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【摘要】本文导出了单边、对边和四边进光的矩形导光板网点半径分布的实用函数表达式.其中单边进光导光板的半径分布函数是基于导光板的基本原理直接导出,对边和四边进光导光板的半径分布函数则是用改型的高斯函数由导光板的边条件求得的函数解.半径分布函数以物理意义明确的导光板参数如导光板的边长,边缘和中心网点半径为自变量,可以直接用于不同边长的矩形导光板的网点设计.为了进一步改善导光板的表面亮度的均匀性,本文还提出一种非常简单的新方法来优化网点位置的分布,称之为"局域随机化方法".对三种进光情况的仿真和以对边进光为例的实际灯具的测量结果发光均匀度很好,证明本文的方法是一个成功的导光板设计方法.%The dot radius distribution functions of light guide plate with edge lighting are derived in this paper for unilateral, bilateral and quadrilateral edge lighting.The function with unilateral lighting is derived based directly on the basic principle of light guide plate, while the functions with bilateral and quadrilateral edge lighting are the solutions of the modified Gaussian distribution function under the boundary value conditions of the plate.The functions, with the variables having definite physical meaning such as length of the light guide plate and the radius of the bordered and central dots, can be directly used for the design of rectangle light guide plate with different size.In order to further optimize the luminance uniformity of the
light guide plate, a kind of very simple optimizing method called "local area randomization method" are proposed.The simulation results for three types of edge lighting and the measure results of actual manufacture lamps for bilateral edge lighting as an example have very good luminance uniformity.It is shown that the above method is a successful design method for light guide plate.
【作者单位】上海三思科技发展有限公司上海 201100;上海三思科技发展有限公司上海 201100;上海三思科技发展有限公司上海 201100;上海三思科技发展有限公司上海 201100
1.侧入式 LED 背光源导光板网点设计与仿真 [J], 林晓新;项颖;庞晓峰
2.侧入式导光板网点全自动优化设计研究 [J], 黄逸峰;李潇;高培丽;高淑梅
3.LED单边侧入式导光板的网点设计 [J], 智佳军;梁铭泉;陈俄振;车玉彩;庄其仁
4.用于照明的侧光式LED导光板网点设计 [J], 高双红;杨俊逸;王蕾;冉红锋;何彩英
5.侧入式液晶显示屏导光板散射网点密度设计 [J], 刘方祥;孙树峰;王德祥;江京亮因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
