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,属于局 部治疗,对正常人来说此类手术风险小,但放化疗会 影响人体的全身情况,进而对局部治疗的耐受性产 生变化。接受过放化疗的患者体质较弱,多为老年 人又合并心血管疾病,使得治疗风险进一步叠加,当 此类患者拔牙时更需要仔细处理。但目前针对老年 心血管疾病伴放化疗患者拔牙尚未有系统的流程, 本研究对 17 例此类患者拔牙的临床处理进行了初 步探讨,现报告如下。
Clinical observation of tooth extraction for elderly patients with cardiovascular disease who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment YUAN Yi,ZHANG Ruoqi,CHEN Xiaoping,YUAN Hua.( Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases,Nanjing Medical University,Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China) Abstract: Objective To provide a relatively perfect and safe treatment procedure of tooth extraction for patients with cardiovascular disease who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. Methods Seventeen patients who had received radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment were routinely examined before tooth extraction and treated with preoperative oral cleaning and prophylactic antibiotics. Minimally invasive tooth extraction with analgesia was ensured and blood pressure,heart rate and electrocardiogram were monitored and recorded. Postoperative telephone follow-up was routinely carried out to evaluate the therapeutic effect. Results According to the preoperative examination results,the tooth extraction contraindications were excluded. The heart rate,blood pressure and electrocardiogram of the patients did not change significantly during the treatment period,and the patients recovered well after surgery. Conclusion Patients with stable condition after chemoradiotherapy can achieve safe tooth extraction if following a certain treatment procedure. Key words: cardiovascular disease; radiotherapy and chemotherapy; extraction; ECG monitoring
基金项目: 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 ( 81672678 ) ; 江 苏 省 自 然 科 学 基 金 ( BK20151562) 作者单位: 南京医科大学江苏省口腔疾病重点实验室,南京医科大 学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,江苏南京( 210029) 通信作者: 袁 华 E-mail: yuanhua@ njmu.edu.cn
Stomatology,2019,39( 7) : 609-611
恶性肿瘤长期以来一直是造成死亡的主因之 一,中老年人好发。据 2016 年统计,我国恶性肿瘤 发病率约为 2. 73‰[1]。目前肿瘤的综合治疗得到 了越来越多的重视并使许多患者受益[2],但作为综 合治疗重要组成部分的术前、术后放化疗仍会带来 不良反应: 如心脏暴露于 45 Gy 以上的剂量照射,会 增加发生急性放射性心包炎、放射性全心炎的风险, 远期还可出现心功能下降、心电图异常[3-12]; 颌面部 放疗可引发放射性颌骨坏死或骨髓炎[13-14]; 化疗药 物可引起急性和潜行性骨髓损伤并影响造血干细胞 功能,从 而 使 白 细 胞 和 血 小 板 减 少,导 致 免 疫 力 下降[15-18]。
口腔医学 2019 年 7 月 第 39 卷 第 7 期
袁 毅,章若琪,陈晓萍,袁 华
[摘要] 目的 为老年心血管疾病伴放化疗患者拔牙提供相对完善、安全的就诊流程。方法 17 例患者术前接受常规实验 室检查、口腔清洁及预防性服用抗生素; 术中微创无痛拔牙,全程监测心电图及血压心率变化; 术后患者电话回访,评估治疗 效果。结果 根据术前检查结果排除拔牙禁忌; 术中患者心率、血压,心电图平稳; 患者术后愈合良好。结论 接受过放化疗 的老年心血管疾病患者,病情稳定时可遵循一定的就诊流程安全拔牙。 [关键词] 心血管疾病; 放化疗; 拔牙; 心电监护 [中图分类号] R782.11 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-9872( 2019) 07-0609-03 [doi] 10.13591 / j.cnki.kqyx.2019.07.007
Clinical observation of tooth extraction for elderly patients with cardiovascular disease who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment YUAN Yi,ZHANG Ruoqi,CHEN Xiaoping,YUAN Hua.( Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases,Nanjing Medical University,Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China) Abstract: Objective To provide a relatively perfect and safe treatment procedure of tooth extraction for patients with cardiovascular disease who underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. Methods Seventeen patients who had received radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment were routinely examined before tooth extraction and treated with preoperative oral cleaning and prophylactic antibiotics. Minimally invasive tooth extraction with analgesia was ensured and blood pressure,heart rate and electrocardiogram were monitored and recorded. Postoperative telephone follow-up was routinely carried out to evaluate the therapeutic effect. Results According to the preoperative examination results,the tooth extraction contraindications were excluded. The heart rate,blood pressure and electrocardiogram of the patients did not change significantly during the treatment period,and the patients recovered well after surgery. Conclusion Patients with stable condition after chemoradiotherapy can achieve safe tooth extraction if following a certain treatment procedure. Key words: cardiovascular disease; radiotherapy and chemotherapy; extraction; ECG monitoring
基金项目: 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 ( 81672678 ) ; 江 苏 省 自 然 科 学 基 金 ( BK20151562) 作者单位: 南京医科大学江苏省口腔疾病重点实验室,南京医科大 学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科,江苏南京( 210029) 通信作者: 袁 华 E-mail: yuanhua@ njmu.edu.cn
Stomatology,2019,39( 7) : 609-611
恶性肿瘤长期以来一直是造成死亡的主因之 一,中老年人好发。据 2016 年统计,我国恶性肿瘤 发病率约为 2. 73‰[1]。目前肿瘤的综合治疗得到 了越来越多的重视并使许多患者受益[2],但作为综 合治疗重要组成部分的术前、术后放化疗仍会带来 不良反应: 如心脏暴露于 45 Gy 以上的剂量照射,会 增加发生急性放射性心包炎、放射性全心炎的风险, 远期还可出现心功能下降、心电图异常[3-12]; 颌面部 放疗可引发放射性颌骨坏死或骨髓炎[13-14]; 化疗药 物可引起急性和潜行性骨髓损伤并影响造血干细胞 功能,从 而 使 白 细 胞 和 血 小 板 减 少,导 致 免 疫 力 下降[15-18]。
口腔医学 2019 年 7 月 第 39 卷 第 7 期
袁 毅,章若琪,陈晓萍,袁 华
[摘要] 目的 为老年心血管疾病伴放化疗患者拔牙提供相对完善、安全的就诊流程。方法 17 例患者术前接受常规实验 室检查、口腔清洁及预防性服用抗生素; 术中微创无痛拔牙,全程监测心电图及血压心率变化; 术后患者电话回访,评估治疗 效果。结果 根据术前检查结果排除拔牙禁忌; 术中患者心率、血压,心电图平稳; 患者术后愈合良好。结论 接受过放化疗 的老年心血管疾病患者,病情稳定时可遵循一定的就诊流程安全拔牙。 [关键词] 心血管疾病; 放化疗; 拔牙; 心电监护 [中图分类号] R782.11 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-9872( 2019) 07-0609-03 [doi] 10.13591 / j.cnki.kqyx.2019.07.007