口river profile 河凛剖面river profile of equilibrium 河两衡剖面river swamp 河沼泽river system 河系river terrace 河成阶地river width 河幅riverside 河岸riverside soil 泛滥地土壤rivotite 里播岩rivulet 小河rizzonite 玻基辉橄岩road 巷道roadway support 巷道支架roast ore 焙烧矿石rock 岩石rock breaking 岩石破坏rock breaking tool 碎石工具rock burst 岩石突出rock cementation 岩石胶结酌rock creep 岩石蠕动rock crusher 碎石机rock crystal 水晶rock desert 石质沙漠rock drillability 岩石的可钻性rock dust 岩石尘土rock facies 岩相rock fields 岩海rock formation 岩系rock forming element 造岩元素rock forming minerals 造岩矿物rock gas 天然气rock grouting 岩石胶结酌rock hardness 岩硬rock hardness ratio 岩石硬度比rock magnetism 岩石磁性rock mass 岩石层;岩块rock meal 岩粉rock mechanics 岩石力学rock movement 岩层移动rock pillar 岩柱rock pressure 岩石压力rock salt 岩盐rock strata 岩层rock stream 石流rock system 岩石系统rock terrace 岩石阶地rock texture 岩石结构rock toughness 岩石的粘性rock vegetation 石生植被rock wall 石墙rock weathering 岩石风化rock's abrasivity 岩石的研磨性rockallite 钠辉细岗岩rockbasin 岩盆rocket sounding 火箭探空rockfacies 岩相rockfall 岩崩rockfill 填石rockslide 岩滑rocky 多岩石的rocky coast 岩石海岸rod 钻杆rod boring 钻杆钻进rod holder 钻杆夹钎器rod mill 棒磨机rodding structure 杆状构造rodingite 异剥钙榴辉长岩rodless drilling 无钻杆钻进roeblingite 铅蓝方石roemerite 粒铁矾roentgen 伦琴roentgen equivalent 伦琴当量roentgen equivalent man 雷姆roentgen rays x 射线roepperite 锌锰橄集rogersite 六水铁矾roll crusher 辊式破碎机roller bit 牙轮钻头rolling 滚romanechite 钡硬锰矿romanzovite 钙铝榴石romeite 锑钙石ron magnesium metasomatism 铁镁交代酌roof 顶板roof bolting 顶板锚栓支架roof of coal seam 煤层顶板roof rock 顶盖岩roof timbering 顶板支架roofing slate 盖板岩room 室rooseveltite 砷铋矿root nodule 根瘤root zone 根带rootless fumarole 无根喷气孔rope boring 绳私打钻rope socket 绳帽ropy lava 波纹熔岩rosasite 斜方绿铜锌矿roscoelite 钒云母rose diagram 玫瑰图rose quartz 蔷薇石英rosenbuschite 橙针钠钙石rosieresite 磷铝铅铜矿ross 岬rossite 水钒钙石rotary bit 旋转式钻头rotary boring 回转钻探rotary drill 旋转钻机rotary drilling machine 旋转钻机rotary filter 旋转滤器rotary percussive drilling 回转冲魂进rotary polarization of petroleum 石油旋光性rotary system of drilling 回转钻井方法rotary table 转盘rotating crystal method 旋转晶体法rotating meter 旋转临计rotating table 转盘rotation tectonite r 构造岩rotation twin 旋转双晶rotational deformation 旋转变形rotational fault 旋转断层rotational grain 旋转晶粒rotational speed 转速rotatory fault 旋转断层rotten spot 锅穴rougemontite 橄钛辉长岩rougher flotation 粗选roughing 粗选roughness 粗糙度roughness coefficient 粗糙度系数round trip 回次round worms 线形动物类roundness 圆度roundstone 圆石route 航线routivarite 褶英二长岩rouvillite 淡霞斜岩row 煤层roweit 基性硼锰钙石rowlandite 硅氟铁钇矿royalty 矿藏开采权rubbish 碎屑;废石rubbish dump 碎石堆rubble 碎石rubellite 红电气石rubicelle 橙尖晶石rubidium 铷rubidium strontium dating 铷锶年代测定rubidium strontium method 铷锶年代测定法rubrozem 腐殖质红色土ruby 红宝石rudaceous 砾状的rudimentary organ 退化瀑rudimentogeosyncline 雏地槽rudyte 砾质岩rugged 凹凸不平的ruin 毁灭rules of nomenclature 命名法规rumpfite 淡斜绿泥石run 走向run of bank gravel 采石坑砾石run of mine coal 原煤run of mine ore 原矿run off 瘤running sand 松砂running water level 廉位runoff coefficient 经恋数rupelian 鲁培勒阶rupture 破裂rupture stress 破裂应力ruptured zone 碎裂带russellite 钨铋矿rust coloured forest soil 潜育灰化土ruthenium 钌rutherfordine 纤碳铀矿rutile 金红石。

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εcreep=Bt n。
